University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: Interaction Technology MSc (60030)
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Ciabattoni, Gemma (2025) A Different Kind of Creative Evolution : Exploring the Effect of Virtual Artefacts as a Tool for Creativity with Movement-Based Design Methods and social VR for Contact Improvisation Dance.
Have, J.M.G. ten (2025) Visualizing scheduling information for resource planners at regional airports.
Kadijk, Niels (2025) How can children make the ASC more fun?
Krishnaswamynathan, Venkatasubramanian (2025) Decoding Neural Signatures of Language Comprehension and Production through EEG based Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Natris, Felix de (2025) Using an Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation for Reflecting on Instructional Methods for Music Lessons.
Onrust, S. (2025) The influence of the perception of social touch on human-robot interaction.
Paun, Stefan (2025) Variational Auto-Encoder for Latent Uncertainty Encoding in Large Language Models.
Sain, R. de (2025) Sportification : an exploratory study of the executability and generative power of Sportification with children.
Salverda, Jens (2025) Measuring Conversation Quality.
Schokker, J. (2025) Automatic Phase Recognition for Surgical Video Analysis : A Cross-Modal Multi-Visual Cue Approach.
Vogel, K.A. (2025) The Design Space for Interactive Pose Tracking as an In-Action Training Tool for Climbing.
Zhao, Xun (2025) Developing Interactive System for Enhanced Communication and Feedback between Medical Experts and Explainable AI models.
Arum, S.R. van (2024) TumbleTooth, an ADL-based home rehabilitation aid for hand-stroke patients.
Balasubramanian Yamuneswari, Sandhiyaa (2024) Unlocking domain-specific image annotations with AI : A human-in-the-loop approach for generating interior-design insights using large language models and vision language models.
Bayuaji, Rayhan Aryoseno (2024) You are Here : An Exploration into the Collective Effervescence of Awe through the Design of an Interactive Installation.
Bolks, F.R. (2024) Impact of Mental Imagery Training on Amateur Cycling Athletes : Insights from Self-Assessments and EEG-Based Brain Activity Analysis.
Bonenkamp, Jetske (2024) From Pit Stops to Paragraphs : Automatic Generation of Formula One Live Blogs based on Structured Race Data.
Dalen, Niels van (2024) Exploring Somersault Feedback Design using OpenPose: A User Centered Approach.
Dokter, A.P. (2024) Tailoring AI Chatbots for Healthcare : The Impact of User Preferences on Design.
Doornenbal, N.F. (2024) Providing Information for the implementation of hybrid learning in Dutch Pre-vocational secondary education.
Eryanti, Binanda Triska (2024) Robot Authority in Human-Robot Interaction : The Role of Contextual Settings in a Conflict Scenario.
Freriks, S.L. (2024) The journey of developing an embodied virtual genetic counsellor : from concept to assessment.
Gericke, Kayla (2024) Identifying the main pain points within the onboarding of Easy1 and how to improve on them.
Hustinx, S.C. (2024) Data-Driven Decision Support and Awareness of Risk Related Biases.
Huveneers, Maartje (2024) The Effective Use of Limited Feedback to Personalize a Mixed Model for Human Activity Recognition.
Jonkergouw, Esmarié (2024) Designing an Interactive Technology Installation for an Educational Wine-Tasting Experience, for Novice Wine Consumers.
Kemper, Puck (2024) Designing Dynamic Digital Environmental Enrichment for Capuchin Monkeys.
Kleijn, T.F.C.L. de (2024) Implications of Detection of Moral Foundations in Written Text.
Li, Dengyun (2024) How Real-World Objects Affect the Motor Skill Learning in VR.
Liem, S.Y. (2024) AI assistance for UX testing : Exploring its impact on the UX researcher.
Luiten, Simone (2024) Supporting community building at corporate hybrid events : a double diamond process.
Minnegal, M.M. (2024) Edufade : A Digital In-action Peer Feedback System To Enhance Student Involvement During Musical Microteaching Sessions.
Mytaros, Efstratios (2024) Enhancing socially aware navigation of robots in healthcare environments through predicting human trajectories.
Narwane, Ishitaa (2024) A Cross-Cultural Study on the Perceived Urgency of Semantic-Free Utterances for a Hospital Delivery Robot.
Overeem, J. (2024) Measuring the effect of non-expert language on explanation satisfaction and user trust in Conversational XAI systems.
Oğuz, Melike (2024) Creating a collaborative Mixed Reality experience.
Prakash, Meenakshi (2024) Gender Perceptions in chatbots : The Role of Linguistic features.
Prümm, L.Z.S. (2024) Mitigating Unpredictable Robot Actions for Fluent Human-Robot Interaction.
Rijswick, D.G.B. van (2024) High school students interaction with a chemical learning app.
Schaaij, Keara (2024) Exploring lexical alignment for understandable information from trusted healthcare chatbots.
Schieven, Ilse (2024) Thematic Map making using Declarative Grammars.
Schoute, M. (2024) Rowing Reimagined Extended.
Skurule, K.M. (2024) Human and Pet Vital Sign Detection and Activity Recognition by Using a mmWave FMCW Radar.
Spaargaren, Rochelle (2024) Developing an Engaging UX Lesson Series Using a Tinkering Approach.
Spink, S.J. (2024) Fine-Tuning Pre-trained End-To-End Automatic Speech Recognition Models to Incorporate the Transcription of Laughter.
Sprenkels, Bart (2024) Promoting Motor Learning in Squats through Visual Error Augmented Feedback: A Markerless Motion Capture Approach.
Suresh, Hridya Nair (2024) An Interactive NLP Approach for Improving Completeness and Annotation Efficiency in Prostate Screening Reports.
Tas, E.J.C. (2024) Improving spontaneous speech using a pronunciation training game.
Udrea, Mihnea-Adrian (2024) Developing an Expressive Musical Interface for Music Interventions.
Uyanto, Steven Amadeus (2024) Promoting Transformative Self-Reflection to Support Running Experience Through a Dashboard Design.
Vaccari, Alberto (2024) Evaluation of a Reusable In-Game Analytics Tool for Serious Games in Emotional and Mental Health.
Veen, Liselot van (2024) Designing an interactive technology to integrate at home knee-injury physiotherapy exercises into activities of daily living.
Veen, S.H. van (2024) The Effect of Voice and Embodiment on the Gender Perception of Speaking Social Robots.
