University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: Business Administration MSc (60644)
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Aaftink, Mireille (2007) Van gezicht naar beeldscherm : E-learning binnen Achmea Zorg.
Aalders, K.J.M. (2008) Van MVO naar MBO : afstudeeronderzoek naar maatschappelijk betrokken ondernemen binnen het bedrijf.
Aard, Marieke A.E. van (2009) When there's time, there's Grolsch: feasibility study of flexible work schedules at Grolsch.
Aardenne, S. van (2011) Voice in motion : is relocation an affair between leadership and HRM implementation.
Aarntzen, Andre (2010) Crossing Educational Borders: An examination of educational and business entry strategies focusing on the Russian market.
Aarntzen, R. (2016) The Use of Frameworks in Business Model Development.
Abbink, G.J.M. (2014) Involvement of ambassadors in commercial diplomacy. An empirical study to identify the role of ambassadors in commercial diplomacy, and the results of their involvement in commercial dipplomacy.
Abbink, Jurjen (2015) Diagnosing and changing organizational culture to meet the necessary conditions for implementing the lead user method.
Abel, Sandra (2011) The role of social networking sites in recruitment: Results of a quantitative study among German companies.
Abeln, Cas Matthijs (2010) How to pursue opportunity: a study on the procedures of opportunity identification in a multinational company.
Acar, Gabriël (2022) Cultural differences experienced by Dutch employees working in Belgium.
Acar, Salih (2008) Dynamische kostprijscalculatie: "het ontwikkelen van een adequaat en flexibel kost.
Acevedo Hernandez, J.A. (2012) Lecturer's awareness and activity engagement with group exercises as tools to develop intercultural sensitivity in students of higher education in University of Twente.
Achieng, S.E. (2015) Do the employees and the employers equally benefit? A Meta-analysis of the outcomes of job crafting and idiosyncratic deals.
Achterhof, Peter (2021) A closer look at the value anticipations in dyadic business relationships within a servitization context - Evidence from the construction sector in the Netherlands.
Adiputro, Ricky Valianto (2016) Equity Crowdfunding: Signalling in European Crowdfunding Platforms.
Adrichem, J.C. van (2011) #Change @government : a plan of approach for implementing 'the new way of working' in the context of the Dutch central government.
Afzali, Sahar (2022) Challenge Based Learning: Measuring CBL and the potential for change at higher educational institutions A survey from the perspective of course and module coordinators at the UTwente.
Aga, Sara (2024) The impact of macroeconomic factors on capital structure : Evidence across EU countries.
Agema, A.B. (2018) Corporate governance determinants of CSR : an analysis of Dutch listed firms.
Ahmadyar, A.F. (2017) Exploring the links between brand choice and consumption situations in a (semi) dark market: A study of premium beer brands in Russia.
Ahrens, Justin (2023) Culture-Caused Critical Incidents Between German and Dutch : How to Cope with Them.
Aitink, C.M.J. (2014) Measuring the quality of a work schedule - Guidelines to develop a tool to evaluate work schedules.
Akcora, mr Caner (2020) The effect of chatbots tone of voice on trust and customer satisfaction.
Akdemir, O.A. (2017) The effects of supplier awards on the relationship of buyer and supplier: a multiple-case study of winners and non-winners.
Akhter, Shamim (2010) Attracting young IT professionals: choosing between academic and other organizations.
Akker, Daniëlle van den (2011) Creation of an umbrella national branding strategy.
Akse, G.F.M. (2015) Pretium or Simulans? Mapping of the capital indicators and their relationship towards value within the Integrated Report Framework.
Aksoy, E. (2015) The influence of HRM as a process on absenteeism : exploring the influence of the meta-features of HRM system strength on absenteeism.
Aktas, Osman (2015) The Short-run Effects of Product Placements in Blockbuster Movies.
Al-JouJou, Juma (2012) Business models on the context of educational online games.
Alberink, B.G.A.M. (2014) Comparing the differences in investment behaviour of public and private firms in The Netherlands.
Albers, Eline (2016) Successful foreign market entry by comparing business modeling with culture.
Albers, Etiënne H.M. (2022) Environmental considerations in supply chain decisions: Proposing a new methodology for locating cross-docking terminals considering CO2e emissions.
