University of Twente Student Theses
Domain: 42 biology
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Aalst, J. van and Duisterwinkel, N. and Groenewoud, J. and Kloppenberg, C. (2021) Een objectieve kwantificatiemethode voor beharing die gebruik maakt van nabij-infrarood en ultraviolet microscopie en automatische beeldanalyse.
Aalten, Thijs van (2021) Online optimization of EMG using a hybrid model approach.
Agrawal, Mitul (2021) Towards control of soft robotic knee brace for ACL deficient patients.
Alphenaar, J.M.C (2015) The incremental cost-effectiveness of introducing PCR for early detection of E. coli infections associated with acute diarrhea compared to conventional microbiological methods.
Andreoli, D.S. (2024) Proteome secretion analysis from PCa cell lines using optical and electrochemical measuring methods.
Andreoli, D.S. (2024) Proteome secretion analysis from PCa cell lines using optical and electrochemical measuring methods.
Ariëns, D.L.R. (2023) Self-assembled Magnetic Carpets for Cargo-Transport of Millimetric Planar Objects.
Athlekar, Saumitra (2019) Measurement of steady-state evoked potentials during transcutaneous electrical stimulation : a pilot study.
Avgidis, Fotios (2019) Assessing barrier properties using impedance spectroscopy in a semi-circular, blood-brain barrier on-chip.
Baars, C.E. (2018) Haptic feedback using skin stretch within a teleoperation system.
Baars, C.E. (2021) Multi-frequency electrical impedance myography as an alternative to electro-myography.
Baars, N.H.M. (2023) De invloed van normoxia en hypoxia op de adipogene, osteogene en chondrogene differentiatie van humane mesenchymale stamcellen.
Bante, Gidon (2022) Characterization of circulating tumour cells in prostate cancer: viability and secretion studies after enrichment with EpCAM targeting ferrofluids.
Bardas, Dimitris (2024) pH Sensing and Antibody detection with Surface Functionalized ISFETs.
Basu, Akash (2021) Biomechanics in the Wild : a step towards validation of a wearable system for human movement analysis.
Bauhuis, J.G.J and Hulshof, I.M. (2020) Quality of life and functional outcome after different types of Total Mesorectal Excision in Dutch patients with rectal carcinoma.
Bauhuis, Jan-Willem (2022) The future use of radiotherapy in the treatment of NSCLC and SCLC: a prediction.
Baumeister, A.S.M. (2022) Optimization of a human CHD8 suppressed blood-brain barrier model.
Baumgartner, Wolfgang (2014) Modeling of protein secretion by cells.
Beer, M.F. de and Lenaers, A. and Lipke, W.M. and Vermeulen, N. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Bertelink, S.H. (2023) 3D-printed monolithic oviduct-on-chip device.
Bianchi, T.J. (2022) Designing a smart nest box for automated biodiversity monitoring.
Bielevelt, F. (2021) An objective, automated and Sunnybrook-based facial grading system for facial paralysis patients.
Blaauw, Meike (2024) Optimizing Fluorescent Immunostaining Protocols for Retinal Organoids.
Blaauwgeers, Chris (2024) Generating vascular structures in a 3D micro-environment.
Bles, R.M. (2016) Breast Cancer in the Elderly and the Influence of Mammography Screening.
Bloem, J.S. (2023) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy : the changes in the non sarcomeric cytoskeleton linked to the nucleus.
Blokzijl, P.V. (2022) Insulin-Producing PEG-TA Maps: Bottom-up Tissue Engineering of Immunoprotected Insulin-Producing Microtissues to Improve Islet Cell Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes.
Boamfa, Anamaria (2022) Chain dynamics as a measure for internal friction in the intrinsically disordered protein alpha-synuclein.
Boelens, Boelo (2024) Optimization of Nucleofection protocol for LX-2 cell line.
Bolding, F.K.H. (2021) The effect of fatigue on leg- and joint stiffness during running.
Bollen, L.M. (2021) Hardware acceleration of sweep detection using Clash : Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems.
Boonstra, Sander (2019) In vivo measurements of human tongue elasticity using a volume-based aspiration method : towards a personalized biomechanical tongue model.
Bosch, S.W.T. (2022) Implementing a green fluorescent protein tag coupled to Zonula Occludens-1 in brain endothelial cells.
Bourbon de Parme, Carlos de (2022) Detecting Stomata with Computer Vision for Plant Breeding.
