University of Twente Student Theses
Year of Publication: 2023
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Aal, N.G. (2023) Designing an efficient storage solution that improves the user experience for a storage unit.
Aanen, Mattijs (2023) GNSS-Based Time Synchronisation for Distributed Radio Localisation on Software-Defined Radio.
Abdela, Nesredin (2023) Deep learning-based Digital Surface Model (DSM) generation using SAR image and building footprint data.
Abdelsayed, A.S.A.E. (2023) Enhancing Accuracy in Liver Tumor Ablations: Utilizing Transformation Chain Systems for Accurate Positioning and Orientation of a 6-DOF Robotic Manipulator.
Abdulahad, Hanna (2023) A qualitative study on the influence of high energy prices on the energy conservation behaviors of lower-income households.
Abeywardana, Hasini (2023) Near real-time analysis of tactics techniques and procedures of attacker groups on their relevancy to an Organisation.
Achterberg, Erik (2023) Het nemen van financiële risico’s door zorginstellingen in Nederland.
Adamse, J.C.W. (2023) UAV deployment for flood-resilient mobile networks: a data-driven analysis for the Netherlands.
Adineh, Marzieh (2023) Exploring and Evaluating Alternative Models for Cross-Selling Recommendations.
Adiprakoso, Dhirendra (2023) Using Machine Learning to Predict the Future Fatigue of Patients with Colorectal Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Multiple Lymphoma Types.
Admiraal, C.P. (2023) Calculating the modernity of popular python projects.
Afink, D.E.M. (2023) Assisting multidisciplinary teams at the start of educational innovation processes using 'InnoVision'.
Agaart, M.J.J. (2023) Assessing the Effect of a Virtual Care Centre on Capacity in an OPAT Care Pathway.
Aggarwal, Rohit (2023) Data-driven Modeling and control of Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles in Confined Environments.
Agterhuis, S.P. (2023) Cost-Benefit Analysis as a Sustainability Assessment Tool: Evidence from Dutch ex-ante motorway appraisal projects.
Aguilar Boj, E. (2023) Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of lithium-ion batteries : a data-driven modelling approach using distribution of relaxation times.
Ahe, L. von der (2023) How brooding and reflection affect personal growth after momentary stress : an experience sampling study.
Ahmad, Sadat (2023) Designing a detailed telemetry dashboard for sim-racers.
Ahrens, Justin (2023) Culture-Caused Critical Incidents Between German and Dutch : How to Cope with Them.
Aidarova, A. (2023) Developing healthcare Artificial Intelligence for developing countries.
Ajoori, Timon J. (2023) The Impact of Physical Attractiveness, Gender of Defendants and Type of Crime on Sentencing Decisions.
Akgül, M.T.D. (2023) The Influence of Traffic Density and Repeated Exposure to Roundabouts on Driver Behavior.
Akkermann, S. (2023) The Effect of Guilt Presumption Within Police Interviews.
Akster, H.J. (2023) Developing a linked data framework for the exchange of as-is railway asset design and maintenance information.
Al-Mohagry, Ashraf A.M.M. (2023) Saltwater Entrainment from Bathymetric Depressions: A CFD Analysis from a Laboratory Cavity to a Scour Hole in the Haringvliet Estuary.
Alasadi, Wael (2023) Recommendations to Scale up the Use of Intelligent Compaction Technology among Roller Operators in the Netherlands.
Albermann, L. (2023) The Role of Social Support in the Experience of Personal Growth following Daily Stressors : An Experience Sampling Study.
Albers, H.A. (2023) Investigating the Correlation between the Value Priorities of Companies in Germany and Their Implementation of Gender Equality Measures.
Alberto, Delano (2023) Implementing a responsibility framework at Trioliet.
Alberts, Anouk (2023) All crops need something : The influence of drought experience on the implementation of sustainable water management into agricultural practices among dairy farms in Salland, the Netherlands.
Albertsboer, E.E. (2023) Planning and scheduling for animal shelters.
Albertsson, Vincent Gustav (2023) Analyzing descriptive captions for crime recognition in surveillance footage.
Aleksieva, Anna (2023) Investigating Haptic Devices in IVR Systems: A scoping review of haptic devices and their relation to immersion and presence in IVR systems.
Ali mouri, Pouyan (2023) Resistance against developing of Direct Air Capture : the case of the Netherlands.
Alikhujaev, A. (2023) Microservices In IoT-based Remote Patient Monitoring Systems: Redesign of a Monolith.
Alikouzay, Z. (2023) Firm Characteristics and Capital Structure : Exploring the Determinants of Financing Choices in European Markets.
Alimawi, Madhat (2023) Cascaded H-bridge Converter Integrated with Split Batteries and with Multilevel AC Output for Household Applications.
Alink, J.W.M. (2023) Quantification of nanoplastics in a baby bottle and a reusable water bottle by Fluorescence Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy.
Allouchi, R. el (2023) Leiderschap professionalisering van de facilitaire manager in een digitale transformatie.
Almira, F.N. (2023) Impact Analysis of NGOs' Role in Marine Biodiversity Protection in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
Almsick, Simon van (2023) Designing a Point-of-Sale System to Decrease Refunded Orders at E-Commerce Platform: Applying the Requirements Engineering Process to Provide Insights into Retailers’ Preferences.
Alpaslan, S.A. (2023) Can the gamification element storytelling increase motivation and learning outcomes of students in higher education in an online inquiry-based-learning environment?
Alphen, Fleur van (2023) Modelling of spontaneous glutamate plumes.
Alur Mahesh, Medha Varsha (2023) The Design of a Performance Management Framework to Assess and Monitor the Performance of External Employees : A Quantitative Approach.
Alvear Cárdenas, Juan Diego de (2023) Digital Transformation Management for CDOs.
Amann, M. (2023) Invisi(bi)lity : The challenges of bisexual individuals in the German Asylum Process.
Amato, Alessandra (2023) Applications of Early Warning Systems for Customer Segmentation of Wholesale Banking Clients.
Ambrosi, Gianluca Jileen (2023) Investigating The Role Of A Learning Diary On Professionals’ Awareness Of How And When And Strategic Planning.
Amerongen, J. van (2023) A qualitative comparison of specification techniques for microservice architectures.
Amoo, W.O.N.O. (2023) Constructing the Apocalypse : Exploring Young People’s Climate Thoughts and Emotions after Reading Apocalyptic Climate Stories.
Amouei, Morteza (2023) Classification of urban morphology and its relationship with air pollution using deep learning.
Amptmeijer, R.S. (2023) An Interactive Installation for the MuseumFabriek in Enschede.
Amui, Rebecca (2023) The positive psychology app ‘Training in Positivity’ for stress in healthcare workers.
Andersons, J.A. (2023) Exploring the benefits and limitations of multi-axis 3D printing for improved part quality and reduced waste.
Andrade Ramires, Felipe de (2023) VR Exhibitions: Enhancing the Feeling of Immersion through Interactive Virtual Reality in Art.
Andrei, Vlad-Cristian (2023) The security impact of DNS and TLS on the websites reconnaissance process.
Andres, Benedikt (2023) The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Problematic Internet Use: The Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation.
Andringa, André (2023) Irregular Polygon Strip Packing for the Production Process Transition of the Fashion Industry.
Andrioti, E.K.A. (2023) Exploring the Topics of Turning Points in Emerging Adults’ Narratives.
Andynar, Alia (2023) Assessing the alignment of second-hand clothing import regulations with circular economy objectives in Indonesia.
Anickova, Serafima (2023) Promoting Social Connectedness in International University Students by Using Storytelling and Virtual Nature.
Anker, M.S. In 't (2023) Observed Psychological Safety and Individual Job Performance: Behavioral Differences in Monocultural and Multicultural Agile Teams.
Anneveldt, M.M. (2023) The Relationship between Instagram use and Well-being: the role of Self-esteem.
Anoniem, (2023) Rethinking Violent Behavior : Assessing the importance of procedural justice and police legitimacy in Lützerath.
Anoniem, A. (2023) Zero Covid-19 or coexist? : Differences in sensemaking on Covid-19 between Chinese people living in China and the Netherlands.
Anoniem, A. (2023) On the Moral Responsibility of Social Networking Sites : Existentialist Ethics and Harm to Freedom.
Anoniem, A. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Anoniem, A. (2023) Effectief gebruik van technologische hulpmiddelen door leerlingen in het wiskundeonderwijs.
Apostolidis, A. (2023) Multisensory experience for online shopping through auditory representations.
Appold, L.A. (2023) Energy crisis, climate crisis, and the future of warm homes considerations of house owners to install green heating systems.
Apprich, N.F.A. (2023) Scrolling Through the Climate Crisis : Exploring the Impact of Climate Change Related Doomscrolling on Helplessness and Depression.
Archenti, Alice (2023) From a click to a trip: An experiment on how to stimulate users' visual engagement and travel intention in the era of Instragram.
Arconada Sousa, Luis (2023) Using Decision Tree Classifiers to Support Healthcare Diagnosis.
Arem, Martijn van (2023) Railway capacity effects of ERTMS, 3 KV DC overhead power and ATO on a Dutch railway network.
Arend, M.Q.T.P. van der (2023) The LAMP Framework - A language-agnostic code quality assurance framework for multi-paradigm languages.
Arend, S. (2023) Power Electronics for Stand-alone Offshore Hydrogen Production.
Arends, B. (2023) How well can personal network features be retrieved?
Arens, B.G.J. (2023) Analysing the production waste at a printing company.
Ariëns, B. (2023) Improving MR thermometry-based assessment of the ablation zone during laser interstitial thermal therapy of glioblastomas.
Ariëns, D.L.R. (2023) Self-assembled Magnetic Carpets for Cargo-Transport of Millimetric Planar Objects.
Arling, Rianne and Beerens, Juul and Kogel, Niels and Meijer, Michelle (2023) Voorspellen van neurologische uitkomst van postanoxische comapatiënten met een wiskundig beslismodel.
Armagan Arslankaya, Ilkyaz Caggul (2023) Exploring the Potential of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) in Detecting Driver Vigilance Decrement: A Study on Prolonged Highway Driving.
Arora, Anna (2023) Time Series Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics to identify potential geothermal hotspots.
Arunajatesan, Sainivedhitha (2023) Estimation of Joint Stiffness via a Musculoskeletal Model Driven by Motor Neuron Twitch Properties.
Arva, Denis (2023) Secure Integration of Third-Party Code in SaaS.
Asbreuk, J.L. (2023) Role Model or Chilling Example : the German Mobility Transformation.
Asbroek, Maud (2023) Customer experience in digitalized touchpoints along the customer journey of a B2B wholesaler of semi-finished goods.
Assen, M.H. van (2023) Integrating the Five Steps of Plotting: A Plotting Tool Design.
Astikainen, Vera (2023) Small post, big decision : effects of content focus, media richness and tone of voice on employer brand attractiveness on social media.
Attema, M.J. (2023) Ethical water allocations based on water footprint caps: a case study for the Yellow River Basin.
Augustijn, Else (2023) Adapting the Engagement Level of the Growing Greener Card Game to Stimulate Climate-Friendly Behaviour for Elementary School Students.
Aukema, L.M.N. (2023) Optimization of a navigated fibular cutting guide.
Ausländer, Hanna Judith (2023) Investigating the Influence of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Social Support and the Resulting Growth after Daily Negative Events.
Aussaresse, Sarah (2023) Warehousing trends and innovations: best practices.
Autar, A. (2023) The Diameter Project : Towards an understandable diabetes app for people with low health literacy.
Averchenko, Illya (2023) Computer Vision for Crime Recognition Based on Skeleton Trajectories.
Aveskamp, Maarten (2023) Designing a Sales and Operations Planning Process in a Make-to-Order Environment.
Awad, Mohamed (2023) Development of a decision-making framework for assessing lifespan extension measures of quay walls.
Axelsson, S. (2023) The impact of sustainability communication on consumers' brand associations in the food and beverage industry.
Baars, N.H.M. (2023) De invloed van normoxia en hypoxia op de adipogene, osteogene en chondrogene differentiatie van humane mesenchymale stamcellen.
Bachem, S. (2023) AI use in healthcare : Exploring how healthcare AI impacts work practices and collaborative work among healthcare professionals.
Bachir Kaddis Beshay, Amir (2023) Cold-start Active Learning for Text Classification of Business Documents.
Badrajan, Alen (2023) Technical and Security challenges of Cloud-based Storage Management for IoT Devices.
Badrinath, Poornima (2023) Getting there is half the fun - Intermodal Transport Comparison of AMS and BLR.
Bakir, Merve (2023) Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar het bevorderen van Positieve Gezondheid bij hartpatiënten binnen het Thoraxcentrum in het MST.
Bakker, J.P.J. (2023) Towards the automatic Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) workflow for Orbital Prosthesis.
Bakker, Jeffrey (2023) Short-Term Passenger Flow Forecasting in Public Transportation Networks Under Event Conditions.
Bakker, Mirjam (2023) Workload Prediction for the V310 : An application of linear regression and time study to make an estimation on required man hours.
Bakker, T.J.B. (2023) Can a Roundabout Design improve intersection of the Haaksbergerstraat and the Usselerrondweg in Enschede?
Bakkers, J.T. (2023) Exploring the Social Support Needs of Dutch Bereaved Individuals: a Qualitative Study.
Bal, Jagvir Singh (2023) Software on Internet of Things devices: monolithic vs containerized.
Balamurali, Sridhar (2023) A Tunable Accelerator for the YOLOv4-tiny Object Detector using Vitis Unified Software Platform.
Balen, Nika (2023) Investigating Insomnia Disorder Treatment in Patients with Substance Use Disorder.
Balha, A. (2023) Increasing fuelling capacity of hydrogen trains while minimising costs at Provincie Groningen : Designing hydrogen fuelling infrastructure in railway.
Balt, A.C. (2023) The Relationship between Mindfulness and Lucid Dreaming: A Systematic Review.
Baltussen, Sofia Anna Lucia (2023) Food Swap.
Barathidhasan, Shanmathi (2023) Deep Learning Framework for Urban Impervious Surface Mapping Using Open Multisource Geospatial Data.
Barbaros, Victoria (2023) Exploring Momentary Mental Resilience and State Emotional Regulation Strategies in Daily Life Using Experience Sampling Method.
Bartelink, J.H.K. (2023) The influence of leadership and the role of emotions on the employee's adoption of a connected worker program in the workplace : A multiple case-study within a global manufacturing company.
Barten, E.D.F. (2023) Improving waste separation motivation on the campus of the University of Twente.
Barth, Daniel (2023) The Relationship between Instagram Engagement and Symptoms of Depression in young adults.
Barts, K. and Debets, M. and Nijhuis, N. and Erve, T. van het (2023) Ontwikkeling van een ademhalings-EMG wearable voor jonge kinderen met astma.
Barzon, Paolo (2023) Exploring the Meeting Experiences in the Metaverse: A User Study on Immersive Interactions.
Baselmans, J.A. (2023) Smart hockey stick (to improve engagement and fun for para hockey players).
Bastiaens, T (2023) Jerk-based Control of Aerial Manipulators in Physical Interaction with the Environment.
Batame, Michael (2023) Global Trade and Local Food Security: Mapping and Monitoring Cocoa Expansion and its Impact on Household Food Security in the Bia West Disctrict, Ghana.
Batterink, I.M. and Otte, B.B.R. and Spoelder, N. and Verhoeven, M.H.M. (2023) Trend analyses Of Patient-Specific respiratory Physiological INteractions for weaning decision support - SpatiOtemporal diFFerences in the diaphragm measured with a 32-leads sEMG (TOPSPIN-OFF).
Baudach, Lucas (2023) Exploring the Evidence for the Effectiveness of Mindfulness as Treatment Approach for Sleep Disturbance : A Systematic Literature Review.
Baudach Fernández, Sophie Isabella (2023) Streaming Platforms vs. Digital Piracy: A qualitative study on when young adults search for alternatives to stream movies or series online.
Baune, Lilli (2023) Permanently Online, Permanently Connected and the Fear of Missing Out : A Cross-Sectional Study about their Relations to Loneliness and Mental Well-being.
Bayazian, Aidin (2023) Community Energy Storage: A Case Study of Zwolle, the Netherlands.
Bazen, J.L. (2023) Statistical Analysis of EEG (Trial) Data through Covariance Structure Modelling.
Beeftink, Anne (2023) Measuring the Effect of Instruction in Metacognitive Knowledge and Skills on the Autonomy of First-Year Vocational Education Students.
Beek, E.J.A. van (2023) Development of a bladder phantom of materials which can be analysed by OCT and a miniature camera for the next-gen in-vivo project.
Beek, L.R. van (2023) A continuous review inventory model for the improvement of material logistics in hospitals.
Beeken, Amelie (2023) What Encourages Prosocial Behaviour in Soccer: The Difference Between Gender and the Influence of Morality.
Beekman, L. (2023) Strategic allocation of resources to increase ambidexterity in large firms : a single case study.
Beekman, Yorick (2023) Accuracy improvement of warehouse capacity calculation using the bin packing problem.
Beekman-Teeuw, M.M. (2023) High Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy and Scaled Tidal Flow Volume Curves in Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction of Children with Asthma.
Been, S.J. and Thijs, I.A.C.A and Werf, M. van der (2023) Conceptualising a sensor to detect nocturnal erections using saturation, arterial pulse and acceleration as parameters.
Beerkens, Max (2023) Paradoxical Tensions in Platform Co-ops : An Explorative Study of Perceptions and Responses.
Beernink, S. (2023) The Acceptability of Dutch Healthcare Workers in Primary Care Towards a Novel Monitoring Device®.
Behrendt-Richter, Luis Matthias (2023) An exploratory study using text mining methods to investigate online therapists' feedback texts for the use of empathy.
Behrens, Jan (2023) A gender identity sensitive study of student mental health.
Beijnum, A.C.W. van (2023) Haly : Automated evaluation of hardening techniques in Android and iOS apps.
Bekemeier, Lara Celine (2023) The Effect of Victims’ Attitudes Towards Restorative Justice on the Willingness to Participate in (A)Synchronous Victim-Offender Mediation.
Bekhuis, T.L. (2023) Valuation and Transaction Price : Factors influencing the difference between valuation and transaction price of acquisitions in the Dutch SME market.
Bekmanis, Norberts (2023) Artificial Intelligence Conversational Agents : A Measure of Satisfaction in Use.
Bektas, Hakan (2023) Revealing relevant factors impacting the viability of the metaverse by replacing online collaboration tools for business meetings.
Bel Català, Gerard (2023) Development of a 3D printed architected material for the generation of foam based protective equipment.
Bel Makhfi, Abdel Aziz (2023) Reliable low-latency networking: many radios, many paths.
Belle Lakshminarayan, Suhas (2023) Fuzzing : A Comparison of Fuzzing Tools.
Belshof, Koen (2023) A motion planning implementation and simulation for the Flux One.
Beltman, J.F. (2023) Developing an Early Warning System for Retail Customer Deterioration: A Data-Driven Approach.
Bemaniyazdi, Arash (2023) Sustainable Concrete in the construction industry in the Netherlands.
Benedict, C. (2023) How to sustain the sustainable? : A mixed-methods study of digital pro-environmental behavior change interventions in organizational contexts.
Benitah, R.J. (2023) Cyclist weight inference from bicycle-mounted sensor data.
Benschop, M.L. (2023) Veerkracht na een heupfractuur : De acceptatie van het Eforto® systeem door heupfractuurpatiënten.
Berendse, S.E. (2023) Towards explainable machine learning for prediction of disease progression.
Berendsen, Stef Hendrikus Godefridus and Meuwese, Job and Schoenmakers, Loet (2023) The correlation between outcome measures of smartwatch data and MDS-UPDRS part-III scores in parkinson’s disease patients.
Berenzen, Paula (2023) Deepfakes As A Threat To Democracy : Perceptions, Challenges, And Implications Of Deepfake Discourses In Democracies.
Berg, C. van den (2023) Design of a No Reference Random Bin Picking System For Metal Plate Parts.
Berg, C.F. van den (2023) The use of ESM to collect real-time data on emotion and contextual factors in relation to problematic eating behaviour in post-bariatric patients : a longitudinal research methodology.
Berg, R. van den (2023) Using computer vision for monitoring the peeling process of semiconducting insulation shield of medium voltage cables.
Berg, S.C. (2023) Design of device for treating of oesophageal bleeding for hospital in Malawi.
Berg, S.H.M.P. van den (2023) The Acceptance of Assessment AIs in Formal Higher Education: an Exploratory Study.
Berg, Thomas van den (2023) The effect of IP prefixes on BGP visibility.
Bergen, L.C.M. van and Hoenderboom, L. and Kuper, O.S. (2023) Onderzoek naar het driftartefact bij FFR-metingen in een coronair fantoom.
Bergsma, J.R. (2023) An Optimization of the Reorder Policy at Turff.
Berndt, Lukas (2023) Understanding the Basis of Mindfulness-Based Enhancement for Motor Learning.
Bernhardt, Elisabeth (2023) Personal, Social, and Behavioural Factors Influencing Women’s Well-being During the Pre- and Postnatal Period.
Berns, M.R. (2023) Ambiguous microaggressions and stress? Linking process, person and context : an experience sampling study.
Berns, S.W.M. (2023) Successful market entries for e-commerce SMEs using dynamic capabilities : Qualitative case study.
Bertelink, S.H. (2023) 3D-printed monolithic oviduct-on-chip device.
Bes, Martijn B. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Bessembinder, J.J.F. (2023) Development of an air-source, cascade heat pump, water boiler.
Bessi, Maouheb (2023) Trajectory Prediction on an ego-bike with IMU and camera using a Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter.
Betriu Yáñez, Víctor (2023) ChatGPT through postphenomenology and deconstruction: On the possibility of a Derridean philosophy of technology.
Beukers, Annemarie (2023) The Effect of Instructor Experience on the Motivation of Aspiring NCOs Within Military Training.
Beukeveld, B.M. (2023) The Influence of a Self-Control Training App on Self-Control and Social Networking Sites Usage for Students Using ESM and SCED.
Beumer, N.L.A. (2023) Improvement of the overall equipment effectiveness : Reduction in the mechanical changeover process.
Beune, P.F. (2023) Lightweight Public Key Infrastructure for IoT.
Beurden, Jasper van (2023) Circularity and Credit Risk in the Construction Industry.
Beusen, S.W.H. (2023) Functionality Improvements of SimBus Pro.
Bex, A.J.M. (2023) Validation of an ambulatory three IMU setup for measuring foot and CoM position in chronic stroke patients.
Beyer, S.L. (2023) Validation of a German-translated version of the three dimensional meaning in life scale.
Bezooijen, D.T. van (2023) The impact of hubs on the use of shared micro mobility : Hubs as an alternative to a free-floating system.
Bhari Shivaprasad, Ashik (2023) Agricultural Field Boundary Delineations in Smallholder Farming Systems of Southeast Asia Using Sentinel-2 Data and Convolutional Deep Learning Models.
Bie, M.J. van der (2023) Improving Mental Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults: How (Character) Strengths are Experienced by Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals Aged 18 to 27 living in The Netherlands.
Biesbergen, B.A.M. van (2023) Design, Improvement and Optimization of a briquette press.
Biggelaar, Anne van den (2023) Exploring Movement-Rich Behaviour with the MoMo : The Potential of Digital-Physical Artefacts in the Movement-Based Design Process.
Biggelaar, J. van den (2023) Analysis and redesign of the WILA ATC system.
Bijker, E.E. (2023) The influence of financial and social barriers on female entrepreneurs in Twente.
Bijker, K. (2023) Can you feel my sign? Sending shapes to a haptic display.
Bijkerk, M.E.E. (2023) A conceptualization and system dynamic modeling of business ecosystems.
Bilen, S. (2023) Behoeften van mantelzorgers in het nazorgtraject van CVA patiënten.
Bilgin, Mustafa Hayri (2023) Enhancing Fault Diagnosis in Cyber-Physical Systems : A Model-Based Approach with Bayesian Networks.
Bin Abdul Hamid, Muhammad Fadzli (2023) The Effects of Self-Evaluation Writing Strategy Checksheets on Writing Self-Efficacy, Writing Anxiety and Academic Writing Outcomes.
Bingöl, Aishe (2023) Improving Mood and Strengthening Implicit Positive Orientation through the Cognitive Bias Modification Platform of the TIIM App.
Bishas, S.A. (2023) Interactive vibrotactile toys for the participatory sensorimotor coupling between autistic and neurotypical individuals.
Bittner, Larissa (2023) How can employees flourish during digital workplace transformation?
Blaauwwijk, Henry (2023) Meten van Risicocultuur : een voorstel voor een conceptueel raamwerk om risicocultuur te meten.
Bloem, J.S. (2023) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy : the changes in the non sarcomeric cytoskeleton linked to the nucleus.
Bloemendaal, J.A.E. (2023) Improvement of the customer order fulfillment process.
Blok, M.L.A. (2023) A robust memristive system based on fullerene and HATNA functionalised glycol ethers.
Blom, A.A. (2023) Virtual Reality Rowing with Sonification - An Exploration of the Effects of Sonification in a Virtual Reality Environment.
Blom, G.W. (2023) Water retention during moderate precipitation events in rural areas : A case and comparison study regarding the Verloren Beek catchment.
Blommers, L. (2023) The New Quest; a transformative experience design exhibition for children.
Blonk, Anthonie (2023) User Experience based Possibility-driven Garden design.
Bloxs, Mohan (2023) A trade study of biohybrid microrobots: comparing actuation and localization of ironsperm.
Blum, Paul (2023) Lexical Alignment in Collaborative Interactions with a Conversational Agent.
Boakye, Ama Serwah (2023) Biodiversity Assessment Using Satellite Imagery in San Joaquin Experimental Range, California.
Bock, Rebecca (2023) Implememtation Planning of Sustainable Digital Twins in Modular Construction : A Framework for Creating Strategic Recommendations.
Bodur, Sena Yasemin (2023) A Scoping Review into Personalised Treatment Based On Person-Specific Networks in Mental Health Care.
Boekee, F.S.C (2023) Improving the alignment of the AGRI production process at Apollo Tyres Ltd.
Boekhoudt, Daan Fokko (2023) Variation reduction through PMC integration and evaluation.
Boelen Chappin, V.R.E. van and Gravemaker, S.A. and Hokse, M.F. and Jochems, M.K.W. (2023) Uroflowmetrie op basis van paper based sensoren voor niet-zindelijke kinderen onder de één jaar. : Proof of concept.
Boer, E. den (2023) Fruit inspection progress tracking using stem and calyx detection and 3D spheroid models.
Boer, Femke den (2023) Endometrium-on-a-chip : a more Biologically Accurate model of the Endometrium with the Addition of a Vascular Compartment and a Collagen Type I Membrane.
Boer, Jedidja R. and Burg, Birgit K. van der and Naber, Veronie M.A and Ven, Sanna H.A. van de (2023) Simulating the Placenta in a Hemodynamic Model of the Pregnant Woman : Technisch Geneeskundige Opdracht - Radboudumc.
Boer, Kylar de (2023) The adaptation of balance of able-bodied humans when exposed to balance perturbations.
Boer, M.M. de (2023) Item availability restricted.
Boer, R.J. de (2023) Item availability restricted.
Boer, Rens de (2023) Robust data-driven state-feedback synthesis from data corrupted by perturbations with bounded norms and rates-of-variation.
Boer, Rick de (2023) Successfully implementing innovations in public construction projects : Determining the impact of a public project team’s innovation capability.
Boerman, J.G.J. (2023) Formal verification of a sequential SCC algorithm.
Boersen, N. (2023) Optimizing Resource Allocation for Outpatients : Machine Learning-Based Length-of-Stay Predictions and Patient Scheduling.
Boersma, Kitty (2023) So long and thanks for all the (big) fish : exploring cybercrime in Dutch Telegram groups.
Boersma, P. (2023) Experimental validation and numerical modelling of train-bridge dynamics.
Boersma, W.F. (2023) Public Transport for XL Businesspark.
Boertien, Michael (2023) Participatieniveaus in Twentse gemeenten.
Boeve, Selma (2023) Het verbeteren van de informatievoorziening en patiëntbetrokkenheid in de (na)behandeling van mensen met slokdarmkanker.
Bogdan, C. (2023) Could physical activity be a valuable resource to lower stress in everyday life?
Bollen, Wouter (2023) Bloomi: Motivating Older Adults to be Physically Active by Physicalization of Physical Activity Data.
Bollgoenn, Ole (2023) Assessing the capacity performance of virtual care pathways : a case study of stroke patients in Isala Hospital.
Bomhof, C.A. (2023) Positive Psychological Interventions for Sexual (Dys)Function and Their Efficacy : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Bommel, Zoëlle van (2023) Sustainable Finance in Financial Institutions: A Literature Review of the Integration of ESG Factors and Balancing Profitability Goals.
Bon, S.A. (2023) Optimizing tool management processes at Hankamp Gears.
Bondt, M.R. de (2023) Machine Learning-based Estimation of 3D Kinetics during Normal Walking and Single-leg Hop Tests in Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury.
Bonekamp, Felix (2023) “Let’s take the TV!” The effect of leadership emergence on the outcome of a virtual burglary.
Bonestroo, D.N. and Gerritsen, L.H. and Huijsmans, S.D.M. and Vahl, R. (2023) Aangezichtsprothetiek op afstand : De ontwikkeling van een innovatieve workflow en vergelijking hiervan met de huidige workflow om de intrinsieke huidskleur op afstand, zonder fysiek contact, te benaderen.
Bont, A.P.V. de (2023) The Use of Social Proof and Learning Strategies in Digital Learning Environments How can social proof and learning strategies affect students in a Digital Learning Environment?
Bonzi, H.L. (2023) Creating a product for oyster reef restoration out of the BESE-reef paste.
Boom, F.R. van den (2023) Software for DIY at Home Lab for Telemanipulation Control.
Boom, Friso van den (2023) Item availability restricted.
Boom, Mark (2023) Data Structures and Heuristics for State Elimination in Markov Models.
Boon, Jelle (2023) Approximating Integrals within General 2D Curved Domain.
Boone, A.F. (2023) Estimating the risk of locoregional recurrence and second primary breast cancer: the role of distant metastasis as a competing risk.
Boonstra, Kim (2023) Bouwen aan high performing en veerkrachtige partnerschappen. Een toolkitontwerp voor Van Wijnen Components, het geindustrialiseerde maakbedrijf onder de Van Wijnen Groep.
Boorsma, J.P.A. (2023) 'Matula' Development of a Mailable Midstream Urine Collection Device.
Borg, Annika ter (2023) The Contribution of Purchasing to the Sustainability of the Dutch Healthcare Sector.
Borges Dias, L (2023) Gated community without gates: (how) is the Smart City Laguna neighborhood becoming a new driver of urban divisions?
Borkar, S.D. (2023) Enhancing Robot Camera Localization through Image Retrieval via Generalized Contrastive Loss and Re-Ranking.
Borst, ir. R.H.C. (2023) Evaluating the effect of nature-based solutions on urban runoff using hydraulic modelling: a case study in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana.
Bos, D.M. (2023) The development and evaluation of a novel, non-invasive measuring system for the prevention of diabetic ketoacidosis.
Bos, Dennis (2023) The impact of the public discourse on social media in transboundary crisis management : The Rhine flooding of July 2021.
Bos, Dennis (2023) Servitization by SMEs in a B2B context: Entering a sector unfamiliar with the concept.
Bos, Jochem (2023) Modelling of Shared Control of Endovascular Surgical Instruments in SOFA.
Bos, K.J. (2023) Lessons learned? : Leren van voorvalonderzoek bij de Koninklijke Luchtmacht.
Bos, M.A. van den (2023) The future of the electronic health record : testing a speech commanded interface in combination with a smartwatch.
Bos, M.W.E. (2023) The Effect of Students’ Intrinsic Motivation on Situation Awareness with Attention as Mediator in a Virtual Reality Asphalt Compactor.
Bos, Mathilde (2023) Combining needle arthroscopy with near-infrared spectroscopy to assess articular cartilage quality.
Bos, Maxim (2023) Continuously optimizing business process using process mining.
Bos, S.E. ten (2023) Investigating the Effectiveness of Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Bitcoin Prices and Improving Trading Strategies.
Bos, Thomas W. (2023) Determining a fitting hydrogen strategy for Pure Energie.
Bosch, C.R.V. van den (2023) Improving packaging design process with emphasis on consumer perception and packaging design stakeholder roles.
Bosch, L.M.A. (2023) Performing a Life Cycle Assessment of a self-checkout for Pan Oston.
Bosman, F. (2023) Hardware for DIY at home lab for telemanipulation control.
Bosman, Joris (2023) Fine-tuning GPT-3 for data visualization code generation.
Bosmans, Babette (2023) Designing a laundry care short cut to facilitate a time-saving and sustainable process.
Bosschart, J.S.P. (2023) Synthetic Faces For Robots.
Bot, M. (2023) Clustering patients at the emergency department based on their ECG and PPG signals.
Botnarenco, Daniel (2023) Automating Scientific Paper Screening with ChatGPT: An Evaluation of Efficiency and Accuracy.
Botter, Marnix (2023) Beyond the Odds : The Celebrity Factor and Warning Messages in Gambling Advertisements.
Botter, Marnix (2023) Beyond the Odds : The Celebrity Factor and Warning Messages in Gambling Advertisements.
Bottinelli, Sara (2023) A Study of Organization Level E-mail Phishing Awareness.
Bouma, L.J. (2023) Atmospheric sound propagation modeling with the Harmonoise model applied to wind turbine noise.
Bouma, Thomas Pieter (2023) Exploring The Usefulness Of Assessing ESM Data Using Dynamic Linear Regression An N-of-1 Study Of The Association Between State Anxiety And State Depression.
Bourgonndien, Maarten van (2023) Analysis and Simulation of Disruptions Within the Superyacht Hull Manufacturing Process.
Bouwmeester, Wouter (2023) Chips for who?
Boven, H. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Bovenkamp, Dennis van der (2023) Design of ESR-line for spin control of Bi-implanted Si nanodevices.
Bovenkamp, J.P. van de (2023) Performance of GaN-based Bidirectional Switch using Two-Dimensional Device Simulations.
Bozea, Diana-Alexandra (2023) Secure Steganography Based on GAN Image Morphing: Implementation and Analysis.
Bozhilov, Yancho (2023) Differences between conversational and query-response approaches in multimodal interplay with a robot.
Bozhkov, E.I. (2023) The Interplay of Personality, Stress and Academic Performance in University Students.
Bošnjak, I. (2023) Transport properties of SnTe nanowires in Josephson junction devices.
Braak, Bjorn van (2023) Experiments with different methods for class imbalance and bias in customers' credit risk assessment with little or no credit history.
Braam, H.L.H. (2023) Understanding the Impacts of Google’s CT Policy Update on the WebPKI.
Braam, Mats van (2023) Developing a design tool for The Robot Facebook.
Braat, A.R. and Hassanu, K. and Smit, A.F. (2023) Optimalisatie van fluorescentie-angiografie : standaardisatiestrategieën en meetfactoren die de gemeten fluorescentie-intensiteit beïnvloeden.
Braks, R.J.M. (2023) Motion control of IRONSperm clusters in a vascular model.
Bramer, B. (2023) Improving the effectiveness of the high-touch credit approval process.
Brandsma, L.K. (2023) Political disinformation: A closer look at the use of rhetoric and fallacies of a Dutch populist party regarding the Russo Ukrainian war.
Brattinga, M. (2023) Protecting against internal attackers with hardware-aided proxy re-encryption.
Brauel, Katharina (2023) The effect of operational excellence paradigms on organizational resilience building.
Braun, Lina (2023) Exploring Long-Term Changes in Happiness and its Predictors : A Latent Class Analysis.
Braun, Marlen (2023) Evaluating the Chatbot Usability Scale: A Psychometric and Designometric Perspective.
Breckau, Nadja (2023) Student Entrepreneurship and the Venture Creation Process: A Competency Perspective.
Breda, L. van (2023) Blockchain and banking efficiency : global evidence from Ripple network adoption.
Bree, K.D.E. de (2023) Development of a convolutional neural network for the detection of the levator plate : a U-net based structure for MR image segmentation.
Breel, P.M. (2023) The correlation between the precipitation and the representative high groundwater level (RHG) in urbanized Hengelo.
Breggeman, Floris Tenzin (2023) An Authentication Service for Domestic Self-Hosting.
Breimer, Marit M. (2023) Exploring the Effects of Parental Engagement, Visit Frequency and Visit Intention on the Learning Experience of Children in a Museum.
Bremers, L.P.Y. (2023) Financial Inclusion in the Metaverse : Exploring the Relationship between Education and Attitude towards Cryptocurrencies.
Breukelman, L.G. (2023) Van crisis naar zorg - ontlasten van verzorgenden-IG bij toenemende zorgvraag.
Bril, A.M. (2023) Institutionele logica's en hun perspectief op het ontwikkelproces van Artificiële Intelligentie voor beeldvormende technieken in de zorg.
Brink, J.J. van den (2023) Modeling and analyzing the use of electric vehicles for Van Schoot Pompcentrum BVs routing logistics.
Brink, R.S.A. ten (2023) Towards RObot assisted iMage guided surgery using deeP lEarning Techniques (TROMPET): the calibration of flexible instruments for stereotactic navigation in locally advanced and recurrent rectal carcinoma.
Brink, Renske van den (2023) The influence of a Self-Control Training App on Students’ Levels of Self-Control and Bedtime Procrastination : A Single Case Experimental Design.
Brink, René (2023) Ambivalentie In Professionele Dienstbaarheid : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de factoren die discretionaire ruimte van SMZ-professionals beïnvloeden.
Brinke, Merel T.A. ten and Dijk, Keline J. van and Kessler, Jarah and Wermelink, Rayco J.H. (2023) Verbetering van de diabeteszorg : een dashboard voor de monitoring van ziekenhuispatiënten met diabetes.
