University of Twente Student Theses
Year of Publication: 2004
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Abedi-Lartey, Michael (2004) Bushmeat Hunters Do Better: Indigenous Vs Scientific Habitat Evaluation.
Abu Daya, Mohammed Ibrahim (2004) Coastal Water Quality Monitoring With Remote Sensing in (East Kalimantan) Makassar Strait, Indonesia.
Alfarra, Armani (2004) Modelling Water Resource Management in Lake Naivasha.
Ananda, Artha Sejati (2004) Design and simulation of non-zero and zero dispersion optical lattice wavelength filters.
Andrada de Palomera, Raul Pablo (2004) Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Mineral Predictive Mapping, Deseado Massif, Southern Argentina.
Arellano, Paul (2004) Missing Information in Remote Sensing : Wavelet approach to detect and remove clouds and their shadows.
Arenas Paredes, Helbert (2004) Use of web-based ontologies for geodata and service descriptions.
Atmopawiro, Virginia P. (2004) Detection of Single Tree Felling in the Tropical Forest using Optical Satellite Data and Image Classification Techniques : A case study in the Labanan Concession, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Avendano Castillo, Jimmy Ernesto (2004) Route Optimization for Hazardous Materials Transport.
Bahadur, Bikram (2004) XML Database Technology and its use for GML.
Balkema, Wietse (2004) Realization and characterization of a 2.4 GHz radio system based on frequency offset division multiple access.
Ballesteros, John R. (2004) Meta-model instantiation for geoscientific data collection.
Baruti, Jamali Hussein Mbwana (2004) Study of soil moisture in relation to soil erosion in the proposed Tancítaro Geopark, Central Mexico : A case of the Zacándaro sub-watershed.
Bayanjargal, Oyungerel (2004) Regional Alteration Mapping for Volcanic-hosted Massive Sulphide Exploration in the Pilbara, Australia.
Beekman, Niels (2004) Analysis and development of a 2D walking machine.
Bekkaoui, A. (2004) Link performance of the time offset transmitted reference system.
Bharti, Amid (2004) A Decision Tree Approach to Extract Knowledge for Improving Satellite Image Classification.
Biswas, Sarmistha (2004) A Conceptual Design for Visualisation of Spatio-temporal Data using Animation with Linked Graphics.
Blanca, Pérez Lapena (2004) Metadata-guided Species Distribution Mapping.
Bloemhof, Fedde (2004) Het elektronisch patiëntendossier als utopie. Een studie naar de dynamiek van verwachtingen rond de ontwikkeling van een elektronisch studentendossier in Nederland.
Borsje, Bas (2004) Haalbaarheidsstudie Ruggengraat Oost-Nederland.
Boswinkel-Fels, Elvira and Lange, Sandra de (2004) Competente teamleiders; teamleiders met competenties?
Budhiman, Syarif (2004) Mapping TSM Concentration from Multisensor Satellite Images in Turbid Tropical Coastal Waters of Mahakanm Delta, Indonesia.
Buhangin-Africano, Sharon (2004) Assessing the Demand for and Effectiveness of Public Calling Offices in low income areas in the Philippines.
Bui, Cuong (2004) Write-intensive applications with LDAP.
Chaúque, Armindo J. (2004) Modelling Suitability for Rural Settlement Locations in Limpopo Basin : Case study in Chókwe, Chibuto, Guijá and Macia Districts, Moçambique.
Cheng, Yuanyuan (2004) Spatial-temporal distribution analysis of large-scal retail stores - Case study in Wuhan, China.
Chhabra, S.S. (2004) Modelling the Effects of Scale on Mapping Trees Outside Forests.
Cordero, Ruena (2004) Determination of Lateral Stresses in Boom Clay using a Lateral Stress Oedometer.
Cortez, Rafael (2004) Recharge assessment and groundwater modeling of the Pisoes aquifer : Beja - Portugal.
Creemer, Frits (2004) Van kaal naar integraal: het opstellen van een integraal kostenafwegingsmodel voor varianten van kunstwerken in de studiefase.
