University of Twente Student Theses


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Number of items: 675.


Aakster, Finn van den (2024) Digital skills in healthcare : A further look into the digital divide amongst disability healthcare professionals.

Aakster, Y.M.I (2017) Designing an interactive intervention to unconsciously steer residents of a dementia care facility away from the exit.

Abbes, M.D.E. (2022) Medewerker gedreven innovatie van verpleegkundigen in het HagaZiekenhuis : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar welke acties het InnovatieLab binnen het HagaZiekenhuis kan ondernemen om de medewerker gedreven innovatie van verpleegkundigen te stimuleren.

Abbink, N. (2017) The concept of 'Positive Health' : development of an interview protocol to translate the scores of the digital test of positive health into (health care) needs, desires and abilities among the elderly.

Abdulahad, Hanna (2023) A qualitative study on the influence of high energy prices on the energy conservation behaviors of lower-income households.

Achterberg, Erik (2023) Het nemen van financiële risico’s door zorginstellingen in Nederland.

Adelina, Chelsea (2024) Orchestrating Innovation : Leaders’ Strategies of Aligning Cross-Functional Teams within an Indonesian Startup.

Adema, N. (2018) Budget Impact Analysis of Abdominal Ultrasound in Dutch Primary Care.

Agema, A.B. (2018) Corporate governance determinants of CSR : an analysis of Dutch listed firms.

Aggarwal, Rohit (2023) Data-driven Modeling and control of Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles in Confined Environments.

Agricola, Jordi (2019) Designing an Escape Room for a broad range of age and skill levels.

Alan, D. (2016) Empowering Business Model Innovation: The case of European SMEs.

Allouchi, R. el (2023) Leiderschap professionalisering van de facilitaire manager in een digitale transformatie.

Allous, F. (2024) Optimizing User Engagement in Fitness Apps : A Comparative Analysis of Features and User Models.

Amersfoort, O.T.G. (2021) Economic valuation of ecosystem services : increasing the feasibility of coastal development project Eemszijlen by valuing its ecosystem services.

Amtsfeld, Jonas (2019) An assessment of wind power forecasting models and its financial implications for the traders.

Andreev, Valeri (2024) Lоw-Cоde Platfоrms : Suppоrting Business Prоcess Innоvatiоn fоr SMEs.

Andringa, R.J. (2016) De kosten van verpakkingsproblematiek.

Andringa, R.J. (2018) OR Optimization at Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospitaal.

Anoniem, A. (2016) Situatieanalyse afdeling Hartkatheterisatiekamer : Een analyse van de huidige situatie omtrent de planning van de afdeling HCK in het Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht.

Anoniem, A. (2020) Item availability restricted.

Anwar, M.M. (2014) Non-respons in een onderzoek naar de transitie van acute naar chronische pijn bij patiënten met acuut musculoskeletaal trauma.

Ariens, T.D.G. (2024) Exploring the Intergation of Brand Value in Product Design: A Design Research Approach A Case Study with the Electric Vehicle Charger Production Company NieuweWeme for its Charging Solutions Brand Vigor.

Arndt, Dennis (2019) China’s emergence in Africa: Challenges and chances to the EU’s Agenda on Development Cooperation.

Arum, S.R. van (2020) Supporting healthy eating in children through the Sensory Interactive Table.

Asbreuk, J.L. (2023) Role Model or Chilling Example : the German Mobility Transformation.

Aslam, Suhaib (2020) Designing a ubiquitous artifact for enhancing the digital wellbeing of smartphone users.

Aygün, Malika (2020) Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de behoefte van eHealth in de thuisrevalidatie van ouderen.

Baalen, R.B.C. van (2015) Is serious gaming the holy grail for the wearables industry?

Baars, D.S. (2016) Towards self-sovereign identity using blockchain technology.

Bachem, S. (2023) AI use in healthcare : Exploring how healthcare AI impacts work practices and collaborative work among healthcare professionals.

Barneveld, Noa Joan (2022) Designing communication and diabetes type 2 coaching content for people with low health literacy.

Bartels, P.H.G. (2017) Using Quality Improvement Science: Improving theatre operations and minimising the cancellations on the day of surgery due to patients being declared unfit.

Baselmans, J.A. (2023) Smart hockey stick (to improve engagement and fun for para hockey players).

Baten, Duuk (2018) The 'humanitarian' drone : a postphenomenological analysis of the use of mapping drones in humanitarian action.

Battistella, L. (2018) Relaxation with immersive biofeedback in VR.

Baveld, Ferdi (2016) Performance improvement in Europlant’s component warehouse.

Bayuaji, Rayhan Aryoseno (2024) You are Here : An Exploration into the Collective Effervescence of Awe through the Design of an Interactive Installation.

Beek, E.J.A. van (2023) Development of a bladder phantom of materials which can be analysed by OCT and a miniature camera for the next-gen in-vivo project.

Beek, E.J.A. van (2024) Variation in the use of ultra-hypofractionated irradiation in breast cancer in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bekink, L. (2014) The market value of a Novel high-tech procedure to diagnose breast cancer.

Bel Lang, D. (2018) Augmented reality phobia treatment including biofeedback.

Beltman, J.F. (2021) Predicting construction costs in the program phase of the construction process: a machine learning approach.

Bemthuis, T.J. (2019) Dynamic three-dimensional resource space allocation in a multi-item inventory environment.

Bente, B. and Kleisen, M. (2018) De ervaringen van mantelzorgers van personen met dementie met het ontmoetingscentrum van Liberein.

Bente, Britt E. (2019) Improving the development and implementation of audit-and-feedback-systems for healthcare workers’ performance practices: a mixed-method study.

Bentum, S.B. (2018) Determining factors that influence purchasing laboratory services in primary care.

Berg, M. van den (2017) Visualization of the FOCUS Field Hospital Deployment.

Bergsma, C. (2018) A cure for the queue : scenario based optimization at ZGT's radiology department.

Bergsma, J.R. (2023) An Optimization of the Reorder Policy at Turff.

Bergsma, Thérèse (2017) Creating a graphical user interface concept for geo-based 3D planning software.

Berkhoff, M.H. (2020) VRwonder : the development & implementation of a Virtual Reality application for people with dementia.

Bertens, ing Merel P.A.M. (2022) The extent to which hospital turnover limits affect healthcare production of hospitals in The Netherlands - An exploratory sequential mixed-method study, consisting of a grey literature review, interviews, and a systematic literature review.

