University of Twente Student Theses


Domain: 43 environmental science

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Number of items: 479.


Aast, C.B.J. van de (2022) ‘Twente’s logistics sector energy demand and its sustainable potential’.

Abdelsalam, Sara Magdy Mostafa (2019) Water management of textile sector in Bangladesh : analysis of partnership for cleaner textile project in Bangladesh.

Abouyoussef, H. (2021) Assessment of the renewable energy transition and sustainable development situation in Egypt.

Achterkamp, F. (2020) The current situation of the food environment at a Dutch secondary school : a case study with insights from students and other stakeholders.

Afrooz, Aliasghar (2024) Factors Influencing Dutch Residents’ Acceptance of Green Retrofitting Practices in Residential Buildings.

Agustini, Dian Tristi (2021) Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers using Climate-Smart Agriculture : the case of Rejosari Village, Indonesia.

Ahmadinejad, Yasaman (2022) The relationship between water scarcity and farmer migration in Isfahan, Iran.

Al-Baz, Hanadi (2021) Climate Resilience of Refugees in Jordan.

Alagumannan, Pravinraj (2019) Ecosystem Services and Green Infrastructure in Cities.

Albert, A. N. (2022) Constructing Climate Emotions : An Interview-Based Exploration with Climate Fiction Readers.

Aleksandrov, A. (2022) Evaluating the sustainability of a technology by performing a supply chain analysis.

Ali mouri, Pouyan (2023) Resistance against developing of Direct Air Capture : the case of the Netherlands.

Alink, J.W.M. (2023) Quantification of nanoplastics in a baby bottle and a reusable water bottle by Fluorescence Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy.

Aliyar Zanjani, M.H. (2024) Exploring Knowledge Gap in Geopolymer Concrete Adoption in the Dutch construction Industry.

Almira, F.N. (2023) Impact Analysis of NGOs' Role in Marine Biodiversity Protection in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

Aminian, Roozbeh (2020) Wat-IF : decision-support tool for sustainable wastewater treatment plants in the Netherlands.

Amouei, Morteza (2023) Classification of urban morphology and its relationship with air pollution using deep learning.

Andynar, Alia (2023) Assessing the alignment of second-hand clothing import regulations with circular economy objectives in Indonesia.

Anggraini, Renny Indira (2021) Ecotourism effects on forest conservation and rural development in Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia.

Antonov, Alexandar (2025) Development and Evaluation of an AI-Driven Pipeline for Wildlife Monitoring.

Arends, A.J.M. (2025) Monitoring endangered wildlife utilising computer vision models.

Arends, Jim (2020) The feasibility of transforming the Dutch main- and regional natural gas pipeline infrastructure into a hydrogen network.

Asambo, J.A. (2017) Alternative farming practices and the potential contributions towards a bio-based economy : case study of Dutch dairy farming practices.

Asnakew, G.T. (2024) How good is the calibrated steady-state model of the Hollandse Graven catchment for predicting its hydrological system regimes under wet and dry climate conditions?

Attema, M.J. (2023) Ethical water allocations based on water footprint caps: a case study for the Yellow River Basin.

Avest, Ivo I.B.J. ter (2020) Phasing out natural gas : comparing cost-effective sustainable heating alternatives for both urban and rural areas in the Netherlands.

Badrinath, Poornima (2023) Getting there is half the fun - Intermodal Transport Comparison of AMS and BLR.

Bako, Adam (2018) Presenting temperature measurements of public spaces in Enschede.

Balanici, Eduard (2024) The Role of Information Systems in Balancing Environmental, Social and Economic Organizational Decision-Making.

Balistreri, G. (2018) Spatial Analysis of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Incidences.

Baltima, Anastasia-Anna (2021) Sustainable Energy Planning on the Power System of the Greek Islands based on Green Hydrogen development (Case study: The Island of Crete).

Barathidhasan, Shanmathi (2023) Deep Learning Framework for Urban Impervious Surface Mapping Using Open Multisource Geospatial Data.