Veliev, Anastasia (2024) Enhancing team coordination through interpersonal neural synchrony achieved with neurofeedback training.
Weldink, J. (2024) Crew Rowing in Virtual Reality.
Wolters, Dieuwert (2024) Cutting Edge : How Bimanual Asymmetrical Haptic Feedback Enhances VR Training for Butchery Skills.
Yu, Min Chia (2024) Designing Emotional Support Chatbots with Enhanced Active Listening Through Prompt Engineering.
Amptmeijer, R.S. (2023) An Interactive Installation for the MuseumFabriek in Enschede.
Bachir Kaddis Beshay, Amir (2023) Cold-start Active Learning for Text Classification of Business Documents.
Barzon, Paolo (2023) Exploring the Meeting Experiences in the Metaverse: A User Study on Immersive Interactions.
Biggelaar, Anne van den (2023) Exploring Movement-Rich Behaviour with the MoMo : The Potential of Digital-Physical Artefacts in the Movement-Based Design Process.
Bishas, S.A. (2023) Interactive vibrotactile toys for the participatory sensorimotor coupling between autistic and neurotypical individuals.
Bos, M.A. van den (2023) The future of the electronic health record : testing a speech commanded interface in combination with a smartwatch.
Cheng, Yifan (2023) Nudgo : an interactive system for neurodiverse social connections.
Dzhondzhorova, Gergana (2023) The impact of visual information within the Sensory Interactive Table on food perceptions.
Eijkemans, J.W. (2023) Sneakily Purposeful Games : A new design strategy for motor-based serious games.
Gent, J.M. van (2023) Understanding E-Mail Pressure: Exploring Consumer Behaviour and Identifying Consumer Segments.
Helmer, L.S. (2023) I-Five : A platform to promote social interaction between developmental diverse children in team sports.
Heuvel, L.P.W. van den (2023) Diffuse more objects with fewer labels.
Höfker, T. (2023) Musical utterances to evoke empathy and prosocial behavior toward a hospital robot.
Jia, Yizhen (2023) Exploring Emotional Transmission Through Haptics in Mediated Social Interaction : Transmit happiness through haptic hugs.
Jong, Sjoerd de (2023) Development of an Eye-controllable Self-Driving Wheelchair.
Kahnt, Laura (2023) Proxies and Balancing for Shared Flow in Older Adult Cyclists.
Kang, J. (2023) User-Driven Knowledge Graph Expansion via Ontology Matching and Question Answering.
Kapoor, R. (2023) Breathe : development and design of a wearable for resonant breathing coaching with tactile feedback.
Ketkale, N. (2023) Alleviating negative emotions associated with goal failure with the use of musical data representation.
Keurhorst, Maaike (2023) A Closed Domain Question Answering System for a Genetic Counselor within the ECG Family Clinic.
Klinkert, Julia L. (2023) Optical See-Through vs. Video See-Through Mixed Reality for Rehabilitation : Exploring the effects of mixed reality on the experience of motor rehabilitation of ABI patients through the eyes of the patient and therapist.
Koning, Jop (2023) Reducing loneliness in seniors using an automated calling system for activity invitation.
Koomen, S.B. (2023) Text generation for quests in multiplayer role-playing video games.
Kousi, Nefeli Iliana (2023) Play to Design.
Kruiff, K.T. de (2023) Concurrent haptic feedback for improving the body balance of front and back crawl swimming.
Kugis, R. (2023) Pace yourself! The effects of optic flow on biomechanics of movement and perceived effort.
Leenders, R.C. (2023) Exploring the Role of Generated Backchannels in Human-CA Collaboration : Implications for Task Duration and User Perception.
Lüdeke, Tjard (2023) RehaBuddy : Development and evaluation of a mobile technology to support a patient-centered goal-setting process in physiotherapy.
Meggelen, Daniela van (2023) Using tangibility to stimulate stakeholder alignment in asset management.
Meijer, Adam (2023) Experiencing Textures Through Touch Technology.
Oral, Lara (2023) Move4Music : An Adaptive Sound System To Prompt Connection During Neurodiverse Dyadic Interactions.
Ori, Sonali (2023) Human-Robot partnerships in various workplaces.
Paulissen, J.W.H. (2023) KamerMaker : A Novel Approach to the Reconstruction of Personal Indoor Spaces in Virtual Environments.
Peetsma, Jasper (2023) The Development of a Novel Method for Measuring Biomechanical Features of Agility Using Markerless Motion Capture.
Peut, A.M. van de (2023) Breathless Battles : The Optimization of an eHealth Application for Support in Self-Management for COPD patients with Complex Chronic Conditions through Human-Centered Design.
Pompe, Babiche L. (2023) Empathic chatbot for complaint handling in customer service.
Pot, Coos (2023) Designing and developing a haptic feedback wearable to improve motor task performance : A case study on the squat.
Siani, Costanza (2023) Unleashing the Potential : Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Nudging Strategies in Webpage Design for Emerging Fintech Startups.
Smienk, Jeroen (2023) Natural language search for personal information retrieval : Benefits and limitations to the user’s experience in bookkeeping software.
Snijders, M.A.H.C. (2023) Towards the Development of an Objective Movement Analysis Method within a Sport-Specific Context for the Improvement of RTS Decision-Making during ACL Rehabilitation.
Straková, S. (2023) User-based Tailoring with Reinforcement Learning for an mHealth, COPD-focused Intervention for Increasing Physical Activity.
Sun, Zhirou (2023) Impact of auditory modality on user experience during augmented outdoor tourism navigation and exploration tasks.
Tolsma, Laure (2023) Facilitating Dialogues for an Understanding of Disability and Technology.
Treub, Tjebbe (2023) Enhancing the Shopping Experience in Flooring Specialty Stores with Phygital Design.
Ven, H.V. van de (2023) Music interaction technology as a learning support for pre-service teachers to listen better : a case study on music education at the PABO.
Voskeuil, A.F. (2023) The influence of an embodied coxswain on the social presence within Virtual Reality rowing.
Wentzel, S.D. (2023) Exploring the relationship between linguistic alignment and sentiment - in online discussions.
Xu, Xuanling (2023) Improving the user experience of touchscreen text-based code editor in an industrial robot controller.
Yi, Chenhao (2023) From Software Data To Actionable Insights: Designing A Data Dashboard.
