University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 2017

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Number of items: 1849.

Cosman, Dana Mariana (2017) Estimating lead time using Markov Chains.

Aa, L.H.A. van der (2017) Item availability restricted.

Aakster, Y.M.I (2017) Designing an interactive intervention to unconsciously steer residents of a dementia care facility away from the exit.

Aarnink, K.M. (2017) Electro-mechanical resynchronisation therapy with a smart material in patients with heart failure: an experimental study.

Abbas, S. (2017) Pulmonary complications after oncological treatments in breast-cancer survivors : a retrospective cohort study.

Abbekerk, T. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Abbink, N. (2017) The concept of 'Positive Health' : development of an interview protocol to translate the scores of the digital test of positive health into (health care) needs, desires and abilities among the elderly.

Abdelhady, M.A. (2017) Reuse-oriented SLAM framework using component-based approach.

Abdelmoeti, Samer (2017) Self-powered Vibration Control using Piezoelectric Materials in High Precision Machines.

Abuni, Chrisper Immaculate (2017) Semantic previews of geodata.

Adan, Mariam Salim (2017) Integrating Sentinel-2 derived vegetation indices and terrestrial laser scanner to estimate above-ground biomass/carbon in Ayer Hitam tropical forest Malaysia.

Adhitama, Praditya (2017) Incorporating spatio-temporal demographic changes in heat wave related future vulnerability assessment.

Adiningrat, Devara Prawira (2017) Mapping Dominant Tree Species from Remotely Sensed Image using Machine Learning Algorithms.

Admasu, Tesfaye Gebeyehu (2017) Monitoring trends of greenness and LULC in Addis Ababa and its surrounding using MODIS time-series and LANDSAT data.

Adrichem, Ruben van (2017) The effects of gazing behavior of the leader on follower trust and job satisfaction.

Afzali, S. (2017) Key Antecedents of Smartphone User’s Attitude Towards Mobile Advertising: A Critical Literature Review.

Aggelen, J.M. van (2017) Using virtual reality to support substance use disorder treatment in people with an intellectual disability.

Aguilar, Rosa Maria (2017) A supervised, cloud-based multi-classifier to map African croplands.

Agyapong, Emma Baah (2017) Assessing the factors that influence the distribution of trees in urban areas : a case of Kumasi metropolitan area.

Ahmadyar, A.F. (2017) Exploring the links between brand choice and consumption situations in a (semi) dark market: A study of premium beer brands in Russia.

Ahmed, Owais (2017) Item availability restricted.

Akdemir, O.A. (2017) The effects of supplier awards on the relationship of buyer and supplier: a multiple-case study of winners and non-winners.

Akker, A. van (2017) Tailorded advice after filling in an online health questionnaire : an evaluation study of the tailored advice intervention at the Dutch Public Health Service Twente.

Akkermans, A.B.P. (2017) A two-phase approach to the shifts and breaks design problem using integer linear programming.

Aksoy, Merve (2017) A comparison of nested and cross-cutting common ingroup identities and the role of ingroup projection, distinctiveness and intergroup threat on outgroup attitudes.

Aldag, L. (2017) Are automated behaviors still influenced by stimuli in a practiced discrete sequence production task?

Alfaizi, A.R.S. (2017) The capability of existing wastewater treatment plants to be energy self-sufficient and comply with the strict emissions regulation in The Netherlands.

Alferink, K.M. (2017) The quantitative and qualitative differences between the locations of an Acute Medical Unit.

Ali, Freeman (2017) Fit-for-purpose boundary mapping and valuation of agricultural land using UAVs : the case of A1 farms in Zimbabwe.

Alscher, Pascal Ulrich (2017) The Bureaucratic Steering of Local Governments and its Effects on Nursing Autonomy in Home Care for Elderly in the Netherlands and Shanghai.

Altena, Thijs (2017) Better to prevent than regret : gain insight in how to measure the performance of Bolletje's Technical Department to create a preventive maintenance plan.

Altman, T.A (2017) De toekomst: interacties tussen de rolvan zorgprofessionals en zorgtechnologie : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar toekomstverbeeldingen over zorgtechnologie van zorgprofessionals binnen een zorgorganisatie voor verstandelijk beperkten.

Ambrosius, M.F. (2017) Effects of price discrimination on airline ancillary good sales : a multiple treatment propensity score weighting approach.

Ammar, K.E.M. (2017) Product-harm crisis communication : examining the combination of message framing, crisis severity, and prior-reputation.

Amoida, C.J. (2017) The temporal effects of life events on mobility choices in the Netherlands : an analysis of the anticipation- and lagged -effects of life events on car ownership and most used mode using four waves of the Dutch Mobility Panel.

Amr, K. (2017) Design and implementation of a 3 layered obstacle detection system with haptic feedback notification.

Andemichael, Semhar Kiflay (2017) Application of very high resolution imagery and aerial photography for estimation of above ground biomass/carbon of trees outside forest.

Andree, D.J. (2017) Thermal Analysis of a heavy duty drum motor.

Andrews, M. (2017) How to bridge peripheral and central s trategy-making routines in decentralized corporations through alignment practices.

André, Marte (2017) Sustainable employability of employees in the knowledge-intensive sector.

Angelovski, M. (2017) The burden of cancer survivors: numbers and known late effects. - De impact voor kankeroverlevenden: omvang en bekende late effecten.

Anoniem, A. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Antepim-Appiah, Benjamin (2017) Identifying farmers motivation to retain shade trees for REDD+ implementation in Cocoa landscape in Goaso Forest district, Ghana.

Antonides, L. and Ooms, L.A. (2017) Hemodialyseafdeling 2.0 : kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek naar het aansluiten van de planning op het dagelijks leven van hemodialysepatiënten in het Deventer Ziekenhuis.

Ara, Mostarin (2017) Spatial Variation of Trees outside Forest and their Contribution to the Above Ground Biomass (Ahaus, Germany-Enschede, The Netherlands).

Arends, D. (2017) Global leadership in higher education : A case study on the competences to effectively lead international teams in higher education.

Arendshorst, B.J. (2017) The dynamics of IFRS9 on the capital ratio of banks given different economic scenarios.

Arendt, Alexander (2017) Towards reliable and valid prediction of MIS-performance with basic laparoscopic tasks in the LapSim and low-fi dexterity tasks.

Arfsten, Antonia (2017) EU Readmission Cooperation with Sub-Saharan African Third States: Multilateralism or Imposition?

Arning, Laila (2017) Predicting readmission to detoxification in clients with alcohol- and drug dependence.

Arnoldus, Tanno (2017) Determinants of corporate pension fund risk-taking strategy in the Netherlands.

Arts, M.A.M (2017) The effect of structured instruction on collaboration in upper grade primary school students.

Asambo, J.A. (2017) Alternative farming practices and the potential contributions towards a bio-based economy : case study of Dutch dairy farming practices.

Asante, Paulina Ansaa (2017) A crop area mapping procedure using high spatial resolution imagery with hyper-temporal NDVI data : a case study of Cocoa in Ghana.

Asbi, A.M. (2017) Emergency response and evacuation route planning in case of wildfires in Gunung Merbabu national park, Indonesia.

Ashrafuzzaman, Md. (2017) Surface topography effects on seismic ground motion and correlation with building damages during the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal earthquake.

Aslan, Ayse (2017) Combining Process Mining and Queueing Theory for the ICT Ticket Resolution Process at LUMC.

Assema, P. van (2017) Item availability restricted.

Assink, A. (2017) Triarchische instructie versus directe instructive : even effectief voor alle leerlingen?

Aten, E.C. (2017) Changing Sedentary Behavior at the Office: the development process of a persuasive mobile health application for office workers.

Averesch, Student J. L. (2017) Competences of First-Line Management enhancing Effectiveness of Self-Managing Teams in the Health-Care Sector.

Avest, T.A. ter (2017) Hoe minister Opstelten zegt wat hij zegt: Een kwalitatieve studie over hoe een politicus zijn realiteit overbrengt.

Avest, Wouter ter (2017) Leadership Characteristics in self-managing teams.

Awad, S. (2017) Nudging for smart construction : tackling uncertainty by changing design engineer's choice architecture.

Awakimjan, Ilia (2017) Generating physics-based 1D surrogate models from 2D model results.

BECKING, AWJ (2017) The impact of the transition towards self-managing teams on the behavior and responsibilities of managers and employees in the healthcare sector.

BOON, R.N. (2017) Automatic detection of anomalies in times series data Big data for smart maintenance.

BUSCH, J. (2017) Promoting information sharing within teams through leadership style and body orientation.

Ba, Mohamed (2017) Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: the role of corporate governance : Evidence from the Netherlands.

Baaij, R.R.C. de (2017) Caching in 5g networks.

Baas, M.I.A. (2017) The influence of team leader stress on team effectiveness and leadership effectiveness in a simulated CPR setting.

Babič, Anatolij I. (2017) A rating model for individual player qualities based on team results, applied in football.

Bacino Ignjatovitch, S. (2017) What is the interplay between social identity, entrepreneurial passion and business planning success?

Baekler, L. (2017) Effect of different types of access devices on people’s interaction with rich media blog articles.

Bakhuizen, B.T. (2017) Towards intraoperative identification of colorectal carcinoma using diffise reflectance spectroscopy : a comparison of in vivo and ex vivo measurements.

Bakker, E.S. (2017) Effecten van verschillende copingstijlen op eustress en distress en de algemene gezondheid van studenten.

Bakker, M.E.T. (2017) Running on two legs : which characteristics do projects of participatory democracy need to influence the decisionmaking within representative democracy in Dutch local government?

Bakker, M.L.T. (2017) Hoe kan Bolletje zich conformeren aan het eisenpakket van Albert Heijn.

Balasubramanian, Kanmani Imaya (2017) Identifying the most important spectral and textural features to map specific crops with very high resolution images.

Balvers, Carolien (2017) Monitoren van positieve gezondheid : het ontwikkelen van feedback voor de gezondheidsapp MeetMoment.

Bandhoe, S. (2017) Modelling Physical Habitat Availability for the River Blackfish (Dadopsis marmoratus) in the Upper Yarra River, Australia.

Bankras, T.G.T. (2017) Onderzoek naar de meerwaarde van accreditatie voor een asfaltlaboratorium.

Bannink, L. S. and Golbach, E. M. and Schouten, D. N. and Twilt, J. J. (2017) Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar T1-mapping waarden van skeletspieren tussen Fabry-patiënten en gezonde proefpersonen.

Barels, E.G. (2017) Torque based anti wheel lock control at NEVS.

Barends, M.G.H.W. (2017) Improving order fulfilment of intermediate core products.

Bartelink, E.B.M. (2017) De integratie van technologie in het onderwijs: Hoe kunnen docenten in opleiding hierin ondersteund worden?

Bartels, E.A. (2017) Safe discharge.

Bartels, P.H.G. (2017) Using Quality Improvement Science: Improving theatre operations and minimising the cancellations on the day of surgery due to patients being declared unfit.

Bartenbach, Hendrik (2017) Does a contralateral decrease in alpha power during the orienting phase predict visual awareness?

Bastian, P.B (2017) Big Brother Is Watching You : The Impact of Consumer Understanding and Awareness of Data-Based Personalization on Consumer Attitude.

Batista, M. (2017) Design and development of two medical devices to assist the rehabilitation of the upper limb mobility in post-stroke.

Bats, M (2017) De effecten van angst en empowerment op de bereidheid van slachtoffers om deel te nemen aan bestaande en nieuwe digitale vormen van slachtoffer-dader bemiddeling.

Baumann, Selina (2017) Welke positieve veranderingen worden ervaren door de deelnemers van de positief psychologisch interventie ‘Dit is jouw leven’ en wat zijn oorzaken hiervan? : een onderzoek naar de kenmerken van positieve verandering, oorzaken van positieve verandering en de relatie tussen ervaren positieve verandering en welbevinden.

Baveco, M.A. (2017) Analysis and design of a (super) low 1/f-noise LC oscillator.

Bayer, F. (2017) Achieving behaviour change : Evaluating the differences in content and motivational value of peer- and expert-written messages in the context of physical activity.

Bazezew, Muluken Nega (2017) Integrating airborne lidar and terrestrial laser scanner forest parameters for acurate estimation of above-ground biomass/carbon in Ayer Hitam Tropical Forest Reserve, Malaysia.

Bašić, M. (2017) Collaborating with BIM : a qualitative research on the BIM practices at the Ruwbouw Groep.

Beba, Bill-Frederic (2017) Early-Stage Success Factors in R&D Collaborations.

Becker, D.J.T. (2017) The global mindset of entrepreneurs and international performance of StartUps : a systematic literature review.

Becker, Laura (2017) Agency in the life stories of people with a personality disorder.

Becking, Christina (2017) The oil selling Panda : the effects of partnerships between NGOs and companies.

Beckmann, Mareen (2017) The effect of error examples in instructional videos on motivation and learning.

Beek, Jaro van der (2017) Analyseren en optimaliseren van de verkoopprocessen.

Beek, R. C. van (2017) The influence of personality on entrepreneurial performance. An investigation of the effects of the big five personality factors and entrepreneurial learning on the subjective performance of start-up entrepreneurs.

Beekhof, H.M. (2017) High speed FPGA based scalable parallel demodulator design.

Beelen, S.J. (2017) Lagrangian model with bubble dynamics for cavitating nuclei.

Beens, E. and Hornstra, G.L. (2017) Richtlijnadviezen ter preventie van wiegendood; opgevolgd of in de wind geslagen? Een onderzoek naar de mate van naleving van de richtlijnadviezen betreffende de slaaphouding en slaapplek en beweegredenen voor afwijking ervan.

Beeris, C.F. (2017) Het herontwerpen van een design klok.

Beernink, S.M. (2017) Implicit and explicit responses of primary school children on murals in a hospital setting : A VR study.

Beke, Chris ter (2017) Interaction development for personal daily support : design of conversational agent for activity tracking.

Beld, B.G. (2017) Business valuation for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Beldhuis, E.A.M. and Olde Engberink, M.B.M. (2017) Complexiteit in verpleegkundige zorg (vanuit een organisatorisch perspectief).

Belew, Tassew Tuemay (2017) Mapping and assessing ecosystem services of trees outside forest.

Belt, M. van den (2017) Using modal derivatives to determine the behaviour of mode shapes and natural frequencies during large deflections.

Bemthuis, R.H. (2017) Development of a planning and control strategy for AGVs in the primary Aluminium industry.

Benen, Jonas (2017) The role and competences of the ‘Purchaser from tomorrow’ – A case study to compare demands in German SMEs and large enterprises.

Bennink, Leslie (2017) Learning Laparoscopy in a simulator : to what extent can dexterity task performance predict laparoscopic simulator task performance?

Benthem, C.S. van (2017) The relation among non-performing loans, operating efficiency, and capitalization in commercial banking.

Bentlage, Jascha (2017) The Entrepreneurial Stress Circle – a Grounded Theory Approach.

Berenbrinker, C.J. (2017) Het modererend effect van zelfkritiek op de relatie tussen negatieve dagelijkse ervaringen en de geestelijke gezondheid.

Berends, B. and Brugge, A.H. ter and Stigt, M.N. van and Toebes, J.G. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Berg, M. van den (2017) Visualization of the FOCUS Field Hospital Deployment.

Berg, M.J. van den (2017) Herbestemming van materialen : de Sterrenschool: een casus.

Berg, R.N. van den (2017) Personalisation of an energy-reduction app : how to adjust the Ipsum app to different kinds of users.

Berger, Karolin (2017) Identity of the European Union - A comparative study of Postcolonial Theories and Normative Power Europe.

Bergmans, M. (2017) CAD/3D Modellen Demonstratie Tool voor virtual reality.

Bergsma, Thérèse (2017) Creating a graphical user interface concept for geo-based 3D planning software.

Bergwerff, P. and Bielevelt, F. and Bokhoven, D.M. and Eyck, Q.D. (2017) Ontwikkeling van een gevalideerde meetopstelling waarmee onderzocht kan worden wat het effect is van de positionering en de penetratiediepte van EndoAnchorsTM op de maximale trekkracht die nodig is om migratie van een AFX® Endoprothese, geplaatst in een siliconen aortamodel, te induceren zoals deze op kan treden bij patiënten met een Aneurysma Aortae Abdominalis.

Berhe, D.T. (2017) Modeling groundwater resources of the eastern fringe of Botswana Kalahari : integrated numerical groundwater flow model.

Berkum, D. van (2017) Team learning in higher education : the explication of shared mental models in relation to educational design decisions.

Berlo, B.R.D. van (2017) A participatory sensing system for road quality data acquisition.

Berlo, S. van (2017) Impact of Toll Road Construction to Travel Time, Travel Costs and Job Accessibility Changes in Jakarta - Bandung Region.

Berntsen, J. (2017) Formability of G/PP composites : effects of defects.

Besten, A.L. den (2017) Truth (or) lies within the eyes - Examining the effects of guilty knowledge with eye-tracking.

Bethlehem, Tim (2017) The struggles of accepting a new logic from a micro level institutional change perspective.

Beugels, F. (2017) Failure analyses on the Lint trains operated by Arriva Tog Danmark.

Beurden, L.W. van (2017) How do firms react to the growing averse towards ownership? A better look at the sharing economy of the transportation industry in the US.

Beusekom, M.D. van (2017) The Influence of Resource Mobilization on the Success of Online Petitions.

Bhole, A.A. (2017) Control of a variable stiffness joint for catching a moving object.

Bies, Edwin (2017) Examining the controller activities at MST.

Bijen, Y.J. (2017) #AD: The effects of an influencer, comments and product combination on brand image.

Bijman, A.L. (2017) A low cost 3D laser-line scanner for facial acquisitio.

Bijsterbosch, M. (2017) Endorsing a laptop: would you buy it? The effect of endorser type and message appeal in advertisements on consumer responses.

Birari, N. and Droogleever Fortuyn, M. S. and Kesteren, S. R. van and Kleinhoven, F. T. and Venverloo, T. and Voskuil, J. (2017) Investigating stakeholders in the field of sustainable mobility in Curitiba, Brazil : a case study research.

Blaimer, K. (2017) Predictive policing : human advice versus system advice : the influence of advice origin and justification on trust and acceptance of advice.

Blankhorst, Sofie (2017) Development of an online reputation index.

Blaschke, Y. (2017) Intelligence Sharing Practices in the Counter Terrorism Framework of the European Union and their Implications for Individual Privacy Rights.

Blasig, S.B. (2017) Does the banking system affect banks’ performance? Islamic vs. conventional banking.

Blei, J. (2017) De ontwikkeling van een product tegen hemelwateroverlast.

Bloch, Marten (2017) Identifying personas in prospective electric vehicle users in regard to the user-interface to lessen range anxiety.

Blok, S. and Klop, M. and Langerak, N.C. and Stam, L.B. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Blomjous, D.E.C. (2017) Potentie van de IJssel in Overijssel: Energie uit stromend water : onderzoek naar geschikte locaties voor het opwekken van energie uit de stroming in de rivier de IJssel in Overijssel.

Bockstette, A.E. (2017) Antecedents and benefits of supplier satisfaction in a buyer-supplier relationship : a case study at company X and three of its key suppliers.

Bockstette, Henrik (2017) An empirical study of the revisions to the Internal models approach for market risk under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book.

Bode, G.J. (2017) Quick-response codes and their acceptance in mobile shopping.

Bode, M. S. P. (2017) How to Design an Interactive Installation for Concordia.

Bode, Yannic L. (2017) Discussing the Dublin IV Regulation’s potential effects on compliance behavior in Greece.

Boele, D.C. (2017) Measurement of the hypercapnic ventilatory response : development and clinical application.

Boele, N.W. (2017) Examining rapport in investigative interviewing : the effects of number of interviewers present and veracity conditions on rapport.

Boelema, H.M. (2017) Priority queues and the stationary distribution calculated using tandem fluid queues.

Boelmans, Nils Alexander (2017) The Greek-German policy discourse and politics of blame : a tragedy on the stage of the European debt crisis?

Boer, Alexander de (2017) The Radicalization Threat. Making Sense of Government Policy.

Boer, C.A.G. de and Meijden, D. van der and Versluis, W.D. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Boer, Jan Yme de (2017) Intelligent clinical decision support and current medical practice An Exploration of Compatibility and Epistemological Issues.

Boer, P.S. de (2017) The Role of Goal Orientation in Enhancing Adaptability by Using Serious Gaming.

Boer, S.L. (2017) Robot vacuum cleaner with personality traits.

Boer, T.M. de (2017) The CVA trade-off: Capital or P&L.

Boerkamp, E.P.G. (2017) The influence of firm-specific and industry-specific risk factors on the probability of bankruptcy of Dutch firms.

Boerrigter, C.M.M. (2017) What makes employees highly engaged and performing? : Leader's emotional intelligence, service climate and psychological capital.

Boers, Tim (2017) Personalized endovascular stent grafts : Re-inventing the personalized stent graft and its production process; a finite element analysis.

Boersma, C.H. (2017) Improving the product search process through interface redesign.

Boertien, Nick (2017) Value chain development in the Dutch insurance industry. The strategic renewal of value chain activities.

Bohms, Q.H.A. (2017) Eustress en mentaal welbevinden : een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen mentaal welbevinden en eustress.

Bohr-Feld, Charlotte (2017) The role of experiential avoidance for the quality of life in a sample of patients with diverse personality disorders.

Boiten, D.A. (2017) The development of a modular coffee machine.

Bok, J.A.M. de (2017) Augmented Reality as a design tool.

Bokhove, Jorieke (2017) A picture says more than a thousand ingredients : creating authenticity in social media advertisements of De Heerlijke Huiskamer.

Bol, R.C. (2017) Vermoeidheid op impliciet niveau: Onderzoek naar de stabiliteit van vermoeidheid met de IAT.

Bolink, N. (2017) Designing and evaluating a solar charging station for home environments.

Bolk, A.M. (2017) Voorspellers van non-compliance in welbevindentherapie.

Bolscher, B.J.A. (2017) Clash of logics in the educational and social organizational sector in Enschede.

Bolscher, W.F. ten (2017) Cost-Effectiveness of the addition of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy in the diagnostic pathway of skin cancer.

Bolte, L.J. (2017) Testing static trade off theory and agency theory for a German sample.

Bomhof, Lisan (2017) Experience says it all! Or not..? : Situation awareness on the fire ground.

Bonnes, Kevin (2017) Predicting mortgage demand using machine learning techniques.

Bontekoe, T.H. (2017) Simulating Stochastic Scheduling Policies on Unrelated Machines.

Boogert, S.E. (2017) Datamodel analyse - Fokker 4.0.

Booij, D.G.R. (2017) Statistical trend analysis of River discharge using a twentieth century weather re-analysis.

Boom, R. (2017) Structural Health monitoring for landing gears.

Boon, J.M. (2017) Why do innovation specialist firms engage with Open Source projects?

Borgdorf, L. (2017) Attitudes towards sustainable meat production technology : in-vitro-meat.

Borghuis, T. (2017) Effecten bereikbaarheidsakkoord op verkeersstromen metropoolgebied Eindhoven.

Bortych, Nikita (2017) Capital structure influence on firm’s financial performance : differences in public and private firms, evidence from the Netherlands.

Bos, J. (2017) A study into the effectiveness of using a novel IT tool to accelerate organisational culture change in an institute of higher education.

Bos, L.C. (2017) Safe cycling for elderly "see".

Bos, Marlin (2017) Nationality and greenwashing : differences between The Netherlands and Suriname on consumer attitude.

Bos, P.J.H. (2017) Liquefied Natural Gas exports from the United States and their impact on European energy security.

Bos, T.H.W. (2017) The impact of psychological contract importance on the relationship between the HRM system and employee attitudes.

Bosch, Eric ten (2017) Evaluation of the potential health benefits and cost savings of a point-of-care analyser for individuals with prediabetes.

Bosch, P.P. van den (2017) Moral Intelligence for IT production.

Boshuizen, M.J. (2017) Evaluation of "Klassekist Super Spellen" : A Dutch method of spelling.

Bosma, E. (2017) BSR lifestyles and mobility behaviouor.

Bosse, E. (2017) The indirect effects of eustress and distress on the relation between an individual's locus of control and depressive symptoms.

Botteghi, N. (2017) Design and control of a quadruped cheetah robot with compliant spine.

Bourbita, Becem (2017) Tensions in buyer-supplier relationships in the public sector.

Bout, Martijn (2017) A Head-Mounted Display to Support Remote Operators of Shared Automated Vehicles.

Boxtel, D. van (2017) De Effectiviteit van een adaptieve leeromgeving in wereldoriëntatie op de motivatie en leerprestatie van leerlingen.

Braakman, R. (2017) Redesign of the Shoulder Elbow Perturbator.

Braatz, L. (2017) #Influencer marketing on instagram : consumer responses towards promotional posts: the effects of message sidedness.

Brakels, M. (2017) Forward error correction and failure rates on Aurora high-speed links.

Bramer, K.J.J. (2017) Designing and prototyping a small scale steam driven jet pump.

Brandenburg, A.B. (2017) Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders : predictors of outcome.

Brandwacht, B. (2017) Onderzoek met de Datateam® methode naar de tegenvallende leerprestaties in HAVO 4 voor Natuurkunde.

Brebante, Beverly Mae (2017) Analyzing the effects of land cover/ land use changes on flashflood : a case study of Marikina River Basin (MRB), Philippines.

Breedijk, M.J.A. (2017) How to structure my building-related data portfolio? In order to optimize facility maintenance management : research on structured facility maintenance management service provision aimed at flat roofs of existing buildings by using a Building Information Modeling approach.

Bremer, S.J.L. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Bresters, C.J. (2017) Efficiënte processen binnen SCB : een onderzoek naar het vinden van verspillingen (Lean Methodiek) in de processen van de systeemgerichte contractbeheersing binnen het Twentekanalenproject.

Breukink, M.J. (2017) The Division of HRM Practices between Self-Managing Teams and External Leaders: Results of the Qualitative Study in the Healthcare Organization.

Breuning, A.A. (2017) Towards a Sustainable Church : an Exploratory Research into the Sustainability Performance of Church Buildings in Apeldoorn.

Brezet, J.D.D. (2017) Het ontwerpen van een VR-opstelling voor een virtuele reis naar de Twentse zoutcavernes.

Brink, A.B. van den (2017) Evaluating Performance and Energy Efficiency of the Hybrid Memory Cube Technology.

Brink, B. van den (2017) Orchestrating Similar Stream Processing Jobs to Merge Equivalent Subjobs.

Brink, Ingrid van den (2017) Sensitivity of discharge characteristics to the spatial resolution of regional climate models.

Brink, J. van den (2017) Re-design of the heat exchanger in a thermo-acoustic heat pump using C-lamel fins.

Brink, L. van den (2017) Leonardo's vliegmachine : de realisatie voor een vliegmachine voor kinderen.

Brink, T.T. van den (2017) The effects of modernization: Smart, working women and filial piety in ageing Singapore.

Brinke, M.M. ten (2017) A study into “the effect of platform lifecycles on game performance”.

