University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: Public Administration MSc (60020)
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Hartman, E.M. (2025) Co-creatie in de Broekheurne : Een onderzoek naar de gebiedsgerichte aanpak uitgevoerd in de Broekheurne.
Kwakernaak, Fenna (2025) The Technological Phenomenon Framing Innovation in EU Policymaking toward MiCA.
Mikhalka, Darya (2025) Analyzing the Impact of Digital Technologies on Police Legitimacy in Enschede.
Alkaf, Annadi Muhammad (2024) Imanginaries become political : how indonesia's ai imaginaries are shaping state technopolitics.
Bassi De la Barrera, Franco (2024) Assessing The Quality of Participation Processes in Energy Transition Projects : Cases Studies of Two Municipalities in Chile.
Broeke, Mees ten (2024) Bestuurlijke ontwikkeling binnen de gemeente Wierden : 'van containerbegrip naar plan van aanpak'.
Egberink, B. (2024) Balancing passion and safety in football. Harmony on the stands : the intersection of routine activity and procedural justice in enhancing football match safety in Twente.
Isik, E. (2024) The perceived impact of self-measurement kiosks on healthcare professionals.
Islam, Md Foyjul (2024) Citizens’ Trust in E-governance Platforms: A Case of E-taxation in Bangladesh.
Jong, Janneke de (2024) Samen voor een klimaatbestendig Enschede: participatie en betrokkenheid van inwoners.
Kamali, T. (2024) Open Data Policy Effectiveness : A qualitative study about the factors that determine the effectiveness of open data policies in Dutch municipalities.
Keulen, D.J.K. van (2024) Structural Network Characteristics and Network Effectiveness : A case study into the housing network of Twenterand.
Konter, R.C.R. (2024) Ontrouwe bondgenoten : De steunverlening van overheden aan milities.
Kroon, T. (2024) Unlocking the Potential : A study on the potential role of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Dutch Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Limmen, Tim (2024) IT Implementation Success in Dutch Municipalities: Gemeente Medemblik : a case study.
Lukács, Henrietta-Zsuzsánna (2024) Learning Opportunities for Municipalities to Leverage the Urban Sustainability Transitions : The Contribution of Social Entrepreneurial Organizations.
Mensen, J.M.J. (2024) The COVID-19 Pandemic and Substance Use : The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the substance use of university students in Enschede.
Müller, M.M. (2024) Looking Doppelganger : An Analysis of Evolving State-Sponsored Disinformation Tactics.
Nambooze Bagenda, Marillyn (2024) Reducing Food Waste : Factors Influencing the Successful Adoption of Food Waste Policies Among Food Retailers in the UK.
Nayak, Sweta (2024) Comparative Analysis of Citizens Participation in Urban Governance: Lessons from India and the Netherlands.
Neut, Leon M.B. van der (2024) Algorithm and Administrator : An exploration of responsible administrative practices when working with machine learning models.
Pijkeren, G.R.C. van (2024) The European Union and the Eurosceptic challenge : The Impact of Eurosceptic Party Election Success on the Policy Positions of Mainstream Parties in the Netherlands.
Samol, Julian Alexander (2024) Ambiguity, Autonomy & Arbitrariness : The European Vision of Freedom of Expression in the Digital Sphere.
Samuels, Tim (2024) Policies by the Dutch Government in Order to Protect Vulnerable Groups During Exceptional Crisis Situations in The Food System.
Schoonveld, Daniëlle (2024) Improving Traffic Safety : A Policy Analysis of Traffic Fatality Causes.
Smith, Dani J.M. (2024) Interorganisational collaboration in Networks : Networks and their differing success factors regarding the successful integration of Ukrainian newcomers in The Netherlands, Belgium and Finland.
Stoffer, Dirk-Jan (2024) Tijd voor democratie? : Een onderzoek naar de tijdsbesteding van gemeenteraadsleden en de tevredenheid hiermee Een onderzoek naar de tijdsbesteding van gemeenteraadsleden en de tevredenheid hiermee.
Velhorst, Ivo (2024) Voluntary Sports Clubs and Refugees : How Voluntary Sports Clubs Adapt to Ukrainian Sporters.
Wiertsema, Anniek (2024) Collective Action in Smart Energy Hubs : Examining How Stakeholders Address Common-Pool Resource Challenges Through Collaboration.
Alberts, Anouk (2023) All crops need something : The influence of drought experience on the implementation of sustainable water management into agricultural practices among dairy farms in Salland, the Netherlands.
Allouchi, R. el (2023) Leiderschap professionalisering van de facilitaire manager in een digitale transformatie.
Boertien, Michael (2023) Participatieniveaus in Twentse gemeenten.
Bos, Dennis (2023) The impact of the public discourse on social media in transboundary crisis management : The Rhine flooding of July 2021.
Brügging, C.J. (2023) Autoritarisme: persoonlijkheidskenmerk of ideologie? : Een casestudy naar autoritarisme in het Nederlandse politieke discours van radicaal-rechtse politici over de coronacrisis.
Coster, J.L. (2023) Implementatie burgerschapsonderwijs binnen het voortgezet onderwijs : een casestudie binnen de Scholengroep Carmel Hengelo.
Duteweert, L.J. (2023) Bestendigheid van ambtelijke fusies : Het effect van structurele factoren op de bestendigheid van ambtelijke fusies.
Folkert, Lois (2023) The implementation and continuation of supra-regional multidisciplinary team meetings of the managed clinical network oesophagogastric cancer in the North East region of the Netherlands.
Gossen, M.A. (2023) Onderwijs voor Iedereen in de Provincie : Een onderzoek naar de mogelijke rol van de provincie in de thuiszittersproblematiek.
Kanbier, E.M. (2023) Coronabeleid: Een epidemie in het basisonderwijs? : Een onderzoek naar de effecten van de implementatie van coronabeleid door basisschoolbesturen op onderwijsresultaten.
Karssing, Anne-Fleur (2023) De Coronapandemie als Spiegel : Het lerend vermogen van de Nederlandse overheid tijdens de Coronapandemie.
Kobes, W.J. (2023) Governmental domain name management : policy versus practice.
Leeuwen, T. van (2023) Digital transformation of service provision and institutional trust in local government.
Liang, Xueyao (2023) Assessing the Level of Effectiveness of the Public Bicycle Share (PBS) System in Nanjing through Public Policy Evaluation from a citizen’s perspectiveperspective.
Oosterwijk, Jurre (2023) A socio-technical governance perspective on the roles of the state in the governance of sociotechnical change: The European Commission in the governance of Connected, Connective, Automated Mobility in the EU.
Ottenhof, Stijn (2023) A Tale of Two Ideologies : A Political Discourse Analysis of How LGBTI Rights are Used to Shape the Identity of the EU in Relation to Sexual Others in the Ninth European Parliament.
Qurbanzada, S. (2023) Populist Framing of Immigrants in Dutch Policymaking: A Discourse-Historical Analysis.
Siccha Lazaro, B.E. (2023) Towards a comprehensive algorithmic decision-support system in public service delivery : The case of wearable continuous vital signs monitoring in hospitalized patients.
