University of Twente Student Theses


Programme: Business Information Technology MSc (60025)

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Number of items: 446.


Adineh, Marzieh (2023) Exploring and Evaluating Alternative Models for Cross-Selling Recommendations.

Aggelen, J.M. van (2017) Using virtual reality to support substance use disorder treatment in people with an intellectual disability.

Agustini, Try (2021) Sentiment Analysis on Social Media using Machine Learning-Based Approach.

Ahmad, Fajri (2019) Enterprise Architecture Mining.

Aker, W.J. (2018) Towards a reference architecture for privacy aware health care organizations.

Alam, Ashiful (2012) Business information management and the cloud.

Alberts, Berend (2013) Technology appropriation revisited - Mediation theory as a new philosophy of technology for information systems research.

Alblas, H.J. (2020) Predictive maintenance of Dutch civil infrastructure: a structured approach.

Alur Mahesh, Medha Varsha (2023) The Design of a Performance Management Framework to Assess and Monitor the Performance of External Employees : A Quantitative Approach.

Alves da Silva, Sarah (2022) Knowledge Management System Design For An Agile Digital Agency : The Case Of El Niño B.V.

Amato, Alessandra (2023) Applications of Early Warning Systems for Customer Segmentation of Wholesale Banking Clients.

Apriyandi, Dimas (2024) A Smart Tourism Platform Reference Architecture for Developing Countries.

Aravind, Neetu (2021) Aligning data architecture and data governance.

Arnold, L.H.A. (2020) Security in V2I projects : incorporating security into a framework for communication between connected cars and infrastructure.

Asuncion, C.H. (2009) Goal-driven service mediation solution.

Aukema, Chris (2011) Managing requirements in business processes management suite projects.

Aulia, A. (2019) Designing a Mobile Digital Payment Application for Gas Stations in Indonesia.

Azani, Maryam (2020) Supply Chain Control Tower Reference Architecture for Exception Monitoring and Real-Time Incident Management.

Baars, D.S. (2016) Towards self-sovereign identity using blockchain technology.

Badea, Florentina (2019) A method to improve the application portfolio m anagement decision-making process through stakeholder involvement.

Bakker, Alexander (2018) OSSUM : a framework for determining the quality of Information Security Assessment Methodologies.

Bannink, S.N. (2018) Risk Management in Cloud Environments: Towards the Adoption of Continuous Auditing and Assurance With EU-SEC.

Bassett, Konrad G. (2013) Garantiecontracten, wel of niet doen? Waarderen en vergelijken van garantiecontracten in het kader van pensioen.

Becks, M.B. (2024) Implementation of Control Activities in Scaled Agile Environments at Large Financial Service Providers to Improve Risk Management.

Berendse, S.E. (2023) Towards explainable machine learning for prediction of disease progression.

Berens, Menno (2006) De tevredenheid over shared service centers in de publieke sector : het succes van shared service centers en de oorzaken daarvan in de inrichting en het functioneren van de klant-leverancierrelatie.

Berg, A.W. van den (2015) Improving customer satisfaction through personalization.

Berg, Remo van den (2024) Utilizing a Digital Model to Support Business Continuity Management Processes and Enhance Cyber Resilience.

Berkel, A.R.R. (2019) Integration of clinical decision support systems in Dutch radiology departments.

Blaauboer, F.A. (2006) Deciding to adopt traceability in practice : influencing this decision.

Bloemen, S.P.R. (2022) Designing a dashboard development methodology for heterogeneous stakeholders in Dutch nursing homes.

Blommendaal, Chris (2015) Information Security Risks for Car Manufacturers based on the in-Vehicle Network.

Bloo, F.W.C. (2018) Towards updatable smart contracts.

Boer, P.B. den (2020) Inner Join Privacy : incorporating functionality-privacy trade-offs in Mobility-as-a-Service Solution design methods.

Boer, S.O. de (2021) Digital Identity; A cyber resilience evaluation of the European digital identity e-commerce requirements.

Boerdonk, R.A.C. van (2016) Pensioenbewustzijn: Kan IT hieraan bijdragen?

Boersma, D. (Durk) (2012) The potential of crowd sourcing applications in organizational context - A railroad case study.

Boersma, E. (2020) Intelligent process automation framework : supporting the transformation of a manual process to an automation.

Bogaard, J.A. van den (2015) Predicting the performance of ERP in a changing and challenging energy market.