Ammerlaan, W.S. (2022) Enabling joint exploration of virtual environments for treatment of substance use disorders using an asymmetric virtual reality approach.
Artolozaga, I. (2022) From personal to community knowledge : stimulating knowledge sharing among student groups in knowledge management platforms through interaction design.
Balamurali, S. (2022) An exploratory study to design and evaluate a dialogue system for a robot assisting the elderly in a care environment.
Benkhelifa, M.R. (2022) Layout management on an interactive tabletop system.
Bergsma, T. (2022) Vocabulary acquisition in new and learned contexts using immersive virtual reality.
Bistolfi, I.M.F. (2022) The influence of anthropomorphism on our feelings for faulty robots.
Blauw, A.W (2022) What tool can be designed to guide a pig farmer to a relevant sow in the pig barn.
Bolk, M.J.A. (2022) Choosing for local foods : using videos in online menu cards.
Boysen, Yannic (2022) Evaluating Recurrent Neural Networks as Solution to User Action Prediction.
Brugge, J.S. ter (2022) Autism and Technology - Exploring how digitization can contribute to individual preferences of young autistic adults to express themselves for designing their own assistive technologies.
Cervone, B. (2022) Integrating user centred product planning approaches in multi- product tech companies.
Chen, Yang Sophie (2022) Enhancing the Web Browsing Experience on Mobile Devices with AR Glasses.
Chiang, Wan-Hsuan (2022) Discovering Activation by Process Mining : a Case of B2B SaaS Customers.
Di Flumeri, MSc Francesco (2022) Explainable AI for supporting operators in manufacturing machines maintenance: Evaluating different techniques of explainable AI for a machine learning model that can be used in a manufacturing environment.
Doorn, M.G. van (2022) "How can I touch you?" : Reducing intrusiveness in mediated touch.
Eggengoor, Amber (2022) Sports Interaction Technology For Training Load Management And Injury Prevention : a case study on hangboard training.
Elzen, L.C. van den (2022) Esports as a novel way of socializing and networking for students and businesses : in and beyond COVID-19 times.
Feng, C. (2022) Designing a collaborative toolkit to raise cultural awareness of designers on cross-cultural teams.
Graaf, A.J.M. de (2022) The Design of Vibrotactile Feedback to Coach Posture in Inline Skating.
Gulhane, Devesh (2022) What Face Would You Like To Have? : The Effects of an Avatar's Facial Features on Social Presence.
Guntuka, S. (2022) Develop interactive digital enrichment for captive Capuchin monkeys that fosters their species-natural foraging behaviour and maintains their interest.
Harms, I. (2022) Visualizing Human Values for Design - Understanding, creating and analyzing human value visualizations.
Honcoop, Moniek M. (2022) Emotion Regulation Through Sounds for People With Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Hover, Q. R. M. (2022) Designing Smart Daily Training Objects for Hand and Arm Rehabilitation after Stroke.
Jutte, Annemarie (2022) The smart annotation tool : optimizing semi-automated behavioural annotation using an AutoML framework supported by classification correctness prediction.
Kester, L. (2022) Providing tailored advice for preparing for the ethics assessment procedure.
Konda, Mayuresh Vasudevan (2022) Social Touch: Investigating the effect of mediated social touch on social presence.
Kwakkel, D.J. (2022) Measuring well-being with a conversational agent.
Lange, MSc. Amy de (2022) Trial-and-Mirror: Enabling climbing movement exploration with interactive puppetry design to enhance out-of-action perceptual motor skill acquisition.
Lenders, L.B.L. (2022) Physical Perception of a VR Handshake.
Ligtenberg, L. van (2022) SleepOS : designing lucid dreaming induction technology for Creaholic.
Menifer, Savio (2022) Firefly Island: Exploring intimacy in social VR.
Ni, Xuefei (2022) Gamification design for enhancing user experience of rail travellers.
Palande, Shalvi (2022) Breathe with me : Designing and Evaluating Wearable Visual and Vibrotactile Displays for Colocated Breathing Synchronization.
Riefel, Miriam (2022) MIND YOURSELF : Using an artistic psychological brain-computer interface to increase self-consciousness.
Rietvelt, D.C.J.C (2022) Extracting information from funding opportunities using state-of-the-art NLP method BERT with minimized data annotation.
Ritmeester, J.C. (2022) Comparison of common signal pre-processing techniques for long-term sEMG-based knee angle estimation.
Romani, Michele (2022) Music-Emotion : towards automated real-time recognition of affective states with a wearable Brain-Computer Interface.
Rublein, N. (2022) Exploring the relation between sense of embodiment & task performance in Telerobotics.
Sihmar, N. (2022) Scaffolding workbook to facilitate movement-based design methods in educational setting : a case-study.
Singh, Shalini (2022) FIFA 2022 game analysis using machine learning & computer vision.
Sreenivas, Gokul (2022) Mapping the hotel booking experience of an online travel agency (OTA) to optimize the payment flow and improve localization.
Theodorakopoulos, Daphne (2022) Identifying Covid-19 Shortages with the Help of an Automatically Constructed Knowledge Graph.
Veres, F.D. (2022) A study into the usability of 3GPP technical specifications.
Visscher, A.L. (2022) Designing for technologically mediated social connectedness between runners and spectators at the marathon finish line.
Vuijk, J.G.J. (2022) Device-free monitoring of vital signs to support emotion-aware music systems for people with dementia.
Wei, Y. (2022) Sense you in TeleTouch : designing mediated social touch in asynchronous communication.
Wittendorp, T.J.J. (2022) Pig localization using computer vision.
Yang, Hao (2022) Out of Class: AN Intuitive Email Design to Increase the Delivery of Effective Information for Online Courses.
Zhang, J. (2022) User Interface Design Based on Human-Centered XAI Methods.
Arora, G.S. (2021) Exploring Possibilities to Improve Distant Dining Experience for Young Expats with their Loved Ones over Time and Space Gap Issues.
Boer, S.L. (2021) Depth estimation on synthesized stereo image-pairs using a generative adversarial network.
Chrysanthou, A. (2021) A gamified computer experience : towards developing a tool to assess the positive and negative effects of using a substance.
Deshpande, N.D. (2021) Machine learning techniques for the analysis of affective components of sign language.
Ekkelenkamp, D.H. (2021) Adding higher-order situation awareness components to a platoon commander's battle management system.