Staab, L.C. (2023) Making Sense of Deepfakes : Epistemic Harms and the EU Policy Response.
Welsink, Jim (2023) Transformative Power of EU Monitoring: Evaluating the Influence of EU Public Service Performance Monitoring in the Accession Process.
Zomer, F.L. (2023) De bibliotheek Twenterand en haar netwerken : passendheid van netwerkorganisatie bij effectiviteitscondities en het realiseren van wettelijke functies.
Aarts, C.A.M. (2022) Effecten van de inrichting van onafhankelijk toezicht : een vergelijkende casestudie van seksueel misbruik van minderjarigen binnen overheidsinstanties.
Alen, J.W.G.M van (2022) UBI as a policy solution for technical unemployment in Industry 4.0? Investigating the viability of policy change to hard line economic management of overhead costs in public administration.
Baptist, L. (2022) The Dutch Youth Act : the relationship between its policy design and the goal achievement in the local context.
Bašić, Jasmina (2022) Approving or denying hospital mergers? : An assessment on the way the ACM assesses hospital merger requests in the Netherlands.
Bruggeman, T.G.F. (2022) Integriteitsbeschuldigingen onder de loep : Een onderzoek naar de realiteit achter integriteitsbeschuldigingen in het lokaal bestuur.
Challis, L.D. (2022) The citizens’ strain to see through transparency : exploring reciprocity as an alternative in the smart city of Amsterdam.
Dalen, N.E. van (2022) Pressure cooker youth work : a policy evaluation of personal development policy goals of the MDT Missie community service project.
Drozdzynski, F.A.D (2022) The Common Agricultural Policy post 2020 : an analysis of the beliefs of selected key stakeholders.
Gerritsen, C.M. (2022) An adaptive regional energy transition policy framework : to optimize the adaptiveness of the energy transition governance in the context of the Regional Energy Strategy.
Haese, M.E. (2022) Police Use of Force : A Comparative Study about Use of Force Training in the Dutch and German Police.
Hazelaar, T. (2022) Moeilijkheden bij het verminderen van negatieve effecten van armoede voor werkende armen ervaren door ambtenaren en professionals.
Hermansone, B. (2022) A qualitative content analysis : nudging in the Paris agreement.
Idowu, Bolanle T. (2022) Creating a Sustainable Birth Registration Process for Sub-Saharan Africa : the Nigeria Case Study.
Jakobi, Lennard (2022) Municipal Strategy and Green Buildings Organizational Strategy and Performance of green building policies in Dutch-German Municipalities of Euregio.
Klann, Felix (2022) The growing dependency on Russian Gas import in German energy policy : a necessity of the “Energiewende”, or deliberate choice?
Krugten, R.S. van (2022) The organization of healthcare flex pools in the Netherlands.
Nelissen, D.M. (2022) The effectiveness of educational innovations : An explorative study into innovation effectiveness, types of innovation and the role of institutional governance.
Overgaauw, Iris (2022) Mechanisms for successful implementation of AI-based medical devices in Dutch hospitals, an exploratory study.
Piekartz, Matthijs H. G. von (2022) Data-driven work and privacy at Dutch municipalities - a double-edged Sword : Exploring the Perceived Data-driven Development Impact on Privacy in Dutch Municipalities.
Stahlie, M. (2022) De invloed van (on)afhankelijk toezicht op de kwaliteit van toezicht door rijksinspecties.
Stoeten, J.J. (2022) Van bedrijventerrein tot innovatiecampus: participatie op Kennispark Twente.
Sufyan, Huda Mohamed (2022) It is everywhere and it is nowhere : a thesis on racism from the perspective of coloured educators.
Vermeulen, T.J.W. (2022) Democratie voor de wind : een onderzoek naar de democratische legitimiteit van de regionale energiestrategieën.
Visschedijk, Maartje (2022) Maatschappelijk impact beeldbepalende cultuur- en sportevenementen provincie Overijssel : Gefocust op het speerpunt inclusieve samenleving.
Walderveen, D.M.G. van (2022) Emancipation of sexual and gender minority juveniles in residential youth care: A paradoxical example of governmentally.
Westenberg, L.H.C. (2022) Predictive policing: The impact of crime forecasting technology on the performance of the Dutch police force.
Aubri, B.J. (2021) Professionals en inwoners binnen het sociaal domein: in hoeverre is er sprake van maatwerk?
Boswinkel, Saskia (2021) Does design matter? A qualitative study of the relationship between the design of participatory processes and the level of influence assigned to participatory input.
Brinkman, B.J.H. (2021) De homogene regio : garantie voor een effectieve samenwerking?
Couwenberg, S. (2021) Characteristics of evidence in the eyes of the policy maker : what makes scientific knowledge evidence.
Dietz, D.A.C (2021) Explanatory Factors for Youth Nuisance in the Municipality of Zevenaar : a mixed-method study in the municipality of Zevenaar.
Elshof, E.W. (2021) The waste of a bad policy on municipal solid waste : a study on the effect of the satisfaction level of citizens and the perceived quality of waste in the Netherlands.
Engbers, I.M. (2021) The influence of medical professionals’ perception on the use of mobile self-assessment health applications.
Giampaolo, N. (2021) Regretting Vaccine Indecision: Solving Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Through Anticipated Regret-Nudging.
Harks, L.C.G. (2021) The effects of the reorganization of the police force on Dutch community policing at a decentral level : the cases of Rotterdam and Twente.
Heerink, R.G. (2021) Democratie voor Energie : de democratische borging van de beleidsprocessen achter de Regionale Energie Strategieën.
Koeijer, S.G.M. de (2021) Networking as a means to promote the adoption of innovations in hospitals.
Leiendecker, Laura Josefa (2021) Big Data policing and its legitimacy.
Paalman, L.J. (2021) ACTIE: Een beschrijvend onderzoek naar de leiderschapsstijl van burgemeesters van plattelandsgemeenten bij de passende ondersteuning bij burgerparticipatie.
Plantinga, N. (2021) Collaboration and coordination within support activities.
Schepers, Angelique (2021) De functionaris gegevensbescherming in het ritme van de stad : een model voor de middelgrote gemeente.
Simanjaya, Y.N. (2021) Explaining factors influencing the emergence of social innovation projects in Surabaya during the Corona crisis in 2020.
Szameitat, V. (2021) God save America : how religiousness, trust and conservatism affect Covid-19 policy compliance in U.S. countries and states.
Terpstra, A. (2021) Exploring Dutch politicians’ (social) media visibility during election campaigns.
Urbán, E. (2021) The past, the present and the potential future of autonomous vehicles in the EU and in the USA.
Çakici, Esra (2021) Framing the Middle East : populistic Twitter framing as a new form of Orientalism.
Aggelaki, Cristina (2020) Explaining international conflict escalation : a comparative analysis of the commercial aircraft shootdowns of MH17, KAL007 and IR655.
Bakker, K.V. (2020) Turkse Tukkers : een onderzoek naar de verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen de manieren van aanpakken van de vrijwilligers van het project ‘Turkse Tukkers aan zet’.
Bojang, Alieu S. (2020) Weak or strong sustainability : an appraisal of the influence of economic condition & population growth on a country’s sustainable development type.
