University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: European Studies BSc (56627)
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Tschap, Nicole (2024) The New Baltic Way - Baltic Identity amidst the Geopolitics of Digital Transformation.
Berger, Karolin (2017) Identity of the European Union - A comparative study of Postcolonial Theories and Normative Power Europe.
Boer, Alexander de (2017) The Radicalization Threat. Making Sense of Government Policy.
Brink, T.T. van den (2017) The effects of modernization: Smart, working women and filial piety in ageing Singapore.
Reinke, A. L. (2017) Employment patterns and its influence on the quality of life.
Hell, D.M. (2016) Youth unemployment and financial crisis : NEET rates in the PIGS countries.
Hell, D.M. (2016) Youth Unemployment and Financial Crisis: NEET rates in the PIGS countries.
Lammers, M.B.A. (2016) EU Democracy promotion : policy Change in Morocco and Tunisia after the Arab Spring.
Seyfert, Yannik (2016) Illegal cultural commons in the heart of European cultural identity : a case study on illegal cultural commons in the heart of Europe.
Aertken, Julia (2015) In the course of the Bologna Process : are Diploma Supplement labels contributing to the mobility of students in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK?
Bloemkolk, Dhr. I.C. (2015) The European Fight Against the Financing of Terrorism: A study of the European Union's Third AML/CFT Directive.
Burik, Marco A. van (2015) European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan.
Dijk, G.H.S. van (2015) Excellence in Higher Education.
Fischer, L. (2015) Labor market participation of immigrants in the light of active labor market policies and labor market mobility?
Greim, C.V. (2015) Managing migratory flows and the respect of fundamental rights. A case study on the cooperation between the EU and Libya.
Hinsenveld, N.H (2015) An overview of the ‘safety & security’ cluster in twente.
Kerres, Pia (2015) Diplomatic and consular tasks of EU Delegations: theory in practice.
Kikwitzki, Hannah (2015) The EU´s Democracy Promotion in Ukraine and the Importance of Domestic Legitimacy.
Klinge, J. (2015) NATO Membership in a More Secure World.
Nellestijn, M.S. van (2015) The members of the European parliament : heavyweights or not?
Ruppelt, H.K. (2015) Citizens’ knowledge about the EU-Spitzenkandidaten for the 2014 European elections.
Schick, V.D. (2015) Priority congruence between European voters and political groups of the European Parliament on policy-related valence issues at the time of the 2009 European Parliament elections.
Schmiemann, G.N.P. (2015) Social network sites and political participation : attributes of the European Union's Facebook pages.
Seifert, J. (2015) The European Union pursuing a sound ethical strategy in development policy: a contradiction in terms?
TESINK, M. (2015) To what extent are entrepreneurship and job growth correlated in the European Union?
Zijlstra, S.F. (2015) EU Biofuel policy and the negative environmental influences of 'land grabbing'.
Becker, Melanie (2014) Public values and Net Neutrality in a European Context - A comparative legal study on the impact of public values on the European Net Neutrality legislation.
Burose, Ole/OB (2014) The Smartness of National Support Schemes in the Context of the EU ETS: A Cross-Sectional Observation.
Bührmann, Anna-Lena (2014) Euroscepticism shaping Migration Discourses? An Analysis of political Debates on Immigration from Bulgaria and Romania.
Depenbrock, A.D. (2014) Controlling human trafficking-an analysis of the European legal order in the field of human trafficking. A case study on the EU governance system against THB.
Dzionara, A.L. (2014) The failure of harmonisation of support schemes for energy from renewable sources in the EU Directive 2009/28/EC A liberal intergovernmentalist perspective.
Gemen, Simon (2014) Youth unemployment in Spain: A cost-effective policy measure to mitigate the youth unemployment problem in Spain based on an analysis of its underlying factors.
Klother, Marvin (2014) Joint Investigation Teams : problems, shortcomings and reservations.
Kremer, Sjoerd (2014) The developments in the competition in the transatlantic air transport market in the periods before and after the implementation of the US-EU Open Skies Agreement.
Luh, Dorian (2014) Energy transition in Germany until 2040 : what are Germany’s energy options to compensate for the nuclear phase-out in 2022?
Nieselt, Thimo (2014) Becoming the “Gendarme of Europe” in return for more mobility? : an analysis of the added value for Morocco to conclude a Mobility Partnership with the European Union.
