University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 2016

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Number of items: 1887.

Aagten, D. (2016) Healthcare professionals' self-directed learning at the workplace.

Aalst, G.R. van (2016) Structuring a Whole Life Cost model for the automotive sector.

Aarnink, Merel (2016) Validation of a nomogram to predict axillary lymph node status in Dutch early stage breast cancer patients.

Aarntzen, R. (2016) The Use of Frameworks in Business Model Development.

Abdelaziz, Mohamed Essam Mohamed Kassem (2016) Designing, implementing and integrating a controller for the MRI compatible robotic breast biopsy system.

Adamska, M.A. (2016) Formative assessment: Data use for school improvement.

Adeparioye, P.A. (2016) Characterisation of the Haib porphyry copper deposit, southern Namibia, using hyperspectral and radiometric datasets.

Adiputro, Ricky Valianto (2016) Equity Crowdfunding: Signalling in European Crowdfunding Platforms.

Adriaanse, Jeroen (2016) Is strategic personnel planning; too ‘strategic’ for managers of an intensive care unit? : a qualitative case study into the HRM implementation process.

Ahuluheluw, Santos (2016) Building an inter-organizational community strategy in an innovative business environment.

Akayezu, Providence (2016) Modelling the abundance and spatial distribution of mountain gorilla forage species in the Virunga Massif.

Akmaz, B. and Versteege, L.J.H. (2016) Een evaluatie van het diagnose-behandeltraject van het Obstructief Slaap Apneu Syndroom in het Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Akse, R. (2016) Analyzing modelling problems of the frequency-bases methodology in Zenith.

Al, M.G. (2016) Across the Border, There be Dragons.

Al-Dhahir, I. (2016) Bevorderen van leefstijlverandering bij patiënten met een herseninfarct of TIA: Ontwerpen en evalueren van een prototype ter bevordering van leefstijlverandering voor patiënten met herseninfarct of TIA.

Alan, D. (2016) Empowering Business Model Innovation: The case of European SMEs.

Alan, G.A.S. (2016) Compressor temperature during blow down.

Alan, G.A.S. (2016) Parameter study of a staggered pin-fin heat exchanger using openfoam.

Albers, Eline (2016) Successful foreign market entry by comparing business modeling with culture.

Albers, L.T. (2016) Monitoring van de eilandkribben in de IJssel bij Deventer.

Albrecht, C. (2016) The effect of reading narratives : how does perspective taking influence prosocial behavior?

Alemu, M.M. (2016) Automated farm field delineation and crop row detection from satellite images.

Alferink, N. (2016) Modeling the influence of mussels and oysters on hydrodynamics and sediment transport.

Alfs, L. (2016) Effect van een blauwachtige omgeving op Welbevinden, Gevoelens en Creativiteit van Kleuters.

Ali, H.T. (2016) Digital urban terrain characterization for 1D2D hydronamic flood modelling in Kigali, Rwanda.

Aliyev, J. (2016) TCAD device simulation of novel test structures for determining the lifetime in solar cells.

Alizada, R. (2016) Experimental investigation of new device test structures for determining the lifetime in solar cells.

Althaus, D. (2016) Differences of millennials and non-millennials privacy and security perceptions and their influence on online shopping behavior.

Althaus, Niklas (2016) Institutional conditions of community wind success.

Ambaw, A.N. (2016) Using satellite-based rainfall estimates for runoff modelling with the REW approach : the case of upper Gilgel Abay catchment.

Amirinezhad, Soodbeh (2016) Modeling and mapping leaf area index using spectral and spatial information of high-resolution multispectral images : case study of Bavarian Forest National Park.

Analbers, MEJ (2016) It's heart to see: an early Health Technology Assessment towards using 3D-imaging prior to Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation.

Andreev, L. (2016) Sociometric badges in a high-stakes setting : living proof a sociometric feedback visualization.

Andringa, R.J. (2016) De kosten van verpakkingsproblematiek.

Ang, J.R.E.L. (2016) E-HUB : the charging station of the future : researching the system of E-Hub & developing a user interface for the charging infrastructure.

Angsmann, T. (2016) Posttraumatische Groei onder Partners van Kankerpatienten : Voorspellers en Effecten van de Interventie "Houvast, voor elkaar".

Annighöfer, M.L.D. (2016) On the tracks of the ‘Happiness Route’: demystifying the obscure world of counselor logbooks.

Anoniem, A. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Anoniem, A. (2016) Situatieanalyse afdeling Hartkatheterisatiekamer : Een analyse van de huidige situatie omtrent de planning van de afdeling HCK in het Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht.

Aphrodis, Nzabandora (2016) Design and orchestration of web processing services as service chains.

Appel, R.N. and Folmer, H.H (2016) Analysis, optimization, and design of a SLAM solution for an implementation on reconfigurable hardware (FPGA) using CλaSH.

Appelman, L.A. (2016) Gebruik van een verhoorstijl voor het ontdekken van een leugen : beschuldigende stijl of informatie verzamelende stijl?

Arbeider, Christiaan G. (2016) Planning the asphalt paving and compaction process - The alignment between paver output, roller capacity and available tme for compaction.

Archer, T.W. (2016) Investigating the impact of social tenure domain model (STDM) on tenure security : a case study of mission STDM pilot.

Arends, Claudia (2016) Threat caused by the establish-ment of accommodations for asylum seekers and refugees : fact, or fiction? : a cross-sectional study into the impact of the process of establishment of ac-commodations for asylum seekers and refugees on the perception of threat by the local population.

Arendt, A. (2016) Experimental evaluation of students' performance in judging statistical visualizations.

Arendt, J. (2016) The influence of leadership roles and management instruments on public service motivation.

Arkink, N.M.M. (2016) The determinants of trade payables of Dutch SMEs.

Arora, C. (2016) Future Internet Architecture : and the Challenges of current Internet.

Asch, Gerjan C.A. van (2016) Identifying interesting packages : a spend analysis tool.

Assink, N. (2016) Motion-compensated anatomical overlay as additional guidance in transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Analysis of the clinical and economic impact.

Ata, Yasemin (2016) A longitudinal research aimed at investigating the role of coping styles in the process of change in schema modes.

Atanasova, J. (2016) “Digital collections of photographs: valuable memories or digital clutter?”.

Auch, K. (2016) Women wanted : An exploratory study on female entrepreneurial networks in tech ventures.

Auracher, C.A. (2016) Getting Platform Envelopment Right to Emerge as the Ecosystem Platform Leader - A Case Study on Facebook and LinkedIn - (2006-2013).

Austermann, Maria Isabella (2016) Explanations for substance use : The role of explicit and implicit compensatory health beliefs and personality for alcohol/nicotine-related risk-behavior.

Avgidis, F. (2016) Single charge transport and charge sensing in quantum dots.

Avicenna, Fitria (2016) Online Reviews : the effect of sources and framing of reviews on eWoM credibility, product attitude, and behavioral intention.

Awlad Wadair, Balsam (2016) Tweeting about health technologies during the Movember campaign : Who is involved and how do they frame their discourse? : an exploratory study investigating the identity of Twitter users tweeting about technology and treatments of Prostate and Testicular cancers, and how they frame their discourse.

BELTMAN, B. (2016) The right expression, but the wrong sender? The effects of Self-categorization and Politeness on the receiver of verbal Social control.

BERUMEN SALAZAR, J.G (2016) Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials and the Visual Perception Curve.

BRINKS, F.K. (2016) Welbevinden en klachten als voorspellers van non-adherentie bij patiënten met een Posttraumatische Stress-Stoornis in de tweedelijns GGZ.

Baars, D.S. (2016) Towards self-sovereign identity using blockchain technology.

Baas, S.P.R. (2016) A machine learning approach to the automatic classification of female uroflowmetry measurements.

Badin, Y. (2016) Contextual Authentication : Using Mobile Phone Movements to Authenticate Owners Implicitly.

Bajracharya, Sushma (2016) Mapping health opportunities.

Bakir, L. (2016) Solving customer-driven heterogeneity in organizations : dealing with internal tensions to reach solutions for customer inquiries.

Bakker, J.M.K. de and Boogert, B.I. van den and Brouwer, T.E.L. and Winters, E.G. (2016) Protocolontwikkeling voor laagveld Magnetic Resonance Imaging van de bekkenbodem gedurende rust, contractie en de Valsalva manoeuvre in staande en liggende houding.

Bakker, W. (2016) The analysis of passive Wi-Fi tracking.

Balasingham, K. (2016) Industry 4.0: Securing the Future for German Manufacturing Companies.

Balk, Roland (2016) SQLento: database programming made easier.

Balkay, A. and Buursink, E. H. and Deniz, Y. (2016) Evaluatie zorgcomplex De Botterhof – Wierden : een casestudy op gebied van zorgregelgeving, zorgconcepten en zorgarchitectuur.

Balvers, A. (2016) Slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling : de invloed van gevoelens van daders op de bereidheid aan deelname.

Balvers, C. (2016) The future of HRM: an analysis of the symposium 'back to the future'.

Bankert, J.J.M. (2016) Comparison of Symbolic and Distributed Representation Language Models on the Lexical Substitution and Simplification Tasks.

Bannink, T. and Fitski, M. and Geraats, R.M. and Wennen, M. (2016) Effect van flexie en belasting op patellofemorale parameters : Een statische en dynamische analyse van de patellasporing met een 0,25 tesla kantelbare MR-scanner bij gezonde proefpersonen.

Barbieri, G. (2016) Control architecture for docking UAVs with a 7-DOF manipulator.

Barbu, K.M. (2016) Cross-functionality at Teijin Aramid; how to get the Automotive Taskforce up and running.

Barendregt, AAM (2016) Between Knowing and Liking a Brand: An investigation of the effects of pleasant, neutral and irritating advertising.

Barends, M.G.H.W. (2016) An analysis of systems integration in the construction industry.

Barmentloo, D.S.G. (2016) Invloed van meetkwantiteit op de stabiliteitsbeoordeling van primaire waterkeringen.

Barrière, J.M. (2016) The influence of trust on attitude of employees towards HR Analytics in organisations.

Bartelds, J. (2016) The Dutch innovation manager from a project manager perspective.

Bartelink, Julia A.M. (2016) Price-quality correlation in tenders.

Barton, Isabel (2016) The use of Photovoice for recovery research of cancer survivors. A systematic review.

Bashir, Z. (2016) Modeling the influence of biological activity on fine sediment transport in the Dutch Wadden Sea.

Basurto Cisneros, Carlos (2016) The importance of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in coastal cities: The case study of Cancun, Mexico.

Batzke, J. (2016) Design of an energy monitoring interface for businesses.

Baveld, Ferdi (2016) Performance improvement in Europlant’s component warehouse.

Becker, Laura (2016) Stories of survival : a narrative analysis of addicts´ life stories.

Beckmann, S. (2016) Lost in Permissions: Accept or Deny? Exploring the effects of type of permission, type of review, and type of app on people`s risk perceptions, trust, privacy concerns, and behavioural intentions.

Bedem, S.G. van den (2016) A constructive tool to predict timetable feasibility under user defined constraints.

Beek, A.D. van (2016) Betere conceptvorming bij natuurkundeleerlingen door gebruik te maken van video instructie.

Beek, E.A.G van (2016) Analyse implementatieproces ERP systeem Bedrijf X.

Beekhof, E.W.H (2016) Alignment in a matrix organization : the handshake process of Arcadis North.

Beekhof, L.G. (2016) Unleashing the innovative potential of employees : promoting opportunity-recognition behaviors and psychological ownership.

Beekman, J.L. (2016) Experimental investigations of a magnetic levitation system and the comparison with simulations.

Beele, Roman (2016) Who, how, what? : asking the necessary questions about the German organ donation dcandal - Assessment of the German citizens’ view on the 2012 organ donation manipulation scandal.

Beerens, K.B.M. (2016) Humor in meetings : does it affect their effectiveness?

Behrens, L. (2016) When nurses take the lead in residential care : a qualitative study on the role of HRM frames.

Beijen, J. (2016) Ontwerp van een game concept op basis van een onderzoek naar de verleiding van game applicaties.

Beitel, Tim Daniël ten (2016) Terminal value calculations with the Discounted Cash Flow model : differences between literature and practice.

Bekhuis, K. (2016) Democratische Verankering in de Nederlandse Veiligheidsregio's Een onderzoek naar de democratische verankering van het verlengd lokaal bestuur van intergemeentelijke samenwerkingsverbanden in Nederland.

Bekkers, Bjorn (2016) Improving customer perceived value in the brand management technology market.

Belle, J.S. van (2016) Ontwerpen met de Product Impact Tool.

Bellers, L. (2016) Reminiscentiekoffers: een uitkomst voor ouderen met dementie? : een onderzoek naar het gebruik van reminiscentiekoffers in het beperken van depressieve gevoelens en het vergroten van de kwaliteit van leven bij ouderen met dementie.

Belt, M. van den (2016) Design of amusement rides.

Beltman, H.F. (2016) Place of birth - Preference, motivating factors and influence of educational level.

Beltman, M.R. (2016) Exploring the D-RATIN tool. Studying inland navigation potential using a rapid assessment tool.

Bemthuis, T.J. (2016) De voorspelling van de bachelor Open Dagen : een onderzoek naar het vooraf inzichtelijk maken van de verwachte registratie- en opkomstcijfers van de Bachelor Open Dagen van de Universiteit Twente.

Bendsneijder, Jennifer (2016) 'Double Dutch' : c orporate reputation and the emphasizement of country of origin at a Dutch postal company.

Benistant, J.R. (2016) Sleep Apnoea Detection Using Small & Cheap Sensors.

Benitez, D. (2016) The EU as a global security actor in the 21st Century : Dealing with security challenges in a multilateral framework.

Benkhoff, T. (2016) Reminiscence Boxes for elderly with dementia. A study on the implementation of reminiscence boxes and their effects on depressive symptoms and quality of life of elderly with dementia.

Benou, A. (2016) The effects of increased regulation on the performance of pension funds.

Benthem, F.J.G. van (2016) Alternative Finance: The determinants of alternative finance adoption for Dutch SMEs and the implications for capital structure theory.

Bentum, S.B. and Hendriks, J.N. (2016) Onderzoek naar de determinanten die de keuze voor een keteningang bepalen bij patiënten met een acuut coronair syndroom.

Berends, C. (2016) The influence of package texture on the evaluation of body care products.

Berg, D.M.J.S. ten (2016) Keeping the 'older' engineer engaged at work.

Berg, M.H. van den (2016) Automated observation of competency-related behavior in serious gaming.

Berg, T.M. van den (2016) Radar sensing for automotive parking distance control applications.

Bergado, J.R.A. (2016) A deep feature learning approach to urban scene classification.

Berge, B.B.G. ten (2016) Hoe haalbaar is een tijdige levering van het Bedieningsvoorschrift?

Berger, Alena (2016) Needs and wishes of young carers with regard to an online self-help intervention based on PP with gamification.

Berghuis, D.P.J. (2016) LEAN manufacturing in de elektro assemblage.

Bergmann, Ann-Sophie (2016) Refugee Labor Market Integration in Germany in the Initiative ‘Wir zusammen’ - An analysis of three selected integration programs.

Bergsma, M (2016) Item availability restricted.

Berkel, A.R.R. (2016) The new Luxon : a research into software expansion in the Lighting-as-a-Service market.

Berkenbosch, T.S. (2016) Positive health in Dutch public health services possibilities for integration of the concept positive health in work-related activities of professionals at the Dutch Public Health Services (GGD).

Berndsen, F.B.W. (2016) Development of a port-based modular simulation model of the Robird using an iterative approach.

Berning, L. (2016) The effect of a special featured text on students' consciousness of the consequences of plastic garbage in a developing country : a field study in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

Berning, T.G.F. (2016) Membership in the EU: Membership requirements and federal discipline in the area of liberal democratic principles : a comparative legal analysis.

Besselink, M. (2016) Evaluation of creativity.

Besten, Anouk Leanne den (2016) De motivatie van burgers achter de opname en de verspreiding van risico-informatie bij een overstromingsrisico.

Besten, M.E. (2016) The relation between visuospatial attention and conscious visual perception examined by using lateralized power spectra.

Betke, Saskia (2016) Factors contributing to the Europe 2020 target attainment.

Betting, R.R. (2016) The design of financial return-based crowdfunding at EU level : a research based on the information asymmetry risk, existing regulations and Capital Markets Union plans.

Betting, R.R. (2016) Conditions supporting Entrepreneurial Leadership.

Beukema, A.J. (2016) How to Increase the acceptance of an online telemedicine service?

Beukema, W.J.B. (2016) Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection through Host Clustering.

Beuker, S. (2016) Privacy paradox : factors influencing disclosure of personal information among German and Dutch SNS users.

Beurden, L.W. van (2016) Wat zijn factoren in projectmanagement die uitloop veroorzaken in grootschalige IT-projecten en hoe kunnen deze voorkomen worden door beter management van projecten?

Beuvink, L.J. (2016) Post traumatische groei in partners van kankerpatiënten ëen kwalitatief exploratief onderzoek naar groeimogelijkheden.

Bhattarai, Noshan (2016) Semi-empirical modelling of PM2.5 using surface weather, upper-air and satellite-retrieved atmospheric observations.

Bickel, E.A. (2016) Participating in the 'participation society': Differences between natives and ethnic minorities.

Bijl, Ir. P.M. (2016) En-route rescheduling of home deliveries : a case study on the home delivery operation of a large retail organization in the Netherlands.

Bijl, Tim (2016) Warehouse cost estimation.

Bijvank, J.E. (2016) Co-creation of value : critical aspects of activities.

Bildt, E.M. van de (2016) Het ontwerp van een brug over de Stadsbeek.

Birben, Burçak (2016) EU Autonomous Sanctions: An Attempt for Passive Revolution?

Blanke, A.W.B. (2016) Learning from evaluations of crisis-exercises.

Blauw, L. (2016) Measuring online skills of Dutch older adults: Performance tests on laptops and tablets.

Blecher, J. (2016) Corporate social disclosure on corporate websites in Germany and Brazil with a revenue span between 1 and 10 billion US.

Bles, R.M. (2016) Breast Cancer in the Elderly and the Influence of Mammography Screening.

Bloem, Maarten van (2016) Business value creation : estimation and measurement in E-Business agile projects.

Bloemberg, A.J. (2016) Routing Games : analysis of nonatomic and atomic selfish routing models.

Bloemberg, Aranka A.J. (2016) Differentiatie : wat zijn de effecten op de leeropbrengsten in 2HV? Wat zijn de effecten van gedifferentieerd lesgeven (m.b.t. differentiëren in instructie en in leerstof) op het begrijpen (procedureel dan wel conceptueel) van de lesstof (ontbinden in factoren) in 2hv?

Bloemberg, M.A. (2016) Exploring the Explore Page : redesigning through reflective transformative design process.

Bloeme, Randy (2016) Wildplassers een handje geholpen : positieve gedragsbeïnvloeding in de context van een uitgaansgebied.

Bloemheuvel, R.M. (2016) Improving the cost efficiency in the supply chain of the Heijmans Woon Concept projects.

Blokhuis, E.M. (2016) A study on the influence of the level of a student population on Mathematics Education at Primary Teacher Education Schools in the Netherlands.

Blum, Monika (2016) Assessing Germany’s care act (Pflegestärkungsgesetz I) from a gender mainstreaming perspective.

Blömer, Mrs. N.G.M. (2016) Substitutiezorg oogheelkunde in Haaksbergen : van de tweede naar de eerste lijn.

Boaitey, A. (2016) Quantifying spatial indicators of ecological quality in a cocoa landscape in Goaso Forest district, Ghana.

Boedihardja, Y.K. (2016) Performance preferences and policies in urban water supply : Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Boekelder, Sacha (2016) Ethnic profiling by the police in The Hague.

Boekestijn, R.P.A. and Dijk, R.J. van and Helden, T.M.N. van and Hoogland, R. (2016) Enhanced imaging of metallic knee prostheses by using a representative phantom.

Boekhoudt, Z.L. (2016) In a materialist world how strong is your brand: the impact of brand type, crisis type, and crisis response on brand equity.

Boelhouwer, Anika (2016) Analysis of system usage and knowledge development of the current PAL system for children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Boer, G. (2016) Vertrouwen in telepresence bij ouderen : het effect van technische storingen op het delen van persoonlijke informatie.

Boer, P.S. de (2016) Motor sequence learning : how ageing influences the development of motor skills.

Boer, R.M. (2016) Het effect van extreem vasthouden in het Nationaal Park Dwingelderveld.

Boerdonk, R.A.C. van (2016) Pensioenbewustzijn: Kan IT hieraan bijdragen?

Boerkamp, E.P.G. (2016) Ownership concentration, ownership identity and firm performance : an empirical analysis of Dutch listed firms.

Boersma, J. (2016) Een onderzoek naar de q-factor van log constructies.

Boeve, B. (2016) Optimization of the inbound process at Wavin NL : Dealing with variability from dock to stock.

Boeve, G.J. (2016) The impact of leader feedback on efficacy beliefs in risk communication.

Boeve, M. (2016) Developing a system of holders for an ultrasound kinematic analysis system.

Bohan, E. (2016) Appearance of a dynamic arm support.

Boink, Y.E. (2016) Combined modelling of optimal transport and segmentation revealing vascular properties.

Bok, B.G.J. ten (2016) Innovating the retail industry : an IoT approach.

Bokhove, C.A. (2016) Employees’ reactions to the introduction of a new performance appraisal interview form.

Bokhove, T. (2016) Improving the model management workflow.

Bokkes, B. (2016) Herontwerp van een educatief spel voor in het basisonderwijs.

Bol Raap, W (2016) The design of a common data model for generic synchromodal cargo-tracking in logistics using web scraping and big & open data.

Bolhaar, N.M. (2016) Culture education at the Kottenpark : a study on the execution of culture education at the Kottenpark to reinforce the culture curriculum.

Bolhaar, S.N. (2016) Between policy & reality : Cooperation within Social Teams.

Bolscher, W.F. ten and Braak, T.P. ter and Haan, S.J.H. and Poirot, M.G. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Bonensteffen, Florian (2016) Mediated contact between victims and offenders after crime : the role of agency and moral image.

Bong, E.J. (2016) Promoten lesboeken Maatschappijleer de creatie van een Europese identiteit?

Bongaerts, A. (2016) Een analyse van hoe passend de toewijzing van zorg is aan mensen met LVB en verslaving binnen Aveleijn.

Bonilla Fernandez, A. (2016) Controller design for Dual-Hemi CVT.

Bonus, T.R. (2016) The effect of stress on strategic decision-making using the Beauty Contest Game.

Bood, K.F. (2016) Understanding unexplained symptoms with eHealth: Een inventarisatie van problemen en behoeften van patiënten en zorgprofessionals in het SOLK-traject en welke rol eHealth daarin kan spelen.

Booltink, E.W.M. (2016) Dynamic sharing of service capacity in a network.

Boom, Boudewijn (2016) De toegevoegde waarde van het postkantoor in een retailomgeving.

Boom, Q.O. (2016) The Measurement of Emotional States present during Deception.

Boom, R (2016) Vehicle response on standardized tracks.

Boom, R.J.H.M. (2016) Hydraulic models in stream restoration.

Boon, J P (2016) Designing a sustainable and energy-neutral business park.

Boon, M. (2016) Supporting pupils' knowledge sharing process by using a script in a collaborative context in primary education.

Boon, V.J. (2016) Learning together : developing a descriptive interaction pattern model of online learning networks.

Boonen, T.M.P.M. and Huntelaar, M.J. and Verdonschot, K.H.M. and Nijendijk, B. and Dijkstra, J. (2016) The effect and effectiveness of decellularising bovine and porcine arteries with supercritical CO2 to create a last-resort coronary artery bypass graft.

Borchers, M. (2016) Improving the alignment of supply with demand for the intensive care unit of Ziekenhuisgroep Twente.

Borgerink, A.H.M. (2016) Perceptions and experiences of health care professionals on the use of eHealth technology in daily practice. Qualitative research on the Personal Health Record e-Vita.

Borgmann, Theresa (2016) The sense of coherence in imagined future narratives : a qualitative analysis.

Bornefeld-Ettmann, C. (2016) Een experience sampling studie naar waardengericht gedrag in het dagelijks leven in relatie tot positieve geestelijke gezondheid.

Bos, E.M. and Laan, N.A. van der and Zinger, N.D. (2016) Effectiviteit van de vervolgbehandeling van jichtpatiënten bij de reumatoloog en huisarts : een retrospectief cohortonderzoek op de afdeling reumatologie van Ziekenhuisgroep Twente.

Bos, K.E. and Hasper, W. (2016) Enabling measuring of the patient flow in an orthopaedic clinic.

Bos, M. (2016) Creating co-value among SMEs: The customer perspective.

Bos, P. (2016) Functioneel en technisch ontwerp van een behuizing voor een industriële machine.

Bosch, D.E. (2016) Job characteristics in smart industries and the challenges for job design.

Bosman, R. (2016) Water footprint of widely used construction materials : steel, cement and glass.

Bosscha, E. (2016) Big data in railway operations: using artificial neural networks to predict train delay propagation.

Bossink, K. (2016) Het verbeteren van het order management proces bij Rapide International B.V.

Both, Annet (2016) Can state-of-the-art numerical modeling result in a more efficient and economic design of power plants?

Boti, B.R. (2016) Automatic quantification of Ki-67 proliferation index through co-registration with CAM 5.2 stained tissue to improve colorectal carcinoma diagnostics and therapy.

Bottor, M. (2016) Voter turnout and Twitter : the example of the 2012 Dutch national election.

Bourgonje, K. (2016) I think I am ‘’priced’’: the effects of dynamic pricing on emotions and brand evaluations.

Bouwer, Julia (2016) Evaluating eWALL : assessing and enhancing older adults’ acceptance of a prototype smart home technology.

Bouwhuis, G.J. (2016) Dealing with traffic hindrance at Rijkswaterstaat : analysis of the current traffic hindrance approach of Rijkswaterstaat based on stakeholder perception and the changed relation with the market.

Bouwhuis, T. (2016) Investigation into a new simple DBD-plasma actuation model.

Boven, T.W. van (2016) Een functionele, economische en technische evaluatie van de da Vinci Xi operatierobot in de Ziekenhuisgroep Twente.

Bovenmars, N.M. (2016) Working in a multidisciplinary team: Balancing Professional Identity, Collaboration and Compartmentalization.

Boxtel, D. van (2016) Verschillen tussen aantekeningen: De invloed van leeftijd op het maken van aantekeningen door leerlingen.

Bozkurt, M. (2016) The price is right? : Evaluating revenue models for software components in Identity and Access Management.

Braak, J.C. ter (2016) Radiolocalisation at construction sites.

Braamhaar, M.P.F.E. (2016) How does value-in-use lead to product virality?

Braber, S. van den (2016) Security and privacy perceptions of millennials (18-24) and non-millennials (36-50) on Facebook.

Brackhane, A.L. (2016) Responding in a crisis situation: The effects of crisis message timing and crisis message framing on consumers with different cultural background.

Bradtke, A.I. (2016) Upward spirals’ in a daily setting and the influences of resilience.

Bramer, R.G.H. (2016) Toegangscontrole in een fietsenstalling : een verkenning van de mogelijkheden en klanten adviseren met behulp van een interactieve tool.