Brinke, R. ten (2017) Chasing High-performing Police Teams: a mixed-methods study identifying the roles of antecedents of team learning on team performance in a police work setting.

Broek, J.F. van den (2017) Ripening silt to clay : a design for the Eems-Dollard testing ground.

Broek, S. (2017) Explaining Trade Missions: the role of program characteristics in explaining trade mission’s outcomes.

Broek, Stan van den (2017) The effects of storm surges on dune systems near inlets : A case-study for the Marsdiep inlet near Texel.

Broek, Thomas (2017) Cash flow shocks and permanence in determining payout policy decisions.

Broekhuijsen, T.K. (2017) Schoonmaak binnen het MST : een simulatiestudie.

Broersen, T. (2017) Onderzoek naar innovaties bij waterschappen : gericht op de toepassing van ontwerpprincipes en leerblokkades.

Bronzwaer, Enzo (2017) Impact of comfort enhancement measures on traveller satisfaction and ridership : an ex-post analysis for the province of North-Brabant.

Brouwer, C.W.J. (2017) US and Dutch health care GPOs : a comparative analysis.

Brouwershaven, E.J. van (2017) The underlying processes of Cross Race Facial Recognition : social motivation versus perceptual expertise.

Bruggen, J.M. van and Groot Lipman, K.B.W. and Huiskes, M. and Riet, C. van der (2017) Het kwantificeren van deformatie van het leveroppervlak en de inwendige leverstructuren tussen CT- en MRI-modellen.

Brugman, R. (2017) Onderzoek naar een goed werkend vul- doseermechanisme voor de productielijn: Larven van lieveheersbeestjes.

Brugman, Tristan (2017) A methodology for deriving aggregate social tie strengths from mobility traces.

Bruhn, M. (2017) Design of a wearable for use in an aircraft cabin.

Bruijn, T.M. de (2017) Verkennend onderzoek naar concepten voor een demontabele, semipermanente overkapping op de Groote Markt in Oldenzaal.

Bruin, F.H.J. de (2017) Financial impact of new pricing model.

Bruin, L. de (2017) Designing a therapists specific section of the app by the therapists mental model of emotion and an user centered design model.

Bruine, C.A. de (2017) Customised core values and leadership assessment in a crisis recovering housing association.

Bruinsma, S.J. (2017) Body Buck Design of an Aston Martin DBS.

Brunink, K.R. (2017) The relationship between technological legitimacy and job crafting: The case of a Dutch care organization.

Bruns, A.S. (2017) Determinants of corporate social responsibility: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands.

Bruns, R.B.J (2017) Responses of change agents to mitigate tensions originating from institutional contradictions.

Brus, T.A. (2017) Applying E-learning and persuasive design : teaching new users of an online accounting tool the basics of online bookkeeping.

Brömmelhaus, N. (2017) Attitudes towards in vitro meat and how they can be influenced - An online experiment in the German population using Facebook-posts.

Brüning, Maximilian (2017) Benefits, antecedents, buyer status and customer segmentation in relation to supplier satisfaction : a multiple case study at company X and three of its key suppliers.

Buis, J.T.P. (2017) Applying intelligence amplification to the problem of schema matching.

Buit, L.J. (2017) Developing an easy-to-use Query language for verification of lighting systems.

Buitenhuis, M.B. and Oosterveld, R.J. and Rijswijk, R.E. van and Smees, C.J. (2017) Nauwkeurigheid van MRI-thermometrie bij radiofrequente ablatie van de pancreas : een fantoomstudie.

Buitink, ir. M.N. (2017) NLT als keuzevak.

Bult, J.M. (2017) Bepaling van de gunstigheid van locaties voor multimodale LNG-stations.

Bulthuis, K. (2017) The Stimulation of Critical Thinking of Students through Deliberate Practice in Educational Institutions.

Burghardt, Carmen (2017) How to design fashion applications.

Busschers, R.E. (2017) Contribution of the Metro de Bogota to the city's accessibility.

Bussink, E (2017) Characterization of a Gallium Nitride Half-Bridge module for use in a Multi-Freqeuncy Multilevel Modular Converter.

Buter, R. (2017) Het reduceren van variatie in bedbezetting door het toewijzen van specialismen aan verpleegafdelingen.

Buuren, N. ten (2017) Understanding the effects of power asymmetry on a start ups’ innovation performance.

Buursink, E.H. (2017) Evaluation and development of a decision support system for patients after an open heart surgery : Early online cardiac telerehabilitation programme.

Böckle, Marc-Philipp (2017) SAV2P-shared automated vehicle to pedestrian communication : exploring the impact of an interface for shared automated vehicles on pedestrians' level of comfort.

Bödder, Sascha (2017) E-health methoden voor studenten : voorkeuren, verwachtingen en invloed van het stressniveau.

Börjes, Anna Kristina (2017) Building Castles in the Air: The Impact of Imagined Behaviour on Perceived Appeals in Advertising.

Bücker, T. (2017) Pension fund investment: Impact of the liability structure on equity allocation.

Calkin, Ayse (2017) The impact of competition regulation on the prospect of solar energy innovations by SMEs.

Cardenas, Carlos A. (2017) Development of a safety-aware intrinsically passive controller for a multi-DOF manipulator.

Carol, M. (2017) Value of an e-health system for a value network of people with mental disabilities, their personal caregivers and their legal representatives.

Castro Gómez, Miguel G. (2017) Joint use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for land cover classification: A machine learning approach.

Cañizares, Jose Carlos (2017) The Information Society: Technological, Socioeconomic and Cultural aspects - Prolegomena for a sustainability-oriented ethics of ICT, with glossary and PhD prop.

Ceha, Alexander (2017) Tackling The Circular Economy: Aiding firms in the design and implementation of circular business models.

Celik, Ferhat (2017) The Use of Time Perspective to Prevent Entrepreneurial Burnout.

Cents, M.H.G. (2017) Intra-Value Conflicts and Nietzsche's Perspectivism : Multiple Perspectives of Values and Tackling Grand Challenges.

Chapman, Stuart (2017) The Effects of Performing a Secondary Task on the Preparation of Lane Change Manoeuvres.

Chemaly, Trishia (2017) Multimodality image registration for visualization in robotic assisted breast biopsy.

Chen, Jianyu (2017) Social Security Funds Ownership and Firm Performance: The Evidence from Chinese Public Listed Companies.

Chenet, M. (2017) Identify and extract entities from bibliography references in a free text.

Chowdhury, Saidul Azam (2017) Intrapersonal Variation in Destination Choice.

Christenhusz, A. (2017) Magnetic sentinel lymph node detection and metastases evaluation.

Chrysanthou, M. (2017) The effect of passivesupporting versus activesupporting ankle braces on physiological movement.

Chung, Wai Tun (2017) Modeling ORSA scenarios at APG Group level.

Ciuffani, Bianca Malaika (2017) Non-verbal Communication and Leadership : the impact of hand gestures used by leaders on follower job satisfaction.

Cloet, J.M. de (2017) Extracting the reaction kinetics of the formation of CIGS from in-situ X-ray diffraction measurements.

Cobben, Cleo (2017) The role of positive psychology interventions in improving wellbeing and pathology in patients with borderline personality disorder : a systematic literature review.

Coenen, T.B.J. (2017) Innovation policy in the construction industry : the Netherlands compared with several European countries.

Coes, M.G. (2017) A novel approach to quantify and analyse brain imaging features on MRI.

Colijn, A. (2017) Pharaoh Matras : de ontwikkeling van een cranio thoracale orthese bij nekletsel.

Colijn, J.G. (2017) Implementing performance indicators in the CRM projects of a CRM software company : How to measure the added value of introducing CRM to your company?

Commadeur, Thom (2017) Developing a methodology for train free period clustering using an opportunity-based methodology.

Cong, K. (2017) The Equity Choice of Institutional Investors in China’s Market.

Consten, C. P. (2017) The association between birth order and self-reported personality characteristics of siblings in a within-family design.

Contreras Acosta, I.C. (2017) Mapping epithermal alteration mineralogy with high spatial resolution hyperspectral imaging of rock samples.

Cordewener, I.J.M. (2017) Managing the contract between Gelre Ziekenhuizen and their laboratory supplier.

Croese, Y. (2017) Assessment of e-learning effectiveness on employees.

Cruz Martínez, Roberto R. (2017) Development of a goal setting module for a heart failure telemonitoring and coaching technology : a mixed methods study with an agile science approach.

Cusicanqui Olivares, J.F. (2017) 3D scene reconstruction and structural damage assessment with aerial video frames and drone still imagery.

Cvetkovski, A. (2017) Support for the first-line manager and self-managing teams provided by HR departments.

DENEKAMP, H. J. (2017) Improving the process of restocking sanitary appliances using the internet of things.

Daccache, P. (2017) Kennis is macht, kennis delen is kracht : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de kennisdeling binnen het kennisveld Natte Kunstwerken bij Rijkswaterstaat.

Dafrista, Dio Dinta (2017) Information flow improvement for geocollaborative system between in-field and in-office user in areas without internet access.

Dag, A.J. (2017) 21e eeuwse vaardigheden bij Maatschappijleer in Nederland.

Dam, Titia van (2017) The influence of pledging and motivational factors on environmental behavior : evidence from the Plastic Soup Surfer Petition.

Danilla, Carolyne (2017) Convolutional neural networks for contextual denoising and classification of SAR images.

Darwinkel, M.R. (2017) Crowding at the emergency department of the Scheper Hospital Emmen : a system-wide imbalance analysis with staffing optimization and capacity planning to stay in the flow.

Davanian, Ali (2017) Effective granularity in Internet badhood detection: Detection rate, Precision and Implementation performance.

Davoudi, A. (2017) The Relationship between Childhood Characteristics and the Involvement in Entrepreneurial Activities and New Ventures.

Dawo, H.L.A. (2017) Fostering Climate Resilience in Cities: An analysis of adaptive policy strategies to mitigate urban flooding by utilizing multifunctional systems.

De Oto, Lucas Hernán (2017) Exploring an alternative approach for deriving NDVI-based forage scarcity in the framework of index-based livestock insurance in East Africa.

Decker, V.S. (2017) From fidgeter to entrepreneur? : A cross-sectional study examining the relationship between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Entrepreneurial Social Identity, Entrepreneurial Passion and Entrepreneurial Performance.

Dedden, G.F. (2017) Assistance in balance recovery during gait using an ankle exoskeleton controlled with a neuromuscular controller.

Deelstra, F. (2017) Identification of circulating tumour cell subpopulations.

Deenik, W. (2017) Teaching a machine beauty : intelligent interactive evolution of abstract animations.

Deeva, Evelina (2017) Does corporate social responsibility have an influence on corporate financial performance? : Evidence from Germany.

Deijlen, Lisa (2017) Experimental research on cavitation in a water tunnel at the University of Michigan.

Deinum, S.W. (2017) The solar tree : designing an interactive seating area that advertises sustainability.

Dejen, Yohannes Agide (2017) Interplay between rainfall, stream water level and surface soil moisture quantified at field scale using in-situ and satellite techniques.

Dekker, A.J. (2017) A statistical approach towards the response of dune systems to tidal inlet processes.

Dekker, G. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Dekker, J.J.J.W. (2017) Programming for MrReves (Reden virtual engineering system) in C#.

Dekker, K.J. (2017) Dividend & Repurchase Disclosures and their Effect on Cumulative Abnormal Returns.

Delaere, Yvo (2017) Implementation and optimization of facial recognition with the IntelRealsense SR300.

Delke, Vincent F. (2017) Identification of startups as innovation partners : analyzing complex search strategies within the automotive industry.

Demajo, Marijana (2017) Analysis of food availability for Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) and their foraging behaviour as function of food and land cover in Cadiz Province, Andalusia, Spain.

Demir, S. (2017) Argumenteren over een controversieel vraagstuk : leerlingen van 4vwo over de plastic soep.

Demirer, Figen Ece (2017) Investigation of a Charge Transfer at Complex Oxide Interfaces.

Demmer, J.A.M. (2017) Promoting healthy food choices under conditions of low self-control : nudging through the persuasive design of the environment.

Den, Michael ten (2017) Design of a pneumatic Dual-Drive Planetary actuator to improve the velocity of MR guided manipulators.

Denekamp, H. J. (2017) Weaknesses in the manufacturing strategy : a case study.

Denge, P.G.M. ter (2017) Zorgtechnologie: zorgen om de zorg exploratief onderzoek naar kennis, ervaring en attitudes van zorgprofessionals betreffende zorgtechnologie en hun toekomstverbeelding.

Derakhshan, Soheil (2017) Ground and surface water flow modeling in the Lake Naivasha basin.

Derckx, E.G.H (2017) The Influences of Hydrogel Geometry on the Desalination of Salt Water.

Dermann, D.A.C. (2017) The influencing factors on preferential resource allocation in a natural factor market characterized by scarcity.

Dethmers, H.T. (2017) The role of nonverbal behavior in leadership effectiveness : a multi-method, video-observational study.

Deutsch, Anni Michelle (2017) Online vs. offline local political communication : an analysis of the effect of age on the use of online and offline channels of communication.

Diallo, A.O. (2017) Traffic filtering based on subsystem component state.

Dicker, M. (2017) The Psychology of Drunk Bicycling – The Influence of Bicyclist’s Norms and Attitudes.

Dickmänken, J.S. (2017) How companies adjust their value proposition over time : the role of environmental dynamics, managerial decision and learning.

Diekmann, Julia (2017) The effect of intelligence on preferred resource allocation.

Dieter, Peter (2017) Does author team size explain retraction?

Dijk, F.W. van (2017) Adopting the Cloud: A multi-method approach towards developing a cloud maturity model.

Dijk, J. van (2017) Commissioning of an Flame Reactor for Research on Entrained-Flow Gasification.

Dijk, J. F. van (2017) Three dimensional capacitive sensing for wearable technology : a development example for creative technology.

Dijk, M. van (2017) Deurvering 2.0 : een los te plaatsen vering voor insluitwerk.

Dijk, W.R. van (2017) The Convergence of Parallel Medical Technologies : A philosophical analysis of the question of what happens when two parallel medical imaging technologies do not converge in their diagnostic conclusions.

Dijken, Danny van (2017) Culture and learning in a high-tech environment: The relationship between cultural values and informal learning activities of highly qualified employees.

Dijkers, A.A.A. (2017) Intimate partner violence : establishing the needs and opinions of stakeholders regarding support through ehealth : a qualitative study.

Dijkhuis, D.G. (2017) Mass transfer in titania photocatalytic membrane reactors.

Dijks, J.P. (2017) Optimization of replacement times of soft parts in gas pressure control systems.

Dijkstra, F.B. (2017) UCAVs Against Air Threats : Pre-feasibility Study for a Semi-Direct Control System.

Dijkstra, J.E. (2017) Improving session planning in the plaster room of Sint Maartenskliniek.

Dijkstra, J.J. (2017) De ontwikkeling van een observatieformulier om de mediatie van drie kenmerken van gemedieerd leren te onderscheiden in de klas.

Dijl, Daniëlle van (2017) Integrating social media features in NL-Alert.

Dijsselhof, A. (2017) SaxShoe. Integration and impementation of an Inertial Navigation System in firefighters'boots.

Dillimono, D.D. (2017) Nonverbal empathetic communication in coaching wearables.

Dima, Florin-Costinel (2017) Drone Technology and Human Rights.

Dinkelbach, H. (2017) The effects of affective responses to photographs on behavioral intentions on charity websites : Facial expression and color scheme in images.

Disse, M.R. (2017) The relationship between extraversion, experiential acceptance and mental wellbeing in the Twente region in the Netherlands.

Ditzel, K. (2017) Increasing Customer Engagement in retailing using social media as marketing tools.

Doan, Kevin Quang (2017) Pluripotent stem cell derived beta cells for treating diabetes type 1.

Dokter, L.J.B. (2017) Regulatory standard setting for managing e-waste in the US. An exploratory study based on the Governance Triangle.

Dokter, M.H. (2017) KPN SmartLife Vitaal : Facilitating Independent Living for People with Dementia.

Donners, Y. (2017) 3D Interactive visualisation framework for simulated systems in large scale print system design.

Doornekamp, N.D. (2017) Compressive sensing in dynamic scenes.

Dorst, M.H.T. (2017) Political knowledge of Dutch citizens : Do Dutch voters know what they need to know?.

Dos Santos, V.V. (2017) The effect of frame and format on online engagement : "shares:, "followers" & donations for an NGO by social media.

Draijer, E.M. (2017) The allocation of patients to hospitals in case of a disaster.

Dreisibner, F. (2017) The impact of leader’s expansive body posture and forward leaning behavior on team performance: A Mixed-Method study.

Drewer, H. (2017) Comparing the influence of socioeconomic factors on participation in national elections and referendums.

Driedger, Thomas (2017) The influence of speaking rate on indicators of conflict situations.

Driesen, J.B. (2017) SMA wire actuator in a morphing wing.

Driesten, Minette van (2017) Een aanzet tot een ontwerp voor de analyse van maatschappelijke problemen.

Duan, Ting (2017) The impact of Leaf Area Index on rainfall interception and the potential to estimate it using Sentinel-1 observations.

Duguma, I.J. (2017) Governing the irrigation water in Ethiopia: Case study of Shelle village, Arbaminch Zuria Woreda.

Duijvendak, R.M. (2017) Improving intergroup relations using positive warmth and competence messages with strong or less strong proponents of the European Union.

Duiveman, A (2017) Entrepreneurs in slow fashion: Ambitious or death wish? An analysis of the slow fashion industry.

Duivenboden, L.M. van (2017) The effect of productive failure instruction on the learning process, learning outcomes, and motivation of young children.

Dusman, E.M. (2017) Ontwerpen van een beweeg-beleef-serie voor ouderen.


Dzulqarnain, A.R. (2017) Distributed Processing for Operational Modal Analysis of Bridge Infrastructures Using Wireless Sensor Networks.

Démeijer, Ms. Dionne (2017) Making digital HRM work : A study in changes in perceived consequences of e-HRM in the past decade.

Döpker, R. (2017) The debate on climate change-induced migration in the EU: is resilience showing through? : A critical discourse analysis of resilience manifesting itself in the debate of EU institutions on climate change-induced migration.

Dülger, S. (2017) Arterial blood pressure curve analysis in cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction.

Ebbert, Daniel (2017) Patterns in the appropriation of a learning management system by instructors based on Q-methodology.

Ebbing, Jordi (2017) The halo effect of smartphone brands : smartphone’s brand equity influence on the user experience of third-party smartphone applications.

Ebelhäuser, Julian (2017) Through a surgeon’s eyes : the influence of visual-spatial ability and different camera positions on laparoscopic simulator task performance, among novices.

Ebing, S.A.M. (2017) Inline mixing of highly viscous sludge.

Ebrecht, L. (2017) De hemodialyseafdeling 2.0 - Een efficiënte inzet van de verpleegkundigen.

Eckhardt, T. (2017) Do people with different educational backgrounds differ in their description of the aspects belonging to a good life? : a qualitative study.

Ede, Thijs S. van (2017) Detecting adaptive data exfiltration in HTTP traffic.

Eemeren, T. van (2017) Pathos and Technology - a Matter of Rhetoric.

Eenink, H.G.J. (2017) Highly tunable hole quantum dots in Si-Ge shell-core nanowires.

Eeuwen, M. van (2017) Mobile conversational commerce: messenger chatbots as the next interface between businesses and consumers.

Egmond, C.A.W. van and Hengst, S.G. and Pelgröm, A.T. and Vreeken, M.S. (2017) Requirements for a monitoring sensor system to protect patients from vital threat.

Eijking, B. (2017) Tactile whisker sensor using flexible 3D printed transducers.

Eijsker, J. (2017) Investigation of immiscible liquid-liquid displacement in Slippery Liquid Infused Membranes (SLIM).

Eikema, L. (2017) Educating high-ability students through different types of inquiry learning in primary schools : A study on flow, mood, and learning outcomes.

Eikenhout, Liselotte M. J. (2017) Electrodermal activity in relation to self-reported stress and emotion intensity in individuals : an exploration of intra-subject relations through experience sampling and wearable sensors.

Elawady, Karim (2017) Compressor pipeline wall temperature analysis during depressurization including condensation effects.

Eldik, G. van (2017) The development of a sustainability strategy to meet future sustainability requirements.

Elfaramawy, Ibrahim (2017) Designing an accessible workflow for Rapid Prototyping on a homemade 3-axis CNC machine.

Elferdink, B. (2017) De samenhang tussen cultuurbezuinigingen en cultuurbeleid: een case-study.

Ellery, D. (2017) Writing reusable code for robotics.

Emmerich, M.M. (2017) Pilot Population Management Wesselerbrink A qualitative case study of social innovation in healthcare.

Emmerik, G.J.L. van (2017) Exploring the HRM Mechanisms to Enhance the Competences of Medical Professionals: Results From a Mixed-Method Longitudinal Study in a High-Tech Dutch Hospital.

Emmerloot, R.H.M. van (2017) A Body For R3D3: The Robot Receptionist.

Endeman, K. (2017) Onderzoek naar de belemmeringen bij het toepassen van cost control binnen de supply chains van bedrijf X.

Engbersen, P.J.F. (2017) Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book: The trade-off between delta EVE and delta NII.

Engelbert, P. and Kool, D. and Nijenhuis, L. te and Peters, B. (2017) Characteristics of conduction in Bachmann’s bundle during pacing Analyzing features of paced signals and their activation patterns during high resolution mapping at patients with and without a history of atrial fibrillation.

Engelbertink, D.G.L. and Woudstra, S. (2017) Managing the influences and risks of Industry 4.0.

Engelen, H. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Engelen, Patty C.R. van (2017) The influence of policy, law and regulation on self-managing teams in the Dutch healthcare sector: a qualitative study.

Engelgeer, Timo (2017) Designing a wireless node-based energy meter to measure both real and reactive power.

Engh, G.W.F. van den (2017) Aanbesteden en relatieve beoordeling: Een goed huwelijk? Een theoretische en empirische studie van veelgebruikte relatieve scoringsmethodes voor gunningscriteria voor supplier selection.

Enk, M.C. van den (2017) Developing a tool for learning concept maps.

Enzary, A. (2017) Implementing The National Energy Policy (KEN) : A Study of Energy Security and Interrelation Among The Actors, Case Study : The Province of Jambi (Indonesia).

Enzary, Alfan (2017) Implementing the National Energy Policy (KEN) : a study of energy security and interrelation among the actors, case study : the Province of Jambi (Indonesia).

Ephrati, Sagy and Jonker, Henk (2017) A numerical study of the Ecovat with IFISS.

Ercan, Yasmin (2017) Value in diversity? : A quantitative examination of board diversity and financial performance of publicly listed firms in Germany.

Erdbrügger, Jana (2017) Comparing tree parameters extracted from UAV images and TLS data sets.

Erdinger, N. K. (2017) Do anger and having a relationship with the victim influence offenders’ willingness to participate in victim-offender mediation?

Ergecer, Fatma (2017) Usability of a new eHealth Monitoring Technology (HELMA) that reflects health care needs for Clients with Cognitive Impairments and their (In) Formal Caregivers.

Ernst, B.T.M. (2017) Het effect van feedback en zelfexplanatie op het wetenschappelijk redeneren van kinderen.

Erp, Giel W. M. van (2017) Applying the Flow Optimization Model: Dynamic Charging on the Dutch National Roads.

Erp, M.A.J.M. van (2017) Shear Wave Ultrasound Elastography of the tongue.

Ersaru, E. (2017) Public participation in water management : the case of Turkey.

Es, T. van (2017) What differentiates effective followers from less effective followers: An exploratory mixed-methods field study using survey- and video-data.

Essenstam, L. (2017) Cognitive computing for the hospitality industry : A research as regards to the implementation of cognitive computing in business processes.

Euving, E.J. (2017) Developing an energy observer for energy bookkeeping.

Euving, Stephan (2017) Fluid flow in the cement layer of Mono-Diameter wells during casing expansion.

Everlo, W.R. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Evers, G.J. (2017) Human Machine Interface : configuratiemethode.

Evers, T. (2017) Een methodiek voor het verduurzamen van bestaande kleine kantoorgebouwen : een casestudy van kantoorgebouw Haafkes te Goor.

Ewals, L.J.S. and Steenhuis, A. and Willekens, S. C. and Niekolaas, M. (2017) Instellingen van een 3 en 7 Tesla MRI scanner ter beoordeling van de mimische lachspieren.

Ewers, N.L. (2017) #sponsored – Influencer Marketing on Instagram : An Analysis of the Effects of Sponsorship Disclosure, Product Placement, Type of Influencer and their Interplay on Consumer Responses.

FEIJTEN, T. (2017) MFManufacturing: porting the fertility chip to the standard platform.

FISELIER, S. (2017) Investigating the relationships between Neuroticism, Self-Compassion and Coping Styles.

FRIJTERS, D.W. (2017) Co-production between family caregivers and home care professionals: The case of Buurtzorg in the Netherlands and China.

Faassen, J. van (2017) Influencing factors on knowledge sharing processes in an inter-organisational context in the high-tech industry.

Fabian, Nicolai Etienne (2017) The effect of device type on buying behavior in Ecommerce : an exploratory study.

Fahmi, S. (2017) Respiratory motion estimation of the liver with abdominal motion as a surrogate : a supervised learning approach.

Fahmi, Shamel (2017) Respiratory motion estimation of the liver with abdominal motion as a surrogate : a supervised learning approach.

Faiss, Laura Sophie (2017) Deindividuation effects on group offending : the effect of salient identity and being in a group on sexual offending.

Fang, R. (2017) The application of the ISO55000 improvement loop & the improvement of maintenance concepts at Strukton Rail.

Farsad Layegh, Nasir (2017) Integrating Semi-Supervised Learning and Expert System for wetland vegetation classification using Sentinel-2 data.

Fasya, Evania Lina (2017) Automatic question generation for virtual humans.

Fathiyya, U. (2017) Debris flow susceptibility analysis based on landslide inventory and run-out modelling in middle part of Kodil watershed, Central Java, Indonesia.

Feenstra, L. and Lodema, D.Y. and Schreijer, T.H. and Wijk, M.W.M. van (2017) Item availability restricted.

Feij, T.M. (2017) Pop-Up Park : ontwerp van een park voor tijdelijke plaatsing in de openbare ruimte.

Feijen, Rick (2017) Building on the shoulders of giants: Can peer universities lead the way for UT Purchasing?

Feiner, S.C. and Riphagen, S. and Hovenier, R. (2017) Een alarmerend probleem - Het reduceren van valse aritmie alarmen op de Spoedeisende Hulp door het combineren van het elektrocardiogram met het fotoplethysmogram om de patiëntveiligheid te verbeteren.

Feldmann, Lea (2017) Positive Psychology Apps A systematic review of current positive psychological apps aiming to increase happiness.

Felius, Irene (2017) Is talent management ready for the diplomacy of tomorrow? : An exploratory study into the global TM for modern diplomats.