Engbers, S.F. (2021) Smart Sports Exercises: Offensive decision-making in volleyball.
Fang, Zhuowen (2021) HejVR: a Virtual Reality online cultural learning system.
Fernandes, B.O. (2021) Exploring possibilities in interactive technology to create cross-domain interactive breathing exercise games.
Gankema, Yvon (2021) Bringing the human factor back in Digital Twins.
Geißler, Dominique (2021) Gender Bias in English and German Children’s Literature: A Computational Analysis Using Word Embeddings.
Gouweleeuw, K. (2021) Using Neurophysiological Signals to Measure Social Exclusion Induced by a Language Barrier.
Groeneveld, J. (2021) The impact of motor learning paradigms on smart sport exercises.
Hadjidemetriou, G. (2021) A VR approach for modelling the assessment bias of primary school PE teachers and educating them about it.
Iurescu, Daiana (2021) Farmers and social media : a tool that assists farmers with creating posts for social media.
Jarosinski, Wojciech (2021) Gamified Goal Setting for Encouraging Physical Activity in Children.
Kanbier, E.P. (2021) Exploring the mediation of emotional state on the influence of ambient light on eating behaviour.
Lam, Wai Cheung (Wesley) (2021) Learning together : enhancements of social interaction in physical learning environments.
Lammers, F.G. (2021) Flow in the workspace.
Libbi, C.A. (2021) When life gives you lemons : designing a game with and for autistic girls.
Lohman, Jesse (2021) Reducing Cybersickness in VR on an Omnidirectional Treadmill.
Markova, Betina S. (2021) Predicting readmission of neonates to an ICU using data mining.
Meijer, S.D. (2021) The implementation of LiDAR-based traffic detection and tracking.
Mihalache, Magdalena-Andreea (2021) Requirements analysis and evaluation of a chat tool for frontline workers and their managers in healthcare and retail.
Mitrana, Gabriela (2021) User-centred Design for the Interface of an Artificial Intelligence Buildability Tool.
Mokhtar Al-Moshneb, Noha (2021) Collaborative Extended Reality in a Remote Active Learning Application.
Mundkur, Arnav (2021) Have you tried this? : Designing a smartphone application to support sustainable food purchasing.
Nayanar, G.D. (2021) Autonomy, AI Perception and Safety : a Safety Evaluation Framework for AI Perception Models Used In Agricultural Autonomous Vehicles.
Neut, Laura van der (2021) Pure Gamification: stimulating energy saving behaviour through personalized gamification.
Nguyen, Elisa (2021) Temporal Spike Attribution : A Local Feature-Based Explanation for Temporally Coded Spiking Neural Networks.
Nguyen, Thu (2021) Stim4Sound : a Diversity Computing device helps to alleviate the double empathy problem.
Pai, Chetana (2021) Dancing in the Dark : creating new opportunities in dance by moving the emphasis away from the visual.
Rosenbusch, David (2021) Creative Memory Arrangement in Virtual Reality: Building a VR diary.
Rutgers, M. (2021) Duckbot : a chatbot to assist students in programming tutorials.
Scheuter, L.R. (2021) Does it make sense? Analyzing coherence in longer fictional discourse on a syntactic and semantic level.
Schoot Uiterkamp, L. (2021) Classification of Empathy and Call for Empathy in Child Help Forum Messages.
Schreurs, A. (2021) The heat under our peat : using transfer learning for peat fire prediction in the arctic region of North-East Siberia with Sentinel-2 imagery.
Shih, H.B.B. (2021) Designing a text-based AI scheduling assistant chatbot for a business environment : a case study of a mobile-based AI scheduling assistant app.
Soelen, Robin van (2021) Creating an embodied music controller that can be used to control the arrangement of electronic dance music.
Sung, Lilian (2021) Emoji Recommendation for Text Messaging.
Tian, Pin (2021) Extracting Measured Properties for Numerical Data with SciBert model and Question Answering.
Verhoeven, G.A.G. (2021) 'Samen Sterk': The design choices for a tool that represents non-numeric information for patients after an open heart surgery.
Vilvanathan, Vennila (2021) Dance, Imagine and Freedom : A Qualitative Analysis on Participatory Design of Interactive Technology for the Transmission of Isadora Duncan's Movement Qualities.
Voortwis, K.J. W. te (2021) A picture is worth 1000 words : Introducing the visual modality to the query dependent video clip selection process.
Wolf, E.R.B. de (2021) Pervasive technology as scaffolds for mindful living: reframing calm technology.
Zwart, Nynke A. (2021) Agents presenting themselves as Strangers duringPrivacy Permission Requests: Effects on Disclosureand Privacy Awareness of Children.
Aslam, Suhaib (2020) Designing a ubiquitous artifact for enhancing the digital wellbeing of smartphone users.
Berkhoff, M.H. (2020) VRwonder : the development & implementation of a Virtual Reality application for people with dementia.
Bosdriesz, Laura (2020) Adding Speech to Dialogues with a Council of Coaches.
Brandl, L. (2020) FutureType : Word completion for medical reports.
Cantón García, Pablo (2020) User-centred design for team mood : the design of a digital dashboard.
Dijkstra, F.B. (2020) Decoding Individual Contralateral and Ipsilateral Finger Movements from Electrocorticographic Signals Recorded over the Human Sensorimotor Cortex of a Single Hemisphere.
Gerats, B.G.A. (2020) Individual action and group activity recognition in soccer videos.
Grasselli, I. (2020) Exploring the design space of e-detailing through Magic Machine workshops to advance technologies for desirable futures.
Hadiwijaya, Aditya Gianto (2020) User-centred design for input interface of a machine learning platform.
Ham, Laura (2020) The design of an Interactive Topic Modeling application for media content.
Heerlien, I.R. (2020) Automatic detection of user errors in spirometry data using machine learning techniques and the analysis of the effect of metaphors on the quality of spirometry measurements.
Hoedemakers, Juliette (2020) Development of the voice commerce ultrasound payment solution for FMCG in the innovation labs.
Hsu, Yi-Hsiou (2020) Exploring the effect of using vibrate-type haptic glove in the VR industrial training task.
Ikhena, Priscilla Onivie (2020) Designing a system for evaluating the performance of computer vision applications, and managing the events generated by these applications.
