University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: Construction Management and Engineering MSc (60337)
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Adriaans, Vera (2021) Improving the satisfaction with Systems Engineering at a general contractor an application of Systems Engineering in the construction industry.
Akster, H.J. (2023) Developing a linked data framework for the exchange of as-is railway asset design and maintenance information.
Al-Yamani, Abdulrahman Ali Mohammed (2024) Integrating Circular Economy Principles into Systems Engineering Processes for the Construction Industry.
Apperlo, Arjan (2012) Wie lost mijn problemen op? Prestatieinkoop voor de selectie van de best presterende opdrachtnemers door Dura Vermeer.
Asdonk, D. van der (2014) Value management in een gemeentelijke organisatie : definitieve versie afstudeerverslag.
Bankras, T.G.T. (2020) The poker game of sustainable selection : why the tender with the lowest environmental impact will not always win.
Barends, M.G.H.W. (2016) An analysis of systems integration in the construction industry.
Barus, Meggie Vincentia (2021) Surrogate Modelling of Solar Radiation Potential for the Design of PV Module Layout on Entire Façade of Tall Buildings.
Bašić, M. (2020) Exploring reverse logistics of e-waste in civil engineering projects.
Berg, M. van den (2013) Overwegingen van corporaties bij de adoptie van energiebesparende woningtransformatieconcepten.
Berkum, M.G.M. van (2010) Duurzaam inkopen in de bouw; status Ballast Nedam.
Beumer, H.R. (2024) Enhancing sustainability in Gelderland’s maintenance operations: A Systems Engineering approach for translating ambitions into concrete measures.
Boer, Rick de (2023) Successfully implementing innovations in public construction projects : Determining the impact of a public project team’s innovation capability.
Boonen, T. (2018) Lead-time reduction through modularisation & systems engineering in Dutch military basecamp design.
Bosscha, E. (2016) Big data in railway operations: using artificial neural networks to predict train delay propagation.
Braakman, L. (2019) Assessing life cycle costs over increasing building circularity levels.
Braaksma, B.J.J. (2022) Optimization of the assembly process of modular construction using discrete event simulation : a case study in housing industry.
Bramiana, Chely N. (2015) Analysing relationships between building characteristics and airtightness of dutch dwellings.
Brinke, N.S. ten (2021) Mainstreaming climate adaptation in private urban development projects.
Brinkerink, J.I.D. (2019) Provoking innovation in the innovation partnership procedure : a market perspective.
Brinkhof, R.R. (2021) Pre-contract phase efficiency by applying transaction cost economics (TCE) : a contractors’ perspective.
Brinkman, J.J. (2024) Enhancing Target Cost Process under NEC4 in Large Infrastructure Projects : A Guideline bringing Theory into Practice.
Broersen, T. (2019) Organisation of a test & commissioning phase in light rail projects.
Bruggema, Timon (2011) Crisis in gebiedsontwikkeling: pensioenfonds als panacee?: van luchtfiets naar verdienmodel.
Buist, H.M. (2012) Het organiseren en standaardiseren van participatietrajecten bij de provincie Zuid-Holland : over het verbeteren van de beheersbaarheid van omgevingsmanagement.
Busker, B. (2016) Task specific information visualizations using head-mounted display technology.
Buuren, Wilco ten (2019) Selection of communication channel in multi-organizational project teams : a case study on teleconferencing and F2F communication in group meetings at Witteveen+Bos.
Cannegieter, M.J..L. (2008) Randvoorwaarden voor strategisch inkopen door aannemers : door samenwerken beter concurreren.
Chalotra, A.K. (2022) Simulating embodied carbon emissions of buildings: comparing concrete with timber buildings.
Coenen, T.B.J. (2017) Innovation policy in the construction industry : the Netherlands compared with several European countries.
Daatselaar, A. van (2021) Project governance in a project with integral contracted engineering services.
Daccache, P. (2020) Towards the implementation of a documentation strategy for design decisions in civil engineering projects : an assessment.
Demarchi, R. (2018) Stimulating the digital transition in the Italian construction industry.
Dijk, T.H. van (2024) Informed Decision-Making in the Transition to ERTMS in the Dutch Railway Sector.
Droste, F.M.A. (2025) Integrating Circularity in the Preliminary Design Phase : An IAD Framework Analysis of Working Rules in Dutch Area Development Projects.
