University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: Mechanical Engineering MSc (60439)
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Aalten, Thijs van (2021) Online optimization of EMG using a hybrid model approach.
Akbari, Maryam (2020) Expediency of ATO in heavy rail : a decision-making framework.
Akker, B.P.H. van den (2018) Durability of co-bonded stiffened CFRP panels subjected to post-buckling fatigue.
Alan, G.A.S. (2016) Parameter study of a staggered pin-fin heat exchanger using openfoam.
Altena, Thomas Maarten (2024) Surface Gradient Algorithms for Unstructured Grid Panel Methods.
Andersons, J.A. (2023) Exploring the benefits and limitations of multi-axis 3D printing for improved part quality and reduced waste.
Arendshorst, M.G. (2019) Validating the effect of vertically staggered wind turbines in the entrance region of extended windfarms.
Arendshorst, M.G. (2021) Micro-pump optimization for applications in CubeSats.
Ariës, R.C.G. (2021) Exploratory research of friction stir extrusion additive manufacturing using AA6060 T6.
Bakker, H.M. (2012) Improving software assistance for design engineers by integrating mathematical and function modeling.
Beekman, J.L. (2016) Experimental investigations of a magnetic levitation system and the comparison with simulations.
Beelen, S.J. (2018) Lagrangian Trajectories Method with Bubble Dynamics for Cavitation Inception Predictions.
Beijen, Michiel (2012) Item availability restricted.
Belshof, Koen (2023) A motion planning implementation and simulation for the Flux One.
Belt, M. van den (2017) Using modal derivatives to determine the behaviour of mode shapes and natural frequencies during large deflections.
Berg, Maarten van den (2022) Optimisation of the pultrusion process for carbon fibre reinforced polyurethane spar caps.
Beugels, F (2018) Non-destructive testing of solid propellant rocket motors.
Bianchi, Filippo (2018) Friction stir welding of aluminium-lithium alloy for next generation European launcher. Feasibility study on redesign, analysis and implementation on Ariane 6 first stage (VUAB).
Bisschop, J.W. (2024) Simulating evolving surfaces due to wear in granular processes.
Blaauw, J.B. (2020) Structural dynamics simulation of a swinging fairground attraction using a novel implementation of reduced order modeling.
Blaauw, Jurjen (2019) Design of new test setups for characterization experiments of adhesives.
Blöte, Stefan (2024) Controller Design for an MR-Safe Vane Motor.
Boer, Rens de (2023) Robust data-driven state-feedback synthesis from data corrupted by perturbations with bounded norms and rates-of-variation.
Boersma, P. (2023) Experimental validation and numerical modelling of train-bridge dynamics.
Boggelen, C. van (2020) Removal of volatile organic compounds and other odourous compounds using ozone generated by UV-C light in aerobic digestion installations.
Bogt, J.H.W. ter (2024) Influence of Coatings and Foils on Thermal Contact Conductance.
Boiten, D.A. (2020) The development of a non-migrating knee orthosis.
Bolks, Chris-Jan (2025) Lifetime and degradation behaviour of PTFE coolant hoses.
Boom, B. van der (2024) Enhanced Predictability of Recycled Thermoplastic Composites : A study towards a better understanding of the recycling process.
Boom, R. (2017) Structural Health monitoring for landing gears.
Boro, Asutosh (2020) Theoretical and numerical modelling of sorption compressor system in a heat pump.
Bors, Sebastiaan (2024) Analysing numerical overtopping predictions for armoured hydraulic structures using generated rubble rock and porous modelling techniques.
Bos, M.C. (2021) On pulsation in external gear pumps: CFD analysis and experimental investigation of pulsation in external gear pumps.
Bos, W. (2021) Design and implementation of a coaxial laser triangulation sensor in a laser metal deposition set-up.
Bouma, L.J. (2023) Atmospheric sound propagation modeling with the Harmonoise model applied to wind turbine noise.
Bourgonndien, Maarten van (2023) Analysis and Simulation of Disruptions Within the Superyacht Hull Manufacturing Process.
Brink, A.P. van den (2022) Recharge yourself An autonomous drone charging solution.
Brink, E.W. van den (2022) Design of an adjustable torque device for XS-TOR implant.
Broeke, D.A. van den (2023) Particle detection and tracking in avalanches.
Brugman, Aniek (2023) Evaluation of the Reboocon Intuy knee.
Bruinsma, S.J. (2018) Development of a diagnostic tool based on Continuous Scanning LDV output spectra.
Bulder, V. (2024) A Computational and Experimental study on the Characterisation and Enhancement of the Integrated Hood in Hob Extraction System.
Bullee, P.A. (2015) Development of an ice accretion code suitable for mixed-phase icing conditions.
Burger, R.A.J. (2025) Deformation Analysis of Incremental Sheet Forming Process.
Busink, K. (2021) 2D PIV experiments of oscillatory flow in a stenosis : a study into the physics of flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
Buurkes, T.R. (2024) Item availability restricted.
Chengappa, Rakshith Mukkatira (2019) Innovative sunlight driven thermal storage slurry for direct absorption solar collectors (DASC).
Chidambaram, N (2018) Ultrasonic non-collinear wave mixing for the detection of ageing in PVC pipes.
Chrysanthou, M. (2020) The effect of a novel orthosis on ankle kinematics in simulated sprain.
Chua, EuChieh (2021) Management of safety hazards in residential buildings with multiple electrical energy storage systems.
Dafedar, Sajeed (2020) Develop and improve modelling capabilities of reactor vessel internals using ansys.
Dalen, K.J van (2024) Development and validation of a gasification model to investigate the effect of temperature reduction on increased syngas yield.
Dasselaar, R.J. van (2019) Experimental and structural load assessment in wind turbine drive trains.
Deo, P.V. (2021) Item availability restricted.
Derkink, T. (2021) An insight in the planning of the maintenance process of wheel axles at Nederlandse Spoorwegen.
Desai, Amit (2018) Threaded plug & ring-assembly station design.
Deunk, F.H.J. (2015) Additive manufacturing with friction surface cladding.
Dickhof, Iljar (2023) Wind tunnel measurements of a small scale wind turbine.
Diepen, T. van (2016) Categorizing and prioritizing lifetime impacts for Asset Lifecycle Plans.
Ding, Daniël (2024) Upscaling Production of Monodisperse Microcapsules for Injectables by In-Air Microfluidics.
Dokter, Jorn (2024) Thermal Degradation of Grease.
Dragman, T.C. (2019) Identifying Dynamic Nonlinearities due to Damage Precursors in Flexible Structures.
Edelijn, BSc T.S. (2024) Optimal Energy Management for Semi Off-Grid Systems with Health-Aware Hydrogen Asset Operation: A Case Study of Fuel Cell Power Banks.
Ekris, B.W. van (2022) Identifying dynamic critical components of a gantry based lasercutting machine using a validated FE model.
Eldesouky, Mohamed Ibrahim (2023) Enhancing Variants Management at Thales Hengelo.
Elferink, T.H. (2024) Developing a foundry mould production system using continuously regenerated silica sand with specialised binder.
Engelen, F.H.A. (2024) Material preparation, design and production of an actuated 3D printed magnetic part.
Entzinger, J.O. (2005) A flexible seam detection technique for robotic laser welding.
Esselink, F.S. (2020) Optimization of the Laser-Assisted Tape Winding process using an Inverse Kinematic-Optical-Thermal model.
Euving, S. (2016) Turboprop engine - Compressor test RIG.
Euving, Stephan (2017) Fluid flow in the cement layer of Mono-Diameter wells during casing expansion.
Even, N.A.P. (2024) Parametric Study of Aerodynamic Interference on Global Propeller Performance Using OpenVSP.
Farkas, Marton (2023) Reliable specific heat capacity measurements of thermoplastic composites with differential scanning calorimetry.
Feldbrugge, Berend (2016) Development of an optimisation process for pre-swirl stator designs.
Fernhout, M.M. (2023) A Deep Learning Approach for Assessing Micrographs of Fibre Reinforced Composite Laminates.
Fix, J.A. (2023) A Linearized Parameter Study Of A Friction Isolator System : Towards A Frequency Domain Design Guideline.
Flier, G.W.D. (2024) Magnet System Design for the Helium Light Ion Compact Synchrotron.
Forkink, L. J. (2022) Condition Based Maintenance : Improving the RAMS performance of movable bridges - A case study.
Frank, Dennis (2025) Sulphur condensation in the context of biogas upgrading: modelling and experimental investigation.
Frielinck, R. (2023) Learning Factory Configuration Tool: An Approach for Preserving the Value of Educational Learning Factories.
Froner Back, Lucas (2020) LES Analysis of coherence in a turbulent shear layer of an open jet wind tunnel.
Gaag, N. van der (2024) Inertial parameter identification of bipedal systems : a simulation-based comparison.
Gajadin, R.D. (2017) Dry Gas Seal Reliability and the Development of Prognostic Models.
Gebbeken, J. (2023) Modelling of Fluid Flow and Mass Transfer in a Hollow-Fibre Membrane Oxygenator.
Geerlings, N.M. (2018) Design of a high-level control layer and wheel contact estimation and compensation for the pipe inspection robot PIRATE.
Ghantasala, Udaya (2021) Rain erosion performance of the material to be used as the leading edge protection of the wind turbine blades.
Goerres, J. (2019) Framework for comparing and optimizing of fully actuated multirotor UAVs.
Gooijer, B.M. de (2015) Model predictive control of forming processes.
Goshtasbi, A. (2023) 3D weaving of continuous fiber reinforced soft robot.
Gouw, R.H. van der (2017) Development of a tyre monitoring system.
Grafen, LN (2020) On the applicability of the mandrel peel test to characterize the fracture toughness of non-symmetric interfaces.
Greef, D. de (2024) Design improvement for a pneumatic soft inflatable actuator.