Brand, Jan (2016) Positieve emoties, pijn, fysiek functioneren en sociaal functioneren bij mensen met een reumatische aandoening.

Brandl, L. (2016) Graphical exploration of statistical assumptions : can we?

Brandsema, K.P.D. (2016) Development of a next-generation, patient-centered, preference-based instrument to measure the impact of chronic pain.

Brandsma, E.C. (2016) Shifting discharge altering risk : an exploratory study to assess the impact of the discharge distributions upon the flood risk of the upper-Rhine area of the Netherlands.

Brar, J. (2016) Designing video instruction for statistics software.

Bredenoord, B.J.B. (2016) Culture and queries : Google search data as a reflection of national culture.

Bredenoort, E. (2016) Integrating information literacy in Dutch language education : developing learning materials for information literacy in primary education.

Brenk, D. van (2016) Reducing waiting times in the pre-anaesthetic clinic of VU University Medical Center.

Brenneisen, D. (2016) The Performance Implications of Team Cognitive Styles in the Fuzzy Front End of Radical Innovation Processes.

Breuer, R. (2016) Exploration of the relationship between self-efficacy towards smoking cessation and smoking behaviour within four COPD patients, participating in the REDUQ II study.

Brink, F. van den (2016) Manipulation of soft grippers for pick-and-place tasks.

Brinker, N. (2016) Protocols and improvisation in crisis management: the crash of Afriqiyah Airways flight 771.

Brinkhof, S. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Brinkman, D.L. (2016) Benefiting from the Internet. Do type of device and demographic background matter? : a comparison of achieved Internet effects between devices and user groups.

Broeke, E.M. van den (2016) The Effect of Recurring Stimuli on Sequence Learning.

Broekhoven, R.F.G. van (2016) Comparison of real-time relative workload measurements in rail signallers.

Broekhuis, M.C. (2016) THE EMOTIONAL ROUTE TOWARDS (NON)NORMATIVE BEHAVIOR Individual and group factors that influence anger and contempt in becoming radicalized.

Broenink, T.G. (2016) On reusable SLAM.

Broenink, W.A. (2016) Oxycoal combustion tests in CIUDEN.

Brons, D.G. (2016) Ovenplanning bij HP Valves.

Brouwer, T. (2016) Potential of Twitter derived flood maps: comparing interpolation methods and assesing uncertainties.

Brouwer, V.A.R. (2016) Ontvlochten fietsroutes : wat zijn de gevolgen en effecten van de plannen voor de ontvlochten fietsroutes in Enschede?

Brouwer de Koning, S.G. (2016) Terahertz pulsed imaging to evaluate tumour margins during breast-conserving surgery.

Bruck, Robin (2016) A European vision for industrial symbiosis : recommendations for a successful European IS strategy.

Brueggemann, T. (2016) Newspaper Influences on Voters in the Brexit Referendum.

Bruentrup, Marlen (2016) Let's work together? Innovative Social Entrepreneurship in the field of youth policy welcomed by German local Governments : a case study of the social enterprise RheinFlanke.

Brugge, L. ter (2016) Ontwerp van een elektrische handverwarmer.

Bruggenwirth, D. (2016) Impact study of futuring on resilience and well-being and the mediating role of positive emotions in adults.

Bruijnes, F. (2016) Kwantumtunneling zichtbaar gemaakt.

Bruin, L. de (2016) Consumer adoption of Electrical Vehicles; based on knowledge of different sorts and their relation to the environment.

Bruin, T.P.B. de (2016) A Quick Scan Analysis of Submerged Breakwater Designs.

Bruine, C.A. de (2016) Making an organisation ready for the future.

Brummelhuis, Bob (2016) Coping with Variability: Improving the Inbound Process of the VMI Holland Warehouse.

Brune, Alina (2016) Modern versus Oud : de rol van positieve emoties in de relatie tussen haperende telecommunicatie robots en motivatie tot hergebruik bij ouderen.

Brune-Lobeck, P. (2016) Een onderzoek naar de invloed van demografische en kanker-gerelateerde variabelen op het effect van de interventie ‘Houvast, voor elkaar’.

Bruningmeyer, M.S. (2016) Toepasbaarheid van risico gestuurd assetmanagement in het beheer van kunstwerken voor de Gemeente Enschede.

Brunink, A.M. (2016) ‘Less is more?’: a video-based field study about patterned behavioral interaction and team effectiveness.

Brüggemann, K.M. (2016) Food Waste Produced through End-Users - A Communication Strategy to reduce Household Bakery Waste.

Brünger, Helen (2016) The effect of two types of political interest on individual-level turnout : examining contextual differences.

Brünink, L.A. (2016) Cross-functional big data integration: applying the UTAUT model.

Brüseke, L. (2016) The influence of privacy perceptions on online shopping behavior : a comparison between millennials and baby boomers.

Budiman, A.H.S. (2016) Modeling of magnetocaloric refrigeration with packed bed regenerator.

Buijvoets, Hanneke (2016) Self-debriefing in de gezondheidszorg. Werkt het? : een effectstudie naar het toepassen van schriftelijke self-debriefing binnen de gezondheidszorg.

Buitink, M.N. (2016) Impact van het 20 kV beleid van Liander op de netverliezen in het middenspanningsnet.

Bukai, E. (2016) Design of a novel needle steering manipulator for minimally invasive guided breast biopsy.

Bulten, M.A. (2016) Understanding global discontinuation governance : an explorative case study on the Minamata Convention on mercury.

Buregeya, ir. Ndayisaba Ali Ahmed (2016) Assessing manufacturing industries' electricity productivity in secondary cities : the case of Musanze and Rubavu in Rwanda.

Burghout, R.A.B. (2016) Exploratory CFD research on a Coriolis mass flowmeter.

Buschers, L.J. (2016) Words, pictures or both? : the influence of the presentation of contextual numeracy problems on student performance in (pre)vocational education.

Busker, B. (2016) Task specific information visualizations using head-mounted display technology.

Bussche, J.W. van den (2016) Analyse en optimalisatie van een verzendprocedure.

Butselaar, P.W. van (2016) Het productieproces van de OHD-ECO. Het ontwerpen van het productieproces van een brandwerende overheaddeur voor Metacon B.V.

Buuren, L.B. van (2016) User experience research to increase the usability of GGD GHOR Kenninsnet 2.0 used by professionals who share knowledge on.

Bödding, M. (2016) From market development to superior value proposition : a due diligence analysis of providing the engineering and consultancy services of Tebodin Netherlands B.V. to German industrial market sectors.

Böke, M. (2016) Direct aeroacoustic simulation using compressible flow solver.

Büscher, Sina (2016) The perception of business development in SMEs in Germany.

Cao, Yaojun (2016) Rapid land recordation system for the urban villages using UAV images.

Cate, P. ten (2016) Het ontwerp van een hulpmiddel om zwerfafval gemakkelijker uit het oppervlaktewater te kunnen verwijderen.

Cattier, T. (2016) Developing an evaluation framework to assess the social and financial return in order to build a socially responsible real estate fund.

Cazemier, L. (2016) The influence of trade on the flow of nutrients : a case study between Brazil and the Netherlands.

Celik, F. (2016) Internet of Things as a source of future marketing tools.

Cengic, M. (2016) Does the Natura 2000 network really protect the species? A case study of the Cretan Herpetofauna.

Ceven, K. (2016) Working Mothers; The influence of employment on motherhood.

Chahtalkhi, N. (2016) What challenges does HR face when implementing HR Analytics and what actions have been taken in order to solve these?

Chambon, D.M. (2016) Ontwerpfactoren voor thermovormproducten : de ontwikkeling van een interactieve flowchart.

Chan, N. P.K. (2016) On Analysis and Design of Algorithms for Robust Estimation from Relative Measurements.

Chen, Hongyi (2016) Numerical anlysis of freeze-thaw processes over seasonal frozen grounds : a case study over Maqu, Tibetan plateau.

Chereni, S. (2016) Determinans of in-situ flood damage mitigation in Bwaise 3, Kampala, Uganda.

Chikwendu, R.C. (2016) Constructing corruption as a social problem in Nigeria : a content analysis of four Nigerian newspapers.

Cieslik, Ann-Kristin (2016) To what extent is the level of higher educational background reflected in the effectuational/causational decision-making process of novice entrepreneurs?

Cijsouw, J.W. (2016) Crossing Obstacles.

Ciobotea, C. (2016) Improving payment authorization rates : by intelligently routing transactions.

Clemens, W.F.H. (2016) Ontwikkelen van een hybride kachel.

Clements, Michiel (2016) Analysis of flow processes at the downstream side of various river measures using 1D- and 2D flow models.

Clevers, C. (2016) Rondvliegende lessons learned beheersbaar laten landen : de aanvliegroute naar een aanpak om leren in en tussen projecten binnen PLUS te bevorderen.

Coenen, B.M.J. (2016) Onwikkeling van de elicit methode voor structuring van het beslissingsproces van medische kennisdragers.

Colenbrander, A.A. (2016) Always a step ahead: the process of handling escalated sexting : An explanatory study of intervention and prevention actors and measures handling escalated sexting.

Collard, M.A.H. (2016) Psychopathologie en gezondheidsgedrag : een longitudinale studie naar de relatie tussen psychische klachten, roken en alcoholconsumptie.

Combé, B.G.K. de la (2016) The way to the ultimate warehouse : automatisering en robotisering bij Remeha B.V.

Comsa, M.E. (2016) Kanker: meer dan alleen lijden : Een systematische review naar posttraumatische groei bij partners en naasten van kankerpatiënten.

Consten, C.P. (2016) Measuring resilience with the brief Resilience Scale: Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity of the Dutch Version of the BRS (BRSnl).

Coorens, N.A. and Ensink, C.J. and Graaf, J.W. VAN DER and Schippers, B. (2016) Change in 3d periarticular bone density after Knee Joint Distraction or High Tibial Osteotomy in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Cornelissen, Michiel (2016) Het modelleren van de prijsontwikkeling van een verplicht emissierecht en het probleem van vrijwillige emissierechten in Nederland.

Cottart, S. (2016) To what extent do millennials and non-millennials differ in security and privacy perceptions on Facebook?

Coulibaly, D.Z. (2016) Positive potentiation effects of positive emotions in a daily setting: the role of positive mental health.

Crede, Victoria Sophie (2016) An ambivalent relationship between the European Union and Turkey - What role did European values play in accession negotiations and do they still matter in times of the refugee crisis?

D'Almeida, E.S.D. (2016) The impacts of land use and practices on the environment : a case study in Butaw, Sinoe County, Liberia 2012-2016.

DAM, J. (2016) The effect of Neurofeedback on perceived sleep quality.

DOGAN, M. (2016) Meet het tonen van emotie het vertrouwen.

Daamen, E. (2016) Designing a dike using a semi-probabilistic design method.

Daggenvoorde, R.J. (2016) Upper stage plane bed in the Netherlands.

Dai, Xinyi (2016) Dam site selection using an integrated method of AHP and GIS for decision making support in Bortala, Northwest China.

Dalmühle, N.L. (2016) Positieve emoties, veerkracht en mentale gezondheid bij mensen met reumatische aandoeningen.

Dam, I.E. van (2016) Het reduceren van de huurkosten van offshore gesloten vuilcontainers.

Dam, Jasper ten (2016) Alumni relationship marketing : a case study at Saxion IBMS.

Damayanti, Acniah (2016) Working in a stigmatized environment : motivation, work meaning, and interactions among special education school teachers in Indonesia.

Daniluk, J.E. (2016) My personal experience matters : the effect of source characteristics and argument diversity in beauty product blog reviews on consumer responses.

Dash, I. (2016) Space-time observations for city level air quality modelling and mapping.

De Carvalho Diniz, F. (2016) Composition of semantically enabled geospatial web services.

Dechichi, L. (2016) Port and channel sedimentation: quantifying uncertainties using an emulator.

Decker, V.S. (2016) Posttraumatic growth in combat veterans with PTSD. A literature review.

Deiters, J. (2016) The Effect of a Virtual Reality Intervention on Evoking Positive Emotions and the Mediating Role of Presence.

Dekker, M.G. and Haan, J.S. de and Malki, A. and Willemse, I.H.J. (2016) The effects of a conditioning stimulus provided as cold pressor test on the conditioned pain modulation of healthy persons based on the subjective experience of pain.

Dekker, S. (2016) Diagnosis and treatment of anaemia in Dutch general practices : the effect of an extensive laboratory work-up.

Delamare, John S.R. (2016) 3D-printed whisker sensor.

Dermer, A. (2016) Relaxing at the perfect beach : influence of auditory stimulation on positive and negative affect in a virtual environment.

Dewulf, Isabelle (2016) Stakeholders' perceptions of the constraints line managers experience in effectively implementing HR practices The effect of internal and external attributions of constraints concerning the implementation of HR practices on the effectiveness of line managers' implementation of HR practices.

Dhakal, Susmita (2016) The role of landslides on the sediment budget in upper Phewa Lake watershed, western Nepal.

Dias Amorim Coelho, R. (2016) Introducing music as part of the online shopping experience: A study about feminine apparel online retailers.

Diaz Gonzalez, J.I. (2016) Multi-objective optimisation algorithms for GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis : an application for evacuation planning.

Dickhof, H. (2016) Design and construction of a spray pontoon and maintenance of HAM 310.

Diepen, T. van (2016) Categorizing and prioritizing lifetime impacts for Asset Lifecycle Plans.

Dijk, D.T. van (2016) Inventarisatie Riolering Gemeente Rotselaar.

Dijk, J. van (2016) Predicting and evaluating participation in ICT forms of victim-offender mediation.

Dijk, J.E. van (2016) Future envisioning: mobiele werktuigen : motiveren tot innovatie in lastige sectoren met behulp van toekomstperspectieven.

Dijk, N.J.G. van (2016) Internship Rolls-Royce Deutschland : aeroacoustics and noise.

Dijk, R. van (2016) Concept design for a virtual training simulation with game elements.

Dijkink, M. (2016) Appointment scheduling for blood donors in combination with walk-in donors.

Dijkshoorn, A.P. (2016) Design, fabrication and testing of 3D-printed spheres for macro self-assembly experiments.

Dijkshoorn, P.C. (2016) Designing a generic software architecture for ARW manipulators.

Dijkstra, H.L. (2016) Board voor de kop : een onderzoek naar aanwezigheid van voorwaarden voor regionale economische samenwerking in de Twente board.

Dijkstra, J. (2016) Strategie voor beperken hemelwateroverlast in De Heurne en Oldenzaalsestraat, Enschede.

Dijkstra, S. (2016) De verdeling van Tweede Kamerzetels voorspellen op de verkiezingsavond.

Dijkstra, S.T.S. (2016) HR practices facilitating EDI of doctors and nurses.

Dijkstra, T.J. (2016) Aanpassingen aan 3D-geprinte orthesen.

Dilibüyük, F. (2016) Opwaartse spiralen en welbevinden : onderzoek naar de mobiele applicatie Momentum - the Journey.

Ding, H. (2016) Integrating value modeling into ArchiMate.

Dinnissen, T.A.J. (2016) Een speeltoestel voor kinderen met en zonder rolstoel.

Disberg, Wouter (2016) Identity work(s): Creating identity-driven employee behavior through effective identity practices in organizations.

Dissegna, M.A. (2016) Improvement of the GPP estimations for Sudan using the evaporative fraction as water stress factor.

Dittmann, L.M. (2016) Welbevinden vergroten door zelfcompassie : Onderzoek naar de effecten en specifieke groepskenmerken van een zelfcompassietraining als begeleide zelfhulp.

Dixhoorn, F. van (2016) Evaluation of the Potential of Diaper Recycling Within AEB Amsterdam.

Dmoshinskaia, Nataliia (2016) Dropout prediction in MOOCs : using sentiment analysis of users' comments to predict engagement.

Dofferhoff, A. (2016) Hollen en stilstaan : het onderzoeken van verschil in werkdruk op de kliniek.

Dogangun, H. (2016) The perception of nanotechnology in public : an experimental study on the attitudes towards nanotechnology.

Dokter, J. (2016) 20-sim Template for Raspberry Pi 3.

Dolder, P.S. van den and Oudbier, S.M. (2016) Het verband tussen patiënt- en zorgkarakteristieken en redenen tot no-show.

Dolle, R. ten (2016) Framework to comply the business model of Prange with their internationalisation ambitions.

Dollen, R. and Rikhof, C.J.H. and Wolbert, V.G.P. and Zaremba, L. (2016) In hoeverre kan de ICP geschat worden aan de hand van TCD-metingen bij patiënten met ernstig traumatisch hersenletsel?

Dols, L.P.J.M. (2016) Een onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van consignatievoorraad.

Dommerholt, W. and Hiep, M.A.J. and Ruitenbeek, H.C. and Spenkelink, I.M. (2016) Analyseren van trombi met verschillende fibrinedichtheden met behulp van Dual-Energy CT.

Dongen, B.W. van (2016) A restructuring process : a case study on evaluating layout alternatives for an OEM.

Doorn, E.E. van (2016) A design for a new clubfoot treatment, the parents view.

Doppenberg, David (2016) Voorspellen van verkiezingsuitslagen van de Tweede Kamer op basis van getelde stemmen.

Dormann, J.M.C. (2016) The migration crisis : European solidarity or national self-defence?

Dorp, J. van (2016) Glide-mode regulator for the Robird.

Doud, Nolina Leora Siegal (2016) Neuroimaging, Responsibility, and Law: How Neuroscientific Explanations Challenge the Fundaments of Legal Responsibility.

Douma, P. (2016) The fundamentals of a co-creation campaign.

Drees, Matthias (2016) Knowledge representation and adaptive expertise.

Drent, M.S. (2016) A cost-effectiveness analysis of preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis on the outcome of a shoulder arthroscopy.

Drenth, B. (2016) Experimental validation of simulations on flow through venturis and diffusers.

Dresvyannikova, Valensiya (2016) Dispute escalation by developing states in the World Trade Organization : a rational choice explanation.

Drogulski, H. (2016) Behavioral interactions between leaders and followers: The effectiveness of transactional and transformational leadership behavior through the lens of lag sequential analysis.

Dronkers, Wouter Joost (2016) The influence of variable and prolonged Response Time Interval on associative learning and motor chunking.

Drosten, M. (2016) Factoren die van invloed zijn op het aanmelden bij een AED alert.

Duanmu, J. (2016) A multi-scale based method for estimating coniferous forest aboveground biomass using low density airborne LiDAR data.

Duffhues, Ir. T.W. (2016) A suitable solution? : How product-service system can support Schiphol in the transition towards a circular economy.

Duhr, A.J. (2016) Effectiveness of teams : an investigation of teacher team learning in the context of educational innovation.

Duiveman, A. (2016) When loyal customers turn into hateful enemies.

Dunkel, P.B.L. (2016) Music preferences predictability towards risky behavior.

Durah, D. (2016) Mompreneur Networks in Germany: Multiple-Case Study On How Women Entrepreneurs Utilize A Mompreneur Network In Germany.

Dursun, Sibel (2016) Item availability restricted.

Dute, J.A. (2016) Predicting the unpredictable : predicting surgical case durations and overtime probabilities to maximise OR-efficiency at Thoraxcentrum Twente.

Dyli, Julinda (2016) An app for land administration : criteria, functional requirements and a prototype in Ethiopia.

Dälken, F. (2016) New Venture Creation within the Mobile Application Industry: An Examination of Success Factors for Start-Up Companies.

ESHUIS, J.G.J. (2016) Voedselverspilling onder Nederlandse jongeren - een communicatiestrategie om de intentie inzake vleesverspilling te veranderen. Onderzoek naar communicatiestrategieën om voedselverspilling tegen te gaan.

Ebbinge, J.O. (2016) Huurdersparticipatie op beleidsniveau voor een Nederlandse woningcorporatie.

Eckardt, Franziska (2016) Building a “magnetism” for international knowledge migrants through a science park : the case of Kennispark Twente.

Eckardt, J. (2016) Incumbents in the German energy transition.

Edens, M L (2016) Value-based pricing : A systematic approach to improve price setting.

Eerde, T.L. van (2016) Powered by the Polis: How post materialistic values in consumers enable usage of renewable energy sources in a consumption economy.

Egelmeer, C.J.M. (2016) Mapping the information seeking process regarding the Personal Budget : comparing information seeking models and mapping information seeking phases among those in need of care.

Egyaful, N. D. (2016) The power of the electronic word of mouth : a study on the service recovery of negative electronic word of mouth.

Ehrenhard, S. (2016) The effectiveness of prestructured concept maps in a digital learning environment in mathematical education.

Eichler, M.E. (2016) Bio-energy villages in Germany : a comparison of decentralized, rural energy systems.

Eijs, V.E.M. van (2016) Response patterns during the Sing-a-Song stress test.

Eikenbroek, O.A.L. (2016) The boundedly rational user equilibrium : a parametric optimization approach.

Eisma, T. (2016) Pass by noise simulation.

Ekelmans, P.D.A. (2016) Modelling the Output Spectrum of a Direct Digital Synthesizer exploiting a Digital to Time Converter.

Ekkelenkamp, D.H. (2016) Improving the fixation of an epicardial lead with a left ventricle pacemaker lead placement device for video assisted thoracic surgery.

El Menshawy, N. (2016) Investigating the relevance of monitoring health domains using technology among older adults : health, technology and older adults.

Elfrich, Sybille (2016) Analysis of technology value-in-use and the impact of service quality.

Ellerkamp, S. (2016) Perspective taking through reading : Does Perspective Taking influence our thinking and behavior?

Elshoff, I. (2016) The influence of communication tactics on helping syrian refugees : Does common ingroup identification and empathy for the outgroup have a positive effect on helping behavior?

Elsinga, J.W. (2016) On a framework for domain independent heuristics in graph transformation planning.

Elstgeest, G. (2016) Exploring the process of changing psychological safety: The effect of a team-building intervention.

Embaye, Rahwa Lukas (2016) SMAP L2 soil moisture passive validation using in-situ measurements from the Twente region, The Netherlands.

Enewoldsen, N.M. (2016) Analysis of the quality of electrodermal activity and heart rate data recorded in daily life over a period of one week with an E4 wristband.

Engbers, E.M.H. (2016) Forward-looking information in annual reports : a study into its realisation.

Engbers, M.A.M. (2016) What considerations should be made to increase social value of a young company?

Engberts, G.J. (2016) Medische technologie in de thuissituatie.

Engel, L. (2016) Lending a hand to improving organizational leadership : how knowledge about hand gestures can support effective leaders.

Engelbert, L.H. (2016) The effects of recurring stimuli on sequence learning in the discrete sequence production task.

Engels, J.M. (2016) How to improve the 'Sepeda Kampus' bicycle sharing system.

Ensink, E.S. (2016) De overstap van Excel naar Exact.

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Erian, Nanda (2016) ESG issues in the palm oil investments : an event study on the listed palm oil companies in Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Ernst, Manuel (2016) The influence of an industry’s capital-intensity on the decision-making of entrepreneurs with regards to effectuation and causation: an empirical analysis.

Eshaghi, N. (2016) Relational capabilities for value co-creation in the context of the blogging industry : a multiple case study.

Eshuis, G. (2016) Onderzoek in VWO5 naar een digitale lesmodule: leeropbrengst en werkplezier.

Esquivel-Vargas, Herson (2016) Automatic deployment of specification-based intrusion detection in the BACnet Protocol.

Etheredge, C.E. (2016) GoSlow: Design and Implementation of a Scalable Camera Array for High-Speed Imaging.

Euving, S. (2016) Turboprop engine - Compressor test RIG.

Evci, H.T. (2016) Comparison of Tripole and Vector Antenna Applications for Radio Astronomy.

Evers, B.F.A. (2016) Gazelle success in the United States of America : Design thinking from a distance.

Evers, Florine (2016) The Content and Tone of the Media Coverage with regard to the Refugee Crisis in Dutch Popular and Quality Newspapers.

Evers, Joran (2016) Block planning in the outpatient clinic of Gastroenterology How dedicated time-slots and care pathways can improve timeliness.

FOMIN, Xenia (2016) Escalation and de-escalation of international crises : the case of the accession of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Fadin, Anna (2016) Does self-criticism mediate the relationship between self-compassion and well-being?

Faille, L. la (2016) Improving quality of life for the elderly : assessing motivation to use an interactive home care technology in a qualitative study with older adults.

Fakunle, Atinuke Adeoti (2016) Detection of weathering signatures using UAV photogrammetry in comparison with ground-based sensors.

Fastner, M.C. (2016) Inter-university Networks: Rhetorics vs. Reality. Objectives and Activities of Members of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities.

Febriani, T.R. (2016) Strategic Planning Using Reasoning Tree-Based Approach.

Feldbrugge, Berend (2016) Development of an optimisation process for pre-swirl stator designs.

Fellisch, Gerrit (2016) SNM of Drone4Agro : applying Schot and Geels' theory about strategic niche management on the situation of Drone4Agro.

Femmer, Laura (2016) Unequal treatment in policing - an empirical analysis of the treatment of juveniles with ethnic minority background by the police in Cologne, Germany.

Fennis, J.A. (2016) Processen & strategie : Hoe Wolfskamer Wintersport een hoger bedrijfsresultaat kan halen.

Ferdelman, Marie Helen (2016) Public opinion formation in post-disaster resilience projects : a study of Roombeek and the Hudson River project.

Ferdinandi, Beatrice (2016) Migration and welfare state : analysis of the socio-economic impact of migration on different welfare state models.

Fernandez Avendaño, M.S. (2016) Understanding Western European SME distributor selection in developing countries.

Fienhold, L. (2016) Knowledge acquisition of generation Y entrepreneurs: Antecedents of entrepreneurs’ learning choices.

Fij, T.D. (2016) TAP 21 : the design of a purifying water system that convinces the East African citizens to use it.

Finger, Friederike (2016) Tasting with the hands : tactile influences of product packaging on food perceptions.

Fiselier, B.T. (2016) What are current coopetition practices in the Dutch retail industry and how do they differ from less competitive industries?

Flanderijn, S. (2016) Developing a dynamic model of a pyrolysis plant for an operator training simulator.

Flecke, Lena Katharina (2016) The Effectiveness of Recruitment Sources in Attracting Qualified Job Candidates.

Fleige, M. (2016) The influence of mindsets and perceived self-efficacy on STEM-related study intention of High School students in secondary education.

Fleige, M. (2016) Zelfcompassie bij mantelzorgers van kankerpatiënten. Een systematic review.

Flinsenberg, D. (2016) Novel Metaphors: Rating Meaningfulness in L1 and L2 Speakers of Dutch.

Flöttmann, Malin (2016) Positive Psychology Apps providing self-help exercises to promote well-being: A systematic review.

Foeken, L. van (2016) Positieve psychologie & E-mental health: Een onderzoek naar de behandelmotivaties van mannen en vrouwen die deel hebben genomen aan een online positieve psychologie interventie.

Fokkema, J. (2016) Using a challenge to improve face spoofing detection.

Folmer, H.H. and Appel, R.N. (2016) Analysis, optimization, and design of a SLAM solution for an implementation on reconfigurable hardware(FPGA) using CλaSH.

Folsche, L. (2016) De invloed van waargenomen ernst van een delict op de werkwijze van slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling.