Bololoi, Cristian-Marian (2020) Atypical work and social security in the contemporary economy : exploring the Dutch case.
Bussmann, Tim (2020) Citizen perceptions on Biometrics : surveillance or service?
Buunk, L.G.A. (2020) Compacte winkelgebieden in bestuurlijk perspectief.
Donner, E.M.J. (2020) Unravelling the CoronaMelder.
Doornbos, J. (2020) The female influence on environmental goal setting.
Forster, S.N. (2020) HPV Vaccination Campaigns in the Netherlands : Improving the information for the online campaign of the RIVM HPV Twitter campaign.
Geest, Heleen van de (2020) Het signaleren van laaggeletterdheid in de schuldhulpverlening: Een onderzoek naar de belemmerende en bevorderende factoren bij het signaleren van laaggeletterdheid door de professionals van BudgetAlert in Hengelo.
Goga, Teodora V. (2020) Public management reform : towards improving strategic development in Cluj-Napoca by fostering Triple Helix interactions.
Horsthuis, M.E.M. (2020) Social studies and social sciences teachers'views.
Iliopoulou, E. (2020) The good, the bad and the indifferent : the portrayal of the European Union in Greek media.
Kaashoek, A.C. (2020) Agricultural conservation of nature : why do farmers participate? Reasons for farmers to execute Agri-environmental measures in the province of Overijssel.
Karkalaki, C. (2020) The public administrations efforts of Athens and London against transportation emissions.
Kleisen, M (2020) Gemeente Enschede: Transformatie in het sociaal domein.
Kranenburg, A. (2020) Are you going to the party? : The impact of local democratic institutions on the role of local councilors : a comparative case study of Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and the Netherlands.
Lamers, L.C. (2020) Dignified gig work: towards better conditions for algorithmic management.
Leitão, B. M. (2020) Training programs for elected Municipal Councilors of the Municipality of Enschede.
Molema, Manouska (2020) Het verklaren van verschillen in prestaties van Nederlandse gemeenten op het gebied van de energietransitie en de transitie in het sociale domein.
Otten, Jens (2020) Supporter van Elkaar: supported by evaluation?
Oude Kempers, E. (2020) Investigating the expectations of a virtual social coach : a case of the Council of Coaches.
Putman, C.G.J. (2020) Assessing the Impact of the Implementation of the California Consumer Privacy Act on the United States through Policy Evaluation.
Reitsma, A. (2020) Understanding residents’ public acceptance of the development of solar farms.
Rettig, Charlotte (2020) Perceptions of women in public leadership : discussing the imposter phenomenon.
Schmitz, Anna (2020) The contribution of electronic public service implementation in the Netherlands and Germany on cross-border cooperation in the Euregio-region.
Schmudlach, J. (2020) Ambient air control in Germany : managerial perspectives on the causes of failure in the creation and implementation processes of local ambient air policies.
Smeitink, J. (2020) Internetvaardigheden, Lokale Digitale burgerparticipatie en Vertrouwen in de Lokale Overheid - Een onderzoek naar samenhang en effecten.
Smulders, B. (2020) Electronic participation in Dutch municipalities : a cross-sectional study into the use of web 2.0 by Dutch municipalities and the citizens’ behavioural intention to e-participate.
Söderberg, M. (2020) The mandate function of European Parliament elections : the relevance of election pledges to the powers of the European Parliament.
Umans, Annelies (2020) Crime prevention in public transportation : the route Zwolle-Emmen.
Vaarwerk, L.C.M. ten (2020) Het vergroten van zelfredzaamheid. Een evaluerend onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van Power op de zelfredzaamheid van haar deelnemers en vrijwilligers.
Veenstra, J. (2020) Conceptualization of scale in the practice of integrated care.
Vergert, K.J.A. ten (2020) Verweven maar ook samen? : Een analyse van de economische verwevenheid tussen de twee grootste Twentse gemeenten, Enschede en Hengelo.
Zijlstra, Margot (2020) Assertive Leader Behavior, Gender and Organizational Culture : Towards a Balanced Leadership.
Avest, M.E.B. ter (2019) Safe Implementation of Companion Robots in Dutch Elderly Homes. Subtitle: Analysing the suitability of companion robots'implementation regulation for daily elderly care practices.
Avest, T.A. ter (2019) Citizens' Initiatives: How municipalities regulate community self-organisation.
Bakhuis, J.J. (2019) From convergence to divergence : the development of higher education quality assurance approaches in the Netherlands and Flanders.
Beltman, M.R. (2019) Defining drought : towards a functional definition of drought for the Vechtstromen water authority.
Bolderman, W.L. (2019) Bridging the Strategic Operational Gap : a matter of perception.
Buursink, R. G. (2019) Bestuurlijke vernieuwing in de gemeente Losser.
Coenen, S. (2019) Collaboration and technological innovation in Dutch elderly care organizations.
Dima, F.C. (2019) Fully autonomous vehicles in the EU: opportunity or threat?
Drees, B. (2019) Cultivation of illegal weed in the municipalities Almelo, Hengelo and Enschede : finding explanations for the cultivation of weed.
Geuzebroek, E.F. (2019) Care for vulnerable elderly in MST : The preferences of primary care professionals for a diagnostic day centre in MST for vulnerable elderly patients (70+).
Gezel, Pim (2019) De kwaliteit van het subsidiebeleid van de gemeente Borne.
Graef, M.S. (2019) Responses to HPV Vaccination Campaigns in The Netherlands : an analysis of discussions on Twitter.
Groeneveld, S.F.F. (2019) Resilience and participation in climate change adaptation : an analysis of the cities of Enschede and Zwolle.
Groot, Maarten de (2019) Municipal CCTV surveillance and privacy : research on the influence of CCTV surveillance in Enschede city centre.
Heimbach, Lennart (2019) Negotiated Agreement(s) as a Means of local-level Crisis Management : An indicative case study on the functions of a voluntary crisis management agreement at the municipality of Gronau (Westf.), Germany.
Jahnke, Marilen (2019) Equestrian Federations and the Welfare of the Horse An analysis of the national and international rulebooks of equestrian federations and their provision regarding horse welfare.
Jonkers, S. (2019) The Implementation of Net Zero Energy Buildings in the Netherlands : a qualitative case study on social housing associations.
Klaster, F.E. (2019) Superfluous, but not useless : predicting surplus coalitions in Dutch municipal administration.
Loo, Christiaan van (2019) Determinants of role conflict and role ambiguity of operational expert community in policing officers : an evaluative study of the role of OE CPO in the eastern regional unit of the National Police.
Maurik, Roald Sybren van (2019) Social Media (Dis)Connecting the World? : Effects of Self-Selective Exposure to Partisan Content on Social Media on Political Tolerance.
Odink, M. (2019) Returning 'noaberschap' to Goor? : A research on the social impact of the community centre 't Doesgoor.
Ozdemir, A. B. Y. (2019) State regulated coffeeshop chain in the Netherlands : consumer behaviour analysis of students in Twente.
Röse, Frederik (2019) Impact of participatory input on final plan decisions : an investigation into the role of power and locac knowledge in the urban development project of the Hamburg Convention Center’s expansion.