Barcelos, MSc Carolina (2022) Modelling the Dynamics of Plastic Waste in Local Coastal Areas of Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The Case of Kenya.

Barten, E.D.F. (2023) Improving waste separation motivation on the campus of the University of Twente.

Basurto Cisneros, Carlos (2016) The importance of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in coastal cities: The case study of Cancun, Mexico.

Batame, Michael (2023) Global Trade and Local Food Security: Mapping and Monitoring Cocoa Expansion and its Impact on Household Food Security in the Bia West Disctrict, Ghana.

Baumeister, Martin (2019) The role of frames in the public diesel ban policy debate in the city of Essen.

Bayazian, Aidin (2023) Community Energy Storage: A Case Study of Zwolle, the Netherlands.

Begeman, M.C. (2015) De invloed van sociale interactie en ervaren autonomie op de relatie tussen het nieuwe werken en arbeidstevredenheid.

Beijk, G. (2021) Social Media as a Tool to create Environmental Awareness in Transparent, Sustainable Supply Chains.

Bekke, J.H.B. ter (2019) Sustainability transition in milk production : how livestock-based, socio-technical systems can transition to plant-based production methods.

Belzunegui, P. (2018) Biofuel chain in the Netherlands and its potential as an alternative for fossil fuels in the future.

Bemaniyazdi, Arash (2023) Sustainable Concrete in the construction industry in the Netherlands.

Benjamin, Dani (2024) Socio-technical challenges in applying the Nature-based solution of Wetland Restoration for Climate Action in the Netherlands.

Bergervoet, Sven (2022) The Development of a Framework for a Sustainable Coffee Machine.

Bertoncello Machado, L. (2024) Narratives for Change: The underlying narratives of Aardehuis in establishing a community microgrid.

Betke, Saskia (2016) Factors contributing to the Europe 2020 target attainment.

Bhuiyan, Rezaul Hasan (2024) Tropical Forest Height Estimation Using L-and P-Band Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatters with Machine Learning Models.

Biswas, Biman (2022) Deep Learning-based Multimodal Fusion of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Mapping Deforested Areas in the Amazon Rainforest.

Blees, Ricardo (2020) Incineration or pyrolysis for processing un-separated household waste? : An exploration of pyrolysis for non-recyclable but flammable household waste within a case study.

Bloeme, Randy (2016) Wildplassers een handje geholpen : positieve gedragsbeïnvloeding in de context van een uitgaansgebied.

Boateng, Prince (2024) Mapping deforestation in the Gaza province (Mozambique) with random forest machine learning algorithm on historical landsat satellite imagery.

Boer, M.J. de (2022) Awe: part of the solution against global warming? Exploring the role of awe in sustainable consumer behavior.

Bojang, Alieu S. (2020) Weak or strong sustainability : an appraisal of the influence of economic condition & population growth on a country’s sustainable development type.

Born, H. van den (2024) Creating an educational escape room piece about individual climate positive changes in day-to-day life.

Borst, ir. R.H.C. (2023) Evaluating the effect of nature-based solutions on urban runoff using hydraulic modelling: a case study in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana.

Bos, Marlin (2017) Nationality and greenwashing : differences between The Netherlands and Suriname on consumer attitude.

Bos, T.W. (2021) Improving Circularity of the Plastics Supply Chain in The Netherlands.

Bourbon de Parme, Carlos de (2022) Detecting Stomata with Computer Vision for Plant Breeding.

Braake, J. ter (2024) Deriving Data Stories from the GAEA Geospatial Tool.

Broers, Noah (2023) How Organizations Institutionalize Corporate Digital Responsibility in their Culture and the Influence on Employees’ Digital Responsible Behavior.

Brown, Shannon (2024) Navigating Ethical Waters – A Case Study Exploring the Ethical Landscape of Using Voluntary Carbon Credits to Fund Solarized Water Systems in Humanitarian Contexts.

