University of Twente Student Theses


Domain: 71 sociology

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Number of items: 157.


Albert, A. N. (2022) Constructing Climate Emotions : An Interview-Based Exploration with Climate Fiction Readers.

Amberg, Cyrill (2024) Situating BlaBlaCar in the Sharing Economy: An analysis of interpersonal interactions.

Arora, G.S. (2021) Exploring Possibilities to Improve Distant Dining Experience for Young Expats with their Loved Ones over Time and Space Gap Issues.

Assmus, Victoria (2014) Chance or Challenge: Is Turkey compatible with the European Union regarding to Geert Hofstede’s Six Dimensions of National Cultures and if yes, in which way? A country comparison between Germany and Turkey based on the data from Geert Hofstede’s Cul-ture and Organizations Theory.

Awlad Wadair, Balsam (2016) Tweeting about health technologies during the Movember campaign : Who is involved and how do they frame their discourse? : an exploratory study investigating the identity of Twitter users tweeting about technology and treatments of Prostate and Testicular cancers, and how they frame their discourse.

BELTMAN, B. (2016) The right expression, but the wrong sender? The effects of Self-categorization and Politeness on the receiver of verbal Social control.

Baan, A. (2015) Technological citizenship in horizon 2020 : difference and ambivalcence between citizenship under construction in Horizon 2020 and citizenship under construction at iWorkspace, Green Wish and the Uitdaging.

Badri Gari, Rohith (2022) Urban growth modeling and assesment using agent-based model.

Bakker, K.V. (2020) Turkse Tukkers : een onderzoek naar de verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen de manieren van aanpakken van de vrijwilligers van het project ‘Turkse Tukkers aan zet’.

Baysoy, Gabriella (2014) Student loans and debt aversion in Portuguese Higher Education.

Bayuaji, Rayhan Aryoseno (2024) You are Here : An Exploration into the Collective Effervescence of Awe through the Design of an Interactive Installation.

Beck, J. (2014) The role of integration policies for migrants’ outcomes in the labour market in Germany, Sweden and the UK.

Belzer, Ingrun (2018) The influence of the welfare state type and autonomy on the local network activities of European mayors.

Berenzen, Paula (2023) Deepfakes As A Threat To Democracy : Perceptions, Challenges, And Implications Of Deepfake Discourses In Democracies.

Bergmann, Lisa (2015) The Erasmus program and European identity : does studying abroad foster a feeling of European identity?

Blaauw, T.R. (2018) Do you prefer Mobile Instant Messaging or Face-to-face interaction? : Influence of personality and communication situations.

Bleile, Rahel (2021) "We can't breathe" in these political structures - Political opportunity structures and anti-racism movements.

Boelmans, Nils Alexander (2017) The Greek-German policy discourse and politics of blame : a tragedy on the stage of the European debt crisis?

Boer, Alexander de (2017) The Radicalization Threat. Making Sense of Government Policy.

Boxebeld, S. (2021) If you are gay, then what is your pay? An analysis of the earnings of heterosexual and homosexual workers in the Netherlands.

Brenneisen, D. (2016) The Performance Implications of Team Cognitive Styles in the Fuzzy Front End of Radical Innovation Processes.

Bruynzeel, A.B. (2019) "To meat or not to meat" : exploring the effects of social norm messages on the intention to lower meat consumption.

Buren, Rick van (2021) Development of a proto-tool for effective eHealth enabled integrated care implementation: a systematic literature review update & Dutch Delphian consultation.

Bussmann, Tim (2020) Citizen perceptions on Biometrics : surveillance or service?

Cañizares, Jose Carlos (2017) The Information Society: Technological, Socioeconomic and Cultural aspects - Prolegomena for a sustainability-oriented ethics of ICT, with glossary and PhD prop.

Ceven, Kevin (2018) Municipalities, ideology, pragmatism and reality : understanding the determinants for municipal e-service provisions for companies and civilians.

Chikwendu, R.C. (2016) Constructing corruption as a social problem in Nigeria : a content analysis of four Nigerian newspapers.

Deen, Sofie Rosalien (2014) What a way to make a living: A visual approach to the construction of the entrepreneurial identity by Self-Employed Individuals.

Delbrück, Konstantin C. A. (2023) Sacrifice Freedom for Freedom : A qualitative content analysis of the freedom definition used by party families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Denman, Quinton (2018) Generating awareness of ubiquitous monitoring within the Netherlands, referencing the Chinese Social Credit Score.

