University of Twente Student Theses


Programme: Industrial Engineering and Management MSc (60029)

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Number of items: 1093.


Aalst, G.R. van (2016) Structuring a Whole Life Cost model for the automotive sector.

Aarle, Rogier van (2013) A Real-Options approach to company valuation.

Abbaszade, V. (2022) Developing an order acceptance function for Limis Planner.

Abbink, R.J.C.M. (2024) Improving a railway timetable by implementing technologies for increased automation : Identifying corridors in the Dutch railway network for implementations of technologies.

Abdul Nour, Haya (2018) The role of risk in IS/IT projects valuation : risk quantification and real options.

Abeniacar, K. (2018) Optimizing purchasing and distribution decisions at Fugro : a mathematical programming approach.

Adriaansen, A.M.A. (2015) Balancing inventory and equipment contingencies by a flexible semiconductor supply chain simulation model.

Ahmad, Saba Nisar (2008) Microfinance in Pakistan: policies and practice.

Akkerman, F.R. (2021) Delivery Cost Approximations for Dynamic Time Slot Pricing.

Albertsboer, E.E. (2023) Planning and scheduling for animal shelters.

Alferink, K.M. (2017) The quantitative and qualitative differences between the locations of an Acute Medical Unit.

Alink, Boudewijn (2013) Influence of an American parent on Management Control Systems in a Dutch subsidiary.

Altena, Thijs (2017) Better to prevent than regret : gain insight in how to measure the performance of Bolletje's Technical Department to create a preventive maintenance plan.

Alvarez, E.M. (2008) The development of a generic scheduling approach for the PLANWISE optimizer.

Ambergen, T.J. (2024) Credit Valuation Adjustment: An Empirical Application to Interest Rate Swaps.

Amtsfeld, Jonas (2019) An assessment of wind power forecasting models and its financial implications for the traders.

Andringa, R.J. (2018) OR Optimization at Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospitaal.

Antonides, L. (2019) Improving the on-time delivery performance at PM.

Apenhorst, G.J. (2010) Improving elective OR planning at general ORs of Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Arendshorst, B.J. (2017) The dynamics of IFRS9 on the capital ratio of banks given different economic scenarios.

Arents, A.M.M. (2019) Survival Analysis in LGL Modelling for Retail Mortgage Portfolios.

Arkink, H.J.F. (2013) Alignment of the Nedap UV order fulfilment process.

Arnold, Job (2013) The foster and hart measure of riskiness: practical implications.

Auke, Rasing (2024) Integration of crossdocking facilities in an existing outbound logistics network.

Avest, Joep ter (2011) Management of product reliability and reverse (information) flows at KPN - "Towards improved use of reverse information flows and pro-active management of the installed base of KPN products".

BREM, I.C. (2015) Keeping track of the performance of the Purchase-to-pay process of Philips Lighting.

Baars, L.A.C.P. (2019) On determining a minimum and maximum arrival rate to decrease overcrowding at a nursing ward.

Baas, T. (2024) Improving storage efficiency by implementing an optimized box allocation method for the Kardex shuttles at Benchmark.

Bagci, Salih (2008) Real estate & hedge fund: modelling the risk profile of real estate & alternative investment strategies.

Bakker, Andrea (2010) Fixed investments: The role of the credit crisis and working capital in the Netherlands.

Bakker, M.A. (2024) Preventive maintenance policy Nuts Packaging line D028.

Bakker, V.D.G. (2014) Securitization of car financing assets: a capital raising strategy.

Balistreri, G. (2018) Spatial Analysis of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Incidences.

Baranowski, L. (2013) Development of a decision support tool for barge loading.

Barels, E.W. (2018) Collaboration in transport of healthcare related materials.

Barends, M.G.H.W. (2017) Improving order fulfilment of intermediate core products.

Barneveld, M. (2015) Planning of external logistics for Deventer Hospital.

Bartels, P.H.G. (2017) Using Quality Improvement Science: Improving theatre operations and minimising the cancellations on the day of surgery due to patients being declared unfit.

Bartels, Robert (2014) Item availability restricted.

Bax, Michiel (2010) Cut the Crap: A method to determine the business value of electronic documents.

Beckers, Chris H.J. (2009) A glass bottle allocation model for Heineken.

