University of Twente Student Theses
Programme: Psychology BSc (56604)
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Aardenne, S.M. (2009) Keten, ouders en beleid : is er een gemene deler? : verkennend onderzoek naar de meningen ten aanzien van keten van keeteigenaren, ouders van keetbezoekers en beleidsmedewerkers.
Ababei, Ioana (2021) From Reflection to Organisational Change: an Exploration of the Impact of Reflection on Change Supportive Behaviours.
Abdelaziz, L. (2020) The strengths used by young adults to cope with their anxiety in their everyday life.
Acar, Alisa (2020) Binge-Watching and its impact on physical health : the association of binge-watching and (daily) physical activity.
Acar, Ayse (2025) Sexist Narratives in Video Games : Impact on Male Avatar Customization.
Acar, T. (2010) Unfinished sympathy : verkennend onderzoek naar het perspectief van inleners ten aanzien van uitzendkrachten.
Acikel, Y. (2013) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy als e-health nazorgprogramma in de vorm van website en app voor chronische pijn patiënten.
Adam, J.T. (2020) How the company of others and being alone affect feelings of loneliness and gratitude : an experience sampling study.
Afram, B. (2008) Nederland vs. de Verenigde Staten : een vergelijking van studies naar alcoholgebruik onder jongeren en jong volwassenen.
Agelink, Maarten (2006) Leiderschap en charisma : theoretisch en kwalitatief onderzoek.
Ahe, L. von der (2022) Mental Wellbeing and Cybercrime (The Psychological Impact of Cybercrime on the Victim).
Ahlemeyer, Jan-Luca (2019) An experience sampling study into intra-individual correlations between bodily signals and experienced feelings.
Ahmad, Khadidja (2024) The Role of Age and Psychological Support on Prolonged Grief Disorder.
Ahrendt, J. (2020) Acceptance of drones : does it matter who operates a drone?
Aitink, C.M.J. (2013) De vergelijking van twee soorten ondersteuning bij onderzoekend leren op een basisschool: het geven van domeininformatie vs. het geven van hypotheses.
Ajoori, T.J. (2021) The Impact of Communication Errors on Interviewer Feelings of Stress and Shame.
Aken, M.A.J. van (2011) “Mijn dierbare heeft kanker, wat moet ik nu?” Een systematic review naar de verschillende interventies voor partners van kankerpatiënten.
Akgül, M.T.D. (2022) Informal Caregivers’ Acceptance Towards In-Home Monitoring Technology for Home-Based Dementia care and Its Determinants.
Akkermann, S. (2023) The Effect of Guilt Presumption Within Police Interviews.
Akremi, E.A. (2024) From couch to screen : A cross-sectional survey study into psychology students’ openness to use technology in their future.
Akremi, H.A. (2024) Scrolling until Satisfaction : Exploring the Influence of Instagram Use and Reward Sensitivity on Well-being among Young People.
Aksoy, Merve (2017) A comparison of nested and cross-cutting common ingroup identities and the role of ingroup projection, distinctiveness and intergroup threat on outgroup attitudes.
Albermann, Louisa (2022) The Relationship between Appearance-focused Instagram Content and Body Dissatisfaction in Young Adults: The mediating Role of Self-esteem.
Albers, H.A. (2023) Investigating the Correlation between the Value Priorities of Companies in Germany and Their Implementation of Gender Equality Measures.
Albert, A.N. (2021) The combination of an explicit and implicit intervention : the effects of an explicit sleeping intervention on university students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Albrecht, C. (2016) The effect of reading narratives : how does perspective taking influence prosocial behavior?
Aldag, L. (2017) Are automated behaviors still influenced by stimuli in a practiced discrete sequence production task?
Aldiek, Lisa (2015) The lateralization of anticipatory alpha oscillations while allocating visuospatial attention.
Alfs, L. (2016) Effect van een blauwachtige omgeving op Welbevinden, Gevoelens en Creativiteit van Kleuters.
Algra, D.I. (2015) Impliciete meetmethoden toegepast op vermoeidheid.
Alink, B.W.J. (2019) A study about how public users experience (perceive) the user interface of the OneHealth game Subtitle: Evaluation of user interface design.
