University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: Communication Science MSc (60713)
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Aalten, L.W. van (2010) Agenda-setting en de opkomst van de nieuwe media.
Abbema, Anna E. van (2013) The motivational leader: A self-determination approach.
Achaiber Sing, R.A.D. (2014) Attractiveness of smartphone applications: First impression vs. Anticipated use vs. Actual use : Based on pragmatic and hedonic qualities.
Aerts, Luc (2013) All aboard the love boat?
Aerts, Stefan (2013) Applying the CERC model within the context of extreme weather: A study about the influence of the timing and efficacy beliefs on information seeking and self-protective behaviors.
Ahmethodzic, Mirna (2020) How live stream videos affect the post-crisis evaluation of the organization : the role of channel interactivity, pre-crisis reputation and crisis severity on trust, emotions and purchase intention in a product-related crisis.
Akrin, Fikret (2013) The influence of music tempo and occupancy rate on alcohol consumption, time spent and money spent in restaurants.
Aksit, Kerim (2020) Where persuasion and culture meet : The cultural influence between Turkish and Dutch consumers in the effectiveness of persuasive techniques in e-commerce.
Akwali, Elisha Beatrice Adaeze (2024) Exploring anthropomorphism's role in the social interaction between individuals with ASD and social robotics.
Aladegbaiye, A.T. (2015) Expanding the focus of ID check for age verification : factors influencing attendants behavior in ID validation in compliance with sales legislation of age-restricted products.
Alant, Swen (2020) Conveniently loyal customers : the effects of post benefit convenience and reciprocity on loyalty.
Aleksieva, Anna (2023) Investigating Haptic Devices in IVR Systems: A scoping review of haptic devices and their relation to immersion and presence in IVR systems.
Alferink, Tetske (2012) Identity for (sustainable) sale - the influence of self-congruency on sustainable consumption.
Ammar, K.E.M. (2017) Product-harm crisis communication : examining the combination of message framing, crisis severity, and prior-reputation.
Amse, J.M.W. (2014) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the anti-bullying intervention program ‘Survivors!’.
Anoniem, A. (2023) Zero Covid-19 or coexist? : Differences in sensemaking on Covid-19 between Chinese people living in China and the Netherlands.
Archenti, Alice (2023) From a click to a trip: An experiment on how to stimulate users' visual engagement and travel intention in the era of Instragram.
Arens, L. (2020) Exploring the publics' responses to inspirational social media marketing campaigns through content analysis : a case study - #LikeAGirl by Always.
Assink, A. (2020) Diversity and positive discrimination : the effects of gender diverstity management in the recruitment process on potential job applicants.
Assink, Lena Marie (2021) Making the Invisible Visible: Exploring Gender Bias in AI Voice Assistants.
Assink, Y. (2019) The influence of a change story on employees : a n experimental case study into the effects of narratives on the level of change fatigue employees experience.
Astikainen, Vera (2023) Small post, big decision : effects of content focus, media richness and tone of voice on employer brand attractiveness on social media.
Atanasova, J. (2016) “Digital collections of photographs: valuable memories or digital clutter?”.
Avest, A.T.G. ter (2013) Are Lovers More Forgiving? : The Applicability of the Theory of Planned Behavior on Brand Love and Brand Forgiveness.
Aviankoi, Erna (2013) Trust repair in times of crisis: the influence of stealing thunder and culture on employees’ evaluation of organizational trustworthiness, emotions, and willingness to forgive.
Avicenna, Fitria (2016) Online Reviews : the effect of sources and framing of reviews on eWoM credibility, product attitude, and behavioral intention.
Aydogdu, F. (2020) The weight of taste : an experimental study on the influence of visual heaviness on consumer responses for soft drink packages.
Backhaus, Birte W. (2013) Fearing the unfamiliar bean - How priming the healthiness and familiarity of different soy products affects product acceptance amongst neophobics and neophilics.
Badenhop, M. (2008) Impression management leads to spent resources : the influence of impression management on a person's self-control.
Bahari, R.S. (2014) De kracht van herhaling : manipulatie van herhaling ten behoeve van een hogere retentie van de merkinformatie uit een commercial.
Bakker, A. (2015) Online shopping and the absence of touch : finding the best strategy to improve the online shopping experience.
