University of Twente Student Theses


Programme: International Business Administration BSc (50952)

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Number of items: 1501.


Aalders, Laurens (2024) The future of marketing: How brands can increase the purchase intention towards their NFT's.

Aatil, Dalil (2022) Furhat Travelling the World : How Cultural Background Predicts Preference of Receiving Feedback from Social Robots.

Acar, Aziz (2015) Strategic Foresight in an Unstable Economic Environment.

Ada, Baran (2024) Eco-Innovation and Regulation : Evaluating the Impact of AI Policies on the Ecological Footprint of the IT Sector.

Adams, Katharina (2019) Servitization: Critical factors for successful implementation.

Adams, R.J. (2019) 'Alexa, how can we increase trust in you?': An Investigation of Trust in Smart Home Voice Assistants.

Adiputro, Ricky Valianto (2015) Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from Listed Indonesian Companies.

Adriaanse, Jeroen (2016) Is strategic personnel planning; too ‘strategic’ for managers of an intensive care unit? : a qualitative case study into the HRM implementation process.

Adrichem, Ruben van (2017) The effects of gazing behavior of the leader on follower trust and job satisfaction.

Afzali, S. (2017) Key Antecedents of Smartphone User’s Attitude Towards Mobile Advertising: A Critical Literature Review.

Agema, L.E. (2015) Death by E-mail Overload.

Ahmed, Mostafa (2024) The interest rate variability within the P2P lending market.

Ahmed, N.A (2015) Consumer Choice towards Renewable Energy.

Ahrens, Justin (2019) The Value of Intelligent Vehicles for Marketers and Consumers.

Aidarova, A. (2023) Developing healthcare Artificial Intelligence for developing countries.

Akdevelioglu, M. (2015) The Influence of Intuitive Style on the Effect of Conflict on NPD Team Performance.

Akkerman, F.R. (2018) Developing a robo-advisor typology - lessons from action design research at

Akköse, K.A. (2024) The Future of Sports marketing: Engaging fans Through Metaverse strategies.

Aksu, Thomas (2022) How do Syrian-Orthodox managers fill in their leadership role in the Netherlands?

Akwue, I.A. (2024) Financing Futures : How Hype Shapes the Funding and Progression of Quantum Computing and AI.

Al Dayeh, Saif (2024) The Impact of Altruistic Motivation for Environmental Well-Being on Young Individual Investors’ Preferences for Sustainable Investing.

Alajaji, Sami (2024) What Strategies do Restaurant Managers Employ to Mitigate Food Waste and what Challenges are Associated with Them?

Alan, D. (2016) Empowering Business Model Innovation: The case of European SMEs.

Albers, E. (2015) Usability of the Think Aloud Method: link between verbalizing and a second language.

Albers, Miriam (2015) The effect of the social influence of a diabetes nurse’s working environment on the intention to recommend the artificial pancreas as a treatment method for Diabetes Type 1.

Alikouzay, Zohal (2021) Capital structure: Debt and equity decisions for firm performance.

Aliyev, Tariyel (2024) Social Robots, Employment Negotiations, and Candidates’ Trust.

Alshut, Julia (2014) Entrepreneurial Leadership : What specific leadership behaviors encourage risk taking in employees?

Althaus, D. (2016) Differences of millennials and non-millennials privacy and security perceptions and their influence on online shopping behavior.

Althoff, Sam (2019) Qualitative interview-based research : an exploratory study on the role of the agile coach and how the coach influences the development of agile teams.

André, M. (2015) The effects of cognitive and affective trust on follower behavior and effectiveness.

Anker, M.S. In 't (2023) Observed Psychological Safety and Individual Job Performance: Behavioral Differences in Monocultural and Multicultural Agile Teams.

Apeldoorn, Nick van (2015) Strategy perspectives in empirical research.

Apostolov, Nikola (2019) Does Artificial Intelligence Raise Any Ethical Issues When Used for Advertising Personalization by E-commerce Stores.

Arends, S.R. (2021) Construction 4.0: Industry 4.0 at construction firms.

Arifin, Dian Melinda (2015) Antecedents of trust in B2B buying process : a literature review.

Arkink, N.M.M. (2016) The determinants of trade payables of Dutch SMEs.

Arnoldus, Tanno (2017) Determinants of corporate pension fund risk-taking strategy in the Netherlands.

Arnsfeld, C.M. (2024) Twin transition in SMEs : Influence of espoused values, lived values, and leadership style on the transformation processes.

Arora, V. (2021) The influence of commitment to social responsibility on social innovation : a qualitative study on Dutch small to medium enterprises.

Asbroek, M.H.M. (2021) Cost structure and revenue streams in social media collaborations - Cost Structure and Revenue Streams within the Business Model for the Collaboration between Sports Brands and Athlete Influencers – Multiple Exploratory Case Study.

Asch, Gerjan C.A. van (2016) Identifying interesting packages : a spend analysis tool.

Aslami, H. (2020) “Soft skills” in purchasing & supply management : crucial current and future skill sets for the profession of the purchaser.

Asma, Steven (2018) The Relation Between Corporate Values and Firm Performance of the World's 142 Largest Banks.

