University of Twente Student Theses
Domain: 33 physics
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Schuttert, R.J. (2025) Item availability restricted.
Aponte Urmeneta, J.M. (2024) Multitone Measurements for the Characterization of EMI Filters at High Power Levels.
Bardas, Dimitris (2024) pH Sensing and Antibody detection with Surface Functionalized ISFETs.
Baten, Luuk (2024) Ontwerp en Implementatie van een Meetsysteem voor Tractiekrachtregistratie van Veer-gebaseerde Halo-Gravity Traction.
Beijersbergen van Henegouwen, D.G. (2024) Design of a 3D printed device for monosize microbubble production on a chip.
Bie, J.A. de (2024) Performance and Computational Complexity of Wideband Sound Source Localization Algorithms : A Comprehensive Analysis.
Boer, M.C.J. de (2024) Characterization of Frequency and Flow Response of Magnetically Actuated Swimming Millirobots with Asymmetric Helical Body.
Braak, B.G. ter (2024) Development and implementation of a user-friendly software interface for a multispectral imaging camera for enhanced contrast in medical applications.
Braam, I. and Goedhart, B.W. and Posthumus, F. and Pouwels, S.J. (2024) Preoperative 3D patient-specific imaging of individual pulmonary segments based on intersegmental veins compared to bronchopulmonary segmentation for minimally invasive resection of lung tumours.
Brantjes, R.J. (2024) Aerodynamic interferences for the OmniMorph aerial vehicle.
Bui, Thai Ha (2024) A minimal nanoneuron capable of nonlinear classification.
Cassee, N.C.E. and Kuij, M.L. van der and Oosterink, L. and Versteeg, E.M. (2024) Virtuele herleiding van geresecteerde neuroblastoomdelen via genavigeerde resectie ter validatie van preoperatieve risicomodellen.
Chen, W. (2024) Characterizing α-Synuclein Polymorphs Through AFM, SAA, Spectrophotometry and Digestion Assay.
Dalen, K.J van (2024) Development and validation of a gasification model to investigate the effect of temperature reduction on increased syngas yield.
Dam, R.E. (2024) Controlling metal-protein interactions : the effect of molecular spacer and encapsulin on picocavities.
Dijk, David van (2024) De Combinatie van Wetenschapsgeschiedenis en Practica in de Natuurkundeles.
Ding, Daniël (2024) Upscaling Production of Monodisperse Microcapsules for Injectables by In-Air Microfluidics.
Dulfer, Simone (2024) Towards the realisation of self-aligned nanometre scale tunnel field effect transistors.
Even, N.A.P. (2024) Parametric Study of Aerodynamic Interference on Global Propeller Performance Using OpenVSP.
Ezendam, E.L. (2024) Correcting sagittal balance : Design and validation of a novel osteotomy concept with a patient-specific fixation system.
Gaag, N. van der (2024) Inertial parameter identification of bipedal systems : a simulation-based comparison.
Gerges, Bishoy (2024) Item availability restricted.
Hamster, Casper Willem (2024) Simulation of Dielectrophoretic Potential for Single Particles Trapping.
Harbers, Job (2024) Characterization and modeling of a thermal conductivity sensor for liquids.
Heijink, J.J. (2024) Collision Avoidance for Trench Coupling using Photonic Probe-Chip Reflections.
Heitkamp, M.J.F. (2024) Lunar Water Extraction : Design, Optimization, and Development for Future Space Exploration.
Heugten, E.J.H. van (2024) Comparison of Arterial Blood Pressure Oscillations Measured by the Volume Clamp Method and Invasive Techniques in Post Cardiac Surgery Patients.
Hove, J.H. ten (2024) Analyzing the protein complex formation of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein and α-Synuclein.
Huntink, L.M. (2024) High-speed planar ultrasound blood flow velocimetry using deep learning.
Jelsma, S.G. (2024) Vehicle detection and classification using passive multi-modal sensing and TinyML.
Kabadwal, Manas (2024) Navigating the Snowscape : Utilizing SAR Interferometric Coherence and ICESat-2 Data for Machine Learning-Based Snow Depth Estimation.
Kampstra, L. (2024) The occurrence of viscous shear heating within the cold rolling process.
Kanger, B.J.D. (2024) Bound-preserving limiting methods for Hybrid-DG discretization of linear advection equations.
Kareem, Jonas (2024) Fabrication and electrical characterisation of hexagonal GeSi nanowire devices.
Knol, Daniël (2024) Calculation of 2D spin-galvanic effects in diffusive metals.
Kuenen, Thom (2024) Data-Driven Gravity and Stiffness Compensation for a 4-DoF Upper Extremity Robotic Exoskeleton.
Kuijper, I.K. (2024) An Interactive Approach to MRI-based Interventional Navigation.
Kwon, Hyojoon (2024) Modelling of three-dimensional laser printing.
Lemmens, L.F.P. (2024) Needle tissue interaction modelling for enhancement of feedback accuracy during biopsies.
Lokhorst, H.W. (2024) Item availability restricted.
Manouselis, MSc Pantelis (2024) A Hybrid Aerodynamic-Interference-Aware Model for Multi-Rotor Platforms.
Meuleman, Jelmer D. (2024) Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics : in Al₂O₃ Integrated Photonic Devices.
Mulder, I. (2024) Flow Separation in Small, Meandering Streams.
Nijboer, T.M. (2024) Kickstarting the Next Step in Urban Mobility. Design of an Interactive Design Tool & a New Urban Electric Vehicle.
Nijland, Chiel (2024) Analysing the Effect of High-level Irradiation on Contact Resistance in Solar Cells.
Oude Engberink, M.G. (2024) The Design of an In-Orbit Demonstration for a Mini Mechanically Pumped Cooling Loop in a CubeSat.
Rietveld, M. (2024) Impact of surrounding mediums on the chemical stability of iron-loaded alginate beads.
Rimša, Katrīna (2024) Transverse Stress of ReBCO High-Temperature Superconductors for Future Compact Fusion Reactors.
Robert, Floris (2024) Evaluating control of Untethered Magnetic Robots in a carotid artery phantom.
Rorink, W.F.G. (2024) The effect of an external magnetic field on an antiferromagnetic two-dimensional square Ising model with anisotropic nearest neighbour interaction.
Saleh, E. (2024) Characterization of Electric Double-Layer Capacitors Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.
Sandt, Ilse van de (2024) Developing a microfluidic setup for the analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs).
Sauër, B.K. (2024) Five-Mode Photon Distillation.
Sauër, B.K. (2024) Five-Mode Photon Distillation.
Schaarman, W.A. (2024) Impact of Hybridization on Edge States in SnTe.
Schaarman, W.A. (2024) Impact of Hybridization on Edge States in SnTe.
Scheeren, Mark (2024) Quantification of aerosol deposition in the nasal cavity.
Schilt, Elise (2024) Accelerating MRI with optimized sampling patterns in Pulseq.
Schutte, Wouter (2024) Effect of Gamification Elements on Engagement and Performance in a Force-Tracking Task.
Schwieters, Sven (2024) Physics-Driven Simulations for Needle Localization in MR-Guided Percutaneous Needle Interventions.
Sinnema, Noah (2024) A New Angle on Turn Detection : A Method for Turn Detection for Varied Angles and Walking Speeds Using IMU's.
Smits, J.H.B. (2024) On the Development of a Ground-Positioned Microphone Phased Array for Fly-Over Noise Measurements on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Sriram, Rahul (2024) Catheter modelling for medical simulator with CathBot integration.
