University of Twente Student Theses
Domain: 88 social and public administration
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Veldhuis, L.M. (2011) Grensoverschrijdende criminaliteit : een onderzoek naar de motieven van Enschedese daders voor het plegen van delicten in Gronau.
Aantjes, Feike (2012) Residential burglaries: a comparison between self-report studies of burglars and observational data from Enschede.
Aarninkhof, M. (2011) Child death review : een verkennend onderzoek onder kinderartsen.
Aart, E. van der (2012) De verhoudingen tussen niet-gouvernementele organisaties in het Markermeer-IJmeer gebied rond ‘Bouwen met de Natuur’.
Aart, E. van der (2015) The influence of legitimacy on access to resources: A case study.
Aarts, C.A.M. (2022) Effecten van de inrichting van onafhankelijk toezicht : een vergelijkende casestudie van seksueel misbruik van minderjarigen binnen overheidsinstanties.
Abakar-Kadade, N. (2013) “It’s my choice!” : socio-cultural responses to the headscarf from the perspective of veiled women in France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Adali, Emre (2024) Digital Platforms and Sustainable Urban Policy: Bridging Citizen Initiatives and Policymakers' Perspectives in Hengelo.
Adelerhof, P.D. (2022) Ruis-preventie in beleidsontwikkeling : onderzoek naar ruis-preventie in het beleidsproces.
Aertken, Julia (2015) In the course of the Bologna Process : are Diploma Supplement labels contributing to the mobility of students in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK?
Agova, V. (2013) Der Aufstieg des Populismus in Bulgarien : Eine Analyse der Ursachen.
Agterbos, Myrthe Angela (2011) Kiezen voor de toekomst : een verkennend onderzoek naar de instrumenten van middelbare scholen ten behoeve van de begeleiding van het studiekeuzeproces.
Agterbos, Myrthe Angela (2013) Changing the outcome - An explorative research on the relationship between the implementation process and the improvement of study success.
Ahlen, Ebba von (2010) Is there a development in the case law of the EC Courts in relation to the legal protection of individuals on the EU terrorist lists?
Ailo, Mari (2006) The effects of Turkish EU membership on Assyrians and other minorities.
Akmaz, B. and Versteege, L.J.H. (2016) Een evaluatie van het diagnose-behandeltraject van het Obstructief Slaap Apneu Syndroom in het Medisch Spectrum Twente.
Akse, G. (2013) The European Trade Scheme explored: using the ETS to overcome the clean dark/clean spark margin: a case study on Germany.
Aksoy, E. (2012) Twee verschillende wegen naar het sociaaldemocratisch ideaal : PvdA & CHP.
Aktas, Merve (2010) What are the politics of labour mobility between Turkey and the EU and to what extent do IR theories explain this politics?
Al, M.G. (2016) Across the Border, There be Dragons.
Albers, Niek W.J. (2007) Weg met marktwerking?!? Verschillende infrastructurele sectoren vergeleken om mogelijke verbeteringen voor het Nederlandse wegbeheer te traceren.
Alberts, Anouk (2023) All crops need something : The influence of drought experience on the implementation of sustainable water management into agricultural practices among dairy farms in Salland, the Netherlands.
Alen, J.W.G.M van (2022) UBI as a policy solution for technical unemployment in Industry 4.0? Investigating the viability of policy change to hard line economic management of overhead costs in public administration.
Alkaf, Annadi Muhammad (2024) Imanginaries become political : how indonesia's ai imaginaries are shaping state technopolitics.
Alons-Post, Renske (2010) Burgerparticipatie in de gemeente Weert: Een onderzoek naar de vormgeving en imbedding van burgerparticipatie in de gemeente Weert.
Alpatov, Maxim (2024) How can participatory practices from the Frankfurt Demokratiekonvent positively influence fan involvement in the governance of Bundesliga clubs?
Alscher, Pascal Ulrich (2017) The Bureaucratic Steering of Local Governments and its Effects on Nursing Autonomy in Home Care for Elderly in the Netherlands and Shanghai.
Althaus, Niklas (2016) Institutional conditions of community wind success.
Amann, M. (2023) Invisi(bi)lity : The challenges of bisexual individuals in the German Asylum Process.