Albert, H. (2021) Nudging for the circular economy? Overcoming barriers of mobile phone users in the post-consumption phase.
Ali, Irfan (2011) Determinants of capital structure: Empirical evidence from Pakistan.
Alikouzay, Z. (2023) Firm Characteristics and Capital Structure : Exploring the Determinants of Financing Choices in European Markets.
Alimonti, M. (2021) Fighting for social change while doing marketing : hybrid influencers under the institutional logics perspective.
Alink, J. (2013) Convergence, crossvergence, divergence : the Influence of institutional pressures on the transfer of HR practices : the case of Coulisse Inc. Miami.
Alink, Thijs (2010) Enabling high reliability of network infrastructure; an explorative study to map and monitor appropriate motivations and forms of knowledge that enable reliability.
Allersma-Dröge, Mieke (2008) FundeOnze Waarden: een onderzoek naar de aansluiting van de bestaande organisatiecultuur van Fundeon bij de door de directie gewenste organisatiecultuur.
Aloyan, A. (2024) ‘’Change Readiness’’ A multiple case study: analysing the relationship between individual change readiness and team change readiness.
Alphen, J.H.C. (2012) Sustainably developed biofuel from Jatropha production in Cameroon : a feasibility study.
Altink, Jan Jaap (2009) Innovative Entrepreneurship & Business Development.
Altink, R.G.J. (2010) Cost allocation and customer profitability at TKF, from ABC to CPA.
Ambalavanar, Nirojan (2019) The impact of corporate life cycle on the capital structure of German listed companies.
Ambergen, Martijn J. (2008) Managen met kritieke prestatie-indicatoren Onderzoek naar een integrale systematiek voor het meten en beheersen van prestaties met behulp van prestatie-indicatoren.
Ambrosius, M.F. (2017) Effects of price discrimination on airline ancillary good sales : a multiple treatment propensity score weighting approach.
Amstel, M.S. van (2011) Global talent management in Israel and the Netherlands : case study at IBM.
Andrews, M. (2017) How to bridge peripheral and central s trategy-making routines in decentralized corporations through alignment practices.
André, Marte (2017) Sustainable employability of employees in the knowledge-intensive sector.
Angelucci, Samuel (2020) Exploring different types of Multiple Job Holding through the Gig Economy : their Push and Pull factors.
Anker, M.S. in 't (2024) The dark side of emergent leadership: A qualitative investigation of the processes and consequences in team settings.
Ankersmit, BSc D.K. (2021) Wlz tariff determination: Determining a reasonable price.
Anoniem, (2013) Role of competitive intelligence in strategic purchasing decisions and its influence on suppliers' resource allocation.
Apostolov, Nikola (2020) Reducing churn in data management SaaS companies: a case study.
Appel, Lioba (2014) CSR as a factor in the war for talents.
Appelman, L.A. (2019) Board gender diversity and corporate risk-taking.
Arends, D. (2017) Global leadership in higher education : A case study on the competences to effectively lead international teams in higher education.
Arends, Stan (2024) Developing Customer Value Propositions in an Online B2B Setting.
Arik-Erdinc, T. (2009) The psychology of flexible employment relationships.
Arink, R.B. (2020) How data-driven decision making can help managers and employees with creating business value.
Arkema, B.F. (2022) Brand activism and the role of authenticity and identity signalling.
Armandi, Claudio (2015) Exploring the drivers of investment decision-making in entrepreneurial pitches.
Arnoldus, Tanno (2019) Ex-ante uncertainty as a determinant of Initial Coin Offering underpricing.
Arts, T.P. (2012) Tools stimulating supplier-driven innovation: an explorative study about tools stimulating supplier satisfaction.
Arun, S (2014) Congruence of HRM Frames and Trust in HRM. Results of an explorative case study at Zara.
Asbroek, Maud (2023) Customer experience in digitalized touchpoints along the customer journey of a B2B wholesaler of semi-finished goods.
Asch, G.C.A. van (2019) Does the performance of pension plans affect firm investment of Dutch sponsoring firms?
Ates, Ertan and Huang, Jack (2009) Increase the contribution of Maars China to Maars Holding by improving the overall performance of Maars China : developing a new organization structure and an accounting system to improve the performance of Maars China.
