University of Twente Student Theses


Programme: Technical Medicine MSc (60033)

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Number of items: 525.


Aalbregt, E. (2021) Arterial Spin Labelling Based Cerebral Blood Flow in Depressed Patients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy.

Aalst, Joëlle E. van (2024) Reliability of Uncertainty for Assessing the generalisability of Deep Learning Segmentation for Head and Neck Organs at Risk.

Aarnink, K.M. (2017) Electro-mechanical resynchronisation therapy with a smart material in patients with heart failure: an experimental study.

Abbing, J.R. (2020) Semantic segmentation of minimally invasive anti-reflux surgery video using U-NET Machine Learning.

Albers, E.C. (2022) Cerebral Perfusion during Aortic Arch Surgery.

Ariëns, B. (2023) Improving MR thermometry-based assessment of the ablation zone during laser interstitial thermal therapy of glioblastomas.

Arts, BSc L.A.P. (2024) Continuous transcutaneous diaphragmatic electromyography measurements in preterm infants.

Assink, N. (2019) Quantitative 3D fracture analysis of complex intra-articular tibial plateau fractures : method development and validation.

Aukema, L.M.N. (2023) Optimization of a navigated fibular cutting guide.

Azampanah, Kimmia (2024) A digital twin for cardiac monitoring : In patients undergoing venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Baarsma, Milou (2024) Development of an In-House Workflow for the Design of Zygomatic Implant Guides for Maxillectomy Patients.

Bakhuizen, B.T. (2017) Towards intraoperative identification of colorectal carcinoma using diffise reflectance spectroscopy : a comparison of in vivo and ex vivo measurements.

Bakker, J.P.J. (2023) Towards the automatic Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) workflow for Orbital Prosthesis.

Bakker, J.R.P. (2024) Towards a software-based workflow for manufacturing 3D printed transtibial prostheses in Sierra Leone.

Bannink, L.S. (2021) Calculation of the Muscle Fiber Orientation in the Gastrocnemius and Soleus Muscles in Basketball Players with Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Bannink, T. (2020) Implementation of 3D technologies in the anaplastology workflow.

Barendsen, BSc Sander N. (2025) Predicting complications and grading the difficulty of total mesorectal excision surgery using machine learning.

Bax, E.A. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Beekman-Teeuw, M.M. (2023) High Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy and Scaled Tidal Flow Volume Curves in Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction of Children with Asthma.

Beelen, S.M.J. van (2022) Computational Fluid Dynamics for Personalized Airway Stents.

Beer, M.F. de (2021) The effect of spinal cord stimulation on detection thresholds and brain responses during nociceptive processing: an explorative study in patients with failed back surgery syndrome.

Bekedam, N.M. (2020) Intra-operative assessment of resection margins by three-dimensional ultrasound in patients with squamous cell carcinoma.

Bekhuis, R.E.M. (2018) Electrode positioning of transcutaneous electromyography of the diaphragm in preterm infant.

Benistant, J.R. (2016) Sleep Apnoea Detection Using Small & Cheap Sensors.

Berends, B. BSc (2021) Condyle-related improvements in orthognathic surgery.

Berfelo, T. (2019) Electrical brain responses during processing of nociceptive stimuli around the detection threshold.

Berg, A.M. van den (2024) Automated skin prick test reading using digital photography: An optimized correction for the camera perspective and arm curvature for accurate wheal size measurement.

Berg, I. van den (2022) The applicability of artificial intelligence algorithms on magnetic resonance imaging for prostate cancer treatment.

Berg, L.J.J. van den (2024) Advancing Bihormonal Closed-Loop Systems: The Role of Glucagon in Glucose Management of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1.

Bergmans, R.H.J. (2019) Computer-aided diagnosis for CT based clinical triage of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients : a deep learning and quantitative image analysis approach.

Bergwerff, E. (2021) Towards the application of virtual planning and patient specific guides in complex foot surgery.

Biel, E.M. (2021) Continuous vital sign monitoring in COVID-19 patients.

Bielevelt, F. (2021) An objective, automated and Sunnybrook-based facial grading system for facial paralysis patients.

Blok, Sifra (2021) Intra-operative SPES : the influence of propofol on local brain networks in epilepsy patients.

Blooijs, Dorien van (2015) Improving the SPES protocol by automating ER and DR detection and evaluation of the spatial relation between ERs and DRs.

