University of Twente Student Theses


Programme: Environmental and Energy Management MSc (69319)

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Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Number of items: 248.


Afrooz, Aliasghar (2024) Factors Influencing Dutch Residents’ Acceptance of Green Retrofitting Practices in Residential Buildings.

Aliyar Zanjani, M.H. (2024) Exploring Knowledge Gap in Geopolymer Concrete Adoption in the Dutch construction Industry.

Ashoush, Tarneem (2024) Integrating Carbon Credits into Sustainable Business Models : A Study on Solarizing Public Water Systems in Lebanon.

Benjamin, Dani (2024) Socio-technical challenges in applying the Nature-based solution of Wetland Restoration for Climate Action in the Netherlands.

Bertoncello Machado, L. (2024) Narratives for Change: The underlying narratives of Aardehuis in establishing a community microgrid.

Blauw, Robert (2024) Accelerating Offshore Wind-to-Hydrogen Energy Systems in the Netherlands : A Technological Innovation System Analysis.

Brown, Shannon (2024) Navigating Ethical Waters – A Case Study Exploring the Ethical Landscape of Using Voluntary Carbon Credits to Fund Solarized Water Systems in Humanitarian Contexts.

Campen, R.P.L. van (2024) How can standardized construction practices for the Netherlands be used for increased integration of Nature-Based Solutions within substations?

Delarue, Bjorn (2024) Achieving EU 2030 Sustainable Heating Goals in Kortrijk : A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective for Integrating a smart heat grid with aqua thermal Energy Based on Interreg WaterWarmth.

Duivenbode, Job Jack Benjamin van (2024) Negotiating the Energy Future: Exploring Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) as Potential Replacement for Coal-Fired Power Plants : A Case Study of the Eemshaven.

Fanda, Kurniawan (2024) Analysing the Renewable Energy Transition in Indonesia : An Examination Through the Actors, Objectives, and Context Framework.

Figueroa Chavarria, Mirza Ivanna (2024) From Impacts to Perceptions: Exploring the Maya Train's Effect on Groundwater Systems and Communities in Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Fortunov, Riccardo (2024) An In-Depth Exploration of Public Perceptions of Microplastics and their Environmental Impact in South Africa: The Role of Social Media in Stimulating Awareness and Fostering Sustainable Consumer Behaviour.

Joseph Ninan, Juno (2024) Assessment of Biodegradable Plastic Waste Management in Leeuwarden.

Kasule, Haggai Simon (2024) Social inclusion of economically marginalized people in kringloopwinkels: The case of Kringloop Zeist.

Navarrete, I. (2024) Exploring Energy Justice in Malmös Energy Policy and Strategic Steering Policies.

Pranaya, Raihan (2024) The impact of the oil policy in Indonesia on achieving the National Energy Mix Target.

Priscilia, Nadya (2024) Are Fossil-Fuel Energy Companies Riding the Green Wave or Just Surfing on Thin Ice? Analysing Shell's Sustainability through Critical Discourse Analysis.

Razmjoo, Omid (2024) An Exploration of Telecommuters’ Perceptions and Narratives on Energy Usage in the Netherlands.

Rios Rios, A.I. (2024) Does renewable energy alleviate energy poverty in the European Union?

Rook, J.J. (2024) Participation of minority political parties in the transposition of the European Green Deal policies in the Wadden Sea area.

Shojaei Barjouei, H. (2024) Exploring opportunities and challenges regarding Carbon Capture and Storage in hydrogen production (blue hydrogen) in the Netherlands : A SWOT analysis.

Syed, Zamin (2024) Decarbonizing Maritime Shipping in the EU: A PESTLE and MICMAC Factor Analysis of Green Ammonia (e-NH3) Adoption Using Rogers' Innovation Decision Process.

Thomas Gomez, Reethu (2024) From Disposability to Conviviality: Investigating Planned Obsolescence and Conviviality in Smart Phones.

Vandaele, Willem (2024) Green Hydrogen Future : Comparative Analysis of Belgian and Dutch Government Strategies for Industrial Adoption.

Wal, D. van der (2024) The Contextual Interaction Theory in the case of (ground)water table management in It Heidenskip.