Fernando, Adhitya (2017) The adoption of a knowledge management system in a global manufacturing organization: A case study at Apollo Tyres Ltd.

Fernández Inguanzo, Ana (2017) Shaping the Future Use of Big Data: Towards an Ethical Use of Big Data Technologies in Online Marketing.

Ferreira Nascimento, Leonardo Teodoro (2017) Synthesis optimization of energy systems maximizing regional profit.

Fey, J. (2017) The use of experiential avoidance as indicator for anxiety and depression disorders.

Fictorie, S.H. (2017) Het ontwerpen van een foamroller die aan te passen is naar de wensen van de gebruiker.

Finkeldey, I.S. (2017) Een validatieonderzoek van de Nederlandse versies van de Resilience Scale en de Brief Resilience Scale voor reumapatiënten.

Fischer, Marc (2017) Antecedents and benefits of supplier satisfaction and the influence of segmentation and status on buyer-supplier relationships : a multi-perspective case study of company X and four of its suppliers.

Fleige, M. (2017) Perceived Job Aspects and Outcomes Related to Eustress in the Working Population.

Fletterman, W. (2017) Ontwerpen van een productfamilie met twee producten.

Flohr, M.J. (2017) Depletion of small reservoirs in a semiarid region based on remote sensing.

Florijn, R.A.E. (2017) Assessment tool of best practices for SMEs to stimulate incremental and radical innovation.

Focht, A. te (2017) Knowledge management in the semi-public sector : prerequisite organizational and human conditions for a successful implementation of knowledge management in a semi-public organization in the Netherlands.

Fokkema, J.W. (2017) Expand product range to a new market.

Fokkema, K.W. (2017) From Diffusion of Light to Free-Form Scattering.

Fouda, Kareem M.I.A. (2017) Payload based signature generation for DDoS attacks.

Fouladvand, J. (2017) Solar Thermal Energy Systems for Heating Houses in the Netherlands : Social Acceptance, Energy Management and New System Design with feasibility study for Friesland.

Franken, A.D. (2017) Extended self similarity in Rayleigh-Bénard convection.

Franken, A.D. (2017) Extended self similarity in Rayleigh-Bénard convection.

Frankena, M. (2017) Stabiliteitsanalyse Stiennen Man : een onderzoek naar de invloed van de Stiennen Man op de macrostabiliteit van de primaire kering.

Fransen, A.F.C. (2017) The role of media organizations in framing a 'corporate scandal'.

Franz, Sophie (2017) Geanticipeerde consequenties van technologieën op het Welbevinden : een kwalitatieve analyse van verbeeldingen van een florerende toekomst.

Freimann, M. (2017) The Relationship between Emotional Awareness and Experiential Avoidance among Germans: The Role of Educational Level.

Frentz, D.J. (2017) Marketing for a better world : a value proposition framework for NGOs from a S-D logic perspective.

Frick, J. (2017) The effect of warmth and competence on the emotional state when committing social exclusion.

Frieswijk, R.D. (2017) Development of electroluminescence.

Friggemann, Anna (2017) Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen begrijpen : een thematische analyse naar agency.

Frijns, M.H.C. (2017) CFD modeling of a gas exchange membrane in OpenFOAM.

Fritz, Felix René (2017) Bike Sharing in New York City: How the Citi Bike System serves Points of Interest.

Fuisting, Anna (2017) Features of email support that are linked to adherence in the web-based intervention "Hold on, for each other".

Gabriel Pinheiro, Heloisa (2017) Formal map specifications for a National Web Atlas.

Gabulov, Azik (2017) Demo for the Communication Course using LabView software and software defined radio.

Gaete Haller, P.J. (2017) Data Analysis for installed PV Systems in the Netherlands.

Gajadin, R.D. (2017) Dry Gas Seal Reliability and the Development of Prognostic Models.

Gao, Deliang (2017) Spatial analysis of cycling accidents in relation to infrastructure design in Curitiba (Brazil).

Gardien, J.M. (2017) The Influence of the Cultural Dimension Tightness/Looseness on the Decision-Making of Entrepreneurs: A study of the Netherlands, Germany and Indonesia.

Ge, Yue (2017) Effect of debriefing with serious games on learning in an EFL classroom.

Gebauer, M. (2017) The role of World Assumptions in the development of PTSD: Cultural differences between western and non-western respondents.

Geerdink, N. (2017) Slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling : Zelf- en slachtoffer-georiënteerde behoeften van daders en de rol van sociale binding.

Geerlings, M.N. (2017) Design of new posm that will boost the iconic value of the Grolsch Swingtop bottle in on-trade.

Geertsema, J.B. (2017) Design of a frequency dividing subsampling phase-locked loop.

Geervliet, E.K. and Paalvast, A.S. and Rheenen, BSc S.K. van and Schreijer, M.A. (2017) The use of a shape memory material in the treatment of heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction.

Geessinck, BSc F.A.J. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Geevers, J.A.P.M. (2017) Het optimaliseren van het orderproces van CAPE Groep.

Gelfert, Willi (2017) Herstel door Verbondenheid - Een Evaluatie van de Academie voor Zelfstandigheid.

Gemerts, Earvin (2017) Item availability restricted.

Geng, Weicheng (2017) Detecting and quantifying lake changes in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River over the last 70 years (1945-2015).

Gerats, B.G.A. (2017) Increasing technician's efficiency in executing proactive maintenance tasks : an augmented reality concept.

Gerdes, S. (2017) Optimising internal benchmarking of mail delivery at PostNL.

Gerritsen, E.W.F (2017) Vergelijking van de behandelresultaten van een verslavingsbehandeling tussen cliënten met een comorbiditeit van verslaving en PTSS en cliënten zonder PTSS.

Geurts, Peter (2017) Development of a vane motor servo system for precision positioning in an MRI- or CT-environment.

Geuzebroek, E.F and Wolsink, F and Koehorst, D.S (2017) Onderzoek naar de keuzes van patiënten met een beroerte voor een bepaalde keteningang in de acute zorgketen in Twente en Oost-Achterhoek.

Ghasemi Bakhtiyari, Sayeh (2017) Analysis and modeling of groundwater system for wetland management : with the example of the Aamsveen wetland in The Netherlands.

Giebel, C.G.J. (2017) "A Dream Come True"?: Interrelations between the basic psychological needs and flourishing in letters from a future with a basic income.

Gies, S.H. (2017) Ornithopter flight dynamics : measurement and analysis of the Robird's Flapping Wing.

Giesselink, M.H. (2017) Towards a tool mapping Organizational Readiness for Self-Directed Learning.

Gijzen, R. (2017) Valuation of an exoskeleton based on the capability approach.

Gils, N.D.M. van and Kappe, K.O. and Nieuwenhof, H.B. van den and Sieswerda, J.J. (2017) Verbetering van de nauwkeurigheid van het elektromagnetische chirurgische navigatiesysteem bij endonasale endoscopische chirurgie middels een non-invasieve alternatieve matching methode voor de surface matching methode.

Ginkel, J.W. van (2017) Het ontwerp van een 3D body scanner voor online winkelen.

Ginten, Meret (2017) Introduction of self-management in organizations and teams : a multiple case analysis.

Gjonca, O. (2017) The German energy transition in a European perspective: an analysis of the power sector decarbonisation process.

Glas, H.H. (2017) Image guided surgery and the added value of augmented reality.

Glasner, I. (2017) Understanding weak ties as an opportunity for elite leadership proliferation : How does organisational structure in AIESEC influence job seeking behaviour of alumni?

Glassner, J.M. (2017) Aligning the value-in-use of B2B and B2G segments with a fitting value proposition from a Service-Dominant Logic perspective.

Goday Verdaguer, A (2017) Staffing won't be worse with one fewer nurse: Improving the staffing of nurses in the Intensive Care Department of the Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Goedecke, Anna-Katharina (2017) The effect of smiling and body lean on leadership effectiveness and perceived work climate.

Goedicke, D. (2017) On-road virtual reality driving simulator.

Goksun, Michel (2017) Master Thesis on how self-efficacy and the characteristics of an entrepreneur affect the survival of a start- up firm.

Goldhausen, Julia (2017) Access to finance and growth : evidence from Dutch SMEs.

Goos, H. P. A. (2017) Minimizing expected passenger travel time by optimal buffer allocation in train networks.

Goossen, J.J. (2017) To merge or not to merge? Why a SME merger attempt has been cancelled : a case study research.

Gorter, D. (2017) Added value of machine learning in retail credit risk.

Gostelie, F.H. (2017) Clean, Lean and Mean: A Fast Train is a Clean Train. The Effect of Music Tempo on the Travel Experience of NS Passengers in the Train under various Cleanliness Conditions.

Gottimukkala, Anirudh (2017) Implementation of a digital Class - D amplifier controller in CλaSH.

Goudt, A.A.F. (2017) The perception of investor readiness : a study about the perception of investor readiness of VC professionals and tech venture teams in Twente.

Gouw, R.H. van der (2017) Development of a tyre monitoring system.

Graaf, A de (2017) The dynamics of community innovations : A socio-technical analysis of the shaping of The Things Network – an Internet of Things community network.

Graaf, Joost de (2017) Professional development training: will it blend? : How to offer blended learning.

Green, A.G. (2017) Set-up for assessment of localisation accuracy of Structure from Motion algorithms.

Grefte, M.J.M. (2017) Herontwerpen stuurmechanisme Robird.

Greim, Lena (2017) Impact of the model life cycle on the residual car value in the leasing industry.

Greven, T.G.M. (2017) The Influence of Non-Verbal Behaviour on Meeting Effectiveness and Pro-Active Behaviour: A Video Observational Study.

Griffioen, S. (2017) Towards flexibility in complex construction projects through contractual collaboration.

Groen, L.C. (2017) Developing guidelines for integrating instruction in multimedia drills for Dutch primary schools : an educational design research.

Groenenberg, A. and Rook, A.R.D. and Sterkenburg, A.J. and Wamelink, I.J.H.G. (2017) Exploring the basic principles for developing a downgraded low-cost lithotripter for application in developing countries.

Groeneveld, G. (2017) Design of vacuum components for FERP-technique characterization system.

Groeneveld, J. (2017) Developing a routing algorithm and a prediction method for the turtle rescue problem.

Groeneveld, L.H. (2017) Motivating factors for perpetrators to participate in victim-offender mediation : replicating the relationship effect.

Groeneveld, R.G.A. (2017) Kenmerken van armoede : Een onderzoek om in kaart te brengen hoe professionals die met kinderen van tussen de 0 en de 12 jaar werken, kenmerken van armoede opmerken en hoe zij hier mee omgaan.

Grohn, J. L. J. J. (2017) Exploring co-creation experience and value in the video game industry : how gamers create value through a rule changing online game that has no rules.

Groot, N.D. de (2017) Part 1: “Arc welding standard for production & quality inspection” Part 2: “Implementing the principles of lean in a productive classroom”.

Groot Dengerink, M. (2017) Optimisation strategy of the incoming supply in the sorting process at PostNL depot Hengelo.

Groot Koerkamp, M.L. (2017) Towards MRI-guided radiation therapy of regional lymph nodes in breast cancer patients.

Grothues, Jasper Silas (2017) Competitive Action Video Games’ Effect on Cognitive Abilities : The Case of Overwatch.

Große, Saskia Leona (2017) Attacks on truth and the media : a study on the extent to which American mainstream newspapers react to post-truth politics and Trump by building a truth discourse.

Gräbel, Bianca Friederike (2017) The relationship between wellbeing and academic achievement : a systematic review.

Guddorp, Daniela (2017) Stress response coherence : does self-perceived stress and its interaction with physiological measures depend on the kind of stressor?

Gugler, Joël Benjamin (2017) Industry 4.0 in production companies in Europe and the United States of America : a cross case-examination.

Guo, Bin (2017) Analyzing rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides using satellite remote sensing and physically-based modeling : a case study from Rasuwa district, Nepal.

Guo, Mengran (2017) Research Line: a new design for better information sharing and storage between mentors and students in the E-mentoring process.

Gupta, Amit Kumar (2017) Security risk analysis of automotive ethernet networks.

Guta, H.E. (2017) Use of unmanned aerial vehicles compared to terrestrial laser scanning for characterizing discontinuities on rock exposures.

Gössel, Benjamin (2017) Police work in the context of the EU's refugee-crisis: A descriptive and explanatory cross-sectional comparative analysis of the police work in and around the regular reception facility in Almelo (NL) and the arrival center in Bramsche-Hesepe (GER).

HE, Y. (2017) Extracting document structure of a text with visual and textual cues.

Haafkes, W. (2017) More bang for the buck.

Haag, J. B. (2017) Can a crowd generate creativity? : The social influence of the crowdsourcing community on task satisfaction, attitude towards the initiating organization and creative outcomes of idea generating co-creation activities.

Haan, H. de (2017) Market Analysis for Unique Featured Heavy Cargo Transportation Vessels.

Haan, J.B.A. de (2017) Mediation and the Morality of Sex Selection - Contributions of a Mediation Approach to the Assessment of Sex-Selection Technologies.

Haaren, S.D.G. van (2017) Effectenstudie naar het mee schematiseren van straatkolken in 3Di.

Haase, Henrike (2017) Teaming with robots : do people trust a human advice more than a system advice?

Habraken, B. (2017) Strategic decision-making in the post-integration process of cross-border mergers and acquisitions : a qualitative research synthesis.

Haeske, A.B. (2017) Improving clarity, cooperation and driver experience in lane change maneuvers.

Hafkenscheid, R.J. (2017) Trip assignment for the retail industry.

Hailu, Fitsum Samuel (2017) Marginal economic value of water in crop production.

Halbesma, . C. (2017) Persuasion Techniques used by Successful Online Shops| To what extent and in which manner are the seven persuasion principles of Cialdini used by the successful online shops in the Netherlands?

Hamelink, I. and Metselaar, R.J. and Ruisch, J. and Slotman, D.J. (2017) Protocol design for visualization of the endoprosthesis with low field MRI after EVAR.

Hannink, M.J.M. (2017) Heat exchanger shape optimization : using adjoint method ansys fluent.

Hanoun Saado, A. (2017) Storage prognosis of large components during the peak period at Siemens Hengelo.

Hanse, A.M. (2017) Krylov subspace time domain computations of monochromatic sources for multi-frequency optical response.

Hansmeier, Marc Michael (2017) How has the public media framed the debate about the European Parliament’s recommendations of a taxing scheme on robotics from 31 May 2016 till 16 February 2017?

Hao, S. (2017) Tower contamination and radiation teporal variability in a douglas fir forest.

Harder, E.F.H. (2017) The future of contracts in a digital economy : the impact of smart contracts on transaction costs in financial markets.

Harder, W.J. (2017) Key Performance Indicators for Smart Grids Master Thesis on Performance Measurement for Smart Grids.

Harmelen, E. van (2017) Combining direct instruction on the Control-of-Variables strategy with task segmentation : is there a positive synergistic effect?

Harmsen, G.W. (2017) Effects of curriculum characteristics on achievement in science and technical higher professional education.

Harnisch, Dominik (2017) The influence of teachers’ mindset, competitive attitudes, and self-efficacy in differentiation on the application of differentiating teaching methods.

Harrower, Jeffrey (2017) Social communication and digital privacy concerns of teenagers.

Hartanto, Kurniawan (2017) Developing a bikeability index to enable the assessment of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) nodes : case study in Arnhem-Nijmegen region, Netherlands.

Hartkamp, Danny (2017) Business model innovation for SMEs : the value of tools such as provided by “”.

Hartmann, Lena (2017) Welke factoren zijn gerelateerd aan non- adherentie in een positief psychologische interventie met emailbegeleiding? Een onderzoek naar voorspellers van non -adherentie met betrekking tot sociaal-demografische gegevens, persoonlijkheidskenmerken en therapeutisch gedragingen.

Hartmann, Timo Sebastian (2017) The potential of web 2.0 applications to enhance social cohesion and the emergence of collective action.

Haselhoff, A.E. (2017) Modeling the heat transfer of a packed bed with an effective thermal conductivity.

Hashemi, Liza (2017) Computer assisted interpretation of CT imaging in traumatic brain injury : automatic detection of haemorrhages and the prediction of neurological symptoms.

Hatger, Nils (2017) Can the Dual Processor Model account for task integration with a sequential movement task?

Hazeleger, J.C. (2017) The hydraulic and morphological effects of the isle groyne : a numerical study in Delft3D on the effects of an altered groyne design on the magnitude and orientation of groyne flames.

He, Minfei (2017) Improving Suspended Sediment Transport Models for Breaking Wave Conditions.

Heeger, E.N. (2017) How technology affects energy consumption in the Reggefiber FttH network.

Heeke, Laura (2017) The Living Conditions of Asylum Seekers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, During the Migrant Crisis in 2015/2016.

Heemskerk, K.J.C. (2017) Designing and constructing an autonomous launching system for a robotic bird of prey.

Heeringa, T.J. (2017) Inverse boundary problem with the Maxwell Equations : an alternative method to breast cancer detection.

Hege, L. (2017) The relationship between self-disclosure, well-being and therapeutic behaviours during tailored e-mail counselling in a Positive Psychology Intervention.

Hegenberg, Jan (2017) A case study : assessing the antecedents and benefits of supplier satisfaction.

Heijboer, L. (2017) De invloed van persoonlijke factoren en comorbide stoornissen op het behandeleffect van Mindfit voor cliënten met een gegeneraliseerde angststoornis.

Heijdens, R.H.M. (2017) Implementing machine learning in Industrial Robots for better human-robot cooperation.

Heijdt, J.B. van der (2017) Optimizing ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: electrode montage and stimulus frequency.

Heinen, S. (2017) Temporal variation and conflict in integrating traditional and E-marketing activities.

Heinrich, S.S. (2017) Minitraining Positiviteit en Geluk : Pilot study on the effects and user experiences of a short-term online positive psychology intervention based on positive emotions-.

Held, M.L. (2017) Predictive policing : wie vertrouwen individuen meer: mens of machine; en welk advies wordt eerder opgevolgd?

Hellmann, M. (2017) What makes a young adult take or not take self-protective action against cyberbullying? A Study on Risk Communication.

Helmus, A. (2017) An experimental study on the association between bystanders, motivation and deceptive behavior.

Hendriks, Liza (2017) De ontwikkeling van een analyse-instrument geschikt voor het in kaart brengen van sociale regulatie in groepen die werken aan een kleine probleemoplossingstaak.

Hengstenberg, Yann Paul (2017) Innovate or die: the need for business model transformations : a case study on business model innovations through professional service platforms.

Herdelt, C. (2017) Early Supplier Involvement in New Product Development.

Herdes, F. (2017) Values and Well-being in Community Psychologists: A Qualitative Analysis of 'Letters from the Future'.

Herrera Martínez, R. (2017) Does the richness from online social media platforms affect the effectiveness of the advertising message of a product? : marketing through influencers.

Herwaarden, Rutger van (2017) Regional Innovation Policy : Twente & Overijssel in light of the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2016.

Hettinga, M.E.M. (2017) High tricycle target group. Backtracking the requirements of potential high tricycle users.

Heukers, F. (2017) Searching with Imperfect Information.

Heusden, S. van (2017) Reizigers centraal in een flexibel treininterieur.

Heuvel, Simone van den (2017) Simulatie van zeldzame gebeurtenissen.

Heuzels, L.H. (2017) Decentralisations in the Dutch social care sector : researching approaches of municipal commissioning of social care on patient perceived quality of care and self-reliance.

Hidding, S. (2017) iBeacons for Concordia : Exploring the possibilities of iBeacons in a museum context.

Hilbrink, E.M. (2017) 'The hotel were graet' : The effects of valence and language errors on the attitude towards the hotel, review credibility, booking intention and eWOM intention of consumers.

Hilgerink, T. (2017) Toetsresultaten : Welke factoren spelen een rol bij toetsresultaten?

Hill, N. (2017) The Influence of Innovative Work Climate and Leadership Behavior on Employees’ IWB.

Hinsenveld, Niek Henk-Jan (2017) On the conflict between democracy and populism : a cross-country analysis of Belgium, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Hobert, E.A.M. (2017) Gaming in rehabilitation : using a game to motivate patients in rehabilitation to use an online rehabilitation portal.

Hobert, Eddo (2017) 3D Printed flexible fingertip strain sensor.

Hoefsmit, D.A. (2017) Rail, realistisch?

Hoefter, Moritz (2017) Inconsistencies between Review Sites and Facebook Comments about Web Shop Experiences.

Hoegen, Y. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Hoeksema, V.L. (2017) 3D Transient and crystallization model for laser assisted tape Winding.

Hoekstra, H.A. (2017) Creating customer loyalty in practice : a multiplecases approach.

Hof, I (2017) Scheduling all patients within their desired access time by determining a reservation level for the consultation hours.

Hof, I.F. van den (2017) De geschiktheid van onderwijsruimtes : Het meetbaar maken van geschiktheid van onderwijsruimtes en een prestatiemeting van het rooster van Universiteit Twente op basis van de KPI ‘Geschiktheid van onderwijsruimtes’.

Hofstede, A. (2017) On design and realisation of a telemanipulation demonstration setup.

Hoftijzer, M.A. (2017) Meat the paradox : An inquiry of how to deal with the meat paradox after closing the experiential gap.

Hoitzing, W.B. (2017) MRI-compatible teleoperated needle insertion with haptic feedback.

Hollander, A.K. den (2017) On route from error to learning : an exploratory study into the process of learning from error in teams.

Hollander, K.J.C. den (2017) Modeling and characterizing a sun sensor for nano satellites.

Hollink, A.H.W. (2017) How guilt and social exclusion influence offenders' willingness to participate in victim-offender mediation.

Homburg, R.R. (2017) The influence of company-produced and user-generated instructional videos on perceived credibility and usability.

Hommersen, Vincent Ricardo (2017) Design of a temporary mechanical circulatory support device.

Honarmand Ebrahimi, S. (2017) Climate change is not a threat to our national borders : A study on policy experts’ perception on climate change – human migration nexus.

Honing, Sietske van der (2017) Direct numerical simulation of bubble/wall and droplet/droplet collision with a motifation for lubrication.

Hooge Venterink, J.J.G. (2017) Practical future developments in e-HRM, HR SSC's and employee involvement.

Hoogeveen, Rosalie E.L. (2017) The theme eHealth among visually impaired elderly : a qualitative study.

Hoogt, K.J.J. van der (2017) Flow visualisation using small bubbles inside opaque structures : An experimental approach.

Hoogterp, H. (2017) Crop harvesters feed us, but how do we feed them?

Hoonhorst, M. (2017) Communicating a crisis: the influence of stealing thunder and the type of crisis situation on customer perceptions towards financial institutions.

Hopman, Niels (2017) De ontwikkeling en het testen van een praktische module scheikunde : de synthese van een biologisch afbreekbaar plastic. poly(ε-caprolacton)(PCL).

Hoppe, A.C.M. (2017) An Offshore Tomorrow - " How National Legislative Measures Affect the Return on Investment Gaps for Renewable Energy Investors".

Horenberg, Daan (2017) Applications within Logistics 4.0 : A research conducted on the visions of 3PL service providers.

Horenberg, Lieke (2017) Item availability restricted.

Horsten, S. (2017) Contribution of sound in the Intensive Care Unit environment to sleep disruption.

Horstink, Jordy (2017) Development of an integrated decision support method for municipal infrastructure.

Horstman, J. (2017) Photovoice: Een systematische literatuurstudie naar het therapeutisch effect van Photovoice bij patiënten met psychische klachten.

Horstman, M.C. (2017) Pompen als het waait. Een onderzoek naar flexibel pompen voor het Twentekanaal.

Hout, N.B. van den (2017) Developing a dedicated tool to support the development of domestic boilers for a circular economy.

Hout, V.M. van der (2017) The touch of a robotic friend : can a touch of a robot, when the robot and the person have bonded with each other, calm a person down during a stressful moment?

Hovenga, L. (2017) Coaching in eHealth: Exploratory research on the preference of Dutch employees for Emotion-Focused or Solution-Focused coaching to reduce work-related stress.

Hoving, Nick (2017) Monitoring performance information; improving the effectiveness of the best value tender process.

Huang, Runjie (2017) Measuring transit-oriented development network synergy based on node typology.

Huang, Weilin (2017) Detecting spatio-temporal forest changes in the eastern section of semi-arid region in China using MODIS NDVI time series and BFAST model.

Hudepol, C.E. (2017) Novel markers for detection of CTCs without EpCAM expression.

Hueting, T.A. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Huijben, J. (2017) Designing a user interface for a solar home charging kit for an E-bike.

Huijink, A.M.J.O. (2017) Ervaringen van COPD-patiënten met deelname aan het rookreductieprogramma: REDUQ-studie. Een exploratief kwalitatief onderzoek.

Huiskes, T.J. (2017) Early-stage success factors of R&D collaborations.

Huizinga, E (2017) Early Recognition Of The Deteriorating Surgical Patient Using HealthPatch MD, A Wireless And Wearable Vital Signs Monitor – An Early Clinical Feasibility Study.

Hul, L. van 't (2017) Who am I as a Technical Physician? The professional identity of young professionals in an emerging field : An exploratory study into professional identity as a predictor of intended career choice and career development.

Hulshof, E.E.A. and Reintjes, M.P.T and Schipaanboord, D.J.M. and Sleuwen, M.T.G.M. van (2017) Hoe kan de kwaliteit van de thoraxcompressies en de beademingen in kaart worden gebracht met behulp van sensoren tijdens reanimatie bij volwassen patiënten?

Hut, D.A. (2017) Kostenbesparing bij voorraadbeheer.

Huttinga, N.R.F. (2017) Insights into deep learning methods with application to cancer imaging.

Huurne, R.B.A. (2017) Optimization of performance contracts : an exploratory and qualitative research of the potential of data analytics within and between multiple performance contracts.

Huxoll, M. S. (2017) The bystander effect from the other side : the psychological effects of passive bystanders and apologizing on the victim’s outcomes of a victimization experience.

Höpner, M.M. (2017) Administering Roma Inclusion Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe How did European Semester monitoring affect the implementation of the EU policy on Roma inclusion in selected CEE states between 2011 and 2016?

Hülsing, Jennifer (2017) The Eustress Concept: The influence of resilience, problem-focused coping and positive reappraisal on the stress experience.

Hüren, S.C.J. (2017) Artificial intelligence as a means to facilitate mechanism design-based negotiations.

Hüsgen, R.L. (2017) The effect of Post Type in Facebook Content Marketing.

Iddekinge, F.M. van (2017) Bereik angst van toekomstige gebruikers van elektrische auto's.

Iding, Paul (2017) The effects of supplier awards on the relationship of buyer and supplier : a multiple case study of winners and non-winners.

Igel, H. (2017) Exploring narratives about the imagination of a flourishing future with an universal basic income.

Illner, Selene Robena (2017) De rol van oefenen en zelfregulerend leren op de taak prestatie met video instructies.

Imada, R. (2017) What do stakeholders have to say about sand nourishments? : The use of uncertainties to cope with gaps in water governance in the context of Dutch adaptation to climate change.