Alker, L.A. (2019) Distress tolerance as a mediator of the relation between stress mindset and anxiety.
Allmann, N.L. (2025) Tunes and Toons : The Impact of Background Music on Motivation and Memory and the Role of the Moderator Effect Music Affinity.
Alpaslan, S.A. (2023) Can the gamification element storytelling increase motivation and learning outcomes of students in higher education in an online inquiry-based-learning environment?
Althof, H.W. (2021) Insights into cognitive processing of the go/nogo Discrete Sequence Production task: A replication study.
Amanzada, Regina (2021) The Relation between Loneliness and the Well-being of Students, and the Influence of Coping- strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Amariei, A.L. (2020) Usability assessment of medical training applications : exploring the dimensionality of the system usability scale.
Amazu, Amanda (2019) The existing Practice regarding the Application of Acoustic Cues in the Treatment of Elderly Patients with Dementia - a Scoped Literature Review.
Amoo, W.O.N.O. (2023) Constructing the Apocalypse : Exploring Young People’s Climate Thoughts and Emotions after Reading Apocalyptic Climate Stories.
Amui, Rebecca (2019) "Can the eyes of a suspect reveal that he is guilty of a crime?" : Solving crimes with eye-tracking technology.
Analbers, D.A.C. (2013) Electrodermal activity during napping and its relationship with performances on a reaction time task.
Andres, Benedikt (2023) The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Problematic Internet Use: The Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation.
Andres, L.M. (2019) Cognitive Enhancement Drug Use among University Students: The Role of Perfectionism and Perceived Stress.
Andringa, Simone (2008) De effectiviteit van psychologische interventies voor angst en angststoornissen op latere leeftijd.
Angsmann, Theresa (2015) Het effect van verhoorstijl op leugen detectie.
Anickova, Serafima (2023) Promoting Social Connectedness in International University Students by Using Storytelling and Virtual Nature.
Annema, J-H (2006) Context-dependent learning in a SRT task.
Anneveldt, M.M. (2023) The Relationship between Instagram use and Well-being: the role of Self-esteem.
Annighöfer, M.L.D. (2014) Healing environments: classical usic in the waiting room of a mental health care facility.
Anoniem, A. (2014) Item availability restricted.
Anoniem, A. (2016) Item availability restricted.
Anoniem, A. (2021) The Association between Sedentary Behaviour and State Emotional Exhaustion in Higher Education Students : An Experience Sampling Study.
Anthony, Y.C. (2013) Voorspellers van rookgedrag van patiënten met COPD.
Appelman, L.A. (2014) Behoefte aan derde-partij-hulp bij een arbeidsconflict : het effect van erkenning.
Apprich, N.F.A. (2023) Scrolling Through the Climate Crisis : Exploring the Impact of Climate Change Related Doomscrolling on Helplessness and Depression.
Arendt, A. (2016) Experimental evaluation of students' performance in judging statistical visualizations.
Arendt, Moritz (2015) My dear robot : anthropomorphism and loneliness.
Arik-Erdinc, T. (2007) De meerwaarde van Human Resource Management binnen MKB bedrijven in de reclame en communicatie sector.
Arjomand, Mr. Arya (2020) Measuring How You Feel: Monitoring Grit And Self-Efficacy On A Daily Basis.
Arndt, Laura (2020) The effect of empty chair method on future self connection in vivo and in virtual reality.
Arning, L. (2014) Lowering the risk of nicotine dependence in cannabis users : an approach to assess determinants of cannabis users willingness to use nicotine free tobacco.
Artemovych, Emiliia (2024) The Impact of Dynamic Guardianship and Personality Traits on Safety Perception.
Arts, M.A.M (2017) The effect of structured instruction on collaboration in upper grade primary school students.
Arzbach, Jonathan (2021) The influence of self-control on self-oriented perfectionistic strivings in students.
Asma, L. (2007) Framing and the cost of not knowing : the effects of framing on the trade-off between the cost of not knowing and the cost of finding out.
Asselt, Leonie van (2024) The Effect of Neuroticism on the Relationship Between Screen Time and Social Connectedness in Students Enrolled in Tertiary Education.