Bedem, S.G. van den (2016) A constructive tool to predict timetable feasibility under user defined constraints.

Beek, H.G.J. (2009) Cycles in the squirrel cage : a research into CODP positioning and standardization at the Dutch market leader of electric squirrel cage motors.

Beek, J.J.W. van der (2020) A Method for Combining Agile, Internal Control, and Stakeholders' Needs.

Beek, L.R. van (2023) A continuous review inventory model for the improvement of material logistics in hospitals.

Beekman, Yorick (2023) Accuracy improvement of warehouse capacity calculation using the bin packing problem.

Beeldman, Sander (2022) Improving the internal warehouse logistics at Gam Bakker.

Beem, Dirk Paul van (2007) The relation between direct participation, organizational commitment and turnover: A test of the mediating role of organizational justice and Leader-member exchange.

Beem, J.A.G. van (2010) Credit risk modeling and CDS valuation: an analysis of structural models.

Beer, R.D. de (2008) Staying ahead by learning from the best: a benchmarking study among four academic radiotherapy centers in Europe.

Beermann, B. (2024) Making Smart Charging More Intelligent : Dynamic Optimization of EV Charging Strategies Based on Imbalance Settlement Prices.

Behr, C.M. (2020) Headroom analysis and systematic review for big-3 screening.

Beijer, T.A. (2012) Design of a supplier performance measurement & evaluation system for DSM’s Petrochemical & Energy Group.

Beijerink, Martijn (2008) Information quality of IFRS and US-GAAP: a comparison of multiple earnings attributes under IFRS and US-GAAP.

Bekker, M. (2014) Quantitative Portfolio Strategies: Beyond traditional theory? Low-risk as a useful factor for the construction of an equity portfolio.

Bel, Michiel (2013) Methods to generate the yearly shutdown-schedule of a basic oxygen steel plant.

Bel Català, Gerard (2023) Development of a 3D printed architected material for the generation of foam based protective equipment.

Belshof, Bart (2014) Item availability restricted.

Belter, D.S. (2013) A multi-objective parameter calibration approach.

Beltman, J.F. (2023) Developing an Early Warning System for Retail Customer Deterioration: A Data-Driven Approach.

Bemthuis, R.H. (2017) Development of a planning and control strategy for AGVs in the primary Aluminium industry.

Bemthuis, T.J. (2019) Dynamic three-dimensional resource space allocation in a multi-item inventory environment.

Benedictus, Foppe (2011) Get more out of video conferencing.

Benou, A. (2016) The effects of increased regulation on the performance of pension funds.

Benthem, T.S. (2021) Solving a multi-objective hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with practical constraints from the food industry.

Bercz, Christian (2008) Supplier integration systems: understanding adoption process and structure.

Berends, S.B. (2021) ML Governance Within Banking: A study into the oversight of ML model development and compliance.

Berends, Wouter (2010) Assessing business transaction standards and their adoption.

Berg, Diederick van den (2013) Improving service part allocation at Liander’s multi-echelon structure.

Berg, Ellen van den (2007) Successful implementing condition specific indicators in Dutch hospitals An explorative research to define the critical factors for the successful implementation of the registration and use of condition specific performance indicators.

Berg, P.F.A. van den (2012) Redesign of manufacturing planning and control processes at AGI-Shorewood Van de Steeg.

Berg, Sander Constantijn Bijn van den (2024) Predicting the Credit Risk Classification of Retail clients at Rabobank.

Berg, W. van den (2015) A systems approach to the design of a management information system for a growing IT service company.

Berge, B.B.G. ten (2016) Hoe haalbaar is een tijdige levering van het Bedieningsvoorschrift?

Berghuis, D.P.J. (2021) Integral capacity management between the outpatient clinics and the centre for radiology and nuclear medicine.

Berghuis, Olivier (2022) Improving the outbound performance of a newly built semi-automated production and spare parts warehouse : a simulation study.

Bergman, L.B.F. (2021) The optimization of the in-house inventory supply chain at Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Bergman, M.M.G. (2021) Optimizing the transportation and external warehousing process of Euroma.

Bergmans, G. (2008) Risk management in feed costs : development of a financial product to hedge the price changes of compound feed products for livestock farmers.

Bergsma, C. (2018) A cure for the queue : scenario based optimization at ZGT's radiology department.