Iordache, C. (2017) Adjoint-based optimization study of a heat exchanger : single and multi-objective shape optimization.

Iordache, C. (2017) Radial lip seal design parameters and simulations : influencing leak-rate parameters.

Iriani, L.G. (2017) Determining tsunami evacuation building location and evacuation routes based on population dynamic and human behavior in disaster evacuation in Pacitan sub-district area.

Irmen, J. (2017) Determining EU citizens' support for European integration.

Isik, Petrus (2017) The impact of regulation on innovation in the food sector.

Islam, M.R. (2017) Reducing Water Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh: Is Rainwater Harvesting a Sustainable Solution?

Jabold, Benjamin (2017) ‘Mmrecord’ - more than just an annotation tool.

Jager, J (2017) Joint level modelling, characterisation and torque control of the SHERPA robotic arm.

Jahnke, Marilen (2017) Assessing the influence of legislation and human values on inclusive organization practices among eleven European countries between 2002 and 2014.

Jakobs, E.J. (2017) Compassion against stress? : A RCT design to test positive and negative emotions as mediators for the effect of a compassion self-help course on stress.

Jannink, L.W.R. (2017) Hoe eerlijk durf jij te zijn? : Invloed van methodes van bevraging op sociale wenselijkheid in een vragenlijst.

Jansen, E.M.M. (2017) Effects of nature on stress and anxiety during invasive diagnostic procedures : using virtual reality environments.

Jansen, H. (2017) Onderzoeksrapport naar de gebruikerservaringen van een nieuwe poliklinische blended stoppen met roken behandeling.

Jansen, M. (2017) Work hard, party hard(er) : commitment in the temporary work context of music festivals.

Jansen, Mylène P. (2017) A Novel 3D joint space quantification method in patients with osteoarthritis in the knee.

Jansen, R.P. (2017) Police officers' perspective of making a communication error in a suspect interview.

Jansen, R.R. (2017) Data as a Means: Designing and Developing "Smart" Product Experiences.

Jansen, S.H.G. (2017) Bias within systematic and non-systematic literature reviews: the case of the Balanced Scorecard.

Jansen van Rosendaal, J.B. (2017) A context aware dynamic lighting system for the SmartXp.

Janssen, Marline (2017) Satisfaction of key suppliers.

Janzen, Stella Carolin (2017) Social Media and Messenger Applications : A Contribution to the Communication among Police Officers? - A Case Study in the Cross-Border Region of Enschede (NL) and Gronau (DE).

Jasper, J. (2017) Changing life stories: how treatment affects communion by people with a personality disorder.

Jawid, Maimoona Zehra (2017) Glacial lake flood hazard assessment and modelling: a GIS perspective.

Jałocha, S.A (2017) Who said what? : The difference between news media coverage and governmental communication regarding the MH17 crisis.

Jellema, J (2017) Determinanten van risicoperceptie en informatiezoekgedrag : zelfredzaamheid, omgeving en gegeneraliseerde zelfeffectiviteit bij het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen over het spoor.

Jeunink, S.P.P. (2017) Electromagnetic sources in the hospital environment : risks analysis and measures for electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC).

Jezuita, Lena (2017) Improving the overall customer service level : a case study at Philips.

Jia, Xin (2017) Understanding social signals from nonverbal behaviors in a mobile setting.

Jia, Xing (2017) Carbon sequestration in a forest area in Speulderbos, Netherlands.

Jong, C.H.W. de (2017) Using the Hypothesis Scratchpad to scaffold inquiry learning: A scaffold to improve learning results?

Jong, T. de (2017) Using Requirement Templates to Automate Requirements Formalization.

Jonge, N.C.M. de (2017) Evaluatie Ervaringsvragenlijst TOM Modules Een Analyse en Verbetervoorstel.

Jongejan, I.K. (2017) Focusing on the whole person in continued care for SUD-patients. The acceptability and possible impact on wellbeing of an ACT-based after-care intervention in people previously treated for substance use disorder.

Jongerius, C.H. (2017) "Real-time" control system for wing twist and flapping frequency.

Jongman, M.V. (2017) Social interdependence theory in supply chain management.

Jongman, V. (2017) SE, BIM, MBSE for integrated contracts.

Jonker, E.H. (2017) Consequences of the environmental legislation on the development of behavior, competences and leadership at municipalities.

Jonker, J.S. (2017) Step Free Energy - The equilibrium shape of a hexagonal lattice.

Jonkman, Remi (2017) Implementation of a reliable 2D approximator using sonar.

Jorissen, Koen F.A. (2017) Transport Phenomena in Monolayer Graphene Membranes.

Josee, A. (2017) Is self compassion a psychological resilience resource to daily stress?

Journée, J. (2017) Resolving tensions by change agents from a micro-level institutional change perspective.

Juffermans, E.E. (2017) A study on conversion and storage of sustainable energy using aquatic civil structures.

Juk, J.B. (2017) Bringing the re-certification in motion - A study to explore how motion monitoring systems can be used in the re-certification process of existing offshore structures.

Jundt, O. (2017) Fashion product entity matching.

Jung, Hannah (2017) Autonomy, relatedness and competence as elements of well-being in elementary school children.

Jurriens, O.A. (2017) An online social movement process in the context of a CSR initiative : organizational capacity, affecting the crowd and MNCS' CSR decision makers.

Jörgens, Lena (2017) The Bologna Process and its influence on the participation in the Erasmus program.

Jöster, H.F. (2017) Fatigue and how it is related to goal-management strategies and the vision-related quality of life in visually impaired people.

Kaaya, Doroth Absalom (2017) Explaining variations in informal neighborhoods' consolidation levels in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Kaffke, L. (2017) The effect of practice arrangement on self-regulated learning achievements from instructional video.

Kaldeweide, Mara Alexandra (2017) Developing a questionnaire to measure the uptake and impact of eHealth technology among healthcare providers.

Kalia, Manu (2017) Homoclinic saddle to saddle-focus transitions in 4D systems.

Kamerling, R.J. (2017) Drop-out onder patiënten met persoonlijkheidsstoornissen ; Voorspellers uit de voorgeschiedenis.

Kamermans, D.V. (2017) Inspection of underground water pipes with use of a laser profiling sensor and offline processing.

Kammeier, H. (2017) Task integration in the Discrete-Sequence-Production-Task.

Kamnde, Kelvin Joseph (2017) Assessing temporal interpolation techniques towards gap-filling cloudy Sentinel-2 images.

Kamp, M.R. van der (2017) WEARCON : Wearable home-monitoring in asthmatic children.

Kamp, P.M. van der (2017) The Lean Journey for Dutch Higher Education Institutions: a way to go?

Kamp, T.G. (2017) The influence of the maturity of technological competence and buyer uncertainty on tender criteria issued by buyers.

Kamphuis, E.C. (2017) Desalination on Microscale - The Effect of Salt Concentration on the Desalination Performance of a Microfluidic Device.

Kamphuis, F. (2017) Who is more credible? A branded expert or a likeable influencer? : the effect of appearance of a message and similarity between the message source and the viewer on source credibility and attitude towards the brand in informational online marketing videos on social media.

Kamphuis, Niek (2017) Decreasing the likelihood of cycling accidents by signalling intentions to other road users through a lighting system: A feasibility study.

Kamphuis, T.G.M. (2017) Industry 4.0, transforming incomplete systems into complete networks through collaboration.

Kapeller, Alexandra (2017) Enabling technologies : between the needs for assistance and acceptance.

Kaplan, A.H. (2017) De route van een innovatief idee naar het product : een methodiek voor de vliegtuigonderhoudstechnologie bij het Nederlands Lucht- en Ruimtevaartcentrum.

Kaptein, R (2017) Het verminderen van afkeur bij composiet producten.

Kar, Surajit (2017) Monitoring and characterisation of opencast mining induced land deformation by using PolSAR and DInSAR techniques.

Karakus, S.U. (2017) Performance Management Practices in Self-Managing Teams : An explorative study at the Dutch healthcare organization.

Karaliolios, E.C.J. (2017) Energy modelling analysis of Heffron Hall.

Kariman, Puya (2017) Artificial Intelligence (AI): creates or destroys value in supplier customer relationships?

Kariuki, W.J. (2017) Business plan exploring the opportunities provided by used furniture in the Circular Economy by bridging the timber deficits in Kenya.

Karnenbeek, L.M. van and Laninga, M.J. and Lensen, I.S. and Man, J.P. (2017) Validatie van kwantitatieve myocard perfusie van een dynamisch myocard fantoom met computer tomografie.

Kas, G.R. (2017) Rapportage about testing of the 3D motion correction.

Kassenberg, S. (2017) Design of a PM removing recirculation hood.

Kathemi, M. Al (2017) The Dreaming Parthian.

Kaya, G. (2017) Informatieve voorlichtingsfilmpjes als ondersteuning voor laaggeletterden op het consultatiebureau : eEen onderzoek naar ervaringen, tevredenheid, begrip en implementatie van ouders en zorgverleners met de inzet van korte informatieve voorlichtingsfilmpjes.

Keep, Y.W.A.M. van (2017) Assessment of echogenicity of the cervix at 12 weeks pregnancy in relation to the mode of delivery.

Keil, M. (2017) Feasibility of the intervention "Compassion as key to happiness, beyond stress and self-criticism".

Keizer, Sophie (2017) Zelfredzaamheid bevorderen door Facebook berichten : een onderzoek om door middel van het lezen van Facebook berichten risicogedrag te doen afnemen.

Keizer, T.H.T. (2017) Does social proof and scarcity work for opera lovers? A study into the effectiveness of online persuasion cues on consumer responses within the online ticketing store.

Keizer, T.J.A. (2017) Het ontwerpen van een smartphone app van een elektronisch patiënten dossier systeem.

Keizers, B.W.G. (2017) Determinants of cash holdings for Dutch SME’s.

Kemna, Anne-Lot and Mooij, Mara (2017) Gebitssaneringen onder narcose bij jonge kinderen : een inzicht in de kenmerken van jonge kinderen en de specifieke zorgketen vanuit het perspectief van de zorgprofessional.

Kemper, Annemarijn (2017) Important factors influencing maturity perception : a research to identify possible factors which are important for the maturity perception of suppliers.

Kemper, B.P. (2017) Overhead allocation for FrieslandCampina Domo Borculo.

Kemény, Ádám István (2017) Child Loss Prevention: A WiFi based assistant in a predetermined domain.

Kerkdijk, J.S. (2017) Ontwerpen van een optimale onderhoudsmethode voor Remeha B.V.

Kerkers, M. (2017) Assessing the Security of IEC 60870-5-104 Implementations using Automata Learning.

Kerkhof, J.A. (2017) Determinants of investment policy of Dutch pension funds.

Kerkhof, Maartje F. (2017) Determinanten van death anxiety : over de invloed van demografische gegevens op death anxiety.

Keseberg, M. (2017) Understanding the good life during ageing: a qualitative study.

Kessel, L.J. van (2017) A desk light to improve working attitude.

Khanmad, Nattapon (2017) Assessment of agricultural land reform in thailand by using the land governance assessment framework.

Khatibi, Melissa (2017) Employee ownership and board representation in France and their effect on firm performance.

Kho, C.K.M. (2017) Creating a tool to test the effects of visual feedback on rhythm learning in a school environment.

Khotina, A. (2017) An innovative search interface for Gesture Dictionary.

Kiefl, Marlena (2017) The Nuit Debout Discourse : an Outcry for Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in a Post-Democratic Order.

Kiekebosch, L.R. (2017) De rol van sociale regulatie in de innovatie van teams : een meervoudige casestudy naar de kwantiteit en kwaliteit van sociale regulatie.

Kip, J.B.W. (2017) Developing a Data Visualization Tool for Minimal Cut Sets.

Kippers, Marcel (2017) Customer success stories : the perfect way of advertising elaborate solutions?

Kirby, Nicolina E. (2017) An evaluation of the common European asylum system's shortcomings and proposed Reforms : under consideration of the member states' reactions to the "European Refugee Crisis" since 2015.

Kirikoglu, Onur (2017) A maturity model for improving data quality management.

Kirschner, Katharina (2017) To what extent does the cultural dimension of tightness/ looseness of a nation influences the decision-making process of novice entrepreneurs.

Kirschner, Katharina (2017) To what extent does the cultural dimension of tightness/ looseness of a nation influences the decision-making proces of novice entrepreneurs.

Klaasen, Marielle (2017) Social connectedness between Drugs runners.

Klapwijk, K.B. and Snippe, J.C. (2017) Scrutiny & control in EU affairs : the Dutch parliament.

Klaver, J. (2017) Herontwerp GUC1214 : design for assembly plasmamade air filter.

Klecha, Libussa (2017) Deadlocks in international negotiation : the free trade agreement between India and the European Union.

Kleiboer, Suzanne (2017) Aandacht is de sleutel : Master thesis positieve psychologie en technologie.

Klein, Ann-Christin (2017) Exploring the new constructs of exercising : how exercise related obsessive-compulsiveness, compensatory health beliefs (CHB's) and outcome expectations are related to exercise addiction and normal exercise.

Klein, E.F. (2017) Problem-solving strategies and giftedness : a study into observable differences in problem-solving strategies between gifted and non-gifted children.

Klein, Roman (2017) Vital through self-concept bias modification? Using a computer based Intervention for gaining implicit and explicit vitality.

Klein, S.V.E. (2017) Determinants of existential anxiety : the effects of religious affiliation, gender and neuroticism on death anxiety.

Klein Gunnewiek, Noëlle (2017) Implementation of a renewed questionnaire, applied in the adolescent contact moment in Child Health Care, by GGD Twente : analysis of the facilitating and impeding determinants.

Klein Teeselink, J (2017) Empirical study on the existence of Tuned Risk Aversion in option pricing.

Kleinberns, M.S. (2017) Media attention as a facilitator of the relationship initiation between startups and their potential partners.

Kleine Bardenhorst, S. (2017) Multivariate models for pretest posttest data and a comparison to univariate models.

Kleinhoven, M.J.P. (2017) Spare part management for wind farms.

Kleinveld, E. and Hulst, E. van and Pham, S. D. T. (2017) CircAdapt: Model validation and prediction of anatomical and haemodynamic parameters for patients with mitral insufficiency.

Klemm, Max (2017) Did you learn anything today? : A micro-level within-subject study to investigate the relation between personality, learning at work and the influence of trait activation.

Klingebiel, K.L. (2017) Workload management for warning signals at high speeds.

Klinkers, L.R. (2017) Non-linearity issues in probability of default modelling.

Klok, A.B. (2017) A look at energy procurement strategy at an animal feed company.

Klooster, G.J. ten (2017) Performance Agreements for Housing Corporations: Towards a New Management Approach?

Klooster, L. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Kloosterboer, M.C. (2017) Control of client-contractor cooperation in municipal best-value projects : a multiple case study.

Klop, C. (2017) Imaging the bariatric patient : employing conventional imaging techniques in unconventional ways.

Klostermann, M. (2017) Can wellbeing be predicted by resilience, positive emotions, acceptance and valued living among patients with rheumatism?

Kluck, Arend (2017) Optimalisatie van het investeringsproces : verbetering van de due diligence en het plan van aanpak.

Klunder, Ir. L.H. (2017) De effecten van contextuele video's op relationeel wiskundebegrip van leerlingen - Onderzoek van Onderwijs Léon Klunder.

Klute, L.R.W. (2017) Assisting breast biopsy by visualizing the inside structures of a patient on top of the patient in real time using the HoloLens.

Klösters, J.C. (2017) Group-based nostalgia and perceived identity threat – underlying factors for the rise of euroscepticism in Europe?

Knaap, Bart van der (2017) Virtual testing, strain correlation for loads optimization of composite fuselage structure.

Knapen, T. (2017) Integreren kun je leren : maar hoe leer je het begrijpen? : een alternatieve introductie op de onbepaalde integraal voor middelbare scholieren met wiskunde B; is er een eenvoudig, inzichtelijk en bruikbaar alternatief op zomaar 'anti-differentiëren' mogelijk?

Knipscheer, B. and Stuiver, S. and Welij, J.J. van and Zagers, D.A. (2017) Electrode usability during a multiday abdominal neuromuscular electrostimulation program.

Knoef, M.J. (2017) Attending to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of teachers and students : guidelines for context-based chemistry curricula.

Knol, E.J. (2017) Een methode om een investeringsbeslissing te nemen bij bedrijf X.

Kobus, J.J.B. (2017) Generatieverschillen in het reflecteren op een florerende technologisch geavanceerde toekomst : Een kwalitatieve studie naar verbeelding van toekomstig floreren.

Kodde, P.G.M. (2017) Dutch economic diplomacy in the western United States, strategies for entrepreneurs and investors.

Koenderink, S.C. (2017) The influence of parenting and risk factors on the frequency of upper respiratory tract infections in children aged 1-4.

Kok, B. (2017) The influences of New Ways of Working on work-life balance.

Kok, H.M. (2017) Simulating Desired Behavior of Students by Means of a Context-Aware Dynamic-Lighting System in the SmartXp.

Kok, Ruud (2017) Tendering strategy for the sustainable social housing industry.

Koldeweij, T.B.J. (2017) “Smartwatches as Smart Shopping Devices: Enhanced Information Retrieval in an Omni-channel Environment”.

Kolk, M.A.G van der (2017) Onderzoekend leren bij kinderen met een verstandelijke beperking.

Kolk, Tiana (2017) Dit is jouw leven : een onderzoek naar de effecten van gamification bij een online positief psychologische interventie.

Kolkman, D. (2017) Validation of a Reynolds number correction method.

Kone, Assane (2017) Begrippenkaarten en VMBO leerlingen : niet stampen maar begrijpen.

Koning, M. (2017) Toekomstvisie N36.

Koning, T.A. de (2017) Costs analysis at meat manufacturer. - Traditional costs accounting.

Koole, Lisette (2017) Item availability restricted.

Koopman, C.M. (2017) Opposing gait impairments deriving from Parkinson's disease.

Koopman, E.M.R. (2017) A case study on the temperature differences in a concrete composting bunker.

Koopman, M.P. (2017) Improved customer relationship using self-service.

Koopman, N.H.D. (2017) Het potentieel van Onbemande Vrachtvliegtuigen volgens verladers.

Koopmans, I.W. (2017) Cerebral saturation and hemodynamic parameters during target temperature management after a cardiac arrest.

Koper, Yvonne M. (2017) A study into the foundation of Compassion Focused Therapy.

Kopyakova, Anna (2017) Capital structure determinants : the evidence from listed and unlisted Dutch firms.

Korbee, W. (2017) Mattress Loading plan generator.

Kortenbout, N. (2017) Natural Interaction with Garment.

Korthout, N. (2017) Towards an architecture design for a future societal energy supply system.

Koster, Eveline (2017) Invoegen van een auto in een platoon op de snelweg.

Kosters, J (2017) Prediction of preference and choice of wines by EEG derived measures during taste and smell procedures.

Kosters, Jelmer Bas (2017) A TDC-assisted SAR ADC.

Kottier, W.G. (2017) Marketing strategy for online SMEs.

Kouijzer, M.T.E. (2017) Fatigue in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A qualitative study on the perspective of the COPD patient on the impact of fatigue on their daily lives.

Koşar, D. (2017) Governance partners : guidance, control and supervision of the governance partners of the municipality of Enschede.

Krak, R. (2017) Cycle-Accurate Timing Channel Analysis of Binary Code.

Kramer, L. (2017) The interaction between tactile form and background design on taste perception.

Kramer, L.L. (2017) Participatory development of a persuasive eHealth tool to support COPD self-management.

Kranenburg, A.W. (2017) Development of business information for autonomous teams within the institutional care.

Kraus, K.S. (2017) The Dieselgate : a transnational in-depth content analysis of German and American newspaper` coverages regarding the Volkswagen organisational crisis.

Krause, R. G. (2017) Package tactile experience on taste evaluation : the interaction of package material and environmental scent on a product’s- and its taste evaluation.

Krewinkel, B.C. (2017) Deflected sand wave migration due to severe wind events along the BBL-pipeline : a 3D-numerical modelling study using eight years of bathymetrical data.

Krisviana, H. (2017) Conversation-driven Social Media Optimization : Tactic and Effects on User Engagement.

Kroep, S. (2017) Clustering of aircraft maintenance jobs at AIS airlines.

Kroese, M. (2017) Packaged versus unpackaged food: The perceived healthfulness and other consumer responses.

Kroezen, M.E. (2017) Body awareness in Virtual Reality therapy for chronic pain.

Krol, A.C. (2017) Ontwerpvoorstel voor een toekomstbestendig deurslot.

Krommendijk, K. (2017) Differences in coopetition due to firm size.

Krompholz, Luise Theresa (2017) Social Media- A stimulator for active citizen engagement? : The influence of social media on policing in terms of communication with citizens : A case study of the police in Enschede and Gronau.

Krone, A.G.M. (2017) The use of evidence-based policy-making by Dutch provincial politicians.

Kronig, Gavin (2017) Titrimetrische gehaltebepalingen op projectbasis in 4 Havo.

Kroon, F.A. (2017) Monetising tangible product ideas: How the digitalisation of resources affects independent inventors.

Kroon, Marlyn de (2017) Online video advertising: how message tone and length persuade the audience : a research on the influence of message tone and the length of video advertisements on advertisement attitude, product attitude, forwarding intention and purchasing intention, with product type as a proposed moderator.

Krooshof, J.H.J. (2017) How to measure the personal brand value of a football player?

Kruining, Rens (2017) Sound swarm : experience sound in a new way.

Kruk, W.M. van der (2017) Experimental modelling of a natural convection flow through a porous medium.

Kruse, David (2017) Predictability of asset bubbles : economic bubbles and the effect they have on economies : a Delphi Study on the predictability of economic bubbles and the possibility to prevent them.

Kuang, Xiulin (2017) Effect of different forms of pre-defined hypotheses on supporting inquiry learning in a simulation environment.

Kuhn, Alina (2017) Flourishing with basic income : age differences in imaginations of flourishing futures with a basic income.

Kuijper, Guido (2017) Robust estimation of biometric data.

Kuijsten, N.C.M. (2017) The use of smartphones within a student household : effects on interactions and relationships between housemates.

Kuijters, A.L. (2017) Stakeholders implementation process of the PNR directive in the Netherlands.

Kuil, E.D. van der (2017) Validated requirements for a smart logistics application.

Kuil, T.D. van de (2017) The implementation of an underwater navigation system, applied to Ortega's submersibles.

Kuiper, K.I. (2017) Het testen en verbeteren van de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de Minimonkey tweelingdrager.

Kuiper, Serena (2017) Designing orientation programs: An exploration of context, content and social tactics for newly hired managers.

Kuipers, F.P. (2017) FPGA design support using CλaSH and LUNA.

Kuipers, J.H. (2017) Anycast for DDoS.

Kuipers, M. (2017) Redesign on scene control : A redesign for managing luminaires in luxon dynamic light control.

Kuipers, M. (2017) Predicting Network Effectiveness? An analysis of local collaborative networks to prevent and counter radicalization.

Kuipers, M.C.M. (2017) Implement e-HRM successfully? : A study into the criteria to successfully implement e-HRM.

Kukoleca, Marija (2017) Evaluating the role of public spaces in promoting social interaction in divided cities : the case study of Nicosia Cyprus.

Kurtz, M.L. (2017) Biases in the visual perception of heading.

Kurylek, R. (2017) Measuring the acoustic properties of rocket engine faceplate configurations DLR-LA-HF-RP-086.

Kuster, E.N. (2017) Social influencers : examining source credibility and homophily on Instagram.

Kusumaningrum, Marcella Cindy (2017) Modeling and analyzing digital business ecosystems.

Kyalo, Daniel Kiluu (2017) Sentinel-2 and MODIS land surface temperature-based evapotranspiration for irrigation efficiency calculations.

Kyei Baffour, M. (2017) The Impact of New Features on Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Motivation and Satisfaction on a Discussion Forum in a Learning Management System.

Kögel, L.M. (2017) Conditions for the successful transfer of community care by Policy Entrepreneurs - The case of Buurtzorg in the Netherlands and China.

Köllmann, M.P.H (2017) Hoe kan de CBS-WBS vergelijking worden aangepast zodat de voor- en nacalculaties overzichtelijk zijn?

Köning, J.M. (2017) Interventions to prevent the development of surgical site infections in Germany and the Netherlands : a systematic review.

Kösters, Hanna (2017) FAScinating Research : a qualitative interview study focusing the situation of foster parents raising children with FASD.

LEI, X. (2017) Effects of online reviews and waiting time on customers’ repurchase intention : beyond objective time measures.

LI, MR. G. (2017) Application of sentiment analysis : assessing the reliability and validity of the global airlines rating program.

Laan, N.A. van der (2017) Capacity calculations through simulation models and optimising the patient flow of the elective admission ward of Rijnstate Arnhem.

Laar, A.R. van (2017) Anthropo-ethical rules for the human zoo.

Laet, K. de (2017) Interrelations between the use of fitness wearables and healthy consumer behavior.

Lalajants, A. (2017) Social class and perception of social identity.

Lamers, D. (2017) Research on the professionalization of the strategic portfolio planning process by using a software tool : development of a requirements list of functions and methods and proof of concept.

Lamers, M.J.M. (2017) Analysing the morphological consequences of the preferred design of the Overijsselse Vecht with SOBEK 3.

Lammers, B. (2017) Design and realisation of a haptic interface between a ReFlex TakkTile and an Omega 7 Haptic Device.

Lammers, F.G. (2017) ChildFinder : Finding the Child that walked away playing.

Lammers, Louis Paul (2017) Optimised NPD : how to put the theory into practice : a German case study from mechanical engineering.

Lamoré, M. (2017) Comparing a Multistage and a Linear Summative Test on Ability Estimate Precision and Classification Accuracy.

Lamsal, Krishna (2017) Identifying potential critical transitions in a forest ecosystem using satellite data.

Lange, Katharina E (2017) Competition only an Innovation away?! : a data-driven approach.

Langen, F.N. van (2017) Concept for a virtual learning factory.

Langeveld, K.P. (2017) The development of a device to measure Hupercapnic Ventilatore Response.

Lankheet, M.H.T. (2017) Qualitative research into the requirements of a coaching technology for diabetes type 2 patients to motivate them into exercise and nutritional (lifestyle) changes.

Lannoy, Justin de (2017) The effect of chatbot personality on emotional connection and customer satisfaction.

Laoh, S.F. (2017) Grafisch visualiseren : Aanreiken en verrijken van leesvaardigheden voor het vak geschiedenis.

Laout, Arjan (2017) Process standardization in requirements engineering at Movares.

Lapp, V. (2017) Characterization and electro-mechanical modeling of a variable stiffness actuator with PVDF-based springs.

Larizgoitia Burgaña, Jon (2017) Design and evaluation of a link-state routing protocol for Internet-Wide Geocasting.

Lassche, T.H. (2017) Internship Brink Group B.V.

Le, Quynhtrang (2017) Achieving business model innovation over time -On the basis of IAC and Travelzoo-.