Buiteveld, J. (2021) Techno-economic evaluation of a novel biomass pyrogasification process with an integrated sorption-shift system : a process for the conversion of waste to high-quality biochar and hydrogen with carbon capture and hydrogen upgrading.

Buningh, Marie-Lotte Adeline (M.A.) (2020) Disclosing the Naysayers : socio-demographic characteristics as predictors of Climate Change Scepticism in the Netherlands.

Buohemaa, Bernice Osei (2022) Urban green in Greater Paramaribo: Explorations of accessibility and social inequality.

Burgt, A.P. van der (2020) Designing a Low-Cost Autonomous Pyranometer.

Calder, Hunter (2022) Sea Level Rise in New Zealand and Dutch News : A comparative study of representations of sea level rise in online news articles from Aotearoa New Zealand and the Netherlands.

Campen, R.P.L. van (2024) How can standardized construction practices for the Netherlands be used for increased integration of Nature-Based Solutions within substations?

Cattaneo, Marco (2024) Towards a sustainable blue economy : a spatial assessment of ecosystem services to inform development planning of Kenya’s coastal counties.

Ceha, Alexander (2017) Tackling The Circular Economy: Aiding firms in the design and implementation of circular business models.

Chafiq, I. (2018) Exploratory analysis of living labs contribution to climate adaptation needs and innovative multifunctional dikes in the Netherlands.

Chang, Chia-Chi (2010) Endemic Plant Distribution in Majella National Park, Italy.

Chaniotaki, Kalliopi Georgia (2020) Food packaging and circular economy in the Netherlands : challenges and policy solutions.

Chaturvedi, Vineet (2019) Analyzing urban development patterns in a conflict zone : a case study of Kabul.

Chavez Hernandez, J.G. (2021) Renewable energy communities as a tool for the democratization of the local energy transition in the province of Fryslân, the Netherlands.

Chen, Y. (2018) Household participation in solid waste management towards circular economy : a case study of Haidian District, Beijing, China.

Chimbi, A.A. (2024) Remote Sensing-Based Characterization of Biodiversity Supporting Structures on Coffee Farms in Zimbabwe.

Colenbrander, Rob (2019) A framework for developing regional energy strategies for the built environment and the electricity sector with a focus on public participation.

Collot, C. (2022) Assessing the integration of same-day delivery option from the sustainable, financial, and service angles : a case study in the e-commerce sector.

Corral Macias, Cesar (2018) Energy transitions in incumbent companies; a case study applying the MLP.

Cuesta, Emilio Jose (2025) Feasibility of EMS and Hybrid Energy Storage in Regenerative Railway Systems.

Cârcoană, Sebastian (2020) Assessing the implementation of ultrafiltration in a Brazilian kraft pulp mill.

D'Almeida, E.S.D. (2016) The impacts of land use and practices on the environment : a case study in Butaw, Sinoe County, Liberia 2012-2016.

D'Silva, Shanan (2024) Detection, Mapping and Classification of Crude Oil in Drill Core using Hyperspectral Imagery.

Dagioglou, S. (2014) An implementation of the planning phase of Triana using the flexible power application infrastructure.

Dam, Titia van (2017) The influence of pledging and motivational factors on environmental behavior : evidence from the Plastic Soup Surfer Petition.

Dam, W.L.M. ten (2023) Driving sustainability in packaging design : The development of a framework to guide the transition towards a sustainable future.

Damen, Robert Gerard (2014) Evaluating urban quality and sustainability - Presentation of a framework for the development of indicator assessment methods, by which the existing urban environment may be evaluated on quality and sustainability perfomance on a neighborhood scale.

Dawo, H.L.A. (2017) Fostering Climate Resilience in Cities: An analysis of adaptive policy strategies to mitigate urban flooding by utilizing multifunctional systems.

De Somocurcio, Fernanda (2020) Dealing with Microplastics pollution in the Netherlands : human health risk assessment and policy making approaches.

Defize, D. R. (2018) Climate Active City Enschede.