Bergsma, M (2016) Item availability restricted.

Berkel, R.A. (2021) An equity risk premium for business valuation of Dutch companies.

Best, S. de (2024) Examining the Impact of New Regulation on Sustainable Investments, Banking Strategies, and Client Choices.

Beukel, D.J. van den (2022) The S of ESG : measuring the S of ESG and its impact on risk and return of a real estate portfolio.

Beurs, J.A. de (2024) Assessing corporate transition risk: The effects of price elasticity of demand : How the credit risks of the corporate portfolios of banks are affected by the transition towards a low-carbon economy and the influence of price elasticity of demand.

Bierman, Jan-Willem (2013) Changing the focus from corrective maintenance to preventive maintenance of the technical workforce to achieve an improvement of the performance of total maintenance activities of Brasco in Pointe-Noire.

Bijl, Ir. P.M. (2016) En-route rescheduling of home deliveries : a case study on the home delivery operation of a large retail organization in the Netherlands.

Bijl, Tim (2016) Warehouse cost estimation.

Bijleveld, G.F. (2008) Munt slaan uit programmafinanciering: een methodiek om sluitende businesscases te realiseren door combinatie vna projecten in de herstructurering van de fysieke leefomgeving.

Binnenmars, N.J. (2018) Implementing dynamic clustering of maintenance activities at AIS Airlines.

Binnenpoorte, F.J. (2022) Increasing the availability of Personal Protective Equipment in a big ad hoc service company.

Blok, M.J.M. (2014) Redesigning the distribution network for a large Dutch organization.

Blom, S.R. (2011) The CareRabbit business model: can innovation get any cuter?

Boer, R. de (2024) Effects of implementation of the trauma care norms in trauma patient logistics.

Boer, T.M. de (2017) The CVA trade-off: Capital or P&L.

Boerman, D.A. (2022) A shift towards purpose-driven banking and its performance implications.

Boerrigter, R.T.F. (2012) Tactical stock target setting: setting rolling horizon aggregate stock targets based on operational characteristics and requirements.

Boerrigter, T.H. (2021) Augmenting the process of schema matching with machine learning-based Intelligence Amplification.

Boersen, N. (2023) Optimizing Resource Allocation for Outpatients : Machine Learning-Based Length-of-Stay Predictions and Patient Scheduling.

Boersma, T. (2015) Evaluating the two-table surgery policy : an alternative policy to improve operating room performance.

Boeve, B. (2016) Optimization of the inbound process at Wavin NL : Dealing with variability from dock to stock.

Bolhaar, J.C. (2014) Strategic decisions in truck routing for a retail chain : an analysis of deliveries, return logistics, and backhauls.

Bonouvrie, P.A (2014) Fa(s)ta Morgana? : Estimating delusive liquidity by analysing the high frequency market microstructure of cross listed European stocks.

Bont, Diederik de (2022) Geographical risk in the Dutch car insurance : a data-driven approach to measure regional effects on the claim frequency.

Boogert, S.E. (2019) Redesign of the planning strategy.

Boomers, J.T.W. (2022) Improving the medium-term and short-term production planning process of semi-finished products at a cable manufacturing company.

Boonstra, A. (2006) Fit for future: A benchmark based master plan for reducing the logistics costs of P&G Pet Care: non-confidential.

Borchers, M. (2016) Improving the alignment of supply with demand for the intensive care unit of Ziekenhuisgroep Twente.

Borger, E.J.R. (2021) Maintenance Management Optimization by Asset Categorisation.

Borggreve, P.J.P. (2024) Increasing Traffic Safety in the Factory of Scania Zwolle.

Borgman, Danique Corine Maria (2020) Assessing potential solutions to reduce congestion and travel times in a highly congested area in the city of Curitiba, Brazil.

Borrius, Sjoerd (2012) The impact of new financial regulations on financial markets instruments within banks.

Bos, Bjorn (2011) A structured approach to identify and resolve semantic conflicts between independently developed information systems.

Bos, K.E. (2019) The LIBOR rate transition : On the implementation of transition approaches from Interbank Offered Rates to Risk-Free Rates and the corresponding value impact.

Bos, Mart van den (2014) An integrated hydrodynamic-economic model for setting differentiated insurance premiums.

Bos, Thomas W. (2023) Determining a fitting hydrogen strategy for Pure Energie.

