University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: Psychology MSc (66604)
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Aarle, Ramon van (2013) Determinanten van adoptie en implementatie, en de effecten van een samenwerkingsverband tussen een welzijnsorganisatie en verslavingszorg.
Aarninkhof, Milou (2012) Narratieve toekomstgerichte therapie - Een onderzoek naar de wijze waarop de narratieve therapie en de toekomstgerichte psychotherapie geïntegreerd kunnen worden in één vorm van therapie.
Aart, C.V. van (2011) De effecten van het gebruik van visuele metaforen binnen utilitaire en hedonische producten op de productattitude.
Abdalrahim, Reyan Baha Eldin Mohamed (2019) Perceptions and preferences of elderly low educated patients regarding patient portals : a qualitative research.
Ackermann, T.F. (2018) The psychometric properties of the short Grit Scale (Grit-S) within an international context.
Adel, Y. van den (2015) Neurophysiological support for enhanced attentional processing through the practice of mindfulness.
Afram, B. (2009) Met het oog op morgen : moederlijke acceptatie van het HPV vaccin.
Agelink, M. (2011) Attitude t.o.v. de Politie: Beïnvloedingsfactoren.
Agud Morera, Jaume (2021) An Exploratory Study on Recognition of Untrustworthy Devices.
Ahe, L. von der (2023) How brooding and reflection affect personal growth after momentary stress : an experience sampling study.
Ahire, Divya (2022) Respiratory Biofeedback based Virtual Environment to Increase Subjective Vitality and Reduce Stress in International Students: Usability, Feasibility and Effectiveness pilot study.
Ahlemeyer, Jan-Luca (2020) Item availability restricted.
Ajoori, Timon J. (2023) The Impact of Physical Attractiveness, Gender of Defendants and Type of Crime on Sentencing Decisions.
Akgül, M. (2019) The effectiveness of interventions in reducing sleep problems in chronic pain : a systematic review on randomized controlled trials.
Akgül, M.T.D. (2023) The Influence of Traffic Density and Repeated Exposure to Roundabouts on Driver Behavior.
Aksoy, M. (2018) The effects of acts of kindness on mental well-being and the mediating role of positive and negative emotions : a randomized controlled trial.
Albermann, L. (2023) The Role of Social Support in the Experience of Personal Growth following Daily Stressors : An Experience Sampling Study.
Albers, Thomas (2011) Eindelijk, mijn scriptie over uitstellen. Een verkennend onderzoek naar de relatie tussen mindfulness, uitstellen, stress en geestelijke gezondheid.
Albert, A. N. (2022) Constructing Climate Emotions : An Interview-Based Exploration with Climate Fiction Readers.
Aldag, Lukas (2018) Text Mining Childhood Memories.
Alferink, L.J.T.M. (2015) Wat beweegt initiatiefnemers van Nieuwe Business Modellen? : een onderzoek naar motieven voor duurzame initiatieven.
Alink, L. (2015) Leven met pijn online’ als zelfhulpcursus in eerstelijnszorg : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de gebruikerservaringen van de cursusdeelnemers.
Allen, J.J. (2018) Characteristics of Users and Reported Effects of the Wim Hof Method : A Mixed-Methods Study.
Altin, I. (2014) Non-specifieke factoren bij chronische pijn patiënten tijdens een multidisciplinaire behandeling.
Altman, Adin (2021) The significance of social closeness : a study on social support, strength use, and subjective well-being in young adults.
Amariei, Alexandru (2024) Cooking Up Ideas : Evaluating The Cookery as a Sensemaking Tool for Addressing Societal Challenges.
Amazu, A.A. (2020) Well-being within the digital transformation age among university students : an exploratory research.
Amodeo, M.B.K. (2019) Motivation and related psychological needs of dropouts in secondary vocational education.
Amui, Rebecca (2023) The positive psychology app ‘Training in Positivity’ for stress in healthcare workers.
Andres, Benedikt Kurt (2024) Can Online Positive Psychology Interventions based on the PERMA model increase Happiness? : A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Andrioti, E.K.A. (2023) Exploring the Topics of Turning Points in Emerging Adults’ Narratives.
Angsmann, T. (2016) Posttraumatische Groei onder Partners van Kankerpatienten : Voorspellers en Effecten van de Interventie "Houvast, voor elkaar".