Sticker, M.L.H. (2024) Development of a surrogate model for the laser-assisted fibre placement process.
Tiemessen, J.R.M. (2024) Optical Coherence Tomography for Capturing the Characteristics of a Melt Pool in Laser Cladding.
Torrent Nicolau, Quim (2024) To Bi or not to Bi? : Attempts on Charge Readout and Optimization of Single Bismuth Atom Silicon Nanodevices.
Ubbink, S.G.A. (2024) Examination of Holmium-165 microsphere distribution patterns for intratumoral treatment of patients with brain tumours.
Ufkes, R.F. (2024) Energetic consistency of Cosserat rod simulations.
Veldhuizen, A.R.P. (2024) Reducing Pulsation in External Gear Pump Output for Rubber Extrusion.
Vialle, F. (2024) Dynamics of ultrasound-driven coated microbubbles confined in viscoelastic capillaries.
Vidulejs, Vits (2024) A DFT study of heterostructure-driven charge transfer in transition metal perovskites, or a computational look at LaFeO3, LaCoO3 and LaNiO3.
Vidulejs, Vits (2024) A DFT study of heterostructure-driven charge transfer in transition metal perovskites, or a computational look at LaFeO3, LaCoO3 and LaNiO3.
Vliem, M.J.H. (2024) A study on the effect of local pressure gradient on turbulent boundary layer characteristics and trailing-edge noise over a flat plate : A numerical and empirical study.
Vries, Alwin de (2024) Excited State Forces in Semiconductor Crystals from the GW and Bethe-Salpeter Equation Methods.
Vries, Alwin de (2024) Excited State Forces in Semiconductor Crystals from the GW and Bethe-Salpeter Equation Methods.
Vuurberg, S.J. (2024) EMG as a support tool for physiotherapy Investigating the role of EMG in determining Return-To-Sports in patients with lateral ankle sprain by physiotherapists.
Wassenaar, Mike (2024) Ontwerp van een lessenserie over elektromagnetisme met Educational Design Research die binnen een versneld examenjaar te realiseren is.
Xu, Ningxin (2024) A 3D printed general-purpose on-chip micromirror system.
Zaki, Michael Lawrence Abdulla (2024) CFD-CAA Analysis of Light-Stall Noise Prediction Using DDES and FW-H Analogy for NACA 0012 Airfoil.
Zutphen, R. van (2024) Towards Quantitative Reflectance Analysis in a Combined OCT and Imaging Spectroscopy System.
Aanen, Mattijs (2023) GNSS-Based Time Synchronisation for Distributed Radio Localisation on Software-Defined Radio.
Alimawi, Madhat (2023) Cascaded H-bridge Converter Integrated with Split Batteries and with Multilevel AC Output for Household Applications.
Bastiaens, T (2023) Jerk-based Control of Aerial Manipulators in Physical Interaction with the Environment.
Bonestroo, D.N. and Gerritsen, L.H. and Huijsmans, S.D.M. and Vahl, R. (2023) Aangezichtsprothetiek op afstand : De ontwikkeling van een innovatieve workflow en vergelijking hiervan met de huidige workflow om de intrinsieke huidskleur op afstand, zonder fysiek contact, te benaderen.
Bošnjak, I. (2023) Transport properties of SnTe nanowires in Josephson junction devices.
Braat, A.R. and Hassanu, K. and Smit, A.F. (2023) Optimalisatie van fluorescentie-angiografie : standaardisatiestrategieën en meetfactoren die de gemeten fluorescentie-intensiteit beïnvloeden.
Bree, K.D.E. de (2023) Development of a convolutional neural network for the detection of the levator plate : a U-net based structure for MR image segmentation.
Buskens, Nienke (2023) The Effect of Bending on the Critical Current of ReBCO Based Stack Cables : High Magnetic Fields for Muon Collider.
Chennaveeranahalli, D.R. (2023) Fabrication and analysis of glucose sensor.
Choi, Jeong Young (2023) Machine Learning Approaches in Extending the Capabilities of a Thermal Anemometer for Horticultural Applications.
Daoud, Y.F.C. and Zonnenberg, J. and Besselink, I.T.J. and Leussink, K.H. (2023) Kwantificatie van de extra bolus adenosine bij het gebruik van een multi-infusie systeem bij rubidium-82 PET/CT onderzoek.
Doornbos, J.H. (2023) Wavefront Shaping At The Push Of A Button.
Efstathiadis, I. (2023) Quantum (anti)Anthropology : An Synthetic Research on Human Nature.
Geurink, B.M. (2023) Active MR Tracking in a Static Phantom using a GRASP-sequence.
Greveling, Mark (2023) Ultrasound: a reliable method to measure muscle forces around the foot?
Groote Veldman, W.J. (2023) Optimizing BLE Gateway Positioning in Aviation Industry: An Algorithm Based on Link Budget and Log-Distance Path Loss.
Grootkarzijn, R. (2023) Adaptive Feedforward Control for Active Vibration Isolation Systems with Motion Stage and Nonlinear Dynamics.
Hanskamp, Gernt (2023) Finding eigenmodes of linear systems using a universal preconditioner with applications to dielectric cavities.
Heemstra, Berwout (2023) Controlled deposition of gold nanoparticles on faceted SrTiO3 photocatalyst particles.
Hertog, H. den (2023) Item availability restricted.
Heuvel, S. van den (2023) Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on Vertically Rising Bubbles.
Hornman, A.E. (2023) Parametric Study of Scaling Rules for a PEM Fuel Cell in Untethered Microrobots.
Horst, Leonie M. (2023) Modelling the Spectro-Angular Reflectance of Grass for Accurate Bifacial Photovoltaic Yield Calculation.
Jong, J.E. de (2023) The effect of the injection depth and injection volume on the wheal size in the Skin Prick Test.
Kaewborisut, D.B.Q. (2023) Self-generated 3D point cloud with raw data from FMCW radar.
Kanis, E. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Karreman, A.H. (2023) Fabrication and characterization of an optically stable tissue phantom for the evaluation of transcutaneous bilirubin meters.
Karytsas, Konstantinos (2023) Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Control of a Pneumatic-Driven Soft Continuum Robot.
Krhac, Kaja (2023) Canonical Dirac structure of unitary quantum dynamics.
Krolis, Eva (2023) Ontwerp van een lessenserie over materialen waarin samenwerking centraal staat.
Liuni, D.S. (2023) Analysis of the Effects of Changing Phase-lags and Montages on tACS E-fields.
Lochem, S.H. van (2023) Developing a realistic venous model for in-vitro application of the eduECMO trainer.
Loenhout, F.H.C. van (2023) Het ontwerpen van probleemgestuurd natuurkundeonderwijs in een 3-havoklas.
Meevis, Y.H.W. (2023) Quantitative spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging using reference fluence method.
Moll, M.C.M. (2023) MRI based 3D models as aiding tool for Parotid Gland Surgery.
Morales Ortega, Luis Rodrigoandrés (2023) A Digital Twin for Ground Water Table Monitoring.
Perizonius, F.C. (2023) Theoretical modelling of liquid fractions and flow regimes during the first-stage startup of steam transport pipelines.
Petri, J.C. (2023) Investigating the effect of graphene nanofillers on the melting of paraffin-based phase change materials.
Plomp, Jelle (2023) Imaging Behind the Plaque - Improved Blood Flow Imaging Using ISAAC: an Iterative Scheme for Active Attenuation Correction.