Bock, E.J.E. de (2022) Automated diagnosis of shock in Malawian children using point-of-care cardiac ultrasound.

Boele, D.C. (2017) Measurement of the hypercapnic ventilatory response : development and clinical application.

Boer, E.C. de (2019) Monitoring the diaphragm in critically ill patients using electromyography : interpreting the EAdi signal and quantifying patient effort.

Boer, M.M. de (2023) Item availability restricted.

Boers, T.G.W. (2019) Interactive residual 3D U-net for the segmentation of the pancreas in computed tomography scans.

Boers, Tim (2017) Personalized endovascular stent grafts : Re-inventing the personalized stent graft and its production process; a finite element analysis.

Boersen, J.T. (2015) Endovascular Aortic Sealing of Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with a Sac-anchoring Endograft.

Boksem, Eline (2020) Prediction of total body electrical resistance based on limb muscle thickness : comparison of anthropometric and ultrasound measurements.

Bolscher, Wouter F. ten (2021) Wireless Navigation for Tumor Localization and Resection Margin Assessment during Laparoscopic Rectal Cancer Surgery.

Boonstra, M.J. (2018) The silent force of the heart: right ventricular energetics : validity and feasibility of cardiac ultrasound for the determination of right ventricular – pulmonary vasculature coupling in Intensive Care Unit patients.

Boonstra, Sander (2019) In vivo measurements of human tongue elasticity using a volume-based aspiration method : towards a personalized biomechanical tongue model.

Bos, K.D.J. (2022) The Effect of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure induced Arterial Blood Pressure oscillations on the Cerebral Autoregulation measures.

Boskma, W. (2023) Developing a nitrogen multiple breath washout setup to measure functional residual capacity in mechanically ventilated children to assess respiratory status in the pediatric intensive care unit.

Bot, M. (2023) Clustering patients at the emergency department based on their ECG and PPG signals.

Boti, B.R. (2016) Automatic quantification of Ki-67 proliferation index through co-registration with CAM 5.2 stained tissue to improve colorectal carcinoma diagnostics and therapy.

Boutkan, Nadine (2024) Analysis of baroreflex functionality in pregnancy through hemodynamical modeling.

Bouwmans, Rens (2018) Intra-cavity light distribution model for photodynamic therapy.

Braak, T.P. ter (2019) Development of a 3D navigated surgical cutting guide.

Braem, C.I.R (2019) The Philips wearable biosensor in transcatheter aortic valve implantation treatment workflow. Usability and feasibility of the wearable biosensor.

Brasz, M.F. (2020) Differentiating pediatric brain tumors based on MR spectroscopy with machine learning.

Brekel, A. van den (2021) Assessing the patellar tracking pattern before versus after total knee arthroplasty using dynamic computed tomography : a cadaveric study.

Brink, R.S.A. ten (2023) Towards RObot assisted iMage guided surgery using deeP lEarning Techniques (TROMPET): the calibration of flexible instruments for stereotactic navigation in locally advanced and recurrent rectal carcinoma.

Brinkhof, S. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Brinkman, S.L. (2018) Infra-slow Electroencephalographic Activity during Stress.

Broeke, J.E. ten (2024) The miniECG, towards implementation into clinical practice.

Broeze, G.M. (2024) Near InfraRed Spectroscopy : A Tool for the Diagnosis of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.

Brouwer de Koning, S.G. (2016) Terahertz pulsed imaging to evaluate tumour margins during breast-conserving surgery.

Bruggen, I.G. van (2019) Towards fully automated machine learning based VMAT planning for oropharyngeal cancer.

Bruggink, Robin (2015) Three Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography as a Predictive Tool to Assess the Outcome of Mitral Valve Plasty.

Buitenhuis, G.H. (2019) Use of upper airway measurements for the prediction of successful mandibular advancement device therapy both in protrusion and retraction of the mandible in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.

Buitenhuis, M.B. (2021) 3D Stereophotogrammetry in Head and Neck Oedema.

Burgt, A. van de (2019) Experimental validation of absolute SPECT/CT quantification for response monitoring in patients with end-stage coronary artery disease.

Buser, Myrthe (2020) Towards stable feature detection for 3D reconstruction of the placental surface during the FLOVA procedure - Convolutional neural network based feature detection.

Bussink, T.W. (2020) Augmented reality in craniomaxillofacial surgery.

Buter, M. (2023) 3D Preoperative planning and training tool for endoscopic stapes surgery.