Schmitz, Katharina T. E. (2019) To recommend or to obligate? – How policies affect measles vaccination rates in the EU.
Schutte, Didre (2019) Sexual harassment in academia : a policy topic with blurred lines.
Stam, F.O. (2019) Insight in the role of the OECPO : An evaluation of the Operational Expert Community Police Officer in the police region ‘Oost-Nederland’.
Steinhorst, Samuel (2019) Undermining our Future by destroying the Past: Extractivism, Resource-driven Wars and the Loss of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the lower Cauca region.
Valk, Jenita Nienke (2019) The CAP according to farmers as its key stakeholders : How conventional farmers in the Netherlands view the direct support framework of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.
Verlasevic, Sumedin (2019) Into the mind of a war refugee : an ethnography of refugees from Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning the integration system in the Netherlands between 1995 and 2007.
Vries, J.W. de (2019) Explanation of geographical distribution of hemp plantations by different neighbourhood characteristics in Enschede.
Vries, W.A. de (2019) Ouderen & problematische schulden : explorerend onderzoek naar bouwstenen voor een risicoprofiel voor 65+ huishoudens welke kans hebben op problematische schulden in de gemeente Hengelo.
Wieren, Arno van (2019) Possibilities to intervene : A comparison of the intervention instruments available to supervisory bodies in the Netherlands.
Arias Javier, Nurianne Dhalia (2018) Diabetes Mellitus : an analysis of the conflict between the global and Caribbean discourse of diabetes.
Bodenmüller, G.H.S. (2018) Welfare for Aftermaths: Mapping ideational common ground in the European Union.
Ceven, Kevin (2018) Municipalities, ideology, pragmatism and reality : understanding the determinants for municipal e-service provisions for companies and civilians.
Dijk, G.H.S. van (2018) Populist attitudes and political participation: hand and glove? : Analysing populist citizens' participation in political claim-making.
Dijkstra, H.L. (2018) Interactivity of district meetings and the attainment of goals in the municipality of Enschede : process evaluation of a civil participation experiment.
Eendebak, W.A. (2018) Stimulating the preparedness to report crime : A study on the factors that influence the willingness to report crime of entrepreneurs and how to improve it.
Eidhof, Coen (2018) Social control in problem areas : a research about social control in problem areas and the role of the municipality.
Enchev, Krasimir (2018) Evaluation of the Bulgarian judicial system reform for the period 2010-2017 according to the European Commission monitoring reports.
Garos, V.L. (2018) The relation between proximity and transnational learning in pan-European networks : a case study on the URMA project.
Gremmen, K.J.M. (2018) The discourse of the social benefit system in the Netherlands : The role of responsabilization, meritocratization and criminalization since the implementation of the Participation Act.
Herwaarden, Rutger van (2018) Interorganisationele samenwerkingsfactoren : netwerken en hun succesfactoren bij de toezichts- en handhavingsopgave in het buitengebied van Overijssel.
Ilasco, Ion (2018) Smart city making and regimes of urban development : the influence of various contexts of urban environments on municipal strategies for smart city development.
Langkamp, R. (2018) Samenwerking in het sociaal domein in kleine Twentse gemeenten : Een onderzoek naar ervaringen van professionals met samenwerking in sociale teams in Borne, Haaksbergen en Wierden.
Meijerink, L.E (2018) The administrative laws and instruments of the local, public board in the battle against undermining organized crime : Qualitative research in the district Gelderland-Midden.
Meryamka, Jina (2018) The rise of drones : a study on the creation of experimental zones amid the regulatory disconnect.
Ottenhof, M.C.C.E. (2018) The implementation of camera surveillance in home care : the influence of privacy, trust and power on the willingness of health care professionals to accept in home camera surveillance.
Paalman, M. (2018) The dualistic system on the Caribbean public entities that are part of the Netherlands in the Dutch Caribbean.
Pan, Zhulianyi (2018) State pension and family support in ageing China: alternative or complementary?
Peeters Weem, E.M.J. (2018) Managing the privacy risks of open data : how do municipalities manage the privacy risks when publishing open government data?
Pometto, Gaia (2018) To what extent is Italy trying to keep banking ownership national? : A study on Liberal Economic Nationalism in the Italian banking crisis.
Roozenbeek, T.P. (2018) The effectiveness of youth care networks in Dutch municipalities.
Schoppers, P.A.C. (2018) The Future of E-Learning in Higher Education : Using the scenario planning method to develop four scenarios on the futures of technology-enhanced higher education.
Zielman, E. (2018) The meaningfulness of ZSM in Groningen.
Bakker, M.E.T. (2017) Running on two legs : which characteristics do projects of participatory democracy need to influence the decisionmaking within representative democracy in Dutch local government?
Dokter, L.J.B. (2017) Regulatory standard setting for managing e-waste in the US. An exploratory study based on the Governance Triangle.
Dorst, M.H.T. (2017) Political knowledge of Dutch citizens : Do Dutch voters know what they need to know?.
Honarmand Ebrahimi, S. (2017) Climate change is not a threat to our national borders : A study on policy experts’ perception on climate change – human migration nexus.
Irmen, J. (2017) Determining EU citizens' support for European integration.
Klaasen, Marielle (2017) Social connectedness between Drugs runners.
Koşar, D. (2017) Governance partners : guidance, control and supervision of the governance partners of the municipality of Enschede.
Krone, A.G.M. (2017) The use of evidence-based policy-making by Dutch provincial politicians.
Kuipers, M. (2017) Predicting Network Effectiveness? An analysis of local collaborative networks to prevent and counter radicalization.
Munnich, Q.D.D.M. (2017) The influence of the power of psychiatrists involved in the construction process of autism in the DSM (1952-2013).
Rohaan, I. (2017) The influence of actor beliefs on unobvious policy decision : Two cases of road developments in Dutch demographic decline regions.
Rutenfrans, J.W. (2017) Pre-university programs and study success : a case study at the Pre-U of University of Twente.
Ryan, J.D. (2017) To what extent have the policy recommendations of the Behavioural Insights Team been in accordance with nudge theory.
Smeenk, J.V. (2017) Networking in regional labor market policy. A study on the degree and quality of cooperation in a labor market region.
Smit, K. (2017) The collaboration between neighbourhood teams and their partners : A research report about the situation in the municipality of Almelo.
Starke, Robert R. (2017) Citizens in the digital metropolis : towards a meaningful stance of smart citizenship?!
Timmerman, Yoeri (2017) Wijkbudgetten : towards a balance between the certainty of rules and freedom around citizen initiatives.
Urk, Rick van (2017) What kind of governmental support makes WhatsApp Neighborhood Watch Groups function better?
Vente, P.J. de (2017) Game of Drones : Exploring the development of unmanned aerial vehicles in public safety organisations.
Verkade, Rick (2017) Community police officers and WhatsApp : exploring and explaining the impact of WhatsApp neighborhood prevention groups on policing in a neighborhood.
Warmerdam, J.A. (2017) Analysing Educational Policy: The Twente Educational Model.
Werner, V.W. (2017) Sugar tax: the fiscalisation of childhood obesity?
Zaag, J. van der (2017) Media, mind & moves.
