University of Twente Student Theses


Programme: Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society MSc (60024)

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Number of items: 251.


Akkerman, Sijas P. (2001) Zorg met de dingen: Over de morele en politieke rol van dingen en hoe daar verantwoord mee om te gaan" verzorgen.

Akse, R. (2020) Urban Transport Policy Paradigms: A philosophical and engineering analysis.

Alkaf, Annadi Muhammad (2024) Imanginaries become political : how indonesia's ai imaginaries are shaping state technopolitics.

Amberg, Cyrill (2024) Situating BlaBlaCar in the Sharing Economy: An analysis of interpersonal interactions.

Andreoli, Chiara (2019) Machine learning in criminal justice : a philosophical enquiry.

Anoniem, A. (2023) On the Moral Responsibility of Social Networking Sites : Existentialist Ethics and Harm to Freedom.

Appelman, Maarten (2024) A History of Critical Electricity in Uganda : Integrating a Temporal Dimension into Energy Justice.

Arora, C. (2016) Future Internet Architecture : and the Challenges of current Internet.

Assen, L.S. (2013) Neuroscience and free will : reconsidering the rejection of free will from the vantage point of an anti-essentialist self.

Aulianisa, Luluk (2024) An Exploration on The Role of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Framework in Indonesian Digital Entrepreneurship.

Baaij, Erik (2012) Safe Internet Use.

Baalen, Sophie van (2014) The epistemology of clinical decision-making : an epistemological analysis of reasoning in clinical practice, and the role of technological measurements.

Bakker, M. G. (2019) The Mediated Self: Technological Mediation of the Self During Meditation Practices.

Balen, Bouke van (2022) Responsible Innovation in a Technological Society.

Baten, Duuk (2018) The 'humanitarian' drone : a postphenomenological analysis of the use of mapping drones in humanitarian action.

Battjes, M.M. (2020) Whose knowledge counts? Understanding the position of deaf people within society through their involvement in co-designing of videotelephony.

Baş, Melis (2013) A Reinterpretation of Hannah Arendt as a philosopher of technology.

Beerens, R.H.M. (2010) Andersglobalisme en technologie : imperium, subversieve rationalisering, internet en tactische media.

Bekke, J.H.B. ter (2019) Sustainability transition in milk production : how livestock-based, socio-technical systems can transition to plant-based production methods.

Berg, R.D. van den (2007) De ontwikkeling van de creatieve industrie : een onderzoek naar de herkenning en erkenning van een nieuwe economische sector in Nederland.

Bergamin, E. (2021) Social network sites addiction by design : a compatibilist free-will analysis towards policy intervention.

Betriu Yáñez, Víctor (2023) ChatGPT through postphenomenology and deconstruction: On the possibility of a Derridean philosophy of technology.

Bitsch, Lise (2008) Genetic screening programs for susceptibility to disease in Denmark.

Boer, G.L.A. (2021) Metamediation :how technologies affect their appropriation.

Boer, Jan Yme de (2017) Intelligent clinical decision support and current medical practice An Exploration of Compatibility and Epistemological Issues.

Bol, K.W.O. (2024) Impact of Bias in AI and Human Decision-Making: A Healthcare Perspective.

Boomsluiter, W.W. (2018) The mediation between brain imaging technologies and libertarian free will theories.

Boomsma, Y.B. (2020) The Fabricated Self : the role of clothing in identity development.

Borgdorf, L. (2021) Learning for life in the digital age : the role of universities in promoting students’ well-being.

Bos, Tiemen Jan (2005) In de schijnwerpers : over theater in een technologische cultuur.

Bosch, P.P. van den (2017) Moral Intelligence for IT production.

Braams, S.M. (2020) The software development landscape : A rationalization of agile software development as a strategy in the face of organizational complexity.

Brink, Henk-Jan van den (2024) Addressing Cognitive Hurdles to Interdisciplinarity in Natural and Engineering Science : Joining Forces of Philosophical Reflection and Semantic Networks.

Bruno, Karl (2011) Dynamics of knowledge production in the Swedish Institute for Surface Chemistry, 1975-­‐2005.

Burdick, Mark (2014) A religious dimension of technology : technological mediation and Voyager 1.

Burg, J.R. van der (2012) Ascetic technologies and autonomy - Enhancing autonomy regarding consumption practices.