Groote, Jasper de (2023) Predicting data center behaviour with transfer learning.
Grouve, W.J.B. (2006) Detection of delaminations based on dynamic behavior : application of fibre bragg gratings for dynamic damage detection.
Gutierrez, Jaime (2024) Novel Methodology for Failure Detection in Gas Separation Membranes.
Haan, Tjeerd (2024) Design of a 6-DoF vibration isolated frame with active piezoelectric damping.
Haaren, L. van (2002) Deformation of aluminium sheet at elevated temperatures : experiments and modelling.
Hagen, Jason ten (2023) Optimization of flexure mechanisms using gradient-based methods.
Haido, Jan (2024) A Methodology for Transitioning from Jig-Based to Jigless MIG Welding Utilizing Articulated Robots.
Hal, T.P.J. van (2023) Controller tuning for disturbance suppression in a piezo damped large stroke flexure hinge.
Hannink, M.J.M. (2017) Heat exchanger shape optimization : using adjoint method ansys fluent.
Harish, Ashuthosh (2021) Estimation of the Frequency Response Function of a defective bearing from a measured uni-axial vibration signal.
Haverkort, Arthur (2023) The influence of hybrid reinforcements on Long Fiber Thermoplastic composites. An experimental approach on the production process of (hybrid) LFT pellets and static/dynamic mechanical testing.
Heeres, Roeland (2023) Creating an analytical model to predict the stiffness properties of a guidewire actuated bending tip.
Heineman, Paul (2023) Reviving Medieval Mechanisms: Design Study of Mechanical Escapements For Use in Space : What Parameters Influence Performance and How To Predict It.
Heitkamp, M.J.F. (2024) Lunar Water Extraction : Design, Optimization, and Development for Future Space Exploration.
Hendriksen, J.A.A. (2023) Developments in 2 degree of freedom fine force delivery by an assistive ankle orthosis.
Hernandez Garcia, M. (2023) Material selection process for flexible substrates in medical wearable device applications.
Herpen, N. van (2019) Measuring relative bone pose inside a bi-lateral ankle exoskeleton using A-mode ultrasound.
Heuvel, S. van den (2023) Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on Vertically Rising Bubbles.
Hilhorst, M.G.C. (2023) Construction of a simulation model to assist in production planning and control processes.
Hoek, Jan van der (2021) Computational modelling of flow in the liver vasculature using the Lattice Boltzmann method to study microsphere distribution.
Hoek, S. van der (2024) Analysis of the electrophysiological data acquired on the PhysioHeartTM platform : (ex vivo beating heart).
Hoeksema, V.L. (2017) 3D Transient and crystallization model for laser assisted tape Winding.
Hoeksma, Mechteld (2023) Designing a locking mechanism for fixating a specific heating system in vacuum with high forces and a high temperature.
Hoekstra, Ellard (2024) Characterising Molten Metal Deposition for aluminium alloys: a synergetic approach of numerical and experimental study.
Hof, L. (2024) The Application of automated quality control into a cold forming manufacturing process.
Hofsteenge, J.W. (2021) Implementation and Validation of FGM in CFX for the Description of Turbulent Non-Adiabatic Premixed Combustion.
Hollaar, C.C.J. (2023) Modelling and improved design of a displacement converter for a thin sound source.
Hooft, D. 't (2018) Item availability restricted.
Hooghiemster, A. (2021) Additive Manufacturing of Inconel 718 for Aerospace Applications : Towards Process-Microstructure-Property relationships.
Hoorn, H.E. van den (2019) Analysis of Dynamic Loads induced by Spinning Gondolas on a Roller Coaster.
Hop, Michael (2021) Design of an innovative natural ice skating rink.
Hop, S. (2024) Pipe integrity and pipelay controller optimisation.
Huizingh, M. (2021) Extensions and simulations of numerical model for picosecond laser-material interaction in bulk sapphire.
Hulshof, Simon (2024) ECMOve - A device to support patient mobilization on ECMO : Optimization, verification, and testing by stakeholders.
Hutten, Chris (2024) Towards improving the long-term mechanical performance of recycled polypropylene.
Huttenhuis, J.A.J. (2015) Kinematic design method for a rail mounted inspection robot arm.
Iordache, C. (2017) Adjoint-based optimization study of a heat exchanger : single and multi-objective shape optimization.
Janardhan, Gautam Geeta (2021) Simulation of rain droplet impact and erosion on leading edge protection of wind turbine blades.
Jansen, J. (2023) Towards continuous material supply for friction screw extrusion and additive manufacturing.
Jansen, B N. F. H. (2024) Peg-In-Hole Task Using Impedance Control For T-Flex Demonstration.
Jansen, R. (2023) Designing a Quality Plan to enhance Production Process Quality at VMI Group.
Jansen, S.L. (2022) Towards a parametric optimization tool for hydrofoil design.
Janssen, M.M. (2024) Assessment of milling stability of LPBF-manufactured 316L flexible elements.
Jaspars, Auke (2025) Evaluating Impact Fatigue Performance of Composite Hulls in High-Speed Crafts.
Jilderda, Christiaan (2020) Fatique in tubular structures: developing design tools that assist in analysing and optimising tubular structures that are subject to fatique.
Jong, H.N. de (2022) Design for stiffness constrained by additive manufacturing design rules : case study for an electronics enclosure.
Jong, Maarten Christiaan de (2024) Resistance de-welding of thermoplastic composites : Next step in sustainable joints.
Jong, S.D.M de (2023) A physics-compatible dual field discretization using domain decomposition.
Jong, T.M. de (2023) Developing guidelines for embedding codes onto products produced using Selective Laser Sintering.
Jonkers, B. (2006) Simulation of the Robot Roller Hemming process.
Jurjens, R.R. (2021) Repair/replace decision for ultra-precision milling machine.
Kajim, A.C.C. (2023) Conceptual design of a thermoplastic composite cross-car beam.
Kalter, Louweris Rémon (2019) Characterisation of damage in composite materials using infrared thermography.
Kamphof, W.E. (2023) Design of a Flexible Hinge for an Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector.
Kampstra, L. (2024) The occurrence of viscous shear heating within the cold rolling process.
Karuppusamy, Karthikeyan (2019) Development of physics of failure based prognostics feasibility tool for predictive maintenance.
Kelder, R. (2021) Active Vibration Isolation with an Active Stage.
Kerk, J.J. van de (2022) A Semi-Analytical model for Mode I delamination prediction in bolted bonded composite joints.
Klein Hofmeijer, BSc N.E.M. (2024) Designing a prototype capable of lengthening in vitro 3D engineered human skeletal muscle tissue.
Kleverwal, Koen (2023) Influence and implementation of static balance on a parallel leaf spring mechanism.
Klomp, E.J. (2021) Design of a flexible hollow hinge for a cryogenic environment.
Kluin, T. (2024) Direct fluid cooling inside the stator of a high-speed electric motor.
Koch, T.F. (2024) Comparison of constrained optimisation methods for aerostructural design.
Koers, Laurens (2019) Modelling of a ducted fan and its contribution to drag on a PAV hull.
Koets, Kelwin (2021) Design of an Innovative Siltation Removal System for Rolling Gates.
Kommelt, P. (2004) Optimisation of the Initial Tube Geometry for Tube Hydroforming : a mathematical approach.
Kooistra, E. (2021) Prediction and validation of galling behavior in hot sheet metal forming processes.
Koopman, F.B. (2019) Improvement of longitudinal tracking and the addition of turning control of an underactuated moment exchange unicycle robot.
Koopmans, S. (2024) Anticipating Key Technological Innovations in Maintenance Operations : Design and development of a technological impact model for the Royal Netherlands Army mechanic.
Korenblik, J. (2021) Minimal sensing approach of an underactuated flexure based gripper for agri-food applications.
Kouwen, R.T.S. (2022) A novel methodology for robust projection-based alignment of automotive matrix-type LED headlights.
Kowalski, Kurt (2024) Entropy-patch choked-nozzle interaction: matching-condition and inertial-effects regimes mapped & preliminary investigations of amplitude effects.
Krabben, I.G.W. (2020) Determination of the source term disturbing bounded flow performing practical Large Eddy Simulations.
Kroeze, Daan (2024) On accelerated fatigue testing of elastomeric materials : The development of a new methodology.
Kruize, Hendrik J. (2021) Improving Methanol Powered Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – Gas Turbine Power Units for Naval Support Vessels through Fuel and Heat Recovery.
Kuiper, Stef (2022) 3D Printing of Continuous Glass Fibre Reinforced Polypropylene Composites.
Lagerweij, A.B. (2023) Development and production of a new prototype tire and rim for remote controlled model racing cars.
Lakshmi Narayan, P. (2022) Influence of industry 4.0 on manufacturing facility design process and outcomes of the facility layout.
Lamers, A.J. (2012) Design of a statistically balanced fully complaint grasper using the rigid body replacement method.
Lamers, M.E.G. (2024) Process defects and resulting structure of unidirectional CF/LM-PAEK after induction welding.
Lange, T. de (2023) Towards an Efficient Multigrid Algorithm for Solving Pressure-Robust Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations of the Stokes Problem.
Langen, I.N. van (2022) Development of patient-specific finite element models for the simulation of strain adaptive tibial bone remodeling after total knee replacement.
Leede, M de (2016) The analysis and redesign of a ship cradle.
Leede, M. de (2017) Solid state additive manufacturing : A study to understand the bonding process of friction surfacing using AA2024-T351 onto AA2024-T351.
Legters, D.F. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Lerink, C.W. (2020) Visualisation of fouling during oil-in-water filtration using tubular ceramic membranes.
Leth, A. de (2023) Design of a cell-based straight guidance.
Liet, S.R. (2024) An experimental setup for validation of the plane wave methods.
Lindeboom, K. (2024) Continuous Heat Transformer Using Potassium Carbonate.