Fontijn, Sven (2016) Internal delivery planning of materials at the tile plant of Struyk Verwo Infra.

Forest, C.M. (2016) ‘To what extent can motives of those executing CSR to engage in CSR be influenced by those introducing CSR?’.

Forootan, Tala (2016) Are mental health issues more prevalent among the self-employed or among the wage employed in Europe?

Franck, K. (2016) Antecedents and Benefits of the Preferred Customer Status in a Buyer-Supplier Relationship: A Multiple Case Study at Company X and Three of its Key Suppliers.

Franck, T. (2016) Towards an Integrated Model of Smart Manufacturing Enterprises.

Frank, Lydia (2016) Effects of drought on the relationships between herbivores and vegetation types in the Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem.

Fransen, R.W. (2016) Single-to-many Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Container Freight on a Multimodal Network.

Fredrix, Y.K.D. (2016) Model Builder voor HydroNET.

Frijns, C.J.M. (2016) Investigation of methods for the calculation of swash bed shear stress.

Fritzsche, H. (2016) The impact of E-Mental Health Interventions on Access to mental Healthcare in the European Union : A Realist Review.

Fritzsche, M.F. (2016) The validity of the Forms of Self-Critizising/ Attacking & Self-reassuring Scale in comparison to the Self-compassion Scale.

Fromageot, Moritz Carl (2016) Politicization, centralization and the adequacy of crisis management : causal mechanism underlying the refugee crisis in Germany 2015.

Fuisting, Anna (2016) Socioemotional and task-oriented helping mechanisms in an online support group for Celiac Disease patients.

Fujiansah, W. (2016) The Linkages Between Government and Utility Strategies in Indonesia Electricity Sector in Supporting the Electricity Network Organization Towards the implementation of Electricity Regionalization.

Füchtjohann, M.F (2016) Gebruikerservaring van Quantified Self apps : Evaluatie van Quantified Self apps.

GIELEN, M.V. (2016) Gezocht: technische meisjes : het werven van meisjes voor technische functies.

GRASEMANN, R. (2016) The development of the Simon effect when automating keying sequences.

Gaaij, C.A. de (2016) Heel Nederland aan de stekker - Voorraadbeheersysteem voor een assemblagebedrijf.

Gabriel Taquini, Rana (2016) The consumer-to-consumer persuasion : application of rhetorical appeals in consumer’s reviews.

Gallus, M. (2016) How are competence, autonomy and relatedness associated with fatigue in Rheumatoid Arthritis? : a qualitative study.

Gankema, M.S. (2016) What it takes to be a good Public Affairs professional : a study into the competences of Public Affairs professionals.

Gantzer, P.R. (2016) Changes in flourishing over time and the short term relation with psychopathology.

Gao, L. (2016) Motives for Posting and Liking on Social Media: Comparing Differences between Chinese and European Users.

Gao, Xuanlu (2016) Comparison of SCOPE simulated terrestrial chlorophyll fluorescence to HYPLANT measurements in Germany.

Garcia Velez, L. (2016) Development of a method to validate agronomic drought as assessed by NDVI time series through satellite derived estimates of rainfall.

Garza Morales, G.A. (2016) Increasing the Autonomy of the Pipe Inspection Robot PIRATE.

Gbur, Markus (2016) HRM frames in different enterprises: congruence, consequences and context.

Geerdink, I. (2016) Factors influencing sustainable strategy implementation : explorative research into the implementation of a sustainable marketing strategy in ongoing business practices.

Geerdink, S. (2016) Location, location, location: how to invest effectively in the improvement of location identity.

Geerligs, H. (2016) Techniques for in-flame measurements.

Geert, W.L. van (2016) Analysing the feasibility of Systems Engineering in the design process of Staatsbosbeheer; developing an accommodation for bird watchers on Rottumeroog.

Geerts, C.W.G. (2016) Preferences of women in deciding about treatment by low-grade DCIS : a hypothetical preference study.

Geessinck, F.A.J. and Roerdink, M. and Schoon, A.L. (2016) Een evaluatie van de rol zorgconsulent palliatieve zorg binnen de organisaties aangesloten bij het Palliatief Netwerk Salland.

Geffen, J. van (2016) The technological impact on well-being through listening to music : A theoretical exploration of the impact of technology on the circumstances under which listening to music can induce emotions and with that influence well-being.

Gefferie, S.R. and Noteboom, S.H. and Rooy, P.M. de and Scholten, A.W.J. (2016) Activatie van de occipitaalzenuw bij occipitaal zenuwstimulatie (ONS) voor de behandeling van clusterhoofdpijn.

Gellenbeck, T.L. (2016) Origin-destination matrix estimation with SPSA and STAQ.

Genugten, E.A.J. van and Klaassen, J. and Ouderaa, J. van der and Voets, M.M. (2016) Dark blood late gadolinium enhanced MR imaging of myocardial scar.

Gerke, Y. K. (2016) Promoting Self-Compassion: A Self-Help Compassion Training and its Effect on Stress - A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effectiveness of a Compassion Based Intervention and a Mediation Analysis of Self-Compassion.

Gerrisen, Wouter (2016) Towards a Service Dominant Value Proposition : A Comparative Analysis between and Goods and Service Logics offerings.

Gerrits, B. (2016) Multi-agent system design for automated docking of semi-trailers by means of autonomous vehicles.

Gerritsen, E.W.F. (2016) De indirecte relatie tussen extraversie en teameffectiviteit en de indirecte relatie tussen extraversie en teameffectiviteit bemiddeld door het aantal spreekbeurten.

Gerritsen, Frank (2016) Impact investing : an emerging asset class.

Gerritsen, T.K. (2016) De effecten van afkeur op de bereidheid tot deelname aan slachtoffer- dader bemiddeling bij daders.

Gerwen, W. van (2016) Modelling the equilibrium height of offshore sand waves.

Geuke, Z.I.M. and Sturtz, G. (2016) Patiëntenvoorkeuren in de diagnostiek van kanker.

Geurts, N.S.J. (2016) De relatie tussen persoonlijk herstel en narratieve toekomstverbeelding bij mensen met een persoonlijkheidsstoornis.

Geurts, Yoeri (2016) Improving the production process of the Flap Wheels factory at Sundisc Abrasives.

Geurtzen, Ester (2016) Welke cliënten komen terug op de detoxafdeling? : Factoren gerelateerd aan heropname na een detoxificatie.

Gharehdaghy Mianjy, Javad (2016) Public acceptance of greywater reuse in the Netherlands; barriers and motivations.

Ghasemieh, H. (2016) Influence of short cycles on the PageRank distribution in scale-free random graphs.

Ghebremichael, Z.M. (2016) Airborne LiDAR and terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) in assessing above ground biomass/carbon stock in tropical rainforest of Ayer Hitam forest reserve, Malaysia.

Gietema, Nienke (2016) Towards a standardized availability model for material handling systems.

Gijsberts, S. (2016) New business development processes in small and medium-sized enterprises : A multiple case study about new business development processes in two different companies.

Gijsen, N. (2016) Prototyping and feedback design in a serious game context.

Gijzemijter, L. (2016) The Internal Electricity Market in the European Union : A process of policy learning.

Ginneken, C.L. van (2016) Future value chain capacity.

Ginters, N. (2016) A review: How user characteristics affect the effectiveness of persuasive strategies in the health promotion domain of online interventions.

Githira, D.N. (2016) Growth and eviction of informal settlements in Nairobi.

Godijk, N.G. (2016) An Integrated Model for the Degree of Rules in Parenting and its Association with Possible Psychiatric Disorders of Children.

Golena, N. (2016) The prevalence and predictors of flourishing among individuals with low, moderate, and high depressive symptoms.

Gondzik, A. (2016) Achieving Legitimacy: Exploring Strategic Actions at Incorporation : A Directed Content Analysis with Social Enterprises in the United Kingdom.

Gong, Wenjie (2016) The Internet of Things (IoT): what is the potential of the internet of things (IoT) as a marketing tool?

Goor, C.L. van de (2016) Het ontwerpen van een fietstrommel.

Goos, Judith (2016) Positief Psychologische Apps : een systematische review van bestaande positief psychologische apps die zich richten op het bevorderen van zelfcompassie.

Goossen, N. (2016) Evaluatie van een vragenlijst over E-Learning voor managers in het midden- en kleinbedrijf.

Goretzki, M. (2016) Determinants of perceived job security.

Gossen, E. (2016) De invloed van persoonlijkheid en individuele positieve ervaringen op de effectiviteit van de Drie Goede Dingen Oefening.

Goudt, Roland (2016) Innovation partnership, the new procurement procedure; when and how?

Graaff, A.J. de (2016) Towards an effective layout design and improved inbound logistics via Direct Line Feed.

Grefte, L.J.L. (2016) NI myRIO as target for 20-sim.

Grievink, B. (2016) An evaluation of learning materials designed to teach 21st century problem solving skills in secondary education.

Gringmuth, Christoph (2016) Fostering the Commercialisation of the Connected Car: Analysis of the impact of the connected car on the business model of Volkswagen Group Fleet International.

Grit, Koen (2016) De ontwikkeling van de tactische OK-planning in het Sint Jans Gasthuis.

Grobben, L.M.E. (2016) De effecten van risico- en crisiscommunicatie op hulpgedrag tijdens een crisissituatie.

Groen, B.J.H. (2016) Internship Nedcon.

Groen, D. (2016) Design and modelling of the NextEV Supercar steering wheel.

Groen, J.B. (2016) Capital structure determinants : an inter-industry analysis for Dutch firms.

Groendijk, H.A. (2016) Ultrashort laser processing of glass : cutting and micro surface structuring of soda-lime glass.

Groenendal, V.C.J. van den (2016) Designing a service manual for the Le Triple Basic of Sowecare.

Groener, Daniëlle E.J. (2016) Framework for strategy formulation: Testing Mintzberg's positioning school and its strategic management tools to the modern approach of strategy formulation within different companies in The Netherlands.

Groenewold, R.M. (2016) Leven naar je waarden : een onderzoek naar het effect op waardegericht leven en welbevinden en de gebruikerservaringen van de interventie 'Geluk en zo'.

Groot, K. de (2016) Hoe kunnen jongeren gestimuleerd worden om weer te gaan bewegen?

Groot, S.A (2016) Keyplayers in de risicocommunicatie over het gebruik van sportvoeding : een onderzoek aan de hand van sociale media.

Groot Wassink, W.G.J. (2016) Combining filters and self-interference cancellation for mixer-first receivers in Full Duplex and Frequency-Division Duplex transceiver systems.

Groote Schaarsberg, L. (2016) De Industrieel Ontwerper: Rol bj Product - Consumentinteractie : Een analyse van de zuivelketen en de keus voor boter.

Grootens, D.S. (2016) Transporting goods in Africa using Unmanned Cargo Aircraft.

Groothengel, M.C. (2016) Pre-service teachers as engaged readers of children's literature: Is it fiction?

Grootjans, R. (2016) Design of an Astronomy Front End for Orbiting Low Frequency Antennas for Radio Astronomy.

Grootjans, Roelof (2016) Detection of dispersed pulsars in a time series by using a matched filtering approach.

Grootveld, A.W. (2016) Interfunctional Coordination: Development of the Customer-linking Capability in a Case Study at an Engineering Organization.

Grosse-Heidermann, Joana (2016) Success factors of knowledge sharing for a social collaboration platform : an empirical investigation in the specialty chemical industry.

Grotenhuis, J. te (2016) Designing a tablet storage case for elementary schools.

Grunwald, L. (2016) The communicative value of corporate logos : assessing assimilation effects between logo characteristics and the context information about an organization.

Guachalla Terrazas, A. (2016) Ecosystem-based measures for reducing shallow landslides risk in sloping terrain.

Guddorf, Laura (2016) The Relation of Resilience and Resilience-Related Factors with Fatigue in Rheumatic Patients.

Gugathas, Thivvya (2016) How to develop physical activity programs for elderly to facilitate their motivation to follow physical activity recommendations? : a Social Determination Theory – based approach.

Guidone, Mandy (2016) Veerkracht en werkloosheid : onderzoek naar de samenhang tussen veerkracht en verklaringen voor een toekomstige werkloosheid.

Gulik, F. van der (2016) Consumer adoption of electric vehicles: zijn er aan de hand van de verschillen tussen een elektrisch voertuig en een verbrandingsmotor voertuig verschillende gebruikers van auto’s te identificeren en welke eigenschappen van een auto zijn van belang voor de intentie om een bepaalde auto in gebruik te nemen door deze verschillende gebruikers?

Gurp, H. van (2016) Soil moisture simulations on a regional level : the ability of groundwater model MIPWA to replicate soil moisture observations in Twente.

Gómez de Larrain, Friederike Sophia Catalina Constancia Johanna (2016) Refugee policies in the European Union : why do asylum recognition rates vary across member states? A case study of Bulgaria and Hungary.

Gürsoy, D. (2016) Assessing novice programmers’ performance in programming exams via computer-based test.

Gürsoy, İrem (2016) Analysis of Low Solar Energy Share Reasons and Role of EMRA in Turkey.

HARMS, D.M. (2016) The influence of open access on the higher education publishing industry. A five forces model analysis.

HERMANS, J.J. (2016) The politicization of EU Crisis Management: A Case Study of the February 2014 Ebola Epidemic.

HOL, S.A. (2016) From Straightforward Purchasing to Well-Organized Supply Management in a Decentralized Environment.

Haar, D. ter (2016) Design of droplet impingement measurement set -up.

Haar, I. ter (2016) Bloggen over gezondheid: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de ervaringen van bloggers met chronische lichamelijke klachten.

Haar, W. van der (2016) Assessing the appropriateness of additive manufacturing : Development of a knowledge based assessment methodology to determine appropriateness of additive manufacturing for an organisation.

Haaren, J.H.L. van and Smit, J.J. and Verhulst, M.M.L.H. and Vlaskamp, L.B. (2016) Influence of endotracheal cuff pressure on tracheal microcirculation in intubated critically ill patients.

Haas, J.E. (2016) The influence of proportion positive online reviews and the disclosure of travel companion information on general trust in online reviews, perceived risk, booking intention, and WOM-intention.

Hackmann, S. (2016) The Determinants of Information-Seeking Behavior Regarding Burglary and the Information Channels Used.

Hadarian, B. (2016) A technology/customer fit framework for new business development.

Hadisaputro, Yosia Giovanni (2016) Combination of Phase Change Material with concrete for foundation uses.

Haeske, Adrian Benjamin (2016) The uncanny valley : involvement of fast and slow evaluation systems.

Hagedoorn, K. (2016) The role of reputation in the underpricing of private equity backed initial public offerings.

Hagens, I.H. (2016) Constructieve conflicten tijdens vergaderingen in het hoger onderwijs.

Hakkenberg, Chiel (2016) Experimental evaluation of LoRa(WAN) in indoor and outdoor environments.

Halbesma, C. (2016) Debunking negative stereotypes about older employees : The influence of negative aging meta- and self-stereotypes on older employees’ perceived employability.

Haldar, A.K. (2016) Terrestrial laser scanning based modelling for forest structural parameter retrieval.

Halle, Yvette ter (2016) Influence of leader and follower behavior on employee voice, team task responsibility, and team effectiveness.

Hamburg, J. (2016) Learning Complex Motor Procedures : Can learning a complex motor procedure be predicted by other motor procedures?

Hamelmann, J. (2016) Certification of biofuels within the Directive 2009/28/EC : a comparative analysis of certification schemes.

Hanebaum, Nik (2016) Consumer adoption of electric vehicles : do users differ in their change of perception of comfortable range after gaining knowledge?

Hannink, M.E. (2016) Location flexibility, identity elasticity and a sense of unity.

Hansmann, S. (2016) Evaluation of a Health Platform among participants with chronic disease.

Haque, Dewan Mohammad Enamul (2016) 3D surface deformation model from sub-pixel correlation of optical imagery and InSAR.

Harder, C.M.L. (2016) Practicum ‘Verbrandingswarmte kaarsvet’ in 4 havo : problemen en mogelijke oplossingen.

Haridat, S.H. (2016) Facial composites: a comparison between a traditional and new technique for conducting facial composite techniques used in the field of investigation.

Haring, Mitchel (2016) Omsteltijden bij Coldenhove Papier.

Harkel, T.C. ten (2016) Item availability restricted.

Harmannij, F. (2016) Grondwaterproblematiek op landgoed het Bouwhuis.

Harmelink, Moniek (2016) Looking inside the black box of ‘Hold on, for each other’: Investigating usage and non-adherence in a Web-based self-help intervention for partners of cancer patients : a log data analysis.

Harmelink, R.L.A. (2016) Van Balanced Scorecard naar individuele sturing van servicemedewerkers.

Harms, A.S. (2016) Een onderzoek naar het effect van welbevindentherapie in de rehabilitatiefase van traumabehandeling op lange termijn.

Harmsen, M.J. (2016) Het verbeteren van de productieplanning bij Bedrijf X op een tactisch niveau.

Hart, J.J. (2016) Emotional valence as a mediating factor in emotional response coherence and measurement effectiveness of the Dual Process Framework.

Hart, K. 't (2016) An investigation to find the optimal maintenance interval for escalators based on their usage.

Hartholt, T. (2016) Estimating railway ridership : demand for new railway stations in the Netherlands.

Hartjes, P.C. (2016) Design case : composite sensor module.

Hartl, L. (2016) The dark side of PSM - An analysis of the relationship between the level of PSM and the level of stress.

Hartman, E.H.M. (2016) Factors influencing dropout behaviour of gifted students : The influence of giftedness indicators and environmental, personal, and demographical factors on gifted students' dropout behaviour in giftedness programs.

Hartman, T.H.F. (2016) Inter-Symbol Interference Prevention techniques for Noise-based Frequency Offset Transmit-reference Systems.

Hartmann, K. (2016) A three alarm fire : a content analysis on the prevalence of frames in the case of the Schiphol fire.

Hartog, Jacco den (2016) Measuring the effectiveness of Inside Automotive, BASF’s first cross-divisional talent development program.

Hartog, Wilmar den (2016) Heat transfer to sub- and supercritical water flowin a vertical tube at lowmass fluxes.

Have, S.Y. ten (2016) Piezoelectric sensors for a sustainable municipality : a case study in the Netherlands.

Havik, B. A. (2016) The influence of visual aesthetics on perceived usability, actual usability, user experience and trust of a user interface.

Havryshchuk, Elena (2016) The European Central Bank in between economic and monetary policy : is the independence of the European Central Bank threatened by its unconventional policies during the financial crisis?

Hazelaar, R. (2016) From standardisation, through integration and automation, into machine-to-machine communication : a field problem solving project at Philips Lighting B.V.

Hazelhorst, H.L. (2016) De betekenis van veerkracht bij mensen met reumatische aandoeningen.

Heckel, Anna (2016) Compensatieopvattingen en psychische klachten in relatie met ongezond gedrag.

Heddema, J.H. (2016) Estimating Illegitimacy of public procurement spend.

Heering, Melanie (2016) Business coaching for creativity at work : towards the development of a ‘coaching for creativity’ framework that uses intrapersonal factors as mediators.

Heersink, M.E. (2016) Toepassing van Elektroluminescente Composieten in Lichtreclame.

Heersink, R. (2016) An adaptive Bayesian approach towards a robust classifier for UAVs and birds.

Hees, M. van (2016) Vertrouwen van ouderen in techniek bij communicatie door middel van een geluid- en videoverbinding.

Heide, S.O. van der (2016) On the design of a water temperature control module for bulk solids heat exchangers.

Heij, M.L. (2016) Exploring the relation between visual and verbal learning styles, and performance on abstract and concrete problem solving tasks.

Heijblom, A.R. (2016) Using features of models to improve state space exploration.

Heijden, J. van der (2016) Priming cues in online product displays : exploring the effect of visual depiction on online purchase intention.

Heijden, S.E. van der (2016) Motives and barriers for performing pleasurable activities : study on the motives and the barriers for performing pleasurable activities in the daily life of the Dutch elderly population.

Heijenk, Richard (2016) The Innovation Manager.

Heijndijk, J.J (2016) Performance analysis of New Assets projects at TenneT: A scenario-based simulation study.

Heijnen, W.J.P. (2016) Optimizing OR scheduling for the ophthalmology department.

Heijs, S.F. (2016) International sales performance management within start-ups: towards a holistic framework.

Heil, J. (2016) The e-quality-satisfaction-loyalty chain and virtual fitting room technologies - an empirical analysis among online shoppers.

Heinen, Stan (2016) Democratische kwaliteit regionaal bestuur.

Heiner, J.F. (2016) Developing an improved laser welding machine.

Heirbaut, T. (2016) Voorspellers van Psychologische Veiligheid in de context van een teaminterventie bij de Nationale Politie.

Heitmüller, J. (2016) Welfare state attitudes: a theory-based comparison of immigrants and natives.

Hekman, T. (2016) Building an active noise control demonstrator.

Helbert, Emmanuelle (2016) Creativity in crisis : creative climate of failing startups : how does crisis influence the creative climate of failing startups?

Hell, D.M. (2016) Youth unemployment and financial crisis : NEET rates in the PIGS countries.

Hell, D.M. (2016) Youth Unemployment and Financial Crisis: NEET rates in the PIGS countries.

Hemel, Carmen (2016) How to overcome the challenges of aligning the external image and the internal corporate identity when serving multiple market segments.

Hemmelmann, Jan (2016) Self-reported stress evaluation and physiological response.

Hemmink, D. (2016) The effect of charisma on leader effectiveness.

Hendriks, Marije (2016) Organizational reputation, organizational attractiveness and employer branding: clarifying the concepts.

Hendriks, Pim (2016) Health economic evaluation of watch and wait policy after clinical complete response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer patients.

Hendrix, J.M. (2016) Impedimetric detection of cancer derived vesicles: combining smart sieves with nanogap capacitors.

Hengemühle, L.M. (2016) Zijn indirecte schattingen bruikbaar om de prevalentie van strafbaar gedrag te achterhalen?

Hengeveld, M. (2016) Employees telling your story: The effects of employee testimonials and pictures in storytelling on several brand concepts.

Hengstenberg, Y.P. (2016) Foreign Investments and Peripheral Science & Business Parks - a Complex Relationship A case study on the attraction and effects of foreign investments in rural science and business parks.

Herdes, F. (2016) Fatigue among visually impaired adults.

Hericks, Ellen (2016) New ways of working over the years An analysis of New Ways of Working over the years 1984-2013 and its impact on employees.

Herk, L.A. van (2016) Patient preference regarding timing of discharge after elective percutaneous coronary intervention : a best-worst scaling.

Hermann, K.M. (2016) Groundwater Modelling in Dhaka : A study to improve an existing groundwater model of Dhaka and to explore its applications.

Hermanns, T.H. (2016) Crisis Management in the midst of the Migrant Crisis : A Case Study of New Year's Eve 2015 in Cologne.

Hermes, Andre (2016) Causation and effectuation vs. analysis and intuition : conceptual parallels in the context of entrepreneurial decision-making.

Hermsen, J.B (2016) Enhancing employee engagement and productivity in podiatry health care.

Herrchen, Neda Laura (2016) Pride and Prejudice : the proliferation of nationalism and islamophobia in the context of the European refugee crisis : a discourse analysis of national online media in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the United States between September 2015 and March 2016.

Herwijnen, A.G. van (2016) The influence of inner-state displays on human-human interaction.

Heslinga, F.G. (2016) Value Based Decision Support to prioritize Innovative Technologies for Vascular Surgery in the Hybrid Operating Theater.

Hesseling, S.A.W. (2016) Design and design dogmas : an exploration and thought experiment.

Hesselink, B.S. (2016) A closer look into monitoring processes of self-directed teams, that orked with Scrum.

Hesselink, G. (2016) Consciousness and Attention: To what extent individual differences in consciousness are predictable by evoked lateralized EEG activity.

Hesselink, L. (2016) Integratie en herontwerp van de DUET Fietsen.

Hessels, R.F. (2016) De inzet van Jouw Hulp onder de vrijgevestigde psychologen en psychotherapeuten in de GGZ.

Hessels, Stefan (2016) Bridging the gap : from process mining to business process simulation.

Hetz, Anna (2016) Are you ready? - A readiness check of German primary schools for handling integration of refugee children.

Heus, L.C.A.V. de (2016) Haalbaarheidsonderzoek spoorlijn Musselkanaal - Emmen. De ontbrekende schakel tussen stadsregio Groningen - Assen en netwerkstad Twente.

Heuvel, D.B. van den (2016) A hillslope hydrology analysis of the landscape evolution observatory within Biosphere2.

Heyns, E.E. (2016) I am confident about my friend : confidence-adjusted intrinsic attitudinal hedonism and virtual friendship.

Hijnen, R. (2016) Verbeteren van de offerte aanpak door gebruik van Best Value aspecten.

Hijum, S. van (2016) Symbolic model checking of timed automata using LTSmin.

Hilgerink, T. (2016) On-Chip HPLC analysis of drugs of abuse - Analysis of cocaine, morphine and their metabolites using an on-chip HPLC system.

Hillerström, F.H.J. (2016) Deep verification learning.

Hindriks, H.N. (2016) Vulnerability analysis of cyber security modelling language models using probabilistic logic.

Hoekman, R. (2016) Een onderzoek naar een alternatief voor de papierstroom bij Sealed Air, Diversey Enschede.

Hoekstra, J.J. (2016) Design of a contact-mode controller for applying a notable force on a surface using an aerial manipulator.

Hoeve, J. B. (2016) Improving travel need facilitation using registered travel data.

Hoeven, M.K. van der (2016) Improving the phasing in and out process at Company X.

Hoeven, W.S. van (2016) Het ontwerp van een houtgestookte hottub.

Hof, F. (2016) Weight distribution in matching games.

Hof, J. J. van 't (2016) Design improvement and prototyping of a Testbed for the Calibration and RFI Mitigation Algorithms used in OLFAR.

Hofman, A. (2016) On the role of a permeable groin in beach morphodynamics during sea-breeze events.

Hofstra, R.J. (2016) Bepaling van AquaCrop gewasparameters en analyse van hun effect op de modeluitkomsten.

Hofstra, Silke (2016) AMR correction in an FPGA.

Hohl, K. (2016) Patients’ perspective on a blended care approach for fatigue management in rheumatic diseases. A needs assessment in Germany.

Hokse, E. (2016) Mobile Location-Based Advertising : The effects of Delivery-Method, Information Sensitivity and Promotions on Advertisement Evaluations.

Holband, Michah (2016) Wetenschapsoriëntatie : een onderzoek naar de mate waarin wetenschapsoriëntatie in het voortgezet onderwijs voorkomt en praktijkvoorbeelden van andere scholen.

Holleman, W.H.L. (2016) Sound Propagation in Granular Materials of Two Stiffnesses.

Holländer, H.M. (2016) The influence of persuasive technology in modern health care : a systematic review of the influence of persuasive technology on the effectiveness of health interventions and its influence on adherence.

Holwerda, C.H. (2016) Smart bridge : het creeren van een toekomstvisie op de bediening van sleephopperzuigers.

Holzken, A. (2016) Experienced feedback and mindset of nurses: A research on the obstructing and stimulating aspects of the feedback process in combination with the implicit theories of nurses in a Dutch hospital.