Palsma, R.R. (2014) Racist violence: A comparison of Germany and the Netherlands.
Pump, Dennis (2014) The European Union in Commercial Negotiations with Israel : The influence of France and Germany on EU foreign economic policy-making.
Salau, Carola (2014) The extraterritorial application of the principle of non refoulement in the context of sea borders.
Schneider, C.M. (2014) Euroscepticism in right-wing parties A comparison of three emerging right-wing parties.
Schonewille, Heleen (2014) Privacy, security and cybersurveillance - a content analysis.
Shuttleworth, L.D. (2014) The effects of foreign debt and fiscal balance on economic performances during the Eurozone crisis.
Steingrube, Fritz (2014) Happy & competitive cities : entrepreneurship & life satisfaction in European cities.
Steinjan, T. N. (2014) Social Democratic and Conservative standpoints on the introduction of directly-elected mayors in England and North Rhine-Westphalia - Labour Party and SPD in comparison to Conservative Party and CDU.
Tuinstra, Ids (2014) The compliance of the EU member states with the guidelines in the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies.
Tunc, Suzan Lara (2014) Representation, Coordination and Cohesion of the EU in the UN: Connecting Legal and Political Approaches.
Uhlig, Christina (2014) What explains the transposition behavior of states with EU directives? - A case study on Germany and France regarding the Family Reunification Directive (2003/86/EC).
Warmerdam, Jori (2014) A Closer Look at Joint Investigation Teams: the Dutch-Bulgarian J.I.T.
Witte, Lena (2014) The role of Regions in the Multilevel Governance of Climate Protection in the EU - a Study of Four German Regions.
Wullink, V.J. (2014) Examining the pathways national rectors’ conferences select to fortify their lobbying activities in the context of Horizon 2020.
Yihan, Huang (2014) Forms of feminist movement in Europe and China : comparative study in cross-cultural and political perspective.
Abakar-Kadade, N. (2013) “It’s my choice!” : socio-cultural responses to the headscarf from the perspective of veiled women in France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Akse, G. (2013) The European Trade Scheme explored: using the ETS to overcome the clean dark/clean spark margin: a case study on Germany.
Anderke, Sebastian (2013) Improving the bioethanol sector in Germany, Framce and Spain.
Atzeni, Claudio (2013) Which characteristics are associated to the level of european identity among european citizens?
Bauschen, Larissa (2013) Helpfulally or policyimposing master? An analysis of the Irish perception of Germany's role in the European financial crisis.
Beek, Elke ter (2013) A possible coordination mechanism for an innovation area : the possibility of using the OMC in an innovation area.
Dikme, M. (2013) 1 Hacktivism in Europe : renewals in social movements in the digital age.
Dremel, Anna Lou (2013) Rural depopulation and public service provision in Germany -How is public service provision in depopulated, rural regions in Germany organized and what can be learned from good practices in this field?
Fehrenkamp, N. (2013) European citizenship : a new bond between the EU and the citizens of the member states.
Hallberg, Delia (2013) Bulgarian national awakening in Europe - The protest movement in Sofia 2013.
Hamelmann, M. (2013) In or out of the EU?: how British newspapers fame the EU referendum.
Hanel, D. (2013) Chinese Cybercrime, a Threat to the Occident? The Impact of Chinese Cybercrime on EU –China Relations.
Harling, H. (2013) Negotiation analysis: the free trade agreement between the European Union and India.
Hericks, E. (2013) Social investment or workfare policies? Examining Spanish and Portuguese youth unemployment policies before and after the world economic crisis in 2008.
Horst, B. ter (2013) the effect of cross-border city cooperation on the regional labour market : the case of Øresund.
Höher, Carolin (2013) The Rise and the Danger of Right-Wing Terrorism in the EU: Facing the Challenge of Improving Security and Detecting Loopholes.
Jenne, Nicola Alexandra (2013) Possible tensions between the protection of borders and human rights in the legal foundations of the external border agencies of the European Union and Australia.
Kipper, F. (2013) How has the European Students’ Union developed into a professional interest group representation organization since 1991?
Klemann, Karl (2013) The importance of historical connections between Turkey and Europe during the period of the late Ottoman Empire.
Klinker, S. (2013) Governance of irregular migration along the Greek-Turkish border : discrepancies between law and reality.