Jung, Annkatrin (2020) The Breathing Garment - Exploring Breathing-Based Interactions through Deep Touch Pressure.
Laribi, T. (2020) Making sense together : multimodal learning analytics in a STEAM collaborative learning environment: An introduction to a proof-of-concept study.
Licu, D.V. (2020) Automatic container code identification using Machine Learning.
Loos, B. (2020) Designing a smartphone application for supporting the COMET-program in mental health care.
Ma, R. (2020) Anomaly detection for Linux system log.
Martikainen, Katariina (2020) Audio-based stylistic characteristics of Podcasts for search and recommendation : a user and computational analysis.
Meijer, Max Jan (2020) Exploring augmented reality for enhancing ADAS and remote driving through 5G study of applying augmented reality to improve safety in ADAS and remote driving use cases.
Oostra, B.V. (2020) Tracking on an interactive pressure sensing floor.
Pebesma, J.L. (2020) Towards transfer learning in e-discovery : finding the optimal classifier and evaluating domain adaptation methods.
Pohjanheimo, R.J. (2020) Mood effects of immersion, control, and interaction in virtual reality eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy.
Siddique, S. (2020) Incorporating clinical notes in an early sepsis prediction model to improve performance.
Slutter, Max (2020) Exploring the brain activity related to missing penalty kicks: an fNIRS study.
Su, Feiyi (2020) Mining insights out of workflow data analysis.
Tol, K. M. van (2020) Ons Berichten 2.0. : Researching communication in elderly care, disabled care and mental health care for the proposal of a new messaging function within Ons.
Veen, M.W. van (2020) Normal map prediction from light field data through deep learning.
Veitmaa, Eva Maria (2020) Gallery of Heartbeats : soma design for increasing bodily awareness and social sharing of the heart rate through sensory stimuli.
Veldhuizen, F.L.M. (2020) How to design a good reputation system for an online peer-to-peer platform.
Veloce, G. (2020) Improving the user experience of a digital learning platform for learning and development in the workplace.
Volz, N. (2020) Human-centred design for sustainable behaviour change : research, design and evaluation of a mobile application.
Waterink, Jeroen (2020) Item availability restricted.
Wilson, Z. (2020) Bimanual tools for creativity.
With, L.A. de (2020) Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Detect a Fear of Heights Response to a Virtual Reality Environment.
Wolbers, J.J.H. (2020) Synchronized co-located interreality collaboration : analysis, design, and usage of a prototype research environment.
Zhang, K. (2020) Applying questionanswering for the Mendeley Search Engine to improve user search experience.
Zhong, Yuanyang (2020) Studying black and white textures for visualizationon on e-ink displays.
Zissoldt, J.E. (2020) Topic modeling in memories of elderly.
Bode, Max (2019) Evaluation of an augmented reality assisted manufacturing system for assembly guidance.
Boersma, C.H. (2019) Designing a platform to communicate posture and movement data to medical professionals.
Burghardt, C.N. (2019) Developing a Language Learning Application for the Blind.
Chan, Mary (2019) Experience design of digital period trackers.
Eibich, Natasha J. (2019) Sticky Fingers: The effect of sticky interaction patterns on the design and adoption of a Radiology Information System.
Ellen, L.T.B. (2019) Stimulating critical thinking about the self-sustaining network of relations which reinforce smartphone use: a Critical Design study.
Fasel, R. (2019) Adapting the variational auto encoder for datasets with large amounts of missing values.
Kaag, K.W. (2019) Encouraging collaboration between primary school children through a learning robot.
Khan, Muhammad Daiman (2019) An investigation into trust between an SAV and its passengers.
Kulatska, I. (2019) ArgueBot: Enabling debates through a hybrid retrieval-generation-based chatbot.
Mandasari, Yani (2019) Follow-up Question Generation.
Papenmeier, A. (2019) Trust in automated decision making : how user's trust and perceived understanding is influenced by the quality of automatically generated explanations.
Pingen, J.J.F. (2019) Engineering Entertainment: Adaptive interventions to enhance player engagement in the Interactive Tag Playground.
Qin, C. (2019) Design and development of virtual visit in MC DigitalLab and IAE web application.
Regnerus, B. (2019) Matching article sentiment in abstractive summarization of news articles.
Romeo, Pietro (2019) Discovering aspects of gaming QoE : an explorative study.
Sadananda Bhat, A. (2019) Hierarchical deep neural networks for MeSH subject prediction.
Schyns, J.L. (2019) Improving Scientific Search Engine Interfaces Using Scientific Networks.
Willigen, T.M. van (2019) Measuring the user experience of data visualization.
Wiltenburg, Daan H. (2019) Aggression Based Audio Ranking : Annotation and Automatic Ranking.
Xia, Ziyang (2019) Speech technology to support interventional radiologists by assisting the hands-occupied problem.
Yeung, Chin Man (2019) Effects of inserting domain vocabulary and fine-tuning BERT for German legal language.
Zaag, Heleen van der (2019) Transferring soft-skills through a digital medium: A proof of concept for co-creation facilitators.
Ahuja, M. (2018) Perceived credibility in mHealth apps : a case study on a sleep scheduling app for insomnia.
Almkerk, Marc van (2018) Influence of mindfulness practices on feelings of place illusion in virtual reality.
Baardewijk, Jan Ubbo van (2018) Automatic annotation of the cooking process.
Bernard, Tobias (2018) Design and evaluation of spatial interfaces in virtual reality.
Capra, A. (2018) Gamified musical breathing exercises for children affected by Duchenne Muscular Distrophy.
Cardoso dos Santos Coelho, T. (2018) Using digital technology to encourage cultural change and positive behaviours : case study of project SunCard.
Fabiano, Federico (2018) Evaluating the user engagement and the technology acceptance of an augmented reality pervasive game for urban awareness.
Georgiadou, S.E. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Geurts, Christel (2018) Item availability restricted.
Giesselink, S. (2018) Teach me CPR now! Augmented learning for one-shot teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Haan, Sophie de (2018) Application design for the quantified pet domain from a user centered design perspective.
Harmsen, Emiel (2018) OpenIMPRESS : an open immersive telepresence system.
Jong, R.F. de (2018) SimpleNLG-NL : Natural Language Generation for Dutch.
Kessels, Casper (2018) Rethinking the interactions between people and cars.
