University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: European Studies MSc (69303)
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Buijsen, Evi (2025) Implementing the Strategic Compass in the European Safety and Security Mechanism? : A Qualitative Examination of the Impact of the Strategic Compass for The Netherlands.
Huck, Felicitas (2025) Backlash against the F-Word : Feminist Foreign Policy in German Political Discourse.
Weglage, Fabian (2025) Transport and Energy Policy Coherence in a German Multilevel Governance System : Electric Vehicles at the Intersection of Transport and Energy Policy.
Azizli, V. (2024) Relations with the European Union in the field of gender equality in education : A view from Azerbaijan.
Haese, Johannes (2024) Deliberative civic engagement and policy support: Lessons from Münster’s bicycle policy.
Heereveld, Y.D. van (2024) Constitutional courts compared: how political are constitutional courts? : A qualitative study about the political nature of constitutional courts and the implications for the government reform discussion in the Netherlands.
Heide, M. van der (2024) Strengthening Democratic Legitimacy at the EU level? Assessing the Impact of the Revised European Citizens’ Initiative Regulation on EU Legitimacy.
Jost, Henrike (2024) WASHing Away Doubt : A Case Study on Evidence Use for WASH Services in the Kakuma Refugee Settlement.
Jost, Pauline (2024) Breaking Barriers : Gender Equality in European Sports Leadership : A comparative case study of Ireland and Germany.
Pommerenke, Birger (2024) Contesting Contestation?! How the US and EU respond to BRI impact.
Pudollek, Lissy (2024) State aid for energy transition : A qualitative study of the impact of the EU's hydrogen IPCEI on the sustainability transition in Europe.
Smidt, Robert F. P. (2024) How (not) to overcome right-wing populist governance : Exploring the influence of structural and electoral factors in the latest parliamentary elections in Poland and Hungary.
Weigand, Philipp (2024) Russia’s disinformation war : An analysis of Ukraine themed Russian disinformation campaigns during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
Delbrück, Konstantin C. A. (2023) Sacrifice Freedom for Freedom : A qualitative content analysis of the freedom definition used by party families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Delfgou, J. (2023) Populism in the Netherlands, are there new populist contenders in parliament?
Drumann, Johanna Marie (2023) The EU as a People Pleaser – What drives public satisfaction with EU democracy? An empirical study on the influence of perceived input and output legitimacy on satisfaction with democracy in the European Union.
Essen, Jaimi van (2023) Transition Towards Renewable Energy: A Regional Challenge for Local Governments? A Comparative Study in four Dutch Municipalities.
Haack, Simon B. (2023) What are the underlying reasons for the differing treatment of Ukrainian and Syrian refugees in Europe identifiable in the debates within the European Parliament?
Haar, J.H.J. ter (2023) Understanding the Dynamics of Politial and Societal Polarisation: Exploring Elite Polarisation, Mean Partisan Polarisation, Issue Salience, and Anti-Systemness.
Hennessy, C.S. (2023) Addressing Disinformation through the DSA and CPD : Protecting democracy in the EU digital space.
Kappert, Felix (2023) Who has access? : An analysis of access and resources in the AI Act legislation process.
Klein Wolterink, Thomas (2023) Assessing the Potential of EU Trade Agreements as an Instrument for Achieving Strategic Autonomy : An Analysis of the European Commission's Goals and Objectives.
Knospe, Mathis (2023) How do newly emerging renewable maritime energy technologies shape the structure of energy governance networks in the EU?
Lesieur, Claire (2023) The European Union’s liberalisation of electricity markets since 1996 : implementation and consequences in France.
Ouwejan, M.M. (2023) Beyond the Symbolic Function : Policy Learning within the European Committee of the Regions.
Penning, P.A. (2023) Driving Change : A Case Study on the Role of Policy Adoption & Transfer in Achieving Sustainable Mobility Targets from the Green Deal.
Samadashvili, Inga (2023) Party Political Ideology and Compliance with EU Gender Equality Policies:The Case of Bulgaria and Hungary – Post-EU Accession.
Schmidt, T.D. (2023) What Contributes to the Success of Lobbying in the EU – the Case of CO2 Emissions of Heavy-Duty Vehicles.
Schütz, Leonie (2023) Explaining US nuclear non-use between 1991 and 2022.
Someren, Sebastiaan van (2023) Degrowth in the Netherlands : are the movement's ideas heard in Dutch politics?