Lechner, Zoe Carlotta (2017) Facing 21st century challenges : an assessment of the EU’s security provisions in the light of increasing cybercrime.

Leede, M. de (2017) Solid state additive manufacturing : A study to understand the bonding process of friction surfacing using AA2024-T351 onto AA2024-T351.

Leferink, L.A. (2017) De ZSM methode en Legitimiteit : hoe de legitimiteit van de ZSM methode wordt beinvloed.

Lefting, F. (2017) Impact of elderly offices on the quality of life of elderly people : to what extend do elderly offices improve the quality of elderly people above the age of 65 in Bochum from the perspective of professionals in social institutions?

Lehbrink, C.H. (2017) Chewing gum packaging: Feel how intense it tastes! : the influence of tactile packaging features and typeface color of product claim consumer responses The influence of tactile packaging features and typeface color of product claim on consumer responses.

Lei, Haitang (2017) Interest rate swap usage for hedging and speculation by Dutch listed non-financial firms.

Lei, L.H. (2017) Numerical modelling of non-linear shallow water waves.

Leijdekkers, R.D. (2017) The Employee as Active Consumer of HRM: Explaining Consumer Behaviour Using the AMO Theory.

Leimkötter, S. (2017) One step further in the search of the good life? : A cross cultural application of the PERMA model in Germany between individualists and collectivists in describing what a good life is to them : a qualitative study.

Lelie, D.C. (2017) The difference between approaches in the scouting process in scouting start-up companies in the automotive sector compared to the financial sector.

Leltz, E. (2017) Het ontwikkelen van een lespakket over het ontwerpen van duurzame verpakkingen.

Lenders, Luuk (2017) Building a reliable simulator based assessment suite of MIS-performance out of basic Lapsim tasks.

Lennecke, C.U. (2017) The Effect of Mental Health onto the Relationship of Pain Intensity and Pain Interference: A Moderation Analysis.

Lent, E.G. van (2017) Creating a decision support matrix for the design of a submerged floating tunnel.

Lenz, Dominik (2017) Finding neural correlates for social relationships using EEG hyperscanning.

Lerink, C.W. (2017) Extension of the Eilmer4 Gas Package.

Leus, J. and Oden, P. (2017) De verpleegkundige werklast op de SEH.

Leusenkamp, E.M.M. (2017) Internationalization and quality of higher education, a closer look at the impact of cultural diversity.

Li, Jing (2017) Patterning porous catalyst using wettability contrast and kinetic study of fructose dehydration.

Li, Qiujun (2017) Use of maps in indoor wayfinding.

Lieftink, R.J. (2017) Design of an anti-slip control system of a Segway RMP 50 omni platform.

Liempt, R.H.M. van (2017) Item availability restricted.

Lieshout, C. van (2017) A Health Technology Assessment of interval cytoreduction surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotheray in stage III Ovarian cancer.

Linden, J.J. van der (2017) The relation between online entrepreneurship and offline and Web 2.0 learning technologies.

Lindenberg, Christoph (2017) Framing Brexit : economic rationales versus emotions in the campaign’s press releases.

Lingelbach, S.E. (2017) An optimization approach between service level and inventory via simulation : an example from the semiconductor industry.

Lingen, R.F.J. van (2017) Inference of social networks in office buildings based on sensor data from lighting systems.

Linneman, R.H. (2017) Risicogestuurd Maaibeheer : Toetsing van maaistrategieen in beken met het Dottermodel.

Linschoten, D. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Lintsen, Tijmen (2017) The role of internal accounting controls in preventing and detecting financial statement fraud : a qualitative Dutch study.

List, Anouk (2017) Business models at the Bottom of the Pyramid: The influence of cultural aspects.

Liu, Jiaxin (2017) Quantify the impact of land use / land cover change and temporal aggregation on time series analysis.

Loeper, P. (2017) How do leader facial expressions, and affective and cognitive trust in the leader, affect follower perceptions of leadership effectiveness?

Lohuizen, Rick van (2017) Wat is de impact van de omgeving op een betekenisvolle afdoening voor slachtoffers in ZSM-zaken? : Een beschrijvend onderzoek naar de evaluatiefactoren van rechtvaardigheid in de stad en op het platteland.

Looman, J.H.A. (2017) Mobile applications on the work floor : The use of mobile applications in fast moving consumer goods warehouses.

Loonen, T.G.J. (2017) 3D imaging for the prediction of a difficult airway.

Loos, Cisko (2017) Analysis and optimization of an RF baseband transimpedance amplifier with low-pass filter structure and positive feedback.

Loos, K.C. (2017) Persuasion in sponsored content on Youtube.

Loos, K.C. (2017) Persuasion in Sponsored Content on YouTube.

Lootsma, S. (2017) Reframing van het afvalprobleem in het Vondelpark.

Lopez-Cotarelo Flemons, David (2017) Flashlight drawing game with a neural network A.I.

Loske, M.M. (2017) Het indirecte effect tussen self-efficacy en angst via eustress en distress.

Lotgerink, Y.H. (2017) The interplay of entrepreneurial identity, HR-enhancing practices and organizational identity.

Louw, S.J.A. de (2017) Control Surface Waves by Modifying Surface Properties of a Microstrip Patch Antenna Array.

Luesink, Erwin (2017) On Stochastic Geophysical Fluid Dynamics.

Luijken, E.F. (2017) Visualizing emerging software systems.

Luijkx, G.W. (2017) Simulate the erosion process of a dike made of cohesive material in the GWK with XBeach.

Lune, M.W.M. (2017) A co-creative perspective on a marketing strategy : Implementing it on the riser-recliner chair LeChair of Sowecare.

Luper, E.S. (2017) Component-based modelling and simulation of a KUKA LWR+4 robotic arm.

Luyten Ruegg, Thomas (2017) Stress and its effects in managment training perfomance.

Lücker, Denise (2017) Drivers and benefits of supplier satisfaction in a buyer-supplier relationship : a multiple case study at company X and three of its suppliers.

MARTENS, M.J.E. (2017) Is the smartphone a performance killer? : The effect of the frequency and intrusiveness of smartphone alerts on the task performance of University students.

Maag, S. de (2017) Validation of Eilmer4 for impinging shock interactions.

Maanen, A.N. van (2017) The design of safe toys using Augmented Reality.

Maas, I.J. (2017) Minimising road infrastructure maintenance costs by managing the traffic.

Maatje, L. (2017) Past, Present, and Future Perspective as a Predictor for Basic Income: On the Relationship between Time Perspective on Basic Income.

Mabogunje, Oludare Ola (2017) Detecting mono cropping and mixed cropping from high resolution images using curvelet transform.

Mackenbrock, D.M. (2017) What are the experiences, needs and wishes of GPs and POHs regarding the strength based approach for the care of chronically ill patients? A qualitative analysis.

Maduro, G.G.L. (2017) De Impact van een leesprocedure bij het oplossen van telproblemen in 4VWO.

Makkink, Rick (2017) Evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities: Examining the initial rule importance in the rule-based reasoning framework.

Manen, R. van (2017) Handling conditions on lots in tenders.

Manneh, Ebrima Wally (2017) Assessing usefulness of 2D and 3D geovisualizations using accessibility analysis to health facilities : case study in the Gambia.

Manterola, Nahuel (2017) Creating 3D images for facial recognition using the RealSense SR300.

Manthey, H. (2017) The Bystander Effect: Psychological Consequences for the Victims with focus on the Basic Psychological Needs.

Marcus, R.W.R. (2017) De Product Impact Tool toegepast in Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Innoveren.

Markhorst, E.R. (2017) Simulating the histology laboratory : evaluation of organizational interventions for the histology laboratory through the development of a generalizable Discrete-Event simulation model.

Marnette, Thijs (2017) A Charge Biased Delay Element.

Mars, Lea (2017) Predicting drop-out during inpatient psychotherapy for personality disorders: The predictive validity of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV classifications.

Marten, F. (2017) The Mediating Effect of Eustress and Distress on the Relation between the Mindset towards Stress and Health.

Martin Sanchis, Rosario (2017) Internationally orientated higher education institutions & Graduate employability.

Maschlanka, Luisa (2017) European labour law and the protection of workers' privacy : a loophole?

Masselink, L.A.A. (2017) De invloed van passieve omstanders op de fundamentele behoeften, schuldattributie en veiligheidsperceptie van het slachtoffer en het effect van excuses.

Masselink, L.E.T. (2017) Behandelresultaten Onderzoek naar de behandelresultaten van de online behandeling sinds de integratie in het reguliere zorgaanbod.

Massumi, A.. (2017) Changes in Test Anxiety amongst University Students after undergoing the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based Intervention “Geluk en zo”.

Masyhur, Latifah Helmy (2017) Multi-Criteria and Model-Based Analysis for Project Selection : An Integration of Capability-Based Planning and Project Portfolio Management.

Matanggaran, Victor (2017) Explaining risk perception of climate change in Indonesia through cultural dimension of uncertainty avoidance, collectivism and long-term orientation.

Maten, Floor (2017) Drivers behind changing food dependency and associated water risk in the MENA-region between 1961 and 2011.

Materman, M.J. (2017) Het ontwerp van een product voor het opvangen van 24-uurs urine.

Matmir, Sadra (2017) Identifying suitable adaptation options for different income groups impacted by heat waves : case study : New York City.

Mbaiorga, Simon Grace (2017) Modelling and mapping foliar nitrogen in a wetland using high resolution images.

Mboga, Nicholus Odhiambo (2017) Detection of informal settlements from VHR satellite images using convolutional neural networks.

Mburu, Loise Wambui (2017) Detecting weeds from VHR satellite and UAV images using pattern and texture measures.

Meekes, M L (2017) Serious Game for Stroke Rehabilitation on the HTC Vive.

Meena, S.R. (2017) Designing an approach for sustainable landslide inventory mapping in Nepal.

Meer, J.N. van der (2017) Project Evaluatie. Stage Rapport TCPM.

Meer, O.R.C. van der (2017) Time-frequency analysis of electrical brain responses to nociceptive stimulation.

Meier, J. (2017) Living a valuable Life : Differences in Experiential Avoidance and Psychological Well-Being after conducting the Positive Psychology Intervention “Geluk en zo”.

Meijer, E. (2017) After-school activities in Enschede, district West: a study on experiences of children and determinants of (non-)participation.

Meijer, G. (2017) Gift Boxes : het ontwerp van een giftbox voor de Old Amsterdam Cheese Stores.

Meijer, H.J. (2017) Active control of time-varying broadband noise and vibrations with parallel fast array recursive least squares filters using online system identification of the secondary transfer path.

Meijer, L. (2017) A case study linking individual and team ambidexterity.

Meijlof, Steven (2017) Towards effective exchange of information in the open and restricted tender procedures in the Dutch construction sector.

Meimann, A. (2017) A holistic model of the relation between panic disorder and fatigue.

Melching, T.Q. (2017) Exploring the influence of a smartphone application, with incorporated social proof and similarity mechanisms, on the donation behaviour of individuals to non-profit organisations.

Menikpura, C.S. (2017) Assessment of the effect of land cover/land changes on surface runoff generation and flash flood occurence : a case study in Pua watershed, Northern Thailand.

Menke, Janosch (2017) Fractional Bayes factor to assess the significance of Pearson correlation coefficient.

Mensing, Max (2017) Item availability restricted.

Mensing, R. (2017) A Performance Management Framework for Social Enterprises The case of value chains for solar lighting kits in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Merckel, W.B. (2017) Developing a stress testing model for the credit risk exposure of a leasing company.

Mesman, S.P.M. (2017) Decreasing waiting time for mental health patients at Victoria hospital.

Mestrovic, G.K. (2017) Leadership roles, behaviors and styles for self-managed teams in the healthcare sector : a systematic literature review.

Meteer, O. (2017) Real-Time rasterization on the Starburst MPSoC.

Methorst, H. (2017) Exploring interactions between HRM, Technology and Organizational stakeholders related to achieving sustainable e-HRM: A study on e-HRM stakeholders' perceptions and needs related to e-HRM implementation.

Meulen, D. van der (2017) Enhancing teachers' self-regulation of professional development: An application of appreciative inquiry and transformational leadership during performance conversations.

Meulen, Joris van der (2017) Computational thinking in een praktische opdracht voor 5 vwo wiskunde B.

Meulenbroek, M. (2017) Floreren met automatisering in de maatschappij, privé en werk.

Meulenbroek, V.M. (2017) Exploring the value of large databases of transaction data for business intelligence.

Meyer, Daniel (2017) Representation and socio-demographic factors in local councils of small, medium and large cities in Germany and The Netherlands.

Meyer, J.J. (2017) The relationship between experiential avoidance, experiential avoidance in demanding and daily situations and depression within the Twente region in the Netherlands.

Mhiri, Y. (2017) The role of the line manager in designing jobs for self-managing teams in the healthcare sector.

Mickel, Donella (2017) Instrumentalising identity : how the EU is using the narrative of European identity in its discourse to securitise migration in order to combat terrorism.

Middelesch, T. (2017) Instagram, advertising on a level playing field? The effect of brand familiarity and advertisement vividness.

Middelhuis, Niels (2017) Towards the automatic control of blood glucose in patients with T1DM.

Miethe, Caroline (2017) Evaluations of chronic pain patients of the online aftercare program 'NaDien'.

Minale, Fetene Zerihun (2017) Validation of NDVI-based crop insurance product through farmers' drought recall exercises in Ethiopia.

Mocking, R.A. (2017) Standardizing the requirements engineering process for a software product vendor.

Moekotte, A. (2017) GREEN in different shades : the effects of different corporate greenwashing strategies.

Moekotte, NL (2017) Does Treat-to-Target strategy compared to usual care reduce long-term structural joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis?

Moester, D.A. (2017) Securing the Future for the Manufacturing Industry : towards the adoption of the Smart Industry.

Mohamed Refai, M.I. (2017) Pressure Insoles for Gait and Balance Estimation.

Mok, S. (2017) Gebruikte studiemethodes en hun effectiviteit : een beschouwing.

Mok, S. (2017) Passive removal of electrochemically produced hydrogen gas in a microfluidic device.

Molenaar, Lennert (2017) Image analysis of endoscopic camera steering: robotic versus human controlled : a phantom study.

Molendijk, K.C. (2017) The development of value propositions in High-Tech entrepreneurial startups.

Molenkamp, F.A. (2017) Veerkrachtsignalen bij adolescenten (niet) in aanraking met jeugdzorg.

Molenwijk, C.D. (2017) Social norm violation and bystanders: The effect of different norm violations and bystander presence on perpetrators mind-sets.

Monnink, N. de (2017) From Kalverstraat to online shopping destination : A research study on the determinants and consequences of trust in the context of affiliate platforms.

Mooijekind, V.A. (2017) Het maakproces van een online levensalbum door mensen met beginnende dementie.

Morren, L.H. (2017) Work stress and coping behavior of high-tech start-up entrepreneurs.

Morsche, W.J. te (2017) The potential of Alternative Transport Services : an exploration of the potential and the factors influencing the potential of Alternative Transport Services in the province of Overijssel.

Morsink, T.O. (2017) Sculpture to show life purpose quotes.

Morsinkhof, J.B. (2017) Route planning at Bolscher meer dan vlees: Introducing route planning software to improve the route planning process.

Morssink, A.J. and Woortman, L. (2017) Het gedrag van ouders met zuigelingen met betrekking tot de risico- en beschermende factoren voor wiegendood Peiling Veilig Slapen 2017.

Mortezavi Matin, Kiavash (2017) Exploiting FPGA on RaMstix for vision applications.

Motta, B.G. (2017) A bikeability index for Curitiba (Brazil).

Moucachen, J. (2017) Developing a News Aggregation and Validation System.

Mourik, J.B. (2017) Relating leader gender, nonverbal leader behavior, transformational leadership and follower trust in leader to team effectiveness : a multi-method video-observational study.

Mrzyglod, Nathalie (2017) The roles of passion for inventing and the ability to recognize opportunities in business planning success.

Mtui, Yuvenal Pantaleo (2017) Tropical rainforest above ground biomass and carbon stock estimation for upper and lower canopies using terrestrial laser scanner and canopy height model from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery in Ayer-Hitam, Malaysia.

Mtumbuka, Harrison Silito Ford (2017) Local earthquake determination and seismic hazard in Botswana.

Muckel, Corinna (2017) Social Recruiting through the Lens: Facebook Profiles as a Reflection of Recruiting-Relevant Characteristics.

Muhle, S. (2017) Technological Training Programs to Train Healthcare Providers’ Communication Skills – A Literature Review.

Muijsert, L.R.I. (2017) I was soaping you would recognize : the effect of sound symbolism, shape and colour on the consumer experience of solid soap.

Muinck Keizer, D.M. (2017) Photoacoustic Tomography for Finger Joint Imaging: Tackling Artefacts.

Mukherjee, Soham (2017) Quality analysis of inter-calibration of DMSP-OLS night-time images.

Mulat, Solomon (2017) Effect of scanning positions of TLS on derivation of tropical forest inventory parameters and aboveground biomass estimation in Ayer Hitam, Malaysia.

Mulder, L. (2017) LAT100 Resonance investigation.

Mulder, L. (2017) Applied frequency-domain system identification in the field of experimental modal analysis.

Mulder, S. (2017) Factors influencing the quality of primary child healthcare : a parents' perspective.

Muller, A. (2017) Socially shared regulation in Scrum teams : A multiple case study into the regulation processes in Scrum team meetings and variations both within and across teams.

Mungo, C.V.C. (2017) The Nexus between Circular Economy and Climate Change Mitigation Policies in Small and Medium-sized Dutch Cities.

Munnich, Q.D.D.M. (2017) The influence of the power of psychiatrists involved in the construction process of autism in the DSM (1952-2013).

Munters, G.M. (2017) Playful mediation of perception and engagement : urban space and location-based augmented reality applications through the lens of play.

Murti, G.W. (2017) The effect of ethanol/water on lignocellulosic biomass and cellulose liquefaction.

Muter, A.D. (2017) Sheltersuit to consumer.

Mutinda, John Mbatha (2017) Quantification of turbulent hear fluxes and the energy balance closure over a flux tower in the semi-arid Savannah area of Naivasha, Kenya.

Mutluru Venkatasrinivasa Murthy, Raghavendra Sharma (2017) Field GIS: towards mobile computing to support pre-disaster spatial analysis in the field.

Mutuku, Benson Mutinda (2017) National planning support systems appropriation in secondary cities in Rwanda.

Möllenkamp, Nilas (2017) Determinants of Loan Performance in P2P Lending.

Möller, S. (2017) Jij bent je eigen ergste vijand : Wordt het effect van een compassietraining op een afname van depressie gemedieerd door zelfkritiek?

Möllers, Julian (2017) De effecten van compassie interventies op depressie, angst en welbevinden : een systematische review.

Mühle, M.G. (2017) Innovating the business model DNA: value co-creation as a tool for value proposition innovation : a process analysis.

Müller, D.M. (2017) Happiness n' stuff : the influence of the ACT intervention Happiness n’ stuff on mental health and stress.

Müller, L. F. (2017) The reorganization of the German public employment service : a study of success and failure.

Müller, P.A.M. (2017) Pronoun Use as a Linguistic Representation of Agency and Communion in a Life-review Intervention for People With Mild Depression.

Nab, F. (2017) Analyse en optimalisatie van het maaltijdserviceproces.

Nair, N. (2017) Smart grid policy implementation barriers.

Nannings, E.R.H. (2017) Middle managers’ roles and behaviours during organizational change : a qualitative study among managers and employees.

Nannings, E.R.H. (2017) Onderzoek naar het effect van een zelfhulp compassietraining op angstklachten : uitkomsten van een gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde trial met analyses naar de mediatie effecten van de geruststellende zelf, inadequate zelf en de hatende zelf.

Nannings, L. and Paalvast, O. and Scholten, J. and Dierx, V. (2017) Functional information about the right ventricle from combined haemodynamic measurements for a right ventricular assist device application.

Nataliani, R. (2017) Connecting North-South Energy Cooperatives: Crowdfunding as An Alternative Financing Scheme for Renewable Energy Implementation in Global South.

Natrop, L. (2017) The relation between autonomy and well-being of nursing home residents with dementia: a systematic review.

Natrup, Daniel (2017) The manifestations of formal standardisation and lobbying activities in innovation deals.

Nawrath, S.N. (2017) `I want to be the very best´ : a systematic literature review on the efficiency of the best possible self-intervention.

Nduji, Nwannebuike Nixon (2017) Super resolution mapping of trees from satellite images at different scales.

Neeft, J.M. (2017) Multimodal Map Matching with smartphone data : a shortest path approach.

Nelis, M.J. (2017) Evaluating and improving the passenger punctuality of a timetable.

Nellestijn, Melissa S. van (2017) The leading role of national governments : determining the government positions of the new Eurozone Member States on the national and European level.

Neubert, K.C. (2017) EU related referendums = second-order elections? A Dutch single case study.

Neumann, L. (2017) De weg naar welbevinden- Wordt het effect van de online cursus "Dit is jouw leven" op welbevinden gemedieerd door zelfcompassie en adherentie?

Neves, Deborah (2017) Rail vulnerability; impacts of winter related railway disruption on network performance.

Neziri, Gresa (2017) A geospatial analysis of socio-economic conditions and their association with health status and health expenditure : the case of the Twente region.

Nguyen, M.D. (2017) CFD Feasibility of oil flow around a bearing ball-raceway contact with Star-CCM+©.

Nguyen, T. (2017) Crowdfunding in Vietnam : the impact of project and founder quality on funding success.

Nguyen, Thuy (2017) Zelfcompassie als sleutel tot geluk, voorbij stress en zelfkritiek : een gerandomiseerde, gecontroleerde studie naar de effecten van een begeleide zelfhulpinterventie ‘Compassie als sleutel tot geluk, voorbij stress en zelfkritiek’ gebaseerd op de Compassion Focused Therapy.

Nicolaas, Iris (2017) The influence of traffic light labels and choices logos on healthy food choice : an eye-tracking study : a field experiment using mobile eye-tracking.

Niechwiadowicz, Karolina Julia (2017) Virtual Reality and Game Mechanics in Generalized Social Phobia Treatment.

Nield, Thomas A. (2017) Coping with public tenders: Supporting suppliers.

Nies, S.H.G. (2017) Force sensing with an acoustically transparent pressure sensor to improve robotic assisted breast biopsy.

Niesink, S.W.R. (2017) Improving biomedical information retrieval with pseudo and explicit relevance feedback.

Nieuwenburg, E.C.E.M. (2017) Project Buddiez : designing for long-distance-friendships between children.

Nieuwenhuis, T.F. (2017) Designing an interactive coffee table to explore its feasibility.

Nieuwlaar, L. (2017) Creating a fair workload for nurses in the Acute Medical Unit of Rijnstate Arnhem: an intensity of care model for acute patients.

Niezen, M.S. (2017) The EU as an external promoter of its internal values.

Nijboer, W.E. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Nijen Es, Lisanne (2017) Cognitive Bias Modification Training voor probleemdrinkers via de smartphone : een pilot studie follow-up.

Nijenhuis, D. (2017) Facilitation of money laundering by Dutch SMEs.

Nijenhuis, Yoran (2017) Characteristics of rank-reversal.

Nijensteen, G.A. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Nijholt, Matthijs Haijo (2017) Een onderzoek naar het toekomstige wagenpark voor de huisafvalinzameling van Remondis Dusseldorp.

Nijhuis, M. (2017) How change agents mitigate tensions during institutional change through the use of temporary logics.

Nijkamp, J. (2017) Supply chain analyse Twence B.V.

Nijkamp, R.M. (2017) The effects of package materials in combination with food labels on consumers’ product perception.

Nijland, F. (2017) Solar Powerd E-Bikes: analysis of a sustainable mobility system by performing statistical analyses on end-user studies and solar bike use variables.

Nijland, Kristy (2017) How to reach everyone? : Factors influencing the use of digital services in the area of public housing by elderly people.

Nijmeijer, L.W.A. (2017) Reducing complexity costs by implementing a modular design.

Nijsink, J (2017) Object-oriented navigation using augmented reality: a new way of image-guided surgery.

Noedl, B. (2017) The Influence of Leadership Behavior on Innovative Work Behavior : The Case of a Pharmaceutical Company in Germany.

Nollet, L.J.E. (2017) Factors influencing the adoption decision of metal additive manufacturing technologies.

Noordhoek, R. (2017) Climate adaptation and urban resilience : identifying barriers and drivers in sustainable stormwater management implementation.

Noordkamp, A. (2017) Predicting the completion of Debt Management Plans in Credit Counselling.

Noppers, Joke (2017) Understanding computer science : how the discipline of computer science develops new understanding.

Notenboom, T. (2017) Using Technology to Recognise Emotions in Autistic People.

Nunes Vasconcelos, Camila (2017) Development of a decision support model for the social costs of pipelines renovation projects.

Obelink, T. (2017) Location-based services & advertising : measuring the effectiveness of personalized services and advertising in mobile marketing through location tracking.

Oberhagemann, M. (2017) Technical support in collaborative decision making: an explorative study.

Oberschmidt, Kira (2017) The relationship between binge-watching, compensatory health beliefs, and sleep.

Ochieng, mr K.O. (2017) Effect of surface water abstractions on the inflow into Lake Naivasha (Kenya) using CREST model forced by earth observation based data products.

Okken, B. (2017) Design and Empirical study of tilting propellers of an over-actuated quadrotor.

Okojie, Jefferson (2017) Assessment of forest tree structural parameter extractability from optical imaging UAV datasets, in Ahaus Germany.

Oldemaat, C.A.M. (2017) Twente offers Great Opportunities : Factors Influencing the Migration Intention after Graduation.

Oldenhof, J.K. (2017) De houding en motivatie van leerlingen ten opzichte van maatschappijleer onderzocht : een Q-methodologisch onderzoek onder 4 havoleerlingen van het Montessori College Twente in Hengelo.

Olthof, H. (2017) The effect of audit quality on earnings management: evidence from the Netherlands.

Oltvoort, A. B. A. (2017) De effecten van beveiligingscamera's op veiligheidsgevoelens.

Omar, N. (2017) The Importance of Self-Worth in the Emergence of PTSD Symptoms: Differences between age groups.

Omondi, Calisto Kennedy (2017) Assessment of bias corrected satellite rainfall products for streamflow simulation : a TOPMODEL application in the Kabompo River Basin, Zambia.

Oneko, Grachen (2017) Assessment of stakeholder needs and SDSS tool application for collaborative BRT infrastructure planning.

Ong-A-Fat, K.K. (2017) Context Aware GPS Error Correction.

Onvlee, M.H. (2017) Een kwalitatieve analyse van hoe resisters betekenis geven aan hun vermogen tot het weerstaan van criminaliteit.

Onyango, Frederick Arthur (2017) Multi-resolution automated image registration.

Onyimbi, Jacob Ragot (2017) Assessing the impact of 3D visualization and e-participation on public participation in planning processes in Kisumu city, Kenya.