Zoomer, J.E. (2017) Preserving community initiatives in times of cutbacks: Master Thesis about the strategies of community initiatives during cutbacks to adapt and continue.
Çakın, B. (2017) Decentralization as a Conflict-Resolution Mechanism on Kurdish Conflict in Turkey: Panacea or Poison?
Beekhof, E.W.H (2016) Alignment in a matrix organization : the handshake process of Arcadis North.
Blanke, A.W.B. (2016) Learning from evaluations of crisis-exercises.
Bokhove, C.A. (2016) Employees’ reactions to the introduction of a new performance appraisal interview form.
Bolhaar, S.N. (2016) Between policy & reality : Cooperation within Social Teams.
Bottor, M. (2016) Voter turnout and Twitter : the example of the 2012 Dutch national election.
Bulten, M.A. (2016) Understanding global discontinuation governance : an explorative case study on the Minamata Convention on mercury.
Chikwendu, R.C. (2016) Constructing corruption as a social problem in Nigeria : a content analysis of four Nigerian newspapers.
Dresvyannikova, Valensiya (2016) Dispute escalation by developing states in the World Trade Organization : a rational choice explanation.
Ebbinge, J.O. (2016) Huurdersparticipatie op beleidsniveau voor een Nederlandse woningcorporatie.
Fastner, M.C. (2016) Inter-university Networks: Rhetorics vs. Reality. Objectives and Activities of Members of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities.
Meijerink, T.J. (2016) Assessing the e-governance maturity level of Dutch municipalities through the analysis of municipal websites : does municipality size have an effect on website maturity level?
Meijerink, Tristan (2016) Assessing the e-governance maturity level of Dutch municipalities through the analysis of municipal websites : Does municipality size have an effect on website maturity level?
Mester, M.I. (2016) The administrative approach to organized crime: Exploring the possibility of implementation in the district Borken (Germany).
Mooiman, D.E. (2016) Reconstructing the Kristalbad project : A case study on the process of a multifunctional water project studied through the conceptual lens of the Contextual Interaction Theory.
Oost, M. (2016) Effect of Electoral Systems on the Quality of Political Representation.
Pavlovic, Ivana (2016) The exclusion of informal Micro enterprises from the policies on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Rwanda and Senegal and the factors that contribute to the exclusion.
Pistoor, M.E.J. (2016) The design of social community teams in the municipality of Zwolle.
Schoemaker, C. (2016) Joint vision on nature: An advise for the province Gelderland to create a balanced soft policy for nature that produces coherent activities by stakeholders.
Scholten, Ralph (2016) Groene energiecertificering.
Stronks, J. (2016) Which cultural and structural characteristics of a Customer Contact Centre contribute to the citizens’ perceived service performance?
Veenhuizen, J.A. (2016) Political markets in Dutch municipalities: an interpretive policy study of the cases Almere and Hengelo.
Vreman, T.G.W. (2016) De doorwerking van aanbevelingen in gelaagde stelsels: het domein van waterveiligheid.
Vries, N.L. de (2016) Jeugdcriminaliteit- De aanpak van problematische jeugdgroepen.
Wijnstra, C.A.M. (2016) Implementation process in a post-conflict transition. The case of MATRA PATROL in Serbia.
Aart, E. van der (2015) The influence of legitimacy on access to resources: A case study.
Apperloo, E.S (2015) Onveiligheid stoppen, bij het shoppen : een onderzoek naar de invloed van technisch en fysiek toezicht op de veiligheidsbeleving van de mens in het winkelcentrum van Nijmegen en Enschede.
Bijlsma, Jildau (2015) The influence of Smart Grids on the Dutch Electricity Distribution.
Boersma, F.B. (2015) The success of sister-city partnerships between Dutch municipalities and a municipality in a CEEC, formalized between 1989-2000.
Coehorst, Suzanne (2015) The effect of the role of the coordinator on family control in FGC : an exploratory meta-analysis.
Djouadi, Nesrine (2015) Item availability restricted.
Erp, R.A.L. van (2015) The organization of safety management : implementing high reliability principles in hospitals.
Esch, Maaike Wilhelmina van (2015) De verantwoordelijkheid van de participerende burger.
Heining, Mr. Rob (2015) Strength in Partnership? A qualitative analysis of the Public-Private Partnership project 'Samen Alert 24/7', between the Police Force Twente and private security companies.
Kamphuis, K. (2015) Voting on someone else's behalf? : An analysis of proxy voting in Dutch parliamentary elections.
Kantelberg, J.J.P. (2015) A quest for trust in the ILG process : a comparison between Overijssel and Brabant.
Kesternich, Eva (2015) What factors explain carpoolers' decision to use carpooling matching platforms? : A survey-based observation of carpooling matching platforms in Europe.
Klein Kranenburg, Laurens (2015) The impact of voting advice applications on party choice in Dutch national and provincial elections.
Kleinlugtenbeld, Melanie/H.W. (2015) Als burgemeester goed geïnformeerd : een onderzoek naar de informatie- en beïnvloedingspositie van de burgemeester bij de terugkeer van tbs'ers in de maatschappij.
Kleizen, Bjorn (2015) Assessing the performance of the Netherlands in European Arrest Warrant matters - A study on the output of the Amsterdam District Court and the coordination performed by Eurojust.
LANGEREIS, M. (2015) The link between strategy and performance of municipalities in the Netherlands.
Lammers, J.H. (2015) The influence of academic subcultures on researchers' intentions to start a spin-off.
Meenink, J. (2015) 'Het vaststellen van beleid is één, het uitvoeren en het ernaar handelen is twee.' : Een onderzoek naar de uitvoering van het agressiebeleid van de gemeente Hengelo.
Mensink, C.C.G. (2015) The pluriformity of policy effect evaluation : an analysis of the effect evaluations of the municipality of Wierden in relation with its learning ability.
Philippsen, Y (2015) Factors influencing students' intention to recycle.
Pouwels, J. (2015) Measuring client experiences in youth support; A descriptive study of measurement systems used in the region of Twente for measuring client experiences in youth support.
Rouwenhorst, Jeffrey H.J. (2015) Het natuurbeleid in handen van de provincies, een natuurlijke keuze? : Een verkenning van het natuurbeleid in de provincies Gelderland en Overijssel.
Schreurs, Wendy (2015) Multidisciplinair samenwerken : binnen de lokale clusters van de Politie Eenheid Oost-Nederland.
Schulte, A. K. (2015) The light industry as actor and factor in the EU discontinuation of the incandescent light bulb.
Somi, Carolien (2015) Performance-based funding for higher education in the Netherlands and Catalonia : a neo-institutional explanation.
Vegt, A. van der (2015) Local climate change policy : a comparative analysis of climate mitigation- and adaptation policy between four municipalities in Twente, The Netherlands.
Veldhuizen, T.J. (2015) Nature organisations in the 21st century.
Vennegoor, C.J.J. (2015) Administrative merger between municipality Dinkelland and municipality Tubbergen.
Verheij, Sander (2015) Governance forms regarding municipal services in crisis management. A transaction cost approach.
Wakeren, J.B. van (2015) Fighting symptoms or investing in causes? Recognizing and responding to signals of radicalisation using local networks.