Brinkerink, A.R. (2023) Enhancing patient autonomy in mental health care: evaluating the digital patient portal of Dimence Groep.
Brinkers, R.A. (2023) Controlled Flow Excavation on cohesionless soil. Understanding the physical processes of controlled Flow Excavation. Predicting the static and dynamic scour depth.
Brinkhof, Dorien (2023) Exploring Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Sports and Household.
Brinkmann, Janine (2023) Synchrony in heartbeat: Exploring physiological co-occurrence during collaborative action of police-teams.
Brinkmeier, C.T. (2023) Pathological Grief and Depression: An Examination of Mourning Ukrainians.
Broek, Desmond van den (2023) Creating a general process to measure API performance : generating a KPI-driven dashboard at Air France KLM.
Broeke, D.A. van den (2023) Particle detection and tracking in avalanches.
Broekhof, M.C. (2023) Design of a ’Super Capacitor’ for N-Path Filters.
Broekhuis, S. B. (2023) Incorporating User Inputs for Improved JSON Schema Inference.
Broenink, M.E. (2023) Assessment of wave load reduction by breakwaters.
Broers, Noah (2023) How Organizations Institutionalize Corporate Digital Responsibility in their Culture and the Influence on Employees’ Digital Responsible Behavior.
Brot, Antje (2023) The Effects of Perceived Stress on Positive Affect Moderated by Acceptance : An Experience Sampling Study.
Brouwer, E.E.B. (2023) Development of a Location-Based Game to help new students discover the UT Campus and Enschede.
Brouwer, Marit and Cornelissen, Lisa and Kistemaker, Wouter and Veld, Simon (2023) Improving 3D Preoperative Planning for Segmentectomies in Lung Cancer Patients : Expanding the In-House Protocol for 3D Lung Reconstruction to Improve Preoperative Planning of Segmentectomies in 3D Slicer at Zuyderland Medical Centre.
Brouwer, Peter (2023) Het Reflectieniveau van Technasiumleerlingen op 4 Vwo van een Technasiumschool.
Brouwer, Pim and Soomer, Senna and Tienen, Marieke van and Varsovia, Sabrina (2023) Diagnose van MODY bij patiënten die reeds zijn gediagnosticeerd met een andere vorm van diabetes.
Brouwer, R. (2023) Design of a wearable sensor to assist hip replacement patients during their physical therapy exercises.
Brouwer, R.J. (2023) Differentiating user groups within an educational dashboard using log data.
Bruderer, M.A (2023) Satellite to Radar: Sequence to Sequence Learning for precipitation nowcasting.
Brugman, Aniek (2023) Evaluation of the Reboocon Intuy knee.
Bruijn, N.B. de (2023) Exploring new procedures to deal with time-varying relationships in forecasting: A study in the context of forecasting youth unemployment with Google searches.
Bruin, Ir. Jaime de (2023) The monitoring and enforcing of offered additional value in bestprice-quality-ratio tendering.
Bruin, K.W. de (2023) The Relationship Between Guardianship and Crime : The Impact of SES on Guardianship.
Bruin, S. de (2023) Optimizing Trajectories of Bipedal Robots for Robustness Against Disturbances.
Bruin, S.R.M. de (2023) Development of Questionnaire for assessing Student’s Tendency between Collaborative and Cooperative Learning; a Questionnaire for Higher Education Instructors.
Bruins, R. (2023) Value of innovation in the financial market.
Brune, Simon J. (2023) Exploring Rumination in the Presence of Other People : An Experience Sampling Study.
Brügging, C.J. (2023) Autoritarisme: persoonlijkheidskenmerk of ideologie? : Een casestudy naar autoritarisme in het Nederlandse politieke discours van radicaal-rechtse politici over de coronacrisis.
Bucur, Matei (2023) Exploring Large Language Models and Retrieval Augmented Generation for Automated Form Filling.
Budin, Batu (2023) ERP Systems and Process Mining.
Budnik, Mateusz (2023) Design and evaluation of a Ring Oscillator based Physically Unclonable Function.
Budnyk, Yevhenii (2023) LyrAIX - tweaking the style.
Buijs, F.A.H. (2023) The effect of charged single chain polymeric nanoparticles on alpha-synuclein aggregation in SH-SY5Y cells.
Buis, Geert (2023) Applying game-theory to evaluate incentives for cooperative behaviour between households within the distribution grid.
Buis, Kieran (2023) Verbal behaviors in moments of conflict : a mixed-method study of different meetings in effective mono- and multicultural agile teams.
Buitenhuis, N.M. (2023) ‘Where’ matters : a study on patient preferences on treatment location.
Buitenweg, M. (2023) An Oscillatory Neural-Network architecture based on Dopant network Processing Units.
Bunningen, Imke van (2023) The role of α-synuclein in the gastrointestinal tract in Parkinson’s disease.
Buntsma, Veerle (2023) Using an interactive diner table to influence eating rate in a social setting.
Burghouts, K.T.J. (2023) The Technical and Commercial Impact of Engineering Changes in the Conceptual Housebuilding Industry.
Burghouts, K.T.J. (2023) Level of Vertical Integration in tight Buyer-Supplier Relationships for Concept Development in the Conceptual Housebuilding Industry.
Burgt, A.P. van der (2023) AI in the Wild : Robust evaluation and optimized fine-tuning of machine learning algorithms deployed on the edge.
Burlacu, Christian (2023) The Impact of AI-Powered Content Generation on Customer Experience.
Busche, Nico (2023) The Role of Transportability in a WWII Scenario.
Busink, T. (2023) Development and Technical Validation of a Gait-Synchronised Vibratory Stimulation System for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease.
Buskens, Nienke (2023) The Effect of Bending on the Critical Current of ReBCO Based Stack Cables : High Magnetic Fields for Muon Collider.
Busse, N. (2023) The impact of cashless societies on business and society.
Buter, M. (2023) 3D Preoperative planning and training tool for endoscopic stapes surgery.
Butt, M.B. (2023) Just-in-time adaptive interventions for long COVID related symptom cluster: A scoping review and a checklist for decision rules.
Buuren, Ilco van (2023) A roadmap design for implementing digital production technology.
Buursema, K (2023) Using Metrics for Sustainable Employment.
Buzulica, Theodora (2023) Exploring the relationship between sedentary behaviour, depressive symptoms, and evolutionary mismatch : an experience sampling study.
Böcher, N. (2023) Exploring the Relationship between Smartphone-based Social Media Time and State Self-Esteem in University Students: An Experience Sampling Study.
Böhmer, Kevin (2023) Radiation resilience evaluation of a Flash-based FPGA with a soft RISC-V Core.
Bünnemann, Lorenz (2023) Transition to a sustainable society : Influence of Enjoyment and manipulated Ease of Retrieval on Vegetarian Self-Identity and Behavioural Intention.
Caisaguano Ordoñez, J.A. (2023) Integrating a multi-layer safety approach in the Dutch city of Zwolle, Noorderkwartier area : Enhancing housing flood resilience in an old center.
Campoverde, Carlos (2023) Automatic building roof plane structure extraction from remote sensing data for lod2 3D city modelling.
Cao, Xiaoyu (2023) The visualisation of permanent charges in electro-responsive, random co-polymer hydrogels with confocal laser scanning microscopy.
Carelse, T.C. (2023) Multiple Valuation For SMEs In The Netherlands: A Case Study On The Brookz Overname Barometer Multiple.
Caris, M.V.A. (2023) App-based Stress Management Intervention for Students with Stress Symptoms.
Castelán Castillo, David Daniel (2023) Design of an Energy Management System for Residential Buildings : A Sustainable Approach to Optimize Energy Efficiency and PV Integration.
Castro Illusanguil, B.D. (2023) Do we build what we design? Using data-driven approaches to couple the construction process into air void ratio regression.
Catalab, A.I. (2023) The impact of public sentiment on crypto resilience during COVID-19 pandemic.
Cauba, A. (2023) Estimation of Transplanting and Harvest Dates of Rice Crops in the Philippines Using Sentinel-1 Data.
Cavelaars, D.J. (2023) Measuring gait characteristics using wearable sensors in neurological patients.
Chamaon, Dumiana (2023) Test-Retest Reliability of the P-BAS.
Chamoun, Simon (2023) Unleashing the potential of Business Intelligence & Analytics for SMEs in the Netherlands : A Comprehensive Analysis.
Chapochinikov, M.M. (2023) Improving co-living rotation through design.
Chaprana, Akshay Kumar (2023) Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation of UAV Videos.
Chatzimichail, Kyriakos (2023) Synchronization improvement in automotive Ethernet networks.
Chavoushiforooshani, Ashkan (2023) Improving Community Acceptance to Accelerate Dynamic Wireless Charging for Public Transportation in the Netherlands.
Chechin, A. (2023) Integration of Basalt Fiber Reinforcement Technology in the Dutch Construction Industry : a comparative Analysis of Russian and International Practices.
Chen, D.T. (2023) Development of Financial Distress Prediction Model for the Watchlist Classification of Wholesale Banking Clients at ING.
Cheng, Yifan (2023) Nudgo : an interactive system for neurodiverse social connections.
Chennaveeranahalli, D.R. (2023) Fabrication and analysis of glucose sensor.
Chiu, T. (2023) Designing a study lamp for Syrian refugees who live in refugee camps in Jordan.
Cho, Halyn (2023) Terra Methodology Refinement: A Proposal of New Methodologies to Measure the Performance of Cement, and Automotive Sectors.
Choi, Jeong Young (2023) Machine Learning Approaches in Extending the Capabilities of a Thermal Anemometer for Horticultural Applications.
Chota, Bright Nkole (2023) Mapping soybean expansion and the impact on food security among smallholder farmers in Zambia.
Chouaf, Sofia (2023) "If it is bad for me, why does it feel so good?" - A quantitative study on how Instagram use can influence young adults' mental health.
Christan, L.J. (2023) Designing a blueprint schedule for the brachytherapy department using discrete event simulation and linear programming.
Christou, G. (2023) On Services Exposed by DNS Infrastructure: A KINDNS Investigation.
Cimcir, N.N. (2023) How does Neuroticism Influence the Relationship between Self-Regulation and Well-Being in University Students?
Ciresica, V. (2023) Authentication method for Windows OS based on location classification using WiFi signals.
Cirpik, Onurcan (2023) A Re-Engineered Web Interface to a Global Citizen Science Portal.
Claessens, M.L. (2023) The dome pelvis osteotomy as alternative for pedicle subtraction osteotomy in patients with loss of lumbar lordosis.
Clemente, Jean Louis (2023) Segmentation of Railway tracks, Contact cables and Catenary cables from a LiDAR Point Cloud.
Codreanu, S.S. (2023) From Theory to Practice: Developing an Assessment Instrument to Measure Circularity Performance in Organizations.
Coenraad, T.L. (2023) Retention for 3D-printed hollow immediate surgical obturators for maxillectomy patients.
Collet, A.M. (2023) Dissecting misalignment in agri-environmental policy design : The Case of the PAS and the Dutch Nitrogen Crisis.
Collet, M.J. (2023) Social capital and its dimensions and their influence on supplier resource allocation, a multi-group analysis.
Collin, N.S.L. (2023) Facilitating Student Socialisation at the University of Twente: A Location-Based Gaming Approach.
Coloricchio, Michele (2023) The 2022 Italian general election campaign : measuring different levels of populism on Facebook and assessing its impact on engagement.
Contarino, Matteo (2023) What are the key factors influencing the adoption of the Metaverse in the consulting industry?
Contecha Montes, J.A. (2023) An Enterprise Architecture based Big Data Analytics Capability Deployment Reference Architecture to improve Business Value.
Cornelissen, A.J. (2023) De mogelijkheden van het gebruik van wearables in de behandeling Agressie Regulatie op Maat.
Coroiu, A. (2023) Testing the successive time window approach with simulated EEG data.
Cortenbach, L.E. (2023) The dial-a-ride problem with meeting points : a problem formulation for shared demand responsive transit.
Coste, S.F. (2023) Crowd analysis on edge devices : a comparative study of neural networks on blurred images.
Coster, J.L. (2023) Implementatie burgerschapsonderwijs binnen het voortgezet onderwijs : een casestudie binnen de Scholengroep Carmel Hengelo.
Coster, J.L. (2023) Implementatie burgerschapsonderwijs binnen het voortgezet onderwijs : een casestudie binnen de Scholengroep Carmel Hengelo.
Coulibaly, Adama (2023) Factors influencing climate change adaptation by residents : comparative case study of projects in Eindhoven.
Craaijo, R. (2023) Design of an in-app Store for the Awaves player.
Croonen, Elke (2023) Artificial intelligence for tool and action detection in laparoscopic fundoplication surgery videos.
Cuba, Ruwigène de (2023) R&D investments and stock return volatility : A study on the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industry in Europe.
Cuijpers, Jort (2023) Cultural differences between Dutch and Austrians on the work floor.
Cybaier, Malin (2023) Instagram Use, Fear of Missing Out and the Role of Self-compassion.
Cyrbja, G. (2023) Minimizing Freight Traffic Disturbances in Almelo: An analysis of conditional priority strategies and impacts.
Czaplicki, Michał (2023) Live commentary in a football video game generated by an AI.
Cárdenas León, I.L. (2023) From Trash To Digital Treasure: Urban Digital Twining For Solid Waste Management. A Case Study In The City Of Tshwane, South Africa.
Dadhich, Shrasti (2023) Increasing the accuracy of rodent detection and estimation of the population with emerging sensor technology.
Dalhuisen, R. (2023) Development of an in vitro melanoma skin model for transdermal drug delivery applications.
Dalla Giacoma, Greta (2023) Paradigm Shift : The Power of Empathy in Shaping Public Opinions on Restorative Justice.
Dam, W.L.M. ten (2023) Driving sustainability in packaging design : The development of a framework to guide the transition towards a sustainable future.
Damen, Lucas Ignacio (2023) The influencing factors on students' interest towards visiting the theatre.
Damhof, Erik-Jan (2023) A combined method to solve the distribution centre location problem in a greenfield approach.
Dammers, M.A. (2023) The Application of Mindfulness Based Therapy (MBT) in Substance Use Disorder (SUD): A Scoping Review.
Damoiseaux, P.H.P.T.M. (2023) Spincopter: Modeling and control.
Dan, K. (2023) The optimization of the requesting procedure.
Dankers, H.H.G. (2023) The use of three-dimensional surface scans for facial feminization surgery : quantification of the indications and results.
Dao, P.N. (2023) Are you a real human? Factors of virtual influencers that predict to Generation Z consumers’ brand attitude and booking intention.
Daoud, Y.F.C. and Zonnenberg, J. and Besselink, I.T.J. and Leussink, K.H. (2023) Kwantificatie van de extra bolus adenosine bij het gebruik van een multi-infusie systeem bij rubidium-82 PET/CT onderzoek.
Darici, F.E. (2023) Analyzing Video Quality Assessment Methods on Computer Graphics Animation Videos.
Dario Amenophi, Perfigli (2023) Material Intelligence : The Entanglement of Reality in the Making.
Dauer, Lauritz (2023) Students’ Imaginations of Their Climate Future in a Climate Distress Storytelling Workshop.
Davenschot, Jan Henk (2023) Fabrication and characterization of mesh electronics and in vitro metal electrode arrays.
De Barros Vasconcelos Fernandes, Kathylene (2023) Immersive virtual reality in business higher education : An experience with students.
Deetzen, Laura von (2023) The role climate fiction can play in affecting readers climate change emotions : A qualitative study.
Dehn, Moritz (2023) The impact of inflation on the buyer-supplier relationship and the preferred customer status : a case study.
Deira, Donyell (2023) Money isn't power anymore, but people are! A humanistic shift in organizations : the People-First approach. What constitutes employees' perceptions of this approach at the workplace.
Dekker, Bram (2023) Semi-supervised point cloud segmentation on railway data.
Dekker, D.J.W. (2023) Exploring the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Gender Pay Gap : Variations Across Industries in the United Kingdom.
Dekker, L.P. (2023) A comparison of groundwater level estimation methods.
Dekker, M.A. (2023) Waste Separation & Collection on NS trains.
Dekker, Tessa den (2023) Nudged Towards a Healthier Society : The Influence of Visual Design Cues and the Decoy Effect on Healthier Food Choices on a Supermarket Website.
Delbrück, Konstantin C. A. (2023) Sacrifice Freedom for Freedom : A qualitative content analysis of the freedom definition used by party families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Delfgou, J. (2023) Populism in the Netherlands, are there new populist contenders in parliament?
Dellink, M. (2023) Linearity improvement techniques for high speed DTCS.
Dellink, Rick (2023) Barriers to the adoption of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis: procurement perspective.
Delventhal, Nick (2023) VAS vs. Likert in ESM Study : The Effect of the Choice of Response Format on Extreme Response Style.
Demmink, M.M.R. (2023) Predicting anxiety disorders : the key to data driven policy.
Demosthenous, Avgerinos (2023) Machine operation prediction using CSI for Industrial IoT networks.
Deniz, Ö. (2023) The effect of modest fashion influencers on consumer purchase intentions: a comparative study in a multireligious context.
Denkers, A.J. (2023) Flow-Vegetation Interactions at Vegetated Riverbanks : Experimental Analysis of Flume Data and Measurements in the River Dinkel.
Denz, S.T. (2023) Medical Liberation for Monstrous Bodies : Cultural Probes for Gender Justice in Breast Cancer Screening.
Derks, F.M.P. (2023) Influence of dynamic flow field on untethered robots controlled by a magnetic field.
Derksen, J. (2023) The food environment and obesity, are they related? : A cross-sectional observational study in the Netherlands.
Derksen, Jan (2023) The Relationship between Coping Mechanisms and Mental Health in the Context of Stressful Events : An Experience Sampling Study.
Derla, C.R. (2023) Towards Real-Time Estimation of Ground Reaction Forces using 3 IMUs.
Desai, Mihir (2023) Cartography: A Theory through the Reconciliation of its Epistemic Conflicts.
Deters, Henning (2023) The German trade union’s discourse on AI : the last defenders of the workforce?
Deure, D. van der (2023) Climate adaptation in urban areas : What motivates property owners to implement green infrastructure?
Deursen, Amber van (2023) The effect of the use of profile badges on social comparison at social media among men.
Dewak, Hadil (2023) Scrolling for a Diagnosis: The Effects of Self-Diagnosing Content on Social Media on Young Adults’ Mental Health.
Dhawan, Sonakashi (2023) Hybrid Machine Learning (ML) Models in Banking : An Approach for the B2B Sector.
Dickhof, Iljar (2023) Wind tunnel measurements of a small scale wind turbine.
Dieperink, D. (2023) Investigating the use of acoustic features to understand human social interaction from speech.
Diephaus, J. (2023) Studying Gender as Moderator for the Associations between Anxiety and Negative Events as well as Rumination and Anxiety.
Diermen, M. van (2023) User technique innovation in the innovation model : a case study analysis.
Diermen, N. van (2023) Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de implementatie en inbedding van flexibele bezoektijden binnen het Intensive Care Centrum: visies, behoeften en verwachtingen van IC-verpleegkundigen en intensivisten.
Dieteren, S.H.P. (2023) How purchasing structures can contribute to firm performance.
Dieterle, L.C. (2023) Regulating The Invisible Spy : A Case Study of the Pegasus Spyware examining Surveillance Technology Regulation.
Dijk, H.H. van (2023) Validating and developing measurement techniques to assess patellofemoral instability using dynamic Computed Tomography.
Dijk, Lotte van (2023) Unintended outcomes of artificial intelligence in online advertising.
Dijk, Luc van (2023) Item availability restricted.
Dijk, M.G. van (2023) Motivation in students as a product of performance gamification in an online inquiry learning environment.
Dijk, Nathan van (2023) Advanced wildlife camera trapping using embedded AI machine vision.
Dijk, Wessel van (2023) Creating insights into the vendor performance at Rodelta Pumps International by means of an interactive vendor rating dashboard.
Dijk, Willem van (2023) Interactive installation for an Educational Ethics Lab.
Dijkman, S. (2023) Menstrual cycle support technology.
Dijkstra, R.M. (2023) European Commission Digitalisation: Strategy Meets Policy.
Diken, Seray (2023) Crisis Negotiation Training: Does Integrating Examples Enhance the Effectiveness of the Teaching Process?
Dikkers, Marco (2023) Towards a generalizable Urban Heat Island assessment tool using data-driven models.
Dillhage, Leo (2023) High-risk games and safety measures in the German Bundesliga: How do stadium attendants perceive their safety?
Dimitrov, Krisiyan (2023) Towards the development of a meetup application to enhance the quality of life among elderly.
Dimitrova, Snezha (2023) Using software to aid vocabulary delays via audio stories - A Usability Test.
Dobre, M.N. (2023) An economic evaluation of high-dose-rate brachytherapy utilization for prostate cancer in the United States of America.
Dobrowolski, MSc S. (2023) Effects of Serious Games for Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Meta-Analysis.
Doest, S.L. (2023) A dynamic heart phantom based on Polyvinyl Alcohol Cryogel for Temperature Validation after Radiofrequency Ablation.
Dogan, A.K. (2023) Handover from AI to Humans in L3 Automated Vehicles: A Pilot Study.
Dogruyol, C.M. (2023) Students’ technology acceptance and their perception of learning management systems : a case study in Germany and The Netherlands.
Dokurno, K. (2023) Predictive Haptic Driver Support Near Vehicle's Handling Limits.
Dolas, R.S. (2023) Analytic-driven decision support in cybersecurity : towards effective IP risk management decision-making process.
Domingo Gil, Francisco José (2023) Comparison of force and image-based controller for autonomous ultrasound robotic acquisition during varying tissue stiffnesses.
Dommerholt, L.B.M. (2023) Transition towards 10-minute city Utrecht : Research on Overvecht and Kanaleneiland.
Domselaar, Max van (2023) Leveraging the Usage of Procure-to-Pay (P2P) Software to Enhance Purchasing Tactics.
Dong, Zheyu (2023) Design of User Interface for Sewer Management Web Application.
Dongen, Fabian van (2023) Kubernetes, IoT and the Automation of Penetration Testing.
Dongen, N.J. van (2023) The influence of the numerical approach on pre-augering on sheet pile design.
Dongen, Q.G. van (2023) Optimal Transport and the Structure of Cities.
Donker, Lianne (2023) 4D-CT based motion analysis of a polymer-endograft combination after prophylactic sac filling, an in vitro study.
Dooren, Kayleigh van (2023) Predictors of Football Player Performance at sub-top Eredivisie clubs.
Doornbos, J.H. (2023) Wavefront Shaping At The Push Of A Button.
Doornkamp, C.J. (2023) Dependable Probabilistic Energy Forecasting of Solar Energy for Energy Management Systems.
Dop, L.T.J. (2023) Classifying ransomware victims’ nationalities based on leak page entries.
Dorland, I. van (2023) Finalising the prototype of Celsius' variable volume controller using the Belimo CMV-…-MP.
Dort, W. van (2023) Bladder outflow obstruction: towards more advanced analysis.
Dorth, Michelle van (2023) Development of an HRV Biofeedback Tool for signalling Anxiety Levels to Female Competitive Track and Field Athletes.
Dotinga, Y.K. (2023) Increasing effective engagement in eHealth for COPD self-management through Value Sensitive Design.
Doychev, K. (2023) Need for convergence speed : how do graph metrics influence the convergence speed of Markov chains?
Dragomir, Ecaterina (2023) Towards an Optimal Initial Sparsity Distribution for Automatic Noise Filtering in Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Dransfeld, MSc. F.J.M. (2023) 3D Ankle Force and Moment In Ankle Fracture Patients Walking With Instrumented Crutches.
Drechsler, Anna-Lena (2023) Evaluating Perspectives of Stepwise Relationships - Assessment of an Intervention for Low-Risk Service Users of Intimate Partner Violence in Probation Service.
Dremo, Martyna (2023) Differences in Gender Role Beliefs Among Eastern and Western European Women and Their Relationship to Well-being.
Drenth, H.J. (2023) A Macroscopic Simulation Model Of Passenger Flows At Railway Platforms : A Case Study At Deventer Train Station.
Drenth, Thomas (2023) A Circular Business Model for Aluminium Suppliers: Drivers, Barriers and Enablers.
Drewnik, Damian (2023) Detecting Social Media Influencers of Startup Accelerators Using Social Network Analysis on Twitter.
Driessen, Famke (2023) A quantitative assessment method for microservices granularity to improve maintainability.
Drijfhout, S.H. (2023) An explorative design research for the optimization of sustainability for logistic service systems within an e-commerce setting: Using consumers to optimize for sustainability.
Dringa, Brianna (2023) Performance and Security Analysis of Privacy-Preserved IoT Applications.
Droste, C.H.H. (2023) Examples managing supplier spillovers in buyer-supplier relationships.
Drumann, Johanna Marie (2023) The EU as a People Pleaser – What drives public satisfaction with EU democracy? An empirical study on the influence of perceived input and output legitimacy on satisfaction with democracy in the European Union.
Druten, Mila Luna van (2023) External Limitations to Reverse Electrodialysis.
Drösser, Alina (2023) Analysing the Effect of Green and Red Tape on Administrative Burden of Health Care Professionals in Mental Health Care Setting.
Duhoux, Johan (2023) Illness stories of hospitalised COVID-19 patients: a complex story of chaos, restitution and quest.
Duijkers, Floortje (2023) White blood cell depletion of immunomagnetically enriched samples using antibody functionalised surfaces.
Duijvelshoff, Jamie Leigh (2023) New protocol design for shortening the duration of measuring evoked potentials for various stimuli conditions.
Dullemen, E.M. van (2023) "Samen sterk in een veranderende planorganisatie" : Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar uitdagingen en veranderbereidheid als bijdrage aan het verbeteren van integrale planning en besturing binnen het bedrijfsbureau van Zorgorganisatie X.
Dulzamirki, Wildan Alicondro (2023) Identifying Different Epidotes Using Infrared Imaging Spectroscopyin the Rantau Dedap Geothermal System, Indonesia.
Duong, T.T.L. (2023) Exploring psychological topics and sentiments in how people tweet about chronic pain: A text-mining approach.
Durkstra, S. (2023) Navigating the Ethical Minefield of the Metaverse: Exploring the Privacy, Safety and Security of the Virtual World.
Dusink, G.F.C. (2023) Discovering multilayered triads within a geriatric healthcare service ecosystem to steer innovation.
Duteweert, L.J. (2023) Bestendigheid van ambtelijke fusies : Het effect van structurele factoren op de bestendigheid van ambtelijke fusies.
Dzhondzhorova, Gergana (2023) The impact of visual information within the Sensory Interactive Table on food perceptions.
Dávid, K. (2023) You should give because it feels good : the effects of social norms and anticipated emotion on donation intention.
Dülberg, Hannah (2023) User Experiences Concerning the Impact of Spiritual Apps on Everyday Life.
Ecker, Sam Luke (2023) Flat Tax Reform in the Netherlands.
Edler, Yael Sophia (2023) The Moderating Role of Age on the Relationship between Attitudes Towards Menopause and Well-Being in Women.
Eekelder, L. (2023) The Optimal Model-Based Definition to Reduce Engineering Hours for Besi Packaging.
Eekhout, Koen (2023) The effect of partnership logic and its internal misalignment on the dimensions of supplier commitment.
Efstathiadis, I. (2023) Quantum (anti)Anthropology : An Synthetic Research on Human Nature.
Egberink, B. (2023) Evidence Based Policy and COVID-19 : Case study on national policy making regarding facemask use in the Netherlands.
Egberink, J.T. (2023) A heuristic for finding leafy spanning trees.
Egberink, S. (2023) Cultural gap : how Dutch expatriates perceive the Australian culture.
Egberts, J. (2023) From isolation to connection : testing the relationship between internet use and subjective well-being in Europe's elderly population.
Ehlen, Franziska (2023) Exploration of a deposit bottle return system for liquid home and personal care products.
Eichhorn, T.S. (2023) The Digital Transformation Journey: A System Dynamics Approach for Chief Digital Officers.
Eidmann, E.C. (2023) Employee communication during mergers : sensegiving communication by middle managers aiding employees’ sensemaking of a merger.
Eidt, Leonie (2023) The Impact of Telework on Employee Motivation and Turnover Intention A systematic review.
Eijkemans, J.W. (2023) Sneakily Purposeful Games : A new design strategy for motor-based serious games.
Eijken, Margriet (2023) Energy efficient scheduling in data centers.
Ekeris, Kasper van (2023) Optimizing the base stock levels in a multi-echelon multi-item inventory/production system.
Ekkelkamp, Ilse (2023) Bounded Propulsion of Helical Device with Near-Zero Angle of Attack.
El Habashy, Mohamed (2023) Biomarker Based COVID Severity Prediction and Data Quality Exploration.
El Sadek, Y. (2023) Performance Measurements on Green Roofs : Water and Energy Resources.
El-Issa, O.M.T. (2023) Cultural differences between Jordan and the Netherlands: Cultural influence on international business for Dutch expats in Jordan.
ElChiwy, M.M.S. (2023) Impact Of Incidental Findings on Radiology.
Elburg, R.S. van (2023) Designing a gamification for promotion and recruitment.
Elderhorst, Anouk (2023) Analysing the Intracellular Crowding of Primary Chondrocytes from Passage 2 to Passage 8 using Holotomography.
Elderson, H. (2023) Concept design of an alternative, sustainable packaging of fruit juice.
Eldesouky, Mohamed Ibrahim (2023) Enhancing Variants Management at Thales Hengelo.
Elferink, Emmy (2023) “We do not measure for fun” The Motivations of Stakeholders Participating in Citizen Science: A Single Case Study on an Air Pollution Project.
Elferink, S.E.M. (2023) The effect of enhanced recovery after renal surgery.
Elfert, B. (2023) Analyzing the psychometric properties of a questionnaire designed to measure information literacy : recommendations to develop a better instrument.
Elkhouly, Moaaz (2023) Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness of EliteClean Innovations.
Elsawaf, Ahmed (2023) Unlocking operational efficiency through reliable asset data : a case study of maintenance strategies in Company X.
Elst, Daniëlle van (2023) Development of a 3D stress foot plate meeting the medical device regulation and affordability - Product development without a business case.
Elsten, Julian M. (2023) Exploring the potential use of FaaS within an iPaaS infrastructure.
Eltohami Ahmed, Suhad (2023) Exploring the Temporal Dynamics of Momentary Mental Resilience in Everyday Life and its Association with Positive Affect Using Experience Sampling Methodology.
Emily, Harris (2023) A matter of status? A study on factors influencing the intention to adopt smart electricity meters in German households.
Engbers, Femke (2023) The effects of a gamified AR cycling intervention on recreational cyclists' attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and intention.
Engelenhoven, A. van (2023) CAST : Clustering Attention using Surrogate Tokens for Efficient Transformers.
Engers, V.P.G. van (2023) Efficient Deep Learning for Automotive Radar Perception.
Enschot, Merel Jose van (2023) "Niet praten óver, maar praten mét" : Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar het betrekken van het patiëntenperspectief binnen het veranderprogramma van Zorgorganisatie X.
Ensing, S.T. (2023) Weapons Trade: Escalation or Preservation? : the impact and sustainability of the western military supply programs with regards to the Russo-Ukrainian war.
Erasmus, A.J. (2023) Accessibility and availability of physical activity infrastructure in Lisbon.
Erdoğan, Can Doğa (2023) Crisis on Board: The Role of Empathy in Crisis Communication during Organizational Crises.
Eremia, I.L. (2023) Shear Response in Reinforced Granular Soil.
Erftemeijer, S.J.M. (2023) Inhibiting the activity of MMP-13 in osteoarthritis using llama VHHs.
Ergle, Ruta (2023) Enabling the eCMR signing process by implementing e-signature software for Vervo.
Esche, K. (2023) Differences in Definitions of Flourishing Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Linguistic Analysis.
Escolano Balkema, Maximiliano (2023) Using RFID-Technology For Improved Traceability And Information Sharing : Creating An Integrated Food Supply Chain From Farm To Fork.
Eske, Jennifer (2023) Exploring the Association Between Smartphone-Based Screen Time and Positive and Negative Affect in University Students Using Experience Sampling Methodology.
Essen, Jaimi van (2023) Transition Towards Renewable Energy: A Regional Challenge for Local Governments? A Comparative Study in four Dutch Municipalities.
Essen, T.I. van (2023) Improving interaction between Philips connected devices and corresponding apps.
Esser, J.-M. (2023) The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Personal Growth after Daily Stressors : An Experience Sampling Study.
Essers, Tom (2023) Technology Assessment for Quantum Computing in the Energy Sector.
Eugelink, J.P. (2023) Applying machine learning methods to the Menzis district nursing benchmark.
Everdingen, L.M. van (2023) "AWEAR" : A tool to support sustainable clothing consumption by young adults.
Everink, Suzan (2023) 3D Ultrasound as imaging modality for the pre- and postoperative evaluation of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair.
Evers, A.J. (2023) Water Robuust Peize-Zuid.
Evers, D.S.R. (2023) An inventory problem at the Ålesund hospital, a case study about inventory in a healthcare environment.
Everts, B.R. (2023) Optical Mapping of Isotonically Contracting Living Myocardial Slices: A Proof-of-Principle.
Evertzen, Wouter (2023) Designing a Value Proposition for the Home Energy Management System : Aiming to Enhance Residential Consumer Adoption.
Eyk, Jan-Niclas van (2023) Fighting Phishing at the Website Host.
Eylert, Darwin (2023) Effect of COVID-19 on Managerial Sentiment within US Industries.
Faber, Pieter (2023) Analysing wave-induced velocity fields around a saltmarsh clif : an experimental study on the application of Particle Imaging Velocimetry in a complex hydrodynamic region.
Facal Malvar, Abel (2023) Robust low cost energy meter.
Fadl, Kareem (2023) What policies could countries introduce to mitigate technological unemployment hence reducing robophobia? : a qualitative study.
Fakkert, R.W.M. (2023) Drug targeting inflammatory macrophages in the synovial membrane using VHH coated LNPs.
Faria da Silva Dias, J.M. (2023) Exploring Barriers of Engagement and Influence of Gender on Attitude and Adoption of DMHI Among Young Adults : A Mixed-Method Study.
Farkas, Marton (2023) Reliable specific heat capacity measurements of thermoplastic composites with differential scanning calorimetry.
Fastenrath, Louis (2023) Assessing Mental and Physical Health-Related Lifestyle Behaviours: Enhancing the University of Twente's Lifestyle Check Questionnaire for Validity, Acceptance, and Comparison among UT Staff.
Fathi, Babak (2023) Balancing Ethics and Performance : Tensions and Dilemmas of Performance Management System Providers when Facing Ethical Considerations.
Fauzan, Muhammad Afif (2023) Deep learning-based polarimetric SAR and optical image fusion to map oil palm along rivers.
Feiweier, Benjamin (2023) Examining to what extent internal and external information asymmetries affect the supplier performance under influence of buyer dependence.
Feldbusch, Nele (2023) Examining the Relationship between Psychopathology, Subjective Well-Being, and the Utilisation of Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms : A Daily Life Perspective.
Ferd, Sofia (2023) The impact of China’s role within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Fernhout, M.M. (2023) A Deep Learning Approach for Assessing Micrographs of Fibre Reinforced Composite Laminates.
Fikse, J. (2023) Bluetooth Direction Finding using a Uniform Rectangular Array.
Filmer, Hazel (2023) Online Treatment of adolescent sleep problems: A text mining analysis of written feedback from CBT-I therapists.
Firmansyah, Edo Belva (2023) Forecasting Customer Lifetime Value through Risk Prediction : An Explainable Machine Learning Approach for the Telecommunication Industry.
Fishchuk, Vitalii (2023) Adversarial attacks on neural text detectors.
Fitria, Silvi (2023) A Comparison of Deep Neural Networks for Sales Forecasting.
Fix, J.A. (2023) A Linearized Parameter Study Of A Friction Isolator System : Towards A Frequency Domain Design Guideline.
Flake, Beitske (2023) Network Inference-Based Prediction of Epidemics: A Case Study on Mexican State COVID-19 Infection Counts.
Fleischmann, Julia (2023) Female Climate Activism Constructed in Online Stories: A Thematic Analysis.
Flietstra, Seline (2023) The future of packaging : Evaluating Protact® for reusable packaging.
Florijn, Laura (2023) The Perceived Impact of Trauma on the Development of Psychosis: Narrative analysis of autobiographies.
Flöter, A. (2023) Conceptualization of the linen material flow and integration into the design process of a cruise ship.
Fobbe, Franziska (2023) Look at this, not that! – Improving the alignment of PIP-Net with domain knowledge.
Focht, Jelke te (2023) De mate van informatievoorziening en patiëntbetrokkenheid van slokdarmkankerpatiënten in het ZGT.
Foerst, H.F. (2023) The Impact of Short-Term Student-Teacher Relationships on Student Well-Being in Higher Education.
Fokkens, R. (2023) “Never let a good crisis go to waste” : The Effect of an Energy Crisis on Individuals’ Energy Saving Behavior in the Netherlands.
Folkert, Lois (2023) The implementation and continuation of supra-regional multidisciplinary team meetings of the managed clinical network oesophagogastric cancer in the North East region of the Netherlands.
Fontein, R.L.H. (2023) Investigating DNS Information Flow In Corporate Networks.
Fonville, Niels (2023) Gold on and off the Field: Testing the Spectator sports team reputation model to measure organisational reputation for sporting organisations in the Netherlands.
Fopma, Remmelt (2023) Study the outdoor performance of an open-hardware/source race-level quadrotor.
Foppen, Rachel (2023) Predicting the delivered light dose in phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.
Franke, Tabea (2023) Making Meaning of Motherhood Women’s experience of motherhood during postpartum psychosis and the influence of cultural narratives.
Franken, I.E.J. (2023) Spare part forecasting and inventory management for the service department.
Freij, F. (2023) Cognitive compatibility and supplier performance, in alignment or not?
Fricke, Hannah-Frances (2023) The Legitimacy of Greenwashing of Privately Family-owned Companies vs Publicly Traded Companies.
