University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 2022

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Number of items: 2395.

Aakster, A. van den (2022) Creating a data visualization to increase awareness surrounding the carbon emissions of digital consumption.

Aaldering, L.J.C. (2022) Creating a smart-grid co-simulation by integrating a communication simulation into a power grid simulation.

Aanstoot, D. (2022) Graph rewriters as components.

Aarts, C.A.M. (2022) Effecten van de inrichting van onafhankelijk toezicht : een vergelijkende casestudie van seksueel misbruik van minderjarigen binnen overheidsinstanties.

Aast, C.B.J. van de (2022) ‘Twente’s logistics sector energy demand and its sustainable potential’.

Aatil, Dalil (2022) Furhat Travelling the World : How Cultural Background Predicts Preference of Receiving Feedback from Social Robots.

Abbaszade, V. (2022) Developing an order acceptance function for Limis Planner.

Abbema, F. van (2022) Performing Bisimulation Minimisation To Parity Game Strategies To Improve Controller Quality.

Abbes, M.D.E. (2022) Medewerker gedreven innovatie van verpleegkundigen in het HagaZiekenhuis : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar welke acties het InnovatieLab binnen het HagaZiekenhuis kan ondernemen om de medewerker gedreven innovatie van verpleegkundigen te stimuleren.

Abdelmaksoud, Omar (2022) Assessing the Impacts of Remote Patient Monitoring on the Capacity and Financial Performance of Isala Hospital.

Abraham, Mabelle (2022) The effects of textual and visual social media conotent on place branding : analyzing the effects of different storytelling techniques and different types of social media channels on consumer engagement, place identity and the intention to stay in the suburbs.

Acar, Gabriël (2022) Cultural differences experienced by Dutch employees working in Belgium.

Adelerhof, P.D. (2022) Ruis-preventie in beleidsontwikkeling : onderzoek naar ruis-preventie in het beleidsproces.

Afia, A. (2022) The impact of graph properties on the complexity of attack tree analysis.

Aflah, Wiyanda Naufal (2022) Modeling the impacts of conservation agriculture on hydrological processes and crop yield using the swat model : a study case in the Hupsel Catchment, East Netherlands.

Afzali, Sahar (2022) Challenge Based Learning: Measuring CBL and the potential for change at higher educational institutions A survey from the perspective of course and module coordinators at the UTwente.

Agater, A.M.A. (2022) So many views : The influence of TikTok “blow-ups” on the mental health of Gen Z creators.

Ahe, L. von der (2022) Mental Wellbeing and Cybercrime (The Psychological Impact of Cybercrime on the Victim).

Ahire, Divya (2022) Respiratory Biofeedback based Virtual Environment to Increase Subjective Vitality and Reduce Stress in International Students: Usability, Feasibility and Effectiveness pilot study.

Ahlers, C.A. and Coenders, L.M.C. and Dalstra, K. and Hennink, M. and Vorsteveld, M.R. (2022) Een semi-antropomorf fantoom voor de validatie van fluorescentie-endoscopiesystemen voor patiënten met Barrett oesofagus.

Ahlers, Eske (2022) Climate Justice Movements in Germany: A Comparative Analysis of the Framing Strategies of Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion.

Ahmadinejad, Yasaman (2022) The relationship between water scarcity and farmer migration in Isfahan, Iran.

Ahmadov, Parviz (2022) Evaluating pose estimation and object detection models for the application in the minisoccerbal project.

Ahmed, Mahnoor (2022) Towards near real-time forecasting of rainfall-induced landslides.

Akbari, Sahel (2022) Nociceptive Flexion Reflex (NFR) detection at a single Motor Unit (MU) level.

Akbari Lor, M. (2022) Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on property prices in the Rotterdam.

Aker, R.Y. (2022) Transparent communication about Data Collection in Smart City Enschede.

Akgül, M.T.D. (2022) Informal Caregivers’ Acceptance Towards In-Home Monitoring Technology for Home-Based Dementia care and Its Determinants.

Akin, E. (2022) Do serious games facilitate learning mathematics with positive emotions for adult learners?

Akkermans, I. (2022) Explainable AI in a Sports Nutrition Planning Application.

Aksu, Thomas (2022) How do Syrian-Orthodox managers fill in their leadership role in the Netherlands?

Al Kathemi, M. (2022) Roadmapping in the circular economy: achieving circular inflow and outflow according to the CTI framework.

Al-Huraibi, A. (2022) Evaluating spatial accessibility to Covid-19 vaccination centers by bicycles in the Netherlands and optimizing centers opening and closing process.

Alamsjah Pane, D. (2022) Redesigning a Trashbin.

Albek, Paul (2022) De belevingswereld van beleidsambtenaren binnen het sociaal domein die de omslag van datagedreven sturing aan het doormaken zijn : een beschrijvend onderzoek dat kijkt naar welke assumpties en aannames beleidsambtenaren hebben bij de omslag van datagedreven sturing en hoe zij hiermee omgaan.

Albermann, Louisa (2022) The Relationship between Appearance-focused Instagram Content and Body Dissatisfaction in Young Adults: The mediating Role of Self-esteem.

Albers, E.C. (2022) Cerebral Perfusion during Aortic Arch Surgery.

Albers, Etiënne H.M. (2022) Environmental considerations in supply chain decisions: Proposing a new methodology for locating cross-docking terminals considering CO2e emissions.

Albert, A. N. (2022) Constructing Climate Emotions : An Interview-Based Exploration with Climate Fiction Readers.

Aldayeh, A. (2022) Spare-parts costs and process management optimization.

Aleksandrov, A. (2022) Evaluating the sustainability of a technology by performing a supply chain analysis.

Aleksieva, Anna (2022) An experience meant to be shared? : A public discourse analysis of dyad gaming experiences within ACNH during self-isolation.

Alen, J.W.G.M van (2022) UBI as a policy solution for technical unemployment in Industry 4.0? Investigating the viability of policy change to hard line economic management of overhead costs in public administration.

Ali, A.T.S.A. (2022) Control of redundant mechanical systems in the presence of external disturbances.

Alonso Calderon, M.A. (2022) Achieving full autonomy in aerial and physical human-robot interaction control via onboard perception algorithms relying on computer vision.

Alt, Isabel (2022) The Relationship between UTAUT Constructs with Age and Technology Literacy Skills and Behavioral Intention to Use Video Technology Among Vocational Education Students in the Netherlands.

Alves da Silva, Sarah (2022) Knowledge Management System Design For An Agile Digital Agency : The Case Of El Niño B.V.

Ammerlaan, W.S. (2022) Enabling joint exploration of virtual environments for treatment of substance use disorders using an asymmetric virtual reality approach.

Amsing, Yaela M. (2022) Validation of machine learning computed muscle activation with experimental EMG.

Amur, Sri Harsh (2022) Intelligent Wifi Access Points for Diverse User needs: QoS Slicing in SDN Controlled APs.

Anghel, C. (2022) Effect of image quality in computer vision for semantic segmentation of road images.

Anjanappa, Geethanjali (2022) Deep learning on 3D point clouds for safety-related asset management in buildings.

Annink, E.B. (2022) Preventing soft-errors and hardware trojans in embedded RISC-V cores.

Anoniem, A. (2022) In what ways are issues of gender bias addressed in the European Discourse on ADM? Unmasking masculine domination patterns.

Anoniem, A. (2022) Local insight into hydrological interactions from water quantity and vegetation monitoring. A study based on the sensor station network implemented in the drainage catchment of the Grote Masloot.

Antvelink, S.E. (2022) Optimisation of a software development process.

Anwar, Mian Tashfeen Shahid (2022) Techniques to Process point cloud data to perform HAR using Machine learning.

Apotheker, T.L. (2022) Designing an entertainment cabinet for the living room.

Ariens, T.D.G. (2022) Faster boarding time is just one intervention away; a design study that researches design solutions to cause effective crowd deviation on Dutch platforms using behavior change theories.

Arjomand, Arya (2022) Meaning in imagination : a visual narrative study of moral imagination in Covid-19 related moral dilemmas.

Arkema, B.F. (2022) Brand activism and the role of authenticity and identity signalling.

Arrieta Larraza, N. (2022) Few-shot deep learning models for acoustic scene classification in low-complexity scenarios.

Artolozaga, I. (2022) From personal to community knowledge : stimulating knowledge sharing among student groups in knowledge management platforms through interaction design.

Arts, T.H.A. (2022) Design of a steerable guidewire controller.

As, D.M.M. van (2022) A novel electromagnetic guided medical device to improve outcomes of the septal myectomy.

Assaad, Malek (2022) Link Vulnerability Aware Task Deployment over Edge and Cloud.

Assefa, Getnet.A (2022) Joint inversion of satellite gravity and seismic surface wave data: A synthetic test and its application for Botswana crust and upper most mantle velocity and density modeling.

Assink, J.G. (2022) Estimating workload through forecasting and monitoring processing times.

Athlekar, Saumitra R. (2022) Enriched Stimulation Protocol for Improved Observation of Nociceptive Evoked Potentials during NDT-EP Method.

Avest, L. ter (2022) Mental availability : to what extent is it relevant and measurable for B2B companies.

Avnon, R. (2022) Smartphone-Based Vibration Analysis for Bridge Health Monitoring.

Avramov, V.R. (2022) Automated grading of programming exams with JUnit and Semgrep.

Avvari, V.S.Y. (2022) Bayesian learning-based impedance control of an aerial robot for writing.

Aydin, A. (2022) Redesign of Current Drywall Systems.

Ayuquina Suarez, K.J. (2022) Predicting asphalt temperature for construction : a contribution to the analysis of the cooling rate of asphalt during construction process.

Baars, Martin (2022) The Influence of a Positive Psychology App on Depression and Anxiety amongst University Students.

Baas, S.E.J. (2022) The effectiveness of learning to apply CPR by training in virtual reality.

Baas, T. (2022) Creating standardized process mining applications based on the open trip model.

Babel, K. (2022) Comparing identity-, task-, and relationship-oriented leadership behaviours regarding the effects on different work-related outcomes.

Badri Gari, Rohith (2022) Urban growth modeling and assesment using agent-based model.

Bahaa, S. (2022) Multirotors embedding elastic sensors to measure arm deflections : system modeling and control.

Bakker, D.R. (2022) Autonomous emulation of adversary procedures in the (pre-)compromise domain.

Bakker, I.J. (2022) Creating insight into the performance of the warehouse processes of a logistics company with a dashboard.

Bakker, K. M. (2022) Compassion in organisations from supervisors and co-workers : do size and nature of the organisation matter?

Bakker, O.S. (2022) Spatial planning & Flood risk : development of a spatial planning framework for the mitigation of flood risks.

Bakker, Ing. P.M.V. (2022) Van regulier onderwijs naar afstandsonderwijs in het voortgezet onderwijs.

Bakker, T.J. (2022) Comparing processing techniques for real-time force estimation from sEMG.

Balaji, R. (2022) Side channel pattern matching using neural networks on FPGA.

Balamurali, S. (2022) An exploratory study to design and evaluate a dialogue system for a robot assisting the elderly in a care environment.

Balan, Amalia-Mariana (2022) Energy transition; a challenge for communication specialists.

Balen, Bouke van (2022) Responsible Innovation in a Technological Society.

Balickis, K. (2022) Influence of human-in-the-loop on the acceptance of AI-driven evaluation of essay questions by students.

Baligudam, R. (2022) A Systematic Study of Gender and Religion Bias in Stories.

Balm, J.W.H. and Boertjes, L.R. and Pelgrum, L. (2022) Concept intravaginaal device tegen ongewild urineverlies bij vrouwen met stress-urine incontinentie.

Bals, J. (2022) A comparative analysis of the multi-factor authentication protocols presented in the literature.

Baltus, O. (2022) Representing spatially variable bathymetry and vegetation in a hydrodynamic model : a subgrid-based case study in the Whitianga Estuary, New Zealand.

Bamud, Shafi (2022) A Remotely Sensed Based Comparison of Three Area Stratification Methods to Improve Estimation of Crop Area Statistics, A Case Study in Fragmented Landscapes of Ethiopia.

Banach, N. (2022) Reducing Speciesism : An Intervention Towards Changing People’s Attitudes and Behavioural Intentions.

Bansal, A. (2022) Building a value-assessment framework for 4Industry.

Bante, Gidon (2022) Characterization of circulating tumour cells in prostate cancer: viability and secretion studies after enrichment with EpCAM targeting ferrofluids.

Banyte, E. (2022) Agility for communication professionals : going beyond the software industry.

Baptist, L. (2022) The Dutch Youth Act : the relationship between its policy design and the goal achievement in the local context.

Barcelos, MSc Carolina (2022) Modelling the Dynamics of Plastic Waste in Local Coastal Areas of Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The Case of Kenya.

Bardsen, K. T. (2022) Conversion Rate Optimization in E-Commerce Webshops.

Barkman, A.H. (2022) Investigating electrical properties of ADAM 3D printed 17-4PH stainless steel for integrated sensing functionalities.

Barnes, C. (2022) The utopian vision of a sustainable transition : a critical discourse theoretical perspective on the EUs circular economy discourse after the EU Green Deal.

Barneveld, Noa Joan (2022) Designing communication and diabetes type 2 coaching content for people with low health literacy.

Bartelink, J.H.K. (2022) The Impact of Pre-COVID Commitment on Supply Continuity Throughout the Pandemic and the Impact of COVID on POST-COVID Commitment within Buyer-Supplier Relationships.

Bartels, J.J.C. (2022) Design of a virtual environment to embed IVR agents to screen for alcohol use disorder in vulnerable individuals.

Batenburg, B. (2022) Performance of DNS over QUIC.

Baudach, L. (2022) Exploring the effects of mysterious nature and storytelling on social connectedness in young adults : an experimental study.

Bauer, J. (2022) Believing that you can handle negative news : incidental negative news exposure on Instagram, well-being, and the moderation by self-efficacy.

Bauhuis, Jan-Willem (2022) The future use of radiotherapy in the treatment of NSCLC and SCLC: a prediction.

Baumeister, A.S.M. (2022) Optimization of a human CHD8 suppressed blood-brain barrier model.

Bautista Carrera, J.M. (2022) Integrated circularity and environmental sustainability assessment for in place pavement recycling techniques.

Bax, E.A. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Bayram, Leile (2022) Hybrid Identities: The progressive Nature of Entrepreneurial Identities in the Aviation Industry.

Bašić, Jasmina (2022) Approving or denying hospital mergers? : An assessment on the way the ACM assesses hospital merger requests in the Netherlands.

Bedon Pineda, C.H. (2022) Research to increase biodiversity possibilities on the inner slope of the dike sections Flevopolder and Noordoostpolder.

Beek, M.C. (2022) Effects of speed limit reduction on safety, job accessibility and equity : Case study: Amsterdam, speed limit reduction of 50km/h to 30km/h.

Beek, Puck van de (2022) Determining the flow of breast milk using echo PIV : building a setup.

Beeldman, Sander (2022) Improving the internal warehouse logistics at Gam Bakker.

Beelen, S.M.J. van (2022) Computational Fluid Dynamics for Personalized Airway Stents.

Beernink, G.J. (2022) Taking the quantum leap: Preparing DNSSEC for Post Quantum Cryptography.

Begum, Ruhi (2022) Assessing multi-hazards exposure and risk perception: A case of Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazar and Bhashan Char.

Behrendt-Richter, Luis Matthias (2022) How important is stakeholder inclusion? A scholarly work on qualitative research to explore the importance of stakeholder inclusion in the development and implementation process of eMental health interventions.

Beijer, Tim (2022) Predicting the Profitability of Robotic Process Automation with a Dynamic Business Modeler.

Bekker, I.M. de (2022) The impact of giving individual feedback about symptom perception to asthmatic children - results of a pilot study.

Bekooij, Bastiaan (2022) Human-aware motion planning in Aerial Human-Robot Handovers.

Belardo, G. (2022) A methodology to monitor multiple Asphalt Paving and Compaction Machineries using UAV and implementing it in a road construction project.

Belchev, B. (2022) Recommendations on bias : detect, mitigate, repeat.

Beld, J.J. van de (2022) Multimodal post-operative complication prediction for elderly patients with hip fractures.

Beldman, S. (2022) Hybrid work configurations and short-term international assignments : does willingness to accept international assignments increase?

Belkin, M. (2022) How can blank spots on the map be filled from the bottom up? Examining the success factors in community-based participatory mapping : the case of Kenyan Map Kibera project.

Ben, Wenhao (2022) Real-time photographing and filming detection on mobile devices.

Bender, Florian (2022) Investigating differences of Forward segmentation vs. Whole task practice in a 15-keypress task for Motor Sequence Learning.

Benedict, C. (2022) How can municipalities implement the sustainable development goals? A qualitative study of integral approaches.

Benjamin Leonard, C. (2022) Wearable device for interactive and collaborative sound making for autistic people.

Benkhelifa, M.R. (2022) Layout management on an interactive tabletop system.

Benthem, M.H. van (2022) Difficulty Measure for Radiology Cases with use of Item Analysis and Deep Learning.

Bentvelsen, Christian C.N. (2022) The process of finding an acquirer for ventures from venture builders: a networking game Proposing a step-by-step process for finding a suitable buyer for acquisition of scale-up ventures coming out of venture builders within the Dutch venture building environment.

Berenschot, L. (2022) Vital signs monitoring with an FMCW radar sensor.

Berg, I. van den (2022) The applicability of artificial intelligence algorithms on magnetic resonance imaging for prostate cancer treatment.

Berg, J. van den (2022) Leefstijlfactoren en bloedglucoseregulatie gerelateerd aan kwaliteit van leven van volwassenen met diabetes type 2.

Berg, M.A van den (2022) The estimation of rodent population in an area with the use of IR&RGB camera images and USV sounds.

Berg, Maarten van den (2022) Optimisation of the pultrusion process for carbon fibre reinforced polyurethane spar caps.

Berg, Selina van den (2022) Intercultural Collaboration in European Business : Cultural differences between the Dutch and the Italians on the work floor.

Berg, T.G. (2022) Go big or go home: An inductive study on the decision process of making residential houses more energy efficient among Private Banking clients of Van Lanschot.

Berg, Y.J.M. van de and Burger, J. and Hest, M.M.W. van and Scholten, E. (2022) Training a Logistic Regression and Decision Tree machine learning model for identifying the epileptogenic zone by classification of intraoperative electrocorticography leads as epileptic or non-epileptic in patients with focal epilepsy undergoing epileptic surgery.

Berge, C. ten (2022) Reverse engineer discontinued KUKA I-do robots and make them applicable for educative use.

Berger, J.S. (2022) Sharing and reusing data among researchers in the traumatic stress field : the correlation between perceived effort and data exchange behaviour moderated by Researcher’s Age.

Bergervoet, Sven (2022) The Development of a Framework for a Sustainable Coffee Machine.

Berghuis, Olivier (2022) Improving the outbound performance of a newly built semi-automated production and spare parts warehouse : a simulation study.

Bergman, M.H. (2022) Designing an observation and registration instrument for monitoring executive functions in primary school students.

Bergsma, T. (2022) Vocabulary acquisition in new and learned contexts using immersive virtual reality.

Bergwerff, Niels and Dieren, Nathan van and Dolmans, Laura and Voortman, Thijs (2022) Influence of Electrode Location, BMI, and Sex on Skin Sympathetic Nerve Activity Measurements in Healthy Subjects.

Berndt, P.R. (2022) The search for autonomy : The UK’s quest for data protection autonomy, as illustrated in the case of EU-UK PNR data transfers.

Bersenev, A. (2022) Putin-Versteher? An analysis of the policy narratives of German anti-establishment parties toward the Russian government.

Bertalis, N. (2022) Mental training for cognitive enhancement in motor learning.

Bertana, Alessia (2022) Designing an informative visual tool to explain the application of Vehicle to Grid (V2G) in business parks.

Bertens, ing Merel P.A.M. (2022) The extent to which hospital turnover limits affect healthcare production of hospitals in The Netherlands - An exploratory sequential mixed-method study, consisting of a grey literature review, interviews, and a systematic literature review.

Besseling, L.S. (2022) Dike breach flood prediction of an LSTM compared to the HAND.FLOW model for real-time flood forecasting.

Beukel, D.J. van den (2022) The S of ESG : measuring the S of ESG and its impact on risk and return of a real estate portfolio.

Beukel, P. van den (2022) Grensbewegingen : een onderzoek naar personele veranderingen bij de Nederlandse Douane.

Beukel, V.B. van den (2022) Influence of machine learning on stock pricing: a meta-analysis.

Beukert, M. (2022) Utilizing benchmarking for compliance to the ESG : an exploratory study.

Beukeveld, B.M. (2022) The influence of perceived SDM on stress in surrogates of intensive care patients.

Beurs, J.A. de (2022) Decreasing the time spent on administrative actions in the scheduling process of TenCate Geosynthetics.

Beursgens, A.E. (2022) A Markov process analysis of and a proposal for adjustments to the Leitner system.

Bex, A.J.M. (2022) Het ontwerpproces en de implementatie van zelfstandig uitvoerbare practica in het voortgezet onderwijs.

Bexten, N. (2022) A top-down European revolution for climate policy governancy? A comparative case study on the Green Deal (2019) and Germany's Climate Change Act (2019).

Bezoen, J.M. (2022) Fairness as a new antecedent for acquiring and preserving supplier satisfaction through the handling of conflict.

Bhansing, A. (2022) Zelfregulerend leren via formatieve evaluatie in de vorm van exitkaarten.

Bhaskar, Rushvanth (2022) A Day in the Life of NTP : Analysis of NTPPool Traffic.

Bhutto, Muhammad Ramish (2022) Automating Privacy Policy Extraction And Summarization.

Biabani, Hamza Azhar (2022) A Closer Look at the Email Phishing Landscape.

Bianchi, T.J. (2022) Designing a smart nest box for automated biodiversity monitoring.

Bijker, Naomi and Jacobse, Evianne and Wolde, Larissa de (2022) In vitro en in vivo validatie van een add-on device voor het monitoren van inhalatiegedrag van kinderen.

Bijl, Y.J. van der (2022) Optimization of a single-electron transistor for charge sensing.

Bijsterveld, D.G. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Binnenmars, R. (2022) Hardware design of a mobile education robot, that uses Raspberry Pi 4 and FPGA-board for real-time control.

Binnenpoorte, F.J. (2022) Increasing the availability of Personal Protective Equipment in a big ad hoc service company.

Birnie, T. (2022) Experimental evaluation of harmonic tag operation in the presence of multiple transmitters.

Bistolfi, I.M.F. (2022) The influence of anthropomorphism on our feelings for faulty robots.

Biswas, Biman (2022) Deep Learning-based Multimodal Fusion of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Mapping Deforested Areas in the Amazon Rainforest.

Bladt, D. (2022) The impact of greenwashing on consumers brand attitude.

Blankestijn, Arjan (2022) Millimeter-Wave Connectivity in Real World Vehicle-To-Vehicle Network Scenarios.

Blauw, A.W (2022) What tool can be designed to guide a pig farmer to a relevant sow in the pig barn.

Bleumink, C. (2022) Verifying the Rewrite Rules of VerCors Using Interactive Theorem Provers.

Bleyenberg, S.D. (2022) The Price of Anarchy for Matching Congestion Games.

Bloemen, S.P.R. (2022) Designing a dashboard development methodology for heterogeneous stakeholders in Dutch nursing homes.

Bloemendal, Daniël (2022) Make Science Make Sense for General Audiences: A Study to Compare Storytelling Elements in Videos and Blogs.

Blokzijl, P.V. (2022) Insulin-Producing PEG-TA Maps: Bottom-up Tissue Engineering of Immunoprotected Insulin-Producing Microtissues to Improve Islet Cell Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes.

Blom, Janneke (2022) Risicomanagement voor een meerzijdig platformbedrijf : een risicomanagementraamwerk ontwerp voor de toekomst.

Blom, K.T.H. (2022) Development of a packaging family for Logue.

Blommestijn, L.P.P. (2022) Havo 4 leerlingen en mindset: een case study naar waarneembaar gedrag bij een experimenteel natuurkundig practicum.

Bluiminck, M. (2022) Modelling and control of underactuated finger-based gripper with adjustable compliance for grasping of varying and deformable objects.

Boamfa, Anamaria (2022) Chain dynamics as a measure for internal friction in the intrinsically disordered protein alpha-synuclein.

Bock, E.J.E. de (2022) Automated diagnosis of shock in Malawian children using point-of-care cardiac ultrasound.

Bockholt, Elisa (2022) Potential Mechanisms in a Novel Positive Psychology Intervention Enhancing Personal Recovery in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: A Mediation Analysis.

Boe, M. (2022) Realtime and Onboard fault diagnosis of UAV motors using RNN prediction model.

Boelens, F.A. (2022) Optimization of Patient Planning at a Cardiology Outpatient Clinic.

Boer, D. de (2022) The theoretical and practical motives for energy efficiency at SMEs and the effects on their business operations.

Boer, M.J. de (2022) Awe: part of the solution against global warming? Exploring the role of awe in sustainable consumer behavior.

Boer, Nick (2022) Increasing insight into manufacturing operations by developing a reporting strategy.

Boer, S. de (2022) Pre-Processing Whole-Genome Datasets To Improve The Execution Time Of Selective Sweep Detection Tools.

Boerman, D.A. (2022) A shift towards purpose-driven banking and its performance implications.

Boersma, Y. (2022) Robust localization and navigation for autonomous, military robots in GNSS-denied environments.

Boeve, T. (2022) Comparative analysis between fast and basic scalar multiplication used in elliptic curve cryptography.

Bojoga, D. (2022) Data-Driven Decision Making (DDD) by SME online retailers : exploring critical determinants influencing the adoption of DDD by SME online retailers.

Bojorge-Alvarez, J. (2022) Re-assessing the effectiveness perimeter security & exploring attack surfaces at the Port of Rotterdam.

Boksebeld, L.G.J. (2022) The Effects of a Peer Feedback Intervention on Cognitive Group Awareness and Collaborative Outcomes in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.

Boksem, Jorn (2022) Finding ways to improve the prediction accuracy of a model that predicts the outcome of a football match using machine learning.

Boland, H.G. (2022) Op zoek naar de X factor van medewerker gedreven innovatie : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de bijdrage van een innovatielab op medewerker gedreven innovatie in ziekenhuizen.

Bolk, M.J.A. (2022) Choosing for local foods : using videos in online menu cards.

Bolks, F.R. (2022) Analysing and improving the user experience of ReadID platforms.

Bollmann, Nele (2022) Usability Assessment of a Self-Control Training App for Students with ADHD.

Bolte, PJ (2022) Kadaster Ethical Data Instrument (KEDI): An instrument for assessing external data requests.

Bolzonella, L. (2022) Root-Cause Analysis of Interfered Current Transformer Due to Pulsed Currents.

Bon, X.T.M. (2022) Humanitarian Drone Logistics after a flooding event : assessing the effects cargo drones can have on relief operations.

Bondarciuc, S. (2022) Design thinking : understanding usefulness from tech company employees.

Bonnema, M.J.S. (2022) Inline Micro-fluidic Relative Permittivity Sensor Based on Silicon Wafer Technology.

Bont, Diederik de (2022) Geographical risk in the Dutch car insurance : a data-driven approach to measure regional effects on the claim frequency.

Booij, B. te (2022) Trend analysis of extreme precipitation events in the Meuse catchment, obtained with re-forecasts from the ECMWF.

Boomers, J.T.W. (2022) Improving the medium-term and short-term production planning process of semi-finished products at a cable manufacturing company.

Boons, J.H.C. (2022) Memory consolidation and prediction in an in silico neural network.

Boonstoppel, S. (2022) Risicomanagement en de Nederlandse defensie-industrie : de ABDO in relatie tot het toepassen van risicomanagement.

Bootsma, J. (2022) Evaluating methods to assess the coastal flood hazard on a global scale : a comparative analysis between the Bathtub approach and the LISFLOOD-AC model.

Borau, Lennart (2022) Lean and Green Management adoption in an Indonesian transportation company: Transformational leadership in an emerging economy context.

Borchert, M. (2022) The development of state attachment across three phases of a creative art therapy-focused treatment within inpatients with personality disorders : a multiple baseline single case experimental design research.

Bordewijk, S.C. (2022) Online Hotel Reviews : The Impact of Polarity of Opinions on the Perception of Trust.

Boretskii, I. (2022) Developing a system for suggesting alternative ways of visualizing data.

Borggreve, L.A. (2022) Effects of Annual Report Sentiment on Stock Returns.

Borggreve, P.J.P. (2022) Designing a Cash-Flow Model to assess Service Requests.

Born, H. B. van den (2022) Following individuals on Instagram: Their meaning-making of a mediatized world : A qualitative study on individuals' experiences and meaning making on Instagram.

Borninkhof, J.L.M. (2022) The significance of sclera colour and eye movement patterns in the Uncanny Valley Effect : an eye-tracking study.

Boros, S. (2022) “Sharing is caring” : a quantitative study on how highly visual social media use can influence emerging adults’ mental health attitudes and help-seeking behaviour in the Netherlands.

Borren, J. (2022) Supporting an agile working environment for the Information Provision Department at Menzis.

Borst, Gerrit (2022) The making of intentional communication errors and their effect on trust, rapport and information provision, and the ethics regarding error making strategies.

Bos, H.L. (2022) Healthy packaging worth another look : the influence of visual and textual packaging elements on consumers' health perceptions and consumer response.

Bos, Jonathan (2022) Heating Solution for a variable Stiffness Surgical Manipulator.

Bos, K.D.J. (2022) The Effect of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure induced Arterial Blood Pressure oscillations on the Cerebral Autoregulation measures.

Bos, P.W. (2022) Potential (passive) flight stabilization and control mechanisms for flapping robotic bird flight.

Bosboom, E.S. (2022) The digital servitization framework for the transition to modular software as a standardized product.

Bosch, K.T.D. (2022) A hybrid recommender-system for startup scouting.

Bosch, R.R. (2022) Solving the dynamic container relocation problem to minimize transportation costs using approximate dynamic programming.

Bosch, S.W.T. (2022) Implementing a green fluorescent protein tag coupled to Zonula Occludens-1 in brain endothelial cells.

Bosch, Y.J. (2022) The Industrial Bakery Scheduling Problem : solving a complex continuous hybrid flow shop model using meta-heuristics.

Bosma, H.R. (2022) Audio-visual Correlation from Cross-modal Attention in Self-supervised Transformers on Videos of Musical Performances.

Bosman, D.G.J. (2022) Design of a leaf holder for real-time microscopy in the context of precision farming.

Boulogne, M.C. (2022) Designing the tapering of a radially oriented flexure joint.

Bouma, Simone (2022) On the Role of Procurement in Inter-Organisational Staff Pooling in Healthcare.

Bourbon de Parme, Carlos de (2022) Detecting Stomata with Computer Vision for Plant Breeding.

Bousardt, H.M. (2022) Using embodied conversational agents to combat loneliness in older adults : a scoping review.

Bovenkerk, Jasper (2022) Generating IMU data from video using deep neural networks for use in animal activity recognition.

Boyko, Anna (2022) Design and Evaluation of an Inclusive Version of the Bot Usability Scale.

Boysen, Yannic (2022) Evaluating Recurrent Neural Networks as Solution to User Action Prediction.

Bozov, P. (2022) 3D point cloud segmentation and automation for railway catenary arches.

Braak, A.E. ter and Haren, D.J. van and Schaars, M.W. and Veldhuizen, A.N. van and Weusthof, Q. (2022) Optimalisatie beeldvorming recidief cholesteatoom : heeft fusie van dw-MRI en CT een meerwaarde?

Braak, T. ter (2022) Understanding the trauma gap in severe mental distress : a narrative study of individuals with sensitivity to psychosis.

Braake, Juliët ter (2022) Barriers and facilitators for general practitioners towards using a decision-support tool regarding referring patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain : a usability study.

Braaksma, B.J.J. (2022) Optimization of the assembly process of modular construction using discrete event simulation : a case study in housing industry.

Brake, W.W.M. ter (2022) State of the art: An overview of assessment tools for measuring (digital) Health Literacy - A systematic scoping review.

Bralts, T.R. (2022) Improving the Purifying Effect of the Kristalbad.

Brands, A.M. (2022) Exploring the Effectiveness and Drop-out of an ACT-based Aftercare Intervention for Individuals with a Substance Use Disorder: A Mixed Methods Study.

Brands, Fenneke (2022) Succesvol Horizontaal Toezicht.

Brandsma, D.S. (2022) The impact of posterior tibial slope on knee biomechanics as predictor of flexion contracture in total knee arthroplasty.

Brandsma, Jildert A. (2022) Implementation of Social Service Robots in Dutch healthcare.

Brandt, Jacco Hermanus (2022) Effectiveness of Oblivious RAM in cloud storage services.

Brandt, Tabea (2022) The development of leader identities in female leaders.

Brattinga, M. (2022) LSTM-based Indoor Localization with Transfer Learning.

Bravo de Medina Arribas, J. (2022) Decisive Image Characteristics to Perform Image Steganography in DCT.

Bree, Sjoerd van (2022) Testing Copositivity in Pentadiagonal Matrices.

Breedveld, S. (2022) Translating the global Sustainable Development Goals to the local municipality level.

Brekel, J.S. van (2022) Improving the SmartCompounders total parenteral nutrition compounder.

Bremer, B. (2022) Design of a fast control system reacting to non-sinusoidal voltage fluctuations.

Brieger, L.L. (2022) Examining the Effect of Procedural Information on Vulnerable Individuals’ Cooperation and Anxiety Levels within Investigative Interviews.

Brillant, A. (2022) Redesigning the DYL Toolkit: Improving the Communication of Information.

Brink, A.P. van den (2022) Recharge yourself An autonomous drone charging solution.

Brink, E.W. van den (2022) Design of an adjustable torque device for XS-TOR implant.

Brink, K. van den (2022) FLEX : Force Linear to Exponential. Improving time series forecasting models for hydrological level using a scalable ensemble machine learning approach.

Brink, Renske S.M. van den (2022) Self-efficacy perceptions as mediator on the relationship between students' experience with presenting and their anxiety to present.

Brink, W. van den (2022) Weighed and found legacy : modernity signatures for PHP systems using static analysis.

Brink, W. van den (2022) Reliability of selective credit risk models.

Brinkhof, R.R. (2022) Pre-assessment of project performance : a Dutch construction case.

Brinkman, J.J. (2022) Circular design strategies in the construction of wastewater treatment plants.

Brinkman, M.G. (2022) Sharing is caring : factors influencing knowledge sharing from PLC participants to other teachers in secondary education.

Broeder, Gies den (2022) Human Activity Recognition using a mmWave Radar.

Broeke, Mees ten (2022) Exploring BIAS in the creation and use of evidence in the policy-making process of the loan system in the Netherlands.

Broeke, Nathalie ten (2022) Researching the research institute : understanding political-scientific institutes in The Netherlands.

Broekhof, Ivo (2022) Replication and Analysis of the Berry-Sethi Parser for Ambiguous Regular Expressions.

Broekman, Davy (2022) Implementing third-party logistics to decrease the lead times of Flying Fish eFoils.

Broekman, R. (2022) End user interface for a sepsis diagnostic instrument.

Broeks, A.J. (2022) MIIT Multidisciplinair interventieteam : vierdimensionaal leiderschap : effectief kunnen omgaan met risico's en onzekerheden.