Donk, Lieke van de (2024) A Never-Ending Fight to Defend One’s Land? : Environmental Justice for Indigenous Communities in Canada.

Drewnik, Damian (2023) Detecting Social Media Influencers of Startup Accelerators Using Social Network Analysis on Twitter.

Drews, Klara (2019) Implementing UNSCR 1325: International Security Actor NATO vs. Gender Equality Promoter EU.

Eggelsmann, Nele (2021) Fridays in Corona Crisis: Protest for a “Feverish” Earth in “Feverish” Times A Case Study: The Possibilities of the Fridays for Future Movement to Influence Politics in Times of Crisis.

Eijsink, C. (2015) The Media Discourse on Roma - Subtle Discrimination towards Ethnic Minorities? The Representation of the Roma in National Newspapers and the Power of Language.

Elstgeest, G. (2016) Exploring the process of changing psychological safety: The effect of a team-building intervention.

Erkel, Bastian (2023) Policy Appeal and Tech Talent Migration: A Comparative Case Study of Australia and the United States Assessing Policy Elements That Determine Each Country's Attractiveness for High-Skilled Tech Migrants.

Erp, R.A.L. van (2015) The organization of safety management : implementing high reliability principles in hospitals.

Esch, Maaike Wilhelmina van (2015) De verantwoordelijkheid van de participerende burger.

Fellmoser, Maike (2018) out of place out of sight? : A Quantitative Study on Social Connectedness in the Platform Economy and its Effect on the Willingness to Participate in Collective Action.

Feng, C. (2022) Designing a collaborative toolkit to raise cultural awareness of designers on cross-cultural teams.

Ferdinandi, Beatrice (2016) Migration and welfare state : analysis of the socio-economic impact of migration on different welfare state models.

Fischer, Julia (2019) Feminism and its impact on gender inequality discourse in universities: A comparison between the past and the present A comparison between the past and the present.

Formella, Julian (2021) Maintaining Stress - Digital Inequalities in Access and Maintenance between Native and International Students.

Frincu, I. (2021) Into the Q storm : uncovering the narrative of QAnon.

Gallmeister, D. (2021) What are the Determinants of the Protection Motivation Theory Predicting the Willingness to get Vaccinated Against Covid-19?

Geurts, L.R.M. (2014) The role of a University curriculum design in intercultural sensitivity of students.

Giakupian, Mirjam (2015) The German Integration Model : a successful concept to ensure access to education and access to the labor market for refugees?

Glasner, I. (2017) Understanding weak ties as an opportunity for elite leadership proliferation : How does organisational structure in AIESEC influence job seeking behaviour of alumni?

Godijk, N.G. (2016) An Integrated Model for the Degree of Rules in Parenting and its Association with Possible Psychiatric Disorders of Children.

Gorke, Fabian (2015) Governing the Sharing - Sharing Economy on the Verge of Becoming a Public Policy.

Graesel, H.S. (2022) Trust in Artificial Intelligence? The role of mental models, openness, and anthropomorphism in human-agent teams.

Groenewold, T.B. (2018) Social media usage among refugees : a tool for integration?

Halbesma, C. (2016) Debunking negative stereotypes about older employees : The influence of negative aging meta- and self-stereotypes on older employees’ perceived employability.

Haren, Bryan van (2019) Zie ginds komt het Zwarte Pieten debat uit Spanje weer aan : een reconstructie van de bestuurlijke organisatie van het Zwarte Pieten debat tegen de achtergrond van het postkolonialisme.

Harrower, Jeffrey (2017) Social communication and digital privacy concerns of teenagers.

Hegelow, Tobias (2015) CSR in professional football : what are the differences of Bundesliga clubs towards social commitment : a qualitative analysis of Borussia Dortmund and VfL Wolfsburg.

Heijnk, Dominik (2014) Opposing the EU - Euroscepticism in Central Europe; A recent phenomenon caused by the denial of Communist legacies?

Heitmüller, J. (2016) Welfare state attitudes: a theory-based comparison of immigrants and natives.

Herbert, Pauline Luise (2018) Individual Social Responsibility?

Huijing, M.J. (2023) Designed or Emergent : A Social Network Analysis of two prolific Terrorist Networks in the context of Dark Networks.