Amersfort, J. van and Vankan, L.M.A. (2011) Aanbevelingen ten aanzien van de plannen om de oorzaken van de werkdrukte te verminderen op de FB dagbehandeling van MST.
Andresen, Jule (2021) Direct Air Capture: The Upscaling of Sustainable Technologies.
Andringa, Wouter (2010) Cross-border cooperation between North Rhine-Westphalia and the Benelux Union: The flirt of NRW with Benelux Membership.
Anoniem, A. (2010) Publieke verantwoording en de Almelose programmabegroting.
Anoniem, A. (2022) In what ways are issues of gender bias addressed in the European Discourse on ADM? Unmasking masculine domination patterns.
Anonymous, A. (2021) Voter Advice Applications in Second-Order Elections To what extent does the use of VAAs in the European Parliamentary Elections 2009 lead to a higher voter turnout?
Anyshchenko, Artem (2010) transformation of the Ukrainian public prosecution according to the European democratic standards in comparison with the Baltic states.
Apaydin, A.A. (2008) Sigma programme and the EU enlargement : case-study of Turkey.
Apenbrink, Christin (2015) Personalisation and publicity : presidentialisation on the occasion of the elections to the European Parliament in 2014.
Apperloo, E.S. (2013) Het sociaal leenstelsel en de verwachte effecten op de toegankelijkheid van het hoger onderwijs.
Arends, Kirsten (2009) Duurzaam inkopen :op weg naar 2010 : een onderzoek van de Algemene Rekenkamer naar de processen van duurzaam inkopen bij het Rijk.
Arendt, J. (2016) The influence of leadership roles and management instruments on public service motivation.
Arfsten, Antonia (2017) EU Readmission Cooperation with Sub-Saharan African Third States: Multilateralism or Imposition?
Ars, Pascal (2008) Lokaal protestgedrag: verkenning van protestgedrag in drie Nederlandse gemeenten.
Ars, Pascal (2009) Een georganiseerd domein: onderzoek naar organisatievormen voor ccTLD beheer en hun maatschappelijke effecten.
Asbjornsen, Rikke Aune (2008) Patient terminal and self-management of cancer patients: a case study of the development and implementation process of the technology in a hospital setting.
Asch, Gerjan C.A. van (2016) Identifying interesting packages : a spend analysis tool.
Atzeni, Claudio (2013) Which characteristics are associated to the level of european identity among european citizens?
Aubri, B.J. (2019) Explaining local citizen participation: Interest, internet use, resources and urbanization as explaining variables.
Aubri, B.J. (2021) Professionals en inwoners binnen het sociaal domein: in hoeverre is er sprake van maatwerk?
Avest, M.E.B. ter (2019) Safe Implementation of Companion Robots in Dutch Elderly Homes. Subtitle: Analysing the suitability of companion robots'implementation regulation for daily elderly care practices.
Avest, T.A. ter (2019) Citizens' Initiatives: How municipalities regulate community self-organisation.
Avest, T.A. ter (2017) Hoe minister Opstelten zegt wat hij zegt: Een kwalitatieve studie over hoe een politicus zijn realiteit overbrengt.
Azhimi, Loebna (2013) ‘(H)echte sociale bindingen?’- Een onderzoek naar de sociale bindingen van migrantenjongeren en hun gedrag in het licht van de sociale controle theorie van Hirschi.
Azhimi, Loebna (2014) The ‘New’ professional and the effects of cultural competences on job satisfaction (Job satisfaction of frontline health professionals in social work practice).
Baake, Jan (2013) Sociale kwaliteit in de provincie Overijssel.
Baan, A. (2015) Intern toezicht in het voortgezet onderwijs : een onderzoek naar verschil in rolopvatting van toezichthouders.
Baarspul, H.C. (2008) Private organisatie van de strafrechtspraak : een studie naar alternatieve marktmodaliteiten, efficiëntie en kwaliteit.
Baas, M. (2014) Democratie in intergemeentelijke samenwerkingsverbanden.
Baas, Richard (2008) Negotiating nuclear weapons: a study on the merit of article VI of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty for nuclear disarmament.
Backmann, Lorenz (2021) Neoliberalism and urban sustainable governance in cities of Sub Saharan Africa : A case study of Johannesburg and Kigali.