Auracher, C.A. (2016) Getting Platform Envelopment Right to Emerge as the Ecosystem Platform Leader - A Case Study on Facebook and LinkedIn - (2006-2013).

Avci, Ö (2019) A study to examine the importance of forecast accuracy to supply chain performance: A case study at a company from the FMCG industry.

Averesch, Student J. L. (2017) Competences of First-Line Management enhancing Effectiveness of Self-Managing Teams in the Health-Care Sector.

Avest, L. ter (2020) Under what circumstances will reputation transfer increase or decrease the information asymmetry as experienced by requesters?

Avest, L. ter (2020) Under what circumstances will reputation transfer increase or decrease the information asymmetry as experienced by requesters?

Avest, Wouter ter (2017) Leadership Characteristics in self-managing teams.

Ax, G.J. (2024) How does the amount of time spend on smartphones influence the physical wellbeing of consumers?

Ayad, George (2024) How Does Hierarchical Leadership in Egypt Affect High- Quality Production for The Export Market?

BECKING, AWJ (2017) The impact of the transition towards self-managing teams on the behavior and responsibilities of managers and employees in the healthcare sector.

BOS, T.H.W. (2015) The Ways Middle Managers Can Be Involved in the Strategy Process in a Dynamic Environment.

BRINKS, R.T.M. (2015) Afwegingsprocessen binnen de besluitvorming van Operations Control van luchtvaartmaatschappij KLM.

BROEKHUIS, J.C. (2015) De bijdrage van Shared Service Centers in de uitvoering van de Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning 2015.

BUNINGH, A.M.L. (2015) The HR SSC in 2020: innovating traditional activities.

BUSCH, J. (2017) Promoting information sharing within teams through leadership style and body orientation.

Baalen, R.B.C. van (2015) Is serious gaming the holy grail for the wearables industry?

Baars, L.A.C.P. (2015) Determinants of Response Strategies in Factor-Market Competition.

Baars, R.H.H. (2018) The deviation of Dutch SMEs from the selling stories of Smart Industry consultancy literature.

Bacino Ignjatovitch, S. (2017) What is the interplay between social identity, entrepreneurial passion and business planning success?

Baekler, L. (2017) Effect of different types of access devices on people’s interaction with rich media blog articles.

Bajadjan, Juliane (2018) The influence of entrepreneurial passion on Crowdfunding success.

Bala, Alexandru-Eugen (2019) To what extent do monetary incentives influence the negotiation behavior in business- to-business (B2B) settings?

Balasingham, K. (2013) Supply management: the theoretical foundation of the IMP approach and its contribution on critical purchasing decisions.

Balickis, K. (2022) Influence of human-in-the-loop on the acceptance of AI-driven evaluation of essay questions by students.

Barakos, Melina (2015) Social Media and Forecasting: What is the potential of Social Media as a forecasting tool?

Barneto, Keona (2024) Deciphering how to foster communication in interdisciplinary student teams through team building interventions.

Barrero, Carlos (2024) Comparative Analysis : How Did COVID-19 and the Chip Shortage Affect the Operational Performance of Businesses.

Bartelds, J. (2016) The Dutch innovation manager from a project manager perspective.

Bartelink, J.H.K. (2022) The Impact of Pre-COVID Commitment on Supply Continuity Throughout the Pandemic and the Impact of COVID on POST-COVID Commitment within Buyer-Supplier Relationships.

Bartelink, Julia A.M. (2016) Price-quality correlation in tenders.

Basi, D. (2015) How does Early Supplier Involvement (ESI) timing affect development costs.

Bauer, N. (2013) ROI of social media : investigating measurement of message intentions used by B2B firms.

Beba, Bill-Frederic (2017) Early-Stage Success Factors in R&D Collaborations.

Beck, J. (2018) Leaders’ characteristics in Online Social Networks: a descriptive study of online leadership in the SunSmart campaign.

Becker, D.J.T. (2017) The global mindset of entrepreneurs and international performance of StartUps : a systematic literature review.

Becker, Laurenz (2024) Identifying Incongruences due to Changes in Sustainable Experience Marketing in the Automotive Industry.

Beckers, Mr D.K. (2014) Information waste on the World Wide Web: combating the clutter.

Beene, S.B.J. (2020) The influence of quality factors on crowdfunding success.

Beerens, K.B.M (2014) Item availability restricted.

Beering, J. (2014) Antecedents and Benefits of a Preferred Customer Status in a Buyer-Supplier Relationship: A Case Study at WILO SE and 4 of its Key Suppliers.

Behrens, L. (2016) When nurses take the lead in residential care : a qualitative study on the role of HRM frames.

Bekhuis, T.L. (2023) Valuation and Transaction Price : Factors influencing the difference between valuation and transaction price of acquisitions in the Dutch SME market.

Bektas, Hakan (2021) Influencer Marketing: collaborations between sport supplement brands and social influencers : Critical success factors from a brand’s perspective for effective revenue streams and cost structures between social influencers and the fitness supplements industry.

Beld, Bart (2014) The effects of R&D investment on firm performance.