Friedrich, Cleo Salome (2023) The Zapatista Movement and the Development of Feminist Utopianism.
Frielinck, R. (2023) Learning Factory Configuration Tool: An Approach for Preserving the Value of Educational Learning Factories.
Frieling, T.R. (2023) Effects of Digital Finance on society and Financial Institutions.
Frister, Maren (2023) Corporate Advocacy or Corporate Strategy? A Qualitative Study on Examining Organizations' Social Issue Management in an Era of Public Expectations.
Fuhrken, Kevin (2023) The Financial Performance of Cluster Firms in Germany.
Fusco, M. (2023) Moving towards virtual identity : enabling accessible motion capture for Metaverse users and their avatars.
Förster, Robert (2023) AI Adoption and its Implications for Organizational Change in the CSDP Framework.
Gabriël, Gaston Ramon (2023) The implementation of the 3CC muscle fatigue model into CEINMS.
Galati, David (2023) Exposing the Brain of a Robot.
Galen, D.J.M. van (2023) ECMO Mobilizing Device.
Galiën, Lot van der (2023) Wearable Robotics & Facial Identity Perceptions.
Gallmeister, David (2023) The attribution of blame in cases of control and coercion within intimate relationships.
Ganesh Kumar, Sidesh (2023) Effects of a 12-week eccentric exercise on Gastrocnemius Medialis muscle-tendon complex length.
Gangireddy, Rajesh (2023) Knowing the Unknown : Open-World Recognition for Biodiversity Datasets.
Gansel, Antoine (2023) Sub-quadratic Privacy Preserving Cohort Selection.
Garalov, Toghrul (2023) Raspberry-Pi based IDS for IoT.
Garces Maldonado, Carlos (2023) Compensation of Cross-talk in a Large Piezoresistive Sensor Array.
Garrido Olvera, L.P. (2023) NiOx and K-doped NiOx for p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells.
Gattari, Andrea (2023) Thriving Across Borders: a Qualitative Analysis on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Traits, Organizational Characteristics, and the External Environment in Born Global Success.
Gavilanes, Jose Oswaldo (2023) Improving Performance with OpenPose: Analyzing Post-Run Feedback through a Prescriptive Dashboard.
Gavriel, Stelios (2023) Design and Implementation of an Assessment Method based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).
Gebbeken, J. (2023) Modelling of Fluid Flow and Mass Transfer in a Hollow-Fibre Membrane Oxygenator.
Gebremariam, T.H. (2023) Digital Twin and Securing IoT Applications in Industry 4.0.
Geelen, Marcus van (2023) Environmental Sustainability in the Dutch Construction Sector : A Research on the Importance of Short-term Environmental Sustainability Goals.
Geerts, S.J. (2023) Estuarine Sand Dunes as a Nature-Based Solution Against Salt Intrusion : An idealised morphostatic model approach.
Geerts, S.J. (2023) Estuarine Sand Dunes as a Nature-Based Solution Against Salt Intrusion : An idealised morphostatic model approach.
Gehling, Simon (2023) A Longitudinal Cohort Study Exploring the Bidirectional Lagged Relationship Between Fatigue and Depressive Symptoms Among Hospitalised COVID-19 Patients.
Gelderman, Annique (2023) A Qualitative Study Investigating Emotion Expression, Communication and Regulation and Gender Stereotypes among Men and Women in the Digital Age.
Gels, S. (2023) Assessing technology composition of firms in the automotive industry.
Gent, J.M. van (2023) Understanding E-Mail Pressure: Exploring Consumer Behaviour and Identifying Consumer Segments.
Geraets, E.K.W. (2023) Isolation of HepG2-derived extracellular vesicles in spiked human blood serum using magnetic beads and click chemistry.
Gerards, N.R. (2023) White matter damage and long-term neurological and cognitive outcome after cardiac arrest : a clinical tractography study.
Gerdes, Thorben (2023) Enhancing soil health measurements for food forest projects.
Gerhards, Yannick (2023) Motivators and barriers to help-seeking for mental health problems in men living in disadvantaged socioeconomic conditions.
Gerlach, Kimberly Claire (2023) How Trait Self Control and State Self Control are Associated with Mindful Eating : an Experience Sampling Study.
Gerner, Marleen van (2023) Net Congestion Explained : Designing a visual tool to explain the solutions to prevent net congestion.
Gerrits, G.J. (2023) Calibrating a hydraulic river model using bathymetry and roughness: A case study on the River Waal.
Gerrits, P.C.S.T. (2023) Forces Underlying Business’ Sustainability Transitions in The Food Industry.
Gerritsen, Isabel (2023) Uncovering the Purpose of the Map : How geospatial data visualizations can influence responsible actions of governmental policy- and decision-makers in deprived urban areas.
Gerritsen, Isabel (2023) Uncovering the Purpose of the Map: How geospatial data visualizations can influence responsible actions of governmental policy- and decision-makers in deprived urban areas.
Gerritsen, K.M. and Lee, D.K.J van der and Peeters, M.N.C. and Scheepmaker, L.V. (2023) Atrial fibrillation on a 3D heart model: Visualising electropathological properties on a 3D heart model.
Gerstenkorn, M.C. (2023) The potential of positive art therapy in psycho-oncology : a feasibility randomized controlled study.
Geurds, Lex Rainier (2023) Mapping the dissemination and application process of lessons learned in a project-based organisation.
Geurink, B.M. (2023) Active MR Tracking in a Static Phantom using a GRASP-sequence.
Ghadiri, Radmehr (2023) Security and Performance Analysis of Edge Computing in IoT.
Gheorghiță, I. (2023) Comparative Analysis of Charging Systems for Heavy Duty Applications : A Review of Size, Efficiency, Sustainability, and Economic Viability.
Ghozat, Faraz (2023) Insta-Diversity: How Dutch universities communicate their diversity and inclusion on their Instagram accounts?
Giessen, D.R. van de (2023) Soil organic carbon mapping for farms in the Netherlands.
Gijsbers, C.J. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Gijzel, B.E.M. (2023) Quality of posture of a humanoid character in a reactive stepping animation obtained using inverse kinematics.
Ginkel, L.A. van (2023) 3DxSPLINT: A Clinical Comparison of 3D Printed Splints versus Conventional Splints in the Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures.
Giusti, F.S. (2023) Influence of environmental temperature on motor control and motor learning: A DIY EMG investigation.
Giuzio Carvalho Macedo, Daphne (2023) What it means to be a man: Measuring the extent between self-reported toxic masculine beliefs and social anxiety levels in college men aged 18 to 25.
Glas, Vera (2023) Application of the fast flood simulation model for local risk-informed decision-making on flood risk reduction : a case study of Pamba Basin, Kerala India.
Goesten, Thom (2023) Modeling the initial impact of storm events on the deformation and migration of full-grown sand waves.
Gohil, Jaykumar Harishbhai (2023) Estimating micronutrient concentrations in maize grains with Sentinel-1 and -2 images.
Gomaa, A.M.R. (2023) Optimizing the Semi-Automated Production Process at Arvato SCS.
Gomez Orozco, I.E. (2023) Decoding neural control strategies underlying human movement.
Goor, J.G.L. (2023) Log Parsing in Software-Defined Networking to generate DyNetKAT models.
Goor, L.A. van (2023) Structure-preserving integrators for Molecular Dynamics.
Goor, P.B. van (2023) Analyzing operational risks of the Source-to-Pay process at Nedap N.V.
Goorden, Ruben and Snoeck, Lundi and Otten, Jonathan (2023) Classificeren van hemodynamische instabiliteit op de IC middels analyse van de arteriële drukgolfmorfologie.
Goorden, S.B.J. (2023) Determining Operating Room Capacity at Medisch Spectrum Twente.
Goossens, P.G.W. (2023) Re-design of a heat exchanger, using triply periodic minimal surface structures.
Goossink, S.F. (2023) The budget impact of Belimumab SC compared to the standard of care in adult patients with antibody-positive systematic lupus erythematosus in the Dutch setting.
Gordinou de Gouberville, M.H. (2023) Hidden ways to persuade : a study investigating whether the use of textual and visual subliminal priming organizational values in a recruitment video of Traffic Today could affect the recruitment attitude and intention to apply.
Gordon, Robert (2023) Leadership in Russia: A qualitative comparison between leadership styles in Russia and in the Netherlands.
Gosch, Estelle (2023) Exploring the Complexities of Long Covid: An Analysis of Illness Narratives through Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence Theory.
Goshtasbi, A. (2023) 3D weaving of continuous fiber reinforced soft robot.
Gossen, M.A. (2023) Onderwijs voor Iedereen in de Provincie : Een onderzoek naar de mogelijke rol van de provincie in de thuiszittersproblematiek.
Goswami, H. (2023) A framework for detecting and preventing DoS attacks in automotive ethernet switches.
Goudsblom, T.G.J. (2023) Uncertainty Thinking - Embracing uncertainty in product development.
Goudswaard, A.T. (2023) Value Assessment of Digital Twins.
Govers, Ruben (2023) An Integrated Process Mining and Data Mining Approach for the Validation of Agent-based Simulation Models.
Graaf, Robert van der (2023) Evaluation of double pulse stimulus types with varying inter pulse intervals for improved observation of the nociceptive function using the NDT method.
Graaf, Silas de (2023) Investigating Availability Computation with Exponential Failure Rates and Fixed-Time Repair Delays.
Grahl, Joana (2023) Exploring the Relationship between Social Media Use, Orthorexia Nervosa, Body Image Dissatisfaction and Gender.
Gramsbergen, Jaap (2023) Supply chain resilience issues faced for long-term healthcare institutions during covid.
Gramsbergen, Maarten J.E. (2023) Cost-effectiveness analysis of 68GA-NODAGA-EXENDIN-4 PET/CT for localizing insulinomas.
Grandia, R.W. (2023) Investigating nutrient filter options for water inlet in Land van Maas en Waal.
Grassmann, Lisa (2023) The Effect of a Six-Week Mindfulness Meditation Stress Reduction Course on Sleep in Master Students at the University of Twente.
Greef, F. de (2023) Item availability restricted.
Greef, Kim de (2023) A Two-Stage Nurse Scheduling Approach for Residential Care Organizations in the Netherlands.
Grefte, M.M.A. and Winter, J.S. and Zon, M. van (2023) Fixatie van de voet tijdens epifysiodese: Een (3D-geprinte) oplossing voor vermindering van stralingsbelasting.
Greif, Luisa (2023) Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Treatment for Insomnia And Insomnia Symptoms - A Systematic Literature Review.
Gretzschel, Joscha (2023) All ambition, no leverage? Exploring the effect of customer attractiveness and personal relationships on buyer-supplier relationships in start-ups.
Greveling, Mark (2023) Ultrasound: a reliable method to measure muscle forces around the foot?
Griemink, M. (2023) “Let’s take the TV!” : Cooperation in Virtual Burglary and the Role of Personality.
Grimm, J.H.A. (2023) Using statistical learning to predict the probability of a parallel sub-trajectory is getting wrongfully declared at Performation.
Grinwis, Marin (2023) Promoting vegetable consumption among children through an interactive diner table.
Gritter, Sophie (2023) Exploring Key Factors Influencing the Quality of ESG Audits.
Grob, K.B. (2023) Product owner emotional intelligence related to agile team processes and effectiveness: A qualitative case study.
Groen, J.J. (2023) Suitability of gamification methods in a lifestyle application against obesity and diabetes.
Groenenboom, A.R. (2023) THP1 model of Classical monocytes for the study of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Groeneveld, E. (2023) The optimal Waterlinie Tram Route in Utrecht : Viewed from an accessibility perspective.
Groeneveld, L.C.M. (2023) Challenges faced by European finance departments during the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Groenink, E.E.T. (2023) CVA eCoach : Betere nazorg voor CVA-patiënten van 70-plus middels de CVA eCoach.
Groll, Franziska Pauline (2023) Fighting the Patriarchy through Participation: How Col·lectiu Punt 6 counteracts the male bias in architecture and planning, especially concerning the aspect of security in public places, by using feminist participatory methods.
Groot, D.J.A. de (2023) Implementing systems engineering in new product development at Benchmark Electronics.
Groot, Emma (2023) Efficient Allocation of Midwives at the New Setup of the Emergency Medical Center at Medisch Spectrum Twente.
Groot, N.E. de (2023) What's at Stake : Gains and Losses in Organizational Transformation.
Groot, Nancy de (2023) Using Task Features to Predict Item Difficulty and Item Discrimination in 3F Dutch Reading Comprehension Exams.
Groot, Sietse J. de (2023) Redesigning a Gait Detection Algorithm Based on Linear Accelerations to Include Gyroscope Data.
Groot Koerkamp, Erik (2023) Feedstock Research : Feasibility of importing feedstock to the Netherlands.
Groot Roessink, J. (2023) Influence of Biological Cues on Monocular Depth Estimation.
Groot Roessink, S. (2023) Designing a Modular & Acoustic Phone Booth with a Comfortable Climate.
Groot Zwaaftink, M.T. and Boelhouwer, L. and Hallink, L.D. and Aar, K.M. van der (2023) De ‘slimme luier’ met paper based humidity sensoren als eerste mogelijkheid tot uroflowmetrie bij het niet-zindelijke kind tot 1 jaar.
Groote, Jasper de (2023) Predicting data center behaviour with transfer learning.
Groote Veldman, W.J. (2023) Optimizing BLE Gateway Positioning in Aviation Industry: An Algorithm Based on Link Budget and Log-Distance Path Loss.
Grooters, T. (2023) Analysis of automated Virtual Machine generation and automation around system testing at TKH Airport Solutions.
Grootkarzijn, R. (2023) Adaptive Feedforward Control for Active Vibration Isolation Systems with Motion Stage and Nonlinear Dynamics.
Grossekemper, L. (2023) Sex Differences and Helplessness in Climate Change Doomscrolling.
Grotenhuijs, K.T. (2023) Exploring expectations and experiences of informal and professional caregivers towards a smart monitoring and communication system for home-dwelling older adults with cognitive impairment: a formative evaluation.
Große-Elshoff, Meike (2023) Getting continuous recirculating flow on a 3D blood vessel-on-chip integrated on a fluidic circuit board.
Gruben, Max (2023) Optimization of inspection process for prevention-experts at a.s.r. Nederland.
Grönberg, Leevi (2023) Contracts in Avoiding Unintended Knowledge Spillovers in Supply Chains.
Gudmundsson, Elias S. (2023) Evaluation of rPAM actuators for usage in haptic teleoperations.
Gunnink, B. J. (2023) Determining the Required Spare Parts Inventory to Ensure Military Vehicle Availability.
Guo, Zinan (2023) Vital Sign Detection Using a Thermal Camera.
Gurp, R. van and Klein Nagelvoort, I. and Wolting, D. (2023) TGO eye in the sky : bepaling van plaatsing bewegingssensoren en relevante parameters voor onderzoek naar de invloed van hoofdhouding en hoofdbewegingen op het loslaten van een corneatransplantaat in de eerste 24 uur na een DMEK bij DMEK-patiënten in Nederland.
Gusmayadi, Afina Zahrah (2023) Co-Creation of Values for Customized, High- End, Sustainable Furniture : A Market Exploration.
Guttenberg, K.H.C. (2023) Creating added value by involving vulnerable people in the design of eHealth technologies.
Gyimah, C.A. (2023) Empowering Education for Refugees: Enhancing the perceived ease of use and usability of the Edubox in Jordan.
Gülbey, Baran (2023) Semantic model of the Computing Capacity matching within the FAIR Data Train.
Gülsüm, Kağan (2023) Formalizing a generalized diagonalization argument in Isabelle/HOL.
Haack, Simon B. (2023) What are the underlying reasons for the differing treatment of Ukrainian and Syrian refugees in Europe identifiable in the debates within the European Parliament?
Haagsma, B. (2023) A Pilot Study Exploring the Effect of Handover at Different Levels of Difficulty on Trust, Workload, Anxiety, and Sleepiness, Measured with a Conversational Agent.
Haan, Adriëlle de (2023) Dutch Police Officers Changing their Perspective through VR: the Effect on Empathy.
Haan, Esmé de (2023) Standardized Examination Protocol for Pelvic organ prolapse and Urinary incontinence.
Haan, Tycho de (2023) Neural Field and Spline-based Representations for Optimizing the k-space Trajectory for MRI with Deep learning.
Haan, W.J. (2023) Solving an inventory-bound multi-item single-machine scheduling problem at Shell Chemicals Europe b.v.
Haanschoten, J. (2023) Design and development of a second generation pulsed water jet device for precise tissue cutting.
Haar, J.H.J. ter (2023) Understanding the Dynamics of Politial and Societal Polarisation: Exploring Elite Polarisation, Mean Partisan Polarisation, Issue Salience, and Anti-Systemness.
Haarman, M.H.J. (2023) The Impact of Instagram Use on Mental Health : A Study of the Moderating Effect of Social Anxiety.
Haarman, T.R. (2023) FPGA integration for data processing of quantum transport measurements.
Haarman, W.L. (2023) Non-inflammatory skin involvement (T4b) in breast cancer : time trends and the effect of breast-conserving surgery versus mastectomy on survival in The Netherlands.
Haas, Stefan (2023) Exploring the investment recommendations from Robo-advisors to investors with different risk appetites.
Haase, J.R. (2023) Improving the parametrization of the main channel bed roughness in the Midden-Waal.
Haase, Lorena (2023) Endpoint-Only-Labelling versus Full-Labelling : The Effect of Scale Design on ESM Measures.
Haasewinkel, M. (2023) Improving the efficiency of the transfer press at Kvadrat High Performance Textiles.
Haastregt, A.V. van (2023) Modelling of morphological development in the Vecht river due to changes in the weir policy.
Habets, R.J. (2023) Sweet Inventory Management: An Optimization Study of Perfetti Van Melle's Inventory Policy in Vietnam.
Haccou, G.L. (2023) Does the Response Format Matter? : The Effects of VAS versus Likert Scales on Positive Affect Dynamics in Experience Sampling Questionnaires.
Haenen, Maranda (2023) Automatic motion analysis of the wrist using 4DCT Development of an automatic tool for the diagnosis of scapholunate ligament injuries.
Hafner, L.C. (2023) Capturing “the crimmigrant”: Empirical evidence of crimmigration in the digitalization of EU migration management.
Hagen, Jason ten (2023) Optimization of flexure mechanisms using gradient-based methods.
Hagen, Romee Damay Lotte ten (2023) The Influence of Emotion and Contextual Factors on Problematic Eating Behavior in Bariatric Patients 1 to 5 Years after Surgery : an Experience Sampling Study.
Hagens, Florian (2023) Efficient Task Dispatching for Real-Time Systems: A Case Study in FreeRTOS.
Hahn, L.L.A. (2023) The impact of spatially distributed evacuation fractions on flood safety standards in the Netherlands.
Hakakzadeh Zanjani, Shajan Aaron (2023) The European Union's Intellectual Property Protection towards China : What is the course of the EU and what are its motives?
Hakvoort, M.H. (2023) Frequency Domain Optimization of the Tracking Performance of a Piezo Actuator Using Reset Control.
Hal, T.P.J. van (2023) Controller tuning for disturbance suppression in a piezo damped large stroke flexure hinge.
Halchenko, V. (2023) Using transformer architecture and natural language processing for detecting offensive content and cyberbullying.
Halili, Elira (2023) The Diaspora as a Third Space – The identity-representation of the Albanian diaspora on social media networks in Germany.
Halle, Roos ter (2023) Exploring the effect of self-monitoring of grief reactions in recently bereaved people on depression by means of experience sampling methodology : a randomized controlled trial.
Halmingh, Q. (2023) Effect of cycles of electrical stimulation on the contractile performance of engineered heart tissue using human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
Hamhuis, Judith (2023) Conflicts in Agile Teams: The Impact of Verbal Behaviour in Virtual and In-Person Meetings.
Hammink, S.F.E. and Olsman, T. and Veldman, O.P. and Verhees, L.L.P. (2023) Design of an effective method to accurately register retinal fluorescence images for future quantitative analysis in patients with nAMD.
Hampsink, M.G.M. (2023) Mixed-methods onderzoek naar de optimalisatie van het meldproces binnen MST omtrent apparatuur.
Hampsink, R.J.W. (2023) Optimization of the assembly scheduling at Royal Terberg Group : Solving a Multi-Objective Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Subsidiary-Specific Restrictions.
Han, N.I.C.L. (2023) The Effect of α-Synuclein Phosphorylation on the Chaperone Activity of 14-3-3.
Hanning, J. (2023) Storage improvement of urban water catchments in Ede using the SOBEK model.
Hanning, S. (2023) The role of boundary spanning in integral dike reinforcement projects.
Hanskamp, Gernt (2023) Finding eigenmodes of linear systems using a universal preconditioner with applications to dielectric cavities.
Hapke, Jenny (2023) Examining Factors that Undermine Privacy Risk Perception and Protective Behaviour Concerning Smart Speakers.
Harbers, Thom (2023) To what extent do uncertainty, sentiment, and authors influence the amount of anthropomorphic behavior on social media?
Haring, M.R. (2023) Internal Benchmark on Net Interest Income within the Banking industry.
Harjana, Nesya Laviza Putri (2023) Initial Validation of the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) in Virtual Reality.
Harmsel, Hendrik Jan Robert ter (2023) AI-assisted strategic and tactical workforce planning.
Harten, A. van (2023) The role of WebSDR usage in open source intelligence gathering during geopolitical events.
Harten, J.L. van (2023) Improving Inventory Policy within Thales Supply Chain.
Harten, M. van (2023) Designing a green façade system.
Harten, R.H. van (2023) AI Enabled Slice Resource Management for Improved QoS in WiFi-based IoT Networks.
Hartery, Kevin John (2023) The effect of transactive dialogue prompting in a collaborative serious game in secondary education.
Hartmans, L.A. (2023) Predicting Soil Moisture for Improved Environmental Sustainability: A Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting Approach using Machine Learning.
Hartwig, P.F. (2023) Artificial Intelligence at Europe’s borders : Improvement to the Status Quo or mere Technosolutionism?
Hasan, Ortiga (2023) Explorative Network Analysis of Well-being Structure in Dutch Population: Does Gender and Income have an Effect on Well-being Structure?
Hau, Moritz (2023) Doomscrolling through Climate Change: The Mental Health Impact of Excessive Climate News Consumption.
Hauschild, M.A. (2023) Developing an Interactive Art Exhibition in Social Virtual Reality.
Have, Laura ten (2023) Identification of Type 1 Diabetes Phenotypes through Glycemic Features based on Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data.
Haverkamp, Indy (2023) Analyzing Advantages and Limitations of Combining Cryptography and Steganography Across Applications: A Systematic Review.
Haverkort, Arthur (2023) The influence of hybrid reinforcements on Long Fiber Thermoplastic composites. An experimental approach on the production process of (hybrid) LFT pellets and static/dynamic mechanical testing.
Haverkämper, M. (2023) Developing a Smart Dog Collar for Enhanced Canine Welfare.
Havinga, J.R. (2023) Capacity planning in a network of healthcare providers in Twente.
Hazebroek, C. (2023) Exploring the effect of localised imagery on interactions with branded content.
Hazel, T.S. van den (2023) Thinking of the Past to Change the Future: Using the Ease of Retrieval Manipulation to Promote Pro-Environmental Behaviour.
Hazelzet, Hans (2023) Development of the Mental Health of Teenagers and Young Adults after the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Longitudinal Study.
Heeg, Rogier (2023) Control of a system based on a 3D printed torque sensor.
Heegstra, Jan Sytze (2023) The effect of entrepreneurial identity on entrepreneurs’ decision making regarding the use of innovative technologies.
Heemskerk, Teska (2023) Beyond the controllable : understanding and facilitating customer experience in non-owned touchpoints on social media platforms.
Heemstra, Berwout (2023) Controlled deposition of gold nanoparticles on faceted SrTiO3 photocatalyst particles.
Heer, Inge de (2023) The influence of viscoelastic properties and surface roughnesses in an alginate-based hydrogel on the behaviour of hiPSC-CMs.
Heerdt, Niels ter (2023) Load transportation with an elastic cable: Modeling and control.
Heeres, Roeland (2023) Creating an analytical model to predict the stiffness properties of a guidewire actuated bending tip.
Heesink, Daan (2023) Research of the impact of covid-19 on CSR activities of Dutch companies.
Heesterman, S.L. (2023) A Methodology to Determine the Most Cost-Efficient Capacity of CoolblueBikes : Machine learning models to support capacity decisions at the tactical level in delivery routing problems.
Heetkamp, S.C.M. (2023) Sustainable purchasing in the Dutch healthcare sector: cultural aspects analysis.
Hefti, A.E. (2023) Understanding health decision-making during early omnichannel service encounters : A single case study.
Hegeman, N. (2023) Het inzetten van herkansingen om kennishiaten voor het vak scheikunde weg te werken.
Heij, A.C. (2023) Solving the 5x5x5 Rubik’s cube: heuristic approach.
Heijblok, M.S. (2023) MATLAB database creation and visualization for a pediatric asthma cohort multiple randomized controlled trial.
Heijden, B. van der (2023) “Are young and motivated employees positive exceptions of the new working generation?” : An exploratory dyadic study into the mutual perceptions of Generation Y and Generation X on generational differences at work.
Heijden, Carlijn van der (2023) Exploring factors of movie selection behavior of Dutch SVOD consumers.
Heijningen, Pieter van (2023) Exploring The State of Rate Limiting in IPv6.
Heijt, Martijn (2023) Differences in the adoption of an open strategizing method by a private organization versus a public organization: A qualitative study.
Heilersig, Roy (2023) Servitization strategies of suppliers: Exploring the impact of customer market micro segmentation criteria.
Heineman, Paul (2023) Reviving Medieval Mechanisms: Design Study of Mechanical Escapements For Use in Space : What Parameters Influence Performance and How To Predict It.
Heinke, Julius (2023) “You are what you Tweet!” : Analysing Pro-Anorexia and Pro-Recovery Messages On Twitter Using Transformer-Based Text Mining Applications.
Heinrich, Carl Vico (2023) Hand luggage overflow prediction at KLM.
Heinrichs, Fenja (2023) Voices unheard - silenced Communities, vanishing Forests: Exploring the Ecological and Social Consequences of the FPIC Implementation Gap.
Hekhuis, T. (2023) Governance assessment of circular building policies and practices in the Netherlands.
Hell, Mette van (2023) Analysing the characteristics of texts written by Irish and Norwegian primary school students.
Helmer, L.S. (2023) I-Five : A platform to promote social interaction between developmental diverse children in team sports.
Helten, M.R. van (2023) Government characteristics and policy-making ambitions in Dutch Regional Energy Strategy regions: barrier or opportunity for the energy transition?
Helvoort, L.F.A. van (2023) DumpingMapper : illegal dumping detection from high spatial resolution satellite imagery.
Hemoudi, Ahmed Babiker Mohamed (2023) Community land registers for Internally Displaced Persons in South Darfur, Sudan: ICT solution.
Hendrickx, J.F. (2023) Development of a multifunctional nasogastric tube for gastrointestinal interventions.
Hendriks, J.J. (2023) Interactive Segmentation in Space-time Memory Networks.
Hendriks, K.W. (2023) Data Governance Structures in Data Mesh Architectures.
Hendriks, Max (2023) Consider it Parsed!
Hendriks, Remi (2023) Improving anycast census at scale.
Hendrikse, N.N. (2023) Exploring Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy and Modelling Policy Instrument Impact : a Case Study in Gelderland.
Hendriksen, J.A.A. (2023) Developments in 2 degree of freedom fine force delivery by an assistive ankle orthosis.
Hengstermann, Lorena (2023) Investigating the Assessment and Treatment of Insomnia in Patients With Anxiety Disorders.
Hengstman, N. (2023) The role of trust and power in simple and strategic learning transparency initiatives.
Hengstum, A.I.F. van (2023) Synchronized Crossing with staggered Platforms :Increasing the traffic flow at level-crossings.
Henkes, V.H. (2023) Blazing the Trail : Creating a Customisable Web Map of Yellowstone and Grand Canyon National Parks.
Hennessy, C.S. (2023) Addressing Disinformation through the DSA and CPD : Protecting democracy in the EU digital space.
Hennig, Lena (2023) Self-Efficacy as a moderator variable in the relationship between Dental Anxiety and Dental Avoidance in University Students.
Henriette, Ishimwe (2023) Within-Season Crop Type Mapping Based On The Time Series Of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Weather, And Historical Cropland Data.
Hentschel, J. (2023) Point cloud segmentation via active learning in the context of railway infrastructure.
Hepburn, Peter (2023) Guidelines to optimise the Ebike charging experience.
Herale, J.A. (2023) Unravelling Digital Well-being : Exploring the Transformative Powers of Growth and Fixed Mindsets with Moderation Analysis.
Herbert, G.C. (2023) Applications of ML Algorithms to Assess Credit Risk : Experiments With Missing Data.
Hernandez Garcia, M. (2023) Material selection process for flexible substrates in medical wearable device applications.
Hertog, H. den (2023) Item availability restricted.
Herverasanti, Sagita (2023) Integration of Flood and Drought Management in Zwolle towards improving Climate Resilience.
Hesker, Victoria (2023) The View of Psychologists on the Treatment of Insomnia in Patients with Mood Disorders.
Hesseling, J.H. (2023) Time-dependent routing with contraction hierarchies.
Hesselink, J. (2023) Het bespreken van vermoeidheid van reumatoïde artritis patiënten; het perspectief van de zorgverlener.
Hessels, Ruben (2023) A Data Quality Assessment of the Suspicious Transactions.
Hesson, Alexandru (2023) Detecting GAN-generated face morphs using human iris characteristics.
Hettema, V.L. (2023) Reducing the collection time of printing orders at Ipskamp Printing.
Heugten, R.J.P. van (2023) Optimization of Clinical Application and User-Friendliness of High-Resolution Manometry Analysis in Head- and Neck Cancer Patients.
Heuvel, C.M. van den (2023) The invisible cyber intruder : An experimental study into the effects of type of smart home device, type of security attack on crisis responsibility, trust towards the organisation, trust towards the device, perceived threat, and intention to use.
Heuvel, I.M. van den (2023) The Potential Protective Nature of Self-regulation Regarding the Relationship Between Academic Stress and Burnout Symptoms of University Students.
Heuvel, L.P.W. van den (2023) Diffuse more objects with fewer labels.
Heuvel, S. van den (2023) Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on Vertically Rising Bubbles.
Heuvelman, T. (2023) Seeking Sustainability beyond Tier 1 Suppliers within Supply Chain.
Heuven, P.J.B. (2023) Counting and enumerating 2-isomorphic graphs.
Heuver, K.A. (2023) Exploring the needs and attitudes regarding a digital mental health training module with psychology students : a co-design approach.
Hibbel, J.H. (2023) Teaching Computational Thinking and Fostering Literacy Through Computer Programming in Primary Education.
Hidalgo Sulca, S.A. (2023) Reconstruction of vegetation indices using multi-source images and deep learning : A case of study in the Netherlands.
Hijwegen, R. (2023) Driving Sustainability in Swiss Multi-Family Housing : A Comprehensive Carbon Footprint and Optimisation Analysis of a Sustainable Heating System.
Hilbrands, Karsten (2023) Potential of stop regime changes : An exploration to the impact of new line formulas on the Dutch rail network.
Hildebrandt, J. (2023) Stakeholder Participation in Performance Management Systems: A Study of Power Structures.
Hilhorst, M.G.C. (2023) Construction of a simulation model to assist in production planning and control processes.
Hillebrand, Manouk (2023) Stimulating and supporting learning motivation and engagement among healthcare professionals in mandatory learning materials.
Hilt, M.J.G. (2023) Excited-state geometries of small molecules from the GW+Bethe-Salpeter Equation approach.
Hinojosa, Luis G. (2023) Analysis of node performance in lightweight key management protocols in IoT networks.
Hinz, M. (2023) Risks the Metaverse Poses for Children and Adolescents : An Exploratory Content Analysis.
Hirose, Leandro (2023) Guiding the Evaluation of Upskilling Interventions in the Construction Industry.
Ho, H.P. (2023) Unplugged Versus Plugged Gamification : A Comparative Study in Higher Education on Engagement, Motivation and Teachers’ Perception.
Hoeijmans, L.N. (2023) Interviewing Healthcare Professionals On The Impact of Technology On Their Job.
Hoeksma, Mechteld (2023) Designing a locking mechanism for fixating a specific heating system in vacuum with high forces and a high temperature.
Hoeksma, Mechteld (2023) Designing a locking mechanism for fixating a specific heating system in vacuum with high forces and a high temperature.
Hoekstra, Femke (2023) Measuring activity intensity with heart rate using Fitbit Versa 3 and Zephyr HxM : a validation study.
Hoekstra, Xander (2023) An explorative study on feasibility of lymphedema self-monitoring after breast cancer.
Hof, H.A. (2023) An implementable Three-in-a-tree algorithm to accelerate Perfect Graph detection.
Hof, Katharina (2023) Psychological Mechanisms Underlying the Effect of Psilocybin in the Treatment of Depression, Anxiety and Substance Use Disorder: A Mixed Methods Systematic Literature Review.
Hof, M.M.A. van der (2023) Analysis of parking facilities in Enschede.
Hof, S.A. (2023) Website Navigation Structures : Eliciting Mental Models Using Card-sorting.
Hoff, A.R. ten (2023) Emotional Intelligence in Successful Self-Managing Agile Teams: A Mixed-Method Approach on the Influence of Trust, Psychological Safety & Shared Leadership on Team Performance & Job Flourishing.
Hoffmann, M. (2023) German adaptation of the psychological well-being scale for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Hofma, A.F. (2023) Developing a bicycle lane assist.
Hofman, Erwin (2023) 3D Printing and Warpage Compensation of Multi-Material and Composite Products.
Hofman, J. (2023) Transparency in AI-driven Grading Tools for Open-ended Questions in Higher Education.
Hofman, M. (2023) Novel Deep Learning Methods for Modeling and Prediction of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth.
Hofsté, G. te (2023) Evaluation of On-line Reconfiguration Techniques for a Distributed Avionic Middleware.
Hoftijzer, D.M. (2023) Language-Based Augmentation to Address Shortcut Learning in Object-Goal Navigation.
Hogestijn, J. (2023) The Effectiveness of Policy Implementation in the Forest Management Zones in Ca Mau, Vietnam.
Hohendorf, L. (2023) Investigating engagement with digital mental health interventions : do patients benefit from the interventions on Therapieland and what determines their success?
Holdmann, Henrik (2023) Validation of the TGI-SR+ in grieving Ukrainian Refugees & Investigation of Age and Gender Effects.
Hollaar, C.C.J. (2023) Modelling and improved design of a displacement converter for a thin sound source.
Hollander, A.P.M. (2023) Factors that influence the severity of conflicts at signalised intersections.
Hollebrandts, C. (2023) With the use of visualisations, making the 'Fincent' web app understandable for debtors without literacy being an issue.
Holt, Ties ten (2023) Predictors for effective communication between managers and employees during CSR activity implementation.
Hoogendoorn, J.A. (2023) A capacity-driven due date assignment and workload spreading approach in a make-to-order production environment.
Hoogendoorn, T.A.D. (2023) Survey of explainability within process mining.
Hoogendoorn, Y.A. (2023) Using Queueing Theory and simulation to lower the access time to NPOs at UMCU RF&S department.
Hoogenkamp, J.N. (2023) Representing a narrative of the Maroon culture through a virtual reality art exhibition.
Hooijberg, Jelle (2023) Exploring the use of a transmission line in the design of a temperature stable frequency reference.
Hop, F.J. (2023) Rapid generation of probabilistic inundation forecasts by utilizing cloud computing and deep learning.
Hordijk, D.D. (2023) Incorporating background mortality into survival extrapolations: determining the accuracy using a simulation study.
Hordijk, Thomas (2023) Dynamic predictive cycle counting based on imperfect information in the spice industry.
Horneț, Victor (2023) Introducing Typeling: an Imperative Programming Language with Algebraic Data Types.
Hornman, A.E. (2023) Parametric Study of Scaling Rules for a PEM Fuel Cell in Untethered Microrobots.
Horselenberg, Jelle (2023) Improving warehouse efficiency: A study of the KPIs and picking process at Benchmark.
Horst, L. van der (2023) Saving energy in cellular networks through resource sharing.
Horst, Leonie M. (2023) Modelling the Spectro-Angular Reflectance of Grass for Accurate Bifacial Photovoltaic Yield Calculation.
Horsthuis, E.M.S. (2023) The future of plastic packaging for the fresh food industry.
Horstman, J.B.M. (2023) Optimizing the planning of regular multi-disciplinary checkups in Isala using discrete event simulation.
Hosseini, Mahgul (2023) Autonomy of clients in long-term care.
Houten, Melissa van (2023) To what extent does culture influence management and organizations in Serbia?
Hovestad, Pim (2023) Hospital buyer's responses to anti-competitive behaviour.
Hristov, S.H. (2023) Wearables & Lifestyle: Wearables & Stress.
Hristova, M. (2023) Modern solutions: Is a Chatbot System for Reporting Medical Device Issues a Promising Alternative to Currently Used Form Systems?
Hsu, C.J. (2023) The Impact of Industrial Internet of Things on Customer Experience in Business-to-Business Relationships.
Hu, Louis (2023) Towards a Critical Participatory Design Approach for the Neurodivergent : A Case Study for Students with ADHD.
Hu, Louis (2023) Towards a Critical Participatory Design Approach for the Neurodivergent : A Case Study for Students with ADHD.
Huang, Lu (2023) Exploring Happiness Trajectories in the Dutch Population : Latent Class Analysis and the Impact of Demographic Factors.
Huang, TzuNing (2023) Using Web Analytics and Usability Testing to Optimize Usability for Data Dashboards: A case study.
Huber, Maximilian (2023) Internship report.
Hudepohl, B.A.E. (2023) Impact of Interviewer Assumptions on the Outcomes of Investigative Interviews.