Bestert, Anne (2014) MRSA-net - A tool to provide information about MRSA: A study about the usability of MRSA-net for nurses working in German hospitals.

Beukel, D.J. van den (2022) The S of ESG : measuring the S of ESG and its impact on risk and return of a real estate portfolio.

Bigga, J.S. (2018) Conceptual learning: does the way people categorize concepts resemble their representation in the brain?

Biggelaar, A. van den (2020) The process of designing a Rehabilitation Agent.

Biggelaar, Anne van den (2023) Exploring Movement-Rich Behaviour with the MoMo : The Potential of Digital-Physical Artefacts in the Movement-Based Design Process.

Bijl, Tim (2016) Warehouse cost estimation.

Blauw, A.W (2020) Emulation of electroactive polymers.

Blauw, A.W (2022) What tool can be designed to guide a pig farmer to a relevant sow in the pig barn.

Bloemendal, Daniël (2022) Make Science Make Sense for General Audiences: A Study to Compare Storytelling Elements in Videos and Blogs.

Blonk, Anthonie (2023) User Experience based Possibility-driven Garden design.

Blömer, Mrs. N.G.M. (2016) Substitutiezorg oogheelkunde in Haaksbergen : van de tweede naar de eerste lijn.

Boelders, F.B. (2018) Developing a Ready2Help Application.

Boerrigter, T.H. (2019) Increasing the throughput at insulating and degassing medium voltage cables.

Boersma, E. (2018) De integratie van een Power BI dashboard in een Mendix applicatie.

Boertien, Michael (2023) Participatieniveaus in Twentse gemeenten.

Bolk, M.J.A. (2022) Choosing for local foods : using videos in online menu cards.

Bollen, Wouter (2023) Bloomi: Motivating Older Adults to be Physically Active by Physicalization of Physical Activity Data.

Bollgoenn, Ole (2023) Assessing the capacity performance of virtual care pathways : a case study of stroke patients in Isala Hospital.

Bon, S.A. (2023) Optimizing tool management processes at Hankamp Gears.

Bondarciuc, S. (2022) Design thinking : understanding usefulness from tech company employees.

Bonds, S.J. (2020) “We will cross that bridge when we come to it” : An explorative study of the structuration of organizational conflicts and individuals’ conflict management.

Bonnes, Coen (2021) Method on implementing circular principles in industry product development processes.

Boogert, S.E. (2017) Datamodel analyse - Fokker 4.0.

Boom, Q.O. (2018) Overcoming challenges of Big Data Analytics outsourcing meant to improve Business Intelligence.

Bos, E.M. and Laan, N.A. van der and Zinger, N.D. (2016) Effectiviteit van de vervolgbehandeling van jichtpatiënten bij de reumatoloog en huisarts : een retrospectief cohortonderzoek op de afdeling reumatologie van Ziekenhuisgroep Twente.

Bos, M.H.W. (2024) Design of an Eye-Gaze Interface for Controlling an Assistive Robot Arm.

Bosch, C.R.V. van den (2023) Improving packaging design process with emphasis on consumer perception and packaging design stakeholder roles.

Bosch, Eric ten (2014) Bewegen door baby's - Een identificatie van kenmerken die een relatie hebben met bewegen door baby's van 0 t/m 11 maanden.

Bosch, Eric ten (2017) Evaluation of the potential health benefits and cost savings of a point-of-care analyser for individuals with prediabetes.

Bosschart, J.S.P. (2023) Synthetic Faces For Robots.

Bout, Martijn (2017) A Head-Mounted Display to Support Remote Operators of Shared Automated Vehicles.

Boutros, Kirolos (2021) Creating a safe space for women in an in-app online community to increase engagement of a mobile health application.

Branderhorst, G.J.H.J. (2024) Automatic characterization of a DC motor.

Brandsema, K.P.D. and Koel, C.D. and Morsink, K.J.F. (2014) Het meten van gezondheid : een onderzoek naar een andere, betere manier van het achterhalen van de waarderingen van gezondheidstoestanden.

Breed, I (2019) Hierarchical forecasting of engineering demand at KLM Engineering & Maintenance.

Breukink, M.J. (2017) The Division of HRM Practices between Self-Managing Teams and External Leaders: Results of the Qualitative Study in the Healthcare Organization.

Brink, Renske S.M. van den (2022) Self-efficacy perceptions as mediator on the relationship between students' experience with presenting and their anxiety to present.

Broeze, H.G. (2018) Measuring supplier performance : introducing a supplier performance measurement system at Odin Groep.

Brons, D.G. (2016) Ovenplanning bij HP Valves.

Brons, D.G. (2019) Maintenance Planning at Twente Milieu.

Brouwer, B.A. de (2022) From Candidate To Employee : optimizing the job application process at Ecare.

Brouwer, N.E.J. (2022) What do informal caregivers think of an unobtrusive sensor-dependent communication platform? : A concurrent mixed methods research about the needs, expectations and requirements of informal caregivers of community-dwelling elderly with dementia in The Netherlands towards an unobtrusive sensor-dependent communication platform.

Buntsma, Veerle (2023) Using an interactive diner table to influence eating rate in a social setting.

Burgt, V.M. van de (2019) Alarm fatigue at the neonatal intensive care unit.

Busscher, Saskia (2015) Tactical planning of the gastrointestinal and hepatology department of Medisch Spectrum Twente Decreasing the access time for patients by improving the management of resources.

Bussmann, Tim (2020) Citizen perceptions on Biometrics : surveillance or service?

Buter, R. (2017) Het reduceren van variatie in bedbezetting door het toewijzen van specialismen aan verpleegafdelingen.

Calder, Hunter (2022) Sea Level Rise in New Zealand and Dutch News : A comparative study of representations of sea level rise in online news articles from Aotearoa New Zealand and the Netherlands.

Calis, J.F.E. van (2020) Generating Requirements for the Design and Implementation of a VR application for Forensic Mental Healthcare.

Caris, M.V.A. (2020) De ontwikkeling van een telerevalidatie-app voor traumapatiënten met een fractuur.

Ceha, Alexander (2017) Tackling The Circular Economy: Aiding firms in the design and implementation of circular business models.

Cervone, B. (2020) Designing interactive data visualisations for RTL Nederland’s online news platforms : increasing visibility of the “volg” functionality and user engagement.