Bosch, A (2014) Seed selection in multi-period planning with time windows.

Bosch, R.R. (2022) Solving the dynamic container relocation problem to minimize transportation costs using approximate dynamic programming.

Bosch, Y.J. (2022) The Industrial Bakery Scheduling Problem : solving a complex continuous hybrid flow shop model using meta-heuristics.

Bosman, Merijn (2012) The potential of cohort analysis for vintage analysis. An exploration.

Bosscher, F.D. (2023) Developing a shipment forecast for carriers, by incorporating uncertainty factors through the utilization of machine learning methods : Research for creating a shipment volume forecast for the overseas carriers and freight forwarders.

Bossink, K (2019) Feasibility of an Automated Offline Repacking Solution at Grolsch.

Boxel, N. van (2024) An optimisation approach to schedule CNC machines with pallet handling system.

Brands, Kirsten (2020) Improving Material Availability using a Control Tower for Service Tools.

Brandt, L. van den (2013) Your LOS(S), Your Gain. Prediction tool for the hospital Length of Stay.

Brandt, Mark van den (2010) U.S. technological innovation systems for service robotics.

Brant, Maurits (2021) Driving Eurol's production scheduling forward with scheduling algorithms: A case study.

Breed, I (2019) Hierarchical forecasting of engineering demand at KLM Engineering & Maintenance.

Bremmer, Jurgen (2015) Update and Upgrade the current quality assurance in the global supply chain of a heavy truck manufacturing company : managing product quality in the North Bound Flow (NBF) at Scania Production Zwolle.

Brenk, D. van (2016) Reducing waiting times in the pre-anaesthetic clinic of VU University Medical Center.

Bresters, C.J. (2021) Modelling the financial feasibility of a new business model: Sustainability measures "as-a-Service".

Brincke, Robert H.W. ten (2012) Quantifying default risk in supplier portfolios.

Brink, J.J. van den (2023) Modeling and analyzing the use of electric vehicles for Van Schoot Pompcentrum BVs routing logistics.

Brink, W. van den (2022) Reliability of selective credit risk models.

Broek, Desmond van den (2023) Creating a general process to measure API performance : generating a KPI-driven dashboard at Air France KLM.

Broek, N.B.M.A. ten (2024) The feasibility and impact on mobility and costs of transferring the administration of parenteral medication from the hospital to an external outpatient setting : A Discrete-Event Simulation study.

Broek, Tijs van den (2008) How network context influences strategic information systems planning: two cases from Helsinki's metropolitan area.

Broekhuijsen, T.K. (2021) Operational control of cooperative tractors and chaser cins in the agricultural sector.

Broekman, Dave (2024) One-step ahead forecasting IRSS using a hybrid approach: Combining time series models with machine learning models.

Broeze, H.G. (2018) Measuring supplier performance : introducing a supplier performance measurement system at Odin Groep.

Bronsvoort, Sandra (2018) Long-term replacement planning for Royal Schiphol Group : an Integer Linear Programming model.

Brouwer, L.M. (2007) Getting insight by giving insight: development of an instrument to benchmark the integral performance of intensive care departments.

Brouwer, P. (2007) Hotelgame: ontwerp van een businessgame.

Brouwers, Duco (2006) Risk management in carbon trading : managing the risk of European CO2 allowance trading under the EU-ETS.

Bruijn, P.H.A. de (2022) Using discrete event simulation to optimize the brachytherapy treatment process: a case study.

Bruin, F.H.J. de (2021) Self-organizing logistics in container hinterland planning : a case study at Combi Terminal Twente.


Brummelhuis, Bob (2016) Coping with Variability: Improving the Inbound Process of the VMI Holland Warehouse.

Brummelkamp, L.M. (2014) Aligning the return operations of warranty parts through customer segmentation.

Brunetti, M. (2019) Applying simulation to wind rotor blade manufacturing: process alignment in an international environment.

Buijserd, Kevin (2009) Demand-based learning in higher education from an organizational perspective: an assignment at KPMG.

Buil, J.H. (2015) Defining and improving congruence between treatment plans and realization in rehabilitation care.

Buisman, Frank (2021) Align the inventory of ingredients with the new production planning at Ben & Jerry’s.

Buitelaar, D. (2007) Surgery scheduling with limited physical resources.