Braak, B.G. ter (2024) Development and implementation of a user-friendly software interface for a multispectral imaging camera for enhanced contrast in medical applications.
Braat, A.R. and Hassanu, K. and Smit, A.F. (2023) Optimalisatie van fluorescentie-angiografie : standaardisatiestrategieën en meetfactoren die de gemeten fluorescentie-intensiteit beïnvloeden.
Bree, Fabian de (2021) Assessing the generalizability of FRAP by comparing results from two confocal microscopes.
Bree, K.D.E. de (2023) Development of a convolutional neural network for the detection of the levator plate : a U-net based structure for MR image segmentation.
Broeder, G. den (2025) Estimating VO2 using peripheral and central measurements of wearable sensor data.
Brokers, Thijs (2024) Concept origami-based, magnetic, surgical capsule robot for the purpose of aneurysm coiling.
Bugter, Jeroen (2020) In vitro modeling of cardiac arrhythmia : Geometrically constrained tissue culture and acoustic pacing with ultrasound.
Buijs, F.A.H. (2023) The effect of charged single chain polymeric nanoparticles on alpha-synuclein aggregation in SH-SY5Y cells.
Bundo, Silvi (2020) Multichannel electrocutaneous stimulus application for nociceptive system characterization.
Burgers, T. (2019) Epididymis-on-a-chip device : a unique approach to study tight barriers in the human male reproductive system using ex vivo tissue.
Bussink, T.W. and Hankel, T.C. and Lemmink, R.M.A.Z. and Semmelink, K. (2015) IJsformatie tijdens cryoablatie : het 2D-modelleren van de temperatuurverspreiding tijdens cryoablatie van prostaatcarcinoom.
Cassee, N.C.E. and Kuij, M.L. van der and Oosterink, L. and Versteeg, E.M. (2024) Virtuele herleiding van geresecteerde neuroblastoomdelen via genavigeerde resectie ter validatie van preoperatieve risicomodellen.
Chen, W. (2024) Characterizing α-Synuclein Polymorphs Through AFM, SAA, Spectrophotometry and Digestion Assay.
Chennaveeranahalli, D.R. (2023) Fabrication and analysis of glucose sensor.
Dalenoord, F. (2024) Item availability restricted.
Dalenoord, F.R.A. (2021) The effect of nitric oxide on macrophage polarization in the synovial membrane.
Deelstra, F. (2017) Identification of circulating tumour cell subpopulations.
Diederiks, V.L. (2021) Multichannel surface EMG and machine learning for classification of facial expressions.
Dijk, K. van (2012) Source localization of brain activity.
Dijkstra, Koen (2015) Cartilage repair after joint distraction: intermittent hydrostatic pressure and its influence on mesenchymal stem cells - an in vitro study.
Dinteren, R.A.J. van (2020) Axial superresolution using nanophotonic manipulation: How accurate can we be?
Dirks, E.H.M. (2024) Towards a Digital Twin of the Epileptic Brain Network in Patients with Medically Refractory Focal Epilepsy.
Doets, M. (2022) Mechanically activated in-vitro muscle model.
Dollen, R. (2020) Observing Electrical Brain Responses during Processing of Nociceptive Stimuli around the Detection Threshold combined with a Cold Pressor Test.
Doornbos, J.H. (2023) Wavefront Shaping At The Push Of A Button.
Dorenvanck, K.M. van (2019) Micropatterns on Polyacrylamide Hydrogel for Controlled Cardiomyocyte Attachment using PLL-PEG and ECM Proteins.
Dransfeld, MSc. F.J.M. (2023) 3D Ankle Force and Moment In Ankle Fracture Patients Walking With Instrumented Crutches.
Duijkers, Floortje (2023) White blood cell depletion of immunomagnetically enriched samples using antibody functionalised surfaces.
Duisterwinkel, N.C. (2024) Local delivery of interleukin 12 to the tumor microenvironment via pH-responsive ITGA5 targeting nanoparticles.
Duursma, I. (2021) A novel strategy for the treatment of osteoarthritis by restoring joint homeostasis using natural antagonists.
El Habashy, Mohamed (2023) Biomarker Based COVID Severity Prediction and Data Quality Exploration.
Elbert, Thieme (2021) Using FRET probes to determine state of disassembly of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus.
Eleveld, N. (2020) Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Transcranial Doppler Sonography for the estimation of Cerebral Autoregulation after Intra-Arterial Thrombectomy for Ischemic Stroke.