Storck, L.M.S. (2023) A tragedy of orbital slots? : Understanding EU decision-making to secure access to outer space in the short and long term.
Strunck, Christina (2023) Disruptive climate protesters : Terrorists or concerned citizens? A discourse analysis of parliamentary debates in the UK and Germany.
Tenbergen, D.F. (2023) The inevitable gas mining in Groningen : narratives shape, influence, and change the policy.
Westermann, Leon Joel (2023) Team Europe : A Comparative Discourse Analysis of European Norm Formation and Integration Theories.
Bersenev, A. (2022) Putin-Versteher? An analysis of the policy narratives of German anti-establishment parties toward the Russian government.
Bexten, N. (2022) A top-down European revolution for climate policy governancy? A comparative case study on the Green Deal (2019) and Germany's Climate Change Act (2019).
Burow, Günther (2022) Agreed but Contested : Normative Contestation and the Common Foreign and Security Policy.
Derkse, I.R.M. (2022) Refining Democratization Theory : the Tunisian Revolution as a Deviant Case Study.
Ertel, Gillian (2022) Institutional Lock-in and Active Mobility : a Comparative Case Study.
Fick, Katharina (2022) Policy Change Around Batteries : Understanding The Change Towards Resource Efficiency In The EU Batteries Policy With The Advocacy Coalition Framework.
Gewitsch, Fenja (2022) The potential of transformative learning in achieving sustainable leadership through the development of a sustainability mindset.
Gschrey, Sebastian Vincent (2022) The role of institutionalized cross-border cooperation in European transboundary crisis-responses : the case of euroregions along DE-NL border.
Hallmann, Nico (2022) Policy reactions to the 2015 refugee management crisis : Exploring determinants of restrictive asylum policy introductions in 15 European countries using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).
Hansen, L. (2022) Climate change and security nexus : analysing the European discourse from 2007 to 2022.
Karssing, Anne-Fleur (2022) The COVID-19 crisis and European integration : a single case-study on individual member state behaviour towards vaccine procurement.
Linneweber, Jana (2022) Staying nuclear? : A historical analysis of stability and change in the German Nuclear Energy Strategy.
Minio, Lisa (2022) Between “Patchwork Carpets” and “Emergency Brakes” : a framing analysis of the decision-making Stage of the Fourth Civil Protection Act in Germany.
Sapp, D. (2022) Issue voting as the means to electoral success? An analysis of Volt's voter potential in German and Dutch domestic politics.
Witte, Franziska (2022) Local referendums and organizational challenges of municipalities in Germany.
Aartsen, Bastiaan (2021) Joining forces to make peace: The effect of local mediation on local peace agreements during United Nations peacekeeping missions.
Berge, Moritz Vor (2021) The EU as a Normative Power in the field of artificial intelligence? : Challenges and concepts in the governance and regulation of digital technologies using the example of the EU and its human-centred approach to AI.
Boxebeld, S. (2021) If you are gay, then what is your pay? An analysis of the earnings of heterosexual and homosexual workers in the Netherlands.
Busch, B.S. (2021) Government behavior in times of economic uncertainty : case study on the impact of Brexit on the economy and the measures taken by the EU and the Dutch government.
Evers, F.A. (2021) The role of internal cohesion in the UK Parliament and its possible effects on the Brexit negotiations.
Everts, D.W. (2021) Detecting policy change : the focus on nuclear power in EU energy policy from 2006-2020.
Feng, Yanqi (2021) Trace the energy transition through the lens of Europeanization: case studies of France, Poland, and the UK.
Gasimova, G. (2021) European labor reintegration policies for disabled persons since 2000 and their envisioned benefits.
Gehling, Alexander (2021) The role of local actors in the niche for hydrogen buses : an analysis of roles of actors in Strategic Niche Management.
Melis, R. (2021) The political influence of pro-EU and anti-EU parties in the Netherlands on EU standpoints of the Dutch government.
Oleinik, Alena (2021) Motivational dynamics of the 2020 Belarusian protests: The modulating effect of state violence on individual motivations to protest.
Orhan, K.M. (2021) Economic Voting and the Euro Crisis – An analysis of national and European voting in Southern European countries from 2011 to 2018.
Varlam, V.M. (2021) The effects of the Romanian citizens' perception of democratic deficiency on their turnout at the European parliamentary elections.