Bakker, Paulien A. (2011) ‘Is dat niet het logo van onze organisatie?’ Welke factoren zijn van invloed op de mate van afwijken door werknemers van de voorgeschreven huisstijlrichtlijnen van hun organisatie?
Balan, Amalia (2024) Playing for Progress : exploring interpersonal communication within manufacturing companies through a serious game experience on diversity and inclusion.
Banjo, A.K. (2006) An investigation into the determinants of user acceptance of personalization in online banking.
Barendregt, AAM (2016) Between Knowing and Liking a Brand: An investigation of the effects of pleasant, neutral and irritating advertising.
Barnhoorn, S. (2005) Interne communicatie met de screensaver beter gelezen? : een vergelijkend onderzoek naar het lezen van interne communicatie via e-mail, intranet en de screensaver.
Barsema, E.L. (2006) Samenwerkingsverband Zorgloketten Twente : Het beschrijven en optimaliseren van de communicatieprocessen binnen het samenwerkingsverband Zorgloketten Twente.
Bartali, Valentina (2021) Towards a new concept of therapy: virtual agents and users, who should have the final word? The degree of decision-making users should have in an eHealth technology to foster therapeutic alliance and intention to use.
Bastian, P.B (2017) Big Brother Is Watching You : The Impact of Consumer Understanding and Awareness of Data-Based Personalization on Consumer Attitude.
Battjes, Marloes M. (2019) Between you and I : Mediated love in long distance relationships.
Baumgartner, Annika (2019) How social movements foster organizational change: A cross-case analysis of #metoo in hospitals.
Bax, I.L. (2018) Charitable contributions : an experimental study in the effects of framing types on monetary donation behaviour in a door-to-door collection context.
Becker, O.H. (2011) MIA - My Internet Assistant: Factors influencing people’s intention to use a digital assistant and its effect on their computer self-efficacy.
Beckers, Anne-Marie (2012) CSR Affairs: Influence of CSR on politics. Onderzoek naar de rol van CSR binnen het ‘Public Affairs’ proces van bedrijven.
Becking, Christina (2017) The oil selling Panda : the effects of partnerships between NGOs and companies.
Beek, K. ter (2009) Toegankelijke teksten op : onderzoek naar de toepassing van richtlijnen voor eenvoudige communicatie op een overheidswebsite.
Beekhof, L.G. (2016) Unleashing the innovative potential of employees : promoting opportunity-recognition behaviors and psychological ownership.
Beeks, Jelmer (2019) Online emotions during crises : how the public respond in Facebook comments.
Beele, Roman (2016) Who, how, what? : asking the necessary questions about the German organ donation dcandal - Assessment of the German citizens’ view on the 2012 organ donation manipulation scandal.
Beelen, P. (2007) Organisational and Professional identification : a social identity study of a post merger South African university.
Beenackers, M.A. (2007) De mentor is zat...en wie zijn zij? Een beschrijvend onderzoek naar de wensen, behoeften en mogelijkheden van een alcoholtraining gericht op studentmentoren.
Befort, Alevtina (2021) Augmented & virtual reality in e-commerce.
Behrens, J. (2014) The effects of familiarity and online consumer reviews, on consumers’ trust, risk perception, and behavioral intentions.
Bekkers, Jeroen G.T. (2012) Facebook profile sections as indicators for health behavior and health risk behavior among college students.
Beld, M.S. (2008) Evaluatie van de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van eConsult|Plus en optimalisatie van de afstemming tussen gebruiker en eConsult|Plus.
Beldad, A.D. (2006) Misunderstanding and non-understanding in the usage of English as a common language in helpdesk encounters involving non-native speakers.
Belter, M. (2019) The Influence of Virtual Reality Maintenance Training on Spatial Awareness and Learning Comprehension.
Bemelman, Benthe (2015) CSR communication in the business-to-business context : an exploratory study.
Bendsneijder, Jennifer (2016) 'Double Dutch' : c orporate reputation and the emphasizement of country of origin at a Dutch postal company.
Benndorf, E.M. (2012) Mitarbeiterkommunikation bei Veränderungen im Unternehmen : eine qualitative Untersuchung der Informationsbedürfnisse von Mitarbeitern in Zeiten von Veränderungen.