Buurman, R. (2010) Overlapping wisdom : a study into the value of religious arguments in a Dutch debate on embryo selection.

Buurman, Rob (2010) Overlapping wisdom - A study into the value of religious arguments in a Dutch debate on embryo selection.

Casiraghi, Simone (2018) Biometrics and personal identity : an alternative philosophical approach to the mainstream debate.

Casteleijn, Jasper (2009) Minding the other gap: A case for taxonomic distinctions in nanoethics.

Cañizares, Jose Carlos (2017) The Information Society: Technological, Socioeconomic and Cultural aspects - Prolegomena for a sustainability-oriented ethics of ICT, with glossary and PhD prop.

Cents, M.H.G. (2017) Intra-Value Conflicts and Nietzsche's Perspectivism : Multiple Perspectives of Values and Tackling Grand Challenges.

Challis, L.D. (2022) The citizens’ strain to see through transparency : exploring reciprocity as an alternative in the smart city of Amsterdam.

Chernovich, Elena (2012) Trust in e-commerce: the moral agency of trustmarks.

Claas, Laura (2015) Moral impact of design : anticipating the moral impact of products-in-design with mediation theory and technomoral scenarios.

Claassen, K. (2021) Ubuntu in the Anthropocene : Towards an African Cosmotechnics.

Csábi, Alexandra Mária (2022) Mapping the impacts of emerging technologies on morality : a combinatory approach of mediation analysis and technomoral change.

Cuijpers, Yvonne (2006) Verwaterend burgerschap : technologisch burgerschap rondom een wijkwatersysteem.

Dalen, M. van (2024) Educational Innovation in Transdisciplinary Hubs : Microcosms of the Fourth Generation University.

Dario Amenophi, Perfigli (2023) Material Intelligence : The Entanglement of Reality in the Making.

Delarosa, Alyssa (2024) Towards a Spatially and Epistemically Just Earth System Boundary.

Depner, Dominic (2010) Experiencing technological conditions - An expansion of the postphenomenological framework and its consequences for doing ethics.

Dijk, W.R. van (2017) The Convergence of Parallel Medical Technologies : A philosophical analysis of the question of what happens when two parallel medical imaging technologies do not converge in their diagnostic conclusions.

Ditzel, T.F. (2019) The mediating nature of interfaces on the value and meaning of privacy in the online age : a case study of personal data management.

Donner, E.M.J. (2020) Unravelling the CoronaMelder.

Dorrestijn, Steven (2004) Bestaanskunst in de technologische cultuur : over de ethiek van door techniek beïnvloed gedrag.

Doud, Nolina Leora Siegal (2016) Neuroimaging, Responsibility, and Law: How Neuroscientific Explanations Challenge the Fundaments of Legal Responsibility.

Eckel, David Elias (2014) Social subjectivity in mediated posthumanism.

Eemeren, T. van (2017) Pathos and Technology - a Matter of Rhetoric.

Eerde, T.L. van (2016) Powered by the Polis: How post materialistic values in consumers enable usage of renewable energy sources in a consumption economy.

Efstathiadis, I. (2023) Quantum (anti)Anthropology : An Synthetic Research on Human Nature.

Elstak, Arto (2003) The changing roles of users. Cases of information systems design and use at the Refinery in Curaçao.

Erberveld, M.P.W. (2003) De fruitautomaat : een onderzoek naar de binding tussen mens en techniek.

Eren, Selen (2018) The Techno-Political Order of Smart Cities : An analysis through an Arendtian understanding of politics.

Fernández Inguanzo, Ana (2017) Shaping the Future Use of Big Data: Towards an Ethical Use of Big Data Technologies in Online Marketing.

Fichtner, Laura (2014) Scientia est potentia : techno-politics as network(ed) struggles.

Fischer, Simon (2022) The Indeterminate Self and Large Language Models : A Nietzschean Critique of GPT-3.

Fliert, J.E. van de (2001) GSM in the rural and urban jungles of Indonesia. A case study of an emerging localized socio-technical system.

Flinsenberg, Davida (2020) Autonomy through technology : engaging executive functions in ADHD with an extended mind approach.

Fox, A.Q. (2018) On Empathy and Alterity: How Sex Robots Encourage Us to Reconfigure Moral Status.

French, S.J. (2022) Authentic and justifiable decision-making : the political influence of recommender systems.