Chamaon, Dumiana (2023) Test-Retest Reliability of the P-BAS.

Chang, Jinwei (2019) Women's perspective on safety and smart safety devices in smart city.

Charizanis, Alexandros (2019) Climate Adaptation S mart Rainwater Buffering Campaign.

Claes, S.H.J. (2022) Improving waste separation at the UT campus.

Collins, K.O. (2024) Organising a fulfilment warehouse with fluctuating inventory.

Combé, B.G.K. de la (2019) From data to insights : An advice to improve the capacity planning of temporary employees at CEVA Logistics Benelux.

Commissaris, Benthe (2024) An integral communication strategy facilitating interaction between EV-drivers and Revolt's charging station.

Cornelissen, J. (2019) Optimalisatie van de productieplanning : onderzoek naar het verschil tussen realisatie en planning.

Cosar, B. (2024) Optimizing Emergency Medical Inventory Control Using Automated Machine Learning.

Coskun, M. (2022) Research on why Dutch Public Organizations fail to grow to sufficient maturity levels in information security.

Csiszár, D.I. (2024) The Impact of Deep Democratic Decision-Making on Multidisciplinary Intercultural Student Team Conflicts.

Cui, J.C. (2021) 3D printed piezo-resistive flow sensors for use on wings.

Dam, W.L.M. ten (2023) Driving sustainability in packaging design : The development of a framework to guide the transition towards a sustainable future.

Damian, Gabriel-André Dominic (2020) Conceptual design of hybrid battery modules for optimising electric aircraft performance.

Dassen, T. (2021) How can companies with limited resources best obtain a data-driven pricing strategy?

Daulay, B.Eng O.F.P.G (2018) Investigating Planar Balun Structures with inherent impedance transformation and power combining properties.

Deinum, S.W. (2020) Developing an augmented reality pipe fitting tool.

Dekker, K.J. (2020) Maintenance Optimization Through predictive Maintenance: A Case Study For Damen Shipyards.

Dekker, S. and Spenkelink, K.T. (2014) Knelpuntenanalyse preoperatief proces Medisch Spectrum Twente - Het direct meegeven van een operatiedatum: een operatie op zich.

Delarosa, Alyssa (2024) Towards a Spatially and Epistemically Just Earth System Boundary.

Delfos, L. (2024) Wearable interfaces in voice performance.

Delft, F.A. van (2018) Item availability restricted.

Demandt, Kim (2019) Why do people donate to online health crowdfunding?

Demissie, Wondimagegn Abebe (2022) Integrated hydrological model to evaluate water resources of Boteti River sub-basin, Botswana.

Denga, Adarsh Aaron (2021) Energy Optimisation Through Machine Learning in Wireless Networks.

Deniz, Y. (2019) Inpatient discharge process in a hospital; a case-study at Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Diermen, N. van (2023) Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de implementatie en inbedding van flexibele bezoektijden binnen het Intensive Care Centrum: visies, behoeften en verwachtingen van IC-verpleegkundigen en intensivisten.

Dijksterhuis, A.W. (2014) Kwaliteit roosters Universiteit Twente - Onderzoek naar het meetbaar maken van de prestaties van het rooster op Universiteit Twente.

Dolder, P.S. van den and Oudbier, S.M. (2016) Het verband tussen patiënt- en zorgkarakteristieken en redenen tot no-show.

Doorn, M.G. van (2022) "How can I touch you?" : Reducing intrusiveness in mediated touch.

Dost, Ian (2024) Een onderzoek naar de ervaringen van jongeren en vrijwilligers met de chatservice van @ease.

Dotinga, Y.K. (2023) Increasing effective engagement in eHealth for COPD self-management through Value Sensitive Design.

Dragoman, Maria Claudia (2014) Factors influencing local renewable energy initiatives in different contexts : comparative analysis: Italy, Romania and the Netherlands.

Drees, G.F. (2018) Usability of a web-based patient portal for mental healthcare : an assessment of the portal's usability and investigation of needs and preferences on data visualization techniques for mental health care patients.

Duerink, Margaretha A.J. (2021) Missie Vastgoed : Risico's in de vastgoedketen van Defensie.

Duijvelshoff, Jamie Leigh (2023) New protocol design for shortening the duration of measuring evoked potentials for various stimuli conditions.

Duivenbode, Job Jack Benjamin van (2024) Negotiating the Energy Future: Exploring Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) as Potential Replacement for Coal-Fired Power Plants : A Case Study of the Eemshaven.

Dullaert, S.A. (2022) Friction and resistance as modalities for physicalizing data.

Ebrecht, L. (2017) De hemodialyseafdeling 2.0 - Een efficiënte inzet van de verpleegkundigen.

Ebrecht, L. (2019) A framework to select and assign a CODP and corresponding inventory control policy to the different end products in food processing industry.

Edens, M L (2016) Value-based pricing : A systematic approach to improve price setting.

Edens, M.L. (2019) Improving the productivity through cycle time reduction.

Eggengoor, Amber (2020) Smart Sports Exercises: Volleyball.

Eggengoor, Amber (2022) Sports Interaction Technology For Training Load Management And Injury Prevention : a case study on hangboard training.

Eid, Sherif (2022) Yard Management Improvements in the Outbound Logistics Department at PepsiCo Veurne.

El Bou Messaoudi, Ferial (2024) A Framework for Evaluating Market Risks in Equity Portfolios Linked to Biodiversity Decline.

Elstad, Aleksander (2019) Perceptions of and Motivations for Eco-Lighthouse Certification in Ringerike.

Elwakil, Mahmoud (2021) Can lean startup be the key to servitization success?

Emmerloot, R.H.M. van (2017) A Body For R3D3: The Robot Receptionist.

Engberts, G.J. (2018) The role of health insurer Menzis in the development of primary care plus.

Engh, G.W.F. van den (2019) Maximising independent model validation effectiveness for Aegon.

Eppink, E. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Ergecer, Fatma (2017) Usability of a new eHealth Monitoring Technology (HELMA) that reflects health care needs for Clients with Cognitive Impairments and their (In) Formal Caregivers.

Erotas, G. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Erp, Giel W. M. van (2017) Applying the Flow Optimization Model: Dynamic Charging on the Dutch National Roads.

Essen, G. van (2019) Redesign of a smart wearable measuring activity of elderly patients rehabilitating from a hip fracture.

Essen, T.M. van (2021) Investigations on Securing Repositories using Difference Analysis and Patch Applications on Encrypted Files.