Plomp, Dhr. Jelle (2023) Imaging Behind the Plaque - Improved Blood Flow Imaging Using ISAAC: an Iterative Scheme for Active Attenuation Correction.
Putman, E.J. (2023) Real-time 3D MR-Thermometry using a Stack-of-Stars Gradient Echo Pulse Sequence.
Raven Garcia, J. (2023) A geometric port-Hamiltonian modelling and simulation framework for morphing-wing UAVs.
Ravi, Vinod (2023) Characterization and testing of a novel reliable method to connect metallic and 3D-printed polymeric conductors.
Renselaar, Erwin van (2023) Scaling rules for microrobots with full energetic autonomy.
Room, J.T. (2023) Transducer selection & protocol compliance detection algorithm design as a basis for automated point-of-care lung ultrasound screening of tuberculosis.
Roskamp, W. (2023) RF Heating Mitigation around a DBS lead at 3T.
Sakr, A. (2023) Electrostatic Simulation of Bi-Implanted Silicon Single-Electron Transistor Nanodevices.
Schoffelen, F.W.T. (2023) Quantitative SPECT and PET Imaging with Iodine Nuclides in Thyroid Cancer.
Steverink, Pelle (2023) Implementing boundary conditions with Fresnel laws for a finite element method for the Radiative Transfer Equation.
Szybisty, Zuzanna (2023) Modelling and material characterization of Er-doped waveguide amplifiers in polycrystalline Al2O3.
Toebes, Isabel (2023) The design and analysis of an onboard control system of a tetherless miniature magnetic robot.
Toet, M.J. (2023) Development of a Ligament-on-Chip Aligning PDL-hTERT cells on a PDMS membrane.
Weijden, Wiard van der (2023) Integrating sensor and material modeling to interpret eddy current sensor readings.
Wevers, Merel (2023) Ontwikkeling van een simulatie om conceptuele begripsvorming over elektrische en magnetische velden te stimuleren.
Zaidouni, S. (2023) Revealing protein vibrational modes using plasmonic surfaces.
Zande, I.G. van de (2023) 3D Point Cloud Object Detection for Millimeter Wave Radar : a Synthesis Study.
Zubavičius, R. (2023) Fluid properties estimation and pressure drop sensing based on Coriolis flow sensor using machine learning.
Beelen, S.M.J. van (2022) Computational Fluid Dynamics for Personalized Airway Stents.
Bijl, Y.J. van der (2022) Optimization of a single-electron transistor for charge sensing.
Boamfa, Anamaria (2022) Chain dynamics as a measure for internal friction in the intrinsically disordered protein alpha-synuclein.
Bolzonella, L. (2022) Root-Cause Analysis of Interfered Current Transformer Due to Pulsed Currents.
Bonnema, M.J.S. (2022) Inline Micro-fluidic Relative Permittivity Sensor Based on Silicon Wafer Technology.
Bos, Jonathan (2022) Heating Solution for a variable Stiffness Surgical Manipulator.
Bos, P.W. (2022) Potential (passive) flight stabilization and control mechanisms for flapping robotic bird flight.
Boulogne, M.C. (2022) Designing the tapering of a radially oriented flexure joint.
Ewals, L.J.S. (2022) Quantification of bowel loop motion and body composition during radiotherapy for gynecological cancer.
Hoeven, Rick van der (2022) Modelling and simulation of thermoelectric materials with a superionic phase transition using on-the-fly machine learning force fields.
Hoeven, Rick van der (2022) Modelling and simulation of thermoelectric materials with a superionic phase transition using on-the-fly machine learning force fields.
Johanns, S.I. (2022) Performance comparison of FAME and MPB for simulating wave bands of photonic crystals.
Jong, M. de (2022) Selective pick-up and placement of single cells.
Kareem, J. (2022) Hall effect and field-effect measurements of tin telluride nanowire devices for novel topological quantum computation.
Klein Gunnewiek, S (2022) Item availability restricted.
Kuipers, T.P.W. (2022) Superionic Conduction simulated by Neural Network Potentials trained on On-The-Fly Force Fields.
Leering, Erik (2022) Model Reduction of Transport Phenomena with Kernel Principal Component Analysis.
Leeuw, N. de (2022) Design and characterization of LC resonators for RF reflectometry charge readout of quantum dots.
Loenhout, F.H.C. van (2022) Designing zero-mode waveguides for fluorescence experiments on α-synuclein and DNA.
Martens, T. (2022) Blood flow simulation in carotid arteries with computational fluid dynamics.
Meijer, A.S. (2022) Kinematic decomposition of quantum systems.
Meuleman, Jelmer David (2022) Automated 120° MMI Based Downconverter Design.
Michorius, M.X.R. (2022) The use of Rayleigh-Raman scattering to investigate milk fat globules.
Nguyen, Q.H. (2022) Machine learning in the calibration process of discrete particle model.
Pradhan, S. (2022) Concept design of a novel Ferrofluid based feedback system for a primary system of a versatile endovascular assisting robot.
Ringoot, J.H. (2022) Creation and validation of a 405 nm laser Raman imaging setup.
Schopbarteld, A. (2022) Slater-Koster energy integrals of simple and face cubic crystals.
Schroer, W. (2022) The effect of ambient pressure on the subharmonic acoustic response of monodisperse microbubbles.
Steenge, Céline (2022) Establishing a thermal atomic layer deposition process for AlGaN.
Szewczyk, J. (2022) Item availability restricted.
Tolboom, L.C. (2022) Exploring type 2 asthma phenotypes and taking steps towards measurements of respiratory mechanics during exercise.
Weernink, C.J.H. (2022) Light fluence marker for quantitative photoacoustic imaging.
Wichers Schreur, J.H. (2022) Transient disruption of a blood-brain barrier on-chip using focused ultrasound and microbubbles.
Wijngaarden, Bas van (2022) Optimisation of the silicon drift detector.
Arendshorst, M.G. (2021) Micro-pump optimization for applications in CubeSats.
Awan, M.U.B. (2021) Simulation and measurement-based characterization of the transmitting, receiving and scattering figures of UAV wireless station.
Berg, Rutger van den (2021) Qualitative flow sensing with 3D-printed sensors for application in a robotic bird.
Bhojwani, Joshua (2021) Electrical Investigation of Single Charges in Silicon Nanostructures.
Blommestijn, L.P.P. (2021) Het meten van vloeistofeigenschappen met een PlexiLoc optische uitbreidingskit.
Bosboom, Vincent (2021) Modeling and Analysis of Layer Josephson Junctions.
Busink, K. (2021) 2D PIV experiments of oscillatory flow in a stenosis : a study into the physics of flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
Bustraan, M.C. (2021) Developing quadratic programming constraints for human safety : an application of unified safety criteria to multi-task robot control.
Elbert, Thieme (2021) Using FRET probes to determine state of disassembly of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus.
Gladović, Nikola (2021) Packaging and waveguiding methodologies for in-package optocoupling.
Gorsel, Merle van (2021) Model-based wavefront shaping to improve imaging in lung-on-a-chip devices.
Groenveld, Dennis (2021) Mogelijke middelen om NLT-modules leerdoelgerichter te maken.
Hasper, Marvin (2021) The relation of follow-up recommendations after breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic to the individual risk of breast cancer recurrence.
Hendrix, M.M.M. (2021) To optimize the detection of magnetic nanoparticles.
Hoek, Jan van der (2021) Computational modelling of flow in the liver vasculature using the Lattice Boltzmann method to study microsphere distribution.