Badri Gari, Rohith (2022) Urban growth modeling and assesment using agent-based model.
Bajwa, Qasim/MQ (2014) Redeveloping the financial function of municipality Enschede.
Bak, S.W. den (2008) The flagship sets sail: an analysis of the agenda setting process of the European Institute of Technology.
Bakhuis, J.J. (2015) Implementatie van lokaal alcoholbeleid in Twente.
Bakhuis, J.J. (2019) From convergence to divergence : the development of higher education quality assurance approaches in the Netherlands and Flanders.
Bakhuis, J.J. (2019) The implementation of gender mainstreaming : a comparative case study of the Netherlands and Sweden.
Bakker, Geert-Jan (2012) A strategy for solergy.
Bakker, K.V. (2020) Turkse Tukkers : een onderzoek naar de verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen de manieren van aanpakken van de vrijwilligers van het project ‘Turkse Tukkers aan zet’.
Bakker, M.E.T. (2017) Running on two legs : which characteristics do projects of participatory democracy need to influence the decisionmaking within representative democracy in Dutch local government?
Bakker, Marc (2011) China in Africa, a challenge for European development cooperation: a case study to the implications for Angola.
Bakker, Marc Sytse (2012) Free movement of creative content: policy options for dealing with the territorial nature of copyright for online services.
Bakx, Marleen (2011) Effectmeting veelplegeraanpak: NOG Veiligerhuis: een effectmeting van de veelplegeraanpak in Noord- en Oost-Gelderland in 2008 en 2009.
Balen, M.L. van (2008) HR shared service center developments: analysing professional findings.
Balen, Mitch van (2009) HR sourcing strategies: a structurationist perspective.
Balks, Anne-Dörte (2009) Understanding the EU - reporting of local newspapers on the Treaty of Lisbon.
Baptist, L. (2022) The Dutch Youth Act : the relationship between its policy design and the goal achievement in the local context.
Barkel, N. (2020) Do they care? A comparative case study on local health policy in Dutch municipalities.
Barker, Robert Noel (2008) Liberalisering van de kabel.
Bartels, Susann (2010) Students as subject of EU law: The role of the European Court of Justice in the enhancement of students’ rights and the impact of ECJ case law on the national systems of tuition fees and educational grants.
Bassi De la Barrera, Franco (2024) Assessing The Quality of Participation Processes in Energy Transition Projects : Cases Studies of Two Municipalities in Chile.
Basten, J. (2021) Artificial intelligence for government use : a quantitative study of the EU citizens’ perspective.
Baumgart, Myriel Sonja (2019) The Janus-faced relationship between the European Union and the Russian Federation : cooperation between friendship, strategic partnership and rivalry.
Bauschen, Larissa (2013) Helpfulally or policyimposing master? An analysis of the Irish perception of Germany's role in the European financial crisis.
Baysoy, Gabriella (2014) Student loans and debt aversion in Portuguese Higher Education.
Bašić, Jasmina (2022) Approving or denying hospital mergers? : An assessment on the way the ACM assesses hospital merger requests in the Netherlands.
Beckmann, Matheus (2021) Digitalisation and inequality in Higher Education— An analysis of Covid-19s impact on students at Federal Universities in southeastern Brazil.
Beek, Elke ter (2007) The slow implementation of EC Directives.
Beek, Elke ter (2013) A possible coordination mechanism for an innovation area : the possibility of using the OMC in an innovation area.
Beene, Sjoerd (2021) The relationship between family-ownership and firm performance.
Beens, M.J. (2015) @Gemeenteraadslid : een analyse van de acceptatie en het gebruik van social media onder Nederlandse gemeenteraadsleden op basis van een aangepast UTAUT model.
Begert, Laura (2011) Minority integration in Central and Eastern Europe: how EU conditionality has affected Roma integration during accession negotiations.
Beijen, Robin (2012) Daarom passen Scandinaviërs zich zo makkelijk aan : 'cultuurfit' en de prestaties van buitenlandse spelers in de Eredivisie.
Beltman, M.R. (2019) Defining drought : towards a functional definition of drought for the Vechtstromen water authority.
Belzer, Ingrun (2018) The influence of the welfare state type and autonomy on the local network activities of European mayors.