Fabiano, Federico (2018) Evaluating the user engagement and the technology acceptance of an augmented reality pervasive game for urban awareness.

Fang, Zhuowen (2021) HejVR: a Virtual Reality online cultural learning system.

Fasel, R. (2019) Adapting the variational auto encoder for datasets with large amounts of missing values.

Feng, C. (2022) Designing a collaborative toolkit to raise cultural awareness of designers on cross-cultural teams.

Fingal, Denise M. (2021) Association between the quality of life and the characteristics of age, type of diabetes, and foot deformity of people with diabetes.

Fladderak, A. (2018) Assessment of automating trailer docking at distribution centres.

Flietstra, Seline (2023) The future of packaging : Evaluating Protact® for reusable packaging.

Fokkema, E.M.S. (2019) The development and evaluation of an eCoaching module to improve healthy nutrition in type 2 diabetes patients.

Freriks, S.L. (2024) The journey of developing an embodied virtual genetic counsellor : from concept to assessment.

Fromm, Oskar Johannes (2024) The Impact of Digital Product Passports on Consumer Behavior in the Electronics Industry.

Fuentes Bongenaar, Susanne Marie (2024) Data Physicalization for Communication of Real-time Library Occupancy at the University of Twente : A Participatory Design Approach.

Gaaij, C.A. de (2019) Operational and tactical production planning at a production company.

Galvez Vargas, S.S. (2018) Sculpture showing "life-purpose" quotes : a kinetic sculpture developed for Menperium.

Gankema, R. (2020) The bigger picture : optimizing material availability in a contract assembly setting.

Gastel, T.J. van (2024) Kinematics and performance of soccer players during the ‘change-of-direction t-test’.

Geel, Emma van (2019) Item availability restricted.

Geerts, C.W.G. and Holtkamp, M.A. and Lenferink, M.A.M. and Wilharms, L.A.H. (2015) Wat heb je in huis? Een inventarisatie van en adviesrapport inzake het verpleegkundig functiehuis van Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Gelici, Melisa (2018) Investigating the differences in word use frequencies between effective and ineffective young and old leaders in a large Dutch organization.

Gent, J.M. van (2023) Understanding E-Mail Pressure: Exploring Consumer Behaviour and Identifying Consumer Segments.

Georges, MaryCaroline (2020) Extinguishing the Use : implementing Virtual Reality in substance use disorder treatments for patients with a mild intellectual disability or Borderline Intellectual Functioning.

Gerdes, S. (2017) Optimising internal benchmarking of mail delivery at PostNL.

Gerlach, J. (2022) Why do negotiators use deceptive behaviour? A qualitative study.

Gerrits, L.J.H. (2014) Reducing Takt Time at VMI by Improving the Flow of Supplies.

Geurts, L.R.M. (2018) E-HRM consequences in Dutch schools : an old-fashioned sector entering the digital age.

Gherasim, Teodora-Maria (2018) To what extent is Privacy respected in Marketing involving Internet of Things?

Gietema, N (2014) Predicting the length of stay of day care patients of Medisch Spectrum Twent.

Ginneken, C.L. van (2016) Future value chain capacity.

Gjaltema, P.B. (2015) Radar system lead time reduction.

Goday Verdaguer, A (2017) Staffing won't be worse with one fewer nurse: Improving the staffing of nurses in the Intensive Care Department of the Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Gommers, Michelle (2024) Increasing Children’s Physical Activity Outdoors with Interactive Buttons through Co-Design.

Goolkate, Tess (2018) Self-management in older adults who are temporarily admitted to a nursing home for rehabilitation after a lower limb fracture and how this can be supported by technology.

Goor, P.B. van (2023) Analyzing operational risks of the Source-to-Pay process at Nedap N.V.

Goorden, S.B.J. (2023) Determining Operating Room Capacity at Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Govindaraj, Visshnu (2021) Forward collision warning system with visual distraction detection in bikes.

Graaf, A de (2017) The dynamics of community innovations : A socio-technical analysis of the shaping of The Things Network – an Internet of Things community network.

Graaf, Joost de (2017) Professional development training: will it blend? : How to offer blended learning.

Graaff, A.J. de (2014) Op weg naar een betere Toekomst : Het efficiënter inrichten van een printservice.

Grit, K.G.J. (2018) Forecasting and levelling workload for a part feeding system at the automotive industry.

Groenestein, Michiel (2015) Relaties tussen subattributen, argumenten en het belang van attributen.

Groot Koerkamp, Erik (2023) Feedstock Research : Feasibility of importing feedstock to the Netherlands.

Guttenberg, K.H.C. (2023) Creating added value by involving vulnerable people in the design of eHealth technologies.

Haan, Esmé de (2023) Standardized Examination Protocol for Pelvic organ prolapse and Urinary incontinence.

Haan, H. de (2017) Market Analysis for Unique Featured Heavy Cargo Transportation Vessels.

Haan, W.J. (2023) Solving an inventory-bound multi-item single-machine scheduling problem at Shell Chemicals Europe b.v.

Hadarian, Stephan (2014) Bewegen door baby's - Bewegen door baby’s van 6 t/m 8 maanden, welke variabelen spelen een belangrijke rol?

Hage, M.Y.S ten (2019) Campus data : How to help students find a workplace?

Hammer, B.A. (2018) Evaluatie van de implementatie van het medische dossier Ysis.

Hammink, T.G. (2019) A redesigned system onboarding strategy for SMART freight matching.

Hampsink, M.G.M. (2023) Mixed-methods onderzoek naar de optimalisatie van het meldproces binnen MST omtrent apparatuur.

Hampsink, R.J.W. (2023) Optimization of the assembly scheduling at Royal Terberg Group : Solving a Multi-Objective Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Subsidiary-Specific Restrictions.

Hapke, Jenny (2023) Examining Factors that Undermine Privacy Risk Perception and Protective Behaviour Concerning Smart Speakers.

Haring, M.R. (2023) Internal Benchmark on Net Interest Income within the Banking industry.

Harmeling, L. and Schuurman, A. and Tuenter, H. (2014) De wenselijkheid van een one-stop polikliniek voor de borstkankerzorg in de regio West-Achterhoek.

Harms, I. (2022) Visualizing Human Values for Design - Understanding, creating and analyzing human value visualizations.

Harms, Irma (2019) Viral Campaign and Video for Hi,hi Guide.