Atto, M. B. (2015) Stakeholder maximization: An exploratory research about the influence of corporate social performance on the going-concern value.
Auch, K. (2016) Women wanted : An exploratory study on female entrepreneurial networks in tech ventures.
Aukes, Doutsje (2006) The challenges of eastern europe : a country selection and market entry advice for Dirkse Milieutechniek.
Aveskamp, Maarten (2023) Designing a Sales and Operations Planning Process in a Make-to-Order Environment.
Avest, J.W. ter (2018) Optimal distinctiveness and inclusive hiring.
Avest, L. ter (2022) Mental availability : to what extent is it relevant and measurable for B2B companies.
Axelsson, S. (2023) The impact of sustainability communication on consumers' brand associations in the food and beverage industry.
Axinia, Elena (2011) What is the future of employer branding through social media? : a Delphi study among academics.
Aykaz, K. (2007) Focus op kwaliteit èn kostenbesparing, is er een gulden middenweg?
Aykaz, Kamer (2009) Agent/Distributor versus Foreign Subsidiary: “A study into the possibility of setting up a sales organisation for Hartman in Sweden, Spain, Russia & Dubai”.
Aykaz, Talar (2011) Redbeans : het onderzoeken van de merkbeleving en de verkoop- en distributiewijze voor de zakelijke markt van Redbeans in opdracht van Neuteboom Koffiebranders B.V.
Aykaz, Talar (2012) A cross country study in consumer buying behavior: standardized vs. adapted sales promotion strategy.
Azevedo Amaral, A.M. (2020) The effective integration of big data in the decision-making process.
Ba, Mohamed (2017) Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: the role of corporate governance : Evidence from the Netherlands.
Baake, A.A. (2014) Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil.
Baal, C.S.M. van (2008) Een model voor keteninformatisering in bovenschoolse zorgsituaties.
Baank, Eric (2007) Effecten van implementatie van zorgzwaartepakketten : wat het zwaarst is, moet het zwaarst wegen.
Baarspul, Hayo C. (2007) Privatisering in de elektriciteitssector : een onderzoek naar de geschiktheid van het overheidsbeleid.
Baarspul, Hayo C. (2009) Do Employees Behave Differently in Public- vs. Private-Sector Organizations? A State-of-the-Art Review.
Bacino Ignjatovich, Stefan (2019) The influence of professorial leadership, interfirm collaboration and market research depth on university spin-off funding acquisition and survival.
Baeschnitt, B.W.R. (2010) Exploitation with strategic alliances: Within Elektor International Media.
Bahadur, F.K. (2020) Fake it till you break it?! Impact of fake news on implicit brand attitudes of social media users.
Bai, Lei (2010) Weaving the New Web: Designing a Web 2.0: Solution to 'Catch' Job candidates.
Baier, Christoph (2015) How do Start-ups Recognize the Value of External Knowledge and Acquire it? A Study on Absorptive Capacity in B2B Start-ups.
Bajwa, Qasim/MQ (2014) Redeveloping the financial function of municipality Enschede.
Bakhuis, J.J. (2019) Challenges of stakeholder communication for developing organizational resilience : the case of Dutch pharmacies.
Bakir, L. (2016) Solving customer-driven heterogeneity in organizations : dealing with internal tensions to reach solutions for customer inquiries.
Bakker, L.M. (2012) The impact of fit, resources and culture on mergers and acquisitions in the offshore industry.
Bakker, Mike D. (2024) An Observational Measure for Emotional Intelligence at Work.
Bakker, Nick (2012) The role and transparency of subsidies in SME financing: the Dutch situation described.
Bakker, Yorrick (2010) Back to the Future of Human Resource Information Systems? “A survey towards the role of country differences regarding adoption and deployment outcomes of e-HRM”.
Bal, I.A. (2014) An advice for the design of a Performance Management System at Isala.
Balasingham, K. (2016) Industry 4.0: Securing the Future for German Manufacturing Companies.
Balickis, Kristians (2024) Navigating New Norms: An Empirical Analysis of the Predictors of Hybrid Work in the Post-Pandemic Aviation Industry.
Balkema, Robert (2011) Benchmarking for FINAN - A case study at FINAN Financial Analysis.