Klostermann, L. (2013) The implementation of the cooperation arrangements of Frontex with FRA and EASO.
Kofmann, Roman (2013) Public view on the social dimension of Europe 2020.
Kroeze, K. (2013) Welfare states in crisis? Public support of welfare policies over the last 3 decades.
Krüger, Sabine (2013) Economic conditions and transnational trust: does money matter?
Kuckartz, M.C. (2013) Civil society in the EU-Development Cooperation : A theoretical concept and its practical implication in Rwanda : an illustrative case study.
Leube, J. (2013) Proactive Policing of Youngsters in Germany: Ethnic Differences.
Marquard, F.M. (2013) Policy developments in the area of old-age pensions: the Open Method of Coordination: a tool to influence national pension policies?
Menke, Susanne (2013) The pension policy response to Global Aging: a comparison between Europe and South America.
Millahn, Arne (2013) The effect of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on the ERT doctrine: A case study of citizenship.
Mirzaei, Diba (2013) EU citizens’ attitudes towards Turkey's membership.
Mokarram, Ali (2013) European cyber security: a cyber deterrence approach.
Nouwen, L. (2013) An advice to the Dutch government on their biofuel policy based on the German biofuel policy.
Paus, Berit Regina (2013) Political representation of european Roma: european Roma organizations and the struggle for recognition.
Peter, M. (2013) Democratization of technocracy or better technocratization of democracy? - and which One accounts for the European Union?
Peter, V. (2013) Democracy vs. Capitalism: a conflict in the European Council?
Philippsen, Y. (2013) Encounters between juveniles and the police in Germany.
Schreiber, Jana Andrea (2013) The power of students: a case study of the European Student's Union.
Seibel, C. (2013) The role of the German government in the EIT ICT Labs.
Sennekamp, S. (2013) EU Foreign policy and Russian cybercrime : comparing the cyberspace governance systems of the EU and Russia.
Soltek, C.C. (2013) Accession of the EU to the European convention on human rights in the light of constitutional pluralism.
Späth, J.H. (2013) The success factors of the development of biogas within Germany : a case study.
Steffens, C. (2013) Party politics, retrenchment and activation : partisan effects of welfare state reforms.
Thull, A. (2013) The European raw material policy towards Africa in the context of China's Africa ambitions"s policy analysis from 1990-2013.
Wallersheim, J. (2013) Cross-border governance in the Vecht river basin : interaction between nature organizations.
Warbroek, B. (2013) Effectiveness of policy instruments in stimulating renewable energy production in the European Union : room for improvement in the Netherlands.
Wegmann, Kirstin (2013) Administrative setup and the performance of member states in the Europe 2020 strategy.
Wickemeyer, S. (2013) Reliance and attitudes: A study about the effect of political and institutional trust on postures towards the welfare state among migrants and non-migrants.
Wolf, S. (2013) Financial stability after the global financial crisis: a comparison of the ESRB and the FSOC.
Zeeman, N. (2013) Post-familialism and social-political environments : low total fertility rates and values in the European Union.
Adolph, Julian (2012) Die Einwanderungspolitik in Deutschland und den Niederlanden.
Björnsdóttir, Sif (2012) Iceland’s Integration into the EU Energy policy.
Bröckl, Carmen C. (2012) The importance of generosity of national student financial support systems for European student mobility.
Burggraf, Christoph Eike (2012) A taxonomy of interest in the "European Smoking Tobacco Association" and the "European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention" on the basis of theories of strong and weak interests.
Dongen, J.J.P. van (2012) Het gemeenschappelijk Europees asielstelsel: Gedeelde smart is halve smart?!: onderzoek naar de lastenverdeling in een communautaire Europese asielruimte.
Duijnen, Maria F. van (2012) The promotion of women's rights in the external relations of the European Union.
Düker, Stephanie (2012) The role of rating agencies within the European debt crisis.
Erdmann, Annika-Linnea (2012) Towards a new European approach on positive action within gender mainstreaming? The impact of the Beijing declaration on EU policies and law.
Frese, Jaqueline (2012) EU-China relations between 2001 and 2012: towards an all-dimensional strategic partnership?
Galdiga, Jan Hendrik (2012) The EU, NATO and the community proposition: why does membership not always coincide?
Goldmann, Robert N.W. (2012) Interest groups access and influence to the mobile phone - Roaming decision-making process at EU-level.