Ebbelaar, B.P. (2019) Designing a process for procuring biocomposite bridge decks based on Technology Readiness Levels.
Ee, T. van (2020) BIM or BIM data supporting construction logistics in a Construction Project Logistics System (CPLS) within an inner-city project context.
Elst, Jeroen van den (2013) Het bereiken van duurzaamheidsambities: Duurzaamheid in het ontwerpproces van transformatieprojecten.
Feitsma, D.H. (2022) Barriers and Recommendations for Integrating Circularity in Construction Projects.
Firdaus, Aden (2018) Dynamic stakeholder management approach : Using 3C-Model™ as framework (case studies from Indonesia).
Fossatti, F. (2020) The operation and maintenance domain ontology for utility networks : Database encoding.
Galesloot, Marjolein (2018) Gelijk op! Op weg naar een homogener asfalteerproces : model van het asfalteerproces.
Geert, W.L. van (2016) Analysing the feasibility of Systems Engineering in the design process of Staatsbosbeheer; developing an accommodation for bird watchers on Rottumeroog.
Geerts, Geert (2021) Towards circular municipalities : Circular Economy principles in municipal policies and practices.
Giorgadze, I.M. (2020) Conceptual modeling of lifecycle digital twin architecture for bridges : a data structure approach.
Goedschalk, O. (2018) Maintenance at the Dr. Jules Sedney port of Paramaribo : identifying areas of improvement.
Goorhuis, P.H.J. (2020) Value retention : Preconditions for moving from demolition to deconstruction.
Griffioen, S. (2017) Towards flexibility in complex construction projects through contractual collaboration.
Groenia, S. (2022) An integrated sustainability performance assessment tool for civil engineering projects with a small spatial scale - an action design research approach.
Grooters, W. (2018) Consultants as systems integrator?! - a case study in the Dutch construction industry.
Hagedoorn, L.A.G. (2021) Climate resilient water system in Haarlo-Olden Eibergen : a design study.
Heijden, Stefan van der (2014) Lean maken van Lean Six Sigma projecten : Standaardiseren van veel voorkomende Lean Six Sigma projecten in de bouw en de implementatie van verbeterde processen.
Heming, S. (2021) Balancing of interests between the clients and contractors within infrastructure innovation partnership projects.
Hoefsmit, D.A. (2020) Implementing the ISO/IEC 15288 Systems Engineering standard in Dutch civil and infrastructure construction organisations and their projects.
Hoitema, S. (2013) Simulatie binnenstedelijke rioleringsprojecten : Het ontwikkelen van een beslissingsondersteunend planningshulpmiddel.
Hokkeling, Jeffrey (2020) Towards construction 4.0 : an assessment on the potential of Digital Twins in the infrastructure sector.
Hoving, Nick (2017) Monitoring performance information; improving the effectiveness of the best value tender process.
Huang, Jingjie (2016) How to improve the performance of BIM training toolkits, with a focus on software learning - A systematic analysis and comparison.
Huijben, J. (2020) Developing a framework for the implementation of BIM in Dutch infrastructure tendering.
Hulsbeek, L.D.J. (2022) A Decision Support Tool to assist demolition contractors in choosing to Reuse, Recycle or Recover building elements.
Hurk, R.J.H. van den (2016) Rfid systems in the non-residential construction industry : Improving construction logistics.
Huurne, R.B.A. (2017) Optimization of performance contracts : an exploratory and qualitative research of the potential of data analytics within and between multiple performance contracts.
Janson, Daniel I. (2016) The development of a green shipyard concept.
Janssen, J.M. (2015) Location-based refurbishment planning in complex environments under ongoing operations.
Jeurink, Heleen (2022) The effect of a digital support tool on requirements elicitation in non-residential building projects.
Jonge, Berri de (2007) Mind Building Case Study: Matching Alignment between Modular Product Architecture and Supply Chain Structure in the House Building Industry.
Jongman, V. (2017) SE, BIM, MBSE for integrated contracts.
Jonker, W.W. (2023) Assessing disruption-coping activities in district heating construction projects to enhance the reliability of project organisations.
Kahla, Omar (2024) Development and Implementation of a Circularity Assessment Framework for the Historical Bridges of Amsterdam City.
Kapousouz, A. (2019) Synergies between climate adaptation objectives and other goals : how they can be achieved in urban development projects.