Zhar, Imane (2024) Crafting the Sustainability Illusion : a Taxonomy of Fashion Industry Sustainability Washing.


Ali mouri, Pouyan (2023) Resistance against developing of Direct Air Capture : the case of the Netherlands.

Almira, F.N. (2023) Impact Analysis of NGOs' Role in Marine Biodiversity Protection in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

Andynar, Alia (2023) Assessing the alignment of second-hand clothing import regulations with circular economy objectives in Indonesia.

Bayazian, Aidin (2023) Community Energy Storage: A Case Study of Zwolle, the Netherlands.

Bemaniyazdi, Arash (2023) Sustainable Concrete in the construction industry in the Netherlands.

Chavoushiforooshani, Ashkan (2023) Improving Community Acceptance to Accelerate Dynamic Wireless Charging for Public Transportation in the Netherlands.

Fokkens, R. (2023) “Never let a good crisis go to waste” : The Effect of an Energy Crisis on Individuals’ Energy Saving Behavior in the Netherlands.

Hekhuis, T. (2023) Governance assessment of circular building policies and practices in the Netherlands.

Helten, M.R. van (2023) Government characteristics and policy-making ambitions in Dutch Regional Energy Strategy regions: barrier or opportunity for the energy transition?

Hendrikse, N.N. (2023) Exploring Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy and Modelling Policy Instrument Impact : a Case Study in Gelderland.

Herverasanti, Sagita (2023) Integration of Flood and Drought Management in Zwolle towards improving Climate Resilience.

Khajehpour, Ebrahim (2023) A walkable city strategy for VlietZone: key principles, the role of local dwellers, and the strategy's climate change mitigation benefits.

Mahmoud, Mai Mohamed Abdelsamie Elazab (2023) The technological acceptance of using Solar Energy Systems in Cairo, Egypt.

Maryam, Sahlabadi (2023) Balancing Energy Transition Policies & Sulfur Recovery Efficiency in the Netherlands.

Middelkamp, J.J. (2023) Safeguarding drinking water security in 2030 : effectiveness of drinking water policies on the Dutch industrial sector.

Migliorati, Linda (2023) Exploring the Impacts of the Institutionalization of Agroecology for a Just and Fair Transition in India and Senegal.

Muskens, Mart (2023) The influence of coalitions in the Dutch heat transition.

Ngirubiu, Isaac I. (2023) circular economy and its governance in Dutch agri-food greenhouse horticulture.

Ntanou, E.N. (2023) Integrating algae-based systems in urban metabolism as a means of mitigating its metabolic challenges : a SWOT analysis and strategic recommendations.

Oscura, Nayeli (2023) Unlocking the potential of Sustainable Transportation for working people in Mexico City.

Oseme, Kimberly (2023) Claims-to-Action Consistency of Major Oil and Gas Firms : A Comparison of Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil and Shell.

Rafiei, S. (2023) Energy Transition in Urban Netherlands through Heat Pumps: A Fuzzy Cognitive Map-Based Approach, Case study of Leeuwarden.

Rastegaralam, Mitra (2023) Stakeholders’ perspective of environmental and social effects of a combined cycle power plant : a case study in Zahedan city.

Redif, Kaan (2023) Challenges to the Effective Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture : The Case Study of Nicosia, Cyprus.

Ruiz Bravo, D. (2023) Shaping Social Practices and Behaviors to Implement Community-Based Organic Waste Management Strategies.

Sajadinaini, Golnaz (2023) Assessing Green Roof Policies in Leeuwarden : A Stakeholder-Based Examination to Identify Effective Approaches for Encouraging Adoption.

Samuilova, Isabel (2023) Human-Nature relationships and the application of urban Nature Based Solutions a household scale : exploring the relationship between ecological worldviews and the willingness of citizens in Leeuwarden to adopt climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in their private outdoor space.

Setiawan, Vincent (2023) Accelerating Solar PV Systems Development in Jakarta, Indonesia : The Role of Technological Acceptance Model.

Shadkam, Saba (2023) Exploration of the feasibility and implication of introducing bioplastic to the clothing industry: Towards circular fashion.

Srinath, Siddarth (2023) Social Life Cycle Impact Assessment of PEM and Alkaline Electrocatalysts Used to Generate Hydrogen.