Erftemeijer, S.J.M. (2023) Inhibiting the activity of MMP-13 in osteoarthritis using llama VHHs.
Ewals, L.J.S. and Steenhuis, A. and Willekens, S. C. and Niekolaas, M. (2017) Instellingen van een 3 en 7 Tesla MRI scanner ter beoordeling van de mimische lachspieren.
Ezendam, E.L. (2024) Correcting sagittal balance : Design and validation of a novel osteotomy concept with a patient-specific fixation system.
Feng, Peng (2019) Construction of a MMP sensitive array on glass for MMP-13 detection in vitro.
Figge, C.K.A. (2024) The Toxicity of 3D-Printer Resin Leachates on Human Endometrial Epithelial Cells.
Fuentes Bongenaar, M.S. (2022) Towards a taxonomy of quantitative emotion measurement using wearables for inclusive user experience research.
Gabriël, Gaston Ramon (2023) The implementation of the 3CC muscle fatigue model into CEINMS.
Garcia-Corral, Mariana (2020) Towards an integrated Microbiome-gut-brain axis on-chip platform.
Geerts, S.J. (2019) The Influence of Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity on Synaptic Connectivity of Coupled Inhibitory Neurons.
Geervliet, Eline (2019) pH-responsive polymersomes for matrix metalloproteinase-1 delivery as a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of liver fibrosis.
Gefferie, S.R. (2020) Observing small fiber dysfunction using nociceptive stimulus detection and evoked potentials.
Geijs, D.J (2015) Geautomatiseerde beeldanalyse van morfologische kenmerken en de motiliteit van een individuele spermatozoon.
Geijs, D.J. (2019) Tumor segmentation in fluorescent TNBC immunohistochemical multiplex images using deep learning.
Geraets, E.K.W. (2023) Isolation of HepG2-derived extracellular vesicles in spiked human blood serum using magnetic beads and click chemistry.
Geurtsen, A.E (2024) Optimizing the design of a dynamic cardiac phantom for MR guided intervention training.
Goossink, S.F. (2022) Het verband tussen HbA1c, Time In Range en de ziekenhuisopnamen en SEH-bezoeken van type 2-diabetes mellitus patiënten in het DIAbetes en LifEstyle Cohort Twente : een retrospectief cohortonderzoek.
Graaf, Robert van der (2023) Evaluation of double pulse stimulus types with varying inter pulse intervals for improved observation of the nociceptive function using the NDT method.
Groenenboom, A.R. (2023) THP1 model of Classical monocytes for the study of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Groener, Dafne (2020) Effects of ultrasound on cardiomyocyte contractions.
Groot, D.J.A. de (2020) Conceptual design of a microfluidic-based platform for medical diagnosis.
Grotel, Silvie van (2022) Inhalation technique of adults with difficult to treat asthma.
Große-Elshoff, Meike (2023) Getting continuous recirculating flow on a 3D blood vessel-on-chip integrated on a fluidic circuit board.
Guo, Haoyu (2024) Construction of Predictive Model to Provide Personalized Advice on Reducing CRF on the POLARIS Dataset.
Gurp, S. van (2024) An Iterative Algorithm for Increasing Accuracy of a CNN-based Selective Sweep Detection Tool.
Haas, A.N.J.P.M. (2021) Great Expectations : An Attempt to Clarify the Role of Theta Activity in Human Cognitive Control Processes.
Hag, G.A. ten (2021) Insertion of an inducible construct in the genome of human pluripotent stem cells by CRISPR-Cas9 mediated homology directed repair.
Hagen, L. P. (2021) Creating a multiplexed Gut-on-Chip with individually addressable chambers.
Hagen, L.P. (2025) Spatial mechano-engineering using Engineered Living Microtissues.
Hagers, L. (2024) The Effect of an Oxygen Gradient on Activation and Cellular Survival of Neuronal Networks.
Hameete, Annoeska and Waldner, Simon and Luit, Lisette and Smits, Karin (2018) Ontwikkeling en validatie van een tumor-on-a-chip systeem voor het bepalen van de meerwaarde van radiotherapie als adjuvante therapie bij synoviaal sarcoom.
Hammink, E.J. (2022) Development of a microfluidic device for point of care testing of oxidative stress.
Han, N.I.C.L. (2023) The Effect of α-Synuclein Phosphorylation on the Chaperone Activity of 14-3-3.