Assen, L.J. (2024) Quality of Interaction With Chatbots as a Function of Fairness, Appearance and Congruence With Participants' Declared Sex.
Ata, Y. (2013) Perspective taking in a criminal context : the effect of self-reflection & group membership of the offender on perspective taking.
Aulkemeyer, M. (2019) Predicting and Improving the Public’s Attitudes and Beliefs About Victim-Offender Mediation in Response to a Serious Crime.
Ausländer, Hanna Judith (2023) Investigating the Influence of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Social Support and the Resulting Growth after Daily Negative Events.
Austermann, L. (2013) Does monetary reward enhance motor sequence learning?
Austermann, Maria (2018) The role of outcome expectancy and credibility beliefs in the outcome of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Austermann, Maria Isabella (2016) Explanations for substance use : The role of explicit and implicit compensatory health beliefs and personality for alcohol/nicotine-related risk-behavior.
Austrup, Sebastian (2011) The person behind the “broken window” : the influence of the environment and personality on undesired behavior.
Avanisian, E.G. (2024) Exploring the Impact of Student Sedentary Leisure Time on Mood: Moderating Role of Openness to Experience via Experience Sampling Methods.
Averdung, J. (2020) Social media and mental health : The influence of social media usage on the emergence of eating disorders.
Aveskamp, E.B.J. (2013) De gezondheid van partners van patiënten met kanker.
Aveskamp, M. (2008) Stichting Verzorgd Empowered! : een beschrijving van de werkwijze van Stichting Verzorgd aan de hand van het begrip empowerment.
Avest, A. Ter (2018) Witnessing fraud: reporting or intervening : moral emotions, moral values, self-efficacy, and threat to the social identity on reporting behavior and intervening behavior.
Avis, L.S.S. (2012) De invloed van geuren op consumentengedrag in een restaurant.
Aydin, M. (2024) Task Switching in the Eriksen Flanker Task : Insights into Response Competition and Cognitive Control Mechanisms.
Aydin, N. (2024) The Prediction of Personality on Psychology Student’s Technology Acceptance Regarding Future Careers.
Ayseli, S. (2019) Countering messages by the anti-vaccine movement on social media.
Baars, Martin (2022) The Influence of a Positive Psychology App on Depression and Anxiety amongst University Students.
Baarspul, H. (2007) Sensation seeking en de prospect theory.
Baas, M.I.A. (2017) The influence of team leader stress on team effectiveness and leadership effectiveness in a simulated CPR setting.
Backhaus, M. (2014) Online life-review in groepsverband : een onderzoek naar de ervaringen van cursisten met depressieve klachten.
Bader, A. (2024) Interacting with AI-driven Chatbots : The Effect of Fairness and Chatbot Appearance on User Experience and Intention of Use.
Bagala, S. (2021) Control Yourself! : how are Trait and State Self-Control related to Prosociality in Young Adults?
Bajwa, M.Q. (2012) Het gebruik van QuikScan tijdens vergaderingen.
Bakker, E.S. (2017) Effecten van verschillende copingstijlen op eustress en distress en de algemene gezondheid van studenten.
Bakker, Jeldrik (2011) Interne Bewustwording Cittaslow in de Gemeente Borger-Odoorn.
Bakker, K. M. (2020) The relationship between stages of change and perceived acceptability of persuasive strategies in mHealth interventions.
Balci, J. (2019) Standardized Versus Personalized Mobile Alcohol Approach Bias Measurement.
Balen, Nika (2023) Investigating Insomnia Disorder Treatment in Patients with Substance Use Disorder.
Balvers, A. (2016) Slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling : de invloed van gevoelens van daders op de bereidheid aan deelname.
Bamberg, Kim Lara (2020) The perceived risks of tattoos.
Banach, N. (2021) Fear Appeal Message as an Intervention to Increase Risk Awareness, Attitude Change and Promote Self-Protective Action to Prevent Future Zoonoses.
Bandstra, R. (2013) Emotional Intelligence of store managers, store cohesiveness, and store performance within a large retail firm: verbetering en aanvulling van een wetenschappelijk artikel.
Bangel, K. (2009) Cultural differences in providing wayfinding directions.
Bannink, A.J. (2006) De invloed van alcohol op seksueel risicogedrag.