Taylor-Walker, Caitlyn (2023) Adapting Together : Overcoming Institutional Misfit for Climate Resilience in US National Parks and Forests.

Weerd, Tessa de (2023) Governance and Decentralization in the Energy Transition in Dutch Local governments : A grounded theory approach.


Aast, C.B.J. van de (2022) ‘Twente’s logistics sector energy demand and its sustainable potential’.

Ahmadinejad, Yasaman (2022) The relationship between water scarcity and farmer migration in Isfahan, Iran.

Boer, D. de (2022) The theoretical and practical motives for energy efficiency at SMEs and the effects on their business operations.

Carrasco Campos, P.A. (2022) Circular economy rebound effect in the context of secondhand clothing consumption in the Netherlands.

Fuentes, V. (2022) The political, economic and environmental impacts of the SDE++ scheme in solar PV technologies in the Dutch electricity market.

Georgas, Kyriakos (2022) Ecotourism Opportunities in East Attica.

Giri, Bishwa (2022) What are the barriers to implementing green hydrogen in the decarbonization of the Dutch Container Glass Industry?

González, E.Y. (2022) Assessment of price policies and non-price policies to manage the water demand at the household level in the city of Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.

Groefsema, L.M. (2022) Boundary spanning for adaptive management in flood risk governance networks : two regional flood risk projects in the Netherlands.

Götz, Katharina (2022) Flood resilience of communities along the Salzach river, Austria.

Hoekstra, MSc J.F (2022) Water-saving at the household level using gamification features: A design-oriented study in the Netherlands.

Hridoy, Mashfiq (2022) Analyzing the Forest Circularity and Inclusion of Local Community : a Case Study from Kaptai and Karnafuli Forest Range, Rangamati, Bangladesh.

Hulst, Jurgen G.B. (2022) Measuring and improving the impact of sustainable public procurement of immunization cold chain equipment by UNICEF.

Kamali, Arash (2022) Natural Gas-Produced Electricity as a Green Energy Resource : Consequences of the 2022 European Delegated Regulation on the Dutch Energy Transition.

Kamerbeek, R. (2022) Alternatives to the Mainstream Economic Growth Paradigm in Business Administration Curricula at Dutch Research Universities.

Kempenaar, Ton (2022) Community Compensation Fund and Social Acceptance of Onshore Wind Energy Projects : Two cases from The Netherlands.

Kipchirchir, D. (2022) A synthesis of the top-down policies and bottom-up community designs in Dutch co-housing that influence energy efficiency.

Last, C. (2022) Mainstreaming P2P electricity markets on the community level.

Latanna, M.D (2022) The evaluation of the community-based solid waste management (waste bank) program in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Medina, S. (2022) Customer’s appreciation of the use of nudging techniques by supermarkets to enhance food waste reductions at the household level in Catalonia (Spain).

Muntasya, Febri Fil Ilmi (2022) Budget analysis of forest and land fire control in Riau Provincial Government, Indonesia.

Nouri, B. (2022) Energy transition and the European proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). Case study : the Dutch AI providers in the energy sector.

Popoola, O.D. (2022) A nexus approach to solar pumping irrigation systems in North Africa: opportunities and challenges : a case study of Egypt.

Pusparini, Widyatri (2022) Identifying Barriers of Stakeholder Engagement in Accelerating Renewable Energy in Indonesia Based on a Comparative Study of West Java and Central Java.

Qazizada, M.R. (2022) Governance of nature-based solutions for societal challenges : lessons from Utrecht and Leipzig to reinforce implementation.

Rosmalen, S.J. van (2022) A qualitative exploratory study on the integration of societal and spatial objectives by Dutch community energy initiatives and the effect of organizational structure.

Safari, Oki Gunawan (2022) Collaborative Governance in Protected Area Management at Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda, West Java, Indonesia.

Shahbazi, R. (2022) Development of a decision support tool based on fuzzy cognitive mapping for energy transition of district heating systems of Leeuwarden.

Sivaprakash, A.R (2022) Integration of autonomous mobility commerce into the current Dutch infrastructure.

Wijayanti, P. (2022) Extended producer responsibility scheme for mobile phone waste : the case of Bandung City, Indonesia.