Delarosa, Alyssa (2024) Towards a Spatially and Epistemically Just Earth System Boundary.

Delarue, Bjorn (2024) Achieving EU 2030 Sustainable Heating Goals in Kortrijk : A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective for Integrating a smart heat grid with aqua thermal Energy Based on Interreg WaterWarmth.

Demissie, Wondimagegn Abebe (2022) Integrated hydrological model to evaluate water resources of Boteti River sub-basin, Botswana.

Derksen, J. (2023) The food environment and obesity, are they related? : A cross-sectional observational study in the Netherlands.

Dev Roy, S. (2024) Analyzing the impacts of urban morphology on land surface temperature in European cities.

Dey, D. (2018) The potential of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Netherlands to remove the contemporary contaminant microplastics from the inflow wastewater.

Dijk, Jacobien van (2020) The effect of the Dutch Nitrogen crisis on stakeholders’ attitude towards sustainable dairy.

Dijkstra, J. (2015) Optimizing the large-scale renovation strategy.

Dokter, L.J.B. (2017) Regulatory standard setting for managing e-waste in the US. An exploratory study based on the Governance Triangle.

Donk, Lieke van de (2024) A Never-Ending Fight to Defend One’s Land? : Environmental Justice for Indigenous Communities in Canada.

Doorn, C.H.M. van (2021) Guidelines for climate change visualisation communication.

Doran, D. (2020) Integrating ecosystem services into regional and local policies : the case of the River Blackwater estuary in Ireland.

Dortmann, M.L. (2018) Developing a user interface for smart rainwater buffer systems.

Dreisewerd, Stella Marina (2021) Achieving Economic viability through local sourcing, focused on firms operating in the German food industry.

Drukker, Coen (2021) What are the barriers to implementing hydrogen in Dichterswijk Utrecht.

Druten, Mila Luna van (2023) External Limitations to Reverse Electrodialysis.

Dsouza, Sarette (2019) Opportunities in sustainable improved coffee trade : presenting water challenges in production and role the Dutch importer plays.

Duffhues, Ir. T.W. (2016) A suitable solution? : How product-service system can support Schiphol in the transition towards a circular economy.

Duguma, I.J. (2017) Governing the irrigation water in Ethiopia: Case study of Shelle village, Arbaminch Zuria Woreda.

Duivenbode, Job Jack Benjamin van (2024) Negotiating the Energy Future: Exploring Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) as Potential Replacement for Coal-Fired Power Plants : A Case Study of the Eemshaven.

Dzikrurrokhim, M.R. (2021) Actor analysis on energy efficiency measures in Indonesia's energy-intensive industries : a case study of the fertilizer industry.

Eekhout, Sergio (2019) The creation of design principles for wayfinding in a festivalscape : A systematic view on factors influencing wayfinding.

Eerde, T.L. van (2016) Powered by the Polis: How post materialistic values in consumers enable usage of renewable energy sources in a consumption economy.

Eggens, Gijs Bart (2019) The prediction of actual energy use during the use phase of Dutch dwellings using building specific parameters.

Elattar, Hoda (2020) Improving the implementation of nature-based solutions: principles, challenges and enablers.

Elshof, E.W. (2021) The waste of a bad policy on municipal solid waste : a study on the effect of the satisfaction level of citizens and the perceived quality of waste in the Netherlands.

Elsinga, . J. (2014) The influence of structural change on energy consumption.

Engels, Lennart (2024) Evaluating Thies´s Carbon Footprint and Devising Effective CO2 Reduction Strategies.

Enzary, A. (2017) Implementing The National Energy Policy (KEN) : A Study of Energy Security and Interrelation Among The Actors, Case Study : The Province of Jambi (Indonesia).

Enzary, Alfan (2017) Implementing the National Energy Policy (KEN) : a study of energy security and interrelation among the actors, case study : the Province of Jambi (Indonesia).

Er, Kaan (2024) Evaluation of the WaPOR v3 Dataset for Crop Water Productivity and Precision Agriculture Applications.