Aničkova, Serafima (2024) Investigating the Impact of Distress on the Effectiveness and Adherence to Ecological Momentary Interventions : A Micro-Randomised Trial.
Ankersmid, Jet Wies (2019) The Effects of the Philips Audio Neurofeedback System on Sleep.
Annema, J.-H. (2008) Strategies in virtual anatomical learning.
Annighöfer, M.L.D. (2016) On the tracks of the ‘Happiness Route’: demystifying the obscure world of counselor logbooks.
Anoniem, A. (2017) Item availability restricted.
Appel, J. E. (2020) Existential interventions in cancer : an umbrella review.
Appelman, L.A. (2016) Gebruik van een verhoorstijl voor het ontdekken van een leugen : beschuldigende stijl of informatie verzamelende stijl?
Apprich, N.F.A. (2024) Fostering Compassion and Mindfulness : Exploring Narratives of Depressed Individuals Undergoing Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living Treatment.
Arendsen, J. (2010) Constructvaliditeit van de Five Facet Mindfulness : questionnaire bij mensen met fibromyalgie.
Arendt, Alexander (2017) Towards reliable and valid prediction of MIS-performance with basic laparoscopic tasks in the LapSim and low-fi dexterity tasks.
Arjomand, Arya (2022) Meaning in imagination : a visual narrative study of moral imagination in Covid-19 related moral dilemmas.
Armagan Arslankaya, Ilkyaz Caggul (2023) Exploring the Potential of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) in Detecting Driver Vigilance Decrement: A Study on Prolonged Highway Driving.
Arndt, Laura (2021) “I will do it later.”: The association between momentary procrastination and state personality.
Arning, Laila (2017) Predicting readmission to detoxification in clients with alcohol- and drug dependence.
Askamp, J. (2010) Visual attention and motor learning in dyslexics and controls.
Asma, L. (2008) Emotional pain modulation : an effect of emotion, attention or empathy for pain.
Assink, A. (2017) Triarchische instructie versus directe instructive : even effectief voor alle leerlingen?
Assink, N. (2014) Does time pressure induce tunnel vision? An examination with the Eriksen Flanker Task.
Assink, N.A. (2014) Begrenzing van behandelduur : cliëntfactoren en oplossingen volgens behandelaren op de afdeling Angst en Stemming bij Dimence Deventer.
Ata, Yasemin (2016) A longitudinal research aimed at investigating the role of coping styles in the process of change in schema modes.
Aten, E.C. (2017) Changing Sedentary Behavior at the Office: the development process of a persuasive mobile health application for office workers.
Augustijn, Else (2023) Adapting the Engagement Level of the Growing Greener Card Game to Stimulate Climate-Friendly Behaviour for Elementary School Students.
Aukes, A.V.A. (2012) The use of a drawing-based simulation for modeling the solar systems : an experimental study among children in the SimSketch learning environment.
Aulkemeyer, M. (2020) Compassion Satisfaction in Crisis Line Volunteers : Determinants of Compassion Satisfaction and its Protective Impact on the Experience of Secondary Traumatic Stress and General Well-Being.
Ausländer, H.J. (2024) Investigating how Reddit users discuss Anthropomorphism and Identification regarding the Movie “Avatar – The Way of Water”.
Averdung, J. (2021) The state of the art of media-based interventions for eating disorders in clinical and non-clinical women aged 12 to 28 : a systematic literature review.
Avest, Aylin ter (2020) What is the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental wellbeing?
Ayseli, Sophia (2020) Customization in eHealth – The application of customization in behavioural change interventions aimed at improving physical activity and dietary behaviour.
Açikel, Y. (2014) Een studie naar het welbevinden van cliënten met posttraumatische stress-stoornis voor en na behandeling.
BELTMAN, B. (2016) The right expression, but the wrong sender? The effects of Self-categorization and Politeness on the receiver of verbal Social control.
BERUMEN SALAZAR, J.G (2016) Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials and the Visual Perception Curve.
BRINKS, F.K. (2016) Welbevinden en klachten als voorspellers van non-adherentie bij patiënten met een Posttraumatische Stress-Stoornis in de tweedelijns GGZ.