Bulthuis, Rianne F.G. (2022) Early Health Technology Assessment of the Ultrasound Photoacoustic Needle for guiding a ventricular catheter.

Bunte, S. (2021) Introducing cooperativeness for agrobotics : an agent-based approach.

Burgwal, A.W. van de (2014) The differences in regulatory capital requirements for the banking and insurance industry regarding Dutch mortgages.

Bus, T.J.F. (2015) Information Security in the Dutch Health Insurance Industry: Analyzing the impact of the Dutch Data Protection Act and the reformed European Privacy Act at Dutch health insurers.

Busger op Vollenbroek, T.J.H. (2021) Improving the storage assignment of (semi-)finished goods at Bolletje.

Bussche, J.W. van den (2019) Dynamic spare part control for performance-based service contracts : a discrete-event simulation study.

Busscher, Saskia (2015) Tactical planning of the gastrointestinal and hepatology department of Medisch Spectrum Twente Decreasing the access time for patients by improving the management of resources.

Busschers, Roxanne (2012) Generating alternative solutions within the supply chain optimization model BOSS : a mathematical programming approach.

Bussmann, N.H. (2019) Predicting Arrival Times of Container Vessels : A Machine Learning Application.

Buter, R. (2019) Minimizing travel time in a Neonatal Care Network.

Caspari, Christina (2021) A machine learning approach to one-step overnight interest rate forecasting.

Caspari, Saskia (2018) Valuation of Mortgages Without Prepayment Penalties.

Castel, M.T. van de (2009) Monitoring external equity mandates : the design of a tool to create exposure graphs for a pension fund.

Chang, J.A. (2024) Mixed Traffic Solutions for Automated Hub-to-Hub Logistics.

Chen, D.T. (2023) Development of Financial Distress Prediction Model for the Watchlist Classification of Wholesale Banking Clients at ING.

Chen, Xinyi (2020) Data driven solution to predictive maintenance.

Christan, L.J. (2023) Designing a blueprint schedule for the brachytherapy department using discrete event simulation and linear programming.

Chung, W. (2008) Analysis of the tool for the valuation of R&D projects : a research conducted by Philips Lighting.

Chung, Wai Tun (2017) Modeling ORSA scenarios at APG Group level.

Cijffers, Carmen Julia (2024) Improving the Occupancy Rate in the Distribution Center by Developing a Material Handling System Optimization Approach.

Clerkx, N.P.M (2019) Improving vehicle routing by utilizing realisation data : a case study.

Cloostermans, Joris (2014) Macroeconomic influences on credit risk: The effects of macroeconomic developments on the credit risk of Dutch retail loans.

Colijn, A. (2013) Automating and improving the printing planning process: Jongbloed BV.

Collot, C. (2022) Assessing the integration of same-day delivery option from the sustainable, financial, and service angles : a case study in the e-commerce sector.

Combé, B.G.K. de la (2019) From data to insights : An advice to improve the capacity planning of temporary employees at CEVA Logistics Benelux.

Cornelissen, Floor (2010) Shop Floor Control in Repair Shops: Which shop floor control method can be used for which repair shop?

Cornelissen, J. (2021) A study on forecasting SOFR with a recurrent neural network using long short-term memory cells.

Cornelissen, M.A.P. (2018) Applying machine learning to the prediction of defaults in loans.

Cornelissen, Pim (2019) A modular lifecycle service approach : applicable to non IP owned medical devices.

Cutinha, Jennifer Alice (2022) Classification of anomalous traces in audit logs using next activity prediction.

DEGELING, K. (2015) Item availability restricted.

Dam, I.E. van (2020) The redesign of the inbound exception process.

Dam, J. ten (2019) Health economic evaluation of continuous monitoring of vital signs at Slingeland Hospital : A discrete event simulation study.

Damen, Martijn (2002) External forces influencing the e-business strategy of Siemens OCW.

Damveld, M (2019) Transcending the next level in plastics : what improvements can be made in terms of efficiency to the lay-out of the production facility of Timmerije to transcend the next level in plastics?

Dedden, A.L. (2014) Therapist Capacity Planning: How can therapist capacity planning improve the execution of adult therapy programs in the Roessingh Rehabilitation Clinic?

Deetman, Joost (2008) Reducing throughput time of the radiodiagnostic track.