Boksem, Jorn (2022) Finding ways to improve the prediction accuracy of a model that predicts the outcome of a football match using machine learning.

Bol Raap, W (2016) The design of a common data model for generic synchromodal cargo-tracking in logistics using web scraping and big & open data.

Bolhuis, W.T.C. (2021) How Can (Large Scale) Agile be Effectively Adopted and Scaled Up in Dutch Public Sector Organisations.

Bolscher, P.S. (2014) Automated external fraud prevention in the public sector.

Bolscher, R.T.J. (2019) Leveraging serverless cloud computing architectures : developing a serverless architecture design framework based on best practices utilizing the potential benefits of serverless computing.

Bom, Tycho M. (2010) Monitoring data exchanges between information systems.

Bonnes, Kevin (2017) Predicting mortgage demand using machine learning techniques.

Bookholt, Erik (2014) The Impact of Enterprise Architecture on Business Performance.

Boom, N. (2014) XRM at a bilateral trade organisation.

Boorsma, Simon (2006) Ketenintegratie van het intermediaire distributiekanaal in de verzekeringsbranche : huidige ontwikkelingen in de verzekeringsbranche en de mogelijkheden voor Zevenwouden Verzekeringen om ketenintegratie te realiseren¿.

Bos, Maxim (2023) Continuously optimizing business process using process mining.

Bosch, K.T.D. (2022) A hybrid recommender-system for startup scouting.

Bosch, S.F. van den (2014) Designing Secure Enterprise Architectures A comprehensive approach: framework, method, and modelling language.

Bosdriesz, Y. L. (2018) Towards a Reference Architecture for BIM (Building Information Model) Integration in the Construction Industry.

Bosdriesz, Y. L. (2018) Towards a reference architecture for BIM (Building Information Model) integration in the construction industry.

Bosman, Yoran Maxim (2007) Incorporating Functional Design Patterns In Software Development.

Bovenmars, Leon (2013) Measuring and analysing customer satisfaction : a case study at Nibag B.V.

Braak, P.N. van de (2010) Finding a customer specific model driven development methodology.

Braks, J.G.J. (2025) The I&T operating model transformation to service excellence of the Justitiële Informatiedienst.

Bramer, B. (2023) Improving the effectiveness of the high-touch credit approval process.

Brand, Allard (2013) Improving interoperability between electric mobility and the electricity system - Towards a reference architecture for charging electric vehicles.

Brande, J. van den (2013) The value of ontologies for developing semantic standards.

Brandhorst, C.J. (2008) Medintel : intelligente elektronische ondersteuning voor huisartsen.

Brink, P.H.B. (Pieter) van den (2007) Ontology-driven information integration of food industry related RSS news feeds.

Brinkhuis, M.E. (2015) Improving the Medicaid eligibility determination process using big data.

Brinkkemper, F.L. (2018) Decentralized credential publication and verification : a method for issuing and verifying academic degrees with smart contracts.

Brouwer, R.J. (2023) Differentiating user groups within an educational dashboard using log data.

Bruxvoort, Xadya van (2021) Towards the design of legally privacy-proof and ethically justified data-driven fraud risk assessment algorithms.

Buijsse, R.W.A. (2024) Enable triple-loop learning: integrating soft information and human-machine interaction in data-driven decision-making.

Buis, J.T.P. (2017) Applying intelligence amplification to the problem of schema matching.

Bujorianu, Alex (2022) Developing a Recommendation Algorithm for Patients Using the Healthentia Platform.

Büyükkılıç, T. (2011) Rule-based semantic standards : a conceptual framework for rule-based semantic IS standards development.

Chalan, Ghusen Nabil (2024) Developing Objective Comparison Evaluation Framework for Comprehensive IaaS Assessment Using the AHP Method.

Chapparadalli, N.L (2019) Designing a dashboard to support the decision process of dynamic pricing.

Charismadiptya, G.C. (2018) The design and implementation of situation aware smart logistics in perishable food transportation.

Cheng, Miss Shu (2015) Translating strategy into implementation via capability-based planning.

Chong, L.Y.D. (2007) Knowledge Management and Retention at Organon : The Case of Livial GVT.

Clahsen, Bram. R. (2009) The business impact of information systems : a unified theory and empirical test.

Claßen, P. (2022) A practical approach to assessing critical continuity properties of assets in business & IT continuity management.