Baarspul, H.C. (2009) Team performance : the relationship between interdependence and the outcome of decision making.
Baas, M.I.A. (2020) The relationship between psychological capital and twenty first century skills in an educational setting.
Babel, K. (2022) Comparing identity-, task-, and relationship-oriented leadership behaviours regarding the effects on different work-related outcomes.
Bachoe, S.D. (2013) ‘Er was eens …’ : Het leven als narratief onderzoek naar de relatie tussen persoonlijkheid, depressiviteit en identiteitsherinneringen bij ouderen.
Backers, P.W. (2013) Van stereotype naar vonnis: oderzoek naar de invloed van stereotypering op basis van geslacht en etniciteit van de verdachte op het vonnis.
Backhaus, M. (2015) Vraag naar Gezondheid! : een onderzoek naar het draagvlak onder zorgprofessionals voor het concept Positieve Gezondheid.
Bader, D. S. C. (2020) An explorative analysis on investigative interviewing during undercover jailhouse operations.
Baindurashvili, Gvantsa (2021) The psychometric network structure of maladaptive personality trait facets in eating disorder patients.
Bakker, Eline (2018) Psychologische en farmacologische behandelmogelijkheden bij gegeneraliseerde angststoornis : een systematische review.
Bakker, K. M. (2022) Compassion in organisations from supervisors and co-workers : do size and nature of the organisation matter?
Bakker, M. (2008) Spatial ability in primary school: effects of the Tridio® learning material.
Bakker, Mariella (2006) Sekseverschillen in Leiderschap : Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen leiderschapsstijlen, self-efficacy en stereotypen en de impact van geslachtsverschillen.
Bakker, Marije (2012) Zelfredzaamheid bij onbeheersbare natuurbranden: “Een onderzoek naar de determinanten van zelfredzaamheid".
Bakkeren, Jeroen (2019) Countering ethnic profiling : does psychological safety influence training transfer?
Bakkers, J.T. (2023) Exploring the Social Support Needs of Dutch Bereaved Individuals: a Qualitative Study.
Balaji, Divyaa (2019) Assessing user satisfaction with information chatbots: a preliminary investigation.
Balci, L. (2015) Focus op draagvlak : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar het draagvlak voor een online informatie- en adviesdienst voor jongeren met psychosociale problemen.
Balt, A.C. (2023) The Relationship between Mindfulness and Lucid Dreaming: A Systematic Review.
Balvers, Carolien (2017) Monitoren van positieve gezondheid : het ontwikkelen van feedback voor de gezondheidsapp MeetMoment.
Banach, N. (2022) Reducing Speciesism : An Intervention Towards Changing People’s Attitudes and Behavioural Intentions.
Bareišytė, Lina (2021) Using Virtual Reality to Improve Subjective Vitality : Design and Pilot Study for a Virtual Nature Environment.
Barendregt, Wendy (2011) Gedogen - the psychological aspects of Dutch tolerance.
Barneveld, Cheryl (2024) Primary Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives Regarding Integrating eHealth into their Psycho-Oncological Care Practices: A Qualitative Interview Study.
Bartenbach, Hendrik (2017) Does a contralateral decrease in alpha power during the orienting phase predict visual awareness?
Barton, Isabel (2016) The use of Photovoice for recovery research of cancer survivors. A systematic review.
Bartsch, Kathrin (2021) Inter- and intraindividual differences in empathy-response to Covid-19 related moral dilemmas.
Batzel, Anna (2013) How and for whom ‘Living with pain online’ works - An integrated moderation mediation analysis.
Baudach, Lucas (2023) Exploring the Evidence for the Effectiveness of Mindfulness as Treatment Approach for Sleep Disturbance : A Systematic Literature Review.
Bauer, N. (2015) Improving cancer patients' quality of life : a qualitative study on the chances and barriers of physical activity to alleviate cancer patients’ fatigue.
Bauhuf, S. (2021) The effects of mindfulness on teachers' self-efficacy in primary education.
Baukloh, C.I. (2015) De ontwikkeling van een codeerschema voor gezichtsuitdrukkingen die wijzen op de emotionele expressie van verdriet.
Baune, Lilli (2024) The Interplay of Childhood Adversity, Resilience, Gender, and Anxiety : Investigating Protective and Risk Factors for the Development of Psychopathology.