Ballast, Joscintha (2011) Online communicatie: een theoretische en praktische evaluatie van de rol van online communicatie bij Nederlandse reisorganisaties, met specifieke aanbevelingen voor Oad Groep.
Balvers, C. (2016) The future of HRM: an analysis of the symposium 'back to the future'.
Bandstra, R. (2013) How do effective followers actually behave? An exploratory, video-observational, and survey study.
Baniou, Helena Theodora (2018) Does value-based-pricing engender co-creation practises in industrial small-and-medium-sized enterprises?
Bapeer, Soran (2018) An update of the megatrends and their implication for procurement.
Barbonetti, Cristian (2020) HRM practices permit value creation and capture of online Platform firms : how they change in time and space.
Barbu, K.M. (2016) Cross-functionality at Teijin Aramid; how to get the Automotive Taskforce up and running.
Bardauskaite, Indre (2012) Loyalty in business-to-business service context: literature review and a proposed framework.
Bardsen, K. T. (2022) Conversion Rate Optimization in E-Commerce Webshops.
Barghout, Sona (2019) Framework for Revising or Finding Subsidiary Strategic Orientation.
Barink, M.M. (2018) Welcome on board? : The involvement of the HRM position in the boardroom and their perceived value.
Barrière, J.M. (2016) The influence of trust on attitude of employees towards HR Analytics in organisations.
Bartalevich, Dzmitry (2012) The EU Competition Policy since 1990: How Substantial is the Degree of Convergence towards the U.S. Competition Policy?
Bartelds, J. (2019) What type of Loyalty programs is most effective in a FMCG online business environment? A Case studies.
Bartelink, J.A.M. (2019) Operational antecedents and achieving preferred customership for improved information sharing and supplier involvement in new product introduction at Benchmark Electronics.
Bartelink, J.H.K. (2023) The influence of leadership and the role of emotions on the employee's adoption of a connected worker program in the workplace : A multiple case-study within a global manufacturing company.
Barwegen, Robin (2013) Implementing a technology roadmapping process in the service industry - The case of a contracted out governmental service.
Bastiaan, Robert (2008) Increasing Throughput in a Manufacturing Facility A research to the pressure gauge production of Badotherm.
Bauer, Nadja (2019) The Role of Sensory Processing Sensitivity in the Formation of Entrepreneurial Intention: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach.
Baveld, Mathias Bernard (2012) Impact of Working Capital Management on the Profitability of Public Listed Firms in The Netherlands During the Financial Crisis.
Bayram, D. (2021) A hybrid business model solution : multi-sided business platforms as drivers of change.
Bayram, Leile (2022) Hybrid Identities: The progressive Nature of Entrepreneurial Identities in the Aviation Industry.
Becker, Marten (2008) Approaching the local market for Fisherboats, Co., Ltd.
Beckers, D.K. (2015) Reducing waste in administrative services with lean principles.
Becking, A.W.J. (2018) Exploring the HR management of crowdworkers : who does what?
Beek, Bart van (2009) Online grocery stores: new style : the best business model.
Beek, H.C. van (2010) Variation in the impact of the global recession : an exploratory research on the variation in the impact of the global recession on production SMEs situated in the eastern part of the Netherlands.
Beek, M. van (2012) Quality of processes in Collis.
Beek, M.M.C.A. van (2018) Enhancing smart manufacturing at Broshuis.
Beek, Maarten H.J. van (2009) Early involvement in product development : how to involve Inventi early in the new product development processes of its customers.
Beek, P.G. ter (2021) A case study on how change towards sustainability is produced in organizational narratives.
Beekman, L. (2023) Strategic allocation of resources to increase ambidexterity in large firms : a single case study.
Beeks, Wouter (2011) Market entry strategies into volatile security environments - The case of Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment into Iraq.
Beene, Sjoerd (2021) The relationship between family-ownership and firm performance.
Beenen, Marloes (2007) Verankering van innovatie bij De Woonplaats.
Beer, E.W. (2019) The relationship between Customer Servitisation and Customer Revenue: A Customer-driven Segmentation of SaaS.
Beerens, K.B.M. (2016) Humor in meetings : does it affect their effectiveness?
Beerkens, Max (2023) Paradoxical Tensions in Platform Co-ops : An Explorative Study of Perceptions and Responses.