Hungerland, J. (2016) Racial profiling in policing: An empirical analysis of the relationship between ethnic appearance and youths' encounters with the German police.

Ilieva, Neli (2015) Doing Business at the Bottom of the Pyramid. What are the potential explanatory factors for successful contribution by Multinational Companies that facilitate sustainable development at the BoP? The case of Nestlé.

Jansen, Milou (2021) Urban AI/ML Models as coupled ethical-epistemic tools of optimization.

Jong, J. de (2022) The role of emotion in online political communication in times of Covid-19 : Study of a Dutch case.

Kamp, D.S.A.M. Op den (2018) Smart City infrastructures : a research on the WiFi sensors project in Enschede.

Kapeller, Alexandra (2017) Enabling technologies : between the needs for assistance and acceptance.

Kirtas, D (2015) Integration of the second-generation immigrants in the Netherlands.

Klausmeyer, Andre (2019) Feedback behaviour in the platform economy : Do the working conditions of platform workers matter?

Klee, Jonas (2015) Corporate Social Responsibility in German Professional Football – A Qualitative Analysis of Social Commit-ment of the Football Clubs Borussia 09 e.V. Dortmund and VfL Wolfsburg Football GmbH.

Klinkert, Julia L. (2023) Optical See-Through vs. Video See-Through Mixed Reality for Rehabilitation : Exploring the effects of mixed reality on the experience of motor rehabilitation of ABI patients through the eyes of the patient and therapist.

Konter, R.C.R. (2024) Ontrouwe bondgenoten : De steunverlening van overheden aan milities.

Krasting, Niko (2020) Criminal, Patient, Customer : the changing facets of Cannabis Regulation : identifying a consumer-based approach to cannabis regulation in the EU.

Krop, S.B.A.M. (2014) Onderzoek naar de gebruiksvoorkeuren in het gebruik van educatieve E-books bij studenten aan de Universiteit Twente.

Kugelmann, M.N. (2021) Replication and extension of Gul and Kupfer (2019) : why do women perceive men with benevolently sexist attitudes towards women as undermining and patronizing?

LEEUW, M.L. (2018) Discursive opportunities for Muslim minorities in West secular Europe : Assessing the discursive opportunities regards the accommodation of Islamic religious practices and counteracting Islamophobia in France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Germany.

Leube, J. (2013) Proactive Policing of Youngsters in Germany: Ethnic Differences.

Levchuk, Tatiana (2018) Trend diffusion mechanism in the modern fashion industry.

Lytovka, Mariya (2024) From Screen to Cart : The Role of Idealized Instagram Content in the Purchasing Decisions of Young Women in Europe.

Magaletta, Michelle (2015) European Identity 2.0? : An analysis of the European Parliament’s communication strategy via social media in the context of European identity building.

Mamuzic, Ms. Monica (2024) Gamification en voedingsproblemen: effecten op motivatie, betrokkenheid en gedragsveranderingen.

Marčetić, N. (2022) Community-based design to help older adults to increase their physical activity.

Matsari, R.S. (2019) Making healthy behavior more accessible : The effects of nutrition shelf labels and a goal priming message on attitude, perceived behavioral control and healthy decision making in the supermarket.

Mensing, Birte (2016) ‘Othering’ in the news media : are migrants attacking the ‘Fortress Europe’? A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Effects of the 2015/2016 European ‘Refugee Crisis’ on the Image of the Migrant in the German Speaking Print Media.

Middelesch, J.W. (2015) Welzijn Nieuwe Stijl in de decentralisatie van de jeugdzorg : een onderzoek naar de impact op het dagelijks werk van professionals.

Ming, Xin (2018) Augmented reality (AR) in art museums : reconfiguring and mediating the museum dynamics.

Mokarram, A.R. (2014) Categorization as the Final Answer to the (European) Globalization and Welfare State Discourse.

Morsman, L. (2015) Effectief burgerinitiatieven ondersteunen : een realistische evaluatie van de ondersteuning van burgerinitiatieven door initiatievenmakelaars binnen iWorkspace.

Morssinkhof, Ming (2021) Novel explanations for misogynistic attitudes in society : a relational examination using psychological factors extracted from Incel communities.

Murat, Cagri (2024) The Mediating Role of Connectedness in the Relationship Between Authenticity and Mental Health Symptoms.

Naous, A. (2016) Reconstructing the EU Discourse on Migration: A Cosmopolitan Perspective.