Benistant, Marjolein T. A. (2013) Social promotion of students in secondary education : How to limit stagnation of social promotion?
Berendsen, D. (2011) De bestrijding van woningovervallen door de politie. Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van overvallenbestrijding in Utrecht en Groningen.
Berendsen, Debbie (2012) Woningovervallen : een onderzoek naar daderkenmerken, modus operandi en de opsporingstechnieken van de politie ten aanzien van woningovervallen in Gelderland-Zuid.
Berenzen, Paula (2023) Deepfakes As A Threat To Democracy : Perceptions, Challenges, And Implications Of Deepfake Discourses In Democracies.
Berg, Diederick van den (2012) De polikliniek gynaecologie en verloskunde besturen, een zware bevalling?: analyse besturing en planning.
Bergmann, Ann-Sophie (2016) Refugee Labor Market Integration in Germany in the Initiative ‘Wir zusammen’ - An analysis of three selected integration programs.
Bergmann, Lisa (2015) The Erasmus program and European identity : does studying abroad foster a feeling of European identity?
Bergmann, Zoe Viola (2019) Ageist Language in German Newspapers: Media Images of the Youth Climate Movement and Greta Thunberg.
Berndt, P.R. (2022) The search for autonomy : The UK’s quest for data protection autonomy, as illustrated in the case of EU-UK PNR data transfers.
Bertelmann, Julia (2010) Cross-national policy convergence in the environmental field: the EU and its mediterranean partnership countries.
Bertoncello Machado, L. (2024) Narratives for Change: The underlying narratives of Aardehuis in establishing a community microgrid.
Betting, R.R. (2013) A mobile pension?: an analysis of the potential consequences for stakeholders of a pan-European researchers’ pension fund in the Netherlands.
Betting, R.R. (2016) The design of financial return-based crowdfunding at EU level : a research based on the information asymmetry risk, existing regulations and Capital Markets Union plans.
Beunk, Noreen (2015) Visualize my data! : translating smart home sensor data into relevant feedback for elderly, informal caregivers and formal caregivers.
Beuse-Kikkers, C.L. (2021) Van outsider naar insider : een onderzoek naar de rol van mentoring in de socialisatie van nieuwkomers.
Bexten, N. (2022) A top-down European revolution for climate policy governancy? A comparative case study on the Green Deal (2019) and Germany's Climate Change Act (2019).
Bezemer, Els (2010) Onderzoek naar hoogte en ontwikkeling van beloningen bij topfunctionarissen van zelfstandige bestuursorganen in Nederland.
Bicajanu, Catalina Ariadna (2018) Implementation analysis of the ERASMUS Programme : an exploratory case study of the ERASMUS Programme implementation at the Law and Economics Departments of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and its effect on the participation of students from a low socio-economic background.
Bickel, Anne Lotta (2015) Varieties of Emission Trading - Testing Hall and Soskice’s Varieties of Capitalism Theory through the Introduction and Use of the European Emission Trading Scheme in Germany and the United Kingdom.
Bijen, Nicky (2011) Intergmeentelijke samenwerking - Aalten, Oost-Gelre, Winterswijk.
Bijlsma, Jildau (2015) The influence of Smart Grids on the Dutch Electricity Distribution.
Birkemeyer, Lars Henrik (2019) The troika and Greek welfare state reform: austerity from start to finish or some degree of social investment?
Blanke, A.W.B. (2016) Learning from evaluations of crisis-exercises.
Bloeme, Randy (2016) Wildplassers een handje geholpen : positieve gedragsbeïnvloeding in de context van een uitgaansgebied.
Bloemen, Remco (2012) Innovation dynamics in open source software.
Bloemkolk, Dhr. I.C. (2015) The European Fight Against the Financing of Terrorism: A study of the European Union's Third AML/CFT Directive.
Blum, Monika (2016) Assessing Germany’s care act (Pflegestärkungsgesetz I) from a gender mainstreaming perspective.
Blümel, Lisanne Kathrin (2013) Latvian accession to the EMU during the European debt crisis: an attempt to evaluate the convergence attained according to the Convergence Criteria.
Bode, Yannic L. (2017) Discussing the Dublin IV Regulation’s potential effects on compliance behavior in Greece.