Belozub, Valeria (2024) Influencing Health Choices: The Role of Social Media Influencers in Dry January Participation.

Beltman, Martijn (2015) Differentiation factors between free and premium among different cloud computing services.

Beltman, Nick (2018) In the Face of Success: A Study About CEO Facial Traits and Business Performance.

Benedict, C. (2022) How can municipalities implement the sustainable development goals? A qualitative study of integral approaches.

Benerink, T. (2019) Ambidexterity Trends in Dutch Manufacturing Firms.

Benincasa, Pascal (2019) Differences between model farmers and cooperatives in Ethiopian agricultural development: evidence from the Create Project.

Benkert, Can-Luca M. (2019) Ethics & AI: Identifying the ethical issues of AI in marketing and building practical guidelines for marketers.

Bennink, N.T. (2018) The influence of national culture in Europe on cash dividend payout.

Berendsen, R.H.M. (2014) Procesoptimalisatie bij Webprint.

Berfelo, Daniek (2024) The gendered effect of the usage of the causation and/or effectuation decision-making styles in the entrepreneurial process.

Berg, Bart-Jan van den (2014) Determinants of Firm Performance in Family Businesses.

Berg, D.A. van den (2014) The Brevity Seaplane : een onderzoek naar de vervangingsmarkt van watervliegtuigen.

Berg, Selina van den (2021) Arousal levels in moments of conflict: An exploratory study of individual's negative verbal behavior in the context of multi- and mono-cultural agile teams.

Berger, Kenaan (2020) Adoption of agile methods in automotive software development.

Berger, S. (2018) Industry 4.0 and the impact on the World of Work.

Bergmann, Johanna (2021) Preferred Customer Status and the Influence of (Non-)Fulfillment of Psychological Contracts – a Case Study with a Multinational Oil and Gas Company.

Berkey, D.J. (2014) Antecedents & benefits of a preferred customer status in a buyer-supplier relationship and the role of the purchasing strategy: A dyadic case study of volkswagen commercial vehicles.

Berndt, Patricia (2020) Antecedents and Benefits of the Preferred Customer Status and their Shift during a Crisis – a Case Study with three Companies and their Suppliers during COVID-19.

Bertani, Edgardo (2024) How is the long-term growth of crowdfunding experienced by relevant stakeholders?

Besten, Huub (2014) Failure Modes and Effects Analysis: the application of a cost-based FMEA.

Beukel, V.B. van den (2022) Influence of machine learning on stock pricing: a meta-analysis.

Beune, Robert (2020) Increased understanding of buyer-seller negotiations (B2B) : the influence of monetary incentives on negotiation behaviour in the agribusiness sector.

Beurden, L.W. van (2016) Wat zijn factoren in projectmanagement die uitloop veroorzaken in grootschalige IT-projecten en hoe kunnen deze voorkomen worden door beter management van projecten?

Beusekom, M.D. van (2017) The Influence of Resource Mobilization on the Success of Online Petitions.

Bey, S.A. (2014) Alignment of structured and unstructured data for decision support.

Beyer, S. C. (2018) Capital Structure of German publicly listed Firms: Evidence from the Financial Crisis.

Bezemer, Susan (2018) The awareness and victimization of cybercrime amongst SME’s in Twente.

Bezoen, B.B.J. (2013) De naleving van primaire arbeidsvoorwaarden in midden- en kleinbedrijf en de toegevoegde waarde van een payroll constructie.

Bhansing, R.P. (2018) Exploring the mechanisms for governing the HR activities in self-steering teams in the Dutch Healthcare sector.

Bieleman, L. (2019) What challenges will bring Smart Industry for manufacturing SME.

Bierfischer, Niklas (2018) The Influence of Segmentation Variables on the Level of Market Orientation.

Bierhold, Tom (2018) For a better understanding of Industry 4.0 - An Industry 4.0 maturity model.

Bies, Edwin (2014) Op weg naar een lerende organisatie.

Bijen, R.J. (2015) The influence of out-of-stock policies on customer behavior.

Bijker, E.E. (2023) The influence of financial and social barriers on female entrepreneurs in Twente.

Bijvank, J.E. (2016) Co-creation of value : critical aspects of activities.

Bijvank, Jasmin Francesca (2024) The Impact of Achieving Crowdfunding Goals on Post-Funding Market Entry.

Birkenhauer, Julia (2019) Financing Start-ups: Problems inherent with family funding.

Bisschop, B.J.J. (2014) The impact of a financial crisis on the dividend payout of Dutch publicly listed firms.

Bisschop, J. (2015) Organizational Culture & Customer Relationships in a Servitization Context.

Bistriceanu, Iarina (2024) Innovation supported sustainability by generation of a new business model.

Bittner, Larissa (2023) How can employees flourish during digital workplace transformation?

Bivol, Daniela (2024) "The Impact of Platform : Related Communication Factors on Crowdfunding Success".

Blagoev, B. (2021) End-user satisfaction as a result of RPA - a finance and accounting perspective.

Blankenstein, H.K. (2014) HR practices to affective commitment : through active knowledge and skill use.

Blecher, J. (2016) Corporate social disclosure on corporate websites in Germany and Brazil with a revenue span between 1 and 10 billion US.