Huffelen, W.G.H. van (2023) Observability of off-the-shelf microarchitectures based on the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture.
Hug, E.K. (2023) German Media Coverage of Climate Activist Groups: A Comparative Analysis of Süddeutsche Zeitung and Bild.
Hugen, T.E. (2023) A polyhedral study of a constrained flow problem on decision diagrams.
Huh, Jeongyeon (2023) Bayesian-Network updating using novel clinical data.
Huiden, J.E. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Huijing, M.J. (2023) Designed or Emergent : A Social Network Analysis of two prolific Terrorist Networks in the context of Dark Networks.
Huilmann, Lisa (2023) The Influence of Goal Frames and Value Orientations on the Motivation to Engage in Pro-Environmental Behaviour.
Huiskes, N.B.J. (2023) Drivers of Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation: Comparing Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs : A Case Study Analysis of Locally Operating SME Insurance Intermediaries that have Undergone M&A.
Huisman, E.H. (2023) A standardised layout data model and visualisation tool to showcase the performance of class-based storage policies in warehouses.
Huizinga, M.J. (2023) Improving the production schedule and scheduling process of ABI.
Hulleman, I.M. (2023) "Is this real or is it fake?" Virtual influencers, the next generation influencers 'How Artificial Intelligence, identity reveal & storytelling affects audiences perceptions'.
Hunneman, R.D. (2023) A general process indicator set for parenteral medication administration in the patient’s home situation: development and pilot benchmark.
Hunsicker, C.F. (2023) On machine learning approaches to forecast non-life insurers’ loss reserves.
Huster, Lena (2023) Investigating the Effectiveness and Design of Mobile Apps for Reducing Non-Suicidal Self-Injury : a scoping review.
Huuskes, Stijn (2023) An iterative approach to warehouse tactical level decision making.
Huybens, David (2023) Science Fair.
Höber, Monique (2023) Long-Term Effects of Fatigue on Social Functioning in Patients Recovering From COVID-19.
Höfer, Anna (2023) Disaster Management of the Earthquake 2010 in Haiti: A Critical Analysis of the United States ́ and the European Unions ́ Development Politics.
Höfker, T. (2023) Musical utterances to evoke empathy and prosocial behavior toward a hospital robot.
Höting, Julia (2023) The Relationship Between Acceptance, Cognitive Reappraisal, and Positive Affect : An Experience Sampling Study.
Höök, Noora (2023) Assessing and developing analytics capabilities in purchasing and supply management: A case study.
IJpma, C.F. (2023) Improving the delivery reliability from Company X to its customers by inventory optimization while limiting the increase in overall inventory value.
Ibrahim, M.I. (2023) Visualising Supply versus Demand at X Y Foods to avoid a stock-out situation : A holistic approach.
Ibrahim, Marwan (2023) How does consumers' perception of service quality impact their overall satisfaction with a business or organization?
Idzenga, A.N. (2023) Experimental Analysis of the Lin-Kernighan heuristic.
Idzenga, Jelle (2023) Characterization of electrical properties of direct ink written silver-ink.
Ifejube, O.J. (2023) Assessing the risk of leptospirosis in relation to flooding in Kerala, India.
Ignat, R. (2023) Inclusion vs exclusion oriented clarifying questions for conversational product search.
Ikink, Sam (2023) The impact of CEO-characteristics on firm performance : Evidence from Dutch listed firms.
Iliadi, M.I. (2023) Unlocking Customer Insights Through Service Analytics to Improve Customer Experience and Drive Business Success.
Immink, A.M. (2023) The Effect of Modelling Metacognitive Strategies Using Explicit Direct Instruction on Fourth Grade Students’ Metacognitive Awareness and Reading Comprehension Achievement.
Imre, Baris (2023) Using a Multi-Scale Patching With Vision Transformers for 3D Image Segmentation.
Indukumar, Gayatri (2023) Impact Aware Aerial Robotics.
Irokosu, Anthony (2023) Performance Comparison of CNN-based Semantic Segmentation on Indoor and Outdoor Scenes.
Isik, Esther (2023) Dutch NGOs’ digital technology use in promoting refugee integration in the Netherlands.
Islam, M.S. (2023) Forest net primary productivity response to an extreme climate event.
Itzen, Felix Klaus (2023) Each to their own or all together? : The state of EU Arctic defence policy.
Jabold, Benjamin (2023) Five Shades of Brown : Social Identities of Nativist Populist Party Voters in Europe : a Latent Class Analysis.
Jager, K.E. de (2023) Development of a microfluidic device for point-of-care testing of free thiol levels in plasma : A lab-on-a-chip for biomarker detection of oxidative stress in IBD patients.
Jager, T. J. de (2023) Hot embossing microstructures onto thermoplastic elastomer membranes using micromilled and glass etched moulds for the use in downscaling upscalable microfluidic elements.
Jagosz, Alina (2023) Investigating Happiness in University Students : Does Relatedness mediate the Relationship between Gratitude and Social Self-Efficacy with Happiness?
Jahangier, I.A. (2023) Internal and external spatial attention re-examined with lateralized power spectra.
Jahncke, Gina (2023) The Influence of Code Complexity on Review Efficiency, Effectiveness and Workload in Embedded Software Development.
Jansen, A.H. (2023) The development of a modular shelving unit.
Jansen, B.J. (2023) Modelling the dynamic greenhouse gas emission intensity of the Dutch electricity grid.
Jansen, Benjamin (2023) Enabling Predictive Maintenance through Efficient Data Warehousing – A Case Study.
Jansen, Dominique (2023) Differences Between Younger and Older Adults in Whole Body Step Motor Sequence Learning.
Jansen, J. (2023) Towards continuous material supply for friction screw extrusion and additive manufacturing.
Jansen, J.G.H. (2023) Supply chain transparency : An Analysis of the Motivations, Advantages and Disadvantages from an Innovation / Inventory Management Perspective.
Jansen, R. (2023) Designing a Quality Plan to enhance Production Process Quality at VMI Group.
Jansen, Wytse S. (2023) Warehouse Layout Design at NXP ICN8 Nijmegen.
Jansen Holleboom, S.P.G. (2023) Maturity of business analytics utilization in SMEs.
Jansink, Fabian (2023) Engineering Efficiency: Leveraging Data for Optimized Man Hour Estimation.
Jansma, Bauwe (2023) Towards a Transparent Implementation of a Contractual Portfolio : Developing design specifications for a Serious Game between public client and private contractors.
Janssen, Laura (2023) Surrogate models: a solution for real-time inundation forecasting? Surrogate modelling for three case studies in the Netherlands.
Janssen, M. (2023) A parser generator for visibly pushdown languages : translating between VPLs.
Janssen, M.V. (2023) Developing Modular Interior Design for Starter and Senior Housing.
Janssen, Max (2023) Third Culture Kids : Experiences They Face When Reintegrating into Their Home Country.
Janssen, Susan (2023) De toekomst van burgerschapsonderwijs : Een ex ante onderzoek naar de te verwachte effecten van het nieuwe burgerschapsonderwijsbeleid.
Janssen, Susan (2023) De toekomst van burgerschapsonderwijs : Een ex ante onderzoek naar de te verwachte effecten van het nieuwe burgerschapsonderwijsbeleid.
Janssen, V. (2023) Organisational Communication, Organisational Identification and Job Satisfaction : A Case Study of Home and Foreign Employees and Leaders in an International SME.
Janssens, L. and Geessinck, E.W. and Vlaardingen, J.R.G. van (2023) Een simplificatie van EEG-registratie voor patiënten op de Intensive Care met een postanoxisch coma.
Janus, Erik (2023) (Dis)Entangling Lies and Emotion.
Japink, C.M. (2023) Redesigning the Thuiswerktafel for scalability and usability.
Japink, Patrick (2023) Redis, Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ: Effect of choosing Event-streaming middleware upon architectural constraints defined by Non-functional requirements in Event-driven microservice architectures.
Jaskiewicz, Sophie (2023) The Public Attitude towards Restorative Justice: The Impact of Knowledge, Justice Orientation, and True Crime Entertainment.
Jaspar, S.L.J.O. (2023) Generalization capabilities of a learning from demonstration frameworkcapturing a human controller.
Jaspar, S.L.J.O. (2023) Generalization capabilities of a learning from demonstration framework capturing a human controller.
Jeeva, Joshua Anith Singh (2023) Risk Assessment of Humanoid Robot EVE-r3.
Jellema, Hylke Jesse (2023) Privacy-Friendly Room Occupancy Measurement System.
Jensema, S.J.J. (2023) Improving the storage capacity of Twence’s central warehouse by testing alternative layouts.
Jepkosgei, Charlynne (2023) Evaluating the factors influencing farmers’ choices of maize-based cropping patterns and assessing the potential of desis hyperspectral satellite data to discriminate the cropping patterns.
Jerkovic, Christian (2023) GAN Generated Morphing Attack Detection by Analyzing the Geometry of Pupils.
Jetten - von der Haar, D.J.A.M. (2023) Het verhogen van het informatieveiligheidsgedrag van medewerkers van Veiligheidsregio Limburg-Noord.
Jeulink, Mr Kevin (2023) The conception, development, implementation of a NMPC controller for the Omnimorph.
Jeurissen, S.G. (2023) Dairy side-stream valorization through the application of microbiological processes.
Jia, Yizhen (2023) Exploring Emotional Transmission Through Haptics in Mediated Social Interaction : Transmit happiness through haptic hugs.
Jiang, Yuling (2023) Patch-Based Morphing Attack Detection.
Joannides, R. (2023) Towards Improved Land Administration Services: A Model to Support Spatial Data Interoperability among Land Agencies in Accra, Ghana.
Jong, C.L. de (2023) The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of medical imaging during the breast cancer care pathway.
Jong, J.E. de (2023) The effect of the injection depth and injection volume on the wheal size in the Skin Prick Test.
Jong, Jildou de (2023) Daily Fluctuations of Prolonged Grief Disorder Symptoms in Recently Bereaved People: An Experience Sampling Study.
Jong, Mandy de (2023) Rethinking Real Journalism: Occupational Identity, Technological Reconfigurations and Dutch Journalists' Quest for Truth in the Digitized World.
Jong, P.E.R. de and Kluiving, R and Sirin, V.O. and Spijker, I.M. (2023) Het ontwerpen van een virtueel 3D-model met een boorfunctie voor het preoperatief patiënt specifiek voorbereiden van een mastoïdectomie.
Jong, S.D.M de (2023) A physics-compatible dual field discretization using domain decomposition.
Jong, Sjoerd de (2023) Development of an Eye-controllable Self-Driving Wheelchair.
Jong, Stijn de (2023) Analysing workflows of high dose rate brachytherapy treatments for prostate cancer in the USA.
Jong, T.M. de (2023) Developing guidelines for embedding codes onto products produced using Selective Laser Sintering.
Jong, T.M. de (2023) Developing guidelines for embedding codes onto products produced using Selective Laser Sintering.
Jong, W.R. de (2023) Hydrological Water Balance Modelling : Determining the feasability of closing water balances of the subcatchments in the Overijsselse Vecht basin.
Jong, Wilke B. de (2023) Exploring the design space of loss of initiative for people with dementia.
Jongejan, M.R. (2023) The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jongmans, I.G.M. (2023) YLab Validation Study : Measuring Stress.
Jonker, L.M. (2023) Robotic bin-picking pipeline for chicken fillets with deep learning-based instance segmentation using synthetic data.
Jonker, L.M. (2023) Robotic bin-picking pipeline for chicken fillets with deep learning-based instance segmentation using synthetic data.
Jonker, Scott (2023) Continuous representation of kernels used in convolutional neural networks.
Jonker, W.W. (2023) Assessing disruption-coping activities in district heating construction projects to enhance the reliability of project organisations.
Jonkers, J.W. (2023) Scrutinizing Sounds: A Study on Reconstruction Based Anomaly Detection in Vinyl Records’ Audio Data.
Jonkman, T. (2023) What field forces are at play in the sustainable transition of clothing retailers in the eastern part of the Netherlands?
Jordaan, Bo (2023) The forces and barriers pushing Dutch restaurants to a change and their effects to be more environmental sustainable.
Joseph, A.M. (2023) Investigating vision transformers for human activity recognition from skeletal data.
Julkunen, Suvi (2023) Motivating factors for insourcing decision in a logistics company.
Jung, C.T. (2023) Effects of drone technology in the context of migration on migrants on route to Europe : a qualitative content analysis of existing scientific literature.
Jung, Wonjun (2023) Training for the Perfect Penalty Kick in Soccer.
Junge, Tim (2023) The relationship over time between fatigue and subjective well-being in people with Long COVID using Experience Sampling.
Jungfer, T.N. (2023) Psychometric analysis of the Dutch Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) for a sample of bereaved people during the Covid-19 pandemic who sought treatment.
Just, E.N.J. de (2023) Characterizing a spring-based inductance sensor and investigating external object interference.
Juszczak, Weronika (2023) A dive into the social media fitness niche: How fitness influencer type relates to customer engagement.
Jánosi, József-Hunor (2023) Two-Stage Overfitting of Neural Network-Based Video Coding In-Loop Filter.
Kaaij, F.A. van der (2023) An automated workflow for virtual surgical planning of orbital advancements in open cranial vault reconstruction surgery in trigonocephaly patients : a proof of principle.
Kaewborisut, D.B.Q. (2023) Self-generated 3D point cloud with raw data from FMCW radar.
Kaffka, Emily Liz (2023) Protest movements in Peru and the role of political opportunity structures : What explains the character, the activities, and the impact of the recent protest movements in Peru ?
Kahl, K. (2023) Assessment of the Intervention Stepwise Driving for Individuals with Drink and Drug Driving Offences.
Kahlert, V.L. (2023) Student-Teacher Relationships : The Dimensions of a Beneficial Student-Teacher Relationship in Distance Learning at Higher Education.
Kahnt, Laura (2023) Proxies and Balancing for Shared Flow in Older Adult Cyclists.
Kajim, A.C.C. (2023) Conceptual design of a thermoplastic composite cross-car beam.
Kajüter, Julia (2023) Using Participatory Action Research to Redirect Chronic Bothersome Tinnitus Research and Treatment - An Interview Study.
Kalcheva, Y.K. (2023) Subpopulation process mining in health.
Kaleab Woldegebriel Tesfay, K. (2023) Re-use of Dredged Sediment for Dike Safety.
Kalidaropoulou, MSc L.M. (2023) Investigating the Effects of an Intervention for Improving Vocational Students’ Sense of Belonging and Soft Skills.
Kalidindi, Kaush (2023) Ontogenetic Epistemology of AI: An Investigation into the Role of Machine Learning in Knowledge Production Through its Genesis and Genealogy.
Kamman, Ruben (2023) Strategic Choices in Asymmetrical Buyer-Supplier Relationships: The Influence of Relationship Characteristics on Small Shipping Companies' Decision-Making.
Kammerer, Andreas Markus (2023) Treating Anxiety Disorders with VR-based Exposure Therapy- A Scoping Review.
Kampen, t. van (2023) The increasing problem of ground subsidence. An analysis on the consequences and mitigation of ground subsidence in relation to water management and water safety.
Kamphof, W.E. (2023) Design of a Flexible Hinge for an Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector.
Kamphuis, Minou (2023) Acceptatie van zorgverleners voor het gebruik van het Eforto® systeem bij het herstel van heupfractuur cliënten.
Kanagasabapathi, Dhanasekaran (2023) Spatiotemporal analysis for fire forecasting using deep learning techniques in google earth engine : a case study for the Indian state of Uttarakhand.
Kanbier, E.M. (2023) Coronabeleid: Een epidemie in het basisonderwijs? : Een onderzoek naar de effecten van de implementatie van coronabeleid door basisschoolbesturen op onderwijsresultaten.
Kang, J. (2023) User-Driven Knowledge Graph Expansion via Ontology Matching and Question Answering.
Kanger, Thomas (2023) Domain adaptation under structural causal models.
Kanis, E. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Kannan, Sneha (2023) Exploring the Design of PROMs Dashboards for Individual Level Decision Making in Cancer Patients and Developing an Interactive Dashboard Reflecting Stakeholder Preferences.
Kantharajappa, Kushal (2023) Point localization on 3D hand meshes and point clouds.
Kapoor, R. (2023) Breathe : development and design of a wearable for resonant breathing coaching with tactile feedback.
Kappert, Felix (2023) Who has access? : An analysis of access and resources in the AI Act legislation process.
Kappert, S. (2023) Development of a Silicone 3D Printing Process Enabling Embedded Sensors for Soft Robotic Applications.
Kappeyne van de Coppello, L.A. (2023) Creatinine removal from full human blood by in-house modules during recirculation dialysis experiments.
Kaptein, J.A. (2023) Design and Fabrication of a Microfluidic Check Valve for Interation into an Intravaginal Ring for Diagnostics and Drug release.
Kara, I.S. (2023) From understanding to solution: understanding the experience of a client with PIMD through designing a co-design toolkit for formal and informal networks.
Karageorgiou, Olga (2023) Empirical Evaluation of the Impact of Game Elements on Reflection as a Learning Tool for University Students of the Subject of Research Methodology.
Karakoc, L. (2023) Instagram Use and Identity Development among Adolescents.
Karami, Muhammad Unggul (2023) Appropriating Cycling in Indonesia : Another Perspective on Technology Transfer.
Karelse, E.M.A.J. (2023) Dancing with your Hands and Feet : Differences in Sequence Representations Between Effectors.
Karim, Ahmadreza (2023) Exploring Pedestrian Navigation in Unfamiliar Urban Environments: Eye Fixation Analysis on Urbanscape Objects.
Karlsson, August (2023) Enabling Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing for Resource Constrained IoT.
Karreman, A.H. (2023) Fabrication and characterization of an optically stable tissue phantom for the evaluation of transcutaneous bilirubin meters.
Karreman, Vince (2023) How does the boundary spanner’s use of power and trust influence its legitimacy by external suppliers and internal stakeholders?
Karssing, Anne-Fleur (2023) De Coronapandemie als Spiegel : Het lerend vermogen van de Nederlandse overheid tijdens de Coronapandemie.
Kartaun, E. (2023) Vaccination Concerns during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany : Topic Modelling of Interviews.
Karytsas, Konstantinos (2023) Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Control of a Pneumatic-Driven Soft Continuum Robot.
Kast, Sarah (2023) Exploring the Relationship Between Smartphone Screen Time and Affect in University Students, Moderated by Trait Creativity : An Experience Sampling Method Study.
Kastrian, Maike (2023) Student-Teacher Relationships : How Is the Relationship With your Teacher related to Student Well-Being : Barriers in the student-teacher relationship.
Katerberg, J.E. (2023) Performance of an inter-organizational network in the Dutch psychiatric youth care sector: A qualitative case study.
Katiliute, Alina (2023) Effect of Social Media Brand Engagement on Psychological Wellbeing of Consumers.
Katzourakis, A. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Kauffeld, Bastiaan (2023) Forecasting patient arrival at an emergency department.
Kayikcio, Evrim (2023) Stress-Related Growth after Daily Stressors: The Role of Coping Strategies and Perceived Controllability of Stressors.
Kazi, Raef (2023) Navigating Semantic Shifts : A Visual Tool for Exploring Word Meaning Change.
Keijser, Ella (2023) Investigating the Relationship between Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Risk and the Distribution of AEDs in the Municipality of Enschede.
Keizer, A.A. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Keizers, T. (2023) Simulation of the Stop Signal Test in a Basal Ganglia Model.
Kelmendi, Dren (2023) The Potential Of Climate Change Litigation and Courts as Actors in Climate Governance - Germany and the USA in Comparison.
Kempers, J. (2023) Are employees ready for digital transformation? Employees’ change readiness for and acceptance of base technologies for digital transformation in service SMEs.
Kempers, R.T. (2023) All-seeing eye in Western Europe? : The context, challenges and advantages of AI camera surveillance in Western Europe.
Kenanidi, A.K. (2023) Factors affecting the intention towards active mobility in commuting : a dual study for the capital region of Denmark.
Kerbert, Coenraad (2023) A MILP Model to Optimize Staffing and Work Schedules with Reusable Resources at SIVO.
Kerkhof, Daan (2023) We Can "Hear" You With Radar.
Kerkhof, T.H. (2023) Developing a supplier timeslot indication model for an e-fulfillment center balancing incoming workload.
Kerkhoven, Tim (2023) Monitoring Service-level Agreements for Logistics Service Providers.
Kersjes, R.H. (2023) Dual-DC-port Inverter for a Fuel Cell Electric Aircraft.
Kerssens, M. (2023) The FAIR-iT framework : Towards the adoption of the FAIR principles in an enterprise context.
Kerz, J.D. (2023) More meaning, less loneliness? A Scoping Literature Review on the Relation Between Meaning in Life and Loneliness.
Kerßens, L.M. (2023) Joking the rumor away: The interplay of humor and brand personality in social media crisis communication.
Ketkale, N. (2023) Alleviating negative emotions associated with goal failure with the use of musical data representation.
Keulen, Sophie van (2023) Measuring the Effectiveness of Simulator Hazard Perception Training on Driving Performance : A Survey Study.
Keurhorst, Maaike (2023) A Closed Domain Question Answering System for a Genetic Counselor within the ECG Family Clinic.
Keysers, C. (2023) Unlocking Access.
Khademi, M. (2023) Hospital recovery: the development of motion sensor-related applications to increase in-hospital mobility.
Khajehpour, Ebrahim (2023) A walkable city strategy for VlietZone: key principles, the role of local dwellers, and the strategy's climate change mitigation benefits.
Kiencke, Janne L. (2023) Me, My Work, and I: The Quantification of Employees’ Performance and the Disruption of Self in Workplace Surveillance Contexts.
Kienhuis, W.J.A. (2023) Using User Adoption Platforms at IT training providers can alter the learning effectiveness of their services.
Kiewiet, Sander (2023) An implementation of an open-source MRI sequencing platform framework.
Kiffen, Bas (2023) Investigating the kinetics of the B-cell receptor signaling network in a dynamic environment.
Kikkert, E.N. (2023) Financial incentives as a tool to a more sustainable healthcare system in the Netherlands.
Kim, Chaeyoung (2023) Study in neutralization affects guilt and shame resulting in continuing piracy in movies or TV series.
Kim, BSc. N.Y. (2023) Towards Longitudinal Three-Dimensional Photoacoustic Imaging: An Automatic Image Registration Framework.
Kippers, More (2023) Preferred customer status with key suppliers and the influence of inflation on the buyer-supplier relationship.
Kirchhoff, J.S. (2023) E-Health interventions promoting self-compassion in mental disorders: A scoping review.
Kirschner, Jonas Lion (2023) Investigating the short-term predictability of psychological distress by mental well-being in individuals using N-of-1 analysis of observational data collected in an experience sampling study.
Kisker, P.B. (2023) Validation Study of the TGI-SR+ to Measure Prolonged Grief Disorder According to the DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 Among Ukrainian Refugees.
Kiss, K. (2023) Prediction of damage types during excavations.
Kiviniemi, O.L.N. (2023) Fraction farm : tangible learning experiences for learning fractions.
Kivits, Enno (2023) Input Variable Selection for a Classification Algorithm to Predict Personalised Health Advice in Secondary Prevention : A Pilot Study.
Klampe, T. (2023) Creating and evaluating Grammatical Error Correction models with arbitrary error correction profiles.
Klarenbeek, Marlin Joanne (2023) The Relationships Between Fear of Rejection, Perceived Social Support and Problematic Social Media Use.
Klaverdijk, E. (2023) Analyses of the possibilities in using Visual Thinking as tool to empower cultural associations to innovate.
Klein, Joline (2023) Emotion Regulation Mediates the Association between Spirituality and Distress Tolerance in Students: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Klein, Vanessa (2023) Investigation of the Relationship of Social Media Use, Self-control, and Well-being in Young Adults.
Klein Gunnewiek, Kevin (2023) Cutting-edge Neurosurgical Technology: Working Towards New Surgical Strategies in Pediatric Neuro-oncology.
Klein Wolterink, Thomas (2023) Assessing the Potential of EU Trade Agreements as an Instrument for Achieving Strategic Autonomy : An Analysis of the European Commission's Goals and Objectives.
Kleinjan, Lisa (2023) A scoping Review into the use of Blended Therapy for PTSD: Exploring Treatment Protocols and Guidelines.
Klemm, M. (2023) 14 year of life satisfaction : a longitudinal study exploring life satisfaction trajectories in a Dutch probability sample.
Kleverwal, Koen (2023) Influence and implementation of static balance on a parallel leaf spring mechanism.
Klinkert, Julia L. (2023) Optical See-Through vs. Video See-Through Mixed Reality for Rehabilitation : Exploring the effects of mixed reality on the experience of motor rehabilitation of ABI patients through the eyes of the patient and therapist.
Kloetstra, I.T.M. (2023) To See or Not to See: How to Measure Patient Satisfaction About Medical Imaging : A Qualitative Investigation into the Applicability of a Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire.
Klok, N. van der (2023) Temporal Dynamics of Behavioural Change in Crisis Negotiation: An Empirical Exploration of the Revised Behavioural Influence Stairway Model.
Kloosterman, C. (2023) Ontwikkeling van Artificial Intelligence in de Zorg en de Rol en Betrokkenheid van Stakeholders.
Kloosterman, M.B. (2023) Increase the on-hand availability of surgical supplies at the operating room department by improving inventory management.
Kluit, D.R. (2023) Idea Quality Classification in Ideation Contests : Leveraging Textual and Non-Textual Features with Machine Learning.
Klukas, Isabelle Fabienne (2023) Flourishing in Midlife – What is known about Women's Mental Well-Being during their Menopausal Years: A Scoping Review.
Klukkert, C-I. (2023) Associations between self-reported self-regulatory learning activities and behavioural traces left by vocational trainees in an online learning environment.
Knijnenburg, D.P. (2023) Shared mobility : Who are the users, where are these modes used, what are the trip characteristics and what are the motives for using?
Knizia, Jan F. (2023) A platform-based design perspective on pyrolysis technology selection considering green energy, biochar production and carbon removal.
Knollema, S.L. (2023) Advancing Machine Operating instructions through Augmented Reality.
Knospe, Mathis (2023) How do newly emerging renewable maritime energy technologies shape the structure of energy governance networks in the EU?
Knüppe, Franziska (2023) Investigating the Effectiveness of IVY+: Combining Implicit Cognitive Bias Modification with Explicit Sleep Hygiene Training to Decrease Fatigue in University Students.
Kober, Janina (2023) How Do Mid-life Adults Narrate their Peak Experiences? : An Investigation of Life Stories through Text Mining.
Kobes, W.J. (2023) Governmental domain name management : policy versus practice.
Kobes, W.J. (2023) Governmental domain name management : policy versus practice.
Kobzev, Vladimir (2023) Dia : a Domain Specific Language for Scripted Dialogues and Cutscenes.
Koch, Maximilian Alexander (2023) Turning Chaos into Meaning : A Chat GPT-Assisted Exploration of COVID-19 Narratives.
Kock, mr. M.J.J. de (2023) In hoeverre zijn veiligheidsverbetermaatregelen binnen het Commando Landstrijdkrachten vatbaar voor risicocompensatiegedrag?
Kodihalli Shashikumar, Mrudula (2023) Insights of Tele-handshake.
Koehorst, G.S. (2023) Generating natural language triage advice at Dutch out-of-hours primary care centers.
Koeken, V. (2023) Cost-effectiveness of neck treatment strategies for sentinel node-positive oral cavity squamous cell cancer : a microsimulation study.
Koekkoek, J.B. (2023) Unfolding of Team Learning and Team Reflexivity in Micro Learning Communities.
Koeleman, M.J. (2023) An Analysis of the Cost-Effectiveness of an Extended Scope Specialist.
Koelewijn, P.A.J. (2023) Shifting towards a 2-phase approach : a qualitative study into the price determination process and knowledge management of HWPP projects.
Koene, T. P. (2023) How do spillovers impact opportunism in the buyer-supplier relationship? Is it really about opportunism and what are the consequences?
Koerselman, Noah (2023) The Impact of AI on the Banking Industry.
Kohler, T.J. (2023) Caught In The Loop: The Effects of The Addictive Nature Of Short-form Videos On Users’ Perceived Attention Span And Mood.
Kok, D. (2023) Towards the optimal maintenance process according with the EN-17007 standard.
Kok, F.H. (2023) The Development of a Smart Undershirt for Stress Detection through Continuous Monitoring of Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate.
Kok, L.W. (2023) Investigating end-to-end logistics : a strategic analysis of intermodal transportation.
Kok, M. (2023) Prominence detection in spoken Dutch using prosodic features and machine learning.
Kok, M.R. (2023) Household electricity load forecasting for demand side management applications.
Kokkeler, C.J. (2023) PROMISE : Process Mining for SMEs: a Methodology.
Koldenhof, Dylan (2023) Neural Network Backdoor Removal by Reconstructing Triggers and Pruning Channels.
Kole, K.J. (2023) E-Learning Material for Computational Thinking in Secondary Education.
Kolenbrander, Marlyn (2023) Examining the Effect of Conscientiousness on the Relationship between the Disruption of Differing Core Beliefs and Stress-Related Growth.
Kolkman, T.H.J. (2023) Designing for shared situation awareness in rail transport control : Applications for automatic train operations.
Kommander, S. (2023) Are video games truly bad? Examining positive and negative effects.
Kommers, D. (2023) The role of robo-advising in the asset management industry : a study on differences in robo-advised portfolio compositions for investors with similar risk.
Komnik, L. (2023) The Mediation Effect of Autonomy on the Relationship between Gratitude, Self-Efficacy and Happiness in University Students.
Kompagnie, N. (2023) Design and Development of a Haptic Feedback Controller for Enhanced Precision in MRI-Guided Biopsies using the Sunram7.
Koning, Jop (2023) Reducing loneliness in seniors using an automated calling system for activity invitation.
Koning, R.P. (2023) De sleutel naar continuïteit : Onderlinge verhoudingen binnen dagelijkse besturing van ambtelijke fusies.
Koning ter Heege, S. (2023) Simulating expected On-Time, In-Full delivery performance for fertiliser transhipment facilities.
Konniger, Timo (2023) The Role of Sensory Marketing in Driving Customer Loyalty : A Systematic Literature Review.
Kononov, Nikita (2023) ChatGPT as a digital assistant for startup entrepreneurs: Challenges, Opportunities and Perception.
Konter, L. (2023) Management of (climate) uncertainties in urban development projects.
Koomen, S.B. (2023) Text generation for quests in multiplayer role-playing video games.
Koopman, N.H.D. (2023) Improving internal routing operations in the automotive industry.
Koorn, Daan (2023) Weak acyclicity of the iterated prisoner’s dilemma with a memory of one period.
Koornstra, J.S.D. (2023) Predicting Ego-Bicycle Trajectory : An LSTM-based Approach Using Camera and IMU.
Kooy, S.J. (2023) Development of a Rainwater Harvesting System for Organic Gardening Drienerlo (BTD).
Kooymans van Guldener, D.J. (2023) Improving user experience and Brand Identity of Extendas by standardizing User Interface components.
Koppele, I. M. Z. te (2023) Dashboard on lead times.
Kordelas, Sophia (2023) The Impact of Technology on the Therapeutic Alliance-Examining the Perspectives of Health Professionals.
Koree, T. (2023) Good social media : constructing an alternative content-ranking algorithm for social network sites.
Korf, M.S. (2023) Designing a Framework for Sustainable Supplier Selection for Different Purchasing Product Groups.
Korfage, Stijn (2023) Improvement of the current Service Level Agreement of Denko-ICT.
Korporaal, L.A. (2023) Studying the Effect of Added Exercises to VR Nature on Feelings of Subjective Vitality, Energy, Tension and Stress in Students.
Kortekaas, Jordi (2023) Optimizing Route Planning for Connected Green’s Customers.
Koryugin, D. (2023) Analysing and alerting on application logs within Kubernetes infrastructure.
Koster, Dorette S. (2023) Optimale cultuur voor data-gedreven waterschappen: one size fits nobody? : Een meervoudige casestudy naar het belang van organisatiecultuur voor data-gedreven waterschappen middels een data-gedreven cultuurmodel.
Koster, E. (2023) Planning the charging of an electric vehicle with a minimum run-time constraint.
Koster, R.M. (2023) Strengthening the Impact of a Humanitarian Engineering Group through Branding.
Koster, Rozemarijn and Messink, Britt and Palland, Anjet and Wienke, Laura (2023) FlexiFlow: lediging van de blaas bij tetraplegie C5 AIS-A patiënten.
Kostermans, Alieke (2023) Professional development of AYA-nurses : a cross-sectional study on self-directed learning, workplace well-being and learning styles.
Kousi, Nefeli Iliana (2023) Play to Design.
Kowalski, Melina Marie (2023) Adapting Automated Vehicle Behavior : Algorithm Development and Driving Simulator Study.
Kozian, Luca (2023) Commodity price co-movement: Comparing models and correlation measures.
Kraaij, H.J.L. (2023) Implementation of Balanced Matrix Recognition Algorithms.
Kraan, C.L.M. and Wechem, M.M. van and Mes, E.E. (2023) Potential of Pulse Pressure as an indicator for contractility of the heart and successful weaning from Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.
Krabbe, T. (2023) Characterisation of VNS-induced evoked potentials in epilepsy patients.
Kraker, L.M. de (2023) Innovation Focus Areas for Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy Treatment in Academic European Hospitals.
Krakers, Daphne (2023) Moving towards multisensory embodied experiences in retail brandscapes : an (n)ethnographic case study.
Krakers, S.M. (2023) Towards the Optimization of Surgical Hallux Valgus Corrections.
Krasteva, Preslava (2023) What are you doing about your mental health?: How are gamification elements perceived in self-care apps by users?
Kravcenko, B. (2023) The effect of a six-week mindfulness meditation stress reduction course on the effect of mobile phone use on sleep quality in master students at the University of Twente.
Kravchenko, Serafym (2023) Development of a finger vein acquisition device with side illumination.
Kreiter, Ronja (2023) Can we forgive a robotic teammate? : The role of Trust and Trust Repair Strategies in Human-Agent Teams.
Kremer Devesa, V. (2023) Drought indicators in the east of the Netherlands.
Kreuger, Robin (2023) Review of social media traffic at the DNS resolvers and their security implementation.
Kreuwel, N.A. (2023) Investigating the Spatial and Body Representation of Motor Learning through Bimanual Chord Practice.
Krhac, Kaja (2023) Canonical Dirac structure of unitary quantum dynamics.
Krikke, Luuk (2023) Antecedents of Governmental Trust in The Netherlands.
Krikken, Marnix (2023) How does the financial market expertise of a team, leading an Initial Coin Offering, affect the performance of the ICO?
Krivosik, Adorian (2023) Educating citizen scientists on their roles to prevent citizen science washing with the help of the Reflecto-tool.
Krolis, Eva (2023) Ontwerp van een lessenserie over materialen waarin samenwerking centraal staat.
Kronenfeld, Pia (2023) The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Social Support Concerning Daily Stress-Related Growth in Students.
Kruif, Iris de (2023) Designing a KPI dashboard for the test process of tape drives at Bluetron.
Kruiff, K.T. de (2023) Concurrent haptic feedback for improving the body balance of front and back crawl swimming.
Kruiper, T.R. (2023) Area-Optimized RISC-V-Based Control System for 22nm FDSOI Analog and Mixed-Signal Test Chips.
Kruk, Niels (2023) Design of an Efficient Map-Based Programming Language.
Kruschka, Rebecca (2023) Physiotherapists’ Acceptability Towards a Monitoring Tool for Muscle Fatigability in Hip Fracture Clients.
Krähling, H.M. (2023) Expressing Climate Emotions in a Climate-Distress-Workshop : A Thematic Analysis.
Krūmiņa, Marta (2023) ‘Do No Harm’ in the Age of Big Data: Exploring the Ethical and Practical Implications of Impact Based Forecasting in Humanitarian Aid.
Kugai, Sissel T.M.C. (2023) The toll of stopping the virus: Is severe policy stringency associated with severe mental health? : A systematic review.
Kugis, R. (2023) Pace yourself! The effects of optic flow on biomechanics of movement and perceived effort.
Kuijer, K.M. (2023) Automatic Delineation of Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Gross Tumor Volume: A Pathologically and Clinically Validated Deep Learning Model.
Kuik, T. (2023) The influence of attachment styles on the acceptability of psychological abuse.
Kuiper, J.F. (2023) Flash Floods In The Geul Catchment : To What Extent Could Potential Mitigation Measures In the Boven Geuldal Belgium Reduce The Effects?
Kuiper, S.J. (2023) Designing a hydrogen-powered terminal tractor cabin fitted for the European market.
Kuipers, R.B.L.J. (2023) Designing a Bottle with a Flavouring Located in the Cap.
Kuiphuis, Daan (2023) Implementation of Microchannel Cooling in Radar Systems.
Kuks, E.M.A. (2023) Enhancing reuse ecosystem development for primary FMCG packaging : the development of a support tool for the supermarket branch.
Kulikowski, Dawid (2023) Cross-layer design approach for dynamic control over Wi-Fi network slices: bringing QoS Diversity to Wi-Fi based IoT networks.
Kulyk, D. (2023) Combining object detection and eye tracking to identify points of interest for VR art exhibition visitors.
Kurnia, Aldi Doanta (2023) Interoperability Simulator for Data Spaces.
Kurzhals, H.D. (2023) Exploring the influence of Artificial Intelligence on Consultant´s professional identity : A Qualitative Study.
Kusters, L.E. (2023) PlayFountain size-ability of the floor.
Kuznik, Mia (2023) The Effects of Perspective-taking on the Willingness to Execute Guardianship in Burglary Crimes among Civilians.
Kyeku, Paul (2023) Estimation of crop water use with Sentinel 1 and 2 data integration.
Känder, F. (2023) The impacts of mindfulness on the relationship between self-regulation and well-being.