Bodenmüller, G.H.S. (2018) Welfare for Aftermaths: Mapping ideational common ground in the European Union.
Boedhoe, Janet Basmatie (2013) Making decentralization work - A compliance perspective of decentralization.
Boekelder, Sacha (2016) Ethnic profiling by the police in The Hague.
Boelmans, Nils Alexander (2017) The Greek-German policy discourse and politics of blame : a tragedy on the stage of the European debt crisis?
Boer, Alexander de (2017) The Radicalization Threat. Making Sense of Government Policy.
Boer, Judith de and Hulshof, Stefanie and Bothof, Roos (2020) Aan het roer van de jeugdhulp: Een kwalitatief exploratief onderzoek naar de gemeentelijke sturing op de doelstellingen van de Jeugdwet in de gemeente Hoogeveen en Apeldoorn.
Boer, Michelle de (2012) The expected effectiveness of the approach of multi-problem families through the eyes of project partners : the case of the "Neigborhood Coach Project" in the Velve-Lindenhof area in Enschede.
Boer, S.O. de (2021) Digital Identity; A cyber resilience evaluation of the European digital identity e-commerce requirements.
Boer, S.O. de (2021) Digital Identity : A cyber resilience evaluation of the European digital identity e-commerce requirements.
Boeren, Annemieke (2007) Naschokken van de vuurwerkramp : een vergelijking van het Vlaamse en Nederlandse vuurwerkbeleid.
Boerkamp, Thomas (2009) Het organiseren en sturen van re-integratieactiviteiten : een casestudy naar sturingsmechanismen door de gemeente Almelo.
Boersma, F.B. (2015) The success of sister-city partnerships between Dutch municipalities and a municipality in a CEEC, formalized between 1989-2000.
Boersma, Tim (2006) Will the single horsehair snap? : comparison of Europe's energy vulnerability after the 1973 oil Crisis and Today.
Boerties, J.J. (2011) De France Telecom Zelfmoordcrisis Een case study naar de oorzaken van de problematiek.
Boerties, J.J. (2012) LGBT-equality in the global workplace: organizational responses to administrative challenges around LGBT-workplace equality.
Bojang, Alieu S. (2020) Weak or strong sustainability : an appraisal of the influence of economic condition & population growth on a country’s sustainable development type.
Bokhove, C.A. (2016) Employees’ reactions to the introduction of a new performance appraisal interview form.
Bolder, J. (2012) Russian and European environmental corporate responsibility : a comparative policy Analysis on environmental corporate responsibility between Russia and the EU.
Bolderman, W.L. (2019) Bridging the Strategic Operational Gap : a matter of perception.
Bolhaar, S.N. (2016) Between policy & reality : Cooperation within Social Teams.
Bololoi, Cristian-Marian (2020) Atypical work and social security in the contemporary economy : exploring the Dutch case.
Bolous, Rafael (2010) How Does the EU Promote Democracy in Egypt? : A European Strategy put to the test.
Bolscher, P.S. (2014) Automated external fraud prevention in the public sector.
Bolte, Tommy-Lee (2024) In Search of a Cure : Realist and Neoliberal Approaches to Drug Shortages in Germany and The Netherlands - A comparative analysis against the background of Waltzian realist and neoliberal security concerns.
Bomers, C.J. (2019) Discontinuation or Extension : An Explorative Case Study on the Discontinuation of Interim Storage of Nuclear Waste in Ahaus, Germany.
Bondarouk, E.V. (2011) State aid consequences: Opel & European Union.
Bonilla, Pawel (2015) Is our food safe? An Assessment: on the European Union food safety policy, concerning the safety of meat & animal-derived food products in the EU.
Booijink, C.B.M. (2014) Zwembad, voor wie is het een probleem. Onderzoek naar de betekenis van participatie en de reikwijdte van een conflict bij het oplossen van de problemen bij de exploitatie van een zwembad.
Boomgaardt, Martin (2019) Gepercipieerde netwerkeffectiviteit bij de Veiligheidsregio Fryslân Een beeld vanuit het netwerk.
Boonstra, I.H. (2009) Justitieel casemanagement in de Nederlandse verslavingsreclassering: Twee casestudies naar de uitvoering en effectiviteit van justitieel casemanagement in de Nederlandse verslavingsreclassering.