Christenhusz, A. (2017) Magnetic sentinel lymph node detection and metastases evaluation.

Claessens, M.L. (2023) The dome pelvis osteotomy as alternative for pedicle subtraction osteotomy in patients with loss of lumbar lordosis.

Cnossen, S. (2019) Diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia using magnetic resonance spectroscopy Refocused double-quantum editing for lactate detection in the portal vein.

Coenraad, T.L. (2023) Retention for 3D-printed hollow immediate surgical obturators for maxillectomy patients.

Coes, M.G. (2017) A novel approach to quantify and analyse brain imaging features on MRI.

Corbiere, L.B. (2024) Item availability restricted.

Croonen, Elke (2023) Artificial intelligence for tool and action detection in laparoscopic fundoplication surgery videos.

Dankers, H.H.G. (2023) The use of three-dimensional surface scans for facial feminization surgery : quantification of the indications and results.

Dartel, D. van (2018) The effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in patients diagnosed with epilepsy and healthy subjects.

Dasselaar, S.G.W. (2025) The role of coronary plaque volumes in major adverse cardiovascular events.

Demir, S. (2017) Argumenteren over een controversieel vraagstuk : leerlingen van 4vwo over de plastic soep.

Derksen, M. (2022) Artery size adjusted calcium score for contrast-enhanced CT scans in peripheral artery disease patients.

Dijk, H.H. van (2023) Validating and developing measurement techniques to assess patellofemoral instability using dynamic Computed Tomography.

Dijkstra, Koen (2015) Cartilage repair after joint distraction: intermittent hydrostatic pressure and its influence on mesenchymal stem cells - an in vitro study.

Dirks, E.H.M. (2024) Towards a Digital Twin of the Epileptic Brain Network in Patients with Medically Refractory Focal Epilepsy.

Dollen, R. (2020) Observing Electrical Brain Responses during Processing of Nociceptive Stimuli around the Detection Threshold combined with a Cold Pressor Test.

Doremalen, R.F.M. van (2015) Application of Rapid Prototyping in Trauma Surgery: Clavicle fracture Repair – a Clinical Study.

Dort, W. van (2023) Bladder outflow obstruction: towards more advanced analysis.

Dotinga, Maaike (2019) Machine learning in nuclear medicine: detection of Parkinson's disease, myocardial ischemia and major adverse cardiac events using support vector machines.

Drijver, C. den (2024) A Model for Simulation of the Neonatal Lymphatic Transport System Enhancing our understanding of the neonatal lymphatic (patho)physiology.

Duijn, J.G.A. den (2022) Non-invasive continuous cardiac output monitoring using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in ICU patients.

Duren, K.M.L. van (2022) Augmented reality for laparoscopic liver navigation.

Durmus, N. (2018) Development of a human peripheral myelinated axon model.

Duteweert, R.J.A. (2024) Improving preoperative imaging for the localisation of parathyroid adenomas.

Dülger, S. (2017) Arterial blood pressure curve analysis in cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction.

ENDE, R.P.J. VAN DEN (2015) Intraoperative navigation and intraoperative CT in orthopaedic oncology surgery.

Edgar, R. (2021) Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Skin Temperature : The Possibility of Continuous Penile Skin Temperature Measurements to Monitor Sleep-Related Erections.

Egging, R.M. (2021) AI-based prediction model of surgical difficulty in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Egmond, C.A.W. van (2021) Tissue type classification and resection margin estimation of colorectal cancer using ultrasound, elastography, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.

Elburg, Amber van (2022) Triggering the Ventilator during Non-Invasive Ventilation in Infants using Transcutaneous Electromyography of the Diaphragm : A proof of principle study.

Eleveld, N. (2020) Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Transcranial Doppler Sonography for the estimation of Cerebral Autoregulation after Intra-Arterial Thrombectomy for Ischemic Stroke.

Elshof, J. (2018) The effects of positive end-expiratory pressure on the position and function of the human diaphragm.

Engelbert, P.F. (2021) The prediction of early sepsis with wearable devices.

Enthoven, J.J.M (2019) Prediction of the hiatus esophagus location based on external landmarks and biometrics.

Erp, M.A.J.M. van (2017) Shear Wave Ultrasound Elastography of the tongue.

Everink, Suzan (2023) 3D Ultrasound as imaging modality for the pre- and postoperative evaluation of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair.

Everts, B.R. (2023) Optical Mapping of Isotonically Contracting Living Myocardial Slices: A Proof-of-Principle.