Bašić, D. (2024) The entertainment value of conspiracy theories: a replication and extension.
Beadle, Thomas P.W. (2020) Evaluating a teacher-delivered character strengths intervention: Teacher experience and impact on student engagement in elementary education.
Becker, L. (2009) Can the design of food packaging influence the taste experience of its content?
Becker, Laura (2017) Agency in the life stories of people with a personality disorder.
Becker, Nora (2018) Psychometric properties of the forms of self-criticizing/-attacking and self-reassuring scale in people with eating disorders in the Netherlands.
Becker, S. (2014) The effects of acceptance- and mindfulness- based interventions on chronic pain : A systematic review.
Beeftink, Anne (2023) Measuring the Effect of Instruction in Metacognitive Knowledge and Skills on the Autonomy of First-Year Vocational Education Students.
Beek, F. van (2013) The effectiveness and efficiency of a new infusion pump interface: results from a longitudinal comparative study.
Beernink, Susanne (2021) Conceptualisation of Therapeutic Presence and interpretation of the Therapeutic Presence Inventory – Therapist (NL) by Dutch therapists.
Beernink, Wendy (2013) Een exploratieve studie naar de multidimensionaliteit van de nederlandse vertaling van Ryffs schalen van psychologisch welbevinden - Een psychometrisch proces.
Begeman, M.C. (2015) De invloed van sociale interactie en ervaren autonomie op de relatie tussen het nieuwe werken en arbeidstevredenheid.
Behle, Carina R. (2020) Interventions for cognitive impairments and mental health by the means of virtual reality among stroke survivors.
Behrendt-Richter, Luis Matthias (2023) An exploratory study using text mining methods to investigate online therapists' feedback texts for the use of empathy.
Behrens, Jan (2024) Queer Minority Stress and Resilience in everyday life: An ecological momentary assessment study.
Bekendam, M.T. (2015) Positieve psychologie online : de effecten van een multicomponente zelfhulpcursus.
Beker, D. (2014) Eye-tracking in ambulant behavioral research : a requirements analysis.
Bekmanis, Norberts (2023) Artificial Intelligence Conversational Agents : A Measure of Satisfaction in Use.
Bellmann, Christine (2010) Communicating harmony versus conflict in an online environment : the effects of portraits & shape on website user response.
Beltman, Eva Johanna (2011) Sharing Photos, sharing my life - Improving social connectedness between mentally disabled children and their absent parents by introducing a distant photo exchange system.
Bender, F.R. (2024) Evaluaton of the low budget do it yourself eye tracking system: Your Eye Tracker (YET).
Benken, M.S.A. von den (2021) Environment and Fear: Their Effect on Drone Acceptance, Information Needs, and Privacy Concern.
Berden, N.K. (2020) Using the TWEETS for expected engagement assessment to personalize mental health apps A Mixed-Methods Approach.
Berenbrinker, C.J. (2017) Het modererend effect van zelfkritiek op de relatie tussen negatieve dagelijkse ervaringen en de geestelijke gezondheid.
Berezowska, A. (2009) Voorkomen beter dan genezen : onderzoek naar factoren bij de omgang met medicijnrestanten.
Berg, I.F.W. van den (2011) Exploring possible relationships between motivation and commitment.
Berg, Nina van den (2021) Four decades of qualitative research : a meta-synthesis of external factors that help and hinder in eating disorder recovery.
Berg, S.H.M.P. van den (2021) Evaluating a smoking cessation application by involving end-users and health insurance companies : a mixed methods approach.
Berg, T. van den (2013) Can a consumers' gaze be controlled? An analysis of the impact of social cues and nutrition claims in packaging design.
Berge, E.C. van den (2019) A Qualitative Study on Types of Prosocial Behaviour and Their Effect on Well-Being.
Berge, H.J. ten (2021) Understanding the illness perceptions, quality of life, behavioural lifestyle changes and information needs of NALFD patients : a Dutch survey study.
Berger, Alena (2016) Needs and wishes of young carers with regard to an online self-help intervention based on PP with gamification.
Berger, Raphaela (2021) Reducing fatigue in kidney patients : evaluation of a computer-based cognitive bias modification treatment.
Bergsma, Susan (2012) Ontwikkeling en validatie van de Twente Values Scale.