Erp, Giel W. M. van (2017) Applying the Flow Optimization Model: Dynamic Charging on the Dutch National Roads.

Ersaru, E. (2017) Public participation in water management : the case of Turkey.

Escofet Torres, Alberto (2021) A Circular Model to Improve Waste Management in Mexico City´s Residential Areas.

Esmaiel, Aly Mohammed Rashad Aly Abdallaa (2020) Mainstreaming Risk Assessment into Spatial planning for Risk Reduction: Case Study of Urban Flood in Alexandria, Egypt.

Everdingen, P.T.C. van (2024) From Exhibition to Innovation : A Case Study on MAACQ Oase to Increase the Impact of Critical Design.

Eversmann, H.Y.N. (2022) Whole Life Carbon Thinking : market and data analysis of whole life carbon in Dutch renovation projects.

Ezekiel, O.O. (2018) Sustainable Consumption as a tool Towards Achieving the 2050 Circular Economy Goal of the Netherlands: “Case study of Dutch Household in Leeuwarden”.

Ferreira, R.N.F. (2019) Technology screening framework and its application in the state of Ceará, Brazil.

Figueroa Chavarria, Mirza Ivanna (2024) From Impacts to Perceptions: Exploring the Maya Train's Effect on Groundwater Systems and Communities in Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Fleischmann, Julia (2023) Female Climate Activism Constructed in Online Stories: A Thematic Analysis.

Fortunov, Riccardo (2024) An In-Depth Exploration of Public Perceptions of Microplastics and their Environmental Impact in South Africa: The Role of Social Media in Stimulating Awareness and Fostering Sustainable Consumer Behaviour.

Fouladvand, J. (2017) Solar Thermal Energy Systems for Heating Houses in the Netherlands : Social Acceptance, Energy Management and New System Design with feasibility study for Friesland.

Fromm, Oskar Johannes (2024) The Impact of Digital Product Passports on Consumer Behavior in the Electronics Industry.

Fuentes, V. (2022) The political, economic and environmental impacts of the SDE++ scheme in solar PV technologies in the Dutch electricity market.

Fujiansah, W. (2016) The Linkages Between Government and Utility Strategies in Indonesia Electricity Sector in Supporting the Electricity Network Organization Towards the implementation of Electricity Regionalization.

Galen, J.A.N. van (2020) Setting up circularity objectives to structurally implement circular construction.

Galiën, M.J. van der (2014) Criminaliteit en Overlast rondom drugsgerelateerde plaatsen : een onderzoek naar de criminaliteit en overlast rondom coffeeshops en growshops in Enschede.

Garcia, D.P. (2018) Development of a classification instrument to allocate federal funding available for sanitation improvement in the cities under fifty thousand people in Ceará, Brazil.

Gebremeskel, Haftom Hagos (2022) Estimation of forest canopy height using single polarized TanDEM-X across different forest biophysical characteristics in temperate forests.

Geerts, S.J. (2023) Estuarine Sand Dunes as a Nature-Based Solution Against Salt Intrusion : An idealised morphostatic model approach.

Geijn, S.A. van (2021) The urban ecosystem : designing the future of cities from an eco-centric perspective.

Geissler, Dominique (2018) The implementation of the European Emission Trading System and its effects on European greenhouse gas emissions.

Georgas, Kyriakos (2022) Ecotourism Opportunities in East Attica.

Georgiadis, N. (2020) Mid-term projections towards the water, energy and agriculture nexus in Jordan.

Gerdes, Thorben (2023) Enhancing soil health measurements for food forest projects.

Gerrits, P.C.S.T. (2023) Forces Underlying Business’ Sustainability Transitions in The Food Industry.

Gharehdaghy Mianjy, Javad (2016) Public acceptance of greywater reuse in the Netherlands; barriers and motivations.

Ghorbanzadeh Bahadori, Maliheh (2022) Characteristics of urban green space (UGS) to promote the diversity of users in a compact urban development.