Hoeven, Lars van der (2021) Characterization and demonstration of integrated ring resonator tPUKs.
Horsman, B.F. (2021) A first principles study on the ferroelectric properties of the phases of hafnia.
Huizingh, M. (2021) Extensions and simulations of numerical model for picosecond laser-material interaction in bulk sapphire.
Jacobs, M.G.J. (2021) Phase transitions in a one dimensional atom chain.
Katgert, E. (2021) Using lung-on-a-chip model to study the differences in translocation of nanoplastics through lung epithelium.
Kokkeler, T.H. (2021) Usadel equation for a four terminal junction.
Lange, Arthur de (2021) Exploring and enhancing the possibilities and performance of a low-field tabletop MRI scanner.
Lavaniya, Saurabh (2021) Design of low airflow sensor to measure airflow near plants leaf.
Mir, N (2021) Performance of handheld probes for Sentinel lymph node detection.
Niessink, Tom (2021) In flow magnetophoresis : explorative research towards a cancer watch.
Nieuwenhof, H.B. van den (2021) NCE-MRI as Preoperative Imaging Technique for Hepatoblastoma Surgery : A Pilot Study to Relaxation-Enhanced Angiography without Contrast and Triggering.
Pellen, B. (2021) Experimental and modelling studies of transverse load on DI-BSCCO tapes.
Rangel, V.R. (2021) 3D Bioprinting in Bioactive Embedding Bath Cartridges for the purpose of Vascularization.
Schut, L. (2021) Design of a New Thermal Calorimeter for Power Electronic Systems Review of Efficiency Measurement Techniques.
Schwieters, Sven (2021) Motion artefacts in handheld LSCI Detection of on-surface movements employing optical flow and its relation with speckle contrast.
Sibma, S.D. (2021) Impedance Matching of Interdigital Transducers on Thin-film Aluminium Nitride.
Snoeijink, L.H. (2021) Room temperature characterization of DopantNetwork Processing Units. And optimization of the measuring process.
Sprang, Angela V. van (2021) Path and Trajectory Planning by Model Predictive Control in Autonomous Racing.
Tichelaar, Jos (2021) Tracking and Compensation for Breast Deformations during Image-Guided Breast Biopsy with a Hand-Mounted Biopsy Tool.
Tjepkema, W.W.A. (2021) Design of a surgical manipulator using smart materials.
Veurink, L. (2021) Item availability restricted.
Visser, A. and Klein Teeselink, L. and Eggermont, S. (2021) De mate van persen bij patiënten op zes weken na een Manchester-Fothergill operatie - een pilot studie gebaseerd op anatomische metingen aan MRI-beelden, in vergelijking met preoperatief en één jaar postoperatief.
Westerhof, J. (2021) Investigation of spectro-angular albedo of diffuse, glossy, and specular surfaces for enhanced photovoltaic output.
Wigchering, R. (2021) Item availability restricted.
Wijk, M.W.M. van (2021) Optimized MRI techniques for image-guided holmium-166 SIRT.
Boamfa, Ana and Keurhorst, Alieke and Nuijen, Juul and Vrielink, Bram (2020) Peroperatieve plantaire drukmeting bij een Charcot voet reconstructie.
Chavan, S.S. (2020) Item availability restricted.
Christenhusz, M.T.M. (2020) 2D Box Traps for Bose-Einstein Condensates.
Dinteren, R.A.J. van (2020) Axial superresolution using nanophotonic manipulation: How accurate can we be?
Fopma, Remmelt (2020) Item availability restricted.
Franken, A.D. (2020) Drag reduction in two-phase Taylor-Couette flow.
Grimbergen, Jeroen (2020) A classical treatment of scalar electrodynamics : Gauge theory in the Port-Hamiltonian framework.
Groener, Dafne (2020) Effects of ultrasound on cardiomyocyte contractions.
Haklander, W. (2020) Quantum mechanical modelling of carbon nanotube transistor.
Heide, D. van der (2020) Modeling zonal and progressive liver fibrosis : 3D in vitro model of a fibrotic liver lobule using anisotropic nanocomposite hydrogel.
Hendrikx, Cedric (2020) Characterization of segregation in nanometer thin films using hybrid X-ray measurements.
Hoek, H.J. (2020) Enhancing dropwise condensation through active transport of drops using electrowetting.
Hof, H.A. (2020) Gaussian beam excitation of optical fibers using the Fictitious Domain Method.
Hof, H.A. (2020) Gaussian beam excitation of optical fibers using the Fictitious Domain Method.
Huiskes, M. (2020) Automated robust planning for intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) in oropharyngeal cancer patients using machine learning.
Hunt, I.Y.S.E. (2020) Kelvin's thunderstorm.
Jonkheer, A.J. (2020) Solving the obstacle problem : Finite element simulation with a study on exact solutions.
Kaptein, J.A. (2020) Gold nanoparticles for biosensing.
Klein Kranenbarg, L.M. (2020) High amplitude, high frequency harmonic modulation of rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection can more than quadruple heat transfer.
Lerink, C.W. (2020) Visualisation of fouling during oil-in-water filtration using tubular ceramic membranes.
Lomillos Rozeboom, I. (2020) Beamforming performance evaluation with impact of user model electric properties.
Meulenkamp, A.R. (2020) Avalanche nucleation by impacting an inclined plane of granular material with a particle.
Nateshan, A.V. (2020) Investigating the application of inductive wireless power transfer in real-world drone charging.
Neuvel, P. (2020) Developing a reliable method to connect conductors to 3d printed conducting structures.
Rang, M.S. (2020) Computational methods in quantum mechanics with applications in spintronic calculations.
Rietberg, M.T. (2020) Modelling nanoparticles and their magnetic response in various environments.
Roskamp, T.J. (2020) Investigation of Second Generation Superconductor Tapes to be used for Superconducting Electronics.
Schaarman, W.A. (2020) An analysis of Andreev bound states in a system of topological insulators.
Schuitmaker, Wendy (2020) An optimization and evaluation of the CellPrep system for the reuse of anti-EpCAM ferrofluids to isolate tumor cells from blood and DLA products.
Schuttrups, B. (2020) Modelling nonlinear optical pulse propagation using pseudo-spectral methods.
Sirboiu, D.C. (2020) 3D printed acoustically transparent pressure sensor for breast cancer detection.
Slotman, D.J. (2020) Improving focus on uterine fibroids : visualizing the treatment effect after ultrasound ablation by using diffusion weighted imaging.
Spee, J.G. (2020) Natuurkunde in beeld!: visualisatie van een leerlijn.
Stroet, J. (2020) Impactor Design for In-pipe Impact-echo Inspection Method: A Morphological Analysis.
Veldscholte, ir. Lars (2020) Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Study Vapour Solvation in Polymer Brushes: On the border between polymer physics and computational science.
Vidulejs, V. (2020) Waveguiding for CMOS based optocoupling.
Weener, H.J. (2020) Mimicking CAR-T mediated CRS on human endothelium using microphysiological systems.
Weggemans, J.R. (2020) Solving Correlation Clustering with the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm.
Wennen, M. (2020) Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure on the diaphragm : an MRI study of critical illness associated diaphragm weakness.
Wensink, B.P. (2020) A new concept to classically account for varying particle numbers in general relativity.
Wensink, B.P. (2020) A new concept to classically account for varying particle numbers in general relativity.