Contecha Montes, J.A. (2023) An Enterprise Architecture based Big Data Analytics Capability Deployment Reference Architecture to improve Business Value.

Court, M.A. de la (2018) Will we let computers determine what music we listen? Exploring user acceptance of music recommenders.

Dalen, J.J.M. van (2011) Designing a tool for norm interventions in IT strategy projects.

Das, Amit (2019) Towards a hybrid customer classification and clustering scheme for effective target-group based marketing.

Defize, D.R. (2020) Developing a Maturity Model for AI-Augmented Data Management.

Delft, Piet van (2005) Linguistic text pre-processing to optimise statistical text analysis tasks for Lithuanian.

Derwort, Selmer (2007) IT governance: de doelen en de middelen: In kaart brengen van IT governance in theorie en praktijk.

Dhawan, Sonakashi (2023) Hybrid Machine Learning (ML) Models in Banking : An Approach for the B2B Sector.

Dias, V.M. (2021) Smart KPI-ORIENTED decision support Dashboard for measuring the Digital Transformation success.

Dibbets, Victor L. (2024) Designing a Regional Medical Dataspace : An Architecture for Healthcare Data Sharing in the Twente Region.

Dietz, W.S. (2015) A Reference Model Method to align the development of one software system with multiple Hinterland Container Terminals.

Dijk, D. van (2013) Exploring sourcing strategies in the midst of an ‘unknown’ sourcing object : the large-scale sourcing of biomass.

Dijk, F.W. van (2017) Adopting the Cloud: A multi-method approach towards developing a cloud maturity model.

Dijk, R.J. van (2020) Improving food safety by designing a decentralised traceability architecture in line with stakeholder concerns.

Dijk, Roland van (2013) Dealing with changes to shared software components.

Divendal, Kelvin (2011) Selecting and evaluating a benefits management method for IT projects.

Dolas, R.S. (2023) Analytic-driven decision support in cybersecurity : towards effective IP risk management decision-making process.

Domburg, R.S.A. van (2009) Empirical evaluation of change impact predictions using a requirements management tool with formal relation types : a quasi-experiment.

Draaijer, Rob (2008) Why Share? An empirical investigation of knowledge contribution within electronic networks of practice.

Duipmans, E.F. (2012) Business process management in the cloud with data and activity distribution.

Dulawan, Chariz B. (2008) Analysis and applications of mobile virtual communities for telemedicine.

Durachman, Nisa Azmi (2024) Enhancing Business Network Model with Environmental Sustainability.

Eeftink, I.R.O. (2009) Mapping Bizzdesigner to Mendix.

Egberink, J.G.H. (2015) The influence of trust on inter-organizational information sharing in logistic outsourcing relationships.

Egdom, Zahra van (2025) Data Analytics and Electronic Health Records in hospitals : An analysis of maturity.

Egle, Vaicekauskaite (2020) Development of a method to implement the concepts of resilience in EA.

Eijkelenkamp, L.P. (2006) Incident management bij extramurale revalidatieprocessen : onderzoek naar de geschiktheid van het CSDM Incident Management ten bate van Extramurale Revalidatietherapieën.

Elsten, Julian M. (2023) Exploring the potential use of FaaS within an iPaaS infrastructure.

Engels, Dirk (2010) Improving logistic planning in the construction industry using Wireless Sensor Networks and Multi Agent Systems.

Febriani, T.R. (2016) Strategic Planning Using Reasoning Tree-Based Approach.

Felix, P. (2018) Data-driven retail food waste reduction : a comparison of demand forecasting techniques and dynamic pricing strategies.

Firdausy, Danniar Reza (2021) A Service-Oriented Business Collaboration Reference Architecture for Rural Business Ecosystem.

Firmansyah, Edo Belva (2023) Forecasting Customer Lifetime Value through Risk Prediction : An Explainable Machine Learning Approach for the Telecommunication Industry.

Fountain, Stefan J. (2007) Success prediction induction framework : success models for online applications, introducing network effects and trust constructs.

Franck, T. (2016) Towards an Integrated Model of Smart Manufacturing Enterprises.

Garcia-Escallon, R.R. (2020) Enterprise architecture patterns : Supporting sustainable development.

Gavriel, Stelios (2023) Design and Implementation of an Assessment Method based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).