Bennes, G. (2008) Zoveel menzen, zoveel wenzen : aanzet stakeholdermanagement binnen Menzis.
Bennis, A.A.D. (2015) A contextual codesign approach to promote acceptance of new supervisory technology among healthcare professionals.
Benschop, M.D. (2007) Invloed wandkleur en karakter in zorginstellingen: Het effect van de kleuren oranje en groen en hoge of lage omgevingsgevoeligheid op zelfonthulling, gemoedstoestand en evaluatie van de patiënt.
Berden, Ceciel (2020) Thinking inside the box: the effect of the unboxing experience on positive affect and willingness to share.
Berends, C. (2016) The influence of package texture on the evaluation of body care products.
Berg, Marja van den (2015) Establishing identity and meaningfulness through identity claims - Expressions of organisational and professional identity and work meaning by teachers in higher education.
Berg, W.J. van den (2006) Peer-to-peer user support in electronic support groups.
Berger, Corinna (2019) Selling innovativeness in the a utomotive industry : the impact of communicated brand innovativeness, product innovativeness and communication channel on brand perception and brand engagement intentions.
Bergshoef, A. (2008) Incongruent background music - the effect on ad evaluation and brand recall.
Berkum, M. (2009) Ik netwerk, dus ik ben : een explorerend onderzoek naar netwerkmanagement.
Berlo, Marieke van (2011) Controleren van impulsief gedrag: wanneer kunnen we het wel?
Bernhard, Iris (2015) Haters gonna hate : the influence of avoidance type, company characteristics and anthropomorphism on brand hate.
Besten, Moniek (2012) visuele tropen in advertenties: de invloed van complexiteit en productbetrokkenheid.
Betlem, F. (2005) The key behind sequential request techniques, priming or depletion: an experimental study.
Beukema, A.J. (2016) How to Increase the acceptance of an online telemedicine service?
Beuker, S. (2016) Privacy paradox : factors influencing disclosure of personal information among German and Dutch SNS users.
Beunk, A.A. (2006) Risicocommunicatie op maat!
Beuzekom, K. van (2018) The Luxury Facade: Impact of Museum Display Techniques on the Luxury Image and Purchase Intention of Sneakers.
Beverdam, T. (2024) Exploring retention strategies : A study on the use of online and offline communication channels and various donation solicitation appeals on donor retention.
Biedermann, S. (2010) Effects of Sustainability Communication Strategies on Suppliers‟ Perceptions and Attitudinal States: The Role of Stakeholder Involvement and Communication Source.
Biesheuvel, Marleen (2007) Tussen droom en daad Een onderzoek naar factoren die de kennisproductiviteit van frontliniewerkers beïnvloeden.
Bij, J. van der (2009) Waar staat de factor 30 zonnebrandspray voor kinderen? : de invloed van schapindeling op de keuzesnelheid en tevredenheid van klanten.
Bijen, Y.J. (2017) #AD: The effects of an influencer, comments and product combination on brand image.
Bijsterbosch, M. (2017) Endorsing a laptop: would you buy it? The effect of endorser type and message appeal in advertisements on consumer responses.
Bindrim, Sina (2021) Looking for Signs of Passion in Employees : a Preliminary Study Exploring the Concept of Passion within an Occupational Context.
Blaauw, C. de (2009) Het gezinsleven met een lichamelijk gehandicapt kind.
Blaauw, T.R. (2018) Do you prefer Mobile Instant Messaging or Face-to-face interaction? : Influence of personality and communication situations.
Blair, R.C.J. (2012) Brand media selection method: the brand manager back in control.
Blauw, Hans (2012) Wat doet belonen vs. humor en lengte van een reclame met je houding en gedrag ten aanzien van reclames?
Blauw, L. (2016) Measuring online skills of Dutch older adults: Performance tests on laptops and tablets.
Bloem, Matthijs van (2011) De Willemsroute : Routekeuze beïnvloeding middels Sociale Media.
Bloemendaal, R.H. van (2018) The Internet of Things in home environments : Building customer relationships: a study of customer attitude and intention to use in the context of IoT in home environments.
Bloemendal, Daniël (2022) Make Science Make Sense for General Audiences: A Study to Compare Storytelling Elements in Videos and Blogs.