Wessels, B.J. (2020) A numerical study to help understand the effects of Nasal High Flow Therapy using the Lattice Boltzmann Method.
Wijngaarden, Bas (2020) The consequences of inaccuracy of the Cox-Strack method for contact resistivity determination in contemporary research.
Winkelhorst, E.W. (2020) Optimisation of the magnetic procedure to detect the sentinel lymph node in breast cancer patients.
Bakker, Wouter (2019) Automatic detection of outlandish signal behaviour in the spectrum of cellular networks.
Bloemert, J. (2019) Modelling and characterization of a relative permittivity sensor.
Boonstra, Sander (2019) In vivo measurements of human tongue elasticity using a volume-based aspiration method : towards a personalized biomechanical tongue model.
Braakman, H.G.D. (2019) Magnetic field sensing on 3D-printed structures.
Brink, Aernout van den (2019) Item availability restricted.
Burgt, A. van de (2019) Experimental validation of absolute SPECT/CT quantification for response monitoring in patients with end-stage coronary artery disease.
Choo, Jun Hong (2019) Impactor design and development for in-pipe sewer inspection robot.
Dappers, Luuk (2019) Het ontwerpen van effectieve en motiverende practica.
Dragman, T.C. (2019) Identifying Dynamic Nonlinearities due to Damage Precursors in Flexible Structures.
Freije, R.J.H (2019) Item availability restricted.
Geijs, D.J. (2019) Een systematische aanpak voor het ontwikkelen en rangschikken van leerlijnen.
Gerritse, T.J. (2019) FDG-dose prediction and small lesion detection using advanced PET technology.
Helvert, Majorie van (2019) High-frame-rate contrast-enhanced ultrasound particle image velocimetry near the stented superficial femoral artery : A feasibility study.
Heres, G.C. (2019) A semi-classical model for the thermoelectric properties of cubic SnSe.
Heres, G.C. (2019) A semi-classical model for the thermoelectric properties of cubic SnSe.
Hoen, T.J. (2019) Item availability restricted.
Hoen, T.J. (2019) Item availability restricted.
Janbroers, J.M. (2019) Developing an MR safe calibration and interface module for pneumatic stepper motors.
Jurriëns, Stefan (2019) A Decision Support Tool for the Medium Voltage Networks Expansion Problem.
Kannan, Narasimhan (2019) An inverse scattering problem to reconstruct refractive index distributions.
Kokkeler, Tim (2019) Pulse reconstruction and arrival direction estimation at the HiSPARC experiment.
Kortman, Bryan (2019) Constraining the standard model effective field theory Wilson coefficients using Higgs and diboson data.
Laerhoven, B.J.A. van (2019) Modelling and characterisation of a pressure sensor implemented insurface channel technology.
Leeftink, G. (2019) Gas Cleaning: An analysis on Rapsody.
Lentelink, S.J. (2019) Arduino lesmodule voor het Natuurkunde curriculum.
Menezes, Roshal Nikhil (2019) Embedded thrust estimator design of a brush-less direct current motor used in multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Mokhtari, Mohammadreza (2019) Investigation of Ferroelectricity in Barium Titanate thin-films and fabrication of BTO based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions using UV & E-Beam lithography.
Rees, Albert van (2019) Continuous wavelength tuning of an integrated extended-cavity laser beyond its mode spacing limit.
Roeplal, N.S.D. (2019) The application of a functional approach for detecting wind turbine failures from SCADA-data.
Romeijn, Stephan (2019) Towards intra-operative feedback on oncological colorectal tissue type prediction.
Schepers, P. (2019) Application of a process model to define potential operational functional failure conditions.
Scholten, A.W.J. (2019) Contrast enhanced ultrasound to quantify cerebral perfusion.
Sibma, Steven (2019) Electron Transport through single-bismuth transistors.
Smorenburg, S.P.M. (2019) Preoperative planning and intraoperative image fusion improvement during endovascular aneurysm repair.
Tenger, Q.M. (2019) Lost & Found Orchestra - Sonic Screwdriver.
Visschers, S.H.J. (2019) Perception-aware visual odometry.
Visschers, Stephan H.J. (2019) Perception-aware Visual Odometry.
Vliet, Mick van (2019) Topological Insulators: Tight-Binding Models and Surface States.
Vliet, Mick van (2019) Topological Insulators: Tight-Binding Models and Surface States.
Vogel, D. W. (2019) Comparison of Motion Controllers for a Flexure-Based Precision Manipulator.
Westerhof, H. (2019) Axial characteristics of a focused-ultrasound-transducer array.
Wilde, B. de (2019) Dopant networks for energy-efficient classification.
Šćulac, L. (2019) Research into 3D Printed Batteries through Electrodeposition.
Berg, Thijs van den (2018) Ambipolar charge sensing in silicon quantum dots.
Bosboom, Vincent (2018) Calculating scattering matrices by wave function matching on Co-Cu interfaces.
Bouwmans, Rens (2018) Intra-cavity light distribution model for photodynamic therapy.
Bruijn, D.S. de (2018) Electrowetting-controlled diode-like behavior of suspended graphene membranes.
Chang, B.L. (2018) A deep learning approach to estimating permanents.
Coenegracht, B.D. (2018) Measurements and simulations on few arsenic atom transistors.
Daulay, B.Eng O.F.P.G (2018) Investigating Planar Balun Structures with inherent impedance transformation and power combining properties.
Doller, Daniel (2018) Item availability restricted.
Dommelen, R.C. van (2018) A semi-anthropmorphic photoacoustic breast phantom.
Enthoven, M.M.F.C. (2018) Error Analysis of Optical Self-Localization using Mapped and Distinguishable Beacons.
Haverkate, R. (2018) ATR-IR microreactor with ultra fast integrated microvalves for heterogeneous catalytic analysis in the microsecond domain.
Heidemann, Claudia (2018) Characterisation of a nano-g accelerometer.
Hesselink, M. M. J. (2018) Developing a Forecasting Model for the Power Production of Wind Turbines.
Jansen, Jorn (2018) Endoscopic end effector control using soft actuator.
Meijer, S.D. (2018) The implementation of collision avoiding haptic feedback in the pedal-based control of a robotic platform.
Morsink, N.C. (2018) Robotic Transducer Control During High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Atherosclerosis.
Nass, M. (2018) Finding intelligence in disordered boron dopant atoms.
Niehoff, Dennis (2018) Evaluation of Motion Control Algorithms for Miniaturized Agents Moving Inside 3D Fluidic Microchannels.
Olde Olthof, L.A.B. (2018) Interfaces of topological insulators and superconductors.
Prabowo, B. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Tabak, P.A. (2018) Prandtl number dependence in sheared Rayleigh-Bénard convection.
Velde, Lennart van de (2018) Computational Fluid Dynamics : a clinician's tool for Femoral Artery Stenosis?
Ven, B. van de (2018) Charge sensing of single-hole tunneling events using a single-electron transistor.
Vissers, E.J.P. (2018) Optical nonlinearity in titanium dioxide waveguides.
Waasdorp, W.P. (2018) Influence of suboptimally forced streamwise streaks on the turbulent boundary layer and shear layer.
Wang, Yi (2018) Modeling, design and characterization of a thermal flow sensor.
Wildeboer, Jochem (2018) The effect of cleaning on silicon-dopant evolutionary chips.
Baveco, M.A. (2017) Analysis and design of a (super) low 1/f-noise LC oscillator.
Demirer, Figen Ece (2017) Investigation of a Charge Transfer at Complex Oxide Interfaces.