Witt, J.E. (2022) Students' perceived potential to reduce natural gas usage: a qualitative research.

Yoong, P.N. (2022) An explorative study on the role of justice in the Dutch energy transition strategies : insights from the actors of the Twente energy region.


Abouyoussef, H. (2021) Assessment of the renewable energy transition and sustainable development situation in Egypt.

Abouyoussef, Hussein (2021) Assessement of the renewable energy transition and sustainable development situation in Egypt.

Agustini, Dian Tristi (2021) Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers using Climate-Smart Agriculture : the case of Rejosari Village, Indonesia.

Al-Baz, Hanadi (2021) Climate Resilience of Refugees in Jordan.

Alikhanifar, Hadi (2021) Barriers to the Implementation of Water Electrolyzers for green hydrogen production in the Netherlands.

Amersfoort, O.T.G. (2021) Economic valuation of ecosystem services : increasing the feasibility of coastal development project Eemszijlen by valuing its ecosystem services.

Anggraini, Renny Indira (2021) Ecotourism effects on forest conservation and rural development in Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia.

Ardanu, Tavidh Mutaqin (2021) Coal Mining Reclamation Improvement in East Kalimantan Indonesia.

Baltima, Anastasia-Anna (2021) Sustainable Energy Planning on the Power System of the Greek Islands based on Green Hydrogen development (Case study: The Island of Crete).

Chavez Hernandez, J.G. (2021) Renewable energy communities as a tool for the democratization of the local energy transition in the province of Fryslân, the Netherlands.

Drukker, Coen (2021) What are the barriers to implementing hydrogen in Dichterswijk Utrecht.

Dzikrurrokhim, M.R. (2021) Actor analysis on energy efficiency measures in Indonesia's energy-intensive industries : a case study of the fertilizer industry.

Elmahalawy, Ahmed (2021) The Opportunities in Chemical Recycling of Tires in Egypt.

Escofet Torres, Alberto (2021) A Circular Model to Improve Waste Management in Mexico City´s Residential Areas.

Gegesi-Kiss, Andras Pal (2021) Hydrogen supply chains : barriers and drivers for implementation of the Dutch hydrogen economy.

Hasan, Adib (2021) The Integrated Implementation Of Environmental Impact Assessment And Environmental Management System On The Power Plant Sector In Indonesia.

Heerema, K. (2021) Strategic Niche Management for hydrogen: analysing the Hydrogen Hub Twente.

Hellema, Hille Jan (2021) A water-energy nexus approach to improve the climate resilience of the city of Leeuwarden.

Hutagalung, Franky Armando (2021) The Evaluation of Acid Mine Drainage Management Policy : implementation in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatera, Indonesia.

Marzouk, Omar Atef Mohamed Ibrahim (2021) Microfinance for the Adoption of Modern Agricultural Technologies by Smallholder Farmers : the case of Solar Irrigation.

Mawardi, Nizam (2021) Enhancing Early Warning System In The Upper Bekasi Watershed Through The Employment Of Hydrometeorological Model.

Morskieft, Mart (2021) Stakeholder engagement in sustainable development : a social network analysis of the gas phase-out in Twekkelerveld, Enschede, The Netherlands.

Nnafie, S.N. (2021) Assessment of governance context and supportiveness for off-grid renewable energy development in Kenya.

Stamoulis, Evangelos (2021) Comparative study on the environmental, political, social effects and long-term sustainability of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and Cardano cryptocurrencies.

Testori, Giacomo G.L. (2021) Towards a sustainability assessment framework for floating photovoltaic systems in cities.

Tuin, J.K.C. van der (2021) Reducing the water consumption of a large-scale brewery.

Verbraak, R. (2021) Co-ownership in renewables and the Endona cooperative.

Zuuk, Julian Van (2021) From administrative ambition to physical implementation: Thermal Energy from Surface water in the Netherlands : An analytical and exploratory research into the question of why Thermal Energy from Surface water has not yet been implemented to its maximum potential.


Ajao, Bukola M. (2020) Circularity in wastewater treatment plants : drivers and barriers to the commercialisation of bioplastics from wastewater.

Aminian, Roozbeh (2020) Wat-IF : decision-support tool for sustainable wastewater treatment plants in the Netherlands.