Neut, Leon M.B. van der (2024) Algorithm and Administrator : An exploration of responsible administrative practices when working with machine learning models.

Neut, Leon M.B. van der (2024) Algorithm and Administrator : An exploration of responsible administrative practices when working with machine learning models.

Nijenhuis, K. (2015) Impact factors for innovative work behavior in the public sector : the case of the Dutch Fire Department.

Nuland, S.M. van (2024) Feit & Fabel : De impact op het vertrouwen in de overheid en -instituties.

Oddo, Milas Salvatore (2020) The challenges of teamwork in Geographically Distributed Teams (GDTs).

Oomkes, Lars (2023) A qualitative study to the Integrated Care for Overweight and Diabetes in Twente : Exploring Professionals' Role Fulfillment and its Impact on GLI and NDC Interventions.

Oosterik, S.R. (2016) From brain drain to brain circulation : attracting high skilled migrants back.

Palsma, R.R. (2014) Racist violence: A comparison of Germany and the Netherlands.

Patzak, Cosima, D. (2016) Does the lone wolf get burnout? : A positive psychology intervention in Dutch nursing homes, examining positive relations and burnout.

Pencheva, Kristiana (2016) To what extent do educational background and work-related experience determine the success of Dutch entrepreneurs?

Platenkamp, T (2021) Safety Culture in the Maritime Industry: Psychological Safety and Leadership : An exploratory study regarding safety perspectives within a heavy lift shipping and installation company.

Prins, J.H. (2016) De bejegening van aangevers en oordelen over de politie bij woninginbraken : een onderzoek naar de invloed van verwachtingen en het politieoptreden op de oordelen die slachtoffers van woninginbraak over de politie hebben.

Quintus, Claudius Reinhold (2018) Brexit Voting Differences and Their Origins : A Comparison Between England, Scotland and Wales.

Roeleveld, B. (2017) e-HRM viewed from a management fashion perspective; an exploratory study based on the case study research.

Rothermel, Uta (2018) The influence of perceived social diversity in the workplace on employee performance : an integrative model and research agenda.

Rottwinkel, Eva Maria (2014) The Policing Styles and Unequal Treatment of Minorities in the Netherlands and Germany.

Rous, Emiel (2024) Developing a flexible and deployable MPC system used for statistical data analysis.

Schiel, Fanny (2015) The Phenomenon of the Sharing Economy in Germany: Consumer Motivations for Participating in Collaborative Consumption Schemes.

Schläffer, Valentin (2018) Regular job aspiration in the platform economy.

Schneider, C.M. (2014) Euroscepticism in right-wing parties A comparison of three emerging right-wing parties.

Schonewille, Heleen (2014) Privacy, security and cybersurveillance - a content analysis.

Schulte, J.M. (2022) Income inequality and COVID-19 conspiracy belief. A cross-country analysis.

Schutte, D. (2016) Welbevinden van ouderen in woonzorg centra: De overeenkomst tussen zelfrapportage en beoordelingen van zorgmedewerkers.

Schwarz, Kelly (2019) Environmental student groups and their effect on environmentally sustainable policies in higher education institutions: A comparative case study between a Dutch and a German university.

Schwirner, Sabine (2006) Multiculturalism and successful integration - A capable system or contradiction? A situation analysis of migrants in Germany and France.

Schwope, J.P. (2023) Disrupted or Disguised? The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Discursive Contestations over the European Energy Transition.

Schürmann, Marie (2023) Assessing domestic policy instruments in the global division of labour : How can the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) improve the unequal participation in the global division of labour and promote sustainable development in a capitalistic system?

Seyfert, Yannik (2016) Illegal cultural commons in the heart of European cultural identity : a case study on illegal cultural commons in the heart of Europe.

Shaidi Elifadhili, Vincent (2019) Societal acceptance of alternative bio-energy sources and technology, Case of biomass briquettes acceptance in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Soeten, Emma (2022) HRM activiteiten die medisch specialisten aanzet tot medewerker gedreven innovatie.

Someren, Sebastiaan van (2023) Degrowth in the Netherlands : are the movement's ideas heard in Dutch politics?

Sommer, Niklas David (2014) The Protestors of Gezi Park: Analyzing discursive clashes at the edge of Europe.

Starke, Robert R. (2017) Citizens in the digital metropolis : towards a meaningful stance of smart citizenship?!