Oomens, E.M. (2017) The process of withdrawal from the European Union. Great Britain's path to European Union membership and the Brexit.

Oosterhoff, C.M. (2017) Designing and compensating shift work schedules: The case of the Dutch disability sector.

Oosterom, L.S. (2017) Attachment method for a 3D motion tracker to a human body.

Oosterwijk, J.H. (2017) Onbekend maakt onbemind : risicoperceptie en zelfeffectiviteit als voorwaarden voor zelfbeschermend gedrag van burgers bij risico op koolmonoxidevergiftiging.

Oostrum, Tessa Willianne van (2017) The relationship between entrepreneurial identity and business identity in early-stage entrepreneurship.

Opheusden, L.M.E. van (2017) Design of a control strategy for obstacle crossing in a lower limb exoskeleton for SCI patients.

Ophoff, J.P. (2017) Towards a central warehouse for Roerink Food Family.

Opitz, F.T. (2017) Wearable technology : exploration from the technical side.

Oppewal, Eline (2017) The influence of facial expressions of a virtual coach in a virtual reality skiing application.

Orriëns, C.P. (2017) Het afschermen van laptop en mobiele telefooncamera’s: de determinanten achter doe-het-zelf maatregelen bij gebruikers.

Osman, N. (2017) Barriers to district heating development in the Netherlands: a business model perspective.

Otiendo, Elizabeth Odol (2017) Analysing the impact of social tenure domain model (STDM) on tenure security in an informal settlement : case study of Mashimoni village, Nairobi, Kenya.

Otioma, Chucks (2017) Exploring the urban digital divide in Kigali : spatial analysis and institutional adaptation.

Otjens, T.C. (2017) Effectiveness improvement of Nelson Pine MDF sawing machine.

Otten, A. (2017) Comparing the performance of Dutch business and knowledge ecosystems : examining the influence of ecosystem participant roles and configurations.

Otten, D.M. (2017) Honesty-Humility and Openness to Experience as Predictors of Hypothesis Confidence Among High School Students.

Otten, J.W.M. (2017) Stratified Breast Cancer Follow-Up Using a Continuous-state POMDP.

Otten, Maurice (2017) Influence of reason to repurchase on company performance.

Otten, W.H.W.M. (2017) Pooling hospital beds : a capacity allocation study within the Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis.

Ottenhof, M.P. (2017) Designing a portable holographic solution.

Ottens, Iris (2017) Regularization fo 3D dyadic Green's function for flat interfaces.

Ottens, J. (2017) Design of an outdoor lighting product line.

Oudbier, R.M. (2017) The use, attitudes and needs of healthcare professionals concerning data from a hospital quality system.

Oude Elferink, W.G. (2017) Multi-camera tracking of soccer players through severe occlusions.

Oude Vrielink, N.H.M. (2017) Biomass Boilers in the Netherlands : an adopter decision perspective.

Ouwehand, A.N. (2017) The role of culture in the acceptance of elderly towards social assertive robots : how do cultural factors influence the acceptance of elderly people towards social assertive robotics in the Netherlands and Japan?

Ouwerling, J.A.F. (2017) Learning from incidents in fire brigade Twente : the stimulating and hindering factors in learning from incidents.

Overkempe, B. (2017) Van ruwe data naar verklarende data : Het verklaren van het optimale productieplan bij een Advanced Planning and Scheduling systeem.

Oversteeg, V.J.A. van (2017) Conflicting greens between straight-ahead cyclists and right-turning vehicles analysed, using naturalistic observations.

Overvelde, S.G. (2017) Optimaler middelbare schoolroosters maken met roosterprogramma Zermelo.

Ozaita Araico, Alejandro (2017) Detection of the crowdedness of a place sensing the devices in the area.

Panda, Arijit (2017) Different measures of similarity and dissimilarity for fuzzy based noise classifier.

Pannekoek, Richard (2017) Bestelstrategie Groothandel.

Pantle Cebada, D. (2017) Assessment of the role of vegetation as part of ecosystem-based risk reduction measures used for shallow-landslides in Rasuwa district, Nepal.

Pareja Roig, J.J. (2017) Managing the organizational transition towards cloud computing.

Pars, Cas (2017) PHREE of Phish : The Effect of Anti-Phishing Training on the Ability of Users to Identify Phishing Emails.

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Paschke, L. (2017) Does a common-victim identity make East-Germans more positive about refugees?

Pasman, A. (2017) Het ontwerp van een modulair wanddecoratiesysteem.

Passier, C.E. (2017) Signals of radicalization among Dutch muslim youth : comparing theory with practice.

Patrinopoulos Bougioukas, A. (2017) Adherence to blended smoking cessation treatment.

Pauli, T. (2017) Influence of the gully erosion on connectivity patterns in small semiarid catchment areas.

Peeters, N.J. (2017) The needs and wishes of cancer patients regarding a smartphone-supported self-help intervention based on self-compassion and mindfulness exercises : a qualitative study.

Pekkeriet, D.B. (2017) Improvement of grip and durability of uneven bars.

Pel, D.H. (2017) Control of the automated length setting device.

Pellegrino, A.C. (2017) Open innovation in SMEs : a process model for successful implementation.

Pellengahr, J. M. (2017) The relationship between work-related stress and job satisfaction: The moderating effect of self-compassion.

Pendavingh, D.J. (2017) Non-destructive dynamic motor characterization setup.

Peng, Jinbang (2017) Application of cosmic-ray probe for the detection of freezing-thawing process over Tibetan Plateau.

Penkov, Ivan (2017) Block chain use cases beyond payments.

Pepping, J.J. (2017) The Individual & Organizational Factors Influencing the Implementation of Data-Driven Marketing.

Perea Almenar, J .V. (2017) Evaluation and analysis of a new alloy for element material in CVT.

Perez Lorea, E.A. (2017) 3D printed sensor to detect muscle contraction by means of force myography.

Perton, P.F. (2017) Creating high reliability crews within the asphalt sector : introducing the high reliability performance index.

Peters, M. (2017) Contractbeheersing op maat : contractmanagement bij geintegreerde projecten van lagere overheden.

Peterson, Melissa Arielle (2017) Assessing Sentinel-1 Imagery for Sea Ice Monitoring in the Denmark Strait.

Petli, Alexandra (2017) Multiple-event measurement of self-directed learning: The interaction of personality traits and contextual variables on employees’ daily self-directed learning fluctuation.

Petulo, Tembo Peter (2017) Groundwater resources evaluation of the Lokalane-Ncojane Karoo basin (Botswana) using numerical modelling.

Pfaffenrot, J. (2017) The Sharing Economy: Cornerstone for a Sustainability Movement or Source of Economic Benefits?

Pfeufer, Josefin (2017) Performance contracts of Universities of Applied Sciences. A comparative analysis of the UAS Münster and UAS Saxion in Enschede.

Phagoe, S.A. (2017) Ervaringen van gebruikers met een smartphone applicatie als prototype van de interventie Geluk&Zo.

Pieffers, Adriaan (2017) Behavioral characteristics of coach managers in Self-Managing Teams.

Pieper, S.D. (2017) Dementia, how we forget about ourselves and what we can do about it - the evaluation of an online life story book.

Pierik, Rens (2017) Item availability restricted.

Pieterse, R.G.M.G. (2017) The use of a marshalling area in the warehouses of Albert Heijn.

Pingle, V.S. (2017) Detection of change in chlorophyll fluorescence using low spectral resolution spectrometer-a study for temperature induced stress detection.

Pinho Foerstnow, Liana (2017) Functional post-disaster damage assessment in urban setting with remote sensing.

Plaisier, Thomas (2017) Reducing apparent inertia in a tool for minimally invasive surgery.

Platenkamp, T.J.W. (2017) Het vergroten van de output van Product A bij Bedrijf X.

Ploegmakers, I.J.E. (2017) SME's as systems integrator in the Dutch construction industry by 2020.

Pluimers, P.M. (2017) Improving performances at a postal company by implementation of horizontal collaborative logistics.

Pohle, D. (2017) The correlation between specific therapeutic behaviours of counsellors in email support and an increase in well-being and self-compassion after participating in a multi-component positive psychology intervention.

Pol - van Zuilekom, Renate (2017) FORMATIEVE FEEDBACK ALS ONDERSTEUNING: ZITTEN LEERLINGEN HIER WEL OP TE WACHTEN? : Onderzoek naar het gebruik van formatieve feedback tijdens het werken met een online rekenprogramma door leerlingen uit groep 7 en 8 binnen het speciaal onderwijs.

Polanco Pacheco, Christian Andrés (2017) Supercritical water gasification of biomass: modeling of char formation and a socio-economic study.

Poll, T.A. van der (2017) Improving stock levels in retailers’ stores by proposing a model based on literature and historical data.

Pool, T.J. (2017) Drone swarming and combat management : visualizing and managing an autonomously functioning swarm of drones with as mediator Combat Management System(CMS).

Poort, Aniek (2017) The development of guidelines to design collaborative serious games for a new educational platform.

Poppe, G.M. (2017) Positive psychological interventions in the treatment of schizophrenia. A systematic review of the effects of positive psychology on well-being and symptoms of people with schizophrenia.

Poppe, Lieneke (2017) Early cardiac rehabilitation through eHealth : a quasi-experimental study on the effect of early cardiac rehabilitation on postoperative recovery of patients after open heart surgery.

Poppema, D.W. (2017) Experiment-supported modelling of salt marsh establishment : Applying the Windows of opportunity concept to the Marconi pioneer salt marsh design.

Post, F. (2017) Certification of a small wind turbine.

Posthumus, Rik (2017) Turbulence : in scour holes of sharp bends : Study about hydrodynamic processes in a scour hole of a sharp bend in the Mahakam River, Indonesia.

Pot, R.L. (2017) Het ontwerpproces van een sociaal product dat adolescenten een betere kampeerervaring geeft.

Pot, R.L. (2017) Crazy Camping Challenge: Het ontwerpproces van een sociaal product dat adolescenten een betere kampeerervaring geeft.

Potiracha, Y. (2017) Assessing agricultural drought impact on soil salinity in Bua Yai and Sida districts, Nakhon-Ratchasima province, Thailand.

Pots, K (2017) Beyond the functional silos: An exploratory analysis of institutional complexity in practice.

Pribadi, F.S. (2017) The Integration of Circular Economy into Municipal Solid Waste Management in Metro City, Indonesia : Challenges and Environmental Opportunities.

Prieto Serratos, E.A. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Prieto Serratos, Erik Armando (2017) Multilevel panel method validation using the New MEXICO Wind Tunnel Measurements.

Primera, R.C.M. (2017) DataVis Helper: A Tool for Exploring The Design Space of Data Visualization.

Prins, F. (2017) Herontwerp van een backpack-computer voor een serious gaming virtual reality systeem.

Prins, N.M. and Ochten, M. van and Steen, D. van der and Wiggers, R.B.M. (2017) Designing a synthetic model of the esophagus to test efficacy and oxygen distribution of an intelligent oxygen delivery device.

Prinsen, M. (2017) Binge-watching : the assocation of compensatory health beliefs with binge-watching, physical activity and body mass index in young adults.

Pris, M. (2017) Developing and Evaluating SIMM Forecasting Models.

Purnamasari, Andi Maya (2017) Towards population density retrieval using gas-flare corrected DMSP-OLS night-time light observations.

Putten, F.M.J. van der (2017) Supply Chain Network Redesign.

Pösse, A. (2017) Does eustress play a role in the relationship between optimism and mental wellbeing?

QIN, L. (2017) Operator control hierarchy for multiple robot systems.

Qin, D. (2017) Attainment discrepancy: its influences on the firm's strategic changes to supplier-related activities.

Qiu, M. (2017) No Picture No Truth? : the influence of review format and review valence on Chinese consumers’ purchase intention.

Qiu, Yun (2017) Ponding excess water mapping in agricultural areas in Hungary.

RIJKE, W.J. (2017) Computational thinking in primary school : an examination of abstraction and decomposition for different ages.

Rahman, Arif (2017) Designing a Dashboard as Geo-Visual Exploration Tool for Origin-Destination Data.

Rakuša, Anej (2017) Go 400 & Energize.

Ramshorst, A.E. van (2017) Map of Humanity.

Rana, Md. Sohel (2017) Development of a direct method for local scale post-earthquake multi-hazards susceptibility assessment.

Ranjit, Bhuwan (2017) Multiple-point geostatistics to derive missing surface displacement values of a glacier inferred from DInSAR.

Rasing, N.L. (2017) Healthcare and support needs of stroke patients with mild cognitive impairments and support needs of caregiving partners three months post-stroke: an exploratory qualitative study.

Rathke, L.M. (2017) Food safety regulation across the Atlantic : conflict or cooperation?

Rau, T.T. (2017) Solving the omnishopperpuzzle : combining personality traits, consumer values and the theory of planned behavior to decrypt low, moderate and high online purchase intention product categories.

Raub, T. (2017) Using the product impact tool for future planning.

Rawee, J. (2017) Modelleren van de hydrodynamica van de haven van Noordpolderzijl : Een vergelijking tussen Delft3D Flow en D-Flow FM.

Regelink, M. (2017) α-Band lateralization to determine the validity of EEG as a method for measuring vigilance.

Reichart, P.A. (2017) Projectevaluatie Emmertochtsloot.

Reijerink, J. (2017) Improving MRSA risk communication towards the Dutch general public: A Mental Model Approach.

Reiling, I (2017) Youth literature curricula at teacher training colleges in the Netherlands.

Reiling, Nathan (2017) Item availability restricted.

Reimert, M.H.A. (2017) The impact of Additive Manufacturing on the life cycle cost of one-off parts at Thales Hengelo.

Reinke, A. L. (2017) Employment patterns and its influence on the quality of life.

Rensen, Quinten (2017) Item availability restricted.

Rensner, F.J. (2017) Making your own choices? : an investigation of the influence of horizontal price presentation order, star-ratings & product type on average revenue in online web-shop environments.

Reske, R. (2017) The longitudinal relation between pain and positive and negative affect in people with polyarthritis.

Reuben, John (2017) Accuracy of tree height derived from point clouds of UAV compared to airborne LiDAR and ITS effect on estimating biomass and carbon stock in part of tropical forest in Malaysia.

Reuvekamp, T. (2017) The impact of financial performance on the quality of Dutch hospitals.

Rhijn, F.E.C. van (2017) Het ontwerp van een Waterbron voor het Nationaal Monument MH17.

Rickers, J. (2017) How to teach reflective writing? : Studying the contribution of autobiographic reflection in social work education.

Ridder, L. de (2017) Designing multifunctional furniture elements : creating reading and working places for elementary school children.

Ridderhof, C.P.J. (2017) Determining design relations for a magneto caloric device with multiple magneto caloric materials using numerical software.

Rieffe, Dennis (2017) The traceability of medical equipment through hospitals and retirement homes.

Rietveld, W.B. (2017) Technology roadmapping at high-tech small and medium enterprises : a manual.

Rigterink, T.E. (2017) Generation Y as starter in the Dutch housing market : Expectations, bottlenecks and possible solutions.

Rijk, L.M.S.J. (2017) Acid Robust Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors.

Rijkens, E. (2017) Het modelleren van realistische early en delayed responses voor SPES.

Rijkom, A.K. van (2017) Testing the mirroring hypothesis in the NPD context : an analysis of the relationships between product architecture, NPD team structure, team knowledge creation and NPD project performance.

Rijsemus, Simon (2017) Examining the relation between leadership effectiveness and team performance and the mediating role of communication in a simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation setting.

Rindt, F.S. (2017) Developing a Smart Rainwater Buffering System for the Citizens of Enschede.

Ristau, S. (2017) The other side of the bystander effect : negative consequences for victims of public insult and attempt for redemption.

Robah, Karin (2017) Determinants of existential death anxiety : a cross-sectional survey study on the effect of age, gender and religious affiliation on death anxiety.

Robin, Lisa-Marie (2017) From 2D visual simulation to 3D virtual reality : a controlled study over the effects of virtual reality on telepresence, temporal dissociation and game experience.

Rodink, D. (2017) Evaluating the effect of irrigation techniques and strategies on the water footprint of crops using APEX and AQUACROP models.

Rodrigues, P. (2017) Autonomous ultrasound scanning for breast cancer screening in the presence of a designed breast holder.

Rodrigues Peixoto, S. (2017) The European refugee crisis: Burden sharing in the United Kingdom and in Germany.

Rodriguez, C.J. (2017) The design of composite doors for cruise ships.

Roebers, T. (2017) The impact of interest rate risk-taking on a bank’s profitability : a new dimension to balance sheet improvement.

Roekel, Johan van (2017) Terrorism and migration, the prevention of terrorist infiltration : Dutch and German strategies, a comparison.

Roeleveld, B. (2017) e-HRM viewed from a management fashion perspective; an exploratory study based on the case study research.

Roeleveld, E.M. (2017) Online Cognitive Bias Modificantion Alcohol Avoidance Training as Addition to Treatment as Usual: Preliminary results of a double-blind ranomized controlled trial in an outpatient addiction treatment setting.

Roerdink, M. (2017) An explorative study : parental involvement in youth healthcare.

Roetert Steenbruggen, L.M. (2017) Out of the Box Inclusive/Stable Talent Management : Stimulating Well-being and Performance by using the Strength-Based approach: the Mediating role of Person-job fit.

Rohaan, D. (2017) Reengineering the order to cash (OTC) process.

Rohaan, I. (2017) The influence of actor beliefs on unobvious policy decision : Two cases of road developments in Dutch demographic decline regions.

Rommens, Nicole (2017) Using seizure detection algorithms in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit to improve staff response to seizures.

Ronde, T (2017) A patient satisfaction study based on the results of the Consumer Quality Index - The outpatient clinic for Neurology in the University Medical Centre Groningen.

Roodink, S. (2017) Large-range active load for dynamic motor testing.

Rooij, B. de (2017) The effect of different CoCo structures on the funding costs of a financial institution.

Rooks, Nynke (2017) Gaze behavior in stroke patients during reach and grasp tasks and the star cancellation test in stroke patients.

Roorda, F.V. (2017) Socially shared regulation in the workplace and the manifestation of the subphases.

Roorda, F.V. (2017) Socially shared regulation in the workplace and the manifestation of the subphases.

Roosjen, W. (2017) Het toepassen van het afkoppelen van hemelwater in Enschede.

Roozen, L.J.H. (2017) "You wouldn't download a T-shirt" : 3D printing of everyday clothing at home.

Roseboom, H.A. (2017) Vermindering van energiegebruik bij Asfalt Centrale Twente : haalbare maatregelen om het energiegebruik te verminderen met acht procent voor de periode 2017 - 2020.

Rosies, H. M. (2017) Victim-offender mediation : offenders’ motivations for participation.

Rothfeld, N. C. (2017) Reading and its influence on antisocial behaviour.

Rottink, E.S. (2017) Do what you love or love what you do? : The perception of Millennials on work meaning and engagement.

Rouw, L. (2017) Posttraumatische groei bij kinderen en adolescenten : een literatuur review.

Rozema, C.J. and Rotman, B.J. (2017) NAH+-vervolgvoorziening : samen op weg naar een mooie toekomst. Onderzoek naar organisatorische randvoorwaarden voor een vervolgvoorziening, maximaal één jaar na het incident, voor NAH-patiënten van 18 jaar en ouder met zowel somatische problematiek als ernstige gedragsproblematiek.

Ruben, B.R. (2017) Concept ontwerp van een 'low-cost FIDE approved' schaakklok voor opkomende markten.

Ruiter, Bryan (2017) Towards a continuous auditing philosophy.

Ruizendaal, Rutger (2017) The potential of deep learning in marketing : insights from predicting conversion with deep learning.

Runze, Jana (2017) Insect-based meat alternatives : the role of information and social influences on the beliefs about sensory properties, attitudes and intention to consume insect-based products.

Ruppel, Justus (2017) Burnout and Fatigue: A systematic review about the etiology, maintenance, and treatment.

Rutenfrans, J.W. (2017) Pre-university programs and study success : a case study at the Pre-U of University of Twente.

Ryan, J.D. (2017) To what extent have the policy recommendations of the Behavioural Insights Team been in accordance with nudge theory.

Rödder, C. (2017) De invloed van status en vertrouwen op leider-volger afstanden in formele en informele groepen.

Rödel, E.L. (2017) Forecasting tourism demand in Amsterdam with Google Trends: A research into the forecasting potential of Google Trends for tourism demand in Amsterdam.

Röttger, Valentin (2017) Innovative work behavior through access to resources and LMX : case study at a German retailer.

Rüsel, J.T. (2017) Bringing Civility Back to Internet-Based Political Discourse on Twitter Research into the Determinants of Uncivil Behavior During Online Political Discourse.

SHAMETAJ, P. (2017) Increasing the immersive experience in the Leo Universal Cockpit.

Saeed, Aaqib (2017) Deep physiological arousal detection in a driving simulator.

Sahbaz, A (2017) The impact of competition regulation and law on innovativeness of SMEs in the logistic sector in the Netherlands.

Sahbaz, A.T. (2017) The influence of culture and cognition on the entrepreneurial strategy of Start-Ups: the case of Turkey.

Sahin, Merve (2017) A holistic approach to new competitive landscape analysis for better strategy creation and decision making in SMEs : a process model.

Sakhanberidze, Pavle (2017) Educational gap analysis between contemporary industry demand and universities state of the art in the construction logistics.

Salad Mohamed, Ahmed H. (2017) Reminiscence therapy with the use of life story books: A systematic review.

Samuel, L.N. (2017) Computations in Stochastic Game Theory : large sets of rewards in games with communicating states and frequency-dependent transition probabilities and stage payoffs.

Sanders, R.V. (2017) Active heave compensation - simulation of a prototype heave compensation system.

Sarode, A. (2017) Demand side management in India : an analysis of state level initiatives.

Sarrionandia Uriarte, Nora (2017) Efficiency of broadcasting in vehicular networks by means of 5G device-to-device communications.

Sas, Jolien van (2017) The effect of team leader stress on teams practicing cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a simulation room : an exploratory study into the effect of team leader stress on team leader behaviour, closed-loop communication, and team performance of a simulated medical emergency team.

Satriajaya, Aldorio (2017) The water and land footprint of pets.

Sayed, Marwan Tarek (2017) To what extent does the cognitive style of novice entrepreneurs lead to effectual and causal decision making?

Sbai, Elias (2017) The impact of regulation of innovation in the logistics sector.

Schaaf, A.E. (2017) Ambidextrous coping strategies of Strategic Frontline Employees in minimising the effect of role ambiguity : a qualitative study on ambidextrous coping strategies of SFLEs in dealing with role ambiguity.

Schaaf, J.M. van der (2017) E-Hub, Charging Station of the Future. A Project for Dutch-Incert.

Schade, Leah (2017) The role of mobile health applications for health insurance companies in Germany.

Schasfoort, K.B. (2017) Temporary fixation using vacuum for the Total Epicardial Delivery Device (TEDD).

Scheepens, M. (2017) How to learn basic computer skills to 75+ seniors : what helps best: an error guided or an error free instructional video?

Scheepstra, W.J. (2017) Overboeken op de KNO-polikliniek van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum.

Scheer, K.E. van der (2017) Illumination for a finger-vein.

Schellevis, H.M. (2017) The effect of membrane topology features on ion transport phenomena.

Schenk, L. (2017) Comparison of medium access control protocols for ultra narrowband communication systems.

Schep, H.C. (2017) De hulpverlener in de GGZ - een exploratie van de motivatie, het succes en de valkuilen bij de therapeut, middels een systematisch onderzoek naar literatuur.

Scheurwater, N. (2017) Video vs. text: Assessing the effectiveness of a video tutorial on the procedural- and factual knowledge of production workers and its potential benefits over a tutorial with text and still graphics.

Schilpzand, M.P. (2017) De motiverende werking van wiskundig modelleren.

Schimpke, Alexander (2017) Developing a strategic sourcing approach for the Accell Group N.V.

Schipper, T.C. (2017) The attribution of changes in streamflow to climate and land use change for 472 catchments in the United States and Australia.

Schlenker, L.S. (2017) The relationship of self-compassion and self-esteem with coping and well-being.

Schlief, J.G.L. (2017) Temperature optimization of the SuperParamagnetic Quantifier for comparison with standard methods.

Schlüter, J. (2017) Range anxiety in potential electric vehicle users.

Schmelzer, Farina (2017) Positive well-being of people with a chronic pain disorder-The role of psychological inflexibility and engaged living.

Schmidt, Judith (2017) The Egoistic Consumer: The Role of Self-Interest and Self-Focused Information on Attitudes and Intentions Regarding Household Food Waste.

Schmidt, Susanna (2017) Worldview and Existential Anxiety : cross-sectional survey study about the hypothesized relation of worldview and existential anxiety.

Schmitz, Jasmin (2017) The future of EU – Russia relations : case study about the EU as defence actor.

Schmudlach, J.S. (2017) An impact analysis of the amended Renewable Energy Sources Act.

Schneider, C.C.N. (2017) Development of a centering algorithm for the structured light sensor on the PIRATE pipe inspection robot.

Schnieder, Maxim Kolja (2017) Acceptability and impact of an ACT based aftercare treatment for clients suffering from substance abuse.

Scholten, J. (2017) The determinants of cloud computing adoption in The Netherlands : a TOE-perspective.

Schonewille, R. (2017) Design of an energy harvesting system for wireless sensor nodes on railway tracks.

Schoot Uiterkamp, Luc (2017) The impact of using a discussion support system on discussions.

Schoppmann, Rouven (2017) Differences between mobile shopping and traditional online shopping.

Schot, A.M. van der (2017) Optimisation of the multidisciplinary interface in head- and neck-tumour surgery : replacement of a reconstructed specimen in an original 3D scan.

Schouten, Martijn (2017) Towards additively manufactured complex robotic systems.

Schrander, M.C.F (2017) From leader to coach: a reluctant transition.

Schreuder Goedheijt, Bart (2017) Recalling shared memories in an embodied conversational agent : personalized robot support for children with diabetes in the PAL project.

Schrijen, E.P.W.J. (2017) Modelling the influence of storm related processes and their frequencies of occurrence on sand wave dynamics in the North Sea.

Schrijvers, E.A. (2017) Learning Feed-Forward Control with the Python Scikit-learn library.

Schrooten, B.H.G. (2017) Developing and testing a higt-tech serious game "Tower of Infinitiy" for supply chain management.

Schröder, André (2017) Effects of mimicry on behavior: Stereotype consistent behavior elicited through mimicking a person belonging to a specific social category.

Schröder, M. (2017) The estimation of the psychometric properties of the MHC-SF for the broad South African organizational context.

Schröter, M. (2017) Who benefits from a guided self-help self-compassion training? A randomized controlled trial.

Schulte, P. (2017) Evaluation of experienced wellbeing, needs and preferences of young inmates to enhance wellbeing and happiness: a qualitative study.

Schultz, Pim (2017) Using machine-learning models for operational exception handling : a case study at IBM.

Schulz, Alina (2017) Analysis of the current state of Industry 4.0 in purchasing : a multiple case study based on the purchasing year cycle.