Ewals, L.J.S. (2022) Quantification of bowel loop motion and body composition during radiotherapy for gynecological cancer.

Eyck, Q.D. (2021) Towards holographic navigation for paediatric nephron-sparing Wilms tumour surgery : a feasibility study.

Fabius, T.M. (2015) Volumetric capnography and CO/NO diffusion to exclude pulmonary embolism at the emergency room.

Fitski, M. (2019) Evaluation of three dimensional visualisation techniques for the preoperative planning of Wilms tumour surgery.

Florax, MSc Anna A. (2024) Haemodynamics during surgery: patient’s blood pressure management and optimisation.

Fuente, BSc Pim de la (2024) Exploring improvements to the manufacturing process of the transfemoral socket volume.

Gantevoort, S. (2018) Electrocardiographic analysis of ventricular fibrillation: a machine learning approach to identify a previous myocardial infarction.

Gefferie, S.R. (2020) Observing small fiber dysfunction using nociceptive stimulus detection and evoked potentials.

Geldof, Freija (2018) Surgical navigation to guide tumor resections in oncological head and neck surgery.

Genugten, E.A.J. van (2020) Multimodal imaging of the tumour microenvironment in head and neck cancer.

Geraats, Renée Milou (2019) Optical Innovations in Endobronchial Diagnostics.

Gerards, N.R. (2023) White matter damage and long-term neurological and cognitive outcome after cardiac arrest : a clinical tractography study.

Gerkema, BSc. M.H. (2020) Deep learning for identification of gallbladder leakage during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Gerritse, T.J. (2019) FDG-dose prediction and small lesion detection using advanced PET technology.

Ginkel, L.A. van (2023) 3DxSPLINT: A Clinical Comparison of 3D Printed Splints versus Conventional Splints in the Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures.

Glas, H.H. (2017) Image guided surgery and the added value of augmented reality.

Glastra, F.E.H. (2024) 3D Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) workflow for the Ganz osteotomy.

Golbach, E.M. (2021) Detection of Staphylococcus aureus and Aspergillus fumigatus infections in exhaled breath of cystic fibrosis patients.

Graaf, J.W. van der (2019) Patient specific pre-operative plan for orthopedic surgery: from software to guides.

Graaf, P. de (2022) 3D-printed upper limb prosthetics for Sierra Leone : development of an automated computer-aided design process for customized transhumeral sockets and manufacturing of low-cost passive adjustable prostheses.

Graus, E.H.M. (2024) Nasal prosthesis design using Statistical Shape Modelling : Evaluation and development of a 3D Morphable Face Model.

Greidanus, Joyce (2022) Artificial intelligence based therapeutic response assessment of neoadjuvant immunotherapy for patients with bladder cancer.

Greveling, Mark (2023) Ultrasound: a reliable method to measure muscle forces around the foot?

Groen, M.H.A. (2018) Feasibility of irreversible electroporation for pulmonary vein isolation.

Groenenberg, Annabel (2021) Three Dimensions to See it All in One Position : the development and clinical usability of a real-time depth-based markerless navigation system for hologram-guided surgery on the Microsoft HoloLens 2™.

Groenendijk, E.A. (2022) Subhairline Electroencephalography for the Detection of Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke.

Groot, N.T. de (2024) Feasibility of Infrared Reflective Marker Tracking for Nephron-Sparing Surgery Using Augmented Reality.

Groot Koerkamp, M.L. (2017) Towards MRI-guided radiation therapy of regional lymph nodes in breast cancer patients.

Groot Lipman, K.B.W. (2020) Artificial Intelligence driven assessment of asbestos exposed patients.

Groothuysen, Daniel (2019) Guiding the neurosurgeon in resective epilepsy surgery.

Gruisen, J.A.E. (2019) Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry imaging for bone fracture hematoma analysis.

Haan, Job S. de (2020) Standardised, automatic description of uroflowmetry curve shapes.

Haans, F. (2022) Non-invasive detection of hepatic acetylcarnitine by 1H-MRS.

Haaren, J.H.L. van (2020) Objective quantification of in-hospital patient mobilisation after cardiac surgery.

Haenen, Maranda (2023) Automatic motion analysis of the wrist using 4DCT Development of an automatic tool for the diagnosis of scapholunate ligament injuries.

Hagens, L.A. (2018) Towards a new diagnostic swallowing assessment : the first step in assessing dysphagia in intensive care unit patients.