Broers, Noah (2022) Leading in Hungary : How Dutchmen perceive Dutch-Hungarian differences in leadership on the work floor.

Brot, Antje (2022) Physical activity and coping moderated by depressive symptoms.

Brouwer, B.A. de (2022) From Candidate To Employee : optimizing the job application process at Ecare.

Brouwer, N.E.J. (2022) What do informal caregivers think of an unobtrusive sensor-dependent communication platform? : A concurrent mixed methods research about the needs, expectations and requirements of informal caregivers of community-dwelling elderly with dementia in The Netherlands towards an unobtrusive sensor-dependent communication platform.

Brugge, J.S. ter (2022) Autism and Technology - Exploring how digitization can contribute to individual preferences of young autistic adults to express themselves for designing their own assistive technologies.

Bruggeman, T.G.F. (2022) Integriteitsbeschuldigingen onder de loep : Een onderzoek naar de realiteit achter integriteitsbeschuldigingen in het lokaal bestuur.

Bruggink, T. (2022) Data & AI policies united: Picked to pieces.

Brugman, S.R.D. (2022) The development of a real-time monitoring system for fatigue detection on truckers.

Bruijl, I.M. (2022) Influencing the crowd : analysis of the effects of short-term crowd management measures on crowd flow characteristics in station environments.

Bruijn, P.H.A. de (2022) Using discrete event simulation to optimize the brachytherapy treatment process: a case study.

Bruijning, A.S. (2022) The optimal neonate intensive care unit design for the wilhelmina children's hospital.

Bruijnis, C.J. (2022) Improving detection depth of DiffMag handheld probe : optimizing excitation parameters.

Brummelhuis, Tom Gerardus Alphonsus (2022) How Does an Organization’s Attitude towards Sustainability Influence the Strength of Its Buyer-Supplier Relationship? : A Case Study in the Dutch Fruit Juice Industry.

Bröcher, Luca Zoe (2022) Buy now, cry later : Examining factors influencing “flexible” consumers’ fashion choices and the extent of conflict between ethical intentions and actual consumption choices.

Brüggemann, T. (2022) Comparing backward chaining and mixed backward chaining in discrete motor learning.

Buijs, H. (2022) Assessment of Macrostability. The level of detail of the soil layers in a cross-section for both probabilistic and semi-probabilistic calculation methods.

Buijs, M.J.H. and Peters, S.H.J.M. and Vroling, C. and Haalstra, S. (2022) Ablation in navigation bronchoscopy for non small lung cancer : "Which ablation technique: microwave ablation, radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation or irreversible electroporation, is most suitable in combination with navigation bronchoscopy for patients with stage I and IIA non small cell lung cancer whom are not eligible for surgery and stereotactical radiotherapy?".

Buijtenhuis, Bas René (2022) Conversion of CT kilovolt peak and reconstruction kernel using a 3D convolutional neural network for BoneMRI evaluation.

Buitenhuis, Kilian F. (2022) Optimising the OPCAB simulator movement mechanism.

Buiting, M. (2022) Medewerker perspectief ten aanzien van de waargenomen bruikbaarheid van monitoring technologie op de psychogeriatrie afdeling van Marga Klompé.

Bujorianu, Alex (2022) Developing a Recommendation Algorithm for Patients Using the Healthentia Platform.

Buker, Noël (2022) An ongoing trend of increasing transcontinental sourcing, at cost of Intra-EU sourcing; which prominent push- and pull factors can be identified? A study from an European perspective.

Bulsink, R.E. (2022) Enhancing imaging depth of handheld LED-based photoacoustic imaging.

Bulthuis, Rianne F.G. (2022) Early Health Technology Assessment of the Ultrasound Photoacoustic Needle for guiding a ventricular catheter.

Bunda, S.T. (2022) Limited Resource Optimization for Face Recognition Neural Networks: Sub-byte quantization of MobileFaceNet using QKeras.

Buohemaa, Bernice Osei (2022) Urban green in Greater Paramaribo: Explorations of accessibility and social inequality.

Burghardt, J.W. (2022) Developing a heating solution for use during shower bathing.

Burow, Günther (2022) Agreed but Contested : Normative Contestation and the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Busscher, S.G.H. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Buter, E.M. (2022) Design a novel device to locate and secure a metacarpophalengeal implant within the joint capsule.

Buul, S. van (2022) Research to a universal diagnostic device, that simplifies the maintenance of ground-based weapon systems.

Buurman, Sophie (2022) Bayesian uncertainty estimation of deep learning carotid artery vessel wall segmentation.

Bählkow, Chiara (2022) The Effect of Emotion Regulation Flexibility on Efficient Recovery from Daily Stressors : An Experience Sampling Study.

Böckenhoff, Hanna Maria (2022) How do people discursively construct their meaningful encounters with nature?

Böcker, N. (2022) Entrepreneurial decision-making : assessing the influence of creativity and imagination on effectuation and causation processes of German entrepreneurs.

Böddeker, F. (2022) Sit less, sleep better, be happier : the relationship between types of sedentary behaviour and mood mediated by sleep quality.

Böhmer, J.F. (2022) Social media use and its relationship with well-being : the associations between social media use, need fulfilment, negative side effects, and well-being.

Böker, M. (2022) Future time perspective and it's relation to substance-use in adolescents : a scoping review.

Bücker, J. (2022) The moderating role of comparison orientation on the association between Instagram use and life satisfaction.

Bülter, A. (2022) Validation of the Dutch posttraumatic stress disorder checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) after losing a loved one during the plane crash with flight MH17.

Calder, Hunter (2022) Sea Level Rise in New Zealand and Dutch News : A comparative study of representations of sea level rise in online news articles from Aotearoa New Zealand and the Netherlands.

Campomanes V, Florencio (2022) Estimating Consumer Food Accessibility Across Urban-Rural Catchment Areas in Ethiopia.

Carmona Ortiz, Víctor Antonio (2022) Modelling of Robotic Hands: Kinematic and Dynamic Parameter Identification.

Carrasco Campos, P.A. (2022) Circular economy rebound effect in the context of secondhand clothing consumption in the Netherlands.

Carvalho Bustamante, Hugo (2022) A comparison between the traditional trip-based traffic demand model and the tour-based model : Analysis of the trip characteristics of the Trefcenter Venlo shopping mall in Limburg.

Cazemier, W. (2022) Soil deformation due to dike strengthening projects. The effect of using local values of the Pre-Overburden Pressure (POP) instead of project wide values in Durgerdam.

Cents, R.B.A. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Cervone, B. (2022) Integrating user centred product planning approaches in multi- product tech companies.

Chae, Heejin (2022) Prototyping gamification of lifestyle application for prevention of obesity in young adults.

Chaki, M. (2022) The impact of mindfulness on individual and team performance.

Challis, L.D. (2022) The citizens’ strain to see through transparency : exploring reciprocity as an alternative in the smart city of Amsterdam.

Challis, L.D. (2022) The citizens’ strain to see through transparency : exploring reciprocity as an alternative in the smart city of Amsterdam.

Chalotra, A.K. (2022) Simulating embodied carbon emissions of buildings: comparing concrete with timber buildings.

Chami, B. (2022) The effect of a students’ locus of control and achievement goals on presentation anxiety.

Chamoun, S.S. (2022) Implementatie van de virtuele diabeteskliniek in ZGT : het perspectief van diabetes zorgprofessionals in ZGT in de pre-implementatiefase. Een kwalitatief onderzoek.

Chandrashekar, Anand (2022) Item availability restricted.

Chattopadhyay, A. (2022) Resilience of DNS infrastructure against DDoS attacks.

Chaush, A. (2022) Aspects of eCRM and firmographics that influence customer acquisition probability.

Chawane, Shruti (2022) Image based bee health classification.

Chen, K.L. (2022) The impact of board characteristics on financial performance : evidence from Dutch hospitals.

Chen, Y. (2022) GameEvolver: A tool to potentially automatically improve board games.

Chen, Yang Sophie (2022) Enhancing the Web Browsing Experience on Mobile Devices with AR Glasses.

Chen, Yucheng (2022) Twitter- a new pathway to access product innovation ideas - Can machine learning help PepsiCo identify innovative ideas in User-Generated Content platforms?

Chhibber, A. (2022) Deep learning based multi-source data fusion to map deforested areas in Amazon rain forest.

Chiang, Wan-Hsuan (2022) Discovering Activation by Process Mining : a Case of B2B SaaS Customers.

Chipantaci Angamarca, A.I. (2022) Developing a framework of semiotics that support the drafting of construction process visualizations of subsurface utility projects.

Chobdar, Pranav (2022) Comparing popular topics related to Covid-19 in Latin America and Europe.

Choi, Sua (2022) The design of ‘League of Legends’ decision support system for inexperienced players.

Choi, Y. (2022) Case studies for the necessity of the blockchain in self-sovereign identity.

Christiano, B.G. (2022) Formalization of tangle and tangle learning algorithm.

Chu, Chun Syuan (2022) Developing a Virtual Stealth Assessment of Orderliness and Exploring the Effect of Environmental Orderliness in Virtual Reality.

Chu, W. (2022) From gaming to decision-making: Design-based research to foster critical thinking in a game-based learning environment.

Chávez Sáenz, L. (2022) Creating interactive custom controller installations to improve a museum exhibition.

Ciobanu, Vlad-Radu (2022) Organizational word of art, NFT’s and digital skills : A means to an end : are NFT’s the means to explore the legitimacy of digital artworks?

Claes, S.H.J. (2022) Improving waste separation at the UT campus.

Claessen, C.T. (2022) Text Mining to Improve Education : An Evaluation of Text Mining in the Student Feedback Process.

Claßen, P. (2022) A practical approach to assessing critical continuity properties of assets in business & IT continuity management.

Clemente, Giuliano (2022) Conditions of successful SMTs transformation in SMEs.

Cocks, D.S. (2022) The Vigilant Brain : monitoring vigilance: using EEG to assess changes in drivers' vigilant state.

Coenen, T. (2022) The role of motivations in patient engagement in research: the case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients participating in RA research on an online crowdsourcing intervention called Share Data Valley.

Colen, T. (2022) The effect of the online collaboration method on the social presence of students at the Dutch teacher training institute.

Collazos Cortes, D.F. (2022) Landslide early warning runout modeling : case study in Norway.

Collins, Michael (2022) Corporate Risk Disclosure: The Effect of Leverage on Internal Control Reporting.

Collot, C. (2022) Assessing the integration of same-day delivery option from the sustainable, financial, and service angles : a case study in the e-commerce sector.

Commissaris, D. (2022) The redesign of Kumasi drinks packaging.

Conocchiari Moran, D. (2022) How can acceptance of wearable health technology affect behavioral intent to use telehealth services by elderly patients.

Constantinou, C. (2022) BLOCK // SYSTEM : A solution for immersive, interactive EDM live performances that are controlled remotely.

Copae, D.V. (2022) Using augmented software requirements for automatic classification.

Corts, R. (2022) Accelerating selective sweep detection software with the GPU architecture.

Coskun, M. (2022) Research on why Dutch Public Organizations fail to grow to sufficient maturity levels in information security.

Costet, Danielle (2022) The effectiveness of city networks in the field of migration.

Couwenberg, F. (2022) Extracting Unseen Classes From Capsule Network Feature Space.

Couwenberg, M. (2022) Development of the Forest Prefab Transit Element.

Couwenbergh, W. (2022) Detection of areas of interest in bending strain data for pipelines through 1D object detection.

Covaci, Andrei - Ion (2022) Wi-Fi MAC address randomization vs Crowd Monitoring.

Coviliac, Anastasia (2022) Improvement of AI-assessment systems in grading open questions based on the teaching assistant’s view.

Crum, J.P. (2022) The Product Market Fit of Awaves Play.

Csábi, Alexandra Mária (2022) Mapping the impacts of emerging technologies on morality : a combinatory approach of mediation analysis and technomoral change.

Culha, H. (2022) In search for an open-science : traumatic stress researcher’s data-sharing behaviour in relation to biological age, professional age and career stage.

Cutinha, Jennifer Alice (2022) Classification of anomalous traces in audit logs using next activity prediction.

Daalen, N. van (2022) Development of an educational board game about climate change and sustainability in primary education.

Dadey, Dora Aboabea (2022) Exploring UAVs for Participatory Mapping on Customary Lands to Understand Women’s Land Rights in Northern Region of Ghana.

Dadhich, S. (2022) Increasing the accuracy of rodent detection and estimation of the population with sensor fusion.

Dalen, J.H. van (2022) Communicating Environmental CSR : The Influence of Spatial Distance, Message Appeal, and Concreteness of Message on Consumer Perception.

Dalen, N.E. van (2022) Pressure cooker youth work : a policy evaluation of personal development policy goals of the MDT Missie community service project.

Dan, C. (2022) Electrospinning and characterization of ZrO2 nanofibers functionalized with palladium sites.

Dang, Dinh Viet Anh (2022) Item availability restricted.

Daniel, F. (2022) How do children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) depict their future? A literature review.

Dankers, A. (2022) Introducing scan budgets to optimize allocation of radiology capacity.

Dannenberg, Maureen (2022) Drug Induced Cardiotoxicity by COVID-19 Treatments on Engineered Heart Tissues.

Dannenberg, P.M. (2022) Assessing the Reliability of Discharge Data.

Das, M.T. (2022) Risicomanagement binnen de tralies : Een onderzoek naar de aansluiting van het risicomanagement met de risico’s die de betrokken medewerkers lopen op de Afdeling Intensief Toezicht in de Penitentiaire inrichting Leeuwarden.

Das, MS MT (2022) Risicomanagement binnen de tralies.

Daskalov, V.D. (2022) Bio marker-based COVID severity prediction and data quality exploration.

Dasselaar, C.J. van and Larooi, M. and Vrouenraets, M.S. (2022) Validatie van consumentenwearables bij dagelijkse fysieke activiteit: Onderdeel van het PARTNR-project voor het objectief monitoren van het holistisch profiel van KGV-patiënten.

Dassen, Thory (2022) How can a learning organization best be developed in a project-based, decentralized construction company?

Dauer, V.C. (2022) Exploring the Moderation of Acceptance on Negative Events and Anxiety in Daily Life : an Experience Sampling Study.

Davids, Aron (2022) Identifying plot holes in narrative stories by simulating events.

De Alba Alvarez, Irina (2022) Rapid Frequency Offset Mapping with the Half Fourier Acquisition Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo with the Selective Parity Approach.

De Marini, N.L. (2022) Cryptocurrency investments : a statistical analysis of their effect on portfolio risk-return properties.

Deenik, Jort (2022) The role of feedback in mono- and multicultural agile teams : effect on job performance and relations to arousal levels.

Deijk, C. (2022) Trends in incidence and survival of Pediatric Ependymomas in the Netherlands 2003-2017: a population-based study.

Deiters, R. (2022) Relationships of Well-Being and Depressive Mood with Social Contact in Students’ Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Study.

Dekker, Dick (2022) Developing a graphical user interface for a universal drone docking system to aid inspection use-cases.

Dekker, M.B. (2022) Analysing the integrity of the development and management process of technical regulations in the Netherlands.

Demir, Abrohom (2022) Multi-Objective Optimization of Flexible Pavement Design from an Environmental and Economic Perspective.

Demirci, S.S. (2022) Exploring the Effectiveness of the Clinical Use of Psilocybin to Treat Mental Health Conditions: A Scoping Review.

Demissie, Wondimagegn Abebe (2022) Integrated hydrological model to evaluate water resources of Boteti River sub-basin, Botswana.

Dengiz, Dilan (2022) Usability Study of SCIPP, the Self-Control Training App.

Depenau, M. (2022) Sitting with your Problems: Exploring the Relationship between Leisure Screen-based Sedentary Time and Perceived Psychological Stress in University Students, moderated by Gender.

Derkse, I.R.M. (2022) Refining Democratization Theory : the Tunisian Revolution as a Deviant Case Study.

Derksen, M. (2022) Artery size adjusted calcium score for contrast-enhanced CT scans in peripheral artery disease patients.

Derksen, R. (2022) Effectiveness of social engineering interventions over time.

Derwig, M.H.B. (2022) Saving Space and Improving Efficiency in the Assembly Department.

Dethmers, I.M. (2022) Designing and evaluating a predictive maintenance approach for seats at Schiphol.

Devrim, Merve (2022) Het gebruik van online modules binnen de forensische geestelijke gezondheidszorg.

Dharmasena, N.B.C (2022) Comparison between logic families for multiphase clocking applications.

Dhawan, A. (2022) Institutional complexity across borders : what are the HRM activities that give rise to institutional complexity in an online labour platform operating in India?

Di Flumeri, MSc Francesco (2022) Explainable AI for supporting operators in manufacturing machines maintenance: Evaluating different techniques of explainable AI for a machine learning model that can be used in a manufacturing environment.

Dias, L. (2022) Investigating the nature of Brine Pockets on Ceres using hyperspectral mapping.

Diaz Quinde, D.S. (2022) Technologies for older age well-being: An approach to tracking and regulation of collective mood.

Dibbets, V.L. (2022) Team-based learning through an interactive online medium.

Dichev, Konstantin (2022) Validating Belbin Roles Based on University Students' Discord Messages.

Die, Tom van (2022) Acceptability and feasibility of an ESM-study examining grief in daily life of bereaved people.

Diepenmaat, L.G. (2022) Improving the cost estimation process at VDL Energy Systems.

Diephaus, J. (2022) A Study on the mediating Effect of Coping Style on the Relationship between Personality traits and Public-speaking Anxiety among University Students.

Dieren, W.M. van (2022) Lead Time Reduction, from forecasted to reactive assembly.

Diermen, M. van (2022) Improving the production planning of Gietart Kaltenbach.

Dijckmeester, Lynn (2022) Improve the contractor’s two-staged tenders : creating awareness by analysing the performance and development process of MEAT criteria.

Dijk, D.J.H. van (2022) The Adaption of Japanese Joinery for 5-Axis CNC Machining. Designing a set of CNC machined, solid wood, wood-on-wood, flat packable, Japanese inspired wood joints.

Dijk, Daniël van (2022) Energy based safety for passive robots performing active interaction tasks.

Dijk, H.B. van (2022) Matching capacity with the predicted workload at the emergency call centre of ProRail.

Dijk, P. van (2022) Inventory strategies for the surgery department.

Dijkhuis, D.S. (2022) Working in Spain as a Dutchman : Cultural differences between the Dutch and the Spanish in the working environment.

Dijksterhuis, F.S. (2022) Design of a modular workbench unit with storage for a learning factory.

Dijkstra, Ing. R.J. (2022) Offshore Inventory Management (Inventory management of Main Components from offshore wind turbines by statistically predicting expected failures using historical failure data to determine optimal stock levels).

Dijkstra, R.S. (2022) How can the eradication phase of incident response for ransomware incidents be improved based on previous ransomware incidents?

Diken, S. (2022) Using educational robotics to determine secondary school students' attitude change towards STEM.

Diks, Vincent (2022) Detecting and interfacing urban litter using computer vision.

Dimitriadou, E.K. (2022) Exploring pain-related anxiety within Long-Covid-19 patients over time and the influential effect of sleeping problems : an experience sampling method-study.

Dimitrov, I. (2022) Analysis of photovoltaics implementation in a cold-storage warehouse. The earth is what we all have in common.

Dirksen, A.N. (2022) An exploratory research to students’ sense of belonging in distance education in higher education in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dissel, L. van (2022) Structure of and algorithms for binary staircase matrices.

Dittmar, Sarah (2022) The Relationship between Incidental News Exposure on Social Media and Anxiety, and the Moderating Role of Optimism.

Dobrowolski, Sonja (2022) Attention Is Not the Solution : Experiences of University Students With ADHD With Remote Learning.

Doets, M. (2022) Mechanically activated in-vitro muscle model.

Dogar, S.S.S. (2022) Integrating earth observation data into area frame sampling approach to improve crop production estimates.

Dol, K. (2022) Vermoeidheid bij reumatoïde artritis : een onbesproken probleem.

Dollée, Isa (2022) The Role of the Eyes in the Uncanny Valley Effect : Does Incongruence between Eyes and Face Influence Uncanniness?

Dolmans, E. (2022) The grey water footprint of antimicrobials used for aquaculture production.

Domhof, Menno (2022) Design of a participatory approach to assess the climate resilience of the “Utrechtse Heuvelrug” region.

Domselaar, M. van (2022) Providing guidance on the road towards 100 circularity in 2050 : developing a method to aid in determining the circularity progress of packaging types.

Domselaar, Max van (2022) The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Level of Transparency With Lower-Tier Suppliers in the Supply Chain.

Dongen, J.A. van (2022) A data based scouting support system for Club Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro.

Doorn, M.G. van (2022) "How can I touch you?" : Reducing intrusiveness in mediated touch.

Doornbos, L.C. (2022) 30 As The New 50 : Developing A Geo-Information Tool To Support Decision-Making On Speed Limits In An Urban Context, Considering Cycling Infrastructure In The Netherlands.

Doornik, S.R. van (2022) Framework for Implementing the Take-Along Option in the Valuation of a Mortgage Portfolio.

Doremalen, R.F. van (2022) Designing a blueprint schedule to meet access time criteria of priority groups in a preoperative assessment clinic.

Dotsika, Adamantia (2022) Memory and inference time considerations in a C translated QKeras model.

Driessen, Pim (2022) Item availability restricted.

Drozdzynski, F.A.D (2022) The Common Agricultural Policy post 2020 : an analysis of the beliefs of selected key stakeholders.

Drăgănuță, C.C. (2022) Physicalizing electromagnetic spectrum for tangible learning.

Dubbelink, S. I. (2022) A valuable user experience : Utilizing the Q-method as a Human-Centered Design approach to enhance the user experience.

Duerrschnabel, Karim (2022) Are users who are confident in their high-quality ideas & ability to formulate high-quality ideas affected by the type of feedback received by a chatbot?

Duewel, M. (2022) Breaking the Stigma of CNM relationships by understanding intergenerational value differences.

Duijn, J.G.A. den (2022) Non-invasive continuous cardiac output monitoring using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in ICU patients.

Duinmeijer, W.C. (2022) Method for manufacturing a hemofiltration fibre mat for use in a combined lung-kidney assist device.

Dullaert, S.A. (2022) Friction and resistance as modalities for physicalizing data.

Dunhoft, Marie-Claire (2022) “This is a Paradigm Shift for the entire Industry” : Employee Resistance to Technological Innovation in the German AEC Industry.

Duong, X.L. (2022) Estimate motor unit organization in Nociceptive Flexion Reflex using Convolutive Blindsource Separation and statistical signal analysis.

Duren, K.M.L. van (2022) Augmented reality for laparoscopic liver navigation.

Durmus, Ikra (2022) Assessment of Transport-Related Social Exclusion Among the Dutch Elderly: A Comparative Mixed Method Approach.

Duyvesteyn, M.J. and Maassen van den Brink, M.A. and Peters, A.M.M and Somhorst, M.M. (2022) Afbeelden van het Heat Sink Effect met MR-Thermometrie na Microwave Ablatie.

Eck, Sanne van (2022) Towards a framework for the early-stage assessment of infotainment systems for luxury cars.

Eekhout, Koen (2022) Driving forces behind the extra-EU shift: a choice-based contingent ranking experiment on purchasers’ preferences.

Eenink, A. (2022) Adaptive leader and team behaviour in medical action teams.

Eganovic, Anna (2022) The position of women in leadership roles in Serbia.

Eggengoor, Amber (2022) Sports Interaction Technology For Training Load Management And Injury Prevention : a case study on hangboard training.

Eggers, J. (2022) Getting into the minds of suspects : an examination of their influencing behaviours in investigative interviews.

Ehizibue, D. (2022) Investigation of individuals' behavior towards phishing attacks using the health belief model.

Eid, Sherif (2022) Yard Management Improvements in the Outbound Logistics Department at PepsiCo Veurne.

Eijkel, D.J. (2022) Anycast in the SCION Internet Architecture.

Ekelhof, T.J.G. (2022) Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability & Social Innovation: a study on Dutch small and medium-sized construction enterprises.

Ekris, B.W. van (2022) Identifying dynamic critical components of a gantry based lasercutting machine using a validated FE model.

El Ahmadi, Zainab (2022) Let’s bring the outdoor environment indoors! : To what extent do plants and daylight in an office environment influence the creative performance positively as mediated by mood?

El Bataioui, Sarah (2022) Fluctuations of Self-compassion in the daily life of recently diagnosed treatable cancer patients : an Experience Sampling Study.

Elawady, Y.M. (2022) Defining platforms for artificial intelligence algorithms in radiology : increasing the transparency of the market for AI platforms for radiology.

Elbers, M.G.A (2022) Complicatieregistratie op de afdeling Spoedeisende Hulp van Ziekenhuis X.

Elburg, Amber van (2022) Triggering the Ventilator during Non-Invasive Ventilation in Infants using Transcutaneous Electromyography of the Diaphragm : A proof of principle study.

Elderen, M. van (2022) Designing a stand alone finger vein scanner.

Eldik, J.E. van (2022) Using forecasting to improve production planning at Wouter Witzel.

Elferink, Elise (2022) The perspective of Intensive Care nurses on flexible deployment at three hospitals : a qualitative approach.

Eliya, Y. (2022) Implementing Agile teams : a qualitative study on the adoption of Scrum teams in SMEs.

Elkady, O. (2022) SLAM for smart bikes.

Elleithy, Ziad (2022) Large Scale Machine Learning Applications in Industries: An Exploration of Energy Consumption.

Elsasser, P.L. (2022) The relation between active word categorization and semantic brain activation.

Elskamp, David (2022) Visual Classification on HR-Crime dataset.

Elzen, L.C. van den (2022) Esports as a novel way of socializing and networking for students and businesses : in and beyond COVID-19 times.

Emaus, M.B. (2022) The role of oncology nurses and their job satisfaction : to realize a future-proof organization of oncology care at home.

Emery, J. (2022) Project control applied on a pilot project : a cost and time analysis.

Emmen, J.H.F.M. (2022) Predicting the impact of block scheduling on patient waiting time for MRI resources : a simulation study at the Isala hospital.

Emmerich, T.L. (2022) VMI 2.0 : implementing VMI in the industry 4.0 era.

Emmink, A. (2022) Inviting mental healthcare professionals to become sensitive for the changing healthcare practice.

Encheva, M.D. (2022) The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on B2B Social Media Content Tactics : a qualitative study examining how the Covid-19 Pandemic influenced B2B Social Media Tactics on LinkedIn.

Endhoven, Krissie (2022) The effect of histamine and cetirizine on endothelial cells : The effect of histamine and its antagonist cetirizine on the permeability of a monolayer of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs).

Endres, L.L. (2022) Environmental sustainability and its relationship with preferred customer status in the international fruit and vegetable industry.

Engelen, Julian van (2022) Improving routes of a repair company.

Engelke, Leonie (2022) What is the Effect of Covid on Different Trust Levels among Supply Chain Relationships?

Erber, J. (2022) Erring in suspect interviews : The effects of multiple errors on the relationship formation and perceived humaneness (Interviewee’s perspective).

Erkko, M.A. (2022) Speeding up parametric model checking using GPGPU computation.

Ermans, S.J.E. and Gemert, S.M.F. van and Maas, R. and Versteeg, G. (2022) Dynamisch scannen met directe parametrische imaging: De meerwaarde van de total body Quadra PET/CT-scan.

Ernst, S.K. (2022) Networks Dynamics of Grassroot activism : The Case of "Cities for CEDAW" in the United States.

Erotas, G. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Ertel, Gillian (2022) Institutional Lock-in and Active Mobility : a Comparative Case Study.

Es, Max van (2022) The Optimal Frequency To Perform 360-Degree Feedback - A Cost/Benefit Analysis.

Eshy, A. (2022) Human activity recognition using two millimeter-wave radars.

Eskes, H (2022) Colonoscopic surveillance after colonoscopic polypectomy of a low-risk polyp: Incidence of invasive colorectal cancer, adenoma with high-grade dysplasia, and subsequent polyps.

Esser, J.M. (2022) The relationship between body image dissatisfaction, orthorexic-related symptoms and social media exposure.

Eugelink, J.P. (2022) Hoe geschikt zijn gezondheidsapps voor mensen met diabetes type 2 en beperkte elektronische gezondheidsvaardigheden?

Evers, A.H.M. (2022) Doing Well, While Doing Good: ESG Screening and the Mitigation of Unfavorable Exposures from the Perspective of an Institutional Investor.

Eversmann, H.Y.N. (2022) Whole Life Carbon Thinking : market and data analysis of whole life carbon in Dutch renovation projects.

Eversmann, M. C. (2022) Teaming With Robots : Do Humans Judge Decisions Made by Robots Differently Than Decisions Made by Humans?

Ewals, L.J.S. (2022) Quantification of bowel loop motion and body composition during radiotherapy for gynecological cancer.

Faber, B.A. (2022) A Memorial Place at the University of Twente.

Faesing, Lea Marie (2022) Savouring in Everyday Life: An Experience Sampling Study Investigating the Associations Between Savouring Strategies, Savouring Regulation Diversity, Positive Events, and Emotional Well-Being.

Fares, B. (2022) Functional analysis case study research using pattern-matching.

Fastenrath, T.J. (2022) How to measure state self-control in university students with substance abuse problems? : an interview study.

Fasya, Aghnia Fadilla (2022) Do the influencer’s race and the country of origin of the product matter among Indonesian females? : A study of the effect of similarity in influencers’ race and the country of origin of products on female consumer responses.

Fattahi Mehr, Omid (2022) Data Augmentation using Fourier-Basis Noise.

Fawzi, H. (2022) Het versterken van de rol van de raad : een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden voor gemeenteraden om invloed uit te oefenen op gemeenschappelijke regelingen.

Feber, N.H. de (2022) From data to wisdom: making HR data meaningful for the running regimen of recreational runners.

Feenstra, G. (2022) Fraudebestrijding in het hoger onderwijs.

Feitsma, D.H. (2022) Barriers and Recommendations for Integrating Circularity in Construction Projects.

Feiweier, B. (2022) Examining to what extent the country of origin and signaling theory influence the selection process between EU and transcontinental sourcing.

Feldberg, R. (2022) Understanding older adults’ perceptions towards use of remote health monitoring through smart health devices.

Feldbusch, Nele (2022) An experience sampling study on self-compassion and stress response in the daily lives of university students.

Feng, C. (2022) Designing a collaborative toolkit to raise cultural awareness of designers on cross-cultural teams.

Ferla, R.I. (2022) Exploring the GANformer for Face Generation : investigating the segmentation and smile augmentation potential.

Ferreira Pires, E. (2022) Rigorous and non-rigorous error estimates for numerical solutions of initial value problems.

Fick, Katharina (2022) Policy Change Around Batteries : Understanding The Change Towards Resource Efficiency In The EU Batteries Policy With The Advocacy Coalition Framework.

Fingal, D. M. (2022) Well-being in the perspective of chronic illness.

Fischer, J. (2022) The role of acceptance and perceived usefulness of unobtrusive monitoring technology for dementia home care.

Fischer, Simon (2022) The Indeterminate Self and Large Language Models : A Nietzschean Critique of GPT-3.

Flach, M.A. (2022) Reducing the number of failures during piston ring production.

Fladderak, A. (2022) Developing a planning and control policy for inventory cycle counting by UAVs.

Fledderus, Susan and Timmermans, Amber and Bosman, Esther and Voorthuis, Stefanie and Uslu, Sabiha Zeynep (2022) Het electrohysterografisch meten van richting en oorsprong van uteruscontracties.

Fleischmann, Julia (2022) The Relationship between Social Network Sites, Drive for Thinness and Orthorexia Nervosa among University Students: A Mediation Analysis.

Fleiter, G. (2022) The role of value proposition in the user engagement of effective eHealth platforms for Type 1 Diabetes patients.

Floer, Inga M. (2022) The formation of attitudes towards the usage of psychedelics in therapeutic environments.

Florax, Anna A. (2022) Quantifying the cost impact of withdrawing biologic TNF-α DMARDs in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Floris, A. (2022) Who is the self-tracker? Establishing an initial instrument to holistically assess self-tracking behaviours.

Fonseca Hoeltgebaum, Marion (2022) Exploration on the numerical range and spectral constants of the Volterra operator.

Forjan, J.L. (2022) Sitting with your Problems : Exploring the Relationship between Sedentary Behaviour and Creativity in University Students.

Forkink, L. J. (2022) Condition Based Maintenance : Improving the RAMS performance of movable bridges - A case study.

Fragnelli, Daniel (2022) Implementation of In-home Monitoring Technology as a Remedy for Burdened Informal Caregivers of People with Dementia : Acceptance Research in light of Living Situation and Time since Diagnosis.

Franch Sabaidini, Brian (2022) The inflation hedging properties of cryptocurrencies.

Franke, T. (2022) Constructions of agency in online discourse about climate change.

Franken, D.G.M. (2022) Designing a dashboard for the sales department of Company X.

Fransen, L.P.H. (2022) Exploring the self-directed professional development process of secondary education teachers in the context of educational change.

Frazer, R.J.H. (2022) Boarding and Alighting Passengers in SimBus Pro. Determining realistic stop times by modelling and simulating the boarding and alighting of passengers in more detail.

Freij, Farah (2022) What makes a physician prefer one supplier over another? A study on physicians’ supplier preference criteria.

Freise, P.F.H. (2022) The influence of anonymity level and extraversion on idea generation performance : an examination of selective anonymity as a new anonymity condition.

French, S.J. (2022) Authentic and justifiable decision-making : the political influence of recommender systems.

Frerichs, S. (2022) Effects of using strategies on the level of presentation anxiety in university students.

Fridrichs, Esmee (2022) A design for improving information literacy skills amongst primary education teachers in the Netherlands.

Frieling, Helena (2022) The Future is Fluid: The Impact of Gender Fluid Marketing on Brand Attitudes, Attitudes towards the Advertisement, and Brand Engagement.

Frister, Maren (2022) What informal communication about the energy transition tells us : to what extent do professionals in the renewable energy sector act as change agents in this socio-technical process?

Fränkert, G.E. (2022) On the relationship of negative mood and creative performance in light of the regulatory focus hypothesis.

Fuentes, V. (2022) The political, economic and environmental impacts of the SDE++ scheme in solar PV technologies in the Dutch electricity market.

Fuentes Bongenaar, M.S. (2022) Towards a taxonomy of quantitative emotion measurement using wearables for inclusive user experience research.

Fujioka, T. (2022) Investigation of TOA/TDOA localization in the presence of receiver sensor position error.

Funk, L. (2022) Preliminary effectiveness of a well-being intervention and an exploration of a possible mediation.

Föckel, S.M. (2022) Smartphone screen time and mental health : are they related?

Fürst, J. (2022) Validating XAI techniques in medical image diagnosis: A venture towards algorithm transparency in a socio-technical system.

Gaast, H.B. (2022) In investigation into the Best Practice for the Closure of Tailings Dams in Brazil.

Gachadorian, Rafi (2022) University spin-off early stage success – The relationship between individual & team conditions and competences in acquiring government funding.

Gadelmawla, Omar (2022) Exploiting shadows to infer 3D structures.

Gaisins, E. (2022) Are We All Back on Campus?

Gajendragadkar, Nishita (2022) Estimation of the potential energy gain using salinity gradient principle in artificial saline wetlands.

Gale, Michael (2022) Comparing the intent to use autonomous vehicles between rural and urban areas.