Kleine Deters, Jan (2018) Therapeutic exercise assessment automation, a hidden Markov model approach.
Knuppe, R. (2018) Drift correction using a multi-rate extended Kalman filter.
Kol, J.C.M. (2018) What is the effect of dominance on the human smiling behaviour in a human-agent dyad?
Kyriazi or Qirjazi, S. (2018) Machine learning approach to model internal displacement in Somalia.
Lai, L. (2018) Learn from the present, design for the future: A user-centered approach to inspire the design of video prototyping tool.
Langerak, Thomas (2018) Model predictive contour control for electromagnetic induced haptic feedback.
Li, Rui (2018) Comparing human-robot proxemics between virtual reality and the real world.
Manzano Ibarra, Amaya (2018) Evaluating Usability of Communics Authoring Tool: Comparing Synchronous with Asynchronous Remote Evaluation when using Cognitive Walkthrough.
Marcon, Nicola (2018) Designing a sonic interactive open-ended playground installation.
Meij, D.R. de (2018) Predicting blood glucose for type 2 diabetes patients.
Pazhouhi, E. (2018) Automatic Product Name Recognition from Short Product Descriptions.
Pelikan, H.R.M. (2018) "What's going on there?" Negotiating common ground in robotic vs. open Surgery : a comparison of surgeon-initiated requests for action in open and robotic surgery.
Rens, Eduard (2018) Extract offender information from text.
Roediger, Sarah (2018) The effect of suspicion on emotional influence tactics in virtual human negotiation.
Tolman, Jim (2018) Evaluation of a multi-user virtual reality system for collaborative layout planning processes.
Wassenaar, J.D. (2018) Linking segments of video using text-based methods and a flexible form of segmentation : How to index, query and re-rank data from the TRECVid ( dataset?
Waveren, S. van (2018) Automatic image caption generation for digital cultural emages collections.
Weda, J. (2018) Supporting shared leadership in human-robot teams with minimal robot behavior.
Wu, Xiangyi (2018) Use animations to support knowledge transfer built on the understanding of the non-experts’ mental model.
Zhang, Yi (2018) Situated breakdowns in video mediated communication.
Zijsling, Boris (2018) Dedicated Ambient Displays.
Bout, Martijn (2017) A Head-Mounted Display to Support Remote Operators of Shared Automated Vehicles.
Brus, T.A. (2017) Applying E-learning and persuasive design : teaching new users of an online accounting tool the basics of online bookkeeping.
Böckle, Marc-Philipp (2017) SAV2P-shared automated vehicle to pedestrian communication : exploring the impact of an interface for shared automated vehicles on pedestrians' level of comfort.
Chenet, M. (2017) Identify and extract entities from bibliography references in a free text.
Deenik, W. (2017) Teaching a machine beauty : intelligent interactive evolution of abstract animations.
Donners, Y. (2017) 3D Interactive visualisation framework for simulated systems in large scale print system design.
Fasya, Evania Lina (2017) Automatic question generation for virtual humans.
Goedicke, D. (2017) On-road virtual reality driving simulator.
Guo, Mengran (2017) Research Line: a new design for better information sharing and storage between mentors and students in the E-mentoring process.
HE, Y. (2017) Extracting document structure of a text with visual and textual cues.
Jia, Xin (2017) Understanding social signals from nonverbal behaviors in a mobile setting.
Khotina, A. (2017) An innovative search interface for Gesture Dictionary.
Lenz, Dominik (2017) Finding neural correlates for social relationships using EEG hyperscanning.
Niechwiadowicz, Karolina Julia (2017) Virtual Reality and Game Mechanics in Generalized Social Phobia Treatment.
Schreuder Goedheijt, Bart (2017) Recalling shared memories in an embodied conversational agent : personalized robot support for children with diabetes in the PAL project.
Willems, P. (2017) Mood controlled affective ambiences for the elderly.
Xiang, Y. (2017) How is emotion change reflected in manual and automatic annotations of different modalities?
Xie, Chenghong (2017) Design of an m-health application for low-literacy diabetes patients in India.
Bankert, J.J.M. (2016) Comparison of Symbolic and Distributed Representation Language Models on the Lexical Substitution and Simplification Tasks.
Herwijnen, A.G. van (2016) The influence of inner-state displays on human-human interaction.
Janssen, Stefan C. (2016) Reducing labeled data usage in duplicate detection using deep belief networks.
Jimenez Kwast, D. (2016) GPU-Based Photon Mapping for Approximate Real-Time Indirect Diffuse Illumination.
Korać, Kristijan (2016) Impact of Data Visualisation on Users in CRM Systems.
Kreiser, Simon (2016) Marrying GUI and Git : how authoring tools for E-Learning can benefit from version control.
Meijer, Z. (2016) Definition, ideation and validation of the 'Bucketlist'.
PINGEN, G.L.J. (2016) Machine Learning for Ground Cover and Hot Target Analysis in RGB and Satellite Imagery.
Pfab, Isabel (2016) A wearable intervention for posture correction.
SIMSCH, J.J. (2016) Video Quality in VR : Measuring Impact of Bandwidth-Saving Approaches on Quality of Experience and Social Interaction in a HMD-mediated Video Application.
Sybenga, S.D.A (2016) Anomaly detection in defence and surveillance.
Thirukokaranam Chandrasekar, Krishna Kumar (2016) Tracking and Control of Soft, Self-Folding Miniaturized Agent using Ultrasound Images.
Uebbing, Tobias J. (2016) User experience in smart environments : design and prototyping.
Varkevisser, R.A. (2016) Large Scale Online Readability Assessment.
Vlutters, S. (2016) Long short-term memory networks for body movement estimation.
WU, D. (2016) Play and practice together: How to Design the practice activity in E-learning by adding social interaction.
Berkel, Niels van (2015) Item availability restricted.
Boensma, Robert (2015) Geovisualization and time based mission planning on a multi-touch tabletop.
Brilman, Maarten (2015) A multimodal predictive model of successful debaters or how I learned to sway votes.
Dekker, Thomas W.G. (2015) Applying parental involvement in secondary vocational education using a technological solution.
Foustanas, Nestoras (2015) Helping elderly users control a telepresence robot with a touch screen.
Gerritsen, S.N.J. (2015) Using teamwork to enhance the social presence on a distributed playground.
Hoegen, Rens (2015) Human Behavior towards Virtual Humans.