Bloemen, Rachel (2024) Research into the factors that influence the passing rate and costs of the “bevelvoerder” education of the Oost Six safety regions in The Netherlands.

Bloemendaal, Edgar (2020) The effects of R&D investments on financial performance : a comparison between high-tech and non-high-tech companies.

Bloemheuvel, R.M. (2014) A phenomenographic study: How can the Internet of Things help firms to craft their value proposition based on value-in-use data real time collected from their users?

Bockstette, A.E. (2017) Antecedents and benefits of supplier satisfaction in a buyer-supplier relationship : a case study at company X and three of its key suppliers.

Bockstette, Henrik (2015) Social Media as a Source of Predictive Power to Forecast Market Needs.

Bodde, Max (2024) What are the benefits of using robotic assistance in job interviews as reported by HR professionals.

Bode, G.J. (2017) Quick-response codes and their acceptance in mobile shopping.

Bode, L. (2013) Preliminary results from new venture creation in an international comparison: the case of the Netherlands versus Malaysia.

Boereboom, J.M. (2024) Supplier Satisfaction among Dutch Social Care Providers.

Boerkamp, E.P.G. (2016) Ownership concentration, ownership identity and firm performance : an empirical analysis of Dutch listed firms.

Boerrigter, C.M.M. (2015) How leader's age is related to leader effectiveness: Through leader's affective state and leadership behavior.

Boerrigter, S. (2015) The use of the sustainability balanced scorecard framework for Dutch SMEs as a tool for measuring the performance of their sustainability strategy.

Boertien, N. (2014) Het optimaliseren van de effectiviteit van de Small-Group Activity methode bij Forbo.

Bojko, Tatjana (2014) Influence of past experience on leaders entrepreneurial leadership and leaders influence on entrepreneurial behavior of employees.

Bok, B.G.J. ten (2016) Innovating the retail industry : an IoT approach.

Bokkens, A. (2019) The Relationship between Leadership Behaviours and Team and Individual Performance: the Mediating Role of Meeting Effectiveness.

Bolhoeve, R.S.L. (2024) Explorative Insights into Soft Information and Gut Feelings in the SME Lending Process.

Bolks, E.J. (2014) Awareness, Knowledge and Acceptance of the Artificial Pancreas by Patients.

Bommel, Zoëlle van (2023) Sustainable Finance in Financial Institutions: A Literature Review of the Integration of ESG Factors and Balancing Profitability Goals.

Boog, R.S. van den (2018) An analysis of the creation of a sustainable business model for a start-up in the e-health industry in the Netherlands.

Booij, P. R. (2014) Van Offline Naar Online : Optimalisatie van de online presence van Munsterhuis Sportscars.

Boon, J.M. (2014) Do pretty sites sell better? : the effects of aesthetics on consumer buying behaviour: an experiment on consumer electronics webshops.

Borchardt, A.K. (2015) Standardized communication- a way to shorten cycle time?

Bordewijk, S.C. (2019) The Mediating Effect of Awareness of Greenwashing on the Relation Between Quality Marks & Purchase Intention.

Borg, Annika ter (2023) The Contribution of Purchasing to the Sustainability of the Dutch Healthcare Sector.

Boriglione, Valentijn (2018) The impact of competition law and private standardization on innovation success in domotics by Dutch SMEs.

Bortych, Nikita (2017) Capital structure influence on firm’s financial performance : differences in public and private firms, evidence from the Netherlands.

Bos, Anne van den (2014) The Impact of Cultural Values and Dissatisfaction on New Venture Creation - A Comparison of Brazil and the Netherlands.

Bos, Jeroen (2018) Reluctance in Industry 4.0 use within SMEs: empirical findings.

Bos, Julian (2019) The adoptability of Spinner Technology in the car retail industry.

Bos, M. (2016) Creating co-value among SMEs: The customer perspective.

Bos, S.E. ten (2023) Investigating the Effectiveness of Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Bitcoin Prices and Improving Trading Strategies.

Bosch, J. M. (2014) How do the board characteristics influence the firm performance?

Bouic, J.B. (2024) How Economic Background Affects Decision-Making in Incubated Entrepreneurs : Focus on Affordable Loss.

Bouma, Simone (2021) Encouraging environmental sustainability through local sourcing: large buyers in the German food industry.

Bourbita, Becem (2015) The impact of competitive aggressiveness on the relative supply market position of factor-market rivals.

Braake, M.L. te (2021) The types of revenue model and which to pursue: A literature-based assessment on an AI DJ startup ‘Awaves’.

Braakman, Q.M.B.V. (2019) Attractive Jobs in the Dutch Elderly Care – how to extend Part-time Contracts?

Braber, S. van den (2016) Security and privacy perceptions of millennials (18-24) and non-millennials (36-50) on Facebook.

Bredenoord, B.J.B. (2016) Culture and queries : Google search data as a reflection of national culture.

Bredthauer, Sandra Katharina (2015) Elimination of the online shopping experience: An initial Examination.

Breedveld, S. (2022) Translating the global Sustainable Development Goals to the local municipality level.