Veen, R.T. ten (2021) The narratives of the European Union’s AI strategy: continued domination and structural bias?
Wieseler, A.M. (2021) The appellate body deadlock at the WTO : an analysis of alternative ad hoc arbitral tribunals under Article 25 DSU in form of the plurilateral MPIA (2020).
Danset, Anastasie (2020) Yemen, a possible strategic stage for the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran since 2015.
Dijkstra, K.N. (2020) The Europeanisation of cities within Regions.
Groenewold, T. (2020) EU citizens in the UK : an interpretive analysis of the organisational response of EU citizens to Brexit.
Hieß, Frauke Willemina (2020) The European Cross-Border Mechanism as an opportunity for Dutch-German fire safety cooperation: An analysis based on the Project Crossfire in the Twente-Achterhoek-Münsterland border region.
Hut, D. J. (2020) Pursuing domestic policy preferences under EU conditionality : reflecting on the Europeanisation process in Serbia and North Macedonia.
Kemna, Anne-Lot (2020) The power of financial inclusion : a study on the contribution of financial inclusion to rural development and to achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals, in emerging and developing economies.
Kier, A.A. (2020) Does a standardised world equal a sustainable world? : How standards and initiatives shape the private sector's sustainability efforts.
Kranenburg, A. (2020) Are you going to the party? : The impact of local democratic institutions on the role of local councilors : a comparative case study of Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and the Netherlands.
Nübel, Kira Anna (2020) The Rise of New Types of War: A Case Study on Russian Hybrid Warfare in the Ukrainian Crisis in 2014.
Oldiges, Julia (2020) "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything" (Colin Kaepernick) : a case study analysis on modern civil resistance movements in the United States.
Paetzig, Merle (2020) To what extent do the European Union´s crisis reactions in the Euro crisis, Refugee crisis and Corona crisis show a pattern of the European solidarity deficit?
Potter, Melle (2020) Accelerating the implementation of the SDGs : How multilevel governance supportsthe implementation of SDG 12 in the EU.
Althoff, Lara (2019) The AfD’s Policy Positioning within the German Multi-Level Governance System.
Bakhuis, J.J. (2019) The implementation of gender mainstreaming : a comparative case study of the Netherlands and Sweden.
Benitez, D. (2019) Is the European Parliament committed to liberal democracy anymore? : the political discourse in the European parliament : norm contestation of liberal democracy.
Derksen, Rik (2019) Mixity : where politics and law meet.
Dohmen, Christina (2019) Federalism in the European Union.
Hensbergen, Casper van (2019) The European Union and its neighbours : border conflicts and security policy.
Ioannides, Korina Gavriela (2019) Convergence Under Threat : policy convergence between the EU, the Netherlands and France in the area of counterterrorism.
Jong, M. de (2019) Policy Change: An Eclectic Analysis Of The Establishment Of The European Banking Union.
Lalee, Nabila (2019) Poland and the EU : from poster child of European integration to enfant terrible?
Loman, R.M.J. (2019) Deinstitutionalisation of Long-term Care for Older Adults : A Comparative Study Between Germany and the Netherlands.
Mickel, Donella Jytte (2019) A clouded future : on combat clouds in the US and Europe and their impact on NATO's capability gaps.
Verhagen, V.T.P. (2019) 'To Chip or not to Chip?' A critical discourse analyiss on the ethics of RFID implants shaping relevant regulation : A case study of six US states and the EU.
Voortman, T.P.G. (2019) The Public Debate on Natural Gas Extraction in Groningen: A Shift of Framing and its Regulatory Consequences.
Waelen, M.C.J. (2019) Brexit Means Brexit: A Substantive Analysis of the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Gerritsen, C.M. (2018) Grass-roots civil society organizations networks and their strategies to affect climate change policies.
Goijen, G.J.M. (2018) Who Has the Power to Move Toward a New Paradigm? : The Need for a European Public Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles from the Perspective of Cross-border Business.
Haringsma, R.J.A. (2018) Brexit and the UK’s future participation in the EU’s foreign and security policy.
Klauser, Natalie (2018) Party identification among Germany´s (Spät)Aussiedler : the sources of favoring CDU/CSU or AfD.
Kramers, J.W. (2018) Europeanisation of Employment Policy in the European Semester: Labour Pains?
Kremer, S. (2018) Effective enforcement of the regulation on safeguarding competition in air transport.