Barbaros, Victoria (2023) Exploring Momentary Mental Resilience and State Emotional Regulation Strategies in Daily Life Using Experience Sampling Method.
Bareišytė, L. (2020) Measuring the difference between self-reported and actual self-regulated learning behaviours in university students.
Bartenbach, H. (2014) Leercurves op de LapSim in relatie tot cognitieve vaardigheden.
Barth, Daniel (2023) The Relationship between Instagram Engagement and Symptoms of Depression in young adults.
Barthauer, L. (2009) Unfinished sympathy : een inlenersperspectief ten aanzien van uitzendkrachten.
Bartman, S.C. (2020) Perception versus reality : Computer-assisted collaborative problem solving skills in students.
Barton, I. (2015) The use of serious games and gamification within interventions for obese and overweight children and adolescents : a systematic review.
Bartsch, Kathrin (2020) The influence of non-social motivations for using online dating applications on mental well-being, mediated by self-esteem.
Batzel, A. (2012) The influence of mindfulness training on the processing of painful stimuli in a transient spatial attention paradigm.
Baudach, L. (2022) Exploring the effects of mysterious nature and storytelling on social connectedness in young adults : an experimental study.
Bauer, J. (2022) Believing that you can handle negative news : incidental negative news exposure on Instagram, well-being, and the moderation by self-efficacy.
Bauer, N. (2013) Mijn partner heeft kanker: meningen en suggesties van partners ten aanzien van ontwikkelde teksten en oefeningen van een online-zelfhulp-interventie.
Bauhuf, Sophia (2019) The relation between self-compassion, health behaviours and physical health.
Bauhus, V.C. (2008) The influence of the climate-strategy fit on strategic behaviors : mediated by affective commitment and moderated by HR climate.
Baumann, S.N.V. (2014) E-Health: virtual coaching en SMS service ter bevordering van seksuele gezondheid van hoog risico jongeren: het opstellen van Persona’s en gebruiksscenario’s.
Baumann, T.S. (2014) Age, well-being and personality : the relationship between age and the effectiveness of a positive psychology intervention and the role of personality.
Baumhof, R. (2014) Opsporing van de waarheid: een onderzoek naar verhoor-technieken.
Baune, Lilli (2023) Permanently Online, Permanently Connected and the Fear of Missing Out : A Cross-Sectional Study about their Relations to Loneliness and Mental Well-being.
Bayer, F. (2015) Facial composite production : development of a new technique to identify perpetrators in a more reliable way.
Bazen, J.L. (2023) Statistical Analysis of EEG (Trial) Data through Covariance Structure Modelling.
Bašić, D. (2019) Can an apology prove useful for reducing the doubts of EU-nationals after Brexit?
Bechler, L.D. (2020) Character strengths, strength use and subjective wellbeing in young adults.
Beciri, Florjan (2024) Examining the Relationship Between University Students' Personality Traits, Perception of Academic Stress, and Coping Mechanisms.
Becker, Diana (2013) Longitudinaal perspectief op participatie binnen het ICF model bij polyartritis.
Becker, L. (2008) Can Positive Mood Replenish Resource Depletion Resulting in Less Compliance through a Heuristic?
Becker, Laura (2016) Stories of survival : a narrative analysis of addicts´ life stories.
Beckervordersandforth, L. (2021) The relation between physical activity and flourishing in everyday life.
Beckmann, Mareen (2017) The effect of error examples in instructional videos on motivation and learning.
Beckmann, Mira (2011) Fatigue and quality of life in rheumatism: Sex and SES differences.
Beek, Sven van (2014) Een terugblik om verder te kunnen kijken; Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de factoren die bepalen hoe hulpbehoevende ouderen met depressieklachten life-review therapie beleven.
Beeken, Amelie (2023) What Encourages Prosocial Behaviour in Soccer: The Difference Between Gender and the Influence of Morality.
Beernink, S. (2023) The Acceptability of Dutch Healthcare Workers in Primary Care Towards a Novel Monitoring Device®.
Beernink, S.M. (2017) Implicit and explicit responses of primary school children on murals in a hospital setting : A VR study.