Bremer, Laura (2015) The Role of Sustainability in SMEs - A Guideline for SMEs to Activate Environmental Commitment amongst Employees by Means of Small and Medium Sized Dutch and German IT-Consulting Firms.

Bremers, L.P.Y. (2023) Financial Inclusion in the Metaverse : Exploring the Relationship between Education and Attitude towards Cryptocurrencies.

Brenneisen, D. (2016) The Performance Implications of Team Cognitive Styles in the Fuzzy Front End of Radical Innovation Processes.

Breukink, M.J. (2017) The Division of HRM Practices between Self-Managing Teams and External Leaders: Results of the Qualitative Study in the Healthcare Organization.

Brinke, R. ten (2017) Chasing High-performing Police Teams: a mixed-methods study identifying the roles of antecedents of team learning on team performance in a police work setting.

Brinkman, L.J. (2015) Improvement of perceived customer value generated by Say Yeah Motion Media.

Brinkman, W.R. (2015) How charismatic leadership affects direct follower behavior and perceived meeting effectiveness.

Brinkschröder, Niclas (2014) Strategy Implementation: Key Factors, Challenges and Solutions.

Broek, Thomas (2017) Cash flow shocks and permanence in determining payout policy decisions.

Broers, D.J (2020) The influence of review formats on consumers' purchasing intention of fitness supplements.

Broers, Noah (2022) Leading in Hungary : How Dutchmen perceive Dutch-Hungarian differences in leadership on the work floor.

Broeze, H.G. (2015) Antecedents, Benefits and History Development of the Preferred Customer Status in a Buyer-supplier Relationship: a Multiple Case Study at Accell Nederland BV and Three of her Suppliers.

Bronsvoort, Sandra (2015) The effect of distributed and rotating leadership on collaborative innovation performance.

Brouwer, C.W.J. (2017) US and Dutch health care GPOs : a comparative analysis.

Bruine, C.A. de (2016) Making an organisation ready for the future.

Brummelhuis, Bob (2013) De logistieke prestatie van de SEH en AOA - Een onderzoek naar de patiëntenstroom van de spoedeisende hulp en de acute opname afdeling.

Brummelhuis, Tom Gerardus Alphonsus (2022) How Does an Organization’s Attitude towards Sustainability Influence the Strength of Its Buyer-Supplier Relationship? : A Case Study in the Dutch Fruit Juice Industry.

Brunink, A.M. (2014) Rotating leadership : the process within organizational improvisation.

Bruns, Stephan Benedikt (2014) German energy suppliers from the perspective of business model dynamics.

Brüggemann, Henning (2014) Entrepreneurial leadership styles : a comparative study between Startups and mature firms.

Brühöfner, Antonius (2021) Chatbots versus human assistants in the online customer decision process.

Brüning, Maximilian (2017) Benefits, antecedents, buyer status and customer segmentation in relation to supplier satisfaction : a multiple case study at company X and three of its key suppliers.

Brüseke, L. (2016) The influence of privacy perceptions on online shopping behavior : a comparison between millennials and baby boomers.

Budai, Levente (2024) The effect of cybersecurity training on achieving sustainable development goals.

Buis, Kieran (2023) Verbal behaviors in moments of conflict : a mixed-method study of different meetings in effective mono- and multicultural agile teams.

Buker, Noël (2022) An ongoing trend of increasing transcontinental sourcing, at cost of Intra-EU sourcing; which prominent push- and pull factors can be identified? A study from an European perspective.

Bulte, A.F. ten (2018) What is Industry 4.0 and what are its implications on HRM practices?

Burlacu, Christian (2023) The Impact of AI-Powered Content Generation on Customer Experience.

Busch, Daan (2019) New Firms in Nanotechnology: Does Experience Improve the Entrepreneur’s Revenue Forecast Performance?

Busscher, N.M. (2013) Social media : their role as marketing tools in B2B Marketing.

Busse, N. (2023) The impact of cashless societies on business and society.

Bussink, H.A.E. (2014) Comparing award methods: application in various countries.

Buter, H.T.A. (2015) An evaluation of an onboarding program at ZF Friedrichshafen AG. Differences between intended and perceived objectives.

Buuren, I van (2021) The integration of data management in the roles of purchasing professionals.

Buuren, N. ten (2017) Understanding the effects of power asymmetry on a start ups’ innovation performance.

Böckers, Lena (2019) The domino effect – how adaptive interaction enables business capabilities to initiate Servitization.

Bönte, J.K.L. (2014) Intercultural Sensitivity as a Result of Educational Design: A Continued Panel Study.

Bücker, T. (2017) Pension fund investment: Impact of the liability structure on equity allocation.

Bühring, Tim (2015) Tweeting for a Cause - Typology and Content Analysis for the Movember Organization in the United Kingdom.

Büscher, Sina (2016) The perception of business development in SMEs in Germany.

Calkin, Ayse (2017) The impact of competition regulation on the prospect of solar energy innovations by SMEs.

Catalab, A.I. (2023) The impact of public sentiment on crypto resilience during COVID-19 pandemic.

Celik, F. (2016) Internet of Things as a source of future marketing tools.