Berkemeier, L. (2021) What causes the "sharp end effect" in the recall of disaster reports?
Berkhoff, A.R. (2020) Combining think-aloud protocols with eye tracking technology for usability: An exploratory comparative analysis.
Berndt, Lukas (2024) The Role of Context Factors in Ecological Momentary Interventions for Mental Health Promotion : A Micro-Randomised Trial.
Bernebée-Say, Lara (2021) All You Can Watch! Will You? : The Association of Video on Demand Watching and Feelings of Guilt Over Time - An Experience Sampling Method Post-Hoc Research.
Bernhard, J.P. (2021) Does simulated alcohol exposure through virtual reality cue-exposure therapy decrease state levels of alcohol craving and anxiety in patients with alcohol use disorder?
Bernhardt, Elisabeth (2023) Personal, Social, and Behavioural Factors Influencing Women’s Well-being During the Pre- and Postnatal Period.
Bernhardt, Marilena (2021) To Sleep or Not to Sleep: Body Scan Effectiveness in Adolescents with Insomnia and Cooccurring Depression and Anxiety Symptoms within CBT-i Treatment.
Berns, M.R. (2023) Ambiguous microaggressions and stress? Linking process, person and context : an experience sampling study.
Besselink, Merijn (2019) Learning to play music : Exploring massed versus distributed practice regimes for non-musicians.
Besten, A.L. den (2017) Truth (or) lies within the eyes - Examining the effects of guilty knowledge with eye-tracking.
Bettendorf, Ann-Britt (2024) Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Blended Employee-Health Lifestyle Intervention in a Middle Eastern Cohort : Pilot Study.
Beuker, Tatjana (2021) Designing Human-Agent-Teaming for First Responders.
Beukers, Annemarie (2024) The Effect of Perceived Rapport and Commitment on Motivation in the Dutch Military Service Year.
Beukeveld, B.M. (2023) The Influence of a Self-Control Training App on Self-Control and Social Networking Sites Usage for Students Using ESM and SCED.
Beurden, J. van (2021) Collaborative words : a collaborative language application for practicing phonological awareness in kindergarten.
Beuvink, L.J. (2016) Post traumatische groei in partners van kankerpatiënten ëen kwalitatief exploratief onderzoek naar groeimogelijkheden.
Bevers, Inge (2007) A change of perspecitive : the influence of camera angles on product evaluation.
Beyer, S.L. (2024) Investigation of Expectations and Barriers to Motivation in Dropout from Web-Based Interventions: A Multi-Method Qualitative Study.
Bhansing, Neeta (2010) Change in perception of organizational culture after merger : the influence of motivation, acceptance and knowledge.
Bibic, Kira B. (2021) Compliance with corona measures: Predictive mechanisms and perceptions of governmental crisis communication.
Bickel, E.A. (2016) Participating in the 'participation society': Differences between natives and ethnic minorities.
Bie, H. de (2014) The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment : Towards a Dutch Appraisal of Critical Thinking.
Bie, M.J. van der (2024) How Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Vulnerable to Trauma Narrate Their Experience : A Computational Linguistic Analysis of COVID-19 Patients' Experiences during and after Hospitalization.
Bierhuizen, Nienke (2019) Perceiving Directional Feedback via Vibro-Tactile Stimulation in a Virtual Environment.
Bieselt, Helena Elisabeth (2021) How People Define Sexism: The Role of Intent and Harm in Judgements of Sexism towards Women in the Workplace.
Bigga, Jasmin Sophie (2020) Assessing User Satisfaction with Chatbots : Towards the Standardization of the USIC scale.
Bijkerk, T. (2007) Appraisal or Selection: Comparative analysis of traffic risk perception of French and Dutch drivers.
Bijvank, M. (2014) Facial composite production : the usability of therReverse correlation image classification technique for perpetrator recognition.
Bilgin, Y. (2009) De relaties tussen persoonlijkheid, interpersoonlijke bekwaamheden en conflicthanteringstijl van docenten.
Bingöl, Aishe (2024) The European Digital Divide During Covid-19 Experienced by Vulnerable Groups : A Scoping Review.
Binnenmars, N. (2021) A disease which affects us all : a study evaluating the way in which informal caregivers of cancer patients are self-compassionate and the applicability of the intervention “hold on for each other”.