Gkioka, Nafsika (2024) Battery Sizing Optimization for Grid-Tied PV Systems.

Glas, Vera (2023) Application of the fast flood simulation model for local risk-informed decision-making on flood risk reduction : a case study of Pamba Basin, Kerala India.

Go, M.L. (2019) Clustering with Outliers in a Biased Animal Movement Database.

Goesten, Thom (2023) Modeling the initial impact of storm events on the deformation and migration of full-grown sand waves.

González, E.Y. (2022) Assessment of price policies and non-price policies to manage the water demand at the household level in the city of Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.

Goolkate, Wander (2022) The future of e-waste; which category is going to be the major challenge for the EU.

Gorgan, Andrei-Victor (2024) Towards sustainable data centers: An analytical model of circular economy.

Goudsblom, T.G.J. (2023) Uncertainty Thinking - Embracing uncertainty in product development.

Gremmen, K.J.M. (2014) Safeguarding animal welfare in the European fur farming industry.

Groefsema, L.M. (2022) Boundary spanning for adaptive management in flood risk governance networks : two regional flood risk projects in the Netherlands.

Groen, Britt de (2015) Long-term morphodynamic behaviour of the Maasvlakte 2 sand extraction pits and the influence on surrounding sand wave fields.

Groeneveld, M.W.B. (2021) The influence of the carbon intensity of investment portfolios on their return and volatility.

Groot, M.J.A. de (2022) Sustainability of the HVAC systems in the clinical operating room department.

Groot, S.A. de (2025) Evaluation of ensemble flood forecast performance by using a semi-distributed multi-model approach compared to single models.

Gururani, Chakshu (2024) Developing a Spatio-Temporal Model to Predict InSAR-derived Hillslope Deformation.

Götz, Katharina (2022) Flood resilience of communities along the Salzach river, Austria.

Gürsoy, İrem (2016) Analysis of Low Solar Energy Share Reasons and Role of EMRA in Turkey.

Haarselhorst van den Goorbergh, J (2021) Forecasting and steering of greenhouse gas emissions attributed to investment portfolios of financial institutions.

Hagen, Lisanne (2024) Introducing a lifecycle-based approach in energy-saving advice for utility buildings : The effect of global warming potential and cumulative energy demand on the decision-making process.

Halim, R.A. (2018) Geothermal Potency and Development.

Hamza, Muhammad (2021) Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable City : Can These Technologies Create Sustainable Cities and Communities?

Harmsma, W.H. (2019) The effects of stocking configurations in industrial symbiotic networks : an agent-based simulation study.

Harmsma, W.H. (2022) Automated detection of hidden failures in heating and photovoltaic systems of ‘Nul-op-de-meter’-housing Projects.

Hartmans, L.A. (2023) Predicting Soil Moisture for Improved Environmental Sustainability: A Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting Approach using Machine Learning.

Hasan, Adib (2021) The Integrated Implementation Of Environmental Impact Assessment And Environmental Management System On The Power Plant Sector In Indonesia.

Hassink, H.W. (2024) Understanding the evolution of customer trust in sustainable products : A customer journey perspective.

Hazel, T.S. van den (2023) Thinking of the Past to Change the Future: Using the Ease of Retrieval Manipulation to Promote Pro-Environmental Behaviour.

Heerema, K. (2021) Strategic Niche Management for hydrogen: analysing the Hydrogen Hub Twente.

Heinrichs, Fenja (2023) Voices unheard - silenced Communities, vanishing Forests: Exploring the Ecological and Social Consequences of the FPIC Implementation Gap.

Heitmann, Till Odde (2018) The Challenges for Maritime Spatial Planning in Sweden : Results from the compliance process with Directive 2014/89/EU on developing and implementing MSP.

Hekhuis, T. (2023) Governance assessment of circular building policies and practices in the Netherlands.

Hellema, Hille Jan (2021) A water-energy nexus approach to improve the climate resilience of the city of Leeuwarden.

