University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 2003

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Number of items: 130.

(2003) Integrating GIS and multicriteria decision making techniques for land resource planning.

Abkenar, Habibollah Pourhadi (2003) Application of RS and GIS to assess rangeland management : A case study in Zanjanrud catchment, Zanjan province, Iran.

Afshar, Davood (2003) Improvement of areal rainfall mapping using vegetation response from satellite data : Case study mountains of north of Tehran (IRAN).

Ahadjie, Jerry (2003) Spatial Data Integration for Classification of Stream Sediment Geochemical Anomalies in Masbate Island, The Philippines.

Ahmadi, Mostafa (2003) Crime Mapping and Spatial Analysis.

Akpoyoware, Anne O. (2003) Towards Improved Cadastral Services from Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Nigeria.

Al-Khaier, Fouad (2003) Soil Salinity Detection Using Satellite Remote Sensing.

Alvarez Casallas, Luisa Liliana (2003) Geoinformation Virtual Enterprises Design and Process Management.

Aman, M. (2003) Evaluating and Comparing the Performance of different irrigation systems using remote sensing and GIS : A case study in Alentejo region, Portugal.

Amgaa, Tsolmon (2003) Wavelet-based analysis for object seperation from laser altimetry data.

Amos, Charles Situma (2003) Modelling Agricultural Expansion and Human Population Pressure on Semi-Arid Landscapes.

Anderson, Kelvin F.E. (2003) Radioelement Indicators for Hydrothermal Alteration in the Panorama VHMS District, Western Australia.

Asamoah-Boateng, B. (2003) Distribution and Diversity of Tree Resources Outside Forest (TROF) In Southern Ghana.

Asmamaw, Agash (2003) Regional Scale Assessment and Modelling of Water Balance and Soil Erosion using global climate and Internet geodatasets : Case study of the upper Rio Grande System, Bolivia.

Aynekulu, Ermias (2003) Analysis of Soil-Vegetation Interaction in Relation to Soil Carbon Sequestration : A case study in Serowe, Botswana.

Bajracharya, G. (2003) Integrated Design and Implementation Tool for Multi-Agent Controllers IDITmac.

Begu, E. (2003) Assessing Feasibility Study of Informal Settlement Upgrading: Are there GI policy and management policies?

Behmanesh, Orang (2003) The Aspects of Water Balance in the Irrigated Area (Southwest part of Urumieh Lake).

Beshah, Getinet (2003) Developing guidelines for institutional arrangements of federal governmental geo-information provider organizations in Ethiopia.

Cho, Ki Hwan (2003) Predicting vegetation type using climate modelling.

Dai, Huifen (2003) The residential quality of rural-urban migrants in big cities of China : case study Wuhan.

Eglence, E. (2003) Design and Realization of a Safe Control System for a Parallel Manipulator.

Elstak, Arto (2003) The changing roles of users. Cases of information systems design and use at the Refinery in Curaçao.

Erberveld, M.P.W. (2003) De fruitautomaat : een onderzoek naar de binding tussen mens en techniek.

Gangopadhyay, Prasun Kumar (2003) Coalfire detection and monitoring in Wuda, North China : A multi-spectral and multi-sensor TIR approach.

Gautam, A.N. (2003) Optimisation of urban plan preparation business process using geoinformation technology & management techniques.

Gharehdaghli, Aisel (2003) Design of a generic metamodel for fieldwork data management.

Gobena, Yared Jillo (2003) Soil erosion assessment using remotely sensed data and ancillary data in the desert of Tabernas, southeast Spain.

Hakimi, Masoud (2003) Potentials and constraints for expansion of alfalfa cultivation in Varamin.

Havinga, Y.T. (2003) Representatie van sociale zekerheidswetgeving in het kennissysteem OpenCyc.

He, Xiaobo and Mayasari, Elisabeth E. (2003) A Design of Software Architecture for “SHAPE” Workforce Management Game.

Hegde, Santosh (2003) Modelling land cover change : A fuzzy approach.