Harmsen, M.J. (2016) Het verbeteren van de productieplanning bij Bedrijf X op een tactisch niveau.

Hasper, Marvin (2021) The relation of follow-up recommendations after breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic to the individual risk of breast cancer recurrence.

Hazebroek, C. (2023) Exploring the effect of localised imagery on interactions with branded content.

Hegelow, Tobias (2015) CSR in professional football : what are the differences of Bundesliga clubs towards social commitment : a qualitative analysis of Borussia Dortmund and VfL Wolfsburg.

Helden, Y.L. van (2024) Throughput time improvement at Trioliet.

Heslinga, F.G. (2016) Value Based Decision Support to prioritize Innovative Technologies for Vascular Surgery in the Hybrid Operating Theater.

Hessels, R.F. (2016) De inzet van Jouw Hulp onder de vrijgevestigde psychologen en psychotherapeuten in de GGZ.

Heus, Steven de (2020) Designing and Evaluating an Educational Board Game.

Hey, Isabelle Florentine (2019) De kwaliteit van het Diagnostisch Centrum Twente vanuit het huisartsenperspectief.

Hiemstra, T (2019) Adolescents’ Perception of the MenACWY Vaccination.

Hietbrink, E.A.G. (2020) Development and Evaluation of a Just-in-Time Adaptive eCoach to Encourage Physical Activity and Healthy Nutrition in People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

Hilbers, S.J. (2018) Analyse chemokuur planproces Deventer Ziekenhuis.

Hilverink, Malu Liane (2014) A Comprehensive Value Proposition: The Alignment between Value-In-Use, Customer Needs and Provider Attributes.

Hodac, L.M. (2021) Make Twents Great Again.

Hodac, L.M. (2024) Exploring Standardisation in Reusable Packaging for FMCGs: A Triangular Perspective on Technical Requirements, Market Differentiation and Sustainability.

Hoek, MH van der (2020) Discovering the lactating breast with diffuse optical spectroscopic imaging.

Hoekstra, Xander (2023) An explorative study on feasibility of lymphedema self-monitoring after breast cancer.

Hoeven, L.K. van (2024) Data physicalization for climate change data using an interactive globe : exploration of encoding variables into leds.

Hofman, Laura (2014) Capacity management at the radiology department of Isala: managing the variability of scheduled and unscheduled arrivals.

Hogestijn, J. (2023) The Effectiveness of Policy Implementation in the Forest Management Zones in Ca Mau, Vietnam.

Hol, A. (2022) 3D biodiversity and UX implementation : designing an effective natural network for use.

Hollander, K.J.C. den (2017) Modeling and characterizing a sun sensor for nano satellites.

Hoogendoorn, Y.A. (2023) Using Queueing Theory and simulation to lower the access time to NPOs at UMCU RF&S department.

Hoogland, M. and Pouwels, J.G.M. (2021) De toepassing van gedragsveranderingstechnieken in leefstijlcoaching voor mensen met diabetes mellitus type 2.

Hoorn, Daymen van den (2024) Animated storytelling about the possibilities provided by remote sensing and computer vision.

Hordijk, Anneke (2016) The perception of standards and interpretation of rating scale in employee performance assessment.

Horenberg, Lieke (2017) Item availability restricted.

Horenberg, Lieke (2019) The practice of reporting pulmonary nodules as incidental findings in the radiology department at the ZGT.

Horst, L. van der (2023) Saving energy in cellular networks through resource sharing.

Horst, L.A. and Khano, M. (2014) Item availability restricted.

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Rödder, C. (2023) Bijdrage van risicomanagement aan de inbedding van duurzaamheid: een exploratief onderzoek onder Nederlandse bedrijven.

Salomons, T. (2016) Een basis voor continu verbeteren bij AWL.

Sanderink, C. (2018) History class in virtual reality for elementary education.

Sari, Silvia Puspita (2019) Optimising the utilisation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) for biogas power plants to achieve Indonesian target of bioenergy power plants in 2025.

Savitri, Dea Amelia (2023) Design and implementation of velocity in risk assessment with enterprise architecture modeling.

Schagen, M.J.A. van (2024) The development of a design methodology for the translation of brand identity into physical attributes to ensure cohesive packaging portfolios.

Schaik, Melissa E. van (2021) Social Mediated Touch in Jogging.

Schakel, E.H. (2023) Supermarket of the Future - Dealing with Changing Environments.

Scheltinga, B.L. (2019) Suitable metrics for upper limb movement smoothness during stroke recovery.

Schennink, M.W. (2022) Development of a full blood hemodialysis study protocol.

Schep, Laura (2024) Designing a web interface tailored to older breast cancer patients.

Schepers, Angelique (2021) De functionaris gegevensbescherming in het ritme van de stad : een model voor de middelgrote gemeente.

Schie, L.M. van (2018) ADHD follow-up care : the children's perspective.

Schipper, E.W. (2021) Value conflicts between sustainable and alternative behaviour in daily routines.

Schipper, Jonathan (2024) Continuous Vital Signs Monitoring with Wearable Wireless Sensor Technology in Critically ill Patients at a Mixed Surgical Intermediate Care Unit.

Schipper, L.H.K. (2019) Implementatie van een business performance management tool.

Schippers, A. (2024) Integriteit : Een onderzoek naar ‘Soft Controls’ binnen de Brigade Caribisch gebied van de Koninklijke Marechaussee.

Schmale, M.D. (2024) Ceramic Surfaces as a Source of Luxury in Handheld Devices: A Study on the Physical Attributes that Predict Luxury and how to apply these in technical ceramics manufacturing.

Schmidt, Lianne J. (2014) Developing a scheduling heuristic for Domo Borculo.

Schmüdderich, Christian Paul (2024) Improving the capacity planning of the hospice team at TWB.

Schnarr, R. (2014) Influence of Sex on Product Characteristics’ and Subjective Norm’s Impact on the Acceptance of the Artificial Pancreas.

Scholten, A.A. (2018) Doorlooptijdreductie in een MTO omgeving.

Scholten, M. (2018) Serious games combined with wearables in battling pediatric obesity : the medical professionals' perspective.

Schoon, A.L. (2019) Multi-Criteria Decision Support for Transportation Network (Re-)Design at Outbound Logistics, Tata Steel Europe.

Schotman, K (2022) Optimizing transportation in the network of food banks in the region of Twente-Salland based on the Vehicle Routing Problem.