Eenink, H.G.J. (2017) Highly tunable hole quantum dots in Si-Ge shell-core nanowires.
Ewals, L.J.S. and Steenhuis, A. and Willekens, S. C. and Niekolaas, M. (2017) Instellingen van een 3 en 7 Tesla MRI scanner ter beoordeling van de mimische lachspieren.
Fokkema, K.W. (2017) From Diffusion of Light to Free-Form Scattering.
Franken, A.D. (2017) Extended self similarity in Rayleigh-Bénard convection.
Franken, A.D. (2017) Extended self similarity in Rayleigh-Bénard convection.
Groenenberg, A. and Rook, A.R.D. and Sterkenburg, A.J. and Wamelink, I.J.H.G. (2017) Exploring the basic principles for developing a downgraded low-cost lithotripter for application in developing countries.
Heeringa, T.J. (2017) Inverse boundary problem with the Maxwell Equations : an alternative method to breast cancer detection.
Jonker, J.S. (2017) Step Free Energy - The equilibrium shape of a hexagonal lattice.
Jonkman, Remi (2017) Implementation of a reliable 2D approximator using sonar.
Koopmans, I.W. (2017) Cerebral saturation and hemodynamic parameters during target temperature management after a cardiac arrest.
Mok, S. (2017) Passive removal of electrochemically produced hydrogen gas in a microfluidic device.
Muinck Keizer, D.M. (2017) Photoacoustic Tomography for Finger Joint Imaging: Tackling Artefacts.
Okken, B. (2017) Design and Empirical study of tilting propellers of an over-actuated quadrotor.
Opheusden, L.M.E. van (2017) Design of a control strategy for obstacle crossing in a lower limb exoskeleton for SCI patients.
Ottens, Iris (2017) Regularization fo 3D dyadic Green's function for flat interfaces.
Prins, N.M. and Ochten, M. van and Steen, D. van der and Wiggers, R.B.M. (2017) Designing a synthetic model of the esophagus to test efficacy and oxygen distribution of an intelligent oxygen delivery device.
Reiling, Nathan (2017) Item availability restricted.
Ridderhof, C.P.J. (2017) Determining design relations for a magneto caloric device with multiple magneto caloric materials using numerical software.
Rijk, L.M.S.J. (2017) Acid Robust Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors.
Schellevis, H.M. (2017) The effect of membrane topology features on ion transport phenomena.
Schut, Thomas (2017) Sensing of multiple parameters in a micro-fabricated flow system.
Snaauw, G. (2017) Camera calibration for oblique viewing laparoscopes.
Vervoort, M.W.S (2017) Electrostatically defined quantum dots in a two dimensional electron/hole gas at the Si and SiO2 interface.
Westerdijk, W.S.K. (2017) Sound Swarm : experience sound from the inside.
Wijnands, P. (2017) Het ontwerpen van een middelbareschoolexperiment voor quantumtunneling.
Will, J.B. (2017) Aerodynamic noise of thin airfoils in turbulent flows : a detailed experimental validation of semi-analytical methods.
Avgidis, F. (2016) Single charge transport and charge sensing in quantum dots.
Berndsen, F.B.W. (2016) Development of a port-based modular simulation model of the Robird using an iterative approach.
Brink, F. van den (2016) Manipulation of soft grippers for pick-and-place tasks.
Jimidar, I.S.M. (2016) Dissolution modes of droplets on patterned surfaces.
Kamp, P.J. (2016) Towards an Ultra Sensitive Seismic Accelerometer.
Karavidas, A. (2016) Light Emission Measurements on Diodes.
Leuteren, R. van (2016) Continuous monitoring of respiration with the Hexoskin smart shirt to detect dynamic hyperinflation in COPD patients, the CHOPIN study.
Meer, A.J.M. van der (2016) Mapping the underworld.
Oude Booijink, N.H.M. (2016) Parallel magnetic particle imaging: compressed sensing of field free line excitations.
Smits, R. (2016) Spintronic devices based on the graphene-nickel(111) interface.
Tent Beking, Michiel van (2016) Sparse Array Antenna Signal Reconstruction using Compressive Sensing for Direction of Arrival Estimation.
Thirukokaranam Chandrasekar, Krishna Kumar (2016) Tracking and Control of Soft, Self-Folding Miniaturized Agent using Ultrasound Images.
Volbeda, H.K. (2016) Integrated optical networks of microring resonators : a comparison between theory and experiment.
Vollenbroek, J.C. (2016) Design and characterization of a microreactor for monodisperse catalytic droplet generation at elevated temperatures and/or pressures.
Wijlens, Bart (2016) Intelligent heating of a room.
Wit, Erik de (2016) Charge carrier transport through silicon nitride membranes and fabrication of solid-state nanopores.
Wolf, T. (2016) Design of an Air Factor Sensor based on Light Emission.
Appeven, Louis van and Voorde, Sophie ten (2015) Akoestische levitatie.
Aukes, T.A. (2015) Analysis of domain structure and dynamics in tetragonal Lead Zirconate Titanate.
Bastiaan, D.M.C. (2015) Aspects in a clinical environment and probe design influencing mangetometer performance during sentinel lymph node biopsy.
Beek, A.D. van (2015) Sound of Rain.
Bergen, Anne (2015) Dynamic behavior of hybrid magnetic shields for satellite-based tes arrays.
Binsbergen, S.A. van (2015) Hyperspectral vibrational imaging of tumor tissue.
Bogt, R.W. ter (2015) Continue Capacitieve Ontzouting.
Boulogne, T. and Derkink, F. (2015) Ultrasonic control over nanorod orientation in evaporative assembly.
Bruijn, D.S. de (2015) Mapping electron tunnelling in a nanoparticle network to a cellular neural network.
Buijs, R.D. (2015) A Light Direction Sensor for Integrated 3D Vision.
Bullee, P.A. (2015) Development of an ice accretion code suitable for mixed-phase icing conditions.
Bussink, T.W. and Hankel, T.C. and Lemmink, R.M.A.Z. and Semmelink, K. (2015) IJsformatie tijdens cryoablatie : het 2D-modelleren van de temperatuurverspreiding tijdens cryoablatie van prostaatcarcinoom.
Castenmiller, Carolien (2015) Superconductivity in the doped topological insulator CuxBi2Se3.
Cloet, Jeroen de and Marissen, Jasper and Westendorp, Ties (2015) Preconditioners based on splitting for time domain photonic crystal modeling.
Elferink, W. (2015) Superconductivity in Ge/Si core-shell nanowire quantum dots.
Emmerik, C.I. van (2015) The influence of history effects on the diffusion-driven dissolution of CO2 bubbles.
Grinten, B.A. van der (2015) Port based Hamiltonian modelling of flapping wing aeroelasticity using vacuum chamber and wind tunnel measurements.
Heins, Floris (2015) Gold nanorods : synthesis, imaging and spectroscopy.
Hesselink, A.R. (2015) Normal zone propagation in a YBCO superconductor at 4.2 K. and above.
Heubach, Kevin and Nelis, Marjan and Spek, Len (2015) Acoustic wave propagation in multi-layered media : An application to hip implants.
Hoek, H.J. and Nijenhuis, A.K. te (2015) The influence of electrowetting on the behavior of impacting droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces.
Hoff, Joost van der (2015) Transport through single-acceptor transistors in Silicon.
Klaver, Yvan (2015) Theoretical study of passively mode-locked semiconductor-glass lasers.
