University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1997

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Number of items: 125.

Abdollahi, Jalal (1997) Environmental factors influencing the distribution of plant species : A case study using a geographic information system and remote sensing in the mountains South of Yazd, Iran.

Adomako, Anthony Albert (1997) Antagonisms explaining conflicts in biodiversity conservation - A study of four cases in Ghana.

Ahmad, Imtiaz (1997) Spatial decision support system for water management and irrigation planning : A case study in Alora, Spain.

Ahmadi, Javad Khani Soltan (1997) Hydrological analysis and evaluation of HEC-1 model of the Shahr Chai Catchment in West Azarbayjan Province, Iran.

Alexandrovna, Konontchik Tatiana (1997) Development of a numerical groundwater model supported by the GIS technique : A case study of the Volma Catchment in Belarus.

Amare Mesfin, Kassa (1997) Reconnaissance Geochemical Survey for Gold and Base metal Mineralisation in Adinebried Area, Western Tigray, Ethiopia.

Arachchi, Amara Liyana (1997) Use of digital elevation model (DEM), landscape and soil data to enhance land cover classification accuracy of remote sensing data (Alora,Spain).

Arunarwati, Belinda (1997) A study of tropical deforestation using satellite radar data and GIS techniques: a case study from Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia.

Asensio, Susana (1997) Targeting the poor : poverty indicators in a spatial context.

Balde, Alda Cheryl G. (1997) Use of aerial photographs and geographic information systems (GIS) in local shelter plan formulation : A case of Quezon City, Philippines.

Balek, Mohamed A. (1997) Development of a prototype for geographic data sharing in a distributed heterogeneous environment.

Bandara, K.R.M.U. (1997) New technologies to identify the deforestation in tropical rain forest.

Bhattarai, Gopal Prakash (1997) Systematic adaptive cluster sampling for assessing density and distribution of rare tree species in Shivapuri Watershed and Wildlife Reserve, Nepal.

Calomarde, Rolando I. (1997) Lahar : A attribute of change in morphology of Sto. Tomas - Marella River MT. Pinatubo, Zambales, Luzon PHilippines.

Cardiel, Gil G. (1997) 3D-GIS for preliminary geotechnical mine design.

Corme, Mulugeta Dinka (1997) Infrastructure indicators for urban monitoring.

Crisostomo, Bobby A. (1997) Redesigning and prototyping a parcel-based information system using object-oriented technology: A case study.

Crompvoets, J.W.H.C. (1997) Method to assess the spatial suitability of SOTER-units to water erosion modelling : using the data capture approach according to SOTER, expert knowledge and information rules (A case study in Kiambu District, Kenya).

Custodio, Dennis Von C. (1997) Evaluating urban water supply expansion wit the use of GIS : A case study of Angeles City, Pampanga, The Philippines.

Dalia Juana Carrillo, Pérez (1997) Rule based classification of a digital terrain model for soil survey purposes : A case study in the Guadalhorce Valley in Southern Spain.

Darvishzadeh, Roshanak (1997) Semi-automatic updating of large scale spatial databases using GIS and remote sensing : A case study of an informal settlement in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

Dayaratne, Wijesinghe Jayaweera Mudiyanselage (1997) How to maintain the water holding capacity of Geelong Mountain : A land evaluation case study in Geelong mountain area in Moneragala district, Sri Lanka.

De Silva, K.T.U.S. (1997) Application of remote sensing and GIS techniques for the differentiation of volcanic series rock units, alteration mapping and massive sulphide exploration of the Troodos Massif in Cyprus.

Desta, Gebru (1997) High density geophysical surveys for the detection of shallow karst features in Calatroia area, Portugal.

Diallo, Ousmane S. (1997) Estimating sedimentation and life expectancy of small reservoirs using airborne remote sensing and GIS : A case study of Donse Reservoir, Oubritenga, Burkina Faso.