Kösters, D.M. (2023) To Buy or not to Buy : A Thesis about Estimating and Accounting for Partial Substitution in Retail Inventory Management.
Kühne, F.K. (2023) The Role of Cultural Intelligence in the Success of Western Managers in Turkey.
LI, Yingying (2023) Reducing motion inaccuracies due to cogging in a redundantly actuated 3-DOF manipulator.
Laan, J.J. (2023) Electricity grid congestion and application of a novel tariff in the Netherlands.
Laar, A.C. van (2023) Expanding an asset management reference model: bridging the gap between data and maintenance.
Laarman, K. and Laat, S. de and Nabben, T. and Zomer, F. (2023) Diaphragm thickness measuring tool for ultrasound imaging, An experimental study investigating the diaphragm thickness using a newly developed diaphragm thickness measuring tool.
Lacina, F.R. (2023) Supercapacitor technologies to improve the power quality in dc microgrids.
Lademacher, N.L. (2023) My new colleague AI : An analysis on the German discourse about the implementation of AI into the labor market from an ethical perspective.
Lafranca, L.R.S. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Lagerburg, R.A. (2023) Overcoming Challenges in Software Development Projects: An Integrated Approach for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Lagerweij, A.B. (2023) Development and production of a new prototype tire and rim for remote controlled model racing cars.
Lagrand, S. (2023) Detecting emerging technological trends by patent text mining for the automotive industry.
Lakomski, Victoria (2023) Driver Pattern Clustering and Similarity Analysis Using Driving Simulation Data.
Lamaker, T. (2023) Accelerating climate change adaption through financial stimuli for local authorities.
Lammerink, Vince (2023) The Influence of Mental Health Severity on the Attitude of Dutch Students Towards Digital Mental Health Interventions: A Mixed-Methods Study.
Lammers, David (2023) More autonomy for Ravi the theatre robot.
Lammers, Tim D. (2023) Transition to a Sustainable Society: The Effect of Ease of Retrieval and Perceived Behavioural Control on Environmental Self-Identity and Pro-environmental Behaviour.
Lammes, S.F. and Broers, J.C.J. and Vries, J.T. de and Wijnholds, N.F.Y. (2023) Factoren identificeren voor het voorspellen van de debulkbaarheid bij patiënten met een hoog stadium ovariumcarcinoom door middel van een AI-model.
Landefeld, Carolin Lucia Beate (2023) The Protective Factor of Social Company in State Rumination.
Landwehr, Simon (2023) Analysing the Psychological Needs Satisfied by Conspiracy Theories: Exploring Affiliation in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lang, C.A.L. (2023) Gender Differences in Informativity of Parent-Child Conversations in Zoo Visits.
Lang Friedrichsmeier, R. (2023) Exploring the Mental Model of Reputation of Reddit Users: A replication with extension.
Lange, R. de (2023) Computational thinking : Dynamisch modelleren in 5 vwo.
Lange, T. de (2023) Towards an Efficient Multigrid Algorithm for Solving Pressure-Robust Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations of the Stokes Problem.
Lange, Thomas (2023) Components of engagement and their effect in a personalized wellbeing intervention.
Lange, W.J de (2023) Exploring the Use of Sentiment Data in machine learning stock Market Predictions.
Langermann, A. (2023) Togetherness and the Belief in Oneself : Investigating Self-Efficacy within the Context of Community Resilience.
Langeveld, K.A. (2023) Increasing the revenue from service-provision through servitization.
Langevoort, E.S. (2023) Navigating through cyberspace with the national cyber security strategies : a comparison between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
Lankheet, S. (2023) How to Improve Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Surgery? : An automated workflow with an intraoperative visualisation of the surgical planning.
Lansink, Chiara (2023) Why do physicians prescribe antibiotics? An in-depth understanding of psycho-socio-cultural factors related to antimicrobial prescribing : A mixed-method approach.
Lanting, Sven (2023) Biobased materials in the construction industry: A case study into the effects of using biobased construction materials on life cycle costs.
Lanze, K.M. (2023) The Psychometric Properties of the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale (FSCRS) Across Eating Disorders.
Lappas, R. (2023) The Effect of Gender Diversity on the Financial Performance of Swedish Listed Firms.
Laso, P. (2023) Quantifying white matter hyperintensity and brain volumes in heterogeneous clinical and low-field portable mri.
Laso Mielgo, Pablo (2023) Quantifying white matter hyperintensity and brain volumes in heterogeneous clinical and low-field portable MRI.
Latka, R. (2023) Identity Threat in Early Career Professionals: A qualitative investigation on their coping mechanism repertoire in the workplace.
Laurman, Jochem (2023) Assessing the efficacy of an intervention aimed at increasing heart rate variability and decreasing perceived stress in individuals with personality disorders - A single case experimental design pilot study.
Lazareanu, R. (2023) Innovation activities and their influence on the innovation capabilities of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship firms within North Brabant.
Lazhentseva, A. (2023) Competence as a mediator variable in the relationship between Gratitude, Self-efficacy and Happiness in University Students.
Lazorenko, D. (2023) Satellite nowcasting of cloud coverage via machine learning.
Le, P.X.N. (2023) How team-level Lean Startup facilitates firm-level Transforming Capability in SMEs.
Le Noble, M.A. (2023) A central place, but not center stage : Exploring the effect of organizational culture on innovation implementation in rehabilitation care.
Leda Lima, Dorise (2023) The Impact of Self-Service Technology (SST) on Customer Experience.
Ledelay, Joël (2023) Verification of distributed locks : a case study.
Lee, Ari (2023) Enhancing the Self-Regulated Learning Process Using a Brain-Computer Interface with Auditory Neurofeedback.
Lee, Sooah (2023) Online consumer reviews of experience goods : The Impact of Transparency in Ad Promotion on the Credibility of Influencer Online Reviews.
Lee, T.K.H. van der (2023) Kinetic modelling of LDPE hydrogenolysis using non-linear regression.
Leefer van Leeuwen, Maxmilian (2023) Color Emotions without Blue Light : Effect of a Blue Light Filter on the Emotional Perception of Colors.
Leeftink, G. (2023) Modelling vehicular flow on single-lane roundabouts using a discrete time Markov chain.
Leemeijer, W.W. (2023) Developing a data-driven hydrodynamic model of a marine environement, using ship-based ADCP measurements in the North Sea.
Leenders, R.C. (2023) Exploring the Role of Generated Backchannels in Human-CA Collaboration : Implications for Task Duration and User Perception.
Leeraar, Maarten (2023) Corporate Governance In ICOs: Evidence From Anti-Flipping Mechanism.
Leerdam, Tjerk-Jan van (2023) The sensitivity of spatiotemporal inundation patterns to the dike breach location.
Leeuwen, R. van (2023) The Perceived Time Theft of TikTok : The Influence of Self-Assessed Social Media Addiction on the Accuracy of Estimating Time Spent on Social Media: A Study among TikTok Users.
Leeuwen, T. van (2023) Digital transformation of service provision and institutional trust in local government.
Lefers, Luc (2023) Exploring Barriers to Value-Based Procurement in Healthcare: The perspective of 3 Dutch hospitals.
Legters, D.F. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Lehmann, Ninja Laureen (2023) The Relation Between Being Permanently Online, Permanently Connected and Mental Health While Considering the Fear of Missing Out, Personality and Age.
Leijzer, Anne (2023) Social support embedded in a mobile phone application to reduce unwanted smartphone usage among students.
Lelek, S. (2023) When Grief Becomes Pathological: A Study of the Nature of Grief Reactions Among Bereaved Ukrainians.
Lemmen, K.R (2023) Exploring the Relationship between Personal Growth, Daily Stressors and Optimism in Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Study.
Lent, S.J. van (2023) A new divide? Investigating the effect of hybrid teleworking on socio-spatial job accessibility inequalities among groups in the Dutch workforce.
Lentelink, A. (2023) Case Study: How Can Employer Branding Contribute to Both Differentiated HR and Marketing Activities?
Lesieur, Claire (2023) The European Union’s liberalisation of electricity markets since 1996 : implementation and consequences in France.
Leth, A. de (2023) Design of a cell-based straight guidance.
Leunissen, Iris (2023) Creating a hypoxic environment in a chip : Developing a hydrid hydrogel to mimic the hypoxic breast tumor microenvironment with an organ-on-chip platform.
Leussen, Lauren van (2023) A quantitative study on the effect of cognitive trust and emotional violation on repurchase intention after a data breach.
Leuverink, Jaap (2023) Personality Type Diversity Management : The effect of personality type diversity management on team performance.
Lhotak, Laureen (2023) Cognitive Bias Modification using a Mobile Training App - Effects on Implicit Positive Orientation and Explicit Optimism in Students.
Li, C. (2023) Catheter modelling and force estimation in endovascular application.
Li, Jiayu (2023) Improving Decision Making in Warehouse : Data-Driven Forecasting and Storage Simulation.
Li, Tianqi (2023) Effectiveness of 2D and 3D Symbols on Virtual Globes.
Liang, Xueyao (2023) Assessing the Level of Effectiveness of the Public Bicycle Share (PBS) System in Nanjing through Public Policy Evaluation from a citizen’s perspectiveperspective.
Liberale, Tommaso (2023) Digital procurement in buyer-supplier relationships: the impact on operative excellence and supplier satisfaction.
Libosan, J. (2023) The Impact of Life Events and Depressive Symptoms on the Association Between Momentary Negative Affect and Momentary Resilience : Implications for Mental Health.
Lier, R.C.W. van (2023) Ontwikkeling van het vierdejaarsvak "KCH3: Biochemie; Wat je eet ben jezelf" van de tweedegraads lerarenopleiding scheikunde dat voldoet aan de ontwerpeisen.
Lieverse, F. (2023) Lifestyle Counselling of People with Type 2 Diabetes and Low Health Literacy.
Liimatta, P.O.P. (2023) Student learning in a leaderboard gamified micro-lecture : an experimental study on the roles of achievement motivation and perceived leaderboard difficulty.
Lim, H. (2023) Design and fabrication of a soft robotics assistive device for voiding bladder.
Limbeek, T.F. (2023) Design and implementation of destination tracking and velocity control as an addition to a boids-inspired traffic simulation.
Limmer, Leonard (2023) The scleral-facial Mismatch Hypothesis: The Role of a white Sclera in the Evolution of the Uncanny Valley Effect.
Linden, M.M. van der (2023) Federated Learning for Indoor Human Activity Recognition: Adapting to Changing Realistic Environments.
Linden, S.M.L. (2023) ECG-gated 4D CTA for quantification of pulsatile movements of intracranial aneurysms.
Linders, Marije (2023) Combining the strength of reusable and one-way systems into a secondary packaging design.
Lingnau, L.M. (2023) Redefining Masculinity: A Study on the Shifting Landscape of Advertisements and its Impact on the Perception of Masculinity among Young Adult Men.
Lip, S.G.J. (2023) Burst-suppression in next-generation neural mass models and EEG.
Liptiay, Eki Jakob Abel (2023) Supply-driven nourishment strategies for mitigating bed degradation in the Waal.
Liu, Siyuan (2023) A Cloud-based platform Reference Model for Remote Control and Monitoring for Laboratories of Inspection and Certification Companies.
Liu, Yujie (2023) Testing and Mutation Testing for GPU Kernels.
Liuni, D.S. (2023) Analysis of the Effects of Changing Phase-lags and Montages on tACS E-fields.
Lo, TzuHsiang (2023) Exploring the Concept of Resilience in Spatial Planning on the Tsengwen River.
Lo-Fo-Wong, Kevin (2023) Acceptance of standardized construction management processes : Project managers' acceptance in a change towards Standard Operating Procedures in construction consultancy firms.
Lochem, Maaike van (2023) Design of a rapid prototype end-effector of a concentric tube robot for the detection of bladder cancer.
Lochem, S.H. van (2023) Developing a realistic venous model for in-vitro application of the eduECMO trainer.
Loddo, Demetrio (2023) Shedding light on the effects of implied motion on adults’ food consumption.
Loenen, N.A. van (2023) The effect of lung tumor cluster-derived extracellular vesicles on the integrity of a mono- and multi-layered vessel on a chip model.
Loenhout, F.H.C. van (2023) Het ontwerpen van probleemgestuurd natuurkundeonderwijs in een 3-havoklas.
Loevezijn, J.P. van (2023) Aligning Information Systems Management and Risk Management to achieve Enterprise Resilience.
Lohschelder, A.J.M. (2023) Finding the Impact of Demand Variability in Youth Psychiatry by Workload Forecasting.
Londoño Jimenez, Manuela (2023) Materiality in Cartography, A First Attempt to Evaluate its Usefulness.
Looijenga, M.S. (2023) Hele taak eerst in databaseonderwijs.
Lookeren Campagne, M.J.A. van (2023) Laser Doppler Flowmetry, using in vitro phantoms to study skin microcirculation.
Lopatina, Veronika (2023) Using awe in the design of an architectural company's website to elicit emotional responses from users.
Lopes Cardozo, W.S. (2023) The development of the Tangent Acoustic Wall Panel.
Lopess-Naglis, Andrejs (2023) Lean and green in SMEs : Practices for achieving sustainability goals key performance indicators.
Lopez, A. (2023) Low-Latency GFSK Demodulation Architecture Comparison and Design for FPGA.
Lopez Aguado Alvarez, José Pablo (2023) Automation of a High Precision assembly process.
Lopez Tellez, Alejandro (2023) Design of a MMT system for an environment with changeable dynamics.
Lorenz, L. (2023) Dreaming of George Orwell’s 1984? : What values to Hessian parties support in the context of Hessendata and AI-policing systems?
Louw, Maaike van der (2023) Student Engagement with Flipped Classroom Mathematics Video Lectures: An Exploratory Study in Secondary School.
Ludwig, M.L. (2023) The Role of the European Women's Lobby within the European Gender Policy Discourse.
Lukács, Henrietta- Zsuzsánna (2023) The social aspects of the local smart transformation in Romania and the introduction of the smart city concept in the city of Cluj-Napoca.
Lummen, D.L.M. (2023) Is Telegram the new Darknet? A comparison of traditional and emerging digital criminal marketplaces.
Luna Lopez, Mariana (2023) Being by Doing: Identity Constructs of Social Media Mental Health Activists.
Lusseveld, M.J.F. (2023) Deciding Between Kidney Transplantation or Dialysis: A Think Aloud Study Exploring Internal Validity of the DCE Questionnaire of the HOP-CKD Study.
Luttikhuis, M.J.S. (2023) Facilitating the (social) workplace learning of healthcare professionals via the use of a learning platform.
Lyu, Jinming (2023) Designing a Serious Game to Help Parents to Deliver of Death Education: Dilemma-driven-design as a Tool to Design for Users.
Lyu, Xingjia (2023) Acceptability and Desirability of Movie Regulations: Differences between Chinese and Western Audiences.
Löffel, Jerôme S.A. (2023) Loneliness and Solitude in People with Psychosis: An Exploration of Experiences and Perspectives through Narrative Analysis.
Lücking, Hanna (2023) The use of AI technology for sustainability : The envisioned meaning and role of sustainable AI in climate political discourses in Denmark and Germany.
Lüdeke, Tjard (2023) RehaBuddy : Development and evaluation of a mobile technology to support a patient-centered goal-setting process in physiotherapy.
Lütke-Bohmert, H. (2023) Promoting Social Connectedness by Combining Spacious Nature and Autobiographical Storytelling in University Students.
M Sri Rangan, W. (2023) Creating accurate valuation models for real estate properties.
Maas, Anniko (2023) Evaluating the Combination of the Individual Planning Tool and Shared Planning Tool to Foster Socially Shared Regulation in a Collaborative Environment.
Maas, R.F. (2023) A ranking metric for event impact in safety-security co-analysis.
Maas, T.J. (2023) Qualitative comparison of State of Charge prediction models for battery energy storage systems.
Maaskant, R.D. (2023) Increasing the quality of information used in office IT applications by developing a Data Management System and Dashboard.
Maat, Daniëlle (2023) 3D Simulation of a wind turbine rotor in axial inflow conditions.
Maat, M.M. van de (2023) Guiding the implementation of Predictive Maintenance Projects : by developing a Predictive Maintenance Implementation Process.
Macaj, Denisa (2023) International innovative collaborations in the public sector.
Macarie, Mihai (2023) Fuzzing Android Automotive's CAN interface.
Machnacz Lima, Fabiane (2023) Parental stress apps. A systematic review of current free-of-charge apps available in the Google Play Store aiming to help parents manage stress.
Madonna, Riccardo (2023) What matters most for requesters’ trust in platform cooperatives? : Validation of a vignette study.
Maggiore Welzel, S. (2023) Does the Covid-19 pandemic change the way women and men experience flourishing? A LIWC analysis.
Magzoub, Z. (2023) Toxic comment classification in discord.
Maharani, Asri (2023) The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Task Performance as a Function of Complexity.
Mahmoud, Mai Mohamed Abdelsamie Elazab (2023) The technological acceptance of using Solar Energy Systems in Cairo, Egypt.
Majkut, Kristóf (2023) k-Anonymization Module Prepared for Change : a flexible architecture for the easy replaceability of algorithms and data sources with proof-of-concept implementation.
Makkink, L.A. (2023) How groups of Dutch citizens lost their trust in news media and the government.
Malkoç, Sercan (2023) Fuzzy Logic Modelling of Route Choice in a Transportation Network.
Manenschijn, T.G. (2023) A Probabilistic Assessment of the Phreatic Line.
Mangre, Asha (2023) Veiligheidsrisico's managen in technische praktijklokalen van een hbo-opleiding.
Manimaran, Aravind (2023) Glacier facies classification and comparison of velocity estimation techniques using sar and optical datasets.
Mank, M.H.A. (2023) Crisis response for extreme flooding. Using a hydraulic model to support crisis response.
Manko, Jerome (2023) The role of leadership and emotional intelligence in times of adopting new Industry 4.0 technologies.
Mannes, L.T. (2023) Blinded by passion? The effect of entrepreneurial passion on the effectual approach of uncertainty by entrepreneurs.
Mantzana, Angeliki (2023) Amplifying Women’s Voices: Women’s Mental Healthcare Experiences and Social Media’s Role in Promoting a Gendered Approach to Mental Healthcare.
Maranatha, Yesaya Galatia (2023) Auditable Data Sharing in Logistic Data Space: Design and Implementation of IDS Clearing House for Logistic Data Space.
Marcelis, Bas (2023) A Derivative-based, Colored-edged Parser Generator for Nested Words.
Marchenko, Artem (2023) Parametric Study of Temperature Effects on Traffic-Induced Response for Bridge Structural Health Monitoring.
Marco Trishan Wilando, M. (2023) Analysing land use change effects on discharge of the Pawan River.
Margherita, I.N. (2023) Creating a Digital Learning Tool for the Medical Course ‘Weg Met de Dokter - Laat de Natuur Jouw Werk Doen’.
Markerink, Koen (2023) The benefits, antecedents, and the impact of inflation on preferred customer status: A case study at a tourism company and two of its key suppliers.
Markusse, M. (2023) MAP alarm vs. HPI alarm: A comparison of intraoperative hypotension prevention strategies.
Marlindah Jozevel Adriaansz, Jozevel (2023) “Marked as Solved?” : Identifying Characteristics that Promote Successful Problem-solving in User Support Forums.
Marquardt, Jana (2023) The Effectiveness of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide to Increase Well-being and Related Positive Mental Health Outcomes in Healthy Individuals : A Systematic Review of Placebo-Controlled Trials.
Mars, S.L. van der (2023) Snap buttons as stable and removable electrical connection method for knitted conductive textile and the Breathpal Electronic sensor.
Martens, J. (2023) Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI Conversational Agent for Online Collaborative Learning.
Marton, Fruzsina (2023) Future purchasing roles and skills influenced by Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry: A case study.
Maryam, Sahlabadi (2023) Balancing Energy Transition Policies & Sulfur Recovery Efficiency in the Netherlands.
Massa, J. (2023) Developing a Multi-Perspective Design Guide for Effective Learning Factories.
Mastenbroek, S. (2023) Supply chain Integration in Early Contractor Involvement : The principal contactors role.
Materlik, Leonie (2023) What is the Daily Relationship Between Engaging in Physical Activity and Positive and Negative Momentary Affect?
Matraku, A. (2023) Tell me: Am I eye candy? : Retrospective think aloud method combined with eye tracking devices for usability testing on e-governance websites.
Maurik, Louis van (2023) Creating a physicalization showcasing the innovative heat network and energy grid of the new business park on Urk.
Mayer, Sofie (2023) Unveiling the layers: Analysing intersectionality in energy poverty policymaking in Germany.
Mc Inerney, Oisin (2023) Crowd Modelling: Simulating the Evacuation of Pedestrians.
Meelhuijsen, L.B. (2023) Using Markov Decision theory to manipulate simple graph-based models.
Meenhuis, J.E. and Barodi, R.N.W. and Sijtsma, T. (2023) Ontwerpen van een machine learning algoritme om hemodynamische verslechtering te voorspellen bij volwassen IC-patiënten.
Meerhof, J.J. (2023) Membership Inference Attacks on Federated Horizontal Gradient Boosted Decision Trees.
Meese, Néle (2023) The Influence of Self-Efficacy in Project Groups on Collaboration Experience and Participation Distribution.
Meevis, Y.H.W. (2023) Quantitative spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging using reference fluence method.
Meggelen, Daniela van (2023) Using tangibility to stimulate stakeholder alignment in asset management.
Mei, H.T. and Rijpma, M. and Visser, A.N. (2023) Analyse Van Boezemfibrilleren Door Gebruik Van Geluid.
Meijer, Adam (2023) Experiencing Textures Through Touch Technology.
Meijer, Bart (2023) A Comparative Analysis of Human and A.I. Feedback on Business Idea Evaluation.
Meijer, H.J. (2023) How is observed psychological safety related to job satisfaction in self-managing Agile team members? A mixed methods study using video observations and surveys.
Meijer, J.J.W. (2023) Towards Future Proof Cryptographic Implementations: Side-Channel Analysis On Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism CRYSTALS - Kyber.
Meijer, R.J. (2023) Exploratory study on complex oxide-based (ferroelectric) floating-gate field-effect transistors for neuromorphic computing applications.
Meijer, Sanne (2023) Using data and expertise from LCA for EPD reporting to inform sustainable product development - Establishing a design tool and framework.
Meijerink, M.J. (2023) Improving packaging recyclability from a waste treatment perspective - The development of an interactive tool on design for recycling.
Meijerink, M.J.G. (2023) Novel treatment for dissociative disorders : Combining eHealth interventions and transdiagnostic factors for the treatment of dissociative disorders : A scoping review with a focus on depersonalization-derealization disorder.
Meijerman, T.R.I. (2023) Blocking Techniques on Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage.
Mekonenn, Selamawit Abdissa (2023) Spectral analysis of lithium-bearing micas with shortwave and longwave infrared spectroscopy.
Melero Martinez, D. (2023) IOTA-MSS : a pay-per-play music streaming system based on IOTA.
Melinceanu, Victor (2023) Finding maximal cliques in uniform hypergraphs using Baum-Eagon inequality.
Mellema, Sibolt (2023) Exoskeleton controller design for cybathlon by parallel reinforcement learning.
Mendler, Gereon (2023) Gossip Layer Optimization for the IOTA Network.
Mengerink, J. (2023) “It's 2023, all that's left of the internet are trolls and bait.” : Examining how the incel community anonymously builds trust online through a content analysis.
Mennink, J.M. (2023) Stimulating play to enhance physical activity in primary school corridors.
Mentink, Sven (2023) Isolation of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) derived extracellular vesicles Using click-chemistry conjugated immunomagnetic beads.
Mergehenn, S.J. (2023) "I never thought that I could do this again!" : How people with chronic illnesses construct their past and future : a narrative study on the ASCS model.
Merkelbach, T. (2023) Nonverbal Syllogisms as a Test for Fluid Intelligence.
Mersch, Lena (2023) Navigating the Digitization of the Workplace: A Content Analysis on Münster’s Capacity Through Local Media Perspectives During the Pandemic.
Mertens, Marcel (2023) A Higher Purpose: How Individuals with Different Belief Systems Exhibit Daily-Life Resilience.
Mesu, J. (2023) Development of a methodology for efficient determination of process parameters in Pulse Electro-Chemical Machining.
Meuleman, I.A.H. (2023) Towards a more convenient and sustainable solution for yoghurt distribution and presentation.
Meulen, C.V. van der (2023) The improvement of already existing information systems.
Meulenbeld, M.M. (2023) How private equity outperformed public equity in western markets over the last two decades.
Meulenkamp, Anne (2023) A 3-stage approach to the berth allocation and quay crane specific problem in container terminals using cutting planes.
Meyer, Imke S. (2023) How do you read? : Perceived differences in reading fiction from e-readers and printed books.
Michael, Michael (2023) Moisture Optimization and Heating Process Automation of Freeze-Dried Coffee Production: A Case Study at Jacobs Douwe Egberts Peet's.
Michalski, Vanessa (2023) Exploring the Feasibility of Colouring Mandalas Targeting the Stress and Depression Levels of University Students.
Michaylov, K.D. (2023) Exploring the Use of Steganography and Steganalysis in Forensic Investigations for Analysing Digital Evidence.
Middelkamp, J.J. (2023) Safeguarding drinking water security in 2030 : effectiveness of drinking water policies on the Dutch industrial sector.
Middelkoop, Daan (2023) Mapping Hardware Descriptions to Bittide Synchronized Multiprocessors for Instruction Level Parallelism.
Middendorf, C.L. (2023) The influence of alcohol on the association between a multidimensional concept of spirituality and psychological wellbeing.
Mierlo, Loes van (2023) Scaffolding the Design of a Skill Development Portfolio.
Migaj, Leon (2023) The development of a low-cost spectroscopy based turbidity measurement system.
Migliorati, Linda (2023) Exploring the Impacts of the Institutionalization of Agroecology for a Just and Fair Transition in India and Senegal.
Mihai, Ilie-Sebastian (2023) A Systematic Evaluation of Microservice Architectures Resulting from Domain-Driven and Dataflow-Driven Decomposition.
Mihalache, Nicolae (2023) Scaling Out with Microservices: A Database-Centric Approach to Monolithic Application Decomposition.
Miksik, M. (2023) Fine-tuning transformer models for commit message generation and autocompletion.
Milanov, S. (2023) A Study on the Impact of DDoS Attacks on the Switching Intent of Online Video Game Players.
Millar, Alexandra (2023) Effects of short-term body-weight support training on soleus motor unit behaviour.
Minassian, Nataly (2023) The designing of Performance Management Systems in OLPs.
Minghetti, V.M. (2023) On the right track: Developing a multi-objective routing optimization model for high-speed logistics companies.
Mink, Robin (2023) Investigating accessibility and related inequalities using a logsum metric grounded on a microscopic transport demand model.
Mintuș, Sandu-Victor (2023) Support New Programming Language in RefDetect.
Mishra, M.K. (2023) Generating Video Game Quests From Stories.
Mishra, Preeti (2023) Challenge-based Learning to Achieve Higher-order Thinking Skills.
Mitić, Nina (2023) The effect of Denial of the Victim and Benevolence Arguments in a Simulated Investigative Interview on Attribution of Blame.
Mitolo, Alexander (2023) Unveiling Novel AI Use-Cases in Marketing: Bridging the Gap between AI Innovations and Marketing Core Processes for Effective Communication with Marketing Professionals.
Mlawa, Kelvin Aslen (2023) Crop Type Discrimination Using Field and Satellite Hyperspectral Measurements in Busia, Kenya.
Mo, Alexander (2023) Transformer Offline Reinforcement Learning for Downlink Link Adaptation.
Mocanu, D. (2023) Modeling and Analyzing Board Games through Markov Decision Processes.
Moeradji, S. (2023) Sustainable Economic Recovery through Public Procurement : Municipality Interventions in Times of Crisis.
Mol, G. (2023) Developing a platform for the KUKA iDo social robot.
Mol, Lysanne (2023) Developing a lung-on-chip device for studying the impact of micro- and nanoplastics on human lung tissue.
Molchanov, I. (2023) Unveiling QAnon: An In-depth Analysis of Twitter Discourse Surrounding QAnon Narratives Prior to the US 2020 Presidential Elections.
Moll, M.C.M. (2023) MRI based 3D models as aiding tool for Parotid Gland Surgery.
Moltman, G.A.W. (2023) Heterogeneous Hypergraphs Models for Collaboration Networks: A Bridge between Mathematics and Business.
Mondria, Matthijs (2023) Next generation drinking solution for beverage carton portion packs, balancing sustainability and convenience.
Monsma, W.H. (2023) A framework for Notational Analysis in Rocket League Esports : Enhancing Competitive Performance through Data-driven Insights.
Montenegro, N.J.F. (2023) Acceptatie van het Eforto®-systeem door zorgprofessionals van opgenomen geriatrische patiënten.
Mooij, I. (2023) Catalase-laden oxygen-generating constructs as potential artificial erythrocytes.
Mooij, Q.J. (2023) Building a knowing maintenance organization by introducing a Knowledge Improvement Process for predictive maintenance at the Royal Netherlands Navy.
Mooijaart, Jan Berend (2023) Assessment of 1D and 2D model choices on model accuracy and computation time in D-Hydro.
Mora Ordoñez, G.A. (2023) Developing a data-infrastructure for automating the asphalt cooling process analysis.
Morad, Peshmerge (2023) Towards a Standard Fine-Grained Part-of-Speech Tagging for Northern Kurdish.
Morales Ortega, Luis Rodrigoandrés (2023) A Digital Twin for Ground Water Table Monitoring.
Morra, B.C.J. (2023) Design of a rapid characterization method to predict the sealing behaviour of LLDPE packaging films.
Morsink, C.F. (2023) Setting the Tone : A Phantom Study on the Effect of Skin Pigmentation on Transcutaneous Bilirubin Measurements.
Morás Jiménez, Estefanía (2023) Valuables of NewEarth: From reality to games and the way back.
Motheram, Manaswini (2023) Force-based measurement of tissue stiffness in 1-DOF needle insertion robotic device for liver interventions.
Moujaly, Matheas (2023) Item availability restricted.
Mourik, D.H.J. van (2023) Examining 14-year life satisfaction trajectories and associated predictors in the Dutch population : a latent class analysis.
Mourik, F.G. van (2023) IterSHAP: an XAI feature selection method for small high-dimensional datasets.
Mourik, J.B. (2023) Reducing unused medication at Isala Zwolle by redistribution.
Mouris, F.S. (2023) Modeling an optimal promotion strategy for FMCG adjusted for cannibalization effects.
Moussally, Naya (2023) The Respiro project : Evaluation of the Respiro® measurements of peak inspiratory flow, duration of inhalation and orientation in a clinical setting.
Muhammad Nuzul, Mahfiruddin Syah Dema (2023) Training deep networks with BIM models for indoor point cloud classification.
Muittari, Manta (2023) How do Dutch hospitals purchase high-tech medical devices?
Mulder, Hans (2023) Conflict on the Agile work floor: Can it be good? Investigating the role of cultural diversity and emotional intelligence in relation to observed conflict and job satisfaction.
Mulder, J. (2023) Practical social network analysis for understanding the sense of community in SMEs.
Mulder, Jeroen (2023) Predicting Contact Wire Thickness with Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Historical Data.
Mulder, L.H.W. (2023) Investigating the effect of misalignment on the efficiency of fiber array to grating coupling to support the design of a sophisticated passive degree of freedom alignment system.
Mulder, R.H. (2023) Financial viability of metal additive manufacturing in automotive industry for production of functional parts in high volume.
Mulder, Tim (2023) A personalized dashboard for sim racing.
Muller, M.W. (2023) SPaS: Sparse Parameterized Shortcut Connections for Dynamic Sparse-to-Sparse Training.
Mullink, J.M. (2023) The Small Ball Method Applied to Regression.
Mulrane, Christine (2023) Zooming in on Flourishing : Investigating Laypeople’s Conceptualisation of Social Well-Being over the Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic through Text-Mining.
Munoz Arbelaez, Juan Diego (2023) The Challenges of Big Data Analytics on Responsible Decision-Making in Asymmetrical Relationships : A Forward-looking Approach to Responsibility.
Munsterman, Roxane (2023) Deep learning segmentation of 3D ultrasound imaging of the thyroid.
Muraj, Tea M. (2023) The Cartographic Visualization of Processes and Changes: “Case study of changes over the years in the city of Vienna”.
Muskens, Mart (2023) The influence of coalitions in the Dutch heat transition.
Mustaf, Mergim (2023) A Framework for Integrated Prescriptive Maintenance and Production Planning and Control Simulation Models.
Mutruc, Vlad (2023) User Centric Quality of Service Improvement in IoT Networks: A closed Loop Approach.
Mutugi Murithi, Chris (2023) Intercomparison of methods for estimating Leaf Angle Distribution with terrestrial LiDAR for broadleaf tree species.
Mysliwiec, D. (2023) AI-Composed Music for User Preference Using Reinforcement Learning.
Möller, Tim Jakob (2023) Deriving an Associative Framework : Relating Individual Values to the SDGs.
Müller, Laura Alina (2023) Does the Presentation of Information about Restorative Justice Impact the Public Justice Orientation towards Restorative Justice?
Müller, M.M. (2023) Exploring the Evolution and Impact of Credit Scoring in the European Union: An Analysis of Alternative Data, Individual Consumer Data, and Regulatory Frameworks.
Müller, Rebecca (2023) Analyzing the Spill-over Effect of Feminist Urban Mobility Planning to the Sustainability of a City.
Münch, Finn Benjamin (2023) Assessment of methods for mangrove cover mapping on shrimp farms using high spatial resolution remote sensing.
Münch, Finn Lennard Lenny (2023) Queer-phobic ICTs : A critical discourse analysis of the legal debates on platform governance in regard to anti queer hate speech online in the EU and German context.
Nagel, Emiel (2023) Spatial audio augmented reality for positioning and navigation with Airpods.
Naik, Nilay Prashant (2023) Application Portfolio Management Maturity : A Grounded Theory investigation on the processes and expected benefits.
Nair, Ashwathy (2023) Characterizing clouds over Arsia Mons using OMEGA and CRISM.
Nambinayakanahalli Hanumantha, Dharanish (2023) Improving the autonomous navigation of a care robot by following social norms in a care environment.
Nannes, L.M.C. (2023) Preparing polders for extreme weather events : Strategies to reduce flooding.
Nap, T. E. (2023) Interactive installation for an educational ethics lab.
Nardi Dei da Filicaia Dotti, F. (2023) Use of camera sensors to deduce relative velocity of bicycles to prevent accidents.
Nasseri, Elham (2023) Development of Bio-inspired Hydrogels with Tunable Viscoelastic Properties for 3D Cell Culture.
Nau, Nick (2023) Mimicry and Deceit : A Facial Expression Analysis Experiment.
Nazari Khoorasgani, Ali (2023) Volatile Fatty Acid Adsorption and Hyperthermia Regeneration of Magnetic Nanoparticle ImpregnatedResins.
Nechiti, Alexandru-Tudor (2023) Anomaly Detection in Blockchain Networks.
Nedev, G.E. (2023) Escape rooms as a means to familiarize older adults with digital skills.
Neinders, L.J. (2023) Improving Trackmania Reinforcement Learning Performance : A Comparison of Sophy and Trackmania AI.
Nestor, Alexandru (2023) Retail Innovation Trends : a Topic Modelling Analysis of Corporate Patents.
Neta, Liran (2023) Adjusting Clarifying Questions to User’s Profile.
Nethe, S.Y. (2023) AgriBox : Developing a Portable Learning Environment for Sustainable Agriculture in Low-Income Communities.
Neumüller, H.S. (2023) Experiences of Spiritual Mobile Applications Users : an Interview Study.
Neupane, Nischal (2023) Explaining Hiccup Predictor using Layerwise Relevance Propagation.
Ngirubiu, Isaac I. (2023) circular economy and its governance in Dutch agri-food greenhouse horticulture.
Nguyen, Jenny (2023) The Mental Construal of the Climate Crisis: an Exploratory Study.
Nguyen, Quang (2023) Design of a Transport System for the EVE R3 Robot.
Nguyen Dang, H.L. (2023) Exploring the Factors Affecting Virtual Reality Technology Adoption: A Study on User Attitudes and Simulator Sickness in Virtual Reality Gaming.
Nguyen Minh Dieu, Cam (2023) The impact of Hedging strategies and Equity Multiples on stock returns surrounding COVID-19.
Nickisch, Leroy (2023) Engagement in Digital Mental Health Interventions and its influence on the effectiveness of treatment outcomes.
Nielen, Hans (2023) Educating the UT community on waste separation through a physical installation.
Nielen, J.J. van (2023) Dynamic Detection and Classification of Persistence Techniques in Windows Malware.
Niersen, M.G.M. van (2023) Heroes or Villains, the Dutch Farmers During the Protests : Polarization in news articles about the Dutch farmers’ protests.
Nieuwenhof, J. (2023) Serious Game Development. A study into how a serious game could stimulate using behavioral preference to influence others.
Nijhof, I.A.T. (2023) Material investigation for direct 3D printing of a photoacoustic breast phantom.
Nijhuis, Chiel (2023) Modelling Obsolescence Resolution Strategies at Thales Hengelo.
Nijhuis, M.F.H. (2023) Passive photonic chip-fiber alignment with a flexure-assisted micro-kinematic coupling.
Nijhuis, R.E.N. (2023) The Effects of a Mobile Cognitive Bias Modification Training on Implicit Positive Orientation and The Perceived Stress Levels of Students: A Quasi-Experimental Design.
Nijkamp, D.M. (2023) Matching Input Stream to End Product with Production Restrictions : improving business processes.
Nijkamp, L.H. (2023) Improving the 4M analysis performed at Benchmark Electronics.
Nijkamp, Mart (2023) Transition to a sustainable society : The Influence of Subjective Norm and Ease of Retrieval on Environmental Self-identity and Pro-environmental Behaviour.