Koelemans, DRPM (2015) Item availability restricted.
Kolkman, M.C. (2015) Cross-domain textual geocoding: the influence of domain-specific training data.
Kolkmeier, Jan (2015) Intimacy is Induced and Regulated Through Proxemic & Gaze Behaviour - A Study in Immersive Virtual Reality.
Pouw, I.H. (2015) You are what you eat : serious gaming for type 1 diabetic persons.
Stojkovski, Borce (2015) Employing User-Centered Design methods for the development of a Virtual Reality training system for firefighters.
Wolbers, S. (2015) Participatory design approach to improve the communication between care providers through the electronic health record.
Ye, Xiaohao (2015) GlucOnline Coach: a virtual coach app for diabetes patients.
Brinke, Hans ten (2014) Hide and sneak - Perceptions in The Virtual Storyteller.
Broekema, C.D. (2014) Modelling loitering character agents in conflict situations: Visualizing and evaluating interpersonal conflict strategies.
Deneka, Agnes (2014) A coach ECA to increase Societal Participation of Low Literates and Non-Native Citizens in the Societal Participation Learning Support System.
Fu, Q. (2014) Validation of Interpersonal Stances Expressed by Virtual Suspect Characters in a Police Interview Setting.
Hoek, Marissa (2014) Generating Dutch focalized stories about interaction in a serious game.
Kleef, N.T.M. van (2014) Making people matches using Supervised Machine Learning algorithms.
Lu, Yuan (2014) Investigation on factors limiting the performance of deep sleep classification.
Molen, N.J van der (2014) Item availability restricted.
Nibbelke, Vincent (2014) Vascular pattern recognition for finger veins using biometric graph matching.
Peters, Rifca Marcella (2014) How Turn-Taking Influences the Perception of a Suspect in Police Interviews.
Snoyl, K.E.R. (2014) De effecten van het gebruik van het F-LinQ fotolijstje op de verbondenheid tussen ouderen en hun (klein)kinderen.
Wapperom, Sjoerd (2014) Computational Modelling of Suspect Behaviour in Police Interviews.
Werf, S.J. van der (2014) Measuring Workload at a ProRail Control Post.
Zaga, Cristina (2014) Engaging child-robot interaction in a collaborative task.
Akkersdijk, Saskia M. (2013) User evaluations of a behaviour change support system.
Davison, David (2013) A framework for creating semantic wikis for biomedical research laboratories.
Franssen, T.K.C. (2013) Gesture recognition in streaming motion data using offline training with a limited training set.
Gennep, Bart van (2013) In the eye of the wizard : effects of (mutual) gaze on an avatar mediated conversation.
Hendrix, J.K. (2013) An embodied conversational agent in a mobile health coaching application.
Keijl, Edwin (2013) Picalilly: sharing photos through locative social media.
Oude Veldhuis, M. (2013) Multi-target user interface design and generation using model-driven engineering.
Alofs, Thijs (2012) The Interactive Storyteller A multi-user tabletop board game interface to support social interaction in AI-based interactive storytelling.
Brandon, Merel (2012) Effect personality matching on robot acceptance : effect of robot-user personality matching on the acceptance of domestic assistant robots for elderly.
Brugman, Ivo (2012) A multimodal interactive system for creative expressions.
Epskamp, S.G. (2012) On the influence of stereographic 3D on user dependent direct projected augmented reality in the OR.
Hijmans, Remco (2012) Comparing grid-based features and classification settings, in an off-line supervised human action detection and recognition task.
Huang, Liting (2012) Secure and privacy-preserving broadcast authentication for IVC.
Jonkman, F. (2012) Nonverbal behaviour of an embodied storyteller.
Kalsbeek, Maarten van (2012) Interface and interaction design patterns for e-commerce checkouts.
Kornalijnslijper, D.S. (2012) The user effects of using textual cues to increase image viewing attention.
Liu, Peng (2012) Test bed and sensor platform for building usage profiling.
Loch, Frieder (2012) Hierarchical gestures: ggestural shortcuts for touchscreen devices.
Sburlea, Andreea Ioana (2012) Brighten up your mind! : Effects of light priming and encouraging feedback on the neural and behavioral responses in a general knowledge task.
Smink, S. (2012) Improving nutritional intake of hospital patients using a persuasive tablet application Master’s thesis.
Stoica, Mircea (2012) Detecting the no-control state in self-paced Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Wieringa, Wilko (2012) User Handover in a Cross Media Device Environment, A Coaching Service for Physical Activity.
Zanderink, Arnold (2012) Drum assistant.
Bergervoet, Erwin Josephus (2011) Let the game do the talking : the influence of explicitness and game behavior on comprehension in an educational computer game.
Boer Rookhuiszen, Roan (2011) Generation of German narrative probability exercises.
Dehling, Eike (2011) The Reactive Virtual Trainer.
Delden, R.W. van (2011) Design of therapeutic TagTile games for children with unilateral spastic cerebral paresis.
Grisel, I.G.J. (2011) Multimodal user interface for robotized flexible endoscopy.
Hakvoort, Gido (2011) Immersion and affect in a brain-computer interface game.
Ham, Wim van der (2011) An Appraisal Based Model of Affect for a Negotiating Agent.
Hoeijmakers, Niek J. (2011) User experience and User performance of feedback in a Pose Game.
Jong, Maurits D. de (2011) Network Management in a Distributed System.
Kanis, Zwier (2011) Classification of Semantically Coherent Segments in Web Pages.
Perloy, L.M. (2011) The influence of personalization on education and enjoyment in a museum.
Visser, Thomas (2011) Toward a model for incremental grounding in dialogue systems.
Wanders, Brend (2011) Exploring signalling pathways as a serious game.
Wiekens, Adri (2011) Feedback presentation for physical activity coaching: by an embodied conversational agent or by a simple e-mail?
Bragt, Jasper (2010) Towards believable characters in the virtual storyteller.
Ganzeboom, Mario S. (2010) User-independent recognition of dynamic hand gestures using a dataglove.
Jochems, Bart (2010) Detecting emotional intensity peaks in narrative conversational settings.
Lansink, M. (2010) Hair simulation and rendering.
Paul, Ronald (2010) Realization and high level specification of facial expressions for embodied agents.
Pothoven, Tristan (2010) Workflow usage in the healthcare environment.