Lingbeek, R.A. (2003) Aspects of a design tool for springback compensation.
Linschoten, D. (2019) A Computer Aided Innovation Tool for Generating Solutions for Mechanical Engineering Functions.
Lishev, Dimitar (2024) Mitigating software failures impacts into IT and OT system design through RAMS.
Liu, Jen-Wei (Luke) (2020) Towards an engineering approach of pool fire modelling with CFD.
Loobergen, K. van (2020) Identification of damage precursors in 3D-printed aluminium alloy after fatigue testing.
Lopez Aguado Alvarez, José Pablo (2023) Automation of a High Precision assembly process.
Lunshof, Corné (2024) Implementing data-driven maintenance at Stork IMM.
Luten, T. (2022) Characterization of the Onset of Boiling for Ammonia in Minichannels.
Lübbermann, Thijs (2021) Design and control of a magnet placement tool.
Maat, Daniëlle (2023) 3D Simulation of a wind turbine rotor in axial inflow conditions.
Maat, M.M. van de (2023) Guiding the implementation of Predictive Maintenance Projects : by developing a Predictive Maintenance Implementation Process.
Maat, R. van der (2022) The use of a fully recyclable, biomass based thermoplastic as a wood coating.
Madhar, M.C. (2016) Towards the design of a vibration monitoring system for a rotor blade system in operation : an experimental investigation.
Maksane, A.R. (2019) A Decision-Support Methodology to design Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems.
Manten, Dion Jean François (2022) Technology roadmapping to develop the innovation strategy in engineering consultancy.
Masmeijer, T.C.P. (2021) Vibration fatigue testing and modelling for identification of damage initiation and propagation in fiber reinforced plastics.
Mastenbroek, Jan-Jaap (2010) Bluff body flow : wake behavior behind a heated circular cylindeer.
Meijer, B.J. (2024) Deep reinforcement learning for solving job shop scheduling problems.
Mekers, R.L.J. (2020) Structural dynamics of roller coaster structures: transient analysis.
Mes, T.G. (2018) Updating rotating documentation in Grade 5 Nouryon Rotterdam Botlek.
Mesu, J. (2023) Development of a methodology for efficient determination of process parameters in Pulse Electro-Chemical Machining.
Moester, M.T. (2022) Development of Metamaterials for a Custom-fit Bicycle Helmet Liner.
Monchen, Niek (2024) The production and characterisation of magnetic particles produced with in-air microfluidics.
Mooij, Q.J. (2023) Building a knowing maintenance organization by introducing a Knowledge Improvement Process for predictive maintenance at the Royal Netherlands Navy.
Mulder, K.J. (2025) Experimental Determination of the Vehicle-Bridge Interaction : Realisation of an Experimental setup to capture the Vehicle-Bridge Interaction.
Mulder, L. (2017) Applied frequency-domain system identification in the field of experimental modal analysis.
Mulder, L.H.W. (2023) Investigating the effect of misalignment on the efficiency of fiber array to grating coupling to support the design of a sophisticated passive degree of freedom alignment system.
Mulder, R.H. (2023) Financial viability of metal additive manufacturing in automotive industry for production of functional parts in high volume.
Naik, Pratik (2021) Generating Sythetic Training Images for Instance Segmentation using Salient Object Detection and Image Compositions.
Nethe, Eamon G. (2021) Electrostatics for mobile glass cleaning robots.
Nijhuis, B. (2018) Investigation of the Scope and Limitations of Gradient Enhanced Crystal Plasticity in Explaining Macroscopic phenomena.
Nijhuis, M.F.H. (2023) Passive photonic chip-fiber alignment with a flexure-assisted micro-kinematic coupling.
Nijkamp, A.H. (2022) Modelling of laser beam absorption in powder-based sintering processes.
Nijland, Lorenzo D. (2023) Optimization of product handling in the agricultural sector of an underactuated flexure-based gripper by using Bayesian estimation.
Nizamudeen, M.S. (2023) Computed Torque Control of Flexible Multibody Systems.
Nooijen, S.M.P. (2023) Concept study on novel gripper concept for in-hand rotational manipulation of poultry products.
Olde Dubbelink, M.B. (2024) High Strain Rate Characterization of Mechancal Properties by Low Temperature Testing for Polymeric Materials.
Oliveri, G. (2016) Developing a parametric model for Air Bearing calculations in COMSOL and further refinement of the currently existing models.
Olthuis, M. (2020) Relevance and development of new rubber technology competences for a sustainable automotive industry.
Oomen, Matthijs A. (2012) Interaction between gloves and ball surfaces in afl and rugby.
Oost, H.R. (2024) Development and Evaluation of a Maintenance Maturity Matrix for Small and Medium Enterprises.
Oosterhuis, J.P. (2011) Recuperation in a μCHP appliance.
Oosterveld, F.R. (2021) Investigation of delamination crack under vibration fatigue exploiting simulation driven dynamic testing in digital environment.
Oosterveld, S.W.S. (2023) Momentum-based control for compliant link quadrupeds.
Os, J.C. den (2024) Developing an innovative contact dynamics testing setup.
Oude Engberink, M.G. (2024) The Design of an In-Orbit Demonstration for a Mini Mechanically Pumped Cooling Loop in a CubeSat.
Oude Tanke, Friso (2024) Mode I fatigue delamination growth in composite laminates : design of an automated DCB test setup.
Palthe, A.M. (2021) Substructuring in flexible multibody dynamic models.
Pamungkas, Mr. H.E.A.N. (2024) On the Relation Between Microstructure and Transverse Electrical Resistivity of Unidirectional Composites: An Evaluation Statistical Spatial Descriptors and a Quasi- 3D Resistor Network Model.
Parvangada Chinnappa, Uthaiah (2023) An Approach for Risk Mitigation and Safety During Human-Robot Collaboration.
Patel, A. (2023) Numerical Investigation On The Thermal Behavior Of Li-ion Batteries Under Various Cooling Methods.
Peperkamp, M.W. (2021) Design and optimization of the pultrusion process toproduce reliable and recyclable wind turbine blades.
Perizonius, F.C. (2023) Theoretical modelling of liquid fractions and flow regimes during the first-stage startup of steam transport pipelines.
Piening, P.V.L. (2022) Low frequency calibration of an acoustic vector sensor using immersive wave propagation.
Pijnenburg, L.G.T. (2024) The effects of implant angles on the stability of sacroiliac joint fusion: a finite element study.
Pindi Nataraj, P. (2022) Airfoil self-noise predictions using DDES and the FWH analogy.
Ploeg, Maurice van der (2023) Improved Range of Motion of a Redundantly Actuated 3-DOF Planar Manipulator with Flexure Joints.
Plura, F. (2016) Part optimization design studies in the modern aircraft industry.
Pocorni, J.K. (2012) Penetration depth control using an optical spectroscopic sensor in ND:Yag laser welding.
Polman, Harmen (2019) A Code for Refractive Index Matched Scanning Data Processing.
Posthumus, Tobias (2024) Design Optimization Strategies for Geometrically Nonlinearly Deforming Structures using Analytical Gradients.
Postmes, Jonne F. (2022) Maximizing energy absorption properties of 3D printed programmed auxetic metamaterials.
Punte, H.J. (2024) Adapting Tradespace Exploration for Conceptual Structural Design of Monopile Upending and Lifting Tools.
Quak, Wouter (2007) A solid-shell element for use in sheet deformation processes and the EAS method.
Ramadhin, D H (2024) Perturbed Visibility Problem for a Terrestrial and Lunar orbiter.
Ravenhorst, J.H. van (2008) A rapid prototyping system for the Hot-Wire cutting process.
Reekers, F.A.D. (2019) Internal logistics tire parts and material handling equipment : A discrete event simulation study for control rules.
Reuling, M.C.T. (2020) Mechanical interlocking of hybrid PAEK joints using additive manufactured : a study on mechanical interlocking performance and interlocking phenomena enhanced metallic surfaces.
Reuling, Niek (2024) A pure sliding experiment to examine wear on possible coatings for greaseless open gears.
Rezelman, SA (2023) Compounding and characterization of tire tread compounds using funtionalized rubber.
Ridderhof, C.P.J. (2017) Determining design relations for a magneto caloric device with multiple magneto caloric materials using numerical software.
Riel, M. van (2005) Determination of the transverse stress in a combined tensileshear test.
Rietema, M.J. (2015) Design of a prototype machine for 3D printing with continious fibre reinforcement.
Roelofs, Stijn (2024) Developing a user-friendly design workflow for optimised designs in Direct Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing at Royal Kaak.
Roeplal, N.S.D. (2019) The application of a functional approach for detecting wind turbine failures from SCADA-data.
Rooijen, T.L. van (2024) Towards Defect-Free Printing of High-Strength Aluminium Alloys.
Roorda, C.M. (2024) Computational modelling of turbulence induced particle mixing in a stenosed channel using the Lattice Boltzmann method.
Roosenschoon, N. (2024) Digital twinning development in manufacturing SMEs : the design of a supporting methodology and evaluation tool.
Roozendaal, R. (2022) Computational modeling of interstitial fluid in the brain neuropil for an improved understanding of solute transport in the brain.
Roubos, T.J. (2022) Design of an articulating joint distractor for implantation of a metacarpophalangeal implant.
Rouwenhorst, Driek (2011) A numerical and experimental study on turbulent natural convection in a differentially heated cavity.
Sanders, R.V. (2017) Active heave compensation - simulation of a prototype heave compensation system.
Savva, Michalis (2024) Robot-Assisted Magnetic Microbead Surgery : Design, Optimization, and Characterization of Novel Instruments.
Schalk, Laurens (2022) Investigation of Leading-Edge Vortex Formation on a Robotic Bird’s Wing.
Schepers, P. (2019) Application of a process model to define potential operational functional failure conditions.