Hamelink, I. (2020) Towards the introduction of magnetic resonance guided stereotactic body radiotherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer.

Haren, S.L. van (2024) The effects of NR-TMS language mapping on brain activity using HD-EEG : from setup to analysis.

Harkel, T.C. ten (2016) Item availability restricted.

Hashemi, Liza (2017) Computer assisted interpretation of CT imaging in traumatic brain injury : automatic detection of haemorrhages and the prediction of neurological symptoms.

Haveman, BSc M.E. (2018) Item availability restricted.

Hazeleger, L.R. (2022) Validity and reconstruction of the intra-arterial blood pressure waveform measured with a catheter-manometer system in critically ill neonates.

Heggeler, BSc R.M. ten (2022) 3D leg and knee alignment measurement methods & planning of guided correction osteotomies.

Heide, Stein van der (2022) Optimizing the reference radius for preoperative surgical planning of distal radius osteotomy.

Heidkamp, MSc J. (2015) MR-imaging of the prostate: diagnosis and treatment improvement.

Heijdt, J.B. van der (2017) Optimizing ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: electrode montage and stimulus frequency.

Heijink, Irene (2022) Detection of Freezing of Gait in patients with Parkinson's Disease using a deep learning approach.

Heikens, Nicolien (2024) Optimizing Navigation Bronchoscopy : An In-Depth Exploration of Three Innovative Technologies for Clinical Improvement.

Heiligenberg, J. van den (2024) The Assessment of Morphologic Bilateral Asymmetry in Knees with and without Trochlear Dysplasia.

Helden, T. van (2020) A laser-cut thermoformed orthosis for distal radius fractures.

Helvert, Majorie van (2019) High-frame-rate contrast-enhanced ultrasound particle image velocimetry near the stented superficial femoral artery : A feasibility study.

Hendriks, Pim (2018) Prediction of local tumor progression after radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma: retrospective registration of pre- and post-ablation imaging.

Heres, R.L. (2024) Cerebral hemodynamics in a population at risk of dementia​.

Hester, BSc L. (2024) The dynamics of the infrarenal neck after endovascular aneurysm repair of infrarenal aortic aneurysms.

Heugten, R.J.P. van (2023) Optimization of Clinical Application and User-Friendliness of High-Resolution Manometry Analysis in Head- and Neck Cancer Patients.

Hiep, M.A.J. (2021) Tracked ultrasound for patient registration in surgical navigation during abdominal cancer surgery.

Hodes, S.M. (2024) 3D Printed Moulds for Brachytherapy in Pediatric Head-Neck Rhabdomyosarcomas.

Hoeben, B.W. (2015) Goitre-induced ventilation impairment.

Hogenes, A.M. (2018) Visualization of the electric field distribution in a static electric field to investigate irreversible electroporation: modification of several ablation parameters.

Holleboom, Minke (2021) Respiratory muscle physiology during assisted mechanical ventilation from a technological view.

Hoofs, M.A. (2019) Non-invasive diagnostic tools for the evaluation of diaphragm function in mechanically ventilated ICU patients.

Hoogteijling, S. (2022) The electrophysiological signature of epilepsy studied by artificial intelligence and explainable artificial intelligence.

Hoppenbrouwer, X.L.R. (2016) Pressure measurements during High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) therapy in infants with a severe airway infection.

Horsten, S. (2017) Contribution of sound in the Intensive Care Unit environment to sleep disruption.

Hoven, Leon van den (2018) The simultaneous diagnosis of malalignment and liner wear in problematic primary total knee prosthesis with low-field MRI.

Hovenier, Renée (2021) Personalized non-invasive ventilation masks for children admitted to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.

Hoving, A.M. (2016) A novel black bone MRI protocol for optimisation of 3D head and neck resection planning.

Huinink, Iris (2024) Sentinel Lymph Node Staging and Detection in Melanoma Patients : Implementation of the MelaDiff trial.

Huiskes, M. (2020) Automated robust planning for intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) in oropharyngeal cancer patients using machine learning.

Huizing, E.D. (2016) Optimization, validation and evaluation of myocardial perfusion imaging using Rubidium-82 PET/CT.

Huizinga, E (2017) Early Recognition Of The Deteriorating Surgical Patient Using HealthPatch MD, A Wireless And Wearable Vital Signs Monitor – An Early Clinical Feasibility Study.