Nijkamp, Sophie (2023) A different glance: The effects of facial expressions and text framing on reputation and message transportation in a fashion crisis response.
Nijland, D.M. (2023) Functional ultrasound assessment of external anal sphincter in healthy women and patients with previous obstetric anal sphincter injury.
Nijland, Lorenzo D. (2023) Optimization of product handling in the agricultural sector of an underactuated flexure-based gripper by using Bayesian estimation.
Nijman, C.V. (2023) Unpacking the pandemic: A media analysis of Dutch newspapers' coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic in the healthcare and event sector in the Netherlands.
Nikolov, G.D. (2023) Comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC) analysis of a structural design with new steel elements and a structural design with reused steel elements.
Nipper, Wiebke Sophie (2023) Experiences of Climate Change in Countries of the Global South : a Reflexive Thematic Analysis of Online Climate Stories.
Nizamudeen, M.F. (2023) Investigating the Impact of AI Tools on Programming Education.
Nizamudeen, M.S. (2023) Computed Torque Control of Flexible Multibody Systems.
Nofulla, Jorges (2023) Deep Learning-based Change Detection and Classification for Airborne Laser Scanning Data.
Nooijen, S.M.P. (2023) Concept study on novel gripper concept for in-hand rotational manipulation of poultry products.
Noorel, E.B. van (2023) Content knowledge and scientific reasoning in an informal STEM environment and the influence of prior knowledge and design characteristics.
Noortman, G.R. (2023) The effect of an entrepreneur’s level of extroversion and educational background on effectuation.
Norden, S.J. van (2023) Item availability restricted.
Novillo Calvo, MSc Bme Ignacio (2023) Design of a high-level position controller for an Assistive Hinged Ankle Exoskeleton.
Ntanou, E.N. (2023) Integrating algae-based systems in urban metabolism as a means of mitigating its metabolic challenges : a SWOT analysis and strategic recommendations.
Nuijts, D. (2023) What is the impact of self-serviced supportchannels in SAAS business?
Nuijts, T. (2023) Which determinants affect the choice on dividend payment in the Netherlands.
Nur, Abdulaziz (2023) The Differences in Displayed Leader-Follower Dynamics in Effective and Less Effective Teams in a Public Company in The Netherlands.
Nyhoff, Tom (2023) Personalised Coaching of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Based on Their Individual Behavioural Characteristics.
Oberle, P. V. (2023) A Scoping Review on the Use of Technology in Cognitive Bias Modification for Interpretation Biases.
Ochoa Barnuevo, Marco Luis (2023) Enhancing Baggage Handling Duration Predictions for KLM : A Data-driven and Machine Learning Approach Using Camera and Sensor Data.
Odenthal, C.S.H. (2023) Exploring Gender Euphoria among young Non-binary Individuals.
Odijk, Masha J.M. (2023) Analysis of cyclists’ safety on “bicycle streets” and other facilities in four large Dutch municipalities: A crash and conflict study.
Okkerman, M.E.C. (2023) Holding up a black mirror: exploring ethical issues of the Metaverse from a user perspective.
Olde Klieverik, R.H. (2023) Measuring customer satisfaction at a SaaS provider : a B2B perspective.
Omvlee, R. (2023) Sociale innovatie in de gemeente Deventer.
Oncu, E. (2023) CSR in Dutch small and medium-sized enterprises: Communication, motivation, and implementation.
Onofrei, Andrea (2023) Impact of Advertial Data Augmentation on Robust Indoor Scene Recognition: An Evaluation Study.
Ooijen, M.P.A. van (2023) Designing a Toolkit Based on Playful Learning Aspects to be Used in a Puzzle Route.
Oomkes, Lars (2023) A qualitative study to the Integrated Care for Overweight and Diabetes in Twente : Exploring Professionals' Role Fulfillment and its Impact on GLI and NDC Interventions.
Ooms, Puck (2023) Hand-oog coördinatie kalibratie : het bepalen van de rotatie en translatie componenten van de transformatie tussen de camera en de end effector.
Oonk, Dennis (2023) Enhancing Upper Limb Prosthetics Design for Improved Strength and Modularity : An User-Focused Approach in Sierra Leone.
Oonk, R.C. (2023) Late, treatment associated morbidity after breast-conserving therapy in breast cancer patients.
Oonk, T.W. (2023) Servitization within the construction sector; dependencies and strategic flexibility of SME's.
Oorschot, D.H.M.A. van (2023) VCLLVM: A Transformation Tool for LLVM IR programs to aid Deductive Verification.
Oort, Anne Bente (2023) A model's choice : empirical research into effectuation and causation in decision-making.
Ooster, P. van 't (2023) Validation of Vital Sign Monitoring Devices.
Oosterbaan, C.J.M. (2023) Ontzorgen van zorgmedewerkers - Meer spreiding van eigenlijke taken over de dag voor verzorgende IG.
Oosterhout, Janneke van (2023) Formal Verification of Lightweight Decentralized Attribute-based Encryption.
Oosterhout, Lilian van (2023) Reducing medication non-adherence in patients within home care situation.
Oosterhout, S.H. (2023) AI as a Creative Catalyst : AIs role in design, and measuring AI-based idea generation.
Oosterveen, Iris (2023) Exploring the impact of infographics and non-digital interactive design elements on the behavioral engagement of primary school children in science exhibitions.
Oosterveld, S.W.S. (2023) Momentum-based control for compliant link quadrupeds.
Oosterwijk, Jurre (2023) A socio-technical governance perspective on the roles of the state in the governance of socio-technical change: The European Commission in the governance of Connected, Connective, Automated Mobility in the EU.
Oosterwijk, Jurre (2023) A socio-technical governance perspective on the roles of the state in the governance of sociotechnical change: The European Commission in the governance of Connected, Connective, Automated Mobility in the EU.
Oosting, L. (2023) The facilitation of on-demand cassette printing in the gross room.
Oostrik, S.H. (2023) A roadmap for integrating BIM and MKI.
Oostrom, R.D. van (2023) Design of an orbital shaker for future laboratory use.
Oostveen, A.J.A. (2023) Environmental sustainability index : enabling comparison of companies on relevant indicators of sustainability.
Oral, Lara (2023) Move4Music : An Adaptive Sound System To Prompt Connection During Neurodiverse Dyadic Interactions.
Ordelman, J.H. (2023) IPO Underpricing: The Role of Media Coverage During the COVID-19 era.
Ordonez Gonzalez, Yeiny Karina (2023) Designing a Regulatory Implementation Strategy for Developing Affordable Medical Devices for Low-Resource Settings.
Ori, Sonali (2023) Human-Robot partnerships in various workplaces.
Orlé, C.P.W. van (2023) The effect of board gender quotas on the financial performance of companies : Evidence from France.
Oscura, Nayeli (2023) Unlocking the potential of Sustainable Transportation for working people in Mexico City.
Oseme, Kimberly (2023) Claims-to-Action Consistency of Major Oil and Gas Firms : A Comparison of Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil and Shell.
Ossenbruggen, I. van (2023) Becoming the preferred customer in a buyer supplier relationship: antecedents that influence the preferred customership.
Osterkamp, Maren (2023) Expressions of emotional discomfort in relation to climate change of Western European university students belonging to the generations Y and Z.
Ostermann, J.C. (2023) Societal Perceptions of the Freezing Response in Male and Female Rape Victims.
Othmer, Benjamin (2023) An Empirical Study of Directory Service Dependencies.
Otte, S.M.P. (2023) The mutual influence of the preferred customer status and inflation in a retail context.
Otten, J.H.S. (2023) Hoe leerlingen ondersteund kunnen worden in de ontwikkeling van de burgerschapscompetentie 'omgaan met verschillen'.
Ottenhof, Stijn (2023) A Tale of Two Ideologies : A Political Discourse Analysis of How LGBTI Rights are Used to Shape the Identity of the EU in Relation to Sexual Others in the Ninth European Parliament.
Ottl, Ann (2023) Community resilience and its effect on the University of Twente students’ intolerance of uncertainty during COVID-19 and now.
Ouahabi, K. El (2023) Design of a user interface capable of visualizing radio frequency interference data in spatial context using augmented reality.
Oude Griep, Guusje (2023) Het optimaliseren van het meldproces.
Oude Heuvel, Y. (2023) Validation of a virtual reality risk assessment tool: the VR balloon analogue risk task.
Oude Meijers, M.J.M. (2023) How AI can affect work design of HR professionals for better or worse.
Oude Voshaar, Maartje (2023) Short-term effects of electrical stimuli on engineered skeletal muscle tissue growth.
Ouderaa, J. van der (2023) Development of a new workflow for surgical planning in head and neck reconstructive surgery using re-perfused tissue transfers.
Oudsten, M.A. den (2023) On the Multigrid Method for Anisotropic Diffusion.
Ouwejan, M.M. (2023) Beyond the Symbolic Function : Policy Learning within the European Committee of the Regions.
Overkamp, Sander (2023) The Power of Teaching : exploring the effect of instructor experience on student motivation.
Ozo, R.O. (2023) Providing recommendations for reducing mean and variability in attenuation of optical fibre cables at TKF’s end control.
Ozols, Hermanis (2023) Sustainable Profitability: Investigating the Relationship between ESG Initiatives and Financial Performance.
Pacnerová, Lenka (2023) Red blood cell transfusion, patient outcomes and anaemia in elective orthopaedic surgery through the lens of supervised learning and mediation analysis.
Pagliari, Pietro (2023) Reduction In Working Hours : A Team-Level Perspective.
Pagée, Nicolette van (2023) The Power of Message Framing: Gaining insights into the interplay between message framing, product types and regulatory focus on the willingness to buy personal care products.
Pagée, Nicolette van (2023) The Power of Message Framing: Gaining insights into the interplay between message framing, product types, and regulatory focus on the willingness to buy.
Pakker, S.G. (2023) Designing a process for manufacturing bicycle inner tubes into a sheet material for the production of products from Het Nieuwe Logisch.
Palani, Vignesh (2023) Design and Development of Variable Impedance Actuator using a Multi Axis Motor.
Palanikumar, C. (2023) A process mining framework for continual service improvements.
Palsgraaf, S. (2023) Redesigning the StowMover.
Pan, An (2023) Party on? Inferring campus parties from WiFi logging.
Pandey, S.S. (2023) A Comparative study of BERT-CNN and GCN for Hate Speech Detection.
Panzer, Nele (2023) Choosing with awe : exploring the influence of awe-eliciting environmental nudging and organic shopping trait on sustainable choices in an online shopping context.
Papanastasiou, Anastasios (2023) Lipid nanoparticles for mRNA delivery targeting cancer associated fibroblasts in the tumor microenvironment.
Pape, J.A. (2023) Empowering young adults on the autism spectrum.
Pareek, Rishi (2023) Assesing Hailstorm Damages in Crops Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning Solutions.
Park, Sanghyeop (2023) Personal Artificial Intelligence Coach For ‘League Of Legends’.
Parvangada Chinnappa, Uthaiah (2023) An Approach for Risk Mitigation and Safety During Human-Robot Collaboration.
París Quijada, Elena (2023) Evaluation of model predictive control and adaptive model predictive control for a selected generalisable daily task including uncertainties.
Pas, Lisanne te (2023) The Influence of Depression on Doom Scrolling and Climate Change Engagement : A Mixed-Methods Study.
Pas, R.W.J.J. van de (2023) Opportunities for outsourcing Infrastructure Asset Management activities : a mixed-method analysis of Dutch local road authorities.
Pasca, Stefana (2023) Enhancing Awareness of Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers: The Role of Information Consumption Patterns and Political Orientation.
Pasman, Danny (2023) Tender characteristics influencing tender attractiveness in Public Procurement.
Patel, A. (2023) Numerical Investigation On The Thermal Behavior Of Li-ion Batteries Under Various Cooling Methods.
Patel, Nishit (2023) Downscaling Land Surface Temperature using SAR images : A Machine Learning framework.
Paulissen, J.W.H. (2023) KamerMaker : A Novel Approach to the Reconstruction of Personal Indoor Spaces in Virtual Environments.
Paululat, Meret (2023) The Impact of Racist Stereotypes on Dutch Police Officers’ Behaviour in Stop-and-Search Scenarios: a Randomized Study with Deepfake Technology in Virtual Reality.
Paulussen, Z.M. (2023) Facilitating the co-creation of AI-enhanced HRM systems: A systematic literature review.
Pausch, Philipp (2023) Exploring the Associations Between Problematic Smartphone Use and Academic Stress, Depression, Emotion Regulation, and Self-Regulation among University Students.
Pedersen, E.C. (2023) Navigating Paradoxical Tensions in Online Labour Platforms: Insights from Explorative Research on Experiences and Responses.
Pedersen, J. (2023) Optimizing the dispatch schedule of Product Y.
Peet, Luca van der (2023) Epistemic and Ethical Issues in Machine Learning Based Recidivism Risk-Assessment: Lessons from Philosophy of Measurement.
Peetsma, Jasper (2023) The Development of a Novel Method for Measuring Biomechanical Features of Agility Using Markerless Motion Capture.
Pelgröm, I.R.M. (2023) Support of the exchange of shifts within the application Flux.
Pelleboer, A.J. (2023) Validating results regarding changes in data strategies for Techspread.
Pelzer, J. (2023) Into the Night with TikTok: Exploring the Relationship between Social Media Use and Sleep – A Case Study.
Peng, Sheng-en (2023) A Pilot Study on Situational Trust and Driver's Take Over Performance in High-Level of Autonomous Driving.
Peng, Tzu en (2023) Unlocking the value of AI : Employee Scheduling Effectiveness, Efficiency and Consistency Investigation.
Penkov, Ellen (2023) Fair design and deployment of machine learning algorithms on online labor platforms : What do managers do? : a qualitative study.
Penning, P.A. (2023) Driving Change : A Case Study on the Role of Policy Adoption & Transfer in Achieving Sustainable Mobility Targets from the Green Deal.
Pennings, H.E. (2023) On the use of pre-trained image classifiers for fingerprint-based indoor localization.
Perizonius, F.C. (2023) Theoretical modelling of liquid fractions and flow regimes during the first-stage startup of steam transport pipelines.
Persijn van Meerten, P.E.C. van (2023) Improving self-triage on Out-Of-Hours primary care clinic websites.
Peter, Mathis (2023) How do people´s cultural backgrounds influence their perception towards new technologies within the labour market?
Peters, Casper (2023) Strategic decision-making during different stages of business creation: a study of causation and effectuation.
Peters, D.J.T. (2023) Integrating operational and tactical decision-making in spare part inventory management.
Peters, E.W.J (2023) The Lifestyle Check: Improving Employee Well-Being at the University of Twente.
Petersen, Julia (2023) Preferences and Needs Regarding a Preventive Intervention for Gay Men Experiencing Depressive Symptoms to Improve Their Mental Health.
Petkovski, C.M. (2023) The Effect of Online Vigilance on Stress, Sleep Quality, and Overall Well-Being : A Cross-Sectional Study.
Petri, J.C. (2023) Investigating the effect of graphene nanofillers on the melting of paraffin-based phase change materials.
Petrov, A.P. (2023) Experimentally finding graphs that minimize Wiener-entropy.
Petrov, Aleksandar (2023) Applying Heat Maps on a Traffic Sign Detection Case Study.
Petrov, B.P. (2023) Understanding the Performance of Hyperbolic Graph Neural Networks.
Peut, A.M. van de (2023) Breathless Battles : The Optimization of an eHealth Application for Support in Self-Management for COPD patients with Complex Chronic Conditions through Human-Centered Design.
Pfeijffer, ir. C. (2023) The effects of different designs of longitudinal training dams on countering bed degradation for different discharge scenarios in the River Waal.
Pfeijffer, M. (2023) Heating up : exploring motivation and experiences of independent at-home living elderly in adopting health protective behaviours during heatwaves.
Pfennig, M. (2023) A study on the relationship between orthorexia nervosa and body dissatisfaction : what role does gender identity play?
Phan, T.H.G. (2023) An Implementation Methodology for Augmented Reality Applications.
Pieterse, Wybe (2023) The difference in UX between open and closed questions for novice users in conversational search.
Pietersma, D.N. (2023) Design of a User-Friendly Optical Controller for the Sunram 7 with Safety Features to Assist Radiologists in MRI-Guided Breast Biopsy.
Pietsch, Samuel (2023) The Relationship between Stress and Resilience and the Role of Social Context : An Experience Sampling Study.
Pijkeren, Gijs van (2023) Grey area policies : a case study of the COVID-19 curfew in the Netherlands.
Pijkeren, J.P.R. van (2023) Designing the logistical network for a parcel carrier.
Pijnenburg, Renske (2023) Het verbeteren van probleemoplossend vermogen met betrekking tot metacognitieve vaardigheden.
Pintilie, Alexandra (2023) Data collection and user engagement in eHealth applications focused on canine health.
Pinus, Valeria (2023) Integrating Carbon and Financial Reporting : Accurately Assessing the Financial Implications of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the European Oil and Gas Industry.
Pirinski, Vasil (2023) Effectiveness of Modular analysis on Attack Trees using Binary Decision Diagrams.
Pistorius, C. (2023) Comparing supervised machine learning algorithms for client-specific care plans.
Pištek, Andrej (2023) Dynamic variable reordering for Binary Decision Diagrams.
Placiakis, J. (2023) Single-Route OD Matrix Estimation using Automatic Passenger Counting Data : A Case Study in Geneva.
Planje, Ruben (2023) Indicating the main pressures of physicians and suppliers on Dutch hospitals that hinder value-based procurement.
Plas, J.D.C. van der (2023) Dutch Inflation Rate Forecasting Performance of Econometric and Neural Network Models.
Platzek-Haase, L.L. (2023) Climate Fiction - How do viewers of an animated climate fiction film discuss their climate emotions?
Pleijzier, N. (2023) The identification of antecedents of employee satisfaction experienced by members of the self-managing neighbourhood care teams of Buurtzorg; a mixed methods study.
Ploeg, E.M. van der (2023) Design And Implementation Of An Impedance-Based Coupling Factor Estimation And Tx-Rx Alignment System In Wireless Power Systems.
Ploeg, Maurice van der (2023) Improved Range of Motion of a Redundantly Actuated 3-DOF Planar Manipulator with Flexure Joints.
Ploeg, Wout (2023) Understanding the western Wadden Sea in terms of inlet connectivity : an exploratory modelling approach.
Plomp, Jelle (2023) Imaging Behind the Plaque - Improved Blood Flow Imaging Using ISAAC: an Iterative Scheme for Active Attenuation Correction.
Plomp, Dhr. Jelle (2023) Imaging Behind the Plaque - Improved Blood Flow Imaging Using ISAAC: an Iterative Scheme for Active Attenuation Correction.
Pocriciuc, Arina (2023) Robophobia in European countries : how do cultural and economic differences influence the accuity of this fear?
Poggenklas, Emily (2023) The Benefits of Smartphone Apps for Spirituality on Individuals´ Mental Well-Being - A Qualitative Interview Study.
Pohle, Mira (2023) Mental Health in Daily Life : A Qualitative Approach to Understanding Momentary Resilience and its Measure.
Pollmann, N. (2023) Resilience and reappraisal as coping strategies for stressful events : an experience sampling study.
Pompe, Babiche L. (2023) Empathic chatbot for complaint handling in customer service.
Poolen, A.L. (2023) CABRIO study: Workup to Chemotherapy in neoAdjuvant Breast cancer treatment by Interview Outcomes: Experiences of breast cancer patients in the neoadjuvant trajectory.
Poort, Lars (2023) Item availability restricted.
Poorthuis, N.M. (2023) Weerbare leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs : een onderzoek naar de beleving van lessen in weerbaarheid in de dagelijkse lespraktijk binnen het voortgezet onderwijs.
Poortier, F.W. (2023) Redesigning the Muesli Topcup.
Poorts, J.S.C. (2023) Design of an interface between cleaner and multiple, automated cleaning devices.
Poozhiyil, Aditya (2023) Exploring Multimodal Data for Crime Recognition.
Popa, Andrei (2023) Gotta adjust them all! : Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment of Role-Playing Games Through Procedural Generation of Non-Player Characters.
Popovic, Aleksandra (2023) The Role of Trait and State Acceptance as Moderators of Affective Stress Reactivity in Daily Life : An Experience Sampling Method Study.
Popovs, V. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Porsul, I.R. (2023) A metabolic support system for engineered (micro)tissues using glycogen-releasing cell-adhesive micromaterials.
Post, Ir. C.A. (2023) The Impact of Emerging Technologies and Energy Management Systems on a Neighbourhood.
Posthuma, L.J.H. (2023) Conversion of a sidecar configuration to an EV - A case study of the electrification of an IMZ-Ural sidecar motorcycle.
Postma, M.G.M. (2023) The Cultural Melting Pot - A qualitative study on the relationship between organizational inclusion practices and the feeling of welcomeness for employees.
Postma, Mart (2023) Best Practices for Big Data Management in the Sports Industry.
Postma, Pleun (2023) Climate activism is here to stay : The effect of type of environmental protests, and the influence of antecedents on the Dutch publics’ view of Extinction Rebellion.
Postmus, T.H. (2023) A review on linguistic style matching.
Postuma, D.M. (2023) Promoting information security behavior : an intervention mapping approach in the engineering and consultancy firm Witteveen+Bos.
Posłuszna, Zuzanna (2023) Shape analysis for the design of a preformed osteosynthesis plate for accurate zygomatic reconstruction.
Pot, Coos (2023) Designing and developing a haptic feedback wearable to improve motor task performance : A case study on the squat.
Pot, W.M. van der (2023) Exploring the relationship between social responsibility and firm performance within SMEs.
Pott, M.W. (2023) Designing the health data communication in menstruation tracking applications : users’ challenges and the role of design in the visualization of health data.
Potters, E.M. (2023) Pharmaceutical Cold Supply Chain Management Considering Medication Synchronization and Different Delivery Modes.
Pozdech, M. (2023) Improving the Assignment of Bicycle Traffic in a Countrywide Transportation Model by Considering Link Characteristics.
Praet, Y.W.J. van (2023) The role of identification during a war scenario.
Preeti, Esha (2023) Digital Strategy in ESports - How can ESports teams build digital strategies to create value for sponsors.
Presser, Lisemijn (2023) Using virtual reality to enhance social museum visits.
Preuß, Oliver Ludger (2023) Multi-Objective Algorithm Configuration on Multi-Modal Multi-Objective Optimization Problems.
Prins, H.J.H. (2023) Forces underlying sustainability transition practices among organic farmers in the Netherlands: Experiences in transition and beyond.
Prins, L. (2023) Mind over matter, mindset first. Risicoleiderschap bij Defensie.
Prins, R. (2023) Simulating The Effects Of Unipolar Current Pulses On Faulty Static Energy Meters.
Prins, T. (2023) Ordering process optimization of paint at Uw Onderhoudspartner Lenferink.
Prinsen, Simon (2023) The Effects of the Implementation of Sustainable Finance on the decision-making of Financial Institutions.
Prinsenberg, Finn (2023) Additive Manufacturing as an industrial production process : a myth or actual reality? Technical guideline design for the implementation of Additive Manufacturing as a production process for industrial plastic products.
Pronk, L.J. (2023) The design of a roadmap for the integration of remote support into a production environment.
Pruis, L.M. (2023) Measurement protocol for stress induced leakage current in MOS-capacitors.
Przydatek, Julia (2023) Why do People Use Spiritual Mobile Applications? A Qualitative Analysis of Users' Motivations.
Putman, E.J. (2023) Real-time 3D MR-Thermometry using a Stack-of-Stars Gradient Echo Pulse Sequence.
Putra Raja, Bhinawa (2023) Visualizing Transport Key Performance Using the Open Trip Model Data Messaging Format.
Péntek, G. (2023) Implementation of a stochastic LCA method into BIM environment at infrastructure design projects - a case study of a bridge.
Pérez Garciá, J. (2023) Suspension and stabilisation system design for an UGV demonstrator.
Quak, Diederik (2023) A novel hybrid machine learning metaheuristic approach to create nurse rosters in a Dutch hospital.
Queins, M.C.M. (2023) User Experiences of Modern Spirituality Applications : Navigating Personal Relationships.
Qurbanzada, Jawad (2023) Spillover and project success: The significance of relational safeguards.
Qurbanzada, S. (2023) Populist Framing of Immigrants in Dutch Policymaking: A Discourse-Historical Analysis.
Raadschelders, L.T. (2023) Analysis of the effects of dike structures on heave failure at screens. Evaluation on the effects on hydraulic heave failure through an experimental heave screen setup and an analytical two-pressure stability model.
Raczkiewicz, Michal (2023) Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking in MaritimeManet.
Rademaker, Marcus (2023) Formation and evolution of relict trochoidal sediment waves in the Irish Sea throughout their post-glacial history.
Raestrup, I.J.M. (2023) Complementing German vocational training with VR training : investigating the effect of time pressure and stress on situation awareness and performance of construction trainees.
Rafiei, S. (2023) Energy Transition in Urban Netherlands through Heat Pumps: A Fuzzy Cognitive Map-Based Approach, Case study of Leeuwarden.
Rahouti, Narjis (2023) Self-Regulation and Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Perceived Stress from an Outpatient Care Perspective.
Raicevicius, K. (2023) Digital finance and its effects on businesses, governments and society.
Raijmakers, Femke Dieuwertje (2023) Item availability restricted.
Rajul, Joseph (2023) Assessing the impacts of land succession practices on keeping land information up to date in Kenya: a case study in Siaya County.
Rakels, Thijs D. (2023) PID tuning for electromechanical systems based on dilated LMI optimisation.
Rameckers, Rebecca (2023) Self-monitoring of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) symptoms: The effect of the experience sampling method (ESM) on PGD-symptoms compared to a waitlist group – a randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Ramon i Garcia, Nil (2023) Coupling transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation and Deep Brain Stimulation in a Brain Computer Interface.
Randova, Nicola (2023) Timing as a factor of successful early supplier involvement projects and preferred customer status : Case study in the automotive industry.
Rarenco, Andrei (2023) Investigating the Performance of Deep Learning Algorithms for Muscle Activation On/Off-Set Detection in Horse Surface Electromyography (sEMG) Data.
Rassers, D.T.M. (2023) Engagement in Digital Health Interventions : Using engagement measures extracted from log data to predict subjective engagement and therapy outcomes.
Rastegaralam, Mitra (2023) Stakeholders’ perspective of environmental and social effects of a combined cycle power plant : a case study in Zahedan city.
Ratering, P. (2023) Effects of human landscape interventions on groundwater drought.
Ratnalingam, Elilarasi (2023) Emotions in the Face : A pilot strategy for increasing facial expression recognition skills of mental health nurses in forensic hospitals.
Ratto Vaquer, Lorenzo Maria (2023) Shame on Social Media Platforms: An existentialist analysis.
Raven Garcia, J. (2023) A geometric port-Hamiltonian modelling and simulation framework for morphing-wing UAVs.
Ravi, Vinod (2023) Characterization and testing of a novel reliable method to connect metallic and 3D-printed polymeric conductors.
Ravichandran, R. (2023) Improving accuracy of vehicle tracking by fusing IMU and GPS.
Reckeweg, Lisa (2023) An Experience Sampling Study into Daily-Life Stress Recovery, Depressive Symptoms, and Emotion Regulation.
Redelijkheid, M.N.F. de (2023) Monitoring network traffic and responding to malicious traffic for IoT devices in 5G network slices.
Redif, Kaan (2023) Challenges to the Effective Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture : The Case Study of Nicosia, Cyprus.
Ree, Ilse van (2023) Access versus ownership : A study into the factors that influence the intention to rent or purchase frequently and infrequently used consumer products.
Ree, Ilse van (2023) Access versus ownership : A study into the factors that influence the intention to rent or purchase frequently and infrequently used consumer products.
Reekers, T.A.J. (2023) Geef mij de ruimte : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar gewenste leiderschapskenmerken om medewerkers binnen de intelligencedienst van de politie zelforganiserend te laten werken.
Reesink, B.F.H. (2023) Improving variance control system for metal-parts manufacturers A Case -Study of 247TailorSteel.
Reick, Leonie (2023) The Role of Personalization, Engagement, and Feedback in Digital Health Interventions for Anxiety.
Reintjes, M.P.T. (2023) Rehabilitation after cardiac surgery : using objective measurements towards patient specific in-hospital mobilisation.
Reisch, N.O. (2023) Measuring Affinity for Technology Interaction with an Image-Based Testing Approach.
Reiter, L.C. (2023) Sleep on it : the assessment and treatment of sleep in specialized mental health care in the Netherlands.
Reitsma, T.S. (2023) The COVID-19 Outbreak and Investor Herding : An Empirical Study of the VWRL All-World Exchange-Traded Fund.
Renes, D.L. (2023) Exploring Co-offending in Residential Burglary through Virtual Reality : A Novel Approach.
Renes, L.E.M. (2023) Website Navigation Structures: Eliciting Mental Models of University Students using Card Sorting and the Perceived Usability.
Renfordt, J.H. (2023) A Pre- and Post-Migrative Trauma Perspective on PTSD and Depression Among Mourning Ukrainian Refugees.
Renselaar, Erwin van (2023) Scaling rules for microrobots with full energetic autonomy.
Renzelberg, M. (2023) Empathy in the Context of Video Games and Condolence Letters.
Resing, Marvin (2023) Industrial Cobot Sound Design Study : Audio Design Principles for Industrial Human-Robot Interaction.
Reuling, Jacco (2023) Robust Online Electric Vehicle Control at a Charging Hub.
Reus, M.B.C. (2023) Graph generation for synthetic stock data.
Reuver, I. V. (2023) The Use of Nature in Guided Imagery to Influence Social and Emotional Loneliness in Adolescents.
Reuver, I.K.E. (2023) Increasing the selectivity of hypermethylated DNA enrichment by a two-step washing process.
Reuvers, E. (2023) Extracting information from audio data gathered in a virtual reality museum tour to determine personal preferences.
Reyers, P.M. (2023) A comparative analysis of audio steganography methods and tools.
Rezelman, SA (2023) Compounding and characterization of tire tread compounds using funtionalized rubber.
Ribbers, F.A. (2023) Persoonlijke informatieprofielen bij kanker Informatievoorkeuren op basis van gezondheidsgeletterdheid bij borstkankerpatiënten.
Richards, Carithea (2023) Urban Production : Exploring Urban Manufacturing Scenarios for Future Urban Resilient Cities.
Richterink, L.A. (2023) Perceptions of health care providers working with telemonitoring in a pulmonary department: barriers and facilitators in usage and acceptance.
Ridder, Frank (2023) Adaptive Random Forest on FPGA.
Riefel, M.T. (2023) A Quantitative Study on the Impact of Data Breaches on Customer Satisfaction.
Rienstra, K.D. (2023) Assessing the Potential of FHIR as a Standard.
Riesner, Patricia (2023) The association between Gambling and Loot Box Purchasing: Explained through Impulsivity and Arousal Needs.
Riet, Alex te (2023) How to use a wearable like a smartwatch as a tool to help guide students into better mental well-being.
Rietberg, Max (2023) Quantified Photoacoustics for Carotid Artery Imaging.
Rietberg, Max (2023) Quantified Photoacoustics for Carotid Artery Imaging.
Riethorst, P.P. (2023) Changes over time (before and during the COVID-19 pandemic) in survival rates of patients diagnosed with stage IV melanoma in the Netherlands : a population-based study.
Riikonen, S.A. (2023) Towards More Sustainable Small Purchases: Enhancing Sustainability in the Operational Procurement Process.
Rijckevorsel, C.M.M.M. van (2023) Design of an innovative and/or sustainable product range in textiles.
Rijnbergen, K.J. (2023) Pattern Analysis of Time Series Data.
Rikhof, Anne (2023) Modelling the yield of building integrated photovoltaic systems employing free space luminescent solar concentrators.
Rinzema, R.T.E. (2023) Identifying Opportunities for Improvement of the Virtual Reality Biofeedback Game DEEP in Forensic Inpatient Care – A Qualitative Multi-Method Study.
Rispens, Koen (2023) Splitting perspectives: A Q sort Exploration of Dutch Public Opinions on Nuclear Energy.
Ritsema, Stan (2023) A Disentangled Representation Learning Approach for Deblurring Microscopy Images.
Rivera, Alba (2023) Development of magnetic alginate beads for localized mechanical stimulation in tissue engineering.
Rob, J.F. (2023) Creating brand identity for the humanitarian engineering research group.
Rodricks, K.C (2023) Examining the influences of anxiety among students, coping styles and the use of self empowerment techniques.
Roekevisch, Babet (2023) The effect of variant glucose and oxygen concentrations on the differentiation of humane mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC).
Roelofs, Bor (2023) A qualitative study of Central Bank Digital Currencies and their impacts on European consumers.
Roelofsen, D.F. (2023) Wearables and lifestyle.
Roerink, Jasper (2023) Ordering policy optimisation for forecast driven orders within HTM-Aerotec.
Roesink, Ozzy (2023) Persoonlijke informatieprofielen bij kanker : Onderzoek naar de voorkeuren van de vormgeving van online informatievoorziening bij vrouwen in de risicogroep van borstkanker.
Roest, Jasper (2023) A Framework for Developing Parametric Modelling Tools : A Case study of Water Pumping Stations.
Rohde, Moritz (2023) Lifelong learning of professionals : the importance of workplace learning.
Rolfes, Stan (2023) Item availability restricted.
Rolink, A.T. (2023) Improving OR-scheduling at an orthopaedic clinic.
Rolink, A.T. (2023) Forecasting cash flows at an independent treatment centre.
Romijn, Clyde (2023) Examining the Influence of Gain-Loss Framing on Self-Efficacy towards Climate Change Mitigation among University Students: Exploring the Role of Eco-Anxiety.
Ronduite, A. (2023) Simulating and testing of the movement of a millirobot influenced by a static magnetic field.
Rooij, E.J. de (2023) Leveling inbound flow : item allocation under fixed capacity inbound flow at the Ahold Delhaize Inbound Logistics department.
Room, J.T. (2023) Transducer selection & protocol compliance detection algorithm design as a basis for automated point-of-care lung ultrasound screening of tuberculosis.
Roorda, A.H. (2023) The BADAL X -protect: a badal x™ redesign to reduce the risk of infection at the implant-soft tissue interface.
Roos, J.C.G. (2023) Investigating the difference in uremic toxin removal between single-pass and recirculation dialysis experiments, using in-house filters.
Roos, Marcel de (2023) Non-financial firms' Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores and their financial performance.
Roosen, Pia (2023) Disability and the Digital Divide: An Analysis on the European Union´s Discourse.
Ros, A (2023) The Effect of Organisational Purpose on Image and Purchase Intention in Congruent and Non-Congruent Crises.
Rosen, K.S. (2023) Immersive virtual reality interventions to change lifestyle behavior in individuals with chronic- or life-threatening somatic conditions : A scoping review.
Roskamp, W. (2023) RF Heating Mitigation around a DBS lead at 3T.
Rossing, Julian (2023) The disinformation landscape of the future : a qualitative perspective.
Rothert, J. (2023) Behavioural Measures of Phishing Susceptibility: Examining the Influence of Individual and Situational Factors on Email Management Decision-making through Eye-tracking.
Rothfuß, Manuel (2023) Sustainability Reporting Practices and their Impact on Organizational Dynamic Capabilities : An Empirical Examination of Professionals´ Perception.
Rothman, Ties (2023) Climate Change Risk for Financial Institutions : Predicting Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Rotmensen, J.G. (2023) From Portfolio to Lever: Evolution of Category Management.
Rott, Enrico (2023) “Simply download the App...!”: The influence of personality traits on the download intention of festival-related apps.
Rouw, B. de (2023) Developing a framework for evaluating customer value creation out of digital transformation for firms providing financial services.
Rouwenhorst, T. (2023) The (in)direct effect of student population’s Socio-Economic Status on the amount of Collaborative Professional Development among teachers in Dutch Primary Schools.
Rover, Jari de (2023) Preload reducing therapies on right heart function in pulmonary hypertension.
Rudolf, A. (2023) Levelling up Learning: Exploring the Effectiveness of Gamification Elements on Learning and Motivation.
Ruel, I.A. (2023) Perfectionism as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Stress and Burnout in Students.
Ruempol, F.G.A. (2023) The Physics behind VR rowing on a dynamic ergometer.
Ruhanen, Samuel (2023) Contemporary Advancements in Financial Technology and Adoption.
Ruiten, F.M. van (2023) Derdegraadsvergelijkingen oplossen : een lessenserie voor vwo wiskunde D.
Ruitenbeek, Floris van (2023) Design of a Variable Stiffness Mechanism with Prescribed Behaviour Using a Variable Cam Pulley.
Ruitenbeek, Rick (2023) Modeling and Evaluating VCSEL Based Transmitters with Digital Predistortion.
Ruiter, Justin (2023) Understanding money flow in ransomware.
Ruiz Bravo, D. (2023) Shaping Social Practices and Behaviors to Implement Community-Based Organic Waste Management Strategies.
Rukmana, Rahadian (2023) Numerical Modelling of the Effect of Lateral Nonuniformity due to Horizontal Flow Contraction on Flow Dynamics over a Steep Slope.
Rump, Arthur (2023) Apollo++: Automated Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Programming Projects.
Rus, A.C. (2023) NAISS : Network Authentication of Images to Stop e-Skimmers.
Rusch, N.D. (2023) A Product Investment Decision-Making Method Under Carbon Pricing Uncertainty.
Rusnac, Nicolae (2023) Improving the Performance of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Fault Tree Inference.
Russchen, Jilmer (2023) Improving production logistics.
Rusu, A.C. (2023) Attitudes regarding the transition towards sustainable heat of general public in the Netherlands.
Ruwe, Mick (2023) The difference between centralized social media platforms and upcoming decentralized social media platforms: A comparative study.
Rödder, C. (2023) Bijdrage van risicomanagement aan de inbedding van duurzaamheid: een exploratief onderzoek onder Nederlandse bedrijven.