Fries, C.J. (2019) Postphenomenology in the military context : a way forward in the human enhancement debate.

Geerts, Robert-Jan (2011) Life in the greenhouse gas emitting society and climate change mitigation solutions.

Geffen, J. van (2016) The technological impact on well-being through listening to music : A theoretical exploration of the impact of technology on the circumstances under which listening to music can induce emotions and with that influence well-being.

Geijn, S.A. van (2021) The urban ecosystem : designing the future of cities from an eco-centric perspective.

Georgieva, M.K. (2008) Co-shaping of goevernance and technology in the developtment of mobile telecommunications.

Gerola, Alessio (2018) Globalizing human-technology relations : an examination of the technosphere through the concept of waste.

Gerritsen, Isabel (2023) Uncovering the Purpose of the Map: How geospatial data visualizations can influence responsible actions of governmental policy- and decision-makers in deprived urban areas.

Giampaolo, N. (2021) Regretting Vaccine Indecision: Solving Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Through Anticipated Regret-Nudging.

Graaf, A de (2017) The dynamics of community innovations : A socio-technical analysis of the shaping of The Things Network – an Internet of Things community network.

Greinacher, Philipp (2024) How teachers understand their responsibilities for ChatGPT use in public schools.

Grünsch, Jonny (2022) From Recycling to Recoupling: Towards a Philosophy of the Circular Economy in the EU.

Guillot, Robin Sue (2020) The value of a review, a conceptual analysis of online reviews.

Haan, J.B.A. de (2017) Mediation and the Morality of Sex Selection - Contributions of a Mediation Approach to the Assessment of Sex-Selection Technologies.

Haan, Jonathan de (2018) Tracking the Self in Self-Tracking: Gilles Deleuze and the Quantified Self.

Haasjes, R.E.Y. (2018) Examining the post-privacy world.

Hage, W.A.L. (2021) Biology assessment : on the feasibility of anticipating synthetic biology.

Halbryt, Alicja (2024) Hoax in the Machine: an Ethical Analysis of Perceived Humanness in Social Robots.

Hankel, Zachary (2024) Trivializing Values with Dark Patterns : An ethical analysis of the use of Dark Patterns by social media platforms and their effect on personal and societal values.

Harg, Ben van der (2014) Augmented postphenomenology : a (post)phenomenological and ethical exploration of Google Glass.

Heersmink, J.R. (2009) Ghost in the machine : a philosophical analysis of the relationship between brain-computer interface applications and their users.

Helfrich, F.L. (2020) Governing socio-technical systems : internal governance of decentralised blockchain-based networks.

Hellinga, M.A. (2021) Viva la resistance : how to conceptualise resistance in a technologically mediated world?

Hendriks, Bram Christiaan (2009) Normalisatie de norm? Een historische studie naar het ontstaan en de werking van de eerste nationale normen in Nederland.

Hendrikx, M.G.J. (2018) The Justifiability Of Memory Dampening Pharmaceuticals : An Ethical Assessment Of Pharmaceuticals Used To Emotionally Dampen Ordinary Narrative Memories.

Heyns, E.E. (2016) I am confident about my friend : confidence-adjusted intrinsic attitudinal hedonism and virtual friendship.

Hillas, Bradley Michael (2020) A Pragmatist Perspective on Human Migration to Mars.

Hoedemaekers, Janneke (2013) Knowledge dynamics and governance of interational research programmes.

Hoedt, Matthijs ten (2006) Waterstoftechnologie in het Nederlandse personenvervoer : sociotechnische scenario's als instrument voor transitiebeleid.

Hoefsloot, Marit Eva (2021) Automated Misgendering : an Inquiry Into the Ethics of Automatic Gender Recognition.

Hoekstra, H.A. (2005) De mobiele telefoon en betekenis : over de invloed van de mobiele telefoon op de wijze waarop realiteit betekenis krijgt.

Hofstee, Danique (2019) Interfacing bodies : representing the human body in designing digital health tracking apps.

Hoftijzer, M.A. (2017) Meat the paradox : An inquiry of how to deal with the meat paradox after closing the experiential gap.

Horst, Maaike van der (2022) Keeping it Real: Sex with Humans and Robots from a Lacanian perspective.

Houot, A.M. (2019) Toward a Philosophy of Psychedelic Technology: An Exploration of Fear, Otherness, and Control.