Gangwar, Druti (2022) Mapping the quality of public urban green spaces for physical activity in Paramaribo, Suriname.

Gankema, M. (2022) A comparison between the footprint and economic impact of a current and a conceptual supply chain.

Ganzeboom, Sergio (2022) Strengthening brand loyalty with brand ambassadors in commoditized markets.

Ganzer, L. (2022) Climate fiction : how do climate fiction readers perceive the future?

García Benítez-D'Ávila, Héctor (2022) Populism and polarization in the digital arena : categorising and measuring political attacks on Twitter.

Garg, A. (2022) Features to predict quality of low-code integrations.

Garritsen, Kelt É. (2022) Exploring the integration of shared e-mopeds at mobility hubs : A case study on shared e-mopeds and public transport in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Garé, Guus (2022) The Application of Cognitive Work Analysis in the Early Stages of the Transition Process Towards Trajectory-Based Operations for Air Traffic Management in the Netherlands.

Gaytan Alvizo, A. (2022) Designing an engaging marathon track technological experience for runners and spectators.

Gebhardt, Lys Jette (2022) How can barriers regarding a healthy diet and active lifestyle for patients with COPD or asthma be overcome by developing eHealth app features?

Gebremeskel, Haftom Hagos (2022) Estimation of forest canopy height using single polarized TanDEM-X across different forest biophysical characteristics in temperate forests.

Geelen, M. (2022) Inclusive school band : an adapted musical keyboard.

Geelhoed, M. (2022) Interactive display physicalisation for raising awareness of internationalization amongst students.

Geerts, M.H. (2022) Assessing effectiveness of public affairs: An explorative research to the methods for assessing effectiveness of public affairs by regional governments in the Dutch political arena.

Geest, J.S.T. van der (2022) Preparing for wildfires avoidance by analyzing land cover maps.

Gehling, Simon (2022) The Relationship Between Perceived Career Benefit and Data Sharing and Reusing Behaviour Moderated by Career Stage Among Traumatic Stress Researchers.

Gehrmann, Kai (2022) Social media and its relationship to mental health/well-being : an experience sampling study.

Geise, Marie (2022) The effectiveness and feasibility of a positive psychology intervention for patients with persistent depression and anxiety.

Gelhever, C.P.M. (2022) The value of the post-purchase stage : assessing a digital customer journey model to improve the user experience of a business-to-consumer environment.

Gelici, A.A. (2022) Super Apps: Super desired or not? : an explorative study into the commercial potential of an Asian type ‘super app’ within the Netherlands.

Gelink, S.J.G. (2022) Get the most out of a process mining project : conceptual model of the added value of process mining and how to advance the added value of process mining projects in practice.

Gellings, Tim (2022) The Validation of Experience-Sampling Items for Self-Transcendental Experiences in Daily Life.

Gemund, A.P. van (2022) Simultaneous Localization and Mapping In Smart Bikes.

Georgas, Kyriakos (2022) Ecotourism Opportunities in East Attica.

Georgieva, Gergana N. (2022) Last-Mile Delivery Drone Acceptance: Increased knowledge does not imply increased acceptance.

Georgieva, Kremena (2022) In what ways does AI support the integration of ESG projects in leading companies within the automotive industry like Tesla, Ford, Audi, BMW, Porsche, and Mercedes?

Georgiou, Andreas (2022) Analysis of the Weighted Clique Heuristic for Community Detection using Cascade Data.

Gerdemann, M.C. (2022) Digital EMDR : using adaptive algorithms in digital trauma therapy to improve desensitization of traumatic memories in university students.

Gerhards, Y. (2022) Social media use and its relationship with mental health and well-being.

Gerlach, J. (2022) Why do negotiators use deceptive behaviour? A qualitative study.

Gerretzen, B.M. (2022) Information leakage via Certificate Transparency.

Gerrits, Jaap (2022) Modelling the Impact of Climate Change Induced Events on the Loss Level of a Dutch Mortgage Portfolio.

Gerritsen, C.M. (2022) An adaptive regional energy transition policy framework : to optimize the adaptiveness of the energy transition governance in the context of the Regional Energy Strategy.

Gerritsen, J. (2022) The effect of sample & email marketing on (re)purchase behavior in online retailing.

Gerritsma, Wouke (2022) Hypothesen, variabelen, validiteit en causaliteit : Het ontwikkelen van onderzoeksvaardigheden van het eindexamenprogramma maatschappijwetenschappen.

Gersmann, Y (2022) A trade-off between Centralized and Decentralized Purchasing : How can a corporation maintain flexibility in supplier- and product-choices and benefit from the advantages of centralized purchasing at the same time?

Gerssen, Jeroen (2022) Measuring Mind-Wandering with Gaze Behavior : Comparing a Webcam-Based Eye Tracker to a Gold Standard Eye Tracker.

Geurts, Maartje (2022) Numerical analysis of flow characteristics near neighbouring vegetation patches of different densities.

Geverink, T.R.J. (2022) Het ontwerpen van digitale storytelling als instructiemethode.

Gewitsch, Fenja (2022) The potential of transformative learning in achieving sustainable leadership through the development of a sustainability mindset.

Ghanim, N.K.G. (2022) GPR as alternative method for measuring asphalt pavement density.

Ghasem Zadeh Khoei, Ali (2022) Benefits of high-density electromyography for spinal moment estimation via musculoskeletal modeling.

Ghiauru, Cosmin Gabriel (2022) Exploring the efficacy of Fresnel Zones in the context of fully unobtrusive wireless stress signal detection.

Ghorbanzadeh Bahadori, Maliheh (2022) Characteristics of urban green space (UGS) to promote the diversity of users in a compact urban development.

Gijsbers, M (2022) Using the theory of reasoned action to explain medication adherence among patients with fracture diagnosed with osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Gilbers, Jander (2022) Automatic Inference of Fault Trees using Reinforcement Learning.

Gillissen, S.F.H. (2022) Deposit packaging collection.

Gils, H. van (2022) Simultaneous optimization of contacts and smooth movements for control of humanoid robotics.

Gils, P.M. van (2022) Upper echelons : the reflection of the CEO characteristics on the R&D spending at SMEs.

Giri, Bishwa (2022) What are the barriers to implementing green hydrogen in the decarbonization of the Dutch Container Glass Industry?

Gkovopoulos, Georgios (2022) Design of a 3D printed actuation platform for concentric tube robots.

Glaser, H.C. (2022) InstaGRAM: Which GRAM Weighs the Most on Your Body Image? : A Qualitative Study on the Content of Instagram and its Different Impacts on Adolescents Body Image.

Goeij, M.A.A. de (2022) Improving the production process of shuttering slabs at Company X.

Gohla, L.R. (2022) Investigating different Degrees of Anonymity in the Creative Idea Generation Process.

Golbach, Jelle (2022) Differences and similarities in decision-making logics used by entrepreneurs, a case study analysis.

Golbach, Loes (2022) The Influence of Procedural Information and Expectancy Violation on Client’s Help-Seeking Behaviour and Trust in the General Practitioner After First GP Appointment.

Goldhoorn, Jaap (2022) Automatic Wafer Level Testing of Optical Chips.

Gollan, J.M. (2022) The fallacy of an ideal body image : How #fitspiration on Instagram influences the perception of the body image from young men, a qualitative study.

González, E.Y. (2022) Assessment of price policies and non-price policies to manage the water demand at the household level in the city of Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.

González Guijarro, Mauro (2022) Design and development of a safety system for road cyclists in Spain.

González-Novo López, F. (2022) Bike lane quality estimation under variable speed conditions using off-the-shelf motion sensors.

Goolkate, Wander (2022) The future of e-waste; which category is going to be the major challenge for the EU.

Goossink, S.F. (2022) Het verband tussen HbA1c, Time In Range en de ziekenhuisopnamen en SEH-bezoeken van type 2-diabetes mellitus patiënten in het DIAbetes en LifEstyle Cohort Twente : een retrospectief cohortonderzoek.

Goot, D. van der (2022) The preliminary design of cocoa juice manufacturing setup.

Gorbunov, I.A. (2022) Comparative life cycle assessment of a sustainable modular tiny-house.

Gorgan, Andrei (2022) Enabling faster processing of big-data using GPU decompression.

Gorgan, D. A. (2022) Evaluating the practicality of using Blockchain in different use cases in the supply chain sector.

Goris, Liselot (2022) Development of a phantom set-up for perfusion quantification in X-ray imaging modalities.

Gorssel, Daan van and Kloosterman, Jasmijn and Lieben, Liselotte and Schuurmans, T. (2022) Ontwerpeisen van de StreamFlex als toevoeging op de laparoscopische zuiger.

Gortemaker, J.H.J. (2022) Infinitely rolling polyhedra : Extending a model for rolling polyhedra.

Gotink, C.B. (2022) Feasibility of blended lifestyle coaching for people with diabetes type 2 in secondary care : perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals on CooL+Diameter.

Gougoulis Dimitriadis, E. (2022) Sixthsense : outdoor collision avoidance assistant for the blind and visually impaired.

Gourie, Orkino (2022) Neuropathy after chemotherapy : long term consequences for patients.

Graaf, A.J.M. de (2022) The Design of Vibrotactile Feedback to Coach Posture in Inline Skating.

Graaf, P. de (2022) 3D-printed upper limb prosthetics for Sierra Leone : development of an automated computer-aided design process for customized transhumeral sockets and manufacturing of low-cost passive adjustable prostheses.

Graaff, M.R. de (2022) The influence of internal integration and supplier value on supplier resource allocation.

Graesel, H.S. (2022) Trust in Artificial Intelligence? The role of mental models, openness, and anthropomorphism in human-agent teams.

Graf, Sophie (2022) Forgot Your Password? Motivating the Adoption of a Password Manager.

Gralla, Kjell Ferdinand (2022) Subjective Well-Being and its Association with Social Skills and Psychological Flexibility.

Grasedieck, J. (2022) A scoping review on the risks and benefits of online therapy for adults with major depression.

Gregoric, Lea (2022) An Alternative Approach to Dementia Care: Systematic Literature Review on Types of Music Interventions and Their Applicability.

Greidanus, Joyce (2022) Artificial intelligence based therapeutic response assessment of neoadjuvant immunotherapy for patients with bladder cancer.

Grewe, Greta (2022) Psychometric Properties of the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale (FSCRS) in Eating Disorder Patients.

Griebner, M. (2022) (Don’t) raise your glass - The effects of health warning labels on the willingness to drink.

Grievink, Guus (2022) Model-based Probabilistic Diagnostics of Cyber-Physical Systems.

Grobben, Emma (2022) Effective line manager behaviours that stimulate innovative work behaviour of employees in the three different phases of IWB : idea generation, idea promotion and idea realization at knowledge intensive service-oriented organizations.

Groefsema, L.M. (2022) Boundary spanning for adaptive management in flood risk governance networks : two regional flood risk projects in the Netherlands.

Groen, Marloes (2022) A game of persuasion: Investigating factors influencing player responses towards the presentation of a persuasive game.

Groenendijk, E.A. (2022) Subhairline Electroencephalography for the Detection of Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke.

Groeneveld, J. (2022) Intercultural Collaboration in European Business : Cultural Differences Between the Dutch and the French on the Work Floor.

Groeneveld, Lars (2022) Does the effectuation theory apply to expert entrepreneurs in a different setting? What drives the decisions of expert entrepreneurs?

Groenia, S. (2022) An integrated sustainability performance assessment tool for civil engineering projects with a small spatial scale - an action design research approach.

Groffen, M.M.L. (2022) Exploring identity matching for low quality images with the help of a pipeline for synthetic face generation.

Groll, Aisling (2022) Exploring the Impact of Transnational Municipal Climate Network Membership on Local Climate Governance: A Case Study of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Groot, G.J.L. de (2022) Evaluative study on the maturity of Bender Groep's information systems utilization.

Groot, Justin de (2022) Comparing alternative methods for a priori optimization of the slow-mode closure for the Lorenz 96 system.

Groot, M.J.A. de (2022) Sustainability of the HVAC systems in the clinical operating room department.

Groot, Marijn (2022) Systematic assessment of erosion mitigation in a data poor environment : a case study of Lac Cai, Bonaire.

Groot, N.E. de (2022) Improving data value by using best of worlds approach from government (authoritative), community and commercial data : a case of topographical data in the Netherlands.

Groot Zwaaftink, J.M. (2022) The effect of leaders' behaviors on virtual project team effectiveness : a qualitative study throughout the team's lifecycle.

Groote Schaarsberg, S.H.M. (2022) Acceptability, feasibility and usability of a mobile health intervention (IVY) to enhance implicit vitality among breast cancer patients : a mixed-methods study.

Groote Stroek, Casper (2022) Working as a Dutchman in Poland: Understanding Polish cultural standards.

Grootenhuis, E.A.J. (2022) Testing the redundancy principle and effect of mother tongue in an advance organiser for children learning a second language.

Groothuis, M.G.F. (2022) The Human Fact-Checker : Individual Characteristics That Lead to Different Interpretations of COVID-19 (Fake) News.

Grootte Bromhaar, M.J. (2022) Proposed design of a micro-inverter for an integrated photovoltaic-battery module in grid and off-grid applications.

Grotel, Silvie van (2022) Inhalation technique of adults with difficult to treat asthma.

Großart, Fabienne (2022) Counteracting manipulative cookie designs – The effect of nudges on website users' tendencies to share private online data.

Grönefeld, Emily Victoria (2022) Towards a gender-just energy transition in the European Union : An ecofeminist analysis of the Swedish, German and Romanian NECPs.

Grünsch, Jonny (2022) From Recycling to Recoupling: Towards a Philosophy of the Circular Economy in the EU.

Grütters, L.B.S.M. (2022) Designing a mobility plan for the estate of Paleis Soestdijk.

Grüwaz, M.G. (2022) Pay2Win : How companies win their customers with multimedia marketing strategies.

Gschrey, Sebastian Vincent (2022) The role of institutionalized cross-border cooperation in European transboundary crisis-responses : the case of euroregions along DE-NL border.

Guducu, Izzet Berke (2022) Weighted Abstract Syntax Trees for Program Comprehension in Java.

Guijs, Remco I. (2022) An Investigation on Supporting the Energy Transition Education through Blended Learning.

Gul, Brian (2022) The trend towards transcontinental sourcing : investigating the motives.

Gulhane, Devesh (2022) What Face Would You Like To Have? : The Effects of an Avatar's Facial Features on Social Presence.

Guntuka, S. (2022) Develop interactive digital enrichment for captive Capuchin monkeys that fosters their species-natural foraging behaviour and maintains their interest.

Guru Rao, Sathvik (2022) Ontology Matching using Domain-specific knowledge and Semantic Similarity.

Götz, Katharina (2022) Flood resilience of communities along the Salzach river, Austria.

Gündüz, Selin (2022) Differences in Traditional Family Values and Willingness to pursue a CNM Relationship between LGBTQ+ Community Members and Heterosexual Individuals.

Haagen, Mikola (2022) Teacher Issues and Concerns in Dutch Secondary Education : A Text Mining Approach.

Haan, N. de and Lucas, J. and Onstenk, M. and Topper, M. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Haans, F. (2022) Non-invasive detection of hepatic acetylcarnitine by 1H-MRS.

Haaren, T.M.R. van (2022) Can the WebMD self-diagnosis tool be used to affect care-seeking behavior related to visiting a general practitioner? : Using self-diagnosis to reduce unnecessary visitations to general practitioners with the goal of making more efficient usage of available resources.

Haarhuis, L.M. (2022) Exploring business opportunities of sentiment analysis : a guideline for businesses, from implementation to business value generation.

Haarman, Wies L. (2022) The impact of sustainable practices on consumer behaviour in the fashion industry : a case study at a Dutch fashion company.

Haas, M.V. (2022) Strategic Adaptability in Negotiations, Linked to Negotiation Result, Gender, Negotiation Environment, and Culture.

Haas, Sven (2022) Beyond the obvious resilience factors : How do beverage collectives achieve resilience during Covid-19 Crisis?

Haese, M.E. (2022) Police Use of Force : A Comparative Study about Use of Force Training in the Dutch and German Police.

Hagen, Quinziano ten (2022) Order Advancement in a Multi-Item Two-Echelon System: Theory and Case study.

Hagens, B. (2022) Analysis of Stochastic Behaviour in Sokoban.

Hahn, Emily (2022) Decreasing screen time of desk workers: a systematic review.

Haitjema, A. (2022) First steps towards reducing chronic low back pain in horseback riders : objectifying biomechanical parameters using inertial sensors.

Halderen, S. van and Katklian, J. and Melis, P. van and Treep, E. (2022) Virtueel trainingsprogramma met haptische feedback en augmented reality voor patiëntspecifieke mastoïdectomie in een realistische setting.

Haldikar, Nirmal (2022) Item availability restricted.

Halim, Ricco (2022) Decentralization, Scalability, and Security Trade-off in Blockchain System: Comparison on Different Approaches.

Hall, M.R. van der (2022) Designing an online community platform to expand the Logue CL-1 value proposition.

Halle, R. ter (2022) Exploring willingness to participate in and expectations about mediation when experiencing negative asymmetrical conflicts in the workplace.

Hallmann, Nico (2022) Policy reactions to the 2015 refugee management crisis : Exploring determinants of restrictive asylum policy introductions in 15 European countries using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).

Hamacher, F. (2022) Examining the Impact of Reoffending after Victim-Offender Mediation on the Public’s Opinion on Restorative Justice.

Hamdy, Doha (2022) Peer Feedback Quality And Higher Education Students’ Attitude Towards Peer Feedback: Measuring Change Overtime.

Hamer, V. (2022) The impact of positive psychology interventions that improve gratitude, self-compassion or positive affect on the level of physical activity amongst post-Acute Coronary Syndrome patients : a systematic review.

Hammink, E.J. (2022) Development of a microfluidic device for point of care testing of oxidative stress.

Hammink, I.A.M. (2022) Transformational Leadership: Effects on Relations-Oriented Behaviour of Followers and Job Performance.

Hammink, T.G. (2022) Cycle counting with UAVs: Sample selection in time-restricted scenarios with neural network predictions.

Hansen, L. (2022) Climate change and security nexus : analysing the European discourse from 2007 to 2022.

Haring, C. (2022) Green tire handling process innovation for work environment improvement.

Harink, Pieter Marc (2022) Benefits of sourcing within the EU: A qualitative study.

Harms, I. (2022) Visualizing Human Values for Design - Understanding, creating and analyzing human value visualizations.

Harmsma, W.H. (2022) Automated detection of hidden failures in heating and photovoltaic systems of ‘Nul-op-de-meter’-housing Projects.

Harperink, Ferran (2022) Improving process efficiency by applying lean.

Harten, F.M. (2022) Risk vulnerability mapping while innovating a business model : a case study exploring the risks while innovating a business model from product selling to a consignment stock agreement with a subscription model in the metal processing industry.

Hartlieb, R. (2022) To what extent does sleep quality mediate the relationship between social media use before bedtime and symptoms of depression among 18-30 year old people?

Hartog, D den (2022) Event record-based evaluation of business scenarios in the logistics domain using process mining.

Hasper, J.H. (2022) Analysis of Bitcoin Influence on Return on Risk.

Hassink, N.S. (2022) Analyzing daily practice follow-up of breast cancer patients compared to their risk of local regional recurrence using the INFLUENCE- nomogram.

Hatakeda, Joel Benavides (2022) Epoxy-ceramic based NTC temperature sensors for improved humidity stability and low curing temperatures.

Hauser, Brand (2022) GridShield on a Multilayered Electric Grid.

Hazelaar, T. (2022) Moeilijkheden bij het verminderen van negatieve effecten van armoede voor werkende armen ervaren door ambtenaren en professionals.

Hazeleger, L.R. (2022) Validity and reconstruction of the intra-arterial blood pressure waveform measured with a catheter-manometer system in critically ill neonates.

Hazenberg, L.W. (2022) Improving and expanding the algorithms of Gouden Regelen.

He, Wenruo (2022) Augmenting and Graph Scaling for Context-Aware Citation Recommendations.

Heegde, Koen ter (2022) Preventing back injuries by monitoring lumbar muscle activity of factory workers.

Heeringa, T.J. (2022) The Effect of Higher Order Activation Functions on Infinitely wide Neural Networks.

Heeringa, T.J. (2022) The Effect of Higher Order Activation Functions on Infinitely wide Neural Networks.

Heeringa, T.J. (2022) The Effect of Higher Order Activation Functions on Infinitely wide Neural Networks.

Heerink, W.J. (2022) Triangular patterns in groups of moving individuals.

Hegeman, Thomas (2022) Significance of Non-Persistence on Waveform Parameters of Non-Linear Loads.

Heggeler, BSc R.M. ten (2022) 3D leg and knee alignment measurement methods & planning of guided correction osteotomies.

Heibrock, M. (2022) Digital EMDR : does an increase in task complexity by combining visual and auditory tasks and presenting them serially or parallel enhance a higher working memory taxation?

Heide, Stein van der (2022) Optimizing the reference radius for preoperative surgical planning of distal radius osteotomy.

Heij, J. de (2022) Using Discrete Event Simulation (DES) to improve productivity of Shell Ghent's grease manufacturing plant.

Heijden, G.A.M. van der (2022) Building a sense inventory for Dutch healthcare abbreviations.

Heijdens, E.M. (2022) The role of gender and psychological safety in effective Agile teams: an exploratory analysis.

Heijink, Irene (2022) Detection of Freezing of Gait in patients with Parkinson's Disease using a deep learning approach.

Heijnsbergen, I.M. van (2022) Importance of system dynamics in project management : a collection of case studies.

Heijs, Wouter (2022) Credit Spread Shocks and the SCR Ratio of a Dutch Life Insurer: an Empirical Analysis.

Heijs, É.G.S.G. (2022) Simulating the digital production process of a hybrid big data consultancy agency in Kotlin.

Heinen, D.A. (2022) Predicting thermal response of the Bio-based bridge in Ritsumasyl using distributed temperature and strain measurements.

Heinink, S. (2022) The impact of disintermediation on the customer experienced value proposition.

Heinke, Julius (2022) "This Is What’s Going to Happen Next": Using Procedural Information to Increase Help-Seeking Behaviours and The Effect of Expectancy Violations.

Hellweg, Stefan (2022) The effect of varying degrees of anonymity on brainstorming.

Helm, Quinty van der (2022) Development of a Shape Memory Polymer-based Zigzag Structure by Magnetic Actuation.

Helmich, S.N. (2022) An exploration into the stressors in 2020 Netherlands student life.

Hemmatnia, Ebrahim (2022) HRM in Agile Teams.

Hendrickx, Sanne (2022) The feasibility of the Rollator Feedback system.

Hendriksen, S.J.F. (2022) Viability of anomaly detection aid for vessel traffic service operators.

Hendrikx, S.H.E. (2022) Dutch consumers' perspective on information privacy in the post-GDPR era : an exploratory study.

Hendrikx, S.H.E. (2022) Dutch consumers' perspective on information privacy in the post-GDPR era : an exploratory study.

Hengeveld, S. (2022) Get moving with the Oura ring : Re-designing the interaction with the Oura ring through co-creation to motivate older adults to increase physical activity.

Hentrich, Elisa (2022) Decision-Making of Female Entrepreneurs – a Perspective on Motherhood.

Herale, Johanna (2022) Effect of corporate social responsibility on job satisfaction among employees of a marketing agency.

Herbowo, Keanu Nurherbyanto (2022) Comparing Zero-Knowledge Proof Protocols for Practical Open Source Self-Sovereign Identity Systems.

Hermans, N.J.T.M. (2022) Automation of the design process in water streams.

Hermansone, B. (2022) A qualitative content analysis : nudging in the Paris agreement.

Herting, Vincent (2022) An interview study to understand how currently available eMental Health interventions for informal caregivers handle stakeholder involvement.

Hertoghe, A.M.E. (2022) Designing Soap Bottles for Savvy.

Hesseling, I. (2022) From single-use to reuse : development of a decision support tool for FMCG packaging.

Hesselink, Janis Ole (2022) Exploring the association between quantitative and qualitative social interactions on well-being moderated by depression : an experience sampling study.

Heutinck, M. (2022) Een onderzoek naar de verbetering van het wiskundig begrip bij middelbare scholieren door middel van aangepaste toetsing.

Heutinck, Martijn (2022) An application of a proximal method with a fractional Laplacian regularizer for inverse problems.

Heuvel, B. (2022) Micro Influencers: The digital marketing future for increasing engagement.

Heuver, J. (2022) Markerless stride segmentation for canine pose estimation.

Hiel, R. (2022) Farming on Plant Level. Design of a modular connection method for various sensors on agricultural boom sprayers.

Hijlkema, Frank (2022) Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using A Machine Learning Framework.

Hinkel, Johannes (2022) Ready for take-off? : Effectiveness of Different Green Communication Strategies in the Aviation Industry The influence of evidence type and eco-label type on willingness to pay for sustainable kerosine.

Hinloopen, B. (2022) From Petrol to Current - Creating design guidelines for road-legal motorcycle electrification.

Hlukhau, Ihar (2022) Multiphoton microscopy for in-tissue imaging of micro-robots.

Hobbelink, K.W.H. (2022) Standardisation quality improvement process and management reporting.

Hobbij, ing. M. (2022) In control, maar dan anders.

Hoefnagel, F.L. and Kuperus, M.A. and Lobregt, I. and Mulder, A.A. (2022) Het ontwerpen van een 3D geprinte boor- en zaagmal op basis van segmentatie van het pelvis op een MRI-scan bij kinderen tussen de vier en tien jaar met heupdysplasie.

Hoek, J. van (2022) De kwaliteit van mobiele apps ter bevordering van slaapkwaliteit en -kwantiteit.

Hoek, R. van den (2022) Redesigning a Smart Lock for Use in a Storage Park.

Hoeksma, Thijmen (2022) A Dual Active Bridge Based Battery Controller with Zero Voltage Switching for a Grid-Tied Small Wind Turbine.

Hoekstra, H. (2022) A redesign of the Wilmer Carrying Orthosis shoulder bandage.

Hoekstra, MSc J.F (2022) Water-saving at the household level using gamification features: A design-oriented study in the Netherlands.

Hoen, R.Y. (2022) The effect of mechanical stiffness and the novel ITGA5 targeting peptide in fibroblast activation.

Hoeven, Rick van der (2022) Modelling and simulation of thermoelectric materials with a superionic phase transition using on-the-fly machine learning force fields.

Hoeven, Rick van der (2022) Modelling and simulation of thermoelectric materials with a superionic phase transition using on-the-fly machine learning force fields.

Hoeven, S. (2022) Simplified trench-assisted surface channel technology for high-temperature microfluidics.

Hoevenagel, M.G. (2022) A framework for strategic sustainable development implementation by SMEs (Incorporating life cycle thinking and triple bottom line corporate success).

Hoevers, S.J. (2022) Discourse on Discord : An analysis of relations between users.

Hof, K.L. (2022) The influence of incidental negative news exposure on well-being and the moderating effect of optimism.

Hof, M.J. (2022) Human-AI teaming for Conformity Assessment of Welded Joints: A Human Factors Perspective.

Hofhuis, T. (2022) Mindfulness in een digitale wereld : het ontwikkelen van een tool voor het selecteren van mindfulness apps door zorgprofessionals voor patiënten met stressklachten.

Hofland, B.J. (2022) Tasting pictures : an evaluative review of product packaging methodology.

Hofmeijer, R.W. (2022) Redesigning a flexible working environment.

Hofstee, S.B.H.C. (2022) Analysis of pruning methods for compact neural networks on embedded devices.

Hogenbirk, J.Q. (2022) Interoperability for the VRSI lab.

Hoheisel, R.E. (2022) Ransomware as a tool for diversion and coverup. A possible modus operandi for advanced persistent threats? A (practical) Investigation into the Use of Ransomware as Masquerade and Distraction.

Hol, A. (2022) 3D biodiversity and UX implementation : designing an effective natural network for use.

Hol, Valentijn (2022) Bit-packing and Hashing Evaluation in Explicit-state Model Checking.

Holst, T.H.J. van der (2022) External force estimation on an non-linear compliant 2DOF manipulator system.

Holstege, N.J. (2022) The development, Evaluation and Application of Thermoplastic Elastomers from Recycled Materials.

Holthof, Charis (2022) Barriers to female entrepreneurship - from a perspective of the post-structural feminism theory.

Holtman, E. and Kinderen, B. N. R. de and Elbers, C. M. (2022) Towards colon surgery in daycare in the MST, postoperatieve thuismonitoring na majeure abdominale chirurgie in dagbehandeling met behulp van wearables.

Holubek, E.D. (2022) Klimaatadaptatie van het spoornetwerk: evaluatie van de strategieën, doelen en kansen binnen ProRail.

Holzwarth, L. (2022) A qualitative study on climate fiction and readers’ perceived (non)agency in dealing with climate change.

Hommels, T.C. (2022) Control of a wing flap using 3D printed flow sensors and reinforcement learning.

Honcoop, Moniek M. (2022) Emotion Regulation Through Sounds for People With Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Hoogenraad, W.D. (2022) Impact of changes in purchasing practices in the municipal procurement of youth healthcare services in the Netherlands.

Hoogeslag, Oscar (2022) Towards Process-driven Decision-making : Comparing viewpoints of 15 project managers within a civil engineering company.

Hoogteijling, S. (2022) The electrophysiological signature of epilepsy studied by artificial intelligence and explainable artificial intelligence.

Hoogteijling, Sem (2022) The electrophysiological signature of epilepsy studied by Artificial intelligence and explainable artificial intelligence.

Hooman, J.J. (2022) Website design in affiliate marketing.

Hoorn, D.J. van der (2022) The effect of coastal transect extraction methods and resolutions on calculated coastline position and coastal sand volumes.

Hoorn, Marleen van (2022) Design of a body-weight controlled clutch for the deliverance of assistance with a peadiatric ankle-foot orthosis.

Hop, Ivan J. (2022) On the Performance of Algorithms for Quantitative Verification.

Hoque, A. (2022) Variability of wheat phenology from Sentinel-1 and -2 time series : a case study for Brandenburg, Germany.

Horck, R. (2022) Price formation of illicit drugs on dark web marketplaces.

Horn, D.M.J. van (2022) Process improvement using machine learning.

Horst, E.C. ter (2022) Introducing a dynamic allocation method to a rental system with uncertain rental durations and different customer classes.

Horst, Jonas ter (2022) Machine Learning for Exchange Traded Fund Price Predictions.

Horst, Maaike van der (2022) Keeping it Real: Sex with Humans and Robots from a Lacanian perspective.

Horst, Mike (2022) Motivations to adopt the A3 approach for private firms: An explorative case study.

Horst, Reinier L.C. van der (2022) Error Estimation for Output Prediction of Photovoltaic Systems.

Hossain, Md Sarowar (2022) Impact of topography and species diversity on the prediction of forest metrics from VHR multispectral imagery.

Hottenhuis, Wouter (2022) Inherently interpretable Machine Learning for Probability of Default Estimation in IRB Models.

Houtsma, R. (2022) An Explainable Machine Learning Approach to Risk-Adaptive Access Control.

Hove, K.W. van (2022) Threat analysis of RPKI relying party software.

Hove, Peter ten (2022) Eforto® voor herstel op de geriatrie.

Hover, Q. R. M. (2022) Designing Smart Daily Training Objects for Hand and Arm Rehabilitation after Stroke.

Hridoy, Mashfiq (2022) Analyzing the Forest Circularity and Inclusion of Local Community : a Case Study from Kaptai and Karnafuli Forest Range, Rangamati, Bangladesh.

Hristov, P. (2022) Designing an intrusion detection system for a Kubernetes cluster.

Hristova, Maria (2022) Designing and Evaluating an Inclusive Version of the Bot Usability Scale (BUS) for Interaction with AI-Based Conversational Agents.

Hu, Dennis (2022) Self Healing MOSFETs: Investigation into the Time Dependency of Recovery in the High-κ dielectric HfO2.

Hu, Ziying Z.H. (2022) Improving 360-degree performance feedback to deliver positive impacts on employees’ attitudes.

Hubbert, Julia M. (2022) Psychometric Properties of the Social Participation Questionnaire – Short Form (s-SRPQ) for Individuals with Bipolar Disorder.

Huggers, T.J.P. (2022) Exploring the potential of Reinforcement Learning-based adaptive control to the artificial pancreas developed by Inreda Diabetics B.V.

Huggle, L. (2022) The Influence of Virtual Acculturation on Travel Destination Choice.

Huijsmans, Maarten (2022) The chatbot usability scale : an evaluation of the Dutch version of the BUS-11.

Huisintveld, B.A. (2022) Patient population of the Acute Admission Ward at Rijnstate hospital.

Huisma, G. (2022) Recursive island parsing : monadic lake parser combinators.

Huisman, E.G. (2022) Hour registration application. Redesign of the hour registration application of Thales to improve workflow and efficiency.

Huisman, S.M. (2022) A Preliminary Study Examining an Automated Sentiment Analysis on Extracting Sentiment from Session Patient Records in an Eating Disorder Treatment Setting.

Huitink, W.W. (2022) Development of a mobile-EEG headset for neurofeedback training.

Huizen, W.T. van (2022) Designing a new dispenser for centrefeed microfibre cleaning towel rolls.

Hulleman, Dion (2022) An overview of essential subjects for inclusivity for organizations in the western world and how to apply those subjects in the organization to implement more inclusivity in the organization.

Hulsbeek, L.D.J. (2022) A Decision Support Tool to assist demolition contractors in choosing to Reuse, Recycle or Recover building elements.

Hulshof, M.B. (2022) Cultural mental models within agribusiness : a qualitative study in an international operating tech-company.

Hulshof, N.L.M (2022) Balancing the supplier-hospital-physician relationship : a multi-case study research.

Hulshof, S.F.H. (2022) Healthcare transformation : a grounded systematic literature review into the conceptual explanation of healthcare transformation.

Hulsmeijer, R. (2022) Influence of Food Influencers on Consumption of Healthy Food.

Hulst, E. van (2022) The Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Predict Clinical Outcome of Renal Angioplasty in Patients with a Stenosed Renal Artery.

Hulst, Jurgen G.B. (2022) Measuring and improving the impact of sustainable public procurement of immunization cold chain equipment by UNICEF.

Hulter, J.G. (2022) Improving the integrated development environment of a legacy software platform.

Huntelerslag, D.E. (2022) Stand Up for Yourself : A product concept to support elderly with mobility issues to stand up and sit back down independently in an active environment.

Huster, Lena (2022) How peer pressure and the fear of COVID-19 influence alcohol consumption among university students after the pandemic.

Hut, T. (2022) Fractal art : on transformations, the root-placement of butterfly-like fractals and image approximation.

Huttinga, S.S.J. (2022) Improving the weekly blueprint plan of the pediatric rehabilitation department, using mixed integer linear programming on a tactical level of control.

Huynh, Mr. Quang Long Q.L. (2022) Analysis on relations between graph metrics and average consensus algorithm convergence speed.

Hähnchen, David (2022) The relationship between extraversion and resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic among university students : does cognitive restructuring partially mediate its association?

Häsler, Jasper-Sebastian (2022) Designing an Interactive Tool to Track Eating Behaviour in Children Ages 5-6.

Höber, M. (2022) To what extent does social media exposure mediate the relationship between self-esteem and orthorexia nervosa in university students?