Helten, M.R. van (2023) Government characteristics and policy-making ambitions in Dutch Regional Energy Strategy regions: barrier or opportunity for the energy transition?

Hertoghe, Anouchka (2025) Circular design for Benchmark : Developing a heuristic tool for circular design.

Herverasanti, Sagita (2023) Integration of Flood and Drought Management in Zwolle towards improving Climate Resilience.

Heuvel, I.M. van den (2024) Viewers’ Experiences of Watching the Environmental Science-fiction Film Avatar the Way of Water: Text Mining Analysis of Human Nature Connection Talk.

Heuver, Karlijn Anniek (2024) Exploring the Role of Visual Eco-Art Education in promoting Human-Nature Connectedness: A Scoping Review.

Hilarides, A. (2019) Dealing with salinization in 'Fryslan', an elaboration of costs and benefits of applying 'SeepCat.' technology.

Hoekstra, MSc J.F (2022) Water-saving at the household level using gamification features: A design-oriented study in the Netherlands.

Hoendervoogt, Sabine (2018) Developing a business model framework for social movement organizations.

Hoevenagel, M.G. (2022) A framework for strategic sustainable development implementation by SMEs (Incorporating life cycle thinking and triple bottom line corporate success).

Hogestijn, J. (2023) The Effectiveness of Policy Implementation in the Forest Management Zones in Ca Mau, Vietnam.

Hohmann, M. (2021) Ownership structure and tax avoidance : an empirical analysis of listed Indonesian mining companies.

Hol, A. (2022) 3D biodiversity and UX implementation : designing an effective natural network for use.

Holland, L.G. (2014) Game of Power: The development of new institutional arrangements that contribute to the implementation of solutions proposed by national government for municipalities with dwellings nearby high-voltage connections.

Hooft, Allard van der (2024) Development of an intelligent multi-sensor system for real-time monitoring and analysis of soil pollution on construction sites.

Hoorn, Casper van (2014) Local climate change mitigation policy.

Hormes, Jelmer (2024) Claiming the Future of Greenwashing : enhancing trust and justice in the EU Green Claims Directive.

Horst, Reinier L.C. van der (2022) Error Estimation for Output Prediction of Photovoltaic Systems.

Hridoy, Mashfiq (2022) Analyzing the Forest Circularity and Inclusion of Local Community : a Case Study from Kaptai and Karnafuli Forest Range, Rangamati, Bangladesh.

Huls, Thijs (2016) Ambition requiring energy : A study of the institutional organisation of the energy transition in the Achterhoek and its influence on the actual content and speed of the transition.

Hulst, Jurgen G.B. (2022) Measuring and improving the impact of sustainable public procurement of immunization cold chain equipment by UNICEF.

Ibrahim, Andi (2024) Deep Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation for Detecting Marine Oil Spill.

Idzes, J.E. (2024) Optimisation of the post-calculation process.

Ifejube, O.J. (2023) Assessing the risk of leptospirosis in relation to flooding in Kerala, India.

Irmen, Justus (2016) Set me free : liberalization and innovation in electricity production from renewable energies.

Islam, M.R. (2017) Reducing Water Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh: Is Rainwater Harvesting a Sustainable Solution?

Islam, M.S. (2023) Forest net primary productivity response to an extreme climate event.

Ivanov, Filip R. (2021) Blike: Developing a cycling gamification app for teaching and motivating people to cycle.

Jabold, Benjamin (2024) The Role of Emerging Communities in Sustainability Transformations: An Anti-Essentialist Spatiality of Degrowth Cities.

Jacke, Marc Alexander (2022) Due Diligence of Copper at Siemens Energy.

Jain, Schrutir (2019) Energy transition in global north-south dimension : case of Overijssel and Mathura.

Jansen, B.J. (2023) Modelling the dynamic greenhouse gas emission intensity of the Dutch electricity grid.

Jansen, ir. Torben Harm (2024) Examining the Integration of Renewable Energy and Storage Technologies in Commercial Office Buildings: A Zilverling Case Study.