Schermer, F.W. (2022) Computational modelling of cerebrospinal fluid flow in perivascular spaces.
Schilder, W. P. (2019) Design of a flexure-based tip-tilt-piston mechanism with high support stiffness.
Scholten, T (2024) Binary decision diagram based configurator synthesis for ship locks.
Schonewille, R. (2017) Design of an energy harvesting system for wireless sensor nodes on railway tracks.
Schouw, C.Q.G. (2023) Replacement of Carbon Black by Renewable Fillers in Natural Rubber.
Schriemer, D.W. (2023) Numerical Validation and Modelling of Inversely Tracing of Particles to Locate Emanating Sources.
Schrijver, J.E. (2023) A novel framework to aid in the design of automated systems at veal abattoirs : a case study.
Schuttert, W.J. (2022) Design and Optimisation of Roller Coaster Elements using Reinforcement Learning.
Shair Ali, M.R. (2024) Comparison of methods for thermoacoustic stability analysis of a hydrogen-fuelled condensing boiler.
Shankar Srinivas, Thejas (2024) Generalised Fuzzy Logic Control Strategy for Ankle Exoskeleton for Hopping and Walking.
Sharma, Y. (2020) Rain erosion damage assessment using ultrasonics.
Siebers, E. (2022) Development of a method to assess the environmental impact of a system with a long life cycle : a case study on train films at Fleetshield.
Siegers, M.H. (2024) Design and evaluation of a steam assisted vacuum fluidized bed for CO2 regeneration from solid sorbents.
Siegersma, G.J. (2024) A simple semi-strong solution for the integral boundary layer equations using high-order Galerkin methods.
Sijtsma, S.K. (2024) Non-Smooth Controller Optimization for Active Vibration Isolation Suspension of an Einstein Telescope Mirror.
Sikkelbein, D.B. (2021) Process modelling for Model Predictive Control of Incremental Sheet Forming.
Simanjuntak, Denny Hariadi (2020) Derivation of crack growth law from high cycle fatigue vibration testing in thermoplastic-based composites.
Six Dijkstra, Pepijn (2024) Energy efficient control of data center HVAC systems using reinforcement learning.
Slagter, Kasper (2024) Fracture Mechanics For Rail Crack Formation; Design of a Numerical Model to Predict Rolling Contact Fatigue on Rails.
Smink, J.S. (2020) Investigation of Behaviour of Jet Shear Layer in Tandem Dual Jet Injection in Supersonic Crossflow using Schlieren Images.
Smit, G.J.F. (2022) Development of a Maintenance-based use policy and application to HNLMS Johan de Witt.
Smit, Maarten Jan (2012) Thermal control and rate of deposition system of chemical vapor deposition at atmospheric pressure : production of thin tin-oxide films by an APCVD process.
Smit, T.S. (2023) Linking safety hazards to control measures for NS rolling stock.
Smits, J.H.B. (2024) On the Development of a Ground-Positioned Microphone Phased Array for Fly-Over Noise Measurements on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Solombrino, Caterina (2023) Aerodynamic investigations of flatback airfoils and novel add-ons for modern wind turbine blades.
Spanjer, S.T. (2019) Acoustic and vibration analysis of an electric powertrain for passenger cars.
Spin, D.H. (2024) Future-proof Layout Design Optimization for HMLV, MTO Manufacturing SME Companies : a Case Study.
Stevens, F.H. (2023) Design, implementation and validation of a viscoelastically overconstrained flexure mechanism for increased dynamic performance.
Sticker, M.L.H. (2024) Development of a surrogate model for the laser-assisted fibre placement process.
Stolwijk, B.A. (2022) Improving the ferrohydrodynamic pump for a magnetocaloric refrigeration cycle through modelling and experiments.
Stoop, Jasper (2023) Additive manufactured enhancement for Two-phase CPU cooling.
Strik, D.H. (2023) Influence of print speed on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA6060 FSEAM builds.
Stöver, P. J. (2021) Building a test setup for pulsed laser ablation in liquid flow.
Terhorst, S. (2025) Exploration of a Computational Aeroacoustics Strategy for In-Duct Broadband Noise.
Teunis, G.E. (2015) Output-only modal-based structural health monitoring in composite beams.
Thije, S.A.M ten (2022) Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach : Conceptual Design of the Powertrain for a 3D Motion Compensated Crane.
Tiemessen, J.R.M. (2024) Optical Coherence Tomography for Capturing the Characteristics of a Melt Pool in Laser Cladding.
Tiggelen, Jip van (2022) An investigation on the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of jointed space structures.
Tijhuis, Sam (2024) A Modeling Framework for Magnetic Origami Devices using a Bar-and-Hinge Model.
Tijman op Smeijers, T.J.C. (2024) Hybrid and disturbance-observer-based control of a peristaltic pump.
Timmer, Rick Nando (2019) Project Manager at Schrader T+A Fahrzeugbau: Redesign of production process.
Tjong, Hans Thiery (2025) Experiment based data-driven degradation analysis on retired battery cells for Remaining Useful Life (RUL) prediction.
Tran, Trung Quoc (2012) Possibilities for improving assessment tools of dikes safety.
Uitbeijerse, Jeffrey (2024) Item availability restricted.
Uiterweerd, Eline (2023) Improving information traceability in high-tech contract manufacturing environments.
Uğurlu, Deniz Alp (2023) Enhancing Untethered Robot Localization : A Fusion Approach Integrating Magnetic Coupling Localization and Ultrasound Imaging.
Valk, Y.A. de (2019) A novel construction of wind tunnel models for wind energy applications.
Veen, C.A. van der (2024) Tool Wear in Sheet Metal Forming : Modelling of Abrasive Tool Wear in Hot Forming.
Veenhuis, Jan (2024) Effects of Er and Eu addition on the fluidity of an A356 alloy in an improved permanent fluidity test mold.
Veldhuis, J.J. (2023) Development of a Cabinet Side Cooler for Application on a Naval Ship.
Veldhuizen, A.R.P. (2024) Reducing Pulsation in External Gear Pump Output for Rubber Extrusion.
Veldman, Else (2006) Using optimisation techniques to solve a production problem, with application to the deep drawing process of an automotive part.
Ven, C.J. (2023) Investigating the possibilities of a flexible manipulator in Amesim to predict reaction forces.
Venkataramana, Shrikanth (2021) Effects of surface treatment on co-bonded wind turbine blade spar caps.
Venterink, M. (2017) Frequency optimisation for damage identification using the Vibro-Acoustic Modulation method.
Vermeulen, J.J. (2019) Flexible multibody dynamics of an Afterburner-type fairground attraction.
Vidya, M. C. (2014) Oscillatory Flow in Jet Pumps: Setup Design and Experiments.
Vis, J.M. (2023) Ultrashort pulsed laser ablation in mass production of small metal parts, increasing ablation efficiency and reducing heat input.
Visser, F.C. (1991) Two-dimensional potential flow through a centrifugal impeller.
Visser, F.F. (2022) Enhancing the Ti-PEKK hybrid joint by changing the PEKK crystal morphology.
Vliem, M.J.H. (2024) A study on the effect of local pressure gradient on turbulent boundary layer characteristics and trailing-edge noise over a flat plate : A numerical and empirical study.
Vloedgraven, B.T. (2023) System role of energy hubs in the North Sea by an energy system optimisation study.
Voerman, M. (2012) Research into the effect of counter-rotating propellers, for the propulsion of a vertical take-off and landing ducted fan UAV, on the flow pattern.
Voorthuizen, K.L. van (2020) Uncertainty quantification in flexible multibody dynamics.
Vukasovic, Ana (2024) A comparative study of bio-inspired dual reciprocating drilling as opposed to conventional rotary drilling methods using Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations.
Waasdorp, W.P. (2018) Influence of suboptimally forced streamwise streaks on the turbulent boundary layer and shear layer.
Wanders, Dirk (2024) Item availability restricted.
Weekamp, Bram. J. W. (2023) Performance Comparison of Optimised Flexure-Based Translational Mechanisms for Easier Design Decision-Making.
Weijden, Wiard van der (2023) Integrating sensor and material modeling to interpret eddy current sensor readings.
Wellen, S.G. (2024) Modelling study of the thermal management of a RSOC system.
Welles, J.J. (2024) The Redesign of an Electric Powertrain Housing Using a Polymer Composite Material.
Werf, MSc S.IJ. van der (2019) Macroscopic single contact properties of cohesive silanized glass beads.
Werff, S.J. van der (2023) Towards a ball bouncing demonstration for the T-Flex.
Wessels, B.J. (2020) A numerical study to help understand the effects of Nasal High Flow Therapy using the Lattice Boltzmann Method.
Westerbeek, J.J. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Wetsteijn, D. (2022) Characterization and Analysis of the MINIject Eye Implant.
Wevers, Merel (2024) Extending the Applicability of the Floating Frame Formulation in Global Coordinates : The Generalised Superelement Formulation and the Nonlinear Floating Frame Formulation.
Wiebenga, J.H. (2009) Improve the predictability of crashworthiness simulations with respect to head-impact onto the Volkswagen Polo Dashboard.
Wielens, J.M. (2022) Steering System Design for Asphalt Drum Dryers.
Wieringa, J. (2024) Using Granger Causality to generate early warnings from Patrol Vessel platform sensor data.
Wieringen, Seth van (2021) Transitioning to cost-optimal renewable energy systems under uncertainty.
Wijk, BSc. Cedric F.C. van (2020) Design of a Small Wind Turbine Rotor and Hub for Wind Tunnel Testing.
Wijk, R.F.O. van (2020) Design of a Small Scale Wind Turbine Nacelle and Tower for Wind Tunnel Testing.
Wijlen, E.V. ter (2007) Optimisation of a deep drawing process with experimental validation: Applied to an automotive deep drawing process of a B-pillar.