Houten-Hettinga, C.H. van (2006) Wie schrijft de arts voor? Een techniekfilosofisch onderzoek naar de structurerende werking van de nieuwe ziekenhuisfinanciering op de medische praktijk van de specialist.

Houwen, Gijs (2011) OpenCourseWare and the Capability Approach - Technology, Education for Development and Quality of Life.

Hu, Louis (2023) Towards a Critical Participatory Design Approach for the Neurodivergent : A Case Study for Students with ADHD.

Huis in 't Veld, I.C (2016) It's getting personal: an assessment of the desirability of personalised learning technology.

Huizen, J.C. van (2020) The Ideo-Politics of Paedophilia: The Controversial Case of the Child-Like Sex Robot.

Idskes, J.J. (2016) A model of autonomy for artificial agents.

Iersel, Nanou van (2021) Ethical analysis of images of distant suffering : case study on photography of migration.

Ivens, V.R.O. (2008) De geest en het gereedschap : fenomenologische visie op betekenis en een analyse van belichaamde en gesitueerde cognitie.

Jabold, Benjamin (2024) The Role of Emerging Communities in Sustainability Transformations: An Anti-Essentialist Spatiality of Degrowth Cities.

Jans, V.A.A.M. (2016) The ethics of creating human embryos for research for the responsible introduction of artificial gametes in clinical practice.

Jansen, Milou (2021) Urban AI/ML Models as coupled ethical-epistemic tools of optimization.

Jansen, P.H. (2015) The Ethics of Domestic Drones: An Ethical Evaluation of the Use of Surveillance-Capable Unmanned Aerial Systems in Civil Contexts.

Janssen, Pim (2010) Kamuchina Kemombe1: Opening the black-box of technology within the Capability Approach.

Jong, Anouk de (2021) The impact of artificial intelligence : a comparison of expectations.

Jong, Johan de (2010) Standvastigheid & verwachting : a historical and philosophical inquiry into standardization and innovation in design and production of the VOC retourschip during the 18th century.

Jong, R.A.J. de (2018) The role of technologies in the Dutch transition towards a participation society : exploring the tension between delegating responsibility and inducing active solidarity.

Joshy, Ammu (2018) CRISPR ethics & imagination : an evaluation of the role of DIY-CRISPR kit in Crispr-Cas9 deliberations.

Jurgens, M.Z. (2016) Recycling marine debris : An inquiry into the discrepancy inherent in posing recycling marine debris for new consumer wear as a solution to the problem of marine debris pollution.

Kalidindi, Kaush (2023) Ontogenetic Epistemology of AI: An Investigation into the Role of Machine Learning in Knowledge Production Through its Genesis and Genealogy.

Kamp, D.S.A.M. Op den (2018) Smart City infrastructures : a research on the WiFi sensors project in Enschede.

Kamphuis, Michiel (2021) Designing Maritime CSR for Sustainability: Considerations on Energy.

Kamst, H. L. (2019) The Cooperative City : a Participatory Framework for Using Technology in the City and Beyond.

Kapeller, Alexandra (2017) Enabling technologies : between the needs for assistance and acceptance.

Karami, Muhammad Unggul (2023) Appropriating Cycling in Indonesia : Another Perspective on Technology Transfer.

Kempers, Ceciel (2014) In fairness to future generations : ethical decision making in human experimentation.

Kenaw Fantaw, S. (2006) Cultural translation of technological modernization : postphenomenology and technological mediation of culture.

Kiencke, Janne L. (2023) Me, My Work, and I: The Quantification of Employees’ Performance and the Disruption of Self in Workplace Surveillance Contexts.

Kikidis, Savvas (2016) The Role of Technology in the Transformation of Sexuality.

Kim, Sujin (2022) Progressive Science, Racial Concepts : American Race and Ethnic Classifications, Technologies, and Discourse of Scientific Racism.

Kleijnen, Bob (2020) An ontology of bitcoin : assessing the value of bitcoin through an analysis of its inherent digital labour.

Knippenberg, Sander van (2006) 12.000 Kilometer van huis : de betekenis van de radio als communicatiemiddel tussen Nederland & Nederlands-Indië.

Koedijk, Melle (2018) Promises of in vitro meat scientists and the criticisms of reflective scholars : a discourse analysis of recent promises and concerns in the academic In Vitro Meat discourse.