Dinka, Temesgen (1997) Assessment of relationship between the present landuse - landcover and soils (land) and its influence on soil loss by rain water erosion using remote sensing and GIS : A case study in the Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand.

Driciru, Fiona Florence (1997) Women's differential access to land and the effects on women's use of land and tree resources : A study of four different categories of women in East Usambara Mountains Tanga Region, Tanzania.

Duli, David (1997) Prediction of soil conditions using plant species-environment relationships : A case study in Lake Manyara National Park, Tanzania.

El-Kadi, A.F. (1997) Stability of Derelict Coal Mina Shafts in South Limburg.

Endo, Kazushi (1997) Metadata for a multi-disciplinary project : A case study in Alora, Spain.

Ernanto, Roestomo Eko (1997) A GIS application for plantation monitoring : An initial proposals in the first phase of development towards the integration of existing plantation monitoring systems - A case study in East Java, Indonesia.

Ernest, Mwangi Maina (1997) Analyzing vegetation phenology, animal and rainfall distribution using remote sensing and GIS : A case study of Masai-Mara Serengeti Ecosystem.

Espinas, Agnes Manila (1997) Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Disposal Methods Identification in Quezon City.

Fernández, Verónica Botero (1997) Evaluation of ground response spectra using a 3D GIS based model for soil deposits : A case study in Medellín, Colombia.

François, Binzouli (1997) Assessment and zonation of the 1989 flood along the Zambezi river for environmental management in Eastern Caprivi-Ne Namibia using multi-temporal remote sensed imagery and GIS.

Frugoni, María Cristina Margarita (1997) Relationships between soil characteristics and the distribution of woody vegetation in a tropical forest of Northern Thailand.

Gaseitsewe tshosa, Laletsang (1997) Impact assessment of the Trans-Kgalagadi highway on wildlife : A case study using GIS in Ghanzi District, Botswana.

Gebreselassie, Gigar Kebede (1997) Rainfall-runoff modeling and hydrological information transfer : A GIS based case study in Cañas and Casarabonella catchments, Malaga, Southern Spain.

Ghazani, Mohammad Farahnak and Movahhed, Farzad Bayat (1997) Rangeland biomass modelling and mapping in the Zanjan Mountains, Iran : A GIS/RS case study.

Giff, G.A. (1997) Property information system modeling and its application in urban property markets: A Jamaican case study.

Gwacha, Faustin C. (1997) Integration of a DTM in the fusion process of optical and SAR satellite images.

Halid, Mariamni (1997) Land use change detection using knowledge-based approaches: integrating remote sensing and GIS : A case study in Rawang and surrounding areas Selangor, Malaysia.

Hamid Marwat, Abdul (1997) A comparison between optical and radar satellite images for mapping tropical rain forest cover types.

Harmen, Yos (1997) Semi detailed land use planning using GIS and multicriteria evaluation : Case study: Sub Saddang Watershed, District of Tana Toraja Province of South Sulawesi, Republic of Indonesia.

Hossein, Majid (1997) Hydrological analysis of the Roodak Catchment, Iran, and evaluation of a flood simulation model.

Ibrahim, Amani Ali Mousa (1997) Assessing the impacts from sulphide mine waste on surface water resources for environmental management : The case of Mathiatis-Sha mining district, the Republic of Cyprus.

Isabirye, Moses (1997) Study of soil variability as a basis for proper soil resource management. : A case study of "The Tertiary" in Amphoe Mae Taeng District, Thailand.

Ivaldi, Emilio Flores (1997) Monitoring land use changes and comparing soil physical properties between arable and forest land in the Western Chaco Plain, NW Argentina.

Jacildo, Albert Johann B. (1997) Spatial modelling of the alkaline-related copper-gold deposits at Didipio, Philippines : an integrated approach.

Jimenez Torres, Estela (1997) Groundwater modelling parameter estimation optimization : A case study of a quasi 3-dimensional aquifer system, Vinaroz-Peniscola plain.