Wijnen, J. (2024) Applying a RANS-based Multiphase and Phase Change CFD Model to Simulate a Venturi-Driven Milk Foamer.
Wilbers, M. (2024) Development of a Data Driven Simulation tool of a Flexible Manufacturing System.
Will, J.B. (2017) Aerodynamic noise of thin airfoils in turbulent flows : a detailed experimental validation of semi-analytical methods.
Wilpshaar, Martijn (2019) Conceptual design & experimental validation of Mars helicopter.
Wilt, Yannick van der (2024) Conduction welding of thermoplastic composites : An experimental study towards specifying the process window for process time and temperature.
Witbreuk, R.H. (2024) Adjustable pressure valve for postoperative wound drainage.
Wolters, Joris (2014) Design and constructioin of a setup that represents the behavior of a helicopter rotor blade system.
Yadhukrishnan, (2023) Designing and Optimizing a flexible Battery Pack Manufacturing Process Incorporating Cylindrical and Prismatic Cells: Key Factors and Strategies.
Yang, Jinyi (2021) Towards process optimization of spar caps made of carbon fiber reinforced polyurethane composites used in wind turbine blades.
Zaki, Michael Lawrence Abdulla (2024) CFD-CAA Analysis of Light-Stall Noise Prediction Using DDES and FW-H Analogy for NACA 0012 Airfoil.
Zandee, N. (2024) Design of Amusement Rides using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites.
Zeldam, S.G. ten (2018) Automated Failure Diagnosis in Aviation Maintenance Using eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI).
Zijden, C.W.J. van der (2023) Analysis of an active tagline trolley system for offshore single blade installations with floating vessels.
Zijl, Roy van (2021) Rate-Dependent Properties and Failure Behaviour of Glass Fiber Reinforced Isotactic Polypropylene Composite Laminates under Impact Conditions.
Zijp, S.F. (2023) Remaining useful life estimation framework for maintenance improvement of a helicopter main rotor shaft using fracture mechanics.
Zuiderduin, E.R. (2019) Optimizing Geometric Parameters of a Coaxial Nozzle for Direct Bubble Writing.
Zwan, Stijn van der (2024) FlexiFix : a soft-rigid hybrid robot for in-pipe 3D printing.
Çilingir, K.K. (2024) Wear and degradation of connector rod-tulip contact in a Medium Voltage Switchgear.
Internship Report
(2018) Item availability restricted.
(2019) Item availability restricted.
Aa, L.H.A. van der (2017) Item availability restricted.
Aalst, J. van (2014) Setting up a TPM based maintenance plan for VDL-ETG Suzhou in order to improve the machine quality and reduce downtime of the machine park.
Abbas, Y. (2018) Surface wettability investigation of the CVT components.
Abbekerk, T. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Achterberg, Wouter (2011) Stageverslag Ergo-design.
Al, Martijn (2012) Design of a pretreatment installation for the washing of empty fruit bunches at a palm oil mill.
Alag, Gunish (2020) Evaluating the Performance of Intel Realsense T265 Xsens Technologies B.V.
Alan, G.A.S. (2016) Compressor temperature during blow down.
Aman, B.J. (2015) Door construction.
Anagally, Gaurav shetty (2019) Flexible welding table design for sheet metal parts.
Anagol, Akil (2019) Universal solution for functional test of the valve under pressure (K-010 TEST 10).
Andree, D.J. (2017) Thermal Analysis of a heavy duty drum motor.
Anema, J.S. (2015) Modeling and improvement of a field electric retarding potential characterization system.
Anturkar, Rohan (2020) Item availability restricted.
Assema, P. van (2017) Item availability restricted.
Attema, D. (2012) Stageverslag Huisman Equipment B.V.
Baan, H.J.M. (2013) Designing a mannequin for aerodynamic bike testing.
Babu, Joe Joseph (2019) Item availability restricted.
Bakhtiary, Amir (2011) Defect detection and evaluation of laminates.
Bakker, H.M. (2011) Integrating TRIZ function modeling in CAD software.
Ballal, Anish (2018) Item availability restricted.
Balt, Vincent (2019) Item availability restricted.
Barels, E.G. (2017) Torque based anti wheel lock control at NEVS.
Barreto de Matos, J.A. (2018) Integral boundary layer parameters : aerodynamics division of Suzlon blade technology AERODYNAMICS DIVISION OF SUZLON BLADE TECHNOLOGY.
Barts, Sjoerd (2019) Internship report PCV Group.
Basavraj, Akash (2020) Mechanical investigation of thermoelectric cooling.
Batista, M. (2017) Design and development of two medical devices to assist the rehabilitation of the upper limb mobility in post-stroke.
Beekhuis, Houdijn (2011) Internship Report Atesos Medical AG.
Beekman, P. (2015) Design and modelling of solar tower field components.
Beelen, S.J. (2017) Lagrangian model with bubble dynamics for cavitating nuclei.
Beem, P.H. (2015) Associate Consultant Intern at Bain & Company.
Beijen, Michiel (2011) Item availability restricted.
Bekius, H.M. (2013) Research in flammability limits and deflagration to detonation transition of ethanol.
Bekker, S. de (2015) Design of OLED Capsule and automated blade coater.
Beld, E.J. (2013) Droplet impingement and film layer modeling as a basis for aircraft icing simulations in openfoam.
Belt, M. van den (2016) Design of amusement rides.
Bemthuis, Tom (2019) Item availability restricted.
Benjamins, Jeroen (2009) Waternish.
Benthem, A van (2015) Determination of design resistance by finite element analysis.
Benthem, W. (2012) Analyse en ontwikkeling van een 2,5 DOF manipulator.
Berg, Menno van den (2019) Item availability restricted.
Bergen, M. van (2019) Multiple framework modelling and controller design of 4 link snake robot.
Bergsma, Friso (2012) Effects of rig tension on sailing yacht performance : internship report.
Bermperidis, Georgios (2020) Item availability restricted.
Berns, L. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Berntsen, J. (2017) Formability of G/PP composites : effects of defects.
Beugels, F. (2017) Failure analyses on the Lint trains operated by Arriva Tog Danmark.
Beurden, E. van (2019) Item availability restricted.
Bhagwandas, J.C. (2015) Energy from the sea : hydrothermal liquefaction of algae.
Bhapkar, A.B. (2019) Item availability restricted.
Bijl, Sander (2012) Constructing models for a pebble heater and drying wood : internship report.
Binnerts, B. (2011) Signal processing in experimental room acoustics.
Bisschop, J (2019) Applying discrete particle simulations to industrial-sized problems using MercuryDPM.
Bjarnason, V. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Boer, N. (2018) Effect of Particle Erosion on the External Collapse Pressure of a Steel Production Casing Used in Oil and GasWells.
Boer, R. de (2012) Ontwerp van concepten en testopstellingen : stageverslag.
Boerrigter, G.J. (2019) Item availability restricted.
Boggelen, C van (2019) Waste Treatment Technologies : Design of a wastewater treatment plant for Anaerobic Digestion systems.
Boom, R (2016) Vehicle response on standardized tracks.
Boon, J P (2016) Designing a sustainable and energy-neutral business park.
Boonk, K.F.J. (2019) Internship at Qirion: internship report.
Boro, A. (2019) On Mathematical modelling of multiphase damping of pipes.
Bos, W. (2019) Autonomous grinding system for double action cutter bars.
Bosman, R. (2012) Torque in a spiral conveyor : calculation model in Excel.
Bosscha, A.J. (2013) A study in beamforming and DAMAS deconvolution.
Bosscher, H.H. (2014) Theoretical and practical approach to improve the film flow of the flywheel experiment.
Bouten, T.W.F.M. (2011) Item availability restricted.
Bouwhuis, T. (2016) Investigation into a new simple DBD-plasma actuation model.
Bouwman, M.M. (2014) Testing polymer-metal hybrid automobile components at Daimler AG.
Boveldt, Arend te (2011) Internship at Nakilat Damen Shipyards.
Braak, P. ter (2011) Item availability restricted.
Braakman, Patrick (2018) Item availability restricted.
Braakman, R. (2017) Redesign of the Shoulder Elbow Perturbator.
Braam, L. (2018) Do simplifications in the intitial set-up matter?
Brader, S. (2019) Item availability restricted.
Bramer, K.J.J. (2017) Designing and prototyping a small scale steam driven jet pump.
Brands, D. (2015) Preforming process simulation.
Bremer, S.J.L. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Brentjes, A. (2015) Modelling liquid sloshing in rotating t anks.
Brink, J. van den (2017) Re-design of the heat exchanger in a thermo-acoustic heat pump using C-lamel fins.
Broenink, W.A. (2016) Oxycoal combustion tests in CIUDEN.
Broersma, M. (2014) Heyson Wall Correction Code for the DNW LLF.
Brouwer, W.R. (2015) The application and comparison of multistep ice accretion analyses.
Bruggink, Mart (2012) Stageverslag.
Bruinja, M.F.C. (2011) Item availability restricted.
Bruinsma, S.J. (2017) Body Buck Design of an Aston Martin DBS.
Brummen, S. van (2015) Aerodynamic analysis of the EFTV-ESM and separation dynamics in hypersonic flight conditions.
Budding, Alex (2011) Item availability restricted.
Bullee, P.A. (2015) Natural convection flows inside differentially heated cavities.
Buren, P. van (2015) Inspectieplan onderhoud in de bottelarij.
Burghout, R.A.B. (2016) Exploratory CFD research on a Coriolis mass flowmeter.
Bus, M.S. (2013) Review of the impact of hydrogen addition to natural gas on gas turbine combustion.
Böke, M. (2016) Direct aeroacoustic simulation using compressible flow solver.
Campmans, G.H.P (2013) Validating dense-gas models recently added to the Computational Fluid Dynamics code Eilmer3 at University of Queensland.
Chengappa, Rakshith Mukkatira (2018) Charcoal cooling.