Geeter, Mirjam de (2008) Mid-office architecture for municipalities.

Gemmink, M.W.T. (2019) The adoption of reinforcement learning in the logistics industry: A case study at a large international retailer.

Gerrits, B. (2013) Demand forecasting for spare parts at Stork.

Giessen, D.R. van de (2023) Soil organic carbon mapping for farms in the Netherlands.

Gijsen, Niels (2020) Balancing software maintenance effort as a technical debt management strategy : the design and implementation of a novel algorithm.

Go, M.L. (2023) Analysing the information technology and security risks of Epic : the difference in the risk perception of Epic between the literature and practice.

Goossens, Bjorn (2019) Decision-Making in a Microservice Architecture.

Gordeyeva, Iryna (2010) Enterprise 2.0: theoretical foundations of social media tools influence on knowledge sharing practices in organizations.

Gorgan, Andrei-Victor (2024) Towards sustainable data centers: An analytical model of circular economy.

Gort, BSc Ewout (2021) Developing a maturity model based approach supporting the decision to adopt International Data Spaces.

Govers, Ruben (2023) An Integrated Process Mining and Data Mining Approach for the Validation of Agent-based Simulation Models.

Graaf, P.R. van der (2012) EPR in the Dutch hospitals - a decade of changes: a study about EPR system's success factors in the Dutch hospitals.

Groot, R.E.J. (2012) IT-based risks in advergame campaigns : a focus on fairness and privacy.

Groot, R.J.M. de (2018) Detecting deviant behaviour in information systems by using outlier detection on logs.

Guliker, B. Evert (2021) Spatial determinants of Real Estate Appraisals in the Netherlands: a Machine Learning Approach.

Gupta, Komal (2010) Software as a service: a framework for enterprise e-mail applications.

Gupta, Pratyush (2024) A Comprehensive Study on Feature Detection Algorithms and Fine-Tuning Methods for Efficient Metadata Extraction in Construction Drawings.

Haan, Georg-Hendrik (2012) Adoption of wireless sensoring for pharmaceutical logistics: a case study on the adoption of an inter-organizational system by competing, mutually dependent actors within a logistical value chain.

Haemers, MSc David (2021) Exploring Organinzational Network Analysis: A Case Study.

Haller, Stefan (2020) Automatic Short Answer Grading using Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer Model.

Hamelers, L.H. (2021) Detecting and explaining potential financial fraud cases in invoice data with Machine Learning.

Haq, Muhammad Yasir Muzayan (2018) Predicting Loan Default in Retail Credits: The Case of Indonesian Market.

Haris, Ferry (2010) IT Infrastructure Maturity Model (ITI-MM: A Roadmap to Agile IT Infrastructure.

Harleman, R.J.S. (2018) Optimizing Online Advertising using Dynamic Pricing.

Harms, J.R. (2020) Research and Design of Collecting and Analysing the Customer Journey in a Collaborative Software Tool.

Hartvelt, S.J. (2020) Assessing the impact of data availability on parking prediction accuracy : a case study using a simulation-based Approach.

He, Yu (2011) The lifecycle process model for cloud governance.

Hebbink, Marcel (2009) Optimale samenwerking tussen het primair onderwijs en zorgverleners : regio Deventer.

Heerdink, Ruben (2009) Decision making support in enterprise integration projects : a step by step approach.

Heerdt, J.A.J. ter (2008) Challenges of information work in the new world of work : a qualitative study at Microsoft Services.

Heijden, L.M.A. van der (2019) Classification-based Approach for Question Answering Systems: Design and Application in HR operations.

Heijnsbergen, I.M. van (2024) A Roadmap Towards Integrated CSRD Reporting : Including Guidelines and Best Practices.

Hendriks, K.W. (2023) Data Governance Structures in Data Mesh Architectures.

Hendrikse, B. (2019) Data-driven IT : tackling IT challenges with data management in a financial institution.

Hendriksen, S.J.F. (2022) Viability of anomaly detection aid for vessel traffic service operators.

Hendrixen, T.F.M. (2011) Secure cloud computing in the financial services market.

Hensema, M.A. (2015) Applying Agile in Enterprise Architecture.

Hessels, Stefan (2016) Bridging the gap : from process mining to business process simulation.

Heus, T. de (2011) Criteria instabiliteit bij afwegingsprocessen.