Graafland-Boersma, Renske (2012) Lessons learnt from financing arrangements in the United Kingdom for the Netherlands.
Hanzalik, Axel (2012) Human rights protection regimes in European Union Asylum Law.
Heeke, Laura (2012) Human rights violations in Europe: the case of living conditions of asylum seekers in Germany.
Heiland, Susanne (2012) When an idea's time has come- how to home-care-benefit became prominent on the agenda in Germany.
Hohaus, Carsten (2012) Constitutional assessment of EU criminal law: the role of national constitutional courts between European integration and the protection of domestic standards of fundamental rights.
Hölscher, Lennart Cornelius (2012) Cross-border relations between Turkey and the European Union: an analysis of the freedom of services for Turkish nationals.
Jongkees, Barry (2012) When identity prevents compliance: the cases of croatia and Turkey.
Jänicke, Max Philipp (2012) Compliance with EU's political criteria in the judiciary of Poland.
Kleinert, Mareike (2012) Does the market economy of the Republic of Kosovo meet the Copenhagen Criteria?
Knepper, Matthias (2012) The interregional relations between the European Union and the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR).
Kolb, Ole (2012) Nationalism in the globalized age : an assessment on the variations of contemporary right-wing populism in Europe.
Kraft, Christine (2012) Power puzzle - the European Court of Justice as super-agent in healthcare policy.
Kramm, Hauke (2012) Bosnia's failure in creating a truth commission - How institutions and functions encourage post-conflict countries to create a truth commission.
Krebber, Victoria (2012) Identity questions in the Baltic States: an analysis of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania regarding their attitudes towards a European identity.
Kryuchkova, Svetlana (2012) Möglichkeiten und Grenzen externer Demokratieförderung in Russland: das NGO-Gesetz und seine Auswirkungen auf externe Demokratieförderung.
Kuiper, Stephan (2012) Duurzame mobiliteit in Enschede: studie naar middelen die de gemeente Enschede kan gebruiken en inzetten om het gebruik van duurzame mobiliteit in haar gemeente te bevorderen.
Lanfermann, Friederike (2012) How does the developmental process of norms in the European Union differ due to the policy area? A comparison of Swedish efforts in high and low politics.
Lange, Hannah (2012) A financial firewall for the Eurozone - the combination of ESM and EFSF as an approach to rescue the euro?
Lenz, Julian (2012) Downloading from the EU-level?: how German core executives legitimized the 2003 retrenchement reform in terms of older workers.
Lesemann, Franca (2012) Gewissenhaft wirtschaften: Der globale Freihandel entdeckt die Ethik.
Meyer, Marcus (2012) EU enlargement- "Why were some of the CEEC countries included in the enlargement of 2004 and 2007, despite shortcomings, whereas some of the candidate countries were left out?".
Migge, A.M. (2012) Renewable energies in European innovative regions.
Milatschew, Valentina (2012) EU-Russian energy relations: How Russia's power affects its willingness to cooperate with the European Union in gas-related matters.
Olbrich, Selim (2012) The impact of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership on human and democratic development in Tunisia : perceptions according to indices on human and democratic development.
Osch, Suzanne van (2012) The transformation of modern higher education - A case study of higher education internationalization policies in the Netherlands.
Peiler, Lisa (2012) The influence of national interests on the EU's common foreign and security policy : exemplified by a case study of the European Union's Arms Embargo on China.
Püschel, Maike (2012) The Bologna process in Germany and the Netherlands : a research about the potential explanations for different student perceptions.
Reijers, W.H.M. (2012) Future Europe: democracy or technocracy?: the role of European democratization in creating European identity - four future scenarios.
Schmidt, Susanne (2012) China: a welfare state?: the development of the welfare effort in a multi-dimensional context.
Schulte, Anna Katharina (2012) Police contacts of juveniles in Germany : an exploratory research on police contacts of ethnic minority and non-ethnic minority juveniles.
Schumacher, Florian (2012) The sanctions' policy of the United Nations Security Council towards the Islamic Republic of Iran between 2006 and 2010 with particular regard to the E3/EU position.
Schwitzer, D. (2012) South Korea – Shifting away from the productivist/developmental status of welfare? : a study on welfare in South Korea.
Stahlhut, Annika Maria Petra (2012) Chances for Pan-European deposit insurance : what explains national positions to the recast directive on deposit quarantee schemes?