Chrysanthou, M. (2017) The effect of passivesupporting versus activesupporting ankle braces on physiological movement.
Cijsouw, J.W. (2016) Crossing Obstacles.
Cnossen, M.C. (2010) Ventilatiesystemen : stageverslag.
Consten, N. (2014) Nanoindentation of Hard Coatings.
Cornelissen, Robin and Pouwels, Astrid (2018) Item availability restricted.
Damen, R.G. (2013) Evaluation report LECO Energy Management System.
Deijlen, Lisa (2017) Experimental research on cavitation in a water tunnel at the University of Michigan.
Dekker, G. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Dekker, J.J.J.W. (2017) Programming for MrReves (Reden virtual engineering system) in C#.
Dekker, M. (2013) Body Weight Support System for LOPES2.
Desai, A.S. (2018) Modular pallet design.
Detert Oude Weme, D.G.J. (2015) Designing an Induction Wind Tunnel.
Deunk, F.H.J. (2014) The Swiss and Dutch Precision Industries.
Dickhof, H. (2016) Design and construction of a spray pontoon and maintenance of HAM 310.
Diepen, T. van (2015) Design for vacuum systems.
Diepeveen, H. (2018) Redesigning the evaporator for the Triogen ORC (Organic Rankine cycle) for use in the containerized version of this ORC (the so called Triogen E-box).
Dijk, J. van (2017) Commissioning of an Flame Reactor for Research on Entrained-Flow Gasification.
Dijk, N.J.G. van (2016) Internship Rolls-Royce Deutschland : aeroacoustics and noise.
Dijk, R.M. van (2014) Parameterstudy on a computational method for the prediction of noise production caused by sheet cavitation on a ship propeller.
Dijk, W. van (2018) Item availability restricted.
Dijkhuis, N. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Dijkstra, E.J. (2010) Upper limb project.
Donderwinkel, T.G. (2014) Internship report.
Drenth, B. (2016) Experimental validation of simulations on flow through venturis and diffusers.
Driesen, J.B. (2017) SMA wire actuator in a morphing wing.
Duesmann, J.B.C. (2018) Validating CFD surfboard models to experimental results.
Duin, E. van (2014) Validation of a measurement system used for quality control of one-way reflective targets.
Duisterwinkel, F.J.F. (2015) Improving convergence of numerical optimizers using a limited number of function evaluations.
Duivenvoorden, Aard (2011) Item availability restricted.
Ebing, S.A.M. (2017) Inline mixing of highly viscous sludge.
Eekelen, L.D.P. van (2015) Reduceren van het aantal uren in het volgoed magazijn door het gebruik van de DMAIC methode.
Eijkelkamp, A.J.F. (2015) On experimental en numerical analysis of combustion processes in a gas turbine for large civil planes.
Eisma, T. (2016) Pass by noise simulation.
Elawady, Karim (2017) Compressor pipeline wall temperature analysis during depressurization including condensation effects.
Eller, Tom (2011) Optimization of bag forming machine c20.
Engels, R.A. (2012) Internship on indirect measurement of track decay rate and combined roughness.
Ergül, Bayram (2010) Innovatie in palletising.
Eshuis, S.G. (2014) The jumpmeter.
Ettema, Bart Robbert (2018) Experimental Determination and Validation of Pressure Through a Porous Medium.
Etxeberria Echávarri, A. (2018) Redesign of the MASMini.
Evertzen, Luc (2018) The aerodynamic design of RED Shift : Solar Team Twente’s 7th solar car.
Faneker, Tom (2010) Item availability restricted.
Fang, R. (2017) The application of the ISO55000 improvement loop & the improvement of maintenance concepts at Strukton Rail.
Fierkens, R.I.K. (2014) Mirror system for hand orthoses.
Ganseij, M. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Geerligs, H. (2016) Techniques for in-flame measurements.
Gelderblom, G. (2012) Head on collision of a vortex ring and a heated wall.
Gemerts, Earvin (2017) Item availability restricted.
Gerritsen, J. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Giesen, R. (2018) Modal analysis techniques for (damped) floors : Explained and tested.
Gijsman, F. (2014) Tonal generation by an airfoil at low to moderate Reynolds numbers.
Goerres, J.P. (2018) IMEP Wheel & IMEP sections.
Gongadze Gogvadze, T. (2018) Description of 3 RET Metro Wheel Set Components. Multicriteria Analysis of the failures of these components.
Gooijer, B.M. de (2014) Project FIX-IT Falkenberg.
Goossens, M. (2015) Modeling a vapor compression cycle : report internship Aeronamic.
Gorter, Douwe (2012) Optimization of RFID tracking system and other warehouse processes.
Grift, E.J. (2012) Predicting scattering of acoustic modes in an annular duct subject to non-uniform flow: an analytical and numerical approach.
Groen, B.J.H. (2016) Internship Nedcon.
Groeneveld, G. (2017) Design of vacuum components for FERP-technique characterization system.
Groot, N.D. de (2017) Part 1: “Arc welding standard for production & quality inspection” Part 2: “Implementing the principles of lean in a productive classroom”.
Groot, W.L.C. (2014) Specimen design for characterisation of failure in cast aluminium.
Gudde, J. (2012) Manure digestate combustion for decentralized energy production : research about the feasibility of the manure digestate combustion processing route.
Guijs, R.P. (2018) Power measurements and noise & vibrations levels in composite shafts in the maritime industry.
Gunnink, K.J. (2012) Design of bagmaking equipment.
Haan, Sven de (2018) Possibilities of performance and condition monitoring at Rijkswaterstaat : Internship report.
Haar, D. ter (2016) Design of droplet impingement measurement set -up.
Haar, MF.A. (2011) Aero-engine emission and altitude relight test : placement at Rolls Royce Plc-Combustion and Casings, United Kingdom.
Haas, Eddy de (2010) University of Louisville Hospital Emergency Department Simulation, how to improve patient satisfaction and increase ED's revenue.
Hagen, J.A. (2012) Implementation of a target time calculation module at VDL ETG Suzhou.
Haitsma, O. (2015) Flexible packaging engineering.
Hanoun Saado, A. (2017) Storage prognosis of large components during the peak period at Siemens Hengelo.
Hanselman, S.J. (2014) An investigation into the formability of advanced high strength steels in roll forming.
Harmsen, J. (2019) An analysis of the section building process at Damen Shipyards Galati.
Hart, K. 't (2016) An investigation to find the optimal maintenance interval for escalators based on their usage.
Hartjes, P.C. (2016) Design case : composite sensor module.
Haselhoff, A.E. (2017) Modeling the heat transfer of a packed bed with an effective thermal conductivity.
Haspels, M. (2014) Testing a technique to generate low-frequency large-scale turbulence with the Wall of Wind : an experimental study.
Haverkate, R.W.M. (2015) Verloren was method : stageverslag in het kader van production management.
Hebbink, R.H.J. (2018) Characterisation of Low Flow Valves for Gases.
Heide, S.O. van der (2016) On the design of a water temperature control module for bulk solids heat exchangers.
Heijdens, E.J.H. (2015) Internship report Huisman.
Heijs, J.A.N. (2018) Material overview and documentation update, with identification of elimination candidates.
Hekker, A.S. (2015) Internship Report - Meshing SGT 4000F Hybrid Burner.
Hekman, T. (2016) Building an active noise control demonstrator.
Hendriks, M. (2018) Developing of a new subframe for TheWheel.
Herbrink, J.M. (2014) Instandhoudinsprogramma Walrusklasse.
Hermsen, BSc. J.H.L. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Herpen, Noud van (2018) Assessment of substitutive vibrotactile feedback for performing object manipulation task with prosthetics.
Heutinck, L. (2012) Rekenmodel ten behoeve van nokmechanismen.
Hoek, L.S. (2014) Replacement of glued on components on wind turbine blades.
Holleman, W.H.L. (2016) Sound Propagation in Granular Materials of Two Stiffnesses.
Hoorn, H-J. van den (2012) Internship report: report of a three month internship at the Centre for Design at the RMIT University in Melbourne, as part of the master program mechanical engineering (15 EC).
Horst, A. van der (2015) Life cycle analysis of non return valves.
Hove, Christiaan ten (2010) Item availability restricted.
Huiberts, J. (2015) Stability of the bubble cushion during contactless boiling in micro-evaporators.
Hutten, J.W.H. (2011) Item availability restricted.
Huttenhuis, J.A.J. (2013) Stageverslag Masévon.
Jansen, W. (2011) Design and implementation of a startup simulation program for direct fired boilers.
Jindelt, T. van (2015) Automated mesh generation for the rotator section of a radial inflow turbine.
Jong, R. de (2015) Improving a traction winch drum design engineering calculation.
Kalas, V.J. (2016) Assesment of influence of play in joints on the end effector accurcay in a novel 3DOF (1T-2R) parallel manipulator.
Kamermans, M. (2018) Short time degradation of thermoplastic composites during stamp forming.
Kamphuis, A. (2016) Internship as Trainee Patent Attorney.
Kamphuis, L.R. (2014) Active feedback acoustic noise control.
Kehayan, M. (2018) TICC : A CNC calculation tool.
Keizer, R. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Kerssens, P (2016) Laser-induced cavitation in acoustically levitated droplets.
Kesete, M.M. (2010) Electrode design : internship report.
Kevelam, J.H. (2010) Stageverslag Huisman Equipment BV.
Klein, H.D.T. (2016) Evaluation of the use of deconvolution algorithms for determination of trailing edge noise levels.
Kleissen, R. (2018) Increasing tolerances of the body panel fit on a hybrid chassis.
Klompe, A.J. (2016) Multitooltrac rowcrop 80, op zoek naar een nieuwe toepassing.
Klooster, L. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Klooster, S. (2016) SGT-600 Lube Oil System Simulation.
Klunder, W.J.A. (2010) Werking van lijnbranders.