Janssen, Vincent (2022) Circular Business Model in an R&D service business: A Roadmap From Initiation To Implementation.

Jarwaarde, E. van (2007) Benchmarking novel membrane processes for CO2 removal from contaminated natural gas.

Jeltes, M. (2024) Analyzing the use of renewable energy in Dutch web hosting through DNS measurement data.

Jeurissen, S.G. (2023) Dairy side-stream valorization through the application of microbiological processes.

Jiang, Tong (2024) Is Heatwave A Risk in Enschede? : A heat-health related assessment.

Joeman, Iref (2019) Alternatives on afterlife use of amortized wind turbine blades in the Netherlands.

Jonkers, S. (2019) The Implementation of Net Zero Energy Buildings in the Netherlands : a qualitative case study on social housing associations.

Jourdain, Ella Celeste (2019) Flood risk and environmental justice in New York City : an examination of policy plans and initiatives at different indices of social vulnerability.

Juan Iveson, Jordi (2020) Assessing the biomass potential for supplying an increased blending mandate in Argentina with a focus on food security.

Juhász, Tilla (2019) The role of geothermal energy in the Dutch energy transition.

Jurgens, M.Z. (2016) Recycling marine debris : An inquiry into the discrepancy inherent in posing recycling marine debris for new consumer wear as a solution to the problem of marine debris pollution.

Kabadwal, Manas (2024) Navigating the Snowscape : Utilizing SAR Interferometric Coherence and ICESat-2 Data for Machine Learning-Based Snow Depth Estimation.

Kadijk, N.P. (2021) Make the UT community aware of their toilet flushing behaviour.

Kahsay, Azeb Gidey (2022) Comparison of thermal infrared and multispectral UAV imagery for detecting pine trees (Pinus Brutia) health status in Lefka Ori National Park in West Crete, Greece.

Kamali, Arash (2022) Natural Gas-Produced Electricity as a Green Energy Resource : Consequences of the 2022 European Delegated Regulation on the Dutch Energy Transition.

Kanagasabapathi, Dhanasekaran (2023) Spatiotemporal analysis for fire forecasting using deep learning techniques in google earth engine : a case study for the Indian state of Uttarakhand.

Karia, Damian (2022) Creating, Pricing, and Modeling ESG Derivatives.

Karisma, K. (2024) A Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Gross Primary Productivity Using Sentinel-2 Data.

Kariuki, W.J. (2017) Business plan exploring the opportunities provided by used furniture in the Circular Economy by bridging the timber deficits in Kenya.

Karlović, Fran (2024) Developing a Wearable Sensor Network for Air Pollution Monitoring on Construction Sites.

Karuppannan, Sriganesh (2020) Analysis of various demand side management control mechanisms for a smart solar carpark.

Kempenaar, Ton (2022) Community Compensation Fund and Social Acceptance of Onshore Wind Energy Projects : Two cases from The Netherlands.

Kersten, J. (2024) Predicting the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts Using Environmental Parameters in Chlorinated Drinking Water.

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Zhu, Z. (2018) Evaluation of coal resource based cities transition in China.

Zijlstra, S. (2022) Best practices of sustainable operating for OR-complexes : a review towards providing an overview of Dutch initiatives in three university medical centers. Intended to clarify the best practices.

Zuuk, Julian Van (2021) From administrative ambition to physical implementation: Thermal Energy from Surface water in the Netherlands : An analytical and exploratory research into the question of why Thermal Energy from Surface water has not yet been implemented to its maximum potential.

Zöllner, Vivien (2021) Stopping Climate Change and Species Extinction simultaneously through Nature-based Solutions - An Analysis of the Biotope Network in Baden-Württemberg.

Özçakmak, Emre (2016) Impact of Wind Energy Generation on Wholesale Electricity Prices in Turkish Electricity Markets.

Internship Report

Holtkamp, Maarten (2011) Industrieel toepasbaar stoom geproduceerd met ultradiepe geothermie.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 06:02:36 2025 CET.