Cruz, Rizalino B. (2004) Developing a Land Use Information System for Local Government : The Case of Naga City, Philippines.
Damstra, M.C. (2004) Path search algorithms for application in W-CDMA systems.
Destegül, Umut (2004) Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Site Response Modelling in Seismic Microzonation for Lalitpur, Nepal.
Dhakal, Subodh (2004) Empirical relations for earthquake response of slopes.
Diemer, Natalie (2004) Environmental Suitability Modelling using Mahalanobis Distance with Limited Datasets.
Dikkers, E.J.W. (2004) Natural answer presentation through revision of syntactic patterns.
Dorrestijn, Steven (2004) Bestaanskunst in de technologische cultuur : over de ethiek van door techniek beïnvloed gedrag.
Elekani, Mwewa Humphrey (2004) Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management: Local Perspectives : A Case Study of Labanan Forest in Indonesia.
Engelen, Thiemo van (2004) CTC++ enhancements towards fault tolerance and RTAI.
Evers, Sander (2004) Form follows function : Editor GUIs in a functional style.
Ferdinando, Hany (2004) Fault-tolerance in real time distributed system using the CT Library.
Flores Cartagena, Danitza (2004) Remotely Sensed Land Cover Parameter Extraction for Watershed Erosion modelling.
Fonseca Escalante, Ana C. (2004) Spectral Discrimination and Mapping Using Land-SAT ETM in the Berau Reef System. East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Fufa, Getachew Lemessa (2004) Reliability or likelihood of geological or geotechnical (G²) models.
Gang, Liu (2004) Remote sensing image segmentation with probabilistic neural networks.
Garcia-Donato, Amy M. (2004) Reengineering Land Management Services (LMS) in the Philippines.
Garde, Julia (2004) Productideeen voor D.I.Y. markt.
Garrido Pérez, Arturo (2004) Developing a GIS-oriented method for landscape evaluation within the framework of Geopark launched by UNESCO : Case study of the "Pico de Tancitaro" area in central Mexico.
Geerlings, Hanneke (2004) Instructie en coaching in het muziekvakonderwijs. Wat zijn de interactieverschillen tussen een meer instructiegerichte en een meer coachingsgerichte onderwijsmethode in het muziekvakonderwijs op een conservatorium?
Groothuis, Marchel (2004) Distributed HIL simulation for Boderc.
Guragain, Jeewan (2004) GIS for seismic building loss estimation : A case study from Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan city area, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Hailemariam, Sisay Nune (2004) Assessment of Trees Outside Forest Using Object-Oriented Classification and Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery : A case study in Brong Ahafo region, Ghana.
Hayford, Samuel Ato Kwamina (2004) Design of a Land Value Information System to Support Land Reform Programme : Case Study of Namibia.
He, ZongBing (2004) Suitability analysis for cash crops in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania.
Hegde, Shreeharsha (2004) Potential of SVG For a Cartographic Interface to a Route Optimization Model for the Transport of Hazardous Material.
Hendriks, Pieter (2004) Creating a unified project management methodology for BI and PM projects.
Hidayat, Zulkifli (2004) Comparison of Learning Methods in the Learning Feed-forward Control Setting.
Hobo, Emile Michel (2004) The General Theory of Consciousness : The Abstract Definition of the Processes Required for the Emergence of Consciousness.
Hommes, Saskia (2004) Large-scale sand extraction on sand ridges offshore of the Netherlands. Inventory of instruments to predict physical effects of sand extraction on the Zeeland ridges.
Islam, Mazharul (2004) Population vulnerability assessment for earthquakes in Lalitpur, Nepal.
Kabir, Ahsanul (2004) Development of a decision support model for transit zone location choice : A spatial multicriteria evaluation for Klang Valley, Malaysia.
Kapma, Alet (2004) Vergelijkend onderzoek naar Statistische Analyse-Instrumenten Een vergelijking op grond van geboden functionaliteit en gebruiksvriendelijkheid.
Keeletsang, Milton (2004) Assessment of dry season transpiration using IKONOS images : Serowe case study, Botswana.
Kityo, Peter (2004) Productivity and utilisation of natural fuel wood resources : An evaluation of the current situation in some parts of Gaza Province, Mozambique.