Begeman, M.C. (2014) Behoefte aan emotionele hulp van een derde partij bij arbeidsconflicten. De modererende rol van dreiging op conflictasymmetrie.
Behle, BSc Carina R. (2019) The Relation of Fatigue and Illness Perceptions among Stroke Survivors.
Behrendt-Richter, Luis Matthias (2022) How important is stakeholder inclusion? A scholarly work on qualitative research to explore the importance of stakeholder inclusion in the development and implementation process of eMental health interventions.
Behrens, Jan (2023) A gender identity sensitive study of student mental health.
Beinborn, Irina (2010) The figurehead of change processes in health care institutions : a desktop analysis of the representation of the visible persons in change processes.
Beinhauer, L.J. (2018) A comparison of multivariate and univariate models for pre-test post-test data concerning accuracy in the presence of missing data.
Bekemeier, Lara Celine (2023) The Effect of Victims’ Attitudes Towards Restorative Justice on the Willingness to Participate in (A)Synchronous Victim-Offender Mediation.
Bekendam, M.T. (2013) ‘Kunt u wat specifieker zijn?’ : autobiografische herinneringen onder ouderen: de samenhang met depressie, cognitie en angst.
Beker, Douwe (2012) The difference between transient and sustained attention on painful electrocutaneous stimulus evoked potentials.
Bekhuis, G.R. (2024) The Effect of Sport Identity on the Relationship Between Affective Experiences of Pleasure Towards Exercising and the Intention to Exercise.
Bekke, J.H.B. ter (2014) Nanotechnology in food, care products, and medicine: public perception of risks and benefits.
Bekmanis, N. (2020) Do you trust technology? : An exploratory investigation on the concept of trustworthiness and the role of memory.
Bellmann, C. (2009) The adaptive and maladaptive pathway of risky sexual behaviour of the population on Barbados.
Beltman, Eva J. (2010) Validiteit en betrouwbaarheid van credence diensten : scenario onderzoek.
Beltman, Suzanne (2012) The influence of pain on attention : influence of electrocutaneous stimuli on N-back task performance.
Bende, L.A. (2014) Which influence do self-reflection and the motivation to control prejudiced reactions have on the willingness to take the perspective of an offender?
Bender, Florian (2022) Investigating differences of Forward segmentation vs. Whole task practice in a 15-keypress task for Motor Sequence Learning.
Bendick, Noreen (2009) Unfinished sympathy : een inlenersperspectief ten aanzien van uitzendkrachten.
Benerink, Dillen (2021) The psycho-social requirements for trust in human-agent teams.
Benken, M.S.A. von den (2020) Virtually encounter your offender : exploring potential users' attitudes towards VR when traditional Victim-Offender-Mediation is unfeasible.
Benkhoff, T. (2015) Ouderen, zorg en technologie : kans, knelpunt of combinatie? : een onderzoek naar de factoren die de intentie voor het gebruik van eHealth door ouderen voorspellen.
Benneh, Priscilla (2024) Racism and Mental : A Cycle of Victimisation.
Bennink, Leslie (2017) Learning Laparoscopy in a simulator : to what extent can dexterity task performance predict laparoscopic simulator task performance?
Bensmann, W. (2015) De relatie tussen de speed-accuracy trade-off en het automatiseren van motortaken.
Bentfeld, Mareike Sarah (2011) Dioxin in Food: The Influence of Parenthood on Risk Avoidance Behavior.
Bentlage, J. (2015) That’s the guy! : the impact of eyewitnesses’ prejudice on the composite production of perpetrators’ faces.
Berden, Natascha (2019) Can reading about stress benefits improve stress mindsets and mental well-being? And does internal locus of control have a mediating function here?
Berenbrinker, C.J. (2015) Kwaliteit van leven bij mensen met fibromyalgie, artrose en reumatoide artritis met neuropathische of nociceptieve pijn.
Beretta, Beatrice (2024) The impact of AI literacy on the emotional reaction to AI mistakes in human-AI collaboration.
Berezowska, A. (2008) Polen vs. de Verenigde Staten: vergelijking van onderzoeken naar alcoholgebruik onder jongeren.
Berg, A.M. van den (2024) Predicting Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity: Bodily Shame and the AFFEXX Questionnaire.