Palma Feres, Felipe Ignacio (2018) The Israel-Palestine conflict : an asymmetric struggle.
Vorgers, M.J.M. (2018) Achieving "Spreading excellence and widening participation" without compromising the excellence principle in Horizon 2020.
Bos, P.J.H. (2017) Liquefied Natural Gas exports from the United States and their impact on European energy security.
Emmerich, M.M. (2017) Pilot Population Management Wesselerbrink A qualitative case study of social innovation in healthcare.
Gjonca, O. (2017) The German energy transition in a European perspective: an analysis of the power sector decarbonisation process.
Hansmeier, Marc Michael (2017) How has the public media framed the debate about the European Parliament’s recommendations of a taxing scheme on robotics from 31 May 2016 till 16 February 2017?
Heeke, Laura (2017) The Living Conditions of Asylum Seekers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, During the Migrant Crisis in 2015/2016.
Hinsenveld, Niek Henk-Jan (2017) On the conflict between democracy and populism : a cross-country analysis of Belgium, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Klapwijk, K.B. and Snippe, J.C. (2017) Scrutiny & control in EU affairs : the Dutch parliament.
Kodde, P.G.M. (2017) Dutch economic diplomacy in the western United States, strategies for entrepreneurs and investors.
Nellestijn, Melissa S. van (2017) The leading role of national governments : determining the government positions of the new Eurozone Member States on the national and European level.
Niezen, M.S. (2017) The EU as an external promoter of its internal values.
Oomens, E.M. (2017) The process of withdrawal from the European Union. Great Britain's path to European Union membership and the Brexit.
Rathke, L.M. (2017) Food safety regulation across the Atlantic : conflict or cooperation?
Roekel, Johan van (2017) Terrorism and migration, the prevention of terrorist infiltration : Dutch and German strategies, a comparison.
Spanke, G. (2017) Europeanization of Higher Education in Germany : A Case Study of Alternative Access Routes to Higher Education in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.
Tel, Siyar (2017) After the nuclear deal : research on the EU-Iran gas relationship in the post-sanctions era.
Wel, M.J. van der (2017) The Brexit Roadmap : Mapping the Choices and Consequences During the EU/UK Withdrawal and Future Relationship Negotiations.
Yao, Yonglin (2017) Civic competence of EU university students.
Berning, T.G.F. (2016) Membership in the EU: Membership requirements and federal discipline in the area of liberal democratic principles : a comparative legal analysis.
Betting, R.R. (2016) The design of financial return-based crowdfunding at EU level : a research based on the information asymmetry risk, existing regulations and Capital Markets Union plans.
Birben, Burçak (2016) EU Autonomous Sanctions: An Attempt for Passive Revolution?
Ferdinandi, Beatrice (2016) Migration and welfare state : analysis of the socio-economic impact of migration on different welfare state models.
Gijzemijter, L. (2016) The Internal Electricity Market in the European Union : A process of policy learning.
Millahn, Arne (2016) The monetary and regulatory policies to revitalise the securitisation market in the Eurozone and their impact on varieties of capitalism : towards further financialisation?
Oosterik, S.R. (2016) From brain drain to brain circulation : attracting high skilled migrants back.
Oude, C.C. de (2016) The application of the CSDP framework on the current EU refugee crisis.
Vollert, C. (2016) Lobbying the TTIP : a one-sided (business) story?
Bickel, Anne Lotta (2015) Varieties of Emission Trading - Testing Hall and Soskice’s Varieties of Capitalism Theory through the Introduction and Use of the European Emission Trading Scheme in Germany and the United Kingdom.
Bonilla, Pawel (2015) Is our food safe? An Assessment: on the European Union food safety policy, concerning the safety of meat & animal-derived food products in the EU.
Dimitrović, K.L (2015) The effectiveness of EU democratic and acquis conditionality; A multiple case study on the fight against corruption in the Western Balkans.
Fiolka, Teresa A. (2015) A Red Carpet Welcome - Investment Promotion as a Tool to Attract FDI to European Regions.
Gareis, Jana (2015) Behavioural patterns of EU-Member States’ National Parliaments/Chambers when issuing Reasoned Opinions within the Early Warning System (EWS) of the European Union.
Horst, J.A.G. van der (2015) Does the ‘Energy Union’ help to solve European energy infrastructure problems?