Hartog, Tessa G. den (2019) A supramolecular hydrogel system for 3D embedded bioprinting.
Hassing, Lize (2024) Coupling and release of MMP9 VHHs in HA-TA/Dex-TA Hydrogels and the effectiveness of the VHH in vitro.
Heegde, K.G.H. ter (2024) Design and Development of a Computational Framework for Patient-Specific Preoperative Planning of Robotics-Assisted Minimally Invasive FEVAR Interventions.
Heer, Inge de (2023) The influence of viscoelastic properties and surface roughnesses in an alginate-based hydrogel on the behaviour of hiPSC-CMs.
Heide, D. van der (2020) Modeling zonal and progressive liver fibrosis : 3D in vitro model of a fibrotic liver lobule using anisotropic nanocomposite hydrogel.
Hengel, Eline van (2021) The Influence of Hydrogel, Temperature, Oxygen, and Cytokines on Human Chondrocytes using in vitro Culture-Based Models.
Heus, L.E. de (2018) Hydrogel-based 3D semi-circular microvascular bbb-on-chip with integrated sensors for barrier assessment through TEER measurements.
Hoekstra, Xander (2023) An explorative study on feasibility of lymphedema self-monitoring after breast cancer.
Hoofs, M.A. and Huizing, T.F. and Meuter, B.C.G. and Nijhof, J.H. (2016) Electrophysiological techniques in combination with automatic facial photo analyses as a diagnostic tool for facial palsy.
Hornman, A.E. (2023) Parametric Study of Scaling Rules for a PEM Fuel Cell in Untethered Microrobots.
Hoven, Leon van den (2018) The simultaneous diagnosis of malalignment and liner wear in problematic primary total knee prosthesis with low-field MRI.
Huggers, T.J.P. (2022) Exploring the potential of Reinforcement Learning-based adaptive control to the artificial pancreas developed by Inreda Diabetics B.V.
Hélant Muller, C. (2020) The effect of direction and fatigue while running on an athletic track on kinematic inter-limb difference.
Iddekinge, T.R. van (2021) Modeling Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy using Human Engineered Heart Tissues.
Jans, V.A.A.M. (2016) The ethics of creating human embryos for research for the responsible introduction of artificial gametes in clinical practice.
Jansen, Jorn (2018) Endoscopic end effector control using soft actuator.
Jong, H. de (2024) Finger Vein Pattern Recognition Using a Contact Sensor.
Jong, J.C.W. de (2022) Comparison of two algorithms to detect change in aerobic capacity over time.
Jong, M. de (2022) Selective pick-up and placement of single cells.
Joshy, Ammu (2018) CRISPR ethics & imagination : an evaluation of the role of DIY-CRISPR kit in Crispr-Cas9 deliberations.
Kaal, D.F.A. (2024) The Use of Bioneedles in Vaccine Storage: a Hot Topic or Cold Case?
Kaiser, Jesse (2019) Human lower limb gait analysis of walking on uneven terrain.
Kappeyne van de Coppello, L.A. (2023) Creatinine removal from full human blood by in-house modules during recirculation dialysis experiments.
Karreman, A.H. (2023) Fabrication and characterization of an optically stable tissue phantom for the evaluation of transcutaneous bilirubin meters.
Katgert, E. (2021) Using lung-on-a-chip model to study the differences in translocation of nanoplastics through lung epithelium.
Keekstra, D.L. (2021) Tracking and segmentation, a tool for assessment of human engineered heart tissue.
Kiewiet, B. (2014) On the effect of a Gaussian firing rate function on the dynamics of a network of Wilson-Cowan populations.
Kiffen, Bas (2023) Investigating the kinetics of the B-cell receptor signaling network in a dynamic environment.
Kikirikis, Nikolaos (2022) Effect of backgroung optogenetic input on memory formation of cultured networks.
Klein Hofmeijer, BSc N.E.M. (2024) Designing a prototype capable of lengthening in vitro 3D engineered human skeletal muscle tissue.
Kleinveld, E. and Hulst, E. van and Pham, S. D. T. (2017) CircAdapt: Model validation and prediction of anatomical and haemodynamic parameters for patients with mitral insufficiency.
Koers, Leon (2024) Geometric integration of stochastic Lotka-Volterra equations.
Koers, Leon (2024) Geometric integration of stochastic Lotka-Volterra equations.