Bischoff, Milan (2024) Evaluating the reliability of relative frontal alpha asymmetry as a state-dependent correlate of the stress response in a mixed-sex sample : A replication study.
Blaimer, Klara (2019) Adaptability in Law Enforcement : t owards a conceptual framework of adaptive behaviour.
Bloch, Marten (2018) Alleviating Motion Sickness through Presentations on Interior Panels of Autonomous Vehicles.
Bloeme, Randy (2016) Wildplassers een handje geholpen : positieve gedragsbeïnvloeding in de context van een uitgaansgebied.
Blok, M. (2014) Online Life Review interventie : reden van deelname en ervaren positieve geestelijke gezondheid.
Bloom, Jessica de (2006) Free Mover : Langzeitstudie über Studienerfolg und Probleme deutscher Studierender an der Universität Twente.
Blässe, T.I. (2012) Hoop op verbetering door hoopgevend schrijven: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar leeftijdsverschillen in betekenisverlening aan twee zelfhulpcursussen met e-mailbegeleiding.
Bockholt, Elisa (2022) Potential Mechanisms in a Novel Positive Psychology Intervention Enhancing Personal Recovery in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: A Mediation Analysis.
Bodde, R.E.A. (2020) Het effect van de Dramatherapeutische Zelfbeeldmodule op welbevinden bij mensen met een persoonlijkheidsstoornis.
Bodur, Sena Yasemin (2023) A Scoping Review into Personalised Treatment Based On Person-Specific Networks in Mental Health Care.
Boele, N.W. (2017) Examining rapport in investigative interviewing : the effects of number of interviewers present and veracity conditions on rapport.
Boelhouwer, Anika (2016) Analysis of system usage and knowledge development of the current PAL system for children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Boer, A. (2021) Continuity of forensic care, Factors for discharge of forensic psychiatric patients within domains mental health and problem behaviour.
Boer, P.N. de (2021) Signals of Islamic radicalization at primary schools in the Netherlands : Do signals of Islamic radicalization from secondary education appear in primary education?
Boer, P.S. de (2017) The Role of Goal Orientation in Enhancing Adaptability by Using Serious Gaming.
Boer, T.A. de (2020) The disruption of a patient : a longitudinal study about the association between global functioning and disruptive behaviour of patients in the acute psychiatric care.
Boeren, Anne-Marie (2012) Stress en coping tijdens de politieopleiding - Onderzoek naar de invloed van organisatiestressoren, werkstress en coping op uitval tijdens de politieopleiding.
Boering, Helena (2011) Kennis bij conflict - De invloed van conflictsoort en conflicthanteringstijl op kennisdelen en de invloed van kennisdelen op werkwelzijn.
Boerkamp, M.J.P. (2020) The role of implementation intentions to increase adherence in eMental health programs.
Boerrigter, E.J. (2014) Healing environments in de psychiatrie : klassieke muziek in de wachtkamer.
Boerstal, J.C.M. (2015) Voorspellers van drop out onder cliënten met persoonlijkheidsstoornissen in een klinische behandelsetting gebaseerd op schematherapie.
Boeve, G.J. (2016) The impact of leader feedback on efficacy beliefs in risk communication.
Bogdan, C. (2023) Could physical activity be a valuable resource to lower stress in everyday life?
Bohlouli, Sanaz (2020) The self-determining potential of immigration and its impact on well-being : a qualitative analysis of immigrant students' post-migration future perspectives.
Bohms, Q.H.A. (2017) Eustress en mentaal welbevinden : een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen mentaal welbevinden en eustress.
Bohr-Feld, Charlotte (2017) The role of experiential avoidance for the quality of life in a sample of patients with diverse personality disorders.
Bojer, Jonah (2021) What clusters or profiles of flourishers are present in the general population?
Boksebeld, B.H.H. (2011) Schuldhulp en herstel.
Bolhuis, Wendy (2006) Commercial Breaks and Ongoing Emotions: Effects of Program Arousal and Valence on Emotions, Memory and Evaluation of Commercials.
Bolk, A.M. (2017) Voorspellers van non-compliance in welbevindentherapie.
Bollmann, Nele (2022) Usability Assessment of a Self-Control Training App for Students with ADHD.