Hoofs, M.A. and Huizing, T.F. and Meuter, B.C.G. and Nijhof, J.H. (2016) Electrophysiological techniques in combination with automatic facial photo analyses as a diagnostic tool for facial palsy.

Hoogerdijk, J. (2016) The future of social care in The Netherlands: effectiveness of population-based financing.

Hoogesteger, Martijn (2016) Securing mobile VoIP privacy with tunnels.

Hooij, E.R. van (2016) Image schemas and intuition: the sweet spot for design?

Hooijman, T.H.J. (2016) On the risk-free rate.

Hoppenbrouwer, X.L.R. (2016) Pressure measurements during High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) therapy in infants with a severe airway infection.

Hordijk, Anneke (2016) The perception of standards and interpretation of rating scale in employee performance assessment.

Horst, Bram ter (2016) The Influence of Second Wave IFRS adoption on Earnings Management: “A cross-country study”.

Horst, M.L. ter (2016) Crossing boundaries : Identifying antecedents of intra- and inter team learning processes in the Dutch criminal justice system.

Horst, T. ter (2016) Identifying online customer behavior characteristics of online/offline customers : A retailer trying to adopt an omni-channel focus.

Hortensius, R. (2016) A pilot study on interactive decision trees.

Hou, Limei (2016) Do followers' prototypical images of effective leaders match with actual behavioural repertoire of effective leaders?

Houwers, Renée (2016) M&A failure factors.

Hoving, A.M. (2016) A novel black bone MRI protocol for optimisation of 3D head and neck resection planning.

Hovius, I.C. (2016) Improving purchasing performance of the UMCG : Developing a checklist to identify opportunities for improvement to the health care purchasing process.

Huang, Jingjie (2016) How to improve the performance of BIM training toolkits, with a focus on software learning - A systematic analysis and comparison.

Huijben, C.G. (2016) Ontwerpen van de toekomstige generatie easy opening blikken.

Huijink, S.J.H. (2016) Ontwikkelen van een interface voor de X-Care.

Huis in 't Veld, I.C (2016) It's getting personal: an assessment of the desirability of personalised learning technology.

Huiskes, I. (2016) Using Ensemble Streamflow Predictions for extreme discharge purposes in the river Rhine.

Huiskes, K.G.M. (2016) De invloed van beveiligingscamera’s op normconform en prosociaal gedrag.

Huisman, A.B. (2016) Deception detection using keystroke dynamics : on the methods to predict deceptive behavior by looking at the keystroke rhythm.

Huistra, D.J. (2016) Automated generation of attack trees by unfolding graph transformation systems.

Huizing, E.D. (2016) Optimization, validation and evaluation of myocardial perfusion imaging using Rubidium-82 PET/CT.

Huizinga, J.A. (2016) Partiële leverresectie bij patiënten met het mammacarcinoom: beschrijving van de zorg in Nederland.

Huls, Thijs (2016) Ambition requiring energy : A study of the institutional organisation of the energy transition in the Achterhoek and its influence on the actual content and speed of the transition.

Hulsebosch, M.A.C. (2016) Cloud Strife : an analysis of cloud-based shadow IT and a framework for managing its risks and opportunities.

Hulshof, S.R. (2016) Automatiseren koppeling automatisch geleid voertuig en trailer.

Hungerland, J. (2016) Racial profiling in policing: An empirical analysis of the relationship between ethnic appearance and youths' encounters with the German police.

Hurk, R.J.H. van den (2016) Rfid systems in the non-residential construction industry : Improving construction logistics.

Hurmuz, M.Z.M. (2016) Polypharmacy : Effects of medication reviews on medication prescription policy in polypharmacy patients in the Netherlands.

Hutama, I.A.W. (2016) Exploring the sense of place of an urban Kampung : through the daily activities, configuration of space and dweller's perception : case study of Kampung Code, Yogyakarta.

Huurne, T.S. ter (2016) Analysing and improving the performance of the pallet break down process by SUEZ for Scania.

Hölscher, A.M. (2016) Optimizing scheduling for outpatient clinics : a combination of developing a generic tool and immediate application.

Hölscher, R. (2016) Development of a new bedform predictor.

Hülsmann, M.H. (2016) Het thema communion in levensverhalen bij mensen met persoonlijkheidsstoornissen : een exploratieve studie.

IJland, A.M.M. (2016) De tijd staat stil?! De relatie tussen welbevinden en subjectieve tijdsbeleving in toekomstverbeelding.

IJntema, M. (2016) De beste studiecoach vind je in de appstore : een onderzoek naar bestaande apps die ondersteunen bij uitstelgedrag in het hoger onderwijs.

Ichsani, Ridha (2016) Consumer’s perception of attractiveness, purchase intention, and body image among Indonesian women.

Iding, Paul (2016) An analysis of the ownership structure in regards to the phenomenon underpricing for German IPOs.

Idskes, J.J. (2016) A model of autonomy for artificial agents.

Igel, F. (2016) Barriers and Expectations of employees regarding a healthcare-related intervention based around persuasive senor technology measuring sedentary behavior and physical activity.

Irmen, Justus (2016) Set me free : liberalization and innovation in electricity production from renewable energies.

Islam, Rabiul Md. (2016) Evaluation of bus rapid transit system based on ridership analysis : a case study of Ahmedabad Janmarg BRTS.

Issa, M. (2016) Development of environmental awareness for the Kuka robot arm.

Ivanova, N.G. (2016) Driving factors behind referral behavior.

Ivanyshyn, M. (2016) Impacts of Changing Renewable Energy Market Design on Institutional Onshore Wind Project Lenders.

Jacobs, R.F. (2016) A surgical procedure type schedule for general surgery : a robust tactical surgery scheduling approach to manage elective- and semi-urgent patient uncertainty.

Jagannatha, P. (2016) Detecting Exploit kits using Machine Learning.

Jager, M. de (2016) Developing a management control system for a Dutch hospital – a design science approach.

Jakobs, E. (2016) Effects of gamification on an online positive psychology intervention : the Influence of gamification elements on the enjoyment of men and women doing an online positive psychology intervention.

Jannink, W.R. and Hobert, E.A.M. (2016) Predictiemodel tijdsduur preoperatieve screening.

Jans, V.A.A.M. (2016) The ethics of creating human embryos for research for the responsible introduction of artificial gametes in clinical practice.

Janse, Renate (2016) Personality and achievement goals Relating the HEXACO Personality Factors to the 3 x 2 Achievement Goal Model.

Jansen, A.S. and Schuurman, M. and Urgert, T. and Wijlens, K.A.E. (2016) Breathing through a straw : inspiratory imposed work of breathing for children.

Jansen, E. (2016) Determinants of the intention to use the internet to lose weight.

Jansen, R. (2016) Waypoint navigation with obstacle avoidance for MAV's.

Jansen, Wout (2016) Analyse Automatische Oplaadalternatieven Automatisch Geleide Voertuigen (AGV's).

Jansen Holleboom, L.I.M. (2016) Improving the nurse response to seizures in the epilepsy monitoring unit with help of EEG-based automatic seizure detection.

Jansen van Rosendaal, N A (2016) 2D Quench propagation modelling in COMSOL.

Janson, Daniel I. (2016) The development of a green shipyard concept.

Janssen, Bas (2016) Determining truth in tweets using feature based supervised statistical classifiers.

Janssen, J.C. (2016) Probleem- en stakeholderanalyse voor het fileprobleem op de A35 ter hoogte van wegvak Delden - Hengelo-Zuid v.v.

Janssen, J.S.M. (2016) De invloed van treatment expectancy, psychologische distress en responsen van de omgeving op de behandeluitkomst van Acceptance and Commitment Therapie bij chronische pijnpatiënten.

Janssen, Stefan C. (2016) Reducing labeled data usage in duplicate detection using deep belief networks.

Janßen, B.A. (2016) University-Industry Research Partnerships : A research exploring the dynamics of university-industry interaction within mutual research projects.

Jaran, J. (2016) User experiences with 'Hold on, for each other'- a web-based self help intervention for partners of cancer patients: a qualitative study.

Jarosch, K. (2016) Is self-disclosure a mediator in the relationship between closeness and social safeness?

Jasper, J. (2016) The effect of ‘Mijn GezondheidsPlatform’ on physical activity and self-management by patients with chronic diseases.

Jellema, J. (2016) Leiderschap in formele en informele groepen voorspellen door middel van GPS.

Jenderny, S. (2016) The effect of color on processing of global and local stimuli in visual perception.

Jia, Min (2016) Animation as Instructional Manual: The Effects of Representational and Motivational Animation on Usability.

Jiang, Jiatan (2016) Spatial modelling of extreme wind speed in the Netherlands.

Jiang, Y. (2016) The global marketing strategy for high-tech companies which founded in the developing countries for entering the global market: Case study of Huawei Technologies.

Jiang, Yuangen (2016) Assessing feasibility of integrating UAV technology in rural adjudication in China.

Jimenez Kwast, D. (2016) GPU-Based Photon Mapping for Approximate Real-Time Indirect Diffuse Illumination.

Jimidar, I.S.M. (2016) Dissolution modes of droplets on patterned surfaces.

Jin, Na (2016) Mining spatial and spatio-temporal co-locations in volunteered phenological observations.

Jochems, J. (2016) Trust, collaboration and learning in a hospital : nurses' perceptions of their team : effect of a learning intervention to improve the sense of trust during their collaboration.

Johannink, R.J. (2016) Drivers for low-skilled employees to participate in the data-gathering process. An exploring research after the reasons for low-skilled employees whether or not to participate in employee surveys.

Johannink, T.A. (2016) Design of a decision making model to aid in the development of medical technology.

Jong, G.A. de (2016) Towards quantification of normal evolution of the human head in order to develop new craniosynostosis measurements.

Jong, M.J. de (2016) The effect of congruence between content and persona on customer's attitude and behavior in the automotive industry.

Jong, N. F. de (2016) The Millennial differences regarding privacy & security perceptions on Facebook.

Jong, R. de (2016) Estimating the financial impact of data quality issues.

Jong-Bouwmeester, V.D.M. de (2016) Vitaliteit als onderdeel van flourishing : een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheid van het toevoegen van het aspect vitaliteit aan een meetinstrument voor floreren.

Jong-Kamphuis, Natalie (2016) Zelfredzaamheid van burgers bevorderen door inzet Serious Game : de ontwikkeling, effectmeting en evaluatie van een online tool over spoorveiligheid.

Jonge, G. de (2016) Does Facebook improve having a satisfying social life or does it undermine our offline relations?

Jonge, K de (2016) Gebruik van de Verworven Competenties en Ervaren Belemmeringen door Artsen M&G bij het Nemen van een Beleidsinitiatief.

Jonker, J.A. (2016) The impact of access problems on the information seeking behaviour of graduate students : a process study.

Jonker, Tim (2016) Effecten van risicoperceptie en self-efficacy op het zoekgedrag naar informatie omtrent de komst van een AZC : onderzoek naar de zoekstijl van mensen en zijn determinanten.

Jonkheer, M.F. (2016) Mathematical modeling to better understand the dynamics of epilepsy.

Joolink, H.M. (2016) Routekeuze fietsers Enschede : vergelijking van de routekeuzevoorkeur van fietsers in Enschede, met de afgelegde route.

Joosten, R.H.M. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Josee, A. (2016) Zorgt het spelen van een serious multiplayer game in een collaboratieve setting voor een grotere kennis toename vergeleken met het spelen van een serious singleplayer game in een individuele setting? (Leren mensen meer bij het samen spelen van een multiplayer spel dan bij het alleen spelen van een single player spel?).

Joshi, Prakash (2016) Assessing land use changes and impact on land tenure in the context of climate change : a case in Nepal.

Joustra, L. (2016) The effect of congruence between store design and scent on consumer responses towards fashion stores.

Jurešić, M. (2016) Het bystander effect vanuit de andere kant bekeken : in hoeverre beïnvloedden het aantal omstanders en de bekendheid van de dader de self-blame bij slachtoffers?

Jurgens, M.Z. (2016) Recycling marine debris : An inquiry into the discrepancy inherent in posing recycling marine debris for new consumer wear as a solution to the problem of marine debris pollution.

Jäger, M.J. (2016) An investigation of the relationship between heart rate variability, mindfulness and resilience in the context of emotion regulation.

KOCK, A. (2016) Does leadership show through behavior?

KORDES, C. (2016) Internal and external sources of technology : the impact of the sourcing balance on the transformative- and innovative capacity of a company.

Kabeja, C. (2016) Assessing structural and ecosystem based measures to reducte surface runoff : a comparative study in Mpazi and Byabagabo Jabana sub - catchments, Kigali, Rwanda.

Kahlert, Marius (2016) Understanding customer acceptance of Internet of Things services in retailing : an empirical study about the moderating effect of degree of technological autonomy and shopping motivations.

Kahmann, R. (2016) The Ability of the Inquiry Skills Test to Predict Students’ Performance on Hypothesis Generation.

Kaiser, Alena Fiona (2016) Privacy and security perceptions between different age groups while searching online.

Kalas, V.J. (2016) Assesment of influence of play in joints on the end effector accurcay in a novel 3DOF (1T-2R) parallel manipulator.

Kalinina, Anna (2016) Artisans’ limitations for developing own businesses : case of Querétaro, Mexico.

Kalofotias, F. (2016) Study for the Hull shape of a wave energy converter-point absorber; design optimization & modeling improvement.

Kamp, Ian (2016) Mindfulness in the process of sales : an action research project in the service industry.

Kamp, J.B.K. (2016) The effect of relational capabilities in the process of value co-creation within the context of SME’s.

Kamp, M.H. van der (2016) Determinants of privacy protection behavior on social network sites: The role of privacy beliefs, social norms and internet skills.

Kamp, P.J. (2016) Towards an Ultra Sensitive Seismic Accelerometer.

Kamphuis, A. (2016) Internship as Trainee Patent Attorney.

Kamphuis, N. (2016) Occurrence of the Simon effect during the DSP task.

Kandpal, N. (2016) Non-linear separation of classes using Kernal based possibilistic c-means.

Kanters, N.B. (2016) Head Pose And Light Source Estimation On Low Resolution Facial Images Using A Texture Based Approach.

Kanyamugenge, Adeline Akimana (2016) Exploring the impacts of zoning regulations on land rights in Masaka sector, Kicukiro district, Kigali, Rwanda.

Kapková, Z. (2016) Burning YOUR/ OUR bridges & helping Syrian refugees : The way, message valence and pronoun use influence pro-refugee Germans and anti-refugee Slovaks in changing their attitudes and behavioural intentions towards Syrian refugees.

Kappel, Taleke (2016) “Ik ben voor mezelf denk ik best wel een beetje hard”, maar “ik heb ook het gevoel dat ik het goed heb gedaan” : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de ervaren zelfcompassie bij partners van kankerpatiënten tijdens het ziekteproces.

Kappert, K.D.R. (2016) VIRTUAL SURGERY: Development of a surgical simulation tool for the prediction of functional impairment after partial glossectomy.

Kara, B. (2016) De samenhang van persoonlijkheid met zelfcompassie en sociale veiligheid.

Kara, O.N. (2016) A research into the suitability of manufacturing cells under highly varied product mix.

Karadeniz, D.S (2016) De invloed van religie op de risicoperceptie van individuen.

Karavidas, A. (2016) Light Emission Measurements on Diodes.

Kaschub, Verena L. (2016) Learning complex motor procedures : can the ability to learn dexterity games predict a person's ability to learn a complex task?

Kasera, K.M.O. (2016) Fine resolution modelling of malaria risk factors and potential malaria risk prediction : a case of Homa Bay county, Kenya.

Kate, Luka ten (2016) Use, appreciation and effect of the web-based intervention positive pregnancy.

Kate, Luka ten (2016) Use, appreciation and effect of the web-based intervention "positive pregnancy".

Kats, H. (2016) Sedimentation of reservoirs.A method to estimate reservoir sedimentation: a case study of the 'Nga Moe Yeik'reservoir, Myanmar.

Kats, Q. (2016) Welke factoren in e-mailbegeleiding dragen bij aan het verhogen van welbevinden? : Een inhoudsanalyse van de e-mailberichten ter ondersteuning van het zelfhulp boek ‘Dit is jouw leven’ in een niet-klinische populatie.

Kattouw, J.W. (2016) Comfort as a Service with SMART HVAC : a constructive technology assessment of the developments in the HVAC industry.

Kaul, S. (2016) Incentives and Reputation as Predictors for Privacy Concerns and People’s Willingness to disclose Information to E-Vendors.

Kautschur, Luise (2016) Corporate effectuation : an explanatory study about the application of effectuation in a large established company.

Kazan, E. (2016) The impact of CEO compensation on firm performance in Scandinavia.

Keeris, D. (2016) Replicating the uncanny valley across conditions using morphed and robotic faces.

Keijzers, P Priscilla (2016) Privacy perceptions among millennials versus non-millennials and online shopping behavior.

Keizer, J. (2016) Surgery proposals in elderly colorectal cancer patients : a clinical vignette study.

Keizer, J. (2016) The visual influence of transparent product packages.

Keller, Kristian M.Sc. (2016) A day ahead electricity storage flexibility prediction for peak shaving.

Kellermann-Gummersbach, Lea C. R. (2016) The two-continua model of mental health and mental illness in a clinical adult population.

Kenkhuis, R.P.J (2016) Developing a unified quality model for middle sized companies.

Keppels, E.H. (2016) Taking control of the after sales - The design of a supply chain control tower, which will help Thales by improving the supply chain visibility of their new type of after sales service.

Kerkhof, J.A. (2016) The influence of a social network and social interactions on the success of a crowdfunding campaign.

Kers, S. (2016) Wat is het effect van impliciete en expliciete associaties op een afbeelding in een healing environment?

Kersbergen, A.M. (2016) Skill of a discharge generator in simulating low flow characteristics in the Rhine basin.

Kerssens, P (2016) Laser-induced cavitation in acoustically levitated droplets.

Ketelaar, D.M.C. (2016) De gevolgen van het ontvangen van een leugen op het eigen leugengedrag.

Keuter, D.R. (2016) Development of an Underwater Fan with Controllable Blade Pitch as an Infrasound Generator for Seismic Imaging.

Khan, O.U.R. (2016) Promoting Cleaner Production and Energy Efficiency in the Industry of Pakistan : A Case Study of Textile Manufacturing Sector.

Kibet, Stephen (2016) Assessing field-level maize yield variability in Tanzania using multi-temporal very fine resolution imagery.

Kielstra, J.W.M.V. (2016) The role of leadership at the implementation of innovations at the Netherlands fire service.

Kikidis, Savvas (2016) The Role of Technology in the Transformation of Sexuality.

Kindler, S. (2016) Social Support and its influence on online weight loss interventions : a systematic review.

Kingma, M. (2016) Design and evaluation of persuasive feedback-inhaler to enhance medication adherence among COPD patients.

Kinski, Alexander (2016) Google trends as complementary tool for new car sales forecasting : a cross-country comparison along the customer journey.

Kip, Evelien (2016) Exploring the role of news framing in crisis communication. A study into the effect of news framing on emotions, reputation and behavioral intentions of stakeholders.

Kirch, M.I. von (2016) Employer Brand in Crisis: Effects of a Values-related Crisis on Employer Brand Trust, Image and Attractiveness.

Kirmse, B. (2016) Communication and Adequacy of Crisis Management : Lessons from the crash of Germanwings flight 4U9525.

Kisendi, E.E. (2016) Groundwater resources evaluation in Kalahari Karoo basin.

Kishore, R. (2016) Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Using Metal Oxides.

Kisters, Anna (2016) Integration into the Labor Market : opportunities to get refugees to a residence permit : how can the process of obtaining a residence permit for asylum seekers be adjusted in order to facilitate their integration into the German labor market? : Perspectives of different involved stakeholders in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Kiwit, Luisa (2016) Joining the War on Terror - the EU and its Role in Global Counterterrorism.

Kiwitz, W.P.N. (2016) Ontwerpen van een zonnecel voor de Solid Gray rugtas.

Klaasen, J.J. (2016) De invloed van verschillende schooltijdenmodellen in het basisonderwijs.

Klaassen, M.N. (2016) Sociale media keyplayers over zuigelingenvoeding : keyplayers in risicocommunicatie over zuigelingenvoeding.

Klaassen, T.J.H. (2016) How do SMEs attract new Customers to Sustain Future Business growth? : An exploratory study into acquisition practices of small companies.

Klamer, A. (2016) Ontwerp van een voedselcapsule voor een 3D-foodprinter. Aan de hand van een algemeen verkregen richtlijn.

Klapwijk, K.B. (2016) Acceptatie van opvang van asielzoekers : Een onderzoek naar de acceptatie van een besluit voor een asielzoekerscentrum in de Gemeente Hardenberg.

Klatt, I.I. (2016) Integration of a Personal Health Record into a self-management chronic care program: Exploring the association between effectiveness and personality.

Klaus, Carolina-marjolijn Lotte (2016) How to make customers willing to co-create : motivation and ability effects.

Klaus, O. (2016) First indications of the effectiveness of an IAT in modifying attentional bias regarding tiredness or vitality.

Klauser, N. (2016) Public Sector Motivation in Germany- A comparative study on work motivation and job satisfaction among civil servants and public employees in the city of Detmold.

Kleene, Lara (2016) Examining the rise of right wing populism in Europe.

Kleiboer, D.M.G. (2016) The design & prototype of McRobot 3.2 : a patient mounted Parallel Manipulator for surgical tool orientation.

Klein, A.V.E. (2016) Nonverbal Communication of Anthropomorphism and its Effect on the Perception of Online Education Platforms.

Klein, H.D.T. (2016) Evaluation of the use of deconvolution algorithms for determination of trailing edge noise levels.

Klein, L.E. (2016) Haalbaarheidsonderzoek : Toepassing airlit in de vijver.

Klein Douwel, F.K.W. (2016) Measuring vigilant attention : predictive power of EEG derived measures on reaction time, subjective state and task performance.

Klein Schaarsberg, F.L.H. (2016) Filter Bubbles in Opinion Dynamics.

Kleinhuis, E.J. (2016) Efficientere aanbesteding rioleringswerkzaamheden in de gemeente Zutphen.

Kleissen, Y.M. (2016) Further Validation of The Compassionate Engagement and Action Scales (TCEAS).

Kling, D.J. (2016) Analysing the results of the New Zealand national hydrological model for estimating design floods.

Klinkhammer, Oliver (2016) The role of stakeholder fragmentation in post-disaster resilience projects. A comparative study of Roombeek and Hoboken.

Klomp, N. (2016) Verpakkingsontwerp voor de fruitreep.

Klompe, A.J. (2016) Multitooltrac rowcrop 80, op zoek naar een nieuwe toepassing.

Klont, L. (2016) Exploratory research into current eHealth and eSkills practices of medical specialists.

Klooster, K.N. van der (2016) Uitzoeken hoe een apparaat werkt: De rol van korte begeleide instructie bij het gebruik van het science model van onderzoeken en verkregen kennis.

Klooster, S. (2016) SGT-600 Lube Oil System Simulation.

Klootwijk, S. (2016) Probabilistic Analysis of Facility Location on Random Shortest Path Metrics.

Klopper, D.E.H. (2016) The possibilities and challenges of the application and integration of the Internet of Things for future marketing practice.

Klunder, S.A.J. (2016) The price of value : the difference between value and price of firms in the Dutch SME sector.

Kläser, N. (2016) Planningsprocessen van agile teams ontrafeld.

Knijn, E.M. (2016) Ontwerp van een zitmeubel voor het North Sea Jazz Festival.

Knijn, L. (2016) Verbetering van pakketbezorging.

Knoben, L.A.M. (2016) Optimizing the moment of customer delivery in ORTEC Inventory Routing.

Knook, L. (2016) The water footprint related to reservoir operation on a global scale.

Kocabiyik, T. and Ocal, G. (2016) The effect of a structured medication review on quality of life in patients with Parkinson's Disease.

Koceva, C. (2016) Freedom to operate : the Impact of patent awareness on patent litigation risk in high-tech small firms.

Koch, J.S. (2016) De invloed van ACT-consistent reageren op psychologische flexibiliteit.

Koedijk, E.M. (2016) De invloed van een ervaringstekst op de attitude tegenover energiewinning en duurzame energie.

Koehorst, B.J.A. and Lith, P.E.A. van (2016) Het gebruik van een nomogram bij het nacontroletraject voor borstkanker : Een onderzoek naar het gebruik van een nomogram bij het nacontroletraject van borstkankerpatiënten in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg.

Koehorst, M. (2016) Internship motivation : can the formulation of high quality internship learning goals improve intrinsic motivation?

Koel, C.D. (2016) Patient preferences for follow-up in breast cancer.

Koenders, Steven (2016) Supplier satisfaction : the importance of achieving excellence as a buying company to create satisfied suppliers.

Koenemund, I. (2016) The determinants of immigrant integration policies in 28 EU-member states Does the Political Party Spectrum Matter?

Koerkamp, Sylke Céline (2016) The amplifier effect of corporate social responsibility : the relative share of corporate social responsibility within the RepTrak™ drivers of corporate reputation.

Koeslag, S. (2016) Prediction of partial churners and behavioural loyal customers through behavioural historical customer data.

Kohlstrung, L. (2016) Characteristics of good role models in sports and social life.

Kok, K.J. (2016) TERRA support for architecture modeling.

Kok, M. de (2016) Red Pimiento to consumer.

Kok, R.W.A. (2016) Creation of a model that identifies and rates the factors that influence NPD success within SME’s without using hard data.

Kok-Willemsen, M. (2016) Job mobility in primary education: empowering teachers to come in motion! : different determinants involved in teachers' mobility decisions.

Kol, Aslihan (2016) Satellite based water balance modeling in Lake Burder basin, Turkey.

Kolen, N. (2016) Hermanproefjes. Ontwerpen van educatieve museum proefjes voor kinderen.

Kolev, Kiril (2016) Sequential price of anarchy for atomic congestion games with limited number of players.

Kolk, T. (2016) Momentum - The Journey : een onderzoek naar de ervaringen van gebruikers van een positieve psychologie app.

Kolner, T. (2016) Verbetering van het productieproces van de staalproductie bij Koninklijke Auping B.V.

Koning, C.C. de (2016) Identifying lead users through a personality characteristics survey.

Koning, D. (2016) Ontwerp van een online zelf-assessment voor het meten van de fysieke activiteit bij ouderen tussen de 55 en 75 jaar.

Konjer, B. (2016) Creativity & Innovation : increasing the level of creativity and innovation for employees of BAAT Medical during the first two stages of the design process.

Koopman, A.C. (2016) Improving Newminds’ visual scheduling tool; automation of scheduling.

Koot, Martijn (2016) Overzichtelijke IT Incidenten: Optimalisatie van het IT Incident Management binnen URENCO Nederland B.V. met behulp van Enterprise Architecturen.

Korać, Kristijan (2016) Impact of Data Visualisation on Users in CRM Systems.

Korsten, Rianne Margriet (2016) eHealth uitdagingen : therapieconsistentie in e-mailbegeleiding voor betere kwaliteit : een onderzoek naar het effect van e-mailbegeleiding bij de online ACT-interventie ‘Leven met Pijn’.