Schulz, Luisa Marie (2017) Gamified wearables in obesity therapy for youth : successful fundamental app design guidelines.

Schulz, Tim (2017) The impact of capital structure on firm performance : an investigation of Dutch unlisted SMEs.

Schurink, N.W. (2017) Hyperspectral imaging and tumor classification for intra-operative colorectal cancer resection margin evaluation.

Schut, Daniël (2017) Restoring the files - Correcting and expanding the proofs.

Schut, Thomas (2017) Sensing of multiple parameters in a micro-fabricated flow system.

Schutte, J.W. (2017) Development of a mobile video dome.

Schutte, Mayke (2017) In(ventory) control of spare parts at the warehouse of the TD of Bolletje Almelo.

Schuttert, M. (2017) Camera, PLC and servomotor control.

Schuurmans, N.E. (2017) Mogelijke verpakkingen voor Denimtex.

Schwarte, T.M. (2017) The impact of country-of-origin, familiarity and nature of access on the perception of trust, risk and intention to download a running app.

Schweers, P.S. (2017) Business Model Innovation for DaaS and AaaS Companies.

Schymanietz, A.S. (2017) Governing in the Information Age:Outcomes of E-services in the Netherlands and How They Affect the Citizen’s Satisfaction and Traditional Forms of Participation.

Schäper, M.P. (2017) Warm hands warm thoughts? : Substitutability of physical warmth as a trigger for interpersonal warmth.

Screever, M.J. (2017) Testopstelling voor de meting van elasticiteit als onderdeel van een drukbank.

Scrieciu, M.V. (2017) Managing power asymmetries and increasing mutual understanding between start-ups and established organisations.

Seger, Kaja (2017) The Impact of Education on Online Participation : Does education make the difference?

Segerink, A.F.M. (2017) Continuity during growth, how to establish continuity for Style School ByDanie during the early life cycle passes of the company.

Segers, P.J. (2017) Cinematic ethics on Robots : or: what can we learn from Science-Fiction movies about humanoid (service) robots.

Segeth, F.M. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Selman, K.J.R. (2017) Development and validation of a position aiding system for inertial motion capture using Microsoft HoloLens.

Serban, A.C. (2017) Context based personalized ranking in academic search.

Seuren, F.M. (2017) Disturbance Decoupling in Graphs.

Sevat, L.W. (2017) Design of the psysical part of an arm-hand rehabilitation game.

Severijn, T.E. (2017) Socioeconomic factors influencing participation in and drop-out from disease management programs for Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Risk Management in Almelo.

Sewalt, A.A.E. (2017) Taking care of People and Planet : Assessing the sustainability of a social care farm.

Seydel, T.J. (2017) Evaluating the health economic impact of misclassification during the cardiovascular risk assessment due to HDL-c measurement bias.

Shan, Monan (2017) Exploration of land surface temperature diurnal range as indicator to detect defoliation in forests.

Shayea, A. (2017) The impact of bystanders on offenders: the presence of bystanders increases the likelihood of shoplifting.

Shayesteh, M. (2017) Effecten van de zelfhulpcursus ‘compassie als sleutel tot geluk’ op depressieklachten : de mediërende rollen van zelfkritiek en zelfcompassie.

Shi, Y. (2017) Should Organizations Leverage 360-degree Commercial Video Campaigns? : The influence on customer-brand engagement and customer-based brand equity.

Shrestha, Nitesh (2017) Projection of future stream flow and their uncertainty over West Rapti basin, Nepal.

Shrestha, Shakti Raj (2017) Urban form and seismic risk perception : comparing two communities in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Shrigyan, D. (2017) Mapping and improving the flow of inbound process of Assa Abloy warehouse.

Shyvakov, O. (2017) Developing a security framework for robots.

Sichiweza, Elison (2017) Participation of households in solid waste management and circular economy towards sustainability : a case study of Kabwe Town, Central Province of Zambia.

Sidal, S.S. (2017) Case study on crisis and emergency risk communication : how does the communication between Hoboken’s public organizations and citizens contribute to social resilience during and after Hurricane Sandy?

Siddiqui, M.Z. (2017) 3D Printing : depowdering techniques.

Siebel, R. (2017) Video distribution in a D2D enabled 5G network supporting Public Safety Services.

Siemann, M.R. (2017) Risico van een Racestrategie voor de Red Shift.

Siemes, R.W.A. (2017) Smart solutions in water management : the case of regional Water Authority Vechtstromen.

Siemons, R.F.M. (2017) Efficient application of soil mixing in remediation.

Siepel, Janique G.M. (2017) A fresh look at train station cleanliness : Effects of litter on the floor and graffiti on attention and cleanliness perception.

Siero, N.B. (2017) Guidelines for Supporting Teachers in Teaching Digital Literacy.

Siers, A.M. (2017) Facilitating and impeding factors of child health professionals' adherence towards the protocol and guideline used after child death : A qualitative evaluation of working procedures at the municipal health service Twente.

Siers, Koen Peter (2017) Improvement of acceptance of mobile commerce.

Siersema, A. (2017) Analyse van de verschillen tussen de grondwatermodellen Azure en Hydromedah bj de provincie Utrecht.

Siethof, T.M.B. ten (2017) Uitrolgedrag op het spoor : onderzoek naar uitbreiding van de functionaliteit van Arcadis'spoorontwerp beoordelingsapplicatie Xandra.

Sieveneck, S. (2017) Het mediërend effect van veerkracht in de relatie tussen zelfwaardering en distress en eustress.

Sieverink, S.A. (2017) Improving the alignment between the operating room department and the nursing wards : Changing the current operating room scheduling method in order to minimize the variability in bed utilization at the nursing wards.

Sikkens, A. (2017) The complexity of interfunctional coordination when serving different market segments.

Sikkens, Boudewijn N.A (2017) Modelling, design and fabrication of a 3D force sensitive stylus.

Siksma, J.P. (2017) Herontwerp easy rider met focus op materiaalgebruik.

Simanjuntak, Royger Maniur (2017) Analyzing the relationship between land surface temperature and urban structure types in Bandung, Indonesia.

Simons, T.N. (2017) The amazing study! The effect of puffery in advertisement claims on perceived credibility, perceived truthfulness, attitude, and purchase intentions of Dutch and American consumers.

Sipma, K.E. (2017) BIT-Evaluaties bij de rijksoverheid : aanmeldingen onder de loep.

Sippel, T. (2017) Exploring the influence of absorptive capacity on German SMEs and their choice for a strategic alliance : Organizational learning through exploration and exploitation.

Sjoerdstra, Bianca (2017) Why a contract manager?!

Skora, Christine (2017) Satisfaction of key supplier : analyzing and evaluating factors of supplier satisfaction in a case study with Company X.

Skupin, Karina (2017) The impact of advertising appeals on consumers' perception of an ad in the context of technical products.

Slijkhuis, P.J.H. (2017) The Uncanny Valley Phenomenon: A replication with short presentation times.

Slootbeek, J.J.A. (2017) Average-Case Analysis of the 2-opt Heuristic for the TSP.

Slot, M.C. (2017) The SocioMetricVis : Giving feedback during a brainstorm.

Slot, Sanne van 't (2017) Creating interaction in the online political sphere: Which Twitter content triggers response?

Sluis, J. van der (2017) Mixed Reality Application and Integration with Hololens in a Manufacturing Environment.

Sluis, L.F. (2017) Output legitimacy of the European Union's External Borders Agency.

Slutter, M.W.J. (2017) Creating a feedback system with the Myo Armband, for home training for frail older adults.

Smalbergher, I. (2017) Learning analytics towards identifying the processes of higher order thinking in online discussions of MOOCs.

Smeenk, C. (2017) Putting job crafting in context : a study on the interrelationship between individual and contextual factors in explaining job crafting.

Smeenk, J.V. (2017) Networking in regional labor market policy. A study on the degree and quality of cooperation in a labor market region.

Smelt, Karin (2017) Resolving the AMO Confusion: Results of a qualitative study into HRM implementation.

Smit, E.S. (2017) Obsolescence and its impact on reliability: a further development of internet triangulation.

Smit, Floris (2017) Applying data science to improve municipal youth care.

Smit, J.N. (2017) Ultrasound-based navigation for surgical removal of liver lesions : a feasibility study of MRI-ultrasound fusion in the operation theatre.

Smit, K. (2017) The collaboration between neighbourhood teams and their partners : A research report about the situation in the municipality of Almelo.

Smit, S. (2017) Op weg naar bijna energie neutrale gebouwen.

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Smulders, Maurice (2017) Antecedents for idea quality in intra corporate crowdsourcing for ideas.

Smulders, R.N. (2017) Reduceren van werkdruk-fluctuaties bij het dagcentrum.

Snaauw, G. (2017) Camera calibration for oblique viewing laparoscopes.

Snel, J. (2017) ZSM-werkwijze: Betekenisvol voor slachtoffers? Een bachelorthesis waarin wordt onderzocht of de ZSM-methode als betekenisvol wordt ervaren vanuit de ogen van slachtoffers.

Snellens, K. (2017) Deception in Everyday Life : A one-day diary study about effects of deception, gender and type of deception on feelings and emotions.

Snijders, I.E. (2017) Differentiation during Close Reading: The design of an info-card to support primary school teachers to differentiate during close reading lessons.

Snijders, T.G.A. (2017) Redesigning a food assembly process at KLM Catering Services.

Snuverink, D. (2017) Customer loyalty in the tour operator industry: an exploration of its determinants : Towards a new customer loyalty model including social media engagement.

Soares Ferreira, S. (2017) Improving the usability of a mobile inquiry-based learning technology for children : a comparative study in the Netherlands and the Brazilian Amazon.

Somhorst, B. (2017) Factors influencing the threshold for public tendering.

Somsen, B.N. (2017) Alcohol Cognitive Bias Modification training for problem drinkers via their smartphone: a pilot study.

Sondermann, Matthias (2017) Demand Response Interoperability for the residential European Energy Market - Identifying Standardization Gaps between a Demand Response pilot project and a proposed best practice.

Song, Hang (2017) The Water, Land, and Carbon Footprints of Different Human Diets in China.

Sonnenberg, K.R. (2017) Improving transport of elderly and people with disabilities in Drenthe.

Spaa, W.D. (2017) Geomorfologische veranderingen in de Voordelta : en de effecten op de NCV-monitoring.

Span, J.E. (2017) Dynamic pricing for camping and bungalow parks: integer linear programming for revenue maximization.

Spanjer, M.B. (2017) Verslaafde ouders, veerkrachtige kinderen : Interventies voor kinderen van verslaafde ouders, een literatuurreview en pilotstudie.

Spanke, G. (2017) Europeanization of Higher Education in Germany : A Case Study of Alternative Access Routes to Higher Education in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.

Spanninga, R.M. (2017) Mogelijke toepassingen van Revenue Management voor een boekingsplatform in de containerlogistiek.

Spekhorst, W.J.L. (2017) Model for information provision in the tender process.

Spekhorst, W.J.L. (2017) Renovatieprojecten onder de UAV-GC 2005 : het ontwikkelen van een afwegingsmodel voor informatieverstrekking.

Spenke, Maurice te (2017) Determinants of customer experience in digitized private banking.

Spil, Gino van (2017) Delay compensation in mobile face tracking.

Spitzer, M. (2017) Effect and Use of Positive Psychology Interventions in Clinical Practice. A Systematic Literature Review.

Spoolder, S.J. (2017) Ontwerp van een nieuwe wereldzoutkaart in het Zoutmuseum.

Sproates, C.L. (2017) Internal risk components validation : indicative benchmarking of discriminatory power for LGD models.

Staakman, J. (2017) Een betere planning voor BrumBrum.

Staas, Leonie (2017) Resilient Governance for Resilient Cities – Assessing the Governance Context for Green Infrastructure Implementation in Hoboken.

Stahl, S. (2017) The relationship between personality functioning, experiential avoidance, and mental health in a population with personality disorders.

Stal, S. ter (2017) Designing an Interactive Storytelling System for Children using a Smart Toy Design of a prototype to investigate the effect of emotional behaviour of a toy on children's storytelling.

Stan, Lorin-Mihai (2017) The impact of concentration on investment and innovation incentives of small and middle enterprises (SMEs) in the food supply chain. -An experience of local SMEs operating in a concentrated grocery market-.

Stange, R.T. (2017) Strategic management at the level of purchase categories: A multiple case study to explore purchase category strategy development in practice.

Stankevich, Alina (2017) Companies’ needs in networking and online business networking platforms.

Stappen, A. (2017) The role of world assumptions in the severity of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder : differentiating between gender.

Starke, Robert R. (2017) Citizens in the digital metropolis : towards a meaningful stance of smart citizenship?!

Staveren, E.S. van (2017) Towards a personalised biomechanical tongue model : sEMG measurements on the tongue and motor unit identification.

Steeghs, G.G.T. (2017) Developing a smart rainwater buffering system for the municipality of Enschede.

Steenbergen, R.M. van (2017) The impact of price elasticity in the sales and operations planning.

Steenblik, S. (2017) Onderzoek naar het meestromen van het Zwarte Schaar met de IJssel.

Steenderen-de Kok, N.H.C. van (2017) Herontwerp Touchscreen Betaalinterface JCC-betalen.

Steenhuisen, Berend (2017) Asymptotic price of anarchy for affine, symmetric, k-uniform congestion games.

Stegemann, Laura (2017) The language of blood, sweat and tears : an investigation of the economic growth discourse for the case of European economic networks in the context of the European financial crisis.

Stein Callenfels, J.L. van (2017) Het Bystander-Effect : gevolgen voor slachtoffers bij de aanwezigheid of afwezigheid van omstanders en het wel of niet aanbieden van een excuus.

Steinhorst, S. (2017) European migration policy in the central Mediterranean : circumventing the “Right to have Rights” of migrants?

Steinke, Julian (2017) Do video game players and non-video game players have different visual cognitive skills?

Stempher, B.M. (2017) Het 'Omstandereffect' : de psychologische gevolgen voor het slachtoffer en het effect van een excuus.

Sterenborg, D. (2017) Optimizing the perceived value-in-use of integrated software solutions in a B2B context : a case study on the social domain of Dutch Local Governments.

Sterkman, Casper W.J.M. (2017) Planning deviation reduction at HNS.

Stevens, Stefanie Antonia (2017) Job satisfaction and work-life balance: an explorative study on remote workers.

Stinenbosch, M.J.M. (2017) Analysis of represented purchasing skills in academic literature and in current Dutch education provision.

Stinenbosch, Marlou (2017) Cumulative assessment in University of Twente's Mechanical Engineering curriculum : a pilot study.

Stiphout, A.J. van (2017) Het vaststellen van SLAs op de SEH van het SKB.

Stob, Anne (2017) De rol van verzoening met het slachtoffer en herstellen van het morele imago in de bereidheid van daders tot slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling.

Stokkers, M. (2017) The cost-effectiveness of the hybrid operating room.

Stokvis, Brian (2017) Water footprint assessment of the Litani River Basin, Lebanon.

Stoot, J.H. (2017) Stompbox design : from idea to concept.

Stoppels, Eloy (2017) Predicting race results using artificial neural networks.

Stouwe, M.J. van der (2017) The effectiveness of and experience with an innovative split-sleep schedule in healthy nurses : a mixed method study.

Stroet, T.M.A. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Stuyver, R. W. (2017) Assessing and redesigning processes in the pharmacy to improve pharmaceutical care.

Stümke, L.I. (2017) Business Diplomacy: The elucidation to ease multinational corporation’s business risk in developing countries and conflict-prone zones.

Sufyan, Huda Mohamed (2017) A cry for help: a study on unaccompanied minors in the Greek and Italian Hotspots.

Sulistyaningsih, Novi (2017) Digital divide, deprivation, and access to e-government services : case study : Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.

Suomela, Aada-Malviina (2017) Transparency in supply chains to ensure sustainability : Case Study from Food Industry.

Suurd, Diederik P.D. (2017) 3D printed guided positioning of extreme pedicle screws to aid in vertebral derotation : A feasibility cadaver study to improve scoliosis surgery.

Swanenberg, M. (2017) Enabling offline access control in MACE.

Swinkels, Tom (2017) Leadership behaviors from student team leaders in emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulations.

Sánchezg Guzmán, L.G. (2017) MyDayLight : How to design a light system for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder that supports them in self-reliance?

Tagle, Ximena (2017) Radiometric calibration for UAV remote sensing products for vegetation mapping.

Taken, Marloes (2017) Mixed methods approach to evaluate the usage of personal health records in chronic care.

Tankink, Kevin (2017) Measuring the effect of participation on the performance of a Dutch infrastructure project.

Tawiah, Ekow Nyamekye (2017) Assessing the potential contribution of latex from rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis) plantations as a carbon sink.

Tazi Hnyine, Z. (2017) Experimental research on two-phase mixing between two vertical channels connected through a gap.

Tegeler, H. (2017) Florerende toekomst en automatisering : Een kwalitatieve studie naar verbeelde technologie-acceptatie.

Teketel, A.T. (2017) Integrated hydrological modeling of surface-groundwater interactions : the case of Denpasar-Tabanan Basin in the Southern Bali Island.

Tekle, Yonas Welday (2017) Scaling up Sardon Catchment groundwater recharge into Dehesa (Montado) hard rocks of Iberian peninsula.

Tel, Siyar (2017) After the nuclear deal : research on the EU-Iran gas relationship in the post-sanctions era.

Tempel, R.H. (2017) Linking regulative and normative forces with innovation performance : the moderating role of media presence of social movement organisations in the energy storage systems industry.

Tenbergen, C.J.A. (2017) Quantification of amyloid-PET scans in early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.

Terbonssen, M (2017) How might universal basic income influence gender roles? Exploring gender similarities and differences in the imagination of a basic income future scenario.

Terpstra, E. (2017) Designing a requirements engineering process for performance monitoring.

Terrivel, M (2017) Computationally Efficient Vision-based Robot Control.

Teschner, S.J. (2017) Ways to deal with stress: A mixed-method study comparing flourishers and non-flourishers regarding their coping approach.

Teunen, Freek (2017) How to create a joint VR experience for Droomvlucht.

The, D.P. (2017) Herontwerp van een multifunctioneel relatiegeschenk.

Theuns, J.K.H (2017) Visualising Origin-Destination Data with Virtual Reality: Functional prototypes and a framework for continued VR research at the ITC faculty.

Thieler, I. (2017) Basic psychological needs : determinants or correlates of subjective vitality and fatigue? : A systematic review of the literature.

Thijssen, M.W.P. (2017) CEO characteristics and capital structure of firms : a study of CEO's decision-making power.

Thijssen, Yori (2017) Breaking the news : the effects of fake news on political attitudes.

Thomas, Laura (2017) Perceptions of Work Stress among Employees: A Qualitative Study.

Thomas, Mark (2017) Automobile Use as a Behavioural Function of Modernity : a small and overly complicated contribution to understanding why we drive.

Thomasson, S.A. (2017) Improving forecast performance of LPG demand.

Thuijsman, Thomas (2017) Bridging the gap between service expectations- and service perceptions of customers - Conducting a gap-analysis at IVM using the SERVQUAL-method.

Thäuser, Julia (2017) Risk management of new product development : a manual for SMEs.

Tijhuis, A (2017) Selecting an award mechanism - A support system for buyers.

Tijhuis, L.J.B. (2017) De doorlooptijd van productie bij Bedrijf X.

Tijink, M.B. (2017) Perturbation resilience for the facility location problem.

Tijink, N.G. (2017) Analyse van het productieproces van ForFarmers : een simulatiestudie naar de gevolgen van een veranderende klantvraag op het productieproces.

Tilburg, T. van (2017) Picture It : the implementation of virtual reality within the product development process.

Tillemans, M.S. (2017) Voorspelling van deelname aan darmkankerscreening in Nederland.

Tilon, Sofia Matilda (2017) The effect of foliage on estimating above ground forest biomass using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Quantitative Structure Modelling in Gronau, Germany.

Timmerhuis, N.A.B. (2017) Two (L-L) and three (G-L-L) phase extraction processes in capillaries with heterogeneous surface wettability.

Timmerman, Yoeri (2017) Wijkbudgetten : towards a balance between the certainty of rules and freedom around citizen initiatives.

Timmermans, Seine Bert (2017) Determining a 3D position inside a ship during construction and communicating the position to CAD software.

Tiniakou, Evangelia (2017) Patterns of parenting in the life histories of highly self-regulated learners.

Tirkkonen, L. (2017) Supply Digitalization : The Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Supply Chain Management.

Tisanovic, M. (2017) The Influence of Bystanders on Fraudulent Behavior in Pro-Social and Pro-Self Situations.

Titsing, M. (2017) Voorkoming van oneigenlijk gebruik van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur.

Tjeerdsma, R. (2017) Developing a backend solution for ISO15118-driven EV charging with Plug-and-Charge.

Tjeerdsma, S. (2017) Finding & analysing weaknesses in the setup of Completely Knocked-Down Production.

Tol, K.M. van (2017) Developing a stimulating environment in a residence facility for dementia patients.

Tolle, T. (2017) Filtering social media data streams.

Toorn, Olivier I. van der (2017) Combating snowshoe spam with fire.

Torbecke, Janina (2017) Symbolic Model Checking with Partitioned BDDs in Distributed Systems.

Torn, I.A.R. (2017) The future of purchasing and industry 4.0 : how purchasing can progress and benefit the fourth industrial revolution.

Toropkina, A. (2017) Two paths for nuclear energy in Europe.

Tran, Dat (2017) Design of a conversion rate optimization tool for E-commerce.

Tran, Nguyen Dat (2017) Design of a Conversion Rate Optimization Tool for E-Commerce.

Trojaborg, Ditte Marie (2017) Detecting land cover change related to smallholder oil palm plantations : An automated approach based on multi-temporal Landsat imagery.

Trommelen, W.W.T. (2017) Electrical shared bikes in Curitiba: infrastructural measures that lead to more users.

Trouwborst, C. (2017) Towards increased autonomy of a rail-guided robot for the inspection of ballast water tanks.

Truijen, V.G.G. (2017) The design of a health check at the Technohal.

Trullas Clavera, B. (2017) Design of an N-Path Bottom-plate Mixer with Sampled Outputs.

Tsai, Eline (2017) Optimal time allocation of an orthopedic surgeon.

Tsavdaroglou, M. (2017) Risk analysis of interdependent Critical Infrastructures to Extreme Weather Events.

Tshomo, Karma (2017) Transition to an electronic land registration system : rural landowner and organisational perspective on e-Sakor in Bhutan.

Tucholka, Merle (2017) Satisfying the supplier : antecedents of supplier satisfaction and the influence of segmentation and status : a multiple case study in cooperation with one buying company and three of its key suppliers.

Tuitert, G.B. (2017) River Waal: Preliminary hydraulic and morphological impact analysis of the Room for the Waal intervention.

Tumlisan, Ghebregziabher Yemane (2017) Monitoring growth development and yield estimation of maize using very high-resolution UAV-images in Gronau, Germany.

Turban, Thomas Christoph (2017) A Minor Safeguard? : The Protection of Minorities in the Context of EU return Policies.

Tusscher, Maks ten (2017) Kennis en Vaardigheden voor Leerkrachten Omtrent Hoogbegaafdheid.

Twijnstra, J.J. (2017) Een Quick tool voor het modelleren van de vereiste erosiebestendigheid van de graszode van de Ijsseldijk.

Tölken, Laura (2017) Influence on Facebook - The Effects of Cialdini´s Principles of Persuasion and persuasive Sources on Purchase Intention and Persuasiveness on Facebook.

Tönis, K.J.M. (2017) The effects of being kind : a review and meta-analysis of the acts of kindness intervention.

Uenk, K. (2017) Redesigning a boardroom : creating a redesign proposal for University of Twente's executive boardroom.

Uhlenbruck, Anna (2017) Combined computed tomography services for in- and outpatients in a medical care center: process efficiency : a case study.

Uijlenberg, W. (2017) The influence of New Ways of Working practices on the employment relationship : an exploratory case study.

Uiterwijk Winkel, W. H. (2017) The effect of bystanders and social value orientation on deception and power affordances.

Uitvlugt, I.L. (2017) Cultural Intelligence in Higher Education Institutions - How managers of international teams can help international employees adapt to a new cultural context.

Urk, Rick van (2017) What kind of governmental support makes WhatsApp Neighborhood Watch Groups function better?

Vaithiyanathasamy, R. (2017) CFD analysis of 2D and 3D airfoils using open source solver SU2.

Vaithiyanathasamy, Mr. Rajesh (2017) Double wake model for separated flows over airfoils.

Valk, F. (2017) Exploring the Value Co-Creation Activities of HR professionals in an HR shared service center.

Vaschenko, Karolina (2017) Predicting probability of feasibility funding based on academic characteristics and entrepreneurial orientation.

Vassou, Vasileia (2017) How Self-Regulated Learners Work and Learn : An Interview Study.

Veelers, D.E. (2017) Media-pushed discourse on self-managing teams in the Dutch healthcare sector.

Veen, A van der (2017) Het behandeleffect van Mindfit bij depressieve cliënten, evenals de invloed hierop van geslacht, ernst van depressie en comorbide angststoornissen.

Veen, E.A. ter (2017) Uitkomsten van een RCT naar een zelfcompassietraining : effecten, mediatoren en moderatoren.

Veenendaal, M. van (2017) How leadership influences the success of Dutch music festivals.

Veenstra, R.F. (2017) Upload! : transportation planning and marketplace for inefficient trips : Construction of the mathematical intelligence of the ‘Upload!’ route planning and marketplace.

Veerbeek, G. (2017) Exploring the influence of multiple parameters on incomplete packages : a simulation study on the influence of multiple parameters and variables at assembly and outbound logistics.

Vegt, D. van der (2017) Investigating competences and core competences of a leading Dutch research organization in aerospace.

Vegt, F. van der (2017) Cost analysis of the Wound Expertise Centre at the Isala clinics in Zwolle.

Velde, M.J.H. van de (2017) Creating resilience against the influence of online propaganda of Islamic State (IS).

Velde, T. te (2017) Enhanced Music Therapy.

Velden, L.L. van der (2017) Technical and clinical analysis of ULDCT : Technical analysis and potential added clinical value of Ultra-Low Dose Computed Tomography compared to chest X-ray.

Veldhorst, S. (2017) STEM or not. Does the teacher determine this?

Veldhuis, F. (2017) Duurzaam herontwerp van een 'Dream' bedje van BeanEasy.

Veldhuis, W. ter (2017) Designing a design process incorporating the client in the design of automated production lines.

Veldhuizen, Johan Matthijs (2017) Improving retailers' service level: incorporating the order line size distribution and preventing unsellable stock levels.

Veldscholte, Lars (2017) Birch-type reduction of anthracene by field emission of electrons in microreactors.

Velt, Eva (2017) The Robot Facebook: The field spotters guide of Robots.

Velten, M. (2017) Cancellation policies in combination with scarcity- and social proof appeals : a study into the effects of cancellation policies and persuasion cues on consumer responses within the online booking industry.