Arends, Jim (2020) The feasibility of transforming the Dutch main- and regional natural gas pipeline infrastructure into a hydrogen network.

Ashokan, Poornimashree (2020) The comparative analysis of marine governance between the Netherlands and Norway for offshore oil pollution.

Avest, Ivo I.B.J. ter (2020) Phasing out natural gas : comparing cost-effective sustainable heating alternatives for both urban and rural areas in the Netherlands.

Blees, Ricardo (2020) Incineration or pyrolysis for processing un-separated household waste? : An exploration of pyrolysis for non-recyclable but flammable household waste within a case study.

Buningh, Marie-Lotte Adeline (M.A.) (2020) Disclosing the Naysayers : socio-demographic characteristics as predictors of Climate Change Scepticism in the Netherlands.

Chaniotaki, Kalliopi Georgia (2020) Food packaging and circular economy in the Netherlands : challenges and policy solutions.

Cârcoană, Sebastian (2020) Assessing the implementation of ultrafiltration in a Brazilian kraft pulp mill.

De Somocurcio, Fernanda (2020) Dealing with Microplastics pollution in the Netherlands : human health risk assessment and policy making approaches.

Dijk, Jacobien van (2020) The effect of the Dutch Nitrogen crisis on stakeholders’ attitude towards sustainable dairy.

Doran, D. (2020) Integrating ecosystem services into regional and local policies : the case of the River Blackwater estuary in Ireland.

Elattar, Hoda (2020) Improving the implementation of nature-based solutions: principles, challenges and enablers.

Georgiadis, N. (2020) Mid-term projections towards the water, energy and agriculture nexus in Jordan.

Hung, Yi-Wei (2020) The evaluation of policy strategies and the functioning in the electricity market on the expansion of renewable energy: Case from Taiwan.

Juan Iveson, Jordi (2020) Assessing the biomass potential for supplying an increased blending mandate in Argentina with a focus on food security.

Kamaci, Tolga (2020) The possibilities, benefits, and disadvantages of a collective energy management system of cultural squares as an example of climate-neutral urban areas in line with the Clean Energy for all Europeans package.

Kavouras, Konstantinos (2020) Moving the Needle : Exploring thermal savings at Heineken by targeting on waste heat recovery systems.

Kiefl, Marlena (2020) Incentives for collective action in EbA Governance : a case study on a watershed in the Colombian Andes.

Lenk, Miriam (2020) Mobilising private houseowners to implement blue-green infrastructure through framing.

Maqueda Mateos, Alba (2020) Energy optimization of a grid-connected village under the Dutch local energy community context.

Mohamed, Marwan (2020) The future of the green hydrogen production from offshore energy systems in accelerating the energy transition : analysis in the Dutch context.

Montfoort, J. van (2020) Nature conservation and restoration in Frisian agriculture.

Murugan, Hari (2020) Modelling of a paludiculture system for filtering excess nutrients on farmlands in Dutch polder landscapes.

Nikolopoulos, Georgios (2020) The effects of mineral scarcity on Lithium-ion Battery development.

Parvathappanavar Suresh, Amith (2020) Strengthening the charging infrastructure for promoting E-mobility in the Netherlands.

Peraki, Lydia (2020) Towards a climate-neutral wastewater treatment plant in Leeuwarden.

Prakash, Brindha (2020) Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting : shift from compliance to commitment.

Srinivas, Bindu (2020) Sustainable and ethical fashion : study about the retail practices in the Dutch Fashion Industry.

Toontje, Rivano William (2020) Energy future for the new Indonesia’s capital city :an energy modelling approach.

Weewer, L. (2020) Circular economy in the textile industry, consumer behaviour in the Netherlands.


Abdelsalam, Sara Magdy Mostafa (2019) Water management of textile sector in Bangladesh : analysis of partnership for cleaner textile project in Bangladesh.

Alagumannan, Pravinraj (2019) Ecosystem Services and Green Infrastructure in Cities.

Audi, P. (2019) Evaluation for The Implementation of New Presidential-Regulation on Solid Waste Management In Jakarta, Indonesia.

Colenbrander, Rob (2019) A framework for developing regional energy strategies for the built environment and the electricity sector with a focus on public participation.