Beerlage, J. (2007) Van project naar proces : printmedia management onder de loep.
Beerlage, Jeroen (2007) Van project naar proces : Printmedia management onder de loep.
Beerman, P.E. (2006) Inrichting gemeentelijke Rekenkamer(functie)s : kuddegedrag? : een onderzoek naar de inrichting van bestaande rekenkamer(functie)s in Nederland.
Beernink, D.H.T.M. (2019) The limiting effects of path dependence towards organizational change in the vehicle body building industry.
Beernink, J.F. and Meijer, G.B. (2007) e-Nose : partnering in de mobiele telefonie…….
Beernink, S.H. (2024) Exploring the Adoption of AI-Driven Business Valuation Technologies: The Drivers of the Adoption Intention.
Beijen, Robin (2014) Analyzing value propositions of property and casualty insurance companies in the business-to-business market.
Beitel, Tim Daniël ten (2016) Terminal value calculations with the Discounted Cash Flow model : differences between literature and practice.
Bejta, Michel (2021) Surviving digital disruption : identifying the key digital transformation barriers of multi-channel retailers.
Beker, Dave (2008) Succes in je zaak! : Succesfactoren van MKB ondernemingen.
Bekker, F.E. (2024) The impact of FinTech services on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the banking industry in The Netherlands.
Bekkers, Bjorn (2016) Improving customer perceived value in the brand management technology market.
Bektas, Hakan (2023) Revealing relevant factors impacting the viability of the metaverse by replacing online collaboration tools for business meetings.
Beld, B.G. (2017) Business valuation for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Belde, M.M.J. (2009) Use of subjective information from the COPD home‐based device for improving provision of health care.
Beldman, S. (2022) Hybrid work configurations and short-term international assignments : does willingness to accept international assignments increase?
Bellinga, M.J.A. (2007) Tackling the waste issues on Isla Navarino : a research into the possibilities of waste materials.
Belt, Myrthe van de (2009) Enhancing KIBS performances by successful customer interactions: an enabling organisation as accelerator for successful service interactions: a study within the ICT and engineering sector.
Beltman, E.K. (2015) The effect of a multi-vendor loyalty programme - From a customer loyalty perspective.
Beltman, N. (2020) Does market orientation in the early startup phase pay off?
Bemelmans, T.G. (2018) Analysis of cryptocurrencies price formation : what can the formation of cryptocurrency explain?
Ben Allouch, M.A. (2012) Business development opportunities in the healthcare sector for western firms in the Gulf Region: The case of the Dutch healthcare sector in Kuwait.
Benedict, C. (2023) How to sustain the sustainable? : A mixed-methods study of digital pro-environmental behavior change interventions in organizational contexts.
Benen, Jonas (2017) The role and competences of the ‘Purchaser from tomorrow’ – A case study to compare demands in German SMEs and large enterprises.
Benerink, T. (2020) Exploring the integration of automated text classification solutions in roadmapping.
Benkert, C.L. (2020) Ownership concentration & agency theory : Investigating the effect of large shareholders on corporate payout policy in Danish publicly listed companies.
Bennema, Hannah (2018) The prevalence of entrepreneur's and owner's identity on the hiring of people with disabilities in their organisation.
Bensing, L. (2012) Life cycle prediction for spare parts at IBM spare parts operations.
Benthem, C.S. van (2017) The relation among non-performing loans, operating efficiency, and capitalization in commercial banking.
Benthem, F.J.G. van (2016) Alternative Finance: The determinants of alternative finance adoption for Dutch SMEs and the implications for capital structure theory.
Bentlage, Jascha (2017) The Entrepreneurial Stress Circle – a Grounded Theory Approach.
Bentvelsen, Christian C.N. (2022) The process of finding an acquirer for ventures from venture builders: a networking game Proposing a step-by-step process for finding a suitable buyer for acquisition of scale-up ventures coming out of venture builders within the Dutch venture building environment.
Beqiraj, Blerina (2021) The impact of CSR on financial performance of global fashion brands with the moderating role of brand luxury.
Berends, C.F. (2014) Services as a competitive advantage in the high-tech industry.
Berendsen, R.H.M. (2018) How to align organizational identity and external image in order to create strategic advantages: A case study of multiple business units of a firm in a rapid changing market.