Velthuis, M. (2017) Exploring the conditional purchasing technique: Why and how should public procurers in Europe use this technique?

Velthuis, T.D. (2017) Redesign of the Electronic Parking License.

Veltjen, K.J. (2017) Managing childbirth expectations : an explorative study on how midwifes manage childbirth expectations of pregnant women in the Dutch obstetric care system.

Veltkamp, S.G. (2017) Een case studie van ‘Getting Practical’ binnen de context van de overgang van de derde naar de vierde klas havo en vwo : een case studie binnen NiNa domein A: Vaardigheden.

Velumani, Kaaviya (2017) Wheat ear detection in plots by segmenting mobile laser scanner data.

Ven, P.A.J. van de (2017) Implementing EyePi architecture on R3D3.

Veneklaas, Wouter (2017) Patience of patients: Reducing ultrasound access times and the workload for ultrasound technicians at the radiology department of SKB Winterswijk.

Vente, P.J. de (2017) Game of Drones : Exploring the development of unmanned aerial vehicles in public safety organisations.

Venterink, M. (2017) Frequency optimisation for damage identification using the Vibro-Acoustic Modulation method.

Verbeek, E.A.C. (2017) Veranderingen in (dis)functionele schemamodi als voorspellers van psychische klachtenreductie en toename van welbevinden : longitudinaal onderzoek naar het schemamodi-model van de schemagerichte therapie voor persoonlijkheidsstoornissen.

Verbeeten, Jet (2017) What do we learn from assessment? : developing an observation instrument to measure the use of Assessment for Learning in the classroom.

Verbruggen, K.J.P. (2017) Shared cycling infrastructure as a feeder system for public transport in Sao Paulo.

Verbücheln, N.J.W (2017) Eustress en welbevinden: een onderzoek naar de samenhang tussen eustress en welbevinden.

Verdi Dunlop, M.E. (2017) Innovation Risk and Human Capital in Seed and Early Stage Venture Capital Investments.

Verdijk, P.F.M. (2017) Het voorspellen van de ligduur van de MDL- en nefrologiepatiënt in de kliniek.

Verhoeven, J.J. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Verhoeven, J.M.C. (2017) The effect of physical proximity on empathy and prosocial behavior through reading.

Verkade, Rick (2017) Community police officers and WhatsApp : exploring and explaining the impact of WhatsApp neighborhood prevention groups on policing in a neighborhood.

Verkleij, Jelmer (2017) Behavioural analysis of program intent using data origins, influence and context.

Verlage, C. (2017) Unlock the potential - A research into the social networking sites skills among communication professionals and the contributors to those skills.

Verlinden, M.G. (2017) StepFarm: An Active Video Game to Support the Self-Management of Chronic Diseases in Children.

Vermaas, A. (2017) Interactive display and control system for a radar.

Vermeulen, H.C. (2017) Het gebruik van analogieën voor conceptuele uitleg van elektriciteit.

Vernooij, G.M. (2017) Acceptatie en commitment therapie bij eetstoornissen : een systematische review.

Verscheijden, Robert J.J. (2017) The role of corporate HR policy in facilitating and stimulating self-directed learning : an exploratory research.

Verschuren, Y.N. (2017) De bak van de bakfiets : het herontwerp van een bak voor een nieuw model bakfiets.

Versteeg, Nathalie (2017) Real-time tracking of rectal tumours during colorectal cancer surgery.

Vervloet, B.M.P. (2017) Intermunicipal cooperation on a regional level : research regarding the influence of regional, network and quality of interaction factors on the performance of intermunicipal cooperation in COROP and FUA regions in the Netherlands.

Vervoort, M.W.S (2017) Electrostatically defined quantum dots in a two dimensional electron/hole gas at the Si and SiO2 interface.

Verzijl, Peter (2017) Using serious games to teach cause effect relationships in asphalt quality.

Vetter, Boaz (2017) Designing a smart rainwater buffer.

Veurink, Virginie (2017) Op de Vlucht.

Viesca, A.A. (2017) Managing sustainability in urban environments : A strategic approach for the assessment of energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and circular economy initiatives within cities.

Vincent, E.J.A. (2017) The impact of regulation on innovation : a case study on small biscuit producers in the Netherlands.

Vink, J.J.T. (2017) Visualizing neural circuits with concurrent TMS-fMRI.

Vis, L. (2017) Burden of PSA testing.

Visser, A.S. (2017) Old is the new gold : A study into the best way to communicate about home adjustment products to different senior segments.

Visser, C.M. (2017) To adopt or not to adopt: the case of advanced thermoplastic composites in the automotive industry.

Visser, Douwe (2017) Bottlenecks and Strategies for the Implementation of Wind-on-Dike projects.

Visser, G. de (2017) The impact of evolving lending channels on the measurement of lending competition.

Visser, K.Q. (2017) Antecedents of sequencing strategies in Dutch and German SMEs : the role of network competence.

Visser, R. (2017) Increasing flexibility : transition towards anonymous stock : a simulation study on the flow of goods at Voortman Steel Machinery.

Vlierberghe, M.K. van (2017) Compassiemoeheid, veerkracht en welbevinden onder vrijwilligers van Sensoor.

Vlugt, N. van der (2017) An Ontological Enquiry into the MagicLeap and Augmented Reality.

Vluttert, N. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Voerman, T.E. (2017) Designing an online training to enhance attitude towards handling scientific press releases.

Voetdijk, D.J.G. (2017) Rioolmodelleringsstudie Lokeren : Een onderzoek naar het bestaande rioolsysteem van Lokeren.

Voetdijk, N.J. (2017) Een model voor de productiekwaliteit van bedrijf X.

Vogelzang, K.H. (2017) The tennis trainer : development of a Myo armband application.

Voigt, J.H. (2017) Social CRM strategies for higher education networked organizations.

Vollenbroek, Aniek N. (2017) The health economic impact of (mis)classifying pregnant women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus : the incremental cost-effectiveness of the use of an alternative testing strategy in pregnant women with (suspected) Gestational Diabetes Mellitus compared to the routine laboratory strategy.

Vonk, L. (2017) Relatie tussen kansverdeling van afvoer en lokale waterstanden van de Rijn : door middel van een statistische analyse van laagwater- en hoogwaterperioden.

Voogd, A.E. (2017) Robird autonomous take-off : pneumatic launching system.

Voormolen, M.S. (2017) Lateral accelerations on heavy vehicles and the influence it has on roll stiffness requirements and understeer behaviour.

Voort, Sophie Johanna Maria van der (2017) The assesment of the implementation of the kanban and two-bin method in the logistic process of Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Voorthuis, Brenda J. (2017) The effect of individual-level vs. group-level perspective taking on prosocial behaviour.

Voortwis, K.J.W. te (2017) Building a giant drawing machine : the build and improvement process off a multi-colour spray-paint wall plotter for performance on the Maker Festival.

Vor dem Berge, Moritz Frederik (2017) Digital privacy : behaviour and anxieties of a young digital generation.

Vos, M. de (2017) Developing a feedback tool to gain insights into the professional identity of STEM students.

Voss, L. (2017) Business planning : the relationship between passion for inventing, need for autonomy and team innovativeness in new venture teams.

Vree, J.H. de (2017) Design of an Energy Efficient 12-bit 100MS/s SAR ADC in 22nm FD-SOI.

Vregelaar, R.M. ten (2017) Identifying factors for succesful self-managing teams : an evidence-based literature review.

Vreriks, S.F. (2017) New Integrated Warehouse Design Framework And its application at ATAG Benelux BV on the redesign of the distribution warehouse.

Vries, D.H.M. de (2017) Aligning the work processes of the medical instrument sterilization cycle at the OLVG hospital in Amsterdam : a holistic approach.

Vries, J.A. de (2017) Collaboration in a CSCL environment : the impact of peer feedback on task performance.

Vries, J.K. de (2017) Designing an informative, promotional, interactive artefact for Vopak about the RaM team, the University of Twente, and the PIRATE.

Vries, L R de (2017) Informatica: ontwerp van lesmodule 'Gezichtsuitdrukkingen in sociale robotica'.

Vries, Maaike de (2017) Contribution of characteristics of locoregional recurrences to personalized breast cancer follow-up.

Vries, R.A. de (2017) The Strength of Metaphors : The Effects of Metaphor and Text on Consumer Responses to Coffee Packages.

Vries, S. de (2017) Using a wearable eye-tracking device on bicyclists to explore the possibity of measuring motorcyclist eye movements.

Vries, S.B. de (2017) Internal strategic alignment within the setting of asset management.

Vries, S.J. de (2017) Peer Control & Self-Managing Work Teams in the healthcare industry: A literature review.

Vries, T.D. de (2017) Ontwerp en uitwerking van een op afstand bestuurbare robotpop.

Vroom, M.R. (2017) Welbevinden als voorspeller voor toekomstig psychisch functioneren: Longitudinaal onderzoek bij cliënten met persoonlijkheidspathologie na klinische groep-schematherapie.

Vroom, Nina Sophie (2017) Counter Jihadism on a local level : the implementation of the national Dutch policy ‘Program Integral Approach Jihadism’ on a municipal level.

Vukic, Luka (2017) The value of rapid disaster response with UAVs.

Vöcker, R. (2017) De rol van schaamte bij het emotioneel disfunctioneren van mensen met BPS kenmerken - een literatuuronderzoek.

Völler, Susanne (2017) Do sleep disturbances indirectly affect the relationship between experiential avoidance and depression?

WEGEREEF, N. (2017) Measuring suppliers’ willingness to collaborate with ZGT in CSR and NPD projects based on Buyer-supplier knowledge factors.

WOLBERS, B. (2017) The Environmental Organization of Ethics : Groundwork of the Physics of Morals.

Waarsenburg, J.W.A van de (2017) The Role of Information Asymmetry in Financing Early Stage Ventures.

Waegemakers, M.W.H. (2017) Computing time dependent travel times in vehicle routing problems.

Wagner, H.W. (2017) A bystander situation from the perpetrator’s perspective : do bystanders influence the occurrence of prosocial or pro-self lying?

Wakhungu, Patrick Murunga (2017) Regional groundwater flow systems in the Kenya Rift Valley.

Walet, O.P.D. (2017) How can radical innovation bring back product competition in a stagnating smartphone industry?

Walsh, Mr. Niall (2017) Engaging with a living textbook : an exploratory study on the way in which students and teachers interact with and perceive a web based concept map visualization tool.

Walten, Mischka (2017) The European Commission's Strategy on Big Data and Human Rights and the Data Economy. A case study on the significance of the Maximillian Schrems case.

Walther, M. (2017) The influence of Facebook on one’s attitudes towards wind energy.

Wang, Haitao (2017) Redesign of the E-Cone: A tool for treatment of hand disease.

Wang, Ruijun (2017) Equity based analysis of adults' travel behaviour in The Netherlands.

Wang, Shengce (2017) Design of an interactive visualization solution for analyzing spatio-temporal cycling trajectory data:a case-study of the visualization of fietstelweek data with bikePRINT.

Wang, Tianyuan (2017) Guidelines for the design of flow maps.

Wang, Zhiyuan (2017) Slow wireless communication testbed based on software-defined radio.

Wardiyah, A.Z. (2017) Performance analysis of a PAC system with card capacity of c.

Warmerdam, J.A. (2017) Analysing Educational Policy: The Twente Educational Model.

Wattel, N.J. (2017) The improvement of Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis at Grolsch.

Wawi, A. (2017) Governance Assessment of the Wastewater Reuse Policies and Practices in Palestine : The Cases of Jenin and Nablus.

Weber, Niklas (2017) Matching the business model with the unique customer journey : a case study of a high-tech Dutch EMS provider.

Weber, Tania (2017) Implementation of public sector reforms : Unravelling the G8-reform.

Weerink, K.M.A. (2017) Developing virtual reality in forensic mental healthcare : a contextual inquiry.

Weesie, V.S.M. (2017) Supplying the assembly line.

Weierink, N (2017) Forecast accuracy improvements at a fast moving consumer goods company : How to improve the Raws and Packs material requirements forecast to reduce procurement losses.

Weijers, I. (2017) Design for a needle free tattoo machine for permanent make up.

Wel, H. van der (2017) ADHD Aftercare : the clients' perspective.

Wel, M.J. van der (2017) The Brexit Roadmap : Mapping the Choices and Consequences During the EU/UK Withdrawal and Future Relationship Negotiations.

Welleweerd, M.K. (2017) 3D Printing a three degrees of freedom force sensor.

Wendels, Mike (2017) A Spatio-Temporal Point Process Model for Firemen Demand in Twente.

Wentink, D.J.M. (2017) Signal Recovery using CλaSH.

Wentzel, S.J. (2017) Improving warehouse layout design : A study to optimize the warehouse of the hospital of Aruba.

Werner, V.W. (2017) Sugar tax: the fiscalisation of childhood obesity?

Wertwijn, Cynthia (2017) De verkenning van silo's binnen bouwcombinaties - een exploratief onderzoek naar de aanwezigheid van silo's en de zo optimaal mogelijke situatie.

Werven, C. van (2017) The impact of board diversity on bank’s risk taking in Europe.

Wesseloo, K. (2017) Zo rechtvaardig mogelijk? : een onderzoek naar de beoordeling van de rechtvaardigheid van de ZSM-procedure door advocaten.

Westerbeek, D. (2017) A preliminary study: The impact of trust and website elements on online purchase intention, moderated by cultural dimensions.

Westerdijk, A.F.E. (2017) Ontwerp van een afvalbak voor koffiebekers.

Westerdijk, W.S.K. (2017) Sound Swarm : experience sound from the inside.

Westerhof, M.W. (2017) Effect of alexithymia on the relationship between affective arousal and additional heart rate.

Westerhof, S.G. (2017) Variatie korrelgrootte van sediment in nevengeulen : Casus nevengeulen Gamerense Waard.

Westerman, M. (2017) The power of yoga : Effect van een kortdurende yoga-interventie op klachten (stress en psychopathologie) en krachten (welbevinden en zelfcompassie).

Westerman, R.A. (2017) Development of a measurement instrument for smartphone behavior during the customer journey in different product categories.

Westfal, V. F. (2017) Evaluation of biologically effective light in the vehicle interior in terms of subjective and objective parameters of the driver’s state.

Wettum, Y.C. van (2017) Facial landmark tracking on a mobile device.

Wevers, M.H. (2017) A Novel Demand Response Program : Using the flexibility of residential prosumers for stability on both national and local level.

Wevers, T.M.J. (2017) The potential of classroom technology, a system supporting personal and group feedback in mathematics education.

Whittaker, L.C.E. (2017) Cooperation in Civil Society Organisation Networks And Quality Of Community Care For The Elderly - The case of Buurtzorg in the Netherlands and China.

Wichink, R.H.J. (2017) Een simulatiestudie naar de verbetering van het werkvloergebruik bij VMI Holland BV.

Wiegerinck, H.T.M (2017) Measurement of the velocity and viscosity of fluids in a micro channel with Optical Coherence Tomography.

Wielstra, L.M. (2017) Managing Information Within the Three Lines of Defense to Ensure Valid Audit Trails - Financial Sector - A Practical Organizational Framework.

Wiencke, L.C. (2017) Does the Unconditional Basic Income Promote Self-Actualization? : A qualitative study based on Maslow's Motivation Theory.

Wieners, L. C. (2017) The EU in the refugee crisis : how national and European identity influence public opinion on immigration policies and threat perception.

Wienicke, F. (2017) Up-to-date Treatment? Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Dutch Mindfit Intervention.

Wieren, R.J. van (2017) Een analyse van de keuze tussen het zelf maken of het uitbesteden van productie van product X.

Wieringa, H. (2017) Contact Methods for Pipelaying in a Finite Element Framework.

Wiersma, M. (2017) The effects of financial constraints on dividends and share repurchases : empirical evidence from the Netherlands.

Wieschebrock, A.P. (2017) The role of social projection in direct and indirect estimations of cybercrime among young adults.

Wiese, C. (2017) The best recruitment practices in self-managing teams: an explorative study at the Dutch curative care organization.

Wiesner, J. (2017) Facilitating the Commercialization of Collaborative Consumption Websites: Effects of Free Trial Strategy and Price Transparency on Users' Behavioral Intentions, Attitudes, and Emotions.

Wiesner, Lars (2017) Fighting FoMO : a study on implications for solving the phenomenon of the Fear of Missing Out.

Wigchering, R. (2017) The theory of the Negative-Capacitance-FETs gate-stack.

Wijchen, N.G.M van (2017) Innovative work behaviour in a formalized organization : how HR processes stimulate employees' innovative work behaviour.

Wijlen, Thomas ter (2017) When Cyborg meets Humanoid : a new challenge for human rights.

Wijnands, P. (2017) Het ontwerpen van een middelbareschoolexperiment voor quantumtunneling.

Wijnholt, R. (2017) Design of a real-time network channel in LUNA.

Wijsmuller, A.C. (2017) Het ontwerpen van een bezoekersregistratie systeem voor gemeentehuizen.

Wilgenhof, J.F. and Kramp, R. (2017) Kwalitatief onderzoek naar het opstellen van een klachtenrapportage die dient als stuur- en kwaliteitsinformatie voor Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Wilk, F. van der (2017) Item availability restricted.

Will, J.B. (2017) Aerodynamic noise of thin airfoils in turbulent flows : a detailed experimental validation of semi-analytical methods.

Willems, P. (2017) Mood controlled affective ambiences for the elderly.

Willink, D.J. (2017) Success factors for practice renunciation of general practitioners in the Netherlands.

Willink, J. (2017) Inpassing van een nieuw beleidsproces : een onderzoek naar de benodigde procesveranderingen binnen Waterschap Rijn en IJssel voor succesvolle invoering van een continu legger.

Wilpsbäumer, S. (2017) The role of counselor behaviors in e-mail support to improve mental well-being.

Wind, M.E.D. (2017) Network leadership: Defining its continuum.

Windt, Lennart van der (2017) CFD icing analysis steps on a three dimensional, swept, tapered and twisted wing.

Winsen, Stijn van (2017) Threat modelling for future vehicles : on identifying and analysing threats for future autonomous and connected vehicles.

Winter, G.C. (2017) Het sociale mediagebruik van MKB-ers : een verkennend onderzoek onder het midden- en kleinbedrijf naar de motieven van het sociale mediagebruik, het sociale mediagebruik en de gepercipieerde meerwaarde van sociale media bij het managen van de corporate reputatie.

Winter, Levi (2017) Risicocommunicatie op social media : de relatie tussen zelfredzaamheid, nepnieuws en peer feedback.

Wintermans, L.M. and Reincke, M.C. and Tolboom, L.C. and Aalbregt, E. (2017) The stability of measurements of relative skin humidity with iButtons to detect a fluid deficit.

Winters, Tineke (2017) Influential factors of desktop and mobile user experience.

Wispels, M. (2017) Het monitoren en verbeteren van gezondheidsgedragingen en welbevinden bij personen met een lage sociaal economische status : Het ontwikkelen en evalueren van het prototype van de gezondheidsmonitorings-app “meet moment”.

Wisse, L. (2017) Item availability restricted.

Wissink, D.B.G. (2017) Herontwerp Rolling Cart.

Wit, M.L. de (2017) Algorithmic investing within the philosophy of the Basis Zero experiment.

With, L.A. de (2017) An Augmented Reality Game to Support the Ski-Learning Process.

Witsen, O.N.C. (2017) Het reorganiseren van het intern transport bij Fokker.

Witte, C. (2017) The EU's Commitments to Sustainable Development: The Contribution of Certifications for Cocoa.

Witteman, E.D. (2017) De implementatie van beeldbel bij therapie bij psychotische patiënten : een onderzoek naar het beeldbellen met psychotische patiënten bij Demence.

Wittendorp, R.H.J. (2017) Modeling the use of e-government services: The role of internet skills, support sources, gender, age, education, internet experience, employment rate and income.

Wohlfahrt-Laymann, Jan (2017) CogniDecline : tracking mobile interaction for cognitive assessment.

Wolbers, J.J.H. (2017) Attracting Passersby into a Building using an Interactive Installation.

Wolf, Renée de (2017) What project management system does the multidisciplinary team want?

Wolff, C. de (2017) The effects of structural features of cooperation and regions and cultural features on the costs and benefits of intermunicipal cooperation The effects of structural features of cooperation and regions and cultural features on the costs and benefits of intermunicipal cooperation.

Wolff, T.I. de (2017) The Design and Fabrication of a Biomimetic Lifting Aid.

Wolsing, M. (2017) Self-managing work teams that feel empowered: The key to high performing teams?

Wolterink, G.J.W. (2017) 3D printing of soft sEMG sensing structures.

Wolters, S.H.G. (2017) Smartwatch and Intellectual Disability : Designing an app that improves the lives of people with an intellectual disability and their caretakers.

Wonink, V.E. (2017) Does it matter how close you are? A scenario-based experimental study about the effects of crisis proximity, crisis source and crisis framing on purchase intention, the willingness to forgive, trust and emotion.

Worp, L.F. van der (2017) The development of a secondary and teriary display packaging for the craft beer of Brouwernös.

Wuthe, Christopher-Martin (2017) Strategic IT alignment in public sector organisations : extending the strategic alignment maturity model for the German public sector.

Xiang, Y. (2017) How is emotion change reflected in manual and automatic annotations of different modalities?

Xie, Chenghong (2017) Design of an m-health application for low-literacy diabetes patients in India.

Xu, Haiqi (2017) Development of a digitalization tool for linking thematic data to a background map.

Xu, Yang (2017) Developing a walkability index for the assessment of nodes in a Transit-Oriented Development : case study in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Yakar, F. (2017) ADHD en welbevinden : een systematisch literatuuronderzoek naar positieve psychologische interventies bij mensen met ADHD en de effecten ervan op het welbevinden. Een systematisch literatuuronderzoek naar positieve psychologische interventies bij mensen met ADHD en de effecten ervan op het welbevinden.

Yang, Jiaqi (2017) Automated quality control of in situ soil moisture and soil temperature data from the Tibet-OBS networks.

Yao, Yonglin (2017) Civic competence of EU university students.

Ye, Lyu (2017) Integration of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Ancillary data sources for mapping mires in Bavaria and Sumava national parks.

Yeh, W. (2017) The relationships between servant leadership, strategic alignment, and financial performance.

Yu, J.J. (2017) Is there a case to prefer Ed25519 over ECDSA P-256 for DNSSEC?

Yu, Tianqi (2017) A life cycle assessment based comparison of large & small scale geo-thermal electricity production systems.

Yuan, W. (2017) Web-based self-care for acute non-specific low back pain: An exploratory study of user experience and acceptability.

Yusnitha, Erilia (2017) Fabrication and characterization of patterned titania layers.

ZANDBERGEN, Emiel (2017) The effects of too much choice and information in online dating website designs (Technological paradoxes in Marketing Communication).


Zaag, J. van der (2017) Media, mind & moves.

Zaarour, Tracy (2017) Application of GALDIT index in the Mediterranean region to assess vulnerability to sea water intrusion.

Zabala, Stephania (2017) Comparison of multi-temporal and multispectral Sentinel-2 and UAV imagery for crop type mapping.

Zadelhoff, L.C.S. van (2017) Sound Management at Comfoor - reducing throughput time by simulation based on mathematical capacity modelling.

Zanen, J.O.P. (2017) An Optimized Type I Noise-Canceling PLL with Background Calibration.

Zanten, S. van (2017) AM/PM Conversion in Transceiver Systems.

Zeventer, Daan van (2017) How do team learning behaviour and team innovativeness influence business planning success?

Zhang, Bo (2017) Moderator effect of reading proficiency on science performance across 15-year-old boys and girls in the Netherlands, Finland, and Singapore.

Zhang, J. (2017) Actions towards decarbonization : modelling in climate change policies.

Zhang, Jing (2017) Actions Towards Decarbonization - Climate Policy Assessment and Emissions Modelling with Case Study for South Africa.

Zhang, Y. (2017) Exploring the relationship between CSR and technical innovations from the perspective of capital stakeholders.

Zhao, Jing (2017) Estimate hourly and daily evapotranspiration using remote sensing technology for Haihe River basin.

Zhu, Jinfeng (2017) Keep calm and be creative : exploration of purchasing added value in technical universities.

Zhu, Nanhuanuowa (2017) Mapping of biophysical and biochemical properties of coastal tidal wetland habitats with Landsat 8.


Zhu, Yunmeng (2017) Extracting regularities from point clouds of indoor scenes.

Zich, Christopher (2017) More Quality - Higher Price ?

Zielman, E. (2017) Het ZSM proces: Welke elementen van de ZSM procedure bevorderen en verzwakken de mate van betekenisvolheid van deze vorm van rechtsbedeling in de ogen van de politie?

Zierer, Teresa (2017) The effects of different types of experience abroad in higher education on global skills.

Zijden, W. van der (2017) Multi-Tenant Customizable Databases.

Zimmermann, M. (2017) Effects of A Self-Help Compassion Training on Well-Being : A Randomized Controlled Trial with Mediation Analyses of Self-Criticism, Self-Attacking and Gratitude.

Zimmermann, S.K.Z. (2017) ’Hold on, for each other’ : Effect of personal email support of a web-based self help intervention for partners of cancer patients on psychological distress and mental health.

Zivanovic, Slavica (2017) Capturing and mapping QoL using Twitter data.

Zomer, Y. (2017) Gebruikerswensen met betrekking tot de ParnasSys Leerkracht app: een mixed-methods onderzoek.

Zomerdijk, J. (2017) Een onderzoek naar de afvalstromen van een productieproces.

Zon, E. van (2017) Assistance dogs for elderly with middle and late stage dementia : a study on the implementation of assistance dogs in the care of elderly with middle and late stage dementia who live in healthcare facilities.

Zoomer, J.E. (2017) Preserving community initiatives in times of cutbacks: Master Thesis about the strategies of community initiatives during cutbacks to adapt and continue.

Zuccarello, C.C. (2017) Pocket psychiatry for millennials - Friend or foe? : a systematic review of existing self-compassion apps.

Zwienenberg, Jesse (2017) Tracking of moving objects using mathematical imaging.

Zwiers, Linda (2017) Haptic cues as an additional value on the product's health perception : the effects of multi-sensory package design on the health perception, taste evaluation and product evaluations of green ice tea.

Zwiers, P. (2017) The feelings of psychological ownership amongst blue-collar workers: an ethnography.

de Miranda Franciscon Rocha, Renata (2017) Multibeam Mapping of the Southern Reykjanes Ridge: Volcano Tectonic Structures Between 57°5' and 58°5'N.

grote Punt, Inge Rosalie (2017) Procesevaluatie positief educatief programma in het speciaal onderwijs.

Çakın, B. (2017) Decentralization as a Conflict-Resolution Mechanism on Kurdish Conflict in Turkey: Panacea or Poison?

Çeri, E (2017) Identity settlement of Turkish migrants: an analysis of Turkish migrants about how their religious identities are related to their personal experiences of integrating in a new Western environment.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 06:00:45 2025 CET.