Hindriks, Corneel (2007) Towards chain wide Business Intelligence: Business Intelligence in the Dutch Retail Sector.

Hoek, Johan (2011) Improving IT sourcing maturity from a roles perspective.

Hoener, P.M. (2015) Improving the Processes and Safeguards for Fraud Detection and Prevention in US Medicaid.

Hofman, N. (2020) Enterprise social software acceptance : overhauling the "One Size Fits All" approach to explain social intranet usage.

Hogema, T.A.M. (2021) Health information exchange in the Netherlands.

Hogt, N.A. (2008) Aanbevelingen voor een architectuur voor het regionale zorgsysteem.

Holtkamp, M. (2006) Public services integration and interoperability : the use of an Enterprise Service Bus to facilitate Service-Oriented Architecture in a public environment.

Hoorn, R. van der (2011) Ensuring the pigs don’t chicken out : Improving the use of good practices in agile software development.

Hoppen dos Santos, Joni (2010) Public service improvement using runtime service composition strategies.

Horck, R.J. (2024) Interoperability in Road Transport Logistics : Facilitating the Assessment of Co-Creation Opportunities for SMEs.

Houwelingen, Jan Willem van (2008) Relevance and usability of enterprise architectures during post merger IT integrations.

Hu, Danchao (2011) Using actor-network theory to understand inter-organizational network aspects for strategic information systems planning.

Huang, Yiyu (2008) Exploring the benefits of an online videotaped lecture system as complement in higher-education.

Huijts, Joep W. (2020) Developing a measurement item to assess the Smartness of Cities across the world.

Huls, C. J. (2015) A scenario planning for interbank payments and Decentralized Ledger Platforms.

Hulsebosch, M.A.C. (2016) Cloud Strife : an analysis of cloud-based shadow IT and a framework for managing its risks and opportunities.

Hulshof, Mike (2021) Information security certification in context : a strategy selection maturity model.

Iankoulova, Iliana (2012) Business intelligence for horizontal cooperation: measuring the performance of a transportation network sharing cooperation between logistics companies.

Ibrahim, Arief (2019) Forecasting patient demand and predicting inpatient admission via machine learning techniques in acute care domain.

Imhof, T. (2020) Home telemonitoring acceptance for eye care patients.

Iseke, Ann-Cathrin (2020) An Enterprise Architecture Approach Towards Sustainability and Environmental Performance.

Iskandar, K.L. (2024) AI Musician, Do You Have a Place in this World? An Empirical Study.

Jacobs, M.J.F. (2022) A software development project ontology.

Jager, Chris A. (2009) The ISEA project : Inter-organizational Supply-change EAsing : a project to restore the natural flow between Shell Chemicals and their logistics service providers.

Jakel, Tibor (2025) Feature Request Handling in Software Development SMEs.

Jakkan, Shiva (2021) Designing a framework to develop capabilities for adopting AI/ML technologies in the supply chain.

Jangamguravepalli Bramhanadareddy, Deepika (2022) Modern customer expectations and their effects on Digital Transformation in SMEs.

Jansen, Floris M. (2011) Performance of alliance portfolio configuration strategies under strategic unvertainty: an agent-based simulation approach.

Jansen, Joost (2019) Communication of Incident Severity between Customers and Analysts in a Security Operations Center.

Janssen, D. (2024) Product Recognition in Store Environments : A Deep Learning Approach.

Janssen, N.E. (2022) The Evolution of Data Storage Architectures : Examining the Value of the Data Lakehouse.

Jaya Singh Raja Florence, Arshitha Raj (2024) Towards Smart Governance : A Framework for Improving Digital and Social Inclusion in Marginalized Communities.

Jhanjhan, W.S.S. (2015) VICA: The Dutch Windmill - Towards a Contemporary Business Information Management Maturity Model.

Jochemsen, M.C. (2014) An exploration of content-driven commerce.

Jochemsen, M.P. (2011) Assessing the quality of the requirements process.

Jong, Bart de (2007) Optimizing cost effectiveness and flexibility of air taxis: A case study for optimization of air taxi operations.

Jong, Floor de (2009) The Right Governance Framework for Managing an Offshore IT Outsourcing Relationship - The Shell Case.

Jutten, M.G. (2015) The Fit between Business Processes and Process Mining related Activities: a Process Mining Success Model.

Kakodia, Deepak (2020) Gamify your digital strategy : designing a board game by using gamification as a tool.