Karatunga, Ali Mohammed (1997) Evaluation of environmental impacts of Bujagali and Kalagala as potential hydropower sites in Uganda : An integration of remote sensing, GIS and multicriteria evaluation techniques.

Kattaa, Bassam (1997) Reconnaissance heavy mineral survey of the beach sands of the Syrian coast, South of Tartous.

Khadka, Man Bahadur (1997) Spatial assessment of human disturbances on the Middle Hills Forests of Nepal : A case study from Shivapuri Watershed and Wildlife Reserve, Nepal.

Khalilpour, S.A. (1997) Rangeland biomass mapping in Damavand, Iran : A case study with GIS and satellite imagery.

Khan, Nasreen Islam (1997) Urban storm runoff assessment using a combined geomorphological and hydrological approach: A case study on greater Dhaka City.

Kidombo, Pius Kipketer (1997) Policy Instruments and Peoples Responses in Natural Forest Management: Examining the Effectiveness of Combining Participatory and Regulatory Policy Instruments : A study in Maramba Division East Usambara, Tanzania.

Kifugo, S. Chege (1997) GIS supported habitat evaluation of Ungulates in Masai Mara ecosystem.

Kimuli, G.M. (1997) Responses to fuelwood supply constraints in small fuelwood-based industries - Tanga Municipality (Tanzania) : A case study.

Laguna Bretel, Sergio (1997) Yield gap analysis for systems with maize, potato and wheat in the Belisario Boeto Province, Chuquisaca - Bolivia.

Lichun, Wang (1997) Integration of workflow and GIS technology to support land transaction management for Beijing, China.

Liding, Chen (1997) Subsidence assessment in the Ruqigou Coalfield, Ningxia, China, Using a geomorphological approach.

Maingi, Peter Mbindyo (1997) Erosion modelling at regional level using remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) : A case study Kiambu District, Central Kenya.

Martinez Martinez, Fernando Angel (1997) Evaluating the influence of land use changes on peak discharges of the Siquia river catchment by applying the HEC-1 model and remote sensing data.

Maru, Molla (1997) Information system development approach to support crop forecasting at regional level : A prototype implementation for Razan subdistrict : a case study in Islamic Republic of Iran.

Maskey, Pravin Raj (1997) Glacier lake outburst flood modelling in Nepalese Himalaya : A case study of Digcho Glacier Lake.

Memon, Shahabudin (1997) Environmental impact of land cover changes on wildlife : A case study in the Mara ecosystem, Narok District, Kenya.

Mirab, Seyed Mohammad (1997) Study of snowmelt runoff and water balance in mountainous catchments : Applied to Fakhrabad catchment, Yazd province in he central part of Iran.

Moehadu, Oakantse Moses (1997) GIS based groundwater recharge potential evaluation : A case study at Khurutshe, "Kgatleng/Central District" Botswana.

Molaei, Shams Ali (1997) Hydrology of small catchments Western Zanjan Rud using common hydrologic methods (rational, SCS, HEC-1) remote sensing and geographic information system : A case study in Filakhaseh and Sarcham, Zanjan Province Iran.

Muleya, Zook (1997) Impacts of Production Methods and Environmental Aspects on yields of Maize Cropping Systems : A case study in the Semi-Arid Environments of Umfuli and Piriwiri Communal Lands of Zimbabwe.

Mwandha, John Samuel (1997) The effect of image transformations of optical satellite data on the accuracy of land cover classification : A case study from Jambi, Central Sumatra, Indonesia.

Mwanza, A.R. (1997) Revision of topographic maps in Zambia : Through the use of alternative data sources.

Mwitwa, Chilufya S. (1997) From manual to integrated cadastral and land registration information system - A Zambian new legal challenge.

Nahuis, Roel (1997) De strijd tegen pijn. Over de culturele neveneffecten van pijnbestrijding.