Azhimi, Loebna (2014) The ‘New’ professional and the effects of cultural competences on job satisfaction (Job satisfaction of frontline health professionals in social work practice).
Baysoy, Gabriella (2014) Student loans and debt aversion in Portuguese Higher Education.
Daanen, R.A.H. (2014) Een onderzoek naar de ondersteuning van wijkagenten en noodhulpeenheden door het woninginbrakenteam bij de aanpak van woninginbraken.
Elsinga, . J. (2014) The influence of structural change on energy consumption.
Foekens, P.W. (2014) Crime in Amsterdam from 2003-2012: explaining the decline of violent and property crimes in the city districts of Amsterdam.
Frons, Martine (2014) Samenwerken bij openbare orde vraagstukken.
Grunder, M. (2014) Omdat voorkomen beter is : een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden voor dadergerichte criminaliteitspreventie van straatroven in de Politie Eenheid Oost-Nederland.
Habing, R.A. (2014) Elk besluit kent z'n nadeel : een onderzoek naar een beoordelingskader voor de afhandeling van schadeclaims ter zake van (on)rechtmatige besluiten bij de gemeente Rijssen-Holten.
Harleman, E.A.G. (2014) Item availability restricted.
Heuzels, L.H. (2014) Counter-(Re)Formation in Dutch Local Politics? Modelling the Inclusion of Dutch Independent Locals in Municipal Boards.
Hillen, E.A.M. (2014) It is as it says on the tin? Implementing the all crimes approach.
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Hoogendoorn, R.A. (2014) Boundary Spanners and Bystanders; Influencing functional helping behaviour.
Hoogeveen, R.J.L. (2014) Some award methods are more prone to problems than others : an empirical analysis of the relationship between award methods in the economically most advantageous tender and problems in Dutch public procurement.
Lammers, Tim (2014) Accountability in municipality-institution relations: an examination of accountability relations between the municipality of Hengelo and local public institutions.
Mulder, I.A.J.P. (2014) CO24dak: A pilot in the municipality of Twenterand. A research on the effectiveness of “CO24dak” as part of the integral approach to youth in the municipality of Twenterand.
Oude Booijink, L.S. (2014) Eenduidige inrichting van Districtelijke Informatie Knooppunten (DIK's) voor de Eenheid Oost-Nederland. Een onderzoek naar een eenduidige inrichting van de DIK's voor Eenheid Oost-Nederland van nationale politie.
Siemerink, C.M. (2014) 'Andere heren, andere wetten' - Een onderzoek naar de invloed van de institutionele vormgeving op de samenwerking rond de aanpak van complexe gevallen van huiselijk geweld.
Stielstra, Leon (2014) Student participation projects in the Netherlands: a comparative study of student participation projects on the degree of student participation.
Takken, K. (2014) The complex theory of neighborhood safety: the influence of physical- and social characteristics on neighborhood safety in the five main cities of Overijssel.
Veltkamp, L.J.M. (2014) Regelgeving in kansenzones? Mag het wat minder?
Visschedijk, Moni (2014) Co-operation between the Dutch and German police forces at the Euregional level Comparing police co-operation in the EUREGIO and the Euregion Meuse-Rhine.
Vogel, T.R. (2014) Volunteer Firefighters and Their Intention to Remain Active.
Wagenaar, Dirkje (2014) "Should I stay or should I go?" Een onderzoek naar de veronderstelde uitstroom van hogeropgeleide jongeren uit Noordoost-Friesland.
Warbroek, W.D.B. (2014) Exploring the transition to a low-carbon economy from a bottom-up perspective A comparative case study of implementation processes of local renewable energy initiatives in the Dutch province of Overijssel.
Wichers, Jeroen (2014) The maturity of kulturhusen in Overijssel.
Đaković, Mr. Goran (2014) The impact of consortium characteristics on credit recognition performance: case study analysis of the Erasmus student mobility in frames of the ECIU consortium for the academic years 2007/2008 to 2011/2012.
Agterbos, Myrthe Angela (2013) Changing the outcome - An explorative research on the relationship between the implementation process and the improvement of study success.
Benistant, Marjolein T. A. (2013) Social promotion of students in secondary education : How to limit stagnation of social promotion?
Boedhoe, Janet Basmatie (2013) Making decentralization work - A compliance perspective of decentralization.
Breukers, Romy (2013) The Early Warning System: an evaluation study.
Breul, R. ten (2013) Weapon use, victim injury and public safety measures in Amsterdam-Amstelland : weapon-related violence explained by the routine activity theory.
Erkelens, Menno van (2013) Representation roles and constituency communication - An analysis of the stakeholder-representatives who took part in the participatory visioning project MijnBorne2030.
Ewijk, S. van (2013) Liberalisation and wind energy adoption in Europe.
Gosch, M.P.I. (2013) Community Forest Management: conditions for its success in the Maya biosphere reserve in Petén, Guatemala.
Guerrero Melo, D. (2013) A model of public intervention for music festivals as creative industries in small and medium-size cities: an assessment of the case of Enschede.
Haar, J.C. ter (2013) Gokken op marktwerking?: een onderzoek naar hervormingen binnen de kansspelsector.
Heerts, Marjolijn (2013) Boetehoogten in het recht.
Heupers, Arjan (2013) Grenzen aan de beleidsruimte van de publiekrechtelijke toezichthouder.
Husken, T. (2013) De zichtbare schakel: de inzet van wijkverpleegkundigen in aandachtswijken nader onderzocht.
Jelluma, R.C. (2013) The role of social cultural and political factors in explaining perceived responsiveness of representatives in local government.
Koetsier, Vivian (2013) Citizens and municipal performance information - To what extent do citizens of Nieuwegein have a need for municipal performance information?
Kranenberg, Laura (2013) The influence of neighborhood crime and income on altruism : the Lost Letter Technique as a Measurement of the Influence of Neighborhood Crime and Income on Altruistic Behavior.
Mol, Jeroen (2013) Wel of geen buitenrijbaan? De omgevingsrechtelijke inpassing van de hobbymatige paardenhouderij.
Mutlu-Numansen, S. (2013) The governance of memory of migrant communities in Western Europe: a case study of memory transmission among Aramean, Assyrian and Chaldean families.
Nieuwenhuis, K.H.M. (2013) Vrijheid van meningsuiting van ambtenaren beperkt #socialmedia: literatuuronderzoek naar mogelijkheden om het gebruik van social media door ambtenaren te reguleren via integriteitsbeleid.
Norel, N.D. van (2013) Female full professors in the Netherlands: differences between research areas.
Obers, Ties (2013) Fundraising through running events - “How do Public Benefit Institutions raise funds through running events and why are there differences in ‘success’?”.
Postma, J. (2013) The ability to work together: municipal cooperation for effective social sector policy implementation.
Raalte, Denise van (2013) Het verklaren van woningovervallen: een onderzoek naar de kenmerken van woningovervallen in Gelderland-Midden.
Remmelink, Marieke (2013) The use of a temporary restraining order in the Netherlands A study of regional differences in the use of the temporary restraining order between 2009-2012.