Schreuder, N.W. (2014) Maximizing flexibility through minimizing changeover time.

Schut, E.W. (2024) Developing a Tool for Training Pelvic Alignment Awareness in Dancers.

Schutte, G.D. (2018) Kostenbesparing Revisieproces Startkettingkoppen.

Schutte, M. (2018) Klanttevredenheid in de Jeugdgezondheidszorg : onderwerpen voor het meten van de klanttevredenheid.

Segers, O.F. (2022) Modeling milk cooling within a dairy farm to minimize electricity costs.

Selvakumaran, M. (2014) Financial Implications of Integration of GP Posts with Emergency Departments from an Holistic Point of View.

Sensendorf, Tim (2019) Evaluation of a web-based platform for diabetes type 2 patients : investigating the uptake, use and effects of Floor with a mixed-methods approach.

Shenkute, Nathnael Teodros (2021) Introducing Artificial Intelligence in Fast MicroGC Analysis.

Shokry, Kirelloss (2018) Generating high frame rate MRI images using a surrogate signal A Supervised Learning Approach.

Simons, T.V. (2018) Interaction design for professional virtual reality training applications.

Slager, Lisanne (2016) Customer value in the high-tech and pharmaceutical transportation industry.

Slettenhaar, L. (2024) Prioriteit voor thuismonitoring van de late effecten na een borstkankerbehandeling.

Slot, W.W. (2014) Impact of the three months average DNB term structure on Dutch pension funds. Consequences for the coverage ratio and interest rate risk management.

Smet, Joep de (2018) An introduction of Lean manufacturing in the poultry processing industry.

Smink, S. (2022) User engagement in the context of digital spiritual care platforms.

Smit, Shannon (2021) The development of a step-by-step method to support companies to start with implementing sustainability into their organization.

Snaterse, M. (2019) Well-defined Data in a Production Planning Context.

Snijder, C.A. (2015) Barriers and Facilitators to Antipsychotic Discontinuation.

Snijders, T.G.A. (2017) Redesigning a food assembly process at KLM Catering Services.

Soltani, F.H. (2016) Optimizing processes at the spare parts warehouse Of Port Elizabeth.

Son, M. van and Vaanholt, I. and Voermans, A.K.H. (2014) Procesoptimalisatie Technisch Spreekuur: een onderzoek naar de processen rondom het vervaardigen en uitgeven van orthesen binnen het Technisch Spreekuur van de Sint Maartenskliniek.

Spanninga, Robert (2021) The improvement of the return forecast and the purchasing decision for beer bottles.

Spenke, Maurice te (2016) Care and cure in the dutch Healthcare sector: Exploring differences between intended and realized HRM.

Spenkelink, H.F. (2014) The Adoption Process of Cryptocurrencies - Identifying factors that influence the adoption of cryptocurrencies from a multiple stakeholder perspective.

Spijker, B.C. van 't (2020) Classifying Classical Piano Music Into Time Period Using Machine Learning.

Spijkers, G.J.M. (2015) Developing a performance measurement system for self-reliance.

Spijkers, G.J.M. and Wopereis, D. (2014) Validatie van het protocol voor de behandeling van wondlekkage na prothesiologie van het orthopedisch centrum Oost Nederland (OCON).

Spijkers, S.M. (2019) Designing a black box system for the management of tacit knowledge.

Sprengers, R. (2023) Cohort multIple Randomized Controlled trial in pediatric asthma: infrastrUcture to aSsess the long- and short-term effects of (eHealth) interventions (CIRCUS).

Sprenkels, B. (2020) Social loneliness amongst older adults : creating an overview of local social activities to decrease loneliness.

Srinath, Siddarth (2023) Social Life Cycle Impact Assessment of PEM and Alkaline Electrocatalysts Used to Generate Hydrogen.

Staakman, J. (2017) Een betere planning voor BrumBrum.

Staakman, J. (2020) Surgery scheduling using admission quotas versus using length of stay : levelling bed occupancy.

Staal, L.K. (2023) Quantifying the health economic impact of a biomarker-based bDMARD treatment withdrawal decision strategy vs. usual care in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Stefanova, M.T. (2023) Improving Waste Separation Motivation at the UT Campus.

Stevens, H. (2022) Ethisch leiderschap ondersteunt integriteit als kernwaarde : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de invloed van ethisch leiderschap op het integriteitsbewustzijn en de naleving van het integriteitsbeleid bij de rechtbank Gelderland.

Stokkers, M. (2017) The cost-effectiveness of the hybrid operating room.

Stork, C.A (2021) Stay in touch : design a haptic wearable for social touch.

Stortelder, Daan (2019) Optimal treatment pattern : how could the orthopaedics best improve the utilisation of the wards by adjusting the way they plan elective admissions?

Stottelaar, Bas G.B. (2015) Practical cyber-attacks on autonomous vehicles.

Stralen, Naomi van (2022) Goal! : Collaborative behaviour change through integrating positive psychology, dilemma-thinking, and scarcity theory in a co-design activity.

Stuivenberg, A.M. van (2024) Analysing audit efficiency : bridging the gap between budgeted and actual hours at audit companies.

Sudjito, M.A. (2021) OMNI : fun and fair game play between people with and without visual impairment.

Super, M. (2014) Project planning : het plan richting kwaliteitsverbetering.

Suresh Babu, Nithin (2021) Researching Feasibility of mmWave solutions for Insect Detection Applications.

Sánchezg Guzmán, L.G. (2017) MyDayLight : How to design a light system for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder that supports them in self-reliance?

Tanev, Nisho (2023) Optimizing Shipment Consolidation for a Logistic Hub at E. van Wijk Forwarding.

Temiz, Melike and Tekirdag, Mèlen (2021) Maatje: een buddy en robot in één!

Terpstra, J.M.R. (2016) An early assessment of the Flowchart Dementia in general practice.

Thanopoulos, F.G. (2015) City center commercial decline : background and strategies.

Tijhuis, L.J.B. (2019) Cycle time reduction by inventory management.

Tijink, N.G. (2017) Analyse van het productieproces van ForFarmers : een simulatiestudie naar de gevolgen van een veranderende klantvraag op het productieproces.

Tijink, N.G. (2019) Streamlining the material handling flow at Bolk Logistics.

Tjeerdsma, S. (2017) Finding & analysing weaknesses in the setup of Completely Knocked-Down Production.