Höhne, Henriette (2022) The Temporality of Illness Experience : How People with Chronic Illness Narrate their Past and Future.

Hölscher, Kira (2022) The relationship between the framing of a company's CSR notice and consumers' perceptions of the company.

Hölscher, Nina (2022) The SAB app : testing the effectiveness of cognitive bias modification training on implicit social anxiety bias and explicit social anxiety: what is the role of perceived social self-efficacy?

Höpken, Lena Michelle (2022) Towards reduced policy implementation barriers applicable to smart water resources management : a qualitative analysis.

Hörsting, J. (2022) Adapting Automated Vehicle Behavior to User Trust : a Driving Simulator Study.

Höting, J. (2022) The associations between data sharing and reusing behaviours, perceived career risk, and research experience among traumatic stress researchers.

Hübers, Nick (2022) The firm-specific determinants of dividend payout policy for German listed firms.

Hülscher, L.M. (2022) The Effect of Guilt Presumptions and Evidence Strength within Police Interviews : Presuming a Suspect's Guilt and the Strength of Evidence and its Influence on Interviewer's Ultimate Judgments.

Hüttenhein, Majbrit Luisa (2022) In the Name of Cybersecurity : A Qualitative Analysis on Scientific Policy Advice on Cybersecurity in the European Union.

IJzerman, M.G. (2022) Decentralization of Dutch social care : how the outsourcing of social care services by municipalities affects their possibilities to handle the risks posed by conceivably ill-intentioned care providers.

Idema, N.B. (2022) Improving the utilisation of AI Ops analyses by improving the quality of incident logging data.

Idowu, Bolanle T. (2022) Creating a Sustainable Birth Registration Process for Sub-Saharan Africa : the Nigeria Case Study.

Ignat, Doris Alexandra (2022) The influence of user’s pains, gains, and jobs in the context of e-health value proposition design for visually impaired young adults in Romania.

Imanbayeva, A. (2022) Challenge-based learning for fostering students' sense of impact.

Iosif, A. (2022) An empirical evaluation of approximation algorithms to find maximal cliques in hypergraphs.

Irfan, Tekinerdogan (2022) Online platform for supporting the development of assistive technology tools for disabled people.

Irion, M.F. (2022) The social aspect of reading climate fiction : an exploration of patterns in interviews on cli-fi.

Iskandar, Kevin (2022) 2FA SMSs: Influence of Cybersecurity Behavior & OTP Message Content on Security2FA SMSs: Influence of Cybersecurity Behavior & OTP Message Content on Security.

Ismayilov, R.H.O. (2022) Real-time detection of photographing and filming on embedded systems.

Isnaynizahra, N. (2022) Dashboard as a decision support tool to minimize empty miles in shipping network : locating region for improvement.

Itäpelto, T.M. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Iyer, Logonadhan (2022) Low temperature combustion kinetics of high mineral paper sludge char particles.

Jacke, Marc Alexander (2022) Due Diligence of Copper at Siemens Energy.

Jacobs, M.J.F. (2022) A software development project ontology.

Jaeschke, D.S. (2022) The role of sex differences in the relation between social media use and self-compassion : a pilot study.

Jafarli, Sevinj (2022) Providing DNS Security in Post-Quantum Era with Hash-Based Signatures.

Jager, A.J. de and Ruijter, B.A. de and Bosman, M. and Bosch, D. and Kessels, J. (2022) Ontwerp van een 3D meetinstrument voor het meten van de druk in de blaas en in de urethra ter hoogte van de prostaat en de externe sfincter tijdens een hoest - Om de kans op post radicale prostatectomie incontinentie preoperatief te voorspellen -.

Jakobi, Lennard (2022) Municipal Strategy and Green Buildings Organizational Strategy and Performance of green building policies in Dutch-German Municipalities of Euregio.

Jangamguravepalli Bramhanadareddy, Deepika (2022) Modern customer expectations and their effects on Digital Transformation in SMEs.

Jansen, Anouk Charlotte Jolijn (2022) Identifying the activities and experiences of therapists in the implementation of Virtual Reality in mental health care organisations. A mixed-method study about the activities of therapists in the implementation of VR in mental health care organisations and their experiences and needs regarding these activities.

Jansen, C. (2022) ERAS, the patients’ experiences : research into the experience of patients, who did undergo an elective colorectal surgery, with the eras program regarding the pre-operative education and post-operative admission.

Jansen, E. (2022) Development of a sleeve to improve experience, comfort and stability in paediatric intravenous therapy.

Jansen, E.D.M. (2022) Designing for diverse insights: developing a menstrual tracking tool that can support diverse users in developing insight into their personal menstrual cycle.

Jansen, L.J.A. (2022) Assessing smart home security : a Zigbee case study.

Jansen, L.W.L. (2022) About the effect of white-box membership inference attacks on federated learning in large networks.

Jansen, M. (2022) The Association of Mental Resilience and Social Support with Students’ Mental Well-Being, while Recovering from the Negative Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Jansen, Olaf Kyle (2022) Up to the Challenge? Fostering critical thinking through challenge-based learning.

Jansen, R.M. (2022) Investigating brain activity patterns related to performing a Go/No-Go task under cued and uncued conditions.

Jansen, Rien (2022) The effect of judgment errors on perceived levels of trust, rapport and provided (accurate) information in suspect interviews.

Jansen, S.A. (2022) Client satisfaction and the impact of the positive psychology app ‘Training in Positivity’ on the ability to adapt and positive reframing.

Jansen, S.L. (2022) Towards a parametric optimization tool for hydrofoil design.

Jansma, W. (2022) The Improvement of the Performance and Acceptance of a Crane Scheduling Tool.

Jansma, W. (2022) Improving the productivity of cranes in the construction industry.

Janssen, N.E. (2022) The Evolution of Data Storage Architectures : Examining the Value of the Data Lakehouse.

Janssen, Renske (2022) Conflicts at railway stations due to delay propagation.

Janssen, Vincent (2022) Circular Business Model in an R&D service business: A Roadmap From Initiation To Implementation.

Janus, Erik (2022) Investigating the Impact of Socio-Environmental Cues of Harshness on Risk-Taking Behaviour: A Virtual Reality Experiment.

Jaspers, R. (2022) Swap spread models and their implications for Dutch sovereign interest rate risk hedging.

Jaworski, M.Z. (2022) Particle swarm optimization of custom bitcoin trading algorithm.

Jazbek, F.T. (2022) Private equity and family firm post-buyout performance: a European perspective.

Jeken, E. (2022) An analysis of German pandemic frameworks in regard to guiding pandemic governance principles derived from an integrative scientific literature review.

Jelsma, L.M. (2022) Redesign of an off-loading ankle brace.

Jelsma, Susanne (2022) Structural and effective brain networks in focal epilepsy.

Jenneboer, L. (2022) Interaction effects between anthropomorphic chatbot characteristics on the customer experience : appearance, language style, and emoji-use.

Jerjes, S. (2022) Cognitive bias modification training to reduce social anxiety using the Implicit VitalitY app (IVY).

Jeurink, Heleen (2022) The effect of a digital support tool on requirements elicitation in non-residential building projects.

Jhinkoe-Rai, D.A. (2022) A case-type forecasting and scheduling strategy for the ophthalmology outpatient clinic at the Hagaziekenhuis reducing variability between the planned duration and actual duration to reduce perceived workload by ophthalmologists.

Jiang, H. (2022) Accept in-home technology or not? a quantitative study from the perspective of informal caregivers for people with dementia.

Jiang, Haiyang (2022) Are Precious Metals a Good Hedge Against Inflation in The Netherlands?

Jimmink, Bart Johan (2022) Cultural Differences on the Work Floor between the Dutch and the German.

Jimmink, M.G. (2022) Disentangling the microfoundations of resource integration in service ecosystems: a case study in health care.

Jiménez Quesada, Elena (2022) Miscommunications on IT projects: a case study of the effect of user's and developer's cultural background.

Johannink, M.G. (2022) The impact of IT outsourcing on IT effectiveness.

Johannink, Youp (2022) Optimizing utilization of the mixing lines at Ben & Jerry’s.

Johanns, S.I. (2022) Performance comparison of FAME and MPB for simulating wave bands of photonic crystals.

Johannssen, T.F. (2022) The survival benefit and cost-effectiveness of a pancreatic cancer early detection strategy for a targeted population of new-onset diabetes patients.

Joling, L.J.J. (2022) The concepts of disease, illness, and sickness in Post COVID : a thematic analysis on patient narratives.

Jong, B. de (2022) Predicting hospital bed census due to planned surgeries using queueing models.

Jong, C.S. de (2022) Incremental capacity analysis on module level li-ion batteries for echelon utilization.

Jong, E. de (2022) Development of a Nikkiso Dialysis Device Protocol for In-house Dialyzers.

Jong, H.N. de (2022) Design for stiffness constrained by additive manufacturing design rules : case study for an electronics enclosure.

Jong, J. de (2022) Balancing balanceable matrices.

Jong, J. de (2022) The role of emotion in online political communication in times of Covid-19 : Study of a Dutch case.

Jong, J. de (2022) The association between data sharing and perceived effort moderated by gender.

Jong, J.C.W. de (2022) Comparison of two algorithms to detect change in aerobic capacity over time.

Jong, M. de (2022) Selective pick-up and placement of single cells.

Jongsma, K. (2022) The effect of technological determinants on university spin-off funding : examples from the Netherlands.

Jonkers, H.R. (2022) 3D Printed Electronics.

Jonkheer, Abraham J. (2022) Assessment of the influence of incident wind angle and dune slope inclination on sediment transport patterns in coastal dunes.

Jonkheer-Vos, R. (2022) Go with the flow : a communication perspective on how to make online sermons flow on live streams.

Jonkman, RB (2022) GaN Based Higher Power Inductive Transfer System for E-bikes.

Jonkman, Silke (2022) Enhancing the User Experience of Energy Gels Through Packaging Design : Applying Generic Design Implications with the Use of a Explanatory Framework.

Jordens, M. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Jost, Henrike (2022) Consistently and Rightly Queer : Utilizing the UNHCR Guidelines on International Protection no. 9 as a human rights-focused common approach for assessing SOGI asylum claims in the EU?

Jost, Pauline (2022) Access denied : the effect of a digital skill divide on quality of life.

Juchems, P.C. (2022) The Use of Wearable Devices in the Treatment and Detection of Anxiety: A Systematic Scoping Review.

Jutte, Annemarie (2022) The smart annotation tool : optimizing semi-automated behavioural annotation using an AutoML framework supported by classification correctness prediction.

Jutte, Annemarie (2022) The smart annotation tool : optimizing semi-automated behavioural annotation using an AutoML framework supported by classification correctness prediction.

Jäger, Sören (2022) Double Standards or Equal Treatment? : The Framing of Refugees in German Newspapers.

Jöres, R.L.J. (2022) The development of concepts for cleaning bouldering mats.

Jörgens, J.J. (2022) Portable EEG neurofeedback training applied at home or school to treat children’s symptoms of ADHD.

Kacholia, D. (2022) Radar evidence of subsurface layers in the Northern mid-latitudes of Mars.

Kahl, K. (2022) The dynamics of crime seriousness and victims' preference to participate in online and offline victim-offender mediation.

Kahsay, Azeb Gidey (2022) Comparison of thermal infrared and multispectral UAV imagery for detecting pine trees (Pinus Brutia) health status in Lefka Ori National Park in West Crete, Greece.

Kalbiyev, A. (2022) Affective dialogue generation for video games.

Kalia, V. (2022) Memes at the round table of societal discourse : an investigation on the role of memes in transgender related discourse on Reddit and Instagram.

Kalk, E.A. (2022) Case study on improving the environmental sustainability in construction processes for Alma Tomingas project.

Kamali, Arash (2022) Natural Gas-Produced Electricity as a Green Energy Resource : Consequences of the 2022 European Delegated Regulation on the Dutch Energy Transition.

Kamerbeek, R. (2022) Alternatives to the Mainstream Economic Growth Paradigm in Business Administration Curricula at Dutch Research Universities.

Kammen, R.M. van (2022) Designing and optimizing a heating system for a storage container.

Kamp, Nathalie (2022) Food for Thought - Using speculative design to facilitate discussion on health and wellbeing of older adults at the height of demographic aging.

Kampen, C.M. van (2022) Zero Downtime Schema Migrations in Highly Available Databases.

Kampert, F. (2022) Evaluation of the psychometric properties of a more inclusive Mental Health Continuum Short-Form : examination of internal consistency, factor structure, and convergent validity using self-esteem and life satisfaction.

Kampherbeek, L. (2022) When work turns into play : how ideas conceived during leisure time make their way into businesses.

Kamphuis, B.T.C. (2022) Values congruence and verbal behaviour of high- versus low-performing agile teams.

Kamphuis, Ramon (2022) Participation in bus concession procurement : an institutional analysis.

Kampkuiper, Nick F.B. (2022) Treatment Optimisations for Sacroiliac Joint Fusion - Patient-specific approaches using 3D technology to prevent complications and improve patient outcome.

Kappe, K.O. (2022) Deep Learning for Objective Intraoperative Image Analysis during Endovascular Aneurysm Repair : Automatic Artery Detection.

Kar, N. van de (2022) Prediction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure duration using artificial intelligence.

Kara, Mitja (2022) Flawed Newspaper Reporting on Surveillance Capitalism and its Implications for Democracy, Human Rights, and Human Autonomy : A Content Analysis of German Newspapers.

Karasu, Cansu (2022) The Effectiveness of oncologic rehabilitation: A Systematic Scoping Review.

Kardamanidis, S.H. and Munsterman, L.A.J. and Poolen, A.L. and Ruijne, F.J.M. (2022) Het ontwerpen van een patiënt-specifiek CPAP-neuskussenmasker voor patiënten met OSA en een neusdeformiteit met behulp van 3D-modelleren en -printen.

Kardatzki Angulo, Alexandra (2022) Barriers and Drivers Influencing Commitment to Social Responsibility and Social Innovation – A Multi-Case Study of German Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

Kareem, J. (2022) Hall effect and field-effect measurements of tin telluride nanowire devices for novel topological quantum computation.

Karia, Damian (2022) Creating, Pricing, and Modeling ESG Derivatives.

Karlashchuk, M.O. (2022) A Data-Driven Model for Direct Segmentation in Computed Tomography Imaging.

Karnenbeek, Lennard van (2022) A major step towards peroperative clinical outcome prediction during percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in lower extremity arterial disease patients using an in-house developed semi-automated two-dimensional perfusion angiography software tool.

Karreman, Vince (2022) Preferred customer status with key suppliers and its effect on sustainability initiatives.

Karssing, Anne-Fleur (2022) The COVID-19 crisis and European integration : a single case-study on individual member state behaviour towards vaccine procurement.

Karsten, Jarik (2022) Improving usability at BetterBe through API analysis.

Kartaun, E. (2022) The effect of the ease-of-retrieval manipulation on perceived knowledge and information seeking : is the reliance on the feeling of ease conditional on self-regulatory orientation?

Kartoidjojo, S. (2022) 3D Printing and Conventional Manufacturing: A Comparative LCC and LCA Analysis in After Sales Service for Gas Hobs.

Kassies, H.R.W. (2022) A Framework for Artificial Intelligence Capabilities for Challenges in the Supply Chain for Business-to-Business Companies.

Kasteel, M.B.M. (2022) Understanding textual interpretations with and without emoji.

Katona, A.M. (2022) Defining information systems integration : a literature review about ISI.

Katsantonis, N. (2022) Design of a high wind-resistant Umanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

Kattenberg, S.F. (2022) The impact and evaluation of an ACT-based aftercare intervention in addiction care : a mixed-method pilot study.

Kazaferi, A. (2022) UAVs for humanitarian aid : simulation study for Dhading and Nuwakot (Nepal 2015).

Kazan, E. (2022) The impact of board characteristics on firm performance in Germany.

Keemers, J. (2022) Reaching optimal levels of inventory by using the ABC inventory method classification and setting service levels.

Keiderling, André (2022) Evaluation of the psychometric quality of a more inclusive mental health continuum short form version.

Keita, Djene (2022) The impact of ambivalent sexism on the perceived level of abuse of coercive and controlling behaviours.

Kellaway, M.C. (2022) Accelerating the SCION IP Gateway using programmable data planes.

Kempen, Lindsay (2022) ExpressTTS: Augmentation for Speech Recognition with Expressive Speech Synthesis.

Kempenaar, Ton (2022) Community Compensation Fund and Social Acceptance of Onshore Wind Energy Projects : Two cases from The Netherlands.

Kenzhebay, Meruyert (2022) Planar roof structure extraction from Very High-Resolution aerial images and Digital Surface Models using deep learning.

Kerk, J.J. van de (2022) A Semi-Analytical model for Mode I delamination prediction in bolted bonded composite joints.

Kerkhof, R.G. (2022) Benchmarking Car Dealership Efficiency using DEA NSBM.

Kerßens, L.M. (2022) “Not in my backyard” Empathic crisis response strategies for repairing reputation and regaining trust in the case of a preventable crisis in the wind energy sector.

Kester, L. (2022) Providing tailored advice for preparing for the ethics assessment procedure.

Kesteren, L. van (2022) Differentiating between facial landmark shifts due to pose variation and morphing.

Keulen, D. van (2022) The changes in symptoms of psychopathology and modes in inpatient schema therapy for patients with personality pathology.

Keur, J.H.J. (2022) Improving throughput rate of handling return shipments at DHL Parcel (E-Commerce).

Khan, Etienne (2022) Stranger VPNs: Investigating the Geo-Unblocking Capabilities of Commercial VPN Providers.

Khanal, Binita (2022) Using Machine Learning to Predict the Risk of Human-Elephant Conflict in the Nepal-India Transboundary Region.

Khavrona, Roman (2022) Analysing Internet route changes related to the Russia-Ukraine war using BGP historical data.

Khawte, Sharvi Samir (2022) 3D modelling of slums based on UAV data.

Kieft, A.L. (2022) Comparing textual characteristics of Covid-19 patients after hospitalization with high and low PTSD symptomatology.

Kienhuis, C. (2022) The elements of gaming associated with mental well-being.

Kiers, Jethro (2022) Increasing delivery reliability by inventory and non-inventory management.

Kiess, C.M. (2022) Just transition across borders : a case study on the Ustecky region's coal phase-out and the potential of cross-border cooperation to migitate its socio-economic challenges.

Kijk in de Vegte, A. (2022) The impact of product Y of company X on corporate social responsibility.

Kikirikis, Nikolaos (2022) Effect of backgroung optogenetic input on memory formation of cultured networks.

Kim, Hyeon Kyeong (2022) Visual Programming Environment to Generate Arduino Code for Wearable Toolkit.

Kim, Sujin (2022) Progressive Science, Racial Concepts : American Race and Ethnic Classifications, Technologies, and Discourse of Scientific Racism.

Kim, Woong (2022) Design and Control of Efficient and Powerful Robot Joints.

Kingma, P.J. (2022) Performance of Smith-Waterman DNA sequence matching on a FPGA.

Kip, C.H. (2022) Intercultural collaboration in European business : cultural differences between the Dutch and the Spanish on the work floor.

Kipchirchir, D. (2022) A synthesis of the top-down policies and bottom-up community designs in Dutch co-housing that influence energy efficiency.

Kirchhoff, A. (2022) Psychometric properties of the PTSD checklist for diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : fifth edition (PCL-5) in bereaved individuals.

Klaarbergen, I.C. van (2022) Quantifying thermal imaging data for piping detection : analyzing the flow rate and the size of the temperature spots in thermal images of seepage at dykes.

Klaas, Lasse (2022) Selecting automation opportunities for robotic and intelligent process automation.

Klaassen, M.A.M (2022) The Optimization of the Planning Process of Company X.

Klaassen, M.N. (2022) Imagine it : sensory exploratory procedure videos as a vessel to recreate sensory experiences in online servicescapes.

Klann, Felix (2022) The growing dependency on Russian Gas import in German energy policy : a necessity of the “Energiewende”, or deliberate choice?

Klausmeyer, Andre (2022) Idea development on the shop floor : A case study on a digital employee suggestion system.

Klawitter, L. (2022) European Union timber regulation : a false promise?

Klein, N.E. (2022) Participatory development of eHealth technologies for people with intellectual disabilities : recommendations and lessons learned.

Klein Gebbinck, Josien (2022) Digital detox: Do you own your smartphone or does your smartphone own you? : Experimental study into the effectiveness of digital nudges in reducing smartphone use.

Klein Gunnewiek, N.S. and Put, K.T.S. van der and Thoonen, A.P.M. and Woortmeijer, R.H.M. (2022) Validatie van consumenten health sensoren (wearables) voor gebruik in klinisch onderzoek.

Klein Gunnewiek, S (2022) Item availability restricted.

Klein Koerkamp, D. (2022) Designing a tool for emission forecasting at construction projects.

Klein Kranenbarg, P.W. (2022) Quantal response equilibria in sequential discrete choice models : a framework for imposing equilibrium conditions on a microscopic travel demand model.

Klein Teeselink, Manon (2022) Optimization of the study duration to become a pediatric nurse: a qualitative approach.

Klein Wolterink, N. (2022) Smart combinations : an alternative to dike reinforcements? Applicability to reduce flood risk in The Netherlands.

Kleinlugtenbeld, B.L.H. (2022) Size controlled nanogels : development of size controlled nanogels for biomedical applications.

Klement, Leon (2022) “Exploring How B2C Customer Experience Literature Can Translate To a B2B Context Using a Case Study At a Textiles Company.”.

Klieverik, L.B.M. (2022) An evaluation of the Compas-Y app : effects of a mobile self-compassion intervention on self-compassion, anxiety and depression.

Klinge, M.T. (2022) Psychological well-being and creativity in university students.

Klink, Karel van (2022) Quantum Key Distribution in a Pan-European Network of National Research and Education Networks, Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Implementing a Quantum Key Distribution Network.

Klomp, Sander (2022) Transportation of Injured Athletes.

Klooster, L. (2022) VR CyberEducation : improving the human factor in cybersecurity through an educational virtual reality program.

Klooster, Noa van der (2022) The Success Formula for University Spin-Off Founders : how entrepreneurial characteristics can influence university spin-off success throughout different stages of the process.

Klostermann, Mattea (2022) Human Rights across Borders? : EU Extraterritorial Migration Governance and the EU New Pact on Migration and Asylum.

Klumper, Mayke (2022) Improving the user experience of brand portals by identifying the user needs and developing three patterns to improve the users’ personalized experience.

Knap, Elizabeth (2022) Developing a composite indicator for the 15-minute city concept based on accessibility measures and assessment of spatial inequalities of different socio-demographic groups.

Knijff, R.M. (2022) Designing a co-design toolkit to support caregivers and the personal support network in tailoring technologies for users with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities.

Knippers, Wendy (2022) En daarom werk ik hier!

Kober, J. (2022) Engaging in climate activism : how Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion communicate climate change on Instagram.

Koc, M.A. (2022) Raising cybersecurity awareness of University of Twente students.

Koch, Patrick (2022) Design and Development of 800V OBC for EV Charging with Practical Design Challenges Analysis.

Kocher, Pierre/P. Mr. (2022) Just Google it. A qualitative study on SEO and SEA practices.

Kock, J. (2022) Impact of high-arousal emotions on German social media users to participate in online firestorms : an extension of problem-solving and collective predictors of online firestorm participation.

Koekkoek op Munsterhuis, K.A. (2022) De detectie van slikbewegingen met de Hexoskin longvolumesensor na inname van voedsel met verschillende structuur.

Koeleman, M.J. (2022) The implementation process of the extended scope physiotherapist : a stakeholder analysis.

Koelewijn, Dirk (2022) Transformers on a Diet: Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks for Reducing Transformers' Hunger for Data in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis.

Kole, S.M. (2022) Methods of studying strategizing practices as determinants to effective organizational outcomes : A critical study.

Kolkman, G. (2022) The view of traditional media on conspiracy theories and believers How the traditional media’s view on conspiracy theories and believers developed during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands.

Kolkman, S.Y. (2022) Design, fabrication and evaluation of a 3D printed soft robotic actuator with embedded sensing.

Kolkman, T.F.C. (2022) The Business Model of Gas Stations in the future: What are the effects on the business development of gas stations in the changing fuel market?

Kolsteeg, I.M. (2022) De houding van medewerkers met verschillende opleidingsniveaus in de somatische zorg bij Marga Klompé ten aanzien van arbeidsondersteunende technologie voor zorg op afstand.

Konda, Mayuresh Vasudevan (2022) Social Touch: Investigating the effect of mediated social touch on social presence.

Kondova, L.D. (2022) Optimizing the Internal Processes by Implementing a Project Management Software System at ASG Nederland.

Kong, Yujia (2022) 3D printed on-chip parabolic mirror for chip-to-fiber and chip-to-chip coupling.

Konijn, Jan-Paul (2022) Multi-domain Cyber-attack Detection in Industrial Control Systems.

Koning, B. de (2022) Extracting Sections From PDF-Formatted CTI Reports.

Konrad, Rebecca (2022) The Alliance of Small Island States : 39 states, one voice: How AOSIS sustains international collective action despite theoretical and practical obstacles.

Konsorr, D. (2022) The Mediating Effect of Coping Strategies on the Relationship between Agreeableness on Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Konutgan, S. (2022) Gender Differences in Entrepreneurial Intentions.

Koobs, B.A. (2022) Determining the best maintenance strategy per asset using failure rates at Allinq.

Kooij, D. (2022) A Study on the Evolution of the Dutch Web.

Kool, B.B. (2022) Application of a neural network to the shift scheduling problem in supermarkets.

Koole, R. (2022) Real-time assistance of endangered people in forest fires.

Koop, N. (2022) Daily Savouring as a Possible Resource of Resilience: Decreasing the Intensity of Negative Affect and Unpleasurable Events in Daily Life An Experience Sampling Study.

Koopmans, G B K (2022) The determinants of the effect of share repurchase announcements on the stock returns of technology companies.

Koopmans, J.T. (2022) The effect of external compression on fainting incidents.

Kooten, H.R.A.G.M. van (2022) A redesign of the Spiegel banner.

Korf, C. van der (2022) Design of a Wooden Toy for Children with Cerebral Palsy.

Korikian, G. (2022) “It always feels like it will never really change at all”: An Interview Study on Climate Fiction Reading and Emotions.

Korkut, B. (2022) Anxiety, Sleep Problems and Positive Emotions (Gratitude and Happiness) in Long-Covid Patients : an Experience Sampling Study.

Korporaal, K. (2022) The influence of input parameters on flood calculation outcomes.

Kortink Boada, Alex (2022) Emotional reactions to a democratic policy-decision: a Covid-19 lockdown case study.

Kosse, N.J.A. (2022) Cultural differences experienced by the Dutch working in the United Kingdom.

Kosters, Lisette (2022) Influencing factors to join a social impact sports community.

Kosters, S.W.L.G. (2022) Increasing the throughput by designing the logistical process.

Kotecha, Mahek (2022) Interlinking lakes: Decision support tool for sustainable lake ecosystem, Ahmedabad, India.

Kotte, A.W (2022) Motivating The Unmotivated: Older Adults and Physical Activity.

Kouwen, R.T.S. (2022) A novel methodology for robust projection-based alignment of automotive matrix-type LED headlights.

Koval, M. (2022) Blockchain in dairy supply chains : a literature review.

Kozian, Luca (2022) Cryptocurrencies: Does their inclusion improve the risk-return characteristics of already well-diversified portfolios?

Kraats, D.A.L. van de (2022) Boundary competencies in interprofessional learning teams : the development of interprofessional collaborative skills among students who participate in interprofessional learning teams.

Krastev, M.P. (2022) Major Depressive Disorder, Hypersomnia and Loneliness in the Context of the Government Imposed Curfew.

Kreij, S. de (2022) The air we breathe ‘Increasing environmental knowledge in adolescents through physicalized air quality data’.

Kremer, R.B. (2022) The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer mortality due to diagnosis delay versus COVID mortality.

Kriellaars, R. (2022) Programmatic procurement as a driver for social ambitions : an explorative multiple-case study in the Dutch construction industry.

Krijnsen, M.G.M. (2022) An OEE analysis and visualisation of the UNeedle Back-end-assembly line.

Krikoryan, Kristofar (2022) The Framing of the COVID-19 Digital Green Certificate Content analysis on the framing of the COVID-19 Digital Green passport by news media channels in Malta compared to Bulgaria.

Kroep, K. (2022) Optimizing the inventory replenishment planning policy at Mantel Arnhem BV.

Kroep, Thijs (2022) The effects of teleworking on commuting patterns, modelled for the city of Almere.

Kroeze, Arnout (2022) On equilibria in facility location games in random graphs.

Kroeze, Gijs (2022) Entrepreneurial Coaching : how processes vary to reach entrepreneur’s and investors’ goals in SMEs.

Krom, R. (2022) Het genereren van persona’s als onderdeel in de ontwikkeling van een Early Warning System.

Krommendijk, MSc M.E. (2022) An ex-vivo perfused porcine liver for magnetic resonance imaging - A master thesis.

Kroon, Evelien (2022) Effect of phototherapy on fat-fed hepatocyte.

Krugten, R.S. van (2022) The organization of healthcare flex pools in the Netherlands.

Kruif, Cato de (2022) Using d-NFGs to identify and eliminate dead code in C# programs.

Kruijer-van Kampen, Tanja (2022) “Resilient varen op de coronagolven” : Inrichting en besturing van de organisatie voor de bestrijding en beheersing van infectieziektecrises bij GGD Kennemerland.

Kruijf, N.L.M. de (2022) Correlation of qEEG and cognitive impairment in cardiac arrest survivors: first steps towards a prediction model.

Krul, Alwin (2022) Solar energy harvesting for a custom sailing yacht using PV panels, a case study for project Zero.

Kräwinkel, R.W. (2022) Influence of control and output-quality constraints on the scalability and optimization of multi-branch multi-level flying capacitor converters.

Kröbel, L. (2022) Credibility and Chatbots – Investigating the influence of chatbot credibility on perceived usefulness among users.

Kugelmann, M.N. (2022) The Psychometric Network Structure of Mental Health in the General Population.

Kuijvenhoven, V.J. (2022) Information asymmetry and dividend pay-out policy for Dutch listed non-financial firms.

Kuiper, D. (2022) Alternative study conveyor belt bridge Harlingen.

Kuiper, E. (2022) De kracht van de overheid : de rol van een manager in een compatibele transitie naar opgaven gestuurd werken met zelfsturende teams bij publieke organisaties.

Kuiper, Stef (2022) 3D Printing of Continuous Glass Fibre Reinforced Polypropylene Composites.

Kuipers, Dané (2022) Off to a Great Start : Early-Stage Success Factors in University Spin-Off Commercialization.

Kuipers, S.M. (2022) Warehouse design for PoolPlaza.

Kuipers, T. van (2022) Improvement of patient satisfaction after diep flap surgery by applying 3D techniques.

Kuipers, T.P.W. (2022) Superionic Conduction simulated by Neural Network Potentials trained on On-The-Fly Force Fields.

Kukuruza, Wladimir (2022) Developing and Testing the Russian Version of the BOT Usability.

Kumalasari, Dewi (2022) Generative Design for Walkable Cities: a case study of Sofia.

Kumar, M.A.H. (2022) Let's talk about employee engagement : measuring a German company's initiatives to increase their employees engagement.

Kumar, Vijayakumar Akshay (2022) Fabrication of solid polymer layer of poly-methyl methacrylate mixed with Lumogen F Red 305 for the use in Free Space Luminescent Solar Concentrators.

Kumbikano, Ms. M. (2022) Housing Priorities and Residential Mobility in Informal Settlements: The Cases of Mtandire and Mgona in Lilongwe, Malawi.

Kumpmann, Celia (2022) How do people experience Online Depression Screening? A qualitative study.

Kunert, Jona Sabrina (2022) Website Navigation Structures : Eliciting Mental Models of Dutch E-Government Websites Using Card Sorting.

Kurzhals, H.D. (2022) Challenges and approaches related to AI-driven grading of open exam questions in higher education : human in the loop.

Kusters, A.C. (2022) Relating digitization, digitalization and digital transformation : a maturity model and roadmap for Dutch logistics companies.

Kutucu, BSc. Ceren (2022) Effect of electrical stimulation on the contractile performance of engineered heart tissues (EHT).

Kwakkel, D.J. (2022) Measuring well-being with a conversational agent.

Kwidama, D.N. (2022) Exploring the expectations and information needs of Dutch citizens aged 45-75 for the implementation of the Urimon disease warning system in the Dutch healthcare market.

König, P. (2022) The effect of socio-environmental cues of harshness on the discounting of future negative health consequences.

Kühne, M.U. (2022) Does Trait Mindfulness Play an Influencing Role in the Association Between Trait Rumination and Affective Stress Reactivity?

Laagland, I.A. (2022) Sustainable packaging for artificial Christmas trees.

Laar, J.S.M. van (2022) Improving the cargo transport flow within the yard of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol by using improved connectivity.

Laat, N.N. de (2022) CT-based migration analysis of tibial components in total knee arthroplasty.

Lackner, O.B. (2022) Improving waste collection during the UT Kick-In through gamification.

Lahn, H. (2022) Negative Affective Stress Reactivity and its Association with Stressful Life Events and Trait Positive Reappraisal.

Lakshmi Narayan, P. (2022) Influence of industry 4.0 on manufacturing facility design process and outcomes of the facility layout.

Lam, BSc. Martijn C.W. (2022) Individual Workstation Design for the Flux One System.

Lam, BSc. Martijn C.W. (2022) Individual Workstation Design for the Flux One System.

Lambers, Marit (2022) How vegetated foreshores can contribute to limiting dike dimensions of sea dikes : a case study into the assessment and design procedure of including the quantitative effect of the foreshore in the flood defence system.

Lamberts, V. (2022) “Hé James” A study on the use of a social assistive humanoid robot in paediatric patients during post-operative tonsillectomy treatments.

Lambregts, Maud (2022) real-time tissue classification during vacuum-assisted biopsy procedures using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.

Lammers, L. (2022) Sustainable redesign of the Philips Avent soothie packaging.

Lammers, Y. (2022) Identifying the impact of team composition on SWOT analysis : an fsQCA study at a Dutch purchasing firm.

Lang, C. (2022) Investigating the mediating and moderating effect of school-related self-efficacy on students' attitudes towards robotics and STEM.

Lang, G.S. (2022) Improving the upper-level solver for simplified MSMC optimization problems.

Lang, M.S. (2022) Incidental media exposure, optimism, and well-being : the association between incidental news exposure, life satisfaction, and optimism.

Lange, MSc. Amy de (2022) Trial-and-Mirror: Enabling climbing movement exploration with interactive puppetry design to enhance out-of-action perceptual motor skill acquisition.

Lange, B.M. de (2022) Sediment nourishments in the River Waal to mitigate bed degradation : a numerical modelling study.

Lange, R. de (2022) Using Unsupervised Learning to predict the success rate of geothermal drilling operations.

Lange, Thomas (2022) The Relationship between Self-esteem and the Cognitive, Behavioural and Physiological Component of Students’ Presentation Anxiety.

Lange, Valerian (2022) MapColPal - a color palette generation and testing tool for thematic maps.

Langen, I.N. van (2022) Development of patient-specific finite element models for the simulation of strain adaptive tibial bone remodeling after total knee replacement.