Chang, R.N.Y. (2018) Smart Industry Adoption: how analytics affect SMEs in the Netherlands.

Chen, Huining (2014) CEO duality and firm performance: an empirical study of EU listed firms.

Chen, Jianyu (2017) Social Security Funds Ownership and Firm Performance: The Evidence from Chinese Public Listed Companies.

Chen, Yucheng (2022) Twitter- a new pathway to access product innovation ideas - Can machine learning help PepsiCo identify innovative ideas in User-Generated Content platforms?

Cherici, Emilio (2015) The Cost of Social Consideration.

Christodoulou, Maximos (2024) Assessing the impact of bridge closure due to renovations on tram users’ inconvenience in Amsterdam : A quantitative study.

Cieslik, Ann-Kristin (2016) To what extent is the level of higher educational background reflected in the effectuational/causational decision-making process of novice entrepreneurs?

Ciuffani, Bianca Malaika (2017) Non-verbal Communication and Leadership : the impact of hand gestures used by leaders on follower job satisfaction.

Claßen, C.C. (2020) Counterproductive & supporting behaviours : An exploratory study of behavioural differences within scrum team meetings.

Clemente, Giuliano (2021) The Impact of Uncertainty Avoidance on Italian Entrepreneurs’ Decision-Making.

Cleven, Yannik (2018) To the moon or bust? Factors of success of an Initial-Coin-Offering.

Coenen, M.H.J. (2015) Ownership Structure and Firm Performance: An Analysis of Publicly Listed Firms in The Netherlands.

Collins, Michael (2022) Corporate Risk Disclosure: The Effect of Leverage on Internal Control Reporting.

Cong, K. (2017) The Equity Choice of Institutional Investors in China’s Market.

Conocchiari Moran, D. (2022) How can acceptance of wearable health technology affect behavioral intent to use telehealth services by elderly patients.

Cooiman, G.M. (2019) Output vs. Outcome : Measuring Usability in a Business to Business Context.

Cornet, Hamist (2014) Een Goed Paard Maakt Nog Geen Goede Ruiter: Fabel of Feit? Onderzoek naar de invloed van spelers-, hoofdtrainers- en assistent-trainerservaring op de ranking en het winstpercentage van Nederlandse Eredivisie voetbalclubs.

Cortjens, Jaap (2018) Is there a Common Trend in Innovation Project Portfolios for Innovative Firms in the Netherlands that Is the Same for all Business sectors?

Cottart, S. (2016) To what extent do millennials and non-millennials differ in security and privacy perceptions on Facebook?

Coviliac, Anastasia (2022) Improvement of AI-assessment systems in grading open questions based on the teaching assistant’s view.

Cramer, R. (2019) How to improve the relationship between buyer-supplier: A qualitative research with exploration of new methods.

Crespo-Rosas, N.M.P. (2014) Contextualization of the PC3: Case Study in Puebla, Mexico.

Creutzmann, J.B. (2021) Strategic relevance and application of the mechanism design theory at the example of selected European private procurement auctions in a B2B-context.

Cristea, Tudor Stefan (2024) Sustainable Investments: An analysis on the inclination towards green investments and their long-term performance.

Croes, A.A. de (2018) Lean startup methodology : a venture capitalist's perspective.

Croes, E.C. de (2015) Communication Modes of Exchange and Adaptive Interaction: Towards a Language Perspective on Stability and Change in Business Relationships.

Csiszár, D.I. (2024) The Impact of Deep Democratic Decision-Making on Multidisciplinary Intercultural Student Team Conflicts.

Cvetkovski, A. (2017) Support for the first-line manager and self-managing teams provided by HR departments.

DENEKAMP, H. J. (2017) Improving the process of restocking sanitary appliances using the internet of things.

Dam, A.M. ten (2018) The Effect of Third-Party SaaS-Based Logistics Platforms on Power within Supply Chain Relationships.

Dam, Jasper ten (2016) Alumni relationship marketing : a case study at Saxion IBMS.

Dam, Titia van (2017) The influence of pledging and motivational factors on environmental behavior : evidence from the Plastic Soup Surfer Petition.

Damen, L.I. (2020) Factors influencing the use of engagement apps.

Damhuis, Luuk (2019) How digital platform companies employ envelopment and what makes it a success : A comparative study on Adobe Systems and Smith Micro Software.

Dandörfer, S. (2019) Impact of Chatbots on Online Customer Experience.

Danisch, Marius (2019) The effect of investor protection on dividend payout policy.

Daryanani, Sonakshi (2024) Positive Psychology and its Implications on the Twin Transition in Organizations : A Mixed-Method Study.

Davoudi, Anita (2015) Customer misuse of social media and consequences on firm strategies.

De Barros Vasconcelos Fernandes, Kathylene (2023) Immersive virtual reality in business higher education : An experience with students.

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Udo, B.R. (2023) Considerations and implications for the servitisation of farming in the Netherlands.

Uelsen, Alexander van (2021) Usefulness vs. Uncanniness: Exploring the perceived usefulness of virtual assistants in the customer journey.

Uijlenberg, W. (2015) The future HR roles of Shared Service Centres.