Ndaga, C.O. (1997) Effects of swelling clay minerals on geotechnical properties.

Nepomuceno, Isodore C. (1997) Potential Use of GIS in Identifying Risk Areas for Childhood Diarrhea Management.

Ningrui, Du (1997) Relocation strategies for industrial transformation in the inner area of a large city in China : Wuhan as a case study.

Norbu, Pasang Wangchen (1997) Determination of annual growth of Coniferous forest to determine annual allowable cut in Paro, Bhutan.

Noroozi, Ali Akbar (1997) Land evaluation and the effect of landuse systems on soil erosion using RS and GIS techniques supported by Ales : A case study of the Damavand catchment, NE of Tehran, Iran.

Ogao, P.J. (1997) Visualization of 3-D spatial data using virtual reality modeling language (VRML).

Ohemeng, Francis Danquah (1997) Modelling the spatial distribution of Anopheles mosquito for Malaria risk zoning using remote sensing and GIS : A case study in the Zambezi Basin of Zimbabwe.

Okuboyejo, Olaniyi A. (1997) Transition from pilot to full scale implementation of the land related information system (LRIS) in Lagos State.

Oskouei, Reza Sokouti (1997) Land-Use Compatibility, as an index for assessing agricultural Sustainability, using RS and GIS : A case study of the Shahr-Chay catchment, W. Azarbyjan, Iran.

Paintsil, Jonas (1997) 3D Topographic Data by Aerial Photogrammetry.

Pandey, Shilpam (1997) Sustainable Development and Community Participation in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Perera, A.G.S.R. (1997) Aeromagnetic interpretation of the geology of SW Sri Lanka and its comparison with Northern Mozambique.

Puatanachokchai, Chokchai (1997) Cartographic functionality for providing tourist information on the world wide web.

Rabty, Ahmed Abduassalam Mohammed (1997) Gully erosion analysis using geographical information systems (GIS) : A case study in Álora, Spain.

Rashidi, Davar (1997) Erosion assessment using remote sensing and geographical information system : applied to Shahrchai catchment West Azarbaijan province, North west of Iran.

Restituta, Bogere (1997) The feasibility of maintaining soil fertility in agro-pastoral land use systems : Development of a GIS model and case study of Piriwiri and Mupfure Semi-Arid Communal lands, Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe.

Rhebergen, Bertien (1997) Opleidingskundige condities die de loopbaanontwikkeling van oudere medewerkers bevorderen.

Ritung, Sofyan (1997) The land quality "erosion hazard assessment" for land evaluation on Upper Sadang Watershed in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Robert, Ocatre (1997) Agro-ecologic stratification and monitoring the growing season with NOAA : NVDI Assessment of the Growing Season Parameters in Zimbabwe and Burkina Faso.

Rosana, Mega Fatimah (1997) Orebody modelling and resource estimation of the hydrothermal gold-silver mineralization at Cikidang, West Java, Indonesia.

Rosero, Fernando Rodríguez (1997) Environmental factors influencing the spatial distribution of livestock and wildlife in Mara Area Narok District - Kenya.

Ryazifar, Parviz (1997) Rangeland condition assessing and mapping : A case study with GIS/RS, ground observations and aerial photographs in West Azarbaijan, Iran.

Sabsevar, Abolghasem (1997) Erosion assessment in the "Badland" catchments of Western Zanjan Valley, using remote sensing and geographic information system; new field evidence and modelling : Case study of the Filekhaseh and Sarcham catchments, Zanjan province, IRAN.

Safavi, S.M. (1997) Assessment of the landslide hazard : in the Damavand Basin Iran.

Salamanca, Luz Angela Rocha (1997) Applying concepts of business process redesign and operations management in a geoinformation production organization - case study "Instituto Geografico Agusin Codazzi" (Colombia).

Salem, Elaradi Ibrahim (1997) Regional Estimation of Crop Acreage in Hamadan Province (IRAN) Using Remote Sensing Techniques.