Schous, M.M. (2013) Is it smart to invest in the smart?: the influence of governmental investment in education on the poverty risk of lower educated relative to the poverty risk of better educated.
Sleen, K. van der (2013) Economic nationalism in the banking industry of Germany.
Slijkhuis, J. (2013) Energieprestatiecertificaten in Nederland: een onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van het energieprestatiecertificaat.
Slooten, F.W. (2013) Solving the publicness puzzle: a grounded theory on the execution and organizational environment of commercial diplomacy.
Smits, C.W.D. (2013) The effect of national culture on the implementation of anti-corruption policies.
Spelt, Martin J. (2013) The policy ideas of the european emploment strategy: open coordination for social policiy recalibration.
Thompson, K. (2013) Flood insurance: public or private? On the desirability and feasibility of flood insurance in the Netherlands.
Uitdewilligen, S.B.J. (2013) Biomass in Veenhuizen, coalition of conflict? Research on coalition behavior in the biomass project for the prisons in Veenhuizen.
Valladares Pasquel, Andrea Carolina (2013) Ecuadorian public policy towards the good living : an interpretive policy analysis from the large-scale mining conflict.
Veldhuis, L.M. (2013) Social media usage at governmental organisations : the use of social media as a means for government communication at local governmental organisations.
Vermonden, Yvonne (2013) What do the changing rules regarding the ERDF, Interreg and POP mean with regard to the rules of participation and financial regulation for the subsidies and what are the implications for PNO?
Versteeg, D. (2013) In het belang van belanghebbenden: intern toezicht bij woningcorporaties.
Vries, H.G.A. de (2013) Basisregistraties in de knel? Onderzoek naar de noodzaak van een kaderwet voor het stelsel van basisregistraties.
Yoon, Yeongsool (2013) How does the European Union raise deterrence effect on cartels? Implication for Institutional Development in Republic of Korea.
Aantjes, Feike (2012) Residential burglaries: a comparison between self-report studies of burglars and observational data from Enschede.
Berendsen, Debbie (2012) Woningovervallen : een onderzoek naar daderkenmerken, modus operandi en de opsporingstechnieken van de politie ten aanzien van woningovervallen in Gelderland-Zuid.
Bloemen, Remco (2012) Innovation dynamics in open source software.
Boer, Michelle de (2012) The expected effectiveness of the approach of multi-problem families through the eyes of project partners : the case of the "Neigborhood Coach Project" in the Velve-Lindenhof area in Enschede.
Boerties, J.J. (2012) LGBT-equality in the global workplace: organizational responses to administrative challenges around LGBT-workplace equality.
Bolder, J. (2012) Russian and European environmental corporate responsibility : a comparative policy Analysis on environmental corporate responsibility between Russia and the EU.
Brunninkhuis, Kim (2012) Op welke wijze kunnen wijkagenten in Twente zich ontwikkelen tot zelfstandige, contextgedreven werkende en alle politietaken uitvoerende wijkagenten? Een onderzoek naar de wijkagenten van Almelo-West.
Busetto, Loraine (2012) Using Social Media for Network Cooperation: The Europol Platform for Experts.
Eertink, Niek (2012) Effectieve inzet van instrumenten binnen sociale werkvoorziening SOWECO.
Gerfert, Sonya (2012) Policy change: the chess of ratio.
Haas, Inge de (2012) Hazenpad - Research into the terms of guarantee supplied by DBFM to owners of risks that result from incomplete contracts.
Hadnagy, Edina Melánia (2012) A critical analysis of the effectiveness of anticorruption measures in the Romanian judicial system.
Harsselaar-Timmer, J.F. van (2012) Firstly, activating and participating, finally, measuring and analysing : qualitative research to find indicators to monitor the Enschede labour market participation policy.
Hemmer, Anne-Fleur (2012) Transfer of lessons learned at the Dutch Navy.
Holland, Lieke (2012) Op zoek naar JESSICA : een ex ante-beleidsevaluatie naar een Europees financieringsinstrument op het gebied van grootschalige energiebesparingsprojecten in de bestaande bouw.
Kantelberg, J.J.P. (2012) Talk of retirement: comparing pension reform discourse in Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Klapwijk, Ninja (2012) The governance of fire safety: using networks, markets, hierarchy? ...or a form of anarchy?
Klein-Helmkamp, Aylin (2012) Compliance of member states with European environmental law.
Korotka, Milana A. (2012) Proximity factors influencing academics' decisions to co-operate with industry - a case study of the University of Twente's research institutes.
Lotgerink Bruinenberg, Frederique (2012) POP-gids woninginbraak : een praktische gids voor de aanpak en preventie van woninginbraken.
Maduro, Amy (2012) One step closer to lean : the implementation of KR8 at water management centre the Netherlands.
Malicherova, Zuzana (2012) Changes in attitudes of the native Dutch citizens toward Muslims between 1995 and 2005, as a result of immigration and integration policy and perceptions of threat.
Oude Geerdink, Femke A. (2012) Joint forces: a weapon against serious environmental crime in the Dutch waste industry - A research into public cooperation for the benefit of combating serious environmental crime in the Dutch waste industry.
Penterman, Wiebe (2012) Beeldmateriaal in de opsporing; privacyschending of niet? : onderzoek naar de grenzen van het gebruik van beeldmateriaal in de opsporing via de social media.
Pilianidou, Athina (2012) Environmental consciousness, institutional factors, and political competition: an empirical analysis of Green party formation in 18 Western European countries.
Prins, Jasper (2012) Modelling the effects of phase change materials on the energy use in buildings : results of experiments and system dynamics modelling.
Rabot, Pia Maleen (2012) ECSR in SME: towards effective environmental protection?! A case study analysis.
Rempe, Sheller-Blink (2012) Contacts of minority and majority juveniles with the police : an exploratory research on the number of contacts that minority and majority juveniles have had with the police and the number of negative police actions experienced during those contacts.
Schwarte, Sanne (2012) The effectiveness of the policy on domestic violence in Rotterdam: a study into the effectiveness of the network of the policy on domestic violence in Rotterdam, in the years 2007-2011.
Sikkens, M. (2012) Who Cares? A Q methodological study to stakeholder perspectives on youth care, a first step towards a decentralised youth care policy.
Smit, S. (2012) Intergemeentelijke shared services: welke rechtsvorm?
Staaveren, M. van (2012) Willingness for citizen participation and the ambiguity of citizen types: uncovering ways to increase willingness for citizen participation among citizens of Borne.
Tihic, Dzanella (2012) Influence of the Centrality of an Actor on the Opinions of Others Applied to the Case of Citizen’s Assembly of 2006.
Visser, Vincent Ruben (2012) The purposeful governance of technology discontinuation: an explorative study on the discontinuation of the incandescent light bulb in the EU.
Westerveld, W. (2012) De ontwikkeling van de wijkagent: in het streven naar contextgedreven werken.
Wigger, E.B.R. (Edward) (2012) Van keukenmes tot pistool : de keuze van het wapen in geweldsdelicten en de effectiviteit van preventieve maatregelen in de politieregio Noord- en Oost-Gelderland.
Bijen, Nicky (2011) Intergmeentelijke samenwerking - Aalten, Oost-Gelre, Winterswijk.