Ukhabova, Elena (2024) To what extent does Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) influence social media users to make spontaneous travel decisions?

Ungerer, L.V. (2018) Constructing A Multi dimensional Smart Industry Scan.

Ural, Oguz (2014) Uncovering Porter’s Five Forces Framework’s status in today’s disruptive business context.

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Vaanholt, June R.S.M. te (2021) Differences in scaling between inclusive SMEs and MNEs in a BoP context.

Vachterytė, Viktorija (2016) Towards an integrated IoT capability maturity model.

Vaivode, Zanda (2019) Anticipating the Future for Manufacturing SME’s with the Smart Industry Maturity Scan (SIMS).

Valster, Liset (2015) Gender differences in nonverbal behaviour of effective leaders : an explorative study.

Vaschenko, K. (2016) The impact of business incubators on university spin-offs and their commercialization process : a case study on technology spin-offs and Kennispark Twente.

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Veehof, L.M.G. (2024) Quantum computing in commercial banking : Current state, applications and strategy.

Veelers, D.E. (2017) Media-pushed discourse on self-managing teams in the Dutch healthcare sector.

Veen, Charlotte van (2021) The design and validation of the Smart Industry Sustainability Scan: assessing the maturity of Industry 4.0 for sustainable manufacturing.

Veen, Esmée van der (2019) Emotional intelligence, transformational leadership and transactional leadership: the effect on leader effectiveness.

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Veenis, Michelle (2018) Who will lead our culture change? : How informal leaders manifest themselves in a culture change process.

Vegt, D. van der (2016) Benefits, antecedents, buyer reputation, buyer status and strategic fit in relation to the preferred customer status : a multiple case study at company X and three of its key suppliers.

Veklenko, Karina (2016) The Impact of Board Composition on the Firm’s Performance in Continental Europe.

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Veninga, Martijn Edsko Bertus (2019) The role of follower behavior during team meetings in follower performance and team effectiveness: an observational approach.

Ventevogel, P.C. (2018) The influence of CEO age, gender, and education level on corporate risk-taking.

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Vernain-Perriot, A.A. (2014) Value-in-use in highly institutionalized industry: a case of the diamond industry.

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Vincent, E.J.A. (2017) The impact of regulation on innovation : a case study on small biscuit producers in the Netherlands.

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Visser, Remco (2020) Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals; a case study on how to improve the triple helix model for the Municipality of Rheden.

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Vonk, Koen (2024) The Impact of Marathon Events on Charitable Giving.

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Voortman, D. (2016) Preferred customer status with key suppliers : a case study at Paauwe Installaties.

Voortman, Michel (2014) MNC's participation in multi-stakeholder partnerships in Africa and its implications on business diplomacy.

Vorst, Jan Moritz van (2016) Are social entrepreneurs lead users? : the first scale to retrospectively analyze whether social entrepreneurs are lead users.

Vorwerg, Jonas (2015) Value vs. growth : evidence from the German stock market.

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Vries, J. D. de (2021) Local, EU, and transcontinental sourcing : a discrete choice experiment on the purchaser’s preferences.

Vries, J.S. de (2014) Shedding light on Business Diplomacy. A systematic review on typology and its implications for MNC's.

Vries, Marcel de (2019) Crowdfunding for Start-up Financing in Kenya, South Africa & Uganda.

Vries, S.J. de (2017) Peer Control & Self-Managing Work Teams in the healthcare industry: A literature review.

Vrieze, L.G.J. de (2020) Major characteristics of verbal interrupting behavior in leader-follower interaction: an explorative research.

Vural, Melis (2015) Antecedents and Benefits of the Preferred Customer Status in a Buyer-Supplier Relationship: A Multiple Case Study at X and Four of its Key Suppliers.

Vythoulkas, Ioannis (2023) How does Inflation affect the Buyer-Supplier Relationship.

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Wagenaar, Leon P.M. (2022) Are cryptocurrencies good hedges against inflation?

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Wahmann, Lena (2022) Selective Anonymity as a New Brainstorming Method.

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Wan, C.E. (2018) Customer feedback provision in online labor platforms: an application of the theory of planned behavior.

Wan, Eric (2021) Twitter as a potential goldmine : a data-driven product innovation approach in the wearable device domain based on machine learning.

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Weekenstroo, Sietse (2015) How physical activity and obesity is related to the innovativeness of an individual.

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Weenink, M.R. (2024) Bridging the Gap : Enhancing Loan Approval Processes with Machine Learning and Soft Information Integration.

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Wegdam, J.L. (2020) Circular economy and social responsibility : a study on the Dutch SME construction sector.

Weidemann, J.M. (2019) The influence of variable pay on negotiation behaviour in B2B settings.

Weierink, L.G.H. (2020) The impact of an economic crisis on the antecedents to the preferred customer status, a case study at Company X.

Weijde, J.N. van der (2020) The effects of brand experience and consumer perception on marketing strategies within the multi-channeled fashion industry in the Netherlands.

Weilinghoff, Philip (2016) Job design practices to enable employee driven innovation in healthcare organizations.

Weise, Stella A. (2014) Alternative Award Methods to Lowest Price in Public Procurement and Their Susceptibility to Corruption.