Diandra, M. (2019) The Use of Participatory Decision-Making in Creating the City’s Transport Policy and Using More Sustainable Modes of Transport.

Dsouza, Sarette (2019) Opportunities in sustainable improved coffee trade : presenting water challenges in production and role the Dutch importer plays.

Eggens, Gijs Bart (2019) The prediction of actual energy use during the use phase of Dutch dwellings using building specific parameters.

Elstad, Aleksander (2019) Perceptions of and Motivations for Eco-Lighthouse Certification in Ringerike.

Ferreira, R.N.F. (2019) Technology screening framework and its application in the state of Ceará, Brazil.

Franco, Giacomo (2019) Big Oil facing energy transition: implications, corporate strategies and role as incumbent regime companies.

Hilarides, A. (2019) Dealing with salinization in 'Fryslan', an elaboration of costs and benefits of applying 'SeepCat.' technology.

Joeman, Iref (2019) Alternatives on afterlife use of amortized wind turbine blades in the Netherlands.

Jourdain, Ella Celeste (2019) Flood risk and environmental justice in New York City : an examination of policy plans and initiatives at different indices of social vulnerability.

Juhász, Tilla (2019) The role of geothermal energy in the Dutch energy transition.

Kumar, Shraddha (2019) A Self-Governance Approach to Solving the Water Crisis in Ladakh, India: The Ice Stupa Project.

Leinenga, Mayte (2019) “Dutch sustainable clothing consumption and the influence of materialism, fashion clothing involvement and environmental awareness”.

Ng, Hengky (2019) From third to fourth generation district heating in Leeuwarden : an exploration of feasibility and risks.

Pandav, Anirudha (2019) Exploration of future policy and regulatory developments in the EU and the Member states by 2030 regarding Energy and Climate change mitigation, and its implications on Huhtamaki Fiber Packaging.

Parlev, Radi (2019) What are the barriers in the development of hydrogen in the transition process towards sustainable mobility in the Netherlands?

Potdar, Avadhoot Vishvanath (2019) Challenges and opportunities for renewable energy cooperatives through the lens of the social business model: Cases from India and the Netherland.

Rizvanolli, Dije (2019) Kosovo’s potential for renewable energy production : an analysis.

Rukani, Pauline (2019) Plastics and circular economy : an analysis of the environmental regulations’ effectiveness in plastic waste management and the intergration of circular economy in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Sari, Silvia Puspita (2019) Optimising the utilisation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) for biogas power plants to achieve Indonesian target of bioenergy power plants in 2025.

Shaidi Elifadhili, Vincent (2019) Societal acceptance of alternative bio-energy sources and technology, Case of biomass briquettes acceptance in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Silwal, Sristi (2019) Waste to Energy: Solution for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC).

Subouru Alhassan Bigson, M. (2019) Assessing the environmental and socio-economic impacts of local mining in Northern Ghana; Banda Nkwanta in the Bole district as a case study.

Wijaya, Saniar Rabithoh (2019) Evaluation of Actors’ Interaction in Indonesia-Netherlands WASH Programme.

Wu, Xiao (2019) Moving towards sustainable energy : market potential, hindrances and related potential policies in EU and China for the Blue acid/base battery.

Zhang, Linlin (2019) Traffic Congestion Reduction and Smart City Strategy - A Case Study in Shenzhen, China.

Zhao, Yilin (2019) How does water management affect water consumption in the brewery industry? Insights from the cases of Heineken Brewery, the Netherlands, and Zhujiang Brewery, China.


Belzunegui, P. (2018) Biofuel chain in the Netherlands and its potential as an alternative for fossil fuels in the future.

Chafiq, I. (2018) Exploratory analysis of living labs contribution to climate adaptation needs and innovative multifunctional dikes in the Netherlands.

Chen, Y. (2018) Household participation in solid waste management towards circular economy : a case study of Haidian District, Beijing, China.

Corral Macias, Cesar (2018) Energy transitions in incumbent companies; a case study applying the MLP.

Dey, D. (2018) The potential of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Netherlands to remove the contemporary contaminant microplastics from the inflow wastewater.