Kattouw, J.W. (2016) Comfort as a Service with SMART HVAC : a constructive technology assessment of the developments in the HVAC industry.
Keizer, Yorick (2018) The influence of contracting choices on client-contractor collaboration.
Kloosterboer, M.C. (2017) Control of client-contractor cooperation in municipal best-value projects : a multiple case study.
Konings, S. (2018) Impact of Value Management on defining the project scope in the early stages of infrastructure development projects.
Kooke, Thom (2024) Enhancing Cost Estimation Processes In Industrial Construction Through BIM.
Kordas, D. (2015) Risk sharing in traditional construction contracts for building projects. A contractor's perspective in the Greek construction industry.
Krakers, ir. S.B.G. (2024) Mitigating Vendor Lock-in in the ERTMS Program : Exploring Strategies applied in the Railway Infrastructure Domain.
Lanting, Sven (2023) Biobased materials in the construction industry: A case study into the effects of using biobased construction materials on life cycle costs.
Leeuw, Thomas Derk (2016) Goed documenteren als basis voor een juiste variantenkeuze.
Leeuwen, M.D. van (2024) A uniform process for the implementation of Predictive Maintenance at BAM.
Leicher, A.A.M. (2010) De effecten van systems engineering in de woningbouw : een evaluatieonderzoek naar de toepassing van systems engineering bij woningcorporatie Beter Wonen.
Liu, W. (2020) Enriching conventional sewer condition Assessment through additional data interpretation and visualization.
Lo-Fo-Wong, Kevin (2023) Acceptance of standardized construction management processes : Project managers' acceptance in a change towards Standard Operating Procedures in construction consultancy firms.
Lobregt, Maarten (2020) Exploring an incremental pathway to the development of multi-use exploitation within offshore wind farms.
Lodewijks, J.M.A. (2011) Quantitative space requirement analysis for construction logistics planning.
Lopes Maioli, J.A. (2020) Directions for enhancing BIM maturity in an organizational context.
Lub, Robert-Jan (2016) Smartphones als meetinstrument voor langsonvlakheid.
Lubbers, B.W.J. (2020) The verification process of subcontracted work in the civil engineering industry.
Lutt, Sander (2021) An exploration of a programmatic delivery approach for programmes in the construction sector.
López Almanza, E. (2020) Measurement of the indicator ‘Retaining Value’ in asphalt for circular infrastructure.
Löesink, T.E. (2011) Beslissing ondersteuning voor zorginstellingen: afstudeeronderzoek naar een model voor strategische keuze begeleiding met betrekking tot gebiedsontwikkeling rondom zorginstellingen.
Massa, Joeri (2019) Effect of vegetation distributions on water levels on the Overijsselse Vecht.
Massaar, P. (2018) By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail : a plan to test innovations in the railway sector.
Matel, E. (2019) An artificial neural network approach for cost estimation of engineering services : enhancing cost estimation efficiency.
Matos Castano, Julieta (2011) Impact of the institutional environment on the development of Public Private Partnerships in the Road Sector. comparison of two settings: the Netherlands and Tamil Nadu.
Mavridis, A. (2012) A risk simulation model to assess failure costs in geotechnical construction projects - A case study on building pit construction.
Mechelen, P.P.A. van (2008) Beheer en onderhouden binnen Royal Haskoning, een wankele constructie of een stevig fundament? : een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden bij stedelijke infrastructuur.
Meer, H.J.D.T. van der (2015) Best practices in risico-inventarisatie : het gebruik van input, heuristieken en organisatorische middelen binnen het risicomanagement van Heijmans Wegen&Civiel.
Meer, Jeroen van der (2011) The identification of key processes to control infrastructural maintenance strategies - Increasing the maintenance performance of DBFM-contracts by identification of key performance processes, based on an evaluation of the N31 and A59.
Meijer, I. (2020) BIM maturity on project level.
Meijers, S. (2009) Conflict management: conflict management in concurrent engineering : a case study.
Melis, Peter (2013) Change requires insight - Assessing upstream scope 3 emissions by SMEs in the contruction industry.
Miedema, J.J. (2019) De weg naar succesvol veranderen! : toetsen van Kotters model op de implementatie van 3D & 4D bij projecten van VolkerWessels Infra NL.
Monninkhof, Dennis (2015) Functionaliteitgericht ramen in de vroege projectfase : onderzoek naar ramen op basis van functionaliteit voor civiele projecten.