Röhr, Jeanine (2023) What’s in your Cart? : Exploring the effects of awe on sustainable consumption within an online shopping environment.
Saaltink, Caz (2023) Solving BFL Queries: From BDDs to Quantified SAT.
Sagel, J.C. (2023) Designing for relaxation in the ER : a contribution to delirium prevention in older patients.
Sahin, Z. (2023) Design of a generic mobile application prototype for electric Mobility as a Service (eMaas) that focuses on enhancing user experience and user interface.
Saini, A. (2023) Linear controller design for an omnidirectional morphing UAV at different operating points.
Sajadinaini, Golnaz (2023) Assessing Green Roof Policies in Leeuwarden : A Stakeholder-Based Examination to Identify Effective Approaches for Encouraging Adoption.
Sajid, S. (2023) A methodology to build interpretable machine learning models in organizations.
Sakhi, Tarek (2023) Effectiveness of natural language processing techniques in categorizing scientific articles by research methodology.
Sakirov, Nathan (2023) Investigating Preparatory Alpha and Theta Oscillations in Motor Sequence Learning : An ERD/ERS Study.
Sakr, A. (2023) Electrostatic Simulation of Bi-Implanted Silicon Single-Electron Transistor Nanodevices.
Salce, Miss Yasmin (2023) Applying a Machine Learning Model to Estimate the Current State of Charge of Energy Storage Devices.
Saleh, Nazir (2023) Feasibility of Aqueduct Construction in Spannenburg, Netherlands : Comparing Eared, Immersed and Pilled Aqueducts using Multicriteria Decision Making Analysis.
Sallander, J.G.D. (2023) DumpingMapper : Illegal dumping detection from high spatial resolution satellite imagery.
Samadashvili, Inga (2023) Party Political Ideology and Compliance with EU Gender Equality Policies:The Case of Bulgaria and Hungary – Post-EU Accession.
Samol, Julian Alexander (2023) AI: A Dilemma For European Policymakers : Are European Fundamental Rights, Law And Values Safe In Times of AI?
Samur, I. (2023) Dashboard Design for a Consultancy Firm within the Sustainability Sector : A Business Case for a New Data Platform.
Samy, Omar (2023) Tracing Data Utility for Noise Adding Plugins in Process Mining.
Sanders, Danny (2023) Testing different foot sole stimulation paradigms for experimental setup to study balance while standing still.
Sanders, P.B.A. (2023) Gender en seksuele diversiteit bij Onderzoek & Ontwerpen in het voortgezet onderwijs : een les in gender en seksuele diversiteit op school.
Sanders, ir. P.B.A. (2023) Genderonderwijs en Seksuele Diversiteit bij Onderzoek & Ontwerpen in het Voortgezet Onderwijs: Een les in gender en seksuele diversiteit op school.
Santangelo, Luca (2023) The coexisting effect of social media use on psychological wellbeing.
Santynawan, Archita Permata (2023) The potential of transit-oriented development to support creative industries in Bandung, Indonesia.
Sarisin, A. (2023) Redesigning the external hardware housing of the FAT-Table.
Sarmiento Casas, Maria Alejandra (2023) Designing a Sustainability Program for the Manufacturing Industry: Establishing a Sustainability Baseline for VDL ETG.
Sarpkaya, E. (2023) Virtual nature : the effects of mystery, spaciousness and nature-based sounds on young adults.
Sasse, Vanessa (2023) Understanding the Dynamics of Online Gift-Giving Behaviour : An Exploratory Study.
Satici, Arda (2023) Leveraging Machine Learning and Process Mining to Treat Anaemia with the Help of Prescription Records.
Savin, Nicu (2023) Exploring Indoor Localization with Transformer-Based Models : A CNN-Transformer Hybrid Approach for WiFi Fingerprinting.
Savitri, Dea Amelia (2023) Design and implementation of velocity in risk assessment with enterprise architecture modeling.
Schaaf, J.R. (2023) MPC design for a precision, flexure based, pendulum.
Schaffer, Isabelle (2023) Draw yourself happy! Exploring the Feasibility of a Mandala Intervention Targeting Stress and Anxiety of University Students.
Schaffert, Antonia (2023) The Relationship between Perceived Stress and Cognitive Reappraisal for Flourishers and Non-Flourishers in Daily Life.
Schakel, E.H. (2023) Supermarket of the Future - Dealing with Changing Environments.
Schapowal, Alex (2023) The Effects of Communication Channels of Victim Offender Mediation on Cooperation Orientation and Outcome Satisfaction.
Scharstuhl, L.W. (2023) Current vs. prospective students : attaining their mental models about navigating university websites by means of card sorting to determine the usability of university websites.
Scheeringa, D. (2023) The influence of rivalry on sustainable decision-making in the supply chain : exploring the role of psychological factors.
Scheffer, Lars (2023) Hoffas’s Fat Pad-on-Chip : Optimization and Characterization of Dextran- Hyaluronic Acid - Gelatin Hydrogels to Mimic the HFP Extracellular Matrix.
Schepens, L.H.P. (2023) The Collection of Organic Waste in City Logistics – A Case Study in the City of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Schepers, Tynke (2023) Automated decision-making systems and the epistemic condition of moral responsibility : public sector decision-making with decision aids.
Scheurwater, Merel (2023) Save Our Schools; How Self-Efficacy and Stress Influence the Intention to Quit Teaching through Job Satisfaction.
Schiballa, Lisa (2023) The Pros and Cons of Affiliate Marketing for Media Content Creators.
Schilder, M.B. (2023) Noise reduction and artefact removal in MR Spectroscopy using wavelet analysis and deep learning.
Schinkel, Juliette (2023) Exploring the facilitators’ behaviour supporting interprofessional learning.
Schiphorst, A.H. (2023) Designing Awaves World.
Schipper, Brian (2023) Improvements in the development and redesign of a tea infuser production machine at TeaWall during continuous production.
Schipper, Kester (2023) Increasing process efficiency at RKT by improving structure and communication.
Schippers, I. (2023) Evaluating spatial measures with a D-HYDRO model to reduce flood risk based on the Dutch flood safety standards.
Schlegel, Jonas (2023) Impact of Non-Ideal Excitations on Hysteresis Behavior in Ferromagnetic Materials.
Schleicher, J.L. (2023) Determining the Role of Negative Life Events and Well-being in the Rise of COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories.
Schmeetz, R. (2023) Communication as the Missing Ingredient : The Role of an Educational Message on the Effective Utilization of the Nutri-Score.
Schmeitz, A.H.L. (2023) Exploring the constraints and enablers for value-in-use creation during the adoption of SaaS solutions : a case study of controlled environment growers.
Schmidt, J. (2023) VR-aided Victim-Offender Mediation : How Immersion in a VR Encounter Predicts Offenders' Willingness to Apologize to their Victims.
Schmidt, T.D. (2023) What Contributes to the Success of Lobbying in the EU – the Case of CO2 Emissions of Heavy-Duty Vehicles.
Schmilgus, E. (2023) Predictive ability of well-being for class membership of latent classes of eating disorder pathology change.
Schneuing, Lina (2023) Scrolling through Emotions: An Exploration of TikTok Content and its Effects on Self-Compassion and Mood in Young Adults.
Schoffelen, F.W.T. (2023) Quantitative SPECT and PET Imaging with Iodine Nuclides in Thyroid Cancer.
Scholte Lubberink, D. (2023) Overcoming the gender gap in entrepreneurship : the impact of CEO gender on IPO performance.
Scholten, J.N. (2023) Isolation of fibroblast derived extracellular vesicles using magnetic beads and click chemistry.
Scholtens, A.X.M. (2023) The effect of Exposure to Fitspiration TikTok Videos on Consumer Well-being.
Scholz, C. (2023) Interactive Music Installation: Raising awareness about the lack of diversity at music festivals.
Scholz, Stella Francesca (2023) Themes of Climate Emotions : A Qualitative Study on Individual Experiences of Climate Change and Climate Anxiety expressed in an Online Environment.
Schomaker, Charleen (2023) Health-related internet use in 2023: Predictors of use and relation with mental well-being.
Schon, Juliane (2023) How the European Commission uses rhetoric to justify the use of the contradictory green growth strategy in the European Green Deal and thus tries to reconcile green and growth within.
Schoneveld, S. (2023) Rekening houden met electieve urgenties tijdens het plannen van operaties.
Schonewille, Kevin (2023) Feasibility study of optical gate drivers.
Schoonbrood, Maxime J. P. (2023) In vivo validation of ultrafast ultrasound-based velocity vector imaging.
Schoonhoven, A.D. (2023) Predicting deterioration of early sepsis patients using wearables.
Schouten, K. (2023) Negotiation competency in a synchronous virtual computer mediated negotiation environment.
Schouw, C.Q.G. (2023) Replacement of Carbon Black by Renewable Fillers in Natural Rubber.
Schram, Renske (2023) Optimization of 3D MRI topography for stereotactic navigation in pelvic surgery.
Schreurs, M.N. (2023) Interactive installation for an educational ethics lab.
Schriemer, D.W. (2023) Numerical Validation and Modelling of Inversely Tracing of Particles to Locate Emanating Sources.
Schrijver, G.H.W. (2023) Plant and Controller Co-optimization for an Active Vibration Isolation System Using Convexified LMIs.
Schrijver, J.E. (2023) A novel framework to aid in the design of automated systems at veal abattoirs : a case study.
Schroer, Philip (2023) Exploring the Association between Basic Need Satisfaction and Emotion-Focused Coping in University Students within Daily Life: An Experience-Sampling Study.
Schrover, T.E.P. and Tabak, N. and Uiters, J.W.H. (2023) Determining the most suitable location for electrode placement to assess respiratory muscle activation with surface electromyography in COPD patients using chronic nocturnal non-invasive ventilation at home.
Schröder, F. (2023) Challenges and Roadblocks in Achieving Energy Security in Europe : What is blocking the development of energy security in Europe?
Schröder, M. (2023) Rebuilding Bridges : The Effect of Accepting and Apologizing on the Investigator-Suspect Relationship in the Aftermath of a Misjudgment.
Schubert, Vanessa (2023) Characteristics, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Extended Reality Interventions to Increase Emotion Regulation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Scoping Review.
Schulte, H.J. (2023) Automatic 3D pelvic landmark detection and 3D bladder segmentation from low-field MRI using 2.5D ForkNet.
Schulte, T.M.G (2023) Managing the development of a two-story storage park.
Schultheiss, J. (2023) The Effect of Spacious Virtual Nature and Personal Storytelling on Social Connectedness in Young Adults.
Schulz, C. (2023) Design and Evaluation of a Prototype for a Platform for AI algorithms in Medical Imaging : A Human-Centered Approach.
Schulze, Celina (2023) The Fluctuation of Self-kindness in Flourishing and Non-Flourishing University Students.
Schuppert, W.L.C. (2023) Optimizing computed tomography scan scheduling for sustainable energy usage : a simulation study at Medisch Spectrum Twente.
Schut, Astrid (2023) Design and development of a soft total artificial heart.
Schut, L.G. (2023) Investigating the impact of technological advancements on the job of a management accountant : identifying capabilities required for the future.
Schuurman, S.J. (2023) Assessing Interoperability Assessment.
Schwartz, Noah (2023) Trucking for Victory : The role of collective player action in shaping the environment of Foxhole.
Schwemin, Lukas (2023) Mental Health in daily life: Studying Mental Health, Stress and Acceptance using Ecological Momentary Assessment.
Schwerdtner, Lara (2023) Brain Fog and Depressed Mood in the Daily Life of People with Post-COVID after Hospital Discharge : An Experience Sampling Study.
Schwieren, Julian (2023) Virtual Architects: An exploratory field study into the acceptance of Virtual Agents in an Architecture Startup.
Schwope, J.P. (2023) Disrupted or Disguised? The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Discursive Contestations over the European Energy Transition.
Schäfer, H.C. (2023) Exploring the Relationship between Sedentary Time, Emotional Eating, and Body Responsiveness : An Experience Sampling Study.
Schäfer, Virpi Inkeri (2023) Smart Sustainable Cities through Nature-based Solutions : To which extent do the characteristics of the BIGH Brussels Aquaponic Farm contribute to the concept of the smart sustainable city where technology, sustainable practices, and local people come together?
Schöler, L.G. (2023) Psychoactive substance use and the relationship to creativity : a systematic literature review.
Schön, S. (2023) Enhancing Post-Covid Well-being of University Students Through Intentional Extraversion.
Schönholtz, Dorit Elisabeth (2023) Mind the Gender Gap : Analyzing assessments of the gendered experience on urban public transport.
Schöning, Nils (2023) Soundwaves of Success? Exploring the Differential Effects of Branded & Corporate Podcasts on Corporate Reputation.
Schünke, Sarah (2023) The Effects of Daily Stress and Self-Compassion on Personal Growth : An Experience Sampling Study.
Schütz, Leonie (2023) Explaining US nuclear non-use between 1991 and 2022.
Seck, N'Deye Soukeyna (2023) The Impact of Digitalization on Humanitarian Aid : A Systematic Review about the Use of GIS Mapping in Refugee Camp Management in Africa.
Segerink, Bram (2023) Improving the overall quality of the warehouse of Siers Installatietechniek.
Seinhorst, J. (2023) Order optimization : a comparative analysis of heuristics and machine learning.
Seinstra, Valerie (2023) Information security awareness training to combat social engineering attacks : A Meta-Analysis.
Seliger, L. (2023) Student-Teacher Relationships: How do Students Experience the Emotions Their Teachers Display in Class?
Selle, I.N. te (2023) Drivers for stewardship-oriented behaviour in client-consultant relationships : a Dutch engineering consultancy perspective.
Sellmaier, T.L.I. (2023) Do Students Contribute to a More Sustainable World? : A Cross-Sectional Study on the Influence of Climate Anxiety and Climate Concern on Pro-Environmental Behaviour.
Sergeeva, D. (2023) (Re)design of a disposable Medication Delivery Device for use with Soft Mist Inhalation Technology in an Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (IMV) Circuit.
Serra Olcina, Santiago (2023) Social media influencer marketing : Collaborations between influencers and companies in the nutritional sector.
Servais, J. (2023) De afstand overbruggen : Een ontwerponderzoek naar een curriculum voor Vrijeschool Afstandsonderwijs voor de Vrijeschool Zutphen VO.
Sessink, Joost (2023) Parallelising a probabilistic model checker.
Setiawan, Vincent (2023) Accelerating Solar PV Systems Development in Jakarta, Indonesia : The Role of Technological Acceptance Model.
Setzmann, Annika (2023) Distrust in governmental institutions: A comparative analysis of user-generated Twitter posts on climate change and COVID-19.
Shadkam, Saba (2023) Exploration of the feasibility and implication of introducing bioplastic to the clothing industry: Towards circular fashion.
Shaffrey, T.J. (2023) Sensitivity of inundation to sea level rise in dike ring 14.
Shametaj, E. (2023) Sim racing : a performance-enhancing dashboard.
Sharma, A.K. (2023) Securing the Digital Frontier : Identifying and Closing Security Gaps with MITRE ATT&CK and Open-Source Detection Controls.
Shishkov, A. (2023) Illusions about AI in marketing: a qualitative and quantitative study of two perspectives.
Shynkar, Albina (2023) Investigating the influence of code generating technologies on learning process of novice programmers in higher education computer science course.
Siani, Costanza (2023) Unleashing the Potential : Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Nudging Strategies in Webpage Design for Emerging Fintech Startups.
Siccha Lazaro, B.E. (2023) Towards a comprehensive algorithmic decision-support system in public service delivery : The case of wearable continuous vital signs monitoring in hospitalized patients.
Siderius, J.C. (2023) Teaching (Tiny)ML using a tangible educational kit.
Siegers, ir. Erwin (2023) Assessing the Economic Implications of Physical Climate Risks on Dutch Banks: A Case Study.
Siepenkort, Tobias (2023) The impact of the racist police officer stereotype on Dutch police officers' behaviour in stop-and- search scenarios: a randomized study with deepfake technology in virtual reality.
Siffels, Merlijn (2023) Investigating the Feasibility of Time Synchronization in Bluetooth Low Energy Networks: Protocol Design and Experimental Validation.
Sigger, J.B. (2023) Assessing Radicality Using Patent Content Text-Mining : A Tesla Case Study.
Sijpveld, Jurre van (2023) The interrelationship between sustainability and preferred customer status in a buyer-supplier relationship.
Sikkema, T. (2023) Evaluation of efficiency of infrastructure management at the provincial level.
Siles Cárdenas, L.D.R. (2023) Electromagnetic Field Exposure assessment of 5G NR Cell-free Massive MIMO overlapping with Legacy Cellular Technologies.
Simanowski, J. (2023) Image guided localization of non-palpable breast lesions : a retrospective population-based cohort study.
Simon, J. (2023) A serious game on image steganography training for students in higher education.
Simons, Albert (2023) Predicting water stations at the Enschede Marathon.
Simons, D.C. (2023) Multi-modal 3-Dimensional visualization of pediatric neuroblastoma : aiding surgical planning beyond anatomical information.
Simons, Emma M. (2023) Effectiveness of the Self-Control Intervention aPP (SCIPP) in Enhancing Self-Control and Emotion Regulation in Students : A Single-Case Experimental Design Study.
Singh, Daksh (2023) Modelling habitat suitability for the leopard in southern India through Ensemble Species Distribution Modelling.
Sinoradzki, Paula (2023) The Melodies of Memory: The Impact of Background Music on Memory and Emotions.
Sinyugin, Ilya (2023) Decentralized Finance Protocols : Evaluating Collateralization Mechanisms.
Sitvast, C. (2023) A 3-stage formulation for solving single modular capacitated network design problems.
Skupin, Lina (2023) Post-Covid: Exploring Fluctuations and Associations of Physical Fatigue and Depressive Mood in Dutch Patients : An N-of-1 study.
Slager, Esmée (2023) Unravelling the adoption of neuromarketing techniques in marketing organisations : insight from (neuro)marketing professionals.
Slager, Esmée (2023) Unravelling the adoption of neuromarketing techniques in marketing organisations : insight from (neuro)marketing professionals.
Slaghekke, B.I. (2023) Make, buy, or ally (MBA) decisions in Central Sterilisation Department in Dutch hospitals : influential factor analysis.
Slaghuis, S. (2023) Preliminary phases of DMT2 early diagnosis within MST a secondary healthcare system.
Slebos, Stijn (2023) Experimental study of a novel RF sensing application for measuring soluble sugar and electrical conductivity in the tomato plant stem.
Slegers, H.F. (2023) Mobilizing Pain Research through Bluetooth Low Energy : Pain at the tips of your fingers.
Slenter, Y.T.I.M. (2023) Discovering the Relationship Between the Returns of Cryptocurrencies and the Returns of Traditional Industries.
Slingerland, T.P. (2023) Source Reconstruction and Parameter Estimation of Generalized Periodic Discharges.
Slob, J.V.M. (2023) Towards multiplex detection of hypermethylated DNA biomarkers on a droplet digital recombinase polymerase amplification platform.
Sloof, Michelle (2023) Key factors for pediatric rheumatologists in deciding whether to prescribe a new medicine in patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.
Slooten, B. van (2023) Concentrix - The Flexible Room divider.
Sluis, Gershom Van der (2023) Hybrid offering as a servitisation strategy for financial SME's.
Sluiter, Beau (2023) Co-regulating Dutch Vocational Caregiving Students in SRL to become Reflective Practice Professionals : An Educational Design Research.
Smale, R. (2023) Platform-independent runtime quality metrics for integrations.
Smedema, J.J. (2023) The perceived value of the B Corp certification in B2B relations : A mixed method research approach.
Smeets, Tom (2023) µScope: A Reusable Interface For Debugging STM32 Microcontrollers.
Smid, G.C.C. (2023) The mediation effect of character strengths of the heart on the relationship between attachment style and subjective well-being in students.
Smid, K. (2023) Wearable technology software toolkit : The development of a visual programming environment for Arduino.
Smienk, Jeroen (2023) Natural language search for personal information retrieval : Benefits and limitations to the user’s experience in bookkeeping software.
Smink, R.K. (2023) Use of electromyography in paediatric asthmatic patients.
Smit, Gijs de (2023) Cycling Maneuver Prediction Using Bicycle-mounted Motion Sensors.
Smit, T.S. (2023) Linking safety hazards to control measures for NS rolling stock.
Smits, Jeroen (2023) Assessment of Robotic Process Automation technology in Dutch hospitals.
Snieder, D.A. (2023) Exploring the possibilities for an emergency department nursing float pool in the Euregio using stochastic programming.
Snijders, M.A.H.C. (2023) Towards the Development of an Objective Movement Analysis Method within a Sport-Specific Context for the Improvement of RTS Decision-Making during ACL Rehabilitation.
Snijders, M.A.H.C. (2023) Towards the Development of an Objective Movement Analysis Method within a Sport-Specific Context for the Improvement of RTS Decision-Making during ACL Rehabilitation.
Snoeijink, B.D.A. (2023) Optimizing the dynamic safety stock levels of Grolsch : a simulation-based evaluation of the dynamic safety stock levels.
Socha, Konrad (2023) Fuzzy Markov chains.
Soederhuizen, Tess (2023) Assessing Uncertainty and Risk in 12-Month Tactical Planning for a Company Experiencing Hypergrowth.
Soeganto, N.Y. (2023) Organising Components to Improve Workflow when using Chemo Compounder.
Soeten, Emma (2023) Innovator Roles within and between public organisations.
Sojati, Rilda (2023) Solvent Annealing as a post-treatment: towards single crystalline epitaxial MAPbI₃.
Sokolovas, Erikas (2023) Multimodal Neural Networks and Data Preprocessing for Ship Trajectory Prediction Using AIS, Radar, ENC and Weather Data.
Solino Overmars, Emilio (2023) Does the volatility of traditional financial markets affect the resilience of the cryptocurrency market?
Solombrino, Caterina (2023) Aerodynamic investigations of flatback airfoils and novel add-ons for modern wind turbine blades.
Sombroek, E.S. (2023) Establishing a TCP connection between a Graphical User Interface and the controller of a robot.
Someren, Sebastiaan van (2023) Degrowth in the Netherlands : are the movement's ideas heard in Dutch politics?
Sonnemans, R.C. (2023) Evaluation of Shoreline Changes with Improved One-line Numerical Shoreline Modelling.
Sonneveld, J.J. (2023) Profiling Users by Access Behaviour Using Data Available to a Security Operations Center.
Sorgenfrei, Lara (2023) Investigating The Effect of Interpersonal Emotion Regulation and Positive Affect on Momentary Resilience Using Experience Sampling.
Soto Balvanera, Jessica (2023) Comparing the accuracy of remote sensing methods for estimating foliar pigments across tree species and years using DESIS imagery.
Souvannasouck, M.K. (2023) Modeling and Analyzing Treatment Protocols for Pediatric Asthma Management Using the UPPAAL Timed Automata Framework.
Spaargaren, R. (2023) Beoordelen van praktische opdrachten door Informaticadocenten: Het ontwerpen van een beoordelingsinstrument voor het beoordelen van de praktische opdracht - een game maken in Unity.
Spanjaard, P.J.M. (2023) 'Not for me' : An exploratory research on the inclusivity and diversity of science communication and public engagement about artificial intelligence in the Netherlands.
Speemann, Maret (2023) Between Knowledge and Power : A Case Study of the Hambacher Forest Movement.
Spell, Amelie (2023) The use of Predictive Policing in German law enforcement : A discourse analysis.
Spenkelink, D. (2023) An accessible method for measuring local SAR to assess the risk of skin-bore contact during magnetic resonance imaging.
Spijkerman, Romy (2023) Predictive biomarkers for therapy response in mCRPC : a lesion and patient-based analysis.
Spijkerman, Sjouke (2023) Enhancing digital measurement bandwidth through novel frequency folding technique.
Spirova, T. (2023) ESG scores and stock price returns: How do ESG scores impact stock price returns in the Netherlands.
Spoolder, Bastiaan (2023) Influence of inland shipping on sediment transport in the Waal river.
Sprengers, R. (2023) Cohort multIple Randomized Controlled trial in pediatric asthma: infrastrUcture to aSsess the long- and short-term effects of (eHealth) interventions (CIRCUS).
Sproates, N.T.D. (2023) Quantification and Prediction of History-Dependent Muscle Properties.
Srinath, Siddarth (2023) Social Life Cycle Impact Assessment of PEM and Alkaline Electrocatalysts Used to Generate Hydrogen.
Staab, L.C. (2023) Making Sense of Deepfakes : Epistemic Harms and the EU Policy Response.
Staal, L.K. (2023) Quantifying the health economic impact of a biomarker-based bDMARD treatment withdrawal decision strategy vs. usual care in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
Stahl, Samuel (2023) Home alone : The role of Personality and Beliefs in acceptance of remote health monitoring utilizing artificial intelligence in elderly care.
Stahmer, Tom (2023) Exploring the Relationship between Hedonic and Eudaimonic Behaviour and Momentary Affect in University Students using Experience Sampling.
Stamenkovic, M. (2023) The impact of virtual audience engagement on presentation performance through affective experience : results from a virtual reality experiment.
Stapel, F.T.A. (2023) Automated Grade Classification and Route Generation with Affordances on Climbing Training Boards.
Staudigel, Lea (2023) The Effects of VAS vs. Likert Scales on Emotion Dynamics of Negative Affect in Experience Sampling Methods.
Stavropoulos, T. (2023) A comparative analysis of network data distribution in active DNS measurements. ZDNS vs OpenINTEL.
Steege, J.M. ter (2023) Leveraged calibrated loss for learning to defer.
Steenbeek, Lars (2023) Optimized EMI Filter Design for Electric Container Handlers.
Steenbergen, E.A. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Steenis, J.L. van (2023) Expanding the field of view during fetoscopic laser surgery.
Stefanova, M.T. (2023) Improving Waste Separation Motivation at the UT Campus.
Stefess, Anouk (2023) A Maturity Model for Quality Assurance and Control in the Dutch Construction Sector.
Steffen, Lars (2023) Lucid Dreaming and Symptoms of Psychopathology : A Systematic Review.
Stegehuis, F.J. (2023) Fake News Susceptibility, an investigative study into potential factors that reduce the effect of analytical thinking.
Stegemann, C.L. (2023) The Relation between Perseverance, Life Satisfaction and Psychological Well-Being moderated by Extracurricular Activities.
Steinhauer, Judith (2023) The offender’s empathy-taking toward the victim in Online Victim-Offender Mediation.
Stelzer, Lilly (2023) Influencing modern art experience through atmosphere in a virtual reality museum.
Steneker, Vanity (2023) Physicians’ interaction with the EHR during outpatient check-up consultations and its association with physician-patient communication.
Stephansson, O.S. (2023) A new era of Climate Protectionism? : How do the United States frame the EU´s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism?
Sterckel, S.A. (2023) The Heart-Brain Axis : Modelling the heart-brain axis using innovative organ-on-chip technology.
Sterenborg, N.E. (2023) Lightweight online Kalman-filter-based sensitivity estimator for distribution grids utilizing phasor measurements.
Sterkenburg, I.P.J. (2023) Transfemoral Prosthetic Socket Production in Sierra Leone.
Stevens, F.H. (2023) Design, implementation and validation of a viscoelastically overconstrained flexure mechanism for increased dynamic performance.
Stevering, T.J.T. (2023) Working rules in design processes on developing circular solutions.
Steverink, Pelle (2023) Implementing boundary conditions with Fresnel laws for a finite element method for the Radiative Transfer Equation.
Stienissen, Sven (2023) State Space Identification and Minimal State Space Realization of Max-Plus Linear Systems.
Stienstra, L. and Stel, C. and Baan, J. and Roelofs, C. (2023) Optimizing navigation bronchoscopy by improving the biopsy tool and lesion tracking.
Stikker, Isabelle (2023) The Influence of the Eyes in the Occurrence of the Uncanny Valley Effect.
Stobbe, Liset / L (2023) Usage of Digital Technologies by the Dutch government to promote migrant integration : the case of mobile language learning apps.
Stoian, Vlad-Gabriel (2023) Students' Trust in Automated Grading Through Explainable AI Visualizations.
Stoianenco, Tatiana (2023) Attitudes and Perceptions of Winegrowers about Nanotech Solution for Plant Protection from Fungal Diseases in The Republic of Moldova.
Stolz, Alma (2023) The Phantom of Dataism in Public Administration Sciences : an exploratory case study.
Stoop, Jasper (2023) Additive manufactured enhancement for Two-phase CPU cooling.
Storck, L.M.S. (2023) A tragedy of orbital slots? : Understanding EU decision-making to secure access to outer space in the short and long term.
Storteler, Thom (2023) Customer’s Perceptions of an Online Service Failure with Application of the CIA Model.
Stoter, W.D. (2023) The Art of Promotion : The Effect of Dynamic and Realistic imagery in Promotional Posters for Performing Arts Performances.
Stoverink, L.S. (2023) Multi-level optimization-heuristic framework for three-dimensional bin packing problem with item upgrading and outsourcing options.
Straková, S. (2023) User-based Tailoring with Reinforcement Learning for an mHealth, COPD-focused Intervention for Increasing Physical Activity.
Streapco, Lia (2023) Morphing Attack Detection (MAD) based on the location of the corneal specular highlights.
Strehler, Johannes (2023) The EUs understanding of Artificial Intelligence : In what way does the EU understand and regulate AI systems? : A critical Analysis of the EU AI strategies and regulations.
Stribos, R. (2023) A comparison of anomaly detection algorithms with applications on recoater streaking in an additive manufacturing process.
Strieckmann, Cara (2023) The Inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ Community in Research: a Rapid Scoping Review on Barriers and Facilitators.
Strik, D.H. (2023) Influence of print speed on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA6060 FSEAM builds.
Stroet, J. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Stroop, Babet (2023) Capacity pooling within the midwifery profession, what are the effects?
Strunck, Christina (2023) Disruptive climate protesters : Terrorists or concerned citizens? A discourse analysis of parliamentary debates in the UK and Germany.
Stuiver, Paul (2023) Reduced-order surrogate modeling for linear-nonlinear coupled problems.
Sucuoğlu, E. (2023) Exploring linguistic transfer in bilingual children through repeated igital picture book reading.
Sueper, Hannes (2023) How do individuals having experienced psychosis and living ‘Outside Mental Health’ resist the dominant discourse about psychosis by constructing a counter-discourse?
Sueters, M.L. (2023) Reducing the total travelling distance of order picking in a warehouse by introducing class-based storage.
Sufyan, H.M (2023) Maatschappijleer in ontwikkeling : de leerlingen hebben ook een stem!
Suhani, Andrei (2023) On the limits of short-term memory when exploring websites.
Suijkerbuijk, Natasha Gabriëlle (2023) Intercultural Collaboration in European Business: Cultural Differences between the Dutch and Swiss on the Work Floor.
Sukma, Aulia (2023) Not enough space in your city? : development of framework for vertical solar photovoltaic on building facade using 3D modelling and PSScience in Jakarta.
Sun, Mengjie (2023) Ad Quality Analysis : Data Scientist Internship Report.
Sun, Yifan (2023) Effectiveness of Fourier-basis noise on improving adversarial robustness.
Sun, Yiyou (2023) Item availability restricted.
Sun, Zhirou (2023) Impact of auditory modality on user experience during augmented outdoor tourism navigation and exploration tasks.
Suntrup, L. (2023) Does labelling matter? The effects of labels on responses : an experience sampling study.
Supriyanta, Sage Farah Nur Anindita (2023) The Effect of Background Music on Learners’ Intrinsic Motivation and Performance.
Surojaya, Ali (2023) Development of Deep Learning Model for Building Opening Detection as the Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Urban Search and Rescue Mission.
Surya, Siddharth (2023) Detection of Japanese Knotweed Beside the Road using Deep Learning.
Svavolia, Kirill (2023) E-participation platforms in the West: usability analysis.
Swinkels, M.W.A. (2023) Quantifying social vulnerability for decision-making on pluvial flood adaptation.
Szybisty, Zuzanna (2023) Modelling and material characterization of Er-doped waveguide amplifiers in polycrystalline Al2O3.
Tacx, T.M.A. (2023) Speed variables on Rijkswaterstaat N-roads and their relationship with crash likelihood and crash severity.
Tan, J. (2023) Hollow-pass : hide your pattern password from shoulder surfers.
Tanev, Nisho (2023) Optimizing Shipment Consolidation for a Logistic Hub at E. van Wijk Forwarding.
Tang, Kim Hua (2023) Important variables to calculate the Small firm premium for Dutch SMEs.
Tangermann, I. (2023) All eyes on you : a Q methodological study on the effects of digital community surveillance techniques within neighbourhoods.
Taufiiqul Hakim, Afif (2023) Numerical Assessment of Floating Breakwater Effects at Intertidal Flats.
Tavenier, N.M. (2023) The practices of purchasing involvement in radical innovation projects.
Taylor-Walker, Caitlyn (2023) Adapting Together : Overcoming Institutional Misfit for Climate Resilience in US National Parks and Forests.
Teel, Ruben (2023) The effect of the war in Ukraine on herding behaviour in European stock markets.
Teernstra, M.A. (2023) The Effect of Change of Perspective on Empathy through Virtual Reality.
Teggeler, Q.B. (2023) Het effect van interventies op gezamenlijke besluitvorming vanuit het perspectief van de zorgprofessional binnen Medisch Spectrum Twente: een mixed-methods studie.
Telman, R.L.M. (2023) The influence of perfectionism on the relationship between self-regulation of eating behaviour and well-being.
Temmink, Stijn (2023) Positive and Negative Beliefs of Older Adults Regarding Unobtrusive eHealth Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence.
Tempelman, M.E. (2023) Optimaliseren van behandelkoppeling in de jeugd-ggz.
Tempert, Eline (2023) Driving factors for sustainable investments by Dutch pension funds.
Tenbergen, D.F. (2023) The inevitable gas mining in Groningen : narratives shape, influence, and change the policy.
Terlouw, R.T.E. (2023) Externe validiteit PREM vragenlijst : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de externe validiteit van de PREM vragenlijst binnen het domein gedeelde besluitvorming bij slokdarmkankerpatiënten in het ZGT.
Tertoolen, J. (2023) Evaluation of the cardiac tone by sympathetic skin nerve activity.
Teune, L.G. (2023) Is AI a Diamond in the Rough for HR? Identifying the Attributions Towards AI-enabled HR practices. A Grounded Theory Approach.
Teunissen, A.W.M. (2023) Designing monitor mount for Sim Racing.
Teunissen, Wouter (2023) Investigating Financial Valuation Models of Newsletter firms.
Teymurlu, Ibrahim (2023) Understanding the Dynamic Sparse Training Models.
Theeuwen, Thorsten (2023) Cultural Context and Innovation: A Case Study Exploring the Influence of Hofstede's Dimensions on Team Psychological Safety and Innovation.
Thiescheffer, J.H.C. (2023) Cost-Effective Energy Optimization at a Metal Processing Company.
Thoss, L.M. (2023) Factors influencing sense of presence in a virtual reality intervention targeting Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Tian, Shuhang (2023) Performance Comparison of Xsens DOT and OpenPose in Estimating Posture in Running.
Tijben, C.W. (2023) Generating Gloomhaven dungeons through evolutionary game design.
Tijink, K.E. (2023) Improving the contract arrangement model of Coppa.
Timm, Manasvi Jasmin (2023) Local Level Strategic Management of Digital Transformation in the Public Sector : To What Extent Independent Cities in North Rhine-Westphalia Aim to Pursue Digital Transformation.
Timmer, A.J. (2023) The impact of low water levels on inland waterway transport : An economic risk assessment of shipping on the Rhine.
Timmermans, N.A. (2023) Accuracy of arterial blood pressure waveform measurement via catheter manometer systems in neonatal intensive care.
Tobé, Mathijs (2023) Measuring pleasantness of bicyclists through heart rate variability over self-reports.
Toebes, Isabel (2023) The design and analysis of an onboard control system of a tetherless miniature magnetic robot.
Toet, M.J. (2023) Development of a Ligament-on-Chip Aligning PDL-hTERT cells on a PDMS membrane.
Toivakka, Eveliina (2023) Supplier Performance Measurement System Design in Manufacturing Industry.
Tolsma, Laure (2023) Facilitating Dialogues for an Understanding of Disability and Technology.
Ton, Y.C. (2023) The implementation of a financial compliance tool to simplify the finance application process for small international businesses.
Tonsberg, Adam (2023) Seamless Integration of Hardware Components : Real-Time Programming for Streamlined Functionality in Nociceptive System Analysis.
Toppenberg, Y.T. (2023) Moving from designing for to designing with consumers: Utilizing human-centred design approaches to create Facebook advertisements.
Torken, E.J.M. (2023) Applying the principles of evidence-based management in Agile project teams : a case study of Post-NL e-fulfilment.
Tosun, D.R. (2023) The Effect of Post-Migration Living Difficulties on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in Mourning Ukrainian Refugees.
Trabitzsch, C. (2023) Optimizing Treatment Selection for Localized Prostate Cancer Patients in Germany.
Tran, Duc Duc (2023) Applying compress techniques to lower latency on real time object detection application in Android device.
Tran, T.H.A (2023) Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Job Recommendation Systems.
Tretmans, C.C. (2023) Least-Squares Finite Element Method for the Fluid-Structure Interaction Spectral Problem.
Treub, M. S. (2023) Raising awareness among children about the positive and negative effects of social media using Research-based Theatre.
Treub, Tjebbe (2023) Enhancing the Shopping Experience in Flooring Specialty Stores with Phygital Design.
Trigo La Blanca, Carlota (2023) Insights on human standing balance based on deep learning-driven musculoskeletal simulations.
Tsang, I. (2023) Silicon shielding : how the Taiwanese semiconductor industry co-evolved with Taiwan.
Tuininga, Frits (2023) Uncovering the Potential of Deep Learning in Algorithmic Trading : Deep reinforcement learning stock market trading, utilizing a CNN with candlestick images.