Kolenbrander, Iris (2020) Balance control during walking : a two perspective exploratory study.
Koopmans, I.W. (2017) Cerebral saturation and hemodynamic parameters during target temperature management after a cardiac arrest.
Kossen, Jamie (2024) VHH surface modification to lipid nanoparticles for targeted osteoarthritic synovitis therapy.
Krabbe, T. (2023) Characterisation of VNS-induced evoked potentials in epilepsy patients.
Krijnen, E.A. (2024) Modelling the autonomic cardiac regulation: Investigating the cardiac sympathetic tone during the Valsalva Manoeuvre in healthy participants.
Kroese, Niels J.J. (2024) A novel 3D-bioprinting platform for the formation of dense tissue fibres from dilute Newtonian bioinks deposited into thixotropic Xanthan Gum Embedding Baths.
Kroon, Evelien (2022) Effect of phototherapy on fat-fed hepatocyte.
Kuenen, Thom (2024) Data-Driven Gravity and Stiffness Compensation for a 4-DoF Upper Extremity Robotic Exoskeleton.
Laar, A.R. van (2017) Anthropo-ethical rules for the human zoo.
Lamberti, M. (2019) Ischemic core : a method to analyse cell swelling.
Lampe, Kevin (2025) Implementation of an autocatalytic signal amplifying protocol in digital droplet assays.
Lang, C.A.L. (2023) Gender Differences in Informativity of Parent-Child Conversations in Zoo Visits.
Langerak, N.C. (2021) Towards real-time endoscopic verification of lung lesion by bio-impedance measurements to improve biopsy accuracy.
Leunissen, Iris (2023) Creating a hypoxic environment in a chip : Developing a hydrid hydrogel to mimic the hypoxic breast tumor microenvironment with an organ-on-chip platform.
Ligthart, M.C.H. (2024) Analysis of AMPA staining after blocking of NMDA receptors.
Lip, S.G.J. (2023) Burst-suppression in next-generation neural mass models and EEG.
Loenen, N.A. van (2023) The effect of lung tumor cluster-derived extracellular vesicles on the integrity of a mono- and multi-layered vessel on a chip model.
Loenhout, F.H.C. van (2022) Designing zero-mode waveguides for fluorescence experiments on α-synuclein and DNA.
Lookeren Campagne, M.J.A. van (2023) Laser Doppler Flowmetry, using in vitro phantoms to study skin microcirculation.
Loon, J. van and Luinstra, J.M. and Schrader, I.M.W. and Velden, F.M.A. van der (2015) Smart materials ter ondersteuning van een falend hart.
Lu, Yuan (2014) Investigation on factors limiting the performance of deep sleep classification.
Mak, Rita (2021) Two nodes fighting for a win : bistability and stability loss in dynamics on GRN-like networks.
Mammadli, Fidan (2019) Cold pressor induced pain modulation by the activation of diffuse noxious inhibitoty control for validation of diagnostic tools for early detection of chronic pain.
Marrero Feitosa-Afonsso, D. (2019) Development of a blood-retina barrier on-a-chip with human iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelium and endothelium.
Marčetić, N. (2022) Community-based design to help older adults to increase their physical activity.
Mateo, Mikel (2019) Myoelectric control of bionic hands via musculoskeletal modelling, admittance control and force feedback.
Meevis, Y.H.W. (2023) Quantitative spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging using reference fluence method.
Mentink, Sven (2023) Isolation of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) derived extracellular vesicles Using click-chemistry conjugated immunomagnetic beads.
Michorius, M.X.R. (2022) The use of Rayleigh-Raman scattering to investigate milk fat globules.
Mir, N (2021) Performance of handheld probes for Sentinel lymph node detection.
Moejes, D.S. (2020) A new simulator for training off-pump coronary bypass surgery.
Mol, Lysanne (2023) Developing a lung-on-chip device for studying the impact of micro- and nanoplastics on human lung tissue.
Molthof, Irene C. (2016) Neurotechnology and dynamic flow : the influence of brain stimulation technologies and neurofeedback on the self and self-understanding.
Mooij, I. (2023) Catalase-laden oxygen-generating constructs as potential artificial erythrocytes.
Morsink, Elike (2025) Towards the virtual twin of epileptic patients with DBS : Modelling personalised epileptiform dynamics in The Virtual Brain framework using simulation-based inference.
Morsink, N.C. (2018) Robotic Transducer Control During High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Atherosclerosis.