Kok, Manon (2007) Causale verklaringen in kwantummechanische experimenten.

Kottier, Bernd (2014) Poverty & technology : on justice, technology & human development.

Kruijsen, T.T.A. (2008) Automatic for the people : the effects of smart surroundings on the autonomy of people.

Krūmiņa, Marta (2023) ‘Do No Harm’ in the Age of Big Data: Exploring the Ethical and Practical Implications of Impact Based Forecasting in Humanitarian Aid.

Kulve, Haico te (2000) Duale technologie. Een onderzoek naar civiel-militaire samenwerking bij de ontwikkeling van een bipolaire loodzwavelzuurbatterij voor civiele en militaire toepassingen.

Laar, A.R. van (2017) Anthropo-ethical rules for the human zoo.

Lamers, L.C. (2020) Dignified gig work : towards better conditions for algorithmic management.

Lammers, Harm (2009) Hoe wij de stad maken en de stad ons : wat het mediatieperspectief kan betekenen voor de stad en de stad voor het perspectief van mediatie.

Leemhuis, Anton (2005) Geluksbeleving in de massamaatschappij : een reflectie op geluk, en de reflectie daarop.

Leersum, C.M. van (2015) Assessing the Plausibility of the Expectations about Deep Brain Stimulation as Treatment for Depression.

Leeuwen, Gijs van (2021) Powering the Future with Smart Grids : a Normative Framework for Moral-Political Problems.

Liebregt, M. (2009) CMC and friendship : a strong match or an inferior surrogate?

Lindeman, J.J. (2018) Experiencing socio-technical futures : augmenting the anticipatory facet of (e)CTA with experiential futures methods.

Linzbach, Antonia (2011) Political discourse on biogas and its reflection in regulatory institutionalization -A discourse analysis of biogas’ special role in the German political arena -.

Loon, Jorien van (2007) Technocratie... Technisch gezien verouderd?

Loup, J.P. (2020) Dying with dignity or the death of dignity? Questioning technology in the euthanasia debate through mediation theory.

Maas, Jonne Julia Clara (2020) The Power of Tech Companies : towards a non-dominating technology sector.

Mampuys, Ruth (2006) De werkzaamheid van beloften in biotechnologisch onderzoek : een analyse van de ethische toetsing van biotechnologisch onderzoek in Nederland.

Marchiori, S. (2022) Mind the gap : enhancing the ethical regulation of low-code/no-code AI platforms.

Marinakis, I.P (2016) Bionic Limbs and Body Ownership: Conceptualizations about the body and the relation of the users with bionic limbs.

Melnyk, Anna (2018) Mediating technomoral care : taking cyberwarfare beyond state level.

Mervich, C. (2020) The Human Infrastructure of Artificial Intelligence.

Ming, Xin (2018) Augmented reality (AR) in art museums : reconfiguring and mediating the museum dynamics.

Molthof, Irene C. (2016) Neurotechnology and dynamic flow : the influence of brain stimulation technologies and neurofeedback on the self and self-understanding.

Mpuan, Peter Binipom (2015) Technological mediation in sociocultural context : a case study of the Sangul mechanized water system.

Mulder, J. (2019) Our (Post)human Future: The posthuman in Plessnerian Perspective.

Munoz Arbelaez, Juan Diego (2023) The Challenges of Big Data Analytics on Responsible Decision-Making in Asymmetrical Relationships : A Forward-looking Approach to Responsibility.

Munters, G.M. (2017) Playful mediation of perception and engagement : urban space and location-based augmented reality applications through the lens of play.

Muñoz, Pablo (2022) 4.0 Engineering and Human Values : Managing inductive risk in the Use of Big Data Analytics for the Predictive Maintenance of Railway Systems.

Napel, Lucas ten (2008) Feit of f(r)ictie: waterstof in Nederland : Nederland op weg naar een waterstofeconomie, een analyse van drie technologische regimes.

Neut, Leon M.B. van der (2024) Algorithm and Administrator : An exploration of responsible administrative practices when working with machine learning models.

Niculescu-Dinca, V. (2009) NEST-ethics in convergence : testing NEST-ethics in the debate on converging technologies for improving human performance.

Nijman, Hanke (2014) Dynamic roles in smart city development.

Noppers, Joke (2017) Understanding computer science : how the discipline of computer science develops new understanding.