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Welling, J.J. (2023) Designing Ethically Responsible AI-HRM Tools for Recruitment: A Systematic Literature Review.

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Wennemars, Joep (2023) How do the attributes of colour in influencer photo posts contribute to the engagement of users?

Wensink, C. (2022) Leadership in Austria : a comparison between managing in the Netherlands and Austria.

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Werner, Patrick (2014) New ways of knowledge reprocessing: Absorptive capacity characteristics needed for the big bang disruption of free smartphone navigation applications.

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Weustink, Arnoud (2014) Measurement of culture; are regional and national level culture any different? India as a case study.

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Wiederhold, S.G.H. (2020) Neuromarketing & ethics : how far should we go with predicting consumer behavior?

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Wiegard, S. (2018) The impact of exploitative and explorative innovation on companies’ financial performance: a longitudinal study.

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Wiesbrock, Philip Peter Werner (2022) To What Extent Does the National Culture of the Entrepreneur Affect His or Her Decision Making?

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Wijdeveld, D.C. (2018) How fashion startups build strong brands : exploring industry-specific factors most influential when branding fashion startups.

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Wilhelm, Alica (2015) Market segmentation of diabetes type 1 patients as potential consumers of the Artificial Pancreas.

Willemink, T. D. (2018) Cultural Dimensions Influencing The Capital Structure: A Study On The G7.

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Wingerden, Louis van (2022) Buyer-supplier relationships and their strategic importance during pandemic-like disruptions.

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Wissmann, Patrick (2022) Is Bitcoin a good asset for inflation hedging? : A comparison between Bitcoin returns and the inflation rates of the USA, the Euro-Zone, India, Kenya, and Venezuela.

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Wittke, Katherina (2014) The Contribution of Stakeholder Theory to Supply Chain Management: A Theory Evaluation.

Witzand, S. (2022) Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian power market : IEX day-ahead contracts.

Wolf, Anna-Maja (2021) Voice Assistants in Cars: Dream or Nightmare? : The effects of voice assistants on trust, emotions and purchase intention.

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Wolsing, Milou (2015) De invloed van het tonen van visie en assertieve gedragingen op de leiderschapseffectiviteit van mannelijke en vrouwelijke leiders.

Wolters, K (2014) Narrative review on how mediating mechanisms influence the relationship between employees’ perception of HR practices and employee performance.

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Woudstra, D.P.J. (2014) Towards a national implementation of the electronic locum record: Analysis of a regional approach in the Netherlands.

Wouters, Colin (2024) The influence of AI literacy, the level of education, job security, and an individual’s country of birth on the attitude toward Artificial Intelligence.

Wouters, Jasper (2023) Defining criteria in value-based procurement of Physician Preference Items in Dutch hospitals.

Wronkowska, Julia (2024) Exploring Supplier Selection to Triple Bottom Line Supplier Development.

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Yacoubian, N. (2023) Corporate Social Responsibility and Foreign Ownership in The Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.

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Yakovyna, Andriy (2020) Industry 4.0 transition strategies for Ukrainian construction SME’s.

Yan, S. (2015) Which signaling factors facilitate the success probability of equity crowdfunding?

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Yeszhanova, Sabina (2024) Beauty Alchemy : Inside Influencer-Brand Collaboration Exploring the Dynamics of Influencer-Brand Collaborations in Kazakhstan’s Beauty Industry.

Yigit, Nora (2022) Study about the effect of entrepreneurial passion on entrepreneurs’ decision-making.

Yilmaz, Lara (2024) Navigating Strategic Upheaval: A Case Study on Temporal and Organizational Dynamics Exploration in Strategy-Making in a B2B Firm.

Yogarasa, Yasotha (2020) Impact of leader-member exchange and appreciation learning climate on the relationship between team resilience and team innovative work behavior.

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Zaane, K.N.P. van (2014) Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar het bevorderen van de goederenstromen binnen Royal Huisman Shipyards.

Zadelhoff, Lisanne van (2014) The influence of a new public procurement directive on SME’s.

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Zandbergen, Tijmen (2019) Improving the packaging line at SES Creative : a simulation study.

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Zendman, J.H.A. (2024) Implications of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive : A Purchasing Skills and Competencies Analysis.

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Zeventer, Daan van (2017) How do team learning behaviour and team innovativeness influence business planning success?

Zhetpisbayev, Bernar (2023) Role of inflation in shaping buyer-supplier relationships with preferred customer status.

Zhou, Xiao-Miao (2015) Investigating the link between timing of supplier integration in new product development processes and development speed: An exploratory study.

Zhou, Y. (2018) Announcement effect of Blockchain investment on stock prices for Financial Companies.

Zhu, Jinfeng (2017) Keep calm and be creative : exploration of purchasing added value in technical universities.

Zhu, Shiyun (2021) The influence of physical stores on the integration of online and offline channels, from a customer-centric perspective - a case study of Alibaba’s fresh food store, Freshippo.

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Zieglowski, Philipp (2014) The Effect of unrecognized pension items on the Company’s Stock Returns.

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This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 06:03:41 2025 CET.