Langeveld, P.H. (2022) Reducing damage to prefab metal products.

Lankhorst, L. (2022) Designing a user interface for a wound healing therapeutic prototype.

Lansink, T.T.M. (2022) Sustainability in electromobility purchasing : prioritising raw materials using multi-criteria decision-making.

Lasai, N. (2022) The effect of self-talk on presentation anxiety in university students.

Last, C. (2022) Mainstreaming P2P electricity markets on the community level.

Latanna, M.D (2022) The evaluation of the community-based solid waste management (waste bank) program in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Latka, R. (2022) GLOBE: is the research still relevant after almost 20 years? : Insights in the case of Germany.

Lauber, P. (2022) The extent to which procedural information can predict vulnerable individuals’ level of rapport and shared truthful information within investigative interviews.

Layik, Sheena (2022) The Influence of Social Media on Reducing Meat Consumption: Using the Right Source, Message Valence, and Information Presentation to Influence the Reduction of Meat Consumption and Lead to Social Media Engagement.

Lazar, Calin (2022) Success and Failure in USO Founding. Analyzing individual factors that can facilitate the allocation of funds to University spin-offs.

Le, T.A.D (2022) Enhancing IMU-based smartphone context detection using Transformer.

Le, T.N.H. (2022) Aggregation in probabilistic databases : implemented for DuBio.

Lee, Cathlyn Ivy (2022) Adherence to Time Limitations on Social Media Platforms and Its Relationship to Mental Wellbeing.

Leegwater, I. (2022) Investigation in the Effects of Piping on the Safety of a Levee Including a Structure.

Leemans, T.T.J. (2022) Towards Serverless Enterprises: Developing the Enterprise Serverless Assessment (ESA) to assess and improve an organization’s fit and readiness for Serverless technology.

Leering, Erik (2022) Model Reduction of Transport Phenomena with Kernel Principal Component Analysis.

Leeuw, N. de (2022) Design and characterization of LC resonators for RF reflectometry charge readout of quantum dots.

Leeuwen, D. van (2022) Data-driven kitchen fire prediction based on environmental variables.

Leeuwen, Tessa van (2022) Project Management Methodology for Robotic Process Automation Implementation.

Leferink, B. (2022) Mapping the pre-purchase customer journey of premium livestock feeding technology : a manufacturing company case study.

Lehbrink, Malin (2022) Female Politicians in the News Media : a content analysis of German newspapers reporting on Annalena Baerbock’s chancellor candidacy.

Leij, R.M. van der (2022) The development of a method and tool to quantify sustainability for decision-making in product development : a case study applied at Van Raam.

Leijdekkers, D.P. (2022) Case study on make or buy analysis in building-related installations.

Leijsen, S.W. van (2022) The effect of climate change on groundwater level variation in De Wieden, The Netherlands.

Leitz, S.J. (2022) Framing Veganism : The Framing of Vegans and Vegan-diets in News Media.

Lemmen, Kia (2022) Exploring the Relationship between Cognitive Reappraisal, Perceived Stress and Negative Events in Daily Life : an Experience Sampling Study.

Lems, Merte T. (2022) The Dutch perception of decision-making in the US.

Lenders, L.B.L. (2022) Physical Perception of a VR Handshake.

Leonhart, Bodil (2022) Empowering the Energy Transition: Linking Transition Studies to Drivers and Barriers of Individual Sustainable Energy Behavior.

Lestari, Pudja (2022) In Search of a Scapegoat: Exploring the Role of Framing and Emotions in Multi-Actor Crisis.

Letink, M. (2022) Herstel in de acute fase na een heupfractuur : De adoptie van het Eforto® meetsysteem voor het voorspellen en monitoren van functioneel herstel door zorgverleners van klinische heupfractuurpatiënten.

Lettinga, P.E. (2022) Recognizing Roman Emperors By Hair Using Several Machine Learning Methods.

Leur, Rozemarijn van de (2022) Challenges and approaches related to AI-driven grading in higher education: the procedural trust of students.

Leusink, A. (2022) Preferences of people with a chronic disease towards physical activity e-coaching : a discrete choice experiment.

Leßke, Ruth (2022) The Role of Habitual and Occasional Actions in Green Practices: Manipulating Ease of Retrieval towards Environmental Self-Identity and Pro-Environmental Behaviour.

Li, L. (2022) Design of A MATLAB Based Droplet Auto Counting and Analyzing Program.

Li, Q. (2022) Co-attention-based pairwise learning for author name disambiguation.

Li, R. (2022) Automatic IMU-to-segment labelling using deep learning approaches.

Li, S. (2022) MBench : a benchmark suite designed for database schema migration.

Liang, Y. (2022) Pose estimation with deep neural network trained on tiny datasets.

Liberato, M. (2022) SecBERT : Analyzing reports using BERT-like models.

Liebe, R.A. (2022) Het verbeteren van algebraïsche vaardigheden bij 4 Havo wiskunde A.

Liebetruth, J.C.B. (2022) The effect of the Enhanced Cognitive Interview approach on the memory ability of patients in medical history taking.

Lietz, E. (2022) The blockbuster strategy of entertainment.

Ligtenberg, L. van (2022) SleepOS : designing lucid dreaming induction technology for Creaholic.

Limburg Stirum, C. van (2022) What would you like to hear? Finding features for an artificial intelligence drive DJ.

Limpers, W. (2022) Production process design in the sheltered workshop of VMI.

Lin, Boyue (2022) Almost Core Allocations on Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Games.

Lin, T.Z. (2022) Past, present, and future of cybersecurity for ICT-professionals.

Linden, S.J.F. van der (2022) Automation and standardization of the 3D workflow in lower limb realignment surgery.

Lingen, A.C. ter (2022) Development of a bladder phantom to use with OCT and miniature camera experiments performed by the robot-controlled catheter of the Next-Gen In-Vivo project.

Linneweber, Jana (2022) Staying nuclear? : A historical analysis of stability and change in the German Nuclear Energy Strategy.

Lintelo, D.E. te (2022) Help! we did not provoke this!? : The effects of crisis fit and crisis response motives in crisis response messages on consumer attitudes towards affiliated organizations embroiled in unprovoked organizational crises Dion.

Lippers, Tim J. (2022) Lifelong learning of professionals: the importance of workplace Learning : Understanding the role of structural empowerment and proactivity in informal learning.

Lippur, Kristo (2022) Effects of edge computing growth on demand of data centre services.

Liu, Yujie (2022) Help Rich Info Get Richer: Enriching a semi-structured dataset using a Semantic Web approach.

Liz Arcari, Amanda de (2022) Remote Sensing of Wastewater Contamination in Coastal Areas: A Case Study of Conceição Lagoon, Brazil.

Lobeek, Jaap (2022) A 3D deep learning method for the prediction of breast tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy using MR images without the need for a tumor segmentation.

Loboka, M.S.D. (2022) Improving the efficiency of the assembly department.

Lodewijk, Koen (2022) “Defensie gaat voor safe” : Risicomanagement bij het Ministerie van Defensie.

Loenhout, F.H.C. van (2022) Designing zero-mode waveguides for fluorescence experiments on α-synuclein and DNA.

Loenhout, Tessa van (2022) Exploring the Variability and Association of Grit and Self-compassion over Time in Daily Lives of Students : An Experience Sampling Study.

Logendran, T. (2022) Automatic Lung Aeration Assessment for Pediatric Lung Ultrasound Imaging.

Loh, Sönke van (2022) Classification of eating gestures using a wrist worn IMU and the deep learning model InceptionTime.

Lolkema, E.C. (2022) The Relation Between the Functional Schema Modes and Wellbeing at the End of Inpatient Schema Therapy and the Long-term Societal Functioning and Wellbeing for Individuals with Complex Personality Disorders.

Loman, G. (2022) Design of a stable steering mechanism for trikes : prevent the trike from tilting and keep your feet from the floor.

Loo, Iris van der (2022) Prognostication from Longitudinal Multisequence Brain MRI using Artificial Intelligence.

Loo, R. van (2022) Investigating Approximate FPGA multiplication for increased power-efficiency.

Loohuis, D.S. (2022) The impact of carbon emissions on corporate financial performance.

Loohuis, Ingmar (2022) Exploring the Prognostic Value of Deep Learning Image-to-Image Registration for Immunotherapy Patient Monitoring.

Looms, T.J. (2022) Improving the automated dosing system of an industrial food production company.

Loon, Joost Maarten van (2022) Chatbots evaluating business ideas, does the evaluation cloud our judgement of their credibility?

Loos, C (2022) Item availability restricted.

Loots, C. (2022) 'Op weg naar risicogestuurd aanbesteden bij IUC Belastingdienst' : Het is gewoon een kwestie van doen!

Lorini, Giulia (2022) Addressing the Ransomware threat: TTP-based defensive recommendations and a strategy for achieving resilience.

Loukaidou, M. (2022) Towards a gamified recommender system to facilitate cognitive function in children with dementia.

Lubbers, Lars (2022) Logistics implementation of colon surgery in day-care at Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Lucas, R.H. (2022) Supervised contrastive learning to overcome inconsistencies in exhaled breath data.

Lucas, W.E. (2022) Developing a design method and tool for producing customizable forming shoulders.

Luchtmeijer, D. L. (2022) Improving solutions of Service Engineer Planning using Mixed Integer Programming and Slack Induction by String Removal.

Luchtmeijer, Dorian L. (2022) Improving solutions of Service Engineer Planning using Mixed Integer Programming and Slack Induction by String Removal.

Ludwigt, F. (2022) The association between positive social relations and state negative affect : an experience sampling study.

Lungu, Daria-Gabriela (2022) The influence of Romanian culture on top leaders working in The Netherlands : an inductive qualitative study.

Luo, Junhua (2022) Empowering the purchasing department in healthcare organizations.

Luong, J. (2022) Deformation modelling and gripper contact simulation of deformable objects.

Lute, S. (2022) Improving retailers' inventory updates in an online shopping platform : establishing a method for real-time inventory connection.

Luten, T. (2022) Characterization of the Onset of Boiling for Ammonia in Minichannels.

Lyttle, J. (2022) Level of anonymity in creative brainstorming for people with varying creative self-efficacy.

Löcherbach, Greta Karoline (2022) Gender and Climate Change : An Analysis of Gender Mainstreaming in Contemporary Climate Change Policy Making.

Löffel, Jerôme S.A. (2022) Measuring the Window of Tolerance in Student's Daily Life : Integrating Core Affect and Body Awareness.

Lübbeling, Niklas (2022) Reducing the Impact of Deepfakes.

Lüthgen, J.H. (2022) Investigating the relationship of screen time and depressive symptoms and moderation by loneliness in young adults.

Ma, M.A. (2022) Developing a method that supports growth in maturity of intralogistics within SMEs.

Maan, M.J. (2022) Development of the ThESSA electrode : a thermo-electrical stimulation electrode for nociceptive cutaneous fibers - Exploration of the functionality of a heat conducting intra-epidermal electrical stimulation electrode.

Maarschalkerwaart, F. van (2022) Online scheduling of tasks to minimize maximum processor temperature.

Maas, B.H.M. (2022) The effect of team diversity on performance and the role of team inclusion on this relationship.

Maas, Dieuwke Saskia (2022) Exploratory process-based modelling of estuarine sand dunes: The influence of environmental and empirical model parameters on expected wave lengths, growth rates and migration rates.

Maat, M.T. (2022) Instances with exponential running time for strategy iteration.

Maat, Philip van de (2022) Design and characterization of an EMG band for Duchenne patients.

Maat, R. van der (2022) The use of a fully recyclable, biomass based thermoplastic as a wood coating.

Mahmoud, Nour (2022) Self-Efficacy Levels and its Influence on the Reception of Opposing Feedback.

Mahmud, Ashfak (2022) Observing Waterlogging and its impact on Agriculture in Hungary using Radar and Optical Images.

Makus, Carolin (2022) CSR to begin with: Who are we and what can we do? : The effects of issue scope and time frame of cause-related CSR engagement on consumer responses between different types of companies.

Malek, Michael (2022) Textual Clustering for Telecommunication Accident Recommendations.

Malestein, S.R. (2022) Early mobilization at the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) : Assessing safety, feasibility, and acceptability in an exergame for the respiratory function.

Mammadli, A. (2022) Optimalisation of usability and looks of logue FD-1 controller.

Man, T. (2022) Modelling Security Architectures of Collaborative Networks.

Manole, Theodor-Mihail (2022) Twitter and customer needs: Can Data Analysis serve as a tool for strategy and innovation to improve Netflix users’ experience and expand the Netflix brand?

Mansvelder, F.M. (2022) Dutch language specific KPI exploration and recommendation for maintenance scheduling.

Manten, Dion Jean François (2022) Technology roadmapping to develop the innovation strategy in engineering consultancy.

Marchiori, S. (2022) Mind the gap : enhancing the ethical regulation of low-code/no-code AI platforms.

Marderos, Shant (2022) Onderzoek naar de ervaring van patiënten die het ERAS-programma hebben doorlopen, met betrekking tot het ontslag uit het ziekenhuis en het herstel na de darmoperatie.

Mark, I. (2022) Livestreams vs. pre-recorded videos : how media richness, social viewing, and situational urgency influence donor behavior and attitude.

Marquardt, J. (2022) The effect of mindfulness on the relationship between creativity and wellbeing in university students.

Mars, P.J. van der (2022) Towards a model for recommender systems for reminiscence therapy in Alzheimer’s disease.

Martens, T. (2022) Blood flow simulation in carotid arteries with computational fluid dynamics.

Martins de Souza, Jessica (2022) The values of the Brazilian protean and the tensions between their career and culture.

Marčetić, N. (2022) Community-based design to help older adults to increase their physical activity.

Masselink, L.M. (2022) Accuracy of metrics measured with IMU sensors during a reach-to-point movement in healthy adults.

Masselink, Leah (2022) Can using a mobile self-help game improve your well-being? A Randomized Controlled Trial to test the effectiveness of a mobile self-help intervention to increase psychological and affective well-being over time.

Mastebroek, M. (2022) Developing a more advanced and insightful cost price model.

Mata Ruiz, M.S. (2022) Interventions to foster creativity in training programs for future counselors: a systematic review.

Matena, D.H. (2022) Comparing communication network topologies for low power microcontrollers.

Matickas, M. (2022) Measuring the width of the window of tolerance and associations of interoceptive sensibility and arousal in student’s daily life.

Matkares, Roxane (2022) The Effectiveness of a Well-Being Intervention in Improving Student's Well-Being, Loneliness and Perceived Stress and the Role of Sense of Belonging.

Matser, Iris (2022) Soft-tissue tuning in a personalized musculoskeletal knee model using quantitative comparison between simulated and intraoperatively measured knee laxity.

Matyunin, A.A. (2022) Effects of Natural Vegetation Root systems on the shear strength of soil. Comparison of effectiveness of vegetation root system reinforcement and fiber reinforcement.

Matyushina, Kristina (2022) Effects of a video tour, interactive map, and 360-degree virtual tour on engagement and interest.

Mauritz, R.R. (2022) Planning in supply networks using aggregated resource feasibility.

Maximova, A. (2022) Pre-negotiation expectations in individualistic and collectivistic cultures : a study of Dutch and Chinese.

Mayer, Johann Richard (2022) Creative Word Associations: The Relationship Between Creative Idea Generation and Evaluation.

Mayer, Tom (2022) Improving the Service Level by Implementing a Nearshoring Sourcing Strategy.

Mazilu, I. (2022) Defocus blur synthesis and deblurring through interpolation in the latent space.

Medina, S. (2022) Customer’s appreciation of the use of nudging techniques by supermarkets to enhance food waste reductions at the household level in Catalonia (Spain).

Meeners, Michelle (2022) Human-Robot collaboration in creative innovation processes : the influence of functional, relational and social-emotional elements on the intention to collaborate with a creative social robot in the work environment.

Meent, Tijmen van de (2022) A comparative study on lightweight authentication protocols in IoT.

Meijer, A.S. (2022) Kinematic decomposition of quantum systems.

Meijer, M. (2022) EEG alpha power in acute and subacute patients with mild traumatic brain injury.

Meijer, M.P. (2022) An Approach at Social Relation Recognition in Egocentric Videos using Pose Estimation.

Meijer, Nynke (2022) Concentration of major trauma centres : what will be the effects?

Meijer, Sanne (2022) Advocate, loyalist, and referrer influencers: The effects of message interactivity and emotionality on purchase intention.

Meijerink, J.J. (2022) What is really your Excuse? : Exploring how Millennials cope with Attitudinal-Behavioral Gaps in the Domains of Health and Sustainability.

Meijerink, Max (2022) The view of clinical psychology students on compassion and technology: a focus group study on blended care in mental health care.

Meijerink, Stijn and Mol, Seb and Steentjes, Jelle (2022) Towards a personalised endovascular treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Meijers, R. (2022) Qualitative flow sensing with 3D-printed sensors for application in a robotic bird.

Meijs, A.E.F. (2022) The development of design guidelines for plant-based products.

Meinen, J.G. (2022) The effect of leaky weirs on groundwater tables in the Mulloon catchment.

Mekler, J. (2022) Mental well-being of Generation Z as potential victims of cybercrime : the effect of risk perception and self-efficacy on mental well-being.

Mengelkamp, H. (2022) Effects of objective knowledge about synced advertising on purchase intention : on the example of a convenience and a shopping product.

Menifer, Savio (2022) Firefly Island: Exploring intimacy in social VR.

Menting, Jan (2022) Adaptive Expertise within the Technical Medicine curricula.

Merchan, M. (2022) Anomaly detection in IoT : federated learning approach on the IoT-23 Dataset.

Mergehenn, S. (2022) Physical activity in long COVID sufferers : the effect of social support and self-efficacy.

Mertins, S.M. (2022) How is futures consciousness related to the well-being of patients with a chronic health condition?

Mesie, P. (2022) The Effect Of Context Removal In Sentiment Analysis On News Articles.

Methorst, P. (2022) Inclusive and Collaborative Business Modelling in Western Context.

Meulema, M.I. (2022) The implementation of Model-based definition in a Manufacturing Enviroment.

Meuleman, Jelmer David (2022) Automated 120° MMI Based Downconverter Design.

Meulen, W.R. van der (2022) Computationeel denken in de bovenbouw : Grafentheorie en Dijkstra's algoritme in 4/5 vwo.

Meulenbroek, N. (2022) Improving reliability of the supply of building materials at Dura Vermeer.

Meulenkamp, T. (2022) Parser Benchmarking for Legacy Languages.

Meyer, A. (2022) Service design as facilitator for IoT development.

Meyer, L. (2022) The Impact of Corporate Brand Activism and Brand Attachment on Consumer Responses in the Sportwear Industry.

Meyer, P.K. (2022) Can international cooperation between countries in the Horn of Africa and Germany be a solution to tackle the issue of migrant smuggling?

Meyer, W. (2022) A critical analysis of the US Agenda towards a Sino-American arms control agreement within the context of evidence-based policymaking.

Meyer-Leive, Merit (2022) 360-degree performance appraisal system with the focus on employee learning and development : A comparison of feedback systems used in organizations and education.

Meyers, B.J. (2022) Analysing the resilience of 5G networks in the Netherlands.

Mezielis, Celine (2022) The Association between Gratitude and Positive and Negative Affect in Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Study.

Micali, G. (2022) Membership inference attacks and synthetic data generation with differential privacy.

Michorius, M.X.R. (2022) The use of Rayleigh-Raman scattering to investigate milk fat globules.

Middelhoek, BSc. Kaz I.N.A. (2022) Drug-Loaded IRONSperm Clusters: Modeling, Actuation and Ultrasound Imaging.

Middelraad, F. (2022) This laptop has great coffee : training a Dutch ABSA model from customer reviews.

Middendorp, T.J. van (2022) Understanding value co-creation between service providers and customers in B-to-B context: a micro-level case study.

Miedema, M.N.G. (2022) Creating insights, KPIs, visualizations and a dashboard of the operational residual streams’ performance regarding the circularity goals of Company X.

Mierle, K.W.J. van (2022) Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : patient's perspective on cognitive deficits and cognitive rehabilitation.

Mihajlovic, T. (2022) The moderating effect of hope on the association between incidental negative news exposure on social media and well-being.

Mihiret, Mr. Ayisheshum Walle (2022) Hydrogeological conceptualization and numerical modeling of groundwater resources in the Zamra catchment, Northern Ethiopia.

Mihoci, Alexander (2022) Exploring the Challenges Faced by Small and Medium Sized Enterprises When Adapting to Technological Change.

Milner, M.S. (2022) Improving the inventory management at a production facility.

Minina, A. (2022) Does Social Networking Sites Exposure Mediate the Relationship Between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Orthorexia Nervosa in University Students?

Minio, Lisa (2022) Between “Patchwork Carpets” and “Emergency Brakes” : a framing analysis of the decision-making Stage of the Fourth Civil Protection Act in Germany.

Minnen, Matthijs van (2022) CNN Accelerator Throughput Improvement using High-Level Synthesis for FPGA.

Mino, E. (2022) Website navigation structures : eliciting mental models using card sorting.

Mishra, Abhishek (2022) Impact of solid waste and the health effects during extreme floods. A case study from Kerala (India).

Mishra, Somdutta (2022) Cloud masking over glacial snow cover using Sentinel-2 cloud products and semi-supervised image classification in the Indian Western Himalayas.

Miu, Ioana (2022) A Reference Model for Decarbonising the Passenger Aviation Ecosystem.

Modreanu, E.S. (2022) A parent-child eSports e-learning system to foster sustainable gaming for children.

Moester, M.T. (2022) Development of Metamaterials for a Custom-fit Bicycle Helmet Liner.

Moghaddar, A.A. (2022) Enhancement of Formula One Driver Performance by Group Driven Process Learning.

Mohammed, M. Jeneto (2022) Flash flood modeling for geul catchment, considering different mitigation measures for july 2021 extrem rainfalls.

Mokhtar, A.B.A. (2022) Object Detection For Top View Images In Dairy Farming.

Mol, Michiel (2022) Robustness increase in plans : a case study for home-delivery services.

Molder, S. te (2022) Improving the order picking performance at Scania Production Zwolle.

Molenaar, K. (2022) Real-world performance analysis of signcryption and sign-then-encrypt schemes for resource-constrained IoT devices.

Mollah, H. (2022) User stories applied for end-to-end web testing.

Mooijaart, J.B. (2022) The impact of SRI policy on the performance of Dutch pension funds.

Mooren, S.C.A. (2022) To replace or not to replace : developing a model for bridges’ future function al performance level.

Moort, M.R. van (2022) Aiming for circular solar energy : the development and evaluation of a method for neutralising the environmental impact of a company’s value chain.

Morillo Hernandez, J.K. (2022) Understanding characteristics of grocery shopping trips.

Morshuis, F.G.F. (2022) The development of a digital multi-sided commercial real estate platform : research to the relevant features that are to be fulfilled.

Morsink, L.I.M. (2022) The influence of a female entrepreneur's background on their funding process : evidence from the Netherlands.

Morsinkhof, Niek (2022) Development and implementation of an MR-safe Encoder for pneumatic actuators of the MR-safe catheter robot for endovascular applications.

Mossel, S. van (2022) Adopting 18F-FDG PET/CT in routine first-line follow-up after thermal ablation therapy in patients with resectable colorectal liver metastases – An explorative cost-effectiveness analysis based on clinical trial data.

Motika, H. (2022) The effects of phishing emails : a meta-analysis.

Mouris, D.J. (2022) Does Instagram make us feel better or worse? : How Upward Social Comparisons on Instagram Influences Young Adults’ Psychological Well-being.

Mouw, A.V. (2022) Comparison of an aggregated macroscopic trip based 4 step model with a disaggregated tour based microsimulator: A backcasting approach.

Muesch, F. (2022) Examining the Effectiveness of Providing Procedural Information and the Influence of Expectancy Violations on Help-Seeking and Fear Towards Treatment.

Muetstege, C (2022) Demonstration of a multi-axis stepper motor in a robotic system.

Muijsson, S.A. (2022) Predicting professionals’ engagement in information provision about victim-offender mediation to offenders with addiction problems and the impact of an educational intervention.

Mulder, E.K. (2022) The Evaluation of a VR Training Against Ethnic Profiling.

Mulder, P.P.G (2022) Getting insight into the value of Port of Twente for the region of Twente.

Mulder, P.W. (2022) A comparative analysis of the computation cost and energy consumption of relevant curves of ECC presented in literature.

Mulrane, Christine (2022) The Influence of Self-Confidence on Perceived and Actual Usefulness of Given Peer Feedback.

Munakamwe, B. (2022) Suitability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Support Communal Land Registration in Zimbabwe.

Munster, Bram van (2022) Applied product lifecycle management for scaling development : an information management methodology.

Munster, M.M.B. (2022) An analysis on firm valuation, CSR performance and investment cash flow sensitivity: Evidence from the S&P500.

Muntasya, Febri Fil Ilmi (2022) Budget analysis of forest and land fire control in Riau Provincial Government, Indonesia.

Murugeshan, J. (2022) Acoustic monitoring of airborne insects in outdoor environments.

Mustafa, S.M. (2022) Network resilience against the consequences of a global crisis : a case study on the UN Network on Migration and its resilience to the Covid19-pandemic.

Mutasha, Brian Mulenga (2022) Crop discrimination using time series Sentinel-1 SAR data.

Mutsaers, J. (2022) Consumer-centric advertising solutions : the panacea or fata morgana to all advertising worries?

Muñoz, Pablo (2022) 4.0 Engineering and Human Values : Managing inductive risk in the Use of Big Data Analytics for the Predictive Maintenance of Railway Systems.

Mühlbauer, J. (2022) A Positive Psychological Understanding of Hope for the Future: Letters From a Life After the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Müller, K. (2022) Electromagnetic interference on static meters when combining linear and non-linear loads.

Mūrnieks, A. (2022) LiDAR measurements of swash-event bed dynamics : investigation of LiDAR application to monitor beach evolution at the inter-swash scale.

Nae, Teodora (2022) Predicting COVID severity using machine learning methods : -Comparison between real life and mimic dataset-.

Naguine, P.V. (2022) Subpopulation Process Comparison and Bottleneck Analysis: A Case Study of Frozen Shoulder.

Nair, M.G.N (2022) Item availability restricted.

Nam, H. (2022) Designing dashboards based on stakeholders' perspectives to generate meaningful information : a case study in the urban factory demo setup.

Nassri, A.S. (2022) Development of a Mobile EEG for Neurofeedback Training.

Nastase, Tudor (2022) Improving safety of e-bikes with automated systems: using an ad-hoc sensor network to prevent car to e-bike accidents.

Nateshan, Anand Vaidya (2022) Design and Development of a Wide Input Voltage-Wide Load Range Multi-MHz DC-DC Converter.

Naurathae, Akhilesh Singh (2022) Model Mediated Teleoperation of a Flexible Object with a Gripper Mounted Telerobot.

Navarro Di Pasquale, J. (2022) Robust training using a push-pull inhibition layer for adversarial robustness in convolutional neural networks.

Ndamah-Arthur, Kweku (2022) Communicating Regrets in Product Harm Crisis : The Effect of Brand Crisis Type, Communicated Emotions, and Message Source on stakeholder behaviour outcomes.

Neacsu, T. (2022) From EDIFACT to OpenTripModel: analysis, migration and guidelines based on data from real-world logistics companies.

Nedelchev, Kristian (2022) Performance evaluation of Map implementations in Java, Python and C#.

Nelissen, D.M. (2022) The effectiveness of educational innovations : An explorative study into innovation effectiveness, types of innovation and the role of institutional governance.

Nelissen, E.R. (2022) Improving individual idea generation with the selective brainwriting technique.

Nelson, D.J. (2022) Privacy-preserving counterfactual explanations to help humans contest AI-based decisions.

Nerlich, E. (2022) The influence of social media on self-acceptance in queer youth.

Neubert, L. (2022) The relationship of emotion regulation, schema modes, and three creative arts therapy methods in schema-focused treatment for personality disorders : a single case experimental design.

Neumann, Rika (2022) Breaking the Bias on Consensual Non-Monogamy.

Neumeister, Hannes (2022) Steak or fake? Analysing the factors influencing purchase intention of plant-based meat alternatives.

Neumeister, Steffen (2022) Motor sequence execution while counting tones and using an unpracticed hand configuration after extensive practice: Does stimulus-response translation matter when other processing strategies are inhibited?

Ngaffo Gouanfo, C.N.P (2022) Overcoming Selection Bias in Bayesian Network Construction.

Nguyen, Q.H. (2022) Machine learning in the calibration process of discrete particle model.

Ni, Xuefei (2022) Gamification design for enhancing user experience of rail travellers.

Niada, Maria Francesca (2022) Femvertising of sport brands: an empowering gem or a pink washed scam? : A qualitative study on the effect of female empowering marketing of sports brands on women.

Nickisch, L.N. (2022) Mystery and spaciousness and their effect on valence and level of engagement of stories in the context of virtual nature images.

Nicklin, J.M. (2022) Improving forecasting using imperfect advanced demand information.

Niculae, T.F. (2022) Edge server placement on traffic lights for smart city services.

Niemann, Fabian (2022) Association between social media screen time and subjective well-being moderated by neuroticism.

Niemeijer, Chantal (2022) User Centred Test of “BreindeBaas” : How do individuals with MBID perceive the app?

Niens, M. (2022) Kan je medewerkers aan de BelastingTelefoon binden? : Wat maakt het callcenter werk blijvend aantrekkelijk voor de informanten van de BelastingTelefoon?

Nieuwenhuis, S. (2022) Exploring the Implementation of Network Architecture Search (NAS) for TinyML Applications.

Nieuwenhuis, W.B.R. (2022) Risk analysis of three loan types in real estate.

Nieuwenhuizen, Thomas (2022) Optimizing production performance of the Filling Lines of Euroma.

Nieuwenhuys, W.W. (2022) The comparison of the accuracy of camera-based skeleton trackers during the stepping response for recovering balance in a home based environment.

Niggemeier, Leona-Jopie (2022) Evaluating Spectrum - Assessment of an intervention for offenders of intimate partner violence.

Nijboer, E.D. (2022) The Relationship Between Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Socially Shared Regulation of Learning (SSRL) during Collaborative Learning.

Nijboer, J.G.K. (2022) Parallelization of in vivo-like anti-cancer drug concentration profiles on top platform for testing drug efficacy on tumour spheroids.

Nijen, N.P. van (2022) The influence of infrastructure and land use allocation on the route choice of cyclists.

Nijhof, E.Y. (2022) Planning interdependent tasks in house construction - an extension to the critical path method.

Nijhof, J. (2022) Een educatief ontwerp voor Gepersonaliseerd Leren rondom het thema Magnetisme & Elektriciteit voor middelbare scholieren.

Nijhof, L. (2022) How structural and process characteristics influence the digitalization in buyer-supplier relationships : an AAR2 perspective.

Nijhuis, F. (2022) EX-Situ Heart Validator : Novel system for testing the donor heart prior to transplantation.

Nijhuis, Milan (2022) Fostering survival of university spin-offs.

Nijhuis, S.P.G. (2022) Dark web markets : what can they teach us?

Nijhuis, T.A. (2022) How to design an account-based marketing campaign for TwenPack?

Nijhuis, Tim (2022) Improving the routing and scheduling process in a home healthcare environment : a case analysis at TWB.

Nijhuis, W.H. (2022) An audio based feature detector for shavers using Artificial Intelligence.

Nijkamp, A.H. (2022) Modelling of laser beam absorption in powder-based sintering processes.

Nijkamp, Bas (2022) A High Throughput Sorting Accelerator using an Intel PAC FPGA.

Nijland, J.G.W. (2022) Gamification of cyber security awareness training for phishing against university students.

Nijs, Luuk (2022) Impact of the weekday-effect on stroke care in Slingeland Hospital.

Nijskens, Lotte (2022) Contrast generalisation in deep learning-based brain MRI-to-CT synthesis.

Nijveen, B.E. (2022) Next Generation Bicycle Lock : Development of an Innovative Bicycle Lock Concept for Accell Group.

Nikken, M.S. (2022) Pneumatic position sensing for robotic applications in an MR-environment.

Nikolova, K. (2022) Framework and practical guidelines for creating a current state analysis for (re)designing an HMI within the Industry 4.0 era. Case study.

Nipper, W.S. (2022) Effectiveness of different emotion regulation strategies on stress recovery of students : an experienced sampling study.

Nisslmueller, Utz (2022) LOLBin detection through unsupervised learning : An approach based on explicit featurization of the command line and parent-child relationships.

Nitsche, N.S. (2022) The association between gratitude and the perception of daily events : a secondary analysis of an experience sampling study.

Niu, Z. (2022) Develop and adopt the organizational cybersecurity culture in the Covid-19 teleworking scenario.

Nnebedum, P.U. (2022) Designing a digital platform that positively influences the behaviour of the player towards sustainability.

Noorlander, S. (2022) User complaint analysis on Twitter: assessing the usability of complaints for innovation on Nestlé Consumer Care’s Twitter page.

Nordmann, Nina (2022) Social Media Use and Body Image in Young Adults Mediated by Social Comparison.

Norel, S. van (2022) The change towards Industry 4.0 in small & medium-sized enterprises : digital and smart industrial transformation for Global Electronics B.V.

Nouri, B. (2022) Energy transition and the European proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). Case study : the Dutch AI providers in the energy sector.

Nousi, Irnti (2022) Item availability restricted.

Nowee, Stijn (2022) Reliability analysis of Triple Modular Redundancy.

Ntawukuriryayo, Mr. Emmanuel (2022) Applicability of satellite-based rainfall estimates and inundation extent for flood modeling in the Sebeya catchment, Rwanda.

Nuijsink, C. (2022) The application of early HTA in research funding decisions at the Dutch Heart Foundation.

Oberhofer, L. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Oberle, P.V. (2022) The relationship between momentary capitalizing and momentary positive affect : an experience sampling study.

Ochten, M. van (2022) Modeling renal autoregulation in a hemodynamic, mathematical model of a pregnant woman.

Octama, C.I. (2022) Exploring The Dynamic Between Online Social Infrastructure and Online Community of Practice in Social Media Fandom.

Oddo, F. (2022) Main impacts of digital innovation on the purchasing department in healthcare organizations.

Oddo, Renzo (2022) To what extent do ESG scores affect firm valuation? : Evidence based on large Dutch enterprises.

Oerle, M.M. van (2022) Conflict management in the construction industry : a new paradigm.

Okegunna, A.O. (2022) Association between mucinous ovarian tumors and secondary gastrointestinal tumors.

Okken, S.M. (2022) Prostitution policies and human trafficking : a comparative case study on Sweden and the Netherlands.

Olde Heuvel, E.M. (2022) Analysis of the bottlenecks in the existing sewage system of Zolder, Belgium.

Olden, Hannah (2022) The Influence of Knowledge and Self-efficacy on the Intention to and Actual Use of Strong Passwords.

Olmezoglu, C. (2022) Causal analysis of safety violations in DyNetKAT.

Olthof, L.S. (2022) Towards ecosystem value: sustainable data driven business models in the context of Europe.

Oltwater, Bart (2022) The impact of self-service technology on sustainable consumption of supermarket customers.

Ommeren, M.A.J. van (2022) Investing in repacking.

Omtzigt, C.E.S. (2022) Developing a modular gaming handheld for gamers with muscular dystrophy.