Akker, H. op den (2009) On adressee prediction for remote hybrid meeting settings or how to use multiple modalities in predicting whether or not you are being addressed in a live hybrid meeting environment.
Balen, J. van (2009) A virtual billiard assistant.
Boot, L. (2009) Facial expressions in EEG/EMG recordings.
Bos, W.J. (2009) Interactive signaling network analysis tool.
Klaassen, R. (2009) COPD home interaction device.
Kok, I. de (2009) The influence of videoconferencing and an emotional feedback support system on polyadic negotiations.
Laar, B. v.d. (2009) Actual and imagined movement in BCI gaming.
Logtenberg, Jeroen (2009) Multi-user interaction with molecular visualizations on a multi-touch table.
Lucassen, T. (2009) Adaptive support of human attention allocation using cognitive models.
Nouwens, I.C.C. (2009) Predicting dialogue state transitions using prosodic markers: Exploring AMI Corpus backchannels.
Ooms, Matthijs (2009) Provenance management in practice.
Oost, H.B. (2009) SDA-based discrete head pose estimation.
Satink, Laurens (2009) The adaptive presentation assistant using grammar-based recognition to support the process of presenting.
Tommassen, P. (2009) Wacky Pirate Hijinks : causing and resolving conflict between autonomous agents in a virtual storyworld.
Weele, J.H.D. ter (2009) Onderzoek naar de gebruikersvriendelijkheid van boekingsformulieren.
Berg, Ruben van den (2008) Interaction capabilities of Second Life : a framework to determine Second Life's suitability for a 3D virtual world application.
Brinkman, E. (2008) Recognition of the emotion in abstract expressionistic paintings using a machine learning approach.
Gils, F.M.D.M. van (2008) PodVinder : spoken document retrieval for Dutch pod- and vodcasts.
Jonker, J. (2008) Wizard of Oz for gesture prototyping.
Melissen, Arthur (2008) Exploring neglected avenues in the modelling of attribution theory.
Nijmeijer, Tom (2008) Automatic classification of television commercials.
Oude Bos, Danny (2008) BrainBasher : a multi-modal BCI game for research and demonstration.
Pasch, M. (2008) Bye-bye couch potato : body movement in the gaming experience.
Tigelaar, Almer S. (2008) Automatic discussion summarization : a study of Internet fora.
Werf, R.J. van der (2008) The Embodied Conversational Agent Toolkit : a new modularization approach.
Ambrosius, R.B.P. (2007) Elektronische leeromgeving met gebarentaalherkenning : Grafische user interface oplossingen voor ambigu¨ıteitproblemen van een gebarentaalherkenner voor een elektronische leeromgeving voor dove en slechthorende kleuters.
Baalman, Philippus (2007) Van mono naar multi: een automatische VJ.
Buurman, H.A. (2007) Virtual Storytelling: Emotions for the narrator.
Doorn, Gerrit Hendrikus van (2007) Accelerated playback of meeting recordings.
Elling, Erwin (2007) Tools for fun and fruitful meetings. : “Don’t let meetings make you go bananas!”.
Herms, K.G.F. (2007) Body pose tracking in the Watching Window : a system that tracks both hands in a virtual reality environment.
Heuts, R.P. (2007) Mobile interface design for dynamic environments.
Jansen, Lisette (2007) Panze: A Multimodal Preschool Music Education System.
Jong, M.A. de (2007) Politeness and Alignment in the Virtual Guide.
Kock, Arien S. (2007) Enhancing Synthetic Speech with Filled Pauses.
Koster, J. (2007) Influencing tabletop interaction speed: directness and device.
Nijdam, N.A. (2007) Facial rendering.
Oijen, Joost van (2007) A Framework to support the influence of culture on nonverbal behavior generation in Embodied Conversational Agents.
Penning, M.P.J. (2007) Boosting LUCK: Improving the language understanding capabilities of Kaitito.
Pot, Wouter (2007) A machine learning approach for generating expressive musical transcriptions.
Reuderink, Boris (2007) Fusion for Audio-Visual Laughter Detection.
Tuin, Vincent van der (2007) Computer-Aided Security Surveillance : design of the Quo Vadis Object Tracker.
Versloot, Corne (2007) Cross-document named entity coreference resolution for Dutch as a pre-process for named entity based text mining.
Wijgerse, Steven (2007) Generating realistic city boundaries using two-dimensional Perlin noise.
Braam, G.J.M. (2006) Supporting multi-modal and multi-medial user interfaces from an embedded environment.
Brouwer, L.J. (2006) Monitoring van een ASR-systeem : het gebruik van interne confidencewaarden en teletekstondertiteling om de Word-Error-Rate van een herkenning te voorspellen.
Groot, Paul de (2006) Enhancing the performance and testability of the MI20 robot soccer system.
Hassink, N. and Schopman, M.G. (2006) Gesture recognition in a meeting environment.
Hulswit, D.R. (2006) Automatic interpretation of Nijntje-images.
Nusman, Daan (2006) Real-time full-body motion capture in virtual worlds.
Schrijver, Bert Jan (2006) Classificeren met vertrouwen : contextgevoelige tekstclassificatie met betrouwbaarheidsindicatie.
Slabbers, Nanda (2006) Narration for virtual storytelling.
Stehouwer, J.H. (2006) Cue phrase selection methods for textual classification problems.
Swartjes, Ivo (2006) The Plot Thickens : bringing structure and meaning into automated story generation.
Verbree, A.T. (2006) On the structuring of discussion transcripts based on utterances automatically classified.
Vrielink, S.B. (2006) Situational reinforcement learning : learning and combining local policies by using heuristic state preference values.
Boedeltje, Michel Ronald (2005) In response to your inquiry : Automatic E-mail Answer Suggestion in a Dutch Contact Centre.
Borssum Waalkes, Bart (2005) Managing Genome Databases.
Fikkert, F.W. (2005) Item availability restricted.
Klaij, Bastiaan (2005) Toegepast tokenizen voor natuurlijke taal verwerking : automatische analyse van platte en opgemaakte tekst.
Weijden, Erik van der (2005) Structuring argumentation in meetings : Visualizing the argument structure.
Roelofsen, Floris (2004) Contextual Reasoning - Complexity Analysis and Decision Procedures -.
Havinga, Y.T. (2003) Representatie van sociale zekerheidswetgeving in het kennissysteem OpenCyc.