Klein Schaarsberg, M.H. (2015) Interferometric measurement of surface cooling by Leidenfrost drops.
Leersum, C.M. (2015) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool for Chronic Splanchnic Syndrome.
Löbker, E.M. (2015) Search for long-lived exotic particles decaying to muon pairs : a study performed with 3 fb-1 data collected at the LHCb experiment in 2011 and 2012.
Meent, W.E. van de (2015) Experimental demonstration of reduced bend losses in low-contrast polymer hybrid waveguides.
Poel, MSc R. (2015) Determining the Feasibility of Cerenkov Luminescence Imaging in Surgical Oncology.
Reith, P. (2015) Imaging ferromagnetism on the micrometre scale : a scanning SQUID microscopy study.
Reuling, Jeffrey (2015) Measuring local phase gradients through Partitioned Aperture Wavefront (PAW) imaging.
Roo, M. de (2015) Optimal Event Handling by Multiple UAVs.
Rorije, Rob (2015) Electronic polarons in cuprates and pnictides.
Ruiter, R.P. de (2015) An invisibility cloak in a diffusive light scattering medium.
Schuttrups, Bas (2015) Interface models for spin transport through magnetic multilayers.
Senden, J.M.J. (2015) Biasing a ring-oscillator based true random number generator with an electro-magnetic fault injuction using harmonic waves.
Stellingwerff, S.A. (2015) Solar energy harvesting using graphene rectennas : a proof-of-concept study.
Sterl, Sebastian (2015) Dynamics of supercooled droplets : Impacts, jets, explosions and more.
Timmer, Reco (2015) Numerical modeling of superconducting YBCO tapes.
Vasileios, Papadimitriou (2015) Templated Activated Carbon for Electric Double Layer Capacitors.
Ven, B. van de (2015) The influence of annealing on gate-defined quantum dot devices.
Verkerke, Maurits (2015) Carbon doping and V-Pits in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures on silicon.
Weijers, Martijn (2015) Minimum swing control of a UAV with a cable suspended load.
Wellenberg, R.H.H. (2015) Quantification and optimization of metal artefact reduction in hip prostheses imaging using novel CT-techniques.
Witte, Aswin (2015) Model for electronic transport properties of thermoelectric semiconductor materials.
Bakhuis, D. (2014) Effects of boundary variations on Rayleigh-Bénard convection.
Boter, Jelmer M. (2014) Towards experimental realisation of spin filtering at the graphene-nickel(111) interface.
Bronkhorst, T.A.W. (2014) Hardware design of a cooperative adaptive cruise control system using a functional programming language.
Buitink, Martin and Hekman, Rieks (2014) Influence of dynamic elements in stable tissue phantoms on laser speckle decorrelation times.
Deenen, Christian (2014) SrRuO3 growth on DyScO3 using soft-lithographic patterning and pulsed laser deposition.
Dollekamp, E. (2014) Counterflow heat exchanger design for the E-ELT METIS instrument cooler.
Gaastra, F. and Nieland, J. (2014) Item availability restricted.
Hendrickx, Nico and Hond, Kit de (2014) Rotating a gold nanorod using optically induced torque.
Hornsveld, Norah (2014) Characterisation of natural epicuticular wax.
Jaarsma, Ruben (2014) Monolayer MoS2 on a substrate of hexagonal boron nitride.
Janson, T.G. (2014) Controllable elastocapillary folding of silicon nitride 3D structures by through-wafer filling.
Lankhorst, Martijn (2014) Thermal activation of the vortex Mott insulator to metal transition.
Linnartz, Erik Christian (2014) Contrast agents for continuous wave photoacoustics.
Mak, Jesse (2014) The role of surface plasmons in metal-enhanced chemiluminescence.
Mulder, T. (2014) New sorption compressor designs for the METIS cooler in the E-ELT.
Neut, M.W.M. (2014) Spherical body orientation extraction and Rayleigh-Bénard convection.
Otten, Simon (2014) Transverse pressure dependence of the critical current in epoxy impregnated REBCO Roebel cables.
Polders, Kay (2014) Imaging of gan-algan high electron mobility transistors.
Pris, Miran (2014) Influence of different parameters on wet synthesis of silver nanoparticles.
Rolink, Mark and Elburg, Benjamin van (2014) Granular compaction.
Ruiter, Mark de (2014) Performance measurement of Hermite-based multi-carrier communication.
Schneider, Lynn Maria (2014) Hybrid polyPOSS‐amide Membranes for Nanofiltration.
Slöetjes, Sam (2014) Towards controlling the fermi energy in topological materials.
Smink, A.E.M. (2014) Electrostatic tuning of LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interface devices.
Thompson, David (2014) Angular dependence of Evanescent Field Enhancement on a glass-air interface.
Veldhoven, A. van and Capelleveen, B.F. van (2014) Ambient air pressure influence on the dynamic Leidenfrost temperature of impacting droplets.
Veltkamp, Henk-Willem (2014) A plug based micro solid phase extraction (uSPE) microfluidic chip for the isolation and purification of DNA.
Wijngaarden, Frans van (2014) Fabrication of a magnetic O-FET based on a semiconducting polymer for spin accumulation measurements.
Wouda, Anna Maria (2014) Diglycolamide-functionalized amino group-containing platforms for nuclear waste processing.
Acun, Adil (2013) Growth of silicene on Ag(111) studied with low energy electron microscopy.
Atesci, Hüseyin (2013) Ellipsometric study on gaseous layers at the solid/water interface.
Baar, M.L.R. van den (2013) Torsion dependence of the critical current in a superconducting Nb3Sn wire: modeling versus experiment.
Boerboom, G.P.M. (2013) Detection and analysis of neutrophilic granulocytes on opsonized gold islets with Raman spectroscopy.
Boom, B. and Groendijk, H. (2013) Characterization of needle-free injection into soft matter and skin with continuous jets.
Bosch, J. and Putten, L. van (2013) The bug zapper : killing mosquitoes using acoustical source localisation and a laser to shoot them.
Bruel, R. and Timmermans, A. (2013) Magnetic Flux Quanta in High-Tc/Low-Tc Superconducting Rings with.
Buikstra, L. (2013) Relativistic fluid simulation of plasma-vacuum expansion with LTE closure.
Dalfsen, T. van and Dam, J. van (2013) The applicability of SrTiO3 in memristive devices : a preliminary investigation.
Daling, Gerben (2013) Determining the properties of DEME-TFSI for gating purposes.
Datadien, K. (2013) Investigation of H-center diffusion in sodium chloride by molecular dynamics simulation.
Duinen, D. van (2013) Designing a laser scanning confocal microscope: a new scan engine layout.
Emmerik, L. van (2013) Manipulation of microparticles with ultrasound acoustic waves.
Geerdink, B. (2013) Splashing of Leidenfrost druplets.
Gjaltema, C. (2013) Collapse of a sand bed.
Gooijer, B.M. d (2013) Sudden bubble formation in carbonated drinks.
Graaf, D.B. de (2013) Detection of chloride ion concentration based on chronopotentiometric sensor-actuator system.
Grijsen, chiel (2013) Borstkanker in beeld – Fotoakoestiek als context voor kennisvermeerdering.
Hendrix, M.H.W. (2013) Air entrainment during impact onto a liquid pool.
Ihns, Melanie (2013) Structural engineering of Ca3Co4O9 thermoelectric thin films.
Kempen, J. van (2013) Self-assembly of nanowires.