Bloemers, A.J. (2018) Understanding the interplay of motivation and contextual factors in eHealth acceptance : a qualitative study exploring healthcare professionals’ perspectives.
Bloeming, M. (2020) The ambiguity of E-numbers : Consumer insights.
Bloom, J. de (2006) Depressie, optimisme en hoop bij ouderen.
Bode, S. (2008) Online corporate crisis analyse : succesaspecten van online reputatie strategieen.
Boedhoe, C. (2012) De relatie tussen transformationeel leiderschap, emotionele intelligentie en kennismanagement : een systematic review.
Boekhoorn, Nikki (2015) Did you really understand it? Subjective and objective understanding of health claims.
Boekhoudt, Z.L. (2016) In a materialist world how strong is your brand: the impact of brand type, crisis type, and crisis response on brand equity.
Boenders, Gemma (2005) 'Laat je dan testen dan' : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de gedragsdeterminanten van het Soa-testgedrag van ROC-scholieren in Rotterdam, met diverse etnisch-culturele achtergrond.
Boensma, E.C.M. (2019) The use of gamification and virtual reality in e-learning tools used in preparation for driving exams : A comparative study.
Boer, A.N. (2021) What you see is what you get: the effect of image style and typing errors of online hotel reviews on purchase intention, helpfulness and trust.
Boer, J. de (2008) Auditory navigation for persons with mild dementia.
Boer, P.F.M. van den (2007) Het effect van achtergrondmuziek in merkwinkels op de waargenomen merkpersoonlijkheid.
Boerboom, R.J. (2009) The Battle of the video game consoles : redictors for the success of a video game console.
Boering, Helena (2013) De connectie tussen communicatiestijlen en conflicthanteringstijlen.
Boerkamp, L.G.P. (2019) Congruence matters? : Investigating consumer responses to alignment between logo design and corporate positioning.
Boersma, T. (2006) Marketing Mangos. Strategic Advise for the World Agroforestry Centre Based on a Perceived Quality Study in the Netherlands and Kenya.
Boes, J.M.E. (2007) Stations? Daar zit muziek in! : een onderzoek naar de effecten van muziektempo op stationsbeleving.
Boguslaw, Sarah (2015) Predicting consumers´ purchase intention toward luxury fashion brands by applying several personality traits.
Bohn, L.M. (2005) A cross-cultural study of E-commerce-Exploring factors that influence individual to buy.
Bokhove, Jorieke (2017) A picture says more than a thousand ingredients : creating authenticity in social media advertisements of De Heerlijke Huiskamer.
Boland, D. (2005) Daadkracht der verbindingen : netwerktechnologie voor naleving en handhaving in een netwerkmaatschappij.
Bolhaar, H.F.A. (2006) De boodschap naar de burger : een onderzoek naar voorlichting vanuit het Ministerie van VROM met de gemeenten als intermediair kader.
Bolhuis, Sharon (2011) Archetypen: onderzoek naar de visualisatie.
Bolhuis, W. (2007) Changing looks: internal and external effects of a corporate visual identity change.
Bolle, C.L. (2014) Who is a smartphone addict? The impact of personal factors and type of usage on smartphone addiction in a Dutch population.
Bolt, F. (2008) Effecten van congruentie tussen reclames en digital broadcasts op de evaluatie van het publiek.
Bomers, N. (2009) Public opinion on direct and indirect policy measures : predictive power of personal factors and cognitions.
Bonds, S.J. (2020) “We will cross that bridge when we come to it” : An explorative study of the structuration of organizational conflicts and individuals’ conflict management.
Bontekoe, F. (2009) Macht zonder woorden! : een onderzoek naar de toepassing van het verticaliteitsschema in advertenties.
Booijink-Kemna, Kirsti L. (2006) Kennisproductiviteit : kennisontwikkeling als sociaal communicatief proces :een onderzoek naar de rol van het sociaal communicatief proces bij kennisontwikkeling.
Boom, S.G.M. van den (2007) The use of the critical incident technique to explore adolescents' alcohol experiences and their impact.
Boomkamp, M.G.H. (2011) Toegankelijkheid van webformulieren voor visueel gehandicapten.