Kalter, Stefan Reijmer (2007) Vertical collaboration in open source business.

Kant, M.W.E. (2020) Authorization, privacy and informed consent : who is allowed access to which medical information? : The development of an authorization model for the Datakluis application.

Karimah, Fania Rahmanawati (2019) Redesign IT Organisational Structure: Case study of Centre for Data and Informatics Infrastructure (CDII), Ministry of Communication and Informatics Republic of Indonesia.

Kat, V.B. (2024) Bridging the Semantic Gap : Semantic Interoperability for IoT Integrations on iPaaS Architectures.

Kazi, Raef (2023) Navigating Semantic Shifts : A Visual Tool for Exploring Word Meaning Change.

Keeris, P.J.C. (2014) Improving the boarding process of external insiders in large organisations.

Keppels, J.H. (2018) Qualitative Measurement of BI Maturity in a SME ICT Organisation.

Kerckhoffs, N.N.J.H (2021) Business process optimization: An approach for improving organizations by integration of external data.

Kerkhof, R.G. (2022) Benchmarking Car Dealership Efficiency using DEA NSBM.

Kernkamp, Reinier (2007) Alignment of Requirements & Architectural Design In a Blended Delivery Model.

Kerssens, M. (2023) The FAIR-iT framework : Towards the adoption of the FAIR principles in an enterprise context.

Keshetti, Akhil Raja (2024) A Methodology for Evaluating Decision Support Systems in the realm of Steel Ladle Logistics.

Khoirunnisa, Elvin (2024) A Reference Model of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Strategies for Community-based Photovoltaic (PV) Microgrids on Small Islands.

Kimathi, Kariko (2024) Strategic Communication in Esports : Predictive Analysis and Optimization for Team Performance.

King'ori, R. (2013) Explorong social media in organizational processes: a task-technology perspective.

Kisubika, Priscella (2011) Assessing and enhancing the information quality maturity level in an organisation: the case of Shell Global Functions IT.

Kloosterman, Eddo (2009) Providing web-based publish-on-demand software with a networked business strategy.

Kloppenburg, G.W. (2019) The adoption of intelligence amplification in the slotting process : a case study in the data validation automation of a Dutch Retailer.

Kluitenberg, H.F. (2018) Evaluating Quality of Open Source Components.

Koenen, S.K. (2015) Assessing the level of security of an organization by analyzing the enterprise architecture : a methodology.

Kok, J. (2007) The design of a Delta Impact analysis model for data warehouses.

Kokkeler, C.J. (2023) PROMISE : Process Mining for SMEs: a Methodology.

Kolner, Thomas (2019) Applying machine learning on the data of a controltower in a retail distribution landscape.

Kongala, Sai Ganesh Reddy (2024) Explainable structural health monitoring(SHM) for damage classification based on vibration.

Kooistra, Julius (2024) Applications of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in Public Employment Services Decision Support Systems.

Kooreman, Martijn (2009) Een VIP-behandeling : visualisatie van de informatieplanning bij UWV.

Koperberg, S.X. (2010) The Relationship between Perceived Relevance and User Participation, and its Effect on ES Implementation Success A Theoretical Framework.

Koridon, M.S. (2019) Security by decision-making : a decision-making capability model for security countermeasures.

Koster, Stefan R. (2009) An evaluation method for Business Process Management products.

Kosters, Dennis (2007) Invloed van slimme meters op de energiebalans: Een analyse van de invloed van het slimme meter systeem op een netbeheerder en zijn ondersteunende IT, binnen het kader van de energiebalans.

Kosters, T. (2007) Van gasbel naar gasstel : een onderzoek naar de inrichting van de shipper op de gasmarkt.

Kotzias, Konstantinos (2021) Spatial epidemiology of diseases of the nervous system : A Machine Learning approach.

Krisnawati, Anastasia Maria (2015) Project portfolio valuation with Enterprise Architecture.

Kruistum, G.M. van (2020) Determining the projected frontal area of cyclists using motion capturing data.

Kuil, E.D. van der (2020) A Data Integration Design Approach for the Planning Process of a Public Transport Operator.

Kulcsar, I.Z. (2013) The characteristics of a new semantic standards development approach: the Pressure Cooker method.

Kuofie, Ernest Jackson (2010) RaDEX: A Rationale-Based Ontology for Aerospace Design Explanation.