Hulst, E. van (2022) The Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Predict Clinical Outcome of Renal Angioplasty in Patients with a Stenosed Renal Artery.

Huntelaar, M.J. (2020) Item availability restricted.

Huppelschoten, M. (2019) Catch the A-train : Detection of A-trains in EMG during vestibular schwannoma resection making use of Neural Networks.

Idsardi, A.N. (2018) Towards individualized titration of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in paediatric acute respiratory failure.

Jansen, A.S. (2020) Measuring vasomotor response in abdominal aortic aneurysm patients : a cool innovation toward cardiovascular event prediction.

Jansen, C.E. (2024) Supervised Machine Learning Models For Prediction Of Weaning Success In Veno-arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Based On Continuous Hemodynamic Parameters.

Jansen, Mylène P. (2017) A Novel 3D joint space quantification method in patients with osteoarthritis in the knee.

Jansen Holleboom, L.I.M. (2016) Improving the nurse response to seizures in the epilepsy monitoring unit with help of EEG-based automatic seizure detection.

Janssens, A.J.B. (2018) 2D perfusion angiography in patients with critial limb ischemia: a study into reproducibility, variability and vessel extraction.

Jelsma, Susanne (2022) Structural and effective brain networks in focal epilepsy.

Jeltes, Claire (2018) The introduction of foetal therapy for TTTS patients in the Radboudumc : including the development of 3D FLOVA-SLAM.

Jochem, K.Y. (2024) Development of a clinical tool for evaluation of the intra-articular fracture displacement and surgically achieved fracture reduction in patients with acetabular fractures.

Jong, G.A. de (2016) Towards quantification of normal evolution of the human head in order to develop new craniosynostosis measurements.

Jong, J.E. de (2023) The effect of the injection depth and injection volume on the wheal size in the Skin Prick Test.

Jong, S.F. de (2015) Quantifying cerebral blood flow of both the micro- and macrovascular system using perfusion computed tomography.

Jongh, BSc. S.A.M. de (2021) A personalized ventilation strategy during spontaneous breathing mechanical ventilation using electrical impedance tomography.

Jurrius, P.A.G.T. (2018) Intraoperative fluorescence imaging for the assessment of excision margins and lymph node involvement in breast cancer using EMI-137.

Kaaij, F.A. van der (2023) An automated workflow for virtual surgical planning of orbital advancements in open cranial vault reconstruction surgery in trigonocephaly patients : a proof of principle.

Kamp, M.R. van der (2017) WEARCON : Wearable home-monitoring in asthmatic children.

Kampkuiper, Nick F.B. (2022) Treatment Optimisations for Sacroiliac Joint Fusion - Patient-specific approaches using 3D technology to prevent complications and improve patient outcome.

Kappe, K.O. (2022) Deep Learning for Objective Intraoperative Image Analysis during Endovascular Aneurysm Repair : Automatic Artery Detection.

Kappert, K.D.R. (2016) VIRTUAL SURGERY: Development of a surgical simulation tool for the prediction of functional impairment after partial glossectomy.

Kar, N. van de (2022) Prediction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure duration using artificial intelligence.

Karnenbeek, Lennard van (2022) A major step towards peroperative clinical outcome prediction during percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in lower extremity arterial disease patients using an in-house developed semi-automated two-dimensional perfusion angiography software tool.

Karstanje, Eline (2024) Virtual surgical planning in DIEP flap breast reconstructions : How to plan DIEP flap volume?

Keep, Y.W.A.M. van (2017) Assessment of echogenicity of the cervix at 12 weeks pregnancy in relation to the mode of delivery.

Keijzer, P.B. (2018) AACE - Assessment of Asthma in Children using Electromyography.

Keizer, D. (2015) Indication of ictal propagation using single pulse electrical stimulation evoked early responses.

Ketel, M.H.M. (2019) Validation of synthetic CT-based 3D-printed patient-specific saw guides for lower arm osteotomy.

Keurhorst, J.A. (2024) Enhancing Diabetic Foot Ulcer Risk Assessment in the VVT Sector : The Added Value of Thermal Imaging in Periodic Screening.

Kho, Eline (2019) The activity of the diaphragm during pulmonary transition in preterm infants : a feasibility and physiological study.

Klaassen, Jurre (2020) Automatic depth measurements of lower-extremity arteries and carotid artery tortuosity, curvature and torsion measurements.