Boorsma, Edo (2014) The Tissue Issue; A cost-effectiveness analysis of consent procedures regarding the use of residual tissues for scientific research.
Borsch, J. P. (2024) Metaverse Seoul and New York: A Comparative Discourse Analysis.
Bos, A.M. van den (2014) Goal Alignment in Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Case Study Research of the Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition.
Bos, D. (2020) Conspiracy theories and their effects on the public perception of crisis management.
Bos, Dennis (2023) The impact of the public discourse on social media in transboundary crisis management : The Rhine flooding of July 2021.
Bos, P.J.H. (2015) Proactive policing and ethnic profiling : a comparative study of Germany and the Netherlands.
Bos, P.J.H. (2017) Liquefied Natural Gas exports from the United States and their impact on European energy security.
Bos, W.J. (2006) Politiek-ideologische perceptie en religieuze kiezers.
Bossink, M. (2024) The rent gap: Impacts of cross-border mobility on housing in Enschede and Gronau.
Boswinkel, Saskia (2021) Does design matter? A qualitative study of the relationship between the design of participatory processes and the level of influence assigned to participatory input.
Botta, Katarina (2018) Remain or leave? : How British newspapers frame the EU referendum 2016 : a framing analysis of the Brexit debate.
Bottor, M. (2014) What is the role of the socio-economic position of parents for migrant children’s educational achievements in Austria and Germany?
Boxebeld, S. (2018) From Wbp to GDPR: against which burden? : On the differences in terms of obligations and conditions and their implications for organizations in the Netherlands.
Boxebeld, S. (2021) If you are gay, then what is your pay? An analysis of the earnings of heterosexual and homosexual workers in the Netherlands.
Braber, Martijn (2009) Toepassing van werknemersparticipatie in jonge kennisintensieve ondernemingen.
Brameijer, M.A. (2009) Prestatiesturing bij subsidieverlening: Een onderzoek naar de gevolgen van prestatiesturing bij subsidieverlening voor de interne organisatie van de provincie Overijssel.
Brand, Laura (2020) A comparison of civil service reform trajectories in selected SEE countries in the context of EU accession.
Brandemann, Victoria (2011) The future of the European corporate social responsibility strategy : if and how is it possible to establish a reporting requirement that makes coherent disclosure on environmental, social and governance information mandatory for European companies?
Bredthauer, Sandra Katharina (2015) Elimination of the online shopping experience: An initial Examination.
Brendler, Frederike (2020) Crisis reaction patterns in Germany concerning globally occurring virus diseases.
Brendler, Naomi (2024) The Cross Border Labour Migration of Romanian Meat Workers in the Dutch – German Border Region : A Frontline in the Question of European Social Integration.
Breukers, Fabian (2012) ICT SSC in de zorg: een studie naar de kwaliteit van dienstverlening bij de Carint Reggeland Groep.
Breukers, Romy (2013) The Early Warning System: an evaluation study.
Breul, R. ten (2013) Weapon use, victim injury and public safety measures in Amsterdam-Amstelland : weapon-related violence explained by the routine activity theory.
Brillert, Lisa (2014) Which factors explain Germany's transposition delay of the EU Blue Card Directive? : a qualitative case study of the Council Directive 2009/50/EC (Blue Card) transposition in Germany.
Brink, Martijn van den (2010) Overheidscommunicatie en burgerparticipatie: een onderzoek naar de inzet van elektronische communicatiemiddelen om burgers te laten participeren bij veiligheidsproblematiek.
Brink, René (2023) Ambivalentie In Professionele Dienstbaarheid : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de factoren die discretionaire ruimte van SMZ-professionals beïnvloeden.
Brinker, N. (2016) Protocols and improvisation in crisis management: the crash of Afriqiyah Airways flight 771.
Brinkman, B.J.H. (2020) Local health prevention policies in the Netherlands : explaining policy activity.
Brinkman, B.J.H. (2021) De homogene regio : garantie voor een effectieve samenwerking?
Brinkman, Martha (2007) Wie praten er mee? : Een analyse en evaluatie van het proces en de uitkomst van de selectie van het Burgerforum Kiesstelsel.