Kort, F. de (2016) Mensenrechteneducatie in Maatschappijleerboeken: een case study : verslag van Onderzoek van Onderwijs voor de eerstegraadsbevoegdheid Leraar Voortgezet Onderwijs Maatschappijleer en Maatschappijwetenschappen.

Kortekaas, R. and Sijtsema, M. and Veltjen, K.J. (2016) Inventarisatie van capaciteitsmanagement op drie poliklinieken van de DIGD in het UMC Utrecht.

Korth, Nele (2016) What are the results of practicing business development in SMEs in Germany?

Koster, Nick (2016) The effect of the mandatory implementation of IFRS on the accounting quality of Dutch companies.

Kosters, J (2016) The influence of motivation on attention and conscious visual perception : An examination with lateralized EEG power spectra.

Kotadiya, Rushikesh (2016) Post resettlement dynamics of socio-economic pattern : a case of Ahmedabad.

Kouijzer, M.T.E. (2016) Het gebruik van virtuele, anatomische 3D modellen door patiënten in de oncologie : Een kwalitatief onderzoek binnen het NKI-AVL, naar de behoefte aan het gebruik van een 3D model, als ondersteuning van de communicatie tussen patiënt en zorgprofessional.

Koukoulis, Yannis (2016) Dual laser fault injection.

Kouwert, M.J. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Kraesgenberg, A. (2016) Different crises require different approaches : how crisis response strategies, crisis types and corporate social responsibility programs influence emotions, trust and purchase intentions of consumers.

Kranenburg, Q.L. (2016) Ontwerp van een installatiesysteem voor een bruisend water kraan.

Krediet, A.C. (2016) Developing and testing an APP model for Air Spiralo.

Kreiser, Simon (2016) Marrying GUI and Git : how authoring tools for E-Learning can benefit from version control.

Kremers, M.C (2016) Exploration of The Context and Enablers of HRM Innovations in Dutch General Hospitals : An Empirical Study.

Kreuzberg, Joren (2016) Computing optimal single item auctions by local search.

Kreykes, N. (2016) Kinderen met faalangst bij Praktijk La Croix : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de wensen en behoeftes voor een online faalangstinterventie.

Kriebel, M. (2016) Development of a 2D hydraulic model for the Rhine Valley using open data.

Krijgsman, H. M. (2016) Middle managers' struggles: between strategy and operations.

Krochmal, M. (2016) Exploration of how the five factors defined by Bos-Nehles work in the healthcare sector HRM implementation in the Healthcare sector.

Kroek, Monica (2016) Preparing pre-service teachers for high-quality science teaching : the development and effectiveness of an evidence-based professional development program to enhance pre-service teachers’ science teaching self-efficacy.

Kroeze, A.E. (2016) Are self-managed teams autonomous in the residential care? : results of a qualitative analysis into HRM implementation.

Kruiper, J.I.M. (2016) Capital structure and corporate life cycle : a deeper understanding of the capital life stage theory.

Krüger, Jule Marleen (2016) Trust in self-driving vehicles : a persona study.

Kublenz-Gabriel, L. (2016) Rating the Rating Systems : A Comparison of Media Rating Systems worldwide.

Kuijsten, N.C.M. (2016) The role of visibility and number of bystanders to the experience of the bystander effect: consequences for victims.

Kuiper, D. J. (2016) Op weg van inkoop-gestuurd naar productie-gestuurd : Verbetering van de grip op de kosten van het materiaalverbruik op de operatieafdeling van het Deventer Ziekenhuis.

Kuiperi, K.D.V. (2016) Organizational Identification : How cultural background congruency with the organization and product determines tourism board’s employees’ organizational identification.

Kuipers, B.G. (2016) Risicomanagement in infrastructurele bouwprojecten.

Kuipers, P. (2016) Test analysis report :improving finger simulator & plethysmograph filtering for nano core.

Kulkarni, Aparna (2016) Geoweb application for species association with vegetation type and climatic regimes in western Himalaya of Indian landscape.

Kumah, K.K. (2016) Improving microwave derived rainfall intensities.

Kunkel, Jan Malte (2016) The European example? : assessing opportunities to foster mutual economic cooperation in contemporary East Asia.

Kuperus, Deirdre (2016) Security and privacy perceptions of millennials vs non-millennials in digital environments.

Kurney, Sarah (2016) Welbevinden en veerkracht bij mensen met reumatische aandoeningen.

Kusumo, A.N.L. (2016) Utilizing volunteered geographic information to assess community's flood evacuation shelters : case study: Jakarta.

Kutsch, Matthias Karl (2016) The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU and the German Minister of Foreign Affairs : different titles – different Jobs?

Kutscha, Julian (2016) What drives Business Model Transformation in small and medium sized enterprises? : empirically assessing the roles of business environment and strategic agility.

Kwast, Jaron (2016) Social Smart City - A Dream or a Reality? An Exploratory Case Study of Hamburg.

Kwint, S.J.M. (2016) Exercise? I thought you said "extra fries" : finding preferences in peer-written motivational messages for tailoring to increase physical activity.

Köppen, M.L.C. (2016) 'The European Union approaching trafficking in human beings: Walking a tight rope between security and values and objectives of the EU’.

Küpper, A. (2016) Personality as Determinant of Domain Specific Risk Attitude and Behaviour.

Kürzdörfer, Nora Marie (2016) The impact of organizational culture on public service motivation.

LUTSCHER, D. (2016) The relationship between skin conductance and self-reported stress : does the relationship exist and, if so, does it differ across different types of stressors?

Laarhuis, Elsemiek (2016) The effects of efficacy beliefs on training outcomes : looking beyond self-efficacy.

Laarhuis, N.M. (2016) Making rational decisions about IT projects using Enterprise Architecture : a case study conducted at ASML Netherlands N.V.

Laat, B. de (2016) Ontwikkeling van een meetinstrument voor creativiteit in het 21e eeuwse Nederlandse onderwijs.

Lahuis, Bas (2016) Kwaliteit van leven na een trauma : een nieuwe factor in de landelijke traumaregistratie.

Lam, W.L. (2016) Motor sequence learning: The effect of extended discrete sequence production practice on motor chunking in older adults.

Lammers, L. (2016) Conceptmapping voor alle leerlingen? : Is er een relatie tussen het citoniveau begrijpend lezen en DLE score en de score op een conceptmap.

Lammers, L.P. (2016) The Influence of Media Coverage on Short Selling Decisions : Evidence from the Netherlands.

Lammers, M.B.A. (2016) EU Democracy promotion : policy Change in Morocco and Tunisia after the Arab Spring.

Lammers, M.R. (2016) Een vooronderzoek naar de functionele en gebruikseisen voor het implementeren van een KMS bij IACT.

Landman, E. (2016) Test of Rig for the Robird.

Lang, Shanna de (2016) Mobile pain screening with FollowUp : an app to support anaesthesiologist in the pain screening at outpatient clinics.

Langeleh, J. (2016) Veerkracht en positieve emoties in het dagelijks leven.

Langen, S.F. van (2016) An architectural design for LAN-based web applications in a military mission- and safety-critical context.

Langkamp, L.U. (2016) Het Effect van Self- Explanation Questions in een Educatieve Game op de Game en Leerprestatie.

Lankheet, M.H.T. and Weersel, S. van (2016) Kwalitatief onderzoek naar determinanten rondom het gebruik van telemedicine diensten bij behandelaren in Roessingh centrum voor revalidatie.

Lans, M.G. van der (2016) Variatie van korrelgroote in de nevengeulen.

Lansink, L.H.J. (2016) Coopetition in low tech industries versus high tech industries.

Lao, Yizhen (2016) Topology based classification of mobile laser data with conditional random fields.

Laseur, L. (2016) De effecten van risk perception en efficacy beliefs op het informatiezoekgedrag in risicovolle situaties.

Lassche, T. (2016) Modelling the LA River : threats and opportunities for the Los Angeles River, USA.

Lau, A.C.H. and Nguyen, C.H. and Nuil, S. van and Veenhouwer, S. (2016) Het effect van transcutane nervus vagus stimulatie op de hartfrequentie en T-wave alternans op het elektrocardiogram van gezonde proefpersonen.

Laurenz, J. (2016) Dyadic Perception Asymmetry in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Influences on the Buyer’s Overestimation of Preferred Customer Status.

Lauterbach, L. A. (2016) The Broken Mirror: not Merely Product Architecture Drives Firm Integration - also Knowledge does.

Laverman, G.J. (2016) Java Code Virtualization of Industrial-strength Java Code.

Lawas, C.J.C. (2016) Complementary use of aiborne LiDAR and terrestrial laser scanner to assess above ground biomass/carbon in Ayer Hitam tropical rain forest reserve.

Lazarov, B. (2016) Efficient and effective utilization of limited resources : scheduling of MRI development test environment, a case study at Philips Healthcare.

Le, Van Huynh (2016) Analyzing white-box designs for differential computation analysis resistance.

Leede, M de (2016) The analysis and redesign of a ship cradle.

Leeflang, Anne Marijke (2016) Does the messenger of a common or dual ingroup identity affect the acceptation of refugees among Dutch natives?

Leeflang, L. (2016) Een onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van welbevindentherapie bij cliënten met een Posttraumatische stressstoornis.

Leemkuil, J. (2016) Measuring the value of online blogs: a descriptive indirect blog development instrument.

Leenman, M.P. (2016) Veerkracht en acceptatie bij reumapatiënten.

Leerkes, J. (2016) Adherentie, voorspellers van adherentie en de dosis-responsrelatie van de online zelfhulpinterventie 'Houvast, voor elkaar'.

Leest, W. van der (2016) The absence of customer value in the healthcare sector.

Leeuw, M. L. (2016) Institutional overlap in European security : profound cooperation or rhetoric in civilian missions? : the case of NATO and the EU.

Leeuw, Thomas Derk (2016) Goed documenteren als basis voor een juiste variantenkeuze.

Leeuwen, D.P.D. van (2016) Development of The Lean PD Efficiency Tool.

Lehmann, L.P. (2016) Predicting the sales figures of TVs using data from Google Trends.

Leij, L. van der (2016) Robotdieren in de ouderenzorg : een verkennend onderzoek naar de toegevoegde waarde van het verfijnen van tactiele interactie.

Leijenhorst, A (2016) Improving the supply chain at Twence Hengelo.

Leijnse, N. (2016) Redirecting the purchasing process through reassignment of purchasing tasks.

Leijser, B.A. (2016) Water level management Aa en Maas : examining performance of current weir management based on data analysis.

Leijtens, N (2016) Design of an Energy Storage System for Pacific Islands.

Leistra, DR. J.M.M. (2016) How does CS-related marketing approaches differs or equals of MNEs among publications between developed countries (UK) and emerging Spanish speaking countries in South America? A quantitative study that examines the marketing approaches used for CS-publications on corporate websites between the UK and South America.

Lelij, R. van der (2016) Satisfying suppliers in order to become a preferred customer: The influence of three major social variables on this process.

Lembcke, Tim-Benjamin (2016) Towards an understanding of success dimensions in Design Thinking education.

Lemmens, G. H. (2016) Business model innovation for organizations in the social domain. A case study of ‘De Viermarken’.

Lenderink, Wieke (2016) Talk the talk, walk the walk : the relationship between brand management and brand promise delivery.

Lennecke, C.U. (2016) Communication Error Management in Crisis Negotiations: The Effectiveness of Recovery Strategies after Communication Errors.

Lennips, Jos (2016) Effectuation & Causation Approaches and their effect on Business Performance: An analysis of Business Plans.

Leplow, J. (2016) Investor on board : needs and expectations of early-stage high-tech start-ups in Berlin.

Lettau, Christina (2016) The effect of cultural tightness-looseness on effectuation or causation strategies of novice entrepreneurs in Germany.

Lettink, S.A. (2016) Characteristics of the EMAT-superformula.

Leusink, E.M.P. (2016) Visualization and measurements of the flow around scaled beach houses.

Leuteren, R. van (2016) Continuous monitoring of respiration with the Hexoskin smart shirt to detect dynamic hyperinflation in COPD patients, the CHOPIN study.

Li, Jingya (2016) Cultural Differences in the Use of Instant Messaging Applications: Cross-Cultural Case Study of China and the Netherlands.

Li, Q. (2016) Estimation of the costs of information system downtime in organisations: underlying threats, effects and cost factors.

Li, S. (2016) Does providing an advance organizer in online drill and practice games improve language learning outcomes?

Liefers, R.J. (2016) Internship at quality management of electrical drivetrains and special engines at the BMW Group in München.

Lier, T.C.W. (2016) Characteristics of midlife women with coronary microvascular dysfunction, compared with age-matched women with obstructive coronary disease.

Lieshout, C. van (2016) The diagnostic properties of enzym based diagnostics of infections in diabetic foot ulcers.

Liewald, M. (2016) The Association Between Alcohol Dependence and Craving in Response to S tress and Alcohol Cues : The Moderating Role of Biopsychosocial Factors.

Lijbers, J.M. (2016) Predicting parking lot occupancy using Prediction Instrument Development for Complex Domains.

Lin, Yun (2016) City images and the supporting evidence in secondary cities : the case of Rwanda.

Linde, R.J. (2016) Wat drijft vrijwilligers in de zorg en wat houdt hen tevreden?

Lindemeier, Lena (2016) Factors influencing risk perceptions and download intention in the context of mobile apps.

Linn, Vivien (2016) Active Levels of self-management for COPD patients via e-health - a scoping review.

Linneman, M.H. (2016) De invloed van instructie gericht op de drie wiskundige werelden van David Tall: het bevorderen van relationeel begrip bij het introduceren van exponentiële groei.

Lith, L.D. van (2016) Functionalization of Poly-(ethylene glycol)- diacrylate (PEGda) with different molecular mass using Two-Photon-Polymerisation.

Liu, Chang (2016) Analysis of Sentinel-1 SAR data for mapping standing water in the Twente region.

Liu, Luyao (2016) Applying intelligence amplification in decision making.

Liu, X. (2016) Modeling of a piezoelectric beam spring.

Lobeek, D. (2016) Imaging of angiogenesis with 68Ga-DOTA-RGD2 PET/CT in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.

Lodeweges, H.J. (2016) Deducing design rules for junctions in urban areas based on multiple objectives.

Loesing, T. (2016) How does privacy perception influence online shopping behavior? : a comparison between millennials and generation X.

Lohmann, Maximilian (2016) Corporate reputation in the digital age : a systematic comparison of antecedents and consequences for multi-channel retailers and pure-players.

Lohuis, Robin (2016) Load Estimation by Waveform Harmonics in Class-E RF Power Amplifiers.

Looge, W. (2016) Research methodology in child-robot interaction : a literature study.

Loskutnikova, Anna (2016) Envelopment and disenvelopment as a tool for profitability growth.

Lotgerink, Nadia (2016) Key players in de communicatie over biologische voeding.

Louter, V.M. (2016) Development of a method to compensate for non-circular pipes for cutting devices.

Lub, Robert-Jan (2016) Smartphones als meetinstrument voor langsonvlakheid.

Lubberdink, W.H.H. (2016) Op weg naar een praktische en eenduidige standaardisatie van producteenheden.

Lubega, Simon (2016) Effectiveness of the Environmental Impact Assessment as a Decision-making Tool for Water-Related Projects in Uganda.

Ludden, M.J.W. (2016) Systematische naamgeving van organische moleculen in 4 VWO.

Luiken, N.A. (2016) Solution techniques for inverse problems in neural field theory.

Lukens, K. (2016) The influence of ownership structure on the capital structure in Dutch firms.

Luo, Xianghuan (2016) Investigating semi-automated cadastral boundary extraction from airborne laser scanned data.

Luo, Y. (2016) Concept design of tracked stinger roller box.

Lusia, Kess (2016) The effects of technological turbulence on the balance of internal and external exploration.

Lust, S. (2016) Vluchtelingen in Europa : een bedreiging of mensen in nood?

Lünenborg, R.L. (2016) Leven met pijn - Een kwalitatieve analyse van de e-mailbegeleiding bij een online ACT-interventie.

Lütticke, Lisa (2016) Taking contracts to the next level : collaborative performance improvement.

MULDER, F. (2016) How can performance control be realized within the specialised youth care?

Maan, H.C. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Maarsman, P. (2016) A Quantitative Study to the Underlying Motives for Food Choices : And How Do These Motives Contribute to Healthy Food Choices Among Dutch Young Adults?

Maat, GJ ter (2016) Towards a scalable environment for traffic information services.

Macheleidt, Philipp (2016) Corporate foresight : the identification of potentially disruptive innovations from startups A methodological framework to utilize startups as a source of corporate innovations.

Mackenbrock, D. (2016) How could e-health be used to enhance the self-management of COPD patients?

Madhar, M.C. (2016) Towards the design of a vibration monitoring system for a rotor blade system in operation : an experimental investigation.

Madhibha, T.P. (2016) Assessment of above ground biomass with terrestrial LiDAR using 3D quantitative structure modelling in tropical rain forest of Ayer Hitam forest reserve, Malaysia.

Mahabub, E. (2016) Decline or local shift of loggerhead sea turtle nests in Crete?

Mahama, Peter N-Jonaam (2016) Assessment of the utility of smartphones for water quality monitoring.

Maibaum, M. (2016) The EU as a Global Actor in Good Governance and Counter-Terrorism in the Sahel Region. A Case Study on Mali and Niger.

Maier, M.V. (2016) The Internet of Things (IoT): what is the potential of Internet of Things applications for consumer marketing?

Majoor, L. (2016) The Health Issue Disclosure Process in Organizational Contexts; Unveiling the Disclosure Dynamics of Health Issues at Work.

Makkinga, R.J. (2016) Successful verification of subcontracted work in the construction industry.

Maleki, M. (2016) Visualization of trends in OD Matrix data : illustrated by United Nations refugee data.

Man, Shen Yi (2016) Data driven banking : applying Big Data to accurately determine consumer creditworthiness.

Manders, J. (2016) Opslag strategieën in een Multi-deep magazijn.

Marinakis, I.P (2016) Bionic Limbs and Body Ownership: Conceptualizations about the body and the relation of the users with bionic limbs.

Markerink, F.J. (2016) A pattern based approach to examine the value of social CRM : an exploratory study.

Markerink, L. (2016) De kracht van verbeelding : veerkrachtbronnen en paden naar veerkracht bij psychiatrische patiënten met een persoonlijkheidsstoornis.

Marks, C.R. (2016) The impact of editorials versus advertorials on brand equity.

Marugg, C.A. (2016) Assessing the Energy Use of Supermarkets and Shopping Malls in Curaçao.

Massa, J. (2016) Uitwerken van kansrijke tweedelaags veiligheidsmaatregelen voor een waterrobuuste inrichting van Zwolle.

Massa, Stephanie (2016) The football club v.v. Rigtersbleek: an exploration why members, between the ages of 16–18, stay or leave the club.

Masselink, T.C. (2016) Ophangsysteem soundabsorber. Het ontwerpen van een ophangsysteem voor en het detailleren van een soundabsorber.

Mastebroek, V.G. (2016) Antecedents and benefits of preferred customer status with suppliers : a case study at a Dutch accounting firm.

Matey, E. (2016) Exploring the effects of zoning regulation on land rights of use right holders in the context of customary land tenure system in Ashiye, Ghana.

Matten, M. (2016) Wat kenmerkt een kwalitatief goede email-begeleiding? Een onderzoek naar de specifieke gedragingen van begeleiders binnen de zelfhulpcursus ´Dit is jouw leven´.

Maywald, Lorenz (2016) Crimmigration in the European Union : the effect of the EU Return Directive on the criminalization of migrants in Germany.

Meer, A.J.M. van der (2016) Mapping the underworld.

Meeringa, R.S. (2016) What does value-in-use assessment add to usability assessment of an artificial pancreas for type 1 diabetes patients in the Netherlands with different treatment conditions? An experimental study in medical innovation management.

Meijer, E.J. (2016) Het engineeringsproces in kaart : een onderzoek naar het engineeringsproces in de praktijk bij de BAM.

Meijer, G.M. (2016) Supporting Gifted Students in Inquiry-Based Learning Processes.

Meijer, J.H.J. (2016) Being confronted with opposites: The prevalence of competing frames and their effects on emotion and attitude.

Meijer, M.J. (2016) The design of a new extension for Toon.

Meijer, Nicky Satia (2016) Demonstration based training for presentation design. A case study to design online training and evaluate its effects.

Meijer, Z. (2016) Definition, ideation and validation of the 'Bucketlist'.

Meijerink, E.M. (2016) SET YOUR MIND! : Effects of an intervention on mindset, self-efficacy, and intended STEM choice of students.

Meijerink, N. (2016) Determinants for the role of the finance function: An empirical study of organisations in the Netherlands.

Meijerink, T.J. (2016) Assessing the e-governance maturity level of Dutch municipalities through the analysis of municipal websites : does municipality size have an effect on website maturity level?

Meijerink, Tristan (2016) Assessing the e-governance maturity level of Dutch municipalities through the analysis of municipal websites : Does municipality size have an effect on website maturity level?

Meijerink, Wilco (2016) Implementation of an activity-based costing method at MAIN B.V.

Meijlof, I.H. (2016) Het voorbereiden van kinderen op onderzoek.

Meijndert, Nicky (2016) Op weg naar een voordeliger lasproces.

Meijvogel, D.T. (2016) De structuur van het innovatiesysteem van BIPV.

Meimann, A.M. (2016) Positive emotions in daily life, measured by means of an experience sampling application : assessing the validity of the I-PANAS-SF.

Melenk, J. (2016) Usability test of the ActivityCoach to promote active ageing in daily life : assessing the needs and wishes of older adults.

Melgers, R.F. (2016) Factors that play a role in the offshoring strategy of European SMEs.

Mellema, G.R. (2016) Xcite solutions. Het ontwerp van elektroluminescente wegmarking.

Meng, F. (2016) What are the determinants of lending decisions for Chinese Peer-to-Peer lenders?

Mensing, Birte (2016) ‘Othering’ in the news media : are migrants attacking the ‘Fortress Europe’? A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Effects of the 2015/2016 European ‘Refugee Crisis’ on the Image of the Migrant in the German Speaking Print Media.

Mentink, Fons (2016) Machine driven predictions of the socio-economic status of Twitter users.

Merrienboer, I.A.A.F. van (2016) Reducing production lead time at Zodiac Galleys Europe.

Merwe, C.H. van de (2016) Teachers' professional learning : researching the influence of collective leadership practices and the mediating role of teacher self-efficacy.

Mesfin, B.F. (2016) Human mobility and pertussis disease diffusion patterns.

Mester, M.I. (2016) The administrative approach to organized crime: Exploring the possibility of implementation in the district Borken (Germany).

Meter, B.L.J. van (2016) the WOMB : Design of an Artificial Womb to Foster Quietude and Inspire Social- and Self-Awareness.

Meulen, J. van der (2016) Optimization in Diamond.

Meyer, M.M. (2016) The impact of the refugee surge on the demographic development in Germany and its impact on the national retirement system.

Meyerhoff, Viviane Lee (2016) Colors in Kindergarten : the effect of visual art design on mood, creativity and stereotypical differences in gender.

Middelkoop, C.C. (2016) How does innovative work behavior of employees affect their individual job performance?

Middendorp, D.C. van (2016) Klimaatadaptief vasthouden, bergen en afvoeren van hemelwater in Arnhem Noord.

Midik, N.Y. (2016) Onderzoek naar de validiteit van de I-PANAS-SF voor het meten van positieve emoties in het dagelijkse leven door experience sampling.

Mierden, J. van der (2016) Exploring the drivers of vertical internal HRM system fit within the health care sector.

Millahn, Arne (2016) The monetary and regulatory policies to revitalise the securitisation market in the Eurozone and their impact on varieties of capitalism : towards further financialisation?

Miro, C. (2016) Effect van Mijn GezondheidsPlatform bij patiënten met chronische ziekten in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg : onderzoek naara de mate van zelfmanagement, lichamelijke activiteit en de relatie tussen zelfmanagement en persoonlijkheid.

Mischo, Hendrik (2016) The Internet of Things as a co-creation tool in the fuzzy front end.

Moekotte, N.L. (2016) Variation in use of boost-radiation in clinical practice: Considerations and used policy of radiation oncologists.

Mohammad, Soraya (2016) A case Study on exploring the relevance of evaluation characteristics in designing an evaluation approach on behaviour level on training effectiveness.

Mohr, Franziska (2016) Evaluating the effectiveness of the Kernvisie Method in supporting children with special educational needs.

Mokarram, A.R. (2016) De rol van motivatie in het keuzeproces van scholieren : Een statistische analyse naar de factoren die een rol spelen bij het kiezen voor het vak Maatschappijwetenschappen.

Mol, L. (2016) Open data within municipalities: Does cooperation between municipalities on the topic of open data improve the provision of open data by municipalities? A case study involving Dutch Municipalities.

Mol, R.J. (2016) The influence of employees as active consumers of Human Resource Management.

Molder, D A M te (2016) Condition monitoring and testing of piezo elements for the activation of guided Lamb waves & damage identification using ultrasound scanning.

Molen, T.D. van der (2016) Establishing stable wall-contact with multirotor platforms.

Molenkamp, D.J. (2016) The off-design performance prediction of centrifugal compressors.

Molthof, Irene C. (2016) Neurotechnology and dynamic flow : the influence of brain stimulation technologies and neurofeedback on the self and self-understanding.

Moning, I. (2016) Presenting roadworks information through different modalities: understandability and compliance - A simulator study.

Mooiman, D.E. (2016) Reconstructing the Kristalbad project : A case study on the process of a multifunctional water project studied through the conceptual lens of the Contextual Interaction Theory.

Moritz, B. (2016) Content in the train: Taking a closer look at in-train screens : A study on what types of content, on in-train digital signage, lead to a more positive customer experience.

Morren, D.H.P. (2016) Economic valuation as acceptance metric for credit contracts.

Moscoviter, D. (2016) Improving spatial indexing and searching for location-based DNS queries.

Mossink, A.S. (2016) Predicting the effect of reducing the nutrient surplus on the nutrient drainage in the province of Fryslân.

Mugabowindekwe, Maurice (2016) Application of hyper-temporal NDVI data to improve homogeneity of the currently used agricultural area frames.

Muhimpundu, Janvier (2016) The land administration information system in support of land management : a case study of Karongi district, Rwanda.

Mukhopadhaya, S. (2016) Exploring measures of similarity and dissimilarity for fuzzy classifier : from data quality to distance quality.

Mulder, A.L. (2016) A forecasting model of multidisciplinary rehabilitation therapy demand.

Mulder, Martijn (2016) Synthesis of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 nanofibers by electrospinning.

Mulder, T. (2016) Self blame among victims of the bystander effect : one vs. more bystanders and severe vs. non-severe Situations Compared.

Muller, C.J. (2016) Digital marketing for small businesses : from zero to online superhero; how an unknown business can become popular overnight.

Muller, Marcel (2016) The impacts of future climate change on land and water productivity of staple crops : a case study for China.

Munck, Philipp (2016) On the determinants of external networking of European mayors.

Munster, Ard A.M. (2016) Influence of cultural tightness-looseness on causal and effectual decision-making.

Muster, Robert Florentin (2016) Online shopping abandonment rate a new perspective : the role of choice conflicts as a factor of online shopping abandonment.

Muswera, T.J.N. (2016) Modelling maize (Zea Mays L.) phenology using seasonal climate forecasts.