Novitsky, Melissa (2024) Can AI help make us better people? Exploring AI for enhanced moral education in early education.

Okekumata, J. (2008) She and her mobile phone : on examining the connection between female mobile phone use pattern and motherhood.

Olivieri, Lorenzo (2019) Persuasive technologies and self-awareness : a philosophical-anthropological enquiry.

Oluoch, Isaac Ogando (2019) Mapping Out Responsibility : An Investigation of the Cartography of Slums.

Ommeren, Lizanne van (2011) Phenomena in Engineering Science.

Oosterwijk, Jurre (2023) A socio-technical governance perspective on the roles of the state in the governance of socio-technical change: The European Commission in the governance of Connected, Connective, Automated Mobility in the EU.

Oude Bos, J.R. (2020) The legitimation of psychotropic drugs : a philosophical discourse study on the use of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of children with ADHD in the Netherlands.

Overmars, Jeroen (2003) De verschillen in de wetenschaps- en techniekcultuur tussen Nederland en Engeland 1572-1633 aan de hand van Cornelis Drebbel.

Pauli, C.A. (2016) What markets do: from marketing to postphenomenology.

Peet, Luca van der (2023) Epistemic and Ethical Issues in Machine Learning Based Recidivism Risk-Assessment: Lessons from Philosophy of Measurement.

Petrasch, Melissa-Kim (2022) The Physicality of AI and its meaning for Sustainable AI : A Discussion of Sustainable AI for Sustainable Fashion and how to Approach it.

Ratto Vaquer, Lorenzo Maria (2023) Shame on Social Media Platforms: An existentialist analysis.

Reijers, Wessel (2014) Critique of digital money.

Reineke, Jan-Philipp (2019) Body drift : a posthumanist perspective on the politics of wearable technology.

Reyes Benavides, P.D. (2018) Creolizing Technological Mediation : Indigenous video making in Southwest Mexico.

Robbins, Scott (2013) The virtues and vices of technology in the classroom.

Sandhof, Alexander (2016) The ethics and values of tele-care technology in palliative care : a discourse analysis.

Schagen, Johan van (2008) Roles of informal knowledge in two cases of participation in research projects in Ghana and the evolution of knowledge, research and innovation systems.

Scheeres, Jonathan (2007) Het ideaal van wetenschap voor de samenleving : toegepast natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek in Nederland, een historische case-study.

Scheper, Msc Joeri (2015) Empowering genes or a fearful disease : a critical evaluation of ascribing Empowerment to BRCA tests.

Schepers, Tynke (2023) Automated decision-making systems and the epistemic condition of moral responsibility : public sector decision-making with decision aids.

Scholten, C.L.P. (2019) Embodiment of prostheses : becoming part of the body-image.

Schoot Uiterkamp, Judith (2013) Information sharing in the governance of public services: the challenges of Mobile Sensor Web development in Uganda.

Segers, P.J. (2017) Cinematic ethics on Robots : or: what can we learn from Science-Fiction movies about humanoid (service) robots.

Seran, Paschalis (2024) The legitimacy and moral responsibility of social media political influencers.

Serracino Inglott, P. (2010) Expressions and Embeddingsof Deliberative Democracy in Mutual Benefit Digital Goods.

Sha, A. (2024) Using deliberation as a method to navigate value tensions in corporate sustainability : a bottom-up approach.

Shahare, Mahendra (2010) On the question of - Antagonism in Democratisation of Technology.

Siebrand, E. (2007) A heuristic of moral imagination.

Sijpesteijn, B. (2015) Trust Trumps Security : why trust is key to well-being in cyberspace and security a means to its achievement.

Slot, M.J. (2016) Ethics of Algorithms.

Smits, Merlijn (2018) How to design for well-being? : a methodology on design for well-being to embody well-being in ViSi Mobile.

Snuverink, Michiel (2005) De Maglev als vervoermiddel voor de 21ste eeuw? Een sociotechnische analyse en reflectie van de verwachtingen, beloftes en toekomstbeelden.

Soeteman, Sander (2005) Het transhumanisme geëvalueerd : de conceptie van het posthumane kleinkind; nastrevenswaardig doel, of onafwendbaar noodlot?

Soltanzadeh, S. (2009) Intentionality of persuasive technologies.

Somers, André T. (2004) De gebruiker in beeld.