Tjeng, Eline (2015) Interne logistieke verbeteringen bij een verpakkingsbedrijf.

Toapanta, Danilo (2021) Investigation of ranging capabilities with Bluetooth Low Energy : how can we effectively estimate the range between a (commercial off the shelf) BLE beacon and a BLE receiver (locator)?

Top, J.T. van den (2014) Development and Evaluation of a Multi-Criteria Decision Framework in the Dutch Reimbursement Setting.

Toshev, Yordan (2024) Beyond the goal : the factors and patterns determining overfunded Kickstarter campaigns.

Traas, Max (2022) Disturbance Maintenance Labor Hour Modeling.

Tran, Thien Anh Nhat (2024) Designing Food Recommender Systems: Integrating Digital Nudging and Theory of Planned Behaviour for Green and Healthy Dietary Choices Among University Students.

Trigo La Blanca, Carlota (2023) Insights on human standing balance based on deep learning-driven musculoskeletal simulations.

Trubman, Illya (2019) The European Union in the Arab-Israeli Conflict - Dominant Mediator or Toothless Tiger?

Tuin, J.K.C. van der (2021) Reducing the water consumption of a large-scale brewery.

Ukens, Konrad (2018) Gamification of an annotation task.

Uyanto, Steven Amadeus (2024) Promoting Transformative Self-Reflection to Support Running Experience Through a Dashboard Design.

Vaanholt, I. (2015) Risk Analysis and Patient Satisfaction of the COPD pathway A case study at Streekziekenhuis Koningin Beatrix in Winterswijk.

Vasilescu, Adrian (2023) Success factors for Federated Data Spaces initiatives.

Vassou, Vasileia (2017) How Self-Regulated Learners Work and Learn : An Interview Study.

Veen, D.W.A van der (2021) Creating water consumption awareness with a data physicalization.

Veerdonk, R.L.G.P. van de (2023) From Slim to Smart : How Empathic Design can help understand a craftsmanship-driven factory’s manufacturing capabilities for product and production improvement.

Vegt, D. van der (2017) Investigating competences and core competences of a leading Dutch research organization in aerospace.

Vegt, K.H.B. van der (2023) Designing a remote lifestyle intervention for older adults using empathic design.

Velde, T. te (2017) Enhanced Music Therapy.

Veldhuis, F. (2021) Development of a framework and method to formulate a sustainable packaging development strategy.

Veldink, Anne (2023) Trends in usage of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Partial Breast Irradiation between 2011-2021. Regional differences and the association between MRI and likelihood of a certain treatment and the risk of radicality.

Veltmaat, S. (2022) Analysing 5G networks across the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Ven, H.V. van de (2020) At-a-glance feedback during cycling : Improving cycling performance of patients with CVA.

Veneberg, B. (2021) The Quality of Geriatric Rehabilitation Care : the development of indicators to measure the quality of care.

Verburg, D. (2018) Biodegradable sensor nodes. Zero ecological impact nodes for wireless sensor networks.

Verdijk, P.F.M. (2017) Het voorspellen van de ligduur van de MDL- en nefrologiepatiënt in de kliniek.

Veres, F.D. (2022) A study into the usability of 3GPP technical specifications.

Verharen, C.C. (2014) Knowledge management as building blocks for client value.

Verheij, L. (2020) A tool for facilitating User Research for the GriDD UX Lab.

Verheijen, B.J. (2022) Supply chain risk mitigation strategies : how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the watch industry and what can be improved for future disruptions?

Verkade, Julia (2015) What is Dutch medical leadership?

Visser, F.A. (2018) Haptic Feedback in a Posture Correcting Wearable.

Visser, G. de (2014) Rendementsverhoging via inkoop.

Visser, R.C. (2020) Defining over- and underuse of laboratory diagnostics: a consensus-oriented E-Delphi study.

Vitanov, Vesselin (2018) The asteroid field of your mind : examine neurofeedback effects in an interactive art installation.

Vlaming, B.J.S. (2019) Proposing a method to reduce technical downtime at Quaker Oats.

Vliet, G.M. van (2021) Design of a Compliant Magnetic Capsule Robot for Untethered Cardiovascular Surgical Tools.

Vlooswijk, A.G.M. (2024) Effects of adopting a flexible scheduling framework on a radiology department : a multi-stage stochastic program on a rolling horizon integrating employee and resource scheduling based on demand.

Vnoutchkov, M.S. (2021) Investigating the effect of customization on engagement with wearable activity trackers.

Voermans, A.K.H. (2016) Implementation of personal health record : Mijn Gezondheidsplatform in the chronic care process.

Voortwis, K.J.W. te (2017) Building a giant drawing machine : the build and improvement process off a multi-colour spray-paint wall plotter for performance on the Maker Festival.

Voorwinden, D.L. (2019) Reducing waste of chocolate spread generated during production at Brinkers Food B.V.

Vrielink, Manouk (2024) Diagnosing spondyloarthritis by means of an exhaled breath analysis.

Vries, S. de (2017) Using a wearable eye-tracking device on bicyclists to explore the possibity of measuring motorcyclist eye movements.

Vries, T.D. de (2020) Configurator type selection improvement through multi criteria decision making.

Vrolijk, Adriaan (2022) Apps ter ondersteuning van Lichtverstandelijk Beperkten in de Verslavingszorg in Nederland.

Vrugteveen, E. (2018) The association between breech position during pregnancy and at delivery, and developmental dysplasia of the hip.

Vugts, L.G.L. (2021) Item availability restricted.

Vullers, S.J. (2022) Effectieve gedragsveranderingstechnieken binnen smartphone apps gericht op het stoppen met roken.

WISSELINK, W.J. (2016) Cost accounting voor inbound logistiek : Een case studie.

Wal, D. van der (2024) The Contextual Interaction Theory in the case of (ground)water table management in It Heidenskip.

Waldmann, Kaja (2016) The EU : a crisis manager of the external dimension of the refugee crisis?

Walinga, J.P. (2024) Vigilant working with it at small medium enterprises in healthcare.

Walt, Christophe van der (2020) Extending an Isotropic Virtual Environment Model with Geometrical Information in Model-Mediated Teleoperation.

Wardhana, Girindra (2018) Automatic Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Liver and Tumor.

Wasser, Rens (2023) Performing gait phase detection on healthy and post-stroke subjects using joint angles derived from IMU sensor data.