Berentsen, R.H. (2007) Digitale duurzaamheid van archieven in het CDD+ = Digital preservation of archives in the CDD+.
Berg, A. van den (2014) Associations and retention: retention in a membership context.
Berg, B.J. van den (2015) Can niche players benefit from social media strategy?
Berg, Bas van den (2021) Firm-specific determinants of capital structure : evidence on UK listed and unlisted firms.
Berg, D.A. van den (2015) The risks and benefits of spreadsheet-based financial reporting as a form of shadow it in complex information systems: an action design research leading to the FRASIT-framework.
Berg, G.M. van den (2008) Gaming: een spelletje? Een onderzoek naar de inzetbaarheid van gaming als interventie in verandertrajecten.
Berg, Henrieke van den (2011) The fog of the future ; A quest for the unknown ~ Royal Netherlands Army‟s strategic competencies and its critical knowledge.
Berg, I.A.S. (2024) The Impact of Nutri-Score on Consumer Product Attitude and Purchase Intention : Insights from an Online Survey Experiment.
Berg, K.A. ten (2018) WIFI tracking in the IOT environment of smart cities : a privacy calculus perspective.
Berg, M.H. van den (2016) Automated observation of competency-related behavior in serious gaming.
Berg, Maik van den (2009) The South African wastewater market : business opportunities and export promotion for Dutch companies.
Berg, Selina van den (2022) Intercultural Collaboration in European Business : Cultural differences between the Dutch and the Italians on the work floor.
Berg, T.G. (2022) Go big or go home: An inductive study on the decision process of making residential houses more energy efficient among Private Banking clients of Van Lanschot.
Berge, R. van den (2009) Clean coal technology in China : a strategy for the Netherlands.
Berghout, J.B.M. (2012) Business model development for NextSelect : how can NextSelect create and capture value by taking a customer-driven perspective?
Berghuis, Lars (2021) Using the Wisdom of the Crowd to Digitalize : Designing a workshop-based process selection method for the identification of suitable RPA processes.
Berkel, M. J. (2021) The effect of the working capital level on firm profitability : evidence from Dutch private small- to medium sized enterprises.
Berns, S.W.M. (2023) Successful market entries for e-commerce SMEs using dynamic capabilities : Qualitative case study.
Bertling, Jannis (2024) Does Green Exclusivity Pay Off? : The Moderating Role of the Platform Choice in Reward-Based Crowdfunding for Sustainability-Oriented Projects.
Besselink, Floris (2012) The role of social skills in the entrepreneurial styles effectuation and causation.
Bethlehem, Tim (2017) The struggles of accepting a new logic from a micro level institutional change perspective.
Betlem, F. (2012) Business diplomacy in international firms : an extensive literature review and results from a survey.
Betting, R.R. (2016) Conditions supporting Entrepreneurial Leadership.
Beukert, M. (2022) Utilizing benchmarking for compliance to the ESG : an exploratory study.
Beurden, L.W. van (2017) How do firms react to the growing averse towards ownership? A better look at the sharing economy of the transportation industry in the US.
Beute, Anke (2010) Letting the fabric flow Study of the production and the planning process at TenCate Protective Fabrics.
Beute, N.W. (2018) Turnaround strategies in financially distressed times - an empirical investigation of European entities in distress.
Beverdam, T. (2024) Exploring retention strategies : A study on the use of online and offline communication channels and various donation solicitation appeals on donor retention.
Bezoen, B.B.J. (2015) The Impact of Basel III on European Bank Lending.
Bezoen, J.M. (2022) Fairness as a new antecedent for acquiring and preserving supplier satisfaction through the handling of conflict.
Bhansing, Reshma V. (2013) The power of patents : measuring the socio-economic impact of patents developed at the University of Twente.
Bierhold, Tom (2020) KSA gap of university taught digital marketers.
Bies, Edwin (2017) Examining the controller activities at MST.
Bieze, Michel (2010) Assessing the marketing performance of online retailers: : a case study.
Bijker, M. (2021) The influence of being active in an uncertain industry, such as the hospitality industry, on entrepreneurial passion and the moderating role of gender.