Brinkman, Wouter (2011) Bezwaar tegen mediation? Een onderzoek naar de vraag in hoeverre mediation in de bezwaarschriftprocedure van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht mogelijk is.
Bruinink, M. (2011) Meer blauw en minder bureaucratie : een onderzoek naar de administratieve werkzaamheden van politieagenten uit de politieregio’s Gelderland-Midden, Haaglanden en Hollands Midden.
Dijk, D.M. van (2011) Een KCC in de gemeente Oldenzaal!: wat wil de burger?
Dijk, Jogchem Pieter van (2011) Blauw druk?: een onderzoek naar de (vermeende) organisatiedruk van teamchefs van de politie IJsselland.
Ewijk, Karin van (2011) Effectmeting in welzijnswerk : een onderzoek naar de kosten en baten van de dienstverlening Administratie Thuis van Cumulus Welzijn.
Kamphuis, Remco (2011) Normovertreding in de bijstand - Wie zijn de normovertreders in de gemeente Enschede en waarom overtreden zij de norm?
Kharson, Yulia (2011) Decentralization processes in Russian Federation: the case of health care administration.
Klein Haneveld, Renate (2011) Landelijke deskundigheidsmakelaar: een analyse van haar werkproces en de inzet van deskundigen in rechercheonderzoeken.
Klumpers, Maarten (2011) Scoren in Twekkelerveld: een formatieve procesevaluatie van de samenwerking tussen de betrokken actoren in het Scoren in de Wijk project in Twekkelerveld.
Kolhoop, A.F.D. (2011) Effectieve(re) bestuursrechtspraak?!: een onderzoek naar een nieuwe werkwijze van bestuursrechtspraak.
Marinus, J.C. (2011) Verbetering van de klantgerichtheid bij de gemeente Steenwijkerland.
Meulen, Koos van der (2011) Success factors of Cradle to Cradle implementation in The Netherlands.
Nannings, Marloes (2011) Kwaliteit van het beleid : een onderzoek binnen Saxion naar het kwaliteitsbeleid en de verhouding tussen enerzijds externe eisen van het accreditatiestelsel en anderzijds wensen van medewerkers.
Oort, L.A.(Bart) van (2011) Organizing the connection - An evaluation of network effectiveness in the field of mobility, in networks the province of Gelderland participated in.
Oude Alink, A. (2011) Anybody home? : een onderzoek naar woningovervallen : een casestudie in politieregio IJsselland naar de bekende verdachten, slachtoffers en doelwitten van woningovervallen.
Pehlivan, A. (2011) Straatcoachen van Marokkaanse overlastgevende jongeren : een onderzoek naar de aanpak van straatcoaches in de gemeenten Helmond en Nijmegen.
Reijnders, M.G.J. (2011) Blocking factors of the EKC : a case study about improving the European knowledge center.
Repneva, Maria (2011) Higher education reform in post-soviet Russia: rapid emergence of private Higher Education.
Riepma, Jolijn (2011) Naar een kwaliteitsverbetering van functioneel beheer - Een onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van het functioneel beheer van de Gemeente Oldenzaal.
Starke, Frank (2011) Neighbor-proof? A policy process comparison between the neighborhoods Berflo Es and Hengelose Es.
Tanke, M.G.J. (2011) Investigating a new policy model: principles based regulation. A case-study on the effects of principles based regulation for policy that regulates emissions.
Veen, L. van (2011) Wat werkt wel en wat niet, bij het verbeteren van interne dienstverlening : een evaluerende case studie van een veranderprogramma in de interne gemeentelijke dienstverlening.
Veltman, L. (2011) Twitterende wijkagenten en de beleving van burgers : Een onderzoek naar de effecten van een twitterende wijkagent.
Vonhof, J.J.C. (2011) Malafide woningbemiddeling : een fenomeen achter de voordeur.
Wigger, Ruben (2011) Duurzaam autorijgedrag in de gemeente Raalte - Onderzoek naar duurzaam autorijden en factoren die van invloed zijn op het rijgedrag.
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Alons-Post, Renske (2010) Burgerparticipatie in de gemeente Weert: Een onderzoek naar de vormgeving en imbedding van burgerparticipatie in de gemeente Weert.
Anoniem, A. (2010) Publieke verantwoording en de Almelose programmabegroting.
Anyshchenko, Artem (2010) transformation of the Ukrainian public prosecution according to the European democratic standards in comparison with the Baltic states.
Bezemer, Els (2010) Onderzoek naar hoogte en ontwikkeling van beloningen bij topfunctionarissen van zelfstandige bestuursorganen in Nederland.
Brink, Martijn van den (2010) Overheidscommunicatie en burgerparticipatie: een onderzoek naar de inzet van elektronische communicatiemiddelen om burgers te laten participeren bij veiligheidsproblematiek.
Danylenko, Olena (2010) Independence of the Central Bank and Monetary Policy: Implications for the National Bank of Ukraine.
Davis, Koen (2010) Waarborg tegen willekeur? De rechtsstatelijkheid van het voorstel om politiestudenten zonder korpsaanstelling executieve bevoegdheden toe te delen.
Egorova, Olga (2010) The European Union – Russia relations on natural gas as an example of the relations within network governance.
Epping, Elisabeth (2010) Post-Graduation Strategies for Students from Developing Countries: An Exploration of four Developed Countries through the Lenses of Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Circulation.
Goossens, M.J. (2010) Handhaving op kleine ergernissen: een onderzoek naar de keuze voor en de uitvoering van handhavingsinstrumenten door gemeenten om kleine ergernissen aan te pakken.
Kort, Jelle (2010) Open je hart : een onderzoek naar de beperkte uitwisseling van opsporingsinformatie tussen Nederlandse politiekorpsen.
Kuipers, Mervyn (2010) ‘Implementeren met beleid’: Een juridisch beleidsmatige evaluatie van het wetgevingstraject van het Besluit Luchtkwaliteit 2001 naar de Wet luchtkwaliteit 2007.
Kylymar, Vyacheslav (2010) Public communication as a mean of citizens' involvement through internet-based channels: the case of UK and Ukrainian parliaments.
Lipadatu, Irina (2010) Public-private partnership at the local level in Hengelo and in Timisoara: effective network governance? The case of the project "Scoring in the neighborhood".
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Purina, Ieva (2010) Renewable electricity in Latvia Institutional challenges to increase the share of renewables in Latvian electricity supply.
Redder, L.A. (2010) Quality assurance in professional higher education institutions: The structure of internal quality assurance systems and the experienced costs.
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Schapink, Erik (2010) Haperende inburgering: Een onderzoek naar de invloed van inburgeringsbeleid op de instroom in inburgeringstrajecten.
Sekulic, Marko (2010) Dеvеlоpmеnt оf Сеntеrs fоr Yоuth аnd Fаmiliеs (СJG) in thrее muniсipаlitiеs оf Оvеrijssеl prоvinсе.
Sommer, Marlou (2010) De veranderingen in de AWBZ: een onderzoek naar de reacties van gemeenten in Overijssel.
Stoeva, Lina Ognyanova (2010) Do Bulgarian representatives in the working groups of the Council of the European Union argue or bargain?
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