Dekker, K.J. (2020) Maintenance Optimization Through predictive Maintenance: A Case Study For Damen Shipyards.

Demkes, B. (2019) Redesign of the layout of AEM's production area at Mainfreight.

Demkes, K.H. (2014) Automated tuning of an algorithm for the vehicle routing problem.

Demmink, M.M.R. (2023) Predicting anxiety disorders : the key to data driven policy.

Denekamp, H.J. (2020) Strategic capacity planning with workforce flexibility to deal with seasonal and variable demand : a case study in the agriculture sector at Company A.

Denge, Koen ter (2011) Is Capgemini ready for Enterprise 2.0? An empirical test among the Yammer community.

Derksen, Rayke M. (2015) Karel Doorman : from project to product : an explorative case study.

Dieren, W.M. van (2022) Lead Time Reduction, from forecasted to reactive assembly.

Diest, Bart van (2009) Can Anybody Help? Mitigating IS development project risk with user participation.

Dieter, Peter (2020) Improving off-line planning for vehicle routing problems in a time-dependent setting.

Dijcks, A. (2014) Improving the flow of parts in the distribution centre operated by a global logistic service provider.

Dijk, H.B. van (2022) Matching capacity with the predicted workload at the emergency call centre of ProRail.

Dijk, T.G. van (2014) Tuning the Parameters of a Loading Algorithm.

Dijk, Yke van (2010) The excuse me dance of physical therapy in a hospital situation Optimization of the occupancy of the physical therapy department.

Dijkgraaf, F.L. (2020) Redesigning the supply chain to increase responsiveness with increasing demand uncertainty.

Dijks, J.P. (2017) Optimization of replacement times of soft parts in gas pressure control systems.

Dijksterhuis, A.W. (2018) Improving the planning of engineers and programmers at Romias.

Dijkstra, J.E. (2017) Improving session planning in the plaster room of Sint Maartenskliniek.

Dijkstra, Ing. R.J. (2022) Offshore Inventory Management (Inventory management of Main Components from offshore wind turbines by statistically predicting expected failures using historical failure data to determine optimal stock levels).

Dilmaghani, Farhad (2008) Critical chain project management (CCPM) at Bosch Security Systems (CCTV) Eindhoven: a survey to explore improvement opportunities in the scheduling and monitoring of product development projects.

Djiambou, Vivien (2009) Effects of downgrade momentum on measuring credit migration risks.

Doeschate, B.J.A. (2010) Kuhn production system: supplying material to the shop floor in an efficient way.

Dofferhoff, A. (2019) The Sustainability of the Dutch Social Care System.

Domburg, Stephan (2011) Forecasting : providing accurate forecasts for an automotive refinish manufacturer.

Dommerholt, W. (2019) Financial effects of moving patients from an inpatient to an outpatient setting : providing financial insight in the effects of discharging patients the same day as surgery instead of keeping them overnight.

Donderwinkel, Steven (2015) Improving the On Time Delivery performance by the implementation of a Sales Inventory & Operations Planning process / Taking into account the optimization of inventory parameter settings of components with different demand patterns.

Dongen, J.A. van (2022) A data based scouting support system for Club Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro.

Doornik, S.R. van (2022) Framework for Implementing the Take-Along Option in the Valuation of a Mortgage Portfolio.

Doremalen, R.F. van (2022) Designing a blueprint schedule to meet access time criteria of priority groups in a preoperative assessment clinic.

Driesprong, M (2015) Deposit Funding in the Euro Area.

Driessens, W.J.S.F (2021) Determinants of curtailments in Dutch residential mortgages.

Duffhues, Ir. T.W. (2016) A suitable solution? : How product-service system can support Schiphol in the transition towards a circular economy.

Duwe, Sven (2024) Optimization of the production process at TenCate.

Ebrecht, L. (2019) A framework to select and assign a CODP and corresponding inventory control policy to the different end products in food processing industry.

Edens, M.L. (2019) Improving the productivity through cycle time reduction.

Eerden, P. (2024) Variables influencing the issue size of green bonds in the investment portfolios of Rabobank.

Eijken, Marcel van (2010) Outpatient Scheduling in the Outpatient Pediatric Center of GHZ: A simulation study to decrease the patient waiting time and pediatrician overtime.