Bijvank, . J.E. (2018) Adoption of smart lock delivery in the E-grocery market in the Netherlands.
Bilge, B. (2014) Leading to High Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Settings - An essay based on reviewing the literature.
Bilsen, Gijs van (2010) Leading organizational improvisiation: an exploration of the influence of leadership style on organizational improvisation.
Binnenmars, T. (2014) Happy abroad? : a study into HRM practices for, and work satisfaction of commercial diplomats.
Bisschop, B.J.J. (2018) Business Incubator Services & Customer Satisfaction.
Bisschop, J (2018) Process research : how multiple perspectives contribute to an organizational identity.
Bladt, D. (2022) The impact of greenwashing on consumers brand attitude.
Blankhorst, Sofie (2017) Development of an online reputation index.
Blasig, S.B. (2017) Does the banking system affect banks’ performance? Islamic vs. conventional banking.
Bleeker, I. (2011) The influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the innovation process : an empirical research on manufacturing SMEs.
Bloem, Maarten van (2016) Business value creation : estimation and measurement in E-Business agile projects.
Bloem, Matthijs van (2012) Social media strategy in the tourism industry: formulation and implementation.
Bloemen, O. (2013) Author context extraction for interpreting the external validity of opinion mining results.
Bloemheuvel, R.M. (2016) Improving the cost efficiency in the supply chain of the Heijmans Woon Concept projects.
Bloemhof, Fedde (2004) Het elektronisch patiëntendossier als utopie. Een studie naar de dynamiek van verwachtingen rond de ontwikkeling van een elektronisch studentendossier in Nederland.
Blokhuis, B. (2018) Should I stay or should I go? : STEM jobs & women's perceptions about organisational climate.
Blokhuis, Rhonda (2014) Finding design rules to determine if HR activities should be shared or not to maximize HR service value.
Blokker, Stephanie (S.E.V.) (2010) Individual motives and structural factors determining German – Dutch labor mobility : free movement of persons: fact or fiction?
Blokvoord, R.AG. (2007) Sustainable and profitable growth in the automotive industry : Positioning Van Leeuwen Precision in the automotive industry.
Blom, Jaron (2024) Post-LOI Deal Value Adjustments in Dutch SME M&A Transactions.
Blom, Teake T. (2008) Risk management at Dutch Housing Associations.
Blömer, Daisy D. (2015) How people search for a job? : the difference of job search behavior between younger and older people.
Bockstette, Henrik (2017) An empirical study of the revisions to the Internal models approach for market risk under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book.
Bode, B.A.M. (2015) Advice² : advice on financial advice.
Bode, Christiane M. (2012) The effect of national culture on corporate social responsibility orientation: a comparison between Dutch and German business students.
Bode, K.A.J. (2008) Improvement of planning and control at Union Garment.
Bode, M. (2014) What makes them social? – An analysis of the influence of organizational factors on business social media adoption.
Boeijink, Jeremy Darnell (2024) Enhancing Valuation for Telcos : A Strategic Approach to Business Valuation.
Boekee, F.S.C (2025) The interplay between on- and offline touchpoints and B2B relationships : a qualitative study.
Boekelder, Sacha (2018) The impact of marketing intelligence on SMEs.
Boekhorst, P. (2018) Bankruptcy predicion for Dutch private firms using the Altman Z-score model.
Boekhoud, P.S. (2015) The impacts of a modular design strategy on modern video game development: An explorative study.
Boenders, Marlous (2008) Door de waardebomen het bos weer kunnen zien: een onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van een instrumentarium waarmee ABN AMRO de koers van Value Center Zaken kan meten.
Boer, Bertus de (2014) Maturity towards Co-Development: A maturity model of co-development and guidelines for the set up of co-development.
Boer, M.L. (2007) Druk met ARBO : een onderzoek naar het realiseren en beheersen van goede arbeidsomstandigheden bij Ovimex B.V.
Boer, Tim de (2006) Orientate to Innovate: Improving the Market Orientation of an Industrial Organization.
Boerhof, Milie (2007) Kaders, beleid, speelruimte en burgers : casusbeschrijving “De Herikerberg”.
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Internship Report
Folkeringa, Barak Triyono Ferys (2011) Cape Town convention: in the case of international security interest in leasing of an aircraft in commercial business.