Schepel, M. (1997) Data integration for the assessment of farming alternatives in the Peruvian Andes.

Sendoi, M. (1997) Assessment of the performance of agricultural land settlement scheme in the Southern Province, Zambia.

Siriwardana, C.H.E.R. (1997) Re-evaluation of the Seruwila copper-magnetite deposit (Sri Lanka) using 3D-GIS.

Sithole, George (1997) Digital Photogrammetry for Automatic Photo-Texture Extraction.

Songcai, You (1997) Soil information for land use planning in Red Earth Hills, Taihe County, Jiangxi Province, China.

Srimongkontip, Somjai (1997) Community - based mangrove forest rehabilitation program in relation to changes in utilization and management : A Case Study of Ban Klang Village, Phang Nga Provice, southern Thailand.

Stephen, Kagaba (1997) Evaluation of groundwater resources in hard rocks by numerical flow modelling combined with GIS : Lowe Rio Basin, Salamanca Province, Spain.

Suharyanto, (1997) Land Use Scenario Development using Goal Programming : A Case Study in Sunut, East Lombok, Indonesia.

Talib, Jasmi Ab. (1997) Slope instability and hazard zonation mapping using remote sensing and GIS techniques in the area of Cameron Highlands Malaysis.

Talukdar, Krishna Kanta (1997) Recognition and extraction of spatial objects from satellite data using GIS and image processing techniques for urban monitoring.

Tennakoon, T.M.P.U.K. (1997) District level approach of modelling and prototyping cadastral information system for Sri Lanka.

Tiama, Aurora G. Santa Isabel (1997) Towards a decision support system for selecting agrarian reform communities : A case study on the department of Agrarian Reform, Philippines.

Tirivanhu Chipato, Arthur (1997) Use of Geographic Information System And Land Evaluation To Automate and Improve Agricultural Land Use Planning in Agritex (Zimbabwe) : A case Study In Mupfure Communal Area (Zimbabwe).

Tsimako, Johannes Otlaadisa (1997) Orebody modeling and estimation of coal resources in Mmamabula East Coalfield, Central District, Botswana.

Vicent, Kato (1997) spectral identification and characterisation of the Los Santos contact Aureole, Salamanca province, Western Spain : Are selection for granite related mineralisation.

Wambura, Matiko J.N. (1997) Compensation as an instrument towards forest conservation : A case study for Mlinga Forest Reserve, East Usambara Mountains: Tanzania.

Weng, Hsiang-yu (1997) Guide lines for the implementation of a quality system in a geoinformation production organization : The Mapping Agency of Taiwan (MAT) case-.

Woldearegay, Kifle (1997) Decay of geotechnical properties of slope materials within engineering life time.

Wunta, Wuni Amos (1997) An evaluation of promising management options of maize-based land use systems : A case study in the SemiArid environments of Piriwiri and and Umfuli Communal Lands, Zimbabwe.

Wuryanta, Agus (1997) Tropical forest cover types differentiation using satellite (JERS-1 and ERS-1) radar data : A case study from Jambi, Central Sumatra, Indonesia.

Xiaobai, Yao (1997) Decision Support for urban land use and construction management : a case study and prototype implementation in Shanghai, China.

Xuehua, Liu (1997) Analysis of factors influencing the giant panda's distribution using GIS : a case study in Wolowong Nature Reserve, China.

Zarkesh, Mirmasoud Kheirkhah (1997) Conceptual hydrological mathematical modelling, aerospace imagery and GIS applied to a Mountainous Catchment in Iran.

Zewdie, Debru (1997) GIS-based Integration for Mineral Exploration: A Case Study on Granite Related Tin-Tungsten Mineralization of Los Santos, West Central Spain.

ori-Okido, Amandra (1997) Spatial and temporal modeling of forage production and consumption GIS : A case study in Narok District, Kenya.

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