Berg, L. van den (2008) Al is de leugen nog zo snel, de waarheid achterhaalt hem wel! : Exploratief onderzoek naar de relatie tussen liegen, schaamte en rookverslaving.
Berg, M. van den (2013) De usability and acceptability van Lable Care in kaart gebracht.
Berg, N. van den (2020) Fatigue after acquired brain injury : A validation study of the Dutch multifactor fatigue scale.
Berge, H.J. ten (2019) Help Individuals at the University of Twente quit smoking with the strength-based approach combined with self-management techniques.
Berge, J.H.A. ten (2019) The effects of owning a pet on general self-efficacy in a negative life-changing scenario.
Berger, J.S. (2022) Sharing and reusing data among researchers in the traumatic stress field : the correlation between perceived effort and data exchange behaviour moderated by Researcher’s Age.
Berger, Raphaela (2020) Play to your strengths : how emerging adults' strengths use relates to an increased mental health : the role of self-esteem.
Berger, S.A.F. (2015) Angst voor infecties : een ‘mental models‘ onderzoek naar zoönosen.
Bergsma, Susan (2010) De Substance Use Risk Profile Scale voor zwakbegaafde en licht verstandelijk gehandicapte mensen.
Berkemeier, L. (2019) What is the added value of relevant and non-relevant explanatory videos on comprehension of study materials?
Berkhoff, A.R. (2018) The usability of the semantic memory.
Berndt, Lukas (2023) Understanding the Basis of Mindfulness-Based Enhancement for Motor Learning.
Bernebée-Say, Lara (2020) Relationship between character strengths and lower levels of college-related stress and test anxiety.
Bernhard, J. P. (2019) Investigating people's intention to use virtual reality in the context of victim-offender mediation using the UTAUT model.
Bernhardt, Elisabeth (2021) Exploring Virtual Nature to Protmote Social Connectedness and Storytelling.
Bernhardt, Marilena (2019) Mind full or Mindful: Assessing the Effectiveness of Different Short-term Mindfulness Meditation Methods on Emotion Regulation Skills.
Berning, Babet M.H. (2025) The Relationship between Self-Reflection and Dimensions of Futures Consciousness.
Berrada, E. (2020) Exploring the effects of errors on trust and information sharing in suicide negotiations.
Bertalis, N. (2022) Mental training for cognitive enhancement in motor learning.
Besselink, M. (2016) Evaluation of creativity.
Besten, Anouk Leanne den (2016) De motivatie van burgers achter de opname en de verspreiding van risico-informatie bij een overstromingsrisico.
Besten, F.D.A. den (2013) Moral disengagement bij morele dilemma’s in de militaire context.
Besten, M.E. (2016) The relation between visuospatial attention and conscious visual perception examined by using lateralized power spectra.
Bethke, M. (2014) Cognitieve belasting tijdens het proces van liegen: self-monitoring als voorspeller van de cognitieve belasting.
Beukers, Annemarie (2023) The Effect of Instructor Experience on the Motivation of Aspiring NCOs Within Military Training.
Beukeveld, B.M. (2022) The influence of perceived SDM on stress in surrogates of intensive care patients.
Beukeveld, I.J.M. (2025) Exploring the Feasibility of Digital Phenotyping for Mental Health Support in Cancer Survivors : A Qualitative Study.
Beuvink, L.J. (2015) Angst voor infecties : Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de mental models van het algemene publiek met betrekking tot Salmonella.
Beveren, Gizella S. van (2024) To exercise or not to exercise? : Exploring the effects of stress on the implicit and explicit processes behind the intention to exercise.
Bevers, Inge (2005) Samenwerken bij ZAPs: het effect van samenwerken bij ZAPs op leerresultaten.
Beyer, S.L. (2023) Validation of a German-translated version of the three dimensional meaning in life scale.
Bezuijen, Marleen (2024) Tracking and drinking : the meaning of self-monitoring drinking behaviour for students using a mobile application.
Bhansing, Neeta (2009) Strategische HRM in de reclame en communicatie sector : onderzoeksrapport.
Bibic, K.B. (2020) Towards sustainable homes : a qualitative approach investigating household energy consumption and conservation behaviour.
