University of Twente Student Theses


The effect of herbaceous plant root characteristics on hydraulic stream bank erosion: A case study for the riparian zone of the river Dinkel

Couwenberg, F.J.R. (2024) The effect of herbaceous plant root characteristics on hydraulic stream bank erosion: A case study for the riparian zone of the river Dinkel.

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Abstract:In this research the effect of several root characteristics on soil shear strength and hydraulic erosion were studied for species in the riparian zone of the river Dinkel stream bank, in order to improve the understanding and quantification of the effects of the riparian vegetation roots on the erosion of vegetated stream banks. The studied species in this research were the Leersia oryzoides, Rumex obtusifolius and Digitaria sanguinalis. The considered root characteristics are the wet weight of the root system, the dry weight of the root system, the root diameter and the number of roots. The shear strength of the soil was determined by the in-situ shear vane test and the laboratory direct shear test. The erodibility of the Dinkel bank was estimated with flume experiments at the NIOZ research institute. For the flume experiments and direct shear test (vegetated and unvegetated) soil samples were extracted from the riparian zone of the river Dinkel. Of these samples the root characteristics were determined and the shear strength was measured by shear vane test. In addition, in this study the results of the in-situ shear vane test were compared with the laboratory direct shear test.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:56 civil engineering
Programme:Civil Engineering and Management MSc (60026)
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