Tuinman, Philippe (2023) Analyse van het keuzeproces rondom Onderzoek & Ontwerpen – Redenen van leerlingen om wel of niet O&O te kiezen in de bovenbouw.
Tuitert, M.G.A. (2023) Establishing a Value Network-based Business Model as a Start-up: a Case Study in the Dutch Installation Industry.
Tuli, Vishal (2023) Targeting inflammation and fibrosis in liver injury mouse models by modulating microrna-155 expression using passive liver targeting lipid nanoparticles.
Tyminski, V.J. (2023) Improving Waste Seperation on the UT Campus : Educating the UT community about waste separation in a playful manner.
Töws, J. (2023) Investigation of the effect of stress mindset on the relationship between perceived stress and mental health in students.
Uchoa Bezerra, H. (2023) Applying nucleotide sequence alignment techniques to side channel analysis.
Uden, B.W. van (2023) Allocation and scheduling of incident general leaders at ProRail.
Udo, B.R. (2023) Considerations and implications for the servitisation of farming in the Netherlands.
Ufferfilge, Elisa (2023) How People living with a Chronic Illness Story their Past and Future. How can Connectedness, Hope & Optimism, Identity, Meaning in Life, and Empowerment (CHIME) be recognized in the Narratives about Past and Future Lives?
Uijthof, E.M.T. (2023) Physics-informed reinforcement learning for process design.
Uijttenboogaard, M. (2023) A research into a synergistic public-private partnership for the Amsterdam Life Sciences District.
Uilkema, Tim H. (2023) Selecting the Optimal Machine Learning Framework for LiDAR-Based Railroad Inspection and Maintenance at Strukton Rail: A Comprehensive Evaluatio.
Uiterweerd, Eline (2023) Improving information traceability in high-tech contract manufacturing environments.
Ulug, Melisa (2023) Spiritual Mobile App Users and Buddhist Ideologies.
Umamahesh Ritty, Nikitha (2023) Predicting product characteristics using neural networks.
Umar, Nazif (2023) Discrimination of individual Iron-bearing minerals with the Sentinel-2 Super-Spectral Imager.
Unger, Henriette (2023) Temporal Dynamics of Momentary Mental Resilience, Loneliness and Self-Esteem in Adults from the General Population: An Experience Sampling Study.
Urbano Guerrero, V.E. (2023) Trend Analysis in the peak flows of the Meuse river and its tributaries through the use of series of ensemble forecasts events.
Urbanski, Merlin Torben (2023) What is the comparative accuracy of IRT, linear regression, and XGBoost in predicting students' performance on different versions of an exam?
Ushiña Huera, Dennis Paul (2023) The effect of land tenure on the access to assistance for the long-term recovery of flood damage.
Uğurlu, Deniz Alp (2023) Enhancing Untethered Robot Localization : A Fusion Approach Integrating Magnetic Coupling Localization and Ultrasound Imaging.
Vaanholt, C.J.M. (2023) Vitaliteit en blijfintentie van verpleegkundigen.
Vaidya, Avani (2023) Greening the Workplace : An Explorative Study into Understanding Employee Green Behaviour in the Transportation Industry.
Valk, Nuhamin (2023) Relaxivity assessment and T1 mapping of ex vivo lymph nodes.
Valtas, Georgios (2023) Does Prior Knowledge Affect CNN and LSTM Models on Classifying Improper Sitting Postures?
Vasilescu, Adrian (2023) Success factors for Federated Data Spaces initiatives.
Veen, E. van der (2023) Decreasing personnel overtime and the hiring of temporary workers in nursing homes.
Veenman, Fleur N.A. (2023) Navigating the Metaverse: A roadmap towards the design of Metaverse applications in enterprise context.
Veerdonk, R.L.G.P. van de (2023) From Slim to Smart : How Empathic Design can help understand a craftsmanship-driven factory’s manufacturing capabilities for product and production improvement.
Veerman, M.L. (2023) Asset Localization using the Bluetooth Fingerprinting technique.
Veersma, Sytse (2023) New force sensors that can be embedded in a soft robotics actuator using 3d printers.
Vegt, K.H.B. van der (2023) Designing a remote lifestyle intervention for older adults using empathic design.
Veld, N.E.D. in het (2023) Control of the Production Cell on Raspberry Pi using a real-time robot-software framework.
Veld, R. (2023) Human gait model individualized by low-cost radar measurements.
Velde, Milan te (2023) How is fair pay perceived? Qualitative research into gig workers working for online labor platforms.
Velde, T.W.H. van der (2023) Improving the Environmental Sustainability Performance of Key Suppliers : A Mixed-method Case Study in the Semiconductor Industry.
Velden, K.H.P. van der (2023) The Potential Cost-Effectiveness of Home-Based Screening for the Early Detection and Treatment of CVD, CKD, and DM2 : A Discrete-Event Simulation Study.
Veldhuis, J.J. (2023) Development of a Cabinet Side Cooler for Application on a Naval Ship.
Veldkamp, K.I. (2023) Towards digital biomarkers to assess autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease: Feasibility of home-based photoplethysmographic signals for heart rate analysis.
Veldmaat, J.P. (2023) Designing a Testbed for Human Activity Recognition Using Multiple ESP32 Microcontrollers with Wi-Fi and Serial Data Transfer.
Veldscholten, Bram B.H. (2023) Supply chain Resilience and its most suited elements to decrease energy price spike risks.
Velikov, Kristiyan (2023) Enhancing Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Environments: Integrating Depth Information into Neural Networks.
Velmurugan, Pranesh (2023) Species Distribution Modelling : A Multimodal Learning Approach.
Velthuijs, R.J. (2023) Learning feedback potential maps using large-scale optimal control.
Velthuis, D.T.J. (2023) Accelerating iterative methods for the anisotropic radiative transfer equation using Anderson Acceleration.
Veltkamp, N.C.M. (2023) Fit Dynamics in Recruitment : Recruiter Perspectives on Person-Job, Person-Organization, and Person-Recruiter Fit.
Veltman, Mike (2023) Comparative Study of Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Low-Speed Ball Bearings.
Veluwen, M.H. van (2023) The value of using the PROSPER-ID2 for involved stakeholders and Stichting Philadelphia Zorg.
Velze, B.S. van (2023) Departmental integration of an automated material logistic system Case study of integrating an automated material logistics system within the Zaans Medisch Centrum surgical department.
Ven, C.J. (2023) Investigating the possibilities of a flexible manipulator in Amesim to predict reaction forces.
Ven, H.V. van de (2023) Music interaction technology as a learning support for pre-service teachers to listen better : a case study on music education at the PABO.
Veneberg, B. (2023) The Effectiveness of Geriatric Rehabilitation : An exploration of effectiveness outcome measures and characteristics of treatment environment.
Venix, L.P.J. (2023) The feasibility of EM navigation for gynecologic brachytherapy catheter insertion.
Venkataraman Schwoerer, R.G. (2023) Designing an attachment mechanism for a modular green roof.
Vennegoor, S.R.J. (2023) Lot-sizing methods for purchasing materials.
Venugopal, Arun (2023) A regression-based Convolutional Neural Network for yield estimation of soybean.
Verdier, Marnix (2023) Understanding the psychological contract: an intricate mind-game.
Verheijen, B.J. (2023) A Maturity Model for Improved Enterprise Asset Management.
Verheul, Pim (2023) Transforming Digital Ordering : Enhancements for Improved Customer Experience.
Verhoeven, J.P. (2023) A Controller for Corrective Stepping for a Bipedal Exoskeleton Robot.
Verhulst, D.A. and Tromop, C.R.L. and Bouwen, I. and Hoogstrate, L. (2023) Automation of finding the optimal plate position for a 3D planned osteotomy.
Verkaar, L.T.K.M. (2023) Orthostatic blood pressure and its relation to cerebral autoregulation and resilience.
Verkuil, N.N. (2023) Designing for a mental disability.
Vermare, E.G. (2023) Student-Centred Blended Learning in a Flipped Classroom for a Pre-University Masterclass.
Vermeulen, B.H.W. (2023) A simulation study for improving the warehousing strategy at Pentair X-Flow.
Vermeulen, K.R. (2023) Developing a measuring & monitoring strategy for dikes reinforced with innovative anti-piping filter solutions.
Vermeulen, R.C. (2023) The effect of crime type and knowledge about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on the judgement of defendants with ASD.
Verschoor, A.D. (2023) From LCA to sustainable implementation : a case study about 3D printed splint treatments in Radboudumc.
Verschoor, S.L. (2023) Artificial Intelligence Conversational Agents: Using Card Sorting To Re-Evaluate The Chatbot Usability Scale.
Verschuren, Imke (2023) Using a digital life story book application to enhance communication between people suffering from Alzheimer’s and their caregivers Developing a prototype for a personalised digital life story book.
Verschuren, S.P. (2023) On the effects of smoothing on machine learning performance in fatigue detection using sensor data.
Verstappen, C.J.G. (2023) The Button Nudger; a possible solution to influence toilet flushing behaviour.
Veurink, L (2023) Item availability restricted.
Veverita, Valeria (2023) LSTM Modelling for Energy Prediction in the Current Global Context.
Vianen, S. van (2023) Design and development of a sports data warehouse for FC Twente.
Vilkuna, Valtteri (2023) Improving customer attractiveness and supplier satisfaction in public procurement : A case study.
Vinsensius Windy Hermawan, V. (2023) Assessment of satellite-based precipitation data for SWAT+ modelling in upstream catchment of Bengawan Solo, Java, Indonesia.
Vis, J.M. (2023) Ultrashort pulsed laser ablation in mass production of small metal parts, increasing ablation efficiency and reducing heat input.
Visscher, Lisa (2023) A cell model to study the effect of SARS-CoV-2 infections on α-Synuclein aggregation.
Visser, I.M. (2023) Ultrasonographic optic nerve sheath diameter measurements in comatose patients after cardiac arrest additional predictive value and semi-automatic measurements.
Visser, P. (2023) xBib : the language design and implementation of a transformation language.
Visser, T (2023) Procesbeoordeling bij O&O: Objectief en eerlijk? : Een onderzoek naar de procesbeoordeling bij het vak O&O in het Technasium -Netwerk Friesland.
Vissers, W.K. (2023) Detecting stomata with computer vision for plant breeding.
Viste, N. (2023) Implementation of a visual editor for SHACL-based metadata schemas.
Visweswara, Suraj (2023) An agile enterprise architecture methodology for digital transformation.
Vlastuin, A. van (2023) Using Machine Learning to Improve the Cost Estimation Process at a Versatile Manufacturing Company.
Vleugel, J.E. (2023) The validation of a conduction model of a 3D-printed object.
Vliet, A.A. van (2023) Investigating to what extent Empowerment relates to Psychopathological Symptoms in Young Adults.
Vliet, Annemiek van (2023) Combining CRISPR/Cas12a and gold nanoparticles to detect low sample concentrations of nucleic acids.
Vloedgraven, B.T. (2023) System role of energy hubs in the North Sea by an energy system optimisation study.
Vo, N.M. (2023) Touch-screen application’s design guidelines for older adults with dementia.
Vogelezang, E.M. van (2023) CraniCare. Designing concepts for an improved head protection recovery experience after a craniectomy.
Volckmer, Alexandra (2023) Self-help Platforms for Users with Chronic Tinnitus.
Vollmer, M. (2023) Evaluation of a practice friendly version of the Mental Health Continuum : Short Form.
Von Kunow, Simone (2023) Exploring the relationship between the mental health status of young adults and their willingness and engagement in Digital Mental Health Interventions : A Mixed-Methods Study.
Vondeling, A.A. (2023) Improving the user experience of the voting system of Awaves.
Vonk, W.J.H. (2023) Forces Underlying Incumbents’ Behaviour regarding Sustainability Transitions in the Dairy Processing Industry in the Netherlands.
Voorde, Britt M. ten (2023) Exploring Engagement in Science Museums : A Comparative Study of Static and Interactive Exhibitions.
Voortman, Kik (2023) The Association between Conscientiousness and Neuroticism on both the State and Trait Level: An Experience Sampling Study.
Voost, T.H. (2023) Letters from the Future: Discovering How Young People Make Sense of a Future Climate Changed World.
Vorage, J.V.W. (2023) Heuristics of the graph covering problem.
Vos, D. (2023) Losslessly compressing radio spectrum related data for archival.
Vos, Gerton de (2023) Smart devices bij Defensie, van reactief naar proactief?
Vos, M.C. (2023) Equilibria in the Two-Stage Facility Location Game With Unsplittable Clients.
Vos, R.H.A. (2023) Creating a defense against face de-identification.
Vos, R.T. (2023) Genomic profiling of sex-specific differences in an osteoarthritis-on-chip model : design of an organ-on-a-chip holder.
Voskamp, L.G. (2023) Visualising holistic patient profiles for breast cancer patients with cancer-related fatigue.
Voskeuil, A.F. (2023) The influence of an embodied coxswain on the social presence within Virtual Reality rowing.
Vosse, L. (2023) The effects of offenders’ feelings of guilt and shame on their willingness to participate in digital VOM.
Voß, Nadine (2023) Navigating the intersection of developers, domain experts and AI : An identity work perspective.
Vreeman, H.S. (2023) A new approach to reducing the negative effects of social media on the well-being : profile badges.
Vrielink, Carly (2023) Revolutionizing Reputation : A study into optimizing reputation measurement in today's media society.
Vrielink, Manouk (2023) Optimalisatie van de meldprocedure binnen Medisch Spectrum Twente.
Vries, Carlijn de (2023) Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive : Bridging the Gap.
Vries, H.S. (2023) An explainable machine learning model to diagnose giant cell arteritis based on texture features in aortic 18FFDG-PET images.
Vries, Hidde de (2023) Portable State of Power Determination of Li-ion Battery Cells.
Vries, M.D.A. de (2023) Assessment of pelvic organ prolapse extend during the day using PCA : An MRI study.
Vries, N.B.T. de (2023) Effective network governance: An analysis of a Dutch health care network.
Vries, S.J. de (2023) The relationship between influencer marketing and purchasing intention.
Vries, Taj de (2023) Initial managed realignment site configuration steer its long-term hydromorphological development : an idealized modelling study.
Vrolijk, R.D. (2023) Comparing patient and physician preferences for PROM and EQ-5D data visualization: exploring the bigger picture.
Vrublevski, Christina (2023) Is it us or is it covid? COVID-19 related stress and relationship quality among adult couples. A systematic review.
Vu, M.L. (2023) Guardianship Against Crime: Exploring the Individual Factors on Exhibiting Guardianship.
Vuckovic, M. (2023) Current-voltage performance of a novel flexible solar cell.
Vythoulkas, Ioannis (2023) How does Inflation affect the Buyer-Supplier Relationship.
Völler, Paula (2023) Can CBAM solve the EU ETS carbon leakages? - A Stakeholder Perspective.
Waal, Monique de (2023) Designing a graphical user interface for gait analysis in dogs.
Waanders, Stefanie (2023) Comparing Current Sensors for Power Measurement of Linear and Non-Linear Appliances.
Wagter, W.H. (2023) The effect of battery storage on local residential distribution grid : How can batteries help reducing peak loads on low voltage residential electricity grids.
Wal, A.P. van der (2023) Developing an Order configurator for a standardized product line.
Wal, P.R.D. van der (2023) Diversifying Multilayer Perceptron Ensembles in a Truly Sparse Context.
Walhof, M.J.H. (2023) Sustainable Procurement: Reducing CO2 Emissions with Suppliers in a Cost-Efficient Way.
Wang, Alyssa (2023) Surgical navigation for traumatic interventions using augmented reality with infrared marker tracking : a proof of concept.
Wang, Boxuan (2023) Examining Lexical Alignment in Human-Agent Conversations with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 Models.
Wang, C.Q. (2023) Minimizing deviations in projects regarding Infrastructure & Mobility at Witteveen+Bos.
Wang, JInze (2023) The development of an interactive mountain bike simulator to help injured mountain riders reduce the fear of re-injury while cornering.
Waninge, L.N. (2023) Local Optimization Algorithm for minimizing the Least Squares Criterion over Lipschitz Functions.
Ward, N.P. (2023) Designing a power steering system for accessibility-oriented bikes.
Warda, Luise (2023) Exploring the Feasibility of Colouring Mandalas in Daily Life Targeting Stress and Mindfulness of University Students.
Warmink, Lucas (2023) Structure-property correlations of hybrid networks from Poly(trimethylene carbonate-co-ϵ-caprolactone) and human recombinant collagen.
Warnars, F.T. (2023) Design of a moving van with the StowBox experience.
Warschat, V. (2023) The relationship between dental avoidance, dental anxiety, and dental checkups in students.
Wasser, Rens (2023) Performing gait phase detection on healthy and post-stroke subjects using joint angles derived from IMU sensor data.
Water, G.H. van de (2023) Designing a framework to gain insight into the automation of defect management at NLR.
Waweru, Angela W. (2023) How Algorithm Designers Relate Algorithmic Transparency and Opacity.
Weber, Lianne (2023) Frequency actuation of different concentrations IRONSperm in in vitro situation.
Weekamp, Bram. J. W. (2023) Performance Comparison of Optimised Flexure-Based Translational Mechanisms for Easier Design Decision-Making.
Weelink, S.W. (2023) The perspective of emergency room workers on flexible deployment: A qualitative research.
Weening, N.A. (2023) The development of single layer hollow fibers based on PES and PVP K90 for outside-in dialysis.
Weerd, G.J. van de (2023) Development and comparison of open- and closed-loop control of untethered microrobots in a tuneable magnetic trap.
Weerd, Tessa de (2023) Governance and Decentralization in the Energy Transition in Dutch Local governments : A grounded theory approach.
Weernink, L.E.M. (2023) Relationship between Women’s Intimacy with their Romantic Partner and their Emotional, Social, and Psychological Well-Being : A Mixed-Methods Approach.
Weersink, L.M. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Weezel, Giel J.W. van (2023) Breast Cancer Screening in the Netherlands : a Health Economic Evaluation of Screening Strategies.
Wegberg, M.M.H. van and Lange, A.M.M. and Gulick, F.M.H. van (2023) Optimalisatie van kruikgebruik bij pasgeborenen : veiligheid en efficiëntie in het gebruik van de kruik om de temperatuurhuishouding van ongecompliceerde pasgeborenen te ondersteunen in het ziekenhuis en de thuissituatie.
Wegener, Lea (2023) Student-Teacher Relationships in University Settings : What Do Students Perceive as Boundaries in Their Relationship With Their Teachers?
Wegener, P.K. (2023) A Qualitative Study on the Integration and Conceptualisation of Solarpunk in Reddit Users Daily Lives.
Weger, Emma de (2023) Optimising governance: leveraging the EU Chips Act to enhance the market position of the Dutch semiconductor industry.
Weger, K.J. de (2023) A Fault Tree Dedicated Web Interface Design: Portfolio Website Displaying Fault Tree Explanation and Visualisation Projects.
Weghorst, N.H. (2023) Economic evaluation of an at-home blood sampling method focusing on patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
Wegman, Alyssa (2023) Experiences of nurses working at a virtual care centre: barriers and facilitators associated with the use of telemonitoring.
Wehning, T. (2023) Improving Performance of Multiple Sequence Alignment through Maximal Exact Match Identification.
Weibull, C.R.P. (2023) Introducing Block Scheduling in a Home Care Environment at TWB.
Weij, M.E.C. van der (2023) The semi-automatic classification of patients with RBD and PD based on a new automatic EM detector, manual sleep stage scorings, and machine learning methods.
Weijden, Wiard van der (2023) Integrating sensor and material modeling to interpret eddy current sensor readings.
Weijzen, Feike (2023) Optimizing transportation of clients for social care services.
Weinberg, Anne (2023) The Effect of Subclinical Anhedonia on the Association Between Event Pleasantness and Positive Affective Reactivity in Daily Life.
Weiss, Jonathan (2023) Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management in the Netherlands: Investigating Structural Elements and Drivers in the Context of EU-Cybersecurity Regulation.
Wel, Stan van der (2023) Determining the balance between general and specialist care of Internal Medicine practitioners based on patient demand.
Welling, J.J. (2023) Designing Ethically Responsible AI-HRM Tools for Recruitment: A Systematic Literature Review.
Welsink, Jim (2023) Transformative Power of EU Monitoring: Evaluating the Influence of EU Public Service Performance Monitoring in the Accession Process.
Welter, Eva (2023) Brand Health with Share of Search.
Wennemars, Joep (2023) How do the attributes of colour in influencer photo posts contribute to the engagement of users?
Wentink, J.S. (2023) Envisioning future applications of Augmented Reality: An agriculture 4.0 case study.
Wentink, M. (2023) Creating and evaluating a lyrics generator specialized in rap lyrics with a high rhyme density.
Wentzel, S.D. (2023) Exploring the relationship between linguistic alignment and sentiment - in online discussions.
Werf, Jasper van der (2023) Learning Behaviour of Sparse Point-Voxel Convolution: Semantic Segmentation of Railway LiDAR scans.
Werff, S.J. van der (2023) Towards a ball bouncing demonstration for the T-Flex.
Wermter, C.E. (2023) Conversational agents : using open card sorting to evaluate the factor structure of the BUS-11.
Werner, Thilo (2023) Green Goals on the Pitch : Unveiling the Driving Forces Behind Sustainability Strategies in German Professional Football Clubs : A Case Study on TSG 1899 Hoffenheim and FC St. Pauli.
Werner Bandeira, Leonardo (2023) On the mainstream use of AR glasses : why it matters, what are its ethical risks, and what to do about it.
Werners, Kasper (2023) Spatial and Institutional Challenges in Integrating Climate Adaptation and Energy Transition on a Local Scale.
Werven, Jente van (2023) PDE Based Neural Networks for Arterial Hemodynamics Estimation.
Wesselink, Bram (2023) Reducing resource utilization when simulating hardware in CLaSH.
Wesselink, Daan (2023) Ontwerp en analyse van formatief handelen om de motivatie van leerlingen te verhogen.
Wessling, Jannik (2023) The Relationship between Lucid Dreaming and Well-Being : A Systematic Literature Review.
Westenenk, Coen (2023) Design and evaluation of a just-in-time adaptive intervention to promote physical activity in obese individuals.
Westenenk, Eva (2023) De tijdsbesteding van verzorgenden IG in Nederlandse VVT-instellingen - een Time and Motion Study.
Westerbeek, J.J. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Westerbeke, J.H.L. (2023) The design of a framework to improve the control, utilisation and flexibility of a metalworking plant by optimising internal logistics.
Westermann, J. (2023) An analysis of the differences and commonalities between climate sceptic and climate optimist discourse as found in YouTube videos.
Westermann, Leon Joel (2023) Team Europe : A Comparative Discourse Analysis of European Norm Formation and Integration Theories.
Westerveld, D.I. (2023) Toxic Masculinity in Ex On The Beach Double Dutch : a qualitative content analysis that discovers patterns of toxic masculine behaviour in Ex On The Beach Double Dutch.
Westra, I. (2023) Predicting facial hard tissue shape from soft tissue shape with a dense autoencoder and principal component analysis : a proof of concept.
Weterholt, Y. D. (2023) The nature of text messages between (parents of) children with asthma and healthcare professionals.
Wetering, A.J. van de (2023) “Gebruik clouddiensten door Nederlandse financiële instellingen” : Bezien vanuit een uitbestedingsrisicomanagement perspectief.
Wets, J.M. (2023) the design of a subframe and compartment with real value for the stern electric off-road motercycle.
Wever, A.M. de (2023) Automatic 3D segmentation of prolapsed bladders from low-field MRI using 3D U-Net.
Wevers, Merel (2023) Ontwikkeling van een simulatie om conceptuele begripsvorming over elektrische en magnetische velden te stimuleren.
Weßelborg, Lucinda Robin (2023) The role of psychological well-being in laypeople's definitions of flourishing during the pandemic in a text mining study.
Wicaksana, R. (2023) City & Citizenship: Socio-technical Imaginaries on The Governmental Discourse of Indonesia's Future (Smart) Capital City.
Wiebing, R.G. (2023) Effectiveness of adaptation measures to make the urban rainwater distribution more robust after short intense rainfall events.
Wiek, Katja (2023) The Artificial Intelligence Act - The Impact of AI on Human Rights Standards in European Law Enforcement.
Wierik, M.N. te (2023) The Scent of Reviews : An Experiment on the effects of Valence and Storytelling on Perfume experience.
Wiesner, M.L. (2023) From Component to Product Digital capabilities for the Digital Product Passport in the Production Sector.
Wiesniakowski, K. (2023) Predicting time series of water levels using advanced AI models.
Wietsma, M.F.T. (2023) The POLYP-study : Guideline Adherence Leads to Overtreatment of Gallbladder Polyps.
Wiggers, G.J. (2023) Onderzoek naar de invloed van het experiment “Tunnelen met licht” in het middelbaar onderwijs op begripsproblemen in de quantumfysica.
Wiggerts, Stijn (2023) Optimalisation of mpeg length and MPEG/DNA densities for AUNP functionalization.
Wiggeshoff, L. (2023) Investigating the Association Between Sedentary Time and State Social Anxiety in Young Adults Through Experience Sampling Methodology.
Wijk, R.H. van der (2023) Designing 8-bit approximate multipliers for FPGA using internal self-healing.
Wijland, Casper van (2023) Deuterium NMR and Intracellular Tumour pH Measurement.
Wijlens, Y.M.A. (2023) A Literature-based Approach to Improving the Digital Matchmaking Tool of BedrijvenWijzer.
Wijma, I.N. (2023) Implementation strategy of advanced software for cone-beam CT guided navigation bronchoscopy : an implementation study to improve overall user-experience.
Wijma, L.W. (2023) Testing the Effects of Cognitive Bias Modification via the TIIM App on the Self-Concept Positive Orientation Bias and State Anxiety Levels of Students.
Wijnants, T.C. (2023) Assessing the efficiency of mitigation measures for saltwater intrusion in man-made canals: A comprehensive modelling study of the Ghent-Terneuzen canal.
Wijngaarden, R. (2023) Assessing mechanobiology in articular chondrocytes using an Organ-on-Chip platform. Investigating the influence of dynamic compression on YAP/TAZ activation.
Wijnholds, Wick (2023) Heuristics for inventory management of reusable medical device trays.
Wijnja, S.N. (2023) Optimizing Data Movement for Accelerator Cards Using a Software Cache.
Wilbers, G.G.B. (2023) The design of an Acute Medical Unit.
Wilke, B. (2023) Are you being influenced? : The effect of human, virtual and AI influencers on purchase intention through Instagram.
Willegers, Jonathan (2023) The Face of the Farm on Social Media: Human, Animal, Plant, or Robot?
Willemsen, L.G. (2023) A Simple Homomorphic Obfuscation Scheme over Automorphisms.
Willemsen, ir. Y.F. (2023) The Design of an Assessment Framework for the Drought Resilience of a Region; The case of Twente, the Netherlands.
Wilmer, Wouter (2023) Different designs of CBDC, the likelihood of bank disintermediation and the impact on monetary policy : a literary review.
Wilms, G.T. (2023) An evaluation of Lean start-up method approached from the service dominant logic.
Wilpshaar, Niels (2023) De relatie tussen de bereidheid van burgers om een zelfscreeningstest te doen, hun risico op de geteste aandoeningen en hun visie op het gebruik van gezondheidstesten.
Wingerden, Louis van (2023) Internal Alignment in Supplier Relationship Management: Examining the Role of Partnership Logics in Building Supplier Trust.
Winters, A. (2023) Automated control prioritization based on generating sector-based threat profiles.
Wissink, Koen (2023) Effective Interactions in Learning Communities : The Role of Relations-Oriented Behaviour and Learning.
Wissink, Wouter (2023) The Effect of Reward on Cognitive Control.
Wit, D. de (2023) A Framework for the proposal of Bus Rapid Transit in the Netherlands.
Wit, L.J. de (2023) Truck inventory replenishment process optimization at REMONDIS Smart Infra.
Wit, R.A. (2023) Interactive feedback in museums.
Wit, Sabine de (2023) Design considerations for consolidating multiple mobile health applications of Nedap.
Witmans, R.C.H. (2023) Improving nothingness : refactorings on whitespace.
Witt, S.J. (2023) An Internet-wide investigation of publicly accessible databases.
Witte, Sytske de (2023) An explorative cost-effectiveness analysis of intensive care and general ward admission for patients infected with COVID-19.
Wolff, R.T. de (2023) The design of an adaptive acoustic system for flexible sound attenuation in variable conditions.
Wols, Irene (2023) Assessment in O&O Education: Supporting O&O students in their development.
Wolters, Antoon (2023) Anomaly detection in IoT network traffic.
Wolters, Britt M. (2023) Price determinants of airline tickets : flying with KLM and Transavia.
Wolters, J.H.J. (2023) Fully automatic analysis of ulnar sided wrist injuries using dynamic CT imaging.
Wolters, Martijn (2023) How to capture maximum value through using network externalities for a digital E-healthcare platform.
Woolderink, Lune (2023) Het effect van interventies op de gezamenlijke besluitvorming vanuit patiënten perspectief binnen Medisch Spectrum Twente: een mixed-methods studie’.
Woolderink, M.M.M. (2023) The translation of a business strategy to a design strategy: a case study on the redesign of a silence box.
Wopereis, Sanne (2023) Capacity planning model in a home care environment.
Wossink, D. (2023) Inventory management at Veld Koeltechniek B.V.
Woude, Rémi van der (2023) Augmented Reality Guidance for the Surgical Localisation of Paediatric Chest Wall Tumours.
Wouters, Jasper (2023) Defining criteria in value-based procurement of Physician Preference Items in Dutch hospitals.
Wu, X. (2023) LoRa-where? Analysing signal pick-up from LoRaWAN sensors in the wild.
Wulf, Julia (2023) Psychometric Evaluation of a Revised Practice-Friendly Version of the Mental Health Continuum Short Form.
Wösten, M. (2023) Cardiac function monitoring during venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the intensive care unit.
Wüller, Chiara A.E. (2023) Ethical and Practical Implications of Artificial Emotional Intelligence Approached from a Philosophical-Psychological Perspective : The Use Case of Psychiatry.
Xanthopoulou-Koukogia, K. (2023) Causal discovery : finding common latent causes.
Xu, Xuanling (2023) Improving the user experience of touchscreen text-based code editor in an industrial robot controller.
Yacoubian, N. (2023) Corporate Social Responsibility and Foreign Ownership in The Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.
Yadhukrishnan, (2023) Designing and Optimizing a flexible Battery Pack Manufacturing Process Incorporating Cylindrical and Prismatic Cells: Key Factors and Strategies.
Yakuta, R. (2023) Effect of the road safety on the cyclists route choice : Do cyclists consider road safety when deciding on their route?
Yanagawa, Yuka (2023) How can businesses reframe insects as food? : A case study of a restaurant in Berlin.
Yang, J. (2023) Item availability restricted.
Ye, D. (2023) Supplier Master Data Integration in Philips.
Yi, Chenhao (2023) From Software Data To Actionable Insights: Designing A Data Dashboard.
Yildiz, Bugra Veysel (2023) The State of HTTPS Configuration of Public Websites Around the World.
Yocarini, X.K. (2023) Helping Nurses into the Digital Future : qualitative research to the added value of the chief nursing information officer for the digitalisation of the nursing profession in the Netherlands.
Youn, Myungwon (2023) ALERT: Smart Lecture Room : Monitoring students’ concentration levels and providing feedback and stimulation, to improve learning quality.
Yuceturk, Salih Eren (2023) Enhancing Early Disease Diagnosis: Analysis of a Cassava Plant Dataset.
Zablotny, H.K. (2023) How people with chronic illnesses express their self : A thematic analysis of past and desired future narratives.
Zablotny, J. (2023) Does hardiness mediate the association between hope and wellbeing?
Zagema, A.G. (2023) The risk assessment of incorrectly installed vinyl heave screens in dikes.
Zaidouni, S. (2023) Revealing protein vibrational modes using plasmonic surfaces.
Zalinge, Elise E. van (2023) The escape room that saves lives.
Zallaya, Sara (2023) Methanol as a Hydrogen Carrier Coupled with Magnesium-Based Oxides Carbonation for Carbon Dioxide Capture.
Zaltbommel, Anthony van (2023) Understanding Loyalty in B2B E-commerce SaaS Relationships via the Influence of Satisfaction and Trust Empirical insights from 33 SaaS-using firms.
Zandbergen, Nikki (2023) QuestionMark : designing a benchmark for probabilistic databases.
Zande, I.G. van de (2023) 3D Point Cloud Object Detection for Millimeter Wave Radar : a Synthesis Study.
Zande, Joske van der (2023) Towards validated ambulatory screening of cardiac disorder with single-lead Apple Watch ECG.
Zandschulp, L.J. van de (2023) Design of a framework and warehouse facility at ROSEN Europe.
Zantingh, O.I. (2023) Transcutaneous electrical stimulation modulates persistent inward currents in spinal cord injury subjects: a model-based study.
Zarrin Tigh, Nina (2023) Investigating the Role of Response Formats on Affect Dynamics in Experience Sampling Questionnaires for Positive affect items: A Focus on VAS versus Likert Scales.
Zata Lini, Tifani (2023) Key Success Factors and Audit Maturity Level Evaluation in Organizations from Continuous Auditing Perspective.
Zee, J.M. van der (2023) Tracked ultrasound : towards accurate intraoperative navigation during pediatric bone tumor resections with soft tissue components.
Zeegelaar, Ricco (2023) Model of Chondrocyte Differentiation using ANIMO.
Zegers, Jelle (2023) How to capture maximum value through minimizing transaction costs for a digital E-healthcare platform.
Zeilstra, Pieter (2023) Explainable Diagnoses Prediction For General Practitioners.
Zenden, R. van (2023) The identity mangement solution that improves data sharing in logistics.
Zeng, Y. (2023) Learning data augmentation policies for computer vision using additive Fourier-basis noise.
Zenieris, R. (2023) Perception and Bias towards AI-Music.
Zeppelzauer, Lisa (2023) Guilt Presumptions in Police Suspect Interviews: The Effect of Confirmation Bias on Guilt Judgement and Deception Detection.
Zeraïria, Amalie (2023) Assignment of Inspection Visits to Customers with Different Urgencies.
Zeven, A.M.M. (2023) Developing a Product for Multisensory Play at Childcare Centres.
Zhang, F. (2023) SDR-based concurrent multi-band event matching using bistatic Wi-Fi "radar".
Zhang, Y. (2023) Stim4Sound : a musical interactive system promoting communication between autistic people and society.
Zhang, xuhao (2023) Design and Impact of Activation Functions for Sparse Neural Networks.
Zhetpisbayev, Bernar (2023) Role of inflation in shaping buyer-supplier relationships with preferred customer status.
Zhou, Y. (2023) Modelling the hydrodynamic effects of the construction of a small island near the Wadden sea.
Ziegert, I.A. (2023) Riding the Climate Wave on Reddit : A Study of the Emotional Landscape of Climate Change on Reddit.
Zijden, C.W.J. van der (2023) Analysis of an active tagline trolley system for offshore single blade installations with floating vessels.
Zijp, S.F. (2023) Remaining useful life estimation framework for maintenance improvement of a helicopter main rotor shaft using fracture mechanics.
Zoet, M. (2023) To trust or not to trust? The relationship between social media and trust in the Dutch government.
Zoetekouw, K.F.A. (2023) Reducing staff workload variation through a forecast-driven tactical staff planning : a case study at the obstetrics department of Diakonessenhuis Utrecht.
Zoetelief, Eline (2023) Explorative study of thermal footprint imaging as method to early detect diabetic foot ulcers in a domestic setting : the Bath Mat.
Zomer, C.J. (2023) The Balancing Act of Valuing Relatedness and Autonomy: A Qualitative Study among Young Professionals Entering the Hybrid Workforce.
Zomer, F.L. (2023) De bibliotheek Twenterand en haar netwerken : passendheid van netwerkorganisatie bij effectiviteitscondities en het realiseren van wettelijke functies.
Zon, A.P. van (2023) Value co-creation through leveraging drivers and tackling barriers for Circular Business Models: A direct stakeholder perspective from the lithium-ion battery industry.
Zu, Xinrui (2023) Fast and Precise Lung CT Image Generation via Diffusion Models.
Zubavičius, R. (2023) Fluid properties estimation and pressure drop sensing based on Coriolis flow sensor using machine learning.
Zubcu, Cristian (2023) Effect of Normalization Techniques on Modernity Signatures in Source Code Analysis.
Zuiderwijk, N.L. (2023) Modelling the impact of positioning and pole height of a row of beach buildings on dune morphology.
Zutt, Bas (2023) Performance Comparison of two Integrating-Mode Phase Interpolators.
Zwanenburg, M.S. (2023) Design of a Method to Improve the Customer Service Level at an Electronics Production Company : incorporating resource capacities using data available in tactical production planning.
Zweistra, Emile E. (2023) Practice Effects and Transfer during Chord Skill Acquisition : A Chording Study.
Zwiers, Jeroen (2023) BLE-based Relative Positioning in the Context of Targeted Bike-to-Vehicle (B2V) Communication.
Záková, T. (2023) Vacuum Extractor Tubing Optimization.
Zühlsdorff, N.M. (2023) Investigating the Impact of Climate Change Hope on Pro-Environmental Behaviour among UT Students.
van Deinse, L. (2023) Development of instrumented, FFF 3D printed, pessary rings to quantify deformations.
von Harling, Henri Alexander (2023) Feel good, go green! : The moderating role of an ecological mindset in the relationship between well-being and sustainable environmental behaviours.
Águila Rodríguez, Belén del (2023) The Role of Rejection Sensitivity in the Relationship Between Online Vigilance and Problematic Internet Use.
Özkan, E. S. (2023) The Moderating Effect of Coping Strategies on the Relationship Between Academic Stress and Burnout Symptoms.
Šerkšnas, Jurgis (2023) Implementing & Integrating Live Mission Recording with Starter Drones.