Knox, Nichola Maria (2004) An assessment of techniques used for mapping Lichen Fields, RSA.
Kommelt, P. (2004) Optimisation of the Initial Tube Geometry for Tube Hydroforming : a mathematical approach.
Konuk, Ali Riza (2004) Development and Implementation of Compliant Controller On Manus Robot Arm.
Kraipeerapun, Pawalai (2004) Implementation of vague spatial objects.
Kunda, Frederick (2004) Study of soil organic matter under different land uses in relation to land degradation : Nam Chun sub-watershed in Lom Sak, Thailand.
Kuswandari, Retno (2004) Assessement of different methods for measuring the sustainability of forest management.
Larrazabal De la Via, Alejandra P. (2004) Assessing Polylepsis forest condition related with two threatening factors : Study case of Chocaya Watershed, Tunari National Park.
Ledezma Perizza, Mauricio (2004) Comparison of global and remotely sensed digital elevation models for use in hydrologic and erosion models.
Linthorst, M.M. (2004) Aandacht besteden aan aanbesteden : Een onderzoek naar ondersteuning bij de bepaling van een aanbestedingsstrategie.
Liu, Yun (2004) Urban growth in Tianjin, 1993-2003.
Llanes Castro, Angelica Isabel (2004) An assessment on the potential of mapping hydrothermal alteration from ASTER short wavelength infrared image data based on image simulation experiments.
Loonen, Peter (2004) De visie op leren en opleiden van trainers binnen Schouten & Nelissen.
Meijs, K.J. (2004) Generating natural narrative speech for the Virtual Storyteller.
Mekonnen, Tesfaye Kassa (2004) Interpretation & geodatabase of dykes using aeromagnetic data of Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Merson, Maura Ewa (2004) Manage data - Manage hazards : Methods for development of an urban hazard information infrastructure in Windhoek.
Mfitumukiza, David (2004) Evaluating rangeland potentials for cattle grazing in a mixed farming system.
Mittal, Sudhir Kumar (2004) Chained-services based marine SDI Geoportal : A reference architecture using RM-ODP and UML.
Montenegro-Paredes, Maureen Irina (2004) Modelling of wetland habitat availability and distribution under management alternatives : A case study of the Fúquene Lake, Colombia.
Moseley, N.A. (2004) Radio Resource Discovery for Ad-hoc Wireless Networking.
Muthuwatta, Lal Perakum (2004) Long term rainfall-runoff-lake level modelling of the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya.
Méndez Jocik, Alberto Antonio (2004) Estimate ambient air temperature at regional level using remote sensing techniques.
Nagi, Rajinder Singh (2004) Cartographic visualization for mobile applications.
Naldini, Duccio (2004) Debris flow modelling with PCRaster, the event of 19th June 1996 in the Apuan Alps, Cardoso basin.
Nanda, Badri Narayan (2004) Extraction of seismic risk related base data from multi source remote sensing imagery.
Ngalowera, Martha R. (2004) Geoinformation sharing: an answer for sustainable natural resources management : A case of mangrove forests management planning in Tanzania.
Nguyen, Thuy Trang (2004) PGIS's relevance, applicability and conditions in local rural developement : A case study with Village Development Planning in Bach Ma National Park buffer zone, Vietnam.
Njoku, Damian Ndubuisi (2004) Detection of natural oil seeps using optical remote sensing in the Ventura Basin, Santa Barbara California, USA.
Noordam, Daniëlle (2004) Evacuatie en inzet bij overloopgebieden bij onzekere hoogwatervoorspellingen. Invloed op overschreidingskansen langs de Rijntakken.
Norbu, Nawang (2004) Invasion success of Chromolaena odorata in the Terai of Nepal.
Nurlidiasari, Marlina (2004) The application of QuickBird and multi-temporal Landsat TM data for coral reef habitat mapping : Case study Derawan Island, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Phong, Le Tien (2004) Analysis of forest cover dynamics and their driving forces in Bach Ma National Park and its buffer zone using remote sensing and GIS.