Boon, V.J. (2016) Learning together : developing a descriptive interaction pattern model of online learning networks.
Borgelink, Bianca (2011) Zien, ruiken en voelen - Kunnen locatie en dynamiek de waarneming van de consument beïnvloeden?
Born, H. B. van den (2022) Following individuals on Instagram: Their meaning-making of a mediatized world : A qualitative study on individuals' experiences and meaning making on Instagram.
Bos, H.L. (2022) Healthy packaging worth another look : the influence of visual and textual packaging elements on consumers' health perceptions and consumer response.
Bos, Maikel van den (2012) Niemand is blind voor usability. Methodologische sterktes en zwaktes van verschillende gebruikerspanels.
Bos, Marlin (2017) Nationality and greenwashing : differences between The Netherlands and Suriname on consumer attitude.
Bos, V.K. de (2008) Onderzoek naar de invloed van alcoholpromotie tijdens het EK Voetbal op jongeren in de leeftijd van 12 t/m 15 jaar.
Bosch, A.L. (2005) Health Literacy : werken aan een 'gezondheidsvaardig' Nederland.
Bosch, Fleur van den (2010) Baklava & zoete praatjes; ouder worden in multicultureel Nederland. Een onderzoeksrapport met een positief verhaal over de gezondheidssituatie, het zorgebruik en het vertrouwen in de arts van oudere Turkse Nederlanders.
Boshuizen, Chris (2020) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: A study about the effect of (a)typical package design for non-alcoholic white wine.
Bosma, Anneke (2007) Mental models of the general Dutch public cencerning MRSA.
Bosman, A.T. (2009) Work meaning van de rijksambtenaar : een studie naar de betekenis die rijksambtenaren aan hun werk verlenen en de consequenties hiervan voor hun leerbehoeften.
Botma, J. (2018) Feature underuse amongst the digital generation : students' actual usage behaviour with Microsoft Office Word.
Botter, Marnix (2023) Beyond the Odds : The Celebrity Factor and Warning Messages in Gambling Advertisements.
Bourgonje, K. (2016) I think I am ‘’priced’’: the effects of dynamic pricing on emotions and brand evaluations.
Bouwhuis, E.J.A. (2006) Zijn we (goed) in beeld? : een onderzoek naar imago en schoolkeuzemotieven.
Bouwman, M.E. (2011) Revising the TAM in hedonic information systems: The influence of the TAM, perceived enjoyment, innovativeness and extraversion on the use of location-based social networks.
Bouwmeester, Linda (2011) Alcohol advertising and alcohol consumption amongst youth, the influence of social norms and religion.
Bovenmars, N.M. (2016) Working in a multidisciplinary team: Balancing Professional Identity, Collaboration and Compartmentalization.
Bozkurt, E. (2008) De invloed van framing, afleiding en individuele verschillen in NFP op het consumentengedrag.
Braatz, L. (2017) #Influencer marketing on instagram : consumer responses towards promotional posts: the effects of message sidedness.
Brackhane, A.L. (2016) Responding in a crisis situation: The effects of crisis message timing and crisis message framing on consumers with different cultural background.
Brager, M.E.M. (2020) Less is more creativity : The possible influence of minimalist interior designs in office environments on the creativity of millennials.
Brakel, Alexander van (2011) Older People New Media Choice Why (Not) Use The Internet?
Braker, Lisette (2013) The persuasiveness of message evidence and social distance: Influencing the intention to donate and the perception of the charity.
Branderhorst, Robin (2019) Taste is in the can : the impact of non-alcoholic beer's packaging design on consumers' taste perception and product evaluation.
Brandsma, L.K. (2023) Political disinformation: A closer look at the use of rhetoric and fallacies of a Dutch populist party regarding the Russo Ukrainian war.
Brandt, A.A.A. van den (2019) Let's watch one more episode : 'the moderating role of personalized suggestions, cliffhangers and the need for completion in relation to binge watching'.
Breukers, Romy E.M. (2014) How supervisors craft their own job and facilitate employees’ job crafting.
Breulmann, Svenja (2013) Reading scents - The effect of written scent references in advertisements.
Breuls, A.M.W. (2011) How do you like IT?: employees’ channel behaviour in a multinational environment.