Karliczek, R. (2015) The EU as an external transformation actor in Kosovo after 1999 : Towards political stability?
Khair, Maulidinov Maulana (2015) The Extent Of Power And Latitude Of The European Commission In The EU State Aid Policy: An Analysis Through Supranational Governance Theory.
Khair, Maulidinov Maulana (2015) The extent of power and latitude of the European Commission in the EU state aid policy : an analysis through supranational governance theory.
Olthuis, G.G. (2015) Unified Protector: protection of civilians?
Panagiotidis, George (2015) EU’s security practices in the Mediterranean borders : stakeholders’ views on the role of the Dublin System and burden-shifting vis a vis immigrants’ rights.
Polezache, Razvan-Cristian (2015) Breaking Down the Compliance Issue : what makes some member states comply better than others.
Raileanu, A. (2015) The fight against human trafficking in the EU : an empirical analysis of the Anti-Trafficking Directive transposed in Germany and Romania.
Bartels, Susann (2014) The Europeanization of Social Investment: Towards the Activation of Older Workers.
Birkenhager, P (2014) Trapped by division: Evaluation of the Utrecht 'barriers against trafficking' policy program.
Brauss, Hanns Bernhard Reinhard (2014) The Future of a Hybrid Mechanism : The Case of the Single Supervisory Mechanism.
Bruinsma, S.C.J. (2014) Validating Wordscores for use in Voting Advice Applications.
Dragoman, Maria Claudia (2014) Factors influencing local renewable energy initiatives in different contexts : comparative analysis: Italy, Romania and the Netherlands.
Furtmair, Sebastian (2014) Opportunities and challenges of cross-border place branding: The case of EUREGIO.
Idema, R. (2014) A Tossing And Turning Giant. Politicisation Of The EU Issue in The Netherlands, 2002-2012.
Jung, R.F.M. (2014) EU leadership in Global Health: approach for sub-Saharan Africa. Problem Analysis and Mapping.
Lauhof, Jacob (2014) Applicability of Human Rights in Non-War Military Missions: The EU Operation Atalanta.
Le Lain, Guillaume (2014) Ideological coherence among right-wing Eurosceptic parties in the European parliament.
Lepping, Isabella (2014) Local Renewable Energy Initiatives: the Development of Lochem Energie (Netherlands) and Klimakommune Saerbeck (Germany) from a Strategic Niche Management Standpoint.
Logermann, Frauke (2014) Students as Stakeholders in the policy context of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions - A comparative case study of a Dutch and German Higher Education Institution.
Mokarram, A.R. (2014) Categorization as the Final Answer to the (European) Globalization and Welfare State Discourse.
Rösener, Lennart (2014) Comparison of the development of the Icelandic and Norwegian European integration debates by means of a discourse analysis.
Stahlhut, A.M.P. (2014) Really Blocking a Banking Union? : Germany's Reluctance towards pan-European Banking-Resolution.
Südhölter, Tobias (2014) The Franco-German relationship - the engine of European integration.
Theben, Alexandra Dominique Danielle (2014) Unitary Patent Protection under Enhanced Cooperation: Is an EU patent feasible in the future?
Vant, Andrada Ioana (2014) Negotiating the Banking Union - A trade - off between Germany and France? - Policy Choice Patterns between two Integration Projects.
Veen, Linsey van der (2014) The European semester : analyzing the relative importance of social and economic objectives.
Vikström, Robert D. (2014) European Union police cooperation 1991-2013.
Vogelsang, Kristina-Elisabeth (2014) Making Sense of Macro-Regional Strategies in the EU: Differentiated Integration and the Macro Regions' External Dimension.
Waal, M.L.V. de (2014) The choice for Euro : the treaty on stability, coordination and governance through a liberal intergovernmentalist lens.
Wierstra, Berber Aukje (2014) Between Soft Law and Soft Focus: Transposition of national Action plans and Public Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility throughout the EU.
Zeeman, Nadine (2014) Female Migrant’s Employment in the EU: Sustainable Welfare States, Sociocultural Backgrounds and Female Migrants’ Employment Status.
Adelaar, Elroy (2013) Breaking the ‘vicious circle between banks and sovereigns’: Neofunctionalism and liberal Intergovernmentalism as explanations for the establishment of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM).
Alipieva, Zoritsa (2013) How corporate social responsibility enhances the development of renewable energy supply in Bulgaria.