Ooijen, P.M. van (2022) 3D printing of sensorized pneumatic artificial muscle actuators.

Ooijevaar, I.H.J. (2022) Design of a user-friendly controller for the Sunram 7 with safety features to assist radiologists in MRI-guided breast biopsy.

Ooms, A. (2022) Optimized and user-friendly workflow for the fabrication of 3D printed maxillary hollow closed surface model obturator using CT, intraoral scanning technology, and computer aided/manufacturing.

Oonk, Herma Berendina (2022) Quality of 360-degree performance feedback : a matter of social exchanges.

Oost, E.C.M. van (2022) Improving the storage process of aluminum at Twentsche Kabelfabriek : reducing quality issues.

Oosterhout, M.J. van (2022) Differences in soil water characteristics of monoculture oil palm plantations, agroforestry oil palm plantations and natural forest.

Oosterhout, Thomas van (2022) The development of learning in a supply network during an upstream lean integration : a comparative case study.

Oosterik, Rens (2022) The determinants of the dividend puzzle : evidence from the S&P500.

Oosterveld, D.M. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Oosterveld, M.M. (2022) Werkwijze omtrent complicaties in de vakgroep Plastische chirurgie in Ziekenhuis X.

Oosterveld, R.N. (2022) Radiofrequency Safety of External Defibrillation Electrodes at 1.5T.

Oosting, Jorine (2022) Optimizing the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater resources for drinking water production under uncertain climatic conditions.

Oostrum, Mathijs van (2022) The effect of river interventions on river dunes.

Oostveen, Ronan (2022) Ensuring identity preservation for motion translation in faces using VICE-GAN.

Oppers, B.A. (2022) Investment in cycling routes, based on cyclists' delay form GPS data.

Oprins, Erlijn (2022) Professional socialisation in the engeneering curriculum: A comparison between the formal and experimental curriculum.

Oran, Sandra (2022) Out of the head, into healing with nature : exploring the role of specific features of nature on our well-being within Virtual Reality.

Ordelman, Amber (2022) Artificial Intelligence Conversational Agents : Using Card Sorting To Revaluate The Validity Of The Chatbot Usability Scale.

Ordelmans, J. (2022) Co-creation with PIMD clients and their support network.

Orlova, D. (2022) Does responsible behavior of insurance companies pay off?

Orozco Carvallo, S. (2022) REEF : the design and development of a trunk stability exergame for chronic stroke survivors.

Orriens, M.J. (2022) Business model transformation of start-ups towards a B2B/B2C hybrid. Developing a value proposition for low-interest goods for the B2B market.

Orywahl, M.F.M. (2022) The effects of message framing on the risks and benefits of using strong passwords.

Otten, Gijs and Grimberg, Lynn and Sijben, Rick (2022) Kwantificatie van de linkerventrikelfunctie bepaald met draagbare ultrasoundsystemen en objectivering van hun beeldkwaliteit: een tweedelig onderzoek.

Otten, T. (2022) Improving a risk-based revision model for SME loans.

Ottens, Iris (2022) Red-Light-Green-Light algorithm with MaxC heuristic for solving Markov chains.

Ouko, Melissa (2022) The Effects of Instagram Usage on Subjective Well-being among Millennials: A Cross-cultural Study of the Netherlands and Kenya.

Ouw, T.M. van der (2022) Designing of a shelving unit series for Van Der Jeugd Architecten.

Overdreef, D.E. (2022) The Influence of Boundary Spanner’s Coordination Activities on Multiteam System Effectiveness.

Overeem, W.T. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Overgaauw, Iris (2022) Mechanisms for successful implementation of AI-based medical devices in Dutch hospitals, an exploratory study.

Owusu Ansah, R. (2022) Assessment of land information system for land administration : a case study of Ghana.

Ozer, E. (2022) How to Apologize Online: The effects of crisis communication timing, channel and framing on organizational trust and reputation.

Paalvast, A.S. (2022) Missing data in continuously monitored vital signs of high-risk surgical patients.

Paalvast, Olivier (2022) Representing Ultra Low Dose CT scans as Chest X-Rays : how far can and do we need to go?

Paalvast, Olivier (2022) Representing Ultra Low Dose CT scans as Chest X-Rays : how far can and do we need to go?

Paarlberg, D.F. (2022) Verkenning van houdingen van diabetespatiënten ten opzichte van een Early Warning System : een interviewstudie.

Paasman, T. (2022) Defining and categorizing tail spend for a better management thereof.

Palande, Shalvi (2022) Breathe with me : Designing and Evaluating Wearable Visual and Vibrotactile Displays for Colocated Breathing Synchronization.

Pande, Shruti (2022) Exploring impact of temperature and precipitation on cyanobacteria in Lake Naivasha.

Pandey, Shivang (2022) Snow Depth and SWE estimation using Multi-sensor Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing Time series Data for Indian Himalayas.

Panske, C. (2022) The psychometric properties of the Dutch Posttraumatic Stress Disorder checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) in a sample of relatives of long-term missing people.

Panten, Keanu (2022) Contrasting mandatory and voluntary disclosure environments: quantity of risk disclosure in the US and the UK.

Papke, A. (2022) The Role of Trust and Perceived Risk in the Relationship between Privacy and Security Values, and Emotions towards Smart Home Devices.

Papke, Greta (2022) Investigating perceived control, privacy values, and emotions in the context of smart home devices.

Parauti, J.J.J. (2022) Your smartphone, Your life : an exploratory study on the dynamics between the domestication of smartphones and intimate privacy in households.

Pardoel, L.T.M. and Wolf, R.T. de and Kroezen, S.F. (2022) Het 3D analyseren en plannen van de optimale standscorrectie van het been.

Pareek, Tanuj (2022) Analysing the posterior predictive capability of landslide susceptibility maps.

Pas, G.J. (2022) The impact of internal integration: do suppliers have a soft spot for internally integrated buyers?

Pasquarelli, Leonardo (2022) Extending Java Collections for List and Set Data Structures.

Passmann, A.V. (2022) The association between social contacts and well-being in daily life : an experience sampling study.

Pasterkamp, M.M. (2022) Modeling the heart-brain connection using innovative organ-on-a-chip technology.

Pastoor, G.H. (2022) Examining the effectiveness and impact of providing feedback to develop the Professional Identity of (future) STEM professionals.

Patel, Vishakha (2022) Simulation-Based Review of Selected LiDAR System Designs for Mobile Mapping.

Pater, S. (2022) Development of hollow fiber membranes prepared with the green solvent Agnique® AMD 3L for haemodialysis.

Pavlov, Nikolay (2022) Data Visualizations and Modeling of Environmental Risks in Green Areas.

Pavlov, V. (2022) Security aspects of digital twins in IoT platform.

Pawirotaroeno, Rezfan (2022) Space Internet Congestion Control : optimising loss-based congestion control algorithms for increased throughput over satellite-terrestrial communication networks.

Pazenko, Iana (2022) Towards a personalized medicine approach in diabetes type 2 secondary care : implementation of personalized medicine approach in Dutch diabetes secondary care, from the perspectives of healthcare professionals.

Peen, Moniek (2022) Naar een risicobewuste IND: Een bottom-up benadering.

Peeters, BSc Bart (2022) Exploring human relationship recognition in egocentric videos using deep learning techniques.

Peeters, D.W.M. (2022) Physicalization of dynamic, physiological data.

Peixe, Alexandre Roberto (2022) Improving the usability of Commercial Archaeology data through semantic integration.

Pelle, S.H. (2022) Contracting model for long-term care.

Pennestri, Pietro. (2022) An FPGA based sensor fusion algorithm for IMU data processing.

Perde, Daria (2022) Not so difficult? Studying the relationship between task complexity and preference for feedback from social robots.

Perenzoni, Stefano (2022) Understanding athletes preferences of sport activities through ranking based news feed recommendation.

Perik, L.W. (2022) An analysis of the decentralization and effectiveness of Lightning Network.

Pertenbreiter, Marcel (2022) Experience in Flexible Bronchoscopy: Exploring the Motor Skill Performance of Novices, Intermediates, and Experts.

Peters, J.G. (2022) The economic and ecological impact of shifting to a modular smartphone design.

Peters, M.D.J. (2022) Extending explainability of generative classifiers with prototypical parts.

Peters, Morten (2022) Health Disparities in German Obesity : Implementing Life Course Perspectives in Health Policy.

Peters, Y. (2022) Characterizing prostate cancer cell lines of varied aggressiveness and evaluating their response to Enzalutamide.

Petersen, T.G. (2022) Strategic workforce planning model in business intelligence.

Petkova, B.D. (2022) Impact analysis of a modal shift for EMONS 2WIN cargo business unit.

Petrasch, Melissa-Kim (2022) The Physicality of AI and its meaning for Sustainable AI : A Discussion of Sustainable AI for Sustainable Fashion and how to Approach it.

Peßler, V.C. (2022) Organization of bike-sharing in Berlin and Amsterdam.

Pfeijffer, M. (2022) What are they talking about? Searching for the characteristics of COVID-19 conspiracy theory communities formed on Twitter.

Pham, Nguyen Hoang Dung (2022) Dynamically Allocating Network Resources for Teleoperation Applications using Intent-based Inference.

Phijffer, S.R. (2022) Decreasing the down time in the factory due to delivery delays after moving to a new dedicated distribution center.

Philipp, Y.N. (2022) The Influence of Physical Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms in Post-COVID Sufferers.

Philippou, Alexis (2022) Data visualisation of environmental risks in real estate properties.

Picco, S.A. (2022) A scoping review of the application of interactive technology for treating hallucinations in schizophrenia.

Picus, C. (2022) The effect of social media marketing activities on consumer-based brand equity and consumer response in the fast fashion industry.

Piekartz, Matthijs H. G. von (2022) Data-driven work and privacy at Dutch municipalities - a double-edged Sword : Exploring the Perceived Data-driven Development Impact on Privacy in Dutch Municipalities.

Pieloor, Heleen (2022) Barriers and Drivers for Businesses to Adopt Rooftop Solar Power Systems : a qualitative research among businesses with, and without, rooftop-PV.

Piening, P.V.L. (2022) Low frequency calibration of an acoustic vector sensor using immersive wave propagation.

Pierik, Bianca ten (2022) Increasing the Legitimacy of Tenders in Dutch Municipalities.

Pieroth, L.J.A. (2022) Making meaning of a post-pandemic future: The association between language use and uncertainty tolerance.

Pieterse, Remco (2022) A framework to increase intention to invest in sustainable heating among Dutch homeowners.

Pindi Nataraj, P. (2022) Airfoil self-noise predictions using DDES and the FWH analogy.

Pinkster, A.E. and Smelt, A.D. and Meyer, M.H.C. (2022) Aangezichtsprothetiek op afstand.

Pipping, M. (2022) A future of nuclear energy? : To what extent does the discourse on the use of nuclear energy in Germany and France affect their trusting interstate relationship?

Piscorschi, R. (2022) Comparison of traditional Concrete Bridge and innovative 3D printed Steel Bridge : Determine overall life cycle properties of Concrete bridge and 3D printed Steel Bridge using a parametric calculation tool.

Pistorius, N. (2022) A study into kinematics and dynamics of tail-supported climbing in birds and robotics.

Pit, BSc. K.J.H. (2022) Implementation of Energy-Efficient System for Solar-Powered Pleasure Yacht using dc Architecture.

Pit, W.J. (2022) How manufacturing goes beyond the production of the physical object : a firm-level study to identify the challenges and needs for implementing Agile within an existing Stage-Gate system.

Plakke, A.L. (2022) Transparent transducer for photoacoustic imaging: Making a 2x2 array using PVDF coated with ITO.

Plegt, S.H.R. (2022) Hydrological performance of smart blue-green roofs by means of EPA SWMM.

Ploeg, P. van der (2022) Designing a reusable shopping tool for products without packaging.

Plosnita, M. (2022) The corporate gig is up : the attitude of traditional employees towards collaboration with gig workers.

Plotz, N. (2022) The influence of age on visual working memory.

Plugge, Myron / M (2022) Effectief Formatief Evalueren.

Pluister, Bas (2022) OV-fiets: where to go? : a study on OV-fiets user characteristics and destinations.

Pocheva, Venelina (2022) Outsourcing Prioritization for Bottleneck Processes Using Process Mining: A Logistics Case Study.

Podea, Vladimir (2022) The Degree of Anonymity in Ideation.

Poelarends, R.J. (2022) Channel reduction for EEG recordings of nociceptive evoked brain activity.

Poelgeest, Jorrit van (2022) Optimizing Pressure Settings in Mechanically Ventilated Infants Utilizing Forced Oscillation Technique and Transcutaneous Diaphragmatic Electromyography.

Pol, Axel (2022) The added value of Steward Ownership for companies and their owners.

Pol, S.J.B. van der (2022) The visualization of efficiency and performance with the use of dashboards.

Poll, T.A. van der (2022) Predicting utilization in a multi-provider ambulatory allied healthcare organisation.

Pomper, J.J. (2022) Redesigning an eHealth application for Medicine Men.

Poorthuis, J.J. (2022) The Course and Predictors of Fear of Recurrence among Breast Cancer Survivors During the First and Second Year After Surgery.

Popnikolova, M. (2022) Towards making interference visible.

Popoola, O.D. (2022) A nexus approach to solar pumping irrigation systems in North Africa: opportunities and challenges : a case study of Egypt.

Popov, D.O. (2022) Spatial Analysis of Shared Bicycle Trip Data.

Popov, Dimitar (2022) How Does Encouragement in Human-Robot Interaction Affect People’s Pro-Social Behavior? An Experimental Study on Human-Robot Interactions.

Popovic, B. F. (2022) The Link between Self-Compassion and Stress in the Daily Lives of University Students : An Observational Study using the Experiencing Sampling Methodology.

Popovici, Andrei (2022) Analysing Real-Time Vision-Based Pose Estimation Algorithms for RITH Purposes on Embedded Devices.

Pos, Danique (2022) Motivations of young people in The Netherlands to invest in cryptocurrencies.

Post, A.R. (2022) The investment struggle : is replacing gold with Bitcoin beneficial?

Postma, M.K. (2022) Re-designing of fixed shutter panels for easier assembly.

Postmes, Jonne F. (2022) Maximizing energy absorption properties of 3D printed programmed auxetic metamaterials.

Potijk, M.E.M. and Trouw, E.E. and Vredenbregt, M. and Jong, D. de (2022) Semiautomatische meetmethode voor de Posterior Tibial Slope op een MRI.

Pouw, Fienie (2022) Oxygen sensing in a 3D cell culture using an oxygen-sensitive dye based on a Ru(II) complex.

Pouwels, N.J. (2022) Healthy Housing: Environmental and economic impact assessment and a house market feasibility for a zero energy.

Pozinãrea, S. (2022) Bare Fibre Optic Sensors for Strain and Temperature Measurements in Surface-layer Asphalt : An Implementation and Evaluation Case Study.

Pradhan, S. (2022) Concept design of a novel Ferrofluid based feedback system for a primary system of a versatile endovascular assisting robot.

Prakken, E.B. (2022) Design, modeling, and control of a novel multirotor UAV with embedded 3D-printed thrust force sensor.

Prange, Tim (2022) Deadlock or Catalyst? How COVID-19 Management has Influenced Digital Transformation in Borken District's Citizen Centers.

Prasad, Akshay (2022) Investigating whether typosquatting targets children.

Prasad, Pralad (2022) Automatic Clinical Deterioration Monitoring using Machine Learning Techniques Post Surgery.

Prashant, P. (2022) Mapping of glacier extend using deep learning method.

Preusser, Fynn (2022) Transition to a sustainable society - A study on the complex interplay of possible antecedents for Pro-environmental Behaviour.

Prins, S.A. (2022) Creating a Tailored Analysing Methodology for VMI.

Probst, Sebastian (2022) Communicating about corporate social responsibility: The effect of transparency, CSR fit, and centrality of CSR on consumer outcomes.

Pruijssers, C.W.A. (2022) Towards intra-operative assessment of resection margins in colorectal cancer using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and ultrasound.

Przadka, Bartosz (2022) CAD model reconstruction from the LiDAR scan of the catenary arch.

Pullen, C.E. (2022) Prognostic value of 18FFDG PET radiomics to detect peritoneal and distant metastases in locally advanced gastric cancer - a side-study of the prospective multicenter PLASTIC trial.

Punt, Jelle (2022) The effect of daily workplace interactions on novice nurses workplace belongingness during their first three months in a healthcare organisation.

Pusparini, Widyatri (2022) Identifying Barriers of Stakeholder Engagement in Accelerating Renewable Energy in Indonesia Based on a Comparative Study of West Java and Central Java.

Qazi, A. (2022) Cars and social media : a greener future.

Qazizada, M.R. (2022) Governance of nature-based solutions for societal challenges : lessons from Utrecht and Leipzig to reinforce implementation.

Qureshi, S.J. (2022) Self-led written debriefing as a scaffold for serious games on individual learning outcomes.

Raabe, J.V. (2022) The Impact of Social Media on Conspiracy Theories in Times of Public Health Crises.

Raasing, S.A.M. (2022) Exploring effects of the digital home literacy environment on early literacy and vocabulary skills of first graders.

Raben, K.T. (2022) Exploring Energy Efficient DSP Design for an Audio ASIC.

Rademaker, F.M. (2022) Subpopulation process comparison for in-hospital treatment processes : a case study for sepsis treatment.

Rah, K.E. (2022) The influence of uncertainty avoidance on health risk-information seeking.

Rahmatika, Reaza (2022) How to stay relevant: A qualitative study on exploring ICT professionals' identity and their sensemaking on the need for continuous development of digital skills.

Raijmakers, Rob Daniël (2022) Integrating the energy transition & climate adaptation trajectories: How collaboration between sectors and implementation phases improve planning practices of Dutch municipalities.

Rajan, MSc Vaibhav (2022) Generating temporal 3D city models of Shahjahanabad for exploratory ground-level visibility analysis.

Ramaker, Frederiek (2022) Case study about industry 4.0 in the internal supply chain of a defense company: are we ready for industry 4.0?

Ramamoorthy, Adhithya (2022) Development of a UWB-IMU Body Motion Sensor.

Rameckers, R.R. (2022) The role of several factors on stress and anxiety in loved ones of intensive care unit patients.

Ramesh, S. (2022) The design of a data governance framework for quality, security and sustainability : a qualitative approach.

Ramirez Juarez, Roberto Nacxit (2022) Data Collection Tools to Analyze the Impact of Streetscape Design on Cyclists' Route Choice.

Ramshorst, H.A. van (2022) Forecasting Transportation Volumes at Farm Trans.

Ramón Gómez, Nerea (2022) An end-to-end approach to a Reinforcement Learning application in the transport logistics.

Ranjan, H. (2022) Control and ex-vivo evaluation of Sunram 7 : an MR safe robotic system for breast biopsy.

Raoudi, O. (2022) EMI filter design for DC/DC converters for all electric aircrafts.

Rappos, F. (2022) Physical product & userinteraction design of a detachable battery module for Bike to E-Bike conversion.

Rath, L. (2022) Exploring the relationship between perceived academic pressure and sedentary time moderated by conscientiousness in university students using experience sampling.

Rathmer, H. (2022) Stress recovery in college students influenced by ruminative thinking and social support- an experience sampling study.

Rauch, L.R. (2022) “Mind the Gap(s)“ in mental health care : How Health applications are integrated in clinical practice for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders : a scoping review.

Reichardt, N. (2022) Factors influencing the development of GovTech in France and Germany : a realist review.

Reick, Leonie (2022) Informal Caregivers’ Burden, Commuting Time, and Acceptance Towards Unobtrusive In-Home Monitoring Technology in Home-Based Dementia Care.

Reijmerink, C.M. (2022) The Influence of Relatability and Playfulness in TikTok Advertisements on Video Engagement, Product Quality, and Purchase Interest.

Reininghaus, E. (2022) A scoping review into treating and assessing aggression and violence through Virtual Reality (VR).

Reisch, N.O. (2022) Can gamification improve higher education students’ learning outcome, flow, confidence and motivation in inquiry learning systems?

Reitsma, B. (2022) Improving the Planning Process of a Complex Pickup & Delivery Problem by Applying a Constructive Heuristic and an Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search.

Rekker, W. (2022) Verification of a SysML railway specification with a translation to UPPAAL.

Rempe, Konrad Magnus (2022) Briefly Motivating: Motivate and retain older participants in a research study using a newsletter.

Rengers, J.J. (2022) DDS in a Zero Trust Cloud Native Environment in the Naval Domain.

Rengers, M.E. (2022) Employees' commitment to change in the transition from start-up to scale-up : A single case study of enabling factors in a high-tech energy company.

Renner, Vladislav (2022) Precision of Visual Working Memory: How Colours and Sizes Decay over Time.

Rensing, Luisa (2022) Twitter as a Data mine: Can user needs be derived from Twitter Data? - An example of Airbnb.

Renskers, G.A.W. (2022) Improving the lead time of consumable deliveries at Company X.

Rettagliata, G. (2022) The concept of dignity within algorithmic management literature : the evolution from an economistic to a humanistic perspective.

Reulink, A. (2022) Improving the understanding of cancer treatment in patients.

Reuther, Marie Luise (2022) Obstetric Violence Experiences of Birth Givers in Germany: A Thematic Analysis of Birth Stories.

Rhee, Younghun (2022) Improving waste separation quality at the UT Campus.

Rhijn, G.H.M. van (2022) Modeling, simulation and control of a setup build to study flapping motion.

Richter, Anna (2022) How toxic are we really? : To what extent are negative social media comments towards men showing feminine traits related to toxic masculinity and what other factors are influencing their opinion?

Richter, Marco (2022) I do what I can do, and things are going well : A Discursive Analytical Study on Agency in Chronic Illness Narratives.

Ridder, E.Y.G. (2022) The mental health of young adults in times of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands and its relation to resilience.

Ridder, M. de (2022) Computer-aided design and manufacturing of personalized nasal prostheses after rhinectomy. Fabrication and evaluation of nasal prostheses created with a semi-automated workflow.

Riecken, Hanna (2022) AI in performance management: a game-changing development?

Riefel, Miriam (2022) MIND YOURSELF : Using an artistic psychological brain-computer interface to increase self-consciousness.

Riepen, M.M.J. (2022) Development of a Tiny House Rainwater Catchment System (RCS).

Riet, D.S. den (2022) Improving the sustainability of waste streams at the Heart Center of Isala Hospital in Zwolle.

Riet, M. ter (2022) How social cues shape remote collaborative work processes : establishing an abstraction hierarchy for evaluating computer-supported collaborative work tools.

Riethorst, P.P. (2022) Implementatie van VITAAAL, een met technologie ondersteunde prehabilitatie-interventie, in een ziekenhuissetting voorafgaand aan open AAA-operaties voor patiënten met diabetes mellitus type 2 volgens zorgprofessionals.

Rietvelt, D.C.J.C (2022) Extracting information from funding opportunities using state-of-the-art NLP method BERT with minimized data annotation.

Rijken, L. (2022) Perfusion of the abdominal aortic aneurysm wall with dynamic contrast enhanced MRI : a potential biomarker for aneurysm progression and rupture?

Rijnders, H. (2022) Developing of the interface of a feedback tool to be used in music teaching lessons at the PABO.

Rijswijk, Nicolle T. van (2022) Estimation of tibial bone load during outdoor running with Inertial Measurement Units.

Rijt, J.T.J. van de (2022) Design of a Momentum-Based Optimal Controller for a Lower Limb Humanoid.

Rikken, T.W. (2022) The application of hidden Markov models for economic state prediction and the calculation of economic state transition probabilities.

Rikkers, I.C. (2022) Quantifying bladder prolapse in patients : how to improve patient care. The quantification of the anatomical result of bladder prolapse in symptomatic patients with stage 2 or more cystocele before and after the anterior colporrhaphy surgery visualized with an upright MRI.

Rikkers, Vasco (2022) The Use of Story-based Gamification in USB-based Attack Prevention.

Rikkert, M.A.J. (2022) Cooperative solutions for challenges in neonatal care: A case study of the region of Utrecht.

Ringoot, J.H. (2022) Creation and validation of a 405 nm laser Raman imaging setup.

Rinke, J. (2022) Investigating podcasts for gay men : coping strategies for discrimination within the gay community.

Riphagen, Quinten (2022) The deepfake problem : Developing a novel maturity model for forensic image authentication research.

Riphagen, S. (2022) Towards personalized return to sport decision after ACL-reconstruction.

Rispa Hoyos, Maria Luisa Fernanda (2022) A safe space for everyone? Relationship between the making of judgment errors and Secondary Victimization in interviews with victims of sexual assault in Peru.

Ritmeester, J.C. (2022) Comparison of common signal pre-processing techniques for long-term sEMG-based knee angle estimation.

Ritter, Felix (2022) Past Regime Type and Current Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories - A Comparative Analysis Across Europe.

Rittinghaus, Aurelius J.C. (2022) Differences in liquidity and credit risk reporting between German automotive companies.

Rizvi, Mohammad Abbas (2022) Automated Electronic Component Selection : a Machine Learning approach.

Roche, P. de la (2022) To what extent can the pollution of the Tisza River be managed through the cross-border cooperation between the EU and non-EU countries?

Rodenburg, B.E. (2022) Werkwijze omtrent complicaties van de vakgroep KNO van Ziekenhuis X.

Rodrigues Peixoto, Ana Joel (2022) More than an exercise: the influence of social media on western yoga perception and practice motivation : a study on cultural appreciation and appropriation.

Roelink, M.J. (2022) zk-SCHNAPS : enforcing arbitrary password policies in a zero-knowledge password protocol.

Roelofs, L.E. (2022) Non-alcoholic specialty beer. The Virgin Blonde : a study on the effects of design choices for non-alcoholic specialty beer on the taste perception and the purchase intention of the product.

Roes, J.M. (2022) Beyond data : people. Lessons from a data-driven decision making adoption process.

Roggenbuck, Joel (2022) Motor learning performance differences in simulated flexible bronchoscopies.

Rolleman, H.M. (2022) Facilitators and barriers to the diffusion of person-centered care interventions in a nursing home for persons with dementia.

Romani, Michele (2022) Music-Emotion : towards automated real-time recognition of affective states with a wearable Brain-Computer Interface.

Rona, M. (2022) Simulation and analysis of E-fields of dual-site tACS at various phase-lag values.

Roode, G. de (2022) User privacy in cryptocurrencies.

Rooij, T. de (2022) Design and prototyping of a piano visualizer that augments digital music lessons with visual feedback.

Rook, Anne (2022) Evaluation of options to improve accurate execution of osteotomies of the lower limb.

Roos, T. de (2022) Binden en boeien van de Generatie Y medewerker in de zorg : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de push- en pullfactoren voor Generatie Y pedagogisch medewerkers in de jeugdzorg.

Roozendaal, R. (2022) Computational modeling of interstitial fluid in the brain neuropil for an improved understanding of solute transport in the brain.

Roozendaal, S.P. van (2022) It is time to become active.

Rops, Joyce (2022) Early Detection of Cervical Cancer via Cas13a Mediated microRNA Detection.

Rorink, G.L. (2022) The effect of Covid-19 on buyer-supplier relationships and its further influence on supply chain resilience.

Rorink, Thorvald (2022) The potential of side channels to mitigate large scale bed degradation in the Dutch Rhine distributaries : a 1D modelling study.

Ros, M. (2022) Demand forecasting to support optimization of multi-appointment scheduling.

Ros, M.F. (2022) Exploring Fishing Vessel Activity Classifications using Machine Learning.

Rosen, Kai Simon (2022) Exploring the relationship between grit, physical activity and fatigue in individuals suffering from post COVID : A cross-sectional study.

Rosenkranz, Ronja (2022) Contactless In-Home Monitoring Technology for Home-Based Dementia Care : Perceptions and Acceptance of Informal Caregivers.

Rosmalen, S.J. van (2022) A qualitative exploratory study on the integration of societal and spatial objectives by Dutch community energy initiatives and the effect of organizational structure.

Rossum, Mycha van (2022) Capital structure and firm performance across the corporate life cycle of German listed firms.

Rotteveel, D.E. (2022) A feasibility study to the implementation of a new production facility for high volume PCBAs.

Roubos, T.J. (2022) Design of an articulating joint distractor for implantation of a metacarpophalangeal implant.

Roussev, R. (2022) Homeowner perception of climate change.

Rouwers, J.A.M. (2022) Inventory Management optimization through a Demand Forecasting improvement.

Royal, Nell (2022) Prejudice reduction through text-based e-contact in Germany.

Rozendaal, I.M.J. van (2022) Relations for clay erosion by wave overtopping based on the fire hose method.

Rubaba, Tendai (2022) Hydrothermal alteration events in the Archaean Coongan greenstone belt.

Rublein, N. (2022) Exploring the relation between sense of embodiment & task performance in Telerobotics.

Rudolph, Leona (2022) The Potential of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder Patients : A Pilot Study.

Ruhstorfer, M. (2022) Network performance during and after a crisis : the case of the second package of policy measures : enabling access to study.

Ruis, S.J.J. (2022) Mechanisms to avoid physicians bypassing purchasing departments in hospitals.

Ruiter, A.R. de (2022) Developing and demonstrating the sport-specific potential of SixFeet.

Ruiter, B.M. (2022) CSR within Insurance Companies in Europe.

Ruiter, J.B.C. de (2022) Reducing process variation on the Coating line at TKF by implementing a statistical analysis method.

Ruiz Alfranca, F. (2022) The association between loneliness and gratitude among university students within a daily context : an experience sampling study.

Rung, Natalie (2022) Europeanization of environmental policy in Germany : To what extent is the German environmental policy as illustrated in the case of the Rhineland Europeanized?

Rust, R. (2022) Tactical capacity allocation in hospitals to optimize production within the budget.

Rusu, L.I. (2022) Perception algorithms for localization of a pneumatic endoscope.

Rutgers, Nils (2022) Point cloud based semantic segmentation for catenary systems using deep learning : Compressibility of a PointNet++ network.

Rutten, Leslie (2022) The influence of certified eco-labels on clothing on consumer behaviour.

Rutten, M. (2022) Factors influencing multi-tier supply chain information sharing : a multi-tier supply chain case study.

Röhlk, S. (2022) The EU’s informal migration deals and their compliance with the rights of migrants.

Röhr, Jeanine (2022) Quiet the Mind with a Dose of Nature : Exploring the role of awe in nature in our wellbeing within virtual reality mediations.

Römer, J.G.W.T. (2022) Real-time pitch detection using resource constrained IoT device.

Rütgers, L. (2022) Exploring fatigue and chronic pain in hospitalized long-Covid patients and the importance of sleeping problems : an experience sampling method-study.

Sabbar, Sabriya (2022) Het gebruik van DEEP in de forensische zorg Een single case experimental design in de klinische psychiatrie.

Sadhasivam, Nitheshnirmal (2022) Unveiling earthquake legacy effects on hillslopes using InSAR.

Saelker, Jon Henri (2022) The role of risk management and a preferred customer status during major disruptions like COVID-19.

Safari, Oki Gunawan (2022) Collaborative Governance in Protected Area Management at Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda, West Java, Indonesia.

Saghir, Nassim (2022) Improving Conflict Management and Team Effectiveness through Emotional Intelligence: An Exploratory study in Agile Teams.

Said, A.A. (2022) Struggling with maintaining wellbeing in solitary confinement: The Power of Imagination : Exploring prison podcasts.

Salkovic, D. (2022) Corporate governance mechanisms and their effect on financial performance in Islamic banks.

Salm, Luuk van der (2022) Challenges in the decision-making process for Dutch healthcare organisations : The purchasers’ perspective.

Salomo, M. (2022) How car qualities make a difference – Which car qualities do consumers prefer when it comes to associations with electric cars in relation to combustion engine cars? : Analysing the relationship of qualitative car qualities in connection to supplementary demographic variables, by conducting a multiple correspondence analysis.

Samper, N.B. (2022) Reconciling the tension between democracy and AI : Do western mediterranean countries (WMCs) succeed in strengthening democracy through AI?

Sanchez, Bryan (2022) Automatic detection and estimation of the area of buildings.

Sandberg, Aaron (2022) Can data from Twitter produce useful feature suggestions in the audio streaming service field? - An example of Spotify.

Sanga, M. (2022) A comparison of the performance limitations of RC-, Shift Register- and Delay-locked loop- based multiphase clock generation schemes.

Sankaran, A. (2022) Recurrent spiking neural networks in FPGA for signal processing applications.

Santen, A. van (2022) Spot the difference : Using Procrustes analysis on semantic features to enhance the performance of Facial Recognition Systems.

Santiago Garcia, Eric (2022) Country-independent MRTD layout extraction and its applications.

Santing, V.E. (2022) Self-regulated learning skills enhancement of primary school children using explicit, and integrated instructions in an inquiry learning environment.

Sapp, D. (2022) Issue voting as the means to electoral success? An analysis of Volt's voter potential in German and Dutch domestic politics.

Saralaya, G. (2022) Implementation of ICT infrastructure in high schools of rural & remote regions.

Sarungallo, C. (2022) Detectability of forest rainfall interception through GNSS signal measurement with low-cost receiver.

Sasikumar, Hrishikesh (2022) Lost in Translation : How Linguistic Diversity among Indians in the UAE shapes Organizational Life.

Sastry, Srikumar (2022) Super Paretos: Bayesian Active Meta Learning for Spatial Transferability of Deep Learning Models.

Sauce, Aline de la (2022) Blockchain Adoption for Circular Business Development - A German Technology-Organization-Environment Framework on Influencing Factors.

Sauer, Jonah (2022) How Guilt Presumptions and Evidence-Strength influence Interviewers Judgements of Guilt, Judgements of Believability, and their Intention to Further Investigate.

Sauter, Ronja (2022) The Relationship Between Nighttime Social Media Use and Sleep Quality in Young Adults: The Mediating Role of Social Comparison and the Moderating Gender Roles.

Sautmann, Marius (2022) How is commitment to change among start-up employees affected by transformational leadership? : The role of empowerment and perceived threat.

Savca, Alexandru (2022) Application of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) on Module Level Li-ion Batteries for Echelon Utilization.

Savelkoel, J. (2022) Quantitative Effects of Switching Risk Measures on Portfolios of Interest Rate Instruments.

Scapim, M.L. (2022) Self-esteem as a potential moderator of the relationship between social media use and life satisfaction.

Schaaf, Jurre van der (2022) Using reinforcement learning to control hydrofoils.

Schaaij, J. (2022) Resilience to stress : the association of perseverative cognitions with heart rate recovery after the repeated Montreal Imaging Stress Test, and the role of trait mindfulness.

Schaaij, J.C. (2022) The self-sensing properties of continuous carbon fiber reinforced, 3D-printed beams as function of the number of reinforced perimeters.

Schaffert, Antonia (2022) Portraying a Perfect Life : Envy as a Mediator in the Relationship of Social Media and Emotional Wellbeing.

Schagen, J.C. (2022) Researching the possibility of implementing EMG technology in the Awear Atlas.

Schaik, Eric van (2022) Improving the Informativeness of Abstractive Opinion Summarization.

Schalk, Laurens (2022) Investigation of Leading-Edge Vortex Formation on a Robotic Bird’s Wing.

Schalow, L. (2022) Storys of (not) vaccinating : Impact of narrative messages and different types of benefits on vaccination intentions.

Schankweiler, D.A. (2022) Resist the temptation : an interview study to explore and validate measures of psychotherapy clients’ self-control.