Sonnenberg, Anthon Henk (2006) Constructive technology assessment of the hydrogen transition in the U.S.

Speek, Ralf (2012) Local and global dynamics of expectations in the Dutch niche development trajectory of micro-combined heat & power boilers.

Spoelstra, Renske (2006) Technologie in de laatste fase : een onderzoek naar beelden van technologie in de ontwikkeling van het euthanasiedebat en maatschappelijke meningsvorming rond palliatieve zorg.

Stadlander, Martha (2011) Phenomenology and Neuroscience A Comparison of Their Views on Consciousness.

Stefanovska, Anders (2022) Who cares? : Social media, epistemic oppression, and denial in the cisheteropatriarchy.

Stellinga, L (2022) Deepfakes in Use : Rethinking the Infopocalypse through Postphenomenology and Wittgenstein.

Sutcliffe, Bianca (2024) Artificial Intimacy : Exploring Intimacy in Human and AI-enabled Chatbot Relations : its Existence, its Authenticity and its Moral Implications.

Teschner (né Schrader), N.A. (2019) Technopolitics as a Sociomaterial Process : An Infrastructural Study of the Berlin Wall.

Thomas, Mark (2017) Automobile Use as a Behavioural Function of Modernity : a small and overly complicated contribution to understanding why we drive.

Tijink, Daniel (1993) Wat auto's beweegt : cultuur-filosofische analyse van het autogebruik en beleidsimplicaties.

Top, Niels Wouter (2024) Schrödinger's Cat Wants to Play : A Game Theory Inspired Approach to the Assessment of Quantum Network Technologies.

Tsang, I. (2023) Silicon shielding : how the Taiwanese semiconductor industry co-evolved with Taiwan.

Valenzuela, Samantha (2018) Pedagogy of the digitally oppressed: An analysis of e-learning from a philosophy of technology perspective.

Valkenburg, Govert (2002) The argument of evidence. A philosophical investigation of evidence-based medicine.

Veltkamp, Christiaan (2006) Morele implicaties van nieuwe technologie.

Vermeulen, Nico (2011) PUPILS: Post-Urban Post-Industrial Landscapes Technical Mediation & Nature Expression.

Versluijs, Wouter (2015) Understanding Information Technology : information technology as extension and its implications for the flourishing of the individual.

Visser, H. (2015) How users shape a comfortable indoor climate : a socio-technical analysis of visions in research and daily practice at home : a case study based exploration on complexes underlying differences between calculated and actual energy consumption in housing.

Visser, Vincent (2011) Public dialogues on nanotechnology in a STS perspective : the social construction of a governance technology.

Vlasveld, J. (2009) On designing context-aware applications : Past the phenomenological perspective.

Vlugt, N. van der (2017) An Ontological Enquiry into the MagicLeap and Augmented Reality.

Vonk, Jeroen H.J. (2021) Blockchain certificates : the impact on the organization of public values in higher education.

Vrenken, Peter (2009) De inlijfbaarheid van mobiele IT.

Vroonhoven, J.F.M. van (2016) Appropriating the Residential Street: Guiding Residents to Gain Quality in the Residential Street.

Vuijk, Matthew (2011) SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT Transitions to sustainability?

Vulto, Martijn (2005) Just war in the twenty-first century : a critical analysis of Michael Walzer's just war theory in light of the changing face of war.

WOLBERS, B. (2017) The Environmental Organization of Ethics : Groundwork of the Physics of Morals.

Walker, John (2021) Merging Citizens and Data: A Postphenomenological Investigation on Mediated Practices in Citizen Sensing.

Wang, Alice Yunyun (2022) Embracing love and friendship with robots : An anthropological and philosophical analysis of intimate human-robot relationships.

Wanningen, V.R.J.R. (2009) Policy in socio-technical transition : the case of consumer privacy protection for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in retail.

Wasse, Roy (2004) Kennismanagement en informatiesystemen : een epistemologische visie.

Weij, Freek van der (2022) Cyborg Minds: Analyzing the necessary conditions for testing functionalism through an experimental philosophy of neurotechnology.

Weijers, Stefan (2013) Exploring Human-Robot Social Relations.

Werner Bandeira, Leonardo (2023) On the mainstream use of AR glasses : why it matters, what are its ethical risks, and what to do about it.

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This list was generated on Tue Feb 4 06:04:22 2025 CET.