Mutunga, K. (2016) Design and application of concept graphs in geoinformatics education.

Muyizere, Aline (2016) Assessing differences in practiced maize crop calendars using hyper-temporal NDVI data in Rwanda.

Mwangi, L.K. (2016) 3D modelling of slums using terrestrial imagery.

Möllemann, D. (2016) Framing the climate change policies and circular economy tenets for SMEs.

Möller, Jonas (2016) The changes in and impact of social support on COPD patients who participated in the REDUQ study and their readiness-to-quit smoking.

Möller, Tim (2016) Deception on facebook : relation between personality, deviation from reality and channels of deception.

Möllers, M. (2016) Awareness of the low fidelity nature of a MVP – How the initial Technology Acceptance is influenced.

Möwes, R.A. (2016) The career compass : discovering diversity in STEM students' professional identity and its effects on their intended career choice.

Müller, P. A. M. (2016) Effectiviteit van de interventie 'Scoren met Gezondheid' op het gebied van fysiologische en gedragsmatige veranderingen.

Münch, D. (2016) Translating clinicians’ needs into requirements for a future Computerised Decision Support System in antibiotic therapy : a user-centred design and requirements engineering approach in a German geriatric hospital setting.

Nana, Milan (2016) CEO age impact on corporate risk.

Naorem, Vickyson (2016) Robustness of rule sets using VHR imagery to detect informal settlements : a case of Mumbai, India.

Naous, A. (2016) Reconstructing the EU Discourse on Migration: A Cosmopolitan Perspective.

Nasrullah, A.R. (2016) Systematic analysis of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) derived product quality.

Nassi, T. and Stouten, S. and Wijk, R.J. van and With, A.J.V. de (2016) Accuracy of head-tracking and eye-tracking when measuring responses to visual cues.

Neele, Thomas (2016) GPU implementation of partial-order reduction.

Neth, H. (2016) Politicization, social media and cris management: the 2011 Chrischurch Earthquake.

Neufeld, M. (2016) Are self-criticism and self-compassion mediators of the effect of physical health on mental well-being?

Neulen, Sharon (2016) Co-creation between citizens and the government : the influence of settings on the intention to join co-creation.

Nguyen, Tuan Huy (2016) The impact of board of directors and ownership characteristics on earnings management of publicly listed firms in Vietnam.

Ni, T. (2016) Tariffing methodology in electricity supply sector of Kazakhstan and its implications for effectiveness in electricity supply sector.

Nicolai, Lydia (2016) Information needs on surrogacy : a qualitative study on the information needs of intended parents and (aspirant) surrogate mothers.

Nield, Thomas A. (2016) Supplier management segmentation and the implications thereof for the University of Twente.

Nieuwenhuis, E.R. (2016) Image guided left ventricular lead-implantation for cardiac resynchronization therapy : assessment of the left phrenic nerve and coronary sinus.

Nieuwenhuizen, D.B. van den (2016) eHealth in the preventive child health care: empowering the ‘hard to reach’ parents in the preventive child health care via persuasive eHealth technology.

Nieuwmeijer, L.F. (2016) Van projectmatige stukproductie naar seriematige voorraadproductie.

Nijborg, Niels A. (2016) Influence of ship-induced currents on the erosion and permeability of sand-mud mixtures in the Twentekanalen.

Nijen Es, L. (2016) Wat betekent floreren in het dagelijks leven? : De relatie tussen welbevinden, positief affect en het leven naar waarden: een Experience Sampling Studie.

Nijenhuis, R.G. (2016) Prevention of Dutch fraud cases : a multiple case study on the effectiveness of internal control in the process of financial statement fraud prevention.

Nijhof, S.F.J. (2016) Frequency tagging of electrocutaneous stimuli for observation of cortical nociceptive processing.

Nijhuis, L.M. (2016) Employer branding through Social Networking Sites : "An Explorative Research towards the Benefits and Limitations of Social Networking Usage for Employer Branding Purposes".

Nijhuis, T.H.J. (2016) Exploring the possibilities for fertilizer production based on the circular economy idea.

Nijkamp, Y. (2016) Leadership styles and strategy process research: A study of Dutch small and medium-sized enterprises.

Nijland, L. (2016) Stock control in the aftermarket.

Nijland, L.K. (2016) Internship Nakilat Damen Shipyards Qatar.

Nijmeijer, D.M. (2016) Modelling air quality in the city.

Nijmeijer, L.E.M. (2016) Embodied Cognition: Effects of Image Schemas in Advertising Design.

Nijmeijer, T.G.M. (2016) Leaving an audio-visual identity trace: how do corporate auditory identity and corporate visual identity contribute to the recognisability and appreciation of an organisation.

Nikkels, D. (2016) Verstelbare broodsnijmachine. Broodsnijden op maat.

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Nillesen, J.M.C.C. (2016) Een systematische review van bestaande positieve psychologische apps gericht op zelfcompassie en/of compassie.

Niyonsenga, H. (2016) Improving the accuracy of UAV image block orientation without GCPS.

Njenga, G.W. (2016) Multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) on multi-temporal VHR images for weed detection in smallholder farms.

Njuki, S.M. (2016) Assessment of irrigation performance by remote sensing in the Naivasha Basin, Kenya.

Nonnekes, L. (2016) De invloed van functionele modi op de geestelijke gezondheid : Onderzoek bij cliënten met persoonlijkheidsproblematiek binnen een klinische behandelsetting gebaseerd op schematherapie direct na de therapie en op de langere termijn.

Noord, N. van (2016) Assisting the management team of Frijns Structural Steel in order to develop a tool to gain more control over the projects and the production in the company.

Noord, R. de (2016) Herontwerp van een distance collaboration table.

Noordhuis, RE (2016) Capaciteit & KOOP Onderzoek.

Noordman, B. (2016) Salt intrusion in the Ghent-Terneuzen channel : assessing Salinity Dynamics with Delft3D FM due to planned lock modifications.

Noordstar, L.M. (2016) Voorraadverlaging van de grootvolume materialen bij Bosch Thermotechniek.

Noort, W (2016) Gathering intelligence from the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network.

Noshahri, H. (2016) Reducing fuel consumption for Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers using automatic steering.

Nourafrouz, N. (2016) Is Stereotyping Intrinsic to Firm Narratives? A CATA-Based Content Analysis of Social Business Venture Profiles.

Nsabimana, Eric (2016) Understanding how to develop a secondary city in proximity of a primary city.

Nuhu, M.R. (2016) Delineation and quantification of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in inland lakes using multispectral sensors.

Nutma, J. (2016) More comprehensive demand side management by the integration of the powermatcher and triana.

Nwuhage, Edson Aspon (2016) The impact of drought on the association between surface water and herbivore distribution in the Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem.

Nyarugwe, K.P. (2016) Effect of surface water management measures on a groundwater fed wetland.

Nölke, Kim J. (2016) The Importance Of Reading - How Perspective-Taking Influences Our (Prosocial) Behaviour.

O'Connor, C.W. (2016) A persona-centered approach to understanding adoption barriers of electric vehicles.

Oberhagemann, Mira (2016) Requirements for user-acceptance of the E4 biosensor in treatment application for alcoholics.

Odink, K.M. (2016) Identifying and trading reversals following a downward overreaction : the MOPOI trading algorithm.

Oduber, Gilliany (2016) Do we underestimate the power of packaging? Understanding the influence of chocolate packaging on consumers' quality perception and taste expectation.

Odyurt, Uraz (2016) Bring your own authenticator/authentication security in physical access control systems.

Oever, L.B. van den (2016) Quantification of ASL and DTI Data in the Brain of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.

Ojoatre, S. (2016) Accuracy of measuring tree height using airborne LiDAR and terrestrial laser scanner and its effect on estimating forest biomass and carbon stock in Ayer Hitam tropical rain forest reserve, Malaysia.

Okenwa, Anthony I. (2016) Change detection by the combination of 2D maps and height data.

Oldach, Daniel (2016) The effects of research on innovation.

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Oliana, Rubina G.T. (2016) The Internet of Things : the next big thing for new product development?

Oliveira Alcantara, L.A. de (2016) Corporate Social Responsibility : an assessment on its effects on consumers' loyalty and perceived value, experiences from the Netherlands.

Oliveri, G. (2016) Developing a parametric model for Air Bearing calculations in COMSOL and further refinement of the currently existing models.

Olli, Glen (2016) Relocation strategy for communities settled in flood-prone areas : a case study in the Bwaise neighbourhood, Kampala.

Olst, A.A. van (2016) Filling the Kasteelgracht with a stream of tacit knowledge; Finding solutions for a complex water problem by using tacit knowledge of people in a Working place.

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Otten, A. (2016) University Spin-offs' Market Orientation Development.

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Oude Booijink, N.H.M. (2016) Parallel magnetic particle imaging: compressed sensing of field free line excitations.

Oude Luttikhuis, Malou (2016) First steps towards identifying the ''business model of the future'' for Higher Educational Institutions : rethinking university teaching : a paradigm shift?

Oude Rengerink, K. (2016) The influences of self-control demands and education on burnout and work engagement.

Oude Vrielink, J. (2016) Improved coupling Pharos-Diffrac : including spatial variations in wave conditions along a ship's hull in dynamic mooring analysis.

Oude Vrielink, J.T. (2016) Rendementsverhoging in de logistieke sector door het beïnvloeden van de kilometerkostprijs.

Ouden, J.J.A. den (2016) A quest for the best automated tests : Estimating software reliability based on Spec Explorer's on-the-fly test results.

Oudkerk Pool, I.R. (2016) To which extent does Job crafting mediate or (negatively or positively) moderate the relationship between Human Resource Management and Work engagement?

Oudshoorn, Luuk (2016) The theory and practice of probabilistic CMOS.

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Overmars, Carly (2016) Factors that drive Coopetition and exploration of potential Supply-Based Drivers to Coopetition.

Owusu, Christian Kwesi (2016) Capability of LANDSAT-8/SPOT-6 in quantifying chlorophyll-a in inland lakes.

PINGEN, G.L.J. (2016) Machine Learning for Ground Cover and Hot Target Analysis in RGB and Satellite Imagery.

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Parren, D.R.F. (2016) Knowledge-Sharing Intention in and outside an Enterprise Social Network: A study of IT-professionals in a health-tech organization.

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Patzak, Cosima, D. (2016) Does the lone wolf get burnout? : A positive psychology intervention in Dutch nursing homes, examining positive relations and burnout.

Pauli, C.A. (2016) What markets do: from marketing to postphenomenology.

Pavlovic, Ivana (2016) The exclusion of informal Micro enterprises from the policies on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Rwanda and Senegal and the factors that contribute to the exclusion.

Peeters, J.J. (2016) Fast and Accurate Likelihood Ratio Based Biometric Verification in the Encrypted Domain.

Peltenburg, T.A. (2016) Applying Time-Driven Activity Based Costing in International Mail.

Pelters, Frauke (2016) What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger? Experience of posttraumatic growth of partners of cancer patients who participated in an online intervention for partners of cancer patients based on self-compassion and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Pencheva, Kristiana (2016) To what extent do educational background and work-related experience determine the success of Dutch entrepreneurs?

Penterman, L.S. (2016) E-health enabled integrated care teams, what makes them effective? - Interdisciplinary collaboration.

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Pereira da Silva, Diego (2016) We know and when convenient share it all : the role of informational social support in online shopping experiences.

Perick, Sabrina (2016) De rol van burgers in Community Policing in Duitsland.

Peters, G. M. (2016) Stakeholder involvement in product development in the biotech industry.

Peters, L. (2016) Corporate sustainability in India : a website based study on the different CS activities and the most focused on stakeholders.

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Peters, Marie-Luise (2016) Feeling natural: The influence of tactile characteristics and sensory presentation of food packaging on consumers’ perceived naturalness.

Peters, Olaf Albert Jan Henk (2016) Market involvement in value proposition development by university spin-offs.

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Petriconi, Luca Marcello (2016) Sustainability and travel experience.

Peuscher, D.W. (2016) The Resource Orchestration Theory as contributor to Supply Chain Management: an assessment on its applicability.

Pfab, Isabel (2016) A wearable intervention for posture correction.

Pflüger, Helen Verena (2016) Labour Market Integration Of Refugees And Asylum Seekers: An Explorative Case Study Regarding The Role Of Ethnic Antagonism At The Implementation Stage Of An European Social Fund’s Programme In Germany.

Pham, T.D. (2016) Determinants of electronic word of mouth perceived credibility : a study of cosmetic purchasing behavior.

Pieper, Anna-Theres (2016) Detecting Review Spam on Amazon with ReviewAlarm.

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Pieterson, R. (2016) Attentional bias towards fatigue and vitality words : a difference between people low or high in fatigue.

Pijnappel, B.T.A. (2016) Optimalisatie van de tactische productieplanning van Grolsch.

Pijnenborg, I. (2016) Methodological guideline to find suitable design patterns to implement adaptability.

Pijper, C.C. de (2016) Improving the microfirm concept.

Pistoor, M.E.J. (2016) The design of social community teams in the municipality of Zwolle.

Plaggenborg, Jisse Lars (2016) Outsourcing decisions in the Dutch software industry : a multiple case study.

Plant, O.H. (2016) Social media and sales : determining the predictive power of sentiment analysis towards car sales.

Plender, J.B. (2016) Internship at Flanders' Bike valley.

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Plomp, B.I. (2016) De indeling van het magazijn bij Brinkers B.V.

Plura, F. (2016) Part optimization design studies in the modern aircraft industry.

Pohl, D.Y. (2016) Assessing the Influence of the Market Structure on the Capacity to Produce Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in European Countries.

Polanco Pacheco, Christian Andrés (2016) Optimum technology network for ethanol production and electricity cogeneration in Ecuador.

Polinder, H.C. (2016) The moderating effect of brand life on the impact of electronic word-of-mouth valence on brand love.

Polst, S.E. (2016) Simulation of an Emergency Situation for the Purpose of Evaluating a Crowd-Based Rescue System.

Pool, S.D. (2016) Een onderzoek naar de toepassing van het twee continuamodel bij cliënten met een posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS) voor en na behandeling.

Poort, A. (2016) Het leren van de CVS: de toegevoegde waarde van oefenen en verklaren bij directe instructie.

Poorthuis, D.C. (2016) Verschil in alcoholgebruik tussen mannen en vrouwen bij diverse trek-naar-alcohol-situaties.

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Poppelen, Daniël van (2016) Welbevinden in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg: Validering van het twee continua model van klachten en welbevinden in een klinische populatie.

Poppink, Ruben B.E. (2016) Electric vehicle integration : stakeholder engagement in the innovation process of electric vehicle integration.

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Posch, K. (2016) Detecting Green. The process and feasibility of recognising sustainable companies on basis of public content.

Poschmann, M. (2016) Understanding gender inequality in career success : a developmental network analysis.

Postma, C.M. (2016) Wat is een veilige omgeving? : omgevingen van invloed op het sociale veiligheidsgevoel.

Postma, E. (2016) The effects of audit firm rotation on audit quality: does audit firm rotation improve audit quality?

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Pouwels, A.C. (2016) Design of a passive brace. Assisting elderly with the sit-to-stand-transition.

Praas, N.H.J. (2016) Becoming a preferred customer : The influence of proximity and public procurement on receiving a preferred customer status.

Prasetya, Yudha (2016) A shop to remember : the interplay of color, music, and shopping motivation on consumer's response and memory in a retail setting.

Pratomo, Jati. (2016) Transferability of the generic and local ontology of slim in multi-temporal imagery, case study : Jakarta.

Prause, L. (2016) Software vendors' service infusion : a generic value network of cloud-based enterprise software.

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Preuhs, K. (2016) Effectiviteit van de interventie 'Scoren met Gezondheid' op het mentaal welbevinden, kwaliteit van leven en veerkracht van de deelnemers.

Priale Olivares, R. Alejandro (2016) The pathway towards decarbonisation 2050 : a comparison of the behavior of Germany and the UK towards CO2 emission targets.

Prins, J. (2016) De relatie tussen Sense of Coherence en narratieve toekomstverbeelding onder ervaringsdeskundigen en professionals in het straf- en zorgsysteem.

Prins, J.H. (2016) De bejegening van aangevers en oordelen over de politie bij woninginbraken : een onderzoek naar de invloed van verwachtingen en het politieoptreden op de oordelen die slachtoffers van woninginbraak over de politie hebben.

Prinsen, Joren (2016) Bepalen van de meerwaarde van use cases voor het in kaart brengen van onderhoudseisen bij ProRail.

Pross, L.S. (2016) Trust in the Cloud.

Pruim, L. (2016) Assessing and Comparing the Quality of Wound Centres.

Purwanto, Agus (2016) Implementation of Forest Certification in Small Farm Community Forest in Gunung Kidul Regency, Indonesia.

Putri, F.D.A. (2016) Strategic of energy efficiency in higher education.

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Pérez Nijhuis, J. (2016) To queue or not to queue A study on minimizing balking in movie theatres.

Quekel, Merel (2016) Sweets in my beat, sugar for my money? : The effects of high-pitched background music on consumers’ choice of sweet food products.

Quickert, Mathias (2016) Citizen participation in post-disaster resilience programs : the cases of Roombeek and Hoboken.

Radinal, R. A. (2016) Stakeholder Engagement in Indonesian Start-Ups.

Ragasa, Girma Chaka (2016) Effect of water content on soil stability and field trafficability in Twente region, The Netherlands.

Rahmede, Felix (2016) Envelopment strategies in platform markets : analysis of Hewlett-Packard Company (2006-2011).

Ramadhani, S.A. (2016) Using unmanned aircraft system images to support cadastral boundary data acquisition in Indonesia.

Ramaker, K.A. (2016) Plasticity and fracture modeling of composite steel Tribond 1200 for crash simulation.

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Ransmann, R.B. (2016) Gamification: De Invloed op Online Positieve Psychologie Interventies en Flow.

Ratri, D.P. (2016) Identification of Systemic Problems of Sumba Iconic Island, A Renewable Energy Initiative.

Rauleder, S. (2016) Cloud computing as an entrance for start-ups into ERP solutions.

Rawlings, Henry (2016) Integrating Refugees in the Swedish Labor Market: The Implementation of “entry recruitment” and “new start job” initiatives.

Reba, Y.B. (2016) Assessing the reflectance spectra of obsidians as a possible tool for age dertermination of holocene lavas.

Reckermann, A. (2016) Firm survival explained by causation, effectuation, and the degree of industry dynamism.

Reef, K.R.G. (2016) Extending Lorentz' network model for the Dutch Wadden Sea : a matter of time.

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Reichelt, J. (2016) The Future of Big Data and Business Operations in the Context of Relational In-Memory Databases : Scenarios for the Year 2025.

Reijmer, J.G.J. (2016) Calculating the overpressure in a tyre cavity due to tyre movement and compression.

Reijnders, V.M.J.J. (2016) Probabilistic analysis of highly connected random geometric graphs.

Reimeringer, M.J.F. (2016) Gamification : a tool to enhance response quality in lean market research.

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Reuvekamp, T. (2016) Van Ambitie tot Realiteit. De Burgel: Beleefbaar en Bevaarbaar.

Reuvekamp, Yorick (2016) The effects of nature on creative performance : measuring the effects of fascinating nature and nature sound on creative performance.

Reuvers, J. (2016) Knelpunten analyse : planning en coördinatie tussen gemeente, civiele aannemer en nutspartijen tijdens binnenstedelijke infraprojecten.

Ribbers, J. (2016) I spy, I spy with my little eye : A research about the effects of watching eyes on pre-swim shower behaviour.

Rickers, F. (2016) Fatigue among visually impaired adults: a qualitative data.

Rickert, J.M. (2016) The Relationship between Transparency, Consumer Trust and Willingness to Share Data - A Vignette Survey.

Ridder, Sjors de (2016) Design of a multi-objective decision support tool for the location of an intermodal terminal for the transport of perishable goods.

Ridderhof, C.P.J. (2016) KnowledgeManagement System Pilot Exploration of knowledge management.

Riedel, Leonie (2016) Verklaringen voor middelengebruik : Hoe impliciete als ook expliciete Compensatory Health Beliefs, zelfregulatie en stress gerelateerd zijn aan middelengebruik bij studenten.

Rieksen, R.H. (2016) Perfect selfie that can be used in face recognition with a passport photo.

Riesenbeck, J. (2016) HUMAN-LIKE PRODUCTS : The Effect of 'Facial' Expressions of Different Product Types on Overall Impression and the Need to Build Up Relationship.

Rijkeboer, Marco P.A. (2016) HRM Innovations in Dutch general hospitals : a diverse spectrum, limited diffused.

Rijksen, H.B. (2016) Sensible Mathematics : in de context van kansrekening.

Rijst, J.C. van der (2016) Een Markov model voor het plannen van maaltijden in zorginstellingen.

Riksen, J.J.M. and Roks, M.J. and Treurniet, G.L. and Waard, M.W.P. van der (2016) In hoeverre is de Kinect geschikt om met behulp van knie- en heuphoeken een kwantitatieve bewegingsanalyse uit te voeren?

Rimbach, J. (2016) Ethnicity of adolescents and equal treatment by the police in Düsseldorf.

Rincon Moreno, J.A. (2016) Share, Optimize, Closed-Loop for food waste (SOL4FoodWaste) : The case of an U.S. retailer in Mexico City.

Rinsema, J.G. (2016) Tide integrated hydrodynamic and sediment transport characteristics in tidal channels and the effect of deepening.

Rippe, J. (2016) Examining the relationship between the ability to shift visuospatial attention and visual awareness using lateralized power spectra.

Rips, J.M. (2016) Self-Criticism and Self-Compassion: Two sides of the same coin?

Ritmeester, C. (2016) De tuinbouw in ontwikkeling : Succes kent zijn keerzijde.

Ritterfeld, Thom (2016) On-demand app development.

Rittmeyer, Nicolas (2016) The differences between value propositions following G-D and S-D logic : A multiple case study.

Roeden, LG van (2016) Ongelijke behandeling van jongeren uit etnische minderheden door Belgische politie.

Roediger, Sarah (2016) The influence of perceptual learning on conscious perception and its relation with attention.

Roelofs, D.R. (2016) The learning effect of biofeedback training with SensiStep.

Roettgers, Catharina Isabelle (2016) Contribution of science parks to a successful University-Industry-Cooperation.

Rohrmann, Rafael Sebastian (2016) Targeting Silver Surfer : E-Shopping 2.0: factors that support or impede the participation of Silver Surfer.

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Roodink, T. (2016) Literature review on stabilizing high speed valve- and drivetrain concepts for racing applications.

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Roppelt, J. C. (2016) Bringing the iCub to life with neural network activation.

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Rosales, Ana Isabel Maldonado (2016) Understanding the benefits of green infrastructure planning in developing countries.

Rose, A.M. (2016) The Roles, Functions, and Motivations of Volunteers in Helping to Ameliorate Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers and Refugees - A case study of voluntary engagement at temporary asylum accommodation centres in Germany.

Ross, A. (2016) University Talent Management in Practice : an Evaluation of the Tenure Track System of the University of Twente.

Rossides, Charalambos (2016) Design and implementation of a modular, customizable and multi-modality compatible actuator with position feedback.

Roth, Vivian Alexandra (2016) First, Second, Third...Sold! : factors influencing the purchase intention at auctions.

Rotteveel, M.R. (2016) Evaluatie van het evacuatieplan van VGGM bij hoogwater.

Rouweler, M.J.M. (2016) Equipping pre-service teachers to improve science education at primary schools: The impact of a science professional development program on pre-service teachers' subject matter knowledge, teaching strategies, self-efficacy, and attitude.

Rouwenhorst, Debbie (2016) Deceiving science: the role of descriptive norm- and self-discrepancies in the transgression of behavioral science norms.

Rozema, L. (2016) Extending the control tower at ShipitSmarter: Designing a tool to analyse carrier performance and perform what-if analyses.

Rubanje, I. (2016) Linking land use, tenure and consolidation in Rwanda.

Ruijsscher, T. de (2016) Improving risk identification on large infrastructure projects.

Ruiter, D.R. de (2016) Numerical calculation of magnetoresistance in a thin-film Bi2Te3 topological insulator.

Ruiter, M.T. de (2016) UTRADE : Verbeteren van tweedehands handel tussen studenten van Universiteit Twente.

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Rupert, P. (2016) Wat zijn behandelmotieven en beschermende factoren van deelnemers aan de positief psychologische interventie ‘Dit is jouw leven’? : Een exploratief onderzoek naar behandelmotivatie, beschermende factoren en hun relatie met zelfcompassie en welbevinden.

Ruppel, J. (2016) Development and Pilot-testing of a questionnaire about the use of technology for learning and communication in Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Rusch, Nina (2016) Analysis of the filtration process at a beer brewery.

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Röll, M.F. (2016) The Manifestation of Self-regulation, Co-regulation and Socially Shared Regulation in Software Development Teams.

Röttger, Valentin (2016) HR practices enhancing employee knowledge to foster Employee-Driven Innovation.

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STEINIGER, L. (2016) Hate or Forgiveness: How Do Online Firestorms Impact Brand Attitude.

Saadallah, Z.S.A. (2016) Inducing Transformative learning in a Game‑ Based Learning Environment.

Sabljic, S. (2016) A design investigation into the desired way of influencing people's waiting experience at a future airport.

Saedi, Yalda (2016) Comprehensive remote sensing based building damage classification.

Sahhar, Yasin (2016) Assessing value-in-use from an ethnographic perspective: An Ethnographic Case Study.

Sako, W.W.S.M. (2016) Transnational INTERREG projects within the context of climate change adaptation in the water sector: an evaluation on learning-based theories.

Salamon, Sebastian (2016) To what extent is the utilization of effectuation or causation reflected in the turnover by starting/novice entrepreneurs?

Salita, R.C (2016) Kenmerken van online begeleiding : Onderzoek naar de kenmerken van online begeleiding en de mate van tevredenheid van de deelnemers van de interventie “Hou vast voor elkaar”.

Salomons, T. (2016) Een basis voor continu verbeteren bij AWL.

Samarrai, Dhabia al (2016) Microwave ablation of solitary breast cancer for elderly women & Neurostimulation of the celiac plexus as a treatment for overweight and obesity : an exploration of the steps needed for a clinical study.

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Sanders, R.V. (2016) Modelling and simulation of traditional hydraulic heave compensation systems.

Sandhof, Alexander (2016) The ethics and values of tele-care technology in palliative care : a discourse analysis.

Sanker, S. (2016) The impact of novice entrepreneurs’ faith in intuition on the entrepreneurial decision-making process.

Santema, S.E (2016) Insight in Scheduling Choices:A Visualisation Tool for SDF Graphs.

Sark, E. van (2016) Care on demand - Improving the coordination between the members of the multidisciplinary team of Endocrine Oncology.

Schaefer, P.M. (2016) Tangible Pods : A raw tangible user interface (TUI) for audio and haptic feedback.

Schaik, Kevin van (2016) A Servitization Framework for Corporate Companies.

Schakel, E.J. (2016) Investigation of the Coffee Grinding Process.

Schakel, P.J. (2016) Opstellen handleiding voor het zelfstandig uitvoeren van een meting met Ground Penetrating Radar.