Bie, M.J. van der (2023) Improving Mental Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults: How (Character) Strengths are Experienced by Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals Aged 18 to 27 living in The Netherlands.
Biert, L.A.I. de (2020) Self-disclosure and aggression among penitentiary and psychiatric inpatients : a mixed-methods design.
Bieselt, Helena Elisabeth (2020) Personality of Incels and its extent as predictor of involvement and activity in the Incel community.
Bigga, J.S. (2018) Conceptual learning: does the way people categorize concepts resemble their representation in the brain?
Bijvank, M. (2012) In de schoenen van daders..: de invloed van veranderingsgezindheid en groepslidmaatschap op perspectief name en beoordingen van daders.
Bilgin, Yasin (2007) Strategisch HRM beleid in de commerciële sector.
Bingöl, Aishe (2023) Improving Mood and Strengthening Implicit Positive Orientation through the Cognitive Bias Modification Platform of the TIIM App.
Binnenmars, N (2020) Usability studies evaluating Virtual Reality treatment in Mental Health Care : a literature review.
Bischoff, Milan (2021) Taking a step back to see more clearly : exploring the full extent of the Uncanny Valley using biological faces.
Bittner,, Yannis (2024) The Influence of Cognitive Load on the Recollection of Information on Websites.
Blaimer, K. (2017) Predictive policing : human advice versus system advice : the influence of advice origin and justification on trust and acceptance of advice.
Blauw, L. (2014) Arousal en vertrouwen in reclames.
Bloch, Marten (2017) Identifying personas in prospective electric vehicle users in regard to the user-interface to lessen range anxiety.
Blokker, Roos (2008) Baat het niet, dan schaadt het niet? Validatie en motivatie door een CO monitor binnen een stoppen-met-roken programma.
Blässe, Theresa I. (2011) Verhalen over technologie Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar sekseverschillen ten opzichte van ervaringen met huishoudelijke apparaten door het leven van ouderen heen.
Blömer, Daisy (2013) Determinanten voor het gebruik van de KNMG-meldcode huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling.
Bockholt, E. (2020) The role of individuals’ intellectual openness and different information processing styles in perceived news accuracy in the context of ideological polarization.
Bodewes, T. (2008) De waarde van strategisch human resource management in het MKB.
Bodur, S.Y. (2021) Deception detection and eye-tracking : how are they affected by cognitive load and training?
Boeckenhoff, H.M. (2021) Are Activists Neglecting Themselves While Helping Others? : The Role of Gilbert’s Flows of Compassion in Activists’ Well-being.
Boekel, Imke (2018) Psychological and physiological effects of virtual nature environments on well-being of bronchoscopy patients.
Boenke, Lisa (2019) Misinformation about Travel Vaccines and the Perceived Credibility Assessment by University Students.
Boensma, J. (2014) Lange termijn evaluatie van de internetbehandeling
Boer, G. (2016) Vertrouwen in telepresence bij ouderen : het effect van technische storingen op het delen van persoonlijke informatie.
Boer, Josie Marie de (2024) The relationship between Discrimination, Identity Nondisclosure, and Mental Distress in Gender and Sexual Minorities across Millennials and Generation Z.
Boer, P.S. de (2016) Motor sequence learning : how ageing influences the development of motor skills.
Boer, Vince de (2024) Investigating the relationship between self-monitoring satisfaction and prolonged grief disorder symptoms in bereaved individuals.
Boering, Helena (2007) MMM... Mensen Maken Mora: Leiderschapsstijlen en productie.
Boerkamp, Fenna (2019) A High School Teacher’s Commitment to Change: the Influence of Bias caused by Anchoring.
Boerrigter, Niki (2008) Wat is de invloed van leiderschap op gewenste werknemersgedragingen? En wat is de rol van tevredenheid met HR-praktijken en de work-life balans hierin?
Boeschen Hospers, J.M. (2012) Evalueren per sessie: het gehele behandelproces in zicht: een pilotstudie naar het gebruik van ROM bij oudertrainingen.
Boeve, G.J. (2014) Groepslidmaatschap en Flaming : onderzoek naar flame acceptatie.
Bogdan, C. (2021) Are Eco-Driving Feedback Tools visually distracting the driver?
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Internship Report
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