Heinen, G. (2003) Turbo Multiuser Detection Architectures.

Hesamy, Ali (2003) Modelling impact of change in irrigated land on rivers discharge and recharge of lake Urumieh.

Hyde, Jeanna Hecker (2003) Investigation of the relationship between Chlorophyll concentration and high spectral resolution data of Phragmites australis in heavy metal contaminated sites.

Iakovou, Dimitrios (2003) Recognition of Structures in Numerical Data.

Jansen, Bas (2003) Service profiling in business to business web services.

Jeganathan, - (2003) Development of fuzzy logic architecture to assess sustainability of forest management.

Jiaxi, Liu (2003) Multi-functioned parking facility's site selection in tourist towns : Case study of Changyang, China.

Junfeng, Jiao (2003) Transition rule elicitation for urban cellular automata models : Case study: Wuhan, China.

Kahnamoie, Mohammad Hassan Moshtagh (2003) The relation between annual diameter increment of Fagus orientalis and environmental factors (Hyrcanian forest).

Kalantari Oskouie, Ali (2003) Design and implementation of sensor metadata in location-based information dissemination system on the internet.

Kalirad, Ahdieh (2003) Distribution map of rangeland degradation indicator plant community.

Kanth, Chakravarti (2003) Accessibility to economic activities in City of Cape Town, South Africa.

Kazemi, Rahim (2003) Reconnaissance of karst hydrology in the Lar catchment, Iran using RS and GIS.

Kumar Singh, Anuj (2003) Modelling land use land cover changes using cellular automata in a geo-spatial environment.

Lammertink, Tijs (2003) Joystick Controller for JIWY.

Ledezma, Juan Carlos Columba (2003) Effects of woodland fragmentation on tree diversity in the Northern Province, South Africa.

Li, Yuan (2003) Planning support for urban spatial development : a case study of Zhenning County.

Lingbeek, R.A. (2003) Aspects of a design tool for springback compensation.

Liu, Li (2003) Distributed behaviour : A case study on recycling behaviour in Chongqing, China.

Liu, Yueyan (2003) Spatial patterns of urban land values - Wuhan, China.

Liu, Yun (2003) Possibilities of assessing heavy metal contamination of soil in the Sajó River floodplains (Hungary) using reflectance spectroscopy.

Lobora, Alexander Loiruk (2003) The effects of species rarity on species distribution models.

Lukman, Arlan Perkasa (2003) Regional impact of climate change and variability on water resources.

Luwum, Phoebe (2003) Control of invasive Chromolaena odorata : An evaluation in some land use types in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.

Mapanda, Walter (2003) Scaling-up tree transpiration of eastern Kalahari sandveld of Botswana using remote sensing and geographical information systems.

Mapfumo, Andrew (2003) Using stakeholder analysis for information system development for land use planning : A case study of land use planning in Nizamabad District, State of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Maphumulo, Abigail (2003) Testing portability of a proposed South African spatial feature catalog standard.

Marfai, Muh Aris (2003) GIS modelling of river and tidal flood hazards in a waterfront city : Case study Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia.

Masina, Busa Nkosingiphile (2003) Planning the growth of peri urban settlements : Case study of Manzini in Swaziland.

Mazier López, Katia (2003) Exploring diffusion of GIS-technology among government organisations at local level : Case study: Trujillo, Peru.

Mehrvarzan, Rozita (2003) Use of NDVI and rainfall profiles to develop regression models for the prediction of crop yield in Zanjan province, Iran.

Meng, Hu (2003) Prototype of dynamic web application-backed water resource databases : With implementation in heavy metal pollution survey in Hungary.

Michel-Verkerke, Margreet B. (2003) What makes doctors use the electronic patient record.

Min, Volker J.T. (2003) Transport accounting management in a multi-access technologies environment.

Minang, Peter Akong (2003) Assessing participatory geographic information systems for community forestry planning in Cameroon : A local governance perspective.

Moazenpour Kermani, Mansour (2003) Use of remote sensing for explaining variations of relative yield of pistachio trees.