Scharenborg, Sanne (2016) Evaluating the acceptance, usability and perceived potential effect of the ‘Fit at work’ intervention : an intervention to persuade office workers aged 55 years and older into adopting a healthier physical activity pattern during working hours.

Scheffels, J. (2016) The Role of Physical Activity in the Relation between Compensatory Health Beliefs and Alcohol Consumption among Young Adults.

Scheper, B.J. (2016) Simulating mixing machines using MercuryDPM.

Schiborr, L.A. (2016) How to emerge as a digital platform leader? : Envelopment and business model innovation at eBay and Amazon (2006-2011).

Schilte, P.G. (2016) Curitiba bikeways quality mapping index.

Schimmel, N. (2016) Measurements and control of mould oscillation during continuous casting of steel.

Schipper, S. (2016) Diagnosing verification and validation problems in public civil engineering projects : How "building the right system right" can go wrong.

Schlesiger, D. H. (2016) Self-compassion as a mediator of the effect on well-being in a self-compassion based training : a randomized controlled trial.

Schlömer, M. (2016) Educational mismatching: effects on income and job satisfaction : "A study on the difference between self-employment and wage-employment with regards to the effect of educational mismatching on income and job satisfaction".

Schmelzer, F. (2016) Een online positieve psychologie interventie met en zonder gamificatie De effecten op positieve emoties en motivatie.

Schmidt, Cornelia (2016) Effects of display position, secondary task and driving task difficulty on the driver’s gaze behavior : a field study.

Schmitz, F.P. (2016) Normative Power Europe: A case study of the EU’s external promotion of core labour standards in third countries.

Schneider, Lisa (2016) The impact of culture on crisis management in complex settings : a case study of Fukushima.

Schnieder, M.K. (2016) Make me Happy: Usability, Mindfulness and Acceptance of the Intervention Geluk en Zo.

Schniering, A.A. (2016) The relationship between human factors and presence experienced in Virtual Environments (VEs).

Schnitzler, L.M. (2016) A Pilot Study of the Feasibility and Effects of a Guided Imagery Intervention on Stress Management, Self-Compassion and Well-Being.

Schoemaker, C. (2016) Joint vision on nature: An advise for the province Gelderland to create a balanced soft policy for nature that produces coherent activities by stakeholders.

Schoenmaker, L.L. (2016) English language in international advertising in the Netherlands: the effect of the difficulty of English language in ads on brand evaluations of consumers in different age groups.

Schoenmakers, A.M. (2016) Het creëren van richtlijnen voor brainstorms in het virtual reality laboratorium.

Schoffelen, F. W. T. and Richter, M. and Wijfjes, R. L. H. and Roelofs, L. J. M. (2016) De harmonisatie en optimalisatie van de CT-scaninstellingen in het MST Enschede en ZGT Hengelo.

Schokkin, M. (2016) Ver(der) zien. Van kijken in het verleden naar een ver-ziende blik in de toekomst van televisie(kijken).

Scholten, M. (2016) The effectiveness of an online driving simulation for adolescents without driving experience.

Scholten, Peter (2016) Efficiency analysis and improvement of the canning line at Grolsch.

Scholten, Ralph (2016) Groene energiecertificering.

Schonewille, R. (2016) Analysis of tram wheel wear at RET.

Schoonbrood, J.M.J. (2016) Shaping designs : Effects of the graphic design of packaging sales promotion shapes and products’ packaging shapes on customers’ expectations, pre-purchase attitude and purchase intention.

Schoot Uiterkamp, J.J.A. (2016) Design and implementation of autonomous robotic scanning of the breast.

Schoot Uiterkamp, M.H.H. (2016) Robust planning of electric vehicle charging.

Schouwstra, M. (2016) Social media interaction between teachers and pupils: Exploring opportunities and challenges in elementary school contexts.

Schrader, A.H. (2016) The feasibility of an MRI compatible ultrasound transducer.

Schrage, P.F. (2016) Analyse en verbetering Palletadministratie bij Vos Zaltbommel.

Schrauwen, R.R. (2016) Ontwerp van een fysieke database.

Schreurs, Fleur (2016) Een fijn leven met een psychische ziekte? : een onderzoek naar het welbevinden bij volwassenen met een psychische ziekte.

Schroer, G.H. (2016) Feasibility of End-To-End Encryption using Attribute Based Encryption in Health Care.

Schröder, M.S. (2016) Enhancing resilience, wellbeing and optimism through narrative imagination of the future and the interrelationship of the concepts with coping.

Schuermans, N.P.E. (2016) De druk van Nivolumab op resources van het Antoni van Leeuwenhoekziekenhuis.

Schuler, Miriam (2016) Implications of constant connectivity : exploring characteristics of a constantly connected lifestyle and how individuals negotiate its boundaries.

Schulte, K.L. (2016) Cyberchondria in Relation to Uncertainty and Risk Perception.

Schultewolter, M. (2016) Verification of user information.

Schulz, N. (2016) Predictors On The Efficacy Of Multidisciplinary Treatment Of Chronic Pain: The influence of a patient’s expectation on the efficacy of multidisciplinary treatment with credibility and individual chronic pain treatment history as mediators.

Schulze Horn, Ines (2016) Mechanism design and how it could enhance the purchasing performance: Processes, success factors, selection criteria, and price developments.

Schulze-Makuch, Nikolas (2016) The new dawn of right wing European populism.

Schumacher, B. (2016) Towards Enterprise 2.0 - an explorative study on organisational readiness for change regarding the adoption of enterprise social software.

Schumacher, J.L. (2016) Competitive dynamics in the wholesale sector: A qualitative comparative analysis.

Schurink, T. (2016) An enquiry into the relation between components and their composition on desired performance and cost of pick&place robotic arms.

Schutte, D. (2016) Welbevinden van ouderen in woonzorg centra: De overeenkomst tussen zelfrapportage en beoordelingen van zorgmedewerkers.

Schutten, W (2016) Sustainable banking business models.

Schwagmeier, R. (2016) Operational Control Tower : For the after-sales service Supply Chain.

Schwarte, T. (2016) Determining an indicator list for benchmarking delivery logistics in proton therapy treatment And a systematic review of operations research application in particle therapy logistics.

Schwarz, A.M. (2016) Effects of general and embodied situational trust on the accuracy of judging lies and truths.

Schyns, P.F.M. (2016) The technological future of the wealth management industry for portfolio management investment services.

Sedee, K.M.J. (2016) Key Performance Indicators.

Sende, M. (2016) Potential negative impacts of trust on coopetitive relationships.

Sennema, J.E. (2016) Trends in Tech : toepassen van trends in productconcepten met behulp van een methode.

Sentis, J.C. (2016) The Chicken or the Egg:Exploring Prediction Models for Dysfunctional Schemas, Mental Distress and Wellbeing by Backward Elimination.

Severijn, T.E. (2016) Het gebruik van anatomische 3D-modellen in het consult : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de intentie tot gebruik van het anatomisch 3D-model vanuit het oogpunt van de zorgprofessional binnen het Antoni van Leeuwenhoek.

Sewkaransing, D. (2016) Burgerparticipatie bij Fraude detectie : Een onderzoek naar de percepties bij de Nederlandse burgers in 2014 over de verschillende mogelijkheden om uitkeringsfraude te melden.

Seyfert, Yannik (2016) Illegal cultural commons in the heart of European cultural identity : a case study on illegal cultural commons in the heart of Europe.

Shahmohammadi Mehrjardi, M.A. (2016) Upscaling of in-situ measurements using spatially distributed model simulations for validation of satellite soil moisture products.

Shao, Wanpeng (2016) The influence of point reduction on the segmentation of MLS data.

Sharma, G. (2016) Land surface phenology as an indicator of performance of conservation policies like Natura2000.

Shen, Chunhui (2016) Multiple-point geostatistics for image re-classification.

Siemerink, M.G.J. (2016) Facilitating dialogue between a small medium-sized accountancy firm and customers: a dyadic perspective on developing reciprocal customer value propositions.

Siepman, D.C. (2016) Automation of the post-processing procedure of numerical modal tyre vibration analyses.

Simons, R.J. (2016) Verwachte vertraging berekenen bij afhankelijke processen : toepassing voor OV-SAAL.

Sinha, A. (2016) Optimization of warehouse processes & automation of packing line.

Sinram, V. (2016) Exploring the Applicability of Implicit Measures to Assess UX in HCI Research.

Siouti, Marianna (2016) Social media use by SMEs in Greece : a uses and gratifications approach.

Sisso, T.J.C. (2016) Adaptive and Scalable Urban Traffic Control in an Indian Metropolis.

Sivaraj, M. (2016) Modeling Receiver Properties to Quantify The Receiver Performance.

Sjoerdstra, Bianca (2016) Dealing with Vendor Lock-in.

Skolik, K. (2016) Persoonlijke doelen van reuma patiënten die aan de online-zelfmanagementtraining Reuma Uitgedaagd! deelnemen.

Skute, I. (2016) The impact of partner spatial, social and network differences on the joint R&D project performance: an analysis of university-industry collaborations.

Slager, Lisanne (2016) Customer value in the high-tech and pharmaceutical transportation industry.

Slaghuis, J. (2016) Invloed van een mastery-avoidance doeloriëntatie op het ontvangen van feedback in termen van emoties en inhoud van communicatie tussen tweetallen.

Slatman, H. (2016) Unboxing security analytics : towards effective data driven security operations.

Slijkhuis, T.J. (2016) Te weinig drang tot werken in het bedrijfsbelang : suboptimaal is verre van optimaal.

Slot, J.J. (2016) Design of a human-powered juicer device.

Slot, M.J. (2016) Ethics of Algorithms.

Slot, T. (2016) Exploring the variables within opportunity evaluation.

Slouwerhof, Inge (2016) In depth analysis of biological tissue characteristics of uterine fibroids using new MRI techniques.

Slöetjes, Rob (2016) Decision support system to support construction method selection for fiber optic networks.

Smedema, I. (2016) Sales promotions and point of sales materials, does it work of not? : To what extent does advertising on the shopping floor influence the (negative) effects of sales promotions on customer brand equity?

Smeenk, Carmen (2016) How clinicians think : changing gear to arrive at the right diagnosis. An exploratory study on the transition from the routine to the effortful mode of clinical reasoning.

Smeenk, J.V. (2016) Indirecte slachtofferervaring en sociale identificatie onder LHB'ers.

Smid, A. and Sluijs, K.M. van der and Kamminga, M. and Meulenbrugge, E. (2016) Measuring at the nerve ending : Research on the most reliable motion tracking method for SR-curve determination compared to CMAP registration in healthy individuals, for distal excitability testing.

Smit, A. (2016) Beïnvloeding van gedragsmotivatie in het verkeer.

Smit, T.G.J (2016) What is known about the influence of CO2 differentiated vehicle taxes on car sales in the EU?

Smit, T.O. (2016) Designing a corporate bond.

Smits, H.J.G. (2016) Co-creating with children : arts and crafts toys.

Smits, J. (2016) 3D geprinte steunzolen voor sporters ter vervanging van de huidige schuim steunzolen : een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van parametrische structuren.

Smits, R. (2016) Spintronic devices based on the graphene-nickel(111) interface.

Smoletz, F.G (2016) Unhealthy eating -: How Sport and stress are related to eating-specific Compensatory Health Beliefs.

Sniekers, R.C. (2016) International cooperation of emergency services : limiting and facilitating factors between the Netherlands and Germany.

Soeparwata, A.I. (2016) Institutional Autonomy of Universities in Theory and Practice : A qualitative Research on decentralized Financial and Human Resource Competences.

Solanki, Gautam (2016) Polarimetric SAR interferometry based inversion modelling for tree height estimation.

Solis Andrade, Lila G. (2016) Internet usage in an offline world - a study of the digital divide in Cuba.

Soltani, F.H. (2016) Optimizing processes at the spare parts warehouse Of Port Elizabeth.

Somberg, Christina (2016) Interventies om posttraumatische groei (PTG) te verhogen en posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS) te verlagen : een literatuurreview.

Sommers, M.H.P. (2016) Emergencies in planning and planning emergencies : Research to the operating room planning for emergency patients at UMC Utrecht.

Song, Yumeng (2016) Monitoring and modelling of phytoplankton distribution in an artificial wetland using high-resolution satellite imagery : a case study of Kristalbad, Enschede, NL.

Soonthornharuethai, P. (2016) Comparing 3D point clouds from image-based matching method and airborne LiDAR in tropical rainforest reserve of Ayer Hitam, Malaysia.

Speldekamp, T.J. (2016) Inzicht in de bedbezetting en personele inzet binnen een verpleegafdeling.

Spenke, Maurice te (2016) Care and cure in the dutch Healthcare sector: Exploring differences between intended and realized HRM.

Spielberger, L. (2016) What is dead may never die – How the Stability and Growth Pact was remade during the Euro Crisis.

Spijkers, R.B. (2016) Doping behavior in international cycling from a public administration perspective : a multiple case study research to the international anti-doping policies and the influence of constitutional contexts on the development and preservation of doping behavior retrospectively performed in 4 selected cases.

Spil, T.A. (2016) User-input device based command and control of the youBot using a RaMstix embedded board.

Spitzer, M. (2016) Effect of futuring: to increase resilience : an effect study.

Spoeskes, Jan (2016) Virtual Reality : a useful medium to reduce stress?

Spoler, H. (2016) Please, can I have your attention? An experimental study of the influence of response expectations, interruption frequency and interruption complexity on the level of workplace telepressure and negative emotions experienced by employees.

Spoor, R.J.F. (2016) Design of an Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy End-effector.

Spoor, S.M. (2016) How can data generated by smart home devices help identify consumer needs?

Spreeuwers, Nadia E. (2016) Arousing memory: Memories obtained from virtual reality are as correctly recalled as memories obtained from conventional two-dimensional screens.

Spruijt, T.A. (2016) Increasing capital investment transparency across a multinational matrix organization.

Staal, T.H. (2016) Design project: new cable joint body.

Staay, Y. van der (2016) Schetsen in de O&O les : Ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een instructievideo.

Stahl, S. (2016) Evoking positive emotions by the use of virtual reality in relation to technique acceptance.

Stahlkopf, L.A. (2016) The two-continua model of mental health in PTSD : A study about the application of the two-continua-model of mental health to general and specific psychopathological symptoms of PTSD.

Staijen, Lindsey Jolien Mariëtte (2016) Evaluation of data driven teaching in primary education : a mixed methods study.

Stamova, Tanya (2016) Integrating open data reuse into the business models of German companies.

Starmann, L.C. (2016) Ontwerp van een interactief product dat de zelfstandigheid van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking in het dagelijks leven vergroot door gebruik te maken van gedragsverandering en sociale beinvloeding.

Stasik, J. (2016) Experience sampling bij chronische pijnpatiënten.

Steenhuis, Bob (2016) The public perception of in vitro meat in The Netherlands.

Steffen, Barbara (2016) Inter-& Intradepartmental knowledge management barriers when offering single unit solutions.

Stegeman, Iwan (2016) Beschikbaarheid bij weginfrastructuur projecten : een onderzoek naar de status-quo rondom beschikbaarheid bij weginfrastructuur projecten.

Stegen, Maurice Alexander (2016) Media systems of the European Union : a qualitative analysis of four member states and their situation of the press.

Steijn, Justin van (2016) Aggregation in transport networks for a flexible assignment model.

Stein, A.S. (2016) Exploratory evaluation of an intensive smoking reduction intervention using a single-case experimental design : differences in cognitive determinants of smoking cessation within four COPD Patients with varying impairment in health- related quality of life.

Steinbrecher, Tobias (2016) The Schengen Area in Crisis : Europe's External Border Protection, its Flaws and its Prospects.

Steinert, Anna (2016) From Alleged Failing to a Burden Sharing System? A Newspaper Analysis on the Dublin Procedures in the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

Steinhoff, S. (2016) The effect of implementing accounting standards on Swiss companies’ cost of equity capital.

Steinke, J. (2016) Berlin's e-participation strategy : "Zukunftsmusik"? (Still up in the air?).

Stek, Klaas (2016) Purchasing skills: Comparing Dutch and Austrian industrial job advertisements with the help of KODE®X.

Stellmach, R (2016) Een internationale vergelijking van digitale geletterdheid in het curriculum.

Steman, Jelle (2016) The post adoption impact of IFRS 8 on segment disclosure quality : evidence from European and Australian listed firms.

Stenmans, E. (2016) Examinig the relation between team cohesiveness and team effectiveness and the role of verbal communication in this relation.

Stenveld, L.G.W. (2016) Waterveiligheid Kampereilanden.

Sterling, Lotte, L. (2016) Increasing compliance to a request by means of the Foot-in-the-door technique or the Door-in-the-face technique? : investigation of a potential moderating effect of mood and buying motivation.

Stijlaart, E. (2016) Effects of Disalignments in C/PPS laminates : a study on a possible method to predict warpage induced by disalignments.

Stiphout, F. van (2016) Approximating the Flow-Based Transport Capacity Constraints for the Day-Ahead Power Market.

Stoeten, J.A.C. (2016) Item availability restricted.

Stopel, Jurjen (2016) BIM in de bouwsector : uitwisselen van informatie met BIM tussen verschillende partners.

Stout, A. (2016) Application of the principles of mass customization : standardisation and modularization, for an infrastructural object: a viaduct.

Stratum, F.L. van (2016) De gevolgen van het ontvangen van communicatiefouten in crisisonderhandelingen.

Stresewski, J. A. (2016) This is for the lovers : motivations and self-congruity as antecedents of anthropomorphism & brand love.

Strijdveen, M.M.A. (2016) Strength assessment of bolted connections : the effect of geometric non linearity and stress stiffening on bolt stresses.

Stroes, J.D. (2016) A feasibility study into measuring intraindividual alcohol craving in a longitudinal study : measuring self reported craving in a naturalistic setting combined with the usability of the Empatica E4 wristlet.

Stronks, J. (2016) Which cultural and structural characteristics of a Customer Contact Centre contribute to the citizens’ perceived service performance?

Strooisma, Ale (2016) A monitoring solution for multi-language software.

Struwe, M.E.F. (2016) The Transition Initiatives - How is Commoning applied? : a descriptive analysis of commoning in three Transition Initiatives.

Stäbler, Svenja Luise (2016) Basic need satisfaction with public sector internships and career aspiration of students : a self-determination theory approach.

Suleymanov, S. (2016) Design and Implementation of an FMCW Radar Signal Processing Module for Automotive Applications.

Sumareke, A.M. (2016) Modelling and mapping aboveground biomass and carbon stock using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data in Ayer Hitam tropical rainforest reserve in Malaysia.

Sundermann, J. H. (2016) Fatigue and Major Depressive Disorder - A Systematic Review of Etiology, Maintenance, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Sutter, D. (2016) Disposed to take action? : an assessment of the EU as a global security actor in the combat of regional conflicts.

Swanenburg, R. (2016) Towards successful mass customization strategies in Dutch house building: An application of the motivation-opportunity-ability framework to investigate the customer value of houses customized with a product configurator.

Swart, D.F.H. and Bastiaansen, W.A.P. and Brethouwer, J.F. (2016) Stochastisch Lineair Programmeren.

Swarts, E.J. (2016) ICE transport discontinuation in the Netherlands : what is the Dutch government doing about it?

Sybenga, S.D.A (2016) Anomaly detection in defence and surveillance.

TJon-En-Fa, N.Y. (2016) The Effect of Climate Change Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation Measures on Heat Stress in Retirement Homes in The Netherlands.

Tabalia, A.N. (2016) Evaluation of L-band brightness temperature products using community microwave emission model and SMAP brightness temperature observations.

Takian, Sadir (2016) The Application of “the Geneva Convention Relating the status of Refugees” to third-country nationals from post-war areas.An analysis of the application of the concept of “Refugee” as laid down by the Geneva Convention and the Qualification Directive on Third-Country Nationals from post-war areas.

Talele, A.S.T. (2016) Inertia driven controlled passive actuation with the Dual-Hemi CVT.

Teekens, L.E.A. (2016) Is it feasible to study heart rate values using wearables instead of traditional equipment in research?

Teerenstra, G.H.G. (2016) The start of IT Governance in a Dutch Academic Medical Centre.

Teixeira, L.T. (2016) Vermoeidheid en posttraumatische stressstoornis : een systematische review van de etiologie, de in stand houdende factoren en de behandeling.

Tent Beking, Michiel van (2016) Sparse Array Antenna Signal Reconstruction using Compressive Sensing for Direction of Arrival Estimation.

Terhart, Tobias (2016) The relation between the sense of coherence and future imagination: a mixed method approach.

Terpstra, J.M.R. (2016) An early assessment of the Flowchart Dementia in general practice.

Terwort, Johannes (2016) Usability testing for practical use: Monitoring the process and detecting false positives face to face and via internet.

Teschner, J. (2016) Serious Games in Medical Education : as Learning Tools.

Teunis, G. (2016) Towards a design for professional development of honors teachers at Saxion University of Applied Sciences.

Teunissen, Jeroen (2016) RFID en zoeken : een haalbaarheidsstudie naar RFID en hoe zoeken te verminderen.

Theiling, P. (2016) The Impact of a Web-based Psychological Self-help Intervention for Partners of Cancer Patients On Self-compassion.

Thiel, Malte (2016) How identity is created in a Minikroniek.

Thiess, Anke and Uhlenbruck, Anna (2016) Cost-effectiveness analysis of medication reviews in Parkinson's disease.

Thirukokaranam Chandrasekar, Krishna Kumar (2016) Tracking and Control of Soft, Self-Folding Miniaturized Agent using Ultrasound Images.

Thomas, Laura (2016) The impact of personality on compensatory health beliefs : does the theory of planned behavior play a mediating role?

Thomson, B.R. and Gruisen, J.A.E. and Kessels, I.P.J. and Faessen, J.J. (2016) Improved attachment method for an automatic speaking valve for laryngectomized patients.

Tieleman, P (2016) Rail-guided ballast tank inspection robot, Software architecture analysis and enhancement in the ROS environment.

Tieman, Lisa (2016) Can eustress protect against distress?

Tigelaar, Jellien (2016) Predict to prevent: How to improve workplace safety?

Tijhuis, Ruben J.J. (2016) Improving the handling of special orders at Scania Production Meppel.

Tillmann, A. (2016) How do different interests of stakeholders play a role in establishing vertical fit within the HRM system levels?

Timmer Arends, J.H. (2016) Design of a dynamic weigh system for conveyors.

Timmerman, H. (2016) Het ontwerpen van een waterornament voor kinderen.

Timmerman, M. (2016) Characterizing GCLAD as a non-contact detector for biomedical applications.

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Timmers, Thijs (2016) The financial influence of terrorist attacks on the domestic stock market.

Titulaer, A.G. (2016) Acceptatie van het valdetectiesysteem uit 'Het huis van de toekomst'.

Tjoonk, J.L. (2016) To what extent do the culture dimensions of tightness/looseness effect the decision making process of entrepreneurs : a study in the Netherlands and Germany.

Tol, Pauline van (2016) Differences in need satisfaction between older, psychiatric and intellectually disabled people who receive care.

Tolhuisen, M.L. (2016) Towards an objective automated pre-operative 3D planning technique for open cranial vault reconstruction in craniosynostosis patients.

Tolsma, Jeroen (2016) Crowdfunding in the hospitality industry An empirical analysis of the different models of crowdfunding.

Tomassen, M.E. (2016) Exploring the Black Box of Machine Learning in Human Resource Management : An HR Perspective on the Consequences for HR professionals.

Topel, L.K. (2016) Between Political Steering and Societal Self-Organization: The Emergence of Renewable Energy Cooperatives in Germany.

Torliene, Malte (2016) How do SMEs in Germany incorporate business development?

Torn, I.A.R. (2016) Analyse van een workflow system : stroomlijnen van processen bij een netbeheerder.

Trillhose, Frank T. (2016) Controlling the production cell using TERRA-LUNA.

Triphaus, Christine (2016) Vraag-antwoord-patronen tijdens een reminiscentie interventie : Een observatie van ouderen in verschillende stadia van dementie.

Tromp, E.O.A. (2016) Stakeholder perspectives on the effects of beach hut development alond the Dutch coast : a qualitative study to assess scenarios for the preservation of important coastal dune functions.

Tromper, T. (2016) Activity classification through hidden Markov modeling.

Trul, H. (2016) Performance of GRADE in simulating flood wave characteristics in the Rhine basin.

Tuimaka, M. (2016) Developing a framework for generating concepts based on reflective design aspects.

Tutmann, M. (2016) Product recall communication : effect of framing on consumer’s emotions, attitude and behavioral intentions.

Tönis, K.J.M. (2016) Narratieve toekomstverbeelding: een mogelijk middel tot verbetering van positieve geestelijke gezondheid en versterking van veerkracht en hoop ?

Uebbing, Tobias J. (2016) User experience in smart environments : design and prototyping.

Uilkema, R. (2016) De geboorte van Cucu : het herontwerpen van een koekoeksklok tot een interactief product.

Ullah, I. (2016) Detecting Lateral Movement Attacks through SMB using BRO.

Uludasdemir, Volkan (2016) Creating real democracy by the 15-M movement.

Uphues, Carsten (2016) Utilizing Networks for achieving sustainable startup performance: Empirical investigation based on German startup companies.

Upmeijer, Frank (2016) Storm surge modeling in a closed and semi-enclosed basin : the influence of basin topography and wind direction on the set-up along the coast using 1-DH and 3-D flow models.

Ural, O. (2016) Can competitive advantage be achieved through a single force? : Reviewing market based factors leading to a competitive advantage.

Urk, R.G.H. van (2016) How can a community center contribute to social cohesion?

Utesch, T. (2016) How to create happiness : a qualitative study about adherence and the therapeutic relationship in the positive psychology intervention the Happiness Route.

Uwase, Marceline (2016) Assessing the role of ecosystem based approaches for soil erosion reduction in the catchment of Byabagabo-Jabana, Kigali-Rwanda.

Uwihoreye Mukarage, J.B. (2016) Investigating the contribution of land records on property taxation : a case study of Huye district, Rwanda.

Vaanholt, M.C.W. (2016) Are Component Endpoints Equal? : Use of Best-worst Scaling to Assess Patients’ Perceptions Regarding the Use of Composite Endpoints in Clinical Trials.

Vachterytė, Viktorija (2016) Towards an integrated IoT capability maturity model.

Valdueza, J.E.S. (2016) Spectral investigation of shocked phyllosilicates on Mars using CRISM and THEMIS data.

Vandeursen, B. (2016) Mechanical design of a whole house ventilation unit.

Varghese, J. (2016) Detecting the effect of soil moisture and hot spot size on geothermal anomalies via remote sensing techniques.

Varkevisser, R.A. (2016) Large Scale Online Readability Assessment.

Vaschenko, K. (2016) The impact of business incubators on university spin-offs and their commercialization process : a case study on technology spin-offs and Kennispark Twente.

Vasquez, Roberto Jaramillo (2016) Remote sensing based flood modelling : Morales island, Magdalena river floodplain, Colombia.

Vechte, L.E. van der (2016) Patient preferences for duration and planning of diagnosis and start of treatment in cancer : a quantitative study.

Veelen, T.J. van (2016) Process-based modelling of bank-breaking mechanisms of tidal sandbanks.

Veen, René van de (2016) Capital structure changes of Amsterdam listed firms during the 2008 financial crisis : market-timing or trade-off behavior?