Steinert, Anna (2016) From Alleged Failing to a Burden Sharing System? A Newspaper Analysis on the Dublin Procedures in the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

Steinhorst, S. (2017) European migration policy in the central Mediterranean : circumventing the “Right to have Rights” of migrants?

Stirbu, S.B.T. (2022) Investigating the Effects of National Culture on Green Entrepreneurship.

Strack, Joshua Samuel (2021) The socialization of Deutsche Wohnen and Co. as a collective action dilemma : how goal support, perceived efficacy and selective benefits affect the willingness to participate in a social movement organization.

Strunck, Christina (2023) Disruptive climate protesters : Terrorists or concerned citizens? A discourse analysis of parliamentary debates in the UK and Germany.

Sueper, Hannes (2023) How do individuals having experienced psychosis and living ‘Outside Mental Health’ resist the dominant discourse about psychosis by constructing a counter-discourse?

Thomas, Mark (2017) Automobile Use as a Behavioural Function of Modernity : a small and overly complicated contribution to understanding why we drive.

Top, A. (2019) Ex-ante responsibility: a trait perspective.

Trinks, V.D. (2024) A Trojan horse, or just a tool? : Music educators on AI in a Dutch music academy.

Trubman, Illya (2019) The European Union in the Arab-Israeli Conflict - Dominant Mediator or Toothless Tiger?

Tuinstra, Ids (2014) The compliance of the EU member states with the guidelines in the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies.

Turban, Thomas Christoph (2017) A Minor Safeguard? : The Protection of Minorities in the Context of EU return Policies.

Ukhabova, Elena (2024) To what extent does Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) influence social media users to make spontaneous travel decisions?

Uludasdemir, Volkan (2016) Creating real democracy by the 15-M movement.

Urk, Niki van (2019) Why Customers Leave Feedback on Online Platforms : a master thesis on how to influence the extrinsic motivation of customers to leave feedback on online platforms.

Ushiña Huera, Dennis Paul (2023) The effect of land tenure on the access to assistance for the long-term recovery of flood damage.

Veldhuizen, J.R (2018) The impact of negative appreciations on the integration of refugees in the Netherlands.

Venhorst, L.W.J. (2018) Wereldburgerschapsvorming bij maatschappijleer : het ontwerpen van een prototype analyse-instrument.

Verhoeven, G.A.G. (2021) 'Samen Sterk': The design choices for a tool that represents non-numeric information for patients after an open heart surgery.

Vogtmeier, Lino (2024) The Impact of Self-Regulation on the Relationship between Engagement with Short-Form Content on Social Media and Well-Being among University Students.

Voortman, T.P.G. (2019) The Public Debate on Natural Gas Extraction in Groningen: A Shift of Framing and its Regulatory Consequences.

Vor dem Berge, Moritz Frederik (2017) Digital privacy : behaviour and anxieties of a young digital generation.

Waanders, W.J. (2019) ‘Give My Bike Back’: An Evaluation of Citizen Investigation Regarding Bicycle Theft in the City of Enschede.

Waanders, W.J. (2020) An experimental study on covert law-enforcement : exploring the relationship of adaptability and trustworthiness on goal achievement in undercover work.

Waldmann, Kaja (2016) The EU : a crisis manager of the external dimension of the refugee crisis?

Weckenbrock, K. (2016) The ENP – A value promoting policy? - The European Neighbourhood Policy as a tool to promote European values in the world.

Weger, Emma de (2023) Optimising governance: leveraging the EU Chips Act to enhance the market position of the Dutch semiconductor industry.

Wilhelm, Alica (2015) Market segmentation of diabetes type 1 patients as potential consumers of the Artificial Pancreas.

Wortelboer, Mick (2022) “Lil Miquela makes me feel uncomfortable, but I keep following her”: An interview study on motivations to engage with virtual influencers on social networking sites.

Yanagawa, Yuka (2023) How can businesses reframe insects as food? : A case study of a restaurant in Berlin.

Zhang, E.C. (2024) The Impact of ‘Yellow Fever’ on the Mental Health of Asian Women in Europe.

Zijlstra, Margot (2020) Assertive Leader Behavior, Gender and Organizational Culture : Towards a Balanced Leadership.

Zwiers, P. (2017) The feelings of psychological ownership amongst blue-collar workers: an ethnography.

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