Puffelen, Carolina van (2004) De computer als didactisch gereedschap bij beginnende geletterdheid.
Roelofsen, Floris (2004) Contextual Reasoning - Complexity Analysis and Decision Procedures -.
Ruyver, Roberto de (2004) DEM optimization for hydrological modelling using SRTM for the 'Pantanal' region, Brazil.
Schepers, Martin (2004) Modeling a Piezoelectric Inertial Stepping Turntable Using Bond Graphs.
Scholten, Jeroen (2004) Modelling of direct drive motors for performance improvement by design and control.
Shakak, Nadia Babiker Ibrahim (2004) Assessment of pollution risk using AGNPS watershed model : Case study of Upper Roxo Catchment, Portugal.
Shen, Xin (2004) Inferring wetland hydrological conditions from remote sensing : A case study of Lake Baiyang, China.
Singh, Gaurav (2004) Framework for location based emergency services in India.
Sloten, Jeroen van (2004) From SNMP to Web services-based network management.
Somers, André T. (2004) De gebruiker in beeld.
Sözer, Hasan (2004) A peer-to-peer file sharing system for wireless ad-hoc networks.
Tapia, Rafael (2004) Optimization of sampling schemes for vegetation mapping using fuzzy classification.
Tennakoon, K.B.M. (2004) Parameterisation of 2D hydrodynamic models and flood hazard mapping for Naga city, Philippines.
Tiruneh, Berihun Adamu (2004) Modelling water quality using soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) : A case study in Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya.
Tolla, Teshome Demissie (2004) Effects of moisture conditions and management on production of cashew : Case study in the Lower Limpopo basin, Mozambique.
Troche Souza, Carlos Humberto (2004) Assessing "ordenamiento territorial" at municipal level in Boliva : Case studies San Rafael and Punata.
Tsoene, Potjo (2004) Visualizations of metadata in a GDI environment : Usability evaluation of visualization techniques.
Tsolmongerel, Orkhonselenge (2004) Texture based segmentation of remotely sensed imagery for identification of geological units.
Vargas Rojas, Ronald Job (2004) A participatory land suitability assessment using integrated toposequence analysis : Nam Chun Sub watershed, Petchabum province, Thailand.
Voado, Godson Cudjoe (2004) Regeneration of trees in a tropical forest-agro ecosystem : A case study in Goaso Forest District of Ghana.
Vries, Joost (2004) Aanbestedingsbeleid en marktbenaderingen in de asfaltwegenbouw.
Vu, Tien Dien (2004) Susceptibility to forest degradation : A case study of the application of remote sensing & GIS application in Bach Ma National Park Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnamn.
Wagas, Abel F. (2004) Using farmers' knowledge on soil-crop relationships to improve land evaluation : Case study in Gaza Province, Mozambique.
Wasse, Roy (2004) Kennismanagement en informatiesystemen : een epistemologische visie.
Welde, Mersha Argaw (2004) Detection and analysis of land cover change before and after flood in the Lower Limpopo Basin, Mozambique.
Widadi, Ismail (2004) Distribution of bus stops : Case study busway system of Jakarta.
Wijeratna, Vajira Gamage (2004) Modelling of flood events in Naga City.
Winkel, K.J. (2004) Upgrading Reactive Agents with Narrative Inspired Technology : What is the story?
Xu, Feng (2004) Modelling the spatial pattern of urban fringe :case study Hongshan, Wuhan.
Xu, Weihua (2004) Reed land change and its relationship to water level change in Baiyang Lake.
Xu, Xi (2004) Urban heritage conservation.
Yang, Xuefei (2004) Modelling the spatial distribution of Tricholoma matsutake.
Zhang, Dian (2004) Land for the dead : Locating urban cemeteries, Case study Guilin, China.
Zhao, Dongsheng (2004) EMC study of an automotive application.
Zulu, Catherine (2004) Problems with participatory mapping in forest management : A case of Handei Village Forest Reserve, East Usambra, Muheze, Tanzania.
da Glória Muianga, Manuela (2004) Flood Hazard Assessment and Zonation in the Lower Limpopo, Mozambique.