Veenhuizen, J.A. (2016) Political markets in Dutch municipalities: an interpretive policy study of the cases Almere and Hengelo.

Veenstra, J. (2016) Operational storm impact forecast information for the coast : design, implementation in MorphAn and evaluation of an operational coastal storm impact application.

Veer, D. van der (2016) Design of a GMSK Receiver Prototype on a Heterogeneous Real-time Multiprocessor Platform.

Veger, A.A.L. (2016) Managing the agri-food supply chain - Transporting wheat from farmers to producers.

Vegt, D. van der (2016) Benefits, antecedents, buyer reputation, buyer status and strategic fit in relation to the preferred customer status : a multiple case study at company X and three of its key suppliers.

Vegt, G.J. van der (2016) Verlicht asfalteren. Over de haalbaarheid van Fiber Bragg Grating sensoren in het asfaltverwerkingsproces.

Veklenko, Karina (2016) The Impact of Board Composition on the Firm’s Performance in Continental Europe.

Velda, D.R. (2016) The development of supplier roles that support co- creation of value in the context of SMEs.

Velde, F.J. van der (2016) Electrical measurement method and test structures for determining continuity of ultra-thin conducting or insulating films.

Velderman, W.J. (2016) Een verkenning : open data als lokaal beleidsinstrument in Twente.

Velderman, W.J. and Pikula, B and Limbeek, H.J.M.J. van and Zomer, K (2016) Zicht op Twentse samenwerking : De informatierelatie tussen Twentse gemeenteraadsleden en Twentse intergemeentelijke samenwerkingsverbanden.

Veldhorst, C. (2016) The professional identity of STEM-students.

Veldhuijsen, Gina van (2016) Waarom nemen daders deel aan bemiddeld contact? : de invloed van afkeuring van de sociale omgeving, bekendheid met het slachtoffer en binding met de sociale omgeving op de intentie tot deelname.

Veldhuis, Nicole (2016) Miniload of niet? : onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van een mogelijke implementatie van Miniload binnen VDL ETG Almelo.

Veldhuis, Tim (2016) Automatisering van de assemblagelijn.

Veldwijk, F (2016) Asset-management in the Dutch social housing sector.

Velema, S.S. (2016) A comparative study of prototypical images of (effective) leaders and followers vs. video-based behaviors.

Vellekoop, M.T. (2016) Een literatuuronderzoek over de theoretische onderbouwing van persuasieve technologie.

Velzen, M van (2016) Perpetrators’ intention to engage in mediated contact : the influence of crime seriousness, fear of social exclusion and expectation of reparation of reputation.

Ven, Dennis van der (2016) Strategy testing as an interplay between strategy formulation and implementation?

Ven, K.P.G.C. van der (2016) Feasibility study and Interface design.

Ven, P. van der (2016) Increasing the predictability of social innovation with the extended MOA-model.

Venema, M. (2016) DM3730 Camera interfaces on Gumstix.

Venhorst, L.W.J. (2016) Beleven van een boodschap: een longitudinale studie naar de invloed van het herhaaldelijk blootstellen aan een risicoboodschap bij kinderen.

Venkatachalaperumal, S.R. (2016) Fusion of dual frequency fully polarimetric data and hyperspectral data for enhanced land cover classification.

Vente, P.J. de (2016) Participatie in een kennis- en netwerkorganisatie: een onderzoek naar de bereidheid van experts om deel te nemen aan activiteiten van het KennisInstituut Stedelijke Samenleving (KISS) Enschede.

Verboom, R.K. (2016) Corporate versus local language: Employees’ language choices in a multinational corporation in the Netherlands.

Verhardt, H.A. (2016) Learning complex motor procedures like minimally invasive surgery.

Verheij, J.G.J. (2016) Co-simulation between CλaSH and traditional HDLs.

Verheijen, E.H.S. (2016) Thermoplastisch Elektroluminescentie Systeem.

Verhoeven, E.M.H. and Lems, E. and Rutten, L. and Selles, M. (2016) De invloed van leeftijd, teugvolume en de beoordelaar op de verdikkingsfractie van gezonde proefpersonen bepaald met ultrasound.

Verhoeven-Lobbezoo, E.S. (2016) ‘Wide-open window or concealing curtain?’ : public perceptions of Dutch news media.

Verkuil, S. (2016) CiteRep - Journal Citation Statistics for Library Collections using Document Reference Extraction Techniques.

Vermeer, Tobias (2016) The relationship between business models and firm performance as measured through business model components.

Vernain-Perriot, A.A. (2016) The emancipation of women in Switzerland and the corresponding adaptations in marketing advertisement made by jewellery companies.

Verreussel, M.J. (2016) Late stage customization in the cheese packaging.A study on the packaging customization possibilities in a cheese packaging factory.

Versloot, M. (2016) Turbulence in the higher education publishing industry due to open access : a PESTEL analysis.

Versluijs, W.J. (2016) Care 4 Supply : the development of a serious game to improve the hospital’s internal supply chain.

Versluis, K.L. (2016) Herontwerp van de JCC-Klantgeleiding zuilbeheerapplicatie.

Verstraten, J.C. (2016) How do corporate earnings announcements influence short selling in the Netherlands?

Verwoert, T. (2016) Is visuospatial attention different for people suffering from dyslexia? : An EEG study using Lateralized Power Spectra.

Vet, S.A.L. de (2016) Reasons of variation in sentinel node biopsy in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ.

Vijver, B. van de (2016) A Human Robot Interaction Toolkit with Heterogeneous Multilevel Multimodal Mixing.

Vikram Ramesh, V. (2016) Wear of polymers : precision trimmer.

Vinke, D. (2016) Enhancing Video Game Design: Involving Users into the Design of Video Games.

Vinke, P.J. (2016) Dynamic consolidation decisions in a synchromodal environment : Improving the synchromodal control tower.

Visschedijk, A.G.G.M. (2016) Taakstructurering in het basisonderwijs : voor wie werkt dit het beste?

Visschedijk, S. (2016) Het ontwerpen van een coffee based interieur lamp.

Visser, M. (2016) Effects of Twitter mentions on the Movember campaign.

Vissers, E.J.P. (2016) Acquisition Time and Image Quality Improvement by Using HDR Imaging for Finger-vein Image Acquisition.

Vissers, J.M. (2016) Ophangsysteem voor kunst.

Vissers, K.J.D. (2016) De relatie tussen impliciete theorieën over intelligentie, zelf-effectiviteit en intentie tot bèta-studiekeuze. De verschillen tussen jongens en meisjes met een bèta-profiel.

Vlaenderen, A.R.W. van and Dotinga, M. and Voorde, A.S. ten and Zwart, L.G.M. (2016) Statisch onderzoek naar de bekkenbodem in supine en staande positie : protocolontwikkeling laagveld MR.

Vleugel, E.M. (2016) Thuisbegeleiding in beeld : een pre- en post-implementatie onderzoek naar mogelijkheden van beeldbellen bij de thuisbegeleiding van Careyn.

Vlutters, S. (2016) Long short-term memory networks for body movement estimation.

Vluttert, N. (2016) The absorption of moisture by metal powder in a humid environment and the effects on its composition.

Voermans, A.K.H. (2016) Implementation of personal health record : Mijn Gezondheidsplatform in the chronic care process.

Vogelsang, D. (2016) Adaption of the X-Carve to UT education.

Voigt, D. (2016) The difference in alcohol consumption of high- and low-dependent drinkers with subjective craving differing in affect.

Volbeda, H.K. (2016) Integrated optical networks of microring resonators : a comparison between theory and experiment.

Vollenbroek, J.C. (2016) Design and characterization of a microreactor for monodisperse catalytic droplet generation at elevated temperatures and/or pressures.

Vollert, C. (2016) Lobbying the TTIP : a one-sided (business) story?

Volpert, A. (2016) Citizen involvement in universities' urban planning : a case study of Stadscampus.

Vonk, Jeroen (2016) Bisimulation Reduction with MapReduce.

Voortman, D. (2016) Preferred customer status with key suppliers : a case study at Paauwe Installaties.

Voorwinden, D.L. (2016) Efficiënter voorraadbeheer bij Pierik Techniek : een hogere beschikbaarheid van onderdelen door gebruikmaking van een beslisboom.

Vopicka, Anne Marie (2016) De inhoudelijke kwaliteit en gebruiksvriendelijkheid van zelcompassieapps : een systematische review.

Vorm, A.I. van der (2016) Personalisation of follow-up care in women treated for breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study.

Vorst, Jan Moritz van (2016) Are social entrepreneurs lead users? : the first scale to retrospectively analyze whether social entrepreneurs are lead users.

Voss, Lisa (2016) Case study: An Evaluation of Criteria in the Supply Chain of Case company to Gain the Preferred Status for Customers and Suppliers.

Vossebeld, S. (2016) Custom-made fietszadel project.

Vossen, J.J. van (2016) Offloading Haskell functions onto an FPGA.

Voutsas, Charalampos (2016) Does culture affect motivation to write a review?

Vredeveld, D.M. (2016) Publieke taken, private uitvoering. Controle van de gemeente Almelo op private organisaties.

Vreman, T.G.W. (2016) De doorwerking van aanbevelingen in gelaagde stelsels: het domein van waterveiligheid.

Vrerink, A.N (2016) Did you really see the ad? : Influence of Congruent and Incongruent advertisements in Interactive and Passive medium types on Consumers’ attitudes and Memory.

Vries, J.F. de (2016) Design of a robot for in-pipe inspection using omnidirectional wheels.

Vries, J.J. de (2016) A Tick Based Fixed Priority Scheduler Suitable for Dataflow Analysis of Task Graphs.

Vries, L.O. de (2016) Statische & Dynamische Visualisaties bij Optimalisatieproblemen : De invloed van visualisaties op de prestaties van wiskunde A leerlingen in 5 vwo.

Vries, Luuk de (2016) Urban traffic state estimation & prediction.

Vries, N.L. de (2016) Jeugdcriminaliteit- De aanpak van problematische jeugdgroepen.

Vries, S.H.S. de (2016) Achieving 128-bit Security against Quantum Attacks in OpenVPN.

Vries, W. de (2016) Het effect van fysieke activiteit op het ontwikkelen van motorische automatismen.

Vrijkorte, S.A. (2016) Germany, a border too far? : Motivations and barriers of Dutch inhabitants of the border region for (not) becoming a cross-border commuter in Germany.

Vroonhoven, J.F.M. van (2016) Appropriating the Residential Street: Guiding Residents to Gain Quality in the Residential Street.

Vught, E.C van (2016) Data use in public secondary schools in the Philippines.

Vörgers, M.M.A. (2016) Safety standards in the Chinese Equestrian Industry : The gap between the industries safety standards of the West vs. China.

WISSELINK, W.J. (2016) Cost accounting voor inbound logistiek : Een case studie.

WU, D. (2016) Play and practice together: How to Design the practice activity in E-learning by adding social interaction.

Waalders, M.J.M. (2016) e-Health na een beroerte : een verkennend onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van computergestuurde training binnen de revalidatie van CVA-patienten.

Waardenburg, J.F. (2016) Which entrepreneurial style is the best? : Research towards novice entrepreneurs and the correlations of cognition, causation & effectuation and successfulness.

Waegemakers, M.W.H. (2016) Validation of the loading constraints in vehicle routing problems.

Wagenaar, Dineke (2016) Maatschappij dichtbij! : een ontwerponderzoek naar een effectief lesprogramma over een lokaal thema.

Wagenvoort, M.L.J. (2016) The firm specific determinants of capital structure and the influence of the financial crisis: Evidence from Dutch firms.

Wagner, Patrick (2016) The speed of the decision-making process in early-stage entrepreneurial teams.

Waithaka, L.N. (2016) Examining satellite rainfall estimates as an alternative to NDVI for livestock insurance in east Africa.

Wakeren, J.B. van (2016) The Usual Suspects : Decision-making in proactive policing.

Wal, R. van der (2016) The design and evaluation of a human in the loop control system for the McRobot 3.1.

Waldmann, Kaja (2016) The EU : a crisis manager of the external dimension of the refugee crisis?

Wall, E. de (2016) De ontwikkeling van een applicatie die sociale en emotionele vaardigheden van kinderen ondersteunt.

Walsweer, J.P. (2016) The perception, organization and results of Business Development in SMEs.

Wang, Q. (2016) A reference architecture for integration platforms.

Wang, Qingyu (2016) Determining relative errors of satellite precipitation data over The Netherlands.

Wang, Wei (2016) Comparing three classifiers for detecting hydrocarbon seepage alteration.

Wang, Yancheng (2016) Map based segmentation of airborne point clouds.

Wang, Yuchen (2016) Project portfolio management using capability- based planning.

Wantia, D. (2016) The effect of adding Intelligence into the relation between customer attractiveness, supplier satisfaction, supplier resource allocation and firm performance by using the production related resource supplier database of a Dutch cable manufacturing company.

Wardt, W. van de (2016) To calibrate and validate a 3Dimensional mud model with field data for the Blyth estuary (Suffolk, UK) and determine if the 3D model is an improvement to the existing 2D model.

Wassie, Y.A. (2016) Toward automatic cadastral boundary mapping from satellite imagery.

Weber, N.C (2016) Marketing through corporate sustainability in German multi national enterprises with subsidiaries in India : a web research on how MNEs communicate environmental, economic and social measures on their corporate website.

Weckenbrock, K. (2016) The ENP – A value promoting policy? - The European Neighbourhood Policy as a tool to promote European values in the world.

Wecker, Fabian (2016) Creating a new international tax policy regime : the presence of European stakeholders in the OECD/G20's BEPS project.

Wee, P.J.A. van (2016) Risico gestuurd beheer gemeentelijke wegen : totstandkoming van een prioriteringsmodel voor het risico gestuurd beheren van gemeentelijke wegen.

Weerd, G.M. de (2016) Development of a costing model for added product components (APC) within the graphical industry.

Weg, I. van der (2016) Verminderen van het productieverlies bij een verpakkingsfabrikant.

Wehming, M. (2016) Een onderzoek naar de psychometrische eigenschappen van de Subjective Vitality Scale.

Weijermars, Wouter (2016) Mechanical behaviour of composite sandwich panels in bending after impact.

Weilinghoff, Philip (2016) Job design practices to enable employee driven innovation in healthcare organizations.

Weiß, H.E.K.W. . (2016) EU Studies and regional integration: The Latin American Case.

Weldemariam, Elias Cherenet (2016) Modeling leaf chlorophyll content in geterogeneous forest using high resolution multispectral image : a case study of Bavaria Forest National Park.

Weldemichael, M.Y. (2016) Integrated numerical modeling applying stratiform hydrogeological conceptual model : Sardon catchment study case, Spain.

Welhuis, E.J.M.S. (2016) Exploring the effect of design efficiency in individual preference estimation: Operationalizing reliability, validity and feasibility of a value clarification exercise in both efficient- and D-efficient experimental design to determine the optimal number of choice tasks.

Welij, B.J. van (2016) The effects of market turbulence on sourcing balance and innovation performance.

Wendorff, David (2016) Morally good EU?! : an analysis of morality in the European Union’s development cooperation.

Wennemers, Lodewijk (2016) Staying ahead of trends : processing commercial returns on time, all the time.

Wenzel, F. (2016) The effect of compassion-focused-therapy as guided self-help on well-being, self-criticism and compassion : results of a random controlled trial.

Werf, N.A. van der (2016) Narratieve toekomstverbeelding bij psychiatrische patiënten : een vergelijking tussen toekomstverbeelde copingstijlen bij patiënten met angst- en/of stemmingsstoornissen en bij patiënten met persoonlijkheidsstoornissen.

Werff, W.M. van der (2016) Connecting ROS to the LUNA embedded real-time framework.

Werger, C. (2016) Zelfdeterminatie en welbevinden in de ouderenzorg : is de Basic Need Satisfaction in Life Scale geschikt voor het meten van autonomie, verbondenheid en competentie bij ouderen in verzorgingshuizen?

Werink, R. (2016) Design and realization of a gripper for the SHERPA robotic arm.

Werleman, I.C.D.R. (2016) The two faces of corporate brands : the impact of product brands' contradictory CSR perceptions on the relationship with the brands and corporate brand.

Wermer, J. (2016) The influence of distraction in traffic, and conspicuousness of bus shelter advertising on the attention value of bicyclists.

Wessel, A. (2016) Investigating the influence of website design and message clarity on consumers’ response in the online complaint process.

Wesselink, R. (2016) Blood pressure waveform analysis in cardiogenic shock & acute myocardial infarction.

Wessels, H.G.L. (2016) Behoeften en mogelijkheden voor een eHealth interventie om sociale contacten te verbeteren.

Westenberg, W.M. (2016) The influence of YouTubers on teenagers : a descriptive research about the role YouTubers play in the life of their teenage viewers.

Westenbroek, J. (2016) The Virtuscreen : design of an AR experience for several people.

Westendorp, A. (2016) Agile versus waterfall methods : differences in knowledge networks and performance in software engineering teams.

Westerbeek, Dennis (2016) The Internet of Things as a source for improving the new product development process.

Westerbeek, J. (2016) The perceived customer satisfaction of the Fitbit activity tracker : the Internet of Things as a potential business marketing tool.

Westerhuis, M.J. (2016) Energy as a student's priority : Analyzing energy use of university students.

Wicaksana, M.A. (2016) IPv4 vs IPv6 Anycast Catchment: a Root DNS Study.

Widiastomo, Triyoga (2016) Hierarchical markov random fields for object-based analysis.

Widiastuti, Wida (2016) Utilizing the geographical context of Twitter for flood disaster respons.

Widyari, K.L. (2016) Integrated Resources Planning: A Continuous Approach.

Wiegman, M. (2016) Cost and benefits of the Diabetic Foot Clinic in Samoa.

Wiel, J. van der (2016) Herontwerp van een trike-as.

Wiele, C.L. van der (2016) Managing reputation and organizational-public relationships in the banking industry : the influence of initial beliefs and past behaviours on the evaluation of the organization-public relationship.

Wierik, E.M. te (2016) Het beperken van de gevolgen van sedentair gedrag met fysiotherapie in bedrijven.

Wieringa, H. (2016) Optimale regelaars voor een slinger en de toepassing bij een hijskraan.

Wijlens, Bart (2016) Intelligent heating of a room.

Wijlens, T.C.J. (2016) Characterization of the overall actuation system of a variable stiffness actuator based on pvdf-based springs.

Wijma, R.E. (2016) Town Twinning and the European Identity : Evaluation research of the relationship and exchange between Lingen, Germany and Elbeuf, France, organized within the framework of town twinning in September 2015.

Wijnstra, C.A.M. (2016) Implementation process in a post-conflict transition. The case of MATRA PATROL in Serbia.

Wilbrink, W. (2016) Belangenafweging voor maaibeheer op primaire waterkeringen.

Wilde, Lisa de (2016) A Bayesian Network Model for predicting data breaches caused by insiders of a health care organization.

Wilharms, L.A.H. (2016) Adoption of telemedicine by healthcare professionals : Facilitators and barriers that determine the decicion of healthcare professionals to use telemedicine (or not) and the implementation of telemedicine in the healthcare setting.

Will, J.B. (2016) An experimental study of heat transfer and flow dynamics in a multi-layer Rayleigh-Bénard convection cell.

Willecke, C. (2016) The role of partisanship in British referendums : a comparative study of the 1975 EEC and the 2016 Brexit referendums.

Willink, D.J. (2016) Healthcare contracting, barriers and success factors Empirical research on healthcare contracting of general practitioners and physiotherapists by health insurers.

Wilms, S (2016) Dealing with existential themes in acceptance and commitment therapy : a qualitative interview study.

Wilpsbäumer, S. (2016) Het effect van self-consciousness op het verband tussen neuroticisme en sociale veiligheid.

Wimmer, J.P.J. (2016) Unravelling the entrepreneurial process: Exploring the role of business models in opportunity-creation.

Wind, M. E. D. (2016) Leaders' prototypical images of effective followers vs. followers' actual behavioral repertoire : an exploratory mixed-methods field study using survey- and video-data.

Windt, A. van der (2016) Pre-assessment tool for achieving Net Zero energy in New Zealand schools.

Winkel, M. te (2016) The effect of verbal learning on the segmentation of keying sequences.

Winkler, J. (2016) Taking Care of Innovation: An explorative research on HRM-related Innovation in Dutch general hospitals.

Wismans, C. (2016) In vivo imaging of brain metabolism in asymptomatic C9orf72 repeat expansion carriers.

Wissink, B.W. (2016) Regularizing discontinuities based on filtering using dirac delta kernels.

Wissink, Sanne (2016) Determinants of corporate social responsibility for Dutch listed firms.

Wit, Erik de (2016) Charge carrier transport through silicon nitride membranes and fabrication of solid-state nanopores.

Wit, N. de (2016) Development of a Reliable Prediction Method for Urgent Infra-Failure Recovery Times at ProRail B.V.

Wit, T.R. de (2016) Collateral damage : creating a credit loss model incorporating a dependency between PD and LGD.

Withagen, I. (2016) Hergebruik coatingpoeder afval.

Witte, Lena (2016) We have HR analytics! So what? : an exploratory study into the impact of HR analytics on strategic HRM.

Witte, P. de (2016) Exploratory study : use of instant messaging tactics to increase loyalty.

Wnent, S. (2016) #ProductPlacement on Instagram - the sponsored and fabricated eWOM : comparing product placement on Instagram and banner advertisement of a weight loss product.

Woerds, M.E. ter (2016) What are you looking for!?! : The influence of new media in farmers' decision making process regarding capital intensive goods.

Wolbers, R.G.M. (2016) Ken uzelf : motivatie voor het gebruik van Quantified-Self apps : een onderzoek naar de motivatie voor het gebruik van Quantified-Self apps en de relatie met het persoonlijkheidskenmerk neuroticisme.

Wolf, E.R.B. de (2016) Designing an interaction method for the holograms of today.

Wolf, Ines (2016) Exploring the Stress and Coping Experiences of Early-Stage Entrepreneurs during the Venture Creation Process.

Wolf, M.Y. (2016) European Imaginaries: Dead End of Further Integration? : Analysis of the Imaginaries of the European Heads of State and Government and the European Commission.

Wolf, T. (2016) Design of an Air Factor Sensor based on Light Emission.

Wolfert, J.J.P. (2016) Future Concepts in de Praktijk. Efficiente en effectieve klant specifieke acquisitie.

Wolff, S. (2016) Coopetition in supply management, a means to increasing a company's competitiveness.

Wolff, Wim de (2016) Het Ideale Managementteam van een Beursgenoteerde Vastgoedorganisatie Een onderzoek naar de kenmerken en prestaties van managementteams bij beursgenoteerde vastgoedorganisaties.

Wolters, N.H. (2016) Analysis of Attack Trees with Timed Automata (transforming formalisms through metamodeling).

Woudsma-Landewe, H.E. (2016) Het effect van reminiscentiekoffers op kwaliteit van leven en depressie bij demente ouderen : een pilot-studie.

Wrede, C. (2016) Van Visualisatie naar Virtual Reality : de effectiviteit van Virtual Reality als positief affectief medium.

Wube, Saron Araya (2016) Developing spatial database applications using one-stop-shop concept : a case study in city of Kigali, Rwanda.

Xu, Tingting (2016) The Effect of Cultural Difference on the Perception of Online Ordering Website Design.

Yakar, F. (2016) Leidt samenwerkend spelen met een taakverdeling tot betere leerresultaten en game scores dan gewoon samen spelen?

Yang, Chao (2016) Comparison of four methods of diseases mapping.

Yieri, Justin (2016) Multispectral analysis of cyanobacteria in the IJsselmeer.

Yiting, Qu (2016) Eco-hydraulic modelling of flow, water quality (heavy metals) in the Kristalbad artificial wetland (Enschede, NL).

Yoe, P.C.A. (2016) Analysis for a possible implementation of the Create Reduced Part method in the VAN Body in White department.

Yuetian, Zou (2016) ADC buffer with fast settling and lower power consumption.

ZHANG, JIN (2016) Does corporate social responsibility affect financial performance of listed manufacturing firms in Germany?

ZOMPAS, A. (2016) Development of a three dimensional path planner for aerial robotic workers.

Zaalen, J.M.A. van (2016) Experiencing the museum through visitors' eyes : a study into the influence of the museum experience on visitors' perceived brand image and loyalty.

Zakiy, Mochammad Fadhli (2016) HW-SW co-Design of an On-Chip IJTAG Dependability Processor.

Zandberg, K. (2016) Passive fingerprinting on an IPv6-enabled network.

Zeilstra, J. (2016) Reasoning about Active Object Programs.

Zhang, Jiawei (2016) Calibration of a low cost 2D laser scanner.

Zhang, Luyao (2016) What component content management systems do to technical documentation and technical communication: a qualitative study.

Zhang, Xuya (2016) Evaluation and simulation of the nutrient removal function of a constructed wetland : the Kristalbad case, Enschede, NL.

Zhao, X. (2016) Numerical modelling of morphological development in a managed realignment project : a case study of the Perkpolder project.

Zhuang, Sida (2016) Assessing the impact of land circulation policy in China using object-oriented methods.

Ziegler, Magdalena (2016) The potential of global citizenship education to tackle anti-immigrant sentiments : A qualitative research about how global citizenship education transforms personal identities and constitutes mechanisms to reduce anti-immigrant sentiments.

Zijlstra, D.N. (2016) eHealth in de (ggz) praktijk : een inventarisatie van eHealth voorkeuren en mogelijkheden binnen de geestelijke gezondheidszorg.

Zijlstra, Siemen (2016) A 4D modeling method to visualize how asbestos affects construction projects.

Zimmermann, M.Z. (2016) The Effect of Gamification on Involvement, System Usability and System Use in an Online Positive Psychology Intervention.

Zimmermann, S.K. (2016) Psychometric Evaluation of the Dutch Brief Resilience Scale (BRS-NL): A Correlational Survey Design.

Zoet, J.M. (2016) Values to be considered when implementing mHealth at a psychiatric hospital for clinical treatment.

Zoll, M. (2016) Benchmarked Regional Innovation in the light of the ‘Innovation Union’ of the Europe 2020 Agenda: A comparative time series analysis on the innovation performance of Nordrhein-Westfalen and its top 31 European reference regions over the last six years (2007-2013).

Zou, T. (2016) Simulating the fluorescence under natural conditions by Fluspect model and comparing simulated fluorescence spectra to FluoWat measurements.

Zouw, W. Van der (2016) Elucidation in the Asylum Seekers-debate: The Formation of Attitudes towards an Emergency Shelter for Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands.

Zult, J.D. (2016) Modeling and characterization of a 2-DOF variable stiffness joint.

Zwart, M.F. (2016) Onderwaterdrone.

Zweers, Charlotte S. (2016) Acceptance of and preparation for a refugee centre : the individual, community and institutional factors.

Zwieten, W. van (2016) Assessment of an innovative outpatient ward: the Lounge.

katab, M. (2016) Coping with the threat of terrorism : a study about different factors that play a role in the assessment and inducement of efficacy.

Özçakmak, Emre (2016) Impact of Wind Energy Generation on Wholesale Electricity Prices in Turkish Electricity Markets.

This list was generated on Fri Oct 11 06:01:00 2024 CEST.