Knaap, Bart van der (2017) Virtual testing, strain correlation for loads optimization of composite fuselage structure.
Knepper, K.M. (2013) Numerical predictions of acoustic performance of folded cavity liners for turbofan engine intakes.
Kok, K.R. (2014) The design of falling film evaporators.
Kolkman, D. (2017) Validation of a Reynolds number correction method.
Kooi, Freark van der (2010) Musculoskeletal analysis of light postural movements during sitting : a pilot study about the effect of light postural movements during sitting on the muscle activity in the back.
Kooiman, A. (2014) An analysis of some aerodynamic effects in Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines.
Kooistra, R.L. (2011) PLEGO : redesign of the PWR-Pack delta robot frame for increased modularity and better overall performance.
Koopman, Frederik (2018) Design of a Matlab based graphical user interface for visualization and enhancement of floor dynamics.
Korbee, W. (2017) Mattress Loading plan generator.
Kroes, R.F. (2013) Crude oil-water flow in horizontal pipes.
Kroezen, R. (2015) Analysis Customer Support at 'payleven'.
Kruijk, T.R. (2015) Influence of aileron oscillation and gap size on aerodynamic control derivatives.
Kruk, W.M. van der (2017) Experimental modelling of a natural convection flow through a porous medium.
Kuin, R.W.J. (2013) Aerodynamic analysis for control and simulation of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Kuipers, P. (2016) Test analysis report :improving finger simulator & plethysmograph filtering for nano core.
Kurylek, R. (2017) Measuring the acoustic properties of rocket engine faceplate configurations DLR-LA-HF-RP-086.
Käser, R.H. (2015) Flamelet Generated Manifold in ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS Workbench CFD Automation and Optimization.
Lammers, K.H. (2015) Aerodynamic CFD analysis on experimental airplane.
Lammers, Marcel (2018) Item availability restricted.
Laméris, Mark N. (2018) Off the grid : Micro Hydro Power.
Landriscina, Giovanni (2018) High lift noise reduction with carbon nanotubes thermophones.
Lange, M. de (2018) Item availability restricted.
Lassche, T.H. (2017) Internship Brink Group B.V.
Lassche, T.J. (2015) Research into compliant bistable mechanisms with the application in the design of an easy-chair.
Lei, L.H. (2017) Numerical modelling of non-linear shallow water waves.
Leijtens, N (2016) Design of an Energy Storage System for Pacific Islands.
Lerink, C.W. (2017) Extension of the Eilmer4 Gas Package.
Liefers, R.J. (2016) Internship at quality management of electrical drivetrains and special engines at the BMW Group in München.
Ligtenbelt, Emma (2012) Item availability restricted.
Linden, S. van der (2015) Numerically modelling artificial surfing waves in a circular wave pool.
Linschoten, D. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Lith, L.D. van (2016) Functionalization of Poly-(ethylene glycol)- diacrylate (PEGda) with different molecular mass using Two-Photon-Polymerisation.
Liu, Xin (2011) Item availability restricted.
Lotlikar, A. (2019) Design of a modular display trolley.
Louter, V.M. (2016) Development of a method to compensate for non-circular pipes for cutting devices.
Lubbers, R.G.J. (2015) Design of an automated blade coater & d esign of a gas mixer for a CVD system.
Luo, Y. (2016) Concept design of tracked stinger roller box.
Láoh, T.A. (2015) Numerical simulation of ice accretion on a propeller blade.
Maag, S. de (2017) Validation of Eilmer4 for impinging shock interactions.
Maas, B.J. (2014) Numerically solving the sound transmission in the intake of a turbofan engine with non-axisymmetric lining.
Madhar, M.C. (2015) Thermal validations of the linear actuator at VDL-ETG.
Meer, J.N. van der (2017) Project Evaluatie. Stage Rapport TCPM.
Meer, T.J. van der (2013) Implementation of acoustic boundary element method for the purpose of beamforming.
Mertens, R. (2015) Feasibility research: Design of a mini-Tension Leg Platform foundation for a 6MW Wind Turbine.
Miedema, Rob Acronius (2010) Improve motion capturing by using a movie camera and new markers : report internship.
Mil, K. van (2015) Internship at the Royal Grolsch.
Minnema, A. (2010) Designing a low frequency sound source.
Molder, D A M te (2016) Condition monitoring and testing of piezo elements for the activation of guided Lamb waves & damage identification using ultrasound scanning.
Molenkamp, D.J. (2016) The off-design performance prediction of centrifugal compressors.
Moonen, Reinier (2011) External project : improving the overall equipment effectiveness of a line by an increased accessibility of product outfeed areas.
Morren, Robin (2011) Item availability restricted.
Morsche, Niek te (2011) Report on the design study of a new semi-mounted reversible plough.
Mourits, G.J. (2014) BEM theory and CFD for wind turbine aerodynamics.
Mulder, L. (2017) LAT100 Resonance investigation.
Nauta, H. (2015) Means and methods for modal building analysis.
Naves, M. (2015) Design of a continuously variable transmission for efficiently actuating walking robotic sensors.
Nesselaar, A. (2018) Development of a system to measure the skin temperature of the feet at the University of Calgary.
Nguyen, M.D. (2017) CFD Feasibility of oil flow around a bearing ball-raceway contact with Star-CCM+©.
Nijboer, W.E. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Nijenhuis, M. (2013) Measuring pilot-affected safety of flight.
Nijenhuis, Nienke (2018) Developing a method to help engineers find solutions from nature and technology within the TRIZ method.
Nijensteen, G.A. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Nijhof, Daniël (2018) Data Acquisition and Control of the Combustion Test Cell.
Nijland, L.K. (2016) Internship Nakilat Damen Shipyards Qatar.
Niskhi, Walelign Messele (2011) Item availability restricted.
Noord, N. van (2016) Assisting the management team of Frijns Structural Steel in order to develop a tool to gain more control over the projects and the production in the company.
Norde, E. (2012) Effect of steady flow distortion on modes propagating in a turbofan intake duct.
Oldeboer, A.J. (2013) Analyse van de centrale airco-installatie op de Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen.
Olimulder, R.J. (2015) Low flow, high head.
Ooms, B.R.J. (2016) Design of Flexible connection system elements and damage inspection of Slingbuoy 2.0.
Ooms, E.M.J. (2016) Optimization and redesign of actuators for a medical device.
Oosten, M. van (2015) Composite : Metal connections for the automotive industry.
Oosterhuis, Joris (2010) Burner optimisation for a boiler with controlled combustion.
Op 't Ende, W. (2018) Writing a proposal for the EU's Horizon 2020 program in the field of medical non-adherence.
Otjens, T.C. (2017) Effectiveness improvement of Nelson Pine MDF sawing machine.
Otter, R.A. (2016) Dynamical analysis of amusement rides.
Oude Luttikhuis, Bart (2011) Internship at Dr. Ing. H.C.F. Porsche AG.
Overmars, K. (2019) Modelling of water wave propagation with FUNWAVE-TVD.
Pander, Renate (2010) Praktikumsbericht zum Thema : analyse zweier Berechnungsmethoden zur Auswertung der Indizierung und Berechnung von Motorprozessen.
Pas, S. ten (2016) The influence of y+ in wall functions applied in ship viscous flows.
Pel, D.H. (2017) Control of the automated length setting device.
Perea Almenar, J .V. (2017) Evaluation and analysis of a new alloy for element material in CVT.
Pierik, Rens (2017) Item availability restricted.
Pijper, C.C. de (2016) Improving the microfirm concept.
Plat, M.A. (2009) Designing a boiler start up program.
Platenkamp, Niels (2012) Item availability restricted.
Plegt, Teun (2011) Model based systems engineering in warehouse design : automatic report generation from SysML models.
Plender, J.B. (2016) Internship at Flanders' Bike valley.
Ploeg, M. (2010) EMS- & Hospital-Cluster determination with Linear Programming.
Pocorni, Jetro K. (2011) Influence of airflow on weld depth obtained with fiber laser.
Poppelen, Maarten van (2018) Mini-traineeship internship at Damen Shipyards.
Porte, E.M. (2014) An experimental investigation into the behaviour of bidisperse granular avalanches.
Post, F. (2017) Certification of a small wind turbine.
Prosjkin, Slavik (2012) Stageverslag: Ter land, ter zee en in de lucht.
Puttkammer, P.P. (2015) Sound transmission in turbomachinery flow ducts.
Raghunatha Reddy, V. (2018) Supersonic expansion of liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide.
Raghunatha Reddy, Vatsala (2018) Supersonic Expansion of Liquid and Gaseous Carbon Dioxide.
Rajanna, S. (2019) Item availability restricted.
Rakuša, Anej (2017) Go 400 & Energize.
Reekers, F.A.D. (2015) Implementation planning in manufacturing company.
Reichardt, J.M. (2015) Internship Report Jasper Reichardt.
Reijmer, J.G.J. (2016) Calculating the overpressure in a tyre cavity due to tyre movement and compression.
Reimert, A.T.L. (2014) Reduction of support structures.
Rensen, Quinten (2017) Item availability restricted.
Ridder, L. van de (2010) Lean Burn Improvements : Placement Rolls-Royce 2010.
Ridderhof, C.P.J. (2016) KnowledgeManagement System Pilot Exploration of knowledge management.
Rietema, M.J. (2013) Design of a solar sand printer.
Rijkers, Haiko (2011) Rotating the mesh near the boundaries.
Roethof, Thijs (2012) Assistance to Technical Department South East Asia.
Roke, H.D. (2015) Installation of a Tendon Leg Platform Offshore.
Rolff, G.J.M. (2016) Item availability restricted.
Roodink, T. (2016) Literature review on stabilizing high speed valve- and drivetrain concepts for racing applications.
Roos, L.W.M (2013) Comparison of local methods to detect vorticity in RANS simulations of the flow in the wake of a marine propeller.