Scheffer, J.M.M. (2022) Ervaring met on-demand behandelen van behandelaren in de sGGZ. (Kwalitatieve studie naar de ervaringen van behandelaren, werkend in de sGGZ, met on-demand behandelen van patiënten.).

Schenk, J.I. (2022) ProRail Incident Handling : An Incident Handler Coverage Allocation Optimization Model.

Schennink, M.W. (2022) Development of a full blood hemodialysis study protocol.

Scheper, J.H.C. (2022) Prioritization ISO 19650-1&2 Certification. What knowledge line group do we start with?

Scheper, T.R. (2022) Selecting measures for a climate resilient water system in the Liemers Bevermeer.

Schermer, F.W. (2022) Computational modelling of cerebrospinal fluid flow in perivascular spaces.

Schilder, Wies (2022) Design and fabrication of an adjustable insole for sports shoes using additive manufacturing.

Schildkamp, R.H. (2022) The development of a single office caster based on industrial and mass manufacturing guideliness.

Schiphorst, L.R.B. (2022) Comparison in stress-related features between laboratory and daily-life settings in healthy subjects : a multi-sensor approach.

Schipper, L.H.K. (2022) Testing the application of quantile regression in screening insurance claims by assigning conditional quantiles.

Schippers, B. (2022) Unraveling the neural network of breathing : an exploratory functional MRI study.

Schleich, A.C. (2022) Exploring the Associations between Gratitude, Stressful Events, and Emotional Well-Being and Distinguishing Between- and Within-Person Associations of Gratitude and Emotional Well-Being: an Experience Sampling Study.

Schley, Cheyenne (2022) How the neighborhood influences our physical activity and mental health : A scoping review.

Schlichter, N.L. (2022) Effects of a Cognitive Bias Modification Intervention on Explicit and Implicit Social Anxiety and the Influences of Adherence, Baseline Levels and Impulsiveness: The IVY Application.

Schlieper, Luca Marie (2022) Agency constructions in chronic illness narratives : a discourse analysis.

Schmaeing, M. (2022) The transformation of a B2B IT service company from customer-specific software development to SaaS product development.

Schmidsberger, K.K. (2022) Can you live with yourself? Consumers' perceptions of cognitive dissonance in relation to air travel.

Schmit, C. (2022) Offloading Strategies for the Rendering Process in Edge-enabled Virtual Reality Games.

Schockemöhle, Vera (2022) Translating data from wearable sensors in an understandable way to motivate older adults.

Schoenmakers, M.A. (2022) Monitoring mitochondrial oxygen levels via protoporphyrin-IX triplet state lifetime technique: assessment of factors reducing measurement accuracy.

Scholte, Harmen (2022) Regrowing Strategies for Dynamic Sparse Training.

Scholten, Jeroen (2022) Gain insights in the logistic processes at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and determine solutions to limit capacity bottlenecks.

Scholten, Lisa Marie (2022) Trust in a Tweet? A Qualitative Study on Trusting Relationship Building between Public Relations Professionals and Journalists on Social Media.

Scholz, J. (2022) Evaluation of Creative Word Associations: Investigating the Relationship Between Semantic Similarity Measures and Human Ratings.

Schoneveld, S. (2022) A modular casing for transporting sterile surgical instruments.

Schooltink, F. (2022) A simulation of the ecological impact of three smartphone strategies.

Schoonderwoerd, L.M. (2022) Modelling surface water and groundwater interactions at the Catchment of the Beurzerbeek with a coupled Tygron and MODFLOW model.

Schoonhoven, J.F. van (2022) Hydroponic shipping container greenhouse.

Schoot, J.M. (2022) Youth's participation in online support forums on Reddit, and the influence it has on the communion and agency identity development processes.

Schooten, R.W. van (2022) Automated berth planning and quay crane allocation at a Dutch container terminal.

Schopbarteld, A. (2022) Slater-Koster energy integrals of simple and face cubic crystals.

Schotman, K (2022) Optimizing transportation in the network of food banks in the region of Twente-Salland based on the Vehicle Routing Problem.

Schouten, Stephanie E. (2022) Best-Practices, Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Participatory Design of eMental Health with People with a Severe Mental Illness : A Qualitative Multiple Method Approach.

Schreijer, T.H. (2022) Development and validation of a novel biofeedback system to assist patients during a partial weightbearing policy after lower extremity surgery.

Schreuder, N. (2022) Medewerker perspectief op de inspanningsverwachting van wearables binnen de somatische zorg van Marga Klompé.

Schroeder, F (2022) The Relationship between Health-risk Attitudes and Alcohol Use among Higher Education Students and the Moderating Effect of Fear of COVID-19.

Schroer, P. (2022) Digital EMDR: Are Reaction Time Tasks and Eye Movements Effective in Taxing Working Memory and Degrading Aversive Memories?

Schroer, W. (2022) The effect of ambient pressure on the subharmonic acoustic response of monodisperse microbubbles.

Schröder, Lukas Nikolai (2022) The Effects of Goal Setting Interventions on University Students: A Systematic Review.

Schubert, V. (2022) Ease of retrieval, judgmental confidence and information seeking behavior : how accurate are people at estimating their knowledge on tropical diseases?

Schukken, J. (2022) Creating a rebated lift-off hinge.

Schulte, Amelie (2022) Fragmentation of climate change-induced migration and its consequences : A case study of the African governance architecture.

Schulte, J. L. (2022) Erring In Suspect Interviews : The Effects of Multiple Errors on Rapport, Trust, Perceived Communication Competence, and Willingness to Provide Information.

Schulte, J.M. (2022) Income inequality and COVID-19 conspiracy belief. A cross-country analysis.

Schulte-Buskase, Max (2022) Money Laundering through Cryptocurrencies : An Analysis of the Anti-Money Laundering Framework of the European Union and the Legislative Process Leading to the Adoption of the AMLD6.

Schulte-Frankenfeld, M. (2022) Why do people read climate fiction? An interview-based investigation.

Schutrups, F.S.M. (2022) Complicaties in ziekenhuis X : de huidige werkwijze rondom complicatieregistratie- en besprekingen van de vakgroep Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie (MKA) van ziekenhuis X.

Schutte, B.J. (2022) Corridor-central ERTMS Migration.

Schuttert, R.J. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Schuttert, W.J. (2022) Design and Optimisation of Roller Coaster Elements using Reinforcement Learning.

Schwabe, Jenny (2022) The Relationship between Cognitive Reappraisal and Mental Health in the Context of Resilience : An Experience Sampling Study.

Schwemin, L. (2022) Artificial Intelligence Conversational Agents : Using Card Sorting to evaluate the Chatbot Usability Scale (BUS-11), and investigate this in relation to Chatbot Experience.

Schwepkes, L. (2022) To what extent does temporal focus in idea formulation affect crowdfunding project success?

Schymanietz, Vivian (2022) How German hardware store employees experienced and coped with stress during the Covid-19 pandemic : A qualitative interview study.

Schäfer, L. (2022) The influence of SNS usage, social comparison, and self-esteem on social media addiction.

Schöpker, N. (2022) Gender differences in the relationship between character strengths and life satisfaction.

Schünke, Sarah (2022) The Effects of Facebook and Instagram Use, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem on Mental Well-Being in Young Adults : An Experience Sampling Study.

Sedhain, Sahara (2022) Evaluating the explainability and performance of an elementary versus a statistical impact-based forecasting model A case study of tropical cyclone early action in the Philippines.

Segers, O.F. (2022) Modeling milk cooling within a dairy farm to minimize electricity costs.

Sehic, C. (2022) User engagement enhancement through UI & UX redesign of a mobile application.

Seip, H.M.C. (2022) Hospital robots : an experimental study on communicating urgency using non-semantic speech and built-in LED’s.

Sellés Valls, Miquel (2022) Vital Signs Monitoring Using a 26 GHz OFDM Multibeam Testbed.

Serra, G. (2022) The development of a testing prototype for a tea brewing accessory.

Seuntiëns, M.M.A. (2022) Different patterns between COPD exacerbations and comorbid flare-ups.

Seyfettinoglu, S. (2022) Smart and sustainable mobility at once? How mobility-as-a-service models contribute to sustainable mobility. A case study about the “Easy to Be” model in Gothenburg.

Sha, A. (2022) The impact of group membership on individual sustainable consumer behaviour : a systematic literature review.

Shafee, T. (2022) Governance of cloud storage - A secure cloud storage strategy to maximize data sovereignty.

Shahbazi, R. (2022) Development of a decision support tool based on fuzzy cognitive mapping for energy transition of district heating systems of Leeuwarden.

Shahi, Sachita (2022) Spatial Analysis Of Road Traffic Crashes And Assessment Of Road Safety Issues From Road Users’ Perspective: A Case Study Of Rotterdam And The Surrounding Urban Conurbation.

Shahmoradi, Reihaneh (2022) Investigating the feasibility of using a RealSense depth camera D435i by creating a framework for 3D pose analysis.

Shaliha, Irine Putri (2022) Risk factors of Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) during pandemic COVID-19 in Dutch and Swedish representative samples.

Shan, Yena (2022) The Role of Virtual Acculturation via Social Media on Travel Destination Choice.

Shao, Tianze (2022) The Added Value of UAVs in Last-Mile Humanitarian Logistics in South Sudan – A Simulation Study.

Sharif, Omar (2022) Measuring surface water flow velocities by a drone and large-scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV).

Sharkova, P. (2022) AI Chatbots for Marketing? : Investigating the relationships between chatbot’s credibility, trust level perceptions and negative algorithmic advice utilization rates.

Sharma, Meenal (2022) Comparison of low-cost methods for vegetation mapping using object based analysis of UAV imagery: a case study for the greater Côa Valley, Portugal.

Sharma, Suyash (2022) Assessing conversational agent interaction style preference in children for information retrieval tasks.

Shi, Z. (2022) Mining and Utilizing Patent Related Data in Quantifying the Societal Impact of Security Technologies.

Shoubo, Mohammad Al Amin Kazi (2022) The challenges of recycling critical raw materials and analyzing the alternatives.

Shumye, A.M. (2022) Planning the last-mile delivery of humanitarian aid using drones and trucks.

Siderova, Aleksandra (2022) Tree Transduction as a Means for Efficient Sentence Simplification.

Siebers, E. (2022) Development of a method to assess the environmental impact of a system with a long life cycle : a case study on train films at Fleetshield.

Siegersma, T.R. (2022) Modelling pioneer vegetation establisment at constructed salt marshes from seasons to decades.

Siemerink, J.H.A. (2022) The influence of COVID-19 on investment strategies and external financing sources of start-ups in The Netherlands.

Siera, L.M. (2022) The effect of stress on alcohol consumption mediated by coping among university students who study in the Netherlands and Germany after lifted Covid-19 regulations.

Sierink, T.G. (2022) Active Reconstruction Attacks on 2D Range Databases.

Sihmar, N. (2022) Scaffolding workbook to facilitate movement-based design methods in educational setting : a case-study.

Sijs, R.F.B. van der (2022) Item availability restricted.

Sikking, Martijn (2022) Determining an optimal game strategy for a Business & IT serious game.

Simanowski, J. (2022) De prevalentie van maligniteiten bij mensen met diabetes mellitus type 2.

Simon, J. (2022) Protect your password so it can protect you : improving password strength through coping messages.

Simonetti, F. (2022) Evaluating empowerment change of students in a challenge-based learning environment.

Sinaga, T.R.P (2022) The mind of our future leaders : how do Indonesian girls who have participated in #GirlsTakeOver leadership programs perceive youth leadership.

Singh, Shalini (2022) FIFA 2022 game analysis using machine learning & computer vision.

Singhal, A.A. (2022) Improving extreme multi-label text classification with sentence level prediction.

Sinn, Aline-Florentina (2022) Exploring Maladaptive Emotion Regulation Strategies as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Childhood Adversity and Stress Reactivity in Adults.

Sisavanh, Fabian (2022) Energy-efficient trajectory control for variable-tilt drones by exploiting the aerodynamic proximity effect close to surfaces.

Sivaprakash, A.R (2022) Integration of autonomous mobility commerce into the current Dutch infrastructure.

Skupin, Lina (2022) Homo Sedens: Exploring Associations Between Daily Sedentary Behaviour, Mood, and Neuroticism Among University Students – An Experience Sampling Study.

Slager, J. (2022) Scheduling the production of perishable patient-specific medication : Research of Mathematics.

Sleeking, E.L.R. (2022) Middle managers and the M&A process : multiple case studies.

Sleeking, E.L.R. (2022) Middle managers and the M&A process : multiple case studies.

Sloot, Emma (2022) Electronic health record from a lab information system.

Slump, S.A. (2022) Green tire handling automatisation.

Smeenk, N (2022) Affirming Yourself as Imagined Offender: Its Impact on Victim Empathy, Responsibility-Taking and Apology Intention.

Smeets, D.A.W. and Vos, M.G.A. and Dekkers, R.M. and Wiersma, G.S. (2022) 3D patient-specific lung model in 3D Slicer (Optimization of the in-house protocol for patient-specific three-dimensional lung reconstruction with open-source 3D Slicer software for preoperative planning of minimally invasive major lung surgery at Zuyderland Medical Center).

Smelt, E. (2022) Quick assessment model to select relevant climate measures for businesses premises.

Smidt, Robert (2022) Onside or Offside? : A Comparative Case Study of Two German Football Clubs and Their Norm Conformity Concerning Veganism.

Smink, S. (2022) User engagement in the context of digital spiritual care platforms.

Smit, G.J.F. (2022) Development of a Maintenance-based use policy and application to HNLMS Johan de Witt.

Smit, H.M. (2022) Creating a marketing plan and adapting the Brandslation framework.

Smit, L.A.M. (2022) Een instrument om het innovatievermogen van STZ-huizen te meten : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar het creëren van een meetinstrument om het innovatievermogen van een grote dienstverlenende organisatie in de quartaire sector in kaart te brengen.

Smit, P.A.W. de (2022) An optimisation of the production process of the Logue CL-1 on sustainability and costs.

Smit, P.J.M. (2022) Visual place recognition under image corruptions.

Smith, Elia M.S. (2022) "I do not remember this" – The impact of using Enhanced Cognitive Interviewing techniques in a pharmaceutical encounter.

Smits, J.J. (2022) Improving integration Platforms as a Service through the addition of enterprise data catalog features.

Smits, J.P.G. (2022) Callisto - Selecting Effective Mutation Operators for Mutation Testing.

Smits, K.C. (2022) Three-dimensional heart modelling for patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy to optimise the septal myectomy.

Smokova, Desislava (2022) How are GAFAM companies - Microsoft, Google, and Apple- utilizing AI systems' capabilities to drive their ESG/CSR initiatives?

Smulders, J.H. (2022) Bachelor thesis self-storage unit redesign.

Smulders, M. and Gastel, T. van and Voerknecht, H. (2022) Glenoid bone loss : kwantificatie met 3D-CT of met 3D-MRI?

Snip, D. (2022) Embrace website's warmth and sociability : a mixed methods research investigating the influence of social cues on a charity website on users’ perceived website socialness, experience of hospitality, perceived trustworthiness and attitudinal loyalty.

Snoeijink, Maud (2022) Verbal behaviour differences in virtual and physical agile teams: An exploratory study.

Snoijer, Jesse (2022) Are classical features still relevant in the era of deep learning?

Soedamah, V.I.J. (2022) Cricket smartcell product design.

Soeten, Emma (2022) HRM activiteiten die medisch specialisten aanzet tot medewerker gedreven innovatie.

Sokolova, A. (2022) Exploring age as a moderator in the relationship between trait-anxiety and cue-induced anxiety.

Solak, - O.E. - (2022) Comparison of digital twins in different application domains.

Solmaz, S.A. (2022) Investigating the relationship between the multidimensional composition of founding teams in USO and their funding ability : A study on university spin-off founder composition on start-up funding ability in the Netherlands.

Solovyeva, Olga (2022) Investigation of Quality Measures in Cyclists’ Dataset Using Dimensionality Reduction Techniques.

Sommerfeldt, Michelle (2022) Digital Evolution of the Asylum Process in a Multilevel Governance Context in Germany from 2015 to 2022.

Soontiëns, E.J.P. (2022) Developing Hospital@homes services at Rijnstate.

Soran, Andreea (2022) A Network Analysis for Assessing Similarities between Micro-Influencers and Their Followers in Music.

Sowa, A.M. (2022) Development of a computer vision-based system for recognising fatigue of truck drivers.

Sowareldahab, M. (2022) Reducing Isala’s operating room waste: A case study with a circular approach.

Sowinski, Jana (2022) Optimism in crises - Examining the impact of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Optimism in times of Covid-19.

Soysal, J.E. (2022) An analysis of the influence of Predictive Policing on the level of police discrimination against ethnic minorities in Europe.

Sozef, T. (2022) Application of parametric design on the breakwater design process.

Spanjer, W.B. (2022) Evaluation of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems Time to Red and Time to Green according to various Key Performance Indicators.

Spek, M. J. van der (2022) Understanding and Modelling the Vascular Biometric Imaging Procedure.

Spekker, W. K. (2022) Living to work or working to live? : The effects of shift work schedules on work-life balance in the public healthcare.

Spekle, A.L. (2022) The effect of product owner behaviour on the observed versus perceived psychological safety of agile team members : an exploratory study.

Speyers, D.J. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Spierenburg, R.F.J. (2022) Designing a sensor casing for posture improving body sensors.

Spijkerboer, K.G.P. (2022) To improve patient-specific visualization during the surgical treatment of chest wall Ewing sarcomas in pediatric oncology using 3D patient-specific models and augmented reality.

Spitzer, L. (2022) Please love me : an integrated model of online dating and mental well-being in times of COVID-19.

Spoelstra, L.R. (2022) Development of a Joint-on-Chip Platform to Study Chondro-Synovial Crosstalk in Arthritis The Development of a Common Culture Medium for Proof-of-Concept Experiments.

Sprakel, M.T. (2022) Circular procurement in a construction sector company.

Sprekelmeyer, Lara (2022) Social Satisfaction, Loneliness, and Happiness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Spuijbroek, M. (2022) De relatie tussen de Time In Range en het gebruik van een FreeStyle Libre sensor bij Diabetes Mellitus Type 1-patiënten.

Sreenivas, Gokul (2022) Mapping the hotel booking experience of an online travel agency (OTA) to optimize the payment flow and improve localization.

Srinivasan, Dharshan (2022) Electrification of Construction equipment.

Staal, L.K. (2022) Improving the appointment scheduling at the day-care ward : a simulation study.

Staal, P.J. (2022) On Productive, Low-Level Languages for Real-World FPGAs.

Staal, T.J. (2022) The impact of the Internet of Things on the demand of cloud resources.

Staal, Tim (2022) Motives of habitual entrepreneurs and angel investors.

Staarman, B.F. (2022) Designing a guideline to improve the accuracy and efficiency of DuboCalc.

Stahlie, M. (2022) De invloed van (on)afhankelijk toezicht op de kwaliteit van toezicht door rijksinspecties.

Stam, R.G.R. (2022) Assessing organizations’ readiness for Agile at Scale adoption.

Stanculeanu, G.O. (2022) Assessing Russia’s isolation from the web following their invasion of Ukraine using the DNS root system.

Star, Tim van der (2022) Forecasting Mortgage Prepayment.

Steckelbruck, Tom (2022) A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reporting on Traffic Crashes Against the Background of the System of Automobility.

Steeman, L.L. (2022) Designing an experimental setup for transcutaneous stimulation to modulate sensory feedback.

Steenbeeke, M.G.J. (2022) Integrating Circularity in Initiation Phases : a Case Study of Two Bridge (Re)Construction Projects.

Steenbergen, J.J. van (2022) Implementation of proximity ligation assay to quantify low protein concentrations in low volume samples.

Steenbreker, B. (2022) Can you tell we are diverse? How cultural diversity elements in recruitment advertisements encourage job pursuit intention.

Steenge, Céline (2022) Establishing a thermal atomic layer deposition process for AlGaN.

Steerneman, E.H. (2022) Exploring the effect of merging techniques on the performance of merged sparse neural networks in a highly distributed setting.

Stefanovska, Anders (2022) Who cares? : Social media, epistemic oppression, and denial in the cisheteropatriarchy.

Stefer, Lisa (2022) Flourishing after Trauma : The Role of Meaning in Life for Posttraumatic Growth.

Stegeman, R. (2022) The reality of Dutch AI implementation.

Stegink, D. (2022) Reliability, validity, usability, and feasibility of the k-force dynamometer in patients diagnosed with ICU acquired weakness.

Stekelenburg, J.F.G. (2022) Cargo Bike Accessories for Bakfietsclub.

Steklov, C.J. (2022) Integrating VR technology in reminiscence therapy for dementia patients : A systematic literature review to assess effects of VR on cognition and well-being.

Stellinga, L (2022) Deepfakes in Use : Rethinking the Infopocalypse through Postphenomenology and Wittgenstein.

Steneker, V. (2022) Therapy adherence, errors in inhalation technique and usability of realtime feedback with the RS01X™ in COPD patients : a study protocol.

Ster, V.T. van der (2022) Improving the internal and external communication for Thales' Customer Contact Centre.

Stern, D.S. (2022) What is the relationship between storytelling and learning outcome?

Steur, Gijs (2022) An explorative case study on the motivations for the possible adoption of the A3 approach within private company X.

Stevens, H. (2022) Ethisch leiderschap ondersteunt integriteit als kernwaarde : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de invloed van ethisch leiderschap op het integriteitsbewustzijn en de naleving van het integriteitsbeleid bij de rechtbank Gelderland.

Stiebel, Dominik René (2022) Lifelong learning of professionals: the importance of workplace learning : Do people with preferred learning styles according to the Felder-Silverman learning style model learn in accordance with their learning style in the workplace on a daily basis?

Stiewe, Anna-Lena (2022) Understanding the Effect of Age on Alcohol Craving in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder : An Exploration of a Virtual Reality Measurement of Craving.

Stirbu, S.B.T. (2022) Investigating the Effects of National Culture on Green Entrepreneurship.

Stoeten, J.J. (2022) Van bedrijventerrein tot innovatiecampus: participatie op Kennispark Twente.

Stoev, Martin (2022) Online Parent Monitoring Tool.

Stoian, N.A. (2022) Towards deep learning frameworks for the analysis of magnetic flux leakage captures.

Stoica, E. (2022) A student’s take on challenges of AI-driven grading in higher education.

Stolwijk, B.A. (2022) Improving the ferrohydrodynamic pump for a magnetocaloric refrigeration cycle through modelling and experiments.

Storck, K.C.G. (2022) Distal radius fracture management Using 3D printed, in-house design, production, and implementation of wrist cast/orthosis for the treatment of distal radius fractures.

Storm, M.B. (2022) A sustainble alternative to petrochemical product packaging.

Stortelder, Daan (2022) Reinforcement learning in modality planning.

Straathof, T. (2022) Prediction of energy consumption of rail freight transports using machine learning.

Stralen, Naomi van (2022) Goal! : Collaborative behaviour change through integrating positive psychology, dilemma-thinking, and scarcity theory in a co-design activity.

Strating, M. (2022) Influence of positioning error on time delay based localization.

Strieckmann, Cara (2022) To What Extent can Extraversion Moderate the Relation Between Time Spent on Image-Based Social Media Platforms and Self-Esteem?

Strijbosch, D. (2022) Proposing an ontology for human-related crime recognition in videos.

Stroet, H.P.J. (2022) Design of an innovation ecosystem within the Netherlands Fire Service.

Strohmeier, K.M. (2022) Green time and mental health : existing interventions and green time needs of stressed students.

Stronkman, Eva (2022) Item availability restricted.

Struik, Lisa van der (2022) Policing the Corona-Protests.

Stumberger, Letizia (2022) Frontex in the Post-Maastricht Era : a qualitative analysis through the lens of New Intergovernmentalism.

Sturre, Sven (2022) Observing Emotional Intelligence through Behaviours: Does team members’ cultural background play a part?

Stürtz, Gijs (2022) Increasing circularity in organisations : a combination of modularity and the circular economy.

Sufyan, Huda Mohamed (2022) It is everywhere and it is nowhere : a thesis on racism from the perspective of coloured educators.

Suijdendorp, B. (2022) Augmented reality in the industry : to provide a machine operator with insightful process information.

Suijkerbuijk, N.G. (2022) The Impact of Preferred Customer Status with Key Suppliers on Sustainable Supply Chain Management.

Sulzer, Niels (2022) Emulation of Analog Mixed-Signal Circuits on an FPGA.

Sun, W.T. (2022) Frequentist vs. empirical Bayes : a comparison of procedures for high-dimensional two-sample statistical inference, in particular for microRNA data.

Sundara Rajan, A. (2022) Metabolic Reprogramming of Macrophages Using Liposomal Itaconate to Resolve (NASH) Inflammation.

Suntharalingam, A. (2022) Can video on demand binge-watching behavior make you procrastinate more? : An experience sampling study.

Sureshkumar, H. (2022) Design of quantitative cost performance method for IT consumption in business ecosystems.

Sustronk, J.J. (2022) Analysing Cyber Threat Intelligence Data Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption.

Svenstrup, Seb (2022) Effects of psychological well-being and self-control on alcohol consumption among university students following COVID pandemic : an online survey study.

Syarova, L. (2022) Chatbot usage in e-retailing and the effect on customer satisfaction.

Szabó, Krisztián (2022) Morphing robust face recognition.

Szewczyk, J. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Szostak, Magdalena (2022) Exploration Of Novel Approaches To Convey 3D Effects In Automotive User Interfaces.

Söhngen, Y. (2022) Increased left hemisphere connectivity during fine finger movements in pianists.

Süper, Hannes (2022) To what Extent does Maturity of Psychological Defence Mechanisms moderate the Relationship between Negative News Exposure and Prosocial Behaviour as mediated by Negative World Views?

Tabel, Jule (2022) Silicon Valley's "AI Revolution": A revolutionary narrative serving the status quo.

Tabernée Heijtmeijer, SJ.C. (2022) Improving 3D virtual surgical planning and guided corrective osteotomies.

Tabudlo, M.J. (2022) An Exploration of Cow Positioning Data Related Insights.

Taha, M (2022) Validating the Bot Usability Scale for Satisfaction with Chatbots: Factor Structure, Convergent Validity and Relation with Workload.

Talsma, G.F. (2022) Recycled Plastic Brick 2.0: A redesign tackling plastic pollution.

Tareke, Bedru Wudye (2022) Visible cadastral boundary extraction using VHR remote sensing images: A deep learning approach.

Tasior, M.M. (2022) Item availability restricted.

Tazelaar, Steven (2022) Automatic labeling of road quality using machine learning.

Teekens, S. (2022) Tangible and immersive data physicalisation using sound and temperature with climate change data.

Tefery, Abselom B. (2022) Proces modeling of waste paper sludge fast pyrolysis in Aspen Plus.

Tel, J.A. (2022) Optimization model describing the performance of a 3-phase coreless brushless axial flux PM machine with dual Halbach array.

Telang, A. (2022) How can machine learning help in Churn prediction for DeJong and Laan?

Temme, Froukje (2022) Exploring the use of alternative media to facilitate the instruction of motor movement for special athletes – an athletics case study.

Tempelman, E.O. (2022) Designing the Eco Travel Cup.

Tempert, E. (2022) The commitment and ownership of the national, provincial, regional and local governments towards SDGs.

Terbeck, C. (2022) Creativity : a curse or a blessing for people with bipolar disorder : a systematic literature review.

Terbrack, E. (2022) Fluctuations of grief symptoms in the daily life of bereaved people.

Teshafun, A.G. (2022) Expropriation challenges in large infrastructure project in rural area of Ethiopia : the case of Hamusit-Estie road project.

Teule, E.H.S. (2022) Automatic analysis of wrist kinematics using 4DCT : Development of an automatic algorithm for the diagnosis of scapholunate ligament injuries.

Teunissen, S.E.M. (2022) Wireless Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging during DIEP flap breast reconstruction : an evaluation of the first prototype.

Theodorakopoulos, Daphne (2022) Identifying Covid-19 Shortages with the Help of an Automatically Constructed Knowledge Graph.

Thije, S.A.M ten (2022) Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach : Conceptual Design of the Powertrain for a 3D Motion Compensated Crane.

Thomsen, A.M. (2022) NoRobot's perfect : trust repair in the face of agent error. How do individual factors influence trust development in human-agent teams?

Thoonen, Maarten (2022) Using activity recognition to improve heart rate monitoring accuracy.

Tian, X. (2022) Reconstruction-based Anomaly Detection with Machine Learning for High Throughput Scanning Electron Microscope Defect Inspection.

Tiedt, Annik-Marianne (2022) Public Frontrunners of Digitisation : Civil Servants and the Adoption of Digital Participatory Planning Tools in Local District Departments - A Case Study of the City of Hamburg.

Tiggelen, Jip van (2022) An investigation on the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of jointed space structures.

Tijburg, Alette J. (2022) Design of a temperature-controlled breast phantom for investigations into the temperature stability in a photoacoustic tomographic breast imager.

Tijink, K.E. (2022) Enlarging the warehouse capacity by improving the layout and the storage policy.

Tijink, M.L. (2022) Inzichten uit het gebruiken van online tools voor formatieve evaluatie tijdens de coronaperiodes.

Tijink, M.L. (2022) Fusing Forensic Features and a Face RecognitionSystem on Lookalike Faces.

Tilburg, A. van (2022) Submodular functions and M-convex sets.

Tilburg, A. van (2022) Submodular functions and M-convex sets.

Tiltmann, V. (2022) Instagram use and depressive symptoms among young adults : exploring the moderation effect of mindfulness.

Timmerman, L.D. (2022) WM/Reuters fixing rate prediction for algorithmic FX trading using machine learning.

Timmerman, Luc (2022) Performance Testing Owl, Parser Generator for Visibly Pushdown Grammars.

Tintelen, B.F.M. van (2022) Feature extraction and selection on sparse, complex, sensor-based exhaled-breath data sets.

Tintin, G. (2022) Integration of Virtual Reality within aggression regulation treatment in forensic mental health care : a qualitative study.

Titsing, D. (2022) Exploring the role of beta activity over the primary motor cortex in Motor Sequence Learning.

Todorovic, D.Q. (2022) Bringing Intelligence to Wireless Sensor Nodes: Improving Energy Efficiency and Communication Reliability in Sensor Nodes.

Tolboom, L.C. (2022) Exploring type 2 asthma phenotypes and taking steps towards measurements of respiratory mechanics during exercise.

Tomov, N. (2022) Converting binary decision diagrams to and-inverter graphs using prime-irredundant covers.

Tonchev, Viktor (2022) Using accelerometer and gyroscope sensors to differentiate between eating movements associated with different foods.

Tong, Mr. Su (2022) Improving the outbound ability and efficiency at Jingdong Logistics (Netherlands) B.V.

Tonini, Leandro (2022) Retrieving Green : Environmental Group Identity in Ease of Retrieval Manipulations of Environmental Self-identity towards Pro-Environmental Behaviour.

Toorn, L.J. van der (2022) Improving the Client Contact Centra, a BPMN approach.

Top, N. van den (2022) Evaluation of different projects regarding cost overrun.

Topp, A. (2022) Purchasing More Than Just Food : What requirements should German public procurement institutions require of bidders in their food tenders to encourage fair and ethical trade?

Toprakci, A.A. (2022) The bidirectional causality of anxiety and smoking cessation.

Torabi Dashti, Zahra (2022) A guideline to support the monitoring of SDG 11 : using open geospatial data extracted by Earth observation and Machine Learning.

Torenvlied, H.J. (2022) Feeling hot : development of a penile temperature sensing system for erectile dysfunction diagnostics to modernize clinical nocturnal erection detection.

Traas, Max (2022) Disturbance Maintenance Labor Hour Modeling.

Tran, Ha Minh Nguyet (2022) Finding the optimal return policy leniency and adopting rising technologies : A simulation study on Zalando.

Trendafilov, I. (2022) Impact of quantum computing on sectors in society based on its application to real-world use case problems.

Trip, M.H.W. (2022) Analysis of Switch-Induced Nonlinearity in a Gain-Boosted N-Path Filter.

Troost, J.B. (2022) Optimizing breast symmetry analysis using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry images of Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator flap reconstruction patients.

Trusin, Cristian (2022) The effect of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the Internet from the perspective of Internet eXchanges.

Tsai, R.F.H. (2022) Designing an arcade cabinet for Stichting Gamelab Oost.

Tschap, Nicole (2022) Item availability restricted.

Tsige, Girma Zewdie (2022) Scan-vs-BIM automated registration using columns segmented by deep learning for construction progress monitoring.

Tsintsov, Y.K. (2022) A Comparison Between the Effectiveness of a Virtually and a Physically Present Robot when Evoking Prosocial Behavior in Humans.

Tsonev, B. (2022) Which asset classes are an effective and reliable way to hedge against inflation?

Tudor, A. (2022) Comparison between traditional and modern option pricing models.

Tuininga, Frits (2022) A machine learning approach for modeling frequency and severity.

Tuitert, M.G.A. (2022) Firm’s motives to adopt the A3 approach for open strategizing.

Turkstra, Daniëlle (2022) Visualize the carbon footprint of MSG.

Turków, M. (2022) Investigating limitations of computer vision structural health monitoring : a case study on the UT campus footbridge.

Tzaneti, E.E. (2022) A validation study of the Dutch posttraumatic stress disorder checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) after the loss of a loved one in a traffic accident.

Tönsmeier, K. (2022) Resilience to stress : the effect of subclinical psychopathology and state rumination on affective stress recovery.

Türkal, Miranda (2022) Attenuating Inflammation by Modulation Microrna-155 Expression in Macrophages using Lipid Nanoparticles and Extracellular Vesicles.

Türkis, S. (2022) Use and effectiveness of creative art therapy in the treatment of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder : a scoping review.

Uelsen, A.C.A. van (2022) Exploring the unknown : anomalies in the customer journey.

Ufferfilge, E. (2022) Incidental negative news exposure through Instagram : The effect on well-being. Resilience as a potential moderator.

Uijtert, C.J.E. van (2022) Toolkit to help students design smart textiles.

Uil, Thomas (2022) Using Procurement to Leverage Sustainability Transition Dynamics in Construction : The Dutch Circular Public Procurement Case.

Unterweger, A.J. (2022) Emotional involvement in group discussions : an explorative study.

Unval, S. (2022) The relationship of personality and subjective wellbeing before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Uppenkamp, L.A (2022) Physical activity in long covid sufferers : the effect of physical self-efficacy and the moderating role of gender.

Urban, Wojciech (2022) Studying human behaviour to prevent successful spear-phishing attempts.

Uzun, Mehmet (2022) Price formation in Bouwteam projects : negotiating versus aligning the prices during the Bouwteam phase for infrastructure works and services in the Netherlands.

Vaart, S.G. van der (2022) ICT en statistiek met VUStat.

Vaatstra, H.S.J. (2022) Optimising the safety of crossing railroads to aim for a safer rail net.

Vada, H. (2022) Comparative analysis of multi-factor authentication schemes for Internet of Things.

Vaish, P. (2022) On multi-stage job processing with asymmetric transition costs between operations.

Vaitkus, Nedas (2022) Investigating the association between incidental news exposure on social media platforms and emotional well-being moderated by perceived self-efficacy.