Brinkman, Wouter (2011) Bezwaar tegen mediation? Een onderzoek naar de vraag in hoeverre mediation in de bezwaarschriftprocedure van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht mogelijk is.
Broek, Maarten van der (2007) Sociale cohesie binnen de wijk Zuid-Berghuizen : een onderzoek naar acceptatie en integratie.
Broeke, A.E ten (2024) Assessing Migrant Safety at EU External Borders : Navigating the Intersection of AI, Policy, and Human Security.
Broeke, Mees ten (2022) Exploring BIAS in the creation and use of evidence in the policy-making process of the loan system in the Netherlands.
Broeke, Mees ten (2024) Bestuurlijke ontwikkeling binnen de gemeente Wierden : 'van containerbegrip naar plan van aanpak'.
Broeke, Nathalie ten (2022) Researching the research institute : understanding political-scientific institutes in The Netherlands.
Brommer, Lena (2011) An emperical comparison of power in the International Monestary Fund before and after the 2008 reforms.
Bross, Laura (2010) The Legitimacy of the United Nations Environmental Programmes Law-Making Power.
Bruck, Robin (2016) A European vision for industrial symbiosis : recommendations for a successful European IS strategy.
Brueggemann, T. (2016) Newspaper Influences on Voters in the Brexit Referendum.
Bruentrup, Marlen (2016) Let's work together? Innovative Social Entrepreneurship in the field of youth policy welcomed by German local Governments : a case study of the social enterprise RheinFlanke.
Bruggeman, T.G.F. (2022) Integriteitsbeschuldigingen onder de loep : Een onderzoek naar de realiteit achter integriteitsbeschuldigingen in het lokaal bestuur.
Bruinink, M. (2011) Meer blauw en minder bureaucratie : een onderzoek naar de administratieve werkzaamheden van politieagenten uit de politieregio’s Gelderland-Midden, Haaglanden en Hollands Midden.
Bruinsma, S.C.J. (2012) The lowering of the electoral age in Germany-changes among political parties.
Brunner, F. (2019) The Irish 2010 bailout programme.
Brunninkhuis, Kim (2010) Invloed van weersomstandigheden op het aantal woninginbraken in de periode van 2004 t/m 2008 in de gemeente Enschede.
Brunninkhuis, Kim (2012) Op welke wijze kunnen wijkagenten in Twente zich ontwikkelen tot zelfstandige, contextgedreven werkende en alle politietaken uitvoerende wijkagenten? Een onderzoek naar de wijkagenten van Almelo-West.
Brunt, D. (2010) Centrum voor Jeugd & Gezin Enschede : op zoek naar verbeterpunten in de organisatiestructuur.
Bruxvoort, Xadya van (2021) Towards the design of legally privacy-proof and ethically justified data-driven fraud risk assessment algorithms.
Bröckl, Carmen C. (2012) The importance of generosity of national student financial support systems for European student mobility.
Bröker, D. (2019) Controle is goed, vertrouwen is beter? : Relatiebeheer tussen opdrachtgevers en opdrachtnemers bij een gemeentelijke organisatie.
Brünig, Bianca (2010) Labour market integration of first and second generation Turkish migrants compared: a German case study.
Buehring, Tim Johannes (2019) The German Energy Transition: Best Practice or Short-Term Success?
Buehs, Stephanie (2011) Item availability restricted.
Buko, Alena (2009) Environmental citizenship for sustainable consumption.
Bulten, M.A. (2014) Meeneembaarheid Nederlandse Studiefinanciering Europa-proof? Een multicriteria analyse van de alternatieve maatregelen ten aanzien van de 3-uit-6-eis.
Bulten, M.A. (2016) Understanding global discontinuation governance : an explorative case study on the Minamata Convention on mercury.
Bungard, Georg (2010) Impact of EU measures on key events in border conflicts.
Burggraf, Christoph Eike (2012) A taxonomy of interest in the "European Smoking Tobacco Association" and the "European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention" on the basis of theories of strong and weak interests.
Burghout, S.M.A. (2019) Essential IoT-value propositions to reinforce SME's business position.
Burke, C. (2019) Framing the future of the HPV vaccination : Causes and consequences of the vaccination policy change in Germany.
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Internship Report
Jong, Arvid de (2011) Multichannelbeleid in de gemeente Tynaarlo?