Roosjen, Sander (2012) Internship report Cambodia : an evaluation of working 7 months for a solar energy company in a 3rd world developing country.
Roozing, G. (2015) Design of Planetary System to resolve film thickness variation in Film Deposition.
Rozeman, S. (2014) CFD study on performance of a D.B.D. Plasma Actuated airfoil in an ultra-low Reynolds number flow.
Ruiten, E.P.N. van (2011) Stageverslag Orange Plastics.
Ruiter, Floris de (2010) Item availability restricted.
Rustamov, Bahram (2011) Internship report.
Rutgers, J (2016) Dynamic modeling of a heat exchanger.
Sanders, R.V. (2016) Modelling and simulation of traditional hydraulic heave compensation systems.
Schakel, E.J. (2016) Investigation of the Coffee Grinding Process.
Schasfoort, K.B. (2017) Temporary fixation using vacuum for the Total Epicardial Delivery Device (TEDD).
Scheper, B.J. (2016) Simulating mixing machines using MercuryDPM.
Schilder, J.P. (2011) Roller coaster dynamics and passenger comfort assessment : internship report.
Schimmel, N. (2016) Measurements and control of mould oscillation during continuous casting of steel.
Schiphorst, Frank (2011) Internship report : pressure sensor with integrated temperature function.
Schipper, E. (2014) Integration of a vision system with a MOTOMAN HP3 robot system at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.
Scholten, W. (2015) Evaluation of handling of trucks.
Schonenberg, W. (2015) Improving the HUMS capabilities of an EC225 Helicopter by training a model for automatic failure detection of an oil cooler fan shaft.
Schonewille, R. (2016) Analysis of tram wheel wear at RET.
Schoo, E.H. (2015) Opzetten van een begrotingsprogramma voor hout-gestookte warmtekrachtkoppelingen in Excel.
Schot, T.M. (2015) Using sea turtle biomimetics for increasing swimming efficiency in humans.
Schreiber, Marc (2012) SoundProjects : SP215MB.
Schuttert, M. (2017) Camera, PLC and servomotor control.
Schuurman, M. (2015) Analysis and redesign of the electric driven clamping mechanism of Stork Injection Moulding Machines.
Sedee, K.M.J. (2016) Key Performance Indicators.
Segeth, F.M. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Shrigyan, D. (2017) Mapping and improving the flow of inbound process of Assa Abloy warehouse.
Siddiqui, M.Z. (2017) 3D Printing : depowdering techniques.
Siemons, S.K. (2015) Aerodynamic interaction between wing and truss in transonic flow.
Siepman, D.C. (2016) Automation of the post-processing procedure of numerical modal tyre vibration analyses.
Sinha, A. (2016) Optimization of warehouse processes & automation of packing line.
Slaper, A.R. (2015) Numerical Simulation over a backward facing step with OpenFOAM.
Slomp, M. (2012) Deformation of multi-layer printed circuit boards - Usage of the classical lamination theory for modelling PCB deformation.
Slot, J.J. (2016) Design of a human-powered juicer device.
Smit, H.J. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Smit, Stefan (2017) Item availability restricted.
Spanjer, S.A.J. (2011) Accuracy analysis of the 2200evo.
Spee, J.G. (2019) Validation of Eilmer4 by a 3D boundary layer problem.
Stelma, T. (2010) Thermal modeling of the tape placement process.
Stijlaart, E. (2016) Effects of Disalignments in C/PPS laminates : a study on a possible method to predict warpage induced by disalignments.
Stoutmeijer, K. (2015) The influence of slugs on pipe supports : improving the design parameters for Caesar II.
Straalen, Y.J. van (2011) Item availability restricted.
Straathof, N.M. (2012) Incident photon-to-current efficiency measurement system.
Strijdveen, G.W.J. (2012) Improving the efficiency of a Stirling Engine by changing the external fins on the hot side of the engine.
Strijdveen, M.M.A. (2016) Strength assessment of bolted connections : the effect of geometric non linearity and stress stiffening on bolt stresses.
Stroet, T.M.A. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Suyanti Hersanto, Suyanti (2018) Item availability restricted.
Swinkels, Koen (2011) Item availability restricted.
Tan, D. (2018) Quantifying Movement Quality and Stability in Seismic Tech.
Tan, D.J. (2015) Modelling Pilot Pitch Control : analysis of human-in-the-loop dynamics from a control theory perspective.
Tanuhardja, C.C. (2015) Capacity planning.
Tazi Hnyine, Z. (2017) Experimental research on two-phase mixing between two vertical channels connected through a gap.
Terpstra, J. (2015) Modeling a two-phase mechanically pumped loop.
Teunis, G.E. (2014) Analysis of a generic lifting table.
Timmer, M.A.G. (2014) Modelling framework for a low-grade heat thermofluidic oscillator : the Evaporative Reciprocating Piston Engine.
Timmer Arends, J.H. (2016) Design of a dynamic weigh system for conveyors.
Timmerman, M. (2016) Characterizing GCLAD as a non-contact detector for biomedical applications.
Titus, S.S. (2015) The implementation of the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian method into a FEM - Discontinues Galerkin Solver.
Trijselaar, Alex (2011) Item availability restricted.
Trinh, D.H. (2011) Vehicle parameter estimation using GNSS and standard ESC sensors.
Uppal, Sehaj (2018) Item availability restricted.
Vaart, Bram van der (2019) Item availability restricted.
Vandeursen, B. (2016) Mechanical design of a whole house ventilation unit.
Ved, M.M.M. (2015) Evaluation of the Valve-less Flooding System & Re-design of Hot Stab Guiding System.
Veenstra, S.W.P. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Velde, R.J. van der (2012) Fatigue analysis on a chain-link of a continuously variable transmission.
Veldhuis, Mark (2010) Item availability restricted.
Velten, R.H.E. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Venterink, M. (2015) Analysis and redesign of the rotating shut-off nozzle of Stork Injection Moulding Machines.
Verboom, A. (2018) Item availability restricted.
Versteegh, M.P.M. (2015) Concept en model ontwikkelen welke in staat is om uitwerpselen automatisch op te ruimen.
Verweij, A.P. (2010) An investigation in actuator disc CFD solution applicabillity for aeroacoustic analysis of propellers and rotors.
Vet, Roland (2018) Internship Report VDL ETG.
Veugelers, Manuel (2018) Design and validation of clamping system for Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing.
Veul, Xavier (2019) Item availability restricted.
Vikram Ramesh, V. (2016) Wear of polymers : precision trimmer.
Visser, J. (2012) Modellering van het effect van een Friction Modifier op booggeluid.
Vluttert, N. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Voormolen, M.S. (2017) Lateral accelerations on heavy vehicles and the influence it has on roll stiffness requirements and understeer behaviour.
Voortwis, Ate te (2012) High performance data analysis for micro-maqcro transition in large-scale DEM simulations.
Vos, Ids de (2018) Item availability restricted.
Vries, W. de (2015) High order regularization of Dirac-delta sources in two space dimensions.
Vries, W. de (2015) Development of a fuel balance application.
Vu, L.D.K. (2015) Optimization measurement campaign.
Wang, Yulun (2018) Item availability restricted.
Wedzinga, N.A. (2015) Design and testing of a 6 inch control Valve with a Multi-stage Anti-cavitation trim.
Weersink, Ruud (2010) Experimental study of the oscillatory interaction between two free opposed turbulent round jets.
Weitkamp, Sander (2011) Study on the flow of water at the bodywork = estudio sobre recorrido de agua en carroceria.
Wieringen, Maxim van (2018) Efficient repurposing of 2nd life EV Lithium-Ion batteries to speed up the energy transition to affordable renewable energy storage in social housing.
Wiggers, Jochem (2011) Item availability restricted.
Wijk, C.F.C. van (2019) Numerical Simulation on Interface Instability under Reshock.
Wijk, R.F.O van (2019) Thermodynamic Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycles for Co-Generation from Low Enthalpy Ultra-Deep Geothermal Reservoirs.
Wilk, F. van der (2017) Item availability restricted.
Will, J.B. (2016) An experimental study of heat transfer and flow dynamics in a multi-layer Rayleigh-Bénard convection cell.
Wilmink, D.G. (2015) Theoretical and experimental investigations into magnetic levitation systems.
Windt, A. van der (2016) Pre-assessment tool for achieving Net Zero energy in New Zealand schools.
Windt, Lennart van der (2017) CFD icing analysis steps on a three dimensional, swept, tapered and twisted wing.
Wissink, B.W. (2016) Regularizing discontinuities based on filtering using dirac delta kernels.
Wittenberg, Wilco (2011) VarStiff: bending modulus : prediction models and experiments.
Woord, H. ter (2018) Modeling the pressure drop in pipelines transporting highly vicous non-newtonian sludge.
Woudstra, J.A. (2011) Economival potential for the implementation of photovoltaic solar systems in Chile.
Yada, Chandrakiran (2018) Internship report biomass technology group (BTG-BTL).
Zanon, Andrea (2019) Toolchain Development for Gas Turbine Optimization.
Zeekant, Erwin (2011) Lagrangian coherent structures of accumulating inertial particles in vortex flow on a disk.
Zhou, He (2019) The Reliability of Hot Axle & Hot Wheel (HAHW) Detection Data : analysis, possible main factors and possible solutions.
Ziggers, J. (2012) The design and testing of a unique prosthetic attachment at the University of Adelaide.
Zuurveld, Jasper (2018) Analysis of the ventilation system.
Zwijnenberg, Jurjen (2012) Securyfence : De ontwikkeling van een zetbank voor de productie van et Securyfence hekwerk.
Çakir, T.T. (2018) Evaluation of ice accretion on a 2D airfoil using commercial and open software.
Özcan, Evren (2011) Theoretical modelling of Philips bubble pump behaviour.