Kurniawan, Iwan (2014) Enterprise Architecture Transformation: Roadmap Plan Analysis and Visualization.

Kusters, Anne (2025) Improving the adoption of Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics within Dutch long-term care organizations.

Kusumaningrum, Marcella Cindy (2017) Modeling and analyzing digital business ecosystems.

Lachhab, Said (2024) Digital Business Strategy at Work : Insights from a Congruence Analysis of Two Case Studies.

Lafranca, L.R.S. (2023) Item availability restricted.

Lamers, David (2018) Possibilities for blockchain in the energy transition.

Lammers, Mick (2019) A QA-pair generation system for the incident tickets of a public ICT Shared Service Center.

Lange, T.C.B de (2015) IS/IT integration in mergers & acquisitions: a framework for a systematic approach.

Langedijk, M.L. (2024) A Methodology for Developing and Maintaining Data Products within a Data Mesh Architecture.

Langen, S.F. van (2016) An architectural design for LAN-based web applications in a military mission- and safety-critical context.

Lazarov, B. (2016) Efficient and effective utilization of limited resources : scheduling of MRI development test environment, a case study at Philips Healthcare.

Le@Viet, Ahn (2011) What are the factors that determine e-service quality on e-recruiting sites, taking into consideration applicants’ and recruiters’ needs?

Leeden, Kasper (2010) Security without risk? Investigating information security among Dutch Universities.

Leemans, T.T.J. (2022) Towards Serverless Enterprises: Developing the Enterprise Serverless Assessment (ESA) to assess and improve an organization’s fit and readiness for Serverless technology.

Leeuwen, M.M. van (2015) Agile Scaling @ Topicus : s caling scrum with help of Agile Scaling frameworks at Topicus Finance.

Lenderink, R.J. (2019) Unsupervised Outlier Detection in Financial Statement Audits.

Leunissen, R. (2013) Business process management value map.

Li, Jiayu (2023) Improving Decision Making in Warehouse : Data-Driven Forecasting and Storage Simulation.

Lijbers, J.M. (2016) Predicting parking lot occupancy using Prediction Instrument Development for Complex Domains.

Lin, C.Y. (2024) Enhancing Cancer Treatment Planning : A Combined Approach of Process Mining and Machine Learning with a Focus on Colorectal Cancer (CRC).

Linthorst, Henk-Jan (2006) De mogelijkheden van ICT in het effectiever en efficiënter functioneren van de diabetesketen.

Liu, Luyao (2016) Applying intelligence amplification in decision making.

Liu, Siyuan (2023) A Cloud-based platform Reference Model for Remote Control and Monitoring for Laboratories of Inspection and Certification Companies.

Loevezijn, J.P. van (2023) Aligning Information Systems Management and Risk Management to achieve Enterprise Resilience.

Loof, R. (2021) Improving Vehicle Detection Methods for Magnetometers using Machine Learning.

Looijenga, M.S. (2024) RechtBERT : Training a Dutch Legal BERT Model to Enhance LegalTech.

Luo, Jingting (2024) ABDDO : An Approach for Helping Companies to Become a Data-Driven Organization.

Luo, Zhipeng (2018) Network research : exploration of centrality measures and network flows using simulation studies.

Man, Shen Yi (2016) Data driven banking : applying Big Data to accurately determine consumer creditworthiness.

Man, T. (2022) Modelling Security Architectures of Collaborative Networks.

Maranny, E.A. (2011) Stage maturity model of m-Government (SMM m-Gov) : improving e-Government performance by utilizing m-Government features.

Marsman, E.M. (2011) HRM competences: old or new? Results of the qualitative exploration into business requirements.

Masyhur, Latifah Helmy (2017) Multi-Criteria and Model-Based Analysis for Project Selection : An Integration of Capability-Based Planning and Project Portfolio Management.

Matei, D. (2024) Evaluating the Impact of Employee Engagement on Occupational Health and Safety : A Data-Driven Methodology (SEED-DM).

Meertens, Lucas O. (2009) EPC to BPEL transformations.

Meijer, Gijs (2006) Performance measurement of IT investments.

Meinen, Jurgen (2010) Het vaststellen van de betekenis van relevante informatie: een methode voor het opstellen van definities van belangrijke begrippen voor de bedrijfsvoering.

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This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 06:03:10 2025 CET.