Ezekiel, O.O. (2018) Sustainable Consumption as a tool Towards Achieving the 2050 Circular Economy Goal of the Netherlands: “Case study of Dutch Household in Leeuwarden”.

Garcia, D.P. (2018) Development of a classification instrument to allocate federal funding available for sanitation improvement in the cities under fifty thousand people in Ceará, Brazil.

Halim, R.A. (2018) Geothermal Potency and Development.

Khamis, R. (2018) Resilient Urban Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation in Megacities : A Comparative Assessment of Cairo, London and New York.

Klijnsma, X.P.M. (2018) Local Renewable Energy Initiatives in the natural gas-free energy transition in the Netherlands : Obstacles, barriers and measures in niche development of local cooperative district heating by forerunner initiatives in the province of Friesland.

Knol, A.F. (2018) Local Power-to-Heat (P2H) district heating cooperatives : An exploration of the technical, economic, social and legal aspects of the establishment of a local P2H district heating cooperative in an existing residential area, particularly in the Netherlands.

Korminouri, F. (2018) Circular Economy Potential of Climate Change Adaptation in Cities: The Case of Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Koutepas, Andreas (2018) Challenges in the utilization and circularity of renewable energy : the case of small islands in Greece.

Kuijt, Linde van de (2018) Circular Public Procurement in the Municipality of Lochem.

Manu-Marfo, N.O. (2018) Biodiversity Considerations in Environmental Impact Assessments in the Netherlands : Case Study Nij Hiddum Houw.

Massillon, P. (2018) Greening construction project managers' competences and practices for nearly-zero energy building projects.

Miao, Sen (2018) Towards a circular economy : household participation in sustainable municipal solid waste management in Chengdu, China.

Mushi, E.E. (2018) Assessment of Factors Influencing Local Renewable Energy Transition in Small Municipalities ; A case study choice of Leeuwarden and Samso Municipalities, Denmark.

Nguyen, T.T.T. (2018) Development of Climate change related Flood Risk Adaptation Strategies and Measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Ramesh, R. (2018) Individual motivation for dairy products consumption in the city of Leeuwarden.

Rasouli, A. (2018) Toward sustainable bioeconomy: Assessment and feasibility of biofuel production from food waste in the Netherlands.

Reitsma, Jelle (2018) Climate Resilience and Urban Water Management : A Comparative Analysis of Cities in the Province of Overijssel, the Netherlands.

Shahzad, S. (2018) Social enterprises and food waste mitigation in Pakistan.

Shrestha, Zubin (2018) The Integration of Circular Economy into the Municipal Solid Waste Management of Kathmandu Metropolitan City in Nepal : Present Sector Challenges & Opportunities for Waste Material (Re)Utilization.

Talaat, M. (2018) Using SROI as a tool to quantify non-financial risks within Credit Risk Management in banks.

Trindade, D.T. (2018) Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable Energy Adoption in Malawi : A case study of poultry farms.

Villasante, J.E. (2018) The potential of wood-based bioenergy in the Basque Country.

Xu, J. (2018) Research on the Resident Perception Rating for Green Building through ESGB in China.

Yan, Y. (2018) Research on the Assessment Method of Zouping County Rural Drinking Water Safety.

Zhu, Z. (2018) Evaluation of coal resource based cities transition in China.


Alfaizi, A.R.S. (2017) The capability of existing wastewater treatment plants to be energy self-sufficient and comply with the strict emissions regulation in The Netherlands.

Asambo, J.A. (2017) Alternative farming practices and the potential contributions towards a bio-based economy : case study of Dutch dairy farming practices.

Dawo, H.L.A. (2017) Fostering Climate Resilience in Cities: An analysis of adaptive policy strategies to mitigate urban flooding by utilizing multifunctional systems.

Duguma, I.J. (2017) Governing the irrigation water in Ethiopia: Case study of Shelle village, Arbaminch Zuria Woreda.

Enzary, A. (2017) Implementing The National Energy Policy (KEN) : A Study of Energy Security and Interrelation Among The Actors, Case Study : The Province of Jambi (Indonesia).

Enzary, Alfan (2017) Implementing the National Energy Policy (KEN) : a study of energy security and interrelation among the actors, case study : the Province of Jambi (Indonesia).