Valentijn, J.J. (2022) Modular low noise readout method for a high-bandwidth MEMS force sensor.

Valnere, Anete (2022) Basics for a polyhedron semiring.

Varbanova, An-Mari (2022) Integrating Cybersecurity Education in University Curriculum.

Varenhorst, I.A.M. (2022) GridShield : Robust Control Algorithms to Prevent Power Outages.

Veen, B.O.R. van der (2022) Redesign of a Micro-assembly Machine HMI.

Veen, H.J. van der (2022) Taking Ownership : the Effect of Peer Feedback on Students' Goal Orientation.

Veen, K.C. van (2022) Understanding the Strategic Marketing Needs of Technical B2B Organisations and How They Cohere With the Upcoming Strategic Marketing Trends.

Veenman, F.N.A. (2022) Realigning the tactical- and operational information systems within Gietart Kaltenbach.

Veerbeek, T. (2022) Improving preoperative imaging of parathyroid adenomas and exploring the benefits of surgical navigation during parathyroidectomy.

Veerman, Devin (2022) Active targeting of the extracellular matrix in the tumor microenvironment using novel collagen-binding peptides.

Veerman, Quinten (2022) Development of Reproducible 3D Alignment Analysis and Semi-Automated High Tibial Osteotomy Planning for Biplanar Leg Malalignment Correction: The Transition from 2D to 3D.

Veith, Lia (2022) Progressive Chunking for Motor Enhancement.

Velde, L.K.J. van der (2022) Mathematical modeling of aerosols at air-mucus interface.

Velde, Tim van der (2022) How to obtain a Preferred Customer Status with Key Suppliers and its Influence on Sustainability in Buyer-supplier Relationships – a Dyadic Case Study.

Veldhuis, Justin (2022) Improving the Travel compensation plan of Betsy.

Veldman, O.P. (2022) Investigating 14-3-3’s Binding Site upon Interaction with α-Synuclein Through Microscale Thermophoresis Based Competitive Assay.

Veldman, T.C. (2022) A Machine Learning Approach to the Detection of Malfunctions in HVAC Units.

Veldscholten, Bram (2022) Preferred customership and its interrelationship with sustainable development within a buyer-supplier relationship.

Velikova, Simona (2022) Compassionate Technology in Mental Healthcare: A Qualitative Analysis of the Perceptions and Attitudes of Prospective Therapists Regarding the Use of Technology in ‘Blended Care’.

Velkers, Arjen (2022) Fully Metallic Linear-to-Circular Polarization Converter for Ka-Band.

Veltmaat, S. (2022) Analysing 5G networks across the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Ven, B.A.A. van de (2022) The Impact of Saturation on Usability and UX for West-Europeans and Asians : A cross-cultural study with tasks, interviews and eye tracking.

Vennink-Steffens, C.E. (2022) De gedragsmotieven van een woningcorporatie voor de inzet van huurdersparticipatie : wat kan Wetland Wonen doen om een passende organisatiecultuur te realiseren?

Vente, Gerko de (2022) Clinical Feasibility of a Shape-Memory Polymer aimed at Targeted Drug Delivery.

Verboom, M. (2022) Using Tygron to assess the extent of hindrance due to stormwater in Olst.

Verburg, F.M. (2022) Exploring explainability and robustness of point cloud segmentation deep learning model by visualization.

Veres, F.D. (2022) A study into the usability of 3GPP technical specifications.

Vergert, T.J.H. ten (2022) Using AI in performance feedback systems : how do ethics affect integration?

Verhees, D.A.G.B. (2022) Optimizing a polydopamine coating protocol to adhere a hydrogel scaffold to a PDMS chip for application in a heart-on-chip model.

Verheijen, B.J. (2022) Supply chain risk mitigation strategies : how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the watch industry and what can be improved for future disruptions?

Verheijen, D. (2022) Teaching Array Verification Using Snap!

Verheijen, Y. (2022) The Influence of MOSFET Characteristics on Power Converter Topologies for Charging of Electric Vehicles.

Verhoef, Bo (2022) Where are you going? : A dive into destination image and destination marketing.

Verio, I. (2022) Low Cost Connectivity for Household Appliances using Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN).

Verkerk, Lotte (2022) Improving the planning process by developing a forecasting model : predicting future demand based on historical information.

Verma, Jatin (2022) Redesigning the DELMIA workforce planner mobile application to improve its usability and the UX flow.

Verma, Nimisha (2022) Analyse the feasibility of using Earth Observation data to evaluate the optimal location in space for observing Earth as an exoplanet.

Vermare, E.G. (2022) Multimodality studies that measure Team Processes: a literature review.

Vermeulen, N. (2022) A semi-data-driven approach for automating the assessment of the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score.

Vermeulen, T.J.W. (2022) Democratie voor de wind : een onderzoek naar de democratische legitimiteit van de regionale energiestrategieën.

Verschuur, P.G. (2022) Estimating the white-collar hours with statistical learning.

Versteeg, Arry (2022) Hybride werken op de weegschaal : een thesis over het welzijn van de medewerker van het RIVM ten tijde van hybride werken. Hoe kan authentiek leiderschap hier helpend in zijn?

Vetkamp, Marlinde (2022) Lost sales inventory policy with a service level criterion and non-stationary demand : a case study.

Veuger, D.H.W. (2022) A Research on which panel bender Pan Oston should implement in the production process.

Vieth, Z.J. (2022) Point cloud classification and segmentation of catenary systems.

Viladrich, Oscar (2022) Bitcoin? Why not! But for whom? Empirical investigation of inflation hedging properties of cryptocurrencies.

Villalobos Becerril, E. (2022) Learning effect in driving simulators : online driving simulators and driving simulators learning curves analysis.

Villarroel Escobar, S.V. (2022) Redesigning of a posture aid device for improved comfort and user-friendliness.

Vinkenvleugel, J.T. (2022) Designing an embedded software architecture for a mobile education robot with real-time control on a Raspberry Pi 4 with FPGA-based I/O.

Vinne, Sietze van der (2022) Impact of user density increase on 802.11ax based Network Optimization.

Visschedijk, Maartje (2022) Maatschappelijk impact beeldbepalende cultuur- en sportevenementen provincie Overijssel : Gefocust op het speerpunt inclusieve samenleving.

Visscher, A.L. (2022) Designing for technologically mediated social connectedness between runners and spectators at the marathon finish line.

Visser, A.D. (2022) Assessing infrastructure assets on the viability of deconstruction.

Visser, F.F. (2022) Enhancing the Ti-PEKK hybrid joint by changing the PEKK crystal morphology.

Visser, J. (2022) Sequencing and launching of trucks with varying lengths on a paced moving mixed-model assembly line.

Visser, Jesse Wiebe (2022) Automated Detection of Provisioning Events and Prey in Nestbox Video Footage.

Voicu, Maria (2022) Making Learning Fun: How to take charge of your own learning experience.

Voigt, Maximilian (2022) Self-medication hypothesis: Influence of mood on substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vollenbroek, C.L.T. (2022) Anemia is a preoperative risk factor for developing complications, predicting the need of prehabilitation in colorectal cancer patients.

Voogt, I.J. (2022) Using VHHs to enhance the effect of BMP-7 for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Voogt, P.S. (2022) Building a Business Intelligence system for the UnionShop to support managerial decisions.

Voortman, N.E.F. (2022) Modelling OSA Diagnosis and Treatment using UPPAAL.

Vorhauer, J. (2022) The relationship between sedentary behaviour and state anxiety in university students : an experience sampling study.

Vos, Kayleigh (2022) How does self-control develop throughout the week? : An Experience Sampling Design.

Vos, M.J. de (2022) Modernisation of Farmax tillage equipment. Implementation of sensor technique to provide numerical feedback to modernise the operation of a Farmax spading machine.

Vos, Matthijs (2022) Capability Maturity Measurement of a Security Operations Center through Analysis Detection.

Vos, R.G.J. (2022) Can an automated three-dimensional statistical shape model increase component rotation measurement validity to better explain total knee arthroplasty patient dissatisfaction?

Voskes, Maran (2022) The effectiveness of an online driving simulator: Transfer effects of driving skills examined with the Tweak-Finder Model.

Vossebeld, F.R. (2022) Towards understanding social interactions through audio signals.

Vossebeld, J.A. (2022) Explaining the variation in the demand for roundtrip B2C carsharing in neighbourhoods in the G44 cities in the Netherlands : an explanation based on neighbourhood characteristics and the current distribution of shared cars.

Vriens, Maartje (2022) Identifying Patient-Reported Outcome Measures that Assess Physical Symptoms for Childhood Cancer Survivors and Exploring Barriers and Facilitators for Clinical Implementation.

Vriens, Maartje (2022) Clinical Decision Support System for the Use of Guidelines in Childhood Cancer Survivorship Care : Preferences of Healthcare Professionals and Options for Implementation.

Vries, Ernst de (2022) Improving the creation process of digital platforms : a design pattern reference model.

Vries, J. de (2022) Assessing potential disruptions from earthquakes in the historical peninsula of Istanbul using 3D models.

Vries, M.C.J. de (2022) Design of a participatory approach that improves community flood resilience : the case of cultural heritage in Dordrecht.

Vries, M.P. de (2022) Private Information Retrieval applied to Biometric Verification.

Vries, Nynke de (2022) Development and validation of a smartphone-sized device for cardiac monitoring using four precordial electrodes.

Vries, R.H. de (2022) Gespiekt?! Spiekbriefjes als hulpmiddel bij informaticatoetsen op het VO.

Vries, Torben de (2022) Item availability restricted.

Vries, W. de (2022) Evaluation education measurements in 2020/2021 as a result of Covid-19 at Lyceum de Grundel at Hengelo.

Vrieze, L.G.J. de (2022) Motivators and barriers for SME suppliers in demand information sharing for forecasting.

Vroemen, S.H.J. (2022) Reducing throughput time of static Machine Support Frames at Mecal.

Vrolijk, Adriaan (2022) Apps ter ondersteuning van Lichtverstandelijk Beperkten in de Verslavingszorg in Nederland.

Vu, T.T.V. (2022) Design and evaluation of an eHealth application that aims to support bariatric patients with lifestyle changes after bariatric surgery.

Vuijk, J.G.J. (2022) Device-free monitoring of vital signs to support emotion-aware music systems for people with dementia.

Vukelic, M. (2022) Different but alike? How client firms compare online labour platforms and temp agencies as outsourcing options.

Vulders, Lisa (2022) Quantification of Physical Resilience in Older Adults Using Continuous Blood Pressure Signals.

Vullers, S.J. (2022) Effectieve gedragsveranderingstechnieken binnen smartphone apps gericht op het stoppen met roken.

Vögeding, Kai (2022) The Role of Personalization and Engagement in Digital Health Interventions for Depression.

Völker, A. (2022) Understanding students’ experiences of self-control from a qualitative perspective.

Völler, M. (2022) Changes in Alcohol use in the Netherlands before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring the Effects of Personality, Loneliness and Gender.

Waal, J. van der (2022) You spin me right round : using a smartphone camera to determine the angle of a turn when cycling.

Waard, D. de (2022) User preference in conditional and unconditional grounding in turn-based spoken dialogue systems.

Waard, J.R. de (2022) Price steering for households with electric vehicles and solar panels.

Waerdt, G. van de (2022) A contractor perspective on inter-organizational collaboration in programs.

Wagenaar, Leon P.M. (2022) Are cryptocurrencies good hedges against inflation?

Wagenmaker, A. (2022) Putting the right-to-left layout to the test: Exploring appropriation and left-handed phone use in a mirrored phone layout.

Wagner, Kai (2022) The Role of Outgroup Threat and Deprivation in People's Susceptibility to Disinformation.

Wagner, M. (2022) Redesigning the service supply chain network of ASML in the United States.

Wagner, P.N. (2022) “It’s just an Opinion” : A Study of Objectivity and Perceived Helpfulness in Online Consumer Reviews of Theme Parks.

Wahmann, Lena (2022) Selective Anonymity as a New Brainstorming Method.

Walderveen, D.M.G. van (2022) Emancipation of sexual and gender minority juveniles in residential youth care: A paradoxical example of governmentally.

Walenzik, M. (2022) Resilience to stress: stressful life events and their influence on recovering from stress through negative affect and self-confidence.

Walinga, J.P. (2022) Een Early Warning System voor diabetische voet en amputaties : behoeften stakeholders “Behoeften van stakeholders binnen het zorgproces van diabetes voor het gebruik van een Early Warning System voor het ontwikkelen van diabetische voet en amputaties”.

Wallner, Jasmin (2022) Emotion Regulation : The Role of Rumination in the Experience of Negative Affect : An Experience Sampling Study.

Walschot, Edith (2022) Workforce scheduling for short lead time environment under uncertain demand.

Walsh, Ricky (2022) Finding Balance: A Study of Class Imbalance in Deep Learning Classification of Breast Cancer.

Walterscheid, M.K. (2022) Nudging Decision-Making for Purchasing Secure Domestic IoT : Labels and Framing Effects.

Walzik, K.M. (2022) A qualitative analysis of how individuals with long COVID construct their resilience through narratives.

Wanagiri, A. (2022) The Impact of Social Media on Food Adaptation Among International Students.

Wang, Alice Yunyun (2022) Embracing love and friendship with robots : An anthropological and philosophical analysis of intimate human-robot relationships.

Wang, C. (2022) Improving the efficiency of the return process : the case of JD Logistics warehouse.

Wang, Qiqi (2022) Paying for music and more: Investigating drivers and inhibitors of purchase intention for music streaming services in China.

Wang, Xuetong (2022) Towards near-real-time spatial forecasting of rainfall triggered landslides.

Wasserfuhr, Veit (2022) A Literature Review of Methods, Approaches and Tools to Automate the Process of Systematic Literature Reviews.

Waterval, R. (2022) How information sharing on online social networks may allow for personalized cyberattacks.

Watford-Spence, A.T.R. (2022) The effectiveness and usability of companion robots in combating loneliness in the elderly in mental healthcare : a scoping literature review.

Weah, Jerome W. (2022) LWIR and SWIR imaging spectroscopy applied to drill core and cuttings samples of Li-pegmatites to characterize their modal mineralogy and to discriminate between coarse-spodumene and fine-spodumene crystals pegmatite.

Weeghel, S. van (2022) Exploring the role of the facilitator in initiating team learning in learning communities.

Weenink, Alicia (2022) The use of digital technologies in purchasing and contract management of public organisations.

Weenink, S. (2022) The effect of social capital theory attributes in a purchaser’s supplier selection process.

Weerd, B. van de (2022) Using Modern Technology for Combinatorial Boardgame Design and Discovery.

Weernink, C.J.H. (2022) Light fluence marker for quantitative photoacoustic imaging.

Weers, F.R.T. (2022) MaskCLIP : masking improves transfer for visual models trained with natural language supervision.

Weert, Y.R. de (2022) Improving the scheduling of railway maintenance projects by considering passenger hindrance and event requests of passenger operators.

Weg, D.T. van de (2022) Change Management Communication : The Concealment of Information and its Effects.

Wegener, P. (2022) The effect of storytelling and mysterious nature on loneliness.

Weggelaar, S. (2022) The Compliance of Virtual Social Interaction versus Real-life Social interaction.

Weglage, Fabian (2022) Power Politics in EU Foreign Policy : Explaining the EU's Approach to Economic Sanctions with Integration Theories: A Case Study.

Wegman, Alyssa (2022) Korte termijn herstel bij ouderen na een heupfractuuroperatie (Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de definitie van korte termijn herstel bij ouderen na een heupfractuuroperatie volgens zorgprofessionals in Ziekenhuisgroep Twente (ZGT)).

Wei, Kaiyu (2022) Dynamic Parameter Tuning Method With Presets For Metaheuristics.

Wei, Y. (2022) Sense you in TeleTouch : designing mediated social touch in asynchronous communication.

Weide, J.J.W. (2022) Increase the efficiency and speed at the fuzzy front end of innovation: Investigating Design Thinking and Stage-Gate as methods.

Weigand, Maximilian (2022) Tactile spatial attention modulates alpha-mu & beta band activity in pre-frontal & somatosensory cortex.

Weij, Freek van der (2022) Cyborg Minds: Analyzing the necessary conditions for testing functionalism through an experimental philosophy of neurotechnology.

Weijers, Marieke and Hillebrink, Sanne and Sijbesma, Renee (2022) Digitale haarkwantificatie in combinatie met automatische beeldanalyse voor diagnostisering van vrouwen met hirsutisme.

Weijland, MSc R.V. (2022) Costs and environmental sustainability of Dried Blood Spot versus Whole Blood sampling for patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy after kidney transplantation.

Weijzen, Feike (2022) The impact of COVID-19 on treatment, use of expensive medications and treatment delays of patients with de novo metastatic cancer.

Weise, L.S. (2022) Artificial Intelligence agents as our teammates? How accurate mental models can facilitate trust in technology.

Weiß, M.Y. (2022) Exploring the relationship between mentally active and passive sedentary time and stress in a student population: introducing neuroticism as a moderator.

Weiß, O. (2022) Designing a cleaning solution for FC Twente.

Wender, F. (2022) Relatie tussen fysieke activiteit en hypoglykemie bij diabetes mellitus type 2 patiënten.

Wengel, D.J.W. ter (2022) Investigation of Urban Rail Crossing Safety in The Netherlands.

Wengel, X.J. ter (2022) Peak tibial acceleration as an indicator of tibial bone load during running.

Wengel, ir. X.J. ter (2022) Imagine Tomorrow, Challenge Today: Constructing A Technological Roadmap For Sports Innovation Through Automated Patent Analysis.

Wennekink, A.E. (2022) Verbal behavioural patterns: Highlighting differences between effective and less effective meetings of agile teams.

Wensink, C. (2022) Leadership in Austria : a comparison between managing in the Netherlands and Austria.

Wensink, M. (2022) Physical and mental fatigue and their risk factors in people with long-COVID after hospital discharge : an experience sampling method-study on sleep quality and daily activities as risk factors for physical and mental fatigue.

Wentzel, S. D. (2022) Motivatie voor informaticalessen op het Stedelijk Lyceum.

Weperen, N. van (2022) Increasing the circularity of polypropylene packaging in the operating room.

Werf, Dagmar van der (2022) Assisting Self-study at the University of Twente Through Student Tutors and Digital Solutions.

Werf, L. van der (2022) Analysis of Nash equilibria for Kuhn poker and its extensions.

Wernsen, R.A. (2022) Development of a user interface on student exchange.

Werps - Aerts, K.H. (2022) Besturen in Meervoudigheid : niet eenvoudig, wel waarde(n)vol! Een onderzoek naar wat het besturen in een gemeente die kiest voor het zijn van een meervoudige overheid, betekent.

Wesselink, Britt Anna Maria (2022) Differentiation of hPSC derived embryoid bodies to atrial and ventricular CMs in a trapping system on a chip : Defining requirements for asymetric differentiation on chip.

Wesselink, M. (2022) Analyse van slikgeluiden bij volwassenen voor verschillende bolusvolumes.

Wessels, G.H. (2022) Human heart-on-chip model for risk assessment of cardiac arrhythmia.

Wessling, J. (2022) Optimal experience : the relationship between flow, psychological richness and well-being.

Westenberg, L.H.C. (2022) Predictive policing: The impact of crime forecasting technology on the performance of the Dutch police force.

Westerbeek, Adrian (2022) “No plan B because there is no planet B” : Exploring the drivers of employees’ lean and pro-environmental behaviours in Dutch municipalities.

Westerburg, T. (2022) Understanding daily life of women and men with the post-Covid-19 syndrome : studying fatigue symptoms with ESM methodology.

Westerhof, S. (2022) Shifting attitudes towards team collaboration and the role of the marketing message.

Westerveld, W.W. (2022) Independent Cycling for People with Down Syndrome.

Westra, E. (2022) Sustainability and the attitudes of internal stakeholders : a cross-sectional survey at a Dutch university.

Wetsteijn, D. (2022) Characterization and Analysis of the MINIject Eye Implant.

Wevers, Hidde (2022) The uncertainty of discharge measurements and the water balance at river bifurcations.

Wevers, K.J.M. (2022) Is a hot dog a sandwich? Generating conversation starters that categorize a word in an unusual way.

Wezel, F.A. van (2022) A comparison of spherical and realistic head models for the detection of epileptiform activity in the temporal lobe with MEG.

Weßelborg, L.R. (2022) Investigating the influence of psychological flexibility on the relationship between personality and well-being within University Students in the post-pandemic context.

Wicaksono, E. (2022) Smart metering to asset/human tracking for industrial applications.

Wichers Schreur, J.H. (2022) Transient disruption of a blood-brain barrier on-chip using focused ultrasound and microbubbles.

Wiefferink, C.A. (2022) APEx: Zero-shot Cross-Knowledge Graph Named Entity Extraction leveraging Wikification.

Wiegers, M.G.M. (2022) The influence of ownership structure and board of directors on the capital structure of Dutch listed firms.

Wieggers, J.R. (2022) How can Dutch small and medium enterprises in the ICT service sector pursue radical innovation?

Wielen, R. van der (2022) Celebrity endorsement in the new era of influencer marketing: understanding the impact of advertisement type, endorser type, and level of congruency on consumers’ attitudes.

Wielens, J.M. (2022) Steering System Design for Asphalt Drum Dryers.

Wienk, F.I. (2022) Optimal strategy to Charge a Car Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming.

Wienk, Ruben (2022) Redesigning the repair process flow at Thales Hengelo.

Wiepking, L.N. (2022) Psilocybin use and its effect on well-being in healthy individuals : a scoping review.

Wierik, H.R. te (2022) Developing a gamification program to motivate users in pre-existing e-learning courses.

Wieriks, K. (2022) The possibility of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as positive contrast agents in low-field MRA.

Wiesbrock, Philip Peter Werner (2022) To What Extent Does the National Culture of the Entrepreneur Affect His or Her Decision Making?

Wiesmann, Mia (2022) Does the use of social media mediate the relationship between bulimia nervosa and orthorexia nervosa in university students?

Wiggers, R.B.M. (2022) Quantification of calcification in peripheral arterial disease using dual-energy computed tomography angiography.

Wigman, K. (2022) Towards an effective PLC : an intervention supporting reflective professional inquiry.

Wijayanti, P. (2022) Extended producer responsibility scheme for mobile phone waste : the case of Bandung City, Indonesia.

Wijfjes, R.L.H. (2022) Recognition and Exploitation of Single-Machine Scheduling Subproblems in Mixed Integer Programs.

Wijk, M.G.W. van (2022) The Quest for the Best Thread-Safe Java List.

Wijlens, T.M. (2022) Step-by-step approach to implement corporate sustainability.

Wijngaard, Jelle van den (2022) Placement of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Congestion Games.

Wijngaarden, Bas van (2022) Optimisation of the silicon drift detector.

Wijntjes, M.J. (2022) Robotic needle steering for prostate brachytherapy in a MR environment.

Wijst, N.J.M. van der (2022) A new decision support system for managing spare parts : avoiding unplanned downtime.

Wilbrink, E.J.J. (2022) Measurement-based rotational hand gesture recognition using mmWave MIMO FMCW radar.

Wilde, M. de (2022) Heart rate response to body movement: insight into the recovery of elderly after hip fracture surgery.

Wilde, N.N. de (2022) The relationship between perceived loneliness and video on demand watching behaviour. A secondary analysis of an experience sampling study.

Wildenborg, S.J.A. (2022) The effectiveness of power in supply chain relationships during times of scarcities.

Wilhelm, S. (2022) Domain knowledge and self-reflective skills as keys to ethical design reflection.

Willems, D.C.H. (2022) Evaluating a fee-based product for ABN AMRO Bank based on tokenized securities: a perspective taken from the issuing and investing parties in The Netherlands.

Willems, M.C.M. (2022) Increasing utillization by using autonomous production at a gear production company.

Willemsen, W.J. (2022) Defining Activity-Based Furniture & redesigning of a laptop stand for HeijltjesAkkaya.

Wilmes, Daniel (2022) A general optimization framework for soft robotic actuators with analytical gradients.

Wilmink, J. (2022) Deploying base stations in a 5G network.

Wingerden, Louis van (2022) Buyer-supplier relationships and their strategic importance during pandemic-like disruptions.

Winkel, W. (2022) An impact assessment of human interventions on the hydrological regime of the Black River Basin in Vietnam.

Winkelmann, K.M. (2022) A pilot study on the effectiveness of a positive psychology app in increasing well-being and self-compassion.

Winter, F. (2022) Persuasion in sustainable entrepreneurship: The role of electronic word-of-mouth and the elaboration likelihood of signals in reward-based crowdfunding for sustainable technology products.

Winter, S. de (2022) Multiplexed and automated parallelization of organ-on-chip technology.

Winters, R.M. (2022) Cross border cooperation, the answer to nuclear weaponization.

Wischmann, Mara (2022) An Experience Sampling Study on Self-Compassion and Loneliness in Daily Life.

Wismadi, M.T. (2022) The relation between street pattern and traffic congestion, an investigation through machine learning approach.

Wisselink, A.J.G. (2022) Unmasked: How message transparency and two-sidedness in a crisis response influence reputational outcomes in a preventable crisis.

Wisselink, N. (2022) Design of an FPGA based PLL system.

Wissink, S. (2022) Visualizing And Quantifying Lipid Droplets For A Fundamental Understanding Of Non­-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease In two­-dimensinal monolayer and three­-dimensional heterospheroid hepatocyte cultures.

Wissmann, Patrick (2022) Is Bitcoin a good asset for inflation hedging? : A comparison between Bitcoin returns and the inflation rates of the USA, the Euro-Zone, India, Kenya, and Venezuela.

Wit, S.R. de (2022) Modelling the effect of Andreev bound states on quantum transport in superconducting magnetic topological systems.

With, A.J.V. de (2022) SpiroPlay: a study to evaluate gamified spirometry in asthmatic children.

Witlox, K.H.D. (2022) Secure Blocking for Record Linkage.

Witt, J.E. (2022) Students' perceived potential to reduce natural gas usage: a qualitative research.

Witte, Franziska (2022) Local referendums and organizational challenges of municipalities in Germany.

Witte, S.W. de (2022) Designing a camera-based automated food tracking app.

Wittendorp, T.J.J. (2022) Pig localization using computer vision.

Witzand, S. (2022) Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian power market : IEX day-ahead contracts.

Woertman, T.O. (2022) Implementation of an active filtering technique into a medical mouth mask concept.

Wojtun, M.N. (2022) SUSTAIN your ABILITY in consuming green! : A Mixed Method Study on how Influencers’ Characteristics relate to Young Adults’ Sustainable Fashion Consumption Behaviour.

Wolberink, E.J.R. (2022) The effect of MEOS on policing behaviour : The effect of MEOS information, Social Proof and Working Style on the behaviour of Dutch police officers.

Wolbers, P.W. (2022) Posture as stress indicator in eSports.

Wolbert, J.R. (2022) Leading the creation of a data-driven culture for employee thriving.

Wolf, Nora (2022) Media Bias of Traditional Media in Coverage of Conspiracy Theories during Covid-19 : A content analysis about how newspapers are reporting on the 5G-conspiracy theory.

Wolff, W.E.M. (2022) A trend or is the future of influencer marketing virtual? The effect of virtual influencers and sponsorship disclosure on purchase intention, brand trust, and consumer engagement.

Wolfkamp, W. (2022) Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the in hospital diagnostic pathway of breast and colorectal cancer in the Netherlands : a population-based study.

Wols, Irene (2022) Kennisuitwisseling binnen het Technasium.

Wolter, L. (2022) The association of video-on-demand watching and depressive symptoms : an experience sampling post-hoc research.

Wolters, F. (2022) Resilience and behavior change in cybercrime victimization : usefulness of nudges in preventing individuals to mindlessly accept third-party tracking cookies.

Wolters, Mitchell (2022) The effect of social proof on customer purchases : an experiment with client testimonials and online reviews on website conversions.

Wongpimoln, Sugonput (2022) Jump and Learn : The Effectiveness of Embodied Learning With Interactive Playgrounds in Primary Schools.

Wongsokario, Chayenne G.T. (2022) How can organizations encourage healthy actions and behaviors post-COVID? The exploring role of message valence and health authority on promoting behavior change and mental health awareness.

Woolderink, N. (2022) Is hard seltzer considered as a new (un)healthy drinking alternative? An experimental study on the influence of female body illustration, position of nutrition facts, and outline colour saturation on the perceived healthiness, expected digestibility, expected natural taste, and purchase intention.

Worm, Hanna (2022) Self-Esteem and Its Association with Social Media Use in University Students: An Experience Sampling Study.

Worm, Maria (2022) An Experience Sampling Method Intervention on Acts of Kindness for Strong and Weak Social Ties : A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Wortelboer, Mick (2022) “Lil Miquela makes me feel uncomfortable, but I keep following her”: An interview study on motivations to engage with virtual influencers on social networking sites.

Woudstra, Martijn (2022) Designing a container management solution to improve flexibility and portability, and reducing cost for iPaaS solutions.

Wächtler, R. (2022) Exploring the relationship between social anxiety and sedentary leisure time in university students : a moderating effect of extraversion?

Xia, X. (2022) Design an online platform for GGNet lab to make product information more accessible to stakeholders.

Xu, Zihao (2022) Overground vs. treadmill: where is my horse running? Context detection based on IMU data.

Yaghi, M. (2022) Probabilistic approach of overtopping’s effects on Macro stability in Zwolle Olst.

Yagubov, K. (2022) The influence of social media usage on consumer acculturation and brand loyalty among international students in the Netherlands.

Yalvac-Ikde, H. (2022) Dropout prevention programme : the effect of the Loopbaanklas on finding a matching career path by helping Graafschap College students switch educational programmes.

Yang, Hao (2022) Out of Class: AN Intuitive Email Design to Increase the Delivery of Effective Information for Online Courses.

Yigit, Nora (2022) Study about the effect of entrepreneurial passion on entrepreneurs’ decision-making.

Yilmaz, B. (2022) Designing a negative pressure wound therapy device (NPWT) oriented for at home us.

Yin, L. (2022) Characterizing types of convolution in CNN for step detection using IMU data.

Yogender, . (2022) Hybrid adjustment of UAS-based LiDAR and image data.

Yoong, P.N. (2022) An explorative study on the role of justice in the Dutch energy transition strategies : insights from the actors of the Twente energy region.

Yousefimashhoor, S. (2022) Deep learning on MLS point clouds : feasibility of improving semantic segmentation result using part segmentation.

Yun, H. (2022) UT Community Members' Education on Proper Waste Separation on Campus.

Zaag, A.R. van der (2022) Comparison of the effects of nature based solutions on urban runoff in Kigali using different parametrisations.

Zabala Caisaguano, M.A. (2022) The design of a digital healthcare platform to support physiotherapy exercises at home.

Zablotny, Helena (2022) Stressed out from Sitting? - Exploring the Relationship Between Sedentary Behaviour and State Perceived Psychological Stress in University Students Using Experience Sampling.

Zalinge, E.C. (2022) The Selfie Mirror, An attempt to make the youth more culturally active.

Zalm, Finn van der (2022) Social Media Impact of Consumer acculturation in the context of brand loyalty.

Zande, B.H. van der (2022) Tracing roads. Developing a porous asphalt material passport.

Zander, C. (2022) Nutri-score : a qualitative approach to discussing perception and healthy lifestyle in nutrition labelling.

Zee, R. van (2022) The role of creeks for tidal exchange in the mangrove forest of Lac Bay, Bonaire.

Zentner, Maik (2022) The role of scientific evidence in the European Commission’s decision to the inclusion of natural gas and nuclear energy in the Taxonomy Regulation : a question of bias?

Zet, W.G. van 't (2022) A Customized Gripper for the BOY-22E.

Zey, A.S. (2022) The use of digital nudges on wearable devices for improving physical activity.

Zhang, F. (2022) Dashboard design for MiniSoccerBal 3.0.

Zhang, J. (2022) User Interface Design Based on Human-Centered XAI Methods.

Zhao, Wenjie (2022) How different virtual reality environments influence job interview anxiety.

Zheng, Y.F. (2022) Process mining on FIFA controller data.

Zhu, Tingting (2022) The Media Bias of COVID-19 in Different Countries.

Zhu, Zhiyong (2022) Improving the Personal Health Train approach with Electronic Data Capture Systems.

Ziegert, I.A. (2022) Climate scientists vs climate sceptics : constructions of climate change in the blogosphere.

Ziemer, S.J. (2022) To what extent does gender moderate the relationship between physical activity and depressive symptoms in post-COVID sufferers?

Zieverink, Niek (2022) Frog Counting Tool.

Zievinger, D.C. (2022) Comparing a gamified with a non-gamified collaborative learning environment among university students : the role of knowledge sharing self-efficacy.

Zijl, Lynn van (2022) Assessment of passive soft and rigid back-support exoskeletons in lifting tasks: a benchmarking study.

Zijlstra, Hidde (2022) Exploring Digital Suriname: The current state of digitalisation and the challenges that lie ahead.

Zijlstra, S. (2022) Best practices of sustainable operating for OR-complexes : a review towards providing an overview of Dutch initiatives in three university medical centers. Intended to clarify the best practices.

Zomer, F.L. (2022) The Influence of using the Internet on Citizens' Participation in Politics.

Zomer, V. (2022) Increasing the number of outpatients treated within the access time norm by implementing a blueprint schedule.

Zuidema, Dennis (2022) Work Breakdown Structure as a method for planning and control at Nijhuis Bouw.

Zullas, A. (2022) Traffic Analysis and Redesign of Main Junction in Brãila, Romania.

Zumdick, L. (2022) Psychoactive substance use and wakefulness in young adults.

Zurhold, V.L. (2022) Real or fake cries for help : a personality-based attempt to explain individual differences in deception detection accuracy.

Zwerver, Selina (2022) Item availability restricted.

Zwerver, Selina (2022) Item availability restricted.

Zwetsloot, L.M. (2022) The future of interstitial brachytherapy : development of a 3D printed add-on for improved needle placement in interstitial brachytherapy for patients with paravaginal tumors.

Zwienenberg, I.B. (2022) Improving real-time decision-making in the last-mile delivery by applying a classification model.

Zwienenberg, Jop (2022) A Markovian approach to mobile user classification with semantic location data in mobility chains.

Zwiers, M.A. (2022) Improving the production rate and decreasing the variation within the delivery times of Instalsolutions.

Zwijnenberg, A.J. (2022) When does it pay to be good? Screening criteria and intensity of socially responsible investment funds and their financial performance.

d'Artagnan, Anne-Sophie (2022) The influence of social media on the purchasing intention and acculturation adaptation of international students in the Netherlands.

Çitgez, Sara (2022) Examining the impact of luxury value perceptions, extended-self and hedonism, and the role of luxury brands' online marketing campaigns on customer engagement.

Özer, T. (2022) How care pathways support integral capacity management at the tactical planning level.

Ćeman, E. (2022) Implementatie van een risicogestuurde werkwijze in Europese aanbestedingstrajecten : een paradigmaverschuiving in ontwikkeling.

Ćeman, Elvir (2022) Implementatie van een risicogestuurde werkwijze in Europese aanbestedingsprojecten: een paradigmaverschuiving in ontwikkeling.

Čiumakovas, Ignas (2022) Diversifying Your Portfolio with Cryptocurrency - Does It Improve Sharpe Ratios for Institutional Investors?

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 06:00:09 2025 CET.