Mussche, G. (2024) Introducing a BIM-based Spatial-Temporal Collision Detection Model to Avoid Work Zone Traffic Accidents in Municipal Construction Projects.
Nguyen, K.T. (2020) Application of eParticipation in MIRT-projects.
Nieswaag, A.Y. (2020) Transitioning towards a collaborative risk management process.
Oerle, M.M. van (2022) Conflict management in the construction industry : a new paradigm.
Olthof, R. (2018) Coordination and communication in construction supply chains: a critical incident approach.
Ommen, A. van (2009) Risico-allocatie bij gebiedsontwikkeling : onderzoek naar de wijze waarop risico’s bij gebiedsontwikkeling, uitgevoerd in publiek private samenwerking, worden gealloceerd.
Oosterveld, R. (2013) Slachtofferberekening bij een tunnelbrand: een verkenning naar een kwantitatieve risico analyse voor het berekenen van gewonden bij een tunnelbrand.
Oude Vrielink, M.A. (2010) Geotechnisch falen: oorzaken en Beheersmaatregelen.
Oude Vrielink, N.H.M. (2017) Biomass Boilers in the Netherlands : an adopter decision perspective.
Papanikolaou, Georgios (2019) A professionals training curriculum for 4D BIM in construction consultancy firms.
Paragh, Varshalie (2024) Social Sustainability Indicators of Quay Wall Interventions in Amsterdam : A Comparative Analysis During and After Implementation.
Pas, R.W.J.J. van de (2023) Opportunities for outsourcing Infrastructure Asset Management activities : a mixed-method analysis of Dutch local road authorities.
Pater, E.J. (2018) Outsourcing design verifications tasks to subcontractors in the Dutch Civil Engineering industry.
Patsoumadakis, Emmanouil (2021) BIM Without A 3D In Early Design Stages.
Pelt, T.A.J.C. van (2019) Design framework for transitioning from linear to circular in the construction industry: focussing on the installed base.
Perton, P.F. (2017) Creating high reliability crews within the asphalt sector : introducing the high reliability performance index.
Pol, C.R. van de (2021) Evaluating the laboratory performance of circular materials as bitumen substitute : paving the way to a sustainable asphalt construction industry.
Pol, J.F. van de (2010) Design of an infrastructure sustainability assessment method for application in DGBC area.
Portilla Flores, E.I. (2020) Assessing the capacity of contractors to collaborate and perform in a client-contractor team.
Pottachola, I. (2021) A strategic framework for enhancing technology adoption in project-based AECO firms.
Prinsen, Joren (2016) Bepalen van de meerwaarde van use cases voor het in kaart brengen van onderhoudseisen bij ProRail.
Punte, R.H.J. (2012) Optimalisatie van het werkvoorbereidingsproces: onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden, door toepassing van het 3D-model, om het werkproces van de werkvoorbereider te optimaliseren.
Putnaergle, Z. (2020) Harmonization of environmental databases for road pavement in EU.
Ramautarsing, R.D. (2018) BIM-maturity measurement within the metal façade industry : positioning the current BIM-maturity level of the metal façade industry to provide practical and valuable insights for improvements.
Ramirez Rincon, C.A. (2019) Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment as Decision Support Tool for Urban Planning.
Reichart, P.A. (2019) Achieving concurrent planning for construction projects through a hybrid-simulation modeling framework.
Reimert, Steyn (2015) Budget gestuurd aanbesteden - Een onderzoek naar het seleceteren van de EMVI op basis van de gunningsvariabelen prijs, kwaliteit en kwantiteit.
Rigterink, T.E. (2017) Generation Y as starter in the Dutch housing market : Expectations, bottlenecks and possible solutions.
Risseeuw, Frank (2024) Development of a Decision Support System for Modelling the Spatial Impact of Interrelated Socio-Technical Challenges.
Rodink, T. (2019) Enhancing the risk management process in the tender phase of infrastructure projects.
Roesthuis, S.L. (2018) An activity theory analysis to knowledge sharing from tender phase to engineering phase in D&B project teams.
Ronhaar, Adam (2011) Geotechnisch falen : Een verkenning naar de risicoperceptie onder professionals in de bouwsector ten aanzien van geotechnisch falen.
Rooijen, E.H. van (2008) Systems engineering in a public agency : an exploratory study of the value of systems engineering in the initiative phase of an urban planning project at municipal level in the Netherlands.