Starck, Fiete (2012) What determines discretion in the national application of financial market regulation in the European Union?
Steinberg, Carina (2012) The overlooked impact of methodology in measuring the staffing record in EU civilian missions.
Stoyanova, Tsvetelina (2012) Management culture in comparison - East vs. West : the cases of Bulgaria and Germany.
Teuber, Laura (2012) Extradition and human rights: A look at the EU-US and Germany-US extradition agreements and their consistency with each other and with human rights.
Thiele, Marit (2012) The inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS and its relevance for international aviation.
Thole, Monika (2012) Differences in national grading cultures as a potential obstacle to student mobility: a comparative case study of the Netherlands and Germay.
Tolkis, Elena (2012) Europäische Beschäftigungsstrategie: Akzente in der nationalen Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Vant, Andrada-Ioana (2012) Who or what generates Romania's absorption capacity of structural funds?
Vermonden, Yvonne (2012) Voting behaviour in the Netherlands and Denmark.
Wagner, Anna (2012) Corporate lobbyism in Brussels: the institutional benefit of interest representation in the policy-making process using the example of the Commission's Light Bulb Decree.
Werler, Jurrian (2012) The European External Action Service in Crisis Situations - An analysis of the legal challenges in the first two years after Lisbon.
Wollenberg, Magali (2012) De EU in Nederland 2003-2009 - De ontwikkelingen van de Nederlandse houding tegenover Europa in het begin van het 21ste eeuw.
Atanasova, Kristina (2011) "First steps of a young democracy or a facade democracy? Trnasition process in Bulgaria (1989-2007)".
Bartels, Anne (2011) “ To what extent can the Kingdom of Norway be regarded as the 28th Member State of the European Union? “.
Begert, Laura (2011) Minority integration in Central and Eastern Europe: how EU conditionality has affected Roma integration during accession negotiations.
Benjamins, M.P. (2011) Small island developing states in globalized trade systems : Tonga and the WTO.
Brandemann, Victoria (2011) The future of the European corporate social responsibility strategy : if and how is it possible to establish a reporting requirement that makes coherent disclosure on environmental, social and governance information mandatory for European companies?
Busetto, Loraine (2011) Evaluation of the EU development cooperation with South Africa with regard to poverty reduction through health services.
Büker, Linda (2011) Controlling immigration - what role plays FRONTEX in European migration policy?
Dedic, Jessica (2011) What's wrong with the Dayton Constitution and how to fix it? An analysis of Bosnia and Herzegovina's constitutional framework and its implications for the country's EU accession process.
Derks, Klaas (2011) Beyond the social dimension : a study of policy focus of the European Commission from 1995-2010.
Esken, B. (2011) Corporate social responsibility in the European Union : a concept in need of a hybrid multi-level governance solution.
Hristova, Velina (2011) Political messianism in Europe: the case study of Bulgaria.
Jong, Charlie de (2011) Universal health care and temporal and spatial diffusion patterns.
Kleveman, Nils (2011) Democratic compliance in Ukraine and Moldova within the framework of the European neighbourhood policy.
Klose, Stephan (2011) To what extent did the EU 2004 enlargement lead to the projected outflow of health professionals from newly admitted Central and Eastern European Member States?
Krug, Katharina (2011) Towards changing higher education governance: a comparative study of North Rhine-Westphalian (German) and Lithuanian higher education.
Labuhn, Britta (2011) The role of the European Union in international climate politics: from the leader to a watcher?
Lake, Christina (2011) Sovereign bankruptcy in the European Union.
Lammerding, Renate (2011) Europeanization and the governance of the transport sector with regard to rail passenger services, especially in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Liedl, Claudia (2011) Top-down vs. Bottom-up Does a top-down approach bear more advantages than a bottom-up approach within the implementation process of housing security projects?
Lorenz, Ramona (2011) Explaining EU policies in Nigeria: a confrontation of realism and idealism.
Mansour, N. (2011) Transformation in autoritären Regimen am Beispiel von Ägypten.
Pabst, H.F. (2011) The "double process of habit-breaking" - A research on shifts in allegiance in Cyprus in the course of European integration.
Raspe, Franziska (2011) The official positions of the AKP and CHP on Turkey's EU Accession Process - A comparative study.
Ross, Anna (2011) Cosmopolitan realism and the role of the European Union in international climate politics : a case study of the Copenhagen Climate Conference.