Moujaly, M.S. (2021) Intra-subject differences in IMU measured lower limb kinematics as a result of different activity intensity and induced fatigue.
Mulders, E. (2024) Analysis of Breast Physiology During Milk Extraction Measured With Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy.
Mört, Jelle (2024) The influence of shear stress on Human Mammary Fibroblast to induce CAF-like characteristics.
Nakken, D.H. (2024) Scaffold-free Heart Tissue Assembly: Orchestrating Cells into Functional Structures.
Napel, Ir. J.H. ten (2019) Design, fabrication and characterisation of a multi-purpose undirectional recirculation unit on-chip.
Nasseri, Elham (2023) Development of Bio-inspired Hydrogels with Tunable Viscoelastic Properties for 3D Cell Culture.
Niekolaas, M. (2021) Towards real-time placental surface reconstruction during fetal surgery : deep-learned placental vessel identification and segmentation.
Nijboer, J.G.K. (2022) Parallelization of in vivo-like anti-cancer drug concentration profiles on top platform for testing drug efficacy on tumour spheroids.
Nijhof, I.A.T. (2023) Material investigation for direct 3D printing of a photoacoustic breast phantom.
Noort, L.M. van (2021) Pain scales in monitoring functional recovery of patients with hip fractures.
Notenboom, T. (2017) Using Technology to Recognise Emotions in Autistic People.
Ocal, Gulsen (2018) Prevention of Suddent Infant Death Syndrome : eHealth intervention design to support the current health promotion and education about SIDS.
Okegunna, A.O. (2022) Association between mucinous ovarian tumors and secondary gastrointestinal tumors.
Opheusden, L.M.E. van (2017) Design of a control strategy for obstacle crossing in a lower limb exoskeleton for SCI patients.
Oudkerk Pool, M.D. and Bruggen, I.G. van and Laven, I.E.W.G. and Simmering, J.A. (2015) Item availability restricted.
Papanastasiou, Anastasios (2023) Lipid nanoparticles for mRNA delivery targeting cancer associated fibroblasts in the tumor microenvironment.
Porsul, I.R. (2023) A metabolic support system for engineered (micro)tissues using glycogen-releasing cell-adhesive micromaterials.
Pradhan, S. (2022) Concept design of a novel Ferrofluid based feedback system for a primary system of a versatile endovascular assisting robot.
Prins, N.M. and Ochten, M. van and Steen, D. van der and Wiggers, R.B.M. (2017) Designing a synthetic model of the esophagus to test efficacy and oxygen distribution of an intelligent oxygen delivery device.
Puente Díaz, H. (2024) Identification of Brain Reorganizations in Advanced Stages of Parkinson’s Disease to Unlock New Neuromodulation Designs.
Radhakrishnan Senthilkumaran, Swathika (2024) Arrhythmia-on-a-chip : Modeling cardiac arrhythmia on chip: Investigating anti-arrhythmic drug responses and assessing the impact of structural deformities on signal propagation.
Ragalmuto, Florian (2020) The effects of different social stress conditions on human decision making.
Rangel, V.R. (2021) 3D Bioprinting in Bioactive Embedding Bath Cartridges for the purpose of Vascularization.
Rienks, L.J. (2021) Characterization of chemotherapy and sarcoidosis induced peripheral neuropathy through combined nociceptive detection thresholds and brain responses.
Rietveld, M. (2024) Impact of surrounding mediums on the chemical stability of iron-loaded alginate beads.
Ringoot, J.H. (2022) Creation and validation of a 405 nm laser Raman imaging setup.
Roekevisch, Babet (2023) The effect of variant glucose and oxygen concentrations on the differentiation of humane mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC).
Rojas Moreno, Efrén Miguel (2024) Cell-instructive membrane biomaterial for non-union bone healing.
Rona, M. (2022) Simulation and analysis of E-fields of dual-site tACS at various phase-lag values.
Rooij, R.N. de (2024) Cardioprotective drugs to inhibit DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity in combination with trastuzumab for HER2-positive breast cancer treatment.
Room, J.T. (2023) Transducer selection & protocol compliance detection algorithm design as a basis for automated point-of-care lung ultrasound screening of tuberculosis.
Roos, J.C.G. (2023) Investigating the difference in uremic toxin removal between single-pass and recirculation dialysis experiments, using in-house filters.