Molina, Xavier (2003) Conceptual design of the Ecuadorian Geospatial Data Clearinghouse.

Munshi, Ashwani Kumar (2003) Design of geoinformation system for survey of India using high resolution satellite data.

Muzibira Lusiba, John Baptist (2003) Prioritisation of replacement for mains in aged water supply networks : Case study of Masaka Municipality network, Uganda.

Neameh, Jamal Bani (2003) Land evaluation for land use planning with especial attention to sustainable fodder production in the Rouzeh Chai catchment of Orumiyeh area, Iran.

Overmars, Jeroen (2003) De verschillen in de wetenschaps- en techniekcultuur tussen Nederland en Engeland 1572-1633 aan de hand van Cornelis Drebbel.

Peters Guarin, Graciela (2003) Flood risk assessment for the town of San Sebastian in Guatemala.

Ping, Xiong (2003) Digital elevation model extraction from ASTER in support of the "Coal fire and environmental research project, China".

Pishkar, Abdolrahim (2003) Analysis of the relationship between soil salinity dynamics and geopedologic properties : A case study of the Goorband Area, Iran.

Poorpighambar, Mirjamaladdin (2003) Study of Sunn pest distribution and land use in West Azerbijan using GIS and RS.

Quaye-Ballard, J.A. (2003) Visualization of land property for the urban environment.

Rahube, Tefo Boyboy (2003) Recharge and groundwater resources evaluation of the Lokalane-Ncojane Basin (Botswana) using numerical modelling.

Rajapakse, Devika Chithranayana (2003) Biophysical factors defining rice yield gaps : A case study in Nizamabad District, India, using object oriented image analysis for field detection.

Rawat, G.S. (2003) Fire risk assessment for fire control management in Chilla Forest Range of Rajaji National Park Uttaranchal, India.

Rawat, Sujata (2003) Interoperable geo spatial data model in the context of the Indian NSDI.

Robinson, Alan (2003) Development of an operational plan and LIS for local property offices in Namibia.

Roshani, Reza (2003) Evaluating the effect of check dams on flood peaks to optimise the flood control measures : Kan case study in Iran.

Rui, Li (2003) Urban renewal at neighborhood level : A case study of Huangjiadun neighborhood in Wuhan city.

Rukezo, Gift (2003) Drainage geochemistry of the Recsk-Lahoca mining area, Matra Mountains, Hungary.

Santiesteban, Idoris Alfonso (2003) Multi-sensor image fusion applied to morphodynamics of coastal environments in Belize.

Sawasawa, Haig L.A. (2003) Crop yield estimation: Integrating RS, GIS, management and land factors : A case study of Birkoor and Kortigiri Mandal, Nizamabad District India.

Sharav, Amarjargal (2003) Differential SAR interferometry for crustal deformation study.

Shilpakar, Rajendra L. (2003) Geo-information procedure for water accounting : A case of the East Rapti River basin, Nepal.

Shrestha, Him Lal (2003) Comparative evaluation of different spatial resolution data for timber volume estimation.

Shu, Gideon Neba (2003) Detection and analysis of land cover dynamics in moist tropical rainforest of South Cameroon.

Sicat, Rodrigo S. (2003) Integrating farmerss knowledge in GIS for land use planning : Case study: Soil classification and utilization in Nizamabad District, Andhra Pradesh State, India.

Sigarán Loria, Carolina (2003) Numerical assessment of the influence of earthquakes on irregular morphologies : Analysis of Colombia, 1999 and El Salvador, 2001 earthquakes.

Singh, Lalan Prasad (2003) Application of SAR interferometry in landslide studies with special reference to generation of input data for statistical susceptibility assessment.

Straaten, Oliver van (2003) Changing woodland ecosystems : Post disturbance woody species succession dynamics and spatial trends.

Suangkiattikun, Chaweepan (2003) Solute balance modeling of Lake Naivasha (Kenya) : Application of DMS.

Sun, Zhongwei (2003) Simulating urban growth using cellular automata : A case study in Zhongshan city, China.