Ruijsscher, T. de (2016) Improving risk identification on large infrastructure projects.
Sakhanberidze, Pavle (2017) Educational gap analysis between contemporary industry demand and universities state of the art in the construction logistics.
Saris, N.A. (2021) Waste identification and elimination in the transportation and assembly process of modular construction.
Scholtenhuis, Leon olde (2012) Stroomlijning van binnenstedelijke rioleringsprojecten: Paperbundel over virtuele tools voor coördinatie en afstemming van reconstructiewerkzaamheden aan ondiepe ondergrondse infrastructuur.
Schonk, Thomas (2013) Het Last Planner Systeem - Toepassingsmogelijkheden voor het Last Planner Systeem binnen de ontwerpfase van bouwprojecten bij een groot ingenieursbureau: randvoorwaarden & obstakels.
Schrauwen, C.J. (2014) En drie dagen later ging het mis... : opportunistisch gedrag in de postcontractuele fase door opdrachtnemers.
Schuckmann, Patrick (2013) Integrale projectbeheersing : Onderzoek naar een groeimodel op het gebied van integrale projectbeheersing.
Schwarte, S. (2021) Learning trajectories within Mobilis.
Selle, I.N. te (2023) Drivers for stewardship-oriented behaviour in client-consultant relationships : a Dutch engineering consultancy perspective.
Setyadi, A.R. (2018) Digital facility data transfer approach from BIM model to maintenance management software for existing building : case study facility management University of Twente.
Shahroodi, E. (2018) From geometry-only towards FM-ready BIM.
Shen, Qinshuo (2020) A machine-learning-based approach for the design optimization of wind turbine foundations.
Siegersma, Jan (2011) Van Oord : afsluitend verslag van een stage bij Van Oord te Rotterdam en Kleipeda (Litouwen) in 2011.
Siersema, A. (2020) Long-term prediction of vehicle speeds.
Sietzema, Arjen Jelte (2015) An exploration of COBie based point cloud processing for facility management in Qatar.
Simonetti, F. (2022) Evaluating empowerment change of students in a challenge-based learning environment.
Slot, N.A. (2019) The transition of circular economy in the Dutch housing industry.
Sluijsmans, S.J.A.H. (2018) Linked Data in the AEC : a case-study on the application of Linked Data for Cost Control.
Smit, Sander (2020) Developing a framework for the specification of Structural Health Monitoring for concrete bridges using the key driver method.
Smits, J.M. (2018) The road to become a preferred customer in the construction sector : Part II: Internal maturity assessment of relevant business processes.
Snoep, T.J.A. (2013) Benchmarking Communication and Motivation in Engineering Projects: Development of a benchmark instrument for communication aspects in engineering projects impacts of BIM.
Sonwalkar, S.P. (2020) Roadmap for adopting 3D concrete printing technology for production of affordable houses.
Spekhorst, W.J.L. (2017) Renovatieprojecten onder de UAV-GC 2005 : het ontwikkelen van een afwegingsmodel voor informatieverstrekking.
Spekhorst, W.J.L. (2017) Model for information provision in the tender process.
Srinivasan, Dharshan (2022) Electrification of Construction equipment.
Steenbeeke, M.G.J. (2022) Integrating Circularity in Initiation Phases : a Case Study of Two Bridge (Re)Construction Projects.
Stefanakis, P. (2019) Digitalizing the construction site management : assessing and boosting the use of digital mobile tools for capturing data on construction on-site activities.
Stegeman, Iwan (2016) Beschikbaarheid bij weginfrastructuur projecten : een onderzoek naar de status-quo rondom beschikbaarheid bij weginfrastructuur projecten.
Stevering, T.J.T. (2023) Working rules in design processes on developing circular solutions.
Stopel, Jurjen (2016) BIM in de bouwsector : uitwisselen van informatie met BIM tussen verschillende partners.
Sun, S. (2019) A new method for monitoring machinery movement using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system.
Tankink, Kevin (2017) Measuring the effect of participation on the performance of a Dutch infrastructure project.
Terwisscha van Scheltinga, T. (2021) BIM and AR based construction supervision for underground utilities.
Titulaer, coen (2008) Op zoek naar de X-factor van Heijmans bij de verwerving van bouwteams Onderzoeksverslag.