Brinkhuis, C. (2008) Work, Age, and Flow: An exploration of the relationship between different work aspects, health- and age-related aspects, and flow.
Brinkman, D.L. (2016) Benefiting from the Internet. Do type of device and demographic background matter? : a comparison of achieved Internet effects between devices and user groups.
Broek, M. van den (2014) The promotion of a unique product in times of economic recession : are consumers more resistant to scarcity or social proof?
Broek, Niels uit het (2014) The visualization of archetypes through the use of colors in logos.
Broeke, A. ten (2006) The effect of role sets and indirectness on the perceived face threat and perceived persuasiveness of anti-obesity messages.
Broeke, F.M. ten (2012) Sponsoring door interactie in het theater - Het effect van interactieve marketinguitingen, ingezet door een sponsor in een theateromgeving, op de ontwikkeling van het sponsormerk.
Broeke, Marlon Annelyn ten (2011) When two worlds meet ; Hyves and recruitment How recruiters’ decision-making is influenced by content on adolescents’ Hyves pages.
Broekhuis, M.C. (2015) To comply or not to comply : how to enhance compliance with minimum age laws among sales personnel using scenario-based training?
Broekkamp, K.J.M. (2005) Behoefte aan opvoedingsondersteuning : een onderzoek onder Twentse ouders met kinderen tussen 12 en 19 jaar.
Bronkhorst, J. (2009) Competenties in crisis : onderzoek naar de implementatie van competentiegericht leren voor crisisteams in de regio Twente.
Brookhuis, Bertine (2005) Van Webenquêtes en Sir John : Over de invloed van de lay-out op de antwoorden die respondenten geven En hoe Sir John Sinclair leerde dat geduld een schone zaak is.
Bruggeman, F.J. (2006) De vergelijking van pretestmethoden voor het formatief evalueren van patiëntenvoorlichtingsfolders en ontwerp en validatie van evaluatieinstrumenten ten behoeve hiervan.
Bruggen, J. ter (2007) Optimaliseren van communicatieve processen : onderzoek naar de communicatieve processen tussen de afdelingen Verkoop en Productie bij Van Merksteijn BV.
Bruggert, S.F.C. (2011) Who is your brand? To what extent can brand archetypes be transferred into a suitable corporate visual identity concerning the Dutch banking industry?
Bruggink, L.T. (2010) Improving preoperative education in breast cancer patients: the influence of monitoring and blunting coping styles.
Bruin, Susan de (2018) 'This study was not sponsored' : the effects of sponsorship disclosure and video type on source credibility, brand memory, brand attitude and purchase intention.
Brummelhuis, Bianca (2007) Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening en de communicatie van Algemeen Pensioenfonds Wegener.
Brunink, K.R. (2017) The relationship between technological legitimacy and job crafting: The case of a Dutch care organization.
Brunnekreef, G.C. (2012) Swingers, soa-testen en partnerwaarschuwing. Een onderzoek naar soa-testen en partnerwaarschuwing bij swingers en psychosociale gedragsdeterminanten die hieraan ten grondslag liggen.
Bruynzeel, A.B. (2019) "To meat or not to meat" : exploring the effects of social norm messages on the intention to lower meat consumption.
Buimer, H.P. (2015) Explaining adherence to portal-supported rehabilitation treatments : an explorative study.
Bunnik, M.M. (2011) Westerlingen over Twentenaren : individualisme en collectivisme binnen Nederland en interculturele emoties.
Burgt, E.P. van der (2009) The route to success : experimenteel onderzoek naar het effect van sluiproutes, bewegwijzering en winkelmotieven op ervaren controle, tevredenheid en koopgedrag van consumenten in een retailsetting.
Bussel, K.M. van (2008) Waarschuwingeffectiviteit : een onderzoek naar de determinanten en de invloed van labelontwerp.
Buter, E. (2007) Donatiemotivatie en gedrag van de volbloeddonor. Welk effect heeft het oproepsysteem op de motivatie en de participatie van de volbloeddonor?
Buursink, R. (2020) Profit first brands & impact first brands : a study on brands and their promises, purposes & marketing strategies.
Börjes, Anna Kristina (2017) Building Castles in the Air: The Impact of Imagined Behaviour on Perceived Appeals in Advertising.