Suryantini, Ninik (2003) The effect of weathering on short wave infrared reflectance spectra of hydrothermally altered rock in the footwall of the Kangaroo Caves and Sulphur Springs massive sulfide deposits Western Australia : Implication to hypespectral remote sensing.

Suárez Rojas, Ariadna (2003) Predictive mapping of massive sulphide potential in the western part of the Escambray Terrain, Cuba.

Talani, Gholamreza (2003) Rural area selection system for development.

Tazimi, Mohammad (2003) Disaggregating NOAA satellite images to improve crop monitoring : A case study of Garmsar, Iran.

Tefera, Wubeshet Demeke (2003) Integrating geo-information for the management of river basins in the Ethiopian part of the Nile basin.

Teklehaimanot, Gebrekirstos (2003) Use of simple field tests and revised MMF model for assessing soil erosion : Case study Lom Kao Area, Thailand.

Tembo, Mavuto Denis (2003) Assessing spatial information gaps : A decentralisation perspective on district natural resources management planning in Tanzania.

Tennakoon, W.T.M.S.B. (2003) Visualization of GML data using XSLT.

Todbileg, Munkhjargal (2003) Identification of silicification using airborne thermal infrared data in the Panorama, Pilbara, Australia.

Trias Aditya, Kurniawan Muhammad (2003) Semantics and interoperability in Geo Web Services.

Tsehaye Wubet, Michael (2003) Estimation of absolute surface temperature by satellite remote sensing.

Turdukulov, Ulanbek (2003) Determination of water quality parameters using imaging spectrometry : Case study for the Sajó floodplain, Hungary.

Verma, Mamta (2003) Handling spatial data uncertainty using a fuzzy geostatistical approach for modeling methane emissions at the Island of Java.

Wang, Tiejun (2003) Habitat analysis for giant panda in Laoxiancheng Nature Reserve in the Qinling Mountains China.

Wang, YuJian (2003) Comparative urbanization in and around Wuhan city from 1989-2002 - : A study with Landsat TM image.

Wang, Zhaoli (2003) A system approach to estimate tree resources outside the forest : A case study in Ashanti region, Ghana.

Wijeratne, I.K. (2003) Mapping of dispersion of urban air pollution using remote sensing techniques and ground station data.

Wismadi, Arif (2003) Validation of urban growth modelling by GIS and earth observation data : Case study: RaMCo model for Makassar, Indonesia.

Woldie, Melaku Yirga (2003) Assessment of irrigation potential in the Roxo Dam area (Portugal) for strategic planning using GIS/RS.

Yan, Gao (2003) Pixel based and object oriented image analysis for coal fire research.

Yang, Manlun (2003) Suitability analysis of urban green space system based on GIS.

Yarahmadi, Jamshid (2003) The integration of satellite images, GIS and CROPWAT model to investigation of water balance in irrigated area : a case study of Salmas and Tassoj plain, Iran.

Yong, Luo (2003) Urban Poverty Assessment: Jingdezhen city, China.

Yuan, Zhongxia (2003) Development of a GIS interface for seismic hazard assessment.

Zaremehrjardi, Mohammad (2003) Analysis of the relationship between geopedologic characteristics with vegetation : A case study in the Daghfinoo catchment, Hormozgan province, Iran.

Zerabruk, Assefa (2003) Design of a spatio-temporal database for land degradation assessment and monitoring.

Zhang, Xiang (2003) Local geo-spatial data infrastructure in China.

Zheng, Quanhong (2003) An object-oriented approach for modelling spatial patterns of land use change.

Zhoujie, Lu (2003) Measuring urban poverty : Case study Wuhan.

Zziwa, Nanyonjo Cate (2003) Assessment of water fluxes in semi-arid environments : Serowe case study, Botswana.

de Amurane, Dionisio Pedro (2003) Decision Support System to Assess Settlement in a Peaty Holocene Deltaic Environment.

de la Caridad Viera Cepero, Francisco (2003) Geomorphology and natural hazards of the Samala river basis, Guatemala.

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