Eijkholt, S.M. (2024) Developing a Labour Cost Prediction Algorithm for an Industrial Packaging Configurator.

Eijking, Laurens (2013) Managing corporate loan losses - A quantitative and qualitative research on Loss Given Defaults of corporate loans in emerging markets and developing countries: A FMO case study.

Eijndhoven, Freek van (2012) Inventory management of the technical warehouse.

Ekeris, Kasper van (2023) Optimizing the base stock levels in a multi-echelon multi-item inventory/production system.

El Bou Messaoudi, Ferial (2024) A Framework for Evaluating Market Risks in Equity Portfolios Linked to Biodiversity Decline.

Elderman, H.J. (2012) Improving patient logistics at the Emergency Department Leyweg of HagaZiekenhuis : a quantitative analysis to reduce waiting times.

Elders, Lisette (2009) Conditions for tostering : towards a general guideline for design and implementation of a new way of rostering.

Elgersma, S.F. (2014) Reduction of Order Handling through Outsourced Kitting.

Emmen, J.H.F.M. (2022) Predicting the impact of block scheduling on patient waiting time for MRI resources : a simulation study at the Isala hospital.

Endeman, Kirsten (2020) Improving product obsolescence control at Koninklijke Grolsch.

Engh, G.W.F. van den (2019) Maximising independent model validation effectiveness for Aegon.

Ensink, E.S. (2019) Logistical improvements of the arrival process at CSI Twente : A process-wide analysis providing improvement options at three ambition levels using a timeslot allocation system.

Enthoven, J.J. (2015) Managing the liquidity mismatch for mutual funds in the secondary corporate bond market.

Erian, Nanda (2016) ESG issues in the palm oil investments : an event study on the listed palm oil companies in Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Erp, Giel W. M. van (2017) Applying the Flow Optimization Model: Dynamic Charging on the Dutch National Roads.

Essers, D. (2014) "Thank you for calling, please hold!" Improving the accessibility of the outpatient clinic call centre for general practitioners.

Essink, Bart (2014) Scenario analysis of a ice and snow control program on the tactical level.

Esveld, H.G. (2010) Lead time reduction at Fokker Aerostructures B.V.: “Design of a logistical concept to reduce the lead time of the chemical treatment process and the paint shop at Fokker Aerostructures B.V”.

Evers, A.H.M. (2022) Doing Well, While Doing Good: ESG Screening and the Mitigation of Unfavorable Exposures from the Perspective of an Institutional Investor.

Evers, D.S.R. (2023) An inventory problem at the Ålesund hospital, a case study about inventory in a healthcare environment.

Evers, Jeroen (2013) Insights into the importance of scientific methods for tactical multi-project planning at AWL.

Evers, Joran (2016) Block planning in the outpatient clinic of Gastroenterology How dedicated time-slots and care pathways can improve timeliness.

Feng, X. (2007) Corporate hedging of currency exchange risk.

Fennis, J. (2019) Machine learning solutions for exception handling.

Fikse, K. (2011) Are detailed decisions better decisions? Improving the performance of high-capacity sorter systems using inbound container assignment algorithms.

Flach, M.A. (2024) Optimising the ordering and inventory process for an efficient workflow in machine manufacturing.

Fladderak, A. (2022) Developing a planning and control policy for inventory cycle counting by UAVs.

Florijn, Elske Paulien (2008) Optimisation of the distribution of surgical instruments over trays : cost effectiveness and quality improvement of an operating theatre.

Fokkens, Dirk-Jan (2015) A practical approach to maintenance performance measurement: shifting the focus from the alignment with strategic objectives to the managerial possibilities to iprove maintenance effectiveness and efficiency.

Fontijn, Sven (2016) Internal delivery planning of materials at the tile plant of Struyk Verwo Infra.

Franken, I.E.J. (2023) Spare part forecasting and inventory management for the service department.

Fredriks, L.M. (2015) Optimizing the number of medical devices based on the total cost of ownership; A case study at Siemens Healthcare Nederland B.V.

GUVEN, A.O. (2015) How to Simulate Global MRI Backend Supply Chain at Philips?

Gaaij, C.A. de (2019) Operational and tactical production planning at a production company.

Gajendran, A. (2019) The journey towards local redeployment of returns.

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This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 06:03:13 2025 CET.