Schneider, E.T. (2011) The reproduction of islamophobia in German and Dutch newspaper article discourse : An analysis from a Critical Discourse Analytical Perspective : an analysis from a critical discourse analytical perspective.
Schneider, Elke T. (2011) The Reproduction of Islamophobia in German and Dutch Newspaper Article Discourse. An analysis from a Critical Discourse Analytical Perspective.
Smits, C.W.D. (2011) The European integration of network based services in Serbia.
Sommer, Greta (2011) The economic partnership agreements between the European Union and the African-Caribbean-Pacific countries - The impact on trade flow between EU-Ghana and EU-Ivory Coast.
Spelt, M.J. (2011) Between neutrality and accommodation : Dutch and European jurisprudence on the Islamic headscarf in education.
Thimm, Ricarda (2011) Pushing Schengen to its limits: the Franco-Italian border conflict about irregular Tunesian migrants and its implications for frontier-free Europe.
Wibbeling, Simon (2011) EU political conditionality and compliance in the accession process of the European Union.
Ahlen, Ebba von (2010) Is there a development in the case law of the EC Courts in relation to the legal protection of individuals on the EU terrorist lists?
Andringa, Wouter (2010) Cross-border cooperation between North Rhine-Westphalia and the Benelux Union: The flirt of NRW with Benelux Membership.
Bartels, Susann (2010) Students as subject of EU law: The role of the European Court of Justice in the enhancement of students’ rights and the impact of ECJ case law on the national systems of tuition fees and educational grants.
Bertelmann, Julia (2010) Cross-national policy convergence in the environmental field: the EU and its mediterranean partnership countries.
Bolous, Rafael (2010) How Does the EU Promote Democracy in Egypt? : A European Strategy put to the test.
Bross, Laura (2010) The Legitimacy of the United Nations Environmental Programmes Law-Making Power.
Brünig, Bianca (2010) Labour market integration of first and second generation Turkish migrants compared: a German case study.
Bungard, Georg (2010) Impact of EU measures on key events in border conflicts.
Dasouqi, Daniel (2010) Water scarcity and actors’ involvement: The case of the European Union member state Spain.
Drubel, Julia (2010) Interest and Power Analysis according to Waltz’s Structural Realism exemplified in ‘Theory of International Politics’ of the EU’s Engagement in Central Asia.
Fickers, Annika (2010) Ideologies in Crisis : The Secular-Pious Cleavage and the Development of Political Party Polarization in Turkish Politics : from 1995 until 2007.
Foerster, Susanne (2010) Feasibility of a Coordinated Financing Scheme for European Higher Education: A critical analysis of the feasibility of the two-part voucher system by Marcel Gérard.
Frank, Paula (2010) Driving innovation in the wind energy sector: the role of EU and national support policies.
Geiselhart, Christiane (2010) Global (in) security: the European neighbourhood policy - the European Union as conflict manager.
Golla, Julia (2010) How strong is the influence of Corruption on Innovation, especially in post-communist EU Member States? - A Comparative Analysis.
Heijndijk, Sanne (2010) Neo-liberal Convergence of European Welfare State Policies? The case of sickness benefit schemes.
Hombach, Antonia (2010) EU and NATO: security strategies between Mars and Venus? or Prospects for future cooperation.
Hopmann, Luisa (2010) European Union Voting Cohesion in the United Nations General Assembly: the case of eastern enlargement.
Jenning, Dominik (2010) The European External Action Service: Implications for the coherence and effectiveness of the European Union’s Foreign Policy.
Kellerhaus, Franziska (2010) The Role of the European Union at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
Kirchner, Anika (2010) The 'external dimension' of the EU's immigration policy and Morocco's capacity to mange migration: a case study.
Kollmar, Manuel (2010) The EU’s Enlargement Strategy on the Western Balkan – the case of Kosovo.
Köchling, Christopher (2010) Ursachen und Verlauf der Finanz- und Weltwirtschaftskrise – Versuch einer Beschreibung und Analyse.
Köhler, Nicolas (2010) The influence of the Open Method of Coordination on European development aid levels.
Laun, Robert (2010) Integration of German students at the University of Twente.
Leonhard, Christoph (2010) Head of State Immunity in the Case of Grave Violations of Human Rights.