Barella, L. (2013) China and the EU through an IR framework: the high level economic and trade dialogue.
Haak, K.J. (2013) Governance and sustainable development: a case study of the Dutch coffee sector in a multi-stakeholder context.
Jong, C. de (2013) Dutch municipal brothel policies: Temporal and substantive policy diffusion.
Martiskova, M. (2013) What are the main reasons for young Greeks to emigrate?
Mierswa, Klaudia Jadwiga (2013) Is the cornerstone of the common european asylum system crumbling? - A study on the compliance of the Dublin II Regulation with human and fundamental rights provisions.
Philipps, Katja (2013) Paradigm shift or groundhog day? The public debate on post-crisis banking regulation in the United Kingdom.
Ravesloot, A.W. (2013) Subnational stakeholders’ support for the Europe 2020 strategy: a comparison of the Dutch provinces of Noord-Brabant and Overijssel.
Remer (Orbon), Laina (2013) The regulations of systematically important financial institutions in the European Union: governance of the fittest?
Schram, J.L.D. (2013) Facing the demographic challenge : the effect of effort-reward imbalance and control on self-rated health across EU countries : based on SHARE data wave 4.
Seidenberg, M.P. (2013) Mutual Trust 2.0: how the N.S./ M.E. and the M.S.S. cases put an end to blind mutual trust in the Dublin system.
Strotmann, Christoph (2013) The effect of EU case law on German portable student support:a case study on Morgan and Bucher.
Werksma, Anouk (2013) The changing role of the ECB and the EBA in the banking union.
Werler, Jurrian (2013) EU grant procurement in the modern European university - The role of university research management structures.
Andringa, Wouter (2012) Testing preference theory: the importance of women's gender role attitudes for explaining female employment in Europe.
Bakker, Marc Sytse (2012) Free movement of creative content: policy options for dealing with the territorial nature of copyright for online services.
Derks, N.W.M. (2012) The Commission's agenda: an analysis of changing policy attention of the European Commission from 1995-2012.
Ivanova, Elitza (2012) European Union's regional policy effectiveness: the case of Bulgaria.
Schmachtenberg, Lisa (2012) EU data protection standards and cooperation agreements with third countries: the case of EU-US relations in the area of freedom, security and justice.
Schwanberg, Patrick (2012) Ireland's neutrality and european security policy integration.
Simovic, Ksenija (2012) European Union investments in development programmes and projects: a comparative case study of Croatia and Serbia.
Sohail, Syeda Amna (2012) Ofcom, PEMRA and mighty media conglomerates.
Wibbeling, Simon (2012) A study of the effectiveness of democratization through conditionality in the framework of the European neighbourhood policy –A case study of Moldova and Egypt.
Foerster, Susanne (2011) National prostitution legislation and its impact on the fight against trafficking in women for sexual purposes in the European Union - A comparative case study of regulation implementation in the Netherlands and Sweden.
Gürocak, Susanna (2011) Europeanisation through the European Social Fund? : a case study on Spanish activation policies.
Stephan, Lars (2011) Framing the referendum question : how actors framed the referendums on the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland.
Velichkova, Bistra (2011) Bulgaria's Accession in the Context of the European Union Enlargement.
Aktas, Merve (2010) What are the politics of labour mobility between Turkey and the EU and to what extent do IR theories explain this politics?
Cornelissen, Suzan (2010) Policy Coherence for Development in the European Union: The Case of the Economic Partnership Agreements.
Engelhardt, A.K. (2010) Benchmarking regional innovation in the light of the Europe 2020 agenda: the case of Twente.
Heijerman, A. (2010) The harmonisation of European asylum policy: Changes in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Laag, Benjamin (2010) Policy coherence for development (PCD) - Does it matter within the policy-making process of the common agricultural policy of the European Union?
Lee, Hyun-young (2010) Place Image and FDI: How place image of the EU and the U.S. impacts FDI decision-making by Korean SMEs in Daegu and Kyoungbuk Province.
Balks, Anne-Dörte (2009) Understanding the EU - reporting of local newspapers on the Treaty of Lisbon.
Baumann, Dorothee Maria (2009) The EU's potential to stabilize Bosnia and Herzegovina - civil society capacity building as the key to democratic consolidation?
Faulenbach, Claus F. (2009) Towards a European External Energy Policy : Interest Divergence between EU Member States as an Obstacle to a Common Policy.