Kosse, Jaap (2013) Critical current degradation in rebco and BI-2223 superconductors under torsional and tensile strain.
Kostakos, John (2013) Relation between Surface Roughness and Adhesion as studied with AFM.
Krielaart, M.A.R. (2013) Transverse pressure dependence of ac coupling losses in YBCO CORC cables.
Lam, Ching Bon (2013) Monitoring the data quality of the HiSPARC detector array.
Lam, Ching Bon (2013) Interactions of particles with momenta of 1–10 GeV in a highly granular hadronic calorimeter with tungsten absorbers.
Lubbers, L.A. (2013) Liquid drops on soft solids.
Nonhebel, R.P. and Stienen, B.P.J. (2013) Alignment in Integrated Optical Systems.
Otter, R.A. (2013) Catalytic performance of zeolite based materials : Study and optimization of catalytic performance of zeolites based catalytic materials towards microreactor applications.
Ouderaa, M. van der and Laar, R. van (2013) The bug zapper.
Plas, P. van der (2013) Dependence of the input-firing rate curve of neural cells on extracellular ion concentrations.
Poel, K. van der (2013) Investigation of methods to benchmark nanofluids.
Reef, P. (2013) Scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy : sensitive mapping of magnetic flux on thin films.
Reinink, Johan (2013) Pulse shaping for high harmonic generation.
Rotgerink, J.L. (2013) An in silico description of an alzheimer network.
Spannenburg, N. (2013) High speed direct laser writing in microchannels.
Stapelbroek, Bram (2013) Drop spreading on complex surfaces.
Steen, Gerwin (2013) Probing the role of anchoring ligands in charge separation dynamics of novel zinc- phthalocyanine sensitized TiO2 films through ultrafast spectroscopy.
Stel, Bart (2013) CO2 sequestration using bacterial surface layers.
Veen, J. van der (2013) Mobility analysis in silicon for high-frequency surface acoustic wave applications.
Wiersma, P. and Amram, R. (2013) Characterisation of Si3N4 ring resonators.
Willemse, R. and Carelsen, S. (2013) Heat transfer between plasma and substrate surface during Pulsed Laser Deposition.
Albers, H.J. and Bone, S.W. de (2012) Growth of PbTiO3 and BiFeO3 thin films on flat and three-dimensional SrRuO3 surface morphologies.
Barreaux, J. (2012) Coherent control of high-harmonic generation.
Berg, Pim Jasper van den (2012) dSTORM for alpha-synuclein clustering on supported lipid bilayers.
Binsbergen, Sven van and Frentrop, Raimond (2012) Improving signal-to-noise ratio in fluorescence detection for medical purposes.
Bloemen, Oscar (2012) Flow near the contact line of an evaporating droplet.
Bommer, Jouri and Ruiter, Mark de (2012) Adsorption of redox-active molecules on platinum and boron doped diamond electrodes in nanofluidic electrochemical sensors.
Bullee, P.A. (2012) Oleophobic surfaces by PDMS molding : from simple techniques to advanced surfaces.
Camp, W. van den (2012) Critical current versus transverse stress and thermal stability of a RRP Nb3Sn Rutherford cable.
Cornelissen, R.H.A. (2012) Preparation and characterization of p-n homojunction Cu2O nanowire solar cells.
Dao, H.L. (2012) First-principles study of CPP GMR in Co/Cu multiplayers including substitutional disorder and spin-orbit coupling.
Dijk, M.W. van (2012) The photonic free-electron laser: a numerical study of its fundamental physics.
Dijkstra, Remko R. M. (2012) Brightness characterization of single core and core/shell Yb3+,Er3+-doped NaYF4 upconversion nanoparticles.
Dubbink, Teus (2012) Very sharp bends with a metal aided KYb0.475Gd0.447Lu0.078(WO4)2 ridge waveguide.
Haase, A.S. (2012) Transport over a bubble mattress : the influence of interface geometry on effective slip and mass transport.
Hond, J.J.M. de (2012) The energy of polarons and bipolarons in relation to high Tc superconductivity.
Horn, A.J. van der (2012) Beach evolution and wave dynamics in a Hele-Shaw geometry.
Hoving, J.H.K. (2012) THE PHOTOPHONE - Historical research revived with 21st century technology.
Huisman, T.J. (2012) Item availability restricted.
Kamp, Pieter (2012) Magnetic self-assembly in 3 dimensions at the macro scale.
Klein Schaarsberg, Martin H. (2012) Laser-induced cavitation in light-absorbing liquids.
Klijnsma, Thomas and Voerman, Joris (2012) Characterization of Bi1:5Sb0:5Te1:8Se1:2 nanoflakes.
Krabbendam, Rick (2012) Polarization microscopy for visualizing FRET between identical fluorophores : monitoring receptor clustering in live cells.
Kroon, L.A.M. van der (2012) On Faraday waves and jets.
Markink, E.M. (2012) Relaxation behaviour of spherical and cylindrical magnetic nanoparticles in liquid media.
Molen, J. van der (2012) Heavy particles in a cylindrical rotating flow.
Nugteren, J. van (2012) Normal zone propagation in a YBCO superconducting tape: measurement and analysis of quasi-adiabatic normal zone propagation in a YBCO coated conductor.
Otten, S. and Lagraauw, R. (2012) Critical current degradation under transverse compressive stress in YBCO-coated superconductive tapes.
Ploeg, B.S. and Melis, K.W. (2012) Exciting surface plasmons with a Mid-IR OPO.
Reith, Pim and Hopman, Gerben (2012) Investigating electrodeposition to grow CZTS thin films for solar cell applications.
Schäffer, Justin (2012) Immobilization of TiO2: via different routes for photocatalytic reactions in a PDMS based microreactor.
Slootheer, I.B. and Markink, M.H. (2012) The movement of decanol droplets on surfaces with a chemically patterned energy gradient.
Smit, J.R.A. and Walhout, C.J. (2012) The route to superconducting Sr2RuO4.
Sterl, S.H. and Ommeren, C.E. van (2012) Flow field visualization and input waveform optimization for a linear plasma synthetic jet actuator.
Szepieniec, Jesse M. (2012) Magnetoelectric thin film laminate composites for voltage-controlled tunable nonreciprocal RF devices.
Vlugt, N. van der and Verkerke, M. (2012) Experimental study of the dimensionless wavenumber of capillary waves on semi infinite liquid jets.
Weits, Hartger (2012) Measurement of CP violation in the analysis of B0 ! J= KS decays with the 2010 LHCb data.
Witteveen, H. (2012) Pattern formation by evaporative drying of colloidal solutions.
Chmiel, Christoph (2011) High capacitance thin films.
Hoeven, Ivo van der and Colijn, Bram (2011) Suppression of coffee rings with electrowetting.
Le, Quyen T. (2011) Spin polarized tunneling in hybrid magnetic tunnel junctions comprising C60.
Lubbers, Luuk and Stellingwerff, Sean (2011) Analyzing and simulating the coherent control model.
Morsink, Gerben (2011) Tubular jet generation by pressure pulse impact.
Mulder, Tim and Ihns, Melanie (2011) Possible strain scaling relation for YBCO superconductors?
Oever, J.J.F. van 't (2011) Optical energy transfer of gold plasmonic antennas.
Peek, K. (2011) An Analysis of the Effects of Digital Phase Errors on the Performance of a FMCW-Doppler Radar.
Reijnders, B. (2011) Electromagnetic field measurements inside photonic crystals developing a photonic free electron laser.
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