Meyer, Nicole Y. (2010) The European Union blue card directive: What were the main reasons to introduce the EU Blue Card directive and what was the final result after two years of political debate?
Michel, Stefan (2010) Turnout in the European Union: how perception of democracy in the European Union influences electoral participation.
Morais Teixeira, Sara (2010) The Meaning of Citizenship in the Context of the European Integration: A Comparison of naturalization law between Western and Eastern Member States.
Muller, Katja Hanny (2010) Objectives in European foreign aid: A case study of France and Sweden.
Müller, Daniela (2010) Do Germany’s Global Players Liberalise? The European Works Councils of Volkswagen and Daimler – A Case-Study.
Neckel, Elisabeth (2010) The change of the diplomatic competences of the EU on the international stage with the introduction of the European External Action Service.
Neukirch, Andrea (2010) Does “Flexicurity” work? : Labour market and social security reforms with the concept of flexicurity in Denmark and the Netherlands.
Parpart, Dorothee von (2010) How does the EU in its documents use the concept and language of sovereignty? : a discourse analysis of EUFOR documents.
Pessin, Darja (2010) The EU after Lisbon: an international crisis manager?
Pissareva, Lora (2010) European security governance: Analysing a Regime of Practices on the basis of Michel Foucault’s Governmentality Theory.
Plinke, Marie (2010) Integration Buddies in Enschede: An Evaluation.
Plogmaker, Katharina (2010) The Comprehensive Approach - International Definitions and a German Case Study.
Predki, Henryk (2010) The Legal Basis and Conditions for the Lawfulness of the Freezing Measures in the Anti-Terrorism Policy of the EU.
Rabot, Pia Marleen (2010) A New European Identity in Turkey? Did the Europeanization process of Turkey change before and after Helsinki '99?
Reuvers, Shirin (2010) Portability of student support: the residence requirement.
Roensch, Ann-Cathrin (2010) European Integration within the area of Common Foreign and Security Policy: A theory-testing approach on preference formation.
Schneider, Elisabeth (2010) Does the Lisbon Treaty improve decision making in the Council of Ministers? : Analysis based on the Veto Player Theory and the Banzhaf Power Index.
Schulz, Timo (2010) Market forces at work? Free movement of labour following the 2004 EU enlargement.
Schulze Wierling, Marcel (2010) The US health care reform 2010 in light of European health care regulation - a comparative analysis.
Spiegel, Elisabeth (2010) FRONTEX – Legitimate Agent for Border Security or Ruthless Deportation Agency? : An Analysis of the Activities of the European Union’s Border Agency with a Special Focus on Legitimacy and Controllability of its Operations.
Stephenson, David Carl (2010) Gaining Transfer Options through Administrative Insight: A Comparative Analysis of the Administrative Processes Behind California’s and the European Union’s Latest TV Efficiency Regulations.
Werner, Sandra (2010) EU gender equality principles in EU accession: a case study of the current EU candidate countries Turkey and Croatia.
Wischniewski, Anna-Katharina (2010) EU Cooperation in the UN General Assembly: The Development of Common Positions.
vogelsang, Kristina-Elisabeth (2010) Minority protection in Europe.
Aleksic, Mila (2009) Participation of the European Community in International Organizations.
Becker, Stefan (2009) The role of national parliaments in the open method of coordination.
Benda, Judith (2009) Explanations for lower turnout among young voters : Bachelor Thesis Project on the European Parliament Elections 2009.
Ende, Mareike van der (2009) European Donor Aid For Developing Countries : A Study About European Support For Mozambican Higher Education.
Friedrich, Sally (2009) Returning Illegal Third-Country Nationals residing in the EU: The Return Directive : An Issue of EU Concern?
Fülling, Lucas (2009) National Identity in Europe : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Identity Representation of Dutch Political Parties.
Gerfert, Sonya (2009) Cross-Border Cooperation; Transforming Borders.
Ivanova, Elitza (2009) The impact of EU conditionality: the case of Bulgaria.
Karanesheva, Lora (2009) Why the EU keeps its door half – open for Ukraine?
Klavina, Marina (2009) “United we stand” - The European Union at the United Nations Security Council.
Kleine-Vennekate, Sara (2009) Circular Migration between the EU and Third Countries.
Krüger, Mandy (2009) Student satisfaction at the University of Twente : a comparative case study on student satisfaction of German and Dutch bachelor students in Twente.
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