Ersaru, E. (2017) Public participation in water management : the case of Turkey.

Fouladvand, J. (2017) Solar Thermal Energy Systems for Heating Houses in the Netherlands : Social Acceptance, Energy Management and New System Design with feasibility study for Friesland.

Islam, M.R. (2017) Reducing Water Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh: Is Rainwater Harvesting a Sustainable Solution?

Kariuki, W.J. (2017) Business plan exploring the opportunities provided by used furniture in the Circular Economy by bridging the timber deficits in Kenya.

Mungo, C.V.C. (2017) The Nexus between Circular Economy and Climate Change Mitigation Policies in Small and Medium-sized Dutch Cities.

Nair, N. (2017) Smart grid policy implementation barriers.

Nataliani, R. (2017) Connecting North-South Energy Cooperatives: Crowdfunding as An Alternative Financing Scheme for Renewable Energy Implementation in Global South.

Pribadi, F.S. (2017) The Integration of Circular Economy into Municipal Solid Waste Management in Metro City, Indonesia : Challenges and Environmental Opportunities.

Sarode, A. (2017) Demand side management in India : an analysis of state level initiatives.

Sichiweza, Elison (2017) Participation of households in solid waste management and circular economy towards sustainability : a case study of Kabwe Town, Central Province of Zambia.

Toropkina, A. (2017) Two paths for nuclear energy in Europe.

Viesca, A.A. (2017) Managing sustainability in urban environments : A strategic approach for the assessment of energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and circular economy initiatives within cities.

Wawi, A. (2017) Governance Assessment of the Wastewater Reuse Policies and Practices in Palestine : The Cases of Jenin and Nablus.

Zhang, Y. (2017) Exploring the relationship between CSR and technical innovations from the perspective of capital stakeholders.


Basurto Cisneros, Carlos (2016) The importance of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in coastal cities: The case study of Cancun, Mexico.

D'Almeida, E.S.D. (2016) The impacts of land use and practices on the environment : a case study in Butaw, Sinoe County, Liberia 2012-2016.

Fujiansah, W. (2016) The Linkages Between Government and Utility Strategies in Indonesia Electricity Sector in Supporting the Electricity Network Organization Towards the implementation of Electricity Regionalization.

Gharehdaghy Mianjy, Javad (2016) Public acceptance of greywater reuse in the Netherlands; barriers and motivations.

Gürsoy, İrem (2016) Analysis of Low Solar Energy Share Reasons and Role of EMRA in Turkey.

Huls, Thijs (2016) Ambition requiring energy : A study of the institutional organisation of the energy transition in the Achterhoek and its influence on the actual content and speed of the transition.

Khan, O.U.R. (2016) Promoting Cleaner Production and Energy Efficiency in the Industry of Pakistan : A Case Study of Textile Manufacturing Sector.

Lubega, Simon (2016) Effectiveness of the Environmental Impact Assessment as a Decision-making Tool for Water-Related Projects in Uganda.

Ni, T. (2016) Tariffing methodology in electricity supply sector of Kazakhstan and its implications for effectiveness in electricity supply sector.

Oliveira Alcantara, L.A. de (2016) Corporate Social Responsibility : an assessment on its effects on consumers' loyalty and perceived value, experiences from the Netherlands.

Purwanto, Agus (2016) Implementation of Forest Certification in Small Farm Community Forest in Gunung Kidul Regency, Indonesia.

Putri, F.D.A. (2016) Strategic of energy efficiency in higher education.

Ratri, D.P. (2016) Identification of Systemic Problems of Sumba Iconic Island, A Renewable Energy Initiative.

Rincon Moreno, J.A. (2016) Share, Optimize, Closed-Loop for food waste (SOL4FoodWaste) : The case of an U.S. retailer in Mexico City.

TJon-En-Fa, N.Y. (2016) The Effect of Climate Change Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation Measures on Heat Stress in Retirement Homes in The Netherlands.

Özçakmak, Emre (2016) Impact of Wind Energy Generation on Wholesale Electricity Prices in Turkish Electricity Markets.


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Ogunleye, Olaoluwa (2015) Local energy initiatives as a solution to the energy security in developing countries : case study of selected housing estates in Lagos, Nigeria.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 06:03:07 2025 CET.