Böttcher, Kim (2021) Working at home - working alone: How e-leaders and teleworkers experience their relationship in a virtual environment.
Cajas, Bryan (2020) Feeling ‘Awe’some! : The impact of awe, produced by exposure to nature and interpersonal elicitors, on prosocial behaviour.
Calder, Hunter (2022) Sea Level Rise in New Zealand and Dutch News : A comparative study of representations of sea level rise in online news articles from Aotearoa New Zealand and the Netherlands.
Campfens, L.A.M. (2007) De rol van kleurgebruik in collegezalen in relatie tot de gevoeligheid voor de omgeving.
Cassinelli, James (2019) This Emotion of Mine: a diary study on affective learning in videogaming environments.
Cents, Michel H.G. (2013) Effect of values and personality on the motivation and intention of uster-generated content across cultures.
Cespedes Bonilla, R.E. (2007) The effects of desire for control and controllability on consumer attitude in online advertisements.
Chandra Dewi, Maria Cyntia (2019) The relationship of online product reviews and consumers’ product evaluation: A causal attribution approach.
Chedi, C.R. (2008) The influence of brand preference on brand image transfer : a research on brand event congruity in sponsorships.
Chen, Cynthia Y. (2019) Nudging users into innovative technology : the interaction of culture and content design on accepting an anti-theft device for bicycles.
Chen, W. (2007) The implementation of MS project in a sino-Western Joint Venture : a case study of user acceptance.
Chen, Xinran (2019) Will I buy it? : The influence of vlogs on consumer’s purchase intention and engagement in Apple AirPods 2.
Chernenkova, Anna (2021) Facial recognition technology in Russia : do the citizens of Russia accept it?
Chu, Lei (2019) Why would I adopt a smart speaker? : Consumers’ intention to adopt smart speakers in smart home environment.
Ciaușescu, Alexandra (2021) To date or not to date? : What are the factors that influence the desire to date on online dating platforms?
Ciglieri, Rebecca (2020) Tour operators’ websites : exploring the role of interactive videos to enhance customers’ experience.
Ciobanu, Vlad-Radu (2022) Organizational word of art, NFT’s and digital skills : A means to an end : are NFT’s the means to explore the legitimacy of digital artworks?
Coelman, R. (2007) Technologiekrant Sparks: bruut, cheezy of de bom? : een evaluatie van de krant door jongeren.
Coenders, I.A.L. (2014) Organ donation, are you in? The persuasiveness of message framing and evidence types in messages.
Colenbrander, A.A. (2016) Always a step ahead: the process of handling escalated sexting : An explanatory study of intervention and prevention actors and measures handling escalated sexting.
Coloricchio, Michele (2023) The 2022 Italian general election campaign : measuring different levels of populism on Facebook and assessing its impact on engagement.
Croll, C.L.M (2021) Vegetarian or Meatless, does it matter? : To what extent do word choice and motivation type on the packaging of meat substitutes influence the buying behaviour of the consumer.
Czyperek, P.C. (2020) #sponsored : The impact of persuasion disclosure types on Instagram on consumers’ persuasion knowledge and brand evaluation as moderated by selfcontrol.
Dacheva, Ivana (2013) Towards healthy lifestyle - Personal values and health-related motive orientations in relation to exercise behaviour.
Dafesh, Z.J.A. (2006) REGIOSCAN GGD en gezondheid op scholen : onderzoek naar de stand van zaken rond de ondersteuning van scholen door GGD'en op het terrein gezondheid.
Dalen, J.H. van (2022) Communicating Environmental CSR : The Influence of Spatial Distance, Message Appeal, and Concreteness of Message on Consumer Perception.
Dam, Annemiek (2010) Winnen is ook niet alles: De voorspellers en gevolgen van club identificatie bij supporters met een lage, gemiddelde en hoge mate van fandom.
Dam, M.C.A.M. van (2008) ABVAKABO FNV werkt met u mee! En andersom? Een onderzoek naar ledenbehoud en participatie.
Damaschke, Katharina Christiane (2012) First impression 2.0: competency representation on LinkedIn.
Damayanti, Acniah (2016) Working in a stigmatized environment : motivation, work meaning, and interactions among special education school teachers in Indonesia.
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