Godfried, Shira (2009) On track with thrace: exploring cross-border cooperation in the EU's south-eastern external borders.
Kjellevold, Anders (2009) Why has the issue of EU-membership such low salience in Norwegian party politics?
Krahl, Wibke M. (2009) The influence of sub-state actors on EU Cohesion Policy : A case study of Latvia.
Kücük, Esra (2009) Single Case Study on Germany’s decision‐making concerning the transfer of competencies to the European level in the area of asylum and refugee policy.
Looijesteijn, Menno (2009) Microfinance as a tool to stimulate self-employment in the EU Exploring the conditions to reach this objective.
Ning, Qin (2009) The Failure of Lifting the EU Arms Embargo against China : The Analysis among Interests, Values and Symbolism.
Nozadze, T. (2009) The Impact of Europeanization on the EU border conflicts.
Prins, Jolien (2009) The concept of – The EU as structural element of subnational governance -.
Steen, Margit Agneta (2009) Government responses to the 2008 financial crisis : the nature of the solution: case the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Top, Esmeralda (2009) The Invisible Importance of the European Union : The Influence of Television News Coverage of the European Union on the Legitimation of EU Politics.
Vos, Bastiaan (2009) Implementation of Regulations : How Implementation Checks support the Exchange of Information between Ministry and Agency.
Waldhausen, Anna (2009) Dementia as a political issue - (de-)familialism in dementia care policies.
Winning, Jutta (2009) Romania – Europe’s Loophole in the Fight against Organised Crime : The delayed Legislation Process of the Romanian Penal Procedure Code within the Context of the Europeanisation Debate.
Winter, Stephanie (2009) The Europe Direct Network - Are Europe Direct Information Relays an Adequate Means to Fight the Perceived Democratic Deficit? : Experiences From the German Network.
Yildirimtürk, Fetine (2009) The Status of Turkish Cypriots under European Law.
Abdallah, Zana (2008) House of the Dutch Provinces - Brussels : the co-operation of the Dutch Provinces on European issues of common interest.
Baas, Richard (2008) Negotiating nuclear weapons: a study on the merit of article VI of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty for nuclear disarmament.
Doygun, Gokhan (2008) “To what extent can lobbying actors profit from marketing insights?”.
Güney, C. (2008) Galileo : a closer look at the security and defence implications of the European Global Navigation Satellite System.
Mahecha, Ana Isabel Castano (2008) Regions and their Brussels offices: a study of their relationship.
Marinovic, D. (2008) Administrative reform within the European Commission.
Mietens, A.L. (2008) The Europeanisation of student financial support systems : a case study of the changes of the Dutch and German student financial support systems.
Rogalla, Frauke (2008) The 'Scaling-up' of NGOs to the challenges of the EU : two case-studies of development NGOs in Germany.
Rutters, Mirjam (2008) Financial decentralisation of governance of Urban policy in France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
Stoyanova, Rosica (2008) The reforms in the United Nations and British foreign policy.
Vingerling, T.A.A. (2008) Kosovo: independence vs. legalitly?: assessing the extent of the legality of the independence of Kosovo from international and Ëuropean law.
Wiersbin, Natascha (2008) Is there a need for a European minimum wage? developments and experiences in the EU with a closer view to Great Britain and Germany.
Wilke, Nina (2008) The impact of demographic challenges on European pension systems : A case study based on a system comparison of Great Britain and Germany.
Cosse, Hannah (2007) Increasing the Citizens' EU awareness : the European Commission as a driving force for publicity?
Elias Carrillo, Irma Leticia (2007) The EU presidency agenda for antiterrorism: a multiple streams analysis.
Hossu, Alina Ioana (2007) From Lisbon to Bucharest: innovation and economic development in Romania through the lenses of the Lisbon agenda.
Kruijsen, Willibrord L. (2007) A scenario for policy process and future policies in the EU in the fields of energy generation and transport concerning energy.
Manitaras, Z.I. (2007) ESDP and NATO : establishing new links for a trustworthy and efficient global security relationship.
Nuygens, Rory (2007) The benefit of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency within Europe's human rights regime: Are the EU and the Council of Europe clashing on their human rights protection structures?
Pauw, Richard Leander (2007) The regional dimension of the Lisbon strategy : a Dutch perspective on sub-national involvment.
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