Bomhof, C.A. (2023) Positive Psychological Interventions for Sexual (Dys)Function and Their Efficacy : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Bomhof, Lisan (2017) Experience says it all! Or not..? : Situation awareness on the fire ground.
Bondarenko, Aljona (2024) Association of Phenylalanine Levels and Dietary Control with Cognitive Performance in Early-Treated Phenylketonuria : A Retrospective Longitudinal Study from Childhood to Adolescence.
Bonekamp, Felix (2024) Exploring and Comparing Climate Change Discussions on Reddit: Unveiling the Discrete Emotions Expressed by Believers and Deniers.
Bonensteffen, Florian (2018) Does he mean what he says? : Using Eye Tracking to understand Victim - Offender Mediation.
Bong, E.J. (2015) Computerondersteund onderzoekend leren met simulaties: noodzaak aan niveau en/of leeftijdsdifferentiatie?
Bongers, D. (2019) Hoe zeg je stop? : Een exploratief onderzoek vanuit een pragmatisch communicatieve benadering naar hondentherapie bij adolescenten met een angststoornis.
Bontekoe, F. (2008) Luister met je ogen! : het non-verbale gedrag bij sociale beïnvloeding.
Bontioti, Antonia (2024) The Impact of Sustainability Beliefs and Color Perception on Consumption Behavior in a Virtual Supermarket.
Bonus, T. R. (2018) Public transport systems of the future : enhancing user acceptance.
Boom, A.S. (2009) Are you in for the long run? : the role of depletion and replenishment in the persuasion process.
Boom, Q.O. (2016) The Measurement of Emotional States present during Deception.
Boomhuis, G. (2009) Het leven als een verhaal : de ontwikkeling van een vragenlijst over ‘narrative foreclosure’ voor ouderen.
Boomsma, F. (2008) De keerzijde van cohesie? : een onderzoek naar de positieve en negatieve invloed van cohesie op solidair gedrag en kennisdelen in teams.
Boone, Marit (2007) Fruit eten: een gezonde gewoonte. 'De relatie tussen sociaal-economische status en sociale cognities en gewoonte ten aanzien van fruitconsumptie.
Boonk, Esther (2012) Kosten-effectiviteitsanalyses en de cursus ‘Geen Paniek’.
Borgerink, A.H.M. (2016) Perceptions and experiences of health care professionals on the use of eHealth technology in daily practice. Qualitative research on the Personal Health Record e-Vita.
Borgmann, Theresa (2016) The sense of coherence in imagined future narratives : a qualitative analysis.
Bornefeld-Ettmann, C. (2018) A longitudinal study about the predictors of positive emotions : resilience, acceptance, and psychological well-being.
Boros, Sara (2024) Exploring Uncertainty Management in Engineering Design Teams in a CAD-enhanced Learning Environment.
Borst, Gerrit (2022) The making of intentional communication errors and their effect on trust, rapport and information provision, and the ethics regarding error making strategies.
Bos, Corinne van den (2012) The employee evaluation of career success.
Bos, M. A. van den (2021) Testing a scale for perceived usability and user satisfaction in chatbots: Testing the BotScale.
Bosch, A.F. van den (2015) Wat zit er achter de soa-test? : een behoefteanalyse op de Poli Seksuele Gezondheid naar aanvullende zorg over seks, liefde en relaties in de vorm van eHealth.
Bosma, Leandra O. (2006) Eén gedachte, één ziel? Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen consensus & organisatieklimaat met betrekking tot prestatiebeloning binnen een organisatie.
Bosman, E.H. (2008) De mens als marionet van de marketeer : zelfcontrole is de sleutel.
Bosse, E. (2018) Understanding mobile app engagement : an interview study investigating user experiences with health apps.
Bosse, Kira (2010) Effecten van een zelfhulp interventie gebaseerd op Acceptance and Commitment Therapy op vermoeidheid, psychologische flexibiliteit en mindfulness.
Bossink, Jonne (2011) ‘Duurzame inzetbaarheid’ Een onderzoek naar factoren die de duurzame inzetbaarheid van (oudere) medewerkers beïnvloeden.
Botterman, J. (2013) Exploring fatigue patterns over time in early osteoarthritis.
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