Klaassen, N.J.M. (2018) Image-, fluorescence- and radio-guided navigation for identification and localization of lymph node metastases in prostate cancer.

Klaver, E.C. (2019) The relation between cough sound characteristics and lung function.

Klein Gunnewiek, Kevin (2023) Cutting-edge Neurosurgical Technology: Working Towards New Surgical Strategies in Pediatric Neuro-oncology.

Klein Teeselink, Lian (2024) Virtual surgical planning in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty : In acute proximal humerus fractures and revision surgery.

Kleinveld, E. (2021) The effect of intra-epidermal stimulus properties on nociceptive detection thresholds and evoked potentials in morbid obesity : An explorative study on the effect of BMI on the outcomes of the NDT-EP method.

Klitsie, M.A.J. (2015) Eulerian Motion Magnification during Robot-Assisted Surgery.

Kloosterman, M. (2021) An explorative study into the possible relationship between electrical and structural abnormalities in subclinical and clinical PKP2-pathogenic mutation carriers by body surface potential mapping and echocardiographic deformation imaging : "Towards early detection and risk stratification of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy”.

Klop, C. (2017) Imaging the bariatric patient : employing conventional imaging techniques in unconventional ways.

Klop, M. (2020) Physical resilience indicators derived from haemodynamic signals in older adults : relation to cognitive status, cognitive decline and surgical outcome.

Klunder, S.G.J. (2024) Structural- and functional connectivity analyses for prediction of neurological outcome and cognitive functioning after cardiac arrest.

Knipscheer, B. (2021) Fusion of EEG and MEG for the Localization of High Frequency Oscillations in Focal Epilepsy.

Koenders, S.S. (2018) Optimization of myocardial blood flow quantification in Rubidium-82 PET myocardial perfusion imaging.

Koning, K.J. de (2019) Item availability restricted.

Kool, Danien (2021) Prenatal prediction of the postnatal prognosis in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia patients Based on ultrasound and additional MRI.

Koopmans, I.W. (2017) Cerebral saturation and hemodynamic parameters during target temperature management after a cardiac arrest.

Kortenbout, Jorinde (2018) Quantification of cerebral blood flow with contrast enhanced ultrasound.

Kortman, M.C.P. (2023) Anatomical outcome after robot-assisted ventral mesh rectopexy : Testing upright magnetic resonance defecography and implementing it in the clinical practice to obtain more insight in complex pelvic organ prolapse patients.

Koster, Arjan (2018) Reduction of the occupational radiation dose of hybrid operating theater staff during peripheral endovascular procedures.

Krakers, S.M. (2023) Towards the Optimization of Surgical Hallux Valgus Corrections.

Kronenberg, Bsc. A.A. (2018) Improving post-treatment dosimetry for selective intra-arterial radiation therapy in liver metastases.

Kruijf, N.L.M. de (2022) Correlation of qEEG and cognitive impairment in cardiac arrest survivors: first steps towards a prediction model.

Kuijer, K.M. (2023) Automatic Delineation of Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Gross Tumor Volume: A Pathologically and Clinically Validated Deep Learning Model.

Kuipers, T. van (2022) Improvement of patient satisfaction after diep flap surgery by applying 3D techniques.

Kuppens, D. (2018) Machine Learning for CT-based clinical triage in hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.

Kuster, L. (2015) Imaging the cervical spinal cord and nerve roots in patients with spinal muscular atrophy using diffusion tensor imaging.

Kwinten, BSc W.M.J. (2019) SENS-U Bladder Sensor: continuous home monitoring of natural nocturnal bladder filling in children with nocturnal enuresis.

Laat, N.N. de (2022) CT-based migration analysis of tibial components in total knee arthroplasty.

Lambregts, Maud (2022) real-time tissue classification during vacuum-assisted biopsy procedures using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.

Lange, Roos de (2024) The use of invasively-measured haemodynamics to assess paravalvular regurgitation during transcatheter aortic valve replacement.

Langerak, N.C. (2021) Towards real-time endoscopic verification of lung lesion by bio-impedance measurements to improve biopsy accuracy.

Lankheet, S. (2023) How to Improve Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Surgery? : An automated workflow with an intraoperative visualisation of the surgical planning.

Lau, Alexander (2019) The value of ultrasound in diagnosing giant cell arteritis : comparing the intima-media thickness of the temporal and axillary arteries between manual longitudinal, semi-automatic longitudinal and transversally compressed measurements.

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This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 06:05:00 2025 CET.