Tsavdaroglou, M. (2017) Risk analysis of interdependent Critical Infrastructures to Extreme Weather Events.
Uil, S. (2021) Improving tender performance : creating awareness by steepening the learning curve.
Uil, Thomas (2022) Using Procurement to Leverage Sustainability Transition Dynamics in Construction : The Dutch Circular Public Procurement Case.
Uzun, Mehmet (2022) Price formation in Bouwteam projects : negotiating versus aligning the prices during the Bouwteam phase for infrastructure works and services in the Netherlands.
Vegt, G.J. van der (2020) Hazard communication : what's the issue? : integrating safety within the multidisciplinary design process.
Vente, G.K. de (2024) An enterprise architecture for a paving process control system aimed at flexibility and systematic data collection.
Verdijk, P.F.M. (2020) An airport climate resilience assessment scan : from a theoretical concept to an operational method.
Verheijen, Maarten J.F. (2010) Het begint met ambitie : de ontwikkeling van een selectiemethodiek voor duurzaamheidscriteria in een EMVI aanbesteding binnen de GWW sector.
Verhoeven, J.J. (2020) Integral contracted engineering services : assessing the governance structure and implications.
Visser, Douwe (2017) Bottlenecks and Strategies for the Implementation of Wind-on-Dike projects.
Vissers, J. (2020) Building an improvement culture : an action research approach in a construction company.
Vliet, J.W. van (2013) De concurrentiegerichte dialoog in gebiedsontwikkeling : het ontwikkelen van een afwegingskader voor toepasbaarheid van de concurrentiegerichte dialoog in de gebiedsontwikkelingssector bij gemeenten.
Vollenbrock, Maya (2024) Identifying value conflicts in urban transformations: the redesign of a public value co-creation tool for stakeholder dialogue.
Vosman, L. (2020) From project to programme : drivers to a programmatic procurement approach in the Dutch construction industry.
Vries, Mark de (2007) Variatie versus efficientie : een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van platformdenken geprojecteerd op het consumentengerichte woningbouwconcept Wenswonen.
Waerdt, G. van de (2022) A contractor perspective on inter-organizational collaboration in programs.
Wargers, L. (2021) Stimulating construction industry development by qualitative tendering.
Wasemann, H.T. (2020) Exploring the BIM adoption of public client organisations : a study of the German road infrastructure sector.
Wee, P.J.A. van (2018) Comparison of early-stage quantity estimation methods.
Weesep, R.H. van (2020) Organisational learning through reflection : the case of gate reviews.
Welhuis, B.E. (2019) The effect of systems engineering on project management success.
Wertwijn, Cynthia (2017) De verkenning van silo's binnen bouwcombinaties - een exploratief onderzoek naar de aanwezigheid van silo's en de zo optimaal mogelijke situatie.
Wessels, Maarten (2008) Managing quality at Haskoning India : an instrument to adapt the Royal Haskoning quality management System to the Indian Business Environment.
Wichard, E.M. (2018) Citizen participation in road construction : a strategy based on an evaluation of three planning processes.
Wichers, F.H. (2011) BIM en GC: Nieuwe rollen, nieuwe kansen? : Een strategische analyse van de effecten van bouw informatie modellen en geïntegreerde contracten op BCT architecten.
Willems, B.M.M. (2007) Port city : een risicovolle vastgoedpilot van het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V.??
Wit, R.M. de (2015) Value management: meer dan een workshop : een onderzoek naar de implementatie van value management resultaten.
Wodajo, Z.T. (2009) Understanding and reduction of cross party conflicts in housing development projects from systems engineering perspective.
Wolbers, M.C. (2012) Decision making in innovation projects: the case of the construction industry: the influence of decision making on the innovation performance in the construction industry.
Wolf, Gerben (2021) Designing a Level of Development information modelling framework for subsurface utility design and construction.
Yu, Y. (2020) Towards circular economy through industrial symbiosis : a case of recycled concrete aggregates using agent-based simulation.
Zande, ir. B.H. van der (2024) Shifting paradigms: Process quality as an indicator for asphalt quality.
Zeeburg, T. van (2008) Het gebruik van procescriteria door gemeenten : een onderzoek naar de barrières en de best practices die Nederlandse gemeenten ondervinden bij het operationaliseren van proceskwaliteit.
Zijlstra, Siemen (2016) A 4D modeling method to visualize how asbestos affects construction projects.