Rops, Joyce (2022) Early Detection of Cervical Cancer via Cas13a Mediated microRNA Detection.
Sandt, Ilse van de (2024) Developing a microfluidic setup for the analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs).
Scheffer, Lars (2023) Hoffas’s Fat Pad-on-Chip : Optimization and Characterization of Dextran- Hyaluronic Acid - Gelatin Hydrogels to Mimic the HFP Extracellular Matrix.
Schepop, L. van de (2021) Versatile microfluidic circulation to valuate tumor cross-talk using a multi-organ-on-chip approach.
Scheps, Ruben Mathijs (2025) Optimizing Seed Amplification Assay’s for α-Synuclein by adding Micron-Sized Beads.
Schoffelen, F.W.T. (2023) Quantitative SPECT and PET Imaging with Iodine Nuclides in Thyroid Cancer.
Scholten, J.N. (2023) Isolation of fibroblast derived extracellular vesicles using magnetic beads and click chemistry.
Schuitmaker, Wendy (2020) An optimization and evaluation of the CellPrep system for the reuse of anti-EpCAM ferrofluids to isolate tumor cells from blood and DLA products.
Schutte, Wouter (2024) Effect of Gamification Elements on Engagement and Performance in a Force-Tracking Task.
Seuntiëns, M.M.A. (2022) Different patterns between COPD exacerbations and comorbid flare-ups.
Sierkstra, J.N.G. (2013) Self-assembled monolayers on nano electrodes for biosensing.
Siero, C.J. (2015) In vitro studies of the interaction between α-synuclein and SNAREs.
Siero, C.J. (2011) Raman analyse van lipide in cellen.
Sinnema, Noah (2024) A New Angle on Turn Detection : A Method for Turn Detection for Varied Angles and Walking Speeds Using IMU's.
Slob, J.V.M. (2023) Towards multiplex detection of hypermethylated DNA biomarkers on a droplet digital recombinase polymerase amplification platform.
Slotman, D.J. (2020) Improving focus on uterine fibroids : visualizing the treatment effect after ultrasound ablation by using diffusion weighted imaging.
Souilljee, M.L. (2021) Locating Selective Sweeps with Accelerated Convolutional Neural Networks.
Spoelstra, L.R. (2022) Development of a Joint-on-Chip Platform to Study Chondro-Synovial Crosstalk in Arthritis The Development of a Common Culture Medium for Proof-of-Concept Experiments.
Spuijbroek, M. (2022) De relatie tussen de Time In Range en het gebruik van een FreeStyle Libre sensor bij Diabetes Mellitus Type 1-patiënten.
Steeman, L.L. (2022) Designing an experimental setup for transcutaneous stimulation to modulate sensory feedback.
Steenbergen, J.J. van (2022) Implementation of proximity ligation assay to quantify low protein concentrations in low volume samples.
Steenhuis, Bob (2016) The public perception of in vitro meat in The Netherlands.
Steenis, E.M. van (2021) Clustering and source localisation of interictal epileptiform discharges in scalp EEG and design of an interface for the clinic.
Stelwagen, T.J. (2018) Electrochemical detection of DNA at nanoelectrodes.
Stempher, M.A.B. (2024) Influence of hypoxia on the proliferation and vincristine drug resistance in neuroblastoma cancer cell lines SHEP-2 and SH-SY5Y.
Sterckel, S.A. (2023) The Heart-Brain Axis : Modelling the heart-brain axis using innovative organ-on-chip technology.
Sterckel, Sem A. (2021) CRISPR-Cas genome engineering explained from A to T : Understanding CRISPR genome engineering via a rainbow human embryonic stem cell reporter line to identify pacemaker cells and a MEF2c construct production.
Sterenborg, Niek (2021) Designing a hardware accelerator for a selective sweep detection algorithm using high-level synthesis.
Stoimenou, Eleftheria (2021) The effects of plastic pollution on the human epididymis: an ex vivo, on-a-chip pilot study.
Stojanovic, Ivan (2009) IPS cells from type I diabetes mellitus for disease modeling and therapy - a review on the possibilities and limitations.
Stoter, A.M.S. (2019) Culturing DRRAGN cardiomyocytes on GelTA and GelTA-MWCNT to assess differences in maturity level.
Stronkman, Eva (2022) Item availability restricted.
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Internship Report
Straathof, Paul T.C. (2014) Step by step analysis of bicycle mounting and dismounting : strategies and kinematics.