Wasserfuhr, Veit (2022) A Literature Review of Methods, Approaches and Tools to Automate the Process of Systematic Literature Reviews.

Weerink, K.M.A. (2017) Developing virtual reality in forensic mental healthcare : a contextual inquiry.

Weesie, V.S.M. (2017) Supplying the assembly line.

Weg, I. van der (2016) Verminderen van het productieverlies bij een verpakkingsfabrikant.

Weger, K.J. de (2023) A Fault Tree Dedicated Web Interface Design: Portfolio Website Displaying Fault Tree Explanation and Visualisation Projects.

Wegman, Alyssa (2022) Korte termijn herstel bij ouderen na een heupfractuuroperatie (Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de definitie van korte termijn herstel bij ouderen na een heupfractuuroperatie volgens zorgprofessionals in Ziekenhuisgroep Twente (ZGT)).

Wegman, Alyssa (2023) Experiences of nurses working at a virtual care centre: barriers and facilitators associated with the use of telemonitoring.

Wekamp, M.M.J. (2024) The Impact of Cognitive Group Awareness on Communication, Coordination, and Learning Outcomes of Primary School Students in the Netherlands.

Wel, S.J.K. van der (2021) Standardization of a visual inspection for radar systems.

Weldink, J. (2018) Re-Design of a Serious Game for eHealth.

Welij, B.J. van (2019) At the heart of the entrepreneur : a study of entrepreneurial passion, culture & effectuation.

Wellenberg, R.H.H. (2015) Quantification and optimization of metal artefact reduction in hip prostheses imaging using novel CT-techniques.

Welling, S.A. (2021) Improving the allocation of cream for FrieslandCampina.

Westerburg, T.S. (2021) Investigating fatigue and cognitive biases in (past) COVID-19 patients.

Wezendonk, T.P.T (2018) Combining patient centred processes and anaesthesiologic optimisation for the preoperative assessment clinic : discovering patient arrivals and facilitating timely screening at preoperative assessment clinic in Amsterdam Medical Centre.

Wiegman, Marjolein (2018) Quality requirements in youth care tenders.

Wijma, R.E. (2016) Town Twinning and the European Identity : Evaluation research of the relationship and exchange between Lingen, Germany and Elbeuf, France, organized within the framework of town twinning in September 2015.

Wijsmuller, A.C. (2021) Designing an analogue serious game to support smart city planners to reflect on value dynamics in the urban sphere.

Wilgenhof, J.F. (2018) An inquiry into the ways in which patients can be included in the implementation of healthcare innovations.

Wilhelm, Alica (2015) Market segmentation of diabetes type 1 patients as potential consumers of the Artificial Pancreas.

Wille, D.L. and Arnold Bik, F.C.L.J. and Zeilstra, A.S.W. and Kaiser, N.E.A.N. (2024) Het ontwerp van een biomimetisch pulsatiel systeem aan de hand van een Simulinkmodel ter preservatie en monitoring van een levende homograft.

Willemsen, Anne (2015) How to enhance cross-border collaboration in the field of Health Technolog Assessment?

Williams, Mark Kenny (2019) Augmented Reality Supported Batch Picking System.

Willigen, T.M. van (2019) Measuring the user experience of data visualization.

Winderlich, Verena (2020) Game Induced Exercise Promotion for Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder.

Winheller, M. (2018) De Samenhang tussen Sterke Kanten en Mentale Gezondheid bij Patiënten met een Reumatische Aandoening.

Wisselink, W.J. (2018) Future Flamco : a scenario-based simulation approach for smart intralogistics.

Wittrock, Wieger (2024) De Weg naar Boven : Developing a Hearing Test Video Game.

Wiyandini, J.R. (2014) A Framework to Determine the Potential for Success of New Medical Robotic Products: Assessment by Cooper Scoring Model and TOPSIS Analysis.

Woertink, G.J. (2020) Designing a virtual lifestyle coach for elderly people : a user study on the effect of visual realism.

Woolderink, M.M.M. (2023) The translation of a business strategy to a design strategy: a case study on the redesign of a silence box.

Wopereis, D. (2018) Reduction of variation in bed occupation by optimizing the Master Surgery Schedule : an adaptive large neighborhood approach.

Wopereis, Sanne (2023) Capacity planning model in a home care environment.

Wossink, D. (2023) Inventory management at Veld Koeltechniek B.V.

Xu, Xuanling (2023) Improving the user experience of touchscreen text-based code editor in an industrial robot controller.

Yadav, Kashi Ram (2019) Coupling airborne LiDar and high resolution optical sensor parameters for biomass estimation using machine learning.

Yang, Hao (2022) Out of Class: AN Intuitive Email Design to Increase the Delivery of Effective Information for Online Courses.

Youssif, Rita (2024) Increasing the Physical Activity of Older Adults through Interactive Buttons.

Yozdemir, Erkan (2024) Revolutionizing Automotive Sustainability : Implementing ERP for CO2 Emission Reduction.

Zaag, Heleen van der (2019) Transferring soft-skills through a digital medium: A proof of concept for co-creation facilitators.

Zandstra, T.J. (2024) Hoffa's Fat Pad-on-Chip: Adipogenic differentiation of immortalized MSC's in Dextran - Hyaluronic acid - Gelatine hydrogels.

Zee, A.J. van der (2018) The determining factors of crowdfunding success.

Zhang, Jing (2017) Actions Towards Decarbonization - Climate Policy Assessment and Emissions Modelling with Case Study for South Africa.

Zomerdijk, J. (2019) Lead time reduction in the transport of reverse parcels.

Zwanenburg, M.S. (2023) Design of a Method to Improve the Customer Service Level at an Electronics Production Company : incorporating resource capacities using data available in tactical production planning.

Åström, Fredrika (2021) Exploring the Role of Service Design in IoT-Enabled Servitization and Healthcare 4.0.

Érdi-Krausz, T.V. (2021) The impact of perceived depression, anxiety, loneliness and worry on consumer behavior and buying patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic - An exploratory study.

Özer, T. (2022) How care pathways support integral capacity management at the tactical planning level.

Šerkšnas, Jurgis (2023) Implementing & Integrating Live Mission Recording with Starter Drones.

Šinković, H. (2024) AI-based Affective Mirroring in Video Game NPCs.

Internship Report

Adikala Raj, Periyanayaga Franklin (2019) Item availability restricted.